#rio analysis
anxious-witch · 3 months
Okay, okay, fine I am doing analysis of Damon Baker's photoshoots 😂
That said, since a lot of people already analyzed Kris' and since Bojan's has less picture, I am gonna start with his. Also obviously, this is totally subjective, I am not claiming this is one true or absolutely correct analysis, just my thoughts on it.
Under the cut bc this will deff get long
So I cropped the pictures so I can analyze them separately
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To start off with these two, because I think they were put like this bery purposefully. On the left, we have Bojan with his arms crossed, his expression is, the reminiscent of "The Fallen Angel" by Alexandre Cabanel (I apologize, someone else already did a comparison but I can't find it rn, feel free to tell me in the replies and I'll tag you). Bojan looks almost angry, his crossed over arms showing he is closed off and the spikes on his biceps emphasizes that. It literally feels like a warning sign. His eyes are downcast, as if he is looking down on something or someone. He is something to look at, but not touch, if you don't want to get hurt.
Then we have a smaller pictures right next to his one, that's almost exact opposite. It feels like we caught him in a momen where he was not meant to be seen. His face look tortured, like he just cried or is about to cry. His hair is messy in a way that doesn't feel like it was on purpose, but rather as if he messed it up during his inner turmoil. There is also a cigarette, which implies he is taking it to calm himself. His eyes are pointed upwards, as if he is seeking guidance from someone above him.
I feel like, for me, from storytelling perspective, these two pictures put together like this hint at Bojan's struggle with anxiety.
He is trying to appear tough and untouchable, the way he feels he has to be, but he is struggling internally. This is overall theme of the shoot, I think.
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Next we have this shot of his outfit. My first thought when I saw this was "this looks oddly rugged for Bojan". And I do stand by it. The shirt is half undone, half tucked into his pants, but half outside in the back. Like he got dressed in a hurry. Like he doesn't care or perhaps doesn't have the energy to care about how he is appearing. And then, tbe belt buckle with a broken heart. I think, that's the core element in this particular picture. Especially in comparison to Kris' heart necklace. Despite the rugged clothes, there is something fragile underneath all that. His heart.
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Then we have this one. And it's such a stark contrast than the previous three, I was genuinely shook. In this one, Bojan is openly vulnerable towards the camera, towards the viewer. Not looking up or down, but directly to the camera. Also the detail that @theraggedygirl11 pointed out about him wearing Damon's "safe sweater" broke me. It's almost as if he is saying, "look, this is how I am when I am allowed to be safe. This is how I am when I am not suffering".
What a contrast to the above outfit! The open shirt only poised as fake vulnerability, when a truly vulnerable Bojan isn't showing off his skin at all here, but rather his face. His emotions, all on display.
Another thing that strikes me as amazing in this particular picture (can you tell this one is my favorite?) is that his pose looks comfortable and his hair falls gently to the side, freely showing off his gray hairs, that are especially visible in black and white.
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Then at last, we come to these three, all in color. Unlike Kris, who had water, Bojan has fire as his "element" in this photoshoot. Fire is passion, light, warmth. It entices you, and it's much more noticable at first. But it can also burn you. There is also a reason why we say we "burn out" as well. Bojan holding a literally lit match in his mouth is such an amazing imagery.
We all know that magic trick of a man extinguishing a match in his mouth, for the entertainment of all. Putting himself in a very vulnerable position. Lips, mouth and tongue are so soft, especially compared to fire that burns. And is that not in a way, exactly what Bojan does? He pours out his heart while he sings, leaving it to the crowd to decide if they are entertained with his preformance. And surez ither do it too, but I think we can agree he is the most on display.
The way he is looking at the camera first, as if waiting for a reaction, and then as the fire gets closer, his eyes close too, as if he is too scared to look.
Just....augh, I love the way Damon Baker showcased his personality through these and how he expressed so much through just a few pictures. Also, please feel free to add your own thoughts, I love hear other ppl's opinions on things like these
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n-honor-flying-w-u · 1 month
I love how the relationship between Miles and his parents is represented. Rio and Jefferson are such good person. They're both strict, but well-meaning, and you can tell they care greatly about their son. Jefferson is the more strict of the two, but what I loved is that we, the audience, get to see that there's more to it. In ITSV, he embarrasses Miles at his first day at Visions' Academy because he wanted his son to know he loves him after the outburst. Miles doesn't want to go to Visions, but Jefferson is happy about that because his son is going to have a better education. He knows that he unintentionally hurts Miles by raising his voice and makes it up to him. He and Aaron drifted apart, and he doesn't want the same to happen with his son, so he takes time out of his day to go to dorms to tell him that, making the scene in particular an emotional moment between parent and child. In ATSV, he's afraid of losing him because he feels like Miles is growing up too fast for his liking. Rio is a little less strict than Jefferson and the speech she gives to Miles before he leaves is always something that warms my heart. She loves him so much, and just doesn't want him to get hurt. She's also aware that Miles has been lying to her, and I think she knows that there's something more that's happening. She's worried. Rio is also one of the supporting characters that I love. She's so warm, supportive, clearly dedicated to her little family and I know that when the time comes when Miles tells her about being Spiderman (rather, I think they might find out), he won't be faced with rejection like he'd feared. Of course, they'll have complicated feelings with the revelation that their son has been putting himself in danger nearly every single day for the past year and four months, and they'll probably be really angry, but the main thing is they'll be worried and concerned and that they'll love him the same no matter what.
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I think one of the biggest differences between my vision of Miles G and the general fandom is how I see him interacting with other people. Because, honestly, I don't think he would be... rude. At all. I mean, I'm not taking away from his Brooklyn slang or his experience in the criminal streets. I don't mean he doesn't have triggers that would make him loose himself and be rightfully pissed off because of it. Just like 1610 or any other traumatized person would do.
It just doesn't mean in my mind that he would swear a lot or behave aggressively.
Given the environment in which he grew up for most of his life, none of this would have led to an unreasonable outburst of anger or disrespect.
Look, in ATSV, we have already seen how Rio (remember, his main and only parent) is quite sensitive and serious about the vocabulary her son uses. Take the same moment with "whatever," her reaction was quite strong, primarily because such vocabulary in response to an important speech was hardly something she would want to instill in her child. And, realizing that Miles G will clearly receive even more advice and instruction from her in his later years than his 1610 counterpart, I don't think the strong guidance on his own behavior in social circles would have disappeared quickly even in the worst of worlds. That's why I hc him being more polite that 1610 from time to time — Rio's lessons seems quite strong and unbeatable.
And also about Aaron - as much as people like to hold him up as an example of a "bad influence" on his nephew, he is NOT a bad person. Seriously, the worst thing he did to Miles in the first movie was probably that "hey" trick. Yes, his work as the Prowler wasn't nice or morally right, but we were made to understand that he never meant Miles any harm.
(Did you see the deleted scene from ITSV where Aaron almost literally tells Jeffernos that he doesn't want Miles to end up "like him"?) He would be just about the last person on the list of people who would teach a child to smoke or swear violently, let's be honest.
(I'm not American and I'm not from Brooklyn, so I wouldn't mind if someone corrected me on that part).
However, as a person who knows the belligerent and disturbing atmosphere in my city, it seems to me that you should be cautious rather than angry here. Except for the Prowler, of course: Miles has a little more freedom here and a literal need to be fast and scary, so he deserves a little Spanish swearing in the face of a conventional Octavius.
But if you take, for example, a normal civilian going out and shopping, I don't think that in a world full of crime, Miles G will be looking for a fight. In such cases, you always have to look and know what to say, and who it is better not to approach at all, because the person, for example, may have a gun. Of course, if someone openly insults or threatens him, he can defend himself easily, but in other cases, you need to be even more polite and quiet than usual. His goal is to buy the damn milk and leave, so if he has to say "excuse me, please" to some man at the checkout, nothing terrible will happen. If you ask me, this kind of communication with silent strangers is probably the first thing that comes to mind, but it depends on your perspective.
And the last thing is that he is a child - no 15-year-old teenager with a desire to help his family and psychological isolation will drink alcohol or be angry with all the people in the world. Thank you.
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If I remember correctly Oliver says in “If We Were  Villains” that he believes himself to be the ‘Banquo to Jame’s Macbeth and the Horatio to Jame’s Hamlet’ (paraphrased lol)
But I would like to say how fucking sad that notion is as someone who has recently read both of these plays. And it’s not because Oliver is undermining his own importance or relegating himself to a “side” role without trying to become a titular one
No it’s because in the play Macbeth, the character of Macbeth kills Banquo- now to explain my thoughts I also need to clarify, though I’m sure anyone who’s read the book already knows, James thought of himself to Oliver in the same way that Oliver thought about himself to James if that makes any sense at all. Like James was Banquo to Oliver’s Macbeth in his mind… anyway bad to the point.
Ok so Macbeth doesn’t kill Banquo directly, in the play he hires some murderers to take care of the job for him, which they do. And I think this kind of relates to Oliver and James towards the end.
So Oliver gives up his life to save James’s, he belives that by going to jail he will allow James to live- Oliver in his moment of confession is in his mind Banquo saving his dear son Fleance from the murderers as he runs away. Here he is Banquo never knowing of, or purposely ignoring, Macbeths betrayal because he loves him (in Macbeth it’s like a friend way but y’all get it). He is Banquo in act 1 scene 3 pulling Macbeth out of his trance and being happy for him and they news the weird sisters bought, supporting him going forward. And you could also make the argument that Oliver going to jail for James is thematically the same as Macbeth hurting murderers to kill Banquo, as it effectively destroys the rest of Oliver’s life, such as Banquos is cut short by Macbeths. (what was his charge 2nd degree murder- good luck getting a job).
