#sasaki to miyano tickling
squealing-santa · 1 year
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Laugh before the date (Squealing Santa 2k22)
Author: Mango!Anon 🥭 A/N: Hi. @lovelynim .Your gift is already here. Sorry for the delay. It's my first tickle fic so maybe the characters will sound a bit OCC or out of character. My apologies. Still, I hope you like it. @hypahticklish Thanks for doing the event. I love the great work you have done. Hope you have a great day ✨❤ Fandom: Sasaki to Miyano Pairing: Sasaki x Miyano Prompt: Ah your feet/arms got stuck? Let me ""help"" you Word count: 1458
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"Mya-chan. Look!" Sasaki pointed to one of the stores in the mall that displayed some mannequins.
Yes. No wonder they promoted Valentine's Day-themed clothes. After all that day, it was just around the corner.
Miyano would get it. He did not hesitate to move his fingers through all accessible places in search of a sensitive point.
"And if we wear matching sweaters?" Sasaki smiled at her boyfriend and insisted on having couple sweaters.
Miyano initially hesitated. As a reader of BL ,would be complying with one of the common couple clichés.
"Don't take too long!" Without giving Sasaki time to speak, he left the room.
Even so, he sensed Sasaki's emotion in his gaze... and he loved him. Thinking about it, it might even be something nice to remember.
Miyano sighed, returning the smile and nodding in response.
Sasaki immediately hugged him and they talked about the color and design of sweater they would wear.
It didn't take long to get to the long-awaited lovers' day.
Miyano was already wearing his sweater which he bought with Sasaki.
They made sure it wasn't too scandalous but comfortable and cute.
Miyano was excited and somewhat restless. It was already the agreed time when they would have their date
That. They'd have their Valentine's Day date. The long-awaited "Valentine's Special" that came out in the BL's ... Cliché
ignores that thought, very busy wondering why Sasaki was delaying.
Several minutes ago he went to enlist.
He knocked a couple of times on the door of  his boyfriend, was waiting for a signal.
He did not receive an answer but heard movement in the room...What if he had an accident?
Mentally apologizing to Sasaki for trespassing, he immediately opened the door.
Apparently he went unnoticed by Sasaki, he didn't even flinch, in fact he looked somewhat... busy.
The sweater was folded up on the bed while the orange-haired man struggled to remove his shirt that kept his arms up and stuck in the fabric.
"Apparently someone forgot to unbutton his buttons " Miyano commented in his mind and held back a giggle as she saw that Sasaki was far from giving up.
"Damn..." he growled between her attempts to break free.
Miyano was willing to help him as a good boyfriend... However, the memory of the time when he himself was in a similar situation came to mind.
In that situation, did Sasaki help you from the beginning? Of course not!
Like the prankster that he is, he teased his boyfriend and tickled Miyano in his vulnerable moment!
This was a good opportunity to do justice.
Miyano made up his mind. It was time to give him his own medicine.
"Ah, your arms got stuck? " he feigned shock as best he could.
Sasaki shuddered and stopped his movements upon noticing the presence of his boyfriend.
"Let me help you " he couldn't help but smile mischievously.
Sasaki had a bad feeling, it didn't sound like Miyano's usual tone.
Miyano naughty, it meant nothing good to him.
"Don't worry, almost ther-EHE! Nono! MyaHa-chaHahaHan!" He squealed as fingers drummed on his bare, exposed ribs.
Sasaki swore he hadn't heard Miyano's approaching footsteps.
"Waihihihit! Ahahahahaha ​​Why aHareheh yhohouhuhu dohihihing thihihihihis?" Sasaki's giggles were so flowing as he squirmed in place of him leaning from side to side.
"I'm just helping you the same way you helped me in a similar situation. Or did you forget?" He took advantage of Sasaki hunching his back in such a way that he exposed his stomach in front of Miyano.
As if he asked to be tickled right there. And clearly, Miyano did so.
Sasaki, renewing his attempts to escape, took a few steps to the right, but Miyano followed him; on the left? Those fingers were still on him.
"IHihihit wahahahas juhuhust pahahaybahahack fohohor ignohohorihing mehehe Ahaha eahaharlihihieheher!" Between his attempts, he tripped over his own bed, lying on the mattress with his arms still trapped in the fabric.
Before he even tried to get up, he could feel the mattress sink into his sides. A sign that Miyano was on top of him and with no intention of ending the one-sided tickle fight.
"Mya-chan! We'll be late!" Sasaki tried to persuade him.
"We have time, don't worry" It was still a few hours until nightfall, so there was no problem.
That new coffee shop wasn't going anywhere.
Actually, Miyano was already having fun here. He enjoyed hearing the genuine laughter of his boyfriend. In addition, he could rarely be in control and not be on the receiving end.
He blames Sasaki's height and his larger hands that can immobilize him with no problem.
"Mya-chan, yesterday you insisted on leaving early to go for some man-WaiHihihit! AhaHaHa NOHoHO THEHEREHeHE" Sasaki was interrupted by his own laughter as he felt those naughty fingers climb from his ribs to his armpits, where they would stay there for a long time.
"I told you because a new manga chapter was coming today, but I can buy it another day" I'd rather hear you laugh, he wanted to say.
"NoHoHoho! IHiHihit's uHuhunfAhaHaiHihir!" Miyano didn't want to exhaust him before the date. So he stopped to give him a breather.
He took the opportunity to unbutton the first buttons of the shirt to free the him boyfriend's head.
And there he was. Sasaki with a giggly smile between gasps and rosy cheeks.
Unable to hide it, Miyano smiled fondly upon seeing him.
Sasaki felt embarrassed. Those pretty eyes were staring at him and he couldn't cover himself or run away.
"Who would have thought you'd be vengeful" Sasaki sighed as he steadied his breathing. He thought the tickle attack was over.
How wrong was he.
