#sam and max slice of life au
theizzizzy · 3 months
Context: Max set a drive in Movie on fire because it was showing a movie about the government being awesome and not all about hiding aliens. (It’s also their anniversary)
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(Max’s shirt says [51] btw, you can guess what that’s a reference to)
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dalekofchaos · 2 months
Tamber Ghostfaces au
Imagine an au where Amber and Tara are both Ghostface and girlfriends in Scream 5.
Amber's motive is a mix of her original motive and Richie's motive mixed into one. . Tara’s motive would be Sam left her. Her father left her. Her mother is the town pariah who constantly leaves her for work, Wes was obsessed with her and the only guy she liked was stolen from her. Her life was shit and it started the moment that Sam left her. All she had was Amber. They became best friends, shared their love of horror and became girlfriends.
Suddenly the Stab franchise became shit. Amber was pissed and Tara found out where Sam is and she came up with the perfect plan. "Let's make the perfect Stab movie and get my revenge on Sam, babe." "OUR revenge, she hurt you baby and I can't let that go."
Tara would be the opening act. She would appear as the "helpless victim" to lure Sam back to Woodsboro.
They had to choose a fall guy and Amber plans to pin it on Richie cause she found some very DAMNING comments on the Woodsboro subreddit.
Movie goes pretty much the same. All the same people die, but Wes is kept alive.
Wes takes Tara to hide to keep her safe makes a pathetic confession to Tara and then Tara slices his neck open and says "sorry Wes, I'm gay."
Richie protests his innocence to Sam insisting he is not Ghostface and that he's not Amber's partner.
Tara enters the room, drops the inhaler and pulling a Doofy from Scary Movie and says "he's right Sam, I'm Amber's partner" and slits his throat ear to ear.
Tara and Amber turn to Sam and grinning in unision. Tara takes the voice changer. "Surprise, Sam?"
Sam is horrified about what she just saw. She's all alone and left at the mercy of her sister and her crazy girlfriend.
Tara lays it all on her sister. "Why? WHY??? YOU. LEFT. ME! All I wanted was your love and you left me. Then dad left after you RUINED our family's lives. And if that wasn't enough, I was left at the mercy of our drunken pariah of a mother's abuse. You left and I was the target of her abuse. I was the target of some fuckboy's pathetic crush, the one guy I did like chose Liv over me. My life was shit and the only person I had was Amber. My soulmate, my partner and my love." Tara and Amber kiss.
Amber tells her what she said in Scream 5. The plan to make the perfect Stab movie, pin the deaths on Sam and Richie with Sam as the perfect scapegoat being Billy's daughter, finally snapping, convincing her boyfriend to get revenge on Woodsboro. and the movie ends with Amber heroically saving her girlfriend from her murderous sister.
Tara and Amber were about to kill Sam together, but then Sidney and Gale appeared.
Amber burns(but not killed)
Sam has Tara at her mercy, but she can’t kill her. She leaves her alive and makes things interesting as the only Ghostface to be captured alive with Tara promising that she will finish what she and Amber started with Sam just hoping she can bring her sister back.
Meanwhile Amber is alive and returns to the Woodsboro subreddit to find like minded people and cause some chaos in New York.
Tara would be the Hannibal Lecter in this Scream VI scenario with Sam and Kirby trying to stop the New York attacks.
However. Amber is able to turn Wayne into the killer. Amber met some interesting people who could deepfake to make it look like Sam killed Richie and then the smear campaign happens. And when Wayne saw that footage, he went insane.
Scream VI MOSTLY goes the same. Wayne, Quinn and Ethan all somehow FAIL again LOL. But something happens. Sam sees what she thinks is a fleeing Ghostface but found nothing.
This was all a smokescreen. Amber used the chaos in New York to free Tara
We cut back to the prison. Suddenly someone is killing EVERYONE in the prison. Guards, staff and prisoners. Until someone arrives to Tara’s Max Security cell. Someone throws the Ghostface costume at her feet.
Amber unmasks and Tara smiles and embraces Amber. Amber tells Tara "Let's finish what we started, baby"
Thus teasing Be Gay and Do Crimes in Scream 7 that will never happen because fucking Spyglass
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maki-matsurra · 1 year
Emergency Writing Commissions
Hello everyone! 
As of recent, things at my house has been pretty rough money wise, so because of how many people love my writing, I am deciding to start up writing commissions! 
The commission sheet is down below! 
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Paypal link: [email protected]
You can contact me either on Tumblr or my email ([email protected]) with details of your commission! 
These are EMERGENCY commissions, I have the right to deny any request! I prefer to be paid upfront. I have 5 slots available (this may or may not be subject to change)
OneShot #1
Oneshot #2  That's What It Takes To Be Infinite
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(Disclaimer: The completion times will vary depending on what you ask of me as well as my personal life) Prompts: $5
One shot: $20-40
Custom fanfic: $60
3-5 chapters: $70
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(Disclaimer: If you have an OC, I need a reference image of said OC so I may describe them properly)
1-3 characters: $5
4-5 characters: $10
6-10 characters- $20
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Slice of Life
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Adult x Minor Character
PWP (Porn without plot)
Incest (anything pro-ship related)
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(Disclaimer: If you want to request a fandom I don’t know, you can! Just be patient as I do my best to research it.)
 Sonic The Hedgehog (Including Movie-verse) 
 Guardians of the Galaxy (Movie-verse & Game-verse) 
 Uncharted (Including Movie-verse) 
 Red Dead Redemption 
 Kingdom Hearts 
 How to Train Your Dragon 
Rise of the Guardians 
 Love Live! (Including Sunshine, Nijigasaki, & Superstar) 
 Aikatsu Stars 
 Black Butler 
 Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid 
 South Park 
 Sly Cooper 
 Spies in Disguise 
Gravity Falls 
Disney Fairies 
 Detroit Become Human 
 Life is Strange (Only first game, Before the Storm & True Colors) 
 No Straight Roads 
 Team Fortress 2 
 Rise of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 
 Steven Universe Future 
Resident Evil (Only 2 & 4) 
 Looney Tunes 
 Ratchet & Clank 
 Sam & Max 
 Five Nights at Freddy’s: Security Breach 
Sing (The Movies) 
 Genshin Impact 
 Ever After High 
 Monster High 
 Criminal Minds 
 Over The Hedge 
 Epic Mickey 
 God of War Ragnarok 
 Peanuts (Charlie Brown Media) 
Honkai: Star Rail 
Good Omens
BBC Sherlock
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hilarychuff · 3 years
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obvious child au in my asoiaf au graphic series
Sansa thought she’d finally figured the whole dating thing out when she started seeing Harry Hardyng. He didn’t yell at her like her last boyfriend, didn’t throw household objects or temper tantrums, always kept a cool head — so when he dumps her out of the blue after one of her poetry readings, revealing that he’s dating one of their mutual friends instead, well, it wouldn’t exactly be a stretch to say she spirals. It doesn’t help that her uncle Benjen has decided to sell the bookstore he owns, which means she’s losing her day job, too. It feels like her whole life is falling apart around her, and all she wants to do is hide under the covers and sleep for the next year and a half.
