#seeun scenarios
bzbnong · 10 months
oiii, você pode fazer um imagine do xikers da mancha de batom como o do bnd? eu gostei bastante dele!
tá na mão! fico feliz que tenha gostado do meu primeiro post :(
🍥 :: ‘‘XIKERS na trend de mancha de batom..❞
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gênero: fluffy, romance (?)
(!!) : deixei apenas com "você" o suposto pronome. tudo deixado em minúsculo propositalmente (apenas pela estética) e desculpem caso haja algum erro ortográfico. relacionamentos estabilizados.
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ficaria surpreso pela oferta repentina, mas aceitaria, sem muitas perguntas;
ele deixaria você escolher a cor do batom, mas ofereceria para retocá-lo;
seria simplesmente adorável vê-lo com aquele olhar dele amoroso para cima de você, com os olhinhos rechonchudos e grandes parecidos com o de um cachorrinho brilhantes te admirando
serpentearia a sua cintura com carinho enquanto estava encima do colo dele, o beijando;
receberia cada pequeno beijo com um sorriso no rosto, quietinho, apenas aproveitando toda a situação calma que estava;
deixaria claro o quanto gosta de você apenas pelo jeito que ele te olha;
estaria um pouco tímido, não iria negar, mas, no meio daquela situação tão agradável, não estava se contendo tanto para ela acabar. seria menor do que ele realmente é demonstrando estar com vergonha e isso te atiçaria e te faria segurar as bochechas dele, depositando mais de um beijo necessário nos lábios dele, ele tinha esse poder;
depois que terminassem o vídeo, ele te posicionaria no sofá e te encheria de beijos.
deveria confessar que não curtiu tanto a ideia de ter o rosto todo sujo de batom (grudento) mas aceitou por você, porquê te ama;
na verdade ele estava prestes a negar porquê 1° foi pego desprevenido 2° o rosto dele estava pegando fogo (estava tímido) 3° várias pessoas iriam ver;
nervoso, mas feliz por estar recebendo inúmeros beijos de graça, ele aprecia gestos doces como estes;
ficaria nervoso com os seus primeiros beijos no rosto dele. na verdade, estaria nervoso desde que você passou o batom, porém agora ele estava ansioso para que os beijos no rosto acabassem, queria que você parasse de enrolar tanto para beijá-lo definitivamente;
seguraria de leve a sua blusa, procurando algum apoio, o que não tinha. ao mesmo tempo que sabia que várias pessoas assistiriam, fez questão de te olhar com uma forma mais atenciosa;
te abraçaria com força assim que o vídeo acabasse e aquela tentação estivesse passado;
daria beijos leves em sua boca, ainda demonstrando o quanto te ama;
apesar de ser a primeira trend de casal de vocês, ele adoraria e no off estaria procurando algumas outras trends para fazerem.
estaria nas nuvens, com toda certeza;
o rosto dele ficaria vermelho desde o pedido, poderia até arriscar a dizer que era a cor de pele dele;
daria um sorriso de orelha a orelha e riria de vergonha quando você comentasse sobre o novo tom de pele dele;
ele provavelmente se derreteria de tanto amor e carinho;
coraria nos primeiros beijos e daria pequenas pausas em sua ação para te abraçar bem forte, porque o coração dele não estava aguentando mais bater com tanta força, ele estava sem palavras, estava completamente nervoso;
arrumaria os fios rebeldes do seu cabelo;
repetiria o vídeo inúmeras vezes desde que foi lançando apenas para ficar sorrindo igual um bobo vendo o quanto vocês combinam e claro, leria os comentários, que eram apenas coisas boas, os comentários citavam o quão bem ele olhava para você e o quanto se lamentavam de estarem sozinhos;
no fim, ele estaria nas nuvens, ficando completamente orgulhoso por ter você e de ser tão amoroso consigo.
acharia a trend adorável, mas ainda ficaria confuso de como ela funcionaria, entretanTO, ele aceitaria;
considerou o seu desejo de fazer a trend, fazendo o possível para te deixar feliz;
ficou confuso no início, não sabia como ainda funcionava, mas depois de ver a expressão dele meio desorientada, você explicou mais um pouco e ele pôde entender completamente, sorrindo amplamente;
desajeitado, não sabia onde colocar as mãos, estava completamente perdidinho;
estava completamente lisonjeado por você estar enchendo ele de beijos, de graça praticamente e mostrando para futuras inúmeras pessoas quando o vídeo fosse lançado;
se divertiria bastante ao ver o próprio rosto todo manchado com seu batom, soltaria aquele sorriso doce dele e depois se gabaria horrores de ter feito essa trend com você;
você beijou todo o rosto dele, enquanto ouvia minimamente a risadinha dele;
te beijaria na mesma intensidade que você o beijou antes, para compensar.
adoraria 100%! Ganhar beijos seus? de graça!? ele amaria;
mas, no fundo, estaria todo acanhadinho e isso só de reforçou mais quando disse que teria que gravar;
a graça de fazer essa trend com ele seria como ele fica extremamente fofo com o rosto todo vermelho e como ele estava quietinho, apenas recebendo os seus beijos, com um leve sorriso, marcando as bochechas dele;
ele amava receber seus beijos ou qualquer tipo de coisa que viesse de você e isso não seria um segredo. agora, beijos manchados? ele realmente estava adorando sentir isso;
com toda certeza ele gostaria de retribuir essas quantias de beijos depois;
ele não colocou as mãos dele em lugar nenhum, apenas ficou admirando você e as aproximações que você dava quando ia beijá-lo;
o coração dele estava sentindo cócegas com isso, você nunca tinha ouvido tanto a risada dele como ouvia naquele momento e também nunca viu ele se esconder tanto na curvatura de seu pescoço como no momento;
ele se sentiria orgulhoso, feliz e estaria soltando fogos por ter você.
ficaria meio incerto sobre, mas não era aegyo, então estava bem sobre;
achou a trend uma baita de meiguice e de melação, por isso ficou incerto e consecutivamente sério, mas, depois de ver a sua reação, pedindo para fazer, ele aceitou;
completamente rendido a qualquer coisa que você o pedisse apenas por ser você;
ele gostava de cada beijo seu, mas continuava com a feição séria;
você encheu a bochecha dele de beijos, era o seu local favorito de beijar, afinal, elas eram cheinhas e, de longe, esse era o maior charme dele;
cada aproximação sua ele tentava manter a seriedade, mas você começou a atrair ele cada vez mais;
ficou sério, mas, depois que ele percebeu que o rosto dele já estava todo manchado de batom e que estava na etapa final do vídeo, ele te deu um sorriso, limpando a parte suja do seu rosto de batom te olhando com ternura e paixão;
amou a trend, mas jamais e de forma alguma iria admitir isso! só nas memórias faria isso.
ele queria fazer, não iria negar, entretanTO, ele sempre ficava tímido quando ia te pedir, então deixou para lá;
ficaria fazendo palhaçada a cada beijo que você o desse, para disfarçar o nervosismo;
provavelmente, para descontrair um pouco, ele também retribuiria alguns beijos, fazendo você o olhar com ferocidade, porque seria você que teria que beijar ele, ficaria com um biquinho nos lábios para fazer você mudar de ideia e beijar logo de uma vez os lábios dele, só para conseguir o que quer;
quando você desse todos os beijos no rosto dele, ele sorriria igual um bobo, não pararia tão cedo;
deixaria pairar as próprias mãos em sua cintura e assim subiria o olhar de ternura pra você;
amaria cada beijo seu, amaria cada toque seu nele, amaria tudo, tudo, exatamente tudo. faria até a brincadeira de que se você não o beijasse direito, algumas pessoas poderiam paquerá-lo assim que o vídeo fosse lançado, te atiçando;
assim que você terminasse, ele se encontraria abraçado com a sua barriga, te irritando um pouquinho antes de realmente gravarem o vídeo;
no fim, ele ficaria ao seu lado na sala e não tiraria o batom, apesar de ter reclamado horrores e ter te irritado horrores dizendo que gostaria muito que o batom não saísse (óbvio que era ironia, ele adoraria que o batom saísse). você olhou para ele, cruzando os braços e assim ele te deu um beijo, dizendo que só queria te irritar porque te ama.
