#saito family
mewkwota · 1 month
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Initial Transmission
The exact time between EXE's creation isn't clearly cut-out, but all I know is the progress must have been very long (and emotional). I just wanted to draw Hub again but then I got sad and filled in some gaps with this topic as they came to mind.
(This is only showing the "beginning" and the "end" within the lab.)
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crocrubies · 3 months
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some hs saito thoughts I think he would be utterly Terrible
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cylikaart · 4 months
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achy-boo · 7 months
Saito Mūn
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1. Neka
2. Neka (don’t ask me about why he looks like that..)
3. Neka
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“Kiki..pet me..”
“She saved me..from that place..”
Full name: Saito Mūn
Name meaning: Saito means Meaning & History in Japanese and Mūn means Moon in Japanese while it means Writing or Literature in Chinese
Gender: male even though he looks like a girl
Age: unknown
Sexuality: He don’t care about love and he hates it..
Species: Immortal Shapeshifter
Personality: Saito is a man with few words. He is very silent and tends to be distant towards strangers. He is both cold and rude to them, having trust issues after being saved from the black market by Tsukii. His personality can switch from cold and rude to strangers to a loving and gentle person to his loved ones but he is such a puppy when it comes to Tsukii. Due to his last name, Saito is very intelligent and is a quick learner. Saito loves learning new things and he will have that adorable smile when he sees something new. He is patient and warm but if you anger him enough, he will not hold back on his anger. He has no filter and he takes great pleasure in making people scared or cried to his words. He gets violent too but luckily, that rarely happens
Likes: being near Tsukii and her loved ones, turning into different animals, sleeping, sweets, learning new things, fashion, glasses, tea, coffee, late evenings, reading, rainy days
Dislikes: loud noises, not being near Tsukii, his past, showing his anger(which can lead to Saito to cause a bloodbath), hot days, being woken up, certain themes and music, crowds, he hates the scar on his back
Voice Claims
Japanese: Azul Ashengrotto but his voice is more deep and seductive when he speaks Japanese
English: Azusa Mukami from Diabolik Lovers(more soft and gentle)
This boy is 7'0
He is cold and rude to strangers but sweet and loving to his loved ones(he is a puppy when it came to Tsukii)
He was once in a Black Market before Tsukii saved him(and literally kills his old owners...)
His birthday is at September 26th(This makes him a Libra)
He can shapeshifts into animals but never humans
He called Tsukii 'Kiki'
Tsukii called him Sai or My Moon
He was commonly found near Tsukii in animal form(like right near her neck)
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nayruwu · 8 months
Hi, your blog looks inactive these days so I hope this isn't a bothersome question, you can ignore it if it's annoying but I wanted to know your thoughts on whole shikama doji & whatever is revealed so far about him. I have seen many comments saying he's great father to mikaela that he did all that for his son so all his crimes cancels out they are like much forgiving him for all murder slavery experiments other very wrong actions he did because of mika but then some of them switched sides after yuu end up turning out mikaela (I'm still very confused about it honestly 😭) it just feels like they are looking from mika-biased viewpoint & it just feels wrong & for some reason they are majority of fandom or at least from what I've seen from top posts & tweets regarding ons so I wanted to know what's your thoughts on him & his actions I think you are more neutral/doesn't care about him if I'm correct?
oh no worries! i am currently moving so things are a little busy.
so generally, yeah i think i'm pretty neutral about shikama. it does bother me that the big bad villain of the story turned out to be just guren in a different font, because even if that's the whole point it disappointed me a little. i was expecting more of a B̷̨̨̡̤̦̺̥͛͛̽̌̎͆͜ͅȨ̵̢͓̱̦̣̈́̌̅̈̉̃̑ ̷̛̪́́̄̋Ņ̵͎͍̝̃͆̽͂O̶̬̞̐̿̃̇͝͠T̷͕̼̼͈̯̅̿͜ ̸̪̘̍̏̇̇̓̌͜͝Ȁ̷̩̊̉̋͊̒̄̋͒F̴̰̙̜̮̗́͋͒̚Ṛ̸̻͕̺̈́́͊͛̈́̚͘͝Ą̵̡̲͉̺̯̰̽̒́̎͋I̵̠͙̝̥̻̩͗̅͆̅͌̓̂͘͠D̸̢̞̼͈̗̽̒̔͘ͅ action. sorry i love making cursed text.
