#silly headcanons that I hold very dearly
novodontia · 16 days
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A conversation I had the other day made me realize one of my fav bef headcanons is that Finn has no clue what any of the tech from the other's universes even are.
To him movies may as well be as magical as his crown LOL. If he saw a smartphone he would spontaneously combust i think
(wirt still rents movies from blockbuster. no one knows how, since it's been dead forever, but he always manages to.)
(and bip DEFINITELY steals the pines family's password. they always try change it, but bipper never fails to guess it fghskksksk)
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vampirevatican · 6 months
Hi, hope you're doing well!!
I love your Judd works and was wondering what your headcanons are for Judd having a sensitive girlfriend...
Like, they're polar opposites. She's quiet, sweet, and tender hearted. She keeps to herself for the most part and is good at self-regulating her emotions, but when she gets too overwhelmed, upset, mad, or stressed, she totally breaks and has a hard time cooling down. How would Judd handle her strong emotions?
I think Judd being super soft only for his sensitive girlfriend is such a cute concept 🥺
Thank you sm!! <333
omg thank you, that's so sweet!! also...
'oh my goodness i love this question!!! um, i think...'
a super soft gf for judd?? just what the doc ordered tbh
i think he'd handle her big emotions differently, mainly depending on the situation
like say she's really pissed and is about to get into a fight? i don't think he'd stop her unless it wouldn't be good for her in the long run. like if it risks her bright future or he could see her having to go to hospital
when it comes to work? be it a job or school then he'd definitely make sure she got breaks before she breaks down or burns out completely
he'd probably give her a rage room, like he'd build a cutesy shed and the inside of it is where she can scream, throw, punch, kick and break things as much as she wants
he's very much an actions over words, ya know? although if she just needed him to sit with her for a bit and repeat reassuring phrases he would
he'd hold her close and rub her back, or play with her hair, kiss her forehead and the top of her head
god forbid his family caused the break down, you're just consistently in his room as prisoner and if you have to use the bathroom he's a body guard at that point
some additionals bc gosh this is cute (and brainrot tings)
he will not do the soft sanrio cutesy things with her like matching outfits... UNLESS she found a way to make badtz maru, or another all black sanrio character, more punk
hear me out please... i can picture him 'tolerating' a lot of cute stuff for her, especially if she pulls puppy eyes
the raccoons? consider some of them dressed up with bows, silly outfits or even glitter
his van? there's holographic and cute stickers on it sometimes and yes he rides in her car sometimes and accepts that it's decked out in full girly uniform
actually his favorite sticker on her bumper is a cute bunny that says, 'i know i have a cute ass. can you stop riding it?' or it's baby baphomet stickers he picked out for her by the same artist (tiktok mention)
whenever he picks outfits for her? she has to hide whatever black she has, lest it looks more pastel goth/grunge
he loves her dearly. this is a sun and moon dynamic. this is one of those 'if anything happens to them id kill everyone in the room and then myself.'
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,,, so, I’m being self indulgent,,,,,,,,,, haha!!
This isn’t a request! Just me being silly! :]
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Love Languages
Wally Darling Love Language Headcanons, no assigned reader!
Headcanons format, not super specified romantic or platonic, so envision it as you please!
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Honestly, I truly dearly envision Wally to have quality time, gift giving, and physical touch as love languages. Like, so dearly truly so, haha!!
I feel he’s the type to simply just.. hand a gift to someone. Randomly.
“What’s this?” “A gift!” “Is.. is this a bent paperclip?-“ “No, it’s a gift!”
I feel he tries to get personalized gifts, but— ah, he’s a bit silly, haha!! I feel sometimes it’d backfire, and his train of thought as to why this was the absolute most perfectest gift tends to twirl too much in his little apple shaped brain— to where it kind of just.. doesn’t make sense.
But a gift is a gift!!!! It’s the thought that counts!
As for physical touch, I believe he’s still learning it, haha! If I recall correctly, Clown mentioned he just goes limp upon being hugged— but I could be remembering wrong!
Either way, he can be instructed! He will figure it out! Even if sometimes it backfires, like his constant blowing of kisses (also mentioned by Clown!) !!
He strikes me as the type to just.. want to use someone as a pillow.
They’re just, sitting, minding their business, and suddenly he’s just.. at their side. Pillow……..
I think he’d like to hold hands. I think he’d just like hands in general. Maybe this is a smidge of self projection, but I’m an artist that loves hands. dearly so. I find their structure really interesting!! I feel he’s similar.
I think he’d just like to hold someone’s hand and look at it and how it moves. That’s real intimacy right there, folks!!! /lhj
If someone were to try and interlock their fingers with his, whether platonically or romantically, I think he’d just stare. Processing… until he gets it!
Don’t expect to be getting that hand back anytime soon, friend! That isn’t your hand, anymore! It’s our hand.
Overall, I feel he wouldn’t express physical affection in any normal way. I feel cuddling and the hand stuff is the closest exception, but other than that?
I think he’d just lay on someone. Like, you have yours legs sprawled out? Ahh, what a lovely hammock!
Are you laying on your stomach? Ahh, what a lovely pillow!
He just kind of.. compresses on impact. Pillow.
Gift that man a weighted blanket and I think he’d know peace. True peace.
I think just laying on him would content him, too, HAHA
He strikes me as the ‘likes physical pressure as affection’ kind
Also plays into quality time!!!
But, for the most part, quality time can just be spent in many ways.
Hanging out and chatting, doing your own individual activities in the same room, sleeping around each other,,, squeeshy
He just takes being in the presence of someone for a while as quality time, and he feels very grateful for his friends when he does <33
Just a silly little guy:)
Might be projection again, but I feel he struggles to express his affection in an easily digestible way— so just? Understanding his love languages and what counts as affection on his end? Is so delightful and appreciated
ESPECIALLY if it’s reciprocated
I feel how he feels loved, in return, are the same ones!!! Along with words of affirmation!! Squenshy
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Bon appetite (???) HAHAH
I’m somewhat half awake, this has just been rotating in my brain like a microwave plate, so don’t mind any grammatical errors! I’ll fix them laterrrrrrrr
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an-angels-fury · 2 years
My Adam Frankenstein Headcanons: You loving the Creature ❤️
Hey guys! How are you doing? I had the idea to make this post some days ago and it took me some more to finally finish it. I was also very insecure about sharing this in my blog because I'm not very used to create headcanons (specially involving interaction between character and reader) and I'm afraid those ones I wrote might sound kinda silly (or too OOC), but I still tried my best. Hope that, at least, some of you still enjoy my ideas.
P.S.: My headcanons are based on Mary Shelley's novel and the 2004 Hallmark miniseries (at least that was my intention). But you still can try to use them with any other Frankenstein version/adaptation if you prefer.
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Warning: Too much fluff 🥰 (and a little bit of angst)
The Creature was never used to any little gestures of love or gentle touches (actually all his experiences involving human touch only bring him back memories of suffering and pain), so be careful and don't act hastily when you try to get closer to him phisically to not frighten him away.
He'll try to keep distance from you too at first because he's too afraid of scaring you with his appearence. The thought of you running away from him, of being rejected just like so many times before in his life, specially by someone he cares about so dearly like you, tears his heart apart.
You'll have to be patient to gain his trust. Take little steps, do little actions, showing you intend no harm towards him. Look him in the eyes to show him you're not disgusted by his looks. Walk by his side to show him you're not intimidated by his presence. Slowly, try to take his hand and hold it gently in yours, showing him you truly desire his company.
At last, when you sense he feels safe enough around you, stand in front of him and touch his face (he's a 8-foot tall dude - TALL AS HELL - so better try to do it when he's sit or laid, just a suggestion). Hold it in your hands, caress his cheeks and trace his scars with your fingertips, carefully, and, if you have courage enough, give him a kiss in the head.
Don't get worried if he doesn't show reaction at all at first or remain motionless in his place for a moment, and suddenly start to sob and cry uncontrolably. His heart's a mess of intense and conflicting emotions and he never learned any other way to cope. He just can't believe that you, the most beautiful and luminous of all living beings, is right there, touching him, by your own free will. How could he be loved? HE, a monster, a hellish soul stuck in a body built of death and rotten flesh? This wasn't happening... it couldn't be real.
This will be the perfect opportunity to hold him for the first time. He definitely never felt so safe in someone's arms before (I mean, this is literally the first time he shares a hug with anyone...). This is what he always wanted: someone who wasn't scared to love him, someone who accepted and embraced him, wholly and completly, even the ugliest parts of his soul, the ones he was taught by the world to hate the most about himself.
After this single special moment, he'll always search for a chance to hug you too. You can't help but find extremely adorable the way this giant man, whose stare is enough to intimidate any presence in a room, is actually just a big cat pouring against your cheek, needy for care and attention that only you can offer.
You see no problem with it, actually you love the sensation of his big, strong arms around you, making you feel warm and protected from the world outside, specially when he carries you. But sometimes you have to remember him to be careful and slow down when he gets too excited. He's absurdly stronger than a ordinary man, so it's important to put some bounderies, which he'll totally respect, since he'd never forgive himself for hurting you, even accidently.
He also loves to hold you when you both sleep together and you could never deny him such pleasure. Lying in his big, warm chest, surrounded by his arms, hearing his slow breath and feeling his heartbeat, all of this brings you such a calm and comfortable sensation to your body and mind that you secretly wish to remain like this forever.
Being pratical and useful are important aspects of his love language (remember when he tried to help the De Lacey family before everything goes to shit?) He cares deeply about your needs and is decided to do everything out of his reach to help you accomplish your goals. Your happiness makes him happy. Your thankful smile and sincere words of kindness mean the world to him.
Give him pet names ('my love', 'my darling', etc.) to demonstrate your affection. He was never given a real name by his own creator, always being refered by him and other people as 'creature' at best and as 'wretch', 'devil', 'miserable' or 'abomination' at worst. Maybe he gets kinda confused at first, but after some time, when he gets used to it, he'll smile and try to do the same with you.
Talk to him about your tastes, hobbies and interests. He'd not only have a deep desire to know more about you and understand the world you live in, but would also love to share his own past experiences with you, all the fascinating things he learned by himself about life, nature and love. You both could spend hours teaching many lessons to each other, discovering new interesting content, spending a good and calm afternoon indicating your favorite books to one another, reading them together and then debate about what you both enjoyed the most.
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mikey-soft · 2 months
What songs do you associate ur resigns with? Are they different than the canon cast? I hope you don't mind if I keep asking I'm excited <333
wait omg dont even worried my favorite thing to do on earth is to answer questions im lovin it GVWBHJNS ohhhoggh.... song.s.. i looove music and i love association hold on oh my lrod !!! this is gonna be a huge post !!! oopsie !!!! also, note: alastor. is. obviously my favorite. and i do have a little playlist for him which i will post right after this
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv charlie -- my idea of heaven, annette hanshaw
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i think this one is such a given ... it s so obvious .......but so true
vaggie -- why, lily allen (not on spotify :()
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UGHH TGHE YEARNING IN THIS SONG its gentle and soft and slow and it juxtaposes vaggies "fronting" personality soo nicely UGH angel -- perhaps, perhaps, perhaps , desi arnaz
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heavy on huskerdust but thats okay because i loooove this song . sweet and loving and oh so passionate and AHH !!!! angel deserves to be lovey dovey
husk -- sir duke, stevie wonder
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definitely a bit headcanon-y on this one,,! but i wanted to give husk a hobby he's real passionate about and i just had to give him music.... a bartender cant work with a shitty playlist!! and i just cant NOT associate him with mr wonder if im being honest
alastor (favorite character syndrome) -- feeling good, nina simone
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i could put so many songs here but i chose feeling good because alastor feels good!!!!! i love this song so so much and i think he would too!! cant go wrong with nina simone
niffty -- it's a good day, peggy lee
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oh joyus day for our darling niffty !! this song is such a delight and i can imagine her humming to it while she works...,, it is a good day!!! shes so right !!!!!! SHE GETS TWO!!!!! candy, atarashii gakko
无意识に私食べちゃった !!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE THIS SONG !! its so silly and a little nonsense and i thinkk if she ever got into modern music she would like ag :3 sir pentious -- twist the knife, that handsome demon
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this one is a little silly.... but my past associations with this song made me give it to pent <3 i just think it fits my version of him!
vox -- don't say yes until i finish talking, SMASH
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okay this is kind of a given but its not my fault christian borle has one character type (im kidding this is a joke mostly i love him) BUT ITS JUST VERY VOX !!! and also the rest of my associations are very radiosilence WHOOPS
rosie -- the end of the world, skeeter davis
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i love her dearly and i can imagine she adores longing songs like these!!!! theres not much else to it..... just something i feel in my bones or something
these are all just ones i've thought of before!!! so clearly its not Every Single character !
