#rie talk: shifting
blood-mocha-latte · 3 months
hello hello, are there any tumblr blogs u wanna talk & interact with more?
answering this slightly late - sorry about that, anon!
this is an interesting question because i genuinely am. Terrible at interaction lmao. trying to get Better but i am. forgetful
but people such as @mutantmanifesto @disastrouscanasta and @kafka-ohdear are all people i see around A Lot that are very very lovely that i don't speak to all that much, but are all very talented and kind <3
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K-pop Discography Deep Dives: Only One Of (Supplemental)
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A Disclaimer: I was planning, when I first started Tumblr, to be a lurker, but then I began an office job and needed something to listen to to keep myself occupied. And then, I started going through entire K-pop groups’ repertoires, album by album, and jotting down my thoughts. And then, I stumbled into K-pop tumblr and decided, you know what, there’s at least four people on this hell site who would read in depth rants about these discographies and at least five who wouldn’t read it and then get mad because it’s kind of our job as K-pop fans. My lukewarm takes should be taken with an entire silo of salt and the knowledge that this is completely for fun and occupying my very bored, very neurodivergent brain. All this to say, for the love of god, I’m a sleep-deprived student and I don’t have time for internet hate, so don’t kill me. With that being said, enjoy!
So, since I’ll probably be tackling some groups with large discographies, both now and in the future, I thought it’d be good to shine lights on some smaller groups and soloists who either aren’t as popular and/or have much smaller repertoires, so that’s what we’re doing today! These are going to be a lot more chill than my deep dives because they’re really more of a fun break than anything else.
Here are my credentials: I’d already been a fan of SHINee for a while before, but it was actually OnlyOneOf that helped me realize that I wasn’t just a girl group stan and SHINee weren’t just a one-off. I’m mainly a fan of their Underground Idol solos series so I’m looking forward to hearing more of their other titles and b-sides. Let’s do this!
OnlyOneOf debuted in 2019 with seven members: Love, Nine, Yoojung, Rie, KB, Junji, and Mill (Love left in 2021). They’re most known for their…concept in a way? Basically, for basing their music around queerness, while not stating their actual orientations. This is thorny territory, as k-pop is infamous for its shipping and fanservice-heavy culture, which we could argue about until we’re so blue in the face that we’d be mistaken for smurfs. Is it queerbaiting? Is it representation? I know what I believe, but is that “right”? I don’t know. Either way, it’s important to keep in mind (even as I’m going to praise them for the good work they’ve done) that what they’re doing is, at the end of the day, proving profitable.
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We start off with Savanna, which has one hell of a music video intro. The song is more subdued than I’m used to from their later singles, but with a similar subject matter. It gives me Taemin vibes with its self-assured sexuality, but speaking of sexuality, what would later make them famous is basically non-existent here. I do like this song, especially the slowed-down reverb and distortion, but it’s not especially unique, and it didn’t have a lot of staying power with me. I love the drama of the visuals though—I’m a sucker for cathartically lighting things on fire. (For the FBI agents reading this, I promise that that was a joke.)
From the Dot Point Jump single, I enjoyed the chill soft-rock of Time Leap, which absolutely did have staying power for me and I added it to my playlist. I really liked that chorus, and by the end of the first one, I was in. I think their voices both blend better and feel more unique in this one than in the title, which is probably another reason I liked it so much. Blossom I enjoyed less but it reminded me more of what I’m used to from them.
Sage is up next, and again we have a really odd MV intro. A lot has changed since Savanna—now, the song has much more sing-talk, feels more disjointed in terms of when the tempo changes, and it has a greater focus on the cyberpunk citypop vibes than before. It also adds a greater sense of drama with the slight strings and the control in the voices. It took me a few listens but I like this one too, more than Savanna, and I can see how the singles are slowly shifting to become the OnlyOneOf they are today.
Line Sun Goodness is a pretty solid EP, and I enjoyed the whistling hook in Boss, the chill guitar in Desert, and the breathy layers of vocals in Only One Of Me (which was my favorite). However, the songs, despite the few quirks I mentioned before, sound very similar to each other. None of them are bad, but none of them stick out either.
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Dora Maar goes even further in the direction that Sage began, with its harsh background clanging, its heavy use of percussion, and reliance on more intentional frying in the vocals. I wasn’t as big a fan of this one as Sage, to be honest, because I felt like it went from the calmer (yet still fried) parts to the harsher ones, and I got a bit of whiplash.
Angel was a song that I’d heard before, but I actually had no idea that it was by OnlyOneOf. It’s catchy from the outset, and has a self-aware humor that I could get behind. It’s also softer than their usual titles, and that little bit of vulnerability is a good balance for the flashier parts of their discography. That repeating rap in the pre-choruses caught me off-guard every time, I have to say, and by the time I’d gotten used to the new tempo, we were back to the usual. I have no idea why it's there, because it really didn’t have to be. I really liked Heartbreak Theatre from the single, because I love some drama and that piano was perfect.
A Song Of Ice & Fire pulses with a great energy, and I was nodding my head through the first verse. I was worried they’d go with the dreaded anti-drop chorus and they kind of did in the second half, but thankfully the rest of the chorus is quite strong. I liked this one, but I actually have the opposite comment I have on the rest of their songs, which is that I wish it carried through that great build up through the chorus, because they were almost there…but no. I didn’t have a hidden gem for this single.
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Libido is the song that I think most people know from OnlyOneOf, and it’s obvious why: unlike many of their singles, it’s pretty unique. I was surprised that what they’re so known for started here and not before though. Between the choreo, the lyrics, and the music video, it definitely breaks the boundaries of what’s normal in k-pop. It’s a song I appreciate more than enjoy, I’ll be honest, but I do like the pre-choruses. I know the whole point is that the chorus comes out of nowhere, but it’s not for me. I admit though, the “girl I just wanna know” makes me cackle every time, because what girl? Where? There is not a girl within a 10 kilometer radius, folks. If we’re aiming for plausible deniability, that train left the station halfway through the first verse with whatever the hell Nine’s character was doing watching Love take a bath.
From Instinct (Part 1), my favorite was Instinct, because it has good drive and its vocals match perfectly with that distorted guitar instrumental in the background. It’s definitely not a combination I’ve heard before, but it works quite well. The other songs are similar to other b-sides from earlier, in my opinion.
Coy is calmer and more subdued than their usual singles as well, while still keeping the smooth sexuality that defines much of their work. I think it needs more of a show stopping moment, personally, but this isn’t a song for me. I don’t have a hidden gem from this single, but I did like Night Flight.
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Skinz gave me a jumpscare right away, I admit it, with that scratching noise grating on my ears. It continues the queer themes from Libido. Unlike a lot of their other work, it doesn’t have enough of a balance between the harsh distortion and the gentler moments, because there really aren’t enough gentler moments for that to happen. It’s just not a pleasant experience on my ears, and not one I want to repeat either. OnlyOneOf has a lot of charisma but none of it carries through enough for this one, and quite frankly, I don’t like it. From the single, I think that Suit Dance would’ve made a better single with its well-flowing vocals and jazzier beat and I also liked Ultimate Bliss.
It’s nothing new for idols to release solo music while still part of a band, but Only One Of’s “Underground Idol” series is absolutely unique. The members were divided back into their branded pairs for this, and each pair told the story of a couple from two different perspectives. Yoojung and KB were the first in Begin and Be Free, Junji and Rie were the second in Be Mine and Because, and Mill and Nine were the last in Beat and Beyond. This series is both where I found them and where, at least to me, a discography that could have been seen as queerbaiting-for-profit becomes something that genuinely means so much to so many queer people, myself included.
Begin, fittingly, begins the solo series, and expertly captures the feeling of boredom expressed in the music video until, of course, we get the meet-cute and literal crash into each other that begins the relationship too. The song is a gentle, breathy city pop sound, and feels both hopeful and resigned (“when you’re free from prejudice, freedom will begin”), reaching a catharsis in its understated bridge (“It’s time, and I know it.”) as Yoojung’s character takes care of KB’s when he’s drunk. Never has a k-pop song title so fit a song, because it’s about so many different beginnings: the relationship, the freedom, and even the journey of coming out itself. I like this one.
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Be Free is Begin’s other side, and starts where it left off. As befits the title and its character’s personality, it’s far more open from the beginning and knows what it wants right out of the gate (“Hey guess what?”), while also embracing a funkier, brighter sound that feels more joyful. The relationship continues, and the characters bond deeply in the space of a night (a very queer thing in and of itself), before they end up waking up together, shirtless. Genuinely, the first time I watched this, I was shocked that they were so open about it, despite the fact that nothing is shown, and it was this that began to change my mind on the subject of queerbaiting. The story shown here is given an open ending—we have no idea what happens after that one day—but the final line (“You never know, baby. One more time could make it right.”) seems to hint that it won’t end here. I like this one more than Begin, but it’s not my favorite.
Be Mine starts the second of the three stories, and, again fittingly to the title, feels softer and more romantic with its gentle piano as Junji’s character runs after Rie’s. This duo shows an established relationship between its characters as they have a summer romance that involves dancing, listening to music, cooking, and just spending time together. Its slow and settled melody isn’t for me, personally, and neither is its seemingly out-of-nowhere rap verse, but on the whole, the song is very sweet.
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Because was actually the first song I’d heard by OnlyOneOf, since it was recommended to me about a week after it came out, and, as previously stated, changed my mind that I was only a girl group stan. I was surprised by it right out of the gate, and was soon won over by the quite convincing intimacy between its two characters, its quiet folding of paper cranes, and overall bluntness of its subject matter. The song is nostalgic and feels lived in, waffling between comforting and melancholy as the characters have a fight and go their separate ways while all their best memories replay, then reconnect many months later (though it’s left open whether they get back together). It’s genuinely quite touching; I wince when Junji’s character smacks the paper cranes off of the table and I hurt for Rie’s when he’s heartbroken. It was my favorite of their songs when I first watched it and it’s stayed that way since.
