#shes perceptive and knows a lot of people
I know we constantly talk about Jason being a classic lit person, but most people only use P&P and exclusively Jane Austin novels, like yeah my homie she is great but I wanna see more content where Jason’s niche is purely books that people think are related to his death but also not at all related to his death: Frankenstein by Mary Shelly, Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka, The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
Why people think Jason loves Frankenstein: he relates to the Creature, being born again after death but not quite right, rejected by father figure, causing a separation between him and all the humans, thus plunging him into isolation, highly literate but not taken seriously because he doesn’t have a degree from an accredited school (basically self taught)
Why Jason actually loves Frankenstein: it is written through letters!! There are like 4 stories going on at once all embedded in one another, like that’s so fuckin cool! He actually relates to Robert Walton, as he travels the world only to form the outlaws, taking these misfits with him, like how Walton traveled to the North Pole only to find and befriend Victor Frankenstein, taking him with
Why people think he likes the Metamorphosis: Jason relates to Gregor because he turns into something nonhuman overnight only gaining consciousness again after the transition period and although he still feels the same, everyone will forever fear him as something other, just like Jason after the pit which seemed like it changed him overnight as he woke up something othered
Why Jason actually liked the metamorphosis: Kafka didn’t like metaphor so he made the transformation something literal, and he subverted the expectations of transformation at the time as usually transformations were done to give the character some upgrade but in metamorphosis it was a downgrade, ruining Gregors life instead; not to mention for a story about a man being transformed into a bug, not a lot actually happens in the story nor does Gregor actually do a lot, it is less a narrative in the traditional sense and more a stream of consciousness kind of writing which helps it feel different, also I think he would relate to Grete, always trying to help adults around him who were self-destructing a lot of the time, probably especially his parents, I mean he died by trying to save his mother only for her to turn on him, he was fighting crime to help Bruce, etc. Grete was still a child who was helping her brother stay alive when no one else would, she tried to protect her parents from having to deal with Gregor in his transformed state, she even got a job to help the family (similar to Jason becoming Robin to help Bruce)
Why people think Jason liked the picture of Dorian gray: the theme of fleetingness unless intervened through supernatural means (aging painting keeping you young forever or being reborn again despite original life fleeting) only to eventually cause your untimely demise (likely how others view Jason’s perception of himself)
Why Jason actually liked Picture of Dorian Gray: it has so many takes on society that even if you don’t agree with all of them, it at least forces you to think about your own stances and understanding how you view the world around you, it puts a high value on the arts and takes them seriously, it has very well-developed and deeply flawed characters that are fun to read about, and the novel has an interesting history of it being used as evidence in Wilde’s criminal case for being queer
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So,uh,here's my prob with the extremely anti shipping Hobie crowd.Hobie has never been explicitly stated as a familial figure to any Spiderband member and in fact,the first thing we learned about this incarnation of him is that he was gonna be a romantic rival for Miles over Gwen.Now if people hate Ghostpunk because they think it's unnesecessary het drama to Ghostflower or don't want Hobie to date white girls or find the implication of two black dudes fighting over a white girl to be stank,then that's totally valid and i actually agree with the second point as i see Gwen as a half white afrolatina(George is her white parent obvs)because of how i have a lot in common with her and because i feel it fixes the lack of black teen girl rep in Spiderverse,which ofc includes her and Margo being besties and making/supporting solo Margo content instead of misogynoir bullshit,and it's why i feel comfortable shipping Ghostpunk romantically
And with Miles i don't see brothers vision at all due to literally not being able to read their dynamic as anything but Hobie flirting Miles and Miles crushing on him too and i would respect it anway because hey,Punkflower isn't canon either but i've noticed a lot of Atsv fans pushing it as fact and that's where it gets really annoying since it's a CONSTANT thing and Hobie dosen't even act older brotherly to the Spiderband,he acts like their PUNK FRIEND by having a strong sense of community and protecting them and acts rowdy/goofy with them cause punk requires an ultimate rebellious attitude at your core.I also can't help but feel that the perception of Punkflower vs Chaipunk is to get Hobie out of the way of Gwen and Miles as a couple by a good chunk of fake Chaipunk shippers that only do them as a sidedish to G/F and it's worth noting this never happens to Prowlerbyte,a ship that's pretty much only shipped by black fans and therefore lacks the antiblackness in content and motivation
There's also the whole explosion of Noir and Hobie content with almost NONE for Margo and Hobie despite how as i've previously analyzed,Hobie is AFROpunk and Noir's not even punk-Yeah he's anti-fascist but Hobie's punk (sub)CULTURALLY,he was THERE at it's creation,and he's black in every way just like Margo and i find it more than a little offensive as a black punk myself that the same people who hate on canonical queer punk love i.e Gwen being a pastel punk trans girl and Hobie unlabeled and femme and BLACK love i.e Punkflower and Punkbyte also ship Hobie with a whole ass white man from the 1920s who looks exactly Peter B?????Or at be closer to him than his actual communities(i.e Trans people,punks and most importantly NIGGAS).It honestly reminds of Flowerbyte antis who ruin Gwen to turn her into ammo against Margo when she'd never and Margo wouldn't loose even if she did either
Y'all DO know Hobie is meant to be the embodiment of irl black punks and go against antiblack stereorypes,right?So that's why they had Gwen and Miles find him 'insanely hot' and 'loving him'(Miles and Gwen's words,not mine!!)and Gwen and him have a genuinely sweet romance that's mutually beneficial instead of snowbunning and that even with it's final ambiguity-That i am supportive of!I also love Siblings!Ghost Punk and have a hard time picking between it and Gwobie-is meant to symbolize the historical intertwinement between black people and transfems in punk culture?That Hobie while a black symbol first and foremost by far is ALSO an intersectionalist that was shown with him and Gwen and him and Pavitr and black people of different heritage/identities than him(Miles is black nuyorican and Margo is a black girl to his jamaican-english genderqueer)?That we're meant to look up to him as an audience to unlearn propaganda and that a big part of antiblackness is making black people to undateble with passive aggressiveness,right?You know Hobie wasn't /j but /srs,SÍ?????
