kaxenart · 11 months
I'm obsessed with your citizen sleeper drawings!! They're so cute and funny, and capture the spirit of the game is such an adorable way!
Thanks so much!
This game has a stranglehold on my mind so there is more where that came from.
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Gonna get to the rest of the cast eventually. I would die for Lem and Mina
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How would each like to kill the other?
i think zeke at this point doesn’t even care about how it happens, it just needs to happen. he imagines it in so many different ways that the only thing that truly matters to him is that gortash is forever gone (haha good one zekie poo that will never happen even if you kill him :P). though, i think he’d prefer it if he did it with his teeth. rip his skin off first and see and feel all the viscera under his tongue. he wouldn’t eat him, never, would not taint himself even more, but he would beat and tear at his corpse until he’s nothing but an unrecognizable mess on the floor.
kinda touched upon this already, but gortash essentially has this vision of “conquering the beast” that is ezekiel, so, zeke would be in his slayer form, and gortash would hunt him with his crossbow like the classic “knight in shining armor hunting the vile dragon” story, but he’d sickeningly draw it out over hours, days of injuries, whittling zeke’s body and mind down until he’s nothing but a ruin of himself. and then he would finish the job with his hands—most definitely by choking him.
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samanthamarkle92 · 1 day
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New chapter! Shout outs to: @johnnymactavishlover @johnnymactavish @redravenarts @nsharks @shadow0-1 @deadbranch @salbei-141 @thiswomanhasissues @loonyundead @codfanzine @mocha @cravingcoldoreocake123 @ilovehotchocolate @sofasoap @loneghostwolf @mistyresolve @islenthatur @bittersw33t-lotus @m0chac0ffee @fictional-men-have-my-heart @ghostslillady @ghosts-bandwagon @soapxmactavish @mactavishwritings @sleepyconfusedpotato @gamergirlbonestaskforce141riot @halcyone-of-the-sea @rileyslibrary @ghostkinnie @mctvsh @macravishedbymactavish @mistydeyes @cowyolks @ave661 @clownfishenthusiast @lunarw0rks @summermoonshine @lundenloves @glossysoap @cheezbites @xintothewoodswegox @sighmurderbot @wolfieisacat @1-ker0sene-1 @oniiloma @castleninja @ghostslittlegf @fastleopard1521 @saltofmercury @blingblong55
Note: the fan art is not mine, but I found it in Pinterest and could not find the original artist. If you know who they are, please let them know so I can give them credit and the pic was too perfect not to use for this scene!
Chapter 8
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The following morning, Soap woke slowly and stared at the ceiling, watching Katie sleeping peacefully. He ran his fingertips through her hair, brushing it off her face. She looked even more angelic than normal when  asleep. He studied her features; every feature, every angle. The warm sunlight was coming through the window, highlighting the planes of her face in such a beautiful way. Her cheeks were rosy and pink, her full lips parted slightly as she breathed in and out.
‘I could watch her all day.’ He thought to himself, smiling softly as he traced the shape of her nose and chin. He kissed her lightly on the forehead. She stirred, and he pulled the coverlet on the bed over her naked shoulders, watching her as she slept peacefully.
‘I’d rather be here, cuddling with her all day than anywhere else in the world. This woman is my home...my heart.'
He gently placed a stray strand of hair behind her ear. He  leaned down to press a chaste kiss to her lips. She smiled in her sleep, snuggling deeper into the sheets.
“Hey, sleepyhead.” He chuckled. She opened one eye halfway.
“Mmmm….hi. What time is it?” she mumbled groggily.
“It's morning. Do you want  breakfast?”
She nodded her head quickly, rubbing her eyes as Soap pulled the covers off her. She threw on some clothes and followed him downstairs. They sat together eating a breakfast of cereal, toast, and orange juice. They had some tea on the deck, breathing in the clean forest air.
“Thank you for showing me this place,” she sighed, leaning into his shoulder.
“Anytime, sweetheart. I hope you enjoyed yourself.” He smiled, wrapping his arm around her shoulder.
Katie nodded, taking another sip of tea.
“I did! Thanks.”