Unfortunately (or fortunately), her little sister Arya isn’t about to let her wallow in her own self-pity for long, and when her little brother Bran suggests she try and channel everything she’s feeling into her writing, she figures it’s at least worth a shot. It had helped her before, writing — but when she gets up on stage at the next open mic night Bran organizes, she bombs hard with some angry, impromptu slam poetry and then promptly bursts into tears at the first rhyme in the sonnet she actually prepared ahead of time. The night is a mess, a total loss, and the only thing left to do is to get absolutely trashed and go home with the sweet guy named Jon who wandered in an hour after the show and who offered to buy her a drink when she caught him staring.
In the morning, though, it doesn’t make her feel any better, and she sneaks away while he’s still sleeping. Lately, it feels like everything she touches turns to shit, and she’s not about to drag some innocent bystander down with her — and then she finds out she’s pregnant. Pregnant, and it’s not Harry’s, because they hadn’t had sex in months even before she found out the reason why. She spent one stupid night with Jon, and she still managed to ruin his life in that time, not to mention how ill-prepared her own life is to cater to a baby when she can’t even take care of herself. 
It’s not a question of if she’ll get an abortion. It’s a question of how she’ll afford one without having to tell her parents — and it’s also a question of when. It just figures that the only day the clinic has an open appointment slot is Valentine’s Day. But that’s fine. She knows her romantic life is shit. She just doesn’t want to destroy anyone else’s, which is why she sends Jon away when he swings by her work to ask her out, why she blows him off after he actually shows up at the poetry reading she only sort of invited him to, but when she spends the rest of the week thinking about how he warmed her butter between his palms, cupping his hands around the packet until it spread perfectly across a slice of bread, she can’t stop herself from calling him one last time, leaving a voicemail about where to find her. 
She doesn’t know if he’ll show. She doesn’t know how she’ll tell him. She just — she doesn’t want him to disappear. She doesn’t want to never see him again. She doesn’t know how to unfuck this up, how to explain why exactly she fucked it up in the first place. And then, somewhere on stage between her first poem and her second, she sees him slip into the back of the room, and all she can think is that if she doesn’t say something now, say something while the spotlight is shining and all the faces in the room are turned towards her, she’ll never find the courage to do it at all. 
ft. sansa stark as donna, jon snow as max, arya stark as nellie, bran stark as joey, catelyn stark as nancy, ned stark as jacob, harry hardyng as ryan, benjen stark as gene, theon greyjoy as sam
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apocalypseornaw · 3 years
Love Finds You
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For the square "Arranged Marriage" on @girl-next-door-writes bingo
Mafia (ish) AU. Warnings are cursing, angst, John trying to kill the reader, Dean killing John
Word Count: 5,343
You walked through the quiet halls hearing the echo of your boots reverberate to your own ears. Something big was happening for this place to be this quiet. It was like a tomb where normally there was a solid bustle of movement. You stopped just shy of the entrance to your uncle’s study. You felt an uneasiness but pushed it down before knocking on the heavy door. “Come in” you heard his voice carry out and knew he wasn’t alone.
You straightened your jacket before pushing the door open and wasn’t at all surprised to see none other than John Winchester sitting in front of your uncle Joseph’s desk. Your eyes narrowed at the presence of the other man and you unconsciously reached to touch the gun riding at your hip and saw Joseph give the barest shake of his head “Y/N I believe you know our guest” John held his hand out but you didn’t care about the pretense of politeness you’d earned your reputation and with it had come the right to act as you saw fit so you simply folded your arms “The man whose wife was killed when his kids were young so he’s done everything in his power to stay as far away from those kids and be the poorest excuse for a father even this line of work has ever seen?” 
Joseph looked taken aback but John on the other hand had the nerve to laugh “Yeah I heard she was something and she does not disappoint” you turned your eyes to your uncle “What’s all this cloak and dagger bullshit? Why is the head of the only other family in the world that comes close to your empire sitting in your office?” “As you just said dear. The Winchesters are the only other family that comes close to ours. What better way to solidify our footing than a union between the two?” you laughed harshly, the sound sharp enough to slice through the air “I know you didn’t call me here with the nerve to propose that I have anything to do with him?” “Actually my oldest son Dean has agreed to do whatever necessary to help the family succeed” John cut in so you spun around on him “So you abandon your kids bad enough to get a reputation for it, then come here to basically plot with Joseph to sell your son off like a prize stud while I’m what? The old mare you’re breeding him to? Make a whole new crop?”
“Y/N that is enough young lady!” Joseph spoke harshly, his voice filling the area as he stood to his full height. You didn’t back down catching the look of amusement John had as you stood your ground “If you expect to marry me off to solidify an empire then I am here to tell you I expect everything to be signed over to me the moment I say I do. If I’m to agree to an arranged marriage then I’m going to fucking profit from it”  Joseph nodded “I’ve been wanting to retire as is” you turned your attention from him to John “I want to meet your son before the week’s end. My future husband and I need to have a long talk. My dear uncle has my number” He nodded “Yes ma’am” you spun around on your heel and marched out the office being sure to slam the door shut behind you.
You held up the pretense until you made it down to your car and only once you were pulling away from the curb did you break tears flowing freely. You knew your life would never truly be your own but now you didn’t even get a chance to try to fall in love, you were being forced to marry someone you’d never meant just to hold onto what your father had built and what you’d bled to keep intact.
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It was three days later before your phone rang with a number you didn’t recognize. When you answered it you groaned inwardly at hearing John’s voice “Y/N? Dean wants to know if you’d like to meet today” “Name a time and place” you responded coldly. He reiterated the location and time so you agreed before hanging up. You stared at the phone then clicked the number you had saved on the speed dial. A woman didn’t get as far as you had without having people she could trust. The Banes twins were your right hand man and woman. You’d take them with you to the meeting along with Abaddon who was a bit of a loose cannon but she was loyal to you.
A few hours later you were riding in the passenger seat of Abaddon’s range rover with Alicia and Max sitting in the backseat going over a weapon’s check. “So let me get this right, you marry Winchester and your uncle’s part of the business is yours?” Max asked and you nodded. “Do we all get promotions?” Abaddon asked, her red hair gleaming in the sunlight and a barely restrained laugh pulling at her bright red lips.   “Oh you all will be my team that stays in the main house with me” you replied with a sharp laugh.
When she pulled the car to a stop at the iron gate you glanced up to look into the security cameras while she spoke to the monitor that she was your security detail. A few seconds later the gate swung open so she pulled in.
The property was nice, sprawling out in front of you. The garage was open and the inside looked like a classic car collection. Just from a glance you spotted a 65 Shelby, a 70 Coronet and a drop down gorgeous 67 impala. “Please tell me those belong to Dean” you muttered without meaning to earning a laugh from the interior of your vehicle.
