#sending hugs and love 🥰
lee-minhoe · 5 months
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jongup for @babytunninjadrac 🎁 💗
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lyranova · 2 years
I really love all your works💛
Your such an amazing writer and i wish you all the best in your endeavours💕
ANON 😭💕💕💕!!
Thank you so much you’re so sweet and kind 🥺 and I’m glad you like my writings that makes me so happy 🥰!
I know i’ve been writing mostly OC stuff and for my series but I do have a lot of Xreaders and shipping stuff too so I hope everyone will enjoy those too 😁!
But thank you again for the kind words anon 🥺💕!
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rosicheeks · 24 days
Hiiiiiii hope you’re well
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skitskatdacat63 · 8 months
I would commit murder to see the interview these pictures are from
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yonglixx · 13 days
Just wanted to say that I love your blog, love your pfp, love the lil haenbok banner because YES RIGHT?????? and ugh i love felix sb sb sb so i appreciate you so much for your edits and updates and just thank you sm i hope you're happy and healthy wherever you are 🥺
what a sweet thing to say 🥺🥺thank you so much🥰🥰 and it is my pleasure I love him so much and I just wanna share that with everyone who don't have the time to keep up with everything :) I also hope you're happy and healthy always🥰🥰🥰
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mobius-m-mobius · 4 months
Thinking about the orange/golden fireworks that symbolize Mobius in s1e3 and the green fireworks that represent Frigga when Loki was talking about how much she believed in him, just like Mobius does. Also thinking about Loki's golden ornate dagger that Kid Loki hands him in s1e5, the same dagger that's deliberately in every close up of Mobius during their hug, that erupts into a flaming dagger after Mobius specifically says “thanks for the spark,” about how he carries the golden dagger with him throughout s1e6 (only when he drops it does sylvie betray him, AND there is intentionally NO DAGGER during the betrayal kiss, deliberately showing the emptiness of the harness) and how Loki's throne is golden and how Mobius has a heart of gold. Thinking about how, for Loki, “love is a dagger” and the tva's symbol is a golden dagger (symbol of Mobius’ and Loki's love for each other) impaling a Mobius strip, aka an infinity symbol (Loki and Mobius’ love being infinite, endless, for all time) with two eyes staring ahead (Loki watching over Mobius on the sacred timeline). LOVE IS A DAGGER. 🗡🔥⏳
(idk if you take requests, and if you don't that's perfectly fine, but i'd LOVE to see a gifset for these connections someday!! your gifsets are just so beautiful, i couldn't resist requesting!)
Thinking you and I are thinking on the same wavelength anon! 😅💖
Asks like this make me so happy because stopping to pick up on all the details and parallels of their relationship is unbelievable, it's why I sometimes end up summarizing every scene they've shared throughout both seasons in replies because they really didn't waste a second showing how the impact of knowing each other is this giant ripple effect on every aspect of their lives from that moment on?? Never seen a ship portrayed in such a way where both parties somehow manage to gravitate around each other even when they're not physically together, it's just a natural, unspoken fact their presence has essentially become the grounding force of every move and decision they make from that point forward and I can't imagine finding anything more romantic in a piece of media for as long as I live.
(Also LOVE IS A DAGGER 🗡🔥⏳ because of course it is and Loki is such a dork I know he'd probably think of that phrase at least ten times a day trying to come up with a smoother way of explaining it to Mobius 😂)
I absolutely do take requests for anything and everything Owen related to the best of my ability and it was a pleasure to get yours, the finished set is right here and I certainly hope it's even slightly close to what you imagined or wanted 🥰
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nat-seal-well · 7 months
Trick or treat! For any of your OCs:
TRICK: Has your OC ever been betrayed? By whom and how?
TREAT: What is the kindest thing someone has done for your OC? Who was it?
No pressure to answer this! Sending you lots of love!
Hi anon! Thank you so much for this ask 🥰 I’m sorry it took me so long to answer this, haha, I just got home from a night out. This was a lot of fun to think about and explore <3333 I hope you had (or are having) a lovely Halloween 💙💙💙💙
I answered both of these for Marin, under the cut!