"I'm not vengeful. I'm just doing justice" Before Sasaki could formulate any counter-response, Miyano ran his fingers with feather-light touches over his neck and ears.
Sasaki opened his eyes wide before closing them as he snorted in an adorable manner for Miyano, followed by bubbling chuckles.
"I wiHihiHill geHehet yohohou baHahahAack foHohor thiIhihis" Miyano shuddered at the threat. Normally he would try to prevent that from happening soon and accept his fate that it was over. But this time ,just maybe, he can persuade his boyfriend.
"I was thinking of stopping here but I can't just let you go after threatening me" I change from light touches to scratching on his skin, going from his ribs to part of his back.
"How come it-HiHi! AHahAhaHa MyaHaHaha-chHahaan!" Sasaki hunched his back, but this only made the touches more precise and more accessible. He soon collapses on the mattress laughing.
"If you promise you won't retaliate, I'll stop" He reaffirmed what was he said by squeezing his fingers on his hips.
It was cute to see him squirm and kick in such an adorable way.
"It's oHohonly faHahaihihir. I staHAhartheHed ihihit ahahand I hahahaveHehe toHoho fihihHinish iHihit" Good. The plan not to exhaust him went overboard.
Miyano would get it. He did not hesitate to move his fingers through all accessible places in search of a sensitive point.
He was going without following a pattern.
He moved his fingers from one place to another, each tickling touch being hard to predict, so he kept Sasaki in hysterics.
One of his hands kept pressing the center of his armpit when he saw how he was startled by the touch, while his other hand was in charge of pressing each of Sasaki's ribs, making sure that not a single one was missing...
Oh , he found a sensitive spot that made him squeal, right between his sides and ribs.
"FIHINE FHIHINEHEHE! HAHAHAHAHA IHIHI WOHOHON'T! HAHAHAHA STOHOHOHOP!" Sasaki was screaming of laughter running out of strength to even squirm.
Miyano smiled broadly at his victory and ended his attack.
Before releasing him, he took a few seconds to admire the scene in front ... God, his boyfriend was so beautiful. Rarely could he have it like this.
Seeing him so flushed and smiling was the best gift of Valentine's Day.
"Okay. I'll give your space to get ready..." he said as he finished removing the shirt that kept Sasaki trapped.
Miyano hesitated for a few seconds, but was encouraged to lean down and give his boyfriend a sweet kiss, who didn't take long to corresponded.
Miyano felt the color coming up to his cheeks. He was just beginning to feel the shame of having been so daring.
"Don't take too long!" Without giving Sasaki time to speak, he left the room.
Miyano knew that if they locked eyes his blush would only increase in intensity.
Sasaki only laughed slightly at seeing him leave. Despite everything, his boyfriend was still so cute and adorable.
Obedient, it didn't take long for his to put on his sweater and comb his hair, which had been messy.
Internally he admitted that it was a fun start to Valentine's Day.
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lovelynim · 2 years
TickleTober 2022/Day 05 - Punishment
Sasaki to Miyano - Hirano & Sasaki
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Sasaki flinched just by hearing his classmate sighing. He could feel Hirano’s anger without even looking up to him. However, he didn’t have a pinch of regret for his ‘crime’. In fact, he would do it as many times as possible if given the chance.
He and Miyano were talking about a BL manga that was going on around the younger’s head for a while and that a new volume had just been released. In the whole rant about how good and charming the story was, Miyano started describing a scene that made his heartbeat rise.
“So, the protagonist was starting to break up a fight with his friend because of the game they lost, right?”
“Mhm, I remembered reading that,” Sasaki answered, more amused with how cute Miyano looked talking about it than the topic itself, “but what happened next?”
“He was really mad about it! Shouting things like ‘it’s your fault!’ and ‘I will never play with you again’ while threatening to leave. But! When he pushed the door open, his friend grabbed him by his wrist and pulled him into the wall,” Miyano cheered as if he was some fanatic fan at the last round of a competition.
“Oh, didn’t that hurt though?” Sasaki giggled, tilting his head.
“Ah, I mean, he looked a bit stunned at first, but before he could react, bam, his friend trapped him against the wall!”
“What is it, Sasaki-senpai?”
“I’m trying to visualize the scene, but it’s a bit hard without the actual panels.”
“Oh, well, I could len-” He stopped talking the moment he saw Sasaki walking up to him, using his arm to support himself as he towered over Miyano, “s-senpai?”
“So, he did like this, Miya-chan?” He whispered in a lower voice tone, gazing down to the boy under him. 
“A-ahm… I thin-”
“Get off him, you idiot!” Hirato barked, interrupting the scene as he grabbed Sasaki by his shirt collar.
And after a very flustering round of messy explanations, Miyano could finally go back home. Sasaki, however, was kept together with a very upset Hirano in the student council room.
The ginger was leaning at the window, watching as Miyano walked out of school while Hirano nagged at him. At some point, the blonde realized he was talking to the walls and gave a weak hit on top of Sasaki’s head.
“Did you listen to what I just said?”
“I should really beat you up, you know,” Hirano sighed, crossing his arms in front of his chest.  “Aren’t you going to at least try to defend yourself?”
“Would I stand a chance if I did?”
“Ehe…” He laughed nervously, scratching his cheek.
“Do you think this is funny?!” Hirano hissed, poking Sasaki’s side to call the boy’s attention, but earning a huge flinch instead. “What was that?”
“W-what was what?”
“That. What you just did when I poked yo-” and before he could repeat the action, Sasaki’s shaky hand grabbed his wrist. “Oh. I get it.”
Something on his face must have given it away, because the first thing the little ‘troublemaker’ tried to do was run away, but Hirano caught up to him with ease, tackling him to the ground before straddling his back.
“Hirano, w-wait, let’s tahahalk- ahah, p-plehehease!”
“I didn’t remember you were ticklish, Sasaki,” the blonde muttered as he mercilessly clawed at his friend’s sides, “have you ever told me?”