Now, you can flip this on it’s head and it still makes sense!! Maybe James is Banquo and Oliver going to prision for him, guilt eating away at him for years is tangentially the same as Macbeth sending the murderers, but the murderers are guilt. However here of course, Oliver dosent mean to send the murderers, he believes he is helping but- well yknow.
However I personally think that there is more of a connection with James and Lady Macbeth towards the end. The last scene Lady Macbeth is in she is sleep walking, replaying the night that she and Macbeth killed Duncan, and she says “What need we fear who knows it when none can call our power to account? Yet who would have thought the old man to have had so much blood in him?” (Lady Macbeth in Act 5, scene 1, lines 30–34,). And than she kills herself, and guess what Macbeth doesn’t find out about this for hours, similarly to how when James, allegedly, killed himself Oliver didn’t find out for years. And both Lady Macbeth and James take their own lives because the guilt, and shame of what they’ve done is eating them alive and they can no longer stand it.- in this example Oliver would also be Macbeth
Now as for Horatio and Hamlet, long debated queers (not getting into that) Hamlet dies in Horatio’s arms and makes him swear to tell his story, and Horatio, after thinking of hilling himself decides to honor Hamlets wishes and tell his tale. I feel like this is just similar to James and Olivier, Oliver telling James’s story long after he’s gone.
Oh and Horatio and Hamlet went to college together, we’re each others closest friend and confidant, and Hamlet I believe wants to be all that Horatio is because he is just such a good person in every aspect of himself- and also have James and Oliver vibes so take that as you will.
So sorry this is terribly written it’s late and I’m dyslexic hope this made some sense lol
Edit: I’m pretty sure this is mainly illegible so here’s a td:lr
Oliver dies so that James can live, believing that he will. James in turn “dosent” and Oliver is left to tell his story, or join him wherever he may be.- Similar to Hamlet and Horatio (Both Horatio and Oliver live)
Macbeth kills king Duncan, his friend Banquo, Macduffs whole household and more- Lady Macbeth encouraged this and kind of pushed him into this. The actions she had taken in the play eventually cause her to loose her mind and kill herself out of guilt. - James also kills himself out of guilt, because he is the one who kills Richard and Oliver takes the blame and he cannot bear it (Macbeth kills but Lady Macbeth makes him so kind of similar ig) - so in this Oliver is Macbeth and James is the Lady Macbeth
But one could also argue James is a Banquo figure as he is killed not directly by Macbeth but from Macbeths actions. Like how James presumably kills himself because of Oliver taking the blame (from Macbeths-Oliver’s- actions)
Ok that’s it bye
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spidey-bie · 10 months
I hate that now everyone is theorizing who has to die to replace Miles' father to keep the canon. "Well his mom did this and this" or "Gwen said this" or "Peter B. blah blah blah blah." NO. He's gonna save his father, he's gonna defeat the spot, and he's gonna be okay. You have basically missed the entire plot of ATSV if you are theorizing who's gonna die in the next movie.
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yourturntofnaf · 4 months
taking a shot at working through this deleted scene... 
Our research has finally taken shape and borne fruit. / The artificial intelligences created by humans thus far have mostly excelled in their learning capabilities and been developed to support humans. / AI is anticipated to achieve growth and efficiency far beyond humans. But at the same time, something is being discarded there. / Emotions. / Emotions, which one would think have an inseparable connection to the formation of intelligence, have been treated as a nuisance. / Yet AI development that prioritizes emotions is a difficult prospect in this country. / They are unwilling to fund researchers who do "romantic" research with no clear profit. So it is extremely difficult. / Under normal circumstances, that is. / We gave the researchers the best possible environment for their work. And at last, they achieved things they could not have in the world above. / No need for growth or learning. / It's an artificial intelligence that simply has "a human heart." / An absurdly fascinating... and absurdly pointless... artificial intelligence. / I want you to imagine it. The family member, the lover, the friend you adored will stay unchanging on a screen. / Your parents when they were young and lively. Your innocent girlfriend from when you first met. Your friend who would talk with you untiringly. / If you wish it, you can have it, anytime. / ~The Green and Gentle Peace Committee~
first, I would like to point out the use of the word "discarded" which is also used by Safalin during the Liazer scene.
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this dialog also says emotions have been viewed as a nuisance which I feel corresponds to Gashu's view of positive emotions. he saw them as a problem, a burden getting in the way of the perfect Asu-naro candidate.
less relevant to the point, but I took notice of the note of the "best possible environment", which seems to tie into Michiru's recruitment file which stated she could be drawn in with the ideal work. if this is about Namida, this may be placing her recruitment on the timeline around a similar time to Ranger's development. 
now, I want to make note that this is not exclusively about Ranger and there's a clear issue as to why: they describe that they created an AI with a human heart. this is something that is specifically stated to not be given to Ranger until the Laizer scene. I don't think this dialog is about only him, and I'll get into who else I think may be involved soon.
While we are here though, I would like to throw out a possibility that the Ranger with a heart, aka Laizer, was the original creation. As I mentioned Safalin says the emotions were discarded, not that they were never present. I could see a world where Ranger was created in full replica of Sei and Gashu, likely very early in Ranger's existence, decided that was not good enough and made Michiru change it. This could have happened before Ranger was even fully conscious, or something akin to being shut down and remodeled occurred. this could be similar to dying, and Ranger himself told us the AIs could not be programmed to handle memories of their deaths. At the same time though, it's extremely possible this was about Sei, and she was explaining that what he was originally modeled off of possessed these emotions that were discarded from his creation. 
anyways, back to the point at hand.
rather than being about one specific AI, I think it's a declaration of the radical development of Asu-naro. it's a statement of their ability to perfectly replicate a human using artificial intelligence. 
so, now for the more speculative part. the examples they give of the purpose of this intelligence can line up with some actual creations we have seen. 
the family member would be Ranger being created in Sei's vision. the lover could be Emiri's fiancée (that one is a big stretch, but I'll explain why this came to mind for me). finally, the friend could be the Shin AI, created for Midori who "adored" him, for better or worse. 
the section following this could be the corresponding human who would request the creation of these AIs. 
"Your parents when they were young and lively" referring to Gashu, references back to when he was more alive in the times before Sei was killed.
"Your innocent girlfriend from when you first met" would be Emiri/Miley. this specific line is what made me connect the lover to her fiancé. the word innocent fits into her before asu-naro, back from when they first met at their workplace before she would have been lured into asu-naro, the company that took innocence out of her. 
"Your friend who would talk with you untiringly" loosely fits Shin and Sou's dynamic. this line differs from the others by not giving a positive descriptor of the other such as lively or innocent, rathee simply describes what the other benefited from their bond. in my eyes, this fits how Hiyori seems to perceive relations with others. 
in support of these lines referring to the requesting human, we can safely say Hiyori selfishly made the Shin AI. I think it is likely Gashu was the original requester of creating Ranger, which might have been hinted at when Sara recognized the importance of Ranger by thinking he may exist in the placement of a son Gashu has missed having. 
so, what does my interpretation mean to me? 
1. this brings up the possibility of Emiri's fiancée returning through the means of AI, if he hasn't already. we could tie this in with the theory of Hayasaka being her partner who we have already seen returned in AI existence. 
2. this could give context to what Emiri and Michiru were recruited for, and what their role in the company was pre death game. this dialog could point to them being brought into the ideal environment, something Michiru specifically desired, to model these new AIs. I think this recruitment context could also be evidenced by another deleted scene describing researchers coming together to "build a human: 
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these two obviously don't line up directly with Michiru and Emiri going off of the given names, but I wanted to point out this example of a dialog that once again describes researchers coming together to create a human-like AI. now I will say it's interesting both of these scenes are deleted, so perhaps this concept may have been scrapped anyways.
3. it's interesting to see that Nankidai has had Ranger and Sei's story planned out this whole time. looking back at chapter 2 it feels so obvious. the previously mentioned Sara line about Ranger being a stand-in for Gashu's son was picked up as being about Kai at the time, but now clearly fits Sei. the way Safalin explains Ranger's existence to him feels like she was boarding telling him about Sei; saying that he isn't complete, that he lost what he once had, and that Ranger isn't his true name. even the surrounding setting of Ranger's death, dying next to a Yabusame being comforted by their sibling hurts so much more thinking about Kai being with Sei when he was killed. it all makes me appreciate Nankidai's planning and execution. 
thank you for reading if you made it this far! just want to say this is only my interpretation and I'm sure it's not fully accurate to whatever the original intentions were. also, this scene is deleted so even if any of this is correct it may now be totally irrelevant.
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ghostflowerhotpotch · 10 months
another ask 'cuz remembered as soon as I sent it but like
you pointed out gwen saying "don't. trust me" about Miles telling his family about being spiderman and I noticed that one of the first things he does after loosing trust in Gwen is telling his mom about his powers.
like, he fr doesn't believe in anything she said (or is going to say) anymore or maybe it's just a coincidence
There is still a lot to say about Mumbattan, I have a few asks to answer; but all of that will need to wait for a bit.