“Did you want to see something else?”
“You promised to show me the standing stones in the woods.” She said, playing with his dog tags.
“Well, let's head out there now. It's still early.” Soap stood, holding out his hand to help her get up. They walked hand in hand, heading along the path leading deep into the woods. As they reached the riverbank, Soap stopped and picked a flower and put it in Katie's hair. She giggled, walking off the path to balance on a fallen log.
“Come on,” she called. Soap joined her, hopping down the bank and joining her by the water. He took her hands in his, helping her hop across the narrow stream. They walked along the edge of the river, looking around for animals. Soon the came to the clearing where the stone circle was. 
“Wow,” Katie uttered softly. Soap gazed at her fondly, admiring how captivated she seemed. He crouched down next to the stones, observing their intricate patterns. The mossy area was bathed in the early afternoon sunlight, creating a warm glow on the stones. It reminded him of how peaceful they were.
“Do you want to walk around?”
Katie nodded eagerly.
They walked along the perimeter of the clearing, picking flowers as they walked along the riverbed. 
“When I was a boy, I’d always explore around here; my gran was superstitious, and tell me to be careful or else the fairies would get me. To be honest, I think it was just to keep me from getting lost. I think it was my adventurous side that made me want to join the army.” Soap smirked. Katie laughed lightly, gazing lovingly at him.
They wandered aimlessly around the clearing.
“This spot is beautiful,” she commented.
“Yeah, it is.” He agreed. Suddenly, they heard a strange noise. Turning towards the sound, they saw a large deer walking slowly across the river, looking curiously at them. It stopped at the edge of the stream and sniffed the ground before turning back and trotting away.
“Come on, let’s go down to the pond; I think the blackberry bushes might be ready for picking,” Soap suggested. 
“Good idea.”
They walked back to the small waterfall, enjoying the sun as it filtered into the lake. When they reached the bank, Soap bent down to pick a few berries, tossing them in his mouth one by one. Katie picked a burdock leaf to carry them.
“We can come back here later and bring a container for them.” Soap suggested. “We  can build 
 a fire, maybe watch the sunset. The stars are amazing out here;  they’re so bright you feel like you could touch them.” 
“Sounds wonderful.” She smiled brightly, grabbing his hand. He smiled down at her, squeezing it.
“Come on, let’s make our way back.” He led the way.
Back at the cabin, Soap helped Katie make some sandwiches. It was a quick lunch. Katie found herself looking at some family photos.
“Here’s my mum and dad, and this is my gran.” Soap said, pointing to each face. “Here’s me when I was younger.” He showed her a Polaroid of a kid with mud streaked over his face wielding a stick.
“What were you doing?” Katie said, laughing.
“I was pretending I was a warrior from the Highlands.” He grinned.
“Were you trying to look fierce?” she teased, poking his cheek.
He shrugged, grinning sheepishly.
“I don’t remember much of it....but I was pretty cool.”
She grinned, ruffling his hair.
“That you were.”
They finished makin g their sandwiches and packed them up, putting them in a picnic basket. They headed back to the cabin, sitting outside on the porch.
“I love this place.” Katie sighed happily.
“Me too.” He agreed.
They sat in silence for a while, wondering how long they could ignore the outside world while they were here in the safety of each other’s company. Finally, Katie broke the spell. She looked nervously at him.
“Soap...about last night…”
He sighed heavily, turning his gaze towards her.
“It was something special wasn't it?” he asked quietly.
“Yes it was.” She admitted. “I never knew you felt this way about someone.”
“Neither did I. And it scares the heck out of me.” He whispered. “It scares me that I might leave for a mission, and God-forbid die, leaving you alone.
 I don't know if I could live without you. But I'm not sure if I could bear to lose you. Not again...not after everything we've been through.”
“I wouldn’t ever wish that on you. You’ve given me so many things and no one has ever done anything like that. If you want to be happy; the military is your life. And it's your choice. And I respect it.”
