malditaf21-blog · 5 years
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On March 13, 2019 was the schedule for the final presentation of our proposed innovative product. Our preparation was already done by that day but I felt like its not finished yet because of the nervousness I felt. We haven't had enough sleep that day because of the final preparation we made so that we will be fully prepared to present our product. We arrived an hour early in the school but sad to say we left our product in my place which was really an awful mistake. It was just a blessing that we had to present at noon time so we had the time to get our product. When it was time to present our product their are two panel of judges. One of the panel is our pavement instructor which really scared me. I'm afraid to make mistake more so be critic by the judges that is why I never said a word in the presentation. I want to say something when we were being questioned but I can't. I was really thankful when we finished. It's like some big stone is lifted in my shoulder but I hope it all went well. #13thblog
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malditaf21-blog · 5 years
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A week after we are about to present our innovative product something came up and we abruptly changed our product into plastic coated wood chip that is used as a furniture. It was really hard to came up with a new product because we need to change our whole preparation which we already did. We pulled again an all nighter to prepare our new product and also to prepare materials needed to make our product. On March 10, 2019 we decided to go to my place to make our propose product. Our materials needed are plastic bottle (PET) which we collected in every houses and stores we pass through as we go to my place. It was really funny when we go to trash bins to get the plastic bottles but we don't have a choice. When we arrived to my place it was already night so it was hard to roam around. As we prepare our materials needed I was really thankful to my cousin because they help us making our product especially with the cutting of wood chips. It was really hard and it makes your arm soar but all our effort made is worth it because we finished our product on time. #12thblog
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malditaf21-blog · 5 years
When we were having our survey for this past weeks so far we had a good response for most of the people we have surveyed.  We have interviewed costumers, we explained what are product is and ask them that if ever it was available in the market will they bought our product.  Most of the feedback are positive and most of them ask us about the price which we thought we really have to think it through so this will be are selling point.  As for the product itself when we presented this to Maam Lagumbay she ask us to present her a prototype of our product.    
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malditaf21-blog · 5 years
Describe the Photo
On February 21,2019 sir Bronson gave us an activity.  We group ourselves into 4 and we are a photo of 4 people.  We were told to write down the thing we saw in the picture like describing it.  Wen we all got finished writing Sir Bronson ask each of the group to share what they saw on the photo.  Some answer are the same or similar.  Each of the group have different point of views.  They differ for what we know and what we believe.  We were told that the photo was already shown in different countries already and the results of the answers are different.  
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malditaf21-blog · 5 years
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On February 13, 2019  we had an activity to put up the different kinds of department and partnership our product will be having like the key partners, activities we will be participating into, who are the resources, the target market, and the advertisements.  We were told to put up all of this in a manila paper and state all of them.  
In the discussion we were told that if we are producing a product we have to different segment we will be participating into.  In partnering to a company we must make sure the investment and profit are in good hands.  Also for advertising our product as much as possible we must  consider the cost and the result.  For our resources its better if we put each one of us a share and we can also include our family and trusted relatives.  As for our target market we plan to go for the students, food stalls, and travelers.    
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malditaf21-blog · 5 years
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On Saturday February 2, 2019 there was a intellectual property rights lecture which is helpful for us and the products was really quite interesting. We were shown different kinds of products which are unique in there own way.  When producing a produce you must first think if will this sell?, can this be use in long term?, will this be useful or will this be just another product that will eventually lost its fame on passing days.  Many people have different kinds of idea maybe because of religion, culture or habit.  
There are different kinds of products they have shown us like a glasses with a dropper.  Peoples mind are really amazing and sometimes lazy.  We actually make product for convenience purposes.  To lessen the time needed for something to be done we do thing to make it simpler to reduce time of work.  This come the product we invented and produce for use.  
Products which are made for convergence purposes are actually helpful to us because this help us to allocate the extra time we have to do other thing which will result for a productive day.  It may look crazy or extraordinary but is useful.     