But before going to work I wanted to do one more post and ohhh, I like this point you are bringing.
This is very interesting because while Gwen is at odds with her dad, Miles is close to his parents; sure everyone is a bit exasperated about things not being said and by feeling you cannot say them. Miles says it later though, they are good parents, they are going through a fight.
However he leans a lot into his identity as a spiderman, in fact I will probably talk about that eventually, because while not ghostflower, the dynamic between his parents and the complexity of this situation is something worth talking.
Gwen is not just the girl he is crushing on, she is also someone he looks up to, at least as a spider person. She is quick, agile, and clearly knows what he is doing, coming to save him in a moment when it really looked done for him and Peter B in the first movie.
So with him trying to lean into his spiderman identity, and Gwen coming by being just as astonishing as before as well as carrying a lot more Spidey knowledge; it makes sense for him to try to lean in her advice; even when he is clearly conflicted about it.
And I also like to point out how on the water tower scene with his mom, he comes close to saying it.
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Yet he doesn't, still afraid, still remembering Gwen's words, still indecisive.
He is trapped between these worlds, and if that would be a problem for anybody, imagine at his age.
But where Gwen, Peter B and the rest of the organization left him down later, Rio, for all her anger towards Miles' lies and escapades, doesn't doubt to support him.
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Is interesting, because just like Miles in the last movie, she is taking a leap of fate.
She doens't know whats going on, her kid is lying to her, getting late, being irresponsible, and there more she tries to dig the more serious this looks.
And despite all of that, she still trusts in Miles, she decides to believe in him. Not just to go to Gwen, but about his future.
(This entire frame deserves an entire post, but will not be this one sadly.)
I think this is important to point out because he telling his "mom" happened not just after the fiasco at HQ, but also after Rio reminded him, both in this conversation and by his other version of his mom, that he is loved, and that isn't going to change.
When he was divided in who he should believe, someone he trusted left him down, and the other was supportive, after a lifetime of doing so.
I don't think it is a coincidence, but rather Miles coming to appreciate once more what he had since the beginning, and to remember why is important to not get lost in the Spidey mantle.
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offscreendeath · 8 months
I finally watched Across the Spiderverse after months of putting it off and I haven't been able to stop thinking about it since.
There's few movies, in my opinion, that live up to their hype and this is one of them. I'm not going to bother comparing it to the first in the series -- there's already plenty of that going on. But beyond the appealing art direction, score, humor and easter eggs, one of the things that really stuck out in my mind was the theme of "acceptance", in so many words.
In the film, we are treated to the classic Spider-Man themes of great power = great responsibility, having to balance home life and a superhero career, yadda yadda, we know the drill, been there, done that, nothing we haven't seen before.
What I didn't expect was to see this theme turned on its head. Sometimes that responsibility is incredibly unfair, and we often don't have enough power to deal with it on our own, at least through conventional, socially acceptable means.
The big speech Rio gives Miles isn't like the rest of the other speeches we've seen various Spider-Men being given. Rio affirms that Miles is loved and cherished, that he belongs where he is, that his presence isn't, as Miguel later states, "a mistake". This resonated with me, as I'm sure it did other people, particularly younger black kids. I'll explain why.
Miles is from New York City, Brooklyn to be exact -- an area that has rapidly become gentrified over the course of a generation, but particularly in the last few decades.
This means, among other things, higher prices for housing and other necessities, displacement of historic residents of the community and homeless populations, as well as a cultural clash between wealthy yuppies and natives.
None of this is explicitly explored in the film, which takes place in a fictional version of NYC, but it is relevant context nonetheless. Black youth are routinely criminalized, brutalized, surveilled and killed by law enforcement, and made scapegoats for "crime" by racist "concerned citizens" and vigilantes.
When everything from hostile urban infrastructure and officers from abusive, corrupt institutions (and ninja vampire spider-men) are telling you that you "don't belong", someone telling you that you're accepted and matter, can make a huge difference and go a long way in helping to build your self-esteem. It's this expression of unconditional love that, I believe, gives Miles the confidence to finally confess and reveal his hidden identity to (a version of) Rio towards the movie's finale, regardless of the warnings Gwen gave prior to this happening.
The difference between Miles & Gwen is that Gwen's father discovered her secret totally by accident. She was forced to reveal her identity rather than voluntarily offering that information. Before she had a chance to explain her motivations for keeping this hidden life to herself, it was too late. Miles, on the other hand, at least has a chance to come clean -- though it remains to be seen whether The Spot will interfere with this.
The Spot also craves acceptance, in his own way -- feeling that he's a joke, he's desperate to gain enough power to prove that he's a formidable opponent. His conditions has left him unable to easily re-assimilate into society -- permanently disfigured and incapable of living a "normal" life, he doesn't have the family that Miles has, nor a society of others with similar experiences to provide mentorship or community. He is totally alone, angry, sad, and probably scared.
Like Miles, Spot was in the wrong place at the right time. The accident leading to Spot's new body only granted him great power -- but no responsibility except to himself. It's hard to not feel sympathetic to Spot. Like most villains on Spider-Man's roster, his story is a tragic one. Perhaps if there were someone in his life like Rio, who could've told him that he's not a "mistake", he wouldn't feel so rejected and alone. Also like Miles, Spot is himself a scientist, not lacking in any brilliance -- only healthy, loving relationships and the respect that comes with it.
Miles is also actively undergoing puberty, a process that involves physical change as much as social and psychological ones. It is an awkward time for most, and with the additional stress of having to go to school and be the city's only Spider-Man, the struggle is definitely real and palpable.
Dealing with the weight of his parent's expectations, and the expectations of a city in need, as well as a whole multiverse of other Spider-People, it makes sense that Miles would feel constantly out of place, outclassed and overwhelmed by the many changes in his life, desperately attempting to spin multiple plates at once. Rio's words offer comfort and reassurance, but it is Gwen, Hobie, and Peter whose actions ultimately prove that he doesn't have to endure this struggle alone.
Managing to outwit and evade the entirety of Spider-Society with no outside help, Miles has proven he has the technical skill and experience to be Spider-Man. He's far from an amateur, regardless of Miguel's scathing, callous criticism. Miguel's insults are brushed off as Miles once again slips through his fingers and defies his orders to merely stand by as his father dies.
It is perhaps true, though, that Miles is naive to the threat of the canon being broken, that he is ignorant of the scale of the problem and that the risk is simply too high to alter the timeline, but it is not in his character to refuse a call to action, especially when it is someone he loves who is in danger.
Miguel seems to be using Miles' existence as a scapegoat for his internalized anger and grief regarding his own mistake in breaking the canon and its consequences. Losing everyone he once loved, as well as condemning the rest of the universe to erasure in the process, Miguel isn't wrong to worry about what Miles' actions could mean for everyone unless he is stopped. Rather than work with Miles to find a solution, he instead opts to prevent him from having even the opportunity to explore solutions to the problem.
Even with amazing futuristic technology and an entire veritable army of superpowered beings (mostly, with the exception of Hobie,) at his command, I think it's bizarre that Miguel isn't even willing to hear out Miles' concerns and desires. Instead, his first instinct is to capture him while his father dies alone, in an entirely different dimension than his own.
Perhaps Miguel is like Spot -- desperately needing someone to reassure him that his mistake was honest in nature, albeit a bit selfish, but that doesn't mean he should suffer with the resulting trauma and mental anguish indefinitely for it.
Everyone, save for a few, seem scared of Miguel, and for good reason. He has great power, for certain, but perhaps bears too much responsibility, which has warped his morals and led to him becoming a dogmatic quasi-authoritarian -- or, in Hobie's words, a "self-mythologizing, narcissistic autocrat!" Miguel is fully aware that he isn't the only Spider-Man who has dealt with the pain of losing loved ones, but he has made it his duty to lead a team dedicated to making sure that this collective trauma unfolds without a hitch. Though this doesn't make him a villain, necessarily, he is certainly an antagonist.
Upon my first of many viewings, I was certain that Gwen's father, Ex-Captain Stacy, would become another antagonist. Willing to draw a gun on and consider arresting his own daughter, I didn't have much faith in his development as a character, until it was revealed that he quit -- choosing his relationship with Gwen above his responsibilities as a cop. Perhaps Miguel could learn something from him, specifically that our futures are perhaps not written in stone, or at least that we have some degree of control over our fates, even if it isn't total control.
Finally accepted and free of the burden of concealing her secret, Gwen's relationship with her father is restored. Though initially hostile and obviously shaken by the realization, Gwen's father proves that parents and other authority figures still have an opportunity to grow, learning to accept others for who they are, provided they have enough time and self-reflection, and perhaps a few well-crafted persuasive words.
Ex-Captain Stacy is not alone. Earlier in the film, Jeff questions his merit as a father and worries about his changing relationship with Miles, fearing that he's become too distant or has somehow failed Miles in a crucial way. Perhaps Jeff has his own expectations he must grapple with.
Miles and Jeff don't have much in the way of a heartfelt speech together. Miles misses Jeff's speech at the party celebrating his promotion. The talk they do have together happens without Jeff's knowledge, though his respect for Spider-Man obviously has an impression on him, with Jeff suggesting to Rio later in the film that they should take his advice in dealing with Miles (aka, himself), giving him more space and trust as he matures into a young adult.
