#rock the boat spoilers
feelingtheaster99 · 26 days
Oh my goodness, The Bad Kids trying to keep the party from panicking while also trying to get Jawbone informed was so fucking funny
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You are not a real person.
You wear a face that is not your own. You were designed to die.
You wear a face that gets you recognized around the grounds of a school you are not enrolled at (you aren't enrolled at any school.) You live in the same house as the person you were supposed to be. She has the right voice, stands the right way, wears her clothes correctly. When you look like her, you feel wrong. You see all the parts of yourself that are wrong, the makeup you wear, your style, your mannerisms. You can only see all the parts of yourself that fall short of her, but, any closer, wouldn't feel like you.
You are at a party. You don't know anyone her besides her friends (they are the only people you have ever known, but they never know what to make of you.) They helped you enroll in your own school, one that won't know you, one that won't know her. The other day you were desperate, uncertain and panicked. You took a pregnancy test and it came back positive. She never had to worry about that. She never has to worry about disappearing. The steps were confusing, you could've done it wrong. There is a rumble in the ground and you all leap to action, you're loading cannons, healing people, sharing the blessing of her deity (you never really bothered to ask her about all that.)
You are needed on the roof. You can feel it. The storm is thick and choking, the spray of clouds forces your eyes partly closed. You take stumbling steps towards her. She is on her knees. You've seen her pray before, but something about this is different. You can't tell if its tears or mist pooling on her face. You can't tell if its the pains of combat or the strain of heartbreak contorting her expression. The prayer itself feels wrong too, less holy and more personal. You follow her gaze.
The words leave your lips before you realize, an automatic reaction to the mammoth mess of wind and cloud and hate: "Blimey." There is a face in the storm. Monumental, twisting, grotesque, but a face nonetheless. You are good at recognizing faces. She looks a bit... No. It is grotesque. Monstrous. The face you see in nightmares. Lightning cracks and whips around you. You feel something deep and heavy click in your chest as lighting cracks inside the storm. It looks exactly like her. It looks exactly like you.
And She is beautiful.
It was awe that clicked in your chest. Fear and hope. Awful and awesome. Sublime. Recognition of a power that is beyond yourself.
You don't know what will happen to you if you survive tonight. You don't know how long you live. You don't know where you go when you die.
But you need to reach Her. You place a hand on her shoulder and take a step towards the roiling clouds, towards It. You can reach her, that is all that is certain.
"I don't know if you heard me,"
The face contorts with rage and fear. It knows not what it is. It is everything that is wrong with Her. It will destroy you, when you return Her. That's O.K.
"But I said—"
You were designed to die.
Lightning envelops you as uncertainty replaces fear. It burns your hands, clasped in prayer, it singes your lips, forming the words of your impromptu, awestruck prayer. It's lightning is not what destroys you though. You feel the prayer work as a peace in all the chaos of your life becomes clear, waves of cool night and weighty cosmic power flow through you, calling you home.
You die a person.
Goodbye K2.
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buggachat · 2 years
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this is so horrible
This isn't even new for him. Gabriel did basically this same exact thing in Collector three seasons ago, faked a breakdown in his office and made Adrien believe it was all his fault. This is so consistent with Gabriel's methods of abuse/manipulation, and I already knew Gabriel did this shit, but seeing it again like this and with the dialogue really drives home how absolutely despicable and purposeful this all is.
Gabriel isn't just talking about the friends pushing food on him. He could've chose to say "why don't children respect me!" or "this suit cost so much!" or "i was so embarrassed in front of all the other parents!", but he didn't. He chose instead to talk about Adrien's conversation with him in the kitchen that morning, the one where Adrien very reasonably mentioned that he was uncomfortable being a virtual personal assistant. Adrien didn't even push it. He just mentioned that he was uncomfortable and then kind of moved on from it.... and this is what Gabriel saw as a fitting punishment for Adrien asking a question. To fill Adrien with such intense guilt and shame while shouting things like "Maybe I wasn't meant to be a father!"
Like, this is traumatizing, right? Adrien is witnessing this, and Gabriel knows that Adrien is witnessing it, in fact, Gabriel is only doing it because Adrien is witnessing it. Literally no excuse. This is just pure 100% emotional abuse, flat out, with zero way to sugarcoat it.
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ohgeesoap · 7 months
Is the water still wet?
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lavoixhumaine · 2 months
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i don’t have the words but all i know is i will never be over this.
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bohemian-nights · 2 months
Like clockwork, the moment that Sophie is almost surely going to be played by a Black woman there is a sudden uptick in the Sophie should be a man or trans because that would be “true representation” discourse.
Representation for all communities is important(although that’s not what this rally is about), but Sophie Beckett is the last character in Bridgerton who should be gender-bent or made trans since her story is directly tied to her being a working-class biological woman.
It's because she's a woman that her only means of employment is as a maid. It's because she's a woman that she was almost raped by a pack of men. It’s because she’s a biological woman and fears birthing children who will be illegitimate and who may have to go through life as she did that she refuses to be Benedict’s mistress.
You can’t just plop a (white cause that’s what the real issue is) man or a (white) trans woman into her place without changing her story which is unique in the Bridgerton universe and dare I say the most empowering. So while yes it would be nice to see a gay love story on the show or a trans person, Benophie isn’t the couple to turn to for this representation.
And said representation definitely shouldn’t come at the expense of representation for Black women who are rarely shown as love interests or get to be leading ladies in media. Representation for Black women may not be your representation, but it's still representation for an under-represented marginalized group.