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taylorrepdetective · 2 days
Have you talked about How Did It End?
If the goal was to make us uncomfortable, then the goal is was achieved with me.
I haven’t, other than saying it’s one of my favorites.
Oh boy this turned out to be long. Sorry.
I think this song is primarily about having to deal with the gossip surrounding your relationship, specifically with the perceptions of the end of a relationship that everyone thinks they know a lot about, but actually don’t. And as a celebrity like Taylor, having everyone talking about how it ended and thinking they know the various reasons, based on Taylor’s own storytelling she’s done about it (which is never going to be 100% reality) and also based on gossip that’s just “out there” based on what people think they know about Taylor, whether it’s what she has pushed people to “know” or some of the more salacious stuff she’d rather people didn’t think.
Now, most of us have had to deal a bit with this. Having to tell people something ended. Some have even had to tell about calling off an engagement or letting everyone know you’re divorcing. It’s gonna be hard, having to first tell intimate friends/family who may know a lot of details already, but then also people less close to you over and over again: coworkers, your hairdresser, your 2nd cousin you only see at Thanksgiving who may have heard tidbits from your Aunt who heard tidbits from your mom. This second group in particular don’t know all the drama and non-dramatic stuff that happened that led to the end. They might be shocked because you seemed so perfect for each other. Or they may say when you’re not around, “yeah that’s not surprising, you know how she is.”
But when you’re Taylor Swift, you meet A LOT of people. And when your life is splashed across the news front page, and you’ve made a career out of singing about your life and letting people in on the intimate moments (songs about sex, songs about depression, songs about joy) and you’ve built a parasocial army of people who think they really know you, the response to the ending of a relationship is going to be an overwhelming cacophony of opinions and expressions of sympathy from people who really don’t know anything, but think they do.
And I think this is part of what my interpretation of this song differs from what others have said (though admittedly I haven’t read any long winded analyses of this song. Maybe this is obvious.) I feel like most people read through the list of reasons it ended in the verses:
Hot house flower to my outdoorsman (him introverted, her extroverted)
Incurable maladies (both have depression)
Birthright became foreign (soulmates to distance between)
Blind to unforeseen circumstances (unexpected bad stuff popped up -stuff like the masters heist or whatever paper thin best laid plans they had)
Different dances (not on the same page)
Interlopers glances (cheating, emotional or otherwise)
Lost game of chance (bad luck)
as Taylor telling us and the gossipers how it ended.
But if you look at it a different way, you can interpret it as this is a list of speculation by the gossipers of how it may have ended. It’s not Taylor saying why it ended. You can recognize everything on this list as things people speculated about what caused it to end.
Look at the first line of the song :
We nearby conduct this post mortem
Who’s we here? If it were Taylor telling all, it would be “I hearby conduct”. Also “We must know.” So to me, the We here is us, the GP, her acquaintances. In other places in the song though, we is them as a couple. “This is what happens to us.” But imo, there are clear points where it’s the audience giving their opinions or asking why. Whenever I think of these people in relation to Taylor, I picture her hairdressers (same as the person at the beginning of Paris.) This is just my own personal visualization of people who gossip. But you can also just as easily picture a few swifties you follow who always pretend to know her and what’s going on, often people who met her once or twice, or you can picture some podcasters who make money off pretending to understand her best, or DeuxMoi who claims to have sources who know her, or the people at the office water cooler saying “oh did you hear about Taylor and her boyfriend, what was his name? Joe something?” Or teenagers texting each other the news on April 8th. It’s all of us, some who think we know a lot (stand) and some who only know the bare minimum (average GP person who reads People magazine at the hairdressers.) But I like to imagine it being someone who does actually know Taylor a bit, which is why I choose the hairdresser. Notoriously gossipy, notoriously able to get people to tell them some personal things, but Taylor certainly won’t tell them the whole truth. Imagine the question “oh honey I heard the news about you and Joe. How did it end?” And she’s gone through this so many times. Since she was 18 years old. People being nosy, thinking they know more than they do. And then those people tell all of their friends (even if there was a bit of a promise to not) and gossip spreads within the industry and people think they know. Same with gossip spreading through the fandom or gossip spreading through the GP.
