#shared values
resonancewitness · 2 months
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came across it on Parker J. Palmer's page on FB
makes me think about (not an exact quote, but something similar to) "I don't worry about the movie and how it is going to be received. What is important for me that each day during the shooting I was doing my very best and learning how to do even better".
what Parker J. Palmer wrote in his post and I want to preserve here, is this:
"Memo to Self: Live a life of curiosity and exploration, the kind that keeps opening your mind and heart. Do your best to look upon everyone as a brother or sister, and never underestimate the courage it takes some people just to wake up and walk into the day.
Don’t ask to be saved, ask to be spent, spent on the common good: life itself is the best investment you can make. Don’t be a mere tourist, be a lover of life. Your reach will always be limited, but there are a thousand ways to take the world’s wounds and wonders into your arms."
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cowboyjen68 · 1 year
I'm going through a "breakup" with my best friends. They were the first butches I met after moving away from my tiny hometown. I love them, but over time I've realized that they aren't good people. And I had resolved to accept them as they are regardless, but in the end they cut ME off for not adopting their worldview. It hurts so bad, with how long I was aching for butch friends. I've never known anyone who didn't want to change me, and I thought it would be different with butch women.
Sadly, just like any demographic, butch women have good and bad personality traits. We are as susceptible to having flaws as anyone.
I am sorry your friends were not able to let you have your own ideas and thoughts and instead insisted you fall in step with them. Sometimes certain values are deal breakers and there is no point in pondering how you could have made them see your way.
I also tend to fall into the idea of thinking butches are somehow more honorable or more understanding than other groups because I have had so many wonderful butch role models and friends in my life. The fact is I have jusot been lucky. Your old friends could not bend enough to allow you your independant thoughts so it was time to let them go. They just made that decision for you. The effort and time you would have spent either hiding your feelings OR trying to make them see your views can now be refocused on finding new butch friends and growing better friendships with like minded women.
Friendships, even if strong and wonderful, can have expiration dates. Sometimes even good ones fade away as life changes you and circumstances shift. Think of your time with them as just coming to a natural end after it had run it's course. Take the good things you learned and experiences you enjoyed with them and go on to reform new relationships.
Keep looking around. Try meet up apps or even dating apps and choosing the "friends" option. My old stand by of encouraging you to go to a women's festival or women centered events like concerts and poetry readings will enlarge your friend pool and grow your chances of meeting women who align with your values.
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unesco-bmw · 9 months
Why do we love one another?
The experience of love is a complex and multifaceted emotion that can be influenced by various factors. While the specific reasons why we love one another can vary from person to person, there are several common themes and explanations that contribute to the experience of love:
Emotional Connection: Love often arises from a deep emotional connection between individuals. This connection can be fostered through shared experiences, mutual understanding, empathy, and emotional intimacy.
Compatibility: Love can be fueled by a sense of compatibility and shared values, interests, and goals. When we find someone who aligns with our core beliefs and desires, it can create a strong bond and a sense of belonging.
Physical Attraction: Physical attraction can play a role in the experience of love. Our brains and bodies are wired to respond to certain physical characteristics, and attraction can be a catalyst for developing emotional connections.
Support and Care: Love often involves feelings of care, support, and nurturing. When we feel loved, we experience a sense of security, knowing that there is someone who will be there for us, provide emotional support, and help us navigate life's challenges.
Shared Values and Beliefs: Love can be strengthened by shared values, beliefs, and a sense of common purpose. When we find someone who shares our worldview and has similar aspirations, it can deepen the connection and foster a sense of unity.
Chemical and Biological Factors: Love is also influenced by chemical and biological factors. Hormones like oxytocin and dopamine play a role in creating feelings of attachment, pleasure, and bonding.
It's important to note that love is a subjective and individual experience, and the reasons why we love one another can vary greatly from person to person. Love is a deep and complex emotion that can be shaped by personal experiences, cultural influences, and individual preferences.
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shallowseeker · 1 year
Shared values
One thing I like from both of these snippets from SPN 9x06 & 15x07:
At their best, Dean and Cas both hold fast to the value of caring.