She drove around to the front entrance and parked where a guy motioned for her to. You clocked the gun at his side before ever getting out. It was fair enough, you were carrying same as Abaddon and Alicia while Max had more blades on him than you would’ve thought possible before meeting him. “You must be Y/N” the guy greeted you the moment your feet stepped outside the range rover.
You extended your hand with a business smile “That I am. Normally I like to know who I’m talking to?” an easy smile slipped onto his face and you got the sense he was getting a feel for you even before he said “Name’s Benjamin Lafitte ma’am. Feel free to call me Benny, Dean does” You nodded and motioned to everyone in your party in turn “This is Abaddon, Alicia and Max” they all greeted each other then Benny motioned to the door “He’s waiting in the back garden. From what we’ve heard about you formal meetings isn’t really your thing” Abaddon cut her eyes at you so you rolled your eyes before saying “I appreciate a good impression being attempted”
You followed Benny through the main house admiring some of the artwork adorning the walls. It was a nice place. When he stepped to the side to open the doors leading into the back garden a redheaded woman was standing on the other side. With a nod to her Benny made the introductions. Her name was Charlie and it earned Dean a point in your book to learn he had a few women on his team. She joined your little group as Benny led the way past two fountains, a large swimming pool and what looked to be a firing range.
Three men were standing looking out over the property at the edge of the garden. Two were clearly John’s sons while the other looked to maybe be an uncle to them. Benny whistled out and the three turned to face all of you. 
While both of the younger men were good looking your eyes were glued to the shorter of the two. He had bright green eyes that were watching you curiously and just the way he held himself was an underlying sense of control to him at all times. He was gorgeous and the smirk that slipped onto his face from your attention told you that he was well aware of that fact “You must be Y/N. I’m Dean” “Nice to meet you considering we’ll be married in a couple months” you replied with a sharp laugh. The smirk on Dean’s face spread into a grin “I’ve heard a few things about you” “Good or bad?” you asked and he shrugged “Depends on the point of view”
He introduced you to the two men standing with him. One was his younger brother Sam, the other was Bobby Singer the man who’d practically taken over raising him and Sam. Once everyone knew each other’s names Dean nodded to Benny “Call inside for some drinks for our guests while me and Y/N speak in private” his eyes had never left yours but you refused to break eye contact first.
He motioned towards a trail you saw cut through the wooded area around the property “Care to take a walk?” you cut your eyes back towards Alicia, Max and Abaddon. “Yeah those three aren’t letting me out of their sight that easily” he nodded then said “Pick someone to walk with us but you’re not in any danger here. That’s why we had no problem letting you keep your weapons” you raised an eyebrow then motioned to Max “Care to take a walk with us?” he nodded and fell in step a few feet behind you and Dean giving the privacy the two of you needed but not being too far that he couldn’t be to your side quickly if needed.
The two of you walked in silence for a few moments before you broke it by asking “Dean do you even want to marry me? I mean you clearly would have plenty of options” he scoffed and cut his eyes at you “Like you’d have trouble warming your bed up there sweetheart?” you didn’t blush easily and times like this you were glad. He continued by saying “This life is all I’ve known. Between our families no one would dare step out of line and we both have morals we stand by. Innocent people don’t get hurt by us. If marrying a beautiful woman with one hell of a reputation is the cross I must bear then I believe I have fared pretty well” You laughed in earnest at that “Dean Winchester are you trying to sweet talk me?” he grinned and christ it made your stomach flip “Maybe, is it working?” you shook your head with a grin.
He stopped walking and turned to face you with all humor gone from his eyes “I just want to say even after we’re married I won’t lay a finger on you unless you want me to. I know this isn’t ideal but I’d like to think of myself as a good man and I’d like to think I could be a good husband even in this circumstance” You tilted your head slightly as you studied him. After a moment of your silence he scratched at the scruff covering his jaw “Are you gonna say anything in return or just stare at me?” you smiled and replied “Just thinking that you really are not what I expected but in the best of ways” he nodded then glanced back where Max was twirling a knife between his fingers “Think our people are playing nice?” you nodded then said “They’ve got to get used to each other”
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John and Joseph alike both had plans for announcing the engagement. Meaning that between them both they had practically planned a damn ball just for a bunch of suits to get together in one room so they could flaunt that their families would be becoming one to the rest of the world. You hated the idea of being trotted around like a show horse.
“Alicia is this damned thing straight?” you asked, turning in front of the mirror. The dress had been designed for you. The color and cut was flattering, it had a slit giving you access to the knife at your thigh not that you’d need it considering Abaddon and Max would both be wearing designer suits decked out with their weapons on display and Alicia like you had a few blades hidden under her dress as well. “Will you stop fidgeting? You look beautiful” she smiled, smoothing the dress under her hands. You spared a smile in the mirror “So you do! I love that red dress” she winked “Thank you”
A knock on the door drew both of your attention so you called out “Yes?” and heard Max ask if the two of you were ready to go downstairs. You took Alicia’s arm then opened the door. Max let out a low whistle “Well you two look amazing” “Thanks Max” you smiled and ran your fingers across the lapel of his suit “You clean up pretty well too” He grinned “Abaddon is already downstairs. Y/N your in-laws were arriving so she sent me up to retrieve you” you rolled your eyes but let him lead the way downstairs.
You stopped at the bottom of the stairs and spotted Dean speaking to Joseph but he trailed off mid sentence when he saw you and that smile slid onto his face. Joseph said something to him so he nodded then made his way through the crowd.
When he got in front of you and Alicia he stopped. She kissed your cheek then grabbed her brother’s arm “Come on Max let’s mingle. Y/N we’ll be close enough” you watched her go then turned to Dean with a smile “So how do I look?” he let his eyes trail over your body and you felt heat rush to your face before he finally said “You look like everyone here is going to be cussing me under their breath when they find out we’re engaged” you laughed and shook your head “There’s that sweet talking streak again” he held his hand out and when you took it he asked “Is it working yet?” you rolled your eyes playfully “No but I’ll be sure to let you know when it does”
For the next few hours you were close to Dean’s side. You danced with him and Sam, even Bobby asked you for a dance. Abaddon was chatting with Charlie and you spotted Max and Alicia talking with Benny and another of Dean’s people. He was a pretty decent guy, easy on the eyes and easy to be around. You could’ve gotten stuck with a lot worse.
When it got close to midnight you watched as John and Joseph walked onto the stage together. Joseph took the mic first “As most of you are aware John and myself are here to announce something” he handed the mic to John who pointed where you and Dean stood so a spotlight followed “My Oldest son Dean is engaged to marry Joseph’s niece Y/N. We couldn’t be happier and wish the kids the best in the world” Dean wrapped his arm around your waist as would be expected and whispered in your ear “Like they didn’t push us into this” you laughed lightly but to anyone else it would appear just lovers whispering sweet nothings.
For the next while you clung to Dean’s arm as group after group stopped to congratulate the two of you. You found an opening and pulled him after you towards the back exit of the hall. He waved off Benny and Abaddon following you step for step. 