Soap smiled and leaned forwards, capturing her lips in a gentle kiss. It was slow, tender and soft. He cupped her face and pressed his body closer into hers, his hands sliding upwards to cup her breasts, pulling her onto his lap. They cuddled for a while, heading back to the pond around dusk. Soap built a fire, and Katie waded in the shallows. Once the fire was burning, he walked over to her and kneeled down beside her, resting his elbows on his thighs as he watched her splash around in the water. His arms encircled her waist as she splashed him playfully. He kissed her neck, nuzzling it with his nose as his hands roamed her body. The stars came out, spread across the blue-black sky. 
“Wow! It's beautiful out here!  I can't believe I missed all the starry nights!” She turned around, laying her hands against his shoulders. Her fingers traced a pattern on his chest.
“Me neither, but it's nice to see them every once in a while,” he murmured, pressing his lips against hers again. He lay back on a blanket near the fire and she rested her head on his chest. A moment later, his arms wrapped tightly around her, holding her close to him.
The fire crackled merrily, casting dancing shadows across the darkening woods. Katie was quiet, her eyelids slowly dropping shut. Soap held her close to him, feeling sleep tugging on his consciousness. He gently stroked her hair. Eventually, her breathing evened out and she fell asleep, her body limp and relaxed against his.
His eyes remained open for awhile longer, watching the stars twinkle above him until he eventually closed them, letting sleep take him under its sweet embrace. They woke up close to midnight.
“Do you want to walk back to the cabin or stay here?” He asked, wrapping his hoodie around her. She yawned. 
“You know, I've never slept under the stars before, Johnny.”
“Then I guess we’ll stay here,” he said, tossing a few extra logs on the fire. He felt her fingers lace with his. She kissed his nose sweetly, then snuggled further into his side. He held her close, listening to the sounds of the forest, feeling content.
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darke15 · 7 months
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To all my live reactors,
Please, please, please, hide your reactions under a Read More cut. I don’t want any spoilers floating around. 
To all my Anonymous Avengers, 
If you want to react in my asks, feel free. However, I won’t be answering any of them until at least Wednesday if they contain spoilers. 
Thank you,
┍━━━━━━━━ ★ ━━━━━━━━┑
“Destroy it,” the Doctor said without hesitation as the Soldier opened the door of an SUV for him.
“Yes, sir.”
“Ace?” the man hummed, glancing over his shoulder and caught the redhead’s attention, “All of it.”
Ace nodded, turning his back to the man and moving toward another car before he paused, “What about her?”
“She is gone,” the Doctor said, grabbing a new pair of glasses from inside the vehicle and sliding them up his nose, “For now. Come. We must move.”
The Soldier nodded, rounding the SUV and glancing down the hall before ducking inside the vehicle. It took off before he had time to close the door. The sound of the engine hummed through the dimly lit tunnel as it traveled.
The Soldier paused, glancing over his shoulder and at the darkening tunnel as the lights flickered.
“What is it?”
“Кем она была?” Who was she?
“She is everything.”
The Soldier nodded slowly, facing forward as the Doctor turned to look at him, “Я знал ее.”
I knew her.
┕━━━━━━━━ ★ ━━━━━━━━┙
✪ Bᴀᴛᴛʟᴇ Sᴄᴀʀʀᴇᴅ : Aғᴛᴇʀᴍᴀᴛʜ
♜♠ Tʜᴇ Sᴏʟᴅɪᴇʀ & Tʜᴇ Sᴘʏ
⧗ Tʜᴇ Rᴇᴅ Rᴏᴏᴍ
☞ Bᴀᴛᴛʟᴇ Sᴄᴀʀʀᴇᴅ: Oʀɪɢɪɴs
»Jᴏɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴀʀᴋᴇ sɪᴅᴇ Tᴀɢʟɪsᴛ
@thexbookxnerdx // @fadingbakeryfarmoperator // @rhymingtree // @itsmeatballworld // @kippykasey // @turtleedovee // @onewithnomightypowers // @pixviee // @riahmcq // @thequeenofthefallen // @jesuswasnotawhiteman // @fnnshelbys // @knowyourworth-sellyoursoul // @banbananas // @oikawasblueearbud // @itsarussian // @mrsbarnesinmyimagination // @oopsiedoopsie23 // @luhuhzy // @heyimjustlaura12 // @moonlightreader649 // @sighmurderbot // @useless-creature-213 // @xiyouchan // @bookfeen // @afraidofshrimp // @yjck121 // @born-a-sinner-die-a-martyr // @comfortzonequeen // @essieham27 // @lluvon // @aftermatharchives
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captainxandis · 4 months
shuffle your On Repeat playlist and list the first 10 songs that play, then tag 10 people ✨
Tagged by @sqoiler ^^ hiiiiiiiiiiii
1. The baddest by K/DA
2. Prayer of the refugee by Rise Against
3. Unbelievable by Owl City
4. The Best Damn Thing by Avril Lavigne
5. S&M by Rhianna
6. What The Hell hy Avril Lavigne
7. Haven't Had Enough by Marianas Trench
8. How to be a heartbreaker by Marina
9. Seventeen by Marina
10. Celebrity Status by Marianas Trench
Im going to be real I am super surprised there wasnt a single sea shanty that came up. It was fun though ty for tagging me!
