#saint hubert
illustratus · 1 year
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The Vision of Saint Hubert by Franz von Stuck
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leatherandmossprints · 11 months
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‘The Vision of Saint Hubert’ by Franz von Stuck, c. 1890.
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deerinhorror · 3 months
Why Deer in Horror?
I’ve been meaning to write a little about why I find deer such a compelling theme in horror and I got a message that motivated me to put it in writing. While deer are beautiful creatures, often seen as delicate and gentle, every deer contains within its body a violent horror story of its own. We see this quote played out in every video of a deer trapped inside a house:
“Naturally, the nervous species are difficult to keep in captivity. If put into an enclosure, they are likely to panic, and either die of shock or batter themselves to death against the fence in their attempts to escape…No gazelle species has ever been domesticated.” Guns, Germs, and Steel by Jared Diamond
I have come to believe that deer make such good companions for horror because they hold multitudes within their frightened, panting bodies. We can project anything into their sweet, vacant eyes. They are prey, they are sacrifice, they are objects of veneration. They are symbols of innocence; they are vectors of disease. The sight of one in a sunlit meadow can calm your heart yet they will crash into your speeding car without a thought for their own life, or yours. They creatures of noble beauty; they are vessels for our worst nightmares.
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The Vision of St. Hubert, Wilhelm Räuber, 1892
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La légende de Saint Hubert Hubert jadis etait sous les lois au démeon, quand un grand cerf luifit un effrayant sermon. Devenu saint, il negligea les belles. mais il devint grand chasseur de renom. Ason exemple, aimis, soyons fideles, chassons le cerf et non le cotillon.
The legend of Saint Hubert St. Hubert was once under the laws of Demeon, when a great stag gave him a frightening sermon. He became a saint and neglected the beautiful ones. but he became a great hunter of renown. As his example, let's be faithful, let's hunt the stag and not the petticoat.     -- Joseph Porphyre, Le Rire (The Laugh; French comic)
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murs · 2 years
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aryburn-trains · 2 years
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The American Orient Express negotiates a 'Shoo-Fly' around a construction site of a highway underpass. Saint Hubert, QC September 10, 1998
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quillfulwriter · 1 year
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Look, Rhea is a tragic figure. I feel for her. Her trauma at the hands of Nemesis and the Agarthans is vast, and the slaughter in Zanado is completely unforgivable.
But until she's healed from that trauma and doesn't blame all of humanity for that nightmare, there's absolutely no reason she should be in charge of anything. Much less the very people she resents.
The Empire was created when the Church named Wilhelm its emperor, and the Kingdom is literally called the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus because it was founded by the Church as well. It's only by looking at the Alliance where you can see how the commoners especially feel about the Church's practices when they haven't been indoctrinated.
When the priest from The Eastern Church is trying to stress how they're different from the Central Church, he says:
Their church doesn't have an order of knights.
They don't believe in using force to chastise believers.
A noble house keeps order in their territory, and they have forbidden the use of any soldiers, even for self-defense.
You can reverse engineer these to describe how they see the Central Church in Leicester: Militant, violent towards its followers, and deceitful (claiming self-defense as a shield for its violent ways).
This is correct. The Church has a standing army and a school used to train child soldiers. It punishes criminals with execution more often than not. And it actively warps major events to make people see them in a certain light.
Yes, Rhea chose to keep the peace rather than openly hating humanity. That's not exactly a kindness when she 1) makes sure most people are reliant on the church for basic needs 2) restricts access to education based on who she can control (nobles vs. commoners) 3) bans advances in technology like the printing press so she can more easily prohibit the spread of knowledge and 4) creates clones and experiments on babies.
I understand she is traumatized. I understand she is in pain and trying to protect her people from another slaughter. But the simple fact is she's not even doing that well, because she's refused to heal. Everything she does against the Agarthans is basically whack-a-mole, and she only ever punishes who they manipulated.
Hubert found TWSD in 10 years! She's had centuries! I can't even say he's healed from his trauma to make that happen, but at least he directed it to something practical that got results. So no one would suffer like he had.
But Rhea? She's content to punish and oppress humanity for being manipulated by the Agarthans. Meanwhile, TWSD experiments on children too and the Church does nothing. When Lysithea and Edelgard are the sole survivors of murky circumstances, one would think that the Church would get involved. Even for aid. But no. They had their chance to make this right, and they chose to turn a blind eye.
I cannot rightly believe that she really cares about human beings when she treats the people most loyal to her so horribly. Even Seteth! She's telling Catherine to burn down a city with people inside in the Black Eagles route, she's never once tried to get anyone to teach Cyril to read and write (Seteth was the only one interested in doing that for him), and she hid all of her atrocities from Seteth because she knew that what she was doing was wrong.
Her compassion as the archbishop ultimately comes from a place of indoctrination and control. Understandable though it may be because of what she experienced, it's still wrong. And she shouldn't be in charge of anything because of that.
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jacquesdemys · 1 year
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Yves Saint Laurent photographed by Jeanloup Sieff for his first men’s fragrance Pour Homme, 1971.