Beat marks the start of the third and last series, and sticks out from the rest of the songs in the solos with its harsh beat and most of the song is either sing-talk or outright rapping. Mill is the group’s rapper, so I do get it, but this one is just too grating for me. The video shows two students falling in love with each other while facing hinted-to-be-homophobically-motivated bullying and dealing with both the fear and the excitement of that love. The song does fit the video, I’ll give it that, perfectly connecting with the insecurity and genuine danger the characters face (“wanna tell them to beat it, beat up, beat out”), and the video ends with Nine’s character falling into Mill’s arms after getting beaten up.
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Beyond is the last of the Underground Idol series, and rather than match the harshness of Beat, it goes the exact opposite way, and is quite an understated slow burn mixed with citypop that makes the most of Nine’s smooth and soothing vocals, meaning that I enjoyed this one much more. Its lyrics are quite lovely with how they mix floral imagery (“perhaps it’s withered; my heart is dried up, but you take root”), and openness (“Baby, I wanna make you mine”), and captures the head-over-heels feeling of first love quite well. These two videos don’t push boundaries in the same way as the first two sets do, only because they tell what is a quite well-trodden story rather than breaking new ground, but seeing the characters take care of each other is very sweet. The quiet, mutual moment of realization at the end where they’re lying next to each other and move to kiss feels very comfortable and honest.
The description box written for Beyond on their official YouTube channel states: “How did our music reach you, who are far away? How did our small melody crafted in Korea reach you, who are on the other side of the world? To all those lovers who do not feel like they’ve been given the blessing, we hope our music will comfort you and cheer you up. We hope you’ll dream the same dream as us.” Is it a little cheesy? Perhaps. But does it make me emotional? Absolutely. Does it still matter? Hell yes.
The thing that really felt meaningful to me was the mundanity with which the characters live their lives; they may face internalized or external homophobia, but what the solo series gets across so well is how normal and everyday these people are, no matter who they love. The best way I can explain it, as a queer person myself, is that it feels like another queer person wrote and planned these six songs. They feel very honest and self-reflective, and don’t try to tiptoe around their subject matter, which I really appreciate. Look, I’m not going to speculate on whether any of the members of OnlyOneOf are queer themselves, because I frankly can’t stress enough that unless one of them bursts through my window at 2 am with a megaphone and tells me to share it with the world, it was and remains none of my fucking business.
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Seoul Drift is their latest comeback, and similarly to many of their other full-group singles, it’s not that fun to listen to. It follows Skinz; there isn’t really a break in the song, which normally I’d be a fan of, but here it just makes it feel overwhelming and unnecessarily harsh. I like the idea of it—the lyrics are pretty good and the whole idea of loneliness and the intensely fast pace of life in Seoul in the MV intrigues me—but the execution just doesn’t win me over.
From the album, Seoul Collection, Blue Blue Seoul stuck out to me. It’s breathy and soft, and it moves along with an inviting, almost warm feeling. It feels a lot like a song from their Underground Idol series, which is probably why I like it. I love the way the voices are layered and how the minimalistic background gives them a chance to grow.
OnlyOneOf have gained attention yet again this year, not only for their earlier comeback but for their participation in Bump Up Business, a short drama adaptation of a BL webtoon that stars Mill and Nine as two k-pop idols forced to do a “business gay partnership” (basically, act like they’re in a gay relationship with each other), who actually end up falling in love. You can see why this is causing a stir, when their whole concept already has people declaring it queerbaiting.
Personally, I honestly don’t know where I stand, because I do think that they do genuinely important, boundary-breaking work, but they also play into the queerbaiting and the lines between characters they play and the idols themselves are intentionally made smaller. I applaud them for acting in this and having the guts to actually kiss on screen, and despite how toothless the show is, I did watch it and go “aww” at several points.
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I’m glad I did this! Even if I didn’t end up becoming a Lyon or a fan, I did still have fun with this, especially watching the series and the solos, and a couple interviews (which gave me some good laughs, so thanks guys). I also learned that Nine and KB are very involved with the writing and composing of OnlyOneOf’s music, which is something I really appreciate that happens to be quite rare in k-pop.
My top 5 songs from Only One Of are Because, Time Leap, Heartbreak Theatre, Be Free, and Beyond, with Only One Of Me as an honorable mention. Only One Of gets a 7.75 / 10 from me. To be honest, I’ve found that besides their Underground Idol series and a few odd b-sides, their music is mostly not for me. I do really appreciate the self-production, the important messages, and the experimental quality of a lot of their work, but at the end of the day, this is my blog and it comes down to personal preference.
Next time, we’ll be doing part two of the Red Velvet deep-dive and next week we’re restarting the one-group-a-week schedule with a boy group. Tschüss!
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shy-bee · 2 months
saiko family
notes - to keep track
father Sumio 39 <- stepfather
previous husband Ura (went missing)
mother Tsukasa 45
2 daughter Mikan 24 (works as a nurse)
2 son Ryuta 17
^poured food on Sumio’s face
^probably into something pervert (prediction had before 20:20)
3 daughter Rie 16
^beats up Sumio
4 daughter Remon 13
4 son Dan 12
5 daughter Sumomo 6 (Sumio’s)
5 son Raichi 5 (Sumio’s)
(prediction at 10:28 the new husband killed the first husband and forced his way into the family)
(prediction at 13:28 the not-husband-husband does something creepy behind close doors that it creeps the children out but they can’t say. the mother can’t say any since she needs his help to pay for the kids)
1 son Gouki 23
(prediction at 15:04 something sus is up with the 1st son. maybe possessed, is the ‘real’ man of the house that the younger ones look up to)
???? Ringo
^maybe the oldest sister? she’s ‘missing’
1 daughter Ringo 25
^left hole after graduating from high school to go to university
^found work in Tokyo (3 years ago)
^stop contact 6 months ago
^she was against the marriage
^maybe works at a brothel (22:26)
(prediction at 22:56 Sumio probably did something to the oldest daughter so she runs away from home to get away from him, traumatised. he -Sumio- gets caught on a ‘dirty’ site and pretends it’s a lead on the oldest daughter)
(24:50 i don’t want to watch this 😭😭😭 this is so weird!! why would you book a from, at a brothel house, with your supposed daughter??? that’s so wrong, if you where worried try contacting the place or wait until her shift is over and try to talk to her!! don’t book an appointment!! 🤢🤢🤢!!!!)
(26:02 this is so awkward i wanna die, what the hell 🤢)
(prediction at 33:16 is he going g to slowly ‘kill’ off the other kids until is only his two kids?)
(prediction at 35:24 he hurt the 2nd son you be able to get the 1st daughter back)
^got scammed into the industry
(prediction at 38:58 he’ll kill the boyfriend to bring her home?)
(40:46 i hope they expect her!! QAQ!!)
(41:41 please give her a hug!!! QAQ)
(43:56 …… no surprised)
(46:48 .. somethings fishy..)
(prediction at 46:50 i don’t think the mother wanted the marriage, maybe she agreed because or the film crew… she doesn’t seem happy, or he told her to shut up and stop talking)
(46:51 … or am i being too harsh on him. sure going to a brothel to see you step daughter is weird, very weird, but maybe he’s a good person….? we’ll see)
(48:54 not cookie… oh gosh, don’t say that infront of the kids, when they’re eating!! 😭)
(49:49 reminds me of that case where everyone was scared/revered the oldest daughter and they turned a blind eye to her madness and even put lotion in her even after she died)
(50:30 not the children crying 😭😭😭😭!! what a background noise to see hands gently caring for the planets!)
(52:14 aren’t you over spraying that plant?)
(54:14 did his tell his wife that? was he hoping the 3rd to leave? you just got back the eldest why ask is they want to leave?)
(prediction 54:56 the 3rd daughter is possessed)
(prediction at 55:22 or the oldest son?)
(prediction at 55:38 maybe something bad happens every year? like a once a year curse? but the children brought up a ghost so i don’t know what specifically it is)
3rd Son with first husband Tuakaharu (don’t know if i spelt that right) died at the age 9 (in 2001, don’t know when this is set but was made published on youtube in 2015 so give or take a year)
(57:16 oh sh!t i think it is something once a year!)
2001 - son dies
2002 - husband goes missing
???? - Ringo being tricked
???? - Gouki’s mental state
???? - Rie’s hostility/domestic violence
???? - Remon’s (?) bike accident
^one year the cat dies
Present - Ryuta’s fall from roof
(01:01:32 maybe the photo he wanted was the ‘ghost’ photo? he seems to be more down on the ground about that’s possible)
(01:01:46 oh!! maybe the head injury ‘cleared’ his head so he can think more clearly?)
(01:02:24 a g-g-g-ga-ghost! hahahaha… sorry)
(01:02:28 hopefully we can see the photo, or the spooky of the ‘unknown’ is scarier. allowing us to imagine what scary thing is shown in the image, because everyone has different tolerances to different things)
(01:02:40 never-mind 😭 spoke too soon!)
(01:02:46 pffftttt! hahahahaha, hahahahahahahahaha!!! thanks to that zoom hahhahaha i thought it was a normal photo pffft so thanks! hahahaha)
(01:03:00 oh lord she’s become a ghost hunter hahaha! with that look maybe she’s the one behind it! hahaha! her voice suits the lazy fill of how this documentary would’ve been made if it where a real one!
… i fill a bit bad. i keep pausing to type, it’s probably keeping from getting sucked into the story! sorry! but i’m going to continue doing this!)
(01:03:08 burn the photo?)
(01:93:14 hahahhaahahahHahahHhHhhaahahah a omfg hahahahahahaha)
(01:04:48 a nice homely vide it wraps you up in a nice warm blanket!)