@ratcourtjester @frogwhispererer @weaseltotheface @sighmurderbot @zephsomething @superbibliophile @wizard-of-soup @lesbinami and any9me else wh9 wants to join in!
Sorry for not making it to 10 i am falling asleep in my bed all nice and cozy w my pubby
Apso sorry to the people i tagged feel no pressure inwas picking mutuals out of my notifications <3
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megs-98 · 6 months
10 characters
big thanks to @justporo and @tavdraws for the tag! :)
rules: pick 10 characters from 10 fandoms and tag 10 people
not gonna lie, these descriptions will probably be pretty short but just know i love all of these characters with my whole chest
1: gonna follow the lead and put astarion first because this pixelated man as truly changed my life for the better. he got me back into gaming, back on tumblr, and introduced me to the most incredible people i've ever met
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2: bob belcher- i am him, he is me, we are one. bob's burgers is my go to comfort show and i just love bob so much. he's such a loving husband, father, and friend. so unproblematic, ugh i just love him
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3: trevor belmont- this man had me hooked, he's so funny, stubborn, and skilled. i don't know much about castlevania other than what i've seen in the show and i loved him the minute i saw him
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4: padme amidala- i absolutely loved natalie portman's portyal of padme. the prequel series really left a mark on my childhood and i still love watching them. she's just such a badass character, her and anakin should have been at the club
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5: pike trickfoot- while i love the whole vox machina crew, i have loved watching pike's journey throughout the show (i really need to watch the campaign too) but this show and character deepened my interest in dnd and is just so fun to watch
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6: dean winchester- i mean, what more can i say.. this man still has a grip on me after i first saw him for the first time when i was in middle school. seeing his complexities, his love for sammie, cas, and bobby is so heartwarming. just give this man a hug please
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7: billy butcher- out of all the morally grey characters i love, butcher is in the top 3 for sure. the boys is such an incredible show and i love the antihero/vigilantly take that eric kripke took and expanded on. butcher has been through so much, is still going through so much, and i just love watching as his character evolves
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8: inuyasha- this is the first anime i ever watched, back when you hoped to god all the episodes with subtitles could be found on youtube or else you had to scour the internet looking for a website that would actually worked. his bond with kagome, the sassiness, just everything about him kept me watching the show
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9: coraline jones- i have loved this movie from the first time i watched it, i desperately need to read the book. it's just such a fun watch and coraline is such a strong, independent girl who stands up for herself and what's right. easily one of my favorite movies
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10: dennis rafkin- 13 ghosts was one of my favorite movies growing up. mans is so stressed the whole time trying to help arthur and his family get out of that damn house, i love him (really any matthew lillard character)
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i'm tagging @sighmurderbot @thatfreshi @vicsplinters @rosyangel95 @starbuds-and-rosedust @kentuckynm @bloodlessbhaalbabe @smaranshakthi @novarunestone @minibabymel (apologies if you've been tagged already or have already done this :) ) no pressure to participate, only if you want too! <3
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the-invisible-queer · 5 months
Thanks for the tag @sighmurderbot
Ten current favorite songs!
