#sf haul
hislittleraincloud · 3 months
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✨San Francisco Haul✨
SNS for shit pix (my elderlies were trying to sleep).
I had to go into the city for a doctor's appointment and was too tired to think. All of this 💩 w the Cat Bitch just stressed me out so I got a bunch of stickers and sugar to heal my soul. Yeah, I collect stickers... I'm turning 50 this year too, what of it. 💀 They're scratch n' sniff. Couldn't pass over those. I like my new Pez dispensers...Imma eat out of Marilyn's tits apparently. Kinda wish it was just her head though.
LOVE my new Jairo notebook. 😃 And my little Toki monkey... it's the blind I wanted (on sale at It'Sugar) 🫴🏽🐒🍌💖✨
But Tor, why are you getting a new Jairo notebook if you're almost done with the fic?
...*crawls out from under a heavy tome of Jairo fic, throws a couple pages up in the air and runs...again*
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raspberryspace · 6 months
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11/25/23 - Sj Made & Rosicrucian Egypt
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platinumaspiration · 2 years
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Starting the week off with another hair haul - this is still not a thing! At least, I tell myself that...
Download it All - SFS / MF
Pick & Choose - SFS / MF
credit: @oydis @wistfulpoltergeist @simandy @thekunstwollen @yooniesim @johnnysimmer @clumsyalienn @simstrouble @okruee wingssims @cliffjen @wsyzxkw @dogsill @aharris00britney
details under the cut
Ah00b Angel v1 | CF-EF, 8.8k Cliffjen Ryan | UM, 6.6k Clumsyalien Edward | UM, 7.8k Dogsill Willow | UF, 3.9k Dogsill Yasmin | CF-EF, 4.9k EP11 Long Bandana | CF-EF, 4.2k EP11 Long Braid | CF-EF, 4.3k EP11 Undercut Pompadour | CM-EM, 3.5k JohnnySimmer Andre | UM, 9.9k JohnnySimmer Rafael | UM, 5.2k JohnnySimmer Steven | UU, 7.4k Okruee Max | UM, 10.5k Okruee Memphis | CM-EM, 5.2k Oydis Nadine | TF-EF, 3.3k, +4 custom Simandy 1998 | CF-EF, 11.3k Simandy Aquarius King | CM-EM, 3.7k Simstrouble Rachel | CF-EF, 13.5k SP11 Side Long Twist | CF-EF, 3.2k The Kunstwollen Wonderlust | TF-EF, 12.1k Wingssims ER0808 | TF-EF, 22.1k WistfulCastle's Seraphim | CM-EM, 8.2k wsyzxkw Autumn | UF, 4.8k, + 5 custom Yooniesim Beary | UF, 5k Yooniesim Charity | CF-EF, 4.5k Yooniesim Teek | UF, 4.3k, +4 custom
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mellific · 9 months
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my sf zine fest haul* (*did not have a chance to even do a little loop around the floor lskdfjskl), PENCILGUY from the best maker-of-fellows in the business @sleepnoises & this needlefelted FISH OF MY HEART from @amserpand
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lumenniveus · 2 years
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IKEA meets retro space
Download it now on SFS without ads bothering you
MERGED or as ZIP * (if you're missing some swatches please re-download. Something went wrong but it's fixed now thanks)
More info and in-game previews below the cut
AstraNova is a 59 asset large set made of the leftovers of HisLoft and the IKEA inspired pieces I wanted to make after my mother's last shopping haul there. It's... basic, but I think that is what makes this set so fun. You'll get glow stars, a nightlight that matches light switches, Starbucks on some books and enough slots to clutter around like a lunatic. Ah. Nevermind that Tron inspired arcade machine I spend hours on because I wanted to use my own artwork. Speaking of, the artwork in this set was created with an offline AI that uses only my own art as base. I don't trust online bots all that much. If anyone wants the un-edited originals (either as cc or as files) let me know.
In this set you will find a lot of buy objects, but also 1 wall paint, 1 wooden floor and 1 roof tile aka this thing here
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I added a window element into the basegame tile to make it match with said basegame roof tile. Honestly? All that's left for me to make now is some sort of roof-curtain or something like that. I'll work on it.