(01:05:44 hehehe sneaky cameraman!)
(01:06:18 👀☕️)
(01:07:08 it is nice to see that the children are more happy! but i have a feeling Rie is about to rock the boat. maybe the older siblings have a plan or something to mess with the new dad?)
(01:07:30 … what a waste of food. and i was right)
(01:08:02 i feel like i shouldn’t be watching this…
since it’s real acting though these fight seems are a bit funny looking since the kicks/punches look weak but the father is good at acting hurt)
(01:08:37 EYH!! oh my… that one he definitely didn’t actually touch her, but still bloody hell!)
(01:09:12 …pfft… sorry i just can’t help but think about the cameraman standing up close a personal at this scene through his camera lens being like ‘good sh!t’ while his face stays in moved)
(01:09:22 …hmmm oof line… i’ll keep watching but i do think this father isn’t as innocent as he seems)
(01:09:44 …. now i feel bad QAQ)
(01:11:00 how much do you how much do you bet that she’s gone missing just poped out from existence like the father?)
(01:11:18 maybe call the police or something?)
(01:12:28 don’t push her of the bridge! don’t! i see you! don’t you dare!)
(01:012:40 i was about to say you don’t need to apologise… but they both should really, neither are really in the right here.)
(01:13:18 wow “you are… Nothing.” wow! i should get that tattooed one me pffft)
(01:14:09 what does this mean?)
(01:14:30 (?) good question)
(01:16:22 awh 😭😭😭)
(01:17:50 i guess she needed the slap of reality? there is still 20 minutes so i’m uneasy)
(01:18:14 MISS!!! it’s not you place! it’s bad enough you’ve filmed all of this, don’t poke your nose into who’s calling who father!!)
(01:19:04 with what money??? you can afford a house but a nice van for a camping trip??
what are you kidnapping them???)
(01:19:22 oh my! that sure was a jump-scare!! was not expecting to see him outside of that room!)
(01:19:30 … wait why does he has his bat with him? does it bring him comfort after facing a traumatic experience so he brings it around with him to feel safe? i don’t know… i feel uneasy again, sorry big brother!)
(01:20:07 so cute!!! heart is melting!!!)
(01:20:28 eh! put both poles in before you bend it! you’re making it harder for yourselves!!)
(01:21:56 omfg lady!! don’t ask such a question! they are two different people, two different fathers! they’d be different so don’t compare them! ehy!
before she asked that though it’s nice to see the children except him! they have seen him put his foot down, so i can see how that gave them some reassurance!)
(01:22:20 awh her smile!! QAQ!!! so precious!)
…. that poor gosh!! 🤢😭 sorry had to skip that
(01:23:24 awh..! to have them all day that T^T i’m not crying you are!)
(01:23:42 pfffft hahahaha then it just pans to her awkwardly/creepily watching from a distance… ha…
maybe she should had a series where she stays with a family for a month and buy the end of the month they are all sawn together with her magic hands)
hehehe!! ✨fire✨
(01:24:08 are they really a family? i feel after all this they’ll be close together and have a bond no? a bit like the weasley family. to act like a family for so long you’d have an emotional connection to them so maybe the joy they’re showing is real?)
tbh i thought the announcement was going to be another child lmao
(01:24:24 maybe the oldest son did have something happen, the way he’s acting makes me think maybe he has something, not in like a mean/bad way.
it nice that he’s being included into the family’s things now :D)
(01:24:55 protect the fire from the rain QAQ)
(01:25:33 i wonder if they planned the weather)
(01:26:15 oh gosh 😭😭😭😭 so precious)
(01:26:27 why am i waving goodbye?)
(01:27:40 what’s going on??)
(01:27:55 oooo that neat! to have the ‘open door’ button on the floor, stops the germs from getting in the hands!
but what about escapees who scroll on the floor and people with no legs/in a wheelchair)
(01:28:30 …. that sight brings back memories)
(01:29:24 … sus … did he push her down so he could get her and her husbands life insurance?)
(01:31:26 maybe that was the ghosts plan, to now keep sending you to the hospital to make you stay in the house. the injuries becoming -worse?- so it’s gets more power and causes you to stay longer and it continues)
(01:31:51 ah! the eldest boy! eating with the family! very proud!)
(01:33:02 awh he’s also out there with the father!
i’m just worried the reason why i watched this was because another youtube video said that there was horror, or something like that and to watch it before the video, maybe i missed something in all this.. if so, oof!)
(01:33:19 pffft nothing to the actor, her dead eyes as selling this… well
01:33:22-24 i guess you could say there is warmth her looking at a family endearingly)
(01:33:28 the deadpan voice- so i’ve tried not to talk about it much- pffft-)
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shadowetienne · 1 year
Liminal Spaces, Loneliness, and a Search for Connection in OnlyOneOf's "seOul drift"
I meant to have this written up sooner, but I've had a wildly busy couple of weeks. I've got thoughts about the "seOul drift" MV and its use of liminal spaces and how that corresponds to its description and the ideas of queer loneliness and isolation.
Starting from the MV description, there are a few points made there that I found really important to understanding the depth of the story of the MV (also understanding it in the context of the be series).
"Underneath those lights, there are also young people who’ve been hurt by others and who are wandering along the dotted line of lostness"
"the album captures the stories of Seoul’s loneliness and solitude, and those who are hurt in this city"
"OnlyOneOf always sings about loneliness and pain or the stories of those whose love isn’t blessed. We often simply brush them off as something minor, but they are stories that someone should caress and embrace"
"OnlyOneOf hopes that there will be unknown gods’ blessings in these difficult steps being taken, and that there will be blessings from our fans whom we appreciate and whose names you may not know"
A thing that I think is really interesting in the context of understanding the story that they're telling here is that none of the members are from Seoul. I'm not going anywhere in particular with this point, just contemplating it and letting it spin in my mind.
Moving on from that, we've got a story here that centers in the loneliness of people who have ended up in a big city, Seoul, and feel isolated. A story that shows a lot of search for connection in spaces where they are not quite as isolated. And it's a story that connects to some pretty common queer experiences.
So couple of background thoughts here.
It's very common for young queer adults to try to make their way to the nearest (or perhaps not so near but in some way accessible to them) major city where they know that there at least are other queer people, where they feel like there's a bigger chance of being accepted, or maybe just flying under the radar and not being actively treated badly.
It is hard to connect to people in big cities, especially when you aren't engaging in some sort of specific community. Just existing in a big city doesn't keep your path crossing with the same people over and over necessarily, and because there's so much crowding in big cities, people tend to keep themselves to themselves in public spaces to help allow everyone to have at least some semblance of privacy (obviously there are exceptions to this).
If you've not watched the MV yet, here it is:
We start the MV with members alone: KB driving alone in his car (a very private space even if you see other people from it), Yoojung opening the gate (sort of symbolic of breaking free of something, echoed in the lyrics), Junji wearing his headphones (a pretty common way to create a bubble for yourself in a loud space), Rie walking alone at night carrying his rainbow bag of laundry (alone at night isn't usually a time that you're going to be approaching others out walking), Nine walking to the convenience store alone at night (again with the alone at night), and Mill working in the back during a night shift (only person there and not a time with a lot of customers). These are all people who are shown as isolated to start out with, none of them look particularly happy.
I want to talk about each pair's storyline through the MV because I think that they're examining different possibilities and stories.
Let's start with KB and Yoojung. Yoojung is shown in the phone booth (it comes back again), which during the be series had the connections of being a place that communication can be achieved, and also in begin/be free the visual reference to cruising (interesting in that it also resonates as a car term with the imagery of this MV). This time, Yoojung makes a call, I suspect to KB, and KB comes and picks him up.
Yoojung doesn't look certain about it when he's making that call, doesn't look like he knows if this is going to go anywhere, but he's lonely and he's reaching out and trying to make a connection. There's already something tenuous there, he's got a phone number, but he has no real expectation, just a chance. He looks pretty dejected while he's waiting, but then KB actually shows up. There's something really poignant about that look between them when Yoojung is leaning into the driver's window and KB looks up at him. KB looks surprised almost that Yoojung is real, that this is happening, and he looks so fond. They are showing a possibility, a chance, but both of them are so alone to start with. I think that there's definitely something to come back to with that imagery of Yoojung coming through the gate at the start.
If we are connecting this back to the begin/be free storyline (if this is indeed collecting those experiences), this seems like perhaps a tipping point. A situation where maybe a pair of young adult queer people in the city have met up a few times, had a connection, but they weren't sure if it was just going to be casual or not, and taking the step to go beyond that because one of them actually reached out. This is a connection past just cruising or having something casual that can be really hard to achieve when you feel so isolated.
Moving on to Rie and Junji. First of all, I want to take a second to focus on Rie's bag: queer signaling! A lot of us end up dressing in ways or having accessories that try to make us more recognizable to each other while still having some degree of plausible deniability to the outside world. Rie's rainbow laundry bag feels a lot like queer signaling. It's a thing that makes him visible, but if someone called it out in a negative way, well it's an IKEA bag, it's a convenient size to carry laundry... When we first see them in the same space, Junji has his headphones on, both of them look kind of miserable, and they sit back to back. It isn't hard to imagine here though that they both come to the same laundromat regularly around the same time, that they see each other. They're glancing over their shoulders at each other some during that sitting back to back, like they're curious about each other, but perhaps afraid to break the ice, afraid to breach the zone of well we give each other privacy because we're all here doing something that normally we'd probably want to do in the privacy of our own homes. Rie's bag almost feels like it might be him trying to give an opening, a way to see if this guy he's been seeing in the laundromat who has a very queer coded hairstyle and who also seems lonely might approach him if he gives a sign, that they might be able to make a connection. Rie is also shown in a phone booth making a call (echoing him in the be mine/because storyline) and that feels like he's trying to make a connection, but not necessarily getting there right away.