“I-I guehehess! H-Hirahanoo, nohohot this,” Sasaki whined, trying to either squirm away or pry the other’s hands from his body. Obviously, he failed at both.
“Let’s say this is a punishment for throwing yourself at Miyano like that,” Hirano continued, moving his fingers up Sasaki’s torso inch by inch, starting to tickle his ribs.
“AHAHah, I-I ahaham sohohorry, o-ok? Now stahahap!”
“No can do, Sasaki… I’m not quite done with you yet.”
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A/N: Yay, 5th day! Now, come on, who better than Hirano himself to dish out punishments like this? and lee!sasaki is just- agh, so cute… so this pretty much sums the backstory of the decision behind this prompt, hehe ~ Hope you enjoyed your reading!
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italeean · 5 months
The time of forgiveness... or not
A/N: Hellooo 💕 It feels like forever since I've last posted content on this blog, and I apologize for that... let's say that med school has been draining 😓 Anyway, I'll try to be more active starting from this year, although I'll make no promises because my first exam session is approaching, and I'll start with my gift for @tickles-and-cuddles for the @squealing-santa event! I wish you the happiest Christmas, my dear Star 💚🤍❤️ I can't not mention @hypahticklish and thank her for hosting this wonderful event! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! ✨️
WARNING: This is a tickle fic, if it's not to your taste, I don't suggest you read it
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They said Christmas was the time of generosity, warmth, family, forgiveness... Well... Sasaki agreed with that, except for the forgiveness part. He was out for revenge, and he planned on showing no mercy.
Miyano, who had been spending the last couple of days at the redhead's place, thought it was a nice prank to splash him with water when he tried to kiss him in the morning, so he needed to return the favor... but how?
Hiding one of his manga volumes? Nah, too predictable, and Miyano would probably find it too soon. Pretending to be mad at him? Absolutely not, Miyano would get anxious and that wasn't Sasaki's plan. Splashing him back? Too easy... not the right idea
The older guy kept thinking and thinking, until the perfect idea came to his mind. He smirked, happy with his plan, and went to set everything up.
That evening, when Miyano came home, he called for his boyfriend but no one responded. He looked for him everywhere, and when he entered the living room, his eyes widened.
"Sasaki what the-?!"
His partner was on the couch with a cozy blanket and two mugs of hot chocolate on the table. "Welcome home, Miyano! Come here, I wanna cuddle with you~"
Miyano's face became so red that it was glowing, but he eventually obliged. The two students huddled on the couch, the taller one holding the other, and the dark-haired boy had to admit that it was pretty comfy thanks to the blanket and the sweet aroma of chocolate coming from the mugs.
At least until Sasaki started talking...
"So... I hope you enjoyed splashing me this morning..." Oh no, Miyano had completely forgotten about that! "Because I can't say I did~" The kouhai was on high alert now. He was sure that his boyfriend wasn't angry, but his tone was even more concerning. He was up to something, and Miyano understood what he was up to when he felt his fingers tightening around his sides.
Oh shoot... he had to act quickly! Without thinking twice about it, he turned around and dug his fingers into Sasaki's underarms, eliciting a gasp and some giggles. However, his advantage didn't last long. His lover grabbed his wrists, lifted him up and turned him around, making his back lean on his chest and keeping his hands pinned against his own chest.
"Tsk tsk... first you splash me and then you dare to tickle me? The audacity... someone must teach you manners~" "Wait Sasaki I didn't mean i- gaaahahahaha noooo!!" Before Miyano could even try to justify himself, five fingers dug into his poor tummy, squishing it and poking it without mercy.
The younger student squealed, laughed and kicked in the air, but his hands couldn't get free from his partner's grasp. "That's what you get! How do you like this? Does it tickle?" The redhead was surely enjoying himself, a little too much according to the kouhai, but it's not like he was gonna stop any time soon... not at all, actually. He chuckled at how his boyfriend shrieked when he wormed his hand under his shirt to tickle him even better (or worse... depends on the point of view)
"PFF- HAHAHAHAHAHAHA YOU..! YOHOU'RE A MONSTEHEHEHER!!" The younger one scream-laughed when he felt the redhead's nails softly scraping on his skin. They felt excruciatingly soft, which made it all more tickly for him.
Sasaki, on the other hand, was having the time of his life. His lover was in his arms, laughing gleefully and secretly enjoying himself. Well... not so secretly, since he knew about it... let's say he thought he was being secretive, without thinking that Sasaki could read him like a book.
"A monster? Now I'm hurt!" The taller guy fake-gasped at Miyano's words, "Now I'll show you what a true monster would do~" In that instant, a sneaky finger dug into the kouhai's belly button and wiggled around, causing a loud stream of giggles, snorts, squeals and pleas to come from the smaller guy.
"PLEASE PLEASE STAHAHAHA-" Suddenly, his laughter went silent, and the taller guy took it as his cue to stop. The dark-haired boy panted and took greedy breaths, welcoming as much oxygen as he could in his lungs. "That was mean..." He whined, making the senpai chuckle.
"You're lucky I didn't go for your feet~" The redhead replied. That sentence alone caused a shiver to run down the shorter guy's spine. "You're lucky I'm feeling kind thanks to the Christmas spirit... I won't go for your feet this time. Take it as one of my Christmas gifts."
The two guys layed there for a second, enjoying each other's presence. "So... the chocolate should be still warm. How about you take a sip while I put on a cozy movie?" Sasaki asked, watching his lover's face light up at the proposition. He didn't need a verbal ansewer, his gleeful smile was more than enough for him.
The rest of the evening went on peacefully, with fluffy Christmas movies, hot chocolate, lots of laughter and warmth. After all, Christmas is the time of warmth and family.
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intheticklecloset · 8 months
TickleTober Day #2: Blankets
SasaMiya (Sasaki and Miyano)
When the door opened, Sasaki saw the mountain of blankets before he saw the legs sticking out of the bottom.