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riddlerosehearts · 6 months
got myself thinking about my own personal experiences with frozen, and why the first movie means enough to me to be my favorite of all time, and thought i might as well just go ahead and post about it in case there's anyone who wants to read it. although i'm not great with words, so this post will probably be too long and feel too silly and over the top, and i should also warn that this is a lot of very personal information, but:
i saw frozen in theaters on its opening weekend in 2013. i hadn't listened to any of the songs in advance at all--i've avoided listening to the soundtracks for new disney movies prior to seeing them in theaters ever since i saw princess and the frog in 2009, because i feel like i enjoy my first experience with the movie and the music more that way. although i may have already overheard snippets of let it go back then just because it was so popular. i honestly don't remember too clearly because my strongest memory by far of hearing let it go for the first time is being absolutely blown away by it in the theater.
so. i've had depression and social anxiety since i was a kid, and, although i didn't know this until several years after frozen was released, i'm autistic as well. so dealing with all of these things at once, combined with the fact that i had no idea i was autistic, made me think i just couldn't ever fit in with anyone because i was weird and there was something wrong with me. for most of my life i never had any friends and i thought i had to hide from people as much as possible. which i do think is at least a little justified by the fact that the whole time i was in school from fifth grade through tenth grade--after tenth grade my parents finally pulled me out of public school and i was homeschooled, something i'd honesty been begging them to do--i was bullied and betrayed by friends in various ways because i was weird and didn't fit in. i won't go into details, but the fact that i knew while still in public school that i was bisexual also played into this.
so seeing elsa's parents hide her from the world because she had something that made her different from others, seeing her be taught to "conceal, don't feel" and called a monster, just hit me very hard when i first saw the movie. i interpreted her as having developed depression and anxiety like i did (and now, ever since 2016 when i discovered that i was autistic, i've also liked to headcanon her as such) and just felt so incredibly happy to see her proudly proclaim that she wasn't going to hold back and hide who she was anymore, letting herself freely use her powers, and decide that even if she had to be alone, at least she was free.
and then, seeing how anna fought so hard to get elsa to come home and make sure she knew that she didn't have to be alone and that she wasn't unloved, and seeing the people of arendelle accept her wholeheartedly as she created an ice skating rink at the end, gave me so much hope for myself. as did reading the "sisterhood is the strongest magic" books and other things like the various frozen comics, and watching frozen fever and olaf's frozen adventure, and seeing that elsa truly was accepted by her people, that she was capable and loved as queen and had a home, that anna and kristoff and all the people of arendelle appreciated her as she was, would be there when she felt anxious or needed a shoulder to cry on, and didn't at all believe that her powers made her weird and out of place with them. all of this just gave me so, so much comfort throughout the years and still does all of this time later.
i know a lot of people are sick of frozen and find it to be overhyped, and everyone certainly has the right to their opinion! but elsa is basically tied with one other fictional character as my favorite of all time, i love anna and kristoff and yes, even olaf, very dearly, and i do believe that the movie deserves all of the love it gets. i find it so beautiful that people can read elsa's powers and her story as an allegory for so many different things and connect with her and find comfort in her in so many different ways. i can hardly believe that it's been over 10 years since the movie came out, over 10 years since i saw elsa transform her stuffy coronation gown into that beautiful flowing ice dress and sing about finally letting herself be who she really was. maybe loving frozen even half as much as i do is "cringy", but this is my own personal tumblr blog and i will be as cringy as i want! and besides, the cold never bothered me anyway. i'm sorry, i couldn't resist saying that.
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thebrownssociety · 24 days
Do you have any headcanons on how Public Domain is seen by Toons? I envision that as ... retirement: on January 1st, there's a big party in which the "Public Domainers" receive a gold watch and a plaque thanking them for their service. After that, they're free to go around Toontown to either rest and relax and fulfill their own dreams. Some even came back to the scenes (case in point: Daffy I, the super-silly one from the origins, that came back to Warner Bros after The Looney Tunes Show)
The "Swirly D" (heh, no names given here) scared the actors, telling them that if they ever went into Public Domain, they'd be left alone with their old arch-enemesis (Fleischer Brothers actors) and "those [religious slur] disrespectful know-it-alls" (Looney Tunes). So "Double M" saw many of his friends and siblings finally going into Public Domain and enjoy their newfound freedom missing them dearly ... (is this too "schmalzily-heartwrenching"?)
So...I'm only responding to the first paragraph because I didn't understand the second [Swirly D?].
All of the Toons are trademarked, so they can't really be used outside of Disney/Looney Tunes. As found out when I googled if Mickey is in the public domain. 'Trademark and Rights: While the copyright has expired, Disney still holds the trademark on Mickey as a “corporate mascot and brand identifier.” Creators will not be able to produce any work that deceptively fools consumers into thinking their Mickey is affiliated with Disney. The company will actively safeguard against unauthorized uses of Mickey and other iconic characters'
So basically Mickey can be used but VERY limited. So, did he have a celebration? Yes! Like other Toons who enter the public domain, he got a letter from the head of his company at the time and had a party.
I don't know if anyone's seen pictures of the parties after the war, but it was that kind of thing. A day of work for the Toons [Disney Toons only] and a buffet that stretched out for infinity. Mickey himself mainly left the other Toons to their own devices, but he did have a celebration in his house [Well, mansion] with Minnie, Goofy, Max, Donald, Huey, Dewey and Lewie as well as Oswald and Ortensia. He also invited Bugs, Daffy, Porky and Elmer. [He gets on quite well with Bugs, if you invite Bugs you've got to invite Daffy. The two of them basically dragged Porky and Elmer along, figuring Mickey wouldn't mind. Luckily he didn't.
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reikumaz · 2 years
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rei with an s/o that calls him by a cutesy nickname and enjoys using it often and around (nearly) everyone, without shame and with extra affection.
┊ ˚➶ 。˚ ☁️ @midnight-moonstars’s full request found here!
note: these are silly cute little headcanons but i got a bit carried away with this concept so there's appearances from rei's friends and ritsu. i just thought this was really cute. i couldn't stop.
oh, rei does not feel an ounce of shame or embarrassment when it comes to his nickname given from you. no, he cherishes it as though it were gifted to him by one of the gods he worships. he holds it dear to his heart, etching it into the very bones that form his structure. each time he hears the name, he is reminded of your nature. you are too pure.. and all too trusting of those who are pulled into your orbit. within your eyes, this world is painted in colors of what it could be, not tainted with the dullness of reality, much unlike your counterpart. rei has seen the abhorrences of this earth, he has seen people twisted by greed and desire, humans crumble to sin, spread fire amongst peers… you are the sun that illuminates the day and bring shine to the people, and he is the moon that watches the sun.
the others around the two of you might cringe a little at how loving you guys can be with one another, with all the nicknames and public displays of affection. koga and kaoru being the main perpetrators of trying to tear the two of you away from one another.
“go somewhere else if yer goin’ to do that!” koga barks with clenched fists, cheeks blooming a scarlet color as he waves his hands, “we wanna practice not watch ya two— make out!”
you guys aren’t kissing. nor were the two of you guys touching. as a matter of fact, you had only just arrived and were currently in the door frame, hand awkwardly outstretched towards rei and his hand frozen reaching for you as you guys blink at koga. you had only called out for each other, no other scandalous deeds had taken place.
as for kaoru. well, he gets as kaoru gets. sighing and sulking about how he wished a certain someone would call him a cute nickname. then glance over at you to make sure you’re observing his antics. once he confirms you’re looking, he goes back to pretending to wipe away nonexistent tears before turning to take your hand into his, eyes gleaming as he asks if you could maybe give him a cute little nickname.
you simply just pet him on the head and call him a silly boy before going to cling to rei’s arm.
( rei isn’t an easily jealous person, he has the patience only a saint could contain. and he is used to kaoru’s ways, but in this moment, he can’t help but to flash a wicked, knowing smile kaoru’s way as though he'd triumped over him. )
and if he were to hear that nickname in a crowd of people, he shall heed to it as a devotee who only answers to whom they are devoted to. each time he hears this name, he can’t help the quirk of his lips, the calling, beckoning of his heart trapped in a golden cage to which only your hands hold the key. the voice that sent him back to humanity, the endless fuel to the flames of adulation that burn only for you.
ah, there is but one person who calls him by that name. with a steady increase in the dance of his frozen heart, he’ll turn on his heel, ready to accept his beloved into his open arms.
only to be met with a visage that is not who he hopes it to be. his lover did not have shining long hair adorned with some... eccentric bun and braid combo, nor did their clothes incessantly move around as if there were something trapped in them.
wataru hibiki…
“my oh my, what is with that scary face rei!” wataru places his hands up in surrender, “i did mention i am quite well versed in the art of vocal mimicry, correct? i sounded just like your dearly beloved just now, right~?"
rei crosses his arms, brow twitching subtly with what could only be irritation, softly sighing at his dear friend, “you wish to shatter this old man’s heart… my heart longs for my dearest. i have yet to lay my eyes upon them. you have not happened to catch sight of them, have you?”
that’s when your head peeks from behind wataru, “rei-chan~!”
his eyes instantly gleam, body perking up as he sets his gaze upon you, “my beloved!” his arms instantly open, it's almost second nature to them to automatically become a gate to welcome your vessel into his own when he sees you.
such a lovely reunion, wataru laughing at your antics, you leaping into rei’s arms, him twirling you around, passerbyers avoiding your legs.
the only person the two of you get embarrassed using loving nicknames around is ritsu. more on your behalf than rei’s. he notices you refer to him so formally if his brother happens to be around the two of you, and that you stand nearly five feet apart from him much to his surprise. it’s almost as if you aren’t his partner of many moons passed, but the stranger he had met under the moonlight in the cemetery.
ritsu likes to joke that not even his own partner likes rei with how you act around him, and with how you tend to dote on ritsu in a subtle manner, he likes to rub it in rei’s face and claim you like ritsu more. he even lets you call him “ritsu-chan” much to rei’s distress. ( he’s distressed because he wishes to refer to his brother and receive his affection, but also wishes to receive your affection and be refered to by his little nickname. )
ritsu even plays up his actions a bit to steal your attention from rei. he’s a bit tired? he must be carried by you or use your lap to rest. he hit his hand against something? oh, he’s in unbearable pain and needs you to hold it. something scared him? he needs you to hold him and let him hide his face in your chest.
this causes rei to whine, also playing up his old man act and chiding you for give more attention to the young kid rather than your favorite old soul, tells you how his bones ache from practice and he needs you to give him a massage in his room. you ask why not here with ritsu and he sighs in an exasperated fashion, pulling you away from his brother and continuing his dramatics.
“is this old man not enough for you any longer? has our eternity ended so soon? why do you not care for me as you once did? is it because i am no longer in my prime?”
when you try to protest, he simply shushes you, taking your hand into his while leading you away from his beloved little brother, “silence, little one, we have business to attend to. lest… you have forgotten the promises you’ve sworn me? old men need more attention than the youngens, they have enough youth and resilience to bounce back; we do not. now come, help me with my work,”
yes, it is quite a predicament you’ve been put in but you’re happy to just be spending with your precious rei-chan~
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murasakispace · 1 year
[COD MW2 HCS] 141 + Los Vaqueros + König with a Neutral Gender! Writer! Reader
A/N : How come we never see a Reader as a writer in whatever fandom - or am I blind - in headcanons ? I mean... So many people writing amazing fanfictions or headcanons on this platform or everywhere else and... No ? Really ? We’re talking about a military Reader here, by the way. 