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Here's a collective of ALL the BB assets you will find in this set. A total list of everything? Too long to put here, but you can absolutely furnish a full bedroom, living room, dining room and small office with all the stuff. The arcade is NOT functional btw. It's just decor but if anyone wants the mesh to make it functional you'd be my favorite person for a whole week. Anyway, the stuff has proper LODs when it needs them. I think only the telescope is over 1k polys here, the rest is all around 300-500 ish, so it shouldn't bother your old potato laptop.
You can easily find the items by looking up "AstraNova" in your game. Everything is tagged and flagged and also marked as "basic" style if you have the home decorator pack. Should anything bug out, report back and I'll fix it.
The stuff comes in maxis matching colors designed to work with as many packs as possible. Here are the palettes
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And finally, the Eggy. Hail our dear leader, here is that twice forsaken silly chair Mr Pickens is so fond of. My sim seems to enjoy it too
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yuriskies · 10 months
Twinstar Cyclone Runaway
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I'd like to put this yuri novel series/manga adaptation on people's radar because I think it might appeal to people who like to explore the tension between societal expectations for a relationship and what people actually find fulfilling. The novels, written by multiple Seiun Award winner Issui Ogawa, are currently at three volumes and counting. A manga adaptation by Ahiru Tanaka got underway in July and currently has two chapters out, both of which have been scanlated into English.
The story is set around a gas giant planet named Fat Beach Ball, a resource-starved gas giant planet. The economy revolves around Besshu (or gloomfish), fish-like creatures which inhabit the skies of the planet. These fish contain a versatile material used for everything from food to rocket fuel to building material, and are hauled in by enforced husband-wife fishing teams. Terra Intercontinental Endeavor is a 24 year old woman who has inherited her parents' fishing business, and who is struggling to find a husband in part due to her own indifference to who she fishes with, and in part due to the incompatibility of her workflow/imagination with the men she's set up on marriage interviews with.
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She has a 'love at first sight' moment with a woman who introduces herself as "Diode" and who immediately requests a marriage interview in spite of the rules against woman-woman fishing pairs.
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Diode (whose name is short for DIE-over-dose) turns out to be an excellent pilot, and her skills end up being an excellent match for Terra's unconventional approaches to fishing. It turns out that Diode is also an 18-year old runaway who is an out lesbian, and is trying to find a way to escape marriage herself.
Without going into too much detail about the novels (mostly because my knowledge of them is secondhand), the story follows Terra and Diode's attempts to remain independent within the omnipresent heteronormative and patriarchal culture at Fat Beach Ball and the ups and downs of their budding romance. If fishing is your thing, there's also a lot about the different techniques to be used as well. If you need an endorsement too, Iori Miyazawa (Otherside Picnic) has been pretty enthusiastic about it on Twitter, and after the most recent volume of his work, I figure he knows what's up in terms of sf-flavored yuri.
Give it a try, and if you like it, recommend it to your friends! It would be great to see this work hit the critical mass needed to make the novels more accessible to fandoms outside of Japan.
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dwellington · 9 months
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sf zine fest haul post!!!
i went to the sf zine fest for the second time this weekend, which is quickly becoming my favorite big event of the year. so much creativity and queerness and so many local artists to support.
artists in the image descriptions—not all these folks have online presences to the same degree, fwiw. particularly true for my personal favorite vendors, the aptos middle school sixth graders, who always deliver absolutely bangin zines.
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Deena Mohamed’s ‘Shubiek Lubiek’
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Shubeik Lubeik, a trilogy of graphic novels by Deena Mohamed, took the Arab comics world by storm, winning Best Graphic Novel and Grand Prize at the Cairo Comix Festival; today, Pantheon Books releases a gorgeous hardcover omnibus English translation:
The world of Shubeik Lubeik is an intricate alternate history in which wishes are real, and must be refined from a kind of raw wish-stuff that has to be dug out of the earth.
Naturally, this has been an important element of geopolitics and colonization, especially since the wish-stuff is concentrated in the global south, particularly Egypt, the setting for our tale.