deu um sorriso angelical quando você sugeriu fazerem a trend;
muito, mas tipo, muito tímido mesmo. você o veria corando frequentemente;
o sorriso dele brotaria no rosto a cada milésimo, parecia impossível encher o rosto dele de beijos (mas a cada sorriso que ele dava, mesmo assim, o rosto dele recebia um beijo);
cheio de elogios e beijos. quanto mais ele te elogiava, mais você o beijava, apenas para ele parar um pouco. praticamente ele lutava contra o nervosismo te elogiando;
ele não precisaria fazer biquinho para dar volume aos lábios dele, já eram cheinhos e isso era algo que você aguardava bastante para fazer, beijar os lábios carnudos dele;
carinhoso e mais tímido ainda;
tentaria acariciar seus braços, seu rosto, suas bochechas, seu cabelo... tentaria fazer de tudo para lutar contra o seu próprio nervosismo, mas ele sempre se encontrava, no fim, sorrindo para combater isso;
depois de ter beijado todo o rosto dele, você retocou um pouco o seu batom e beijou os lábios rosados dele, ficando lá por um grande tempo. ele realmente ansiava por este momento.
"surpreso" foi como ele se sentiu com sua proposta;
depois que você ofereceu a fazer a trend, ele rapidamente foi para a sua caixinha de batons e foi escolher um;
ele se rendia fácil a você, faria qualquer coisa para te fazer feliz e, aceitar fazer essa trend com você não foi diferente;
daria aquele sorriso lindo que ele tem quando tudo terminasse e faria a maior questão de você realmente sujar todo o rosto dele com os seus beijos;
adoraria cada beijo seu;
cruzaria os braços na sua cintura, deixando vocês realmente bem pertinhos um do outro;
te olharia como ele olha o céu, com preciosidade, com brilho nos olhos;
depois de se recuperar da surpresa inicial, (afinal, quem não ficaria surpreso com centenas de beijos?) ele com toda certeza retribuiria, sendo com abraços calorosos e beijos, muitos e muitos beijos.
gargalharia por uns bons minutos achando que você estaria brincando com ele, mas, depois que ele percebe que não é uma brincadeira, ele começa a ficar vermelho, tipo, muito mesmo, mas aceita;
tímido, essa palavra o define, apesar de parecer o contrário;
estavam na sala e você se pôs ao lado dele, segurando bem as bochechas dele e se aproximando a cada beijo, que ele sorria, como os outros, a cada beijinho que recebia;
ele olharia loucamente para os seus lábios quando você não estivesse beijando o rosto dele, queria mais que tudo que ambos lábios se tocassem;
acariciaria você e te elogiaria e assim ele começaria a corar novamente;
acharia engraçado o suficiente o quanto o rosto dele já teria sido marcado, depois ele tiraria uma foto do próprio estado para ficar de memória;
amaria essa trend, amou que o vídeo fosse postado, ama amar você;
por mais que estivesse muito tímido, seria ousado o suficiente para simplesmente dizer que em algumas partes estaria faltando e que você teria que esconder bem o rosto dele para que ninguém nos comentários desse em cima dele.
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justalonelybitch · 2 years
Colourful Surprises
Seeun x GN!Reader
Genre: Fluff, High School Au
Warnings: Shouting, Pranks, Punishments
Word Count: 1.5k
Buy me a coffee :)
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You strolled down the halls with a skip in your step, a bright smile adoring your lips, whistling a cheery tune as you shoes squeaked on the freshly waxed floors. Hurried footsteps followed closely behind you, distant shouts falling deaf in your ears as you began to hum. “Y/N!!” Your professor yelled, darting out in front of you, halting you in your place. “What is it Mr Lee?” You questioned, innocently tilting your head as you awaited his response. His face was red with anger, you could practically see steam coming out of his ears.
“Don’t play dumb, you know exactly what you did!” He shouted, gesturing wildly  towards his black polished shoes. Only they were no longer just black, but rather covered in splatters of paint. “I don’t see how that.. Colourful situation relates to me,” you trailed off, furrowing your brows together in faux confusion. “So you’re telling me you didn’t stick a container of dripping neon paint to the underside of my desk.” He gritted his teeth, seething with fury.
You simply shook your head, linking your hands behind your back. “I don’t believe there is any proof of such a wild accusation Mr Lee,” you said, shrugging your shoulders. “I know it was you, Y/n!” He said, voice laced with rage. “Lets not jump to conclusions now, it could have been anyone. But I can’t imagine who would do such a cruel thing?” You said cheekily, tapping your chin in thought. “I may not have any evidence to get you now, but I can send you to the student council for breaking the school dress code.” He smirked smugly, hastily scribbling on a crumpled slip of paper.
You scrunch your face up in faux displeasure, tugging at the strings of your non-regulation hoodie. “I’ll let them deal with you, while I try and salvage this mess,” he scowled, dragging you to the student council by your sleeve. You stifled a laugh at the sight of his brown dress pants covered in two splotches of paint on either side of his butt. He was so distracted by his precious shoes that he failed to notice the real surprise, but some things are better left unseen.
Huffing, he pulled you through the large double doors and you plopped down lazily on the first seat you saw. You propped your feet up on the wooden table, dirtied, untied sneakers landing directly in front of the student council presidents face. “Y/n, lovely to see you again, remind me how many times it's been this week.” Seeun greeted, voice dripping sarcasm. “I believe this brings it to a total of eight, I think I just broke a record. What’s my prize?” You inquired cheekily, a mischievous smile tugging at the corners of your lips.
Mr Lee angrily muttered under his breath, handing her his note before scurrying off. Leaving the colourful design coating his cheeks on full display for the both of you to view. You grinned at the sight of a smile briefly cracking past her stoic mask, as much as the student council president tried to hide her amusement, you could always read her like a book. Rising to her feet, Seeun wandered over to your seat, leaning over your legs with a taunting smile.
“This is my favourite part,” she whispered, inching even closer to you. “And what would ‘this’ be?” You smirked, bringing your face impossibly closer to hers, you could feel her warm breath against your skin. Seeun smacked your feet off the large wooden table, taking a seat on the edge of it as she picked up her discarded file. “The punishment,” she grinned evilly, wiping the smirk right off your face. “You’re no fun!” You complained, throwing your head back in annoyance. “I’m enjoying myself though,” she said, tossing the file into your lap before returning to her seat.
“What’s this?” You questioned, flicking through the pages before glancing up to meet her mischievous gaze. “It’s all the chores you must complete before leaving today,” Seeun stated simply, your eyes rolling playfully at her statement. “That’s not fair, this list is huge. There’s no way I’ll finish this by the end of the day!” You exclaimed, eyes darting across what seemed like endless random jobs. “There’s one for every time you’ve been sent to me this year.” She said plainly, barely paying attention as she went back to focusing on her student council duties.
“Aww, I see! This is like your twisted version of an anniversary gift, how sweet,” you grinned. Seeun didn’t pay you any mind, only nervously chewing on the end of her pen, a faint pink tint coating her cheeks. “I suggest you get started now, otherwise you’ll still be here after sundown.” She said, biting back a smile as you scrambled to your feet, saluting her with a goofy smile. Leaning down to her level, you gently plucked the pen from between her lips. Her eyes widened at the sudden close proximity of your face as though she hadn’t done the same thing just mere moments ago.