TW : none (for once) except the ugly typos you may encounter. Only one very little mention of smutty litterature 
John “Soap” MacTavish 
So... Let’s start with our lovely Scottish sergeant 
It is apparently canon that he likes to draw on a small notebook he keeps with him dearly. 
So he knows. He is acquainted with the ‘writer’s zone’ we flee into when inspiration holds us within its graceful arms. When the images of action flood through out brain when a stroke of genius light up our features and how we appear lost in some kind of parallel universe only us are able to interact with (well... it’s how it looks like for me, feel free to comment - writer or not - how your imagination works) 
However, Soap is mostly aware about the tropes and what we can consider as the technical side of writing such as relashionship dynamics for your characters - if it implies the said relashionships - 
I think he is the kind to prefer roomates universes because of the domesticity he is able to find there and friendship warms his heart. Although, that’s just an impression. 
He is actually the biggest help out of the 141 because when he draws he also uses the codes of his type of creation for his cute doodles you suspect him to scribble on the yellowed paper of his little diary. 
He knows what it is to lack of insipiration, even though he tends to throw his thoughts on the paper and reproduces his surroundings. 
He appreciates the smallest details that compose his world. He notices them all. 
But I digress. 
You two share a world not so accessible for the rest of the team. When you talk about [Insert fiction character of trope here] in a very specific context, the others gaze at you confused. 
More than writing, it is a little sweet thing you two share and you would never lose that for anything in the world.
Simon “Ghost” Riley 
He... Understands... Not like Soap. He doesn’t have that much imagination. 
He gets it is your hobby. It is as valuable as any other activity. 
Simon thinks it’s cute in some way. You, lost in thought, next to him, about and into something he can’t quite grasp. And a sheet of paper or the blank screen of an app on your tablet or whatever device you judged comfortable.
At first, you asked for his help about some details, or his opinion, or his advice. Then, you understood he was too down-to-earth and wounded by his abusive past to allow himself to relax this way next to you. 
Yet, you used your hobby as a way to stay with him as a support. He had just to tug a bit at your sleeve and all your attention would be on him. 
It was the first step. 
You understood quickly that your writing might be able to help him unwind and finally get comfortable. 
You write him silly stories, made for him to laugh, or to smile at least. It wasn’t a big deal, just fables. You have no idea what he does with it. You just hope it enables him to dream even if just during the day like a fleeting thought clinging to him. A distant echo of something nice his heart and his memory agreed on keeping dearly underneath his leaden shell. 
You also may be the one reading your own stories to him. But the mistakes, the inconsistencies or the lack of meaning and every little flaws in your writing may appear much more visible once clearly uttered. 
By dint of effort, you manage to soften him a bit. He doesn’t want to ask you if he could read either what you are writing or if you have something for him. However, he eventually hopes within the depth of his heart that he can flee from reality for a few minutes. 
He is so grateful to you even though he is bitter on the fact he can’t bring you much constructive criticism. 
Kyle “Gaz” Garrick 
Another one who understands one might have such a hobby but he may not relate. 
I don’t see Gaz as someone who reads a lot. It’s just not his thing. He’ll read for sport news or something related to one of his own hobbies. 
I guess he doesn’t have the patience to sit somewhere comfortable and allow his mind to wander this way thanks to your words. 
Except maybe when he desperately needs to unwind and his thoughts are too noisy so he needs to occupy his plagued mind with something totally different. 
However, he is curious about the creation process. 
He’ll ask about your ‘tools’ after you explain to him that your scenario and elements of the story doesn’t entirely pop out of thin air and you may have to rethink and to shape your ideas to make up a story both understandable and enjoyable. 
He laughs when he notices about your nonsensical Internet history. How can it be so weird ? And then, he remembers what kinds of research he does when the night isn’t kind to him and he doesn’t laugh anymore.
Sometimes, your brain amazes him. You sound so cool when you take the time to explain some of your ideas. 
Kyle is awesome at helping you for worldbuilding. He has a lot of imagination when he manages to leave his military universe on the side and peeks at yours. 
He is an excellent beta reader since he is actually very neutral about writing in general and he’ll try to give you the most help possible when you ask him. Too short ? Too long ? Not enough or too much emphasis on a detail ? He just aims at your betterment ! 
John Price 
You are a writer ? Well... As long as you do your duty you can be whatever you want. 
He is neutral with the idea of you being a writer. He is a soldier before anything. And a leader at that. He’ll support you because Captain Dad... I mean... Captain Price always supports his team but sometimes the said team gives a hard time to his comprehension and patience. 
You’re mostly quiet, with music for your ears, typing or penning something on a sheet of paper. Moreover, it seems like you have some sort of natural distance with Soap’s or Gaz’s - or both - usual chaos. 
Price has to say that it amazes him how you are distant of everything when you are in what Soap would call a writer’s fever. 
By the way, he happens to watch over you both when Soap draws and you write on the couch of the common room. If you both eventually show him what you created - if you don’t he will not force you - he’ll gaze at you like a proud momma duck despite his best behavior. 
He is mostly the one staring in disbelief as you use vocabulary, tropes, imaginary events for your own type of art since he can’t understand it even though you all speak the same language. 
Price notices very early you are a skilled writer, or at least you have some experience. The reports he gets from you are probably the best from the soldiers he got under his orders. He might have something to say about the spelling and the shape of your letters if you give him handwritten reports. Depends on you I guess. 
He will not ask to read what you write. You can call that the appropriate distance induced by hierarchy. You remain soldiers. You may as well act like it. 
Sometimes, you’d like his opinion. An outside point of view about your work is always good, no ? Well... John Price has a Ghost syndrome. He is annoyingly ass deep in his military life. Hence, he faces a very limited imagination except when it comes to interrogate an enemy. 
The worst about him is that he could be an amazing beta reader. Constructive criticism and probably giving you ways to improve yourself in what you already are so good at. 
Just give him time. He’ll get interested one way or another. First, you may try to be closer emotionally to him. Might be a good start to go past this military hierarchy and to know what his tastes are to get his heart beat only at the tone of your phrasing with your unique talent 
Rodolfo Parra 
He thinks it’s so cool to have a hobby as enjoyable as he thinks you have just by the way you act when you are writing. 
Rudy doesn’t have the time to delve that deeply into a hobby. Los Vaqueros constantly demand his attention. However, when he gets the time he - like Gaz - tries to ask about the process of writing. He even tries to write by himself. 
You explained about the tropes and dynamics and he seemed to get it immediately. Childhood friends to lovers is his favorite one by the way. 
It was just a little story he came up with. It was the first thing that stuck to his imagination, appearing out of an obscure place of his brain. It was uncertain, somewhat shaky but simple and, in a way, adorable.  
He almost took it personally when you said this small piece of text was just like him. 
However, before you sink even deeper in awkwardness, you dismissed this last interaction and tried to correct him the best you could. 
After that, he was looking forward the little time when you could write with him and he could learn. Another thing, it’s quiet around you, focused, relaxed. Alejandro knows where to find him when he is looking for his right hand. 
He could be an amazing beta reader if he wasn’t so kind. He forgives you everything. “Have you noticed inconsistencies or flaws ?” you’d ask. “Maybe a little something here but I’m sure it’s me” he’d reply. Unnerving, right ? The gentlest reader but you don’t need him to be so nice. You need him to be observant. 
He also comes up with very simple ideas when it comes to writing but his way of apprehending things has something one can’t quite describe. My closest synonym would be a vibe, something like raw talent that only needs to be explored thoroughly. It resembles to cutting a diamond, sharpen the edges to make it glistening and precious. 
His imagination is not too chaotic but his thinking and reasoning develops and fill in the gaps of his originality. 
Anyways, Rudy is amazing. As always. 
Alejandro Vargas 
There has to be one who does not take you very seriously. Well... It is Alejandro. The Mexican colonel is... something else, to say the least. He considered himself a man of action and not a man of words. So, to him, whatever you were doing with those scraps of paper during your free time was none of his business. 
He’ll try some kind of joke with you writing nasty things in the secret of that little head of yours. Two answers now. “No, colonel, I’m not into writing that kind of litterature” would be the first reponse with a hint of scorn hidden behind your deadpan aspect. 
The second answer though... “Yeah ! I write smut ! Now that we’re talking about that, do you mind if I use your features for my next...” and then you proceed to make a very descriptive, thoroughly explained speech about your imaginary Alejandro and what you planned him to do in this small story of yours. The point was to make the colonel embarassed. Although, it worked better on Rudy who went blushing like a tomato. 
If you choose the second option, it will end up in nasty jokes each time you meet each other. This silly game is absolutely unsufferable for everyone making the mistake to listen to you. 
If anything, your relashionship suffers from this disregard. You didn’t ask Alejandro’s appreciation, hardly tolerance even but it left a sort of bitter taste. Rudy is... Kinder. More understanding. 
However, what happens is that you tend to be consequently more distant from Alejandro. It may have been a silly joke about a pastime of yours but writing is so personal that it was as if he made a joke about your own self and this was intolerable. He had no business disrespecting you this way. 
Beyond that, you banished him from your writing process. His opinion, his hypothetical help, what he might like to see within a story - doesn’t matter how silly it may be - he was no part of it. 
If he changes his mind, you’d tend to retort him something alike “Let’s stay in our own field of expertise colonel. Let me dream about my stories. And you, dream about chasing El Sin Nombre. Good fences make good neighbors as one says”. 
Something that also might happen is that Rudy’s new habit of unwinding with you quietly in the common room and having long conversations with you about that hobby you were now both sharing made him feel weird. Alejandro was surely passionate and admitting he’s wrong - at least for this - was no part of his character but this was the proof he should’ve acted differently. The realisation took its time but he eventually accepts the fact he made an asshole of himself. 
He’ll apologise when he catches you alone, writing. Now the question may be about how much time do you want to play with him for having been such an arse. 
Eventually, Alejandro learns his lesson and he even asks you to read what you write. When he’s done, he is so silent, gawking. You laugh at him. 
Our gigantic, adorable Austrian operator is a book worm. It’s horrendous. The heavy bullying he has been a victim got him to be safe between the shelves of library. The scent of old paper and the calm of the library got him out of his skin, journeying between worlds out of his appalling daily life. He was typically the dreamy, lonely kid who had characters inside his head as sole company. 
So yeah. Books mean relief, respite, getaway for him as well as a way to heal himself from the pain he received from his classmates or whoever hurt him in his younger days. 
He doesn’t have much time for reading anymore and these books are a little too bulky for the small package he was allowed to have. So having you near him is like a blessing. He can talk out his thoughts.  
Beyond writing, it is the vibe around you that convinces him to sit next to you in the common room. He tried to make himself small, to not take too much of the couch but you couldn’t deny his thigh touching yours. You raised your head and smiled at him. König did not utter a single word, already flustered to fail at conversing. But, as time goes on - and after numerous times he just sat next to you enabling himself to move a muscle - you made most of the conversation. He felt almost immediately at ease. 
You two daydream together now, talking about little things always related to writing or reading. It is also a way to relax after close calls and the danger of being killed. 
He is the KING at worldbuilding. König has always several ideas coursing through his brain. His mind is sometimes chaotic, full of details. He gave you the impression once that telling the history of one of this world would create a great saga on it own. Moreover, König is so passionate about these little bouts of thoughts put together. 
He is also very aware about tropes and dynamics. His favorite of the latter is the small protector x the big shy character because he can relate. And he also has a soft post for a good ol’ mutual pining or a hypothetical love at first sight - as unlikely as it seems in real life - 
He doesn’t try to write with you though. He knows he is not too good at this, which is weird considering the tremendous amount of time he can spend while reading. Although, König knows he may have a chance if he writes in German. It depends on you being able to understand him or not.