And since I believe many of her public relationships have been fake and she has had private relationships that began and ended generally without these people knowing about them, but also in some cases these people did know about the secret things but they only knew a tiny bit, it brings a whole other layer to this. *Hairdresser whispers* “Oh I heard that secret thing I know about ended, gosh I’m so sorry. How, you two seemed so perfect for each other?” And all the while they are thinking: Did she really betray you? Did you really turn down a marriage proposal from her? Did she really cheat on you? Did you really fall in love with the beard? Did you hear about your ex friend’s sister hooking up with that wanna be Z-lister?” They may not directly ask these questions or say these things but want to. They know not to cross that line but they certainly are curious and they certainly gossip about it later. “I did Taylor’s hair last week after the news came out and let me tell you she looked sad/manic/fine/robotic and I think this must be what happened…” And some of them probably do ask these questions straight to her, and she has to answer in ways that protect her and the other person’s privacy. It must be really hard. And the thing is most of these people are decent people. They aren’t trying to hurt her. They are the empathetic people she mentions in a couple of songs. At least they think they are. But Taylor knows the real motivation here is curiosity and gossip. They might also care about her but not in a real way, because she is mostly a fictional character to them. The gossip is just as, if not more important. And part of her does want to be understood. She wants to be seen. But she also wants desperately to protect herself. It’s such a double edged sword that she grapples with constantly.
Finally, we get to the bridge, a place where sometimes in her songs she changes perspective, goes outside the story told in the rest of the song, changes it up, adds a twist, and I believe this is her herself silently screaming into the void how it really felt, what really happened. Her and her ghostly lover, metaphorically dying together, mourning their loss together. This bridge is some of the best writing on the album.
And it’s like her herself ending the song with this mysterious:
I still don’t know, how did it end?
Why wouldn’t she know how it ended?
All around a great song full of the folklore of Taylor Swift.
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dragonflight203 · 2 days
Mass Effect 3 replay, Citadel part 1:
-I don’t hate Diane Allers, but I don’t particularly like her either. I wish we could take Emily Wong or Khalisa Al-Jilani on the Normandy instead.
Also, her model is… Not good. Given her inclusion was to essentially bribe goodwill from IGN, you’d think Bioware would have done a better job.
-Why does each successive game handle broadcasts more poorly?
In ME1, they were subtitled.
In ME2, they were subtitled if you prompted them on the Citadel from one of the spawn points. On Omega and Illium, no subtitles.
In ME3, no subtitles at all. And the sound quality is worse.
Some of us have hearing difficulties, Bioware! If I have the subtitles on, I need ALL dialogue subtitled!
-Mass Effect 3 NPC chatter drives me up the wall because you need to reload the level to hear the next bit of the conversation.
Why did they change it from ME2 where you could just take a few steps away and then come back to hear the next portion? That was much better.
-The actual dialogue itself is extremely well done, however. While I have many critiques of ME3’s actual plot, I have very few for these conversations. Bioware nailed them.
-That said, the Citadel is clearly set will into war when in Shepard’s timeline it’s been less than a day.
The Hierarchy’s already developed a war plan. The engineer’s familiar enough with it to criticize the munitions they’ve been provided. That implies he has experience with them or (more likely) has heard criticism of them from other engineers.
The asari PTSD soldier had been on active duty for three weeks before meeting the farm girl on Triptree. She was helping to evacuate a human colony, which means that the Alliance has already formulated evacuation plans and coordinated them with the asari.
The elderly woman at the embassy looking for her son says she hasn’t heard from him for a month.
If this were the actual start of the war, there would be a lot more confusion and people speculating what was happening and who the enemy is. That’s not what is occurring here. These folks know there’s a war on, have accepted it, and are living with it.
I don’t fault Bioware for not having a “start of war” Citadel, but it is a bit immersion breaking.
-Sanctuar is mentioned by the turian engineer speaking to his asari partner in the docking bay. He tells her it’s safe from the war.
It’s one of the first conversations a player is likely to hear. Kudos to Bioware for the early foreshadowing.
However, how can it be safe from the war? This is a galactic wide war to exterminate all organic life. The Reapers attack large settlements and destroy ones too small to bother with from orbit. One way or another they’ll come for Sanctuary.
I understand why people believe it. They’re desperate for any spark of hope. I am, however, disappointed by the lack of criticism it receives in game. More people should be skeptical of it. Especially since no one hears back from anyone that goes there.
-Asari PTSD soldier: I could feel her mind from where I was standing.
“Her” being the asari-turned-banshee Neaira.
Another hint that asari have stronger mental powers than mind melding. They can to some level broadcast their thoughts/feelings. I wish the games had delved into this more.
How much does this influence their perception/role of diplomats?
-Dr. Chakwas is a queen. She took a proper leave of absence from the Alliance and never officially joined Cerberus, so the Alliance has nothing with her.
-It’s rather amusing that you can insist to Dr. Chakwas that she can be best assist the war effort by staying in a research role, then turn around and recruit Dr. Michel as the Normandy doctor by telling her that she can make a bigger difference on the Normandy then in Huerta. The Normandy will win or lose the war. Shepard will tell anyone what they want to hear to get their way.
Someday I’ll take Dr. Michel with me, but for this playthrough it will be Dr. Chakwas.
-When you speak to Dr. Michel, she references you helping her by dealing with Fist. Does she still say that if you never met her in ME1?