Y'all know I've been on my Jonas bullshit so it's gonna be mostly Jonas songs
"The Ugly Truth" by Nick Jonas
"bad idea right?" by Olivia Rodrigo
"Greenlight" by Jonas Brothers
"Be Mean" by DNCE
"Maan Meri Jaan (Afterlife)" by King & Nick Jonas
"Jersey" by Jonas Brothers
"Teacher" by Nick Jonas
"Kissing Strangers" by DNCE & Nicki Minaj
"Summer Baby" by Jonas Brothers
"I Bet - Remix" by Ciara ft. Joe Jonas
Tagging: @redvanillabee @funkylittledemon @baubeautyandthegeek @joejonas--tea and anyone else who wants to do it 🤷🏽‍♂️
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darthbecky726 · 2 years
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I posted 7,233 times in 2022
That's 6,314 more posts than 2021!
151 posts created (2%)
7,082 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 513 of my posts in 2022
#reblog - 289 posts
#ofmd - 46 posts
#spn - 36 posts
#our flag means death - 36 posts
#star wars - 31 posts
#shitpost - 31 posts
#becky rambles - 31 posts
#daredevil - 24 posts
#blackbonnet - 23 posts
#matt murdock - 21 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i once left my house key in my jacket pocket and then it got too warm for that jacket so i couldnt find it for like a week before it cooled
My Top Posts in 2022:
I apologize for the person I will become next Wednesday if this musical cue pans out like I want it too
55 notes - Posted January 20, 2022
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71 notes - Posted April 20, 2022
I made a tiny Baymax!! I love him so much💕
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136 notes - Posted July 27, 2022
watching gravity falls s2e6 little gift shop of horrors, and the fact that the waddles short story is completely made up by stan kinda hurts when you think about it
he made up a story about dipper (and waddles) leaving Mabel behind intellectually, going off to make new discoveries and inventions and, while he ties it up cutely bc it's about his niblings, knowing what we know about Stan and ford's childhood makes it hurt a lot more
271 notes - Posted January 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
of all the things to come from the chr*s pr*tt Mario movie, shipping bowzer x Luigi was not on my bingo card
296 notes - Posted December 1, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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If they pass each other in the street what are their reactions?
hmm complicated one because it’d obviously vastly differ on what point in the timeline this takes place/circumstances/etc. in the very beginning zeke doesn’t know what gortash looks like/doesn’t recognize him, gortash probably takes notice of what he wears, tries to figure out where he’s going, stuff like that, but they’d walk past each other. later on gortash would always makes sure to greet him “amiably”, and zeke would accept his friendly handshake while gnashing his teeth and glaring at him—zeke’s much worse at keeping up facades than gort and to zeke’s misery gortash enjoys that. that’s also why he calls him “little prince” or “dear/dearest” sometimes—these nicknames are not born out of affection but out of malice intended to enrage zeke. something i’ve actually decided about zeke’s character quite recently is that he’s a violinist, and guess who sits in the front row in one of his performances one day? that’s right babey, counsellor enver gortash. gortash always has some sort scheme up his sleeve, surely he’s here to harm him in some way? thinks to himself that he can just figure it out while playing, be cautious, surely it wouldn’t be something in front of all these people? you idiot of course it was. so mid piece he starts getting out of tune shortly before having an absolutely mortifying paranoid breakdown on stage. and that’s exactly what gortash came to see—he had planned for nothing else this evening.
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What's each's favorite physical and non-physical attribute about the other?
zeke cannot help but admire his intelligence and cunning. you couldn’t waterboard anything else out of him though lmao.
gortash loves zeke’s eyes—they are his favourite part to draw of him too. there’s nothing more magnificent than catching his gaze when he’s furious, burning, or utterly terrified, sobbing, or hungry for blood. well, besides perhaps being the reason why he’s looking like that. for non-physical attributes it’d be of course also his intelligence—the reason they became interested in each in the first place, but one thing gortash also cherishes about zeke is his insane resilience.
