nununiverse · 2 years
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Calligraphie par Mir Ali, 1525-6.   Un vers d'Abou Ali ibn Sina (également connu sous le nom d'Avicenne, 980-1037) écrit horizontalement à Samarcande en 1525-6, entouré d'une belle illumination.
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jaratalqamar · 1 year
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Samarcande - Amin Maalouf
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dutchjan · 1 year
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January 01, 2023
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astrolocherry · 1 year
from the complete tales and poems of Edgar Allan Poe
~ Aries: "Who calls you now - Arise! from your dreaming. In violet bowers, These star-litten hours- Up! Shake from your wing Each hindering thing: the dew of the night could weigh down your flight;"
~Taurus: "But now, my soul has too much room - Gone are the glory and the gloom. The black has mellowed into grey, And all the fires are fading away"
~ Gemini: "The noblest name in Allegory's page, The hand that traced inexorable rage; A pleasing moralist whose page refined, Displays the deepest knowledge of the mind; These names when rightly read, a name known Which gathers all their glories in its own"
~Cancer: "At midnight in the month of June, I stand beneath the mystic moon. An opiate vapour, dewy, dim, Exhales from out her golden rim"
~Leo: "Look round the now on Samarcand! - Is she not queen of Earth? her pride Above all cities? in her hand Their destinies? in all beside Of glory which the world has known Stands she not nobly and alone?"
Virgo~ "And by strange alchemy of brain His pleasures always turned to pain - His naïveté to wild desire - His wits to love - his wine to fire"
~ Libra: "The ring is on my hand, And the wreath is on my brow; Satins and jewels grand Are all at my command, And I am happy now!"
~ Scorpio: "Death has reared himself a throne In a strange city lying alone Far down within the dim West Where the good and the bad and the worst and the best Have gone to their eternal rest While from a proud tower in the town Death looks gigantically down"
~Sagittarius: "By a route obscure and lonely Haunted by ill angels only, From a wild weird climb that lie, sublime, Out of Space - out of Time But the traveler, traveling through it, May nit - dare openly view it; Never its mysteries are exposed To the weak human eye unclosed"
~Capricorn: "It was my choice or chance or curse To adopt the cause for better or worse And with my worldly goods & wit And my soul & body worship it..." ~Aquarius ~ "A green isle in the sea, love, A fountain and a shrine All wreathed with fairy fruits and flowers, And all the flowers were mine"
~ Pisces: "And thus my memory is to me Like some enchanted far off-isle In some tumultuous sea Some ocean throbbing far and free. With storms - but where meanwhile Serenest skies continually"
~extracts from the complete tales and poems of Edgar Allan Poe (Capricorn Sun, Virgo rising, Pisces Moon)
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oviri7 · 3 days
« […] écoutons ce riche commerçant oriental raconter comment il envoya son serviteur acheter les provisions de la journée avant de le voir revenir, pâle comme un linceul : « Maître, s'écria l'homme, j'ai croisé l'Ange de la Mort au marché et il m'a lancé un regard qui m'a terrifié. Oh, Maître, prête-moi un cheval afin que je fuie à Samarcande ! » Le commerçant céda aux suppliques de son serviteur, lui prêta un cheval et se rendit lui-même au marché. Il y rencontra l'Ange de la Mort. « Pourquoi, lui demanda-t-il, as-tu effrayé mon serviteur ? Il m'a raconté que tu lui as lancé un regard qui l'a glacé de terreur. — J'en suis désolé, lui répondit l'Ange de la Mort. Il est vrai que je l'ai observé avec curiosité, mais c'était dans ma surprise de le voir là, car j'ai rendez-vous avec lui ce soir à Samarcande. »
Roland Jaccard - La tentation nihiliste
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mzannthropy · 10 months
But a different kind of loveliness. There are so many kinds of loveliness. Valancy, before this year you’ve spent all your life in ugliness. You know nothing of the beauty of the world. We’ll climb mountains—hunt for treasures in the bazaars of Samarcand—search out the magic of east and west—run hand in hand to the rim of the world. I want to show you it all—see it again through your eyes. Girl, there are a million things I want to show you—do with you—say to you. It will take a lifetime. 
Maybe my favourite quote of Barney's.
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chicinsilk · 6 months
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US Vogue November 1, 1955
Christian Dior Haute Couture Collection Fall/Winter 1955-56. Anne Sainte-Marie wears a ruby velvet coat with a stiff tracery of embroidery - a coat with mink collar, sheath, and depressed helmet. Velvet by Bodin, embroidery by Rébé. DIor-Delman sandals. The setting: Marie Antoinette's staircase at the Palace of Versailles, and quite atmospheric, a burst of Dior's "Miss Dior" perfume.
Christian Dior Collection Haute Couture Automne/Hiver 1955-56. Anne Sainte-Marie porte un manteau de velours rubis avec un entrelacs rigide de broderies - un manteau à col de vison, fourreau, et casque enfoncé. Velours de Bodin, broderies de Rébé. Sandales DIor-Delman. Le décor : l'escalier de Marie-Antoinette au château de Versailles, et tout à fait atmosphérique, un éclat du parfum "Miss Dior" de Dior.
Photo Henry Clarke vogue archive
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lisaalmeida · 1 year
" Nous sommes faits d'images qui conservent des émotions. De mots qui cachent des sensations, de silences qui font encore plus de bruit "
- Samarcande
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iranondeaira · 8 months
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"Je suis celui que tu as toujours cherché et que tu ne pourras jamais trouver.