When they were in high school, they were never really noticed, which didn’t help the situation happening at home. They just put all of their focus on trying to do well in their classes, so that it left Rebecca with one thing less she had to worry about (while also trying to be noticed by her). One of the other kids asked them out once—as a joke. They stopped trusting people who were attracted to them a lot less after that. Hence why the breakup with Bobby hurt them as much as it did. And why Nat confused them a lot in the beginning… and scared them, just because they didn’t know what to do with the flirting and the attraction. (That’s why a lot of their reactions at first were more flustered and shy.)
On one of their beach trips right after graduation, they went because they were stuck in a depressive spiral and the beach always helps them feel better. They were looking for agates and glass and crossed paths with an older lady. Marin never learned her name but they spent hours trading beachcomb finds, and she told them stories from when she was younger while they walked. It wasn’t necessarily an act of kindness, but it was exactly what they needed at exactly the right time. Just a little connection to help them remember that they aren’t as alone as they feel. Marin’s carried it with them ever since then.
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a-cosmic-elf · 4 months
For the fic writer asks:
56 and 37!
This is going to be a personal one, probably long winded again, so I’ll put it under a cut.
56. Are there any fics that you would change or rewrite if given the chance?
The current version of Absolution is a rewrite. I’ve changed minor things, like how Kat used to call Seb ‘Boss’ - after a while, I found I didn’t like it. I wanted them to be closer and less formal with each other.
I also re-added in the confirmation that Yin is trans. He always has been, but I was afraid I’d get hate for it, so initially, that part had been cut. I felt brave after enlisting the help of a sensitivity reader and reinstated it for the re-write.
I don’t believe you have to ban writers from writing the ‘other’. It’s like acting. A good actor should be able to play any part, regardless of their personal experiences. Who I am really shouldn’t come into it. And if we want more inclusive and diverse stories, demanding cishets stick to only writing cishet is not going to help that cause. Careful research and enlisting sensitivity readers is the way forward.
The original version of the fic is still up but archived locked. I only got to chapter 9 before I had a falling out with my previous beta, which coincided with falling ill with depression. I wanted to die, ended up in therapy, and so on. It took a lot to return to the story after that. It was like returning to the scene of the crime. ‘Oh, and here’s where I fell ill and wanted to kill myself’ like fuuuuuck.
2020 was tough on everyone. Like many, I was already struggling, so lockdown took all of it and held it under a microscope. The most important thing is that I sought help, I’m recovering, and I started writing again. I took that opportunity to rewrite the story from scratch. I like how it’s going so far, but…
37. What fic has been the hardest for you to write?
Again, Absolution. It still feels like an impossible hill to climb, made worse by association with my illness, and it is an OC fic in a fandom notoriously hostile to OC fics. A fandom I now dislike for being a toxic dumpster fire. And the other related canon ‘Absolution’ happened.
I found it very hard to return to the Abby again after that or even speak of it. It feels wrong. Part of me wants to go back and rewrite it again, removing the ‘absolution’ part so that I don’t cringe every time I like to talk about my fic. (Notice how I rarely mention it on my blog unless asked). I’m getting better at it, but I still find it jarring. But the name is so essential, woven into the very fabric of the story. It’s the name of the goddamn ship and the theme of the entire piece. It would be very hard for me to remove it at this point.
Bioware has upset me. The whole reason I started writing it was because their narrative has more plot holes than a seventies string shopping bag. I know it’s just a big coincidence, but I feel like they stole my subtitle on purpose, and now the only reason I want to finish it is out of pure spite because I believe I can write a better story than them with one eye shut, standing on my head, dancing the Macarena. I mean, look how I’ve been able to fix their story retrospectively without touching canon events at all. It’s easy. I don’t know why they didn’t do it themselves. Canon is just asking for fic writers to fix their shit when they’ve been so blatantly incompetent. 🙄
I didn’t find it hard to come up with the story. I’m just finding it hard to care about Mass Effect these days. Or the videogame industry as a whole in recent years. It feels like just one letdown after another. Games have never exactly been award-winning sci-fi, but it has felt increasingly like the story part of game development has meant less and less to developers over the years. They now sacrifice everything - story, most of all - just to get something out of the door. It’s depressing.
Sorry to end on such a bum note. It’s always going to be angsty talking about which fics were the hardest.
