#river duna
kultofathena · 2 years
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Swords were a vital part of Viking culture. The weapon was not only a symbol of power and status, but it was also a practical tool that was used for hunting, self-defense, and warfare. Viking swords were typically made of iron and were double-edged, with a sharp point and an ornate hilt. The sight of a sword-wielding Viking was often enough to strike fear into the hearts of their opponents. Thanks to their skillful craftsmanship, Viking swords were highly prized and greatly feared by their enemies.
Featured items are all by Deepeeka:
Scandinavian Vendel Chieftain’s Sword – Tin Plated with Brass Hilt Accents
Hedeby 9th Century Viking Sword with Damascus Blade
Duna Duna Sword – 10th Century Ulfberht Viking Sword
The River Witham Sword – 11th Century Arming Sword
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zenkucko · 3 months
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A kulcsi keszonok a Budapesten 1946-ban átadott Kossuth híd építése során használt beton süllyesztőszekrények (a pillérek alapozásához használták)
A híd bontásakor 1960-ban szükségtelenné váltak, így leúsztatták azokat a Dunán és Kulcs közelében használták fel a partvédőmű megépítéséhez. A híd vasszerkezetéből Kimlén és Feketeerdőn építettek hidat, illetve a szegedi Dóm téren a szabadtéri játékok nézőtere is ebből készült. Helyét az egykori pesti és budai hídfőnél emlékkő jelöli.
A második világháború befejeztével Budapesten nem maradt ép híd, pótlásukat visszaépítésükig kishajó-közlekedéssel és pontonhidak építésével próbálták megoldani, melyek azonban a folyó téli jégzajlása miatt nem tudták folyamatosan biztosítani a kapcsolatot. Az első állandó híd a Kossuth Lajosról elnevezett híd volt, mely 1946. augusztus 20-áig, a Szabadság híd megnyitásáig egyben az egyetlen is volt.
A híd helyének kiválasztásakor egyértelmű volt, hogy az állandó hidak közül leghamarabb a Ferenc József hídon tudják visszaállítani a forgalmat. Ezért a Margit híd és a Lánchíd között kerestek megfelelő területet. A Batthyányi tér–Báthory utca és a Pálffy tér (Bem tér)–Klotild utca (Stollár utca) közötti nyomvonalak között a kb. 100 méterrel rövidebb hossz döntött az előbbi javára.
A pillérek építése 1945. május 16-án indult, a hidat a gyalogos forgalom számára 1946. január 15-én, az autóforgalomnak január 18-án nyitották meg. A rekordgyorsaságú, mindössze nyolc hónapig tartó építkezés az újrakezdés szimbólumává tette a hidat.
A híd teherbírása korlátozott volt; egy idő után már nagyobb autóbuszok nem is hajthattak fel rá, végül már csak a gyalogosforgalom volt engedélyezett.
A hidat 10 éves élettartamra tervezték, ennek megfelelően elhasználódása miatt 1956-ban, mikor már nélkülözhetővé vált, forgalmon kívül helyezték, majd 1960-ban lebontották. A medertisztítási munkák 1963-ra fejeződtek be. A keszonoknak új felhasználást találtak, Kulcsnál partvédművekbe építették be őket. Helyét az egykori pesti és budai hídfőnél emlékkő jelöli.
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macho2211122 · 7 months
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talonabraxas · 2 months
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Goddess Danu 'Tuatha Dè Danann'
Danu, Great Mother Dana, Anu, Ana, Anann, Danand, Dôn (Wales), Danuvius (Roman), Duna (Hungarian), Donau (German)
Danu is an ancient Irish triple goddess who is considered the “Great Mother” of Ireland.
She is the Mother of the Irish gods and faery people, the Tuatha Dé Danann , which literally means the “People of the Goddess Danu”.
Danu means knowledge, wisdom, wealth and abundance. However her name is also connected to water, and could mean ‘the flowing one’.
Danu is thought to have married Bilé and was the mother of the Dagda, the chief leader of the Tuatha Dé Danann. In other myths, she is known as the daughter or lover of the Dagda.
Her other children included Nuada, Dian Cécht, Ogma, Airmid, Etan, Miach, Cian/Kian, Sawan and Goibhniu.
Because of the similarities in correspondences, Danu has been associated with other goddesses, including Anu, the Universal Mother, and the Morrigan, the goddess of war.
Danu is also very similar to the Welsh goddess Dôn, who is the mother figure of the medieval tales in the Mabinogion.
Danu was also sometimes associated with Brigid, the daughter of the Dagda.
It is thought through her association with water, the River Danube was named after her.
Also, there are two round-topped hills in County Kerry, Ireland, called Da Chich Anu/Anann (the Paps of Anu), thought to represent the two breasts of Danu/Anu.