Though the underlying wish mechanism is metaphysical, Mohamed plays out her worldbuilding in a very science fictional way, constructing an intricate — and skillfully deployed — set of social consequences for a world where wishes are a fact of life.
Indeed, it’s this science fictional trick of “in-clueing” (to use Jo Walton’s excellent critical term) that makes Shubiek Lubeik such a cracking, cross-cultural read:
For though the three stories that make up the trilogy are intensely culturally situated in modern Egypt, they play out as universal, intricate human ethical dilemmas. Mohamed delivers the realistic — but unfamiliar to westerners — depiction of contemporary Egyptian life with the same smart, deft technique that she uses to paint in the rules of a world where wishes are real.
The framing device for the trilogy is the tale of three “first class” wishes: these are the most powerful wishes that civilians are allowed to use, the kind of thing you might use to cure cancer or reverse a crop-failure.
These first-class wishes are the near-exclusive purview of the rich and powerful and their use is tightly monitored and licensed. However, three of these wishes, of Italian origin, are, improbably, in the inventory of Shokry, a poor, pious kiosk owner in central Cairo.
Despite knock-down prices, no one wants to buy Shokry’s wishes. Potential customers are put off by his desperate, hand-lettered sign advertising the wishes, combined with the implausibility of first-class wishes being offered for sale in a humble koisk.
But one of Shokry’s regulars, a fiery old lady who buys her cigarettes from him each day, convinces him to let her nephew design a slick poster advertising the wishes, and the tale begins in earnest.
Every story of a wish is both a puzzle — how would you construct a wish so that it couldn’t possibly backfire — and an ethical conundrum. That is what makes wish stories so delicious to read, whether it’s Sheherezade’s tales or O. Henry.
The engine of wish-fulfillment is a powerful one, capable of hauling behind it almost any kind of tale. Mohamed’s three-act play blends class- and sectarian divides, gender relations, depression and resilience, and kindness and regret.
The first volume, Aziza, is about corruption, using a parable about elite wish-hoarding to tell a wrenching story about loss, love, hope and resilience. It’s a gorgeous, deeply romantic love story, and because it’s a wish story, there’s a devilish twist.
The second volume, Nour, is about depression, privilege, coping, and gender (and, like Aziza, it’s ultimately about resilience, too). There’s some delicious worldbuilding here, and Nour herself is a great character, whose depression is mapped in a series of comedy charts worthy of Randall Munroe.
The conclusion, Shorky, opens the world up, showing us how wishes interact with theology, colonialism, the antiquities trade, and sectarian Egyptian politics. All three stories have wish-style surprises, but the surprises in this one are jaw-dropping. And while all the stories have a lot of broad comedy and great characterization, this one introduces a sprawling cast that is choreographed with absolute mastery.
It’s easy to see why this book did so well in the Arab world. It’s incredibly exciting to see it in English. Many of us have experienced Japanese comics, of course, and if you follow the brilliant publishing program of First Second, you’ve gotten some great French and Spanish comics. But this is the first graphic novel from the Arab world that I’ve had the pleasure of reading. It won’t be the last.
[Image ID: The cover for the Pantheon English translation of Deena Mohamed's 'Shubeik Lubeik.']
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beatricecrumplebottom · 11 months
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Clay Hair Haul #4
8 clay hairs recolored in 10 9 families and unnaturals. Textures are what I cloned from; either EA or Poppet. Everything is binned, greys linked to black.
ah00b's AxA Felix - cm-em, 4.5k, EA textures
ah00b's AxA Russel - pm-em, 4k, Poppet textures
ah00b's Dean - pm-em, 6k, Poppet textures
ah00b's Teri - pm-em, 3.3k, EA textures
CandyCottonChu's Fernandez - pm-em, 4.2k, Poppet textures
Cliffjen's Ryan - pm-em, 6.6k, EA textures
Qicc's Leon - cm-em, 3.3k, EA textures
WistfulCastle's Wave (mesh edited by me!) - cm-em, 5.5k, EA textures
So I liked WistfulCastle's Wave alright, but didn't particularly like the strands attached to the side. So I deleted them from the mesh (this was a first for me, I've never worked on a hair mesh before). And now I really like this hair, and I think I know why. It makes me think of Dutch Van der Linde from Red Dead Redemption 2. Standard/wide foreheads seem to nibble at the hairline, but I didn't touch that part, so I'm pretty sure that's how the original was. This is a new mesh! Recolors won't work with the original mesh.
