rollupart · 6 years
‘Sup. If you’re still following this despite me not posting in forever (thanks for sticking around, by the way!), you know my NSFW blog is getting nuked in about 10 days.
Despite being blog being SFW, I don’t intend to post here anymore as I simply feel unwelcome on this platform. Not that I’ve been posting of late, but hey, you never know.
Check my contacts and links page below to find my stuff on other platforms! (I’m afraid I haven’t been more active anywhere else of late, but at least you can keep tabs on my old stuff!) https://rollupart.tumblr.com/links Goodbye, Tumblr. It was fun, then it wasn’t.
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rollupart · 7 years
Work finally slows down, so art will finally ramp up again!
Hello, everyone!
First off, thanks for bearing with my lack of drawing in the last month. As many of you of may already know, I’m self-employed, so work tends to come in droughts and floods. These past few months, I’ve been busier than ever, chaining major contracts one after the other, and my drawing time was reduced to 0.
However, I’m now back to part-time for the foreseeable future, so I’ll be able to get back to drawing on a 1-to-3 days a week basis, with my ongoing commission queue of course being top priority. You can finally expect new content to hit my gallery within the next few weeks!
I once again thank you all for your patience, especially my commissioners who have had to wait through this long, unexpected pause.
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rollupart · 7 years
Commission queue now filled, but you may still inquire
My commission queue is now full, but you may still propose me a project on commiss.io to show you're interested in a slot. If a slot frees up for any reason, you might make it in! Otherwise, I'll still put you on a list of people who are to get advance warning whenever my next round opens.
I’m opening for commissions! I’ll open up to 10 slots, depending on demand.
DO NOT ASK FOR A SLOT HERE, as I’m testing out commiss.io for this round and will only consider offers coming from that site.
All the info you need can be found on the “Commissions” tab of my Tumblr blog, including a link to my commission types and pricelist. Follow this link: www.rollupart.tumblr.com/commissions
Of note:
1.       Painted commissions are back!
2.       Slots are on a first-come, first-served basis. Before I announce who gets slots, I’ll wait until a) all 10 slots are filled with people who used the special code word (see 4. below) or b) I haven’t received any project offers in long enough to know no more are coming.
3.       You may send a placeholder project offer on commiss.io if you want to increase your odds of getting a slot. Be sure to update it with all the requisite info when I confirm you’re in, else you might lose your slot.
4.       People who read through all my commission info on Tumblr have priority over anyone else as long as I remain open, even if they send their project offer later. In order to prove you’ve read the whole thing, I hid a special code word for you to use on my commission info page. Be sure to put this code in your project offer on commiss.io, even if your offer is just a placeholder!
5.       NEW this round: if you can’t get a slot this time, I’ll put your name on a list. People on this list don’t get a guaranteed commission slot, but they do get an advance warning of when I’m about to open for another round so they have a better shot at it next time.
Thank you all for your interest, and good luck to everyone!
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rollupart · 8 years
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Commission for EquusSilvermane.
I think this is the very first time I've drawn an equine!
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rollupart · 8 years
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Commission for Sharu.
Cut him some slack! If your tail was the equivalent of a giant wrecking ball, accidents would happen to you sometimes too.
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rollupart · 8 years
Commissions are open!
Hello everyone!
I’m opening up 5 commission slots tonight! Find my commission info and current slots HERE and my price list HERE on Tumblr. Please read through the whole thing, it explains the process in great detail.
As slots are on a first come, first serve basis, in order not to penalize people who actually bother to read my commission info, I hid a code word in there. People who use the code word when ordering get to jump ahead anyone who hasn’t in the queue! So don’t hurry to order a slot: read through the info first.
Note that you can get more than one slot, but only if I can’t fill up my queue with singletons first.
Finally, I reserve myself the right to add slots to the list, to shuffle them around or to refuse orders at my discretion if I judge it relevant.
Thank you!
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rollupart · 8 years
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rollupart · 8 years
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rollupart · 8 years
Why are birds so goddamn great
Let me out!
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rollupart · 8 years
“Why I Wasn’t Contracted to Write Beauty and the Beast” by I have no idea who, and desperately want to know.  If anyone does, please tell me! Edit:  Through knmajorblogs I have discovered the genius behind this piece of art.  The genius in question is LordJazor !  Thank you!
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rollupart · 8 years
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So far I’ve seen piles of Gasters and Sanses, but can we also have one for this precious goat child who deserves all the hugs in the world?
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rollupart · 8 years
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How I would spend 90% of my time if people had tails.
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rollupart · 8 years
Good Night Kitty
Today, my cat of 13 years died. He'd been around for over half my life. I barely remember what not having him is like.
As little significance this has in the grand scheme of things, it still hit me hard. Enough that I felt I should share. I'm sure those of you who've lost a pet will understand.
It’s a terrible way to end what has been an awful year. I guess that makes it the perfect summary of my 2015. Really glad it’s coming to an end tonight.
Goodbye kitty. I already miss you.
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rollupart · 8 years
Fashion I can get behind.
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Someone asked for suit designs.( Dresses HERE ) Feel free to draw draw your characters in the suits. If you wanna use the designs as a reference for crafting please tag me in your posts so I can see what great stuff your crafting!
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rollupart · 8 years
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Here it is, the Full Set of Undertale Tarot Cards! After a solid month of drawing the Major Arcana is complete. You can view them at a larger resolution here! 
For reference: 00 - The Fool: Frisk I - The Magician: Asriel II - The High Priestess: Alphys III - The Empress: Toriel IV - The Emperor: Asgore V - The Hierophant: Papyrus VI - The Lovers: The Royal Guards VII - The Chariot: The Undying VIII - Strength: Greator Dog IX - The Hermit: Gaster X - Wheel of Fortune: Temmie XI - Justice: Undyne XII - The Hanged Man: Flowey XIII - Death: The Absolute God of Hyperdeath XIV - Temperence: Muffet XV - The Devil: ????? XVI - The Tower: Omega Flowey XVII - The Star: Mettaton XVIII - The Moon: Napstablook XIX - The Sun: Monster Kid XX - Judgement: Sans XXI - The World: Mt. Ebott
And four, uh, assorted cards.
Of course, this is just my personal interpretation of how each character fits into the Major Arcana, and sadly there isn’t room for some of my favourites (rest in peace Burgerpants, Bratty and Catty, Lesser Dog) but perhaps some time in future, I might do few bonus pictures. 
As of this time there aren’t any plans to sell these as prints or actual cards. Hopefully Toby Fox will give me his blessing to have these as proper Undertale Merch! Until then, I won’t be doing a back design for them, but you’re free to print them out for personal use or use them as headers and such, as long as proper credit is given. Please do not sell these, or repost them anywhere else without my permission. Thank you! 
A big shout out to Toby Fox and everyone who made Undertale possible! It’s been a long time since I’ve fallen for a game this hard. Thank you so much for making something so very wonderful!
P.S. I understand some of you want these pictures are a much higher resolution. I’ll see what I can do!
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rollupart · 8 years
Ear bluuuuuuuuush yeessssss
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commission for @tigerhix
adult frisk with asriel dreemurr
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rollupart · 8 years
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Yours truly in his natural habitat!
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