#seriously what’s with the skeletons?
timberlakefan96 · 11 months
Something I love about Tumblr that you don’t really get on Reddit, is the brief flashes of fandoms I’m entirely unfamiliar with, like some large beast in the undergrowth.
Right now, it’s The Locked Tomb. Never even HEARD of it before coming here, but I see impressions of it everywhere. It’s like, teenagers wearing skeletons? Or something?
Do I dare seek it out? Will it wear MY skeleton?
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foursaints · 5 months
thoughts on evan and pandora siblings real?
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i think about them a normal amount yeah
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frnkiebby · 3 months
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I love his stupid face sm~🎃
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constantvariations · 1 month
If Salem obliterated Vale, does that mean she has its relic?
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veryanxiouscreature · 7 months
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kaeyachi · 1 year
We have so many Alberich clansmen straightup mentioned in gamefiles, 3/5 have been shown (Clothar, Caribert, and Kaeya as the only playable alberich) while the 2/5 (Antforas and Kaeya's bio father, unsure if 2 diff people yet) are mentioned, and then there's Pierro who might also be an Alberich just based on similarities with Kaeya's design.
that's a lot of notable Alberich clansmen with heavy lore impact right there. What did they feed this clan?
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cadmusfly · 2 months
I was going to make a comment about how I’m not sure I can write a indie micro TTRPG for my dead Frenchmen interest (and I don’t even write that many anyway, I have two shitposts that made finalist in the 200 word competition somehow and a shitpost about skeleton katamari using domino tiles that I keep forgetting to publish every Halloween)
Ney and the marshals asking Napoleon to step down would be a banger concept for a micro ttrpg
One person plays the emperor, the others play as the marshals/commanders, it’s ritualised like Polaris with specific phrases that activate other phrases, there’s flashbacks to glorious battles and ruinous defeats
It wouldn’t be playable because I am not a ttrpg designer but it would be neat!
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puffyartist · 1 month
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March was a busy month! For one thing, I sat down and came up with my fursona. Keep in mind it is not at all based on any real species, this is pure 'I wanna swipe all the bat shapes that I think are fun'.
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I love putting my boy in situations
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bigmammallama5 · 2 years
Dear ms llama,
How do draw?
How do learn draw?
Sincerely, the gayest mess who wishes to draw all the things
Dear Pizzarolls,
I'm sorry this sat in my ask box for two months, life has been very hectic and it slipped off my radar. D:
How do draw: get a pencil and paper, set your self critiques and harsh expectations to the side, and draw your favorite character or otp. It's intimidating still even for me, but just being in the moment and creating something that makes you happy is worth it.
How do learn draw:
draw. get used to the motions, problem solving, and repetitiveness. make sure you stretch and take care of your hands. also drawing with friends is very fun!
look for references and resources and tutorials! looking at what you want to draw will help you understand how to draw. wanna draw a skelly boi? look at lots of skeleton pictures. using a reference is not cheating, so dont let people tell you that. i would also suggest taking your own reference pictures if you can using yourself/your friends/or those little wooden bendy dudes you can get at the craft store. i didnt really use those but i have friends who swore by them. worth a try!
trace. yes, im saying this. tracing for the purpose of learning is not inherently bad. if looking at a picture of a skeleton and following a tutorial are just not clicking, print that sucker out and tape it to a window and trace him. focus on the part that you arent understanding and see if it clicks then. if it does then yay! you have successfully learned. now draw him again without tracing and see how you do!
***an addendum to tracing: i would suggest not tracing other people's artwork without asking first. a fair amount of artists are okay with you using their work as inspiration, though the topic of tracing has always been polarized. use caution and err on the side of screenshots and stock imagery!
draw for yourself. the lure of popularity and "clout" for notes and likes is really pervasive in a lot of online spaces now, and ive seen it destroy artists and fic writers. ive seen how it can negatively impact individuals to the point of hatred and jealousy and while it is extremely easy to want to get notes and recognition and we as humans thrive on feedback and community... draw for yourself. you will find your community and people who genuinely enjoy what you make. your worth is not measured by likes or algorithms.
On a more academic note some actual resources I and other artists do recommend are the Morpho books. I'm sorry for the am*zon link but that should give you an idea of what to look for. They're affordable, well illustrated, and cleanly put together. I would also look at those fun stock image packs of dynamic poses! Like the ones you find on deviant art. Those are super great for drawing your oc's and otps. I'm also a big advocate of live drawing, which i know isn't always available for some people. Drawing a Real Body right in front of you with an instructor is invaluable, but also asking to draw your friends sitting at the lunch table is just as good.
Um yeah. That how draw. And disco music. here's a skelly boi for your troubles
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hes doing the marge simpson dance
sincerely a very tired and gay llama
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taterswithranch · 1 year
What should I name the Sans and Tabi fic—
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meilas · 2 months
transphobes: in the future archaeologists will know your skeleton is female
what are archaeologists doing with my skeleton?
oh no, this definitely affects me right now, having my skeleton misgendered definitely gets in the way of my happiness now
I really don’t care what people in the future think about my skeleton.
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porter-pumpkim · 1 year
weird ass dream
I somehow had a dream where I was adopted by sans the skeleton and jesus in a McDonalds? Idk what the fuck happened but we had a casual life in a cottage in the mountains
it was actually a pretty nice house too, I remember there was a shed in the back that we converted into like, a little second hang out house kinda thing, we also had a lot of light posts around the place.
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God I love The End. The passive entities are always so fun to think abt.
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rosescries · 1 year
Will Doll break our hearts? ;m;
The short answer is no, not in the "he's going to break up with Mc and toss her aside" way. He's too selfish for that honestly.
Long answer is, the thing about Doll is he would've already done it by now if he was going to. Doll and Mc have known each other for nearly half a year. This is Doll's longest hookup, and that's a record for him. It's part of the reason Sheba was so surprised.
He's has a long string of flings with men and woman, humans and monster, that would've loved to stay by his side until the day they died. And not just for the money and fame of it, but because Doll is one smooth and sweettalking motherfucker.
He got bored of them and tossed them out. Mc wasn't wrong when she thought he's left a long string of broken hearts in his wake. He has, more than she thinks. Some of them were just after his money and fame, some in it just for the sex, yes. And yes there were a few who just wanted to try a Monster out. But not all of them.
Doll is a pretty good manipulator, especially in the emotional category. He's incredibly smart too. He knows how much to give and how much to take to keep a person right where he wants them, and he knows how to do through sex and their emotions. What Doll's doing with Mc, being the perfect gentleman and incredibly sweet, isn't how he normally is. He knows it's what Mc wants, and he knows he wants her in his bed, so that's what he's going to give her.
At this point, Doll's gotten attached. He's going to do whatever it takes to keep Mc his. Nothing he's doing is without a motive. Sheba is the exact same way. They all are.
And I'd also like to remind people of this picture.
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It's important to the plot.
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tchaikovskym · 9 months
why does it seem like i was the only one who learned something at school, like i will talk with someone about, like, the great northern war or atomic numbers, or the difference between weight and mass etc, and they will stare at me like they're hearing it for the first time. we went through the same education system. darling. those are the basics darling. DARLING
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