#scrybe of flowers
junosshadowlibrary · 7 months
Tea and Chatter (Grimora Open Rp/Interaction)
Please make sure to read rules before interaction ..............................................................................................................................
The isle of the dead was always a lively place. Something one wouldn't have really expected given the residents that live there. But for those who resided there, they always found something to do during the day. For some it was haunting crypts, others it was playing cards, or having tea. But for the caretaker of the land; Grimora work is what always kept her busy.
As a Scrybe she always had new epitaphs to turn into cards, a new meeting to attend or appointments to keep. Yes she had her free time of course but she always liked to make of the most of the bright sun filled hours of the day before resting. There were a number of task she needed to get done throughout the week, but for today she decided to spend some time outside, and tend to cleaning up some of the graves that resided near her crypt.
Rain, dirt, and other natural elements always did a number on tombstones, and the flowers that adorned some of the graves needed to be rotated out for fresher ones. And of course there was always a new grave to dig for some creature. But today, she focused on the cleaning part. Busying herself with pulling weeds, wiping down tombstones and plaques, and changing flowers. Others have offered to do the work for her but she always preferred getting her hands dirty herself. And saw it as her responsibly to make sure every spirit under her care rested comfortably. And today was the perfect day to maintain that duty.
Though the sun was high in the sky the overcast of clouds and cool autumn breeze keeps her from overheating. Allowing her to toil without a care in the world save for the dirt that was caking itself onto her shoes, hands and skirt. "Alright that should do it!" The second item on that list was easy to remedy as she pulls a handkerchief from her dress pocket, using it to dry off her hands the moment she finishes rinsing them off in a bucket of soapy water she brought with her. But the moment she rises to her feet however, something halts her work. Far along the warned down walkway that expanded across her island was a person. She wasn't sure if they were lost, a friend, a foe, or just a visitor because of how far they were. But the that does little to keep her from smiling brightly and calling out to them. Waving to the visitor in a friendly manner as she greets them with a loud warm chuckle.
"Why Greetings! Pardon my appearance I wasn't expecting visitors today! What brings you hear to my little corner of the world dear?"
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show-tunes · 1 year
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I realize it looks like I used the bi flag colors twice but the flowers are meant to have poly colors. I've already said that I don't think the scrybes would see a point in labelling themselves in-universe, especially since they're all weird immortal non-humans, but Grimora feels like someone who likes learning about different topics so I think she'd at least be curious about learning different labels and such. She'd probably be the most likely out of the other three to try labeling herself, but overall they probably wouldn't care that much.
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longelk · 1 year
i’ll never get over how you draw all of the scrybes but grimora and leshy particularly. your kaycee has also 100% influenced how i perceive her in game and i think that’s fantastic i automatically think of how you draw her!!!! gives your grimora a flower and a kiss on the cheek. thank you for your beauuutiful work [tumblr user barrygeuse]
thank you so much!!!! i draw these chars with so much love in my heart it makes me happy to spread the joy awawaawawa
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inscryption-gamers-au · 10 months
Aw shit, here we go again
[Grimora drops the flower in a panic, and jumps away from the stone wall]
[And with a rumble, the wall solidifies]
[The three remaining scrybes run up to the wall]
"Grimora??? Are you okay??"
[... There is only silence in response]
"We can't fucking hear her! It's stone!!"
"Stone isn't supposed to be soundproof, is it?"