“Here we go,” Miyano grunted as he carried them into the room. “These should help us keep warm.”
Sasaki stared as his boyfriend plopped them all on the bed where he sat waiting, then took in the smaller boy’s flushed face and burst out laughing.
This of course only made Miyano blush harder. “What are you laughing at?”
Sasaki grinned up at him. “You’re cute, Mya. You know one would probably have been fine? Why did you get three?”
“Well, I just want to make sure we’re both warm enough,” Miyano mumbled, a little embarrassed as he picked one up and wrapped it around himself, then plopped onto the mattress.
Sasaki watched him for a moment, then snaked a hand inside the blanket. “Can we share one?”
“What? But there are three, we don’t need…” Miyano trailed off when he realized what his boyfriend was really asking. Can we cuddle? “S-Sure. Okay.”
Pleased, Sasaki snuggled up to Miyano and held him close as the blanket wrapped around their shoulders. He placed his chin on his partner’s hair and smiled. “Yeah. I like this much better.”
Miyano let out a little whine, but Sasaki knew it was a happy sound. Absentmindedly he trailed his fingers along Mya’s wrist, sliding into his palm to hold his hand.
“H-Hey,” Miyano sputtered, shivering and withdrawing his hand. “That tickles, Sasaki.”
“Oh?” Sasaki grinned and chased after it, scribbling purposely against the skin of his inner wrist and palm. “I forgot you’re ticklish here. It’s cute.”
“S-Sahahasaki—mmph!” Miyano started to protest but was cut off by his boyfriend kissing him instead, pushing him back on the mattress, blanket falling away and allowing the cold to seep back in and make them both shiver. “Hey! The whole point of getting the blankets was to be warmer—”
Sasaki traced his cheek with a thumb and smiled. “I have another way to keep warm.” He playfully squeezed Miyano’s side. “Are you ticklish anywhere else?”
Miyano blushed furiously and whined again. It was going to be an interesting night.
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kusuguricafe · 7 months
Spring Fever 🌸
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A/N: thank you for the request, anon! apologies for the wait, I was having some pretty bad writer's block 😔
Summary: Miyano has something on his mind that he can't seem to shake. He soon learns that Sasaki is quite the force to be reckoned with!
Characters: switches Sasaki and Miyano
“Yes, Mya-chan?”
It was a beautiful spring day outside. The two lovebirds had just finished having lunch together and were now sitting side by side, leaning against each other underneath a cherry blossom tree. Miyano had had something on his mind all day that he couldn’t stop thinking about, and as the cherry blossom petals fell quietly around them, now seemed like as good a time as any to finally bring it up.
“A-are you, ticklish?”
“Yeah, isn’t everyone?”
“Not everyone, but…”
“Why'd you ask?”
“Uh…” (Because he really wanted to tickle him.) “I-I just…” (He wanted to hear him laugh, to be the cause of that laughter. He wanted to feel Sasaki squirm beneath his touch, completely at his mercy—)
“You want to tickle me?”
“I—! Maybe… Yeah.”
Sasaki smiled. “You can, I don’t mind.”
Miyano turned to look up at him. “R-really?”
“Yep. Go on, show me what you’ve got.” Sasaki nonchalantly put his hands behind his head as he leaned back against the tree.
That wasn’t exactly the reaction Miya was hoping for, but he’ll take what he can get. Since Sasaki had already given him such easy access, Miyano reached up and skittered his fingers along Sasaki’s underarms. A slight smile tugged at the corners of Sasaki’s lips as he furrowed his brow.
“You can do better than that,” Sasaki taunted.
“Oh yeah?” Miyano was feeling eager, so he quickly clambered onto Sasaki’s lap and latched onto his hips.
“EEHEHE whahaha-wahahahahahahait!”
“How’s this, huh?”
“Pfftahahaha! Yohou certainly cahahaught me ohohohohoff guahahahard!” Sasaki playfully grabbed at Miyano’s hands, without any real intent to make him stop.
“I’m gonna find your worst spot! Is it here? Here? Maybe right here?” Miyano poked and prodded at Sasaki’s waist, abdomen, and right inside his belly button.
“Ooh, riiight here? Is this a good spot?” Miyano gently wiggled his finger around inside of Sasaki’s belly button.
“Ahahahaha nohohooo!”
“Hm, what about here?” Miyano began rubbing his thumbs into Sasaki’s ribs.
“Oh, I see! Maybe I was using the wrong technique before. Are the rougher tickles worse?” Testing this theory, Miyano went back to Sasaki’s underarms and this time, instead of scratching lightly, he vibrated his fingers firmly into his hollows.
Sasaki practically screamed. “AAAAAHAHAHAHA WAHAHAHAHAHAHA! MIYAAHA- *Sasaki’s laughter goes silent* AHAHAHAHAIEEEYAHAHA!!”
Miyano’s big brown eyes sparkled with joy. “Oh my gosh! Wait, so I was right the first time? This has to be your most ticklish spot!”
Sasaki clutched his stomach and fell softly to the right into a pile of cherry blossom petals. He threw his head back and kicked his legs uselessly. Miyano was unrelenting, having a little too much fun.
“MIHIHIHIHIYAHAHA! STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!” Sasaki grabbed Miyano’s hands with vigor and pulled him down into the pile of petals beside him.
“I… I didn’t know you had it in you!” Sasaki panted.
“I-I didn’t go too far, did I?” Miyano asked, turning to look at Sasaki.
Sasaki turned his head to face Miyano as well. “No, I’m just surprised.”
“Oh, good,” Miyano sighed.
Sasaki grinned. He formed his hands into claws and wiggled his fingers at Miya. “Now it’s your turn!”
Miyano’s eyes widened. Before he had a chance to react, Sasaki was already on top of him. He clawed at Miyano’s ribs, pinched his waist, and scribbled against his tummy.