Though I want to work out how Hobie's character fits into this theme, this post has already gotten too lengthy and he deserves a post of his own -- not to mention we don't really get much of a serious exploration into his background or character to draw many conclusions from.
Suffice it to say, however, Hobie's ethos and actions would suggest that it's not only possible, but desirable and good to carve a niche for yourself, and seeming out of place or being underestimated can actually work to our advantage. Throughout the film Hobie constantly questions the actions and motivations of others, particularly Miles. This isn't done to make Miles insecure, only to encourage him to act on his own authority and be a free thinker, an essential component to being Spider-Man, not to mention an adult.
Well true believers, that's it for now. Thanks for reading. Until next time.
To be continued...
(By the way, why is "marvel mcu" a hashtag? the "M" stands for Marvel! You wouldn't say "DC Comics".
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hereliesbb · 6 months
Why do you think Beth initiated contact? Why do you think Rio stopped her from touching him though he continued initiating contact on his own?
Heeey bestie ….
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Well it’s the power dynamic isn’t it? And he does it so softly it’s like who cares let him have it. I feel like he also didn’t want her doing him any “favors” like nah I don’t need a handjob distraction but you do mam and then how cute that he thinks he has control of the situation
…. we see your furrowed brow and your big slack jaw mouth you loon. Nuzzling her like a golden retriever psh
I don’t know I can only imagine the amazing dissertations that have been written on this subject by people other than me. I’m too busy screeching and hiding behind my pillow when I watch this scene to figure out what’s happening. 😂
I love it though ❤️‍🔥 I love you too El sorry it took so long.
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mayokiwi · 1 year
I was thinking, at this point everyone knows Sei and Ranger are incredibly similar, not only in appearence but in personality and speech patterns too, it could even be said Ranger was created to be based off of Sei, possibly to test out how well the AI and doll can replicate a human, however there is a major difference between the two, which is their humanity.
Sei, just like Ranger, is shown to be a little crude and snarky, and is shown to be angry a bunch of times, but those are not the only traits of him. He can feel various other things, he feels sorrow and used after realizing he is a mere tool and as he remembers his biological father's death, he feels joy as he is able to find a friend and brother in kai, and a father in gashu, he feels fear as he is about to die, and he feels love, as he cares for his other family. This is what a human is, but as we know, Ranger lacks these things due to Gashu only using negative emotions, which means that Sei is probably what Rio Ranger should've been and what Rio Laizer was.
Kai's minisode reflect a lot on a person's humanity, and speaking of Gashu, he reflected this as well. Depsite being strict with his sons, he never showed any hatred or disrespect of them, and even offered them cake for the occasion. When he was told to not pressure the kids so much, he even thinks about going on outings together, and after he realizes they were raised as assasins, only for them to kill each other in the end, Gashu was ANGRY. This is the most human we ever see gashu, and all of this was because he grew to love his sons, and only after he was reprimanded by his coworker to do what Asunaro says, is when he begins to become morally corrupt, and become the asshole gashu we know today. Because he lost all of his love, is why he believed negative emotions is what made a human, and why Ranger was turned the way he is.
I also have less to say for Kai, but knowing he is a rather aloof and doesn't show that much emotion, it was always surprising when he showed any strong emotions at all, and this is no exception. It's pretty noticeable that when he was young he expressed way more more emotions than when he was an adult, especially with how he was raised after gashu lost his morals. He did state in the game that for the longest time, he didn't have anything to care for, but after meeting the Chidouins, he was able to slowly regain those rmotions, and be able to care for the Chidouin family, as well as regaining his humanity in the process.
Everyone on this story shows different aspects of humanity, and it's really interesting how it all ties together in this minisode, it's probably my favorite one so far! I'm no good at making conclusion, but I think the message comes across. Yttd is an amazing game, Nankidai really is something else!
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anxious-witch · 3 months
So, Jan and Nace photoshoot analysis. This will definitely be long, and idk how coherent I will be. As always this is entirely subjective, this time maybe more than ever. I am up for friendly discussions and disagreements, but also after today if you are a dick, I will block you.
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So let's go pictures by pictures first and then observe how they interact. We start off with the top one, that almost seems like it was two individual shots first, but go glued together. To focus on Nace first, he is looking directly into the camera, his face completely visible, but his hair and body is in the shadow. His leather jacket is even covering his neck. He is in "full armor", except for his face. His face having a layer of combativness only add to that imagery.
Now to focus on Jan. I'd say he is in a similar state, his stare perhaps even more defiant, as if daring us to judge. His face is half covered by his hair, which makes sm sense in a way that we know Jan is a quite private person. He doesn't want people to full see him behind a curtain. Some things are private and he doesn't want to show us everything.
I also find it interesting that these pictures have less contrast than the ones we go later, as if there is additional layer of gray over them. Like they weren't sure it was just yet time to full pull the curtain away from their intimate moments, making them softer and more blurry. As someone else pointed out, it's giving a vibe of them being in the shower, the hot stream muddyijg up the pictures.
Then, right below it, we have Jan and Nace doing an Inuit kiss, their noses touching. And my god, I am so insane about this complete shift in perspective. They aren't looking into the camera, but at each other, with an almost painfully soft expressions.
What struck me as really interesting is that with Kris and Bojan's shoots, they were the most honest and open in the pictures where they look into the camera. Here, it's the opposite. In moments where they are focused on each other, you get the feeling they aren't even aware they are being observed. Looking into the camera, to the viewers seems uncomfortable.
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Then, we have this set. Top one resembles first one from the set, except for few significant changes. It's clearly one photo, not two separate ones glued together. Jan is closer to Nace, as if he moved close to protect him. Also another thing that I find interesting, although I am not sure of it was purposeful or simply a trick of the light but! In all pictures where they are together, it looks like they both have just a bit of smudged eyeliner. And I will even go as far to speculate it might be on purpse as if to imply their facade is getting smudged. They can't hold it in place anymore.
In picture two(my favorite, my beloved). We get them favung each other once again, and this time, Nace is openly laughing and Jan is smiling and looking at him with what I will dare say is the closest to adoration.
Jan's eyes are open and more visible, unlike from the first shot, where they were mostly covered by his hair. Almost as if seeing Nace in a happy and relaxed state made him show off a bit more of himself.
Last picture in this set has Jan looking at the camera, his hand clasped over Nace's mouth and Nace has his eyes half close, blind to the viewer, only focused on Jan.
And, okay. This is where my interpretation loses any pretense of objectivity, but I simply can't see this any other way. I read this as Nace being blind to them being watched so constantly and perhaps saying something that should-by Jan's standards-stay private. He is, unlike Nace, looking directly to us, and looks caugh, out of breath.
There is also that aspect of protectivness too-if he can stop Nace from revealing something us as views are not meant to hear, perhaps he can protect him from it.
Now, to focus on their separate pictures. Or well, mostly separate. Let's go with Nace's first.
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To start with the top picture, Nace looks both tired and defiant here, staring directly at the camera. His arms are crossed over his chest and he is gripping his shirt very tightly, pulling it away from his arms and towards his chest.
Again, throwing objectivity out of the window because I simply cannot be bothered today, but. This reads to me sm like he is showing off his tattoos and hiding chest? As if he wishes to be judged by art he choose for himself. It could also tie into the fact that due to some body issues, his arms are truly something he likes to shows off in comparison to the rest of his body.
Second picture on the left is connected. Once again, he is not looking at the viewer, unaware he is being observed and thus, showing how under the facade of intensity and defiance, the pressure is getting to him.
Third picture is SO INTENSE. Nace is gagged by some sort of fabric and the shadow/makeup around his eyes is the most intense. He looks the most brooding and his features look almost twisted. Like he is being silenced and put in the shape he doesn't want to be in.
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Then, we get this. What a transformation. The pure softness, the trust in Nace's eyes here. It's literally giving the intimacy of sharing an intimate moment with a lover to me, especially with the way these are positioned. Like Nace is laying down and softly looking up and then almost bashfully lowering his gaze. I am genuinely unwell with how intimate this looks.
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Now, THIS. We have Jan, staring at the camera, pulling Nace closer to himself. Nace is standing with his back to us.
This picture once again shows to me of how protective Jan feels over Nace. This is giving such "Don't you dare touch him" vibes, it's insane. Jan's hair is messy and untaimed, and still half hiding his face and yet, he is not turning away. Because turning away would mean leaving Nace vulnerable so instead he faces the camera head on while providing a safe space for Nace.
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And at last, two solo photos of Jan. First one has Jan showing off his painted nails, which we don't see in any of the other pictures. His face is half covered in both pictures, first with the hand and hair and the other with the hair only.
In the first picture, he is still looking at us, almost as if saying, "Are you watching? Do you see what I am showing?" While in the other one, he is looking at something away from the camera, in an almost resigned way. He is tired of the preformance, of being on guard. He is just letting hinself be observed.
Another thing that was pointed out to me was white frame for Nace vs black frame for Jan. And not to go totally off the rails at that, but-Nace providing a light to Jan, a hope of brightness and warmth, which Jan provides the comfort of dark, safe place for Nace is just bfjxnxkdjx.
Alll in all, I absolutely adored these and I am half asleep so I probably forgot half the stuff I wanted to say so please feel free to add on your thoughts.
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frenchgremlim1808 · 9 months
Hello. In the Homestuck YTTD art collection you have posted you added "(EW)" after Gashu's name. Could you please explain why you dislike him? I like Gashu a lot, and I genuinely don't get why people dislike him, as I find him really cool and a very interesting character.