König is also a dissatisfactory beta reader, different from Rudy though. He doesn’t dare utter what he judges as flaws because he thinks he’d lose you. He is so happy to be the first reading whatever you are working on because it makes him feel so special. 
He always supports you and tries to relax you when pangs of frustration creeps inside your mind because your writing doesn’t go the way you plan it to be. 
Just like with Soap, what you two have is not understandable by the people around you. What’s more is that König’s anxious nature tends to keep you both distant from the people outside of your little bubble. 
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raventroll80 · 23 days
I don't actually know, like, anything about your oc's. Give me a primer on 'em so I can start forming silly little headcanons about them?
Thank you so much for the ask!
I have a few ocs from a couple different things so I’m gonna organize them by the thing they’re connected to. (This is going to be a really long post, sorry)
The Troll Doomguy Au
(honestly I need to think of a proper name for this lol)
Things are a little messy and all over the place time wise as I didn’t originally plan for this to become a full on fic.
Slayer (the aforementioned troll Doomguy)
Roughly 15 feet of angry troll who also has a habit of eating the demons.
Cropped his ears at some point to make them look vaguely human, almost docked his tail but chose not to after seeing some now probably extinct species of demon use their tail as a weapon.
From the events of 2016 and prior he had the Meathook on his tail but put it on his shotgun after the attachment was ripped off by a certain grudge holding Cyberdemon.
In the events of Eternal it’s been replaced with a mace and has a more limited range.
He’s pretty smart despite what most people think, it’s just that a lot of his problems can genuinely be solved with Incredible Violence.
Has a very hazy recollection of the events of Doom 1993 and anything before that is even more hazy due to him repressing those memories.
He did have a wife and kid (stepson) who he loved dearly but lost them during an “accident”
Despite all this he’s actually pretty chill!
He tends to get easily attached to people who aren’t as easily afraid of him.
Considers Valen as family despite Valen himself not really knowing.
Mim Digsby
In the events of A Beast on Mars, Mim is the last human alive in the Mars Facility.
5,4 gremlin of a person who likes to take apart machinery in their spare time.
They’re a miner and mechanic who usually works with excavation equipment, and has clearance to work with mining gloves.
Started the trend of saying thank you to VEGA whenever one of the drones did something helpful or brought supplies. (This is also what got them their mechanic training after VEGA did some light string pulling)
Has punched a foreman for trying to make people continue mining in an unstable tunnel.
Used to be in a relationship with an Elite Guard prior to their “promotion” but things didn’t really work out after, but the two are still friends.
Is on Mars as part of a “criminal rehabilitation program”. Their license expired on their way moving back to Massachusetts and got arrested after getting into a fight with some rich dude at a bar.
VEGA (my take on Vega at least)
Plant enthusiast, he thinks they’re neat. Slayer was more than happy to give him a section of the greenhouses for his own personal garden.
Didn’t like Slayer at first due to how aggressive he seemed to be towards the equipment of the facility and was worried he’d end up harming any possible survivors.
Quickly found out he truly means best for the survivors of the invasion and also feels sympathetic towards Slayer after finding out the little bits of memory he does have regarding the UAC.
He’s pretty sure if he was capable of getting headaches he’d be getting them daily from Slayer trying to do something stupid i.e trying to fist fight a demon twice his size.
Keeps a list of all the things he’s caught Slayer eating that he probably shouldn’t be.
This list includes: excessive amounts of demons, Gore Nest remains, garbage from a cafeteria, an unidentified Argenta plant, dirt, Hellgrowth, and “mystery meat”.
Derrin Willams (Troll au Intern)
Used to own rats, but they passed away prior to the invasion.
Tech support for the ARC but also just helped out wherever needed.
Liked reading about the Slayer and Argent D’Nur and found him fascinating and was genuinely ecstatic to meet him. (He really wants to see a withrin)
Still gets spooked by Slayer from time to time, but has managed to spook him back.
Surprisingly good with a gun and can at least hold his own against zombies and like a singular imp scout
(Not really a personality fact but his last name comes from my blind ass mistaking the numbers on his uniform as the word William or Willams)
There are other characters and ocs I plan to appear in the au but I haven’t gotten there and burnout is making things hard in general, oof. I’ll probably do up a bigger one of these specifically for the troll au in the future.
Stowaway Mer au
I’m doing the Mer au version of Stowaway mostly because there’s significantly more stuff for it (see nearly 30 drawings and like 6 chapters for one au). But honestly it’s pretty far removed from Doom and I might rework it into its own thing… which means redesigning nearly 30 sea demons….
Em Barbatus
5,3, Former Canadian
Loves horror movies and practical effects.
Lived with her “aunty” Nihm in an apartment in Port Murlow prior to moving into the Old Taggart house with Flynn.
Works at a bait shop and Mr. Grimmar’s Occult Shop.
Training to be a mortician at the mortuary the Mr. Silas Grimmar owns.
Owns some homemade ghost hunting equipment and occasionally mucks about old abandoned places with her friends looking for ghosts.
Occasionally helps out at the local theatre’s costume department
Has committed the third least amount of crimes out of the main cast of the mer au
Hobby of beach combing and diving for junk in Taggart Bay.
Seth (technical Seth Willams in regular Stowaway)
The token mer of the mer au lol
Looks like a mix of leopard and Port Jackson shark and is from the Indo Pacific and southern Pacific Ocean (he is very fucking lost)
Needs glasses but can’t exactly get any as he’s a fish man.
Has a fear of the open ocean and orcas and does not enjoy long travels between the reefs an kelp
Has a fascination with human technology and history and enjoys exploring shipwrecks with his siblings. Though after a bad experience with some humans he is somewhat distrustful of them.
Has no clue how the hell he ended up in the Atlantic.
Has committed the least amount of crimes… so far
Flynn Taggart
Looks intimidating but is actually pretty chill
Moved to Port Murlow following his discharge from the military for various reasons.
Has many fond memories of his visits there when his grandfather lived in it, though he still doesn’t like the basement even now that he’s older.
Starting to show signs of selective mutism and is learning sign language because of it. He also isn’t a fan of eye contact anymore after the mountain incident.
Has a picture of Daisy in his wallet and is looking into getting her certified as an emotional support animal.
Recently gotten a job on a fishing boat and already doesn’t like his boss.
He inherited the house from his now missing grandfather Keen.
Doesn’t like being alone in the house
Tied with Vega for the second most crimes committed in the au (this wasn’t intentional I realized how many of the characters have committed crimes in this like halfway through the month)
Speaking of Vega
Vega Triton
Has a degree in marine biology and is currently studying a newly discovered species of bioluminescent algae he named Vegastella scriptorseintillais
Vega is the second oldest person living in the Old Taggart house.
Used to work with Dr. Hayden and Pierce but after an accident that left many researchers including Olivia dead Vega and Samuel had a dispute which left the two very bitter with each other.
He blames himself for the aforementioned accident.
Vega moved into the old Taggart house after realizing that living on a cave connected to another cave containing hallucinogenic algae is not good for his mental and physical health.
Nihm Barbatus
Freelance security guard and one Em’s mentors.
Met Em during one of her contacts on a cargo ship that had left Canada.
Made friends with Flynn when he was briefly a freelance security guard, and was the one who told Em that Flynn was looking for roommates.
Friend of the Grimmar couple.
She also has a large extended family and plans to bring Em with her to the next family reunion.
Silas Grimmar
Port Murlow’s goth grandpa
7,3 and build like a coffin
Been happily married to his husband Hiram for many, many years.
Runs the local mortuary and an Occult shop
A jovial old man who often volunteers at the local theatre.
Graduated with a degree in mortuary science and occult studies from Miskatonic University.
Tea drinker
Hiram Grimmar
Silas’ husband and owner of the antique store across the street from Silas’ occult shop.
Has an archeology degree and is a retired archeologist.
Met Silas when his team needed to consult someone on some artifacts they had dug up.
Coffee drinker.
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aromanticbuck · 5 months
Mouse song?!
Mouse song! Mouse song!! Mouse song!!!
🐁 🎶 🐁 🎶 🐁 🎶
[Sorry I loved your meta about other mouse songs and must have moar]
Hi, nonny!
I'm glad you like my ramblings, and thank you for engaging in my nonsense (realistically, I wouldn't have elaborated if someone didn't ask me, I would have just blasted the song on repeat while I cleaned the apartment, which I will still do later), it means I get to make everyone sad. Somewhat incoherently.
The song is Delirium by Elizabeth Gerardi, and when I say just dropped I mean... last night. I turned it on while I was getting ready this morning and immediately added it to my Mouse playlist because whoa.
I listened to it on repeat for like two hours while I was driving to and from my appointment this morning but I'm still not entirely coherent about it. The vibes are... before he's cut off by his parents, when he still has access to that money and power, but close enough to the end that he's acutely aware that he won't have those opportunities forever. He's not out yet, so he's very much so still a part of the family and the image they put out to the public, but he knows that he's not living up to his mother's dreams for him and the worst case scenarios are spinning through his head.
The first verse really captures that exact emotion, actually:
looking pretty in the corner fragile like glass if they ask me to dance I fear I'd do what they ask they're serving tea cakes at their pretty parties they're coming up fast on me I say 'sorry' I'm not meant to last
Just that sense of this thing being temporary, even if that might be a silly thing to think from the outside. One day, the people around him will change their minds, and push him out, and he'll just be someone they whisper and gossip about at parties and book club. And then the... finality? almost? of knowing that things will never be the same again - whether it's because of society pushing him away or he's just so changed from his time in the army - and that he'll never be the perfect face of the family he was when he was a teenager.
am I so hard to love? am I debt that you owe? the room is on fire that much I know my heart left my chest my fingers are numb I can't stay here and I can't go back where I'm from
and, yeah, that hit the vibes pretty well, but that wasn't the moment I added the song to his playlist. I added it to his playlist because of the bridge - scientifically the best part of any song, it holds the most dopamine, trust me, I'm an English student. If you've seen my metas before, you know I hold two headcanons very dearly to my heart - Mouse is gay and he's a slut about it who has never heard the word "commitment" in his life. And canon gave us a tired drug addict, so the bridge of this song...
I'm unnaturally laughing with men that I hate as they lean in for a kiss I exclaim that I can't stay floating around in my pool of pity wondering how many good years I have left that I'll stay pretty pocket full of dreams but they don't pay the bills now I know why the starlets turn to the pills tears come fast when no one can see 'em in delirium
And then I feel things about my blorbo
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aoiveae-monsters · 2 years
Khonshu x Gender Neutral Reader🌙
Yay it's done! Tried something new with this one. This somehow turned into 27 pages long headcanons
Also quick warning, I included some gods that weren't in the show, like Anubis, Ra and Set but they don't have big roles in this.
And for those who don't know, Witch is a Gender Neutral word
Wdym the witch and ennead reader are longer than the normal reader? No idea what you're talking about
Tag :3 @raelwrites
Hope you enjoy!
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🌘You probably met Steven first, before he was pulled in all that moon knight Business. However, while you could not see Khonshu yet, he could see you very clearly. At first he didn't think much of you but the more he watched you the more he grew interested in you.
🌘So one night out of the blue, he appeared in front of you. He was expecting screaming but no-
🌘You were calm, even fascinated by the moon god in front of you. Of course that only stroked his ego and he took an immediate liking to you
🌘Steven didn't know you have met Khonshu until you two were hanging out, with Khonshu present and you said hi to him.
🌘Poor man was freaking out because he thought Khonshu would hurt you
🌘He wouldn't
🌘It would take a while but you two grew closer, night by night. With that the elder god was beginning to be confused. He never felt this way for a mere mortal and honestly, it scared him a little
🌘But now to the romance~
🌘Khonshu would be the first to confess, in his own silly way
🌘He first would come to you one night, on a full moon, and say how truly lucky you are to have gained the affection of an elder god. Going on a monologue as to how blessed you were, which was quickly cut short when you said that you also like him
🌘Birb man was so happy
🌘At the begining in the relationship Khonshu would have trouble seeing you as his equal but after a while he would (with great difficulty) swallow his pride and see you as his other, equal half
🌘He is still very new to this so please be patient and if you are you'll get a doting moon god!