It clearly works, we see them playing in the laundromat, laughing and joyful and playful with each other. They're still in the very liminal space of a laundromat though, where people have to go and wait for something necessary to happen, something personal but outside of the home. It also again (like the laundry cafe in be mine/because) reminds me of the film My Beautiful Laundrette, which is a queer film that in many ways also shows very lonely people looking for connection, people who have been isolated in part also because of their queerness (I mean, there's a lot more to the film than that, but that's an element).
Finally, Nine and Mill. They are shown in a convenience store/24 hour restaurant of some sort. They're the only ones there, and initially, they are sitting so that the visual framing has the frame of the windows separating them. They're each in their own box, somehow isolated from each other even though they are close together. They do keep glancing at each other though, like they are trying to see if the other is someone that they maybe could form a connection to.
There's no real conclusion of connection for the two of them, just something open ended, something that makes it clear that they are both looking at each other, having that wonder of if they could connect. By the end of the MV, they are both still in that searching and loneliness. We can hope for them, that one of them will have the nerve to say something, to bridge that distance (that they'll catch each other looking), but it's open ended. The space that they're in is also very much a liminal space, one that seems a little bit outside of the bounds of normal things, but also so very normal (it would be completely ordinary in the daytime with people bustling through, but the loneliness of it when it's open late at night echoes the two of them).
So gathering my thoughts a little bit... We've got six young queer adults who are isolated and drifting through their life in Seoul, who are lonely and wanting connection. Yoojung and KB have already started to form a connection, they've got that imagery of breaking free, and Yoojung gets picked up by KB and gets in the car, and there's the look of fondness between them where they are actually connecting and looking at each other. Junji and Rie are communicating through signaling, a very common way of trying to find other queer (and safe) people in an isolating setting (see Rie's bag), and they are able to form a connection tentatively in the liminal space of the laundromat because they are open to receiving that communication, but they are both very alone to start with. Mill and Nine are still looking, still too unsure to bridge the gap, and there's the visual barrier between them even if they seem to be drifting towards each other. There feels like there's hope for a connection there as long as they see each other enough, and are given the time to work up to talking to each other, but in a big city, who knows if they will keep seeing each other.
The feeling of this MV with this song is frenzied and lonely in a way that I think really captures the potential for loneliness despite the sheer amount of humanity around you that can happen in a big city, especially when there's something that you're going through that makes you scared that you'll be rejected (being queer in a place that doesn't tend towards accepting that for example). I do like that the storylines shown give me a sense that they are trying to convey the hope in loneliness as well though.
I am going to make a separate post about the album as a whole because I'm thinking about this idea of queerness and isolation, and how OnlyOneOf is trying to "caress and embrace" those stories and give some level of "blessings" for them and that love.
I've got to put that ending of the description again here because it gives me feelings:
OnlyOneOf always sings about loneliness and pain or the stories of those whose love isn’t blessed. We often simply brush them off as something minor, but they are stories that someone should caress and embrace.
OnlyOneOf hopes that there will be unknown gods’ blessings in these difficult steps being taken, and that there will be blessings from our fans whom we appreciate and whose names you may not know.
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trippin-chippin · 9 months
So, can you please explain whiskey and moonshine’s relation? You said they were half sisters, do they have the same mom or same dad?
Idk I just want their backstory, tell as much as you’d like!
No problem! 😆 this is prolly gonna be a lot more than what you asked for tho😅
A little bit of background info: whiskey is two years older than moonshine.
Alright so, whiskey and moonshine are half sisters and they have the same mom (Jackey) and to different dads.
Moonshine’s dad is (Mr Bailey). I always joke about moonshine being the product of a one night stand and well… she did come from one😂
Whiskey’s dad (Daniel). He was married to Jackey and was loyal to her. He also knew about her pregnancy from the one night stand, but he decided to give her another chance because he didn’t want his kid (Whiskey) and the one on the way (moonshine) to live without a mother and a father figure.. lol that backfired. And Jackey wasn’t in the best mental state at the time so he also wanted to be there for her as well.
Now there was a third sister that was whiskey’s twin. Her name was going to be (Rie) but unfortunately she died shortly after birth. So there was actually supposed to be 3 girls, but one didn’t make it.
Alright I’m gonna talk about the incident of 1999 so below this point
(You don’t have to read this part)
TW: gun, deaths, traumatic scenes, suicide, etc…. Some messed up shat
Alright so fast forward to 1999, whiskey was nine years old along with moonshine being six year old. Now like I said, Jackey wasn’t in the best mental state and so that made her have suicidal thoughts… and well, she tried to act upon those thoughts; however, Daniel would try to stop her each time. He’d also get the kids away so if something did happen, they wouldn’t see it. Throughout the past he had managed to stop her and calm her down, but the day in 1999 he was unsuccessful.
That day was quiet and Jackey wasn’t really saying much and she went outside to the backyard with a gun. (Whiskey and moonshine were in the house so they weren’t aware of what was going on). Well Daniel seen her walk out back so he followed her to once again talk to her and calm her down. As he got outside he saw that she had it pointing to her chest, so he ran out to her to stop her. Little did he know, the gun was loaded and was ready to go off, so when he was trying to get the gun away from her it went off, into her chest.
After that whiskey and moonshine heard this, and so being the two curious kids they were they went outside to unfortunately see their mother laying on the ground.
Alright this parts a bit funky so bare with me….. The gun that was used was a revolver, so there was many rounds in it. When the gun kicked back after going off, Daniel caught it, in which he dropped it after he just realized what happened. He didn’t know whiskey and moonshine was outside running to them and the only thing he thought of was that his wife just died. Now like I said here’s the funky part: when he dropped the revolver the “rotating part” shifted (and in some cases when a loaded gun hits something, it can fire) which is what happened. Whiskey was running up to them and when the gun hit the ground it fired again and got whiskey. Moonshine was further away and was out of the way so basically she just was just there and watched the whole thing.
Daniel didn’t know that the girls were outside till he looked over and seen whiskey on the ground with moonshine standing over her (somehow whiskey didn’t die, idk she’s like a cockroach or something). He seen whiskey and Jackey on the ground and he was so caught up in what happened because at that point he thought that he just lost his wife AND his daughter, so he grabbed the gun and committed suicide out of guilt even though he didn’t so anything wrong.
Moonshine just was there and finally help came and stuff like that and Daniel, Jackey, whiskey, and moonshine was taken to the hospital, but Jackey and Daniel was pronounced dead.
ANYWAYS that’s why one of whiskey eyes is messed up and looks like a x cause that is where she was shot. Now since it was in her head her growth was stunted you could say and basic she’s the same height she was when she was nine. Also that’s why moonshine is so up tight about everything.
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eeunoia · 2 years
ENHYPEN Song Lyrics Imagine
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Sweet Angel
song title: Dito Ka Lang by Moira Dela Torre
Dito ka lang sa puso ko (Stay here in my heart) Kung ito'y pag-ibig nga, takot ay 'di na dama (If this is love, then there’s no fear) Dito ka lang palagi sa aking tabi (Stay here by my side) Lahat kayang harapin kung dito ka lang (I can face everything when you’re here)
pairings: yang jungwon x reader
warnings: angst, sad ending.
word count: 1.7k words
note📎: I hope you guys liked it! it really means a lot to me whenever you let me know what you think about them, re-blogs and comments are well appreciated. btw, i love you guys and thank you for supporting me up until now. have a nice day/night! 🤍
permanent tag-list: @rubyanne @en-sun @studioreader @map-of-border @hwangjangmi @crjwon @love13tter @kako-chan @classicroyalty @angel-hyuckie @jun-malone @ncityy04 @bridgebridgebirdiebridge @fearlesskz @abdiitcryy @hime98 @moonsclover @hoonstrology @ddeonubaby @yeoungie @acciomylove @mymeloem19 @jvngw0n @dreamyenskz @minamoons @clar-iii @notmyselfbuttrying @herasalvatore @nyfwyeonjun @rcveribin @yizhoutv @person-standing @black-bread1230 @one16core @sleepyenhasasha @soobin-chois @rcveribin @kyutiepeachy @chareadingpurposes @hwalllllllelujah @solelyenha @90sni-ki @nourhan-8 @nyfwyeonjun @nikipedia07 @yangbreads @drunkjazed @kimmchijjajang @hoonbrry @axartia @all4haru @hiqhkey @sta-rie @niinjo @ssomsworld @purplepuppychild @iceeee @ (still working on my tag-list)
© 2022 eeunoia — all rights reserved.
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Your eyes moved from your fidgeting fingers over to Jungwon’s Mom who just went out of the room. You quickly stood up and hopefully looked her in her eyes, waiting for what she’s going to say.
She smiled a little before she pulls you into a warm hug. You unconsciously returned her hug and you heard her soft sniffles. Your hand that was holding her fell over to the side like they just lose their life.
“It was his decision, y/n. W-We couldn’t do anything about it. We have to respect him.” she said and you were lost of words to say. Unable to even utter anything. You started feeling like you’re losing yourself, the pain that over taking your whole system was starting to be too much. It was becoming too heavy for you to handle.
Your eyes then darted over to Jungwon’s Dad who went out of the room after. Both of your eyes met and like his Mom, he looked so sad, broken...
“He wanted to see you now, y/n.” his dad said and even gave your shoulder a light tap.
Unconsciously you nodded your head and entered the room they just went out of a while ago. The familiar smell and sounds of machines beeping occupy you.
“Hi love” just like usual, he flashed his beautiful smile, topping it with his adorable dimples.
Those smiles... You still believe they’re the prettiest one you’ve ever seen. And even though at this very moment, with all these struggles and trials going on, nothing changed over him. His pale complexion and pale lips didn’t do any damage over him, he still looked so ethereal in your eyes.
“Hey...” he snapped you back to reality.