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scover-va · 2 years
The Hex characters but if they were scrybes bc i have been thinking about this
More gameswap content anyways ive been thinkin abt what type of scrybe each The Hex character would be so I am. Putting them down here. Plus any other relevant info on these fuckers. Some get canon scrybe types some dont, for various reasons
Weasel Kid: Scrybe of Beasts
Taking Leshy's role as the Scrybe of Beasts (headpats the boy), SWK is the youngest of the six scrybes. Instead of using a camera though, SWK kinda gets Grimora's whole 'write up about the card' gimmick, except it's all digital. Yes that's a ref to the steam reviews. Anyways, yeah, he writes up about the card. The 'rating' transfers into cost (which is still blood, though if he was game master, he'd probably introduce a mechanic that has to do with coins), and any stats + sigils would be based on what he writes up. His cards are VERY chaotic and random in nature, bc he's all over the place. Mr. Shrewd, Mr. Squarrel, and Catarina are his subordinates, though they're more like his parental figures that anything. His map is just grasslands, the fields covered in hills, flowers, the little cottage SWK, Mr. Squarrel, and Mr. Shrewd live in, and the small hut Catarina does her studies in. She's currently researching the OLD_DATA. Mr. Shrewd can be used as practice, providing helpful tips to the player in order to help them. Though once you defeat SWK, Mr. Shrewd can't be found, and Mr. Squarrel is no longer available to chat with.
Chef Bryce: Scrybe of Strength
Having had his scrybe type be changed during the beta stages of development due to his last one being too boring/difficult to flesh out, Bryce got swapped to the Scrybe of Strength, his map and subordinates changing (he previously only had 1 subordinate given to him before things were changed. He misses her). His gimmick is that for each card you beat, you gain a point, and the higher amount of points you got, the better cards you can use (like how in cax it's first one to 3 points/matches won wins). His subordinates consist of Bhakto, Alley Gator, and Steambot Willy, and the player's able to meet some other, minor characters around his island that serve no purpose but to help the player practice their gameplay/strategies/whatever. The nicest of the six scrybes. His map is various different fighting arenas all sloppily attached together. Rebecha shows up as one of the minor npcs, though only chats, never fights. Someone else lurks behind a door Bryce keeps locked up. Not out of malice for this person, but for care for everyone else in the game and in the real world. All his cards start off blank, and get upgraded as they're used.
Chandrelle Stormblaze: Scrybe of Time
Chandrelle stays at the top of a tower, similar to Magnificus in the canon Inscryption. there's five layers to the tower. The base floor, the Dragon's floor, the Sphinx's floor, the Kraken's floor, and the basement. The Dragon represents the past, using cards based on events in historical events and mythology. You know, like dragons and stuff. The Sphinx represents the present, though doesn't,,,actually fight you. She just throws riddles at you (like in Secrets of Legendaria) until either you lose, or she runs out of questions. The Kraken represents the future, though like The Sphinx, isn't actually interested in card games, her battle instead being more like a dating sim (if u know, u know). Chandrelle hates all of her current subordinates. She used to have different ones, but now one's dead, one's a scrybe, and one's locked up in the basement because he tried to kill everyone on the islands and cause absolute mayhem. And also she just doesn't like him. Her gimmick is that she uses magic to create the cards, often making cards up on the spot, overall kinda just. Bugging out the game.
Rust McClain: Scrybe of ???
No one,,,actually knows what he's supposed to do. Not even himself. His map is like a wasteland, completely empty and glitchy. He uses cards from the other scrybes, though sometimes cards randomly glitch in. Custom made cards by the dev team, cards that didn't make it into the 'final' game. Some cards are self inserts, some are just the definition of 'random bullshit, go!', while others are actual proper cards. He often rambles on about past, unused subordinates that got taken out, like The Vurm, Dustbowl Danny, Fangs, Tall Jane, Helga the Bandit, and someone he mentions a lot more fondly, Rocky. Most of the others assume that the dev team just forgot to delete all his assets and code, so he's still around.
Lazarus Bleeze: Scrybe of Space
A former subordinate of Chandrelle, Lazarus' character was liked by the dev team, and reused as a scrybe. The cards you can use are based on the scale. Good cards if you're winning, bad cards if you're losing, and average cards if it's tied. Lazarus personally thinks the system is incredibly unfair though, so he tends to throw in a bunch of things that benefit the player so they can have a winning chance. The player has had to politely decline shooting Lazarus several times /hj. Lazarus' map looks like a random planet, the sky shifting around his island to look like you were looking into outer space. He resides within a spaceship. His subordinates consist of Junior and Jay, his third subordinate having not been added. But that's fine, because you gotta battle a bunch of aliens before you can even get to Lazarus, Jay, and Junior. All battles being a card game, of course. He hates his current job, and just wants to go back to being a subordinate for Chandrelle. He creates his cards via paying for them using foils, paying for certain things like stats, sigils, etc. He gets to name them and create the image himself for free, though. So, he's had to fight a bunch of the aliens just to get the foils he needs. He lets the player make their own cards, too!