“I’ll need to borrow this, President,” you smiled smugly, wandering off with the pen and paper in hand. “Y/n!” She called out before you could leave the room. You hummed in response, turning to face her once more, stunned by her angelic visuals every time. “Leave the hoodie. We wouldn’t want you getting in any more trouble now, would we?” Seeun said, raising a threatening brow. You quickly tugged the hoodie over your head, tossing it at the president. “Is this your way of stealing my clothes so it feels like I’m still here with you even when I’m gone? Gosh, you’re so adorable,” you said, spinning on your heel.
Seeun blushed furiously, finally letting a genuine smile creep onto her lips once you left the room. She curled her fist into the fabric of your hoodie, refusing to let you get to her, but it was already far too late for that. It was never the sudden flirtatious behaviour or how close you would get to pressing your soft pink lips to hers that made her heart race, although they still had her stomach filling with uninvited butterflies. What really did it was the rare moments of gentleness your actions held, carrying another deeper meaning to them.
Seeun tapped her foot impatiently on the wooden floors, anxiously awaiting your return as the minutes ticked by. The sun was making its descent from the clouds, rapidly falling through the sky. It’d been hours since you’d left to complete the punishment she’d set for you and school had long since ended. As much as she claimed to dislike you for being the very opposite of everything she’d worked so hard to achieve, she couldn’t bare the thought of anything bad happening to you if she left you alone at such a late hour of the evening. Not that she would ever admit that to you though.
At that very moment, you stumbled through the creaky old doors, huffing and panting as you ran towards her. “Done!” You cheered with a triumphant smile, slamming the checklist down on the table with a relieved sigh. Seeun reached over to carefully grasp the paper in her hand, carefully inspecting the list. Glancing around the room as you caught your breath, your eyes wandered back to her, much like they always did. “I hope I didn’t keep you waiting,” you grinned smugly, glancing at her already packed bags.
“I wasn’t-” You cut off her dismissal, hastily tugging her up by her hand.  “Come on! We’re gonna miss it,” you suddenly exclaimed, pulling her along with you, as she barely managed to grab her neatly packed bags. “Miss what?” She questioned, looking to you like you’d gone insane, but she followed you without protest, letting you lace your fingers with her own. “No time to explain, hurry up!” You yelled, pulling her down the school halls by her hand. You both began giggling at the bizarre situation, laughter coming to a halt as you slowed to a stop as the school gates.
“Isn’t it stunning?” You said, mesmerised by the array of colours that lit up the sky as the sun peeked over the mountains. “Beautiful,” Seeun muttered, both of you hypnotised by the view, uncaring of your fingers that hung intertwined between you. “It reminds me of something..” She trailed off, finally glancing down at your hand in hers. A blush spread across her cheeks, staining them a bright pink that almost matched the sky. Just as she began to nervously pull away, you squeezed her hand, unwilling to let go just yet. The two of you relished in the peaceful silence, just taking in the ethereal sight before you. Though you couldn’t help but steal glances at the angelic beauty beside you.
“The colours remind me of Mr Lee’s butt,” you blurted out, slapping your hand over your mouth in realisation of what you’d just let slip in such a perfect moment. A sudden, loud melodious cackle broke you from your thoughts of panic. You found yourself laughing alongside Seeun in a fit of giggles. “That’s what it is, I knew it looked familiar!” She exclaimed breathlessly between laughter. You smiled brightly at her, admiring her toothy grin as she giggled at your statement. You both returned your gazes to the sun as it retreated behind the clouds, hands stuck together like magnets, bright grins plastered on your faces.
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i hope this isn’t as bad as i think it is, because my brain is fried from hours of non-stop studying
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strawberryya · 2 years
show me yours and I'll show you mine
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seeun x reader
synopsis: you meet a super pretty girl in the bookstore and you decide to recommend each other your favorite books. reader is insanely in love with her and they are also not great at staying calm, in like any situation they face.
word count: 1.5k
genre: fluff, love at first sight (or at least crushing incredibly hard), bookstore meet-cute, right at the beginning it's a bit suggestive of more intimate scenarios (that's all tho), dramatic!reader
a/n: I am in love with her, so the reader is also crazy about her from the get-go. tbh it should be the norm when it comes to her. also I've been having such a hard time finding stayc fics on here. am I just horrible at searching for the right thing or do they just not exist?
"okay, let's do it like this, I'll show you mine if you show me yours," she said with a smirk.
your mind went blank at the words, imagining things that you should definitely not be imagining about the girl you had just met in the middle of a bookstore. your face flushed in pink as you nodded eagerly. she smiled brightly at you as she turned where she stood and began walking off.
"meet me back here in a minute okay?" she said over her shoulder, making your knees almost give in as you watched her walk away for just a second longer than you should have. eyes captured by her long hair flowing in the wind she created with her quick steps in the otherwise very still bookshop.
nevertheless, now you needed to search. your favorite book. you needed to find your favorite book. your mind completely blacked out, what the hell was your favorite book!? frantically searching your brain for a good one you had read in your lifetime, the only thing popping up being freaking winnie the pooh. sadly, that wouldn't make the cut this time around.
you went over to a dusty bookshelf in a corner of the store, thinking that maybe, just maybe you could find something that would be worth recommending to this goddamn angel of a woman. yeah, it needed to be a good one you thought as you eyed the dark shelves up and down.
finally, on the bottom shelf, in the corner of the last section, there was a book you recognized very well. you had reread it maybe four times since the first time you had ever read it. perhaps it wasn't your all-time favorite, but it was definitely something you would be proud to recommend since it was so addictive. feeling the clock ticking, you quickly picked up the small book from its place on the shelf and began making your way over to the place where you agreed to meet.
she was already there, looking down at her feet as she swayed a bit, fingers dropping one by one on the book in her hands, waiting for you. your hands clammed up a bit seeing her there. she really was the most lovely being you had ever seen. you were down baaaad you realized as you prepared yourself to walk up to her again.
squeezing the book in your hands and steadying your breath you walked up to her with a big smile on your face. she looked up at you approaching and her own face lit up to match yours. you held on to the bundle of paper leaves in your hands for dear life, trying to not combust.
"hello again," her smile became more shy compared to just a second ago. "did you find a good one?"
"I sure hope so" you chuckled slightly as you held up the book for her to take a look.
"oh, I've heard of it! never read it though, so this will be fun," she stated as her smile widened and became a bit more confident.
you weren't able to keep eye contact longer than that, you felt like you wouldn't have been able to say another word if you did, so you looked down at the book. "I've read it so many times, and it's a bit cheesy, but it's really cute!" you tried to explain hastily before she snatched it into her own hands.
"I love cheesy, it's like the bread to my butter, but cheese!" she excitedly explained back with a satisfied nod, implying that she had said the most clever thing ever said in history.
"yes exactly, you get it precisely!" you responded making you both burst into laughter.
she placed a hand on your forearm, steadying herself as she tried to catch her breath from laughing. you immediately felt dizzy at the touch, but you never ever wanted her to let go, she was addictive in every way.
"okay, okay, now. here." she held out the book she had been holding pressed against her side this entire time. it was blue with pretty letters in cursive on the cover. you didn't recognize the title, but it didn't matter. she liked it, so it had to be good.
"it's beautiful"
"isn't it? I always thought pretty books were the best... and this one is really nice to read too!" she shyly explained, pulling her mouth into a type of pout, while trying to hold back the smile that was trying to sneak onto her lips.
"I'm sure it's great," you stated as you looked up at her and pulled the book close to your chest.
you both bought the books the other had recommended and went your separate ways once out on the street outside the small shop, waving goodbye to each other. after a few meters of skipping away happily, you stop right in your tracks, horrifyingly realizing that you will most likely never see this woman ever again.