You blinked a couple of times, shifting your gazes towards Jungwon’s arms towards his wrist that was needled by his dextrose. His arms reached over at you as you were standing a bit too far away from his hospital bed.
Your fist clenched as you fight so hard not to cry once again at the sight of him. You had promised over and over again that you will be strong and that you won’t breakdown every time you’ll see him at this situation but you just can’t help it. Fear was consuming everything on you.
“Come here.” he even gently tapped the space over his bed.
You sighed and reached over his cold hands. You pursed your lips as he slowly pull you over to his bed. He made you sat down beside him, closer to him just like how he likes it.
Your eyes remained looking at your holding hands. You gulped, trying hard to get rid of that lump between your throat. You couldn’t find the words you want to say, the topic you wanted to talk about. Your heart feels so heavy and you can’t do anything to it.
“Love,” he calls you out and slowly lifted your gaze towards his face.
One look over his face, one gaze over his eyes and millions of memories flashed through your mind. You bit your lower lip, eyes started to tear up again. The longer you stare at him, the more changes you notice. His sudden lost of weight are visible.
He smiled and blinked continuously, trying to push those stubborn tears back so he wouldn’t make you cry even more.
“You look lovely today, baby.” he complimented you as he raised his hand to brush away some hair strands from your face.
It made you tear up. He always compliments you at the end of the day. He never forgets to always boost your confidence and remind you how you always do well. Even if you fail, with Jungwon failure seems to not be a painful thing. He always assure you can just do better next time.
“What did I said about crying, huh?” he softly asked and even helped you wiping off those tears away.
“I c-can’t, Jungwon. Can you just stay here with me?” you said, and there, tears bursts nonstop.
Jungwon’s forced smile fell as he watch you cry in so much pain, letting all those emotions you’ve hidden for a while now out of you.
It’s been months ever since you guys learned about his condition. Jungwon’s sick and his sickness spreads through his whole body pretty fast. Your whole world felt like it collapsed when you heard the doctor telling you how much time he have left to live.
You wanted to wake up from this bad dream, wishing that all of it was just a nightmare but sadly, it wasn’t. As day pass by, the more lifeless you became.
Jungwon tries to show you guys that he’s okay. He used to tell you that all of you are bound to die anyway, it’s just he took a shortcut. It was suppose to be a joke to lift your spirits up, but it never made you smile. You hated those jokes and you hated his sickness.
You hate how it’s taking him away from you. You hate how he’s still smiling brightly whenever you’re around and tries to keep it to himself whenever he’s in so much pain. Up until the end, all he thinks about was you and nobody more. He loves you eternally.
“Oh God you are beautiful.” he said as he cups your face using his hands.
He stared at your face, too intense like as if he’s memorizing every part of it. You cried and didn’t even bothered to hide your emotions anymore.
“P-Please, we can still do something! F-Fight more. Just not like this, please.” you plea him even though you know it won’t do anything anymore.
Jungwon, your lover, your boyfriend, the love of your life had decided that he’ll do mercy killing. Yes... he’s about to end his life. You’ve tried to change his mind, trying to convince him you guys can go to other places. Get more opinions about his condition but he refused.
The illness is giving him pain but seeing his loved ones going through hardships hurts him more. Watching all of you hope that he will get better only to be heart broken again once his condition got worst was too much to bear for him. Like as if he was being killed over and over again.
He smiled and wiped off your tears and tried to calm you down as always. He slowly pulled you closer to him as a tear escapes his eye as well.
He understands you. He knows how hard it is for you to let him go like this. Jungwon’s beyond thankful that despite all of these, you stayed... beside him. You were there the whole time. You became his support, physically and mentally. You are his reason to believe that he can do it, his motivation to go to therapies and medications. You’ve push him over to it. He couldn’t express how much  grateful he is to you, how happy and lucky he is to have someone like you.
At first, he’s scared of it as well. The thought of not being with you anymore put fear over Jungwon’s heart. But to think that he’ll watch your fake smiles just so he wouldn’t know how hurting you are already hurts him even more.
“I’ve given you guys what you wanted. I fought for you...” he started and you closed your eyes then bury yourself closer to his arms.
“But seeing you guys hurting and in so much pain will be the one to kill me, y/n.”
You sighed, still unable to take everything in. He placed a soft kiss at your forehead.
“I love you so much. God knows I’ve never loved anyone else like the way I’m loving you right now.” you cried hard as you listens to whatever he is saying.
“You are one of the best thing that happened to my life, y/n. I’m very thankful that he gave me enough time to enjoy and explore this world with such a wonderful person.” he continued. You pulled away to look at his face and it broke you even more as you saw tears streamed down his face.
“Because of you I’ve got to be so happy. This life became worthy because of you.” he said and pursed his lips.
You stared at his eyes, at his loving eyes. The brightest and prettiest ones ever that a person could ever possess.
“I c-can’t do it without you.” you said and Jungwon smiled.
He cupped your face, “Oh sure you can, baby. You are my girl, right? My girl’s very strong.” he said and pinched your nose lightly.
n “P-Please just stay with me.” you mumbled and even with a smile, Jungwon’s eyes started to shed tears.
“I will... I will be just there inside your heart.”
You two fell silent and just stared at each other. Just then you noticed how his eyes looked very tired. Worn out.
“W-Will this take all your pain away?” you asked.
If you are in pain, Jungwon’s feeling the worst. It had broken you into a million times every time you hear him trying to keep his whimpers to himself as it hurts.
He smiled and took your hand over to his lips, “I’ll be always with you no matter what.” he said.
You stared at him for a while before you slowly nodded your head. He smiled and pulled you closer giving you light feathery kisses over your face.
“I love you so much.”
“I love you with all my heart.” you answered back and slowly, you leaned in to give him a small sweet gentle kiss at his lips. They were cold...
Your head snapped over to the door when it opened and your heart fell when you saw the things they were holding.
It’s time...
You snapped your head back to Jungwon and he’s not showing any fear. Instead, he was staring at you lovingly. He held your hand.
“Can you hug me as I go, y/n? I want to feel your warmth.” he requested and it broke you.
You nodded and held him close to you as you close your eyes trying not to look at the doctors that will do it... that will take the love of your life away from you.
“Tell me you love me please.” he mumbled softly.
You sniffed, “I love you so much!” and you placed a kiss at the side of his face.
You felt him smiling, “I will allow you to cry for a while but not for too long, alright?” he said, his voice starting to sound tired.
You pursed your lips, refusing to say anything. You hugged him tighter. Jungwon’s caressing your back in a slow and calming manner, like how he usually does.
“Live happily for me, y/n. I love you.”
And he placed a soft kiss at the side of your head.
“Can you sing for me?” he asked and you sighed heavily. Doing as he requested, you tried so hard not to choke on your saliva as you were crying so hard.
Your tears were nonstop as later on you felt his head resting to your shoulder a bit heavier. His hand stopped caressing you as well and fell over your sides, lifeless. You cried so hard as you heard Jungwon’s parents mourn for him as well.
You hugged him tighter, tears flowing nonstop. “I love you.” you whispered over him.
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prismatranslates-cue · 5 months
Rie [Sabbath of Castor] Part 2
Previously: Part 1
Rie: A lot’s changed since we were kids. Like the stores, for one thing. So many of these places weren’t around back then.
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Mei: Yes…oh.
Mei: Wait here for a moment.
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Mei: Here you go.
Rie: Hm? What’s this? Oh, it’s warm…
Mei: A corned beef taiyaki.
Rie: A…corned beef taiyaki? They really make those?
Mei: And this one’s chili cheese flavour.
Rie: Is that even still taiyaki?
Mei: This kind of food–and the store that sells it–wasn’t around when we were younger.
Rie: Yeah. This is definitely my first time having something like this. It’s not bad, though.
Mei: You’re a different person now than you were before. You’re a Team Leader and all that.
Mei: New food for a new Rie. It’s only fitting.
Rie: What an oddly threatening way of saying that. You sound like you’re describing “eye for an eye”. …Oh, but don’t get me wrong. I appreciate you going out of your way to find these.
Mei: Rie. I want you to let go and not be so concerned about all the people around you.
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Rie: Huh?
Mei: It’s just you and me. Be as “Ellis” as you want today.
Rie: Oh? Very well. If you so desire…
Rie: Hmph. This foodstuff is queer but I cannot deny it is also quite delectable. Did you track this down for my sake? You have my gratitude.
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Mei: …
Rie: Was that okay…?
Mei: There were no issues.
Rie: I don’t know if anyone’s ever actively encouraged me to lean into my Ellis persona. I’m kind of at a loss, honestly.
Mei: Rie, you have undergone quite a few changes since becoming leader, but you’ve clearly been spending less time as Ellis as a result.
Mei: So at least this much is okay.
Rie: I detect some faint hints of reluctance in those words…or is my mind playing tricks on me…?
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Rie: For those who consider themselves seiyuu, reading manga is not only a hobby but a duty. One could call it training, if not outright part of our mission.
Mei: I’ve never thought of it with any such gravitas.
Rie: You’ve always had lots of manga and books and games and stuff in your room ever since we were little, after all.
Mei: Yes.
Rie: And ever since we were little…I would always ask to borrow them from you.
Mei: You were content with that.
Rie: …Oh? This is that anime that Team Flower were cast in…oho. So they already have merch.
Rie: A matter of course for such a popular work. But we can hardly sit by and let them leave us in the dust.
Mei: …Indeed.
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Rie: Ah!
Rie: This is that book that everyone’s been talking about lately! I’ve been considering reading it myself…
Mei: I own a copy of that already.
Rie: Oh, do you? Can I read it when we get back home?
Mei: Sure.
Rie: I’ve had my eye on it for a while! It sounds super interesting from what I’ve heard about it. Gosh, sorry that I’m always imposing on you like this.
Mei: Rie? Ellis.