Hello !
Thanks for the ask. I will try to explain why I put EW after gashu name and also the gashu hate in a few point. First off, I think you are completely right gashu is a very interesting character that deserve more analysis made of him. I think he's oddly realistic and very well written for a character that we do not see that much of. So yeah I like gashu character..... And that's the problem, I like the character but hate the person. But I think the fandom misterpret the character a lot so I will go on a gashu analysis on why first he's great character but an imunforgivable man.
Also for any gashu liker who wants to understand the perspective of the fandom her it is.
His actions are unforgivable and caused major trauma and pain to multiple people
Gashu is a terrible dad, no need to fight over this. But even before milfdori went to tell him to sacrifice his son he still sucked ass. He created to both Kai and sei major inferiority complex and fear of being forgetten. Kai was always fearful that his dad would be disappointed of him and Sei oh god sei suffered my guy, after his dad died he was brought into a family just to be a rival to Kai , to make Kai better and then disposed like trash . He acted big and wanted to win so that he be loved but in the end he knew that he was just a pawn to asunaro. Even though gashu took a liking to Sei and strated being "nicer" to Kai that does not escuse the rest. I mean Kai was raised as a weapon his entire life, he never got to have a normal life. Also like the fact that he was so happy for cake means clearly that he doesn't get any compassion or love from his dad. Gashu is emotionally distant to Kai from his very young childhood. That put irreparable damage on Kai Psyche. Someone might have the argument that he tried to do "the best" for his children, but no, he tried to do "the best" for him. If he truly loved Kai and Sei more than asunaro he would have tried anything to save his son's, but he didn't, he accepted it and continued on. Even if it failed a true loving father would've done anything to save his kids, even if it mean fighting against asunaro his whole life. Also that's not talking about the death game like what he did to ranger is even more cruel because of Sei and also he fucking caused nao death so like I'm pretty sure that's the reason the fandom hate his guts hard ☠️But I have a theory that I'm almost certain of, on why gashu is hated too
he's realistic which hits closer to home.
Gashu is realistic and that's the thing, forgetting about the dolls and asunaro, who hasn't met a emotionally negligent father who puts immense pressure on his children which cause extreme difficulty for the child to create fulfilling relationship with anyone in the future. Like if you twist it around this story works for alot of us. A emotionally closed off dad who prefer to be cold and not show his emotions, who focus more on work than you, who work seems to prioritise you. And that's the point that's why I think gashu gets such hate, the relatability !Because let's compare him to like sue and Midori. They have way more fans why, because first sue Miley is hot af and Midori is..... I don't know how people find him attractive but people do. But also because sue and Midori are over the top, especially sue Miley. She's just an evil crazy lady who mean, and Midori is literal incarnation of the devil so like what do you want. But even a character like Midori is like in way relatable sadly to lot of people experience with narcissist like him, one day if I have the time i'll go over Midori and shin relationship metaphor in real life. But back to gashu, sue and Midori have less chance to be relatable to the general audience than gashu, in the world their must be like 10 Midori ( yeah I'm sure people like him exist) but a million gashu . The point of the mini episode for me was to nuance gashu character, because even with all the bad action he did we see that he's destroyed after Sei death. It... Feal real. He an horrible man but still a man after all. While Midori is Satan you know. Also there is a also a clear difference. Gashu does the things he does due to his loyalty to asunaro, and by the way it's presented it's very much some kind of cult enterprise. The only time he betrayed the rules was for sending the sacrifice to nao to make sure she doesn't survive, which in his head he did for the organisation. He killed himself for the organisation. He sacrificed his son for the organisation. Everything he did because of his immense loyalty to the organisation even when he didn't want to do it. His loyalty came first and his feelings second. While let's say Midori really isn't that loyal and just wishes to have what he wants whatever the cost. So gashu feels more Real more human for his actions. He really seems like a man who could die at any point in time and was truly trapped. But after all it's his fault right? He was the one that became apart of the organisation after all. His suffering was in the end caused by his loyalty.But like why did he join the organisation, or better why did any of them join I have so many questions about asunaro it's insane.
It also became kinda of a meme in-between me and my friend
"Like oh it's GASHU fuck that guy" you know. I should have maybe started with that.
Anyway closing point fuck milfdori she's such a dick.
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This next analysis... Well, I already did one Apphia Yu-voiced character. Might as well segway into another one of her roles, yeah? The nice thing is that this next one, she isn't a criminal, but she is an assassin~... well, an assassin-in-training.
... And a pervert. Poor Nagisa. ... Or Lucky Boy Nagisa, maybe? :3
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So, to trim this analysis a bit in the "early" parts of the series, let's just put it this way. Rio-chan didn't become a "major" member of E-Class until about halfway through Season 1 of the anime. In the first several episodes, she was more comic relief than a girl who played any pivotal role. I think the first time we saw her on-screen for prolonged periods was during the Kyoto trip, when she first tried to peep in on Koro-sensei in the bath, and then later that night with the girls gossiping about boys and listening to Bitch-sensei tell stories of her past. Still, I suppose the "peeping" is a good way to segway into this "plot summary" portion of the analysis... because it's the first time, on-screen, that Nagisa and Rio interact, especially outside of class.
I'll try to be nice, but.... Rio-chan is honestly a shameless teenage girl. XDDD She's a good example that it's not just guys who get ecchi and dirty-minded. Sure, we learn more later why Rio-chan acts out and focuses on having a good time, but she reeeally gets into it... (๑╹ω╹๑ ) She pretends she's just scoping out their target's weaknesses, but let's be real~... She wanted to see what was under those soap suds. (๑╹ω╹๑ )(๑╹ω╹๑ )(๑╹ω╹๑ )
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Still, this is a good entry level into Rio as a character. She's laidback, fun-loving, speaks her mind... And Nagisa goes with the flow better with her than some of their classmates (like Okajima, who felt she was butting in on his Pervert livelihood); the start of their friendship isn't shown, but I suppose you can say that sitting to Nagisa's right in class gave her opportunities to interact or observe him. And since we don't know the particulars of how they started out as friends, there's even room to say that Rio chose to sit next to him, or vice versa. During the girls' gossip scene, she doesn't name Nagisa as one of the boys she'd be interested in; she names Isogai and Maehara as possible candidates, but leans more toward Isogai. Now, you can take this casual gossip in one of two ways; either she's being honest like always, or she's hiding her real fledgling crushes. Given the nature of the scene, I'm inclined to believe Rio is being honest in her assessments here - Nagisa's not on her radar yet in terms of romance, and that's fine! You don't have to leap straight to the romance . If she and Nagisa are just pals for now, that's a good start.
After Kyoto, Ritsu joins the class. Then Lovro tests Irina. Then Shiro brings in Itona. Then the baseball/basketball matches... Finally, we reach Takaoka's debut. If you want my shot in the dark at when Rio started to look at Nagisa more, it's at about this time. Why would that be...? Well...
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This is the first time since the failed "suicide assassination" that Nagisa has stood out amongst his class. Ever since that time, he was observing or helping on the sidelines as other classmates and assassins took their shots. He helped organize the girls' rescue in Kyoto, but Rio wasn't there for that, and Koro-sensei dished out most of the throttling. Takaoka was out of control, and Karasuma needed a champion for Takaoka to ("willingly") back down. Still, Karasuma sure knows how to pick 'em; his instincts were telling him that Nagisa was harboring an innate talent for assassination, and he was dead-on. Nagisa himself respected Karasuma for always looking him in the eye, something his own family wouldn't do, and he wanted to make Karasuma proud and help his class overthrow a tyrant. Nagisa let his own instincts take control, and impressed everyone with how nonchalantly he beat Takaoka at his own game, without seriously injuring the man. I think this public display would put Nagisa on lots of radars, and it did. Koro-sensei already had an inkling, and now Karasuma and everyone else knew Nagisa was a natural.
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Rio-chan was towards the center of the crowd congratulating Nagisa. It's a bit on-the-nose for a hint, but she even puts herself between Nagisa and Kaede... which I thought was kinda cute. XDDD Maybe part of it was subconscious, but still. A later line Rio-chan gives makes me think otherwise. Again, it doesn't have to be love, or even a crush yet - for now, Nagisa's a friend, and she's proud he had a moment in the sun here.
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Shiro and Itona make another attempt... And then the First Term Finals are upon them, and Koro-sensei motivates his kids with promises of tentacles, if they do better than A-Class. Isogai makes an open invitation to join him to study in the library, which E-Class normally doesn't get the chance to. Sure, anyone could've come along, but I thought this was a cool follow-up to the Takaoka debacle. Whether it's as a crush or still just as a friend, Rio is seeing Nagisa now. She enjoys hanging around him, and Kaede, Yukiko, Isogai, Okuda... But I emphasize Nagisa, because...
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Honestly, as a rareshipper, you learn to take every moment you're given. XDDD This moment before the exams is cool, because Rio and Nagisa have some one-on-one, even if it's just for a pep talk... and then these jerks poke their heads out and give Nagisa the bird, like usual. .... Rio-chan isn't having that. (人◕ω◕) You can call it divine punishment~ (人◕ω◕) And she just keeps walking~...