"oh god, how could I be so stupid? how could I just leave like that? I didn't ask for her number, I didn't even catch her freaking name, what the hell is wrong with me? I need to work on my social skills. I can't be bad at flirting, and on top of that, forget the most important things to ask when crushing on someone, just because they're unreasonably beautiful." you mumbled to yourself while your thoughts were running wild with regret, as you brought the book you were holding up to your forehead, smacking it down. groaning out loud out of sheer frustration at your own stupidity and the slight sting of the smack.
you fell, head first, down on your couch once you got home. lifting up the book over your head, you smiled a bit, because at least you could still read the book she had recommended. even if you would never see the possible love of your life ever again.
yes, maybe you were a bit dramatic, but who could blame you? she was so dazzling. she was funny, she was interesting, and she was drop-dead gorgeous. how could you not be at her beck and call, even after having just met her?
you decided that reading the book might give you some closure because at least you had gotten a book recommendation as you had needed. you flipped through the pages, taking in the new book smell, which now reminded you of the bookstore girl, making your heart flutter just a bit.
in the final parts of the book, a small piece of paper suddenly floated down into your lap from within the book. you picked it up and had to stick your face into the pillows next to you to muffle the sounds of your screams from what the tiny slip of paper said.
hidden, in between the pages of the book, a note from the bookstore girl! you couldn't stop your body from jittering as you read the content of the note.
hi, so I don't know how you feel for sure, but I thought you were cute. so because of that, I thought I'd say hi, as I did, and give you my phone number, as I am right now...
call me if you ever want some more book recommendations. you can call me even if you don't want any too... I would just love to meet you again no matter the circumstance to be honest.
my number - 098-876 45 48
love seeun
her name was seeun. oh god, it was beautiful. her handwriting was beautiful too. slightly messy and so cute. and, most importantly, she thought you were cute! she wanted to talk to you more! you even had her number now! this was too good to be true. you held the note in your shaky hands as you picked up your phone from the coffee table in front of you. hastily pressing in the numbers and a message, pressing send, and now waiting for her to respond.
your mind was running laps as you awaited the ding, indicating that she had said something, anything. overthinking what you had just sent, wondering if it came off as weird, cringy, or maybe too pushy? your legs were uncontrollably shaking from the adrenaline rushing through your body as you tried to not freak out even more.
oh god, it happened. your head was spinning as the blood rushed past your ears, creating sound in your head as the apartment around you was completely quiet.
"I'm glad you found it... and for thinking that I'm cute too :p"
shit, you were in love. being the hopeless romantic that you were, you laid down on your stomach, fingers clicking away trying to think of something genius to respond back, legs kicking in the air and your heart skipping every other beat as you saw her text bubble appear after every text you sent back. you could do this forever and this was just the beginning.
[navigation post!]
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starryriize · 4 months
reaction when wearing a revealing outfit | xikers
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a/n: got distracted on pinterest looking at hyunwoo...but i have so many thoughts about this!! i tried to not repeat myself too much but i could see them all being so lucky to have you!! love you, nonnie and @chiiyuuvv 🧚🏼‍♀️🫶🏼
not proofread!!
⊹ minjae - he's so protective over you when he sees you wearing a backless top. his mind is racing because every part of you is so pretty and mesmerizing? he just wants to press soft kisses all over your back (perhaps make it arch too)!! has a hand on your lower back to signal to any wandering eyes that you're his! overall, he thinks you're stunning and doesn't mind you showing off your figure- if anything, makes him want you more!
⊹ sumin - literally devouring you with his eyes when he sees you in a corset top that shows off ALL of your best assets!! he can't help but stare at your figure and all he can think about is undoing the ribbons of your cute top! wants to mark you up so badly too :( he thinks you're absolutely gorgeous and lowkey smirks because he has such a goddess for a girlfriend! he's so proud to show you off too!!
⊹ junmin - he’s so shy when he notices how your dress stops right at your ass! tried so hard to not grab it when hugging you but he can’t help it :( your ass looks so perky and cute in your sparkly dress!! he’s adorable and honestly, loves it when you wear anything that shows off your figure! he blushes thinking to himself how he managed to find someone so sexy!
⊹ hyunwoo - he’s so cocky when he sees you walk down the stairs in a top that was strapless, cropped, and backless! he’s definitely a tease too :( keeps his hands either on your shoulders, waist, or lower back! he’d probably not want you to wear it out in public though because he wants you all to himself (and wants to take it off you)
⊹ jinsik - he’s a confident bf! practically worshipping you when you come outside in a dress with a high leg slit!! all he can think about is how pretty your legs would look on his shoulders :( doesn’t stop looking nor does he stop giving you compliments like “you’re all dressed up!” and “you look so ravishing tonight, love.” he’s definitely taking your dress off and you’re in for a long night!!
⊹ junghoon - he’s a shy boy! he’s sees you looking so pretty in your little black dress and he can’t help but stare at how the dress has a low-cut neckline and how the dress makes you look like….a princess! (a princess he’d love to give kisses to) besides staring, he’s super respectful and says “you look like a dream.” honestly, he just makes you blush because he thinks you’re unreal and angelic looking :(
⊹ seeun - he falls between being speechless and being whipped for you. he’s speechless because he thinks you’re absolutely jaw-dropping gorgeous in your plaid shorts! he takes note of how good you look and how long your legs look in shorts! has one hand on your leg in the taxi to remind himself that he really, truly has you in his life :( the type to cling by your side the whole night and kiss you when he sees the perfect opportunities to do so
⊹ yujun - his brain stop working when he sees you walk in with a plain white dress shirt and a high-waisted skirt. he knew you had a charm and that you were gorgeous! practically forgetting his words, blushing, and avoiding eye contact :( he tries to not notice how your skirt rides up when you sit down, but he can’t help it! he doesn’t say anything about that though, just blushes and says “you look really cute!”
⊹ hunter - he knows how pretty you look in your off-the-shoulder shirt and the best part for him is the fact that you’re his! places kisses on your shoulders and gives you back hugs every. chance. he. gets!! he doesn’t care that you’re both in public too! smirks when people start staring at him and then pulls you in for a sweet kiss
⊹ yechan - he’s a super sweet boy! he used to think nothing of you in a cropped shirt since a lot of girls his age wear crop tops. so what’s different about you wearing them? but he was wrong. he’s internally panicking when he sees you in a crop top :( he thinks your belly looks beautiful and he thinks it’s silly that you were ever concerned with getting abs! all he can say is “you’re glowing today” and “confidence looks really, really good on you!”
a/n: whichever outfit you wear, you’re beautiful!! i have no doubt that all of xikers would find you perfect in whatever you wear🫶🏼 keeping shining like the diamond you are <3
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chiiyuuvv · 1 month
wet kisses 🌧️ p. seeun
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you refuse to give seeun his kisses after he misses dinner
boyfriend!seeun x fem!reader 0.6k words requested on wattpad suggestive
▸ 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘺?
The quiet pitter patter of raindrops gently tapping your window temporarily calms down your burning temper, your foot hammering itself against the tile floor of your kitchen apartment as you begin to pick at your fingers, waiting for a certain someone to come back after his boys night out. You often didn’t care how your boyfriend spent his free time outside of the house, but what angered you is how he didn’t come back at the scheduled time you agreed on, leaving the food you diligently prepared sad and cold in their plates, waiting to be eaten.
Just as you were about to put your food away, the door knob jingles, the sound of someone’s giggles erupting through the doorway as he closes the door behind him, kicking off his shoes in the process. “Oh my god babe.. Today was such a hectic day! The boys wanted to go to– What? Why are you staring at me like that?” Your boyfriend, seeun, puts his hands up in defeat when he sees you cross your arms like a disappointed mother, the look on your face telling him that he screwed something up along the way. “I-it started raining a-and..” he tries to reason, but to his dismay, no other words escape his lips, as if they were afraid of your fiery. 