I am still committed to finishing Absolution. Spite alone is a powerful motivator, but your and other’s support makes the struggles worthwhile.
I’m sorry I haven’t got back onto AO3 this week. I prefer using it on the laptop, and I just haven’t had a chance to switch it on. I also wanted to pace myself, savouring all your lovely comments because I rarely have so much interest in my work.
I would have replied earlier this evening, but I had to lie down with a headache. Whew, it’s been a tough day. My head still hurts.
Thank you for the ask! I wanted to make sure that I at least reply here! Feel free to ask about the Abby any time. I am working on chapter 17. It’s just been a slow process because of, you know, everything above. It kind of kills the creative process. Talking about it with fellow readers and writers reignites that spark, so thank you from the bottom of my heart. 🙏🏼💕🥰
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coffeeshib · 2 years
Hi, yesterday I had a really shitty day at work with some personal issues, but I read the new chapter of I'm spilling all my words, and though it made me ache, it also made me so happy. So thanks.
Okay, this one killed me, cause I imagine Alex making the same face that the meme dog does.
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Anyway, the second one that destroyed me is one I have suffer in my own skin
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No words. Not even one.
And finally, cause I could put the whole damn chapter here
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All of this, I just, well. I want a hug. And cry a little bit.
Thanks for this masterpiece of a chapter, love ya, have a nice oneeee!
AJSDHFJSDHF yeah that first part - i was thinking of the fruity dog while writing it. alex every time kara & lena are together, just breathing:
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lyranova · 2 years
Thanks for the ask/chain message, you are so sweet and truly one on the nicest mutuals I know. Thanks to life sorta dog-piling on me a bit, I've been out of the loop and am not sure I even know 12 people who are still active or still consider me a mutual. In any case, I wanted to say thanks and give you a giant hug for making my day.
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TALPUP~~ 😁💕!!!
Aw i’m sorry life did that to you 😭, tbh I think it did it to a lot of us on tumblr all of a sudden so we’ve all kinda fell out of our loops 😅. But it’s ok because IRL comes first 🥰! I’m sure a lot of your mutuals still consider you one, I know I still do because you’re awesome and amazing 😁!
Aww you’re welcome, and I’m glad I made your day 🥺💕! I’ll try and drop into your inbox more often and see how you’re doing, hopefully life gets easier and you’ll be able to write and do more fun things 🥺🥰💕🫂!
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rosicheeks · 1 year
Sorry for the spam I feel like you weren’t on my dash for awhile and I wanted to fix it 👉👈
Hope you have a fantabulous day and get lots of rest and accomplish everything you want to accomplish 🥰🥰💜💜
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singsweetmelodies · 1 year
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somedaytakethetime · 1 year
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Kaspy post last night's game 🥰🥰
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game-set-canet · 10 months
If you had to design a tattoo for a rider, what would it be, the placement and for whom? And no Arón is not valid because he has no more skin to cover
first of all: I LOVE THIS QUESTION SO SO MUCH 😍😍 thank you so so much - you are the best! ❤️
secondly: when i read the first part i was like "omg, i have an idea for Arón-" but then i read the second part of this message 😂😂
but i have some tattoo ideas (although i didn't designe them):
for Lorenzo Savadori - maybe on the costaes or the scapula - inspired by these photos
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but i also found tattoos that reminded me of Jorge Martin (left one) and Maverick (right one) - i honestly don't know why, i can't explain it
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ian-galagher · 1 year
don't mind me just dropping by to spread some love on the dash this sunday.
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thanksokaybye, proceed with your day🌾
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Noshooooooooooooooooo! 🥰🥰🥰 How are you this fine Sunday? Brightening my day with your sweet message! Sending you a whooole lotta love in return goblin king! 🥰🧡 If you feel a sudden tightness in your chest, that's me HUGGING YOU!!!! 😁
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lovedlovingly · 1 year
realizing i love myself so much that child me would be in disbelief of how much self love I'd ever achieve and still be in sorrow awe not being here already! don't worry little buddy, what you're doing is enough and thanks to your little steps in the right direction i do love myself so so so so much by now and make good decisions for myself and take care of myself through love. you're doing fine, keep going and i love u 💗
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