When you finally crashed into the cool night air a nervous laugh fell from your lips “Y/N are you ok?” you nodded then said “I guess it’s just I never saw myself getting married even in this life knowing this was a possibility and honestly I don’t know what it is about you but I’m not as mad as I was” “I hope maybe one day we can love each other Y/N. Even if our life starts like this it doesn’t have to stay like this. Our marriage may have been their idea but I plan to wine and dine you even after you say I do” he replied and you raised an eyebrow “Is it a challenge or making the best of the situation?” you asked so he shrugged “Maybe I just like you”
The two of you sat down on a bench just outside watching the night sky. A shooting star went over head so you bumped Dean’s arm “Make a wish Winchester” he turned to face you and the close proximity made your heart flip again as he said “I could think of a wish or two” you smiled and leaned forward to let your lips gently brush against his. He returned the kiss fully and when you pulled away to catch your breath you whispered “Me too” before he pulled you into another kiss.
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Weeks passed after the ball announcing your engagement and during that time a day didn’t go by that you and Dean didn’t speak or spend time together. The more you learned of him the more you started to realize that while you hadn’t picked him it was as if you had he was nearly a perfect match for you. The only thing was he wanted desperately to have his father’s approval but he was twice the man John was. You just wished he’d see it.
You’d also started to spend some time getting to know Sam since he would be your brother-in-law and learned he actually had been enrolled in college to be a lawyer but when his girlfriend had been killed he ended up rejoining the family. He was now seeing a woman named Eileen but didn’t want it to be public knowledge simply because he didn’t want John around her. Knowing John you didn’t blame him and offered any assistance you could in helping him spend time with her.
Time rolled around for your final dress fitting so you, Abaddon, Alicia and Charlie were in the private suite of the bridal shop. The dress had been made for you so it fit perfectly. You stepped up to show them and they all clapped. “You look gorgeous and that’s with just a ponytail in your hair” Charlie offered with a grin. You smiled and twirled “Think Dean will like it?” Abaddon who had wandered off to the lingerie section held up a piece and winked “I think he’d prefer you in this” . You covered your face with both hands and Alicia cracked up laughing “Twenty years! I have known you for twenty years and I have never seen you blush!” 
“Have you slept with him?” Charlie asked bluntly and you nearly choked on the wine you were drinking. “I haven’t done more than kissed him” “Oh my god!” Abaddon groaned, flopping dramatically into the nearest chair “Why?” you shrugged “We’ve been getting to know each other!” Alicia raised an eyebrow “You have real feelings for him” when you didn’t respond she gasped “You’ve actually fallen in love with him haven’t you!” your eyes flew to Charlie who sipped her wine quietly. “Charlie” Abaddon spoke more as a question than as her name.
Charlie looked up from her glass “Ok so maybe he’s fallen for you too?” the three of them piled into one chair then looked back at you expectedly “So are you going to admit it?” Alicia finally asked and you shook your head “Not to either of you three”
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Two weeks before you and Dean were to be married you were at your condo in the city finishing packing up. The plan was for you and him to move into a property that was between Joseph’s  and the Winchesters. It was large enough that you could both have those you wanted close but have privacy also. God help you had gone from horrified at the idea of this marriage to excited for it.
It was around two in the morning but you couldn’t sleep so you had music playing while you went through some of your older clothes and waited for Abaddon to get there. You heard a window break in your bedroom and grabbed your gun off the coffee table. You didn’t expect the pipe bomb that blew the front door off the hinges and threw you across the room.
You were barely conscious when you heard a voice say “With Joseph out the way we need her dead. We need to make Dean believe rivals killed her. That boy is so in love he’ll rip through them all. Grab her and we’ll keep alive long enough he’ll kill anyone when he finally gets her body” you tried to push yourself up but a black boot came into view. You followed that boot up to look into John’s eyes. He shrugged “Nothing personal sweetheart” then kicked you hard across the face.
When news made it to Dean that Joseph was dead and you were missing he felt his blood run cold. “What do you mean she’s missing? I thought you three had her back!” he nearly growled at Abaddon who was standing with Max and Alicia outside of Joseph’s estate where Dean had ended up going with Benny, Charlie and Sam at his side.
“We did! God dammit, I went to get her chinese takeout! I came back and her place was a wreck and these two were calling about the alarm going off at the main house!” Abaddon didn’t back down. She realized that Dean had a right to rage. He was in love with you but you’d been her charge and friend for many years. She’d die for you and wasn’t about to let him act like her and the twins didn’t care. “Well what now?” Benny asked and Charlie raised her hand “Has anyone checked cameras leading from her place?” Sam pointed at her “Good idea. Start there backtrack if possible. Dean we will find her”
How long had it been since you’d been taken? Did Dean think you were dead? Was he mourning you? Was John using him as a blunt instrument in his grief?
You were leaned back against a concrete wall curled into a tight ball. Your left eye was swollen shut, the right side of your head was sore to the touch from a blow that had needed staples but the swelling had finally stopped the bleeding. You were certain you had a few cracked ribs and more than likely some internal damage. 
They’d showed you Joseph’s body and while he hadn’t been your favorite he’d still had taken care of you. John had stupidly expected you to die easily. You refused to stop fighting. You owed it to everyone you cared about to stay alive as long as possible. 
You heard boots coming and forced your head up. John was right outside the small cell they’d shoved you into watching you closely. “Really I hate this because you’re a perfect match for Dean but I can’t have your morals fucking up my business. Right now Dean doesn’t like innocent people getting hurt but after I kill you then track down Sam’s new girl. The two of them? Well my boys will be ready to take down anyone I put in front of them” he smiled cruelly and you laughed despite the pain it caused “What’s so funny?”
You waved your hand showing the large slices they’d cut into your arms “You still think they’re anything like you or your dead wife? Those two? They’re good they’ll never follow your lead you bastard” he smiled humorlessly “We’ll see after your body gets delivered to Dean tomorrow” “So you’re here to kill me?” you asked and he pulled his gun out in response “Sure am”
You forced yourself to your feet biting down on your tongue to squash the noises of pain wanting to creep out of your lips. You refused to die on your knees. If you were going down it would be on your feet “Then do it you son of a bitch”
You held his gaze as a shot rang out but to your surprise you didn’t feel the pain of a gunshot instead John crumpled to the ground. You collapsed to your knees rather from pain or shock you weren’t sure but when you saw Dean standing there with a gun staring at his father’s body you began to sob.
You could hear familiar voices. Abaddon,Benny, Max but blocked them out. Thanks to you, the man you loved had been forced to kill his father.
You were curled into yourself when you felt strong hands on your shoulders “Y/N come on baby” you finally looked up to see Dean kneeling next to you. “I’m sorry” you choked out and he looked confused for a second then glanced back “It’s not your fault. I love you and if I had to kill him ten times over to save you I will” he gently pressed his lips to yours, careful of your wounds, then pulled you into his lap.