“Go wash up.”
“Can’t I have a hug, at least?” Seeun knew you could never resist his silly humor, a pout forming his lips to hopefully brighten up the mood. 
“No, you’re soaking wet.” You slide back in your chair with playful disgust, attempting to bite back your smile in the process. But seeun knew you too well, refusing to give up.
“What about a kiss instead?”
“NO!” You laugh, jumping out of your seat to run away from the wet boy. Seeun’s hands form into claws as he follows suit, chasing after your tittering body, eventually losing you in the dark hallway that missed its lighting.
“Where are you?~” He says in a teasing tone, quietly opening all of the doors the hallway contained to find nothing, a small gasp leaving his lips when he hears something move from behind him, pushing him against the wall in a flash. “Hey you,” a smirk lifts his lips as he looks down to find you standing before him, a chuckle leaving his being because he swore that your height difference was so cute. You looked so tiny compared to his slender being, something that single handedly boosted his ego. He felt on top of the world (literally), knowing that you couldn’t do anything to stop him.
Right? His eyes widen when you jump up to cage your arms around his neck, pulling his head down to smash your lips onto his, giving him his awaited kiss. His hands snake around your waist, to keep him standing upright and to pull you closer, small shutters leaving his being when one of your hands lets go of his neck to gently trace his jawline as you kiss, the other one ruffling his wet hair. The way your teeth constantly clash against the other makes him feel as if time had stopped, sending him into a world of bliss as he sighs into your mouth, pulling you even closer. 
“What.. what’s the matter?” he says between staggered breaths when you break the kiss, missing the way your plump lips moved against his. His hands release from your waist to cup your cheeks in an attempt to kiss you again, but a pout leaves him when you bring your hands up to push him back against the wall, shaking your head. The boy gulps when you get on your tippy toes, reaching up to his ear to whisper something into it. 
“Go take your shower, and we can resume this when you get back.”
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︴bonus! I feel like i'm bad at writing suggestive works.. 😓
▸ taglist 🎧 @hynunkitty , @cake1box , @mars101 , @nenede , @yuniniverse , @hunchan444 , @s00buwu , @cherrycolaberry , @yoiiwonn , @wonootnoot , @pinievsev
🎬 navi
@chiiyuuvv on tumblr . do not steal works/headers/line dividers
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arafilez · 5 days
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ー☆ㅤㅤ [ csm x reader ] ㅤ੭𓂃 ㅤfluff, crack ㅤ warnings light jokes of "death" ㅤ﹢ㅤ0.4k wc
Sumin peeks from the blanket he has covered up to his nose as he hears light taps of your feet emerging in the room. His green hair falls messily over his head, making him look like a cute, little broccoli and his small, round eyes fix on your figure as he sees you do your night routine.
Sumin has never hated a night routine more.
After what feels like an eternity (it was ten minutes) he scrunches his nose in your direction and whines, “Come to bed, y/n.” You hum in acknowledgement clearly still concentrated on the perfect proportion of your face cream making your boyfriend give murderous looks to the tub of cream.
“Leave the night routine already,” he whines again, bouncing his legs on the bed a bit for extra effect, making you snort and turn around to look at him.
“You know I need to complete this right?” you giggle when you see a deadly glare and a pout adorning his face at the same time and he sticks his tongue out. You turn your back to him again and he groans, head hitting the pillow. A few moments pass and he says the most unhinged sentence ever,
“Get inside and cuddle, before I get hypothermia.”
Your hand halts and hovers over the lid of your box of cosmetics and you turn around saying, “Hypothermia from what? Twenty degrees of the air conditioner and you being under a blanket? Cause of death too flimsy no? Try again?”
That makes him take a big gasp and he replies, “Do you want your boyfriend to die?” You press your lips together to stop yourself from giggling again as you get up (finally) and turn off the lights quickly before getting in bed. As soon as you do Sumin pulls you closer to him and you let the giggle out and turn towards him.
“Are you happy now, you big baby?” you ask, running your hand through his hair and you see the outlines of his big, gummy smiles as he nods excitedly. He pecks your lips and then places little kisses all over your face making you squirm and giggle in his embrace. After a last kiss, long and loving, on the lips, you two settle down comfortably in the covers. “The mere existence of night routine should be a crime,” he says suddenly and you laugh at his righteous voice before you both fall asleep.
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ー☆ㅤㅤ [ ara's notes ] ㅤ੭𓂃 ㅤ sumin broccoli agenda from me & my latte ( @sxmmerberries ) ㅤ𓏧ㅤ library ㅤ xikers shelfㅤ navi
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੭ 𝅄ㅤ ꒰ TAGLIST ꒱ ㅤ⏤ㅤ @haneagerr ㅤ𓏧ㅤ fill this or comment or ask to be added.
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ㅤㅤ(ㅤㅤ© arafilez on tumblrㅤㅤ)
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fordohyon · 4 months
pt. 2!
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PAIRING - maknaeline!xikers x fem!reader
TAGS - fluff
WARNING(S) - lmk if theres any, lmk if there are errors as well!!
wc - 2.2k, each member around 300-400
req by - @junghoonateezzanti
a/n - finally 🙌🙌 ive finished it!! sorry it took a while (like really really long), but i am now not procrastinating my reqs and doing them! Very long overdue!!
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Since you've been dating, Junghoon has only seen you without makeup or minimal makeup. It's not that he thinks you look ugly, though he's seen you buy some and paid for a few. Your cousin's wedding is in about 3 hours, he knows about the wedding and you've talked about going together. Buzzing from your phone echoes throughout the room confirming that you called him. "Babe...? Isn't it too early?" Evident in his voice that he had just woken up. "Sorry, did I wake you up? Though, are you sure you're gonna come with me? I mean, it's your first time meeting my family and it's during a wedding." Your boyfriend hums as you babble,
"Of course..! We've talked about it, honey. I wouldn't say things I'm not sure of, okay? I'll be there, I'll bring my suit and things too." He voices, affirming you.
Your doorbell rings while you scramble to find your dress, your boyfriend messages, telling you he's at the door. Treading to your door and hearing your boyfriend calling out your name you open it instantly, "Hi honey, you look good." He mumbles whilst you kiss him. "Thank you... You'll be dressing up here?" You question him, making sure what you heard a while ago was right.
"Yes, I brought my suit and everything," Junghoon confirms with a warm smile, holding up the garment bag. "I thought it would be more convenient to get ready here together. Plus, I wanted to spend some extra time with you before we head out."
As you let him into your apartment, you notice a flicker of concern in Junghoon's eyes. Sensing his unease, you gently touch his arm and ask, "Is everything alright, Junghoon? You seem a bit off."
Taking a deep breath, he hesitates before speaking. "Well, I have to admit, I've been feeling a bit... insecure about it lately," he confesses, his voice hardly above a whisper. "Remember the security guard at my workplace who has a crush on you? it made me wonder if I'm not appreciating you enough."
Surprised, you reassure him quickly. "Junghoon, don't worry. I love you, and I'm committed to our relationship. I appreciate your concern, but my heart belongs to you.
Relief washes over Junghoon's face. "Thank you for understanding," he says gratefully. "I just wanted to make sure we were on the same page. I trust you completely, and our love is strong."
You pull him into a solace embrace, whispering, "Junghoon, you mean the world to me."
A sense of reassurance, you both get ready for the wedding. You take your coat, ready to go.
You both attend the wedding, your family asks about your boyfriend and invites him to dinner. Of course, he says yes.