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malditaf21-blog · 5 years
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 On January 30, 2019 we held our pitching for our innovative product. Our product on that day was the foldable table that we have agreed on in our meetings. Before the pitching day it was really hard for us in our preparation because there are so many things to consider. Our target market was not yet finalize and the product needs more improvements. Our group had an all nighter to finish our presentation for the upcoming pitching and thank God it was finished in time. On the pitching day we prepared a model for our foldable table for the judges to visualize our product. We were so early that day in our venue but it was funny because we end up in a wrong venue. It was quite in the graduate library so we thought it was odd and it was already about 30 of the decided time to start so we got anxious and checked the main library and there, they were all their. As our Proctor roam around and ask to pass a paper with the names of the group and our group name. There are a total of for judges that day which we are not familiar with. When the first presentor was called all of us got stuff and anxious. We were so nervous we thought we will be next. As we present our product we were really nervous. As we finished our presentation we were ask a few questions about our target market and our product. We were told to broaden our target market which is we decided is only for student. So they advised like what about we include the food stalls outside. In regards with our product and the target market we are now deciding on what to do next to solve this. 
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malditaf21-blog · 5 years
New Idea
On the 3rd week of January we where so busy because of our midterm examination going on so we do not have the time to meet up as much as think of a new idea for the product proposal. It was really not easy to change product as well as think of a new product to present. Even our previous idea was not easy to come up with but as difficult as it is we still need to think of a new one. So after our midterm examination we have agreed and decide to meet for the remaking of our product presentation.
As for our previous product which is the admixture of plastic and wood it was not easy to make them and if we really do make them it will cause us a lot of money and we also do not have resources to which plant we will be making this. As we go over our meeting and further discussion was done we have come up of the foldable table as our next product proposal. As we all know we as a student needs table to study especially we need a quite place to do so. In this case we are not able to just go someplace where because it’s not convenient going around holding a table on hand. So for the convenience of the student we have come up with the foldable table.
Me as a student myself needed a table like this. So our target market for this are the students. To make this product we will be further discussing this in the next meeting because we still haven’t informed our instructor about the change of product.
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malditaf21-blog · 5 years
Product Proposal
On the third week of January we have presented our product proposal to our instructor. Originally it was supposed to be on the second week but because we are to many that it cannot be done so we have to go the next week. Presenting our product proposal was not easy at all for we have been question all sorts of thing regarding our product like was it durable, can it be use in other ways and so on. Unfortunately I was not able to attend the presentation of the product for I have a quiz that day which I can’t afford to miss. As for our product we have decided to go for the plastic and woods composite material.
The product which we have presented is the composite material combining the plastic and woods as its main component. As to make it better we added asbestos or gypsum to fire proof the product. All the materials can be bought in its cheapest price for all we are using is a second hand materials which are from construction sites lumber and the plastic are fortunately everywhere.
In such case with the second hand materials I thought that this might help minimizing the garbage that will be thrown elsewhere. Unfortunately we have encounter a big problem after the product proposal as we are ask to make the product itself which is not easy. The product can only be made in a plant which cause us a huge problem on how to come up with a solution to make this happen. As we go over our meeting we have been contemplating to change the product but as of now it is not yet to be settled.
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malditaf21-blog · 5 years
Innovative Product
After days of collecting of ideas and analyzing each of them we have decided to concentrate our product to construction materials.  Nowadays plastics are all over the place and there is no proper disposal, if there is its crowded.  We thought that what if we use plastics as one of the material for our product and it will also help with our mother earth.  We also discuss about the lumbers used in construction.  Lumbers are usually used in construction for it is the cheapest to use but after one use it will be discarded or they sell it for a cheap price.  
As we go over this ideas we thought of using both lumber and plastic admixture to create a product.  Plastics are thrown anywhere so we thought if we bought them we will only fetch it in a cheap price as will as the lumber.  These product may be use in interior designing.  Plastics and lumbers are most prone to fire or causes fire so we have come up of a solution.  To top up our product we will be coating it with fire proof material like asbestos or gypsum.  
This product is not yet been propose and approve by our instructor and we will be proposing it this coming Monday January 14,2019 if there is enough time because their are other group who are to propose their product to.  if this will be approve and finalize this may be a great help for those people who want interior products that are great and is affordable.      