Folder so you can pick what you want: SFS | Box
credits: ah00b, CandyCottonChu, Cliffjen, Qicc, WistfulCastle, @miniculesim, @mystic-hysteria, @platinumaspiration, @remisims, @phoebe-twiddle, @simotonin, @digisims2, @pooklet, @poppet-sims, @blackswan-sims, TheRaven, @furbyq-sims, @serabiet, AllmightyHat, @berrynooboos, Kinu, @wyxii
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jadesimsyt · 7 months
my ENTIRE occult CC collection, part one (2/2)
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please subscribe here in solidarity of the hours it took me to create this video and gather these links. plus, check out the video here!
click here for the first half of part one's cc haul!
cheek make-up:
eye make-up:
facial hair:
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telesilla · 1 month
So apparently the anchovies in the SF Bay are particularly plentiful right now, leading to a huge population of sea lions at Pier 39. There’s a live cam.
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cronakillz · 2 months
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here is my entry for day 16! so sorry i've been so late posting aghhhhh. this is stevie, and internationally wanted hacker. she never WANTS to take on big jobs, and usually prefers just snagging some cash from big bank accounts, or messing around on the deep web to buy and sell some pills, but somehow she always ends up putting herself in danger for big money. she looks great, especially when hauling ass away from the cops.
also... I MADE THE CHEST TATTOO! gonna figure out how to upload it soon, and also working on others... send some ideas into my asks! also if anyone can get me into sfs pls help lol.
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platinumaspiration · 2 years
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I don't want to make a huge deal about it; I wanted you all to know I've reached a follower milestone 😊 You all have been a joy to be around, to work alongside, and to learn from. Those that follow me without an account, this goes for you as well! You all are truly valuable and matter. This world wouldn't be the same without you. Thank you!
October's Hair Haul! Not trying to make this a thing but had a lot of requests for hair + a few I wanted for myself 😅 They come in two versions: merged and unmerged recolor packages (customs are separate). Please choose only one type - it's all the same hair, just packaged differently. Going forward, they'll be unmerged 😁
Download It All (Merged) - SFS / MF
Pick & Choose (Merged) - SFS / MF
Download It All (Unmerged) - SFS / MF
Pick & Choose (Unmerged) - SFS / MF
custom color swatches - here
credit: @goamazons @daylifesims @khadijah551 @simomo-cc @hazelpuff arckan @simsontherope (ambition) (sauvage) (short bangs) (le zephyr)
details below the cut :)
** Maddy Cheer & Maddy Party are swapped in the above preview
Arckan Mary: CF-EF | 2.7k poly | 1 color only Arckan Winifred: TF-EF | 17.4k poly Boonstow Blair: CF-EF | 7.3k poly Daylifesims Icon: UF | 7.2k poly | + 1 custom Daylifesims Maddy Cheer: CF-EF | 11.4k poly | + 1 custom Daylifesims Maddy Party: CF-EF | 10.2k poly | + 1 custom Daylifesims Trudy: UU | 10.1k poly | + 1 custom Daylifesims Watch Boys: CF-EF | 11.1k poly | + 1 custom GOAmazons Carmina: UU | 11.6k poly GOAmazons DaEun: UU | 4.7k poly GOAmazons Frau: UU | 9.6k poly GOAmazons Maya: UU | 5k poly | + 5 custom GOAmazons Misha: UU | 4.3k poly GOAmazons Trinity: UU | 6.3k poly | + 9 custom GP12 Long Natural: UU | 4k poly GP12 Long Shaggy: UU | 4.1k poly GP12 Med Wavy: UU | 4.1k poly GP12 Mohawk Mullet: UU | 4k poly | + 10 custom GP12 Undercut Ponytail: CU-EU | 2.3k poly | + 10 custom GP12 Undercut Ponytail Moon: CU-EU | 2.3k poly | + 4 custom Khadijah's Mullet Dreads: UM | 10.1k poly | + 1 custom SimsontheRope Ambition: CM-EM | 1.1k poly SimsontheRope Sauvage: UM | 3.5k poly SimsontheRope Short Bangs: CM-EM | 1.8k poly SimsontheRope le Zephyr: UM | 1.4k poly Hazelpuff's 4t2 Simomo's Wild Mohawk: TU-EU | 6.1k poly | + 14 custom
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hibiscusangel15 · 2 years
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Merch haul from the SF Gorillaz concert. The Murdoc button was handmade by a fan who passed them out to us while we were waiting in line :’)
Image ID under the cut:
[Image ID: First picture is a combination of buttons, stickers, and a pink water bottle with the band members on it. Pins have magenta backing and the individual characters on them plus two Pazuzu buttons. One Pazuzu button has lightning bolts and the other has black arrows spinning out from the middle.