Danu has a strong connection to the land and water. She is a goddess of fertility, bounty, plenty, prosperity, wind, rivers, water, wells, wisdom, and inspiration.
Some of Danu’s symbols include holy stones, horses, seagulls, fish, amber, gold, flowing water, air, wind, earth, moon, keys and crowns.
Danu reminds us that we are capable of realizing our own dreams, empowering us to create our own destiny.
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cherryio · 6 days
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Berry Sweet is a 6 member South Korean girl group that debuted 07.07.22 under ADOR. The lineup consists: Choerry, Rei, River, Duna, Zoa and Yunhee
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members (oldest to youngest) :
Choi Yerim (06.04.01)
Naoi Rei (02.03.04)
Rivera Holly Quinn (07.04.04)
Kang Duna (04.28.05)
Jo Hyewon (05.31.05)
Ong Yunhee (11.06.06)
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esuemmanuel · 1 year
El Vals de Amelie (Amelie's waltz).
Si fuese el silencio la culpa de este trémulo trepidar que a mi alma castiga, cantaría bajo el frío estandarte de la luna el pesar que a mi corazón apabulla al nombrarte "Mía".
Porque mías son las horas en las que me cautivo con el susurro de tus labios al ofrendarse a los míos…
Porque mías son las hojas que navegan en los ríos de mi sangre acalorada al quererte pegada de mis manos, de mis dedos y de mis uñas, mordiendo a cada una hasta acabar vertido sobre la fina blancura de estos lienzos entumecidos por tu amor…
Porque mías… ¡Sí, mías! Son las sombras que te siguen, las mismas que te lloran y te ríen cuando te encuentran recostada en el ocaso del mar; ahí, siendo bañada por las orillas de mis aguas saladas… ¡Ah, tan tibias y tan sagradas!
Porque mía… ¡Sí, eres mía! Tan mía que encallas como una barca perdida en mis dunas solitarias.
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If silence were to blame of this tremulous trembling that punishes my soul, I would sing under the cold banner of the moon the sorrow that overwhelms my heart when naming you "Mine".
Because mine are the hours in which I captivate myself with the whisper of your lips as they offer themselves to mine…
Because mine are the leaves that sail in the rivers of my heated blood as I want you glued to my hands, my fingers and my nails, biting each one until I end up poured on the fine whiteness of these canvases numbed by your love…
Because mine… Yes, mine! Are the shadows that follow you, the same ones that weep and laugh at you when they find you lying in the sunset of the sea; there, being bathed by the shores of my salty waters… Ah, so warm and so sacred!
Because mine… Yes, you are mine! So mine that you run aground like a lost boat in my lonely dunes.
— Esu Emmanuel©
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monkeesrainbowroom · 5 months
i think being a chess enjoyer prepared me for this well. nothing's real nothing stays the same only the barest bones of the story there's only the chess match and the russian and the american and florence the madman and the blue box and the companion. everything else is subject to change. i think it's rlly interesting on principle like yknow how a fairytale has a million versions all slightly different and well that's not how MY mother told me when i was six years old the dragon had three heads and not seven the river in that song about swings is duna not tisza the madman in the box has a rainbow coat not a leather one he was born he was loomed he's half stupid on his mother's side. florence's father is alive he's dead he's a spy the american wins the russian wins out of spite he has two children he has no children clara oswald died in victorian times she was killed by a bird she was a dalek walter's last name is de courcey sam jones has dark hair walter's last name is anderson sam jones is blonde and has never smoked in her life. can anyone hear me
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hatze · 3 months
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presented without tags or explanation
nah but for real though
In order from top to bottom, left to right:
Diablos (Monster Hunter)
Ayeka (Crush Crush)
Dame Luchika (Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak)
Razmi (Individible)
Nicole (Class of ‘09)
Rathian (Monster Hunter)
Jecka (Class of ‘09)
Rodion (Limbus Company)
Da Vinci (Fate/Grand Order)
Gina Dickinson (God Eater)
Dorothy (VA-11 Hall-A)
Ryuko Matoi (Kill la Kill)
Verna (The Fall of the House of Usher)
Marie Cuttlefish (Splatoon)
Hakase/Professor (Toukiden 2)
Chibi Shobijin (Chibi Godzilla Raids Again)
Roxanne (Potionomics)
Amalia (Wafku)
Gatomon/Tailmon (Digimon Adventures)
Duna Nichs (Fossil Fighters)
Susanne (Monster Camp)
Meredith Chen (Cassette Beasts)
Paris (Dinosaur King)
Tsubaki (Toukiden 2)
Cassie (Crush Crush)
Aiba (AI: the Somnium Files)
Kira* Miki (VA-11 Hall-A)
Angela (Library of Ruina)
Kari/Hikari Kamiya (Digimon)
Phym (God Eater 3)
Amy Chrysanthemum (God Eater 3)
Malkuth (Library of Ruina)
Kyoko (River City Girls)
Boudicca/The Hellion (Darkest Dungeon)
Molly Blyndeff (Epithet Erased)
Zoë (Monster Prom)
Polly Geist (Monster Prom)
Akko/Atsuko Kagari (Little Witch Academia)
White Tip (Dinosaur Planet)
Nagi (Toukiden)
Rise Kujikawa (Persona 4)
Weiss Schnee (RWBY)
Mucus (Power Rangers: Dino Fury)
Nokia Shiramine (Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth)
Michiru Kagemori (BNA: Brand New Animal)
Namari (Dungeon Meshi)
Moga Sweetheart/Aisha (Monster Hunter Tri)
Aqua (Konosuba)
Pandora (Pandora’s Cubicle)
Rosie/Rosetta Richmond (Fossil Fighters)
Hatsuho (Toukiden)
Kikuri Hiroi (Bocchi the Rock!)