-Avina continues to raise eyebrows. At Huerta Memorial Hospital: This facility’s attendant levels can also replicate the living conditions needed to accommodate other, more exotic species.
Fairly certain that referring to people as “exotic” is frowned upon, although I’ll give you that I’m not sure if that was true when ME3 was written.
-There are no NPCs visible from the view outside Huerta, which is a bit disconcerting. That’s a lot of empty space where people should be.
-The patients are still in uniform. Isn’t is standard to put patients in dressing gowns ASAP?
Especially the one who will need his leg amputated. He’s already been examined!
-Cloning is possible in universe, but it takes months to grown limbs.
…Well, that makes the whole Dr. Saleon side quest in ME1 even darker.
-Kaidan looks silly in the hospital bed with his chest prominently displayed. That does not look natural.
-ME3 has so. Much. Damn. Autodialogue. This game is far more a shooter then an RPG.
-Is there a reason spectre requisitions has moved out of C-Sec and into the Citadel Embassies?
Just saying, seems an odd choice to be storing and selling guns in the middle of all the politicians.
-The embassies have also received quite the overhaul from ME1.
There’s a convenient in game reason with the Battle of the Citadel, but I’m rather fond of the ME1 design. ME3 is more realistic but also more corporate.
-The volus offering assistance with the war effort specifically says Turian Empire. Not Hierarchy.
I love how the turians just. Quietly have an empire throughout the series. Nothing to see here, carry on…
-Why is the human embassy front desk staffed exclusively by asari and turians?
-Udina specifically picked Bailey to be the next commander, even though he didn’t lobby for the position.
Given Udina’s actions later in the game, I suspect Bailey’s correct post-Coup that Udina’s reasons were not complimentary. Bailey’s proven he’ll look the other way when given proper incentive and he’ll bend the law if he feels right to do so. Udina probably figured that one way or another those would prove useful.
And if he and Bailey felt differently on a matter – well, there’s not exactly a lack of blackmail material on Bailey, is there?
-Udina suspected Executor Pallin of plotting against the Council, Bailey investigated, found enough to arrest Pallin, and was forced to kill him in the process.
As many others have said: How convenient. What’s the likelihood that Udina framed Pallin?
Given that the executor during the Cerberus coup is a human…
-Bailey notes that Udina is ambitious.
He’s the human Councilor! What else can he be gunning for?
-The scene with Khalisa Al-Jilani if you go paragon is quite good.
She would have been great on the Normandy. The antagonism between her and Shepard would have made for great scenes.
-The spectre terminal provides information that the quarian pilgrims have been recalled and it looks like the quarians might be preparing for war with the geth.
Does ME3 foreshadow everything except the ending?
That somehow makes it worse. They clearly knew how to foreshadow and its importance. The endings just didn’t warrant the effort.
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scarlet--wiccan · 3 days
Is Pietro a sociopath? Bc I read this thing from RomaPop that repeatedly calls him one but I don’t remember reading anything like that?
I'm not an expert on psychiatry or personality disorders, so please take what I'm about to say with a grain of salt.
No, I do not believe that Pietro has ASPD or any related condition. I don't believe that the text properly supports that, and I don't believe that it would be a correct interpretation of the character based on my admittedly limited understanding of the matter at hand. In Scarlet Witch (2015), Wanda and Pietro get into a fight and she accuses him of being a "textbook sociopath." I believe that this terminology was misused and incorrectly applied, and I believe that this statement, much like Wanda's earlier diagnosis of "schizophrenia" in House of M, contradicts prior continuity and character treatments. Since then, I do not believe that notion of Pietro being a "sociopath" has been revisited.
A lot has been said in modern comics about both Wanda and Pietro's mental health, but a lot of it has been pathologizing and ableist, with an unspoken racial element that leaves a very poor taste in my mouth. Obviously, that includes HoM and the 2000s in general, which was just a really destructive period for both characters, but I think it also includes a lot of Peter David's earlier depictions of Pietro and the way his powers affect his behavior.
I tend to get kinda touchy when people want to ascribe certain conditions to either twin, because the material that this perception is based off of is often harmful or just inaccurate, and I think it gets in the way of actually exploring the more compelling, meaningful aspects of Wanda and Pietro's mental health or trauma. When it comes to these specific labels, like "sociopath," which have been applied to them in the past, I would rather disregard those statements, and maybe retcon them by having characters to talk about why they said, that while acknowledging that it was incorrect or misinformed.
For me, the gold standard of modern Pietro characterization is still Quicksilver: No Surrender, which takes a much more realistic and sympathetic approach to the character and all his flaws by focusing how the isolation and trauma he's experienced has caused him to develop unhealthy patterns. From there, maybe we can start to develop more specific language and diagnoses for the mental health challenges he and Wanda face, but I want it to be about their actual lives, not their powers.
And I should say, I believe very, very strongly, that stigmatized personality disorders deserve to be represented with humanity, dignity, and empathy. I just don't believe that this has ever been the case with this character.