Button on the bottom is of Murdoc holding his bass and sticking one of the strings through his teeth as he smiles. It was handmade by a fan who kindly handed them out to others waiting to get in.
Water bottle is pink and has band members encompassing it from left to right: Murdoc, 2-D, Noodle, and Russel.
Several stickers with a gray backing. Pink Gorillaz logo, pink lightning bolts and fists, pink lightning bolt Pazuzu, pink Pazuzu with black arrows swirling out, triangular sticker with pink backing and Murdoc floating cross-legged (and cross-eyed) in the middle in his cult leader outfit, a head with pink liquid pouring out of a pitcher into it that reads: “Just doing OUR JOB”, The Last Cult sticker, No more Zeitgeist anymore sticker, and stickers of each of the band members.
Gorillaz North America Tour Fall 2022 poster. Pink Gorillaz graffiti logo across the top. Band members stand to the right with Russel in the top center, Murdoc hiding behind him and poking out of his right side, Noodle in the bottom left, and 2-D in the bottom right. Tour dates are listed on the left.
A poster of the Great Leader Murdoc. He is wearing dark magenta cult garb and has a scraggly black and white beard.  A gold chain hangs off his neck and swings to the left. A wheel logo with arrows sticking out of the spokes rests over the right side of his chest. He holds his hand over his abdomen to reveal his thumb and middle fingernails painted red. He is also wearing a gold ring with Pazuzu stamped in the middle on his middle finger. The background is a spotlight on him from behind.
Pink Russel shirt. He is smoking a cigar and holds his hand out while he faces right with his eyes closed. His other hand rests on top of a three drums with the American flag painted down them. Russel is wearing a blue beanie and red jacket with gold cuffs.
Purple Murdoc shirt. It’s more elderberry colored. Murdoc holding a black and pink bass straight in the air with one string stuck between his teeth as he grins at the camera. He is wearing a dark green leopard-print shirt and black pants. He wears his gold anticross necklace and a new chain with Pazuzu’s gold head in the middle. There is a faint blurry purple background of a city and white car behind him. On his bass is a faint Ace of Spades card and a crude doodle of 2-D behind the strings.
Magenta Noodle shirt with her crouching down and holding her guitar slanted right and down towards the floor. She has short red hair and round, white sunglasses with red lenses. Her jacket is extremely colorful and full of random logos. She is also wearing a Crayon Shin-chan necklace. She is wearing brown boots with tan straps over the toes. A white Kabuki mask hangs off her hip.
Light pink 2-D shirt as he stands facing left with his eyes closed. He holds a white melodica over his head. He is wearing a fuzzy blue and pink shirt, a silver beaded cross necklace and a yellow and blue bracelet on his arm.
Black Gorillaz North America Tour shirt. The front features the band members while the back lists the dates.]
