deeva-arud · 6 months
He begged her to pose like that together (ft. Riddle "doesthisbreakaschoolrule" Rosehearts)
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chronicowboy · 13 days
no but my work here is done is still fucking destroying me because like. bobby doesn't know. bobby doesn't know that buck enjoys their cooking lessons because he gets to be with bobby. bobby doesn't know that buck probably agreed to it at first to get closer to him. bobby doesn't know that whilst yes buck loves cooking it was always more about the quality time. bobby doesn't know that buck could be the best chef in the world and he'd still pretend not to know the correct way to slice a pineapple just so he could get an extra few moments with bobby. bobby doesn't know.
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satans-knitwear · 8 months
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Im so excited about this skirt omfg
Treat me ~ Tip Me ~ More of me
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saintaviator · 1 year
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transgender-catboy · 7 months
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Oof, it's nearly 6:30am, have Shadow the hedgehog in the bible
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maudiemoods · 5 months
I will become my own blorbo
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About time I made a jester sona
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earlycuntsets · 16 days
one of the 15 times (source) drowning lessons has been played live
and gerard did sing his ass off
11/14/2003 university of connecticut-stamford, stamford, CT
matt menard on youtube sent to me by @bilateralgynandromorph
@pissworm39 saw you mention you need this!
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caramelcalum · 6 months
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thwackk · 1 year
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mayb i’ll post my boosters here too
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drrav3nb · 4 months
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"He's a character who has a lot of conflict between his professionalism and work ethics as a detective...I acted with caution on Jang Nangam's change to the point that it raised doubt if he's going to became a more dangerous person than the culprit" - Son Sukku on his character in 'A Killer Paradox'
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adzy-drawz · 3 months
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Heard the pink city fandom is starving for food so I am throwing crumbs at y'all
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st4rryecl1pse · 2 months
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rainofthetwilight · 11 months
honestly, when i first saw sora's backstory, i didnt react much, but now im noticing everything and its just really sad to think about
see this little kid who was full of hope? see this girl, that was just an innocent kid full of life, having that one role model that every kid had in some point of their lives?
this girl was then stripped away from everything she loved the moment she realized the truth, that this "role model" of hers was abusing poor innocent creatures, that their people have been brainwashed by this so-called emperess she actually used to follow, having your own parents shun you and take away everything you had and isolate you just because you knew the truth, and said truth wasnt just something bad, no, it was a fucking nightmare to think about, imagine taking that all in at 10
if the merge never happend, she would've been stuck in that sucker of a realm her whole life. she wouldve never been able to continue her childhood, her love for tech, nothing just absolutely nothing. she wouldve been locked away and alone forever, she wouldnt even have her own family by her side
the fact she didnt even hesitate to leave when the merge happend is heartbreaking, she was so fucking young, and was treated so poorly by everyone. imagine staying like that for probably months. she even named herself after that freaking dragon to respect her.
and as someone who actually experienced what sora had to endure when i was a kid, being shunned by my family for nearly a year during that time, i just have to point out that:
ana and sora are two completely different charcters.
when ana left, she became sora. a completely new person that was an ending with a new beginning, seeds that became remenants.
I know alot of people will disagree with me and say that lloyd had a tougher backstory, or maybe harumi, etc, but every charcter experienced something the other wouldnt handle, making no tragedy rougher than the other
i have nothing else to say but..damn
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wikitpowers · 1 month
I think an alternate universe where Kit was a red head would be really funny… because him and Kit would literally be Cordelia and James re-incarnated
WAIT!!! that's a really cute idea,,, and so i have gathered a few pics to show a ginger/copper haired kit (ik it's not cordelia-red, but i think this colour would suit him so well ahhh)
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but i will add that i adore his natural colour (my blonde little baby) so we can have our silly little headcanon that he just has this hair for like a few months in the summer before going natural again :)
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i do love the colour though and the last pic has me convinced his blue eyes would POP with it, ugh he's so gorgeous help me
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Literally cannot stop thinking about picking Nubbins up alongside the road. Him getting increasingly more creepy and unhinged, you getting more and more freaked out.. but finding some sick enjoyment in it. Squirming and shifting behind the wheel, from both terror and want, to your own disgust
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taikk0 · 2 years
I noticed a LOT of people have a hard time trying to find ways to access Rise so I might as well share how I was able to watch it! The Google Drive is there for people who want the full series downloaded, while Punch Chowder is there for people who just want to watch it online plus bonus content (─‿‿─) ( by the way some episodes may have audio problems but they're bearable 👍👍 )
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