Filia Medicci (Skullgirls)
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scotianostra · 1 year
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Happy Birthday the Scottish actress  Juliet Cadzow.
Juliet's Theatre career started in 1972 with Billy Connolly in The Great Northern Welly Boot Show, thereafter, she went on to have seasons at the Dundee Repertory Theatre; The Traverse; The Lyceum; Salisbury; Watford; Wildcat; 7.84; Borderline Theatre; The Young Vic; and Citizen's Theatre. Well known as Edie McCredie in Balamory, one of Scotland’s most successful children’s television programmes, which ran between 2002-2005,
Juliet’s extensive onscreen credits include Taggart; Scotch and Wry; Rab C. Nesbitt; Still Game; River City; Casualty; Coronation Street; and The Bill. Juliet's film career includes roles in Heavenly Pursuits; The Duna Bull; The Big Man; The Wicker Man; Wonderland; The Stone of Destiny; Romance; and The Last Word with Ewan McGregor. Her performance in Thicker Than Water earned Juliet a BAFTA nomination for best actress.
Juliet is the wife of the late David MacLennan, co-founder of groundbreaking stage companies 7:84 and the Wildcat Theatre Company in the 1970s, and the founder-producer of Glasgow’s A Play, A Pie And A Pint at Òran Mór.
At 72tThere is no slowing Juliet down and she remains as busy as ever. This week she will be on stage with The Stamping Ground, a stage musical that opened in Inverness last week. Set in the Highlands and featuring the music of Runrig, it premiered last year in a limited run of dates and did so well that it is now touring some of Scotland’s biggest theatres. The actress describes The Stamping Ground as a big theatrical production that is Scottish and relevant., in a recent interview she says;
“It’s an exciting time for Scottish theatre, There is lots bubbling away. There is a joy you get from a live audience and that is what I was looking forward to with The Stamping Ground.
The show is at Eden Court Theatre, Inverness, until May 13th, then Stirling, Edinburgh, Greenock, Aberdeen, Glasgow and Perth, until June 24th.
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alexcnder · 1 year
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20 APRIL 2023
After nearly a year since the devastating chemical spill in the Danube River, new protests have emerged in Budapest, Hungary as of this morning. So far three groups have  sprung up to organize the event calling out the Royal House of Croÿ stating they have “forgotten” the people of Hungary with “no plan or progress” since the initial clean up attempt last April. There has yet to be an official statement by Duna Kör (The Danube Circle), the oldest environmental movement in Hungary, currently leading the protests, but many have looked to neighboring countries and territories affected by the chemical spill last year as examples of better progress. It is unclear if protests will move past Budapest, but as of now this seems to be focused on the House of Croÿ’s actions.
13 MAY 2023
Despite blame of the Danube River poisoning being the fault of Italy, another protest is rumored for cities surrounding Budapest and along the river’s closest cities. When asked about the reason for continuing protests some stated whose fault it was should not have been an excuse to wait to clean it up. Others have mentioned they wanted to demand more from Italy, but either way it is clear the people of Hungary have more to say.
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hugollorizz · 9 months
love how a whole bunch of y'all also answered the danube for the river post LMAOO,, duna ily <3 i live like maybe a 5 minute walk from it it's lovely
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eopederson · 2 years
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Danube River and Pest from Buda, Hungary - (Duna és Pest Budáról, Magyarországról), 1991.