I'm familiar with RomaPop and Vicente Rodriguez's work. I think there's a tendency for activists to speak about comic books and other typically niche media without necessarily developing advanced literacy in that media. I've noticed that a lot of people who, you know, do very good work discussing Romani issues, tend to make erroneous statements about comic book characters like Pietro, Wanda, Magneto, Nightcrawler, etc. because, I mean, they probably haven't read all the material. It takes a lot of time and commitment to become familiar with comic book lore and develop a clear editorial perspective on it.
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majimassqueaktoy · 2 years
I think Haruka being a detective would be cool...
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oceanwithouthermoon · 25 days
the fact that we never actually got to see kuboyasu interact with saiki in gym class is such a crime
hes like the most perceptive of the group so it wouldve been so fun to see how kusuo would hide his powers around him
i kinda wouldve loved to see them flesh out the "shadow leader" bit a little more instead of just forgetting about it lmao, yasu being sorta like hairo and thinking saiki has hidden power or something
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idk if this is still the case but when i was really In It in animorphs feelings a couple years ago because i was unemployed for the first time in my adult life / temporarily living alone in the last house my family lived in / freaking out about climate change / generally Going Through It, and like poking around the animorphs scene on tumblr, there was this notion commonly expressed that rachel and tobias were "toxic," the major piece of evidence for which was the scene in 33 where she "tries to trap him in human morph." which like first of all i'm SOOOOOO SORRRY that the fucking fifteen-year-olds secretly fighting a guerrilla war in which their greatest threat is the mind-controlling slugs they're trying to save humanity from but their second greatest threat is the diminishing hourglass of their collective sanity as they all have to work steadily harder and more desperately to not just completely lose their shit entirely from all the violence and literal 24/7 constant threat and murder that is happening, like i'm sorry two literal children who have managed in this ongoing horror show to forge a bond of loyalty and affection and care and attraction and understanding that can act as a kind of solace neither of them have any other way to access, sorry those actual murder babies sometimes have some communication problems. lmao. but also it's insane to me that people read that scene (in which they're dancing to, i'm not making this up, iris by the goo goo dolls - i mean they don't tell us the song but it's a slow goo goo dolls number that even tobias knows, so - they're dancing to iris by the goo goo dolls at a school dance that is not going well because they are both awkward about the newfound public Officialness of their relationship and rachel who is the only one of them who has ever been capable of socializing like a normal person is in a particularly bad mood because of the emotional hangover of her starfish adventure [great concept executed terribly in the previous book], and then like after two entire minutes of letting himself feel some nice emotions tobias spots the clock and starts leaving to go demorph and then rachel runs after to him to awkwardly attempt to share that she is very fucked up about how insane she has become and she wants to hold on to things like school dances and also this is all happening in a hallway by a student poster on red tailed hawks that states their lifespan of a handful of years in the wild, it's so good) as rachel trying to trap tobias in morph, when like, first of all, "good thing happening -> time to punish myself for feeling nice for 5 whole seconds " is like THEE tobias thought pattern because he's the number one kidlit trauma baby of all time, like truly the first time i dove back into the series i was struck by how well his narrative voice captures Child Of Insane Family Dysfunctionality, he is NOT a reliable narrator on this, but also second, and more saliently, like, believing this scene is rachel attempting to trap tobias in morph requires that you believe rachel, all by herself, made a plan in advance and then attempted to execute it, which is a skill we literally never see her demonstrate even one fucking time outside of the comfortingly familiar hunting ground of the mall
#animorphs#i have a hard visceral aversion to personally adopting ADHD headcanons in general#(you do you idc about people's headcanons but like#this is one that reliably does not do it for me [person with ADHD] and which also often makes me feel weird for vague reasons#but again like this is not an Argument or a Criticism have your fun it's simply not for me)#BUT. someone once said they headcanon rachel as ADHD.#and that is... the ONLY time i have ever read that and been like 'oh wow no okay yeah that tracks'#which honestly thinking on it now i feel like sort of helps me articulate why i'm usually like 'her?'#bc i feel like i tend to see it as like 'this would be cute/relatable/fun to project on to' (you do you not for me)#or i see it based on like... a perception of general ADHD Vibes#which like. on the one hand i get. there can be Vibes. there's a reason the set of people i Enjoy A Lot has ADHD overrepresented on it.#but personally i am like. but where are the scenes of them ruining their own life for reasons attributable to ADHD traits#i don't personally get anything out of lumping people into a DSM category with me if they are not also constantly ruining their own lives#like i can just relate to them because we have similar Vibes. that's plenty.#but rachel.................#the scenes of rachel constantly ruining her own life because of her inability to think for 5 seconds before speaking or acting ever. like.#that's in every book rachel ever has#she literally has a line at one point like 'i don't know why i say these things. they just pop out of my stupid mouth.' girl same...#anyway. speaking of ADHD. i have GOT to stop letting myself 'just check tumblr a little bit' while i'm waiting for the adderall to hit
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coffinmotif · 7 months
there's this character dynamic i like to call "older tgirl you met at the start of your journey who taught you how to stand on your own feet and also blew your back out so hard it cracked your egg". that's yoo joonghyuk and breaking the sky sword saint to me
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suffarustuffaru · 9 months
Reading your tags about how people miss the very obvious "there's some fucked up shit boiling underneath" regarding Otto, just gave me a sudden realization. Otto is the only character I know in fiction where they act all innocent and drive up the "clumsy", "just in the side-lines" and "straight-man (heh)" persona. When. Like no one's in the EMT camp is buying it. They know he's way more capable than he let's on. Meanwhile, the tomfoolery is completely brought on by the Western audience.
