#rp rambles
sanders-sides-rp · 2 years
I would simply love to rp some logince right about now. If anyone’s down, please dm me! :)
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resting-din · 3 months
I once tried to rp with someone who wanted to take rp completely seriously and I wouldn't recommend it at all if you see rp as a fun little thing
I just like having my little homos kiss and hold hands and be happy, I'll joke in the narration, I will choose the path I think is funniest, I will reference a romcom trope while performing that trope in the rp bc it's funny! If I make my rp partner smile with my silly antics then to me I'm doing it right! And I'm not saying I turn the whole thing into a comedy act, I just joke around in the narration as a side gag when the mood is light enough for it! I will always focus on getting the point across first and then add some jokes if I see any opportunity
I just want to help people smile! It's why I share a playlist with a bunch of cute and funny vids for all my rp bros!! Life is stressful, just chill and have fun bc we're essentially playing dolls and making them kiss lol
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cosmicgesture · 4 months
Honestly? I wish it was easier to find RP partners.
Like yes, there's forums and sites and discords, each with their own culture and style and format.
But my problem? People just don't bite at my ideas :/
IDK if I'm just too specific, or if it's the fact that I mostly only do OCs, or what, but I just really can't seem to find my niche.
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sn0wgr4ve · 2 years
* i must confess, my rp adventures got me into liking epic sans x classic sans
* it feels super random to me, mostly bc i still don’t know that much about aus, but damn it their chemistry is so cute
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rainia · 11 months
it’s so funny on twt atm because people are like “Charlie was actually crying at the end of the Only Up stream????” as if the man hasn’t demonstrated multiple times that he can cry on command,, I remember in the elden ring play-through chat was like, “will u cry if you hit 1k subs” and he was just like, “yes :)”. And then when he hit 1k, he casually started crying, single tear down the cheek and everything. Then immediately went back to playing like nothing happened lmao
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becauseplot · 7 months
Philza Minecraft is a survivalist. 
Everyone knows this. He's the "Hardcore guy." He's an expert in the inner-workings of the natural world. He's vigilant. He knows how to hold his own in a fight, and he knows when to cut his losses, too. He knows how to keep himself alive. By extension, he knows how to keep his team alive as well. It only makes sense that they elect him as the leader of red team.
Philza Minecraft is a team player.
This is why he's always happy to go grinding for materials when the team needs it. Even if he tends to get a little distracted sometimes, wandering too far, forgetting to check global chat or talk in the team vc, he checks in with his friends and does what he can to keep morale up when everyone is feeling down. He recognizes the ease with which Cellbit operates in this environment, so he lets the man call some of the shots, or give Phil instructions. After all, Cellbit led the Ordo for months. Phil trusts his judgement. Why not play to their strengths? 
Philza Minecraft is an adapter. 
His biome doesn’t matter, nor his circumstances, nor his equipment. He’s started over more times than he can count. Working under stress isn’t something that hinders him, nor changing environments. If the game of the day is complete the tasks, he can complete the tasks. If the game of the day is kill a player, he can kill a player. He might hate it, but he can do it. For the sake of his friends, of his team, of his kids, and of their collective survival, he can do it.
There is something else worth mentioning. 
Philza Minecraft is a liar. 
Oh, but you’ll never catch him in a lie, because it’s never what he does say. It’s what he doesn’t. It’s the details he omits. It’s the parts of the tale that he glosses over so that the bedtime story isn’t quite so scary. He’ll give you everything he wants you to have and hold the rest of it close to his chest. Or, more accurately, he'll slam it in a locked box and shove it under his bed with the rest of his monsters. 
He was an asset to the Empire. 
Back then, he always asked the right questions: not "why," but "how," and "when." Back then, he knew he was valuable, so he kept himself alive. Back then, "the Angel of Death" wasn't so much a nickname as it was a title he earned. A rank.
He never became a general. The promotion was there, and he was more than qualified, he just never took it. He was content to let his friend take the helm, because Phil knew what he was.
"Knew." "Was." Was, was, was. (Come on, now, Phil. Don't be daft.)
Philza Minecraft is a liar; the man he lies to the most is himself. Yes, Purgatory is fucked and twisted, and he hates what it forces him to do, but not because it's hard. No. Because it's far too easy.
At the end of the day, what matters most is that Philza Minecraft is an arrow. Let someone else nock him in a bow. Let someone else draw him back, point him in a direction, let him loose, soar, fly. Resources, gear, tasks, points, kills, blood---it makes no difference. Philza Minecraft won't stop until he hits his target.
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[ *Tick, Tick, Tick.* ]
[ Well that sounds familiar. In the middle distance, the pale figure, that Chronomancer, is walking towards your shop. He carries the limp (and ragdolling) body of one notable Pickpocket. ]
[ He seems to skip forwards a bit, standing before you in less than a second, as if by teleportation. ]
Right. Did I overshoot this again, or is this after we had or conversation about this idiot?