(might make an imagine/drabble about the dinner with your family cs I've been missing junghoon a whole lot lately)
He was already at your place before you were even thinking about getting ready for your date. "Babe...? Are you going to dress up in front of me?" He asks you, you who completely forgot about having Seeun over and about to take your towel off. "Get out... Please" You mumble meekly. "I'll tell you when I'm done!" you shriek at him, voice slightly shaking. As Seeun stumbled out of the room, his mind raced with a whirlwind of emotions. Jealousy surged through him, fueled by the sight of you preparing for your date in a way he hadn’t seen before. His extroverted nature had always made him feel confident, but now he found himself questioning his desirability.
Inside the room, you were left feeling a mix of vulnerability and confusion. The situation escalated beyond what you anticipated, and you desperately wanted to explain yourself to Seeun.
Outside, Seeun's heart sank as he realized the impact of his jealousy on your relationship. He berated himself for allowing his insecurities to overshadow his trust in you,
he gathered his thoughts and knocked gently on the door. "I'm sorry," he said softly, his voice filled with remorse. "I let my jealousy get the best of me." Taking a deep breath, you opened the door and looked into his eyes.
"I understand that seeing me dress up caught you off guard," you began, your voice filled with empathy. "But please know that you are the one I love and have chosen to be with."
Seeun's eyes softened as your words sank in. Realizing the significance of trust and communicatio. "I love you," he said earnestly. "I don't want my insecurities to come between us."
you both chose to set aside the tension and focus on strengthening your relationship. You promised to communicate openly, sharing your fears and insecurities.
You walked out of the room, leaving behind the misunderstandings and doubts that had momentarily clouded your love. As you went on your date together.
Yujun was known for his contradictory nature—extroverted at heart but held back by shyness. You’ve been dating for several months. Sharing a deep connection, Yujun’s insecurities are about to be put to the test.
You had plans to attend a special event. It was the first time Yujun would see you get dolled up, as you usually preferred an easier look to do. As he waited for you to finish getting ready, his mind wandered to the security guard he had noticed at their previous outings. The guard always seemed to cast longing glances in your direction, and it fueled a growing jealousy within Yujun.
As the minutes ticked by, Yujun’s anticipation mingled with anxiety. When you finally came out of the bedroom, he was struck by you. The sight of your radiant beauty, accentuated by carefully applied makeup, took his breath away. But it also stirred up a storm of conflicting emotions within him.
Amid this internal struggle, the doorbell rang. It was the security guard, who had come to escort them to the event. Yujun’s heart sank. Throughout the evening, Yujun battled his insecurities. As he observed the guards’ charming and confident demeanor, he couldn't help but compare himself to the security guard. Doubts gnawed at him, whispering that he wasn't enough for you, that you deserved someone more outgoing and self-assured.
Sensing Yujun’s unease, you pulled him aside, her eyes filled with concern. "What's wrong, Yunjn?" you asked gently, your voice sufficed with care.
Stumbling to find the right words, Yujun finally mustered the bravery to convey his feelings. "I'm sorry. Seeing you all dolled up tonight... and the way he looks at you... I can't help but feel jealous. I worry that I'm not enough for you."
As you reached out to hold his hand, your eyes softened. "Yujun, I understand your concerns, but you mean the world to me. Your shy nature and extroverted heart are what make you so special. I fell in love with the person you are, and nothing can change that."
As Yujun listened to your words, he felt a glimmer of hope. Seeing that his envy was rooted in his insecurities and that you had chosen him for a reason.
As the night progressed, Yujun made an effort to entertain in discussions and showcase his extroverted side. With you by his side.
Hunter found himself in the midst of a whirlwind of emotions. He had been dating you for quite some time, and your relationship had always been filled with understanding and support. However, tonight was different. It was the first time Hunter had seen you put on makeup, and it ignited a spark of jealousy within him.
As Hunter watched you carefully apply your makeup, he couldn't help but feel a pang of insecurity. His mind drifted to the security guard, whom you had encountered earlier that day. He exuded confidence and had a character that seemed to draw people in effortlessly. Hunter couldn't shake the feeling that you might be attracted to the guards' charming nature.
When you finally emerged from the bedroom, Hunter's breath caught in his throat. You looked breathtakingly beautiful, your natural features enhanced by the subtle touch of makeup. His heart swelled with pride, but at the same time, a wave of self-doubt washed over him.
As they prepared to leave for the evening, Hunter noticed that the guard would be at the event. A surge of jealousy coursed through Hunter's veins as he observed the guards' friendly banter with you during the walk there.
Sensing Hunter's inner turmoil, you gently took his hand and gazed into his eyes with concern. "Hunter, what's troubling you? You seem distant tonight."
Hunter hesitated for a moment, then finally found the courage to express his feelings. "Seeing you so beautiful tonight and the way the guard interacts with you... I can't help but feel jealous. I worry that I'm not enough for you."
Your understanding softened your eyes. You tenderly caressed his face and talked with an earnestness that never wavered. Hunter felt a weight lift off his shoulders as your words sank in. "Hunter, please know that, I love you and there's no one else I'd rather be with. Just be yourself, and that's more than enough for me." As your words sank in, Hunter felt a weight lift off his shoulders.
Yechan had been dating you for quite some time, and your relationship had always been filled with experience and excitement. However, tonight was different. It was the first time Yechan had seen you put on makeup, and it kindled a storm of clashing emotions within him.
As Yechan watched you carefully lay on your makeup, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of insecurity. His mind wandered to the security guard they had encountered earlier. He had an undeniable charm, and Yechan couldn't shake off the feeling that the guard had developed a crush on you.
As you finished getting ready, you turned to Yechan with a radiant smile. Your beauty, enriched by the touch of makeup, took Yechan's breath away. But alongside the admiration, jealousy began to eat at him, threatening to overshadow their evening.
As they prepared to attend an event together, Yechan's unease grew when he realized that the guard had been assigned to escort them to the event. The thought of spending the night in the guards’ presence intensified Yechan's jealousy, and self-doubt started to cloud his mind.
Seeing the anguish on Yechan's face, you grabbed his hand and drew him away. "Yechan, is there anything wrong? You seem standoffish."
Yechan paused, not knowing quite how to say what was on his mind. But he understood that their connection depended on honesty. "Seeing you so beautiful tonight and the way he looks at you... I can't help but feel jealous. I worry that I'm not enough for you, that I can't compete with his charm and attention."
You cupped Yechan's face gently and your eyes softened. “His charisma may draw attention, but it's your light that shines brighter than anybody else's, Yechan. I like your gregarious demeanor and your capacity to make everyone around you feel special.” You leaned in closer, your voice dropping to a whisper.
"But most of all, I admire your kind heart and selfless nature. You make me want to be a better person." Yechan's cheeks turned a light shade of pink as he smiled bashfully. "I never knew you felt that way," he murmured. You smiled back, feeling your heart flutter at his sincerity. "Well, now you do."
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sector-i-closed · 1 year
xikers Reaction to You Stepping on Their Foot During Your First Dance
I have no idea why it just came to me and feel free to have your own interpretation
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Minjae: He felt pressure to impress you. So he worked really hard to perfect his dance and everything was going perfect as you swayed with him to the music. That was until your foot found his big toe. "Ahhhhh!" Minjae keeled over suddenly and you stopped in your tracks. Alarmed and worried for him. "Minjae are you okay?" You bend over and rub his back, oblivious that you had stepped on his foot. "I'm fine, my foot got in the way..." He admitted sheepishly. "Are you okay, Y/N? Did I hurt you?" He straightens himself and looks at you with concern flooding his eyes. "I'm okay! I'm so sorry I stepped on your foot!" You pout sadly. "It's okay. I will get better at dancing and make you happy." Minjae smiles at you and takes your hand again.
