#she does have a “dragon” form
soymilkspiders · 7 months
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In the Longan Palace, following the great dragon around or guiding their heir is Natto Cookie. A devoted Cookie serving the master of the Longan Palace, obeying most commands from the great dragon. The Ivory Dragon taken her in due to her endless knowledge, as time went on, it seems like that isn't the only reason. Her curiosity knows no bound! She would do absurd things out of curiosity even when she knows what will happen. How could such a foolish Cookie be respected at the same levels as the dragons?
Extras things because I love her
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voidedjuice · 2 months
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More assorted Mius
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moeblob · 6 months
Oh that's a dwagon! (they're so cute!)
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Siblings that hoot and holler together, stay together. (thank you so much!! I love these silly lil kids)
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faehrnem · 9 months
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In a different timeline, where Faehrnem never comes to be as the Bold Tree follows in his older sister's footsteps by setting aside his own wants and dreams to instead begrudgingly take on his role as an avatar.
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clansunsharp · 26 days
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since i cant put this in her bio on site: perenth's actual job title is Supreme Bitch
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myymi · 8 months
i love trip but.
she's not much different from the rookie in forces
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zoekrystall · 1 year
Got to all the dragon tear memories and noooo whyyyy did my guess with zelda doing it had to be right. More than dragon tears were shed oh dear hylia. Idk if I am just more emotional lately or if that close up with her dragon form crying got to me. She looks absolutely radiant as a dragon but whyyyyyyyyy. Idk if I like or hate it. It is interesting but my emotions </3 Let me at least get close to her as a dragon. I will fail but I will absolutely try to speed after her now.
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ro-botany · 3 months
i know it's probably because it's Young Tiki specifically, but i just found out engage doesn't use her fancy leafy sea dragon lookin form from awakening and i'm offended (/s) about it. how dare u i love the leafy sea manaketes
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toasteaa · 4 days
Does Neuvillette ever turn into a dragon around Eclair? How does she react if he does?
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Anything she says right now would be extremely inappropriate, so I'm restraining her.
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fagtainsparklez · 1 year
i was gonna draw out the divorceverse family tree but the sheer thought of another family tree involving captainsparklez shook me to my very core so y’all just get it in text instead.
tubbo is jordan and schlatt’s biological kid. he’s technically an amalgamation of a dragon-sheep hybrid, but schlatt’s genes seemingly won bc you Cannot tell he’s part dragon just by looking at him. schlatt gets him on weekends and every other wednesday. no one knows where the fuck crumb came from. it just kind of Appeared on jordan’s doorstep one day and he took it in. legally schlatt has no custody of her However she’s imprinted on him like a baby duck so wherever tubbo goes she goes. hope this helps <3
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illithilit · 5 months
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Say hi to the humanoid form of my durge, Yzare.
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peppercosmos · 7 months
Updated Version of my previous MEW!Shiba.
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so a little bit of a more updated taste for your viewing pleasure as my previous version i thought wasn't cat enough and more leaned to my dragon OC so thought hey why not remodel it.
took personal inspo on the legs from @phlurrii (also known as @meaumania ) <3 otherwise took genetic mutations to a new level like most cats normally do. - so time for a bit of lore! she was born as a "Fused embyro"(basically means when one fetus envelops the other twin causing mutations take as for example Venus the cat, which also called Chimeraism: A genetic chimerism or Chimera is a single organism compased of cells with more than one distinct genotype) hence the one extra ear, dual coloring and two tails, she lost her Left arm in a fight with another pokemon while protecting her colony, which was an arcanine who burned her face(Left) aswell, her colony disbanded after team plasma captured one of their kits using it as a testing guinea pig and eventually died from it. most of their colony split into several smaller groups eventually ending up in sinnoh primarily. Shibari(shiba) ended up in Unova and traveling to galar and Kanto for the Zarude Tree and Tree of Beginning.
similarly to @loupy-mongoose 's concept of mews not being able to reproduce until safe this same rule and a slight change to it applies to my universe, and flowers do exist aswell but only apply to female mews in my verse and female presenting mewtwos This flower in question is white primarily with hues of blue and iridescent purple shifting green and only when they decide that they are able to provide enough food and shelter for them.
similarly to marsupials they have a pouch they carry their young. that is all <3 she currently resides in Kanto around the forests staying far away from human contact . Themesong likely has to be: Love like you - Rebecca Sugar / Steven universe. (she will eventually be able to trust humans but refuses to be caught, and if caught refuse to fight or do anything of the sort.) She does have a current interest in knowledge and is learning on how to read.
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luvsavos · 1 year
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Live Laugh Monsterfuck --- for science, of course
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blujaydoodles · 2 years
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Feytouched boon: Hunter's Mark
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afrophunk · 10 months
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Android 21 redesign
Gave her more mad scientist vibes with her outfit. I would have let her remained as young as she appears in the games if it weren’t for the fact that Dr. Gero is her husband
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ayrennaranaaldmeri · 2 years
sure, laena’s death sucked in the book too but how is having her cHoOsE vhagar burning her alive BETTER. 
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