🌘Murder bird is so down bad for you.
🌘Khonshu showers you in his love, whenever the moon shines, you feel his loving embrace
🌘Every moring you wake up, he makes you Breakfast
🌘While you can't directly touch him, you can feel a little of his presence. Him holding you close, beak softly nudging your neck.
🌘Khonshu is also extremely protective, the god is aware how fragile humans are, so he would not have you in any moon knight matters
🌘He loves you dearly and could not bare to see you hurt
🌘Khonshu hates it when others flirt with you, he'll throw one of his trantums, effectively scaring them away.
🌘After that he will be a little grumpy, give him a few kisses and long hugs, that will lighten his mood
🌘you are not the only one being doted on tho. Give him kisses, hugs and loving words
🌘He will coo when you tell him how much you love him or give his beak little kisses, like-
🌘"Yes little human, I am great aren't I?"
🌘When he was imprisoned in stone by Ennead, he longed to return to you. Being away from his beloved human pained him greatly. He despratly earned for your loving embrace.
🌘When he and Ammit where freed, he fought his hardest, so that Ammit and Harrow could never harm you.
🌘Once he returned, he immediately took you in his arms.
🌘Khonshu refused to leave you alone for weeks, the time he was away should have been nothing to him but being separated from you was to much for him.
🌘However you two are together once again and he will never leave you again
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🌗Working with deities is not uncommon for witches and you thought you'd give it shot as it might help you a lot with your practice.
🌗Khonshu was one deity you were planning on working with
🌗The night you started the Ritual was on a full moon, hoping that would help Khonshu hear you and he did. At first Khonshu was confused, he had not someone reach out to him in a long time and specially not in such a way either
🌗After the Ritual was done, Khonshu decided to answer this little human's prayer, you however did not exspect him to appear directly in front you-
🌗But then again you shouldn't be suprised, in a world with a himbo that carries a thunder hammer, a big green dude and a man that has been in ice for 80 years this is probably the most normal thing that happened in a while
🌗Khonshu would tell you how much of a wise decision you made by chosing him over other moon deities
🌗He would help you with your witchcraft and give you protection under the moons silver glow but in exchange he wants something in return.
🌗Humans have started worshiping the old gods again and he wants a devoted little follower, a priest! Give him praise and offerings-
🌗You just throw bird seeds at his face:/
🌗At least that got him to shut up
🌗He does bonk you with his Staff in return tho
🌗But that bonk shocks him, he can actually touch you! What a interesting little light you are
🌗That's what he calls you, little light
🌗With Khonshu being your patron, you are granted a lot of new powers! Lunar Magic obviously is among them
🌗Khonshu helps you learn control your new powers, he is with you through every step
🌗Your routine is making a little offering to Khonshu and giving him a prayer during the night
🌗He always listens
🌗Romance doesn't spark between you two immediately, at first he only sees you as his priest.
🌗Yet after a while he can't deny that he has gotten rather attached to you
🌗You touch him in a way that he never knew was possible, much lese how addicted he is to it
🌗He is so touch starved :(
🌗The first time you hugged him, he stood five minutes in the same spot, wondering what just happened and why he want's you to do it again so desperately
🌗Whenever you do a ritual and he is present, Khonshu watches you with awe, you truly are something magical
🌗It is on a full moon,where you go about your usual prayer, when you say it with so much love and devotion, does he notice that you are more to him than just a priest
🌗He craves your touch, your attention
🌗Your love
🌗It is when you finish the prayer, he comes to you
🌗At first he doesn't say anything, he just stares at you. Even without any eyes you can figure out how he looks at you with such adoration.
🌗When Khonshu still doesn't move, you step forward and gently take his face in your hands, as he takes yours in his
🌗With the utmost sincerity you give him a heart warming "I love you" and kiss his beak
🌗You two stayed in each other's embrace that night
🌗He makes a constelation after you, once you two are done
🌗Khonshu would sometimes hug you from behind and coo at you
🌗He would be so jealous if you also worked with other deities
🌗"You have me already! You don't need any lesser god."
🌗Would 100% sabotage their alters
🌗You take him to the side and tell him that, while yes you work with other gods, he is your love. The other gods could not even dream to compare
🌗Khonshu would let you work with other gods then in peace after that
🌗Not without bragging as to how you are his lover to the other gods, whenever you communicate with them
🌗It is only natural that you would meet his Moon Knight
🌗They were shocked when they found out Khonshu had a partner.
🌗Marc "Blink twice if you are being held hostage"
🌗However, Khonshu did not want you involved in any of his "Justice". Fearing you'd get hurt
🌗But that wish quickly died when a sun Cult has targeted you :/
🌗When they took you in the middle of the night, Khonshu screeched for Marc and Steven to save you. Only to find you, having already beaten the cult.
🌗Khonshu has blessed you with powerful lunar magic and you used that to your advantge.
🌗Khonshu came rushing to you and Held you. Screeching in terror if you got hurt. Carrying you back home, refusing to let you down.
🌗He doesn't leave your side for month
🌗Because of the whole thing you kind of, accidentally, became a part of the Moon Khight thing
🌗He blames Steven
🌗One day, you met a strange blond man with a cane. For some reason he felt... off. Before he could do anything you quickly made an excuse so you could leave. As you started to walk away, the man said how eager he and Ammit were to properly meet you one day
🌗Leaving you confused because you never even met the man?????
🌗You told Khonshu about it he stood still for two minutes and then suddenly screeched bloody murder.
🌗When he and Marc go to Egypt, you begged him to take you with him
🌗Birb Man quickly shut you down.
🌗You went anyway without them knowing and when he found out, his soul left his body
🌗There is no turning back now, but no fighting for you!
🌗That's final.
🌗You stabbed a man in a fight you suddenly appeard in
🌗Khonshu screeched in horror
🌗You also got to meet Layla :D
🌗When Khonshu was held on trial by other gods because he manipulated the sky, you were seething with rage
🌗You bit Osiris
🌗When Khonshu got imprisioned, your powers were greatly weakend, to the point where they were non existent.
🌗You, Marc, Steven and Layla then go on a little adventure
🌗Marc and Steven get shot
🌗You and Layla were hunting Harrow until a magical Hippo spoke out of a dead guy??
🌗She told you that Harrow was to powerful and that you needed to free Khonshu.
🌗You booked it to your birb boyfriend
🌗When Harrow came and killed the other avartars, you didn't feel all that bad-
🌗But the moment you freed Khonshu he immediatly embraced you, so hard.
🌗Being kept apart from you was the most painful thing for him, even if it wasn't all that long. Yet a single day without you, was an eternity for him
🌗In short he's clingly
🌗When Mommy Ammit is freed, you want  to help fight her and Harrow.
🌗Khonshu denies you of this tho, he just got you back, he won't risk losing you
🌗Seeing Khonshu get beaten up by Ammit breaks your heart
🌗You blast magic in her eye, giving Khonshu a little advantge
🌗When the fight with Harrow comes, you blast his face with lunar magic
🌗Probably broke his nose
🌗You help Marc and Layla with sealing Ammit in Harrow
🌗When all is done you are tempted to kill Harrow yourself
🌗Once you go home, you force Khonshu to stay in bed with you, cuddling the entire day and night.
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🌕Revered by many mortals and even gods, you were truly divine being but none held you in higher regard than Khonshu
🌕To him, you were the stars to his night sky. The glimmering water under his pale light
🌕He was a simp in short
🌕You two were often worshiped together, mostly because the two of you were close with one another
🌕You and Khonshu haven't been together until after Osiris' death and Set's defeat
🌕He realized how he could not bear the thought you suffering the same fate as Osiris
🌕How you being gone was too painful
🌕Khonshu would rather tear down the night sky than to let you be taken away
🌕Under the brilliant stars and shining moon, he asked for your love.
🌕That fateful night, a new union between two gods was made
🌕Khonshu made many constelations after you, like paintings to immortalize you divinity in the skies but he said that no matter how bright the constelation, it would never compare to your true beauty
🌕The Birb, however would get jealous sometimes of other gods having your attention
🌕He talked smack about Anubis after you two were busy with the afterlife
🌕Anubis bonked him
🌕That humbled him real quickly
🌕He keeps you away from Set and when he comes to close, Khonshu screeches at him
🌕Some nights you would lay together, tracing your his body with your fingers while he held you close
🌕The moon's light was always brightest when you were with him
🌕The Relationship between Khonshu and his father Ammon Ra was complicated. Ra didn't have anything against you, he is rather fond of you. But any attemps of mending their relationship has failed
🌕So you tried to keep those two away from each other in general, even chosing avatars that would stop the fighting between their vessels.
🌕It didn't always work but you saved a lot of lives like that (o_o)b
🌕You cared deeply about the mortals, which only made it hurt more when they abandonded you
🌕With the other Ennead going back the Celestial Heliopolis, ready to leave humanity, you were tempted you leave yourself
🌕Khonshu however chose not to
🌕He kept in interfering with the mortal plane, something that displeased the council
🌕So they banisched him
🌕When Khonshu was exiled he was shatterd, being seperated from you pained him beyond meassure
🌕Before he could do anything irrational to get back to you
🌕He felt your arms around him
🌕You were on earth, with him
🌕Khonshu had so many question but decided to stay in your embrace instead. The fear of having lost you really broke him for a moment
🌕He asked if you also got banisched
🌕You didn't, but you could not just stand there and let your love be send away.
🌕So you chose to leave the Ennead, they didn't understand your decision but respected it
🌕Unlike Khonshu, you were still welcomed back, so long you don't break the rules
🌕But none of that matterd, what is most important is that you two are together.
🌕Because of his banishment, Khonshu resents the other gods yet is grateful that you chose to stay with him
🌕Sometimes however, he can't help but feel guilty for being the reason you left your home
🌕You quickly shut those thought down. As much as he can't bear to be without you, you also could not imagine a life separated with Khonshu
🌕You kiss his entire face, declaring your love for him over and over again
🌕You smotherd him with so much love he became flusterd, causing a Blood Moon to happen
🌕While on earth you watched Khonshu take many new Avatars, but one stood out to you
🌕A mortal named Arthur Harrow
🌕You made your distaste for the human very clear and it turned you had every reason not to like him
🌕Khonshu's next Avatar however, Marc Spector, you didn't dislike
🌕You saw a broken, scared boy. While he was close on deaths door, you appeard before him. Giving him comfort and love
🌕Khonshu himself came too, offering Marc a deal, to become his avatar. You didn't like how it sounded but chose to trust your beloved.
🌕You didn't see much of Marc after that, beliving Khonshu to take good care of him
🌕It wasn't until much later that you decided to see Marc again.
🌕Khonshu seemed irritated, so you thought you might check up on the little human
🌕You were more than suprised that he forgot about you
🌕And suddenly got an british accent
🌕He seemed rather frightened.
🌕Which confused you even more, why would he be scared of you when he has regular contact with Khonshu
🌕And speaking of him, you saw your husband scaring the poor boy not long after
🌕Chasing him through a corridor
🌕It wasn't until you appeard, that you chastised Khonshu for terrifying Marc.
🌕When you send Khonshu away, you tried to calm Marc down, to which he told you his name was Steven Grant.
🌕How odd
🌕You decided that the man has seen enough gods for now and left him alone
🌕Asking Khonshu why Marc now goes by Steven Grant and acts completely diffrent, he tells you not to worry about the worm
🌕Which left you even more confused???
🌕You later on found out on yourself, that Steven was diffrent person entirely.
🌕Before you could find out more, Steven met Harrow.
🌕Khonshu found out and demanded Steven to break his windpipe, scaring him even more
🌕You tried to calm Khonshu down from his tantrum
🌕Reader "Yes dear, you are real justice"
🌕Everything Happened so fast, a jackal got summoned, Harrow got the scarab and Steven got a very nice suit
🌕The aftermath however
🌕Khonshu talked to Marc
🌕As their conversation went on, you start to have doubts about your Husband's deal.