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First impressions?
zeke’s first impression of gortash is complicated—mainly because he was an elusive master of the strings (nicknamed “The Spider” by him) of events he was investigating. i think zeke has never been seriously challenged in his life before this, so when he finally sees those strings connecting everything, that massive web leading back to a certain counsellor, he’s strangely fascinated. obsession starts at that point. so, i guess his true first impression was that “The Spider” would be his biggest and most challenging target yet. i’d say a little fear was there, but zeke ignored it because he doesn’t, cannot ever lose after all. in all this tunnel vision on finally seeing these strings, he doesn’t notice the ones already around his neck.
gortash found out about zeke much earlier than zeke did about him. a young, fast rising in popularity detective not famous because he’s the son of some noble, but because of his skills? of course he’s heard about him, i think even at this point he already very much considers baldur’s gate “his”, so he’s probably pretty knowledgeable about the latest happenings and so on. when he learns that zeke is snooping around in his business, he quickly learns just how intelligent he seems to be, but doesn’t think of him as more than a nasty little pest that needs to be squashed under his boot.
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What is the theme song of their relationship?
i actually have a playlist for them!
but if i had to pick one, it’d be either Playing His Game or Hunter’s Kiss :>
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may I spam questions about gortash x zeke
go right ahead :D
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I think about gortash x zeke far too often for someone who is a casual bystander
waughh thank you…….. you have no idea how much people enjoying my insane little blog means to me <3333
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samanthamarkle92 · 10 months
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Hey everyone! Still stuck on writing, but have the first part of a Soap fic to give you lovely people something to read! In this story, Soap rescues a young woman named Kate during a bank robbery. He decides to let her stay with him until she feels safe (even recruiting an old friend to help) and soon it turns into something more than roommates. Special shout out to: @deadbranch @nsharks @cravingcoldoreocake123 @ilovehotchocolate @codfanzine @sofasoap @loneghostwolf @shadow0-1 @mistyresolve @islenthatur @bittersw33t-lotus @salbei-141 @m0chac0ffee @fictional-men-have-my-heart @ghostslillady @ghosts-bandwagon @soapxmactavish @mactavishwritings @sleepyconfusedpotato @gamergirlbonestaskforce141riot @halcyone-of-the-sea @rileyslibrary @ghostkinnie @mctvsh @macravishedbymactavish @blissful--moon @mistydeyes @cowyolks @maxinequigleyart @ave661 @clownfishenthusiast @xintothewoodswegox @sighmurderbot If I missed anyone feel free to tag and reblog so others can check it out!
All he had come in for was to use the ATM.
He didn't really have any other purpose for being at the bank right now. All he needed to do was go in for his change.
The door slid open and in walked the pretty blonde. She fumbled with her purse, standing in line for the teller.
Soap punched in his PIN, mentally making a list of things he needed. He thought he'd just get some cash out and grab groceries. The machine dinged, and he got the wad of notes that the machine had deposited. He had just got the money in his wallet, when he heard a scream from one of the women in line.
Soap spun around, trying to figure out what could have happened.
Some masked men had slipped in, taking advantage of the crowd. They were grabbing people left and right. One man grabbed the blonde woman, dragging her out of the line by her hair.
Soap felt sick inside.
He took a deep breath and ducked behind a counter. He had been in worse situations than this.
'Just my luck; I survived a dangerous top-secret mission taking out a terrorist cell, and now I get stuck in a bank robbery just blocks from my flat.'
He tried not to think about it too much. He would be out soon. The men who'd abducted the lady wouldn't be able to hold everyone here forever. There would be plenty of police to help. The whole incident would be over before he knew it. His soldier instincts told him to use his head; protect others, but don't be stupid. He reached under his jacket, making sure his concealed weapon was ready. The blonde girl swung her purse into the thug's stomach, knocking the wind out of him. That didn't help the situation though. Another one of them grabbed her by the throat, choking her.
That's when it all went to shit.
It wasn't as if he didn't know how to fight. He had done training, been in war zones, gone on stealth operations. But this was different. This was violence, and it wasn't a world away; it was down the street. The robbers had what they needed, and the biggest one grabbed the girl, using her as a human shield.