what annoys me most are the newly hatched batches of shikama stans that also somehow double as guren haters. and you guys know me. i'm all up for criticising guren, he's my terrible pathetic little manfailure, but the hypocrisy of putting "ugh he's such a selfish manipulative asshole" everywhere you go while calling shikama the best dad and justifying everything he does because it was 💕fow miwka🥺👉🏻👈🏻 is just. what. what shikama did was on such a large scale it's supposed to be pretty much incomprehensible to all of humankind because they lterally sprang forth from his greed. what guren is in the end is just a marionette being pulled along by like 37 different masterminds. he is also massively remorseful and acutely aware of every horrible thing he does while shikama doesn't care at all about the pain he caused because he thinks of his creation as nothing more than insignificant ants.
so like, he's alright. rebelling against god is cool, i guess. but his fans are annoying as hell.
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ryusaidate · 1 year
i love saito. i love that uchikoshi does not know or care what's wrong with him. i love that everyone else in the game has real life medical issues and his brain issues are just "i don't fucking know he kills people. we're doing a Bit about Love And Family. he's got Murders People disease."
i love whatever's going on in both versions of in the VaiN. and that when someone asked uchikoshi what was with the scene at the end of the hit route with So was he was like "he's fucked up. you know how it is." and that was the full explanation.
everything he does as a-set especially in the arg videos is so so so funny. this man is having the time of his life pretending to be a fucked up and evil teen idol streamer. "this is your idol" "be seeing you. but you won't be seeing me" i will shove him in a locker also i know i already drew it but "this is kaname date he's a real hot piece of twink ass but unfortunately his personality is awful. he lost his memory or something i don't care" is everything to me
love that he's making this incredibly intricate plan to ruin the life of this random fucking guy he CHOSE to bodyswap with on a whim because he... what, he escaped out the window? you really just wanted him to sit there while you killed a guy as rohan, realised the oxytocin release didn't carry over also half your vision is fucked now, swap back, and then kill him so he can't narc? that was Theft Done To Personally Spite You? anyway he's doing all that and he's like "i mean i guess i'll kill my dad while i'm at it" and i love that.
i'm. still thinking about "killed by your own father" why are you pretending to be your own dad shooting yourself in the middle of your last ditch "well whatever plan's fucked may as kill him" moment!! just another one of your "i'm technically not lying teehee" bits?? (and i KNOW the reading that it's about mizuki but that makes even less sense to me. & i'm a 'most cringefail reading possible' truther.) i really do love 'i didn't lie, i kept my promise' just to be a jackass
i love that he's so candid about talking about his murders and says shit like "homicide is my hobby" but when it comes to shooting people he either says some bullshit like "blowing their brains out" or calling them "fireworks" or it's about date "watching them die." the only time he calls it "shooting" is when someone else is doing it. and normally that sort of thing reads as 'distancing yourself from the crimes' but wouldn't that be fucking wild lmao. i think it reads more like it's above just shooting? it's art! perfect, beautiful art of a lonely moment in time.
and all the "(you were) a murderer. a serial killer" "have you been using other men's names for so long that you've forgotten your own" talk feels like it should be leading into a "we're not so different you and i" but it never does. (i'd be tempted to say it's just self restraint on the part of the writing team but i find that VERY hard to believe given the. everything. about every uchi game.) like he hates date but he views himself as above him and he can't pull himself down to date's level, even to upset him. he's just taking hypocritical shots at date because he knows he cares about "justice" and "morality" and garbage like that, without acknowledging their similarities
i'm normal? i'm normal.
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tinyghostvirus · 10 months
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When I said that a young Haruka lived rent free in my head, I meant those doodles (and a couple bit more than a couple others that I didn't bother to find) live rent free in my folders. Maybe one day I'll actually clean them and turn them into actual drawings. But, more importantly, I should learn to draw dogs.
And babies. But yeah, especially dogs.
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theonewhoshedstears · 11 months
As for Uru being yet another illegitimate son of Sejima's: while it's kinda hilarious as a concept for some aspects, I don't think it was a detail that was added to his backstory so randomly.
What makes me believe this is that Saito, Uru and Iris all share and display a certain level of intelligence and intellectual prowess.