FPP/El: Scrybe of Characters
The sixth scrybe. El makes cards based on the characters in Inscryption, all existing ones, whether you've met them or not. So, they're basically an easy way to know if you missed a secret character or not. El's island is just,,,a white void. Locations change between the appearances of the other islands, though never look the exact same, always having this dreamy sort of effect. Card price is based on the character's role, and similar to Lazarus, you use your foils. Scrybe-based cards can be used for 10 foils, subordinates for 5, and extras for 1. Extras would be the aliens, Bryce's extra fighters, and those locked away by Bryce and Chandrelle. Scrybe-based cards tend to be the strongest, though the cards based on those locked away (which, granted, are incredibly rare to get) are better. As well, upon beating El, El makes a card based on how you did against him and gives it to you. They have no subordinates, and instead have a few puzzles you gotta get through before fighting him.
Aaaand that's all for now! Im gonna draw them at some point, as well as the extras + subordinates. We'll see what happens tho :-)
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dreamdancerdotfile · 2 years
She didn’t know how she had gotten here, but she had been stuck in this body for several weeks at this point. Langston had been too angry to even think about confronting the wizard, but he made sure Haya didn’t suffer due to his hesitation. He cared for her to the best of his ability, even if they both knew she didn’t need it. Haya had always been a beast, but in this body she felt like nothing more than a brute, and in some ways that was a good thing.
Dragging a small dear carcass across the forest floor with a mellowed out gurgle in her throat, Haya paused in caution as she heard rustling in the bushes, ears folding against her head in suspicion. The beast didn’t hesitate to let out a warning growl, tail swishing swiftly behind her as she tended and batted her wings, letting out a yowl to call out to any unsuspecting travelers approaching.
It was raining. Hekate's fur was wet and most flowers of Leshy's lands had hidden their faces away to escape the cold intruder coming from above.
The scrybe wished they'd done the same. The sun hadn't been out a single time and they were very close to simply giving up on their duties for today. Their bucket was barely half-full and a chilling unease had overcome them, they had blamed the latter on the weather, as usual. However, even as they turned to take a path sheltering from the rain, it did not leave.
Hekate's ears twitched at a distant noise came from the trees. They came to a sudden stop and checked the air. The iron smell of fresh blood was faint, but notable.
Damn curiousity.
Cursing themselves, the scrybe went to inspect it. Surely, just one of Leshy's creatures on the hunt. Nothing worth losing petals over.
Slowly and careful not to startle whatever creature had torn another's skin open, Hekate made their way through the trees, careful to stay quiet. Making sure the wooden creatures would help them escape to heights, if necessary. While they went on their little trot, bucket safe and silent in their hands, their fur began to tingle stronger. The rain was forgotten.
As they were almost in sight of the other, a deep growl was sent to the scrybe's direction. Ignoring it, they approached a few steps further and made eye contact with the hunter.
A winged creature stood over its prey, which appeared to once have been a young hooved one. The other's eyes locked with Hekate's.
There, another snarl, a final warning. The creature moved to a defensive position, clearly signaling the smaller one to stay away from its prey, lest they wanted to end up the same.
For a few seconds Hekate just stood there, staring. The creature stared back at them, muscles tensed. They were the intruder. They disturbed this creature's meal unannounced. They were about to give it another reason to be the next one.
They should be afraid. The tingling unease creeping under their skin made sure of it.
This being's presence seemed so wrong, cursed even, it sent shivers down their spine.
Yet it seemed familiar?