N 'as-tu jamais entendu à côté de toi, en rêve, quelqu'un te caresser comme personne ne te caresse, quelqu'un qui était à toi comme si tu faisais partie de lui ?
C’ était toujours moi."
- Fernando Pessoa
🖼 La maison dorée de Samarcande
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wildbeautifuldamned · 1 month
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SAMARCAND Casablanca in Slate Blue 17 34 x 27 Ikat Fabric Sample ebay We're Into That
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Sélection de "Chapans" en mélange de coton et soie "Ikats" (XIX-XXe siècles) à l'exposition "Sur les Routes de Samarcande. Merveilles de Soie et d’Or" à l'Institut du Monde Arabe, juin 2023.
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pwlanier · 2 years
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Mikhaïl Nicolaevitch Belaevsky
La Madrasa Chir-Dar à Samarcande, Ouzbékistan
Signé et dédicacé en bas à droite A Mr F. Nadar Souvenir affectueux Michel Belaevski; situé et daté en bas à gauche Samarcande 1895
Huile sur panneau
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mybeingthere · 1 year
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Statue of Buddha, monastery of Tapa Kalan, Afghanistan, found in 1923. This photograph is from Paris’s Musée Guimet - Musée National des Arts Asiatiques as part of the French Museum Collection. It’s also on the cover of De Kaboul à Samarcande. Les archéologues en Asie Centrale by Svetlana Gorshenina.
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mildwn · 1 year
Suzani « Bolinpush »
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Suzani is a Persian word that means "made with a needle". These are large pieces of fabric embroidered with silk threads intended for the bride's dowry.
Wall decorations, bed blankets, curtains, prayer carpets, are the works of an exclusively feminine craft made in the home that is transmitted from generation to generation. Elements of interior pageantry, these unique creations deploy a phantasmagorical universe supposed to ensure a harmonious couple and family life. Several regional schools exist and each of them follows a precise symbolic dictionary thus affirming their identity.
Two main currents stand out: the Samarkand Current offers a glimpse of the sky with bold, hypnotic and glowing astral motifs; while that of Bukhara plunges us into the heart of the Garden of Eden with floral, plant, anthropomorphic, lush and colorful motifs.
These celestial and earthly paradises have both a decorative and protective function: abundance, prosperity, security and fertility are ensured by this deployed symbolic universe.
The number and quality of these suzanis inside a home depend on the social status of the family, several years being necessary for the realization of a large room. The final result testifies to the patience, taste and creativity of the bride-to-be.
Sur les routes de Samarcande. Merveilles de soie et d'or, Institut du monde arabe, 2023
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The King's Ring
by Theodore Tilton
Once in Persia reigned a King,
Who upon his signet ring
Graved a maxim true and wise,
Which, if held before his eyes,
Gave him counsel, at a glance,
Fit for every change or chance:
Solemn words, and these are they:
'Even this shall pass away!'
Trains of camels through the sand
Brought him gems from Samarcand;
Fleets of galleys through the seas
Brought him pearls to rival these.
But he counted little gain
Treasures of the mine or main.
What is wealth? the King would say;
'Even this shall pass away.'
In the revels of his court,
At the zenith of the sport,
When the palms of all his guests
Burned with clapping at his jests,
He, amid his figs and wine,
Cried, O loving friends of mine!
Pleasure comes, but not to stay:
'Even this shall pass away.'
Lady fairest ever seen
Was the bride he crowned his queen.
Pillowed on the marriage-bed,
Whispering to his soul, he said,
Though a bridegroom never pressed
Dearer bosom to his breast,
Mortal flesh must come to clay:
'Even this shall pass away.'
Fighting on a furious field,
Once a javelin pierced his shield.
Soldiers with a loud lament
Bore him bleeding to his tent.
Groaning from his tortured side,
Pain is hard to bear, he cried,
But with patience day by day,
'Even this shall pass away.'
Towering in the public square
Twenty cubits in the air,
Rose his statue carved in stone.
Then the King, disguised, unknown,
Gazing at his sculptured name,
Asked himself,And what is fame?
Fame is but a slow decay:
'Even this shall pass away.'
Struck with palsy, sere and old,
Waiting at the Gates of Gold,
Spake he with his dying breath,
Life is done, but what is Death?
Then, in answer to the King,
Fell a sunbeam on his ring,
Showing by a heavenly ray --
Even this shall pass away.
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izanyas · 1 year
Do you have any favorite books?
i have soooo many but i suck really badly at making lists like this. the only reason it was easy with cdrama leads in the earlier question is bc i have my MDL account super well organized and i can jhust scroll down my favorite titles. i can't do that with books because i don't have an account anywhere registering the books i read and also bc i have read like. hundreds of books in my lifetime.
off the top of my head
Désert by Le Clézio,
all the Arsène Lupin novels,
Samarcande by Amin Maalouf,
I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou,
The House of the Spirits by Isabel Allende,
La valse aux adieu by Kundera,
Le testament français by Andrei Makine,
His Dark Materials trilogy by Philipp Pullman,
The Murder of Roger Ackroyd by Agatha Christie,
Pars vite et reviens tard by Fred Vargas (all her earlier books in general),
The Lord of the Rings trilogy,
Colline by Jean Giono,
The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Záfon.
all these can be placed among my favorite books but they are far from being the Only favorite books i have. also i'm sorry that most of them are french books but i'm not very well versed in anglophone lit
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