'Shit! Shit! Shit!' Soap yelled inwardly. If they took her out of the building, anything could happen. No one wanted that kind of thing to happen on their watch.  Soap didn't want that kind of thing to happen.
He started backing up slowly toward the doorway. The gang was only four men, but even the most skilled fighter wouldn't just throw himself into the fight. He waited until they group was almost out the door before he stood, brandishing his gun.
"Let her go!" Soap yelled. He was going for intimidation, which wasn't going to be easy with a handgun pointed at his chest. Some shots were fired into the air, but that was all. Soap ran after them, afraid to shoot in fear of hitting the girl. She was putting up a fight. They were dragging her to the getaway car. Soap took a chance firing above the group. the butt of a handgun slammed into the back of her head, and then the criminals drove off, leaving their hostage prone on the sidewalk.
"Are you okay?!" Soap asked, kneeling down beside her. Her eyes were closed, and she couldn't seem to catch her breath. Soap gently shook her shoulder. "Hey, wake up. Can you hear me? Wake up." She whimpered slightly. Soap quickly lifted her head and tucked his jacket under it,  hoping to stop the bleeding from the back of her head. "Oh god, I'm so sorry," he said. "I'm so sorry." She mouthed something at him, but no words came out.
His hands shook as he took his phone from his pocket and dialed 999.
"I was in the bank robbery on Churchill Street! I have a woman with a blow to the head! Please get an ambulance!" He hung up, cradling the girl's head.
"Hang on, love....help is on the way....just hang on...okay? You're gonna be fine."
She was breathing normally. Soap put his ear next to her mouth, checking her breathing rate. He let out the breath he was holding. "Thank God...stay awake...you need to stay awake, love."
She opened her eyes briefly before letting them close again. Her face looked pale and sweaty.
"You'll be fine...you're gonna be alright....they're gone...please stay awake."
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samanthamarkle92 · 6 days
Soap’s Girl
Hey everyone! Sorry this took so long! Much love to the fellow writers! Shout out to: @nsharks @shadow0-1 @deadbranch @salbei-141 @thiswomanhasissues @loonyundead @codfanzine @mocha @cravingcoldoreocake123 @ilovehotchocolate @sofasoap @loneghostwolf @mistyresolve @islenthatur @bittersw33t-lotus @m0chac0ffee @fictional-men-have-my-heart @ghostslillady @ghosts-bandwagon @soapxmactavish @mactavishwritings @sleepyconfusedpotato @gamergirlbonestaskforce141riot @halcyone-of-the-sea @rileyslibrary @ghostkinnie @mctvsh @macravishedbymactavish @mistydeyes @cowyolks @maxinequigleyart @ave661 @clownfishenthusiast @lunarw0rks @summermoonshine @lundenloves @glossysoap @cheezbites @xintothewoodswegox @sighmurderbot @wolfieisacat @1-ker0sene-1 @oniiloma @castleninja @ghostslittlegf @fastleopard1521
Feel free to reblog and tag others!
Chapter 6
“We need to talk about last night, Katie,” Johnny spoke up during breakfast the following morning.
Katie froze for a second.
“It's alright….I appreciated it! You looked after me!” Katie tried to assure him.
“Alright…..look, I care about you a lot. If you ever wanna talk to someone, I'd be happy to listen. I'll do whatever I can to help you..”
“Thank you,” Katie smiled softly. “I'll think about it….maybe. Thank you so much, Johnny.”
“Of course. It's okay,
really. You're important to me.” he replied with a slight blush coloring his cheeks.
Katie felt warm inside, smiling widely, before finishing her breakfast.
After they finished eating, Kat packed up their dishes and threw them away in the dishwasher. She heard her phone ring and answered it. She put it on speaker when she saw it was from the police.
“Katie, I'm sorry for disturbing you. We just wanted to know if you're able to come by the station later today. We have some information for you to follow up on and would like to give it to you straight away.” one of them explained. Katie nodded, agreeing to come.
“Okay, let me get ready.”