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junoscrybeofshadows · 2 years
awakens hello hello I heard there was a wedding going o
Anyways Téras wishes them the best in their marriage👏👏👏👏
The scrybe of shadows lightly tilts her head to the side momentarilly confused before realizing what they were referring too and immediately perks up
"Oh! Yes, although it's more so an engagement..Grimora and I still haven't fully decided what to do for the wedding yet. in truth beyond our dresses and what flowers we want for the wedding we've been a tad too busy to plan much..speaking of- Dearest! come here for a moment!" From around the corner the scrybe of the dead walks out, leaning over juno's shoulder before smiling widely at the ask.
"Aaaw thank you for the congratulations dear! But yes my dearest shadow is right. A lot more shadows have been entering her realm as of late and as such we haven't had much time to work on the wedding. But that's alright we me. Just having her by my side is enough for me!" "You are such a sappy romantic darling."
"And you love it!"
"I do. But thank you for the wishes Teras. As well as the ask, both are greatly appreciated"
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the jingle of bells
summary: how leshy met michael, takes place in act 2 kinda? kinda brings up like how i think video game character memories work dhdhdh
pairing: michael (si) x leshy
warnings: i’m not sure what to put here but if anyone notices anything that could trigger them or others just lemme know and i’ll edit
“Maybe it was… no I… oh this can’t be good,”
Leshy had never seen something like it in all his life. The sound of bells was odd enough, but the thing they were attached to was all the more peculiar.
He could remember, faintly, seeing something in a book (perhaps?) that resembled the creature in front of him, a jester, he concluded, a very old type of entertainer for kings and queens. Not exactly something you see everyday,
But, lo and behold, there was one, right there, pacing back and forth between two paths.
Or, at the very least, it was someone dressed as one.
“Ohhh, the master is going to have my head,”
“Excuse me-“
The jester screamed loudly, causing the scrybe to recoil slightly.
“I’m sorry-” he apologized quickly, looking down at the jester who had fallen to the ground, “I didn’t mean to frighten you,”
“Uhm, uh-uh, you-you wouldn’t happen to be the sc-scrybe of beasts-” the jester tugged at either end of his hat nervously, “W-would you?”
“I am,” Leshy answered, keeping his distance so he didn’t frighten the poor thing any more.
The jester folded in on himself, covering his face with his arms
“Oh please, mister scrybe of beasts! I-I didn’t mean to come into your forest! Pl-please don’t e-eat me and take my bones!”
Leshy blinked in surprise, nearly jumping at the begging.
“I…I think you may be mistaken,” he tried to assure the other, “I only wanted to ask if you needed a bit of help,”
The jester peeked up at the scrybe, looking him over cautiously
“R-really? Y-you…you don’t want to…to kill me and eat me? And-and take my bones?”
“…No,” Leshy answered after a moment, offering the other a hand, “Would you like help?”
“Uh, yes! Yes, I would!” the jester answered, taking the other’s hand and allowing himself to be pulled up to his feet.
“Follow me,” Leshy instructed, and the smaller man did as told, the bells on his wrists jingling with each step
“Do you have a name?” he asked, ducking under a low branch that led up to his cabin.
“Uh, Michael,” The jester answered nervously, “Where are we going?”
“My cabin,” Leshy answered, “It’s going to be dark very soon, in case you hadn’t noticed, and all sorts of beasts come out at night,” he turned and added rather grimly, “And wolves will not ask you if you want help,”
Michael’s shoulders stiffened and he huddled a bit closer to the scrybe
“Ah, alright…”
they entered the cabin and Leshy gestured to the fireplace,
“Warm yourself,”
Michael once again did as told, and he was silent a moment before he looked up
“Uhm, I-I need to uh, get back to my teacher,”
“Y-yeah! He’s probably, uh, worried about me…a little… sorta…” he spoke hesitantly as he tugged at one of the ends of his hat again.
“And…if you’re one of his students, how did you end up out here?”
“Oh, uhm, he-he sent me out to find a flower, but…but I got lost and-and I don’t even remember what it’s called,” Michael shook his head, “I don’t even care about finding it anymore, I just want to be in my dorm again,”
“I can get you on the right path in the morning,” Leshy assured, “But, as I said, I can’t have you wandering around at night,”
“Right…” Michael nodded again, “Thank you, mr scrybe of beasts,”
“Leshy is just fine,” Leshy assured, patting the other’s shoulder.