“AAAAHahahAHAHA! N-nahahAHA!”
“Coochie coochie coo~! I think you’re even more ticklish than I am, Mya-chan!”
“Oho, does somebody have sensitive thighs?”
Miyano’s face turned a shade that matched the petals surrounding it. “SAHAHASAKIHIHI!”
“You’re so cute. You really can’t handle this, huh?”
“Alright, alright. How about here?” Sasaki reached backwards to squeeze right above the tops of Miyano’s knees.
“You’re ticklish everywhere! What about underneath?”
Sasaki laughed along with him. “Hm, I have an idea,” he said, giving Miyano a break as he crawled off him.
Miyano gasped for air, still smiling widely. Sasaki wrapped his legs around Miyano’s, effectively trapping them. He then began to untie his shoes. Miyano hadn’t even noticed until Sasaki had taken one off and poked Miyano’s sole.
“KYAHA! W-w-wahait, Sasaki, please no!”
“No? What, are your feet reeeeaaaally ticklish?”
Miyano scrunched his face and nodded. He tugged at his legs, but they were completely stuck.
Sasaki pulled Miyano’s sock off and scritched across Miyano’s sole. “Tickle tickle~ Tickle tickle tickle tickle, Mya-chan!”
“Oh wow, you weren’t kidding!”
Sasaki took Miyano’s other shoe and sock off and scribbled his fingers all over both of Miyano’s soles and the balls of his feet. Miyano was so loud that Sasaki only kept it up for a few seconds in fear of someone thinking they were hearing screams of bloody murder. He lightened his touches so that he was just barely gracing Miyano’s skin.
“YohOHoHOU ahahAHAHA! AHAHARE g-goHOhoing to kihIHILL mehEHEHEHE!!”
“I’m barely even touching you!” “IHIHI CAHAHAHAHAN’T! NahAHAT THAHAHAHAHAT!”
“What, your toes? You can’t handle the tickle tickle tickles under your ticklish little toes?”
Tears streamed down the sides of Miyano’s face as his laughter finally went silent. Not wanting to kill his poor boyfriend, Sasaki released Miyano’s legs. Miyano quickly curled into a ball.
“Ahahahaha, oh my Gohohahahaha…”
Sasaki leaned down to plant a kiss on Miyano’s forehead. Miyano finally opened his eyes to look up at him.
“There he is!” Sasaki beamed.
“Sh-shut uhuhup…”
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infrequent-creator · 8 months
DAY 7: Flustered
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DAY 7: Flustered
Couldn’t resist teasing his adorable Miyano
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otomiyaa · 3 months
2-Part Fics✨
This is NOT me opening requests, but I'm really curious to try my hand at maybe 1 or a few of those fics like in Fabi's Public's Choice Event where the readers can vote for how the fic continues 👀
But even though I'll be pairing-picking myself based on my own desired self-indulgence, the fics will need a reader or two to finish, and there are SO many things to choose from, so... poll time!
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**Obviously they will be tickle fics so vote with that in mind :3
**Feel free to comment / send asks to specify, but please know I might just use them for study, without answering them! :) I'll let the results of the poll guide me into choosing what I want to write.
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ladysunamireads · 1 year
Did I get it right?
Did I get it right? by SpicyRainbowRoll
Miyano encounters a tickle scene in his manga, while Sasaki is sitting just inches away. What will he do!?
Words: 1230, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 佐々木と宮野 | Sasaki to Miyano (Anime), 佐々木と宮野 | Sasaki to Miyano (Manga)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Sasaki Shuumei, Miyano Yoshikazu
Relationships: Miyano Yoshikazu/Sasaki Shuumei
Additional Tags: Tickling, Teasing, Boys' Love, Yaoi
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48044233
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trans-ace-lee · 2 years
About Me
Hello! You can call me Jin. I write sfw tickle scenarios, fanfics, and headcanons but I also post some nsfw nonsexual irl content which will be tagged nsfw tickles, so I ask that minors filter out the nsfw tickles tag. Feel free to send me asks, headcanons, questions, and dms.
As my username suggests I am a lee, and I am open to teases as long as they are nonsexual since I am extremely acearo (asexual and aromantic) and sex repulsed. If you send me sexual asks or dms, consider yourself blocked.
In addition I am transmasc, polyam, queer, and poc so I also ask you do not follow me if you have an issue with the aforementioned information including me being acearo.
Possible trigger warnings: mentions of eating disorders, self harm, suicidal thoughts plus general mental health issues
Fandom List: Fandoms that I will not write fics for will be marked with a *. All written work will be tagged Jin writes, scenarios will be tagged Jin's scenario writing, fanfics will be tagged Jin's fics, and headcanons will be tagged, you guessed it, Jin's headcanons.