Rie: You may always ask me to return the favour, if you wish me to lend you something you desire.
Mei: Sure. I’d likely already have anything you could lend, though.
Rie: Yeah, I think so too…
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Rie: Oh! Do you mind if I try that claw machine for a bit?
Mei: Is there something in there you want?
Rie: That figure. It’s one of my most admired characters in all demonkind, a great leader among us fell creatures…
Mei: I’ve never seen you succeed at one of these.
Rie: Tch…well, allow me to show you now. I will make short work of this feeble machine.
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Rie: Hah, a worthy foe…How did I burn through 3000 yen so fast…?
Mei: …Here, let me try.
Rie: R-right.
Mei: It’s important to analyze the target’s weight and centre of gravity, in order to understand where you want to apply the force. You should be able to picture the action in your mind.
Mei: First, you shift the target’s position, like…so.
Rie: So then with a second one…
Mei: See?
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Rie: Gosh, you’re always so amazing, Mei. You make things I could never pull off look easy.
Mei: It’s no big deal. …Behold, I present to you my tribute for your nativity.
Rie: Yay! Thanks, Mei. I’ll treasure it forever!
Mei: Rie? Ellis.
Rie: My boundless gratitude defies expression with mere words!
Mei: …There you go. That’s good.
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Rie: Lo, the night already approaches, for the sun returns to the horizon so early during the winter moons. Truly the perfect season for denizens of the dark.
Mei: …It’s almost time.
To be continued...in Part 3
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neocrush · 3 years
i’ve really been wanting to get back into shifting so i might try it again after school is over :D and i love hearing stories about people’s drs so i’d love to hear some of yours!!
late answer bc this has been sitting in my drafts for a while 😭
omg i’m excited for u !! i have a lot of fun stories from my dr but one of my fav ones were from iland
for context, we had 23 girl trainees too and in my dr all of them are gg members who already debuted in this reality + we did the show alongside the boys but didn’t compete against them + the final gg debuted a few months after enha
so this was when we were learning our signal songs, the boys had into the i-land and the girls had hi high (by loona in this reality)
remember when heeseung was being judged for how he was teaching the others the choreo? yeah same thing happened to yves (loona member in this reality)
i was really close to her (kinda like her little sister lol) and winter was talking to ningning (aespa members in this reality) about how terrible yves was at teaching the choreo bc we didn’t get the full dance by the end of the day
so i caught them talking crap ab yves and i confronted them (mind you this all happened in the vocal room where sunoo and sunghoon were just chilling 😭) i was like “why don’t you say that stuff to her face, huh???? try teaching the other girls the choreo if ur out here saying that yves unnie can’t do it properly” n i got so mad that sunoo and hoon had to pull me away from the two girls AHSHSHS
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blood-mocha-latte · 3 months
i can’t believe this nonsense. this is ridiculous. what is this world
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blaineandersonsub · 3 years
Blaine pursed his lips as he read that last text, then dropped his phone down onto the pillow he was sat on. He knew how anxious his sister had to be with these elections going on, that much was obvious in how her mood shifted while talking about Mateo’s post. Turning and climbing up onto the bed, he leaned forward to hit the pause button on the remote before flopping down onto the mattress, propping himself up on an elbow. “The endorsement is what I meant,” He informed in a softer tone, subconsciously picking at the blanket. “Just because he endorsed her doesn’t mean you’ve lost, Rie.”
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augustcorcoran · 3 years
Just a Talk | Blaine & August 
Who: Blaine Anderson & August Corcoran @blaineandersonsub
When: May 19th, 2021
Where: Twizzle, Devereux campus
What: Blaine shares with August why he needs some time away from their friendship
Warnings: mentions of anxiety 
Blaine hadn't intended to be late, it had just kind of happened that way. He'd taken tons of preemptive measures to try and reduce his nerves, but they had only really helped take the edge off, and maybe he was walking a little slower than usual. Tightening his hold on his notebook in one hand, the other moved down to brush his fingers over the bracelet Sebastian had given him for his birthday as he approached the door to Twizzle. That at least gave him the extra boost he needed to actually walk inside. He made his way over to the table August was sat at, then slid into the chair across from her. "Hey. Sorry, I kind of got distracted, lost track of time." He offered her a small smile. "How are you?"
The urge to bolt and not show up to face the music had occurred to August only once. She respected Blaine far too much to not show up. It wasn't that she didn't respect the other people she had done that too, but she was trying to change, even if every ounce of her body was terrified of what this lunch could mean. August hadn't even thought for a moment that something good could come out of this conversation for her. But, if it was best for Blaine then that was what she cared about more than anything. She had gone over the scenarios in her mind with Maeve and in every situation she knew that she had to make this conversation easy for him. She at a table, a water cup in front of her but no food, she couldn't even think about food. It felt like a long time that she had sat there, her fingers idly tearing a napkin when she finally saw him, she tried looking at him but her throat tightened and she already felt herself on the verge of tears, "I'm....," August searched for a word so that she could not put so much weight on Blaine's shoulders, she couldn't think of a word and so shrugged instead. "You?"
Blaine shifted slightly, dropping his gaze to his notebook as he placed it on the table and took a deep breath. "I'm fine," He started, reading over everything Rie had helped him with the night before. He could feel his nerves building, and he was doing his absolute best to suppress them as much as he possibly could. Keeping his eyes down, he read the first point and then began speaking. "Okay, I guess let's just... start with the why. What you said felt very invalidating, and while you may not have meant it that way, that's how it felt to me. My sexuality is a very sensitive topic for me, and it's taken me a long time to get to where I am with it. Even just making jokes pertaining to it make me uncomfortable. Especially ones that imply I'm somehow attracted to girls in that way. It wasn't funny to me at all." He hoped this made sense, but his head was all over the place, and before August could even respond he was waving a waitress down for some water.
Her stomach churned, stopping her hands, she sat on them instead, her eyes moving to look over at him, as she felt her heart starting to pound in her ears as he spoke. August knew this, knew he didn't need to explain himself and that no matter what the intention was, she had hurt him. But she just nodded and listened, because he deserved to explain himself to her and he deserved the courtesy to have her hear him out. She just kept nodding, her head a bit heavy feeling a bit heavy, but she just kept quiet, she made herself drink the water in front of her as he got his own, hoping that might help her. She remained silent, waiting for him to go on, not wanting to interrupt.
"Aside from that, I just want to know what you need for us to continue comfortably. I don't want the school year to be tense, and I especially don't want you uncomfortable around me but at the same time, this isn't just something I can sweep under a rug. It really upset me in a way I don't think I could ever fully explain," Blaine sighed, shrugging a shoulder as he finally moved his eyes up to lock on August. He really didn't know what else to add, but he just hoped the gravity of the situation wasn't lost on her. He didn't like drama, or conflict, and if Sebastian and Rie hadn't helped him communicate his feelings he probably wouldn't have.
August blinked for a moment, she hadn't thought through this scenario and she wasn't sure what he was saying was that they could be friends. But she heard the second part and she lowered her head a bit, tears still threatening, even though she was trained never to cry in public unless on camera, she was having a hard time stopping them. "I'm so sorry Blaine," she shared as he found herself not able to look at him out of shame for a few moments before she looked back towards him. "I...I want to know what I can do to make you feel comfortable. I don't want to lose the friendship we have, and I know it could take awhile to get back there, but I'm very willing to put the work in to make sure you know how much I care. But, if you...if it's best for you that we don't be friends, I don't want to make this hard on you." The last sentence hurt her, the pain clear on her face as she looked back down so she could hide the tears.
Blaine ran a hand over his hair, watching August for a moment as the guilt began to set in. He hated making people cry, but at the same time he had to advocate for himself. "I know you're sorry, and I do want to move past it. I think... I just think maybe we could use some space. Take a step back... together, you know? I'm not going to ignore you, but... I think going back to titling and first name basis is a good idea." Pursing his lips for a moment, he clasped his hands together in his lap, starting to bounce his knee anxiously. "I'm also not saying you're a bad person. Or even a bad friend. I know I'm 100% responsible for my own feelings on certain topics, but I do need to take care of myself."
She was trying her best to control the rush of emotions she was feeling, she moved her hand from underneath her to wipe at her eyes, the impulse to hate the fact she was crying, the way she could feel her mother's judgement on her weakness seeping into her as she did her best to listen to Blaine. August had so many friendships she had tarnished and was having to rebuild and who even knew if they still wanted her in their lives. She wanted so badly to say that she didn't want those things, to plead, but that would just make him more uncomfortable so she moved to meet his eyes, and through the small gasps of breath she could manage she shared, "If...if that's what you think is best." She heard him and gave a nod, "I want you to take care of yourself too, Blaine," she could hear the strain in her voice but didn't know how to control it.
Blaine nodded, offering August an anxious smile as he took the glass of water from the waitress, quickly thanking her before sipping from it. His gaze followed the woman as she left before returning to the Switch across from him once more. "I do, but... is there anything I can do to help you, Fire Lord? Like, be comfortable with everything?" He'd noticed her redirect the attention back to him before, but he did feel like it was important information.
There was a lot of thoughts going through her mind and him asking her about what he could do to help, August hated asking for help in the first place. But she didn't know how to answer him, because she just felt like it was selfish to ask him to make her feel comfortable with him not wanting to be friends with her. She finally said, "I don't really have a good answer at the moment, Blaine. I don't feel like it's fair for me to ask you to do anything to make me feel better, when I was the one who caused this to begin with. I just want to thank you for being you, Blaine." She said as she tried her best not to choke up as she shared that with him. "And just, I'll go at your pace."
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writingonesdreams · 4 years
1400 words. Kyler’s memories about the Heir trials. Warnings for angst and tragedy.
It all starts with Acacia insisting he should write a journal.