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greenvengeance · 6 months
Send ‘ you’ll have to get through me first… ‘ for my muse’s reaction to yours stepping in and defending them from someone they’re scared of
@eievuimultimuse // ‘ you’ll have to get through me first ‘ ( from 07 SF 8]C )
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Fear: noun, an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief ( or KNOWLEDGE, ) that someone or something ( someONE, in this case, ) is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat ( all THREE, currently. ) A primal emotion that involves a universal biochemical response and a high emotional response, beginning in the amygdala, the part of the brain ( brains...like the Kraang, ) previously thought to exclusively for fear processing, but also found to be important in reward-based training ( that would...be a lot more favorable. )
Cleo could break it down, deconstruct it, take it apart and put it back together again a million times over, but no matter what, it was always there. Always lingering, creeping in the inner most back in her mind, creeping around like a monster, with tentacles and wings and a deep, booming voice that sounded exactly like him. Like the one voice she had never, ever hoped to hear again, in her life. The one person who, when she learned of his death, she'd smiled, she'd rejoiced and cried and finally knew the sweet, fragile taste of freedom, one that could be pulled out from underneath her at any moment.
Well...he found her. She had no idea how he was alive, she had no idea how the fuck he knew she mutated, or anything. All she knew was that it was his voice, and that she needed to run. And that's what she did, she hauled her ass the fuck out of there and ran like a madman, ran like a little kid just now learning how to run. She ran faster than her legs could keep up with ( especially with her limp, ) and she wound up crashing DOWN to the ground. But as soon as her body hit the ground, she scrambled like a feral animal, on all fours.
By the time her lungs forced her to stop, she'd thought she lost him, and she allowed herself the chance to attempt to catch her breath. It came in sharp, rapid gasps, heavy coughs, and the sensation of scratching in her throat. She spat to the side, and she had to resist the urge to panic at the sight of the sizzling blue-green-mixed-with-red liquid next to her -- her blood. ( She had probably huffed her throat raw -- son of a bitch. )
" Jeee-sus Christ, babe. " Oh, GOD. Faster than a stroke of lightning, Cleo shot onto her back and crab-walked backward, hues still pinprick with fear. " Honestly, I don't unda'stand you. Here I am, offerin' you a way t' be human again, to go home and be normal and let me take care of you...and here you are, runnin' away. "
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He shrugged, popping a walkie-talking off his belt. " You'll thank me later, doll. How about you get up, I take you back, and we- "
She kept backing away and backing away. Not happy about the sudden space between him and her, Carlton took another step forward. As soon as he did-
Cleo's eyes shot wider, and she let out an almost squeak of relief when she realized just who dropped down. Carlton, however, had a look of genuine surprise for a split second, before it fell into a surprisingly calm smirk.
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" Ayo. You're, uh...kinda interruptin' somethin' here, buddy. I gotta get my girl back home. So if you don't min- "
" You'll have to get through me first. "
His smirk fell.
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" Not cool, dude. "
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ninja-muse · 7 months
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October was a month of tense, dark, violent books and I'm hoping to get some palate cleansers into my November reading before I completely OD on rebellions, murder, battles, and oppression. Not that I expect this to happen because I took home a true crime ARC last week and I know what's likely coming for me at the library, but hey. We can hope!
My reading count is once again lower than I'd like it to be, mostly because I refused to cart all 752 pages of Menewood back and forth on my commute and so it took me three weeks to finish in the bites of time I have at home for reading. (Also because I spent a week writing up a storm.) And my other stats are kind of equally disappointing as a result. Oh well, I guess. It is what it is.
I did get my hands on three anticipated library books though! That was good (and I hope the library keeps up the pace), but it's a shame that two of the three weren't as good as I was hoping they'd be. And equally a shame that I wound up DNFing the new Patricia C. Wrede… I was really hoping that might cut through all the doom and gloom, mid-month.
I need a good November, basically. I'm feeling a bit slumpy.
October was also a month of awesome 2024 release announcements and discoveries. There are so many books coming out I want to read, and a couple I didn't know where coming that showed up in my ARC haul. There's a genderbent fantasy retelling of Zorro, folks! Freya Marske, Micaiah Johnson, and Seanan McGuire are releasing exciting things! We're getting a sequel to one of my favourite SF books of last year! Someone is using American folktales to comment on race relations!