Junmin: Junmin was quite shy when he asked you to dance at the prom with him. He was enthralled by you completely and had forgotten to keep time with the music when you on accident stepped on his foot and prompted him to wince. "Oh Junmin! I'm so sorry! Are you hurt?" You gasp out and look down at your feet. "I'm fine, this is perfect. Let's keep dancing." He smiled at you shyly and resumed dancing with you.
Sumin: Sumin was excited for this evening to be able to dance with you for the first time, having gotten every detail perfected and he felt good about it yet he was still shy when it came to dancing with you at the prom. Things were going well for awhile until a sudden weight was on his foot. He tried to pretend that nothing happened but the sudden look of shock on his face and the squeak that followed brought you to the realization that you had stepped on his foot. "Oh dear! Did I hurt you?!" You ask urgently. Sumin shook his head and gave you a bright smile. "I didn't feel it~" To which you giggled cynically, "Uh huh, I saw it all."
Jinsik: He was excited to get to dance with you. But very shy and awkward when you asked him out onto the dancefloor. Jinsik involuntarily cursed when his foot stepped on yours. He looked at you stunned, face pink and ears turning bright crimson. "It's okay, you didn't hurt me!" You reassure him and give him a hug.
Hyunwoo: It was all surreal to Hyunwoo, a sweet dream that he didn't want to wake from as he danced with you for the first time and the smell of your fragrance enveloped him like a cozy blanket. The next thing he knew you had stepped on his foot and was about to flee like Cinderella. "It's fine, love. Honestly. Let's just go outside and talk awhile, I want to hear more about you and get some fresh air."
Junghoon: Junghoon felt uncomfortable in the prom setting. Everything was so loud and the dancefloor was stuffy. Still you made it better and he could relax a little. You were apologizing to him constantly for stepping on his feet but he shrugged it off. "I'm fine." Junghoon nodded seriously, even when you stepped on his foot again, finding yourself even more embarrassed despite him not even flinching once.
Seeun: He worked hard to build up his confidence to ask you out to the prom, and his confidence to dance with you was another hill he climbed. So when the ball of your foot met with his toes, he wasn't going to let that ruin everything he had worked so hard for to be with you here right now. "I guess I got carried away... We can stop-" You looked into Seeun's eyes apologetically. "It's okay, let's not stop. Let's go." He gives you a comforting smile and resumed dancing with you again.
Yujun: He was over the moon with excitement and being named the cutest prom king with the cutest prom king/queen was even better. Yujun was all smiles and you were also. That was until you stepped on his foot while dancing to a particularly romantic number. Even to see the pain in his eyes for a few seconds was too much and all you wanted to do was to protect him. "I'm sorry, Yujunnie. I'll make sure to be more careful." You wrapped your arms around him and still swayed to the music. "I know you didn't mean to, Y/N. It's okay."
Hunter: You were caught up in the moment with Hunter. Really, you still couldn't believe that he had asked you out on prom night and the smile that he had when he looked at you furthermore made you feel like you were dreaming. Until his eyes went wide. You turned red and looked down embarrassedly. "I'm sorry Hunter..." You trail off, having burst your own bubble. "Are you alright, Y/N? You're not hurt are you?" Hunter held your hands in his and looked at you in earnest. Tears still threatened your eyes from how sweet he was to you. "I'm fine. But what about your feet?" You pout. "They're alright~ I'll put them in your pocket where I'm sure they'll be safe right next to where my heart is~"
Yechan: The first dance that you had with Yechan was awkward. He stepped on your feet possibly more than you stepped on his. "I'm sorry! I will get my steps right yet trust me- ouch!" Yechan squeaked while trying to hurriedly apologize to you. "I'm sorry I missed the floor that time!" You whined and looked down at the floor dejectedly. "Ai don't be sad! We're both good at this and will get even better!" Yechan beamed at you and your own expression brightened. "Okay, let's try- ow!" You giggle when Yechan accidentally stepped on your foot again. "Oh I'm so sorry!" He sputtered while turning red, all attention on the dance floor turned on the two of you. "Well we are popular anyway~" You tease the adorable redhead.
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songmingisthighs · 1 year
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so this is an au that @starlitmark and i made (on a whim) that ended up becoming a thing lmaooooo
and i knowww i knowww they're techincally not "babies" but the word babies on xikers is both adorable and accurate
this is the masterpost of the baby!xikers au which includes who is whose baby, the age gap set between members, their siblings and such. this is an open universe meaning that anyone and everyone are allowed to make a creation based off of this au (as long as this post is tagged in the post and is made clear that the creation was based on our au).
without further adoodoo, here are the members, age gaps, and their paired ateez dads :
Minjae, 6 years old - Hongjoong
Junmin, 6 years old - Seonghwa
Sumin, 5 years old - Mingi
Junghoon, 5 years old* - Wooyoung
Jinsik, 5 years old - Yunho
Hyunwoo, 5 years old - San**
Seeun, 4 years old - Mingi
Yujun, 4 years old - Yeosang
Hunter, 4 years old - Wooyoung
Yechan, 3 years old*** - Jongho
*junghoon is set as a year older for the sake of being brothers with hunter
** san has a daughter, a rainbow baby that's the same age as yechan named soohyun
*** yechan is set as a year younger than the maknae line because we want a toddler yechan
fics :
But what if...? - san × baby!hyunwoo @starlitmark
[10.34] - yunho × jinsik
[8.07] - mingi × sumin × seeun
Candy - yeosang × yujun × hunter @starlitmark
[9.14] - xikers ft. teacher!sunmi
[12:24] dad!hongjoong × baby!minjae (ft. mom!reader)
(more to be added)
network : @cultofdionysusnet
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grossditz · 7 months
i just know seeun is big on orgasm control nd like the power trip of it all??? she'd definitely edge you for hours just to see when you'd break AHHHHH
- 🧁
baby you are so right ! seeun loves feeling all powerful and in control when it comes to you 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 so its only natural she gravitates to orgasm control !!! loves attaching her pretty pink lips on your cunt for hours just so she can tease you with her tongue! refusing to let you cum time and time again to the point you're squirming and whimpering for her <3 let me mention she also loves pressing down on your lower abdomen too! loving the way you nearly break the rules and cum all over her mouth!!!
this is a bit self indulgent but she loves edging you when tribbing omg 😵‍💫 pussy rubbing on yours in a mind numbing rhythm. loves it so so much because you always end up all messy under her T_T everything all wet n sticky bcs how can you listen when she keeps slamming her hips onto yours!!!!! seeun tongue kisses too. stay with me this will make sense!!!!!!!!!!! she'll get you all needy by pressing her tongue in your mouth and never fully kissing you, rubbing your cheek and everything! you have to whine into her mouth and ask her to please just kiss you once :( loves hearing you beg omg. back to the point! seeun uses tease kissing to distract you from the orgasm building up and by the time you notice, shes already pulling away and leaving your pussy all puffy n needy for her :(
this isn't really relevant but seeun so calls you princess or angel when shes making you cream around her :( and she so likes being called mommy 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
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z1onez · 1 year
hiiii, this is ro!!!! i just wanted to say that I created this account to start writing abt zb1, since I don't wanna mix them with xikers. I hope u don't mind!!!
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kpopidolsfashion · 2 years
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b1mbodoll · 8 months
hi im back !!!! (_ _).。o○ m soooo happy u liked the g!p step sis seeun thing 🎀 i wanted to send you more girl asks bcs u asked for them and i Am a number one woman lover! so if i send too many pls ket me know 😭😭😭 i don't want 2 overwhelm u!!
hihi!!! i loved it sm which is why its taking me forever to finish!! wna take my time n perfect it so im sorry for the wait </3 n dont wrry abt sending too many asks, i’ll do my best to get to all of them !
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zer0ady · 10 months
Introduction & Masterlist!!