🌕When they go to egypt, you follow them to make sure they don't cause too much trouble
🌕During the trial with the council, you try to defend Khonshu and prove that Harrow is trying to free Ammit
🌕The Ennead however thought that your time with Khonshu has warped your sense of truth and lies
🌕You made a mental note to curse Osiris later
🌕When Steven and Layla needed the night sky from the past, you begged Khonshu not to do reverse it. But knowing the importance of the mission, you relented.
🌕Khonshu took your face gently in his hand and caressed your cheek, before going to turn the night sky back
🌕Your heart shatterd when he was imprisoned, trying to get a hold of him as he was fading away
🌕You honestly considerd hunting down the gods and their avatars
🌕You would free him, no matter what
🌕But helping Steven and Layla was more important now
🌕You helped them during your journy to stop Harrow
🌕But things didn't go as planned
🌕Marc and Steven got shot, and Harrow got away
🌕You did your best to keep Layla save.
🌕Resurrecting the boys now was out of question, their souls have long since left
🌕You just hoped Tawaret would bend the rules for once
🌕When Layla went for Harrow you tried to convince her to free Khonshu isntead, the corpse on the ground agreed with you!
🌕When you got to Khonshu's Ushabti and Layla freed him
🌕You embraced Khonshu
🌕Nearly crushing him
🌕But when he asked Layla to become his new avatar you chastised him, saying how to leave her alone and grieve
🌕When Ammit got freed and fought Khonshu, you intervined and gave Khonshu time to escape.
🌕When you found out Marc and Steven were alive, you were ecstatic
🌕When Khonshu offerd to let Marc and Steven go, you were proud of him. Letting the two have a, somewhat, normal life
🌕When the second fight with Ammit came, you didn't hesitate to attack her
🌕When she trapped Khonshu with her hair, while she was starting to get sealed away, you punched Ammit in the face to hasten the process.
🌕When Khonshu wanted Marc to kill Harrow you chose to step in and let Marc know that he was free now, he could finally leave all this behind
🌕Before he goes tho, he says that you were his and Steven's favorite
🌕Don't tell Taweret!
🌕Yet you were a little shocked at how Khonshu agreed so quickly, without any argument
🌕With all that has happened you just wanted to hold your silly bird man and gaze at the heavens
🌕One day though, Khonshu was gone longer than usual, so you decided to find him
🌕You did not exspect to find Harrow being put in a limo, by what seemed to be Marc Spector's body, but not him or Steven.
🌕What suprised you more was how Khonshu himself was there, with new suit, which you guessed he made after Steven's
🌕It seems your dear husband has been keeping secrets from you...
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sweet--sweet--muffin · 8 months
My Millennial Tree Cookie Headcannons bc why tf not-
• Millennial Tree is bigender and doesn’t mind going by any pronouns (but mainly likes to go by She/Her and He/Him) I got this headcanon from a silly thought where Millennial Tree is just Father Time in the body of Mother Nature, and this thought spiked in my head when I found out he’s a  m a n.
• She likes to go on a morning or nightly stroll throughout the forest. She be singing like a Disney princess while doing so. (as if she isn’t already a Disney princess).
• Can also tame even the most vicious animals.
• Her smile is so gentle and serene, it can calm the most furious storm
• While Millennial Tree might seem nonchalant about anyone threatening him, it doesn’t stop him from protecting the land from anything that may endanger it and gets worried about how the effects of said threat has impacted on the ones she holds dear. He’s especially worried about what DE and Pomegranate did to Wind Archer Cookie when he was Night Raven, because she can imagine the suffering he had to endure and has to reassure Wind Archer that it’s not his fault for letting the darkness consume him.
• Millennial Tree is basically like Oogway from Kung Fu Panda in a way
• She fucking loves Wind Archer dearly and for l i f e andhefeelsthesamethoCOUGH. MT is very appreciative of him as her guardian and protector, but sees him as something more to her than that and cherishes him as her dear friend (being called a “friend” by the Millennial Tree, the very being he is sworn to protect, bewildered Wind Archer at first but felt honored and humbled by the sentiment)
• MT is very fond of Carol Cookie, Mint Choco Cookie and Clover Cookie, along with their music, but is also curious about the kind of music that DJ Cookie makes. MT and DJ Cookie formed an unlikely yet unique friendship over this.
• Speaking of which, due to being foreign to the current period of time, Millennial Tree occasionally messes up figures of speech and has a tendency to use very outdated slang in an attempt to socialize with her fellow Cookies. (Her fellow Cookie friends would find the effort adorable)
• He wished there is something he can do to undo Sea Fairy’s curse, but SF appreciates the thought and insists that this is something she has to fight on her own. MT’s kindness towards her is one of the things that brings warmth to her heart and it’s also one that motivates her to fight her fate.
• She can manipulate the height of her own Cookie form, but her real height is that she’s fucking b i g. Like bigger than any of the dragons’ cookie forms and the OG legend squad (Moonlight, Wind Archer, Sea Fairy and Fire Spirit) had to hold in their laughter at their height differences, much to the dragons’ dismay.
• MT loves to lay in flowerbeds and admire the sky. He sometimes ends up falling asleep and his sleeping position in laying down is messy, looking like he fell from the 7th floor. Wind almost had a heart attack when he thought that he’s dead but MT is actually just sleeping. His snoring is soft tho-
• MT has a one-sided rivalry to Timekeeper and finds the effort in TK being a stronger time user than her kinda concerning bc even though it might not seem like it, MT actually cares for Timekeeper’s well-being. Timekeeperishellagayforherbutshewon’tadmitthat-
• He met Adventurer Cookie in The City of The Millennial Tree by the time where MT’s curse was broken and when Adventurer came to check what the hell was going on as he had heard a big sound in the forest, he saw Millennial Tree. Adventurer basically fell for his beauty and just... asked him so many questions about the city (and abt MT himself ofc). They became friends after this and Adventurer would share his stories from his adventures whenever MT asks him about them out of genuine curiosity.
• The dragons don’t like her. Not one bit. Probably the one thing they all can agree on. They never thought about her serene, warm smile when they saw her. Pitaya definitely didn’t thought about how feisty and bold MT can be, especially when she was made aware of Pitaya’s awakening. Ananas definitely didn’t thought about her consideration and thoughtfulness in protecting the land she calls home. Lotus definitely didn’t thought about her soothing voice that would probably be in tune with their own melody when they’d play their mandolin. Lychee definitely didn’t thought about how fun of a playmate she could be when they saw her playing with the Cookiemals. And Longan definitely didn’t thought about how the mere thought of MT herself brings an abundance of warmth in their chest. Yeah. They all hate her very much.
• Fire Spirit once burned MT’s head branch for fun when he’s out in the forest and didn’t realized that branch belonged to someone. Or rather attached to someone- And that’s how those two met. MT was pretty chill abt the encounter despite his head branch being burnt tho.
• MT explained her meeting with Fire Spirit to Wind Archer and that’s how his tension with him increased, thinking that FS is actually gonna burn MT (which is an accident, at least to Millie).
• Butterflies like to crowd land on his branches and MT finds it adorable.
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muppet-chaos · 2 days
⭐ also for a fic of your choice!
Okay we're getting a little bit silly with it, I'm gonna try and do a full directors commentary for You Were My Fool. This one is very long so, under the break!
This was the first fic I ever started writing for Woe.begone, I believe. (Not the first I ever finished and published but whatever). I was (and am) not normal enough about Ryanball to finally make an AO3 account and write and publish fic for the first time in actual years. It's also the first smut I ever wrote. I'm interested to see how that holds up now that I'm much more comfortable with it.
I ended up going with the 5+1 style of story structure because that's a fanfic thing that I really enjoy and I thought it would be interesting to apply it to something uh... unconventional. Anyways, let's dive right in.
"Toph… have I ever told you that you have a very wringable neck? I think it's probably the way players have killed you most often. People just really like to wrap their hands all the way around you, I guess." Ryan smiled at Toph, looking up from his computer, like what he'd said was the most normal thing in the world, which, by Ryan's standards, maybe it was. He did spend a lot of his time making people cut off limbs. What was a few strangling deaths?
Oh boy, off to... a start. I think it's kind of funny that I just went write in with the strangling because that's usually not my thing but the fact that Ryan literally says in the show that Topher has a very snappable neck was too good to pass up.
I don't know what the fuck "people just really like to wrap their hands all the way around you" is supposed to mean. That sure sounds kind of horny but in a way that actually makes literally no sense. That's fine. It works.
Topher was pretty sure that Ryan had never killed him, himself. Pretty sure. He wasn't sure that Ryan didn't want to, but if he knew him at all he knew that he usually preferred his victims to remember the horrible things he put them through, and Topher certainly didn't remember Ryan ever personally wringing his neck.
I feel like this is a pretty important detail for how I characterize Ryan, and also their relationship in this fic. Despite everything there's at least some trust between these two.
He felt himself subconsciously lifting his shoulders up, bringing his neck and chin closer into himself. Ryan reached over and patted him on the back. "Aww loosen up Toph. No time for that. We've got work to do."
Toph's body language is definitely an important theme throughout.
“Hey Toph, does this message for the player match up with the current Aliza Shultz blog?” Ryan plopped the laptop screen down in front of him leaning over Topher’s shoulder to watch the screen while he read it. His chest was pressed up against Topher’s back and his chin could practically have been resting on the top of his head if he chose to lean over. Topher tried to tune it out and focus on actually checking the player message for continuity errors.
I never have any idea how to actually describe what Topher's work on Woe.begone is. I mean, he's definitely doing something. Is this it??? Also first example in this fic of Ryan having absolutely no sense of personal space which is my most dearly held headcanon about him for sure.
“You ever thought about trying it out yourself?” Ryan’s arm snaked around his back, tapping out an idle pattern on Topher's opposite shoulder and his attention was wrenched from reading the message script and back into his body.
Every once and a while whether or not Topher actually ever played Woe.begone comes up and I'm largely of the opinion that everything he told Mikey in season one about playing was in fact a lie. I don't think Ryan made him play to get the gig.
“The second challenge.” He wasn’t looking at Ryan’s face but he could hear the smirk in his voice. He could picture the exact expression. It was searing itself in his mind's eye even as he stared dead ahead at the computer screen. He opened his mouth to ask why he would ever do that but Ryan gave his bicep a squeeze and he shut it again. “Lot to get through here, think you could do it?”
"Built like a brick shithouse". Enough said.
“You’d bring me back, right?” Why was he even asking this? He was not going to cut off his arm. Not for Ryan. Not even for an actual prize.
Oh Toph you are down so bad buddy.
It had to be a stakeout. Why couldn't they just use the tech for this stuff? Ryan had assured him that it was necessary to do this in person, even pulling out the technobabble explanation for it, not that Topher could understand any of it. And anyways, Ryan was here too. He doubted he would have found himself standing next to Topher in the dark cold alleyway waiting for one Ty Betteridge to pass by if it really was just an excuse to fuck with him.
I'm sure I had some idea what they were doing to Ty here and why when I wrote it but I definitely don't remember now.
Ryan chuckled, taking another step towards Topher. Unless he wanted to blow their cover and book it out into the road he was well and truly penned in now. Ryan chuckled, reaching out a hand for Topher's and sung under his breath. "Once, upon a time, your heart would skip…"
At least according to the Q+A's Topher was the one who came up with the Cut Off Your Hands challenge which I didn't know when I wrote this bit but adds a fun little layer here I think. Taste of your own medicine Toph. And also Ryan is paying attention to the things Topher likes, awww.
Ryan leaning over him with the saw… it had always been the electric type when players did it… or at least when any player who actually succeeded, but in his mind it had become a hand saw. Slow. Brutal. He could imagine the feel of the teeth cutting into his skin. The sound of metal and bone. Ryan pressing down on his chest to hold him down and cut.