Ah. And one other thing: Nagisa and Rio excel in English. Whether intentional or coincidental, it's neat to find similarities between these characters. Poor Nagisa misses the perfect score that Rio nabs, but at least he got 91 (more or less an A). He and Yukiko (Japanese) are among the scores that Koro-sensei announces, even if those two didn't get highest in the grade.
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Then Okinawa happens~... Don't think I've missed the fact Rio-chan has invited herself onto the Kyoto group's team. (人◕ω◕) It's honestly cool how subtle she is about it. Sure, it'd be nice to see their team welcome her into the group, but.... I'll take what I can get. Maybe she was just on this squad because she can swim, but since there's no context.... well..... they didn't say it'd be a one-off deal. (人◕ω◕)
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Later, after the failed group assassination, I found it a little endearing that Rio-chan wanted to try leaning on Nagisa when she wasn't feeling well because of the disease Smog infected them with. Again, no context for why she was near Nagisa... but she was. And Nagisa (and Kaede) were worried over Rio-chan as several others came down sick, too. This does, unfortunately, incapacitate Rio-chan for the Okinawa trip, but Nagisa plays a key part in defeating Takaoka again (and in an even more badass way), which allows Smog to freely confess no one's gonna die. Everyone can breathe easy~ :3
Season 2, though... Rio-chan takes a backseat again, for a while. She's there with everybody else, living the life or tackling the challenges with everyone else... She helped the class attempt to hook up Bitch-sensei and Karasuma. Was there for the summer festival. Supported Kaede's Pudding Popper plot. Helped the class save Itona and recruit him to the class formally. Helped with the sports festival, though the guys' Pole-Toppling was the main competition focused on.
Ah. One point of interest was in the daycare episode - Rio-chan was helping tutor the students, like Nagisa. It's not much, but considering some of the other E-Class members were engaging in more "fun" activities, it's a little sweet that Rio was tutoring the kids like hubby. :3
The Reaper makes his debut, tries taking out Koro-sensei by putting his students on the line...
Then comes another Nagisa-centric episode. Rio-chan doesn't make much of a showing this episode, but in the next one with the Fall Festival...
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*coughs* It's not all heart-felt. (人◕ω◕);;;;;;;;; However, her talk with Nagisa just before Yuji shows up is serious and endearing. She really didn't mean to bully Nagisa or hurt him, she was just trying to have fun. ... And, well, she has fun at his expense again moments later, when Yuji comes trotting in, horny for "Nagisa-chan" as ever. (人◕ω◕);;;;;; Something to note, however. Rio-chan used her skirt to crossdress Nagisa. You can make a case, "why would she have a spare skirt on hand?" ... anime shenanigans? (人◕ω◕) Regardless, it doesn't go that way. She slides her skirt on him, and takes his pants. Don't get me wrong: This is a pretty rough moment for Rio-chan, 'cause Nagisa obviously doesn't want to do this.... I won't pretend it's all alright. At the same time, humor's infused in my blood, so while I do think Nagisa shouldn't be tortured like this, I realize it's a...gag. I grew up on cartoons that were a mesh of seriousness and silly, so I could appreciate AC's goofiness here. What's nice about this is that it's the last time crossdressing comes up save for one flashback pic, and then the girl jokes are done for Nagisa. ... So Rio giving her skirt, well... that's very avant garde for "just a friend". Moreover, she stripped them both downstairs for this.... brief clothes swap.... (人◕ω◕) Again. As a rareshipper, I seize every moment I can get. .... Rio-chan has at least an idea of what Nagisa's packing. Not even Kaede has this information. ... Yet. (人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)
To give a deeper look into this crossdressing scene, however, I will say this: Rio was sincere when she apologized to Nagisa, after she heard about his mom, what a control freak and how terrible she was. Rio knows she's been pretty sadistic with the girl jokes - well, her and Karma - and she cares enough about Nagisa by now that she doesn't wanna pick on him to that extent anymore. Some of you may argue, "But she turns around and does it again not even a minute later!" And well.... it's true. Rio does go too far again, taking advantage of Yuji's crush on "Nagisa-chan" to make them money for the fall festival... Here's the thing, though: Nagisa's within his rights to refuse Rio here, to just clear up Yuji's confusion right off the bat and be angry at Rio... But he doesn't. Part of it could be he knows they need the customers and the money for the restaurant, but Nagisa puts up with Rio's games regardless. ... Well, to an extent. Refuses to get pervy ("Show him the goods!"), and eventually he does just tell Yuji that he's a guy... And Rio does respect that. Once Nagisa gives his speech, Rio doesn't embarrass Nagisa in front of Yuji anymore.
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... Karma still wants to mess around, and Rio hops all over the chance because she can't help herself... But after the festival, we don't see crossdressing come up again (except for one instance from Karma a few episodes later, but Rio doesn't add onto that). That's another way we know that Rio's sincere about cutting back on that kind of teasing. She does have one last moment of weakness there, but she respects his feelings from then on. Rio could've been like Karma and kept the jokes up... but she matures.
After the festival, Rio fades into the background again. She's there for the Second Term Finals. Places in the Top 5 (Nagisa's #14). She's there when Principal Asano makes his attempt on Koro-sensei. She's there for the Drama Festival. And... she's there when Kaede reveals her true identity as Akari Yukimura, and reveals her tentacles. I'll keep bringing this up, but this habit of Rio's to have a presence in the lighthearted times, and then fade into the background when generally more serious times arise... It fits the assassin motif of the series.
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Take this scene for example. Kaede's going mad because of the tentacles, and Rio's one of the people protectively holding Nagisa back. Not Karma, not Isogai... Rio. This is a pretty telling moment that Nagisa's important to Rio; she knows this is a hard time for the bluenet because he wants nothing more than to save Kaede... But she doesn't want Nagisa going in there without a plan, because he'll get hurt. Rio's not overprotective, she doesn't sit on Nagisa or think Kaede's beyond saving... She just wants him to be careful.
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And then Nagisa has that moment of revelation, and he kisses Kaede to take her mind off assassination. Rio and Karma are their usual teasing selves, but it is heartwarming that Rio snaps a picture of the guy she's fond of kissing another girl... Again, she supports Nagisa, and wants him happy. ... Even if Rio is greedy and wants her man~
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After the fires are put out, tentacles extracted, Rio and Karma don't waste a moment to tease Nagisa impishly... But this moment is particularly endearing, because Nagisa doesn't get flustered like this unless people are poking fun at his height or his girlish looks.... No, this time, Nagisa kissed a girl... even if it was to save her life... And it's so outside of his normal routine, for "Karasuma Jr." to get intimate like that... Of course everybody's gonna congratulate him for that. ... Even if Karma and Rio just want to fill in the void left behind by crossdressing. I wish Nagisa had more moments like this... But he is a guy that keeps his eyes straight on the target. It's just great Rio supports Nagisa in his "love life", regardless of her plans to sweep him off his feet later....
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Before we get to that fluffy revelation, however... I want to touch on this moment, which happens a couple of episodes later. We've seen the foundations of Rio's "serious side". During the Nagisa-centric episode, with the career counseling sessions, Rio reveals that she has a reason for being as laidback and fun-loving as she is. She used to be a child genius, and she longed for friendships and having a good time; she didn't care how good she was with school stuff. So she put up a facade of being dumb, goofing off... and before long, it was no longer an act. But E-Class, Koro-sensei, they helped her retrieve some of what she lost. That's why she values the bond she has with the Assassination Classroom... and why she's the one that speaks out when Nagisa suggests changing what their class is about. She disagrees with Nagisa on something, and I find this a super interesting development. ... Because friends can disagree on stuff. Even when they're your crushes... you don't have to see eye-to-eye on everything. I also see this as Rio looking out for Nagisa, because he's caught up in the moment, feeling like everyone's onboard with shifting gears. Rio doesn't like bringing down the mood, butting heads with Nagisa... but this class is important to her, and she doesn't want to chicken out just because they heard about Koro-sensei's past. She knows that there's others who feel the assassination is a crucial part of their bond, and in a way, she's breaking it to Nagisa gently. Tries turning it into a discussion, instead of an immediate decision that affects everyone. ... As opposed to Karma, who takes it personally and turns it into a fight. At least Koro-sensei is open to either possibility, provided the class stays united. The class really needs that unity.
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Rio plays the war smart, keeping out of the fights until the end of the war, where she can swoop in and steal the Blue Team's flag... Thing is, Nagisa was playing the game just as wisely. He outplayed Rio, outplayed Karma, and I just really loved how it was Nagisa who took Rio down... 'cause it deepened their friendship a bit. Nagisa didn't make it personal, didn't look back after tagging Rio, Terasaka, Muramatsu, and Yoshida. His eyes were forward as always. But Rio...? Well. She had no choice but to concede defeat. She even admired Nagisa for outwitting Red Team. This was yet another moment where she was truly looking at Nagisa, understanding that even if saving Koro-sensei isn't something she bought into, Nagisa was fighting for his position with all that he had. Is it so wrong to admire someone that's as serious as you? People may wonder where the heck Rio's infatuation comes from (I'll touch on that soon enough) when she legit says that one line to admit her feelings... And I'm telling ya, you gotta go back and keep an eye out. Rio's just as sneaky as Kaede with her feelings, if not sneakier. This moment is just one obvious case where her respect for Nagisa is on full display; it gets more fleshed out as Nagisa properly wins the war.