When the rest of the rescue team found you Dean barely wanted anyone else to lay a hand on you. He finally let Charlie and Bobby get close enough to look over your wounds “Nothing life threatening but she needs a hospital son. Your girl’s a fighter” Bobby said with a kind smile to you. Dean’s eyes were glued to yours as he said “My soon to be wife if she’ll still have me” you nodded crying again “Of course Dean”
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“It’s taken a lot to get here but I am proud to say I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride” Bobby announced and Dean pulled you into a deep kiss.
The wedding was a lot smaller than anything Joseph or John had planned. There were barely thirty people in the garden of Joseph’s or well now your estate. It suited you and Dean a lot better. When Dean pulled back he smiled down at you “I love you Y/N” “I love you too Dean”
After the reception instead of throwing your bouquet you walked over and handed it to Eileen then winked at Sam “You’re next brother in law” Dean laughed and slid an arm around your waist “You heard my wife Sammy”
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voxymoxyboxy · 3 years
Drabbles for my Various Sam and Max AUs 01- Ghost Max AU
Hi there! I wanted to actually publish my writing for once, so I decided to write a whole bunch of drabbles of my various Sam and Max AUs! I’m gonna try to make at least one for every AU, so wish me luck! Here’s the first one!
P.S. If you wanna hear more about them, please ask! I wanna talk about them! Don’t be shy!
TW: Mentions of Death and Cursing 
Drabble 01- Ghost Max AU
Max had never really seen himself as a ‘people’ person.
When he was a kid, the only ones who’d ever tolerated his presence were his parents and a handful of his siblings, and even then it sometimes felt like that was stretching it. That had been fine by him. Playing too roughly with others usually sent him to time out while playing by the rules bored him out of his mind. At the end of the day, it just seemed easier to keep to himself.
The lagomorph had even preferred it, regardless of that weird pang in his chest.
In all of his life, Max could honestly say that he had grown fond of his workmates. Would never openly admit it, but the signs had been there. Whenever the rabbit teased Sybil, poked fun at Superball, eventually turned into something akin to affectionate after a year of knowing them. Hell, the lagomorph remembered the days he’d spent trying to get them together, leaving notes and gifts as the other.
There was a small part of him that yearned to go back. If anything, they were the only things worth living for.
Being dead put a damper on all that, of course.
In the beginning it had been great! Being a ghost was amazing! No responsibilities (taxes who?), all the free time in the world to do whatever the lagomorph wanted. Sure, not being able to enjoy the luxuries of food was a bummer but flying was pretty neat! It was only when Max tried leaving when it hit him. Literally.
What appeared to be some kind of force field prevented him from leaving his little ramshackle apartment. That hadn’t bothered him at first. After all, learning what ghostly powers he held could keep the rabbit entertained for hours! Could being the key word. While fun to start, progress was slow then came to a stop completely when it became fruitless. Roaming the same halls grew boring. Floating lost its charm. The yellow of the walls started taunting him almost.
Going to Heaven would’ve been preferable to the pseudo-hell he was trapped in.  
A tiny sliver of hope came when the corpse cleaners came a few days after his death. Hermit that Max was, someone must’ve finally called the police after the smell became too much to bear. They’d burst in, covered head to toe in white before getting right to work. Which was weird, but not unexpected. Someone was making sure that his death was but a blip to be forgotten.
That was okay. The lagomorph planned to have the last laugh.
Opportunity struck. Jumping in one of their paths, the rabbit had snapped at the man, laying out every insult in the book (that he’d written, by the way). Imagine the look on his face when the fucker simply walked through him, face set in stone as if he hadn’t heard a damn word.
Because he hadn’t, Max had realized, horror thrumming in his core.
Nobody could.
They left. A few more people entered. The lagomorph tried everything. Shouting, yelling, kicking their kneecaps, pushing a tumbler off the kitchen counter like in those old horror movies his ma told him not to watch. Nothing. No flinching or yelps of pain left their mouths. Only sounds of exertion and mumbling before they too were gone, leaving the rabbit in silence.
Quiet. It was too quiet. Noise kept Max busy, kept that small ball of darkness from spreading through his brain like poison. Silence, for some, was comforting.
For him it was deafening.  
Forced to see the same things day in and day out, the rabbit soon discovered the pang was back in full force. When exactly had it disappeared? The thought, while elusive during the day, always crept back at night, when Max couldn’t sleep to keep it at bay. It grew, evolved into what-ifs and questions he had no answers for.  
How had Sybil and Superball reacted to his death? They had to know it was murder, right? A little bump to the head was the last way he wanted to go out, right behind getting shot but ahead of choking on a gummy bear. Were they looking for the bastard that did him in? A tiny voice from who-knows-where told the lagomorph that the pair didn’t care enough.
Max tended to agree.
What of his family? Funnily enough, getting offed made the rabbit more appreciative of his family. They certainly weren’t the most loving or caring, but there were hints here and there. A kiss on the forehead, an older sibling giving him the slightly bigger half of a cookie, little Milly coming to climbing into his bed during a particularly bad thunderstorm. Despite not thinking about them for countless years, Max couldn’t stop the memories from playing over and over.  
It didn’t take him long to learn that they kept him sane, let him forget the pain in his chest.
(Let him forget how lonely he was-)
It hurt to confess that he desperately craved contact. With humans, animals, anyone! Even a scrap would last him a lifetime at that point-
You could say Sam was Max’s saving grace, as pathetic as that sounded.
The day the dog moved in was perhaps the happiest moment of Max’s- well, not life, but whatever the ghost equivalent was. Non-life? Existence? Guy was noisy for sure. Talked through mundane tasks, whistled random tunes, turned up the tv to the point where the lagomorph was sure the neighbors could hear every gunshot from the noir films Sam was so fond of, all of it blended into a wonderful symphony of cacophony.
Max loved it. Even his terrible banjo playing. Found it endearing even, but he would take that lil’ tidbit to his grave… If he could find it, that is.
The rabbit had watched from afar. Not really a point to creep on the guy up close when the chance of seeing him was zero percent. He was used to stalking people from afar anyway (obviously), so it felt nice to fall into a rhythm.
Watch Sam wake up. Morning routine included bathroom necessities, of which Max had only peeked once (by accident!). Least he could do was give the poor dog some privacy. After that was breakfast. Usually a slice of toast or bowl of cereal (something sugary and tooth-rotting, so the rabbit knew he had good taste) along with the essential cup of coffee. It amused Max to no end that it was more a glorified cup of milk and sugar, yet it was-dare he think it- kinda cute actually.
From all his observations, Max could only assume the dog was a detective of some sort. His oak desk was covered with endless amounts of papers and folders, of which he would spend the entire day looking through until Sam came home to do the same. Almost felt like he was some kind of housewife waiting for her husband.
Almost like he actually meant something again.
If he’d met Sam when he was alive, what would’ve been different?
Everything. There was no doubt about it.
Sam was special.
Max just hadn’t known how much until that special night….
Maybe ‘people’ weren’t that bad after all.