My masterlist
Anime and Manga-
Demon Slayer/Kimetsu no Yaiba (finished manga)
Haikyuu (finished manga)
Bnha/Mha (caught up to the reveal of the traitor in the manga chapter 372)
Chainsaw Man (caught up on the anime, up to chapter 93 of the manga)
Mob Psycho 100 (anime only)
Fullmetal Alchemist (finished manga)
BSD/Bungou Stray Dogs (season 1 only)
Kuroko no Basuke/Kuroko's Basketball (I've watched/read everything up to the movie)
Spy x Family (mostly caught up on manga)
Jujutsu Kaisen/JJK (anime only but I plan on reading the manga at some point)
Given (caught up on written chapters)
Sk8 the Infinity/Sk8
Sasaki and Miyano (caught up on written chapters)
Hirano to Kagiura (caught up on written chapters)
Seaside Stranger (caught up on written chapters)
Yuri on Ice
Free! Iwatobi Swim Club
Beastars (season 1 only)
Mashle: Magic and Muscles
Assassination Classroom*
Black Butler*
Death Note
Ouran High School Host Club (anime only)
Kdramas and Manhwa-
Cinderella and Four Knights
BJ Alex (finished)
Painter of the Night
Full Volume
Strong Girl Do Bong Soon
Squid Game*
Cdramas and Donghua-
The Untamed/MDZS/Mo Dao Zu Shi
Scum Villains Self Saving System
Heaven Official's Blessing/TGCF/Tian Guan Ci Fu (season 1/finished the novel)
Thai BL Dramas-
TharnType (season 1 only)
Until We Meet Again
Cartoons/Comics/TV Shows/Webtoon-
Gravity Falls* (I plan on rewatching at some point but I'm not familiar enough with it currently to write a full fic)
Heartstopper (up to date on webtoon and netflix series)
Avatar the Last Airbender*
Doctor Who (10th-12th Doctor)*
BBC Sherlock*
Kpop*- I do not write about real people but I will discuss cute moments and general stuff about the groups and music
Stray Kids
Monsta X
Literature*- I won't write fics for most literature I read bc I read a ton since I'm an English major, so I haven't touched most of these series to be able to do them justice in a fic
Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus
Harry Potter
The Maze Runner
Note: Ask me about classical literature
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riisada · 10 months
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TARTE ✧ she/her ✧ 8teen ✧ asian ✧ a total lee and a sucker for light tickles and scratches ✧
SFW! i do not have a tickling kink, a foot fetish, etc. please dni if youre an nsfw blog. i am not into bondage, restraints, etc. just sweet domestic scratches :)
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✧ blue lock ✧ haikyuu ✧ fruits basket ✧ ouran high school host club ✧ genshin impact (to an extent lol. had to quit the game coz that game takes up SO MUCH STORAGE. so i only know the characters + lore up to the chasm update) ✧ sasaki to miyano but more specifically hirano to kagiura!!
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✧ chigiri, nagi, reo ✧ sugawara, suna, osamu, kenma ✧ yuki, kyo, haru ✧ kaoru. that is all. (there. is. not. enough. kaoru!! pls i need more kaoru content) ✧ venti, albedo, kaeya ✧ hirano, sasaki, miyano
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pleased to meet you!
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lovelynim · 8 months
TickleTober2023/Day 06 - Movie
Sasaki to Miyano - Sasaki x Miyano
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With scene after scene unfolding on the screen before them, it would be hard to notice anything regarding their surroundings. Yet, just like he always did, Sasaki was way more focused on something else other than the movie or, better saying, someone else other than the movie.
Gently moving his hand closer to his boyfriend, Sasaki lightly tapped Miyano’s knee with his finger. The ravenhead jolted in his place, making the other chuckle quietly under his breath. “Miya-chan… are you sure you don’t want to go to bed?” 
“Mhm,” Miyano answered promptly, nodding and holding the blanket closer to his chest. “I just got a little distracted,” he continued, pretending to take his eyes back to the movie. It didn’t take long, however, for Miyano to start dozing off again.
Adorable, Sasaki thought, admiring the little head tilts as his lover battled the urge to sleep. His eyelids seemed to be so heavy that he could barely keep them awake for long… As much as he would love to watch those small struggles a bit longer, he knew it wouldn’t do Miyano any good to sleep on the couch like that, so it was time for him to do something about it.
“Miyan-chan ~ you are sleeping again,” Sasaki mused, resting his palm over Miyano’s legs, looking at him with the corner of his eyes. “It’s time for you to go to bed, Miya-chan,” he continued, lightly squeezing Miyano’s kneecap.
The ravenhead let out a loud, surprised squeal. Shaking his head and rapidly blinking a few times, realized what happened. Feeling his cheeks getting warmer, he shyly hid behind the blanket. “...I want to finish the movie, Sasaki-senpai,” he muttered, making the older guy raise his eyebrow.
“You can finish the movie later, you should go to bed now.”
Miyano remained quiet, but it was clear he wasn’t going to obey Sasaki just like that. He sighed, shaking his head. “Fine, Miya-chan,” he chuckled, squeezing his knee again, getting the most adorable reaction he could from his boyfriend.
“S-Sasahahaki! No tihihickling!” Miyano protested, giggling from underneath the blanket as he squeezed his eyes shut. Sasaki’s fingers, in the meantime, continued to squeeze the rather sensitive spot, curiously scratching behind it as well, teasingly testing Miyano’s sensitivity.
Hearing his boyfriend’s carefree laughter, it didn’t take Sasaki long before he was laughing along with him. “Then how about we go to bed, hm?”
“I dohohon’t w-want tohoho!” Miyano chirped, trying to recoil his legs and take them away from Sasaki’s reach, only to realize his mistake seconds later: with his knees away from his boyfriend’s hands, he ended up resting his feet on Sasaki’s lap - an opening that, of course, didn’t go unnoticed. “W-wahait, Sasaki! NononahAHA!”
Miyano’s laughter rose a pitch when restless fingers scribbled over his socked sole, assaulting his ticklish arch and heel. While one hand occupied itself tickling his boyfriend’s foot, Sasaki made sure to keep a firm grip around Miyano’s ankle, granting it wasn’t going anywhere.
“So? Did you change your mind, Miya-chan?” Sasaki mused, his words barely audible over the loud giggles. 
Miyano’s free foot kicked in a futile attempt to free its pair, which was suffering a severe - and ticklish - punishment. The ravenhead threw his head back in a renewed stream of laughter. “F-fihihine! AHAHahah, leheEHEhet me gohOHo!”
Sasaki hummed pleased, sliding his index one last time from the bottom of Miyano’s heel up to his toes, making his sole curl in response. “Good, I was getting a little tired myself ~”
“Y-you are so mean, Sasaki-senpai…” Miyano gasped, not waiting a single second before pulling his legs away from the other. The movie was already long forgotten when the couple started leaving the room, getting themselves ready to sleep. After all, what was the harm in finishing it later when they would have plenty of time to spend together?