Also, Saito and Iris had health issues, Uru and Iris more or less share the same hobbies and interests, and Saito and Uru, you know...
But back to the first point, for example, the way Saito explained the science behind fractals and human memory in detail doesn't make it difficult to imagine that as long as he deems it useful he can be pretty resourceful and knowledgeable in whatever he needs to do/know.
Iris has lots of interests and curiosity when it comes to theoretical subjects and always learns new facts pretty fast.
And then there's Uru, the last Sejima child being introduced to the players who understandably admits he hadn't much to do besides studying while being trapped in that basement all his life. However, Lil' Mizuki still remarks that the books she sees stacked in his desk are rather advanced. Not to mention he's self-thought in pretty much everything he knows and he's capable of doing, ranging from engineering to biology which may suggest a natural predisposition for stem subjects.
Another factor that made me think about this is Uru's character design. His face and his eyes (which are the same color as his father's too iirc) but also his hair are pretty reminiscent of Sejima's, and compared to his half-brother, he's the one of them who could easily look more like a younger Sejima So.
There isn't as much resemblance between Saito and So instead, which makes me think Saito may have inherited his physical features from his late mother's side, possibly mirroring Iris who looks exactly like Manaka.
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ljaesch · 7 months
Crunchyroll Announces February 2024 Anime Home Video Releases
Crunchyroll has announced its anime home video releases for February 2024. Handyman Saitou in Another World The Complete Series – Blu-ray – 300 minutes – $69.98 – 2/6/24 Bonus features: Promo videos, textless opening song, textless closing song Revenger The Complete Season – Blu-ray – 979 minutes – $69.98 – 2/6/24 Bonus features: Gen Urobuchi – Master Class, character promo videos, promo videos,…
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nekofra · 1 year
Here I am to tell yall to watch UniteUp
Cute characters, important chara development, it's a light serie but there are also some important details and background stories, the songs of the different units, FOUND FAMILY TROPE
Bonus Saito Souma
It's just 12 episodes but I swear one of the best idol anime I've ever seen they're all my sons now
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emotionalwarmth · 1 year
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I finished something that gave me huge relief a few days back Tim, my Titanfall OC (blond guy) for a roleplay ^^ The red and later just brown haired woman (yea they are the same, these are not rly detailed drawings) is Bridget, the mother of his kid, sadly they parted a while back due to Bridget being done with the IMC The little girl is Raya. She is a sweetie I am curious what the DM will do to his little "family" O.O Tim is kinda drowning himself in work by the way, distracting himself from his mistakes and doubts with strong training. His personality should be pretty much my exact opposite: leader-type, organised, mostly extravert and sometimes a bit ruthless: the end justifies the means, has certain moral standards and believes IMC can make the world a better place. So far. Although Bridget has hinted a few doubts inside him.
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chucapybara · 11 months
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exorcising more yume brainworms, this time from her non-traumatised canon timeline :)
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Title: Lu Over the Wall
Rating: PG
Director: Masaaki Yuasa
Cast: Shota Shimoda, Soma Saito, Minako Kotobuki, Kanon Tani, Akira Emoto, Shizuka Itoh, Kenichi Suzumura, Tokuyoshi Kawashima, Cho, Takayuki Sugo, Shinichi Shinohara, Mutsumi Sasaki
Release year: 2017
Genres: fantasy, family, comedy, adventure, music
Blurb: In a small fishing village, a gloomy middle school student named Kai meets a mermaid named Lu.
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Today is Riddle Roseheart’s Birthday! To celebrate I thought I would introduce MC Riddle, aka Natsuki Hanae(Riddle’s voice actor) singing and rapping! Please pay attention to Conpra big demon king as that is who Natsuki Hanae(Riddle’s voice actor) plays. 
For the second video, look at the pink hair character, who also shares Riddle’s voice actor. BTW for any haikyuu fans the blonde dude shares the same voice actor as Tadashi Yamaguchi, who is Soma Saito. 
Happy birthday Riddle! 
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tariah23 · 2 years
I might have 3mil qp and like, 20 bones and proofs despite having done 88 boxes but at least I have mana and FPS now.
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willowcreektrait · 2 years
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buut guess who finally aged up??? brian, cheyenne and the twins! but while i get the twins situated, have a adult brian and chey ⛰️
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