#Grimora gives gifts (as anon said) as a way of possession
kakusu-shipping · 2 years
My love language is gift giving so I kinda like the idea of each of the scribes just giving their challenger small gifts and items whenever they visit, mostly because its nice to see them happy and flustered by the gift but also partially in like a display of possession if that makes sense? Like little trinkets, rare cards and custom pieces
I also wonder how they'd react to the challenger gifting to them too? Just a whole bunch of presents for the scribes, my beloveds ♡
Anon I am BEGGING you to write your own fics because I can do nothing with this but would LOVE to read it??? Good god the idea of giving the Scrybes things is overwhealming actually...
So like, Leshy would love anything gifted to him, yeah? He's already all about the clutter of his cabin, so as long as it doesn't break aesthetic he'll be happy with just about anything. He's one who if you gave him a rock because you thought it looked pretty he'd put it up on a shelf and praise it every day. He'd do the same right back to you too?? Please take this pinecone look how small it is tiny tiny pinecone. He loves to just press little things into your hand.
Grimora loves clothing gifts, get her an outfit and she'll have to put it on right away and show it off to you so you can compliment how it looks on her. You could also bring her like. A bone you found. A squirrel corpse from Leshy's woods. And she would be over the moon. Yes bones!!! Bodies!!! Very fun. Little fabrics and ribbons as well I could see being good. Teas and chocolates as well. Flowers... Yeah she'll take about any gift, it's really the thought that counts to her.
P03 is going to turn down anything you try to hand him with a little scoff and a "I don't need that junk". Basically anything. He'll probably take things that are actually useful in every day life. A new tool kit, scrap parts, metal shine and cleaners. He's picky, and has no use for trinkets or knickknacks, and he'll turn down a gift if he doesn't see its usefulness.
And on that note, Magnificus might be the same way? He wants something that has a use, actual purpose, but unlike P03 he was raised polite and knows better than to turn down a thoughtful gift. He'll keep things he doesn't have use for in storage in the tower's basement. If he really really likes the player though, all gifts from them are useful as they are inspiration or reference for his latest art piece, which also gives him a good excuse to stare at them for unreasonable amounts of time.
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