From 9x06
NORA: Steve? (CASTIEL stops and turns to look at her.) The part of you that overreacted, that cares so much? That's what makes you special.
From 15x07
LEE: Good or bad... the world doesn't care. No one cares, Dean.
DEAN: Well, I do.
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ossie50 · 30 days
The importance of shared values
When I became a freelancer, working largely on my own and being responsible for all aspects of my business, I quickly learned that life is easier, more fun and definitely more profitable when there are shared values between myself and my clients. This applies, I might add, to the values lived by the client business just as much as it applies to the values of the particular decision makers and…
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lastoneout · 9 months
the whole guilt-tripping language in posts about important topics paired with how I'm still getting bitches in my notes talking about why it's actually good to tell "bad" people to kill themselves continues to prove to me that a lot of people have absolutely no concept of social justice or activism outside of assuming the worst of and then viciously attacking strangers on the internet
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itsalla-blrrrr · 5 months
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ciearcab · 15 days
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musing over a priest or something like that
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dwuerch-blog · 9 months
The Keys to a Happy Marriage
I read about two Baltimore couples — the Chambers, who celebrated their 80th wedding anniversary and the Tymkiw’s marked their 70th anniversary. That’s what I call “vows made; vows kept”. So, what was the secret of their successful unions? The couples said it was a combination of shared values, mutual respect, faith, and a lot of laughter. Those stories reminded me of a blog that I have posted…
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plitnick · 10 months
As the US-Israel relationship is questioned, its ‘shared fictions’ remain strong
Tom Friedman is back, at least for a minute. He stirred up a bit of a fuss last week when he wrote that the US was beginning a “reassessment” of its relationship with Israel due to the current government’s excesses. Well, it wasn’t necessarily so, but the fact that Friedman wrote it, and that both the US and Israel reacted to it is worth looking into. This piece at Mondoweiss does just that.
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drdarienzo · 10 months
Ready to Say 'I Do'? Assessing Your Psychological Readiness for the Adventure of Marriage!
Determining if you are psychologically ready to get married is a crucial step before entering into a lifelong commitment. Marriage involves emotional, psychological, and relational aspects that require careful consideration and self-reflection. Here are key factors to assess your psychological readiness for marriage: Emotional Preparedness: Examine your emotional well-being and ability to form…
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kylecorbett · 1 year
Building a Motivating Organizational Culture: Strategies for Business Leaders
“Building a Motivating Organizational Culture: Strategies for Business Leaders” Introduction: Creating a motivating organizational culture is essential for business success. – Prompted by Kyle Corbett When employees are engaged, motivated, and aligned with the company’s vision, they are more likely to contribute their best efforts and drive the organization forward. In this blog post, we will…
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salmasnook · 1 year
Embracing the Tapestry of Generations: Uniting Millennials, Gen Z, and Gen X in an Epic Journey
Hello and welcome to Salmas Nook! Today I want to take you on a captivating journey through the tapestry of generations! Each generation adds a unique splash of color to the vibrant canvas of humanity, shaped by the times they were born into. What inspired me to write this post was the fact that all these colors can be seen mostly at family gatherings, where all generations come together and as a…
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corporateintel · 1 year
When Friends Rally
This will be a bit messier and less polished than my normal work. It’s timely and a moment is upon us. I may edit or add to this later, but I want to share it now. It was a curious Christmas Eve. Somewhat out of the blue, an antisemitic leaflet was left outside our house. It referenced a claim that, “Every single aspect of the media is Jewish” and that “6 Jewish corporations own 96% of the…
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otaku553 · 2 years
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xoxoemynn · 1 month
Genuinely my favorite thing is seeing love on my dash.
Doesn't matter what kind.
Love for a show, love for fictional characters, love for a special interest, love for each other.
Doesn't matter if I don't even know what or who you're talking about.
It's just... something or somebody makes you so happy you can't keep it to yourself and you want to share it with everybody on this silly website, and others add onto that love, and it just keeps on growing?
Yeah. That's what I'm after.
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