Michael smiled and Leshy saw a blush slowly rise to his cheeks at the touch,
“O-of course, thank you Leshy,”
Leshy couldn’t help but smile as he grabbed his kettle from the wall.
“Do you like tea?”
“Oh! Sure!”
As he began to brew up some tea, Leshy tried to make conversation
“If…if you don’t mind my asking-“ he began, “Where did you…where did you hear such things about me?”
“Oh, you mean the eating and the uh, uh bone taking?”
Michael was quiet for a moment,
“Uh, it was…mostly my classmates and uh, uh Magnificus,”
“Mm,” Leshy hummed, slightly annoyed.
“But, I mean, I-I should’ve known not to listen to gossip, because you’re actually really, uh, n-nice!”
Leshy smiled at the compliment and his tail wagged quickly, though he was quickly distracted by the whistle of the kettle.
“One moment…”
As he prepared two drinks carefully, he could feel Michael’s eyes on him. Leshy didn’t exactly mind, but he did spare a glance down at the jester, who quickly averted his gaze when he realized he had been caught.
“It’s very hot,” Leshy warned as he handed the drink off to Michael, who blew on it gently.
And now it was Leshy’s turn to stare, his tea already discarded to the side as he sat on his stool, watching the shorter man closely.
He blew on his drink for a moment longer before he attempted to take a sip, gasping when it burnt his tongue
“Ah!“ he cried out, “ ‘s still hot!”
Leshy couldn’t help but chuckle, shaking his head
“I told you,” he said, “Just leave it be for a moment,”
Michael did as told, idly playing with a strand of hair that stuck out from underneath his hat as he looked out the window
“It’s really pretty out here,” he muttered after a moment, “I almost wish I didn’t have to go,”
Leshy perked up in surprise, his tail wagging again
“We can always… take the long way around,” he offered, “I can show you a few things, if you-if you really like it out here so much,”
Michael nearly jumped up in excitement, grinning widely
“Oh, yes, I’d like that a lot!” he said with a vigorous nod.
Leshy couldn’t help but chuckle again.
“Then you'd better get some rest, friend, we’re leaving first thing in the morning,” he nodded to Michael’s cup, “Finish your drink and I’ll get you something a bit more comfortable to lay on,”
When his tea was finished, Michael was given a large pelt to lay on and he was out like a light almost instantly, his body contorted into an odd position.
Leshy sighed a bit at the sight.
He’d only known the strange student for one night, but he couldn’t help but hold a fondness for him, it wasn’t every night he had such a polite guest.
He wasn’t a very big fan of goodbyes.
But, nevertheless, when morning came, Leshy did as he said he would and he led Michael back to the right path, only occasionally stopping to point out a rabbit or a particularly beautiful flower.
When they had to part ways, Leshy was almost saddened to see him go.
“Don’t stray so far this time,” Leshy warned.
Michael nodded and took his big hand on both of his, squeezing tightly
“Thank you again, sir, I-I don’t know what would’ve happened if you hadn’t found me!”
And with that, the jester turned and left.
Leshy took the hand that Michael had squeezed so tightly and put it to his chest, his eyes wide and his heart pounding.
“Ah…” he mumbled to himself as he watched the jester walk off happily, “Ah…”
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scrybeofchance · 2 years
"A... serpent..?"
||May let the world roll around in her mind. Nobody really used words like that around her, except for Magdalena. She thought long and hard, her eyes swirling with concentration. Until...||
"He can turn into a snake?!"
||Her time in the woods with Leshy hadn't made her exactly a wildlife expert, but May more than made up for it with her excitement and pure adoration for all things alive.||
"Snakes are sooo cool!!! Their scales feel so nice and pretty and they're also really fast! I once saw a snake that swam in the pond! I thought it was a fish at first- and did you know that their mouths get superrr big?? I once saw a snake eat a whole mouse, and he didn't even chew! If I'd try to do that I'd-"
“Yes, a snake; I feel inclined to agree, Dagmar is a rather beautiful snake. Mostly black and silver scales with some half-stripes and a crest on his head, striking blue eyes. He himself can get as half as big at the house, probably bigger as he gets older. He should be around your age; How old are you little one?”