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Nagisa doesn't take the easy way out and snipe Karma. He understands that for Red Team to see where he's coming from, he has to fight on Karma's terms, even if Nagisa's at a disadvantage... Nagisa turns it around after losing for much of that final fight, but Karma has the opportunity to stab him in the back. Karma decides not to, and it boils down to the same reasons: Honor. Nagisa accepted his challenge, was even trying to finish the match with a physical combat move as opposed to a knife... Karma had no way out except for that "cheap" (but very lucky) move with the knife. He concedes the match since Nagisa once said he doesn't fight, unless it's a matter of life and death... So Karma recognizes this is important to his friend, and sees no benefit in stealing the victory besides to spite Nagisa and Blue Team; he's willing to hear Nagisa out. It seems strange to give Rio a similar moment, but she helped start all this...fighting. Rio conceding to Nagisa is just as meaningful, and shows she's not singularly determined about their original class goal. Nagisa's proven himself time and again throughout the Assassination Classroom, so Rio being happy in defeat... can mean that on some level, she was secretly hoping things would turn out this way. Rio's not about winning arguments no matter what; she'll give it her all, but when the opponent works just as hard... She's flexible and open-minded.
... Plus, she's got a soft spot for Nagisa, so...
The trip to space happens, they find out Koro-sensei more or less saved himself way back with that concoction he had Okuda whip up... The danger's not completely removed, but it's severely cut down to size. It's awesome that Nagisa concedes to let the class keep trying to assassinate Koro-sensei until the deadline, because it shows that he's listening to his classmates and respecting their feelings. Red Team helped with the space mission, it's only fair he returns the courtesy. If they still fail to kill Koro-sensei by the deadline, they'll settle for a more traditional student-teacher dynamic. The ending to this arc illustrates Nagisa, Kaede, Karma, and Rio's growth spectacularly. Really, the whole class's growth... But those four have been at the forefront of the class in some capacity for a while.
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... Let's wrap up the "plot summary" section, eh? Valentine's Day~... This is where it comes into focus for Kaede...and Rio. I'll keep the talk of Kaede relatively short, but basically Rio is being a wingwoman like Karma. She sees the girl that Nagisa risked his life for is harboring feelings for the little studmuffin, and Rio-chan... feels like playing Santa. (人◕ω◕);;;;;;;
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Y-Yes, Santa... (人◕ω◕);;;;;;;;;;;
*ahem* It may seem strange that Rio is encouraging a rival like this, but I suppose a combination of Rio's nature to hang back and wait for her opportunity, in conjunction with the civil war stoking some competitive flames within her... Let's just say, Rio's approach makes some crazy kind of sense. (人◕ω◕);;; It's not that she wants Kaede to mess up. No, no. Rio's been observing Nagisa-kun for a while, and she knows he and Kaede are thick as thieves. Rio is genuinely giving Kaede an opportunity here to win Nagisa over... But like in the civil war, Rio's not gonna pull her punches, either. Nagisa's a great guy. Kind, compassionate, serious.... Rio and Kaede are serious girls, too. It makes too much sense they'd fall for the same guy. A serious guy deserves a serious, fair competition. (人◕ω◕)
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Kaede learns to just say what she has to say in her own words, and Rio and Karma spy on her to the very end. As Kaede decides to bury her feelings for now so that she doesn't distract Nagisa, who's admirable for always looking forward, Rio concedes it'd be petty to try stealing Nagisa from a girl so noble... It's one of the most fascinating "love triangles" that I've seen to date. Japan and its people tend to have this habit of being subdued with romance, and it plays into this show of assassins so well. Nagisa's not trying to win anyone over, he's so straightforward, honest, caring... and yet Kaede and Rio like him. A lot. For both of them to keep mum about their feelings... man, it hurts, but I get it. It's a Japanese staple to do it this way. No girl ends up with the guy in this case, but by the same token there's no proof that something won't work out down the line...
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So where does this leave us? Why do I subject myself to a ship where Nagisa blissfully trudges on, unaware he's wooed at least two girls in his wake? A ship where the girl gives up the chase when she feels a rival is much more deserving?
I'm intrigued by the potential these two have. Just like Kaede, just like Nagisa, Rio is an assassin at heart. It's so fascinating these three sit together, yet Rio takes a backseat so often. If I had to make a distinction between NagiKae and NagiRio, it's that Kaede definitely fell for Nagisa a lot faster (subconsciously, anyway) than Rio. Rio.... I suppose she "knew" Nagisa for longer than Kaede did, even if it was just a couple weeks. Nagisa seldom stood out, kept his head low... and while it could be fun teasing Nagisa, she wasn't given enough incentive to truly notice him until his assassination skills came to light. Not that Rio was "always" an assassin; honestly, none of these kids were like that from the beginning. They had to be groomed into it. But as pointed out, Rio was in this haze of goofing off for a while. The reward money was awfully tempting, but Rio didn't know how to get back into the swing of things in terms of getting serious again right off the bat.
I suppose reflecting on it, Nagisa got her hyped up. The first part of the year, the classroom was thick with fun, goofiness, forced bloodlust, and mystery. Rio didn't know what to say when Nagisa did that suicide assassination, wasn't involved with Sugino's assassination attempt or the group with Isogai... Karma came in as a badass, and then Koro-sensei put him in his place. Rinse and repeat for Bitch-sensei. The school assembly was the same ol', same ol', as was the First Term midterms... Kyoto was fun from Rio's perspective; she wasn't with Nagisa's group for that episode with the kidnapping. Ritsu came in, Lovro came in, Shiro and Itona... The baseball/basketball matches... If you compare Nagisa kicking Takaoka's ass to those earlier events, only the stuff with Shiro and Itona really stacked up for Rio, and she didn't know those guys. ... But she kinda knew Nagisa, and witnessing him strut his assassination stuff... It had to at least get Rio thinking about her own performance.
That's probably another reason she threw herself into the First Term Finals - she wanted to turn herself around, and hanging around Nagisa was the way to go. It wasn't love at first sight, Rio simply admired Nagisa as a fellow professional and friend. Then she kinda missed out on Okinawa, and Nagisa was a badass without her there to see it... and Rio tries finding herself in the Second Term. She observes Nagisa more, grows to like him more... The civil war only deepens their bond, at least on Rio's end of it. By Valentine's Day, we know for sure Rio has feelings for Nagisa. First Term can be likened to RIo's "practice run"; she's learning the ropes like everyone else, and Nagisa's got a leg up on her. Second Term, Rio catches up to Nagisa. She scores higher on the Finals, but Nagisa's still the better assassin, much to Rio's chagrin. One thing I'm unsure of is if Rio's content with where her friendship is at with Nagisa, by Valentine's Day... That may be another reason she hung back. 'Cause for all that she tried being serious and imitating Nagisa, when interacting with the boy she was more often than not teasing him or goofing off. She didn't have many deep, personal moments that we saw with Nagisa.
Still. For all Rio's caution and care, I think it's unmistakable Nagisa cared for Rio. Maybe not romantically, but it's like Rio said: His self-esteem's not exactly the highest. He wouldn't dare assume girls like him in that way... And moreover, he's a driven, goal-oriented guy. But even so, Nagisa cares to stand up for her and the rest of E-Class against Takaoka (twice), he probably studied alongside Rio for English, and he puts up with the teasing she and Karma put him through (even if he hates crossdressing). I'm pretty sure with a little more courage, if Rio got more serious with their friendship, keeping the goofing around but spacing it out, she would be in a better position for a relationship with Nagisa, eventually. They do have a strong foundation as friends, but seeing more of that bond would definitely help.
Rio and Nagisa are both pretty serious people, it's just that Nagisa's circumstances make him less confident. He gets better, but having Rio for a girlfriend would boost that up even more. 'Cause she wouldn't let Nagisa stay forever meek. Moreover, Rio's habit of playfulness? Nagisa needs that. He needs the hell out of that. XD It's fantastic he wants to be a teacher, and he obviously inherits Koro-sensei's spirit at the end of the series, but even Koro-sensei had someone he loved. Having a life outside the classroom will keep Nagisa refreshed and perceptive to his students' individual needs. Rio could help him reach the more rambunctious kids more easily, and she'd keep Nagisa on his toes. Nagisa would give Rio a reason to return to Japan from her job as an interpreter/diplomat, and even a prospect of becoming an English teacher like Bitch-sensei.... Alternatively, Rio's trips abroad might inspire Nagisa to go out into the world and teach Japanese for a few years. There's possibilities here. Rio keeps things fun, and Nagisa keeps them grounded and...peaceful. It's a bit telling that in the final episode of the series, neither Nagisa or Rio make it to the reunion at the old building; they, Karma, and a few others are throwing themselves into their jobs. They'd provide solace to each other from work, and they'd come running for each other in a heartbeat.... XD I get the feeling Rio would also feel guilty about all the girl jokes from before, and let Nagisa get "revenge" a little... Or she wouldn't comment on it, and just spoil him for her past behavior.
One other detail is that Rio would absolutely draw the intimacy out of Nagisa. Nooo question. (人◕ω◕) He would not remain the chaste hero type. No sir. (人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕) Nagisa might even be able to calm Rio down a bit... Wild, ecchi girl. Gotta love these two~...
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nadiawritessomething · 9 months
Part of my analysis of Miles G. One of many takes.