“C’mere Toph.” Topher stayed where he was, swaying slightly on the side of the dumpster. Ryan frowned briefly and then sighed and repeated in a more strict tone. “Topher. Come here.”
Uh oh Ryan is getting the dom voice out.
Topher turned back around to face the road. He could feel Ryan's stare boring into the back of his head but he tried to stand still and not let him see that he was still uncomfortable. Slowly Ryan stepped around him, standing in front of him also looking out into the road… frankly, blocking Topher's view. Ryan wasn't exactly a small guy even if Topher was taller than him.
Trying to figure out the relative size of these characters is interesting. A lot of the men in Woe.begone (especially introduced in the begining of the series) are very large which fair. I can't complain. Big beefy masc guys doing horrifying violence 🥰. As previously mentioned Topher is "built like a brick shithouse" and Ryan is apparently Mike's type so likely also pretty big and pretty masc. I tend to imagine Ryan as more of the gym rat body builder type and Topher as more naturally large and, as obvious here, slightly taller than Ryan.
"There…" Ryan grumbled. "Are your hands warm yet?"
I will never get over the fact that Ryan is the one who points out Topher has bad circulation. Real no one is allowed to bully him except me energy.
“I think I’d start with breaking his fingers… that’s easy to do but it hurts a lot. That moment where it’s pulled back, just too far, right before it snaps.” Topher’s fingers twitched, he clenched his fist and tried not to squirm too visibly. Don’t draw attention to yourself Topher. Don’t draw attention. His stomach twisted. Ryan leaned back further until his head was in Topher’s lap, dragging his hand across his chest as he moved to lay it behind him on the couch. “Maybe crawl on top of him and break a few ribs. Not enough to puncture a lung. Just enough to make the pain white hot every time he breathes. Then maybe go for a few organs… none of the important ones you know but, just mess around in there for a bit.”
I don't know why I was so fixated on breaking fingers at this point but "Climbing" has that in it too (the fic I published before this one. Also more Ryan having literally no sense of personal space.
"Topher?" He couldn't place the tone in Ryan's voice. Confused but fond… Ryan sounded unsure of himself, which he never did, but also with an undercurrent of excitement, if Topher could call it that. He started to sit up, his elbow digging his weight into Topher's thigh. "Are you jealous?"
The hand that wasn't pressing Ryan's weight into the meat of Topher's thigh came up and grabbed his face by the chin, turning Topher back towards him. There was no hiding how flustered he was, his face turning bright red, Ryan just about half sitting in his lap now. He tried to keep from making eye contact but all that got him was staring at Ryan's lips and that stupid evil hot smirk. "Topher? Do you want me to hurt you?"
I described Topher as turning bright red like three times in the last couple of paragraphs oops. On the bright side, this paragraph also has one of my favorite little things to do while writing from a specific characters point of view, subtly changing the way that they refer to a specific thing in their thoughts over the course of the story. Topher thinks about Ryan's smile a lot in this fic and this is the first time he just outright calls it hot, earlier its implied but he skirts around it.
Another example (not in this fic) is in "The Change" where over time Mikey just eventually starts referring to his nest as a nest without really acknowledging that. I wanted that to be subtle and a little disconcerting.
Topher swallowed. He wasn't actually sure he could open his mouth with Ryan holding it like that. Ryan leaned in, and for a moment Topher was wide eyed thinking that he was going to kiss him. He brushed against his cheek and then whispered in his ear. "There's a lot I could do to you, Toph. With the fail safes we have you would just come right back to me. I could cut your heart out right in front of you."
For some reason I remember really not wanting to write kissing in this fic. It was definitely one of the things about writing smut that I took a while to get comfortable with. Also, once again... hot.
Topher let out a low whine in the back of his throat. The attempt to hide this from Ryan was all but gone… the attempt to hide this feeling from himself. He could imagine the blood dripping from Ryan’s hands, his blood dripping from Ryan’s hands, and he didn’t understand, but shit he wanted it. “You’d like that would you?”
Here's another thing I struggled with when I got started writing smut. I was okay at dirty talk from the dominant partner but... not great at it from the submissive one. "Cowboy Up" definitely helped me break out of that pattern but in this fic particularly Topher just kind of, immediately gives up on talking when things get heated. I think I realized it didn't quite work and tries to pull back a bit later in the fic.
Ryan had a cute little smile where his chin rested on his hands on the table. A smirk… it was still a smirk, but it was a cute smirk. “Aww… you’re not exactly a good actor… Cannonball.” Oof. “It will work better if you’re actually in pain I think. Would a broken bone be easier? It would make it less likely that you’d bleed out before they found you. Or maybe I could cut off a couple of fingers?”
Honestly whether or not Topher is a good actor is something we have conflicting information about. In season one he seems to do a perfectly passable job playing the Cannonball role. He fools Mikey for just about as long as he's supposed to. In season four though Mikey dunks on his acting chops pretty hard. I imagine it might be a case of level of preparation.
Topher nervously stepped away from the counter and sat down. He leaned his elbow on the table, laying his hand out on the table in front of Ryan as naturally as he could manage (not that he was really managing to make it seem natural at all). It wasn’t his fault if he was bad at playing coy. At least as Cannonball he’d had the chance to practice some of his lines. Ryan chuckled and reached out for Topher’s hand pressing at the flesh of his palm where it met his fingers as if he was sizing up how he would go about taking one of them off. “Now you’re really just teasing. How’s that going to convince anyone that I was injured in a fight?”
Oh lol apparently past me was also already thinking about that contradiction.
Topher took a deep breath trying to keep himself still, he could feel the words that were about to come out of his mouth in the moment before he said them and he thought if he let himself he might turn and run before they ever got out. But he didn’t want to run. He was as sure as he’d ever been that he wanted this. “Are you just going to keep teasing me forever? Or are you actually going to hurt me, Ryan?”
Topher had some questions about how in depth Ryan seemed to have thought all of this out. He supposed thinking of elaborate ways to hurt people was sort of what Ryan did with a lot of his time, but this wasn't Woe.begone, this was different. Was this all for him? Or was he just the first unsuspecting man to say yes to something like this? Was he even the first? He wasn't sure he wanted to hear about it if Ryan had talked some guy he met on Scruff into a similar situation but in the meantime thinking about it was a great way to keep his mind off of what was about to happen to him. It wasn't that he didn't want to think about it, but the anticipation was just about to drive him insane. And he didn't want to lose his nerve before it had even started.
I didn't actually consider the answer to this when I wrote this I don't think. I imagine Ryan was probably involved in some pretty hardcore kinky sex pre Woe.begone but probably not anything quite this extreme. The ability to use time travel tech opens up a lot of avenues of pain that would be a lot more of a hassle or just down right impossible/unsurvivable without it... which is largely the point of this fic lol. And I imagine he hasn't actually slept with any players so this planning probably really was all for Topher's benefit.
"Uh. No. Not happening." Maybe he should have talked a few more of these details over before he let himself be tied up. "What? Don't want to stick a sock in it Toph?" Ryan dangled the gag in front of his face with a laugh and Topher scowled. "Not funny." "Fine, no gag." Ryan put it back down and gently patted Topher on the cheek. "I want our neighbors to hear your screaming anyways."
I put so much thought into this bit. Topher doesn't want to be gagged here and he also doesn't end up reciprocating oral sex later in the fic this guy is not okay with things being stuck in his mouth post getting kidnapped by Mike. Interestingly, my other smut fic with Topher ("Employee Benefits") is set in the season ten timeline where Mikey never kidnapped Topher and so he doesn't have any issues with performing oral sex in that one.
Topher wasn't sure what the intended response to that was supposed to be but the idea that someone out there might hear all this sent a thrill through him. Ryan raised an eyebrow. "Oh you liked that idea, did you Toph? Maybe I should record some of this next time." Next time. Well. "I know a few circles online that would positively just eat this up. What do you think?"
One day I'll write the Ryanball snuff film fic.
Ryan licked his lips and Topher let out a whine. "Jeez, Topher. I'm not even doing anything yet. At least try to use your words." He was more amused than annoyed.
Self callout lol.
“I never took you for being so… adventurous Toph,” Ryan took a step back, pulling his shirt off and tossing it aside. “I really can’t complain though.” Surely someone with more acceptable tastes or morals would have left Ryan to his own devices long ago, powerful time travel technology or not.
Genuinely the core of their relationship.
“I hope not.” Topher grumbled. He was sitting fully naked and tied to one of their support beams. He was not in the mood to start hearing complaints about his behavior.
Support beam??? I know I wanted him to be tied to something and on the floor with his back to whatever that something was but I have no idea what I was picturing the room looking like lol. Having kinky sex in your minimalist open concept living room with wood beams I guess???
Also, gotta love sassy Topher. He's a loose cannon guys ;)
Topher didn’t get the time to finish asking himself whether or not Ryan was going to give him a warning or not because in an instant he stepped forward, his hands taking hold of either side of Topher's left forearm and then his boot came down on it hard. There was a moment of pressure where Topher wasn’t sure what was about to happen to him and then a sickeningly loud crunch and a wave of burning pain radiating up from his arm, intense enough his vision whited out for a moment and he felt more than heard himself scream. His vision cleared to Ryan leaning over him and grinning, one hand cupping Topher’s cheek, the other one still clutching the wrist of his broken arm, which settled into a dull but pervasive thud. “You still with me Toph?”
I distinctly remember googling how much pressure it takes to break a bone to figure out if this was possible or not, also how a breaking bone sounds. I don't remember if I actually looked up what breaking a bone feels like though.
Also I just realized how Topher is tied up here is not consistent at all he mentions his wrists being tied a couple paragraphs ago... oops? I will choose to assume that Ryan untied that arm while he was distracted from the pain, or something.
“Good.” Ryan said, stepping back into Topher’s space. He was holding something small in his hand but Topher couldn’t see what it was yet. And his focus was dragged away from trying to figure it out as Ryan knelt down so he was standing even with him and reached for the hand of Topher’s injured arm with his free hand, weaving their fingers together. Even the small motion sent a few more pulsing aches up past his shoulder, a strange contrast to how gentle Ryan’s touch actually was, as his thumb brushed over the soft skin of Topher’s wrist.
Genuinely kind of obsessed with this juxtaposition. Good move past Fortune.
“You do seem like you’re enjoying yourself.” Ryan licked his lips again, (Topher wasn’t even sure he was conscious of that motion), and stared down at Topher’s cock, a look not all that different from when he’d been about to hurt him. Like he was thinking of devouring him whole. Topher, admittedly, hadn’t even realized he’d gotten this hard. There were, a lot of things having an effect on him but, his attention had been elsewhere, with his body's other responses. Ryan leaned in closer, nipping at the base of his jaw and whispered, “you want some help with that big boy?”
Ryan calling Topher 'big boy' here was certainly a choice. Also I'm not sure it's obvious to anyone else from this description that I was not at all comfortable yet with trying to describe Topher getting hard but it's definitely obvious to me.
It was hard not to get lost in the sensation of Ryan going down on him. He was good at this, not that Topher had really expected anything else. Maybe he was a bit biased at the moment but it seemed like Ryan was good at everything he did. Whatever part of his mind wasn’t focused on the pleasure of Ryan’s lips, and tongue and throat, and the breathy little noise he made as Topher threaded his good hand into Ryan’s hair was otherwise still just as distracted by the pain in his broken arm.
Okay... his other arm is untied too I guess. Oops. Also once again, definitely not comfortable with describing a blow job yet when I wrote this but this way of writing around any concrete descriptions of what Ryan is doing by just describing how Topher feels about what Ryan is doing does a good job of masking that fact.
Ryan walked around him for a moment as if he was looking for the best possible plan of attack and then stopped, standing over Topher with a vicious grin. A beautiful vicious grin. He reached down and undid his pants, letting out a groan as his cock was freed. Topher watched him pour some lube into his hand and jerk himself a few times, eyes fluttering closed, bottom lip caught between his teeth. Topher wanted to hold onto this moment, this picture in his mind for a while. There were some other things, more urgently he wanted to hold onto right now though, and he whined a little intent on letting Ryan know that he was starting to feel a little ignored.