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 The Shoes on the Danube Bank (Hungarian: Cipokan Duna-parton) is a memorial erected on 16 April 2005, in Budapest, Hungary. Conceived by film director Can Togay, he created it on the east bank of the Danube River with sculptor Gyula Pauer to honour the Jews who were massacred by fascist Hungarian militia belonging to the Arrow Cross Party in Budapest during the Second World War. They were ordered to take off their shoes (shoes were valuable and could be stolen and resold by the militia after the massacre), and were shot at the edge of the water so that their bodies fell into the river and were carried away. The memorial represents their shoes left behind on the bank.
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yo-sostenible · 2 months
Una nueva investigación revela la existencia de una antigua llanura costera situada hoy tierra adentro entre las localidades de Rota, Sanlúcar de Barrameda y Chipiona Parque Nacional de Doñana. / Junta de Andalucía Un equipo científico de la Universidad de Huelva, la Universidad de Cádiz y la Estación Biológica de Doñana – CSIC ha identificado lo que habría sido una extensa llanura en el Pleistoceno Superior, hace unos 130.000 años, en la costa del Noroeste de la provincia de Cádiz. En este tiempo, esta zona pudo ser muy similar a lo que hoy es Doñana, con la presencia de playas, lagunas y marismas. El estudio ha sido publicado recientemente en la revista Geomorphology. La detección de estas formaciones geológicas se ha realizado a través del análisis geomorfológico de imágenes aéreas y modelos digitales en 3D, realizados por el Laboratorio de SIG y Teledetección de la Estación Biológica de Doñana. Para datar la antigüedad de la formación y sus características geológicas, se realizaron análisis sedimentarios y cronológicos. Los resultados han revelado hasta qué altura subió el nivel del mar en esta zona del sur peninsular hace unos 130.000 años. Durante este tiempo, el mar en el Golfo de Cádiz habría estado entre 7 y 8 metros por encima del nivel actual, en consonancia con lo que revelan otros estudios, y habría trazado un acantilado que hoy se localiza entre 1,5 y 3 km tierra adentro y que es visible en los terrenos de las comarcas de Jerez y Sanlúcar de Barrameda. “Cuando se estabilizó el nivel del mar, en esta zona se formó una amplia llanura caracterizada por barreras arenosas, lagunas y marismas protegidas, semejantes a las actuales flechas litorales de Doñana y la Algaida en la desembocadura del Guadalquivir”, explica Antonio Rodríguez Ramírez, de la Universidad de Huelva.“Esta enorme llanura de arena fue creciendo posteriormente hacia el noroeste”, añade. Modelo en 3D del área de estudio, entre las los municipios de Chipiona y Sanlúcar de Barrameda, en Cádiz Una extensa llanura costera El desarrollo de dunas, según el estudio, fue escaso, por lo que el paisaje sería más semejante a la zona de lo que hoy son los Navazos de Marismillas, en el Parque Nacional de Doñana, con amplios surcos y cretas de playa, formando una extensa llanura costera. Esta formación se habría desarrollado durante el anterior interglaciar, el intervalo climático cálido inmediatamente previo al presente y que tuvo lugar entre los 130.000 y los 80.000 años. Desde aquí hasta la última glaciación, hace unos 20.000 años el nivel del mar empezó a descender hasta alcanzar un mínimo que se situaría en torno a cien metros por debajo del nivel actual y dejó al descubierto una amplia plataforma marina. En ella se siguieron acumulando sedimentos con el paso del tiempo, que formarían nuevas barreras arenosas y playas. Cuando el nivel del mar comenzó a subir de nuevo, una vez finalizada la Edad de Hielo, esta plataforma se fue erosionando y dejó tan solo una pequeña área, que es la que se ha podido estudiar en esta investigación. “Si el nivel del mar sigue subiendo, hasta alcanzar los 7 y 8 metros de altitud que presentaba hace unos 130.000 años, una importante porción de las tierras emergidas actualmente podría quedar bajo las aguas, como hemos podido visualizar en el estudio”, explica Rodríguez Ramírez. “Una vez más el pasado nos muestra la senda de un previsible futuro”. Referencia: A. Rodríguez-Ramírez et al. “A Late Pleistocene coastal plain pertaining to MIS 5 in the Gulf of Cádiz (mouth of the Guadalquivir River, SW Iberia)”. Geomorphology.  Fuente: Estación Biológica de Doñana
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has been added to the following playlists by the curators: Duna (River Banks) https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5Hk2MBlAvLolMw7pImaiav https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1KSxqNmphY8KzvfgxDVF1K https://open.spotify.com/playlist/34aaXOFdO519qe6S5eMUwI
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teravarna · 8 months
One of the most beautiful churches in hungry Budapest by the Duna River. There is so many beautiful architecture building what I want to put on canvas. This contemporary painting is a mixture of abstract and realistic artwork.
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