Like Otto is failing miserably to make other characters believe that he's not up to mischief, Roswaal even thinks it can bring his downfall. But the audience, who even sometimes *sees* his fucked up thought process, is buying it.
*head in hands*
no u bring up so many good points bc ive been really thinking about this for a while T^T its such an interesting phenomenon in the difference in perception otto has between the japanese speaking half of the fandom vs the english speaking half which can be explained by—yeah. media illiteracy mainly. im also putting my head in my hands anon T^T
because—okay sorry wkdndn im gonna get into meta again but hear me out bc this pattern of the fandom underestimating otto is interesting bc i kind of sort of i cracked the code maybe??? o.o i think the nature of otto is a character is that youre SUPPOSED to underestimate him at first, just like what happens sometimes in universe. i mean wayyy back then i definitely wasnt expecting him to get more depth added to him in arc 4–which was a pleasant surprise—which is also the reaction the vast majority of people have to reading/watching arc 4, along with the other vast majority reaction which is being a bit endeared to ottosubas friendship and respecting otto for being a good friend. and then its easy to underestimate otto bc of 1. all the chaos going on in rezero at any given moment and 2. hes almost always overshadowed by other characters doing worse shit or being more insane than he is and 3. otto of course damn well knows hes easy to underestimate and counts on that. thats what he did against roswaal in arc 4. plus—i mean even aesthetics-wise hes 100% DESIGNED to be easy to underestimate. his outfit and physical features make him look either friendly or frazzled or soft. so i think that the point is that we were supposed to be kind of fooled—at first.
because yeah, we’re endeared to otto. we respect him for helping subaru the way he did. we think that hes a nice person and we now support his actions especially after feeling sympathetic towards him after learning his backstory. (or at least the average audience member will think this wjdndn.) but like—you dont even NEED to look at any side content at all for it to dawn on you that theres something Wrong. with him. like all you need is main route arcs 3-8 aka ottos entire screentime thus far, because at arc 4 its so easy to overlook otto unless youre thinking a bit deeper (for example—he gets violent with subaru. like yeah its entertaining, its played for laughs a bit, yeah subaru needed to be snapped out of his own head, but was it 100% necessary??? why did otto have this response??? bc if you just look at the main timeline otto really decided to beat up subaru first. and bc this tendency is now Less Funny in arc 8).
but even if youre just looking at rezero face value, when you get to arc 5 its starting to get even more clear that ottos weird in the head. like we already saw him being very good at scheming and planning in arc 4–in arc 5, we find out about otto hiding the tome for a year. we find out WHY hes been hiding the tome for a year. the tome then leads the witch cult into priestella, so like—in the sense, otto is RESPONSIBLE for arc 5. but theres STILL a tendency sometimes for the audience to continue underestimating him even though by this point we’re getting more clues and many characters around otto, like you said anon, KNOW hes very capable. i keep wondering why this is, but arc 5 is, again, FULL of chaos and different storylines happening at once, so its so easy to almost kind of forget otto there in the background until he occasionally pops up again. plus otto serves an additional role as comedic relief sometimes—he spends all of arc 5 being bitchy and whiny (i say this affectionately HAH) about his camp being full of disasters, for example, so i think the natural response from the audience tends to be “aw otto!! what a silly guy!!” sometimes. you know? so its like. i think at this point some people tend to be like “yeah fair that otto was wary of roswaal and thats why he saved the tome…. anyway ooooh whats going on with these other plot points” wobsbss. its so fascinating bc—ok this might be my own personal experience but anyone reading this pls tell me if you agree or not—i dont think ive seen a lot of people actually even MENTION otto bringing the tome into priestella attracting witch cultists. and the english speaking fandom LOVES to go into certain characters’ wrongdoings so why gloss over otto????
the only explanation i have for this is that from arcs 3-4 underestimating otto is. kind of the point of his character UNTIL you get to arc 5 and the clues in the main story start seeping in even more. and also the western audience DOES have media illiteracy a lot. theres that too. just look at rezero content on youtube or reddit or fanfic sites or other things of that sort T^T but no yeah i think ottos nature as a character exacerbates it. youre supposed to start asking questions about him. youre supposed to start connecting the dots and then SUDDENLY its now EXTREMELY obvious in arc 7-8 and even while theres so much chaos going on its basically shoved in your face. arc 7-8 is just delivering on all the leadup that was arcs 3-5.
and i think that youve gotta be media illiterate for sure to NOT get that otto is not squeaky clean and innocent BY ARC 8. i think that ottos the deconstruction of the loyal best friend trope, and also a mirror into what subaru couldve been like if he decided to be more ruthless instead of jumping right to forgiveness and saving everyone, except sometimes that flies right over the audience’s head wkdndnd. it confuses me bc ive seen some people completely miss the point or completely agree with otto and overlook the Bad Parts of it or, you know, STILL think ottos perfectly sane—like T^T please.