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mthofferings2019 · 5 years
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See SparkStark’s existing works here and here. Preferred contact methods: Email - [email protected] Tumblr - sparkstark Preferred organizations: - Amazon Conservation Association - Rainbow Railroad - Native American Rights Fund (See the list of approved organizations here) Will create works that contain: Fluff, portraits, slice of life, angst, character death, blood and injuries moderately graphic. Most AUs, song-inspired/lyrics-inspired. I will draw almost anything, in fact. Will not create works that contain: the moment where a person is mutilated (amputees are fine, Bucky is fine) a close up of an eye missing. Graphic sex. Medieval AUs or anything that requires medieval knights (its too hard for me). No incest, pedophilia, underage sex, rape, unwanted sexual/romantic gestures. Contact me if you have any question.  
-- Art (illustration or comic) --
Auction ID: 347 Will create works for the following relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark - any universe Bruce Banner/Thor - MCU Tony Stark/Any - any universe James "Bucky" Barnes/Natasha Romanov - 616 Peter Parker & Any - MCU Bruce Banner & Tony Stark - any universe Avengers Family gen - any universe Work Description: Here is a small gallery with the kinds of artwork I can do: https://ko-fi.com/album/My-Art-W7W514976 Below there is an outline of what I will do. If there is any question, please contact me. 1. From 6 to 10$: Black and white ink sketch of max 2 characters, no background. Example: https://sparkstark.tumblr.com/post/186521952556/old-married-couple-falls-asleep-during-mission 2. From 10 to 20$ One complete character in full colour. Interating with their surroundings, simple background. Example: https://sparkstark.tumblr.com/post/187840893821/sparkstark-cassandra-goth-greeting-a-gothic 3. From 20 to 30$ Up to 4 characters in the same style as #2. 4. From 30 to 40$ 6 characters + complete background, same style as #2 OR a high quality portrait like this one: https://sparkstark.tumblr.com/post/185388802111/first-time-painting-sam-1010-would-repeat 5. 40$ or more: Congratulations! You can ask for as many characters as one can fit and full background in the style shown in "From 10-20" This one will be painted in an A3 paper, which means bigger and more detailed. OR my finest portrait up to 2 characters, like this: https://sparkstark.tumblr.com/post/188108458571/you-are-lucky-you-deserve-this-mr-stark-my Ratings: G, Teen CLICK HERE TO BID ON THIS WORK The auction runs from October 19 (11:59 PM ET) to October 26 (11:59 PM ET). Visit marveltrumpshate.com during Auction Week to view all of our auctions and to place your bids!
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This weekly roundup includes fics written (at least in part) during the 1k1h sprints and/or the Weekend Writing Marathon events.
Fics are ordered first by fandom, then by word count from smallest to largest.
Into the Split by tryslora
Original Fiction (Welcome to PHU) || Nikolai/Seth (M/M), Others || Teen & up || Author chooses not to give major warnings || 2,927 words (this chapter) || WIP
Summary: Humans thought that if they shut out Talent, they could shut out the Shadows as well. Nikolai knows that the Shadows are far more likely to prey on Talent, but in a pinch, they’ll eat anything. He wonders how brightly lit they keep the cities in order to stay safe.
Other tags: WIP, Serialized Original Fiction, Multiple Universes, Magic, Shapeshifters, Dreaming, Saving the World
Into the Split: Arrival 2 by tryslora
Original Fiction (Welcome to PHU) || Nikolai/Seth (M/M) || Teen & up || Author chooses not to give major warnings || 2,326/5,255 so far || WIP
Summary: Look, we need to start a little further back than this. I know you think you’re here to help me, but how did you get here? Who are you? Because I’m feeling just a little off-kilter and any minute now Seth is going to start worrying that I catapulted us into a dream and we’re getting lost there.
Other tags: Magic, Original, Shapeshifters, Serialized Fiction
One-Sided by @ialwayscomewhenyoucall
Supernatural || Dean/Cas || Teen & up || No major warnings apply || 316 words || Complete
Summary: Cas, man, this place-- damn, it’s something else. Monster Central. Are you okay? Are you safe? I’m looking for you. I won’t give up. I promise. ** Dean prays to Cas while he searches for him in Purgatory. He prays, and he prays again.
Other tags: purgatory, dean prays to cas, angst, poetry
Oblivion by @ialwayscomewhenyoucall
Supernatural || Dean/Cas || Teen & up || No major warnings apply || 781 words || Complete
Summary: Dean goes still, and Cas knows he’s said too much, they don’t talk about feelings, and Dean is going to leave. He’s the one who asked, but he didn’t want an answer like this. And Cas doesn’t blame him, he doesn’t want to talk about this either. It makes his back itch, between his shoulder blades.
Other tags: endverse, lots of angst, pining, referenced drug use
The Arrangement by FormidablePassion
Supernatural || Dean/Castiel, Dean/Castiel/Sam || Explicit || Graphic Descriptions of Violence, Rape/Non-con || 1,601 words || Complete
Summary: After John forced a marriage on him that he didn't want, Dean took care to make sure the same wouldn't eventually happen to Sam no matter John's word. He was too late to stop the marriage but eventually grew to love his new husband. Once Sam realized Dean's loyalties were shifting he was determined to set things back on the right path. Little did either Winchester know, Castiel was more than he appeared to be.
Other tags: Minor Character Death, Canonical Character Death, Murder, Soulless Sam Winchester, Serial Killer Sam Winchester, Wincestiel, Platonic Wincest, Non Explicit Wincest, Protective Dean Winchester, Possessive Sam Winchester, Sadist Castiel, Light Bondage, Blood Play, Blood Drinking, Breathplay, Face-Fucking, Dry Sex, Blood As Lube, Dubious Consent, Possibly Non Consensual, Come Marking, Arranged Marriage, Business AU
Live Right Now by FormidablePassion
Supernatural || Alicia Banes/Sam Winchester/Max Banes || Explicit || No major warnings apply || 2,895 words || WIP
Summary: On his first day of volunteer work at the shelter, Sam meets a pair of twins that will change his life.
Other tags: Krissy Chambers, Dean Winchester, Animal Shelter Volunteers, Fluff, First Dates, feeding the ducks, Ducks, First Kiss, More tags to be added, only one more chapter
The Adventures Of Teen Werewolves In A Town Sitting On Top Of An Evil Tree Stump by @froggydarren
Teen Wolf || Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski || General || No major warnings apply || 1,811 words || Complete
Summary: It’s been on Stiles’s mind for a while now, the fact that their experiences aren’t recorded anywhere for posteriority. It’s when they’re looking at the mementoes in the Hale vault that he decides to bring it up to Derek.
Other tags: Fluff, Established Relationship, Future Fic, Married Couple, Slice of Life
The Pitfalls of Being Famous by tryslora
Teen Wolf || Stiles/Derek || Teen & up || No major warnings apply || 3,191 words || WIP
Summary: Stiles thought becoming famous would fix everything. It didn't.
Other tags: WIP, Band AU, Breaking Up and Making Up
Have you posted a fic recently?  Any active WWM participant can Submit your fic here by midnight EST Wednesday and it will be included on next Friday’s WWM Fic Roundup post.