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A/N: I feel like there couldn't be a better timing to post this, ehehe. Such a lovely couple, I adore my babies so much wahhh
Hope you guys liked this one as well and see you next day!
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hansanimation · 2 years
i love their couple dynamic~
hc that Sasaki loves to tickle attack Miyano
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intheticklecloset · 2 years
1) I'm very upset because Sasaki and Miyano is out but it's on Funimation which is still being a butt for me so I can't watch it even though I actually got to the manga first for once and want to see it so baaaaad!
2) Can someone who's more up-to-date with what's been happening during my break help me figure out this tag ban thing? If I use separate #tickling hashtags vs #haikyuu tickling tags will my stuff not be seen on iOS now? Is that how that works? What should I do when I get back to fic writing??
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kusuguricafe · 1 year
Meido Day!
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A/N: I realized it was Maid Day, and I really wanted to write something for it. Thank you for the suggestion, anon! Please enjoy 💖
Summary: Miyano has a Maid Day surprise for Sasaki!
Characters: lee!Miyano, ler!Sasaki
“Oh, Myaa-chaa— Eh? Eeh??”
Sasaki turned to see his lovely boyfriend, no, a lovely-looking maid??
“D-does it look good on me?” Miyano shyly asked.
“Good? It’s absolutely adorable!”
Miyano blushed, avoiding Sasaki’s gaze. “You really think so?”
“Of course I do! But, don’t you not like wearing women’s clothing? Why are you wearing that, anyway?”
“It’s Maid Day.”
“Oh, I see. Kawaii~”
Sasaki took a closer look at Miyano’s outfit. The maid dress suits him surprisingly well, and the white hairband stands out well against his black hair, he thought. Those black stockings and adorable Mary Janes really make the outfit. I’m surprised he chose a dress that short, I can see his thighs—wait, have I ever seen his thighs before!?
“Yes? Sorry, I was lost in thought for a second there. Could you do a spin for me?” Sasaki smiled.
“Oh! Um, sure!” Miyano lifted the ends of his dress up slightly and twirled around.
Sasaki was starting to feel faint. “The big ribbon on the back is very moe. Is that how you use it?”
“K-kind of.”
“So, uh, are you going out anywhere today, or…?”
“Oh, no, I just, uh… I did this for you.” 
“You—you what?”
“I wore this for you!” Miyano said, much louder this time. “D-don’t make such a big deal out of it. I just thought that, maybe, you would like it…”
“Oh my gosh, Mya-chan… That’s the cutest thing I’ve ever heard. I could just die!” Sasaki said, holding back laughter.
“Hey! Don’t laugh!”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. You’re just too cute.”
Miyano’s eyes widened. His face was still flushed from the last few times Sasaki had called him cute in the past couple of minutes. This wasn’t helping. He covered his face with his hands.
“Aw, Mya-chan, don’t hide!” Sasaki walked over and gently moved Miyano’s hands away from his face. “There he is~!”
Miyano couldn’t stop a wobbly smile from appearing on his face. “S-stop! You’re embarrassing me. Don’t look at my face!”
“Why not? You have such a beautiful smile!”
“N-no I don’t! It looks silly…”
“You don’t look silly at all! Okay, well, maybe a little—”
“No no no! Not from that, j-just the outfit, but, it looks really good on you! It really does, I’m just still a bit taken aback.”
Sasaki realized he was still holding Miyano’s hands, which were now trying to escape.
“You’re not trying to cover your face again, are you?”
“Nooo, I want to see it! Please let me see my darling boyfriend’s face?”
“F-fine,” Miyano pouted.
Sasaki frowned. “Hold on a minute, I’ll be right back. I think I have something that will complete your look.”
Miyano sat down on their couch while he waited for Sasaki to return from the other room.
“Here! It’s brand new.” Sasaki said, presenting a black feather duster.
Miyano blinked in surprise.
Sasaki stepped closer and fluttered the feather duster over Miyano’s ear.
“EEP!” Miyano jumped and covered his ear with his hand.
“Oh? Is someone a little sensitive, hm~?” Sasaki waved the duster over Miyano’s other ear, and when he covered that one too, he waved it over his neck.
“Ehehehe nOho! S-stahahap!” Miyano covered his mouth.
“Stop hiding your smile! I want to see every part of my Mya-chan’s face.”
Miyano shook his head.
“Guess we’ll just have to do this the hard way…” Sasaki said, placing the feather duster down on the coffee table. He wiggled his fingers at Miya.
Miyano squeezed his eyes shut, his hands still covering his mouth. Sasaki reached down and began kneading at Miyano’s hips, causing the smaller boy to burst out laughing and squirm beneath him. Miyano almost immediately uncovered his mouth to bat at Sasaki’s hands instead.
“WahAHAHAha nononOHOHO! WhyhyHYEEE?”
“Honestly? I just really wanted to tickle you,” Sasaki admitted. “Seeing your bright smile and hearing your sweet laughter is a bonus! Tickle tickle tickle~”
“Yohohou cahahahan’t jUHUST say things like thahAHAHAhat!!”
“Sure I can!”
Sasaki moved up to Miyano’s ribcage. Miyano weakly grabbed at Sasaki’s hands, ultimately just holding onto them, making no real attempt to stop him.
“AhahahahahaahaAA! Hahaha noho, wAhahAAHAHA!”
Sasaki had to resist the urge to squeeze Miyano’s bare thighs. Maybe some other time. He didn’t want to push Miyano too far.
“Ihihit tihihihickles! Sahahahasaki-senpahahAIIII!!
But that wouldn’t stop him from pinching right above his knees. “Tickles?”
“Where else is Myaa-chan ticklish?”
“I’m nohOHOt just gonna tell yoHOU thahAHAhat!”
“Hmm, how about…”
Sasaki managed to catch one of Miyano’s feet, which had been thrashing about. He unfastened and slipped off his shoe.
“Ah, wait! Sasaki, p-p-please…!”
