hiroyuki-tateyama · 1 year
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全国のうなぎ生産量の40%強を占める鹿児島県。 我が家の近所にも鰻屋さんがあります。(写真左) 写真右は薩摩揚げ屋さんです。 薩摩揚げも本場ですから薩摩揚げ屋さんは我が家から半径200メートル内に3軒もあります。 日々、美味しいものをいただいています。 #うなぎ #鰻 #さつまあげ #薩摩揚げ #鹿児島 #生産量 #日本一 #蒲焼き#鰻重 #eel #kabayaki #rice #restaurant #satsumaage #surimi #fishcake #kagoshima (Kagoshima, Kagoshima) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqC8e5FvfQO/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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narinarinakanaka · 1 year
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10月17日〜19日の鹿児島旅行 その31最後 お土産、その2 全日空鬼滅の刃ジェット機内からネット購入した鬼滅の刃ジェットグッズ!機内からネットで買うと非売品ステッカーが貰えました。 あと薩摩鹿児島といえば薩摩揚!猫てことで揚立屋さんのを買いました。美味しかったΣd(・ω・d)ウマウマ!!! 以上鹿児島旅行でした。長々と‪⸜(*ˊᵕˋ*)⸝‬ありがとう #鹿児島 #kagoshima #旅行#旅 #japan #仙巌園 #猫神社 #猫神 #senganen #catshrine #土産 #お土産 #旅土産 #souvenir #japansouvenir #kagoshimasouvenir #鹿児島土産 #ana #全日空 #allnipponairways #鬼滅の刃飛行機 #鬼滅の刃ジェット #demonslayerairplane #demonslayer #揚立屋 #薩摩揚げ #satsumaage #japanesefoods #japanesefood #japanesegourmet https://www.instagram.com/p/ClOm-EvpExw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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chuck-clenney · 2 years
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@kumasotei in Tenmonkan, Kagoshima City is a most excellent example of traditional Satsuma/Kagoshima cuisine. The name derives from the ancient Kumaso 熊襲 people who lived in southern Kyushu until their leader was killed by Prince Yamato Takeru, son of Emperor Keiko, in 397. The name of Kumamoto Prefecture is based on these people. The restaurant has a variety of traditional dishes that we tried including Satsumajidori chicken, shochu and miso stewed Kurobuta pork spare ribs, Satsumaage fried fish cakes (served with pineapple), Katsuo Shiokara fermented bonito fish entrails, and Sakezushi, the real star of the show. Sakezushi is made up of rice fermented overnight in sake rather than vinegar. This recipe has been developed over more than 400 years and reminds me a lot of Oshizushi in Nara. We finished the meal off with some sweet potato shochu and Imo yōkan made from three different types of potatoes. うまかっ! #ウエルかご #kagoshima #kagoshimafan #どんどん鹿児島 #熊襲亭 #薩摩 #伝統的 #kagofancreator #鹿児島観光 #kagoshimacity #kagoshimaholic #kyushu #visitjapan #japan #japanese #beautifuljapan #鹿児島 #kagofan #food #japanesefood #sake #sushi #寿司 #酒 #酒ずし #カツオ #塩辛 #豚骨 #芋 #羊羹 https://www.kagoshima-kankou.com/for @kagoshimaholic (at 熊襲亭) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cginr44pv_Z/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tokyodollnl · 3 years
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Homemade Satsumaage (Japanese fishcake). #tokyodollnlcook #tokyodollnlcookfishmain #Japanesefood #japanesecuisine #washoku #fishcake #izakaya #satsuma #satsumaage #todmunpla #japanseten #lekkereten #friedfish #さつま揚げ #vis #おうちごはん #おうち居酒屋 #oishi #itadakimasu (at Japanse kookworkshop Nederland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSkFyE8AhiV/?utm_medium=tumblr
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greenminister · 6 years
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cookingdolls · 4 years
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My theory of fiber intake is eating many root vegetables. Dashi base broth never failed me. Warming up for all the Japanese recipes for my clients this fall. . . #satsumaage #burduckroot #gobō #rootvegetables #konbu #japanesefishcake #vegetablefiber #konjac #dashi https://www.instagram.com/p/CGLJrBSAjwW/?igshid=16gxkl7e7cxos
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13yousuke-blog · 4 years
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#鹿児島 の名物と言えば#鶏刺し ! #もも焼き #さつま揚げ 含めて全部安くて美味い! #焼酎 の#三岳 との相性も最高でした! #九州 #大安 #薩摩揚げ #芋焼酎 #お湯割り #旅 #旅行 #japan #kyushu #kagoshima #daiyasu #torisashi #chicken #satsumaage #shochu #imojochu #mitake #trip #travel (大安) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8aEoRyj3kg/?igshid=ot6748fdklkw
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atthequillsmercy · 5 years
Lenni Reviews: Whenever Our Eyes Meet...: A Women's Love Anthology" by ASCII Media Works
Lenni Reviews: Whenever Our Eyes Meet…: A Women’s Love Anthology” by ASCII Media Works
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(Image Source)
This is a collection of fourteen short stories about women in live in different types of relationships from an artist with a crush on her subject to a high school puppy love getting a second chance when they’re grown up.