I'm sure my 2024 TBR will be an utterly normal and achievable number of books. And I'm sure all this excitement has had nothing to do with my slump.
I've still got a fair ways to go to hit my 2023 reading goals too. It's possible I might reach them. It's equally possible I might not. Wish me luck, I guess? And if you have any fast, light reads with which I can continue to not read the dark, heavy books in my goals, please pass them on!
And now without further ado, in order of enjoyment…
Menewood - Nicola Griffith
War is coming to Deira and Hild has vowed to protect her lands and people.
🏳️‍🌈 protagonist (bi), 🏳️‍🌈 secondary characters (sapphic, mlm), mute secondary character, 🏳️‍🌈 author, #ownvoices for queerness
warning: pregnancy, death, war, death of a child, animal death, grief, sexual assault, mentions of rape
Like Every Form of Love - Padma Viswanathan
A writer digs into the strange, complicated life story of a man she befriended in a marina.
major 🏳️‍🌈 character (gay), Indo-Canadian author, 🇨🇦
warning: child abuse, domestic abuse, pedophilia, molestation, misogynistic character
After the Forest - Kell Wood
Greta wants to get on with her quiet life but her wayward brother Hans, suspicious villagers, and her memories of a certain witch’s cottage won’t let her.
warning: cruelty to animals, misogyny
Into the Windwracked Wilds - A. Deborah Baker
Avery, Zib, and their companions find themselves in the Land of Air—where the queen likes making monsters
Saga, Volume 9 - Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples (illustrator)
Bad people are catching up to Alana and Marko’s family.
main characters of colour, 🏳️‍🌈 secondary characters (gay, trans woman)
warning: major character death, blood, violence, sex
Shigidi and the Brass Head of Obulafon - Wole Talabi
Shigidi has incurred a debt to an old Nigerian orisha, who’ll erase it if he and his partner pull off a nearly impossible heist.
major and secondary Nigerian characters, major 🏳️‍🌈 character (pansexual), 🏳️‍🌈 secondary character (bisexual), Nigerian author, #ownvoices for race and culture
By Any Other Name - Erin Cotter
Will Hughes, unemployed actor, finds himself thrust into danger when his mentor Christopher Marlowe dies.
🏳️‍🌈 protagonist (gay), 🏳️‍🌈 secondary characters (bi, lesbian)
warning: murder, fire
My Roommate is a Vampire - Jenna Levine
There’s a room-to-rent in Cassie’s low, low budget. The (hot) guy renting it acts like he’s from the 1800s but surely he’s just quirky.
Jewish protagonist, 🏳️‍🌈 secondary characters (m/m)
The Remarkable Retirement of Edna Fisher - E.M. Anderson
Edna has been Chosen to stop a dragon menace. Highly untraditional but hey, it gets her out of the nursing home.
🏳️‍🌈 protagonist (ace-spectrum), Black secondary characters, Latine secondary characters, secondary character with anxiety disorder, 🏳️‍🌈 secondary characters (gay, sapphic/asexual), 🏳️‍🌈 author
The Dark Lord’s Daughter - Patricia Wrede
Kayla and her family are kidnapped to a fantasy world. Apparently she has magic and they think she’s the next Dark Lady?
Black secondary characters
Currently reading:
The Water Outlaws - S.L. Huang When Lin Chong is convicted of a crime she didn’t commit, she finds herself allied with infamous outlaws.
Chinese cast, 🏳️‍🌈 secondary characters (lesbian, genderfluid), mute secondary character, Chinese-American author, 🏳️‍🌈 author, #ownvoices for race, culture, queerness
warning: death, violence, torture
Music from the Earliest Notations to the Sixteenth Century - Richard Taruskin A history of early written European music, in its social and political contexts.
Monthly total: 9 Yearly total: 109/140 Queer books: 3 Authors of colour: 2 Books by women: 7 Authors outside the binary: 1 Canadian authors: 1 Off the TBR shelves: 3 Books hauled: 0 ARCs acquired: 5 ARCs unhauled: 4 DNFs: 1
January February March April May June July August September
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