“I’m coming with you, bonnie.” Johnny said, standing up and grabbing the keys off the hook. He then grabbed his jacket and walked towards the door, waiting patiently for her outside.
“You sure?” she asked, giving him a skeptical look.
The two then left their apartment, locking up as they went. They made their way over to the police station, parking in the parking lot behind them.
“Do you think the chief has gotten any leads yet?” Soap asked, leaning back in his seat.
“Honestly, I hope it's good news; I want to sleep at night again. But, there’s always tomorrow.”
“No matter what, I'm still gonna be here for ya, sweetheart. Nothing is gonna keep me away. Ever. Even though I'm probably not going to get much sleep.” Soap joked.
She laughed lightly, watching a car pass them in the parking lot.
“Well,” she paused, looking out the window at the scenery. “I don't mind having you looking after me. At least until you get tired of me. That could take quite a while.” She admitted, looking over at him, flashing him a grin.
Soap grinned back at her. “You've already given me more trouble than anyone should have the right to. So, I think a little bit more will make no difference to me. Besides, someone has to make dinner.” He teased jokingly.
“Oh, hahaha…” she replied sarcastically. She couldn't believe how flirty she sounded, even to her own ears.”
The both walked into the precinct, walking down the hallway to the main office.
Johnny saw how nervous Katie was, and he
reached out and gently squeezed her hand, giving her an assuring smile. She gave him a grateful nod in return.
The officer behind the desk smiled politely, motioning for the pair to sit down. The pair followed suit, sitting across from each other. “How can we help you today?” she asked politely.
“Actually, ma'am, we're here to see Detective Troy.” Katie replied.
The officer looked up from her computer screen and cleared her throat, “He's expecting you. Just Wait here and he’ll be with you shortly.”
Soap sat quietly next to Katie in the lobby area, waiting patiently. Katie sat with her legs crossed under her, playing with the hem of her sleeve nervously. After a few minutes, there was a knock on the door.
“Come on in, Chief.”
Troy opened the door, peeking into the hall.
“Miss Jennings! Thank you for coming on such short notice! We have made several arrests and we would like for you to do a voice line up.”
Katie's eyes widened slightly at his words. Voice line up? What was that? She had seen the pictures of those who had been arrested for crimes in the papers a few weeks ago, but hearing about it from another cop was something different.
“Sure…” She agreed tentatively.
“Follow me. I know you must be nervous but I promise this is completely safe. The suspects can’t hear you or see you. Just listen carefully and let us know if they sound familiar. ”
“Okay…” Katie trailed along behind him. He led her down the corridor, turning into another set of doors. She listened to the voices of the suspects carefully, trying to determine the ones that she recognized.
"Is there anyone else?" Troy asked, turning to look at Katie. "I don't hear anybody else."
"I heard them! You have the right men! But they seem familiar! I swear they did this thing to me!" Katie shouted. She closed her eyes tightly, taking a deep breath to try to calm herself,
"Shhh....we understand," Troy said calmly, holding Katie's shoulders. She looked up at him, nodding in response.
“Is that all? Do I have to do anything else?”
“We’ll be in contact with you for taking more testimony and the case going forward. Thank you for your cooperation,” he said in a pleasant tone.
“Yeah...thanks for stopping them!” she blurted out anxiously,
waving goodbye. She quickly ran back towards the car, trying not to trip. She got in and immediately started crying, burying her face in Johnny's shoulder, trying to control her emotions.
“They caught them! At least I can sleep at night again! Oh my god….it’s really over!”
“Hang in there, Katie, you did it. You got them all. Now we can go home and sleep peacefully without worry! Everything is fine. It’s finally over.” he reassured her, stroking her hair lovingly.
She slowly composed herself.
“You want to celebrate? We can grab some dinner and head home,” he offered.
“Yeah….that sounds perfect!”
A couple hours passed and they were driving back home, talking about their day.
“That was amazing, honey. You handled yourself well.” He told her with a huge grin on his face. He turned to kiss her gently on the lips, which caused her to blush.
They went to sleep in the separate beds, wondering if this qualified as a date.
Both of them hoped so.
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