The idea is ridiculous so he doesn’t even consider it. What is the point of writing down his own thoughts? The information he has and remembers? Quite the pointless activity.
But she insists it’s amazing, freeing and helps with focus. That it’s somewhere safe to talk to, to deal. And she leaves a very inviting looking empty notebook in dark leather with an old-style ink pen on his desk.
At least she doesn’t say it’s therapeutic. That would be the last drop.
He glares at it every time he walks by. Acacia put the stupid idea into his head. So one afternoon he gives in, just to get her of his back. He can just try and tell her it didn’t work and it will be over.
He isn’t sure why he can’t just outright lie. It feels too wrong to lie to her. Another thing she has taken from him.
Sitting down, he knows she means well, and that’s something that confuses and fascinates him at the same time.
He refuses to write about the thing he suspects she wants him to confess though. No, this is not a trauma session and he isn’t doing this for himself. He is following a whim and nothing more.
The ink pen slides smoothly on the paper. He starts with something simple, something at least a bit worth remembering. How the quit mornings in the forest remind him of the smell of damp grass before sunrise at the training fields. He used to go there before the other clones woke up and he was the last one to leave.
The training routines. The magic techniques. The sequence of movements. He can work with that. Those are safe points, practical and worth dwelling on. So he describes them in painful detail, as if it was tomorrow he would have his tests again.
As if he was leaving materials for the younger ones to learn from.
He turns the page abruptly at the dangerous direction. This is not about him, not about the future, not about the clones.
But what else is there to write about? He doesn’t have much else.
The first time he met Acacia at the battlefield. Her hair shining on the sun in all shades of gold. He latches onto that, on all his first impressions, on the battle strategy, on pinpointing her weaknesses.
When she was hanging from the chains in the prison, her face too bright for such a hopeless place. No, that’s not it.
He would much rather write about seeing her strong and friendly and bold. The paper rustles under his hands. There is no Acacia without the hideout, the Rogue Mages. So he writes about them - the routines, the daily regime, the guarding shifts...
No no no. This isn’t a report to hand over after a mission. This is not a paper for his Father. If he wants to write for himself, he has to let go of the truth, of the objectivity, of the cold detachment.
Focus on the emotion.
Seeing Mira in the garden, balancing on one leg in a comical yoga position. Casey playing basketball with kids. Jayden grinning as he reads a sappy romance novel at the porch.
The images, the smells, the colors. Biased, personal, unapologetic. How it made him feel and why it mattered.
The scales running up Wes’s arm, his smile far from sheepish. Elsa playing the electric piano in the kitchen. Nike taking his hand to show him the sunset. The first time in so long that someone wasn’t afraid of him.
The peaceful image is replaced by Grayson’s hunted face, as shadows from the camp fire flash over him.
His eyes reflecting his own, it brings him to the other eyes in the dark, to that night again.
No no no. Not going there.
His chest feels heavy aa he tries to move on. The loud music shaking the walls. Mira’s horrible singing as she cuts the fruits. The raven perched at the window.
The days spent holed in his room after dinner, training more than was scheduled for the day. He has to be the best. Nothing can be left to luck.
His writing becomes more frantic, scribbles that are too quick and bent to be readable. There is no logical thread anymore, the scenes replace each other incoherently, jumping between times and people.
No one is going to read this. He can burn it right after it’s finished. It doesn’t matter what he says here.
A cramp pierces his hand, but the need is burning him too much to let go of the pen.
The image of Acacia and Casey playfully sparring in the field interrupted by his own hands clashing with a pair of identical ones. He can’t have a bruise from this, he has to be strong enough not to let this hurt him.
It’s as if some imagined barrage broke and the memories flood him, overwhelm him, one by one.
Joking conversations in the cafeteria. Sneaking around the alarms to climb on the roof. Tyler playing on a flute. Where the hell did he get it? Such a useless thing.
Tyler smiling down at him, when he does something right. Giving him tips in secret in the locker room. Greeting the others as if he expected a greeting back.
The odd one, the friendly one, the risky one. He was known for it. They were all suspicious and yet no one could resist him.
Tyler. Tyler. Tyler. He writes down the name in the middle of a blank page. And then he can’t stop. He writes it down, again and again, fills the pages with his brother’s name.
Years of suppressed memories. Years of silence, when he didn’t dare to think about him, remember him, mourn him. Years since he would let himself even whisper his name.
And now it is everywhere. He can’t stop. Sweat slicks down his back, his breathing becomes heavy, his arm is burning. The sunny afternoon sky long since turned into deep darkness.
He doesn’t want to let that name go, despite the dread that resurfaces with it. Tyler has been hunting him in his dreams for the past few months. Since meeting Wes, since the argument with Grayson, since he let himself get involved with all of them.
Tyler, who was helping out the clones and never got any worse himself. Tyler who smiled as if he didn’t need a reason for it. Tyler, who was there with him at the Heir Trials.
They have shared the dark together, the realization. They were handpicked to be the best clones, having the best mindset, the most potential. The best from the best. It was a promise and a pride to be selected for the trials. It took them being sent to the forest in a survival test to realize, how wrong they were.
That this wasn’t training or a test. It wasn’t meant to be fair. Their promise of bright future turned into a gladiator fight. And only one could be left standing.
He watched his brothers destroyed in various ways. Some have gotten too slowed down by denial or by helping an injured one. Some fell to panic and some to despair. Some gave up during a fight and others would just kill themselves.
Until it was only him and Tyler.
His hands were shaking as he gripped the pen like a sword, carving the words right into his heart.
Tyler who was too strong to die, but too weak to live. Tyler who was supposed to win, but his heart betrayed him. Tyler who smiled at him even then, as blood dripped from his lips, as he touched his cheek gently, for the last time.
In apology, forgiveness or plain kindness, he wasn’t sure.
Kyler lets the pen go, the falling noise waking him up from the zone. There it was, written, tangible, in the open. The paper drinking it all up, the pain, the horror, the guilt. The love.
There was nothing left to say.
He can’t look at the notebook, almost completely filled with his scribbles. The cover slides shut.
Kyler stumbles to his bed, feeling completely drained. There is no peace, as far as he can tell - just emptiness, with all his strength stuck on the page between the lines.
Before he can wonder about the point, he falls asleep. 
And it’s the first night in three months that he doesn’t dream.
Wip tag list:
@thewalkingnerdx @kosmosian-quills  @kittensartswriting @cilly-the-writer @beanenigma @this-is-where-i-write-stuff @sybil-writes @mjmnorwood @stories-by-rie @fields-of-ink @sunlight-and-starskies @skwilliterate @mudtomagic @writingwithhotchocolate @lyssthewriter @missbrunettebarbie-writer
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neocrush · 3 years
AND FUCK THAT ANON WHO TOLD U URE JUST DREAMING! i shift, not asleep, not dreaming, consciously wandering through an alternate reality that i can return to with the same memories flooding back
exactly <3 thank you for the affirmations lovie !! i hope you’re having an amazing day/night <3 111
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blood-mocha-latte · 5 months
shotgunning a sleeve of ritz crackers before a shift like a lady snorting cocaine before going to a dance
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COS snippet #22
this one’s a bit long too.......right after the events of the last one
Lyssa opened her eyes slowly, her head pounding miserably. The morning was still gray with cold, absent of all sunshine and it took her a while to realize where she was. Her arm ached badly, temporarily distracting her until the memories of last night rose to the surface.
It stole the breath from her lungs, and she made a choked sound, her tears all used up, so she was denied even of the luxury of catharsis.
Xander, Xan, her brother.
And it was all her fault.
She let out a shuddering breath, and looked around her, her eyes tight from crying and caught sight of Kai asleep on a cot near her. Slightly surprised, she wedged an arm under herself and tried to sit up. Agony cut through her and she made a sound, collapsing back against the cushions behind her.
She couldn’t even sit up.
She couldn’t do anything.
Never had been capable.
She ddin’t deserve the release of tears.
“Lyss?” Kai opened his eyes, his voice thick with sleep.
“I’m awake,” she said, coughing to clear the hoarseness in her throat. “You slept the whole night here?”
“Of course not,” he rolled his eyes. “Ya think I’m an idiot?”
“Of course I do,” she tried to smile, but couldn’t muster the energy to do so.
“Here's some water,” he said, moving to her side and handing her a glass of water. She drank slowly, the cool water rushing through her system. She hissed as she pressed a hand to her wound; her pulse was throbbing through the wound, and she could feel the thin strips of cloth growing damp with blood.
“Potion, please.”She took it gratefully from him and downed it in one gulp.
“All I do is work around you,” he scoffed, taking the empty vial from her.
“Sorry, not sorry,” she retorted weakly, shifting uncomfortably against the too warm cushions. He sighed, carefully, carefully helping her sit up, his touch barely there as he turned the cushions around and leaned her back against them.
He knelt down beside her. “Are you okay? And I mean emotionally.”
She swallowed, nodding, even as tears welled up in her eyes again. “I’m fine.”
Kai said nothing, gently pushing back some of the loose strands of hair behind her ears. “We heard that Xan’s missing.”
A ragged noise tore its way out of her throat and she let out a horrible sob, turning her face aside. Words bubbled up on her tongue and forced their way out. She needed to tell someone.
“Two of the soldiers caught at me off guard. And he was too far away to hit them with his knives.” She let out a choked noise. “He mind controlled one to kill the other, but the pain of that was already eating at him. Halfway out of the forest, he collapsed. We dragged ourselves to the shadows.”
She stopped, tears rolling down her face, her entire body trembling. The weight of everything that had happened was sinking down on her, crushing her heart and chest. It hurt so much to breath, it hurt so much.
Kai made a soothing noise, his eyes bright with unshed tears, face tight with emotion, and got up, coming back with a wet cloth that he handed to her. She pressed it to her face, grateful for the coolness, relaxing the tension in her.
“You can stop if you can’t talk about it.” He put a hand on her uninjured shoulder.