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theizzizzy · 6 months
Sam and Max: Into the Multiverse!
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televinita · 7 years
Zoo 3.12
Preview: Sam can go DIAF with Abigail, Interrupting Dariela is the worst and the writers need to stop using her to squee-block me, Mitch/Jamie is my everything and I need Jackson to come back into the fold with them, and how the hell did I come up with so many words for an episode that was mostly plot advancement and only had like five standout scenes.
Mitch/Jamie 1. Looks like at least part of my headcanon last week about Mitch letting Jamie out can't be jossed! I'm so glad we got this scene in a sneak peek, because I replayed Jackson's indignation and Mitch's cheerfully dismissive response to it about 80 times. 2. Would it be irresponsible of me to assume that they spent last night together? Because part of me is still wondering if they've even touched in the wake of everything, but I would really like to believe they drowned their sorrows in each other. I don’t know how to reconcile the easy banter of the next number or the fact that they don’t touch in this episode. 3. I love the glee Mitch takes in pestering Jamie about her apparent fear of babies, all geared up to tease her mercilessly -- this must be the most fun he's had in days -- and how fast the truth wipes the smug smirk off his face. It's beautiful and terrible and I hope it socked him right in the gut to see the extent of the damage his words did. If he didn't introduce the thought into her head, he sure cemented whatever doubts she already had. 3.5. And kudos to Kristen Connolly for being able to sell those lines with a straight face, because on paper it looks hella dramatic to be like "I'm so awful that I will physically curse a baby if I touch it" 4. I am little embarrassed that my headcanon gets shot down when Mitch not only doesn't take back the darkness line, he doubles down to include himself in it -- but I also really, really like him admitting he would have killed Abigail himself?  "I've been thinking" is a fic prompt and I would love a little character study of Mitch coming to this realization, but either way, I’m intrigued by Dark!Mitch. I want the antidote in hand, I need to be able to believe they will eventually run away and find the light at the end of tunnel, but right now I could be very into a Dark & Twisty OTP of Pain and Feelings. 5. "She kept me away from everything and everyone I ever cared about. Everyone I love." Said with bold and unflinching eye contact and I am 6% frustrated that this is about the third time he's confessed his feelings and Jamie is still batting a hundred on insufficient reactions to them, but 94% overjoyed that the L word is out there to more than just some thugs in a bar. Sometimes there are more exciting ways to hear it than the standard 3-word way. (not that I would turn that down) 6. Now I just need to know who is responsible for Interrupting Dariela arriving on TWO SEPARATE OCCASIONS instead of extending either "darkness" convo scene literally ten or twelve more seconds for some kind of proper resolution before a scene change. Tell me he wasn’t about to reach for her hand in the first one. (Also. It takes a magnifying glass and freeze framing, but I'm pretty sure in the split second before they get interrupted the second time, it looks like their hands were or about to be in contact and are drawing apart as the shot goes wide?) A Series Of Live Viewing Reactions To Clem's Baby Daddy 1. Awwww @ Sam hoping (in vain) that Mitch will accept him as a real member of the family. 2. WHAT THE SHIT, SAM. I TRIED TO BE NICE TO YOU. 3. All right, abort that whole plan from last week about letting him be HOH, Sam can fuck off and die and I hope Mitch takes such full ownership of the baby* that he takes to introducing him to people as "my kid, once removed." I'm not Jackson and I don't care who was raised by a madwoman. If Abe's voice + everyone's love for Clementine didn't convince you you're on the wrong team, you are beyond help and I’ll put you down.
*I don't think I can fully convey to you the amount I love Mike Baxter's relationship with Boyd on Last Man Standing, mostly because I'm not sure how many people know this show exists. 4. ...ABIGAIL R U SERIOUS. (Guys, I'm sorry if I previously claimed to be off the sympathy-for-the-devil train; those were lies but I am sure as hell off it now with her baby-snatching reveal and subsequent taunting. That's not even emotional torture porn, that is just cruelty for its own sake.) 5. Welp, I think you know what this means, Mitch and Jackson bonding over shooting straight from raising a baby to parenting a 20-year-old Y/Y?? 6. But seriously, I am so upset at not even considering this theory before today. He's the right age! He's a conveniently random orphan! This show is all, "People love twists!" I kept assuming the father of the Miracle Baby had to be someone super significant! The biggest kicker of all is that I've assumed from the get-go that Jackson's late wife was black (which I hope is not somehow racist to assume?), and Sam is right there looking plausibly biracial as heck, and somehow not once did those two threads of thought ever cross. Come On Guys, Be Bros When I made this tongue-in-cheek request last year re: Mitch and Jackson, I could not in my wildest dreams have imagined them to one day share a grandchild, so while I honestly don't care how Jackson's being-a-daddy issues will play out, I care VERY MUCH what it means that he and Mitch are now on the same family tree, starting with how he now has an ironclad excuse to bond with Clementine and never be out of her life again. (I guess he can bond with his actual kid too. if he must.)
But that short chat on the upper level, just listening to them talk about their respective families is like catnip to my ears. I don't know how I'm supposed to read Mitch's expression after Jackson walks off in his "you worry about your family, let me worry about mine" huff, so I've elected to interpret it as "You're my family too, dumbass." (hush and let me have my dream) (Also I would kind of like to know why Jackson is still as willing to talk rationally with Mitch as he is given that Mitch is on Team Jamie, or as Jackson prefers to call it, She Devil Incarnate. I mean, it boils down to Jackson being a sexist jerk, but I still want to have All The Thinky Thoughts about how Mitch functions as a go between.) Beta Ship 2.0 MY SHIP RADAR IS BACK ON AND FULLY FUNCTIONING. I don't want to scare it away by being too excited about it. Just know that my heart burst into bloom when they got their reunion hug*, crescendoed for the kiss, and by the time they were fawning over the baby together it was pretty well at a tea kettle pitch. *Abe and Dariela take over as the center of the frame immediately, but am I looking at it or listening to them at all? No. I'm trying to shove them out of the way and peering at the edge of the screen where my new faves are nearly out of the frame, persistently tracking Jackson's hands on Tessa as they examine her cut and cup the back of her head and asdlkasjdfasd time to go dig up the 3x01 Time Capsule O' Sweetness. Various and Sundry -I enjoyed the writers finally acknowledging how awfully prone to hacking / general failure this plane is. -This was going to be its own category, but it's late, so suffice to say that Mitch + Not Being A Mess Of Emotions About His Dead Father was very nicely dovetailed with concern for Clem and a cute debate about baby names, and I'm just happy they addressed it all, if still annoyed that the impact of Max's death on Jamie was not. -Jackson takes up Mitch's vacated seat next to Clementine when the plane starts falling and has his hand bracing the baby's head and yes hello I am dying. -Clem is so excited to offer her baby to Jamie for holding, even eager to reassure her "you won't hurt him," and yes hello I am dying again. -"I know I'm right. Want to be more specific?" = thank u for this small slice of "sass that totally happens in the Normal World AU of Domesticity" (also, the pushing up his glasses bit here? ridiculously cute)
-"I don't need you to tell me what needs to be done [about Abigail]." OK Jackson, but like...you kinda do.   