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malditaf21-blog · 5 years
Collecting of Ideas
We held another meeting for farther discuss about our strategy for collecting ideas from people.  For whom is our product?; Well it be better than other product?; Will it be used in long term?.  These are the question that we must consider when we select our product.  The benefactor, the collaboration of other companies, significance of the product and its usefulness.  As we go over the meeting we decided to ask people around about the problems that they might want to have another alternative or improvement.  
First we ask an acquaintance and ask for problem that they are encountering or want to have a solution with.  The first one talk about Electricity Conversion that we can use on battery with the help of friction. The second one talk about a solution for Water Conservation.  The third one talk about easy and fast transportation if it could be possible to avoid traffic which is very common nowadays.  As for me i ask around our neighborhood for problems they want to have solution. First is about the signal in our area that is so low because it is in a mountain area.  Second is about the noise on the street because of the the trucks uses in a quarry.  
Of all the problem we have collected we have also gathered the necessary articles and news about those issues so we could study and analyze to what product we might create to satisfy one of those problem.  As simple as to get ideas is just as hard to create them.  We have been looking for any methods and facts about what product we will be making but it was really hard especially when we are not good with programming and mechanical works so choosing a product is still uncertain.  Then again we are back to square one but next time we must seek help to those people who can help us to built/create our chosen product.  
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malditaf21-blog · 5 years
Sharing of Ideas
We were given a task to come up with an idea/solution to solve a certain problem in our community. Our idea must also have a competition or the product that we will make must be more useful and convenient for people to use. We can also operate the production with a collaboration with other companies. In our meeting we have given few ideas of what product we will be creating. 
 As we go over the discussion Mylene Fernandez have given few ideas she could think of like; students nowadays are living in a boarding house or apartment and using a flat iron to smoothen your clothes and finding place to do so is hard for maybe the outlet is not in a convenient place so she came up with a flat iron that uses a battery or even chargeable one another idea of her is a battery that can be charge through tire friction, if you connect the battery to the tire of a bike it will create friction that will convert into electricity to charge the battery. I also have given few ideas like the Wi-Fi in our home cannot be spent outside the range it limits so I thought if we could have a mini router we could connect to our phones or laptop but the thing is the payment is just for one Wi-Fi installation not like the other that cause lot to have on hand Wi-Fi. I also thought about the woods that are used in a construction that cannot be use the second time so why not recycle it to another product and plastics that are not usable also. So I come up with the idea of having a product that mix the plastic and woods to create another product and our materials to use are cheap then I thought I'd we could collaborate with a home decor company to realize this product.
 After these ideas are presented Angel Leah Canios and Kubi Brain Escalante search for articles that we could use to start up the product and they analyze if we could use one of those ideas but it was still hard to agree to those so we decided to ask around people to ask what their problems or what product they might really want to have/use for convenience purposes.
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malditaf21-blog · 6 years
Selection of Groupmates
November 28, 2018 at ITB building we held our first meeting of our subject called Technopreneurship.  After the introduction of our subject we were instructed to form a group consisting of four members.  As for the selection of each person we were told to consider their personality and character.  The group must be form in a manner that it has to be balance in terms of strength and weakness to be able to form a solid team.
So first I would like to introduce our first and likely our potential leader in our team Kube Brian Escalante.  He is the hacker of our group.  In terms of his personality test it is said that he is an introvert but for what I know and think of him, he lies in between introvert vs. extrovert.  He is dependable, good in data analysis, and a tech guy.  He take things seriously and may want to work alone for a bit but after a while he will talk to us to designate work after a group discussion.
Angel Leah Canios she is a hustler in our group as well as I am.  In her personality test it is said that she is an introvert. She may not be actively participative but when in comes with speeches she is the one we could count on.  She also good with operative plans.  As for our last member she is Mylene Fernandez the hipster in the group.  She’s good with presentations and design.  She is an extrovert which likely that she have lots of good friends. She have a lot of information giver which benefits the group.  
For all the members in this group we are all long acquainted with each other so we have all known each of our strength and weaknesses that we could fill the gaps of each other.  With all the upcoming events and activities I hope it would be a stepping stone for our group to improve as it is.   
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