Reactions from Women’s Wear Daily.
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bullypinscherart · 1 year
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My very own Fakemon! It’s a dog Pokemon that evolves into a different type based on its Father’s primary type! You catch a Wild Hundling, it will evolve into a Wild Howlhund, but breed it with any Pokémon and it’s offspring will have an evolution based on the type!
Hundling (Wild and Domestic)- Normal (Based on Wolf Puppies)
Howlhund (Wild)- Normal (Based on Wolves)
Howlhund (Domestic)- Normal (Based on Old English Sheepdogs)
Molthund- Fire (Based on Xoloitzcuintlis)
Splashund- Water (Based on St. John’s Water Dogs)
Stalkhund- Grass (Based on Collies)
Sparkhund- Electric (Based on Cairn Terriers)
Frosthund- Ice (Based on Huskies)
Warrihund- Fighting (Based on Bully Kuttas)
Toxhund- Poison (Based on Tesems)
Duunhund- Ground (Based on Shar Peis)
Stratuhund- Flying (Based on German Spitzes)
Arohund- Psychic (Based on Saint Hubert Hounds)
Buzhund- Bug (Based on Chihuahuas)
Sedihund- Rock (Based on Turnspit Dogs)
Wraithund- Ghost (Based on Salukis)
Nobilhund- Dragon (Based on Chow Chows)
Sneakhund- Dark (Based on Kai Kens)
Irohund- Steel (Based on Malossus)
Spritehund- Fairy (Based on Japanese Chins)
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illustratus · 5 months
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The Vision of St Hubert by Richard Lorenz
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sunshineface · 9 months
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The Vision of St. Hubert.
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randomnameless · 1 month
Something stupid for the 1st april :
After reading some classical piece of litterature, Seteth catches Flayn asking Rhea what "breasting boobily" means.
He is sure this is a prank they came up to make him lose his temper, but he will not fall this time, he caught the prank.
Rhea doesn't know herself what "breasting boobily" means, but she remembers having read this sentence once, maybe it's a new way of walking down the stairs humans invented? She would have a better chance asking Professor Manuela.
Not wanting to appear out of the loop and actually wishing to keep up with modern slang - because even she doesn't know what this thing means - Manu nervously laughs, and tells Flayn this is a slang someone more familiar with Enbarr than she is, since she has been working here for the last few years, might help her with.
She can ask Doro!
Not deterred in the least (finally a chance to catch up with how modern young people talk!), Flayn rushes to Doro, who was attending Supreme Leader's opening speech for the Adrestian Empire's Founding Day.
Just when she was finishing the part of Adrestia's glorious history and Emperor Wilhelm's War of Heroes that ended on the unification of the Continent - Flayn bursted out and asked very excitedly "Dorothea, since you are more attuned to Modern Adrestian language and Enbarr's customs, what "breasting boobily" means?".
Dorothea wanted to explain how this most likely refered to a way of walking that emphasies the chest area used to seduce people, but Supreme Leader glared at them so hard that she wondered if they did anything wrong, it's not like Eddie was actually expecting them to listen to her speech, right?
Cue Caspar trying to "walk boobily or something" but finding the ordeal very tedious, how are people supposed to walk like that? How can they even hold an axe like that?
"It's not fit for battle, it's used for seduction!"
"Why would you seduce people on a battlefield?"
Linhardt was the only one with enough common sense to tell them to stop ignoring their class leader, because she seems really infuriated that they interrupted her speech on Adrestia was Great or something, for the Foundation Day.
"Oh, if you want, Rhea is both- I mean, the Archbishop is hosting a festival in the mess hall for the Foundation Day, telling everyone who wants to listen how Emperor Wilhelm is the only Great Emperor in Adrestia's History, and she is handing out sweets and drinks to people who want to participate or just hang out while some children from the Monastery are playing around."
Lured by baked cookies and refreshments, the Black Eagles ditch their classroom, to Hubert's disarray.
Munching on a bunch of sweets - Hubert assured her were not made by the Archbishop herself - Supreme Leader rants about how those beasts obviously planned to humiliate her in front of her friends, and manipulate once again unaware fools with sugar, as they teach them a fake history to control the world, and they will just have to wait 10 months, she will become Emperor and put her stupid ancestor's legacy to shame by becoming The Greatest Emperor of Adrestia.
"Of course, my lady."
"What does Breasting Boobily even mean Hubert? Search for an answer, and fast! I refuse to let those things know more about humanity than I do!"
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Charles Wilda (Austrian, 1854-1907) Vision of St. Hubertus Déri Museum
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portraitsofsaints · 1 year
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Happy Feast Day Saint Hubert  656-727 Feast day: November 3 Patronage: hunters, mathematicians, opticians, metalworkers
Saint Hubert or Hubertus was passionately devoted to hunting. While chasing a stag on a Good Friday morning, he received a vision of a crucifix between the animal’s antlers. A voice warned him,“Hubert, unless you turn to the Lord, and lead a holy life, you shall quickly go down to hell.” It was a conversion experience for Hubert. After his wife died he became a priest and later a bishop working passionately for Our Lord. {website}
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