The evolution of how Topher thinks about Ryan's smile continues. Also I'm clearly finally getting comfortable talking about dicks finally at this point in the sex scene.
Ryan leaned back taking an appraising look at his handy work. "What do you think Toph?" Topher looked down at his chest, and snorted, a motion that sent pain ricocheting through him. Ryan, the bastard, had carved an R across his chest.
This was uninventive, but in my defense Topher is the artist between the two of them and Ryan definitely does have a big enough ego to do this.
Ryan slumped a bit, and with him no longer pressing down, Topher was able to shift until he willingly slipped off of his chest, moving to kneel beside him. Topher ran a hand over his own chest smearing together cum and blood. He looked over at Ryan, covered in his fair share of it as well and smiled, despite any of the pain. Ryan leaned over kissing him on the forehead, a surprisingly gentle gesture after all of that, and said, "Alright. Let's get you cleaned up big boy. I’ll go hit the switch for the failsafe code."
Doubling down on the big boy choice apparently. Also that image of Topher smearing together blood and cum on his chest does still live in my head rent free and I imagine, probably Topher's.
"Oh." A little bit concerning, but Topher could roll with it. He moved his arm, experimentally, expecting a flash of pain but finding none, a feeling that was both relieving and disorienting. He reached his hand down to press on his leg. Nothing there either. Ryan pulled down the covers and both of them stared down at his bare chest for a moment. Topher had seen this kind of time travel trick work on players dozens of times so he didn't know why he felt surprised to see it work on him. He was almost a little sad he didn't get to spend a bit more time reveling in the feeling of being soaked in sweat and blood and cum but he would just have to think of that for next time. Next time. There was going to be a next time. Ryan had clearly enjoyed that as much as him. He had enjoyed that right?
Mike Walters coded. Also... Ryan isn't like, great at after care but it seemed out of step with his characterization in this fic to not have him do any of it at all. Despite everything he's pretty protective of Topher.
"Well if I just left you to fend for yourself after all of that you'd probably be useless for a while and we do still have a job to do. This murder game isn't going to win itself." Ryan rubbed the back of his neck with one hand. Was that nervousness?
Yep. Definitely completely pragmatic. Mhm.
Ryan looked at him conflicted for a moment and then climbed into the space next to Topher in the bed, easily slotting into being the little spoon. Topher buried his face into Ryan's hair and breathed in the scent of his shampoo. Soft. He could get used to this.
Aww I forgot Topher finally got to put his face in Ryan's hair after he avoided doing that earlier in the fic. That's cute. I don't know if this is like... a thing for anyone else but it's a pretty strong sensory image for me and it's very comforting.
"Don't expect this sort of treatment all that time." Ryan grumbled. "I know." Topher mumbled. "You have to be the big scary game runner. Let's get some sleep now though."
Topher too sleepy to take any of Ryan's shit is very funny. Shut up and cuddle.
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cowabummerbatman · 1 year
My first big post on this blog and it's gonna be about -you guessed it- OBSCURE SONIC CHARACTERS!
These are my silly little headcanons about The Hooligans because I love them dearly :>
TRIGGER WARNING for the following things mentioned or explicitly stated in this list: Death, murder, unintentional self-harm, and swearing!
Oh, right, before reading this you should know that my idea of what Bean's mom looks like is adokle's version of her! You can see her here and here, along with Bin, Pin, and Lucy. And a few of my ideas for Bark are pulled from this fic, here! Now that we have that out of the way...
Let's start it off with the leader of this illustrious group of ne'er-do-wells, Fang the Sniper! Or Nack the Weasel. Whatever you wanna call him.
I believe he is a Jerboa/Wolf/Weasel mix!
He gets his Jerboa/Wolf genes from his mother and his Weasel genes from his father.
He had a really messed up childhood. Man's was not okay.
Was raised by his sister, Nic, for the majority of his childhood.
Fang was born on January 1st and Nic was born on December 31st. They were born five minutes apart.
He and Nic stayed together for a surprisingly long time, despite the fact that they absolutely despised each other.
He got his hat from his father on one of his earlier birthdays. He cherishes that hat more than everything else he owns.
Yes, including the Marvelous Queen. Awesome bikes are an easy fix, but a hat from the only family member that he actually loved? That's priceless.
He used to hold a very, very minuscule soft spot for Nic before he killed her.
He still hasn't processed that the two dumbasses he got stuck with have miraculously found their way into his heart (If you ever asked him, he'd probably shoot you).
Bark's moral compass actually has ended up rubbing off on him, more or less.
Bean beats him in soccer all the time. Fang will forever be bitter about this.
Despite how much he bitches and moans, he actually really enjoys hanging out with Bark and Bean. Even if their versions of fun include boring museum visits or blowing up bingo clubs.
He's Bisexual and Aromantic (either that or AroSpec, I'm not too sure).
He thinks that wearing cologne is just a "faster way to shower". He will not take criticism (Also, he wears the cheapest cologne he can find).
He always smells at least a little bit like gasoline.
Now onto the silent softie, Bark the Polar Bear!
You don't see many Polar Bears around, even in places like North Island or the Aurora Ice Fields. The species is largely thought to be extinct.
This leads to a lot of people being shocked/stunned whenever Bark comes around, either that or just not knowing what species he is (Only one of the reasons he has anxiety around people he doesn't know).
He refuses to talk about his family; the only person he's ever opened up to about them is Bean (And Fang to a considerably lesser extent).
He speaks Russian!
He's an extremely avid listener, he loves listening to people talk-- which is one of the reasons he and Bean get along so well.
He runs surprisingly cold, like, all of the time. Bean thinks it's magic but Fang is pretty sure it's just a polar bear thing.
Either way, it's heaven in the summer and hotter climates but absolute hell during the winter and in frigid climates.
This is also a good time to mention that Bark is a huuuuge cuddle bug. Bean loves it, Fang used to hate it but he tolerates it now.
Yes, he does think Bean is the funniest fucking person alive. What about it.
Smells like strawberry shampoo and campfire smoke.
He is Demiromantic and Asexual.
And last but most definitely not least, the dynamic dynamo, Bean the Dynamite!
Was raised by his uncle Pin and grandma Lucy.
He does have a wind-up punch like his father and uncle, but he rarely uses it.
His parents, Bin and Rin, were archeologists/explorers.
Pin is well-renowned in the wrestling industry and works a lot of odd jobs.
And Lucy is a gardener/librarian (Also a former wrestler).
He got his bomb-throwing ability from his mom! Well, not her exactly, but her side of the family.
He calls Pin and Lucy at least twice a month to catch up on stuff (He deliberately leaves out the part where he's been running with a renowned mercenary).
He also visits Lucy whenever he has the time or if he's in the area.
He has ADHD!
Of which he doesn't take meds for, whoops.
He's built up a lot of emotional walls throughout the years. He could count on one hand the number of people that have seen him cry.
Funny Man™
He always smells like burning chemicals covered in a layer of cheap cologne and strawberry shampoo.
He stims by pacing, flapping his hands, biting himself and tugging on his feathers.
He tends to cause harm to himself without realizing it. Pulling out feathers, scratching himself too hard, etc.
He wears black fingerless gloves with gold ring cuffs and black & yellow sneakers.
He got his bandana from his mom and his gloves from his dad.
Yes, he has done the cartoon anvil thing to someone. And the comically large hammer.
He can speak 13 languages: English, Spanish, French, Dutch, Welsh, German, Norwegian, Italian, Barese, Vietnamese, Swedish, Russian, and Portuguese.
He is Aromantic and Asexual.
Alrighty, that's all of the ones I can think of right now.
If you want to hear more specific headcanons about any of them, or just any sonic characters in general, then shoot me an ask!
Either that or you can tell me some of your headcanons! I like hearing other people's thoughts on characters. :D
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enderwalking · 2 years
re: endersmile, i'm very much in the belief that things like the community house, handing over of the book, and keeping of the disc were trust exercises in a way, both ways. they're both very guarded people, so it'd make sense that they'd need to test each other out before committing to the larger portion of the plan. if enderboo was the one to suggest the community house like you pointed out, then that'd be dream risking something dear to him, the largest symbol of the server's past 1/7
His past, the symbolic Commitment to the plan, lose the past for their shared ideal future. meanwhile enderboo handing over his book is like him baring his neck in exchange, back then the book was the only lifeline ranboo rly had w the everchanging politics/relations/events, to lose it would be losing himself. and i think the traitor reveal was planned, a way to distance them in the server's minds, fully knowing the risk of execution (one that dream and punz could easily stop like hog hunt, and we know ranboo's opinions on dying for a cause he believes in, especially if petty bc jfc he hated how nlm was). the supplying of tnt was likely as simple as "i want this place Gone, let me help" from enderboo, bc we hear from ranboo how he was onboard w its destrunction, that it was inevitable and was likely for the best. the disc holding is described by the voice as a secret exchange in the nether, one of them having gotten the disc from skeppy beforehand(happyduo is very involved in their shit at key points, its interesting), and this one For Sure is a trust exercise since dream could've easily hidden it elsewhere or had it in his e-chest but instead he gave it to enderboo to hide until he needed it back, and after retreiving it he even left a lil thank you note. ranboo's main concern when finding it was the horror of doing so unknowingly and not wanting to believe it, but then it was feeling in danger from Others finding out, not dream, he was worried for his, phil, and techno's safety bc he knows the lengths people(tommy, namely) will go to for the discs, for the power they hold on some people. i think from then on they had their bond Solid, dream letting enderboo into the disc finale rehearsals and all, enderboo quickly visiting prison over and over, dream and his clock tantrum arc and wanting to send a message to ranboo above even george, enderboo's eager response to the message in a way that seemed to mock his forgetful self. not to mention how i think that enderboo was expecting to have a big reveal in disc finale(-points at Mask of My Own Face-), but dream being dream chose to protect him instead(an ongoing trend of his that i hold dearly) by taking the community house blame, which confused enderboo as shown by the staring and his notes from the finale. i care they and their fucked up plans that they Somehow keep getting away w -Soul (apologizes for the sudden ask essay lmao, i have terminal endersmile brainrot its a problem -Soul)
DO NOT APOLOGIZE THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS IN FACT terminal endersmile brainrot is a constant on the lei enderwalking blog and i am delighted to share it
i completely agree wrt the whole trust exercises thing, and that is such a fantastic take on my mostly-silly theory/headcanon about the community house explosion that i'm adopting it immediately omg. i think the only thing i don't fully agree with in this is that i really don't think that ranboo was ever meant to be revealed in the finale? i've talked before about how ranboo's alliance with dream is one that is played extremely close to the chest, like i don't think there was any way that he would've exposed that in front of 90% of the server. in my mind, the eye contact was something very different, it was more about an unspoken signal like, "this is all according to plan, you know this. we both know what needs to happen next."
only semi-related tangent, but it's interesting the context in which dream does finally reveal information connecting himself to ranboo, i.e. to sam in the prison. dream told sam about ranboo in the midst of attempting to destroy sam's entire worldview, and it was a very spiteful, targeted reveal of information, like he was saying, "this is the person you wrote off as just a meek hostage, as just collateral damage, and yet this is the person who shook the control you so desperately grasped for. what does that say about people? what does that say about you?" and yet even in revealing ranboo's actions, he still holds back. he doesn't give any details as to why or how the prison tnt happened, he doesn't give any context to why or how ranboo is working with him, it's just an isolated bit of information, given only after dream has already made sure of the limits of sam's knowledge on ranboo overall. and this is speculation, but just based on how dream is and on the nature of his and ranboo's relationship, i don't think dream would have revealed anything if he wasn't fully confident that there would be no chance of sam retaliating against ranboo in the future. obviously at this point ranboo is already dead so he was less at risk, but more than that, i think it shows that dream was absolutely Determined to intimidate and break sam down to the point where he wouldn't dare.
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