Seriously if your idea of representation hinges on the fact that Black women should step aside and wait “our turn”(aka we shouldn't be represented because y'all always come up with some excuse for why it isn't “our turn”) you need to reassess some things because that isn't going to happen any longer.
This also goes out to the people who keep saying that there are “too many” Black people on show therefore Sophie shouldn't be Black when the only Black woman* that has been featured has been Lady Danbury who is a side character who most certainly does not have a happily ever after(HEA).
*I love Queen Charlotte and both India and Goldie’s portrayal of her and I loved the spin-off, but both women are mixed.
Let’s not forget the people who said Sophie being Black would be too “problematic” since she’s slave(she’s not a slave you’re insulting the enslaved when you refer to her as such) while cheering on every other group of women playing Sophie.
That was what some said a year ago when people suggested Sophie could played by a Black woman, but now that it’s coming you’ve moved on from that excuse to needing to see two white men on your screens.
So once again this isn't about representation it's just another instance of fandom misogynoir aka trying to keep Black women off your screens useless we are there to serve you or be tortured.
Cause somehow seeing Patsey getting wiped and raped 23 million times is “powerful” representation, but seeing a Black woman being loved and cared for and getting a HEA with a man who adores her is “problematic.”
Again I do understand the ones who genuinely want to see themselves represented on screen, but to make this much of a fuss about a Black woman in the role of Sophie Beckett, it’s inexcusable.
Reference point to this rant.
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your---dancestyle · 26 days
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voxmilia · 1 month
You know what's kind of impressive, retroactively
Sophomore year, Fig paid Riz to tail Porter and admittedly, sure, he was in the car with Sklonda driving him around but like. Porter either never clocked it or never did anything about it, while also giving Riz absolutely no insight that he's been juicing up for godhood. Riz literally only does it as a favor for Fig and gets nothing of interest out of it.
And Brennan KNEW Porter was up to some shit because the clip of Ragh talking about Porter doing Lay On Hands is like, what, 5 episodes later?
So like, in-universe, a little impressive for this wannabe new god of war and rage to bid his time when he knows incredibly capable people find him suspicious
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18catsreading · 27 days
This battle board is fucking incredible. I cannot even with how amazing it is.
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teammightypen · 27 days
i’m 30 minutes in and so far this episode is full crackhead energy nonstop
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feelingtheaster99 · 25 days
"I have to GO" Yeah, Kristen, get your ass outta there; I understand the importance of getting Gorgug within the Circle of Power, but you cannot survive out there, gurl
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darth-does-stuff · 25 days
wh. what the fuck did i just watch.
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keira-kaz2y5 · 2 months
My thoughts during 9-1-1 7x03 “Capsized”
🎶rock the boat 🎶 (sick music but wait that was the title of the last episode, so why they playing in this one not that one?? 😭)
Rip that piano fr
The Buck thing that Bobby and Athena joked about 🤭
The background buddie 😔✋☺️👀🧐
Evan “let them fire us, who cares?!” Buckley
“I think this is an open channel”
“😄 need a lift?”
Tommy “we’re probably all gonna die anyway” Kinard
“We have about 13 mins.”
“Well unless you feel like swimming back.. it’s all we got.”
“Shsjssjsjnxjdje can’t hear- dhsjsjsjsjj”
“InTerMiTaNT shOWeRS.🚿🌊”
Eddie “let’s go” Diaz
“Come on! Guys! Stop agreeing with each other like you’re fighting. It’s weird.🤨🤪”
“It’s not a very good motto.😔”
“hey cap 😁”
Henrietta “who even called you?” Wilson
“Who asked you to?🧐”
“We were always gOOd, bUcK 😁👍”
“I think we need to land on it.🤨🚁🌊🛶”
Maddie “hey, I’ve always got your back. ☺️” Buckley-Han
“Except the mayor. I think Chief Simpson is coming for her job🤪🤭”
Chimney “what? you wouldn’t return our calls :)” Buckley-Han
“What’s our motto?”
“A cruise ship that size should stand out like a floating Christmas tree, no?”
“…it’s capsized.😦🤕”
Athena “we made it this far” Grant-Nash
“One in the chamber. 🔫 I’d hate to miss.”
Bobby “just keep going” Grant-Nash
“How Proud I am of you ☺️🤭🤗🫡”
(That one couple 😭💀)
“But he wasn’t shopping at Gentlemen’s Big and Tall”
“He was a rat”
“I never knew you were so brave. … To have sex with a guy that young, seriously! Your heart could’ve given out.”
“There’s nothing out there😔🚁” Julian
“Thank you for choosing oceana blue 😀😵💀☠️”
Chief “ I did not hesitate to authorise this mission🤨🤪😀”Simpson
“We go where needed. When I was informed of the dire situation, I did not hesitate to authorise this mission🤨🤨”
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daniwib · 2 months
3x02 and 7x02 parallels
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These two. Honestly. When are they just gonna declare to each other that they're the same?! Reblog to share with your mutuals!
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nisaconite · 5 months
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lavoixhumaine · 3 months
the look on Bobby’s face when he sees his wife rolling by like a tumbleweed as yet another phase of her nightmare comes to life:
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meanwhile inside Athena’s head:
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i know it’s scary but this is my second viewing and i can laugh now because it is fucking hilarious 😂
Athena, baby, is you okay?
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Tiny has had a gun pointed at her face during her vacation, bonked in the head, shook around like a bingo ball, drowned, had her entire life flash before her eyes, got widowed for 3 seconds and now she’s rolling around like she been tossed in a paint mixer.
mama is going through it.
once again, tim minear, you a nasty bitch.
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