While well done overall with pretty art, all the stories are SUPER short. But that’s to be expected when you get 180 pages to tell fourteen different stories.…
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#satsumaage #sakuraebi #shirasu #deepfriedmincedfish #自家製さつま揚げ #しらすと桜えび #春の味 #揚げたては格別 #ビールが飲みたい https://www.instagram.com/p/BxraVenD491/?igshid=1a41386cmiog2
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yurimother · 5 years
WLW Manga Anthology ‘Whenever Our Eyes Meet’ Out Now
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Yen Press’ English adaptation of the Yuri manga anthology Whenever our Eyes meet was released digitally and in print today, June 18. This work contains a collection of Yuri stories set in the workplace.
Whenever our Eyes Meet was originally published Kadokawa in April of 2018 in Japanese. The volume contains 14 stories by different mangaka including Harukawa You, Seta Seta, Yuki Yukiko, irua, Satsumaage, Suzuki Senpai, and more.
You can order the book digitally and in print now at major retailers. Amazon - Whenever Our Eyes Meet...: A Women's Love Anthology - https://amzn.to/2Xhij9H
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cookingwithdog · 4 years
Looking for a savory snack🐟🔥 that goes great with alcohol🍺🍶😍? http://bit.ly/2pQazZR Satsuma-age is deep-fried ground fish meat mixed with vegetables.😋💗️🐩👩 #satsumaage #recipe #さつま揚げ #レシピ
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hakonohanayome · 3 years
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“In My Studio-Apartment Palace”, Satsumaage in Whenever Our Eyes Meet...: A Women’s Love Anthology 
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utagejp · 6 years
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和風ジャーマンポテト ドイツでジャーマンポテトは、シュペックカルトッフェルン(ベーコン+ジャガイモの意)と呼ばれ、女性は結婚までに200種以上のジャガイモレシピを覚えるのだとか。今朝はさつま揚げ・タマネギ・インゲン・茹でジャガイモを炒め、昆布醤油・山椒~🎵簡単旨々だね😃 美味しく健康に、自然の恵みに感謝して頂きます(合掌)。 #ジャーマンポテト #ジャガイモ #和風ジャーマンポテト #朝食 #大地の宴 #speckkartoffeln #germanfries #japanesestyle #oliveoil #satsumaage #onion #commonbean #potato #kelpsoysouce #japanesepepper #daichinoutage #utage_jp #tokyo #japan (Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnMjeU9FR_w/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1gzgv3g9wyc4o
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chefadriano · 7 years
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Satsuma-age ( Giappone )
ingredienti e dosi ,1/4 d'oignon - 4 saucisses - 1 filet de Pagrus major (Dorade japonaise) (150 gr net) - 1 filet de mahi mahi (Dorade coryphène) (150 gr net) - Satu8 crevettes - 1 blanc d'œuf - 1 cuillère à soupe de sake - 1 cuillère à soupe de sucre - 1 cuillère à soupe de fécule de pomme de terre - sel _
D'abord la pâte. Enlever la peau et les arêtes du poisson et couper le finement et ensuite émincer le. Décortiquer et enlever les queux des crevettes. Couper les finement et émincer les . Mélanger le tout pour faire une pâte, soit avec un mortier soit avec un robot de cuisine (mixeur). Ajouter le blanc d'œuf, le sake, le sel, le sucre, et la fécule de pomme de terre. Mélanger bien le tout..Diviser la pâte, pour deux types de "Satsuma-age." Mélanger l'oignon coupé en dé de 2 centimètres avec la pâte, et faire frire en plongeant le tout dans l'huile. Le Satsuma-age goût oignon est prêt.Pour l'autre type, mettre un peu de pâte dans du film plastique et placer la saucisse au centre. Enrouler la saucisse, et faire frire en plongeant le tout dans l'huile.Server le Satsuma-age goût oignon avec du gingembre et de la sauce soja.Déguster la saucisse Satsuma-age avec du Ketchup, de la mayonnaise or de la moutarde selon votre goût.- **** CONSEIL DU CHEF ADRIANOMENNILLO-Possibilité de remplacer le Pagrus major et le mahi mahi par d'autres types de poissons mais il faut utiliser au minimum deux variétés de poisson différentes lors de la recette.Mortier ou robot de cuisine (mixeur) et film plastique
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chuck-clenney · 3 years
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#fbf to a lone soaking in the oceanside hot springs at Sakurajima Seaside Hotel. This hotel is rather dilapidated and the hotel next door is literally falling apart, but it's a trip back in time to see what Sakurajima must have been like at the peak of its tourism boom. After finding a bizarre old piano (next to two turntables and a microphone), we headed back towards the Satsuma Peninsula to eat watermelon, have deep philosophical conversations eating white black sugar (not a typo), snack on satsuma-age fish cakes in Satsuma-Sendai, and to be awash with the variety of soy sauces available. #桜島 #海辺 #シーサイド #ホテル #温泉 #温泉旅行 #海 #自然 #鹿児島 #鹿児島観光 #スイカ #薩摩川内市 #さつま揚げ #黒糖 #japan #japanesefood #japanese #hotsprings #sakurajima #kagoshimajapan #kagoshima #kyushu #nature #ocean #seaside #hotel #satsumaage #blacksugar #kokuto (at 桜島シーサイドホテル) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTDtP8dJH45/?utm_medium=tumblr
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teamiyake · 3 years
I ate oden. Season the soup stock made with dried bonito and kelp, and add satsumaage, hanpen, grilled chikuwa, tsumire, konnyaku, radish, potatoes, ganmodoki, chikuwa, streaks, boiled eggs, and fried tofu. , Add various other seeds and simmer for a long time. The types of oden and sauce vary depending on the region and household.#Japan.#healthy food.#Japanese food.#Japanese…
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