-I told you before I had 18 heart attacks watching this episode live, so I don't think it's unreasonable to mention dying again re: the part where Jamie has the baby foisted upon her before she can protest, and Baby immediately stops crying*... Wait, no, this is the opposite of dying. This moment is Life.
-*nice insufficient reaction to noticing her finally holding the baby, Mitch. Who is directing this episode, because they are Bad at it. -I literally could not be more neutral about Logan's face or potential longevity. I am a 0 on the PH scale of feelings. -Everything about Jackson's final face off with Abigail and her stupid endless villain gloating was the wooorst. -I am a little concerned that reaching the barrier is supposed to qualify as our traditional episode 12 "get off now if you want this series to have a happy ending" exit, both because it's not that satisfying and because there is way too much left unresolved. I can only hope this means that we'll get it near the end of the real finale, with only a tiny twist at the end to set up a hypothetical season 4 that can be easily pinched off and forgotten if need be. Up Next: I'm not sure if I can watch the finale live. I have to have all my work done 6 hours earlier than usual, and then I'm taking off to go dog-sit all day, and if I watch it live I am gonna be useless from the time it starts airing until I drop from emotional exhaustion around 3 AM. If I can get enough work done by 9 PM, I probably will, but I also kind of want to savor it in case this is the last new one I ever get.
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Private Role Play
Hello all! The name is Pink, or C, whichever you prefer. I'm 27, and I work part time, meaning... I have a lot of spare time on my hands. I'm currently in CST but I'm a night owl so I'm here at all times really.  I'm looking for a couple people that I can:
RP with but also
Talk with. Friendship and communication in an rp partner is really important for me. We don't have to be bffs or anything but if we can't hold a conversation at least every now and then it probably isn't going to work out for us.
As for the actual writing:
I can pull anywhere from 1 to 6 paragraphs for a typical reply.
The most I've ever written for an rp was just shy of 2000 words, and that was for a private rp blog. That's not normal for me but I can do things like that if that's you're cup of tea, just don't expect anything more than one a day at the max if that's the route we're going.
Shorter, quicker replies are great as well! So don't let that be intimidating. I don't expect books from my partners.
Onto the Good Stuff:
+ Currently I'm only searching for fandom based RPs.
+ The plots can be canon, canon divergent or AU.
+ I have a variety of ideas for every fandom I'm going to post, but I like to plot with my partners so when you contact me tell me a bit about yourself and what you're interested in.
I do write smut! I don't even mind if the rp ends up being porn with plot in all honesty, but there has to be some plot. Don't contact me just for smut. Don't contact me if you're not interested in one of the fandoms, please. It'll save us both the trouble!
I don't mind writing with people underage, but I will not write smut with you if you are.
I play male and female characters. My preference is for female unless we're writing a slash pairing. I can play "top" and "bottom" characters as well, but as a rule I like my characters to switch.
And now... what you've all been waiting for... the fandoms!
I realize I'm coming super late to the party here, but I just started watching the series the other day on Netflix and I'm kind of hooked. I'm only on season 7 currently (and to be quite honest I'm not entirely sure how I feel about the direction the show is heading now) but I would love to do something AU or something set prior to the season 7 finale. I know this is a horrible long shot, but I'm a little desperate and I can't find the right fics to scratch this itch I've got!
I can play Sam or Dean, with a preference for Dean in either Sam/Dean or Castiel/Dean, but I'm willing to be flexible and consider other options. I'd even be willing to consider doing OCs with a similar plot to the post season 5 finale if you really can't get behind those pairings.
I really really really want to play supernatural so if you play this with me I will honestly love you forever. 
Harry Potter:
The tried and true classic, I know, but classics are classics for a reason -- they're good. I've got over 10 years experience RPing Harry Potter so my muses and themes for the story are pretty solid but I don't need anything like that from my partner.
Hermione is easily my most solid character, but I can play Luna, Ginny, Cho, Harry, Draco, and I've even played Fred once or twice. I have a thing for playing Hermione against Slytherins, or really anyone actually (and I'd love you forever if you let me play her) but I'm genuinely really open to pairings for Harry Potter. I swear I've done just about everything once so don't be afraid to ask me for whatever.
My plot preferences are to explore the darker themes in the series and canon divergences, such as making other people the chosen one, changing events, and the sort but again -- I'm open.
Game of Thrones:
I'm a tiny itty bit burnt out on this series, but I still love it to peices and would never turn my nose up at someone serious about wanting to play this fandom with me.
Because I'm burnt out I'm going to have to stick to my guns on the characters I'm most comfortable playing here which include Arya, Sansa, Cersei, Myrcella and Jon (but only for slash pairings with Robb (I'm ashamed of the Starkcest but I can't help my feelings for the babies)).
Another fandom I'm a little burnt out on but just like Game of Thrones, if you're serious I'm totally game.
I have a ton of characters I can play for this and most of them I'll play with just about anyone, just about at least. So here goes, I've got: Tony Stark (Toni Stark as well), Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Clint, Natasha, Peggy Carter, Sharon Carter, Jessica Jones, Foggy, and X-Men OCs.
As you can tell, my preference lies with Avenger stories and plot lines. Sorry not sorry.
There are a lot of different themes that I like to play: slice of life, horror, suspense, romance. There isn't much that I wouldn't consider trying. Even things like mpreg and a/b/o can be fun with the right pairing, partner and situation. So please don't be afraid to ask for whatever. Honestly the only thing I'm really not into is intense gore, unless it's the typical kind you'd find in GoT or Hydra associated.
Contact info: email: [email protected] skype: available upon request kik: available upon request aim: available upon request discord: available upon request tumblr: I will make blog solely for what we're rping, just let me know!
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theizzizzy · 8 months
In the Multiverse Station, all Sam’s and Max’s must have a special ID on them at all times, so that things don’t get too confusing with similar universes.
here’s a few examples of these Multiverse IDs! (U.C = Universe Code)
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And here’s the template for anyone who wants to use it!
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theizzizzy · 8 months
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theizzizzy · 8 months
The Slice of Life A.U is a Universe where not much crime happens in the city (aka almost no crime), so as a result, Sam and Max have more free time to goof off, and go on roadtrips. They even feel comfortable enough to wear their wedding bands in public. In this A.U Sam is relatively the same, he’s better at guitar, but Max is a bit more of a conspiracy freak since he got into late-night shows (the history channel specifically). They also take Darla on many of their little outings.
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theizzizzy · 2 months
I genderbent some of my Maxes!
(Individual photos under the cut)
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Maximillian is Maxmilian, FL Max is Maxa, SOL Max is Maxi.
Bridal blood max is Mivian, Maxilla is Max, Maf is Mafi.
or, Maffee-
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theizzizzy · 3 months
SOL Max’s outfit for traveling around the multiverse! + alt glasses Version!
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