#russia is a fascist state
justacynicalromantic · 4 months
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lmao slayed
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chrysocomae · 2 years
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panimoonchild · 13 days
"This is 1938 but Czechoslovakia has chosen to fight. If Ukrainians give up or if we give up Ukraine, then we are in 1939" - said Timothy Snyder
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What a wise and beautiful man. There will never be enough words to Ukrainian thank you.
Don't be indifferent. Make Russia pay. Please hear our cry out to the world, keep spreading our voices, and donate to our army and combat medics (savelife.in.ua, prytulafoundation.org, Serhii Sternenko, hospitallers.life, ptahy.vidchui.org, and u24.gov.ua).
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odinsblog · 8 months
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it’s almost as though they actually don’t give a fuck about genocide, imperialism and colonialism 🤔
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thegayhimbo · 3 months
For those looking to donate to help Ukraine, here is a list of highly recommended Charities/Organizations:
I also recommend Save Ukraine. They work to rescue Ukrainian children who have been kidnapped and deported to Russia since the start of the war. This video, Stealing Ukraine's Children: Inside Russia's Camps, gives more insight into that particular situation:
On a final note, U.S. Congress needs to pass the $60 billion in aid to Ukraine. Shame on Republicans for holding this up! That is unacceptable and reprehensible on so many levels.
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gerrysherry · 4 months
Russia 2022: We are fighting back against the nazis in Nato and Ukraine, everything anti-putin is fake news and your family are spies for spreading propaganda
Russia 2023: everything anti-putin is fake news and your family are spies for spreading propaganda, gays are illegals and will be killed on site, girls should give birth as soon as they get their third period, Ukrainians are run by trans normalizing reptilians and Zelensky is a Jew who must be killed
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Zelenskyy went on a book fair date (in Kyiv) with his wife two days ago while being surrounded by Ukrainians and shaking hands, talking to the people, taking photos, and buying books.
Putin is sitting alone in a bunker right now because he can't flee and tries not to be Nicholas II because the weaponized Nazi armee of his personal chef wants to overthrow him.
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ohsalome · 1 year
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Additional translation of the telegram messages below:
“As an official *slur* i state this is a small-scale maidan. for a full-scale cops need to start shooting, so far they’ve only been throwing cobblestone.”
“If only you knew how much i don’t give a fuck....”
“[Georgians] aren’t like *slur*, who baby their Zelensky...”
“Pray god, this will start a civil war, and these rodents will kill each other. Then we’ll be able to claim the rest of Abkhazia and Osetia. we should have given these sheepfuckers to Turks to slaughter. And Georgian women should be sent to brothels in russia, i have personally fucked them in Adler”
“fuck, I understand when people riot in Africa because it’s too hot, or in Antarctida because it’s too cold. But fuck, in Georgia? What the fuck do you riot against in Georgia? Are you out of your fucking minds? Drink some georgian wine and eat khachapuri [national dish], breath in fresh air and go back to sleep, lol, life is beautiful! ps fuckers i will not edit about “bryukhovetsky cuck he has fucking hung himself XD XD”
“Sweet, Georgians, let’s go! You need a civil war right now! Every citizen of Georgia deserves a civil war! Get to work, *slur*”
Btw twitter has cut out the icon of the last commenter - but it featured hammer and sickle. Oh, but why those pesky eastern europeans claim that hammer&sickle is a hate symbol? Don’t they know that *insert your bullshit out-of-touch justification*
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wintersmitth · 1 year
15 children that were deported to Russia has been returned to their parents and guardians in Ukraine.
Fifteen. Fifteen out of thousands of stolen children. I'm going to cry right here on the bus.
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justacynicalromantic · 4 months
Only these kind of people from Russia can be called "good Russians" without sarcasm.
Listen to what he says.
Most Russians, even liberal ones, even those you see rallying for Navalny, would skin this guy for the things he says - like not agreeing with the occupation of Crimea in 2014, or Russia choosing the fascist road, or that both nations - Ukraine and Russia - will win in this ONLY if the war ends on Ukraine's terms.
PS: a surgeon from Moscow disagreed with Russian occupation of parts of Ukraine in 2014, and in 2022, when Russia started a full scale war, he left to live in Estonia and now comes to Kyiv frequently to do surgeries for Ukrainian soldiers wounded in battles.
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mewlabu · 6 days
I really fucking can't anymore....
Even when all they have to do is not do something, like send an invitation to a dumb event they still spit in our faces.
It's ok though, they have "extreme disagreement" about the invasion and all the war crimes and torture and civilian deaths...
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panimoonchild · 26 days
The world has overslept and continues to fail to respond to the threat to humanity from Russia
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That's horrifying to watch...
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Important read. Quotes that I pick:
"Russia can lose. And it should lose, for the sake of the world — and for its own sake."
❗"The last six months bear this out: Russia’s minor battlefield victories came at a time when the United States was delaying Ukraine aid, rather than supplying it."
"If Russia wins, the consequences are horrifying: a risk of a larger war in Europe, more likelihood of a Chinese adventure in the Pacific, the weakening of international legal order generally, the likely spread of nuclear weapons, the loss of faith in democracy."
Don't be indifferent. Please hear our cry out to the world, keep spreading our voices, and donate to our army and combat medics (savelife.in.ua, prytulafoundation.org, Serhii Sternenko, hospitallers.life, ptahy.vidchui.org, and u24.gov.ua).
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ketrindoll · 2 months
Totally "not anti-semitic" russia is making "totally not anti-semitic" statements.
Truly peculiar how Zelensky is simultaneously:
Controls ISIS
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rudo-lfium · 10 months
Kremlin official Alexey Petrov appears on Neo-Nazi groups in social media
We must act really surprised, don't we.
Meet Alexey Petrov, deputy to Maria Lvova-Belova, the Chief of Children's Safety Commission, against whom, together with her boss Vladimir Putin, The International Court in The Hague issued an arrest warrant accusing them of mass kidnappings of children from Ukraine.
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Alexey Petrov is an active member of the Wotan Jugend ogranization of white supremacists and promoters of "racial clarity" ideas.
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Alexey Petrov is engaged in online discussions around the Wotan Jugend group mostly promoting Nazi ideas and making announcements about future rallies, festivals and meetings of like-minded white supremacist groups. He often uses the phrase "A salute from the heart to the Sun" when addressing his comrades - phraseology widely employed by the Nazis to euphemize the traditional "Heil Hitler" salute.
So, next time someone starts yapping about "neo-Nazis from Ukraine" direct them to this post. And also show them this photo of a fresh installation on a children's playground in Russia:
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that-is-who-you-are · 2 years
Defender of Ukraine Day (День захисників і захисниць України) is celebrated on October 14!
The especially important day when we can once again thank our defenders who defend our country, our lives and our future from rashists.
And also today my city, Zaporizhzhia celebrates the 79th anniversary of the liberation of the city from fascist invaders.
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Я дуже вдячна нашим захисникам і захисницям, які продовжують героїчну боротьбу предків, і захищають нас від сучасних нацистів, фашистів, рашистів і орків.
Слава ЗСУ, все буде Україна!
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