and yeah so back to what you said about otto Not being underestimated In Universe—its such an interesting detail bc hes ALWAYS been simultaneously pathetic and Very Competent wjdndnd. but yeah no all of his friends have seen various hints and clues and evidence of what hes capable of. like even though he hid the tome from them successfully and even though hes hiding info now its INEVITABLE that its gonna blow up in his face one day. like you got characters like garfiel who literally saw otto punch the wall and break his hand in an unhinged fit of rage, julius who got snapped at by otto and while julius is a Bit naive definitely knows somethings off there, anastasia whos smart as hell and definitely knows not to underestimate otto, and roswaal who, like you said anon, literally went out of his way to stop otto from breaking his hand in another unhinged fit of rage and warned otto that he will literally be destroying himself if he keeps going on like this. its this fascinating dichotomy bc otto is NOT fooling anyone around him but at the same time his current schemes are mostly unnoticed—for now—which yeah i havent seen that in a lot of media!!! its an interesting balancing act bc people around him realistically know hes competent after seeing the Proof of that for the past couple arcs, but otto is still finding ways to try and Win…
which—again, the anger and violence is an extension of arc 4 otto!! this is the same guy!! hes always been like this!! ottos kind of stayed the same, deep down, this whole time and as an audience its ONLY shoved in our face with a big gigantic spotlight on it FOUR ARCS LATER, but it was hinted to all this time. and like you said anon—we LITERALLY see ottos fucked up thought processes. literally what sane person thinks any of that shit. its spelled right out for the reader HAH T^T which—yeah. media illiteracy…. and also this whole ask was a longer way of just saying that otto is VERY easy to see at surface level if youre media illiterate. but at the same time it should be very easy to figure out otto is A Bit Fucked Up bc tappei underlines it in bright red print!!! i think people sometimes just hang onto soft awkward silly otto and forget about the rest T^T either that or they dont think he cares about subaru at all. which. that phenomenon of thinking characters that do care about subaru Dont Care is also interesting to me bc why????? we’re at arc 8 and you STILL dont get it??? o.ooooo
but yeah apart from that….. i said this earlier but yeah sometimes some people agree with ottos realism in arc 8 which is. understandable, but the whole point is that he is EXTREME. with it. hes Not in the right here, but the same crowd that wants wanton revenge in rezero is gonna agree with that kind of stuff T^T ottos been lurking in the background so much so that tappei made it meta by doing the whole “walking in darkness” part of his character, so i guess people just. dont see ottos ACTUAL worst traits and instead think he would ditch subaru at the first opportunity or something. but at the point we are now, arc 8 ottos problem isnt that hed ditch subaru. his problem is that he would sacrifice the world for subaru. his problem is that he gets extremely angry at subaru for trying to do good. his problem is that hes trying to micromanage everything around him and is willing to sacrifice anything necessary to get what he wants. but sometimes people dont get that bc otto doesnt look sound or seem like a character thatd do that. the Underestimation part of his character is doing too well on. certain audiences. please T^T the soft and awkward and silly parts ARE part of his character just like all the Darker parts are!!!
additionally im also wondering if western audience perception of otto is also clouded by the fact that otto looks and sounds more feminine / androgynous and he doesnt have the appeal of Overt Power either……. he cant Really be waifu-ified… and he cant be used as a weird self insert like subaru…. and you Have to look at him closer to understand him…. and for some reason people dont tend to hate on him so aggressively, if anything people cant even see his actual canonical flaws half the time wkdndn so if youre not paying attention otto CANT be aggressively hated on bc theres nothing there if ur not looking at it….. and if youre not paying attention otto seems more “boring” compared to the others…… (not that people arent allowed to not have otto as a favorite character bc thats totally fair but im talking about the tendency to think hes Saner than he actually is.) but yeah these are just my guesses. i have no clue the western fandom is a little T^T some people unfortunately cannot read.
anyway. big thank you to the japanese fanbase for understanding ottos character more and making so much wonderful fancontent for him T^T also i think that we as a collective fanbase should stop underestimating otto in general bc its exactly what he wouldnt want and i think itd be really hilarious. <3333 make him explode with rage please
#rezero#ask#yeah sorry this response was so long wkdndnd but yeah ive been thinking on this for a while…#like ottos a very key side character thats given a lot of focus and yet hes?? largely ignored in english fanbase#but also rezero is a special case i feel bc for some reason a LOT of people misread it so easily. all the time. even fans thatve made it to#arc 8. why???? T^T rezero is so divisive i feel and for what??????? why?????? why do people miss this the story makes it obvious what its#about??? not to mention the LITERAL anime episode called THATS WHAT THIS WHOLE STORY IS ABOUT WNDNDN#tappei basically slamming u in the face with otto being fucked up fr too HAH….#its like ottos falling into almost the same kind of stuff that rems perception by some people does. which is u know ignoring her problemati#traits of Being Obsessed With Subaru. shes a loyal ‘waifu’ and ottos a loyal friend but he cant be waifuified so easily and hes not front#and center in the sense that rem was also the second main love interest skdndnd#which i think might be the common fandom problem also of overly focusing on romance bc people notice rems loyalty more than they do otto at#this rate. bc rems the waifu. ottos only the friend. hes ‘less important’.#its interesting to me. bc why??? with other characters ppl either erase all the good or the bad out of them but with otto hes just in stasi#hes just kind of. there.#rip otto the bad luck made him cursed to always be in the background#it just confuses me so much T^T the difference between jp fandoms perception of otto vs english fandom is STAGGERING#otto suwen#the other day i accidentally got dragged into an argument on reddit bc someone tried to correct me on otto and i was like ?????? WHAT SANE#PERSON DOES ANY OF THE STUFF ARC 7-8 OTTOS DOING…???#they were like ‘otto wouldnt do anything for subaru’ and i was like ‘lmao whys he trying to have louis killed then 😭😭😭😭’#‘whyd he try to let 50 million ppl die then?? 😭😭’#‘WHY DID HE DIE FOR SUBARU THEN’#like ottos not gonna indulge subaru with everything thats not what i mean by he would do anything for subaru. he would do anything as in he#would sacrifice so much for subaru. but some people just see subaru doing it then ignore otto trying to do the same thing but in a differen#font???