“Please what?”
“I, I don’t knohohow!”
“If you really want me to stop, I’ll stop.”
No response.
“Y-you don’t have to stop…”
Sasaki grinned. “Okay, just tell me if it’s too much, alright? This is the last spot I want to try.”
Miyano nodded. Sasaki gingerly scribbled his fingers across the ball of Miyano’s stocking-covered foot. Miyano screeched.
“Whoa! That bad?”
“Here? Right under your toes?”
“How are you even making those sounds? Haha!”
“Okay, okay! I’ll stop. I had no idea you were this ticklish! Breathe, you’re alright.”
Sasaki put Miyano’s shoe back on as Miyano caught his breath. He laid there, panting. His eyes were sparkling, and his face was flushed a deep pink. Sasaki gazed at him lovingly.
“Can I take some pictures of you before you take that off?”
Miyano opened his eyes and looked up at Sasaki. “But, my face is all red now, and I’m sure my hair looks ridiculous!”
“Pleeease, for me?”
Miyano paused to think.
“I won’t show them to anyone else, I promise! Please, Mya-chan!”
“Okay! Okay. For you.”
Miyano smiled genuinely, not feeling the need to hide it anymore.
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galacticlee3 · 4 years
Hello peeps! I’m getting back into writing, so here’s a list of stuff I’m writing for!
I’m mainly going to be writing SFW tickle fics here, but I’m also open to headcanons, non-tickle stuff, and other things, just ask!
boldest are fandoms I am very into
I currently write for ⭐️
fandoms I’m in but won’t write for 🪐
Haikyuu!! ⭐️
Marvel (MCU) 🪐
Persona 4 Golden ⭐️ (not finished)
Lucifer 🪐
Criminal Minds ⭐️
Danganronpa (THH, some DR2, DRV3) 🪐
Bungou Stray Dogs ⭐️
Genshin Impact ⭐️
Obey Me! Shall We Date? ⭐️
Fire Emblem Three Houses 🪐
MCYT/Dream SMP 🪐
Sasaki to Miyano ⭐️
various other assorted animes, I’ll probably write for it if I’ve seen it so feel free to ask!
I will write character x character or character x reader for headcanons or fics, but my character limit per ask is four.
Please specify in your ask:
Whether the pairing is romantic or platonic!!
Gender presentation of the reader if you’re requesting a character x reader fic, or they will be gender neutral or female by default
I will NOT write NSFW or anything I feel uncomfortable with. Prompts are not garunteed to be written.
Fic prompts are OPEN!
Prompts for headcanons are OPEN!
Asks are always OPEN!
also I’m really slow so keep that in mind lolol
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fencer-x · 5 years
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Miyano isn't quite sure how they wound up like this. 
He rarely is these days, when it comes to much of anything involving Sasaki-sempai, but this is a particularly hairy situation in which he’s found himself, and he’s yo-yoing back and forth between heart-lifting elation and flat-out panic.
There’d been racy manga exchanged (“Definitely had to read this one after the rest of my family went to sleep,” but, as always, followed by, “Loan me some more, Myaa-chan!”), gushing opinions delivered (“There was so much fluidity in the movements! It was like watching an animated feature!”), and fingers carding through his hair, lingering just a little too long to be mistaken for anything approaching platonic (“…Your hair’s all floofy today, Myaa-chan. It’s cute.”). 
But how they’d gotten from conversing about BL manga depicting a same-sex ballroom dancing couple to…well, this, is beyond Miyano.
No, he isn't quite sure how they wound up like this. He only knows that they are like this, and Sasaki-sempai is standing so close Miyano can feel the raw heat of him through the thin linen of their summer uniforms. His hands are large and warm around Miyano’s, too warm—there’s a thin layer of sweat sheening over his body, sliding into the little divots where their fingers thread together. And his voice is heavy and syrupy thick as he whispers in a rough rush over Miyano’s ear while they sway, “Where’d you learn this?”
Miyano fights the urge to rub at his ear—it tickles, but he doesn’t want to let go. “Um, the Committee President—Hanzawa-sempai. He showed us a few steps, for the Festival.”
“Mm, but you didn’t dance at the festival?”
“It was one of a few ideas he tossed around—he was very enthusiastic about our demonstrations…” He doesn’t think Sasaki-sempai is actually all that interested in where he learned these admittedly basic dance steps—especially not when he tips his head forward, pressing his forehead against Miyano’s. His bangs are sweat-tipped, and Miyano can smell the salt of his skin. “Um, Sempai…”
“Hm?” Sasaki-sempai’s eyes are closed, and his breathing is soft and even. Miyano wonders if he’s going to doze off on his feet, just leaning against him as they sway from side to side in an empty stairwell landing during lunch period. 
“I’m…happy to show you what I know, but…”
Sasaki-sempai’s lids flutter open, and his gaze bores into Miyano’s. This close, his pupils are dilated, eyes wide and bright, and he looks at Miyano like he wants to be even closer, to just melt right into him. If they stay like this much longer, Miyano might just let him. “…But?”
Miyano gives his hand a squeeze, then tweaks Sasaki-sempai’s waist through his shirt, where Miyano’s hand rests at his hip. Sasaki’s free hand clenches on Miyano’s shoulder, and his throat bobs. Miyano reminds himself it’s rude to stare. “But are you sure this is the best position?”
“…Why not? You should be in charge, if you’re teaching me, right? You lead. I’ll follow.”
“Well, yes, but—there’s something to be said for…” He flushes; it’s so hot in this stairwell, he’s baking alive. “For differences in physical build.”
“Mm, is there?” Miyano nods, not quite trusting his voice—and then he realizes he shouldn’t trust Sasaki-sempai’s voice either: “I’m fine, either way. As long as I get to do it with you. We’ll be great together, Myaa-chan.”
Sometimes, he thinks that Sasaki-sempai has been reading far too much BL manga.
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