[ He nudges the Half-elf. ]
( @pale-gear-mage and @local-pickpocket )
“Ya, you got it this time. Well it did happen after for me but still _____ should remember this time.”
“Ya Jerry I remember the first meeting, so chronomancer, you have the ring?”
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shandzii · 2 years
dont be shy,, show us more human au shenanigans 🙏😇
Oki have their swap AU versions akdhks
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Gab is a lot more healthy and is well put together. He's rly into astronomy and is studying to be a teacher.
Meanwhile Sammy is public enemy no.1 and is not a good influence ajfhsjf he will commit arson. Hasn't been in contact with his family for a while.
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vampierium · 2 months
“You’re sick if you like the April fooliverse AU”
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Seriously though I’m literally losing my mind about the AU, I finally got a taste of subby Gavin and now I’m obsessed …
If I could pick to see any of the other boys in this AU, I’d definitely want to see the DAMN crew, because I am in dire need of over confident Lasko
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mooniemilkieway · 2 months
the way people act towards her and her creator on the internet makes me so upset
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first off, IT IS COMPLETE OKAY TO NOT LIKE NINA THE KILLER !! i may love Nina but I do have a lot of problems with her but the hate for her was just literally insane.
im actually planning on making a post where i call out the misogyny in the creepypasta fandom because it’s just ridiculously bad. like seriously.
i was going through my deviantart page to look at some nina fanart to reference off of and I saw a stamp that was well… an “anti nina the wh0re stamp” which…UM I THINK NINA IS A MINOR HELLO??? And the only character she gets with is Eyeless Jack…she was a fan of Jeff but the author never said that they DATED. and even if they did WHOOOO CARESSS ITS A FICTIONAL CHARACTER!! ITS A FANTASY THE AUTHOR HAS!! that doesn’t make Nina nor the author a whore or a homewrecker.
also THE RACISM IVE WITNESS. okay so the author is latina if i am correct and ofc her english isn’t going to be perfect. but. oh. my. god. the way so many people were literally ripping apart Nina’s story because of it’s “bad english” instead of fucking HELPING THE AUTHOR just infuriates me to no end. and it bothers me that these are the same people who’s first language is English and would still fail their English classes like PLEASE HUMBLE YOURSELF OMGGG.
this reasoning isn’t as abhorrent as the other ones but the way people keep calling her a “Jeff Ripoff” when she’s…spoiler alert…A JEFF FANGIRL. NO SHIT SHE WOULD LOOK LIKE JEFF THE KILLER LIKE THATS HER WHOLE POINT
anyways sorry for this rant it just has been bothering my for like YEARS and I’m so glad that Nina is getting some love and appreciation but just knowing that the hate for her was so bad that it even negatively affected the creator of her makes me so so upset.
i PROMISE imma make fanart soon just lemme get through my college classes lol
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thebisexualdogdad · 6 months
RP rambles - Freckles (Dracule Mihawk x GN!reader)
Co-written with @inhumanshadows
*initiated because of this photo and my love for freckles on stomachs*
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● ”what are you doing darling?” he asks as you kiss each one of his freckles across his abs
● And he goes quiet when you get to the ones closer to his v lines
● “Everything alright? You’re quiet… even for you,” you tease him
● "Yep just... enjoying the moment" but you can feel his bulge growing under your chin
● “I can feel that…” you smile kissing the ones on his v lines and start slowly undoing his pants"
● And when you pull his underwear down it slaps against your cheek 
● "You feel that love?" He grins proudly 
● "Yes and you're about to feel something even better" you say taking him in your hand and smiling devilishly at him 
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hoaxghost · 24 days
what if i were to post an advertisement for another death game i helped make here....
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cyanorth · 17 days
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does tumblr know about blindfate (darkthur/oscar)
based on this
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scal-lords-in-black · 3 months
[Tinky is sitting in his part of The Black, looking at his pocket watch quietly, something is clearly bothering him, he curls up a bit, hugging his knees]
Stupid feelings...
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havockingboo · 2 years
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My observation from reading the rp asks from these blogs……they’re so damn goofy (with a pinch of angst)
@officialpapyrus @sansofficial @gasterofficial
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tr4gicthrill · 3 months
plots   /   vibes   i   need   immediately   (lms   if   ur   interested   and   i'll   hit   ur   dms   up):
-   best   friends   who   sabotage   each   others'   dates   until   they   finally   accept   they   should   be   together -   party   boy   x   innocent   girlie   who   he   corrupts   lowkey -   influencer   x   influencer   power   couple   who   look   perfect   outwardly/on   social   media   but   also   maybe   he's   toxic   behind   the   scenes -   secret   relationships -   rich   girl   x   poor   boy   who   doesn't   think   he   is   worthy   of   her -   drug   dealer   x   their   best   customer   who's   broke   but   offers   'favours'   as   payment -   honestly   a   messy   ass   black   mail   plot
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