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skenpiel · 1 year
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and here is the line that made everybody mischaracterize kanaya until the end of time as some sort of Fancy Regal Lady who Drinks Tea and not a Complete And Utter Maniac. she literally talks like papyrus like wtf
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vesselofmanythings · 1 month
Agent 4 thoughts.......
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unsurebisexualcore · 6 months
Has anyone ever tried to rizz you up but they just sound like dr suess
no why is the ghost of dr seuss flirting w/ u
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hes cute when he thinks hes about to be murdered
#see? missy couldve said that#i do think that like 13 does this better maybe?#in general i have the impression 13 is less needlessly mean or insulting to bystanders than previous doctors#which HELPS in not accidentally turning people against you in stressful situations#but also i feel like she maybe.....hm....takes control of rooms in a slightly smoother way? slightly less noticeably. she announces it less#might be a combination of how bystanders are written and also her appearance tbh she gets maybe underestimated easier#but also i think the bubbly thing helps. she PRESENTS as nonthreatening more than 10 or 12 do#dont really recall 11 much at the moment but i think he might be a bit more like her in this regard? wanting family etc#though he does also insult people#but my impression might be a bit skewed rn bc ive got like the doctors daughter and sontaran 2 parter and now this all in a row#and maybe it just gives a skewed perception of 10#although now that i just listed all those eps thats kind of a lot of eps so maybe he really is just like this.#not entirely sure if 13 really actually is Less like this tho or if my impression of HER is actually skewed#but i feel like 13 like. takes control from out of the spotlight slightly more than stepping into it#but that might be just smth i made up#im trying to think of specific scenes to use as examples for or against but cant really think of anything#i know she Does use the 'did i not mention? im really clever' at least once in 11x2 with the woman#it's just if you say it with that bubbly friendliness instead of selfimportant seriousness then its less offputting idk#it IS specifically the thing that catches up with 10 here tho so maybe my perception IS skewed for both of them actuallyl#anyway. 13 IS less insulting in general#she gets bitchy when she feels threatened but she really does try her best she wasnt wrong abt that#and its smart too#better not to give people reason to dislike you from the getgo#in case of tense bus rides you know
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tricoufamily · 7 months
my this is the fall headcanon which i can have as its creator is that after jacques's death and maybe even after the kids' deaths they'll make an award-bait mrs. villareal biopic that is genuinely well made but like 99% inaccurate and hugo would probably publicly denounce it
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aro-ortega · 4 months
i think it would be funny if in the future daniel + julia try to convince sasja to give polyamory/them as a throuple a shot
#like a reversal of step talking them into a being a triad in retri#been a while since ive played and definitely since ive played a chargeflystep run so. not confident in my memory#i just thknk it would be neat ! funny !#sasja still hates julia but. she knows now. and he knows that she knows. and thats not the reason she didnt save him#he still hates her for that hates her for leaving him. but. he also knows now that hes done much worse so. shrug#and in some runs he does accidentally drug-addledly confess to still being in love w her#and ! hes going to therapy and he does take it serious ! he can be difficult and lash out but. he does listen to what finch has to say#(and is willing to Work on things and like. have therapy Homework post retri)#and he wants. he doesnt want to be this (terror) anymore. he went to far he can see that now daniel made him see that. he wants to be.#something. better ? less murderous. less violent ig. i think he just doesnt want to hurt daniel again but. theres lots that could hurt him#anyway ! all that to also say - daniel is (supposedly) very perceptive and even tho hes not in the room when sasja confesses to julia#i dont think it would be hard for him to figure out that sasja misses julia (he still hangs out with her. even tho hes told her to fuck off#fuck off a thousand times) and ? maybe he would see or feel that theres still something there between them and#and idk. maybe daniel and ortega talk. maybe sasja and his romantic past w julia comes up. maybe ortega is like. it is what it is hes#hes clearly in love with you anyway so... but ? maybe......#idk ! im tired ! forgot where im going w this. idk how they get there but. maybe the float the idea by sasja. see if he would be willing to#to give julia another shot#(this came about bc i was thinking about how its funny that he + milo (+ vanya) are polyamorous but while milo#milo is dating as many people as she can sasja is just dating one person rn. i just think the contrast is funny)#sasja x daniel x julia#sasja jespersen#op#fh#sasja x julia#sasja x daniel
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