Haya tried not to cut her off, happy and pleased with her excitement off it all, but there were a few things she felt curious about as she opened the large wooden door to her home, stepping inside with a smile. The home smelled of cedar wood and hints of patchouli with sweet musk. If you noted, there was also a bit of smoke, probably from her tending to the fires.
Approaching the counter with a small smile, Haya took the warming kettle off the fire and moved to pour two small cups. She never expected company, but Haya had made a habit of setting two cups out anyways, for friends she hadn’t yet met. Today was one of those days it seemed, and she was grateful.
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ebbofcyanwhispers · 2 years
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grimora moodboards for @whisperingzeltus!!!
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nonbiriyani · 3 years
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Scrybe of the Dead
(Based on The Flower Vendor (1882) by Victor-Emile Prouvé)
(Original artwork contains artistic nudity)
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kakusu-shipping · 2 years
My love language is gift giving so I kinda like the idea of each of the scribes just giving their challenger small gifts and items whenever they visit, mostly because its nice to see them happy and flustered by the gift but also partially in like a display of possession if that makes sense? Like little trinkets, rare cards and custom pieces
I also wonder how they'd react to the challenger gifting to them too? Just a whole bunch of presents for the scribes, my beloveds ♡
Anon I am BEGGING you to write your own fics because I can do nothing with this but would LOVE to read it??? Good god the idea of giving the Scrybes things is overwhealming actually...
So like, Leshy would love anything gifted to him, yeah? He's already all about the clutter of his cabin, so as long as it doesn't break aesthetic he'll be happy with just about anything. He's one who if you gave him a rock because you thought it looked pretty he'd put it up on a shelf and praise it every day. He'd do the same right back to you too?? Please take this pinecone look how small it is tiny tiny pinecone. He loves to just press little things into your hand.
Grimora loves clothing gifts, get her an outfit and she'll have to put it on right away and show it off to you so you can compliment how it looks on her. You could also bring her like. A bone you found. A squirrel corpse from Leshy's woods. And she would be over the moon. Yes bones!!! Bodies!!! Very fun. Little fabrics and ribbons as well I could see being good. Teas and chocolates as well. Flowers... Yeah she'll take about any gift, it's really the thought that counts to her.
P03 is going to turn down anything you try to hand him with a little scoff and a "I don't need that junk". Basically anything. He'll probably take things that are actually useful in every day life. A new tool kit, scrap parts, metal shine and cleaners. He's picky, and has no use for trinkets or knickknacks, and he'll turn down a gift if he doesn't see its usefulness.
And on that note, Magnificus might be the same way? He wants something that has a use, actual purpose, but unlike P03 he was raised polite and knows better than to turn down a thoughtful gift. He'll keep things he doesn't have use for in storage in the tower's basement. If he really really likes the player though, all gifts from them are useful as they are inspiration or reference for his latest art piece, which also gives him a good excuse to stare at them for unreasonable amounts of time.
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goobertthegoomage · 2 years
What do you do to pass the time?
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inscryption-gamers-au · 10 months
[The scrybes step into the crypt, and as they enter, candles light up against the floor, blue flames illuminating the space]
"It is beautiful"
[Grimora steps further in, looking around in awe]
[To the left, there is an entrance into a side room, shrouded in darkness. And to the right, there is a stairway down into the shadows, and a chest against the back wall, with another entrance to a side room behind it]
[Then, at the very back of the room, there is a little alcover, a stairway upstairs behind it, candles around the side, and something resting on the floor...]
[A flower]
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trans-p03g · 2 years
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This AU slaps severely (pos) and I'm still obsessed with it, I love the scrybes being a weird friend group
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dreamdancerdotfile · 2 years
A curious creature. Quick to mourn. Don’t listen. Their flowers..
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