I. Start
Today, I want to talk about the teak "42 Miles is actually almost the same as our Miles, just serious in the moment because of suspicion"
And, okay, I understand why people want what they want, considering it an "unexpected plottist" and something "fun" just as much as they want something more simple and twisted at the same time, but now I'm going to explain a little bit why I think they can't possibly be incredibly similar or identical in character in my personal opinion.
Before I start, let me explain: I'm just as absolutely sick of Miles G's idea of a "cold emotionless hard abuser" because it's just as completely wrong, and even much worse. I just don't like it when people go to extremes and I want to analyse the character a little bit from the point of view of my small knowledge of human psychology.
II. "Don't judge a book by its cover"
Let's start with the premise that Miles G, or 42, as I'll sometimes call him, is not like the man we've been shown. And this is true.
We have the director's words that "we can't judge a book by its cover", the fact that there were many discussions on this topic in interviews with the film's authors, and, finally, the official information about Miles G. being a vigilante, which first appeared in the art book and was confirmed during #WilesWeek on Twitter with concept art and test animation that was posted even earlier.
But, with all that said, I don't think it's a hint that 42 is a completely different character. It's just a hint that he's much more complex and multifaceted than he seems at first glance, and that he has his own negative and positive traits.
Because in those three minutes, he looks too cold and serious, which gives rise to all these y/n fanfics about a cold abuser and a cruel destroyer of all life. This is the reason why many people (including me), before more official information came out, thought he was a villain.
And all these facts, shown above, do not point to his opposite character, but simply hint that he is not a villian, that he is much more complex than this concept, and is striving for justice and honour.
III. A different world
Now, let's talk about that in terms of psychology and obvious facts; yes, 1610 and 42 are the same person, and yes, some parts of character are innate (i.e., for example, some babies are quieter than others almost from birth, some are louder, and some like different kinds of toys), and so the different versions of Miles must have something in common. But a VERY large part of a person's character is formed in society, with the people and society around them and the world in which they grow up. And this is an aspect that is incredibly different in 42!Miles and 1610!Miles.
While our Miles lived in a world where he had someone to protect, a full family that loved him incredibly, initially had a circle of friends at his old school (until he transferred, of course, because the fact that 1610 has no friends left in his universe is one of the main conflicts of the second part), and generally lived the life of a normal Brooklyn teenager, the life of his alternate version seems to have gone to Hell from the very beginning.
He lived and grew up in a world full of crime (because, judging by the concepts of 42 Earth, thieves have been there for a long time, at least 5-10 years, having their own casinos, buildings, businesses all over the city. And, judging by this, 42 had to become Spider-Man to stop it when it was already there, just not as strong as it had become)
Also, judging by his Spanish accent, he lived (and raised) mostly with his mother, which suggests that 42 lost his father at an early age, much earlier than 1610 lost his uncle Aaron.
And, in a world full of crime and trauma, medical work is in great demand, more than ever, and so Rio42 is likely working overtime so that he can see his son (whom he obviously loves very much and was with him all the time) less often than they both would like.
And let's not forget the fact that 42's life was literally stolen, taking away so many chances to protect his loved ones better than he could. Lately he replaced what was stolen by doing the best he could, but don't tell me that such a life would not have affected his psyche and character as he began to form his identity further.
IV. We have our three minutes.
And let's talk about the last three minutes of the film, which, of course, are designed to confuse us, but they couldn't have been designed for that purpose alone. The person depicted there is still Miles G., yes, in a certain stressful situation, but the words he says are still his.
And here we see, one - he's really very traumatised by the death of his father, and Jefferson is the issue that interests him first and foremost, confirming my headcanon that he puts family and his own interests above everything else.
Two, he makes a clear distinction between his father and our Miles' father, which he explicitly says, most likely because his father's death is one of his main motivations for doing what he does and he does not want to give himself false hope.
Three, he doesn't want to let go of our Miles and sees nothing wrong with intimidating him and showing him who he is. Which probably tells us that a) he needs 1610 for something, because he clearly doesn't plan to kill him (then he could have done it much earlier, but he just knocked him out), b) he really does everything solely within his own interests, which are not yet known - good or more twisted (I don't say "bad" because that would be wrong). And, in addition, c) he does indeed use different methods and cannot be as innocent as commentators on the Internet sometimes say.
(Also, we have a few frames of the comic that was shown before the punching bag scene, and it's Miles and Miles G./Uncle Aaron talking about who the "real bad guys" are)
V. Man is created by the world
I say all of this to get to my theory that people raised in different worlds and families (in integrity) cannot have absolutely identical characters, even if they are the same person in the multiverse. Miles G. is not as manless and cruel as we are shown, but living in a world full of crime forces him to sharpen and change his concept of morality, different from that of "our" Miles. It is not "crueler", just, in my opinion, more radical in certain aspects.
(That doesn't mean he'll kill innocent children and women, no, never in his life, but he'll kick the bad guys' asses as much as he can according to how much they deserve it. And yes, in my vision, he can kill a person if he sees it as the only way out of a situation, especially (and usually) if that person is a criminal).
Now, before I conclude, let's address a few points that people are making as a counterpoint to my point and explain why it can't still work without Miles and Miles G. being identical people.
VI. A Vigilante
"But he is a vigilante, and they are always very good people!"
Yes, he is a vigilante. And "vigilante" is an incredibly broad term. In fact, a vigilante is a person who takes the concept of justice and the eradication of crime into his own hands. That's why Spider-Man, in its classical sense, is also a vigilante.
But the concept of "justice and eradication of crime" is as broad as the concept of an individual's morality. For example, Batman is also a vigilante, and he has more brutal methods (which is why it is quite logical when Miles G. is compared to him in this concept, and not to Spider-Man). Again, I'm not saying they're bad, and Miles G. definitely brings a bit of calm and peace to this burning place with his actions, but everything has a price. And 42 is paying it.
VII. A loving mother
"Okay, but they were both raised by Rio!"
Yes, and she definitely wouldn't have let her child grow up the way she is portrayed in these "x reader" works. That's another reason why I really condemn them.
I'm not saying that Miles G. is all steely and impenetrable in his true character, although he most likely wants to appear that way to society and his enemies, almost blending in, but that's still not who he is. He is incredibly in love with Rio and would destroy anyone for her in a heartbeat, on the rare nights they are together, Miles watches melodramas on TV with her, he loves comics and designing tech stuff, he has a simple and silly sense of humour, and he is more than capable of being clumsy and silly in moments when things don't go as he expected and are out of his control. He is a HUMAN being, and he has his own beautiful, warm personality traits that make him come alive in my head.
Rio, despite the fact that she doesn't see her son that often and is very exhausted at work, has done a wonderful job. Most of these serious, broken character traits that Miles G. has in him have been nurtured by society, by the universe, not by Rio. (Well, maybe Aaron's influence has played a role, too)
And one more important part about this tie-in. Jefferson also raised Miles, and please don't pretend that this had no influence on him. It was from Jefferson and his easy going nature that Miles got (and learnt partly too, which is important) was from Jefferson, who is a bit more straightforward in this regard.
Rio, in contrast, is also willing to literally kill for her family, and at times her character is more abrupt and radical in moments that personally affect her (just look at the moment with B in Spanish). This doesn't take away from the fact that she is a wonderful, warm, loving mother and a very kind-hearted person, but why wouldn't she teach Miles to respond fairly to people who have hurt him or those he cares about? I'm sure 1610 Miles had this lesson too, but in a slightly different way, because Jefferson, as a police officer, sees the matter from a more working, official and "legal" perspective. It seems to me that while Jeff is a "tell other people or call the police if someone is being mean" type of parent, Rio is a "just punch them in the face" type of parent.
VIII. Results
And so, my final thesis for those who have read this bloody essay to the end: Miles G. and our Miles are neither "the same" nor "opposite". They are different, and only BTSV can tell us exactly how different. Until then, everyone can see things differently, and you should understand their opinion as well as mine (as long as it's not stereotypical, racist, or makes you want to throw up your dinner)
Thank you for reading!
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spidey-bie · 10 months
Can the Morales family adopt me? At least they made the attempt to talk things out so they could try to understand what was going on with Miles. They never made accusations. They even admitted to themselves how they needed to grow as parents. And in the end they waited until they were both calmer and ready to listen to Miles before they went to talk to him again. Even when Rio didn't understand what was going on she still made sure that Miles knew how much she loved him. They aren't perfect but I wish it's what I got growing up.
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bandaiddd · 11 months
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Analysing this cover for If We Were Villains by M.L Rio. Spoilers ahead!
Firstly, the bird on the cover is an old wood sparrow, which in European folklore are an omen of death, but also of affection. It is very obviously the death of Richard, but more importantly, the death of love (Oliver and James). A dead sparrow or any bird for that matter, symbolises bad luck to come alongside death. It’s an omen of a significant change.
That black evokes emotions of death and danger, but has been linked to sophistication and mystery or power. That is the school itself, the prestige of their environment and the way in which all the characters carry themselves with such a superior academic elegance.
Also the title! It may be insignificant, but the fact “we” is bigger than “if” says a lot to me. It shows that there is no if, they are villains. Shakespeare portrayed villains as power-hungry and ruthless, they all in turn play the role of this villain in their tragedy. I’d say Oliver is the tragic hero, he is manipulated by the villain(s) entirely and yet, still plays a hand in his own undoing. But they’re constantly switching roles, the book is almost comical in this way.
Finally, I hate that they included that review on the front cover. What an awful review to have your book dictated by.
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