“No, I need to say it.” To understand that everything that happened was my fault. “The soldiers came and Xan told me to be quiet. He’d already sent up the signal flare. And he went out, and mind controlled a soldier who was about to find me. He got knocked out, and I passed out from blood loss.”
Kai was silent, as he got up and brought her another glass of water. She shook her head at him. She should drown for her sins, be deprived of everything for abandoning her brother.
“Drink it, kejan,” he said, pushing it into her hand, and she gulped it down, almost hating Kai for making her drink it.
“Don’t talk like that.” The glass fell onto the cot, loosed from her weak grasp.
“Don’t talk like what?” He looked at her confusedly, perching on the cot next to her.
Like you care.
“I don’t know,” she said, sitting up a little more now that the pain in her arm had dulled. “You’re not teasing or making fun of me.”
“You really think I would do that now?” he asked, running a hand through his hair. “I didn’t know I acted that badly towards you.”
“No, no, no, never mind,” she sighed, shaking her head, cupping his chin and smiling weakly at him. “You’re perfectly fine.”
“But you’re not, kejan.”
The gentleness in Kai’s voice, the understanding broke her heart.
“He pushed me away, he was crying,” she whispered. “He was just as scared as I was. He didn't even say he loved me, just told me to be quiet. I always said,” her voice caught, “That I would follow him to the end of the earth, but when it mattered the most, I didn’t. It was my fault. I’m the reason he was taken.”
“I’m the reason he might be dead.”
“Would you say that it was Xan’s fault if you were taken instead of him?”
“I would never have to be put in that situation because I’m too weak,” she said miserably, “I always hoped that I would be strong enough. I guess I’m not.”
“Lyss, you and Xan have always done everything for each other. Some day, this way or not, it would have come to this and you know that. It doesn’t make everything right, it’s not your fault, but we can make it right. And we will get him back.”
“What if he’s dead?”
“He’s not. His ability is too special for him to get killed.”
She nodded, taking deep breaths, alarm flaring in her eyes.  “Did the kids see me come in?”
Kai shifted uncomfortably. “Yeah.”
“Oh, no,” she moaned. “They must be so worried.”
“It’s alright, I put them to bed and they know that you’re fine. They know about Xan, but I don’t think they understand all of it yet.”
‘Thank you, Kai-kai,” Lyssa sighed. “Thank you.”
“Yeah,” he shrugged, raking a hand through his hair. He was so tense, he looked like he was ready to jump out of his skin any moment. His eyes had deep hollows under him.
Xan is like a brother to him too, Lyssa thought, he is hurting inside nearly as much as I. Poor Kai, to have to be so strong even as he shatters with pain.
He glanced out the windows, snapping his fingers, and lighting the lamps in one breath, filling the room with gold light.
"When the little ones wake up, will you bring them in?”
“'Course,” he knelt down beside her once more. “Do you want anything else?”
“I’m fine,” she said. “The healer will be here soon.”
"Are you sure?” he asked, a little anxiety entering his tone. “I can steal you food, get you your herbal journal.”
He wants to do something to be helpful, he wants a distraction.  
“Can you rebraid my hair?”
He shrugged. “Sure.”
It took her a few moments to get to a position where she wasn’t leaning completely against the cot. Her shoulder was hurting a little less, but she could already tell that it would be many weeks until it was fully recovered.
“Did they wash your hair?” he asked, undoing her tie and putting it into her hand.
“Well, is there blood or not?”
“Nah,” he said, gently parting her hair. She closed her eyes, too worn out to cry, the gaping hole in her heart still there. If she even thought about it, sorrow tore through her. She was standing on the edge, every second about to fall in.
Distract, distract, distract. I can’t get Xan him back if I succumb to the sadness, she thought fiercely. A few moments later, Kai took the tie from her and finished the braid.
“Thank you,” she said gratefully, feeling a little more put together. She reached up with her free hand and wrapped her arm around him. A shudder ran through him, and she could feel the agony he had gone through tearing him apart for a moment as they shared the same utter devastation. A few tears wet the shoulder of her tunic, and she clung tighter to him.
That was how they had always worked. Each unwilling to share their weakness until the end, close but always not too close.
Both so broken, so different, so inherently wrong for each other. What could have been never would occur.
It would destroy them in the end, she knew, but they were still young, and there was still time to hope. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Tagging: @writingqueensworld @dowings @sunlight-and-starskies @quilloftheclouds​ @joyful-soul-collector  @thescholarsninja  @stuffaboutwriting @panic-at-my-sexuality  @nomadian-novelist @waterfallofinkandpages @tragedyshow @onthewingsofwords @writingonesdreams @stories-by-rie  @qlpwrites
Let me know if you want to be added/removed from the tag list!
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recentanimenews · 3 years
Re: Zero – 42 – Memory Spring
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Echidna accompanies Emilia into her recently unsealed memories, ever ready for stinging vitriol (she really is notably more hostile to Emilia than Subaru…but that would be Envy, not Greed!). After a literally cold open in which a naked young Emilia first meets Puck, Emilia and Echidna begin the journey in earlier, warmer, happier, and distinctly more fairy tale-ish times. Lil’ Lia, we find, is often cooped up in the “Princess Room” within a tree, but is otherwise lovingly cared for by Mother Fortuna (Tomatsu Haruka).
Fortuna is not her actual mother but her aunt; her brother’s younger sister. One day, while particularly bored, a lesser spirit—Lia actually refers to it as a “fairy”—leads her to a loose stone in the room. Takahashi Rie does a masterful job making her sound not just like a higher-pitched Emilia, but with the speech patterns and sounds of an actual little kid.
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The space behind the stone leads out of the tree, and the spring Lia revels in being able to stretch her legs. It’s while she’s sneaking around the margins of the elf village that we non LN readers receive the first genuine shock of this flashback: our boy Petelgeuse Romanee-Conti, back then a humble bishop, not only looked normal, but seemed like a pretty nice guy!
“Geuse” and Fortuna go back decades, and you can sense that long history in their effortless chemistry and gentle flirtation. Whether of the Witch’s Cult or some other order, Geuse and a group acolytes apparently make regular visits to the village in Elior Forest, both to deliver supplies and so Geuse can receive confirmation from Fortuna that “the seal is intact.”
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Lil’ Lia knows she’s not supposed to be out and about, so even after the fairies help clean her up a little, she spills blue ink on her outfit to hide the dirt and grass stains. If Fortuna doesn’t buy it, she doesn’t tell Lia, instead hugging her and telling her she missed her even in the brief time they were apart. Lia, even back then someone quick to comfort others, places her little hand on Fortuna’s head.
While this is a helpful introduction to the places and players of the past, this initial stirng of memories isn’t yet enough for present-day Emilia. Fortuna and Geuse mentioned a seal, so Lia needs to keep soaking up these memories. They include the elf Archi giving Lia some nuts to snack on, and another visit from Geuse, who inadvertently flirts more with Fortuna. They really do make a cute couple.
Geuse also mentions that affairs outside the forest are “dubious at the moment”, so it’s more vital than ever the seal remain intact. He mentions Emilia, but also “the two of them”—her mother and father, perhaps. Emilia and Echidna follow Lil’ Lia to the famous seal itself, an ornate black door in a glade carpeted with snow all year long. Lia pushes the door, but it won’t budge…which is probably for the best at that point!
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Outside, Subie cries about Gar having seen his supportive etchings for Emilia before she did, but both Gar and Otto tell him to buck up. As they wait outside the Graveyard for Lia to return, Ram comes by to tell Subie that Ryuzu Shima wants to talk to him about “a subject that is unavoidable if you wish to liberate the sanctuary”. Wait, Lia passing the trial won’t be enough to do that? What am I saying; of course it won’t be…
Back in the flashback, Lil’ Lia is sneaking around the woods when she’s spotted by Geuse, who I thought was about to say something that would reveal that he’s actually evil, but nothing ever comes of that. Instead, he acts more “Geuseian” (at least as we know him) than he had to that point when he spots Lia and realizes who she is.
His face contorts just a bit as he sheds tears of joy for being granted “salvation like never before.” Is this because of Lia’s resemblance to more than one Witch of his cult, his regard for Lia’s importance to the seal, or both? In any case, Lil’ Lia learns from him that people can cry out of happiness too, and because she’s such a good girl, she gives him a hug and strokes his head, telling him it will be okay.
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It’s at this point Echidna tells Emilia she’s quickly approaching the end of the “warm-up round” and the beginning of the part of the trial that utterly broke her before. While Emilia knows Subaru wouldn’t think any less of her for depending on him, and she’s scared of what’s to come, she won’t cower any longer.
She’s going to take this as far as she can. Rather than voice her esteem for Emilia’s determination, Echidna tells her she’ll “find satisfaction” in her “suffering”. Looking every bit like a dreamlike fairy tale for its entire runtime, the warm pastoral greens of the beginning shift to a cooler, moodier, more foreboding purples and blues.
Emilia insists that Fortuna and Geuse play chase with her. Geuse is out of breath, so Fortuna snatches her up and imparts in her the importance of making and keeping promises. Emilia then summons her fairy friends, which identifies her as a future spirit user. Geuse tells her they’ll be her strength when no one is by her side, but Fortuna would just as soon not think about such scenarios, promising she’ll always be there for Lia.
When Geuse accidentally lets slip something about Lia’s parents (mentioning the days they were “well”, implying they aren’t well now), Fortuna has Lia run back home to the Princess Room…but before she can go, someone approaches, wearing a fancy white cloak. He gets pissy and verbose about Fortuna asking who he is before introducing herself, but he eventually tells her: he’s Archbishop of the Witch’s Cult, representing Greed: Regulus Corneas. As Echidna warned, the tough portion of this stroll down memory lane has arrived in earnest.
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By: magicalchurlsukui
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