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I'm Zerodi (pronounced Zer-O-Dee), but you can call me Zero! :)
I use She/They pronouns.
I write for Zerobaseone and Xikers.
My requests are always open! :)
Some facts about me!
• My username (Zerodi) is an amalgamation of Zerose and Roady (Zb1 and Xikers' fandom names ^^).
• I mainly write short scenarios and Bullet-point lists for each member, however don't be afraid to ask for a longer fic for a specific member. :)
• My fics are all cute, fluffy, and super lovey dovey.
• I am Gunwook & Seeun/Hunter biased :)
Rules for requests!
• Please be patient! I can get quite busy at times and am a frequent sufferer of writers block. I will respond to your request asap.
• Please do not spam request. I will not complete your request if you spam, and at a certain point may even block!
• Moments With ZB1
• MTL Clingy
• Clingy Gunwook
• Cute Boyfriend Habits
• As supportive bfs at 'Barbie'
• Thailand With Hunter
I am still rather new to Tumblr so please be patient with me 🙏 Thank you! :) <3
Thank you for reading, and I hope you Enjoy! :)
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starryriize · 25 days
when they get protective | xikers
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╰┈ ⋆。˚ 🪼genre/word count: fluff, slight jealousy 760 wc!!
╰┈ ⋆。˚ 🪼author's note: this was lowkey sitting in my drafts for so long... i felt i repeated myself a lot 😭 i hope you enjoyed this 🌵 anon!! <33 semi-proofread
credit for hunter’s: @chiiyuuvv
🫧laur's taglist: @chiiyuuvv @cherrycolaberry @leehanascent @hyvelxve
based on this ask
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⋰˚☆ minjae: when he sees you in a short outfit, he’s thinking about how he’s so lucky to be yours but then he worries that you’ll be cold. makes sure to give you his jacket and you get worried that he’ll be cold, but he reassures you that he has a sweater :(( he also keeps his arm around your shoulders to let other people know that you’re his and he’s yours!! whispers in your ear that he promises to remind you that you’re his ;)
⋰˚☆ junmin: he would immediately hype you up in your outfit and when you ask if the shirt is too cropped, he’d just say that people can look but that’s all! tells you that he’s the only one who gets to hold your hand and gives you small kisses in public (bc he loves you and to show off)!! gets shy when you tell him to wear a crop top with you but he willingly does it :)) you both look like those couples on the street that people aspire to be!
⋰˚☆ sumin: when he sees you in your outfit, he gets protective over you! not in the way where he’s telling you to change, but he’s definitely glaring at men with wandering eyes. feels a sense of pride knowing that you’re only his!! he’s just a bit embarrassing since he holds you really close to him but you love him for it <33 at some point, he gets annoyed at the stares and just picks you up princess-style!
⋰˚☆ jinsik: he does get a bit jealous seeing the stares that you get and glares at all men who dare approach you…but he also can’t think straight when he sees you in your revealing outfit!! his face is so red and he keeps his hand in your back pocket of your shorts! gets an ego boost just like sumin knowing that he’s the one you kiss at the end of the day ;)
⋰˚☆ hyunwoo: the type to ask if you’re comfortable with it :(( he’s so respectful and even gives you his long jacket to put over your outfit! thinks you always look stunning but he doesn’t think you should be in pain for the sake of fashion!! warns you that it is cold outside and when you wear your outfit anyway- he has jackets, blankets, and more in his car <33
⋰˚☆ junghoon: he actually encourages you to wear your revealing outfit! says you only have one life so you should live it up while you can!! he does get a bit jealous and it’s obvious to everyone but him:// cracks jokes with you about how he rizzed you and how no one else can rizz you like he did!!
⋰˚☆ seeun: he would be slightly jealous...but he really just is scared that you might find other people better than him. reassure him that you're his and then give him the tightest hug :(( lets you go out in whatever outfit you want and he'll put his jacket over your shoulders!! i don't see him getting so jealous to the point where he's glaring but he's definitely obvious about it.
⋰˚☆ yujun: he gets shy when you ask him if you can wear the skirt that is just a bit short :(( says that of course you can but he’s internally going through a crisis. he doesn’t get jealous of people who stare because to him, you are a fashion icon!! hypes you up and happily holds your hand in public <33 people know that you guys are together and you both look like a couple from a kdrama !!
⋰˚☆ hunter: he would side-eye anyone and everyone who tries to get a glimpse at your outfit because it's just a tad revealing! however, he's such a gentleman. puts his arm around your waist and gives you the softest glances :(( he's protective in the way that he only cares about you. he would give you kisses on the top of your head too!
⋰˚☆ yechan: the type to just be a gentleman! he's never been jealous so he's kinda unfamiliar with what to do, but he thinks that people should stare at you!! you're a dazzling star so it makes sense that you get looks, but when the looks become creepy, he's immediately frowning. speeds up walking beside you and links your arm in his to let people know that you're taken :((
~ overall, they're all gentlemen and i think they'd all have a healthy amount of protectiveness over you.
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chiiyuuvv · 1 month
xikers when you have a soft voice!
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stranger!xikers x fem!reader 0.4k words requested!
▸ 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘺?
꒰ minjae and junmin ꒱ I think these boys would be the most visually shocked out of everyone else in the group. Like *gasp!* That’s what her voice sounds like??
Minjae would start stuttering in the middle of his sentence because he was so taken off guard. He’d get a little flustered, his face turning a little red from embarrassment, and because your voice is cute ^.^
Junmin would also be flustered, but since your voice is so soft, he’d shut up immediately. He doesn’t want to interrupt this peaceful environment you just created. Your voice sounds like music to his ears.
꒰ sumin, hyunwoo, hunter, and yechan ꒱ These boys wouldn’t want to make it a big deal in case you find your voice embarrassing, so I think they would have very casual responses (compliments).
Sumin would be a little flirty from the rest, just a simple, “your voice is as cute as you!” to hopefully brighten put your day with his compliment ^^
“You should do some voice acting, because I think your voice has talent!” Hyunwoo would say with a little nod because he truly thinks that.
“Your voice really suits your vibe, I love it!” Hunter would smile, stuffing his hands into his pockets.
“Oh, I thought you’d have a deeper voice..” Yechan would admit, although everyone in the room would think it's a bit insensitive to say, “but this one suits you more! (^^)” he’d finish his sentence cheerfully.
꒰ jinsik, junghoon, and seeun ꒱ These boys would find it a perfect opportunity to flirt with you. Your voice is soft, and dare I say cute?? They're going to have a field day making you blush.
“I didn’t know it was possible to have such an angelic voice in real life,” jinsik would state with a little smirk fixated on his lips, although he’s screaming on the inside.
Junghoon has the unexpected rizz, trust me. “If I was a girl, I would have done the same thing as Ursula to get that soft voice.. You’re lucky that I’m not.” SCREAMINGGG
“I could listen to you for the whole day,” seeun says in a flirtatious tone, resting his chin on the palms of his hands as he mentally kicks his feet like a schoolgirl. 
꒰ yujun ꒱ I think this boy would do dumb stuff just to hear you talk.
“Do you ever walk your fishes??” yujun would curiously ask the stupidest questions just to hear your soft laugh, your voice singing out to him almost like a sweet lullaby. He gets so red when you talk, hence why he asks you dumb questions. Also because he can’t find anything good to talk about.
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︴bonus! credit to @marw-lilia for the incredible lines! the way i gasped at the Ursula one-
▸ taglist 🎧 @lil-elle , @hyunukitty , @cake1box , @mars101 , @nenede , @wonootnoot , @pinievsev , @yuniniverse , @hunchan444 , @s00buwu , @cherrycolaberry , @yoiiwonn , @kookieswithjung , @hakyunz
🎬 navi
@chiiyuuvv on tumblr . do not steal works/headers/line dividers
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