#rene binder
thefoxholecast · 3 months
The Original Foxhole Court Extra Content (Archived from Nora Sakavic’s Tumblr)
We copied the following text directly from the pre-2024 version of the Foxhole Court Extra Content page on Nora Sakavic’s Tumblr blog (korakos.tumblr.com/fox). In March 2024, she did “some spring cleaning” by shortening the list of links and deleting/hiding old posts. The links in this copy lead to archived snapshots of the old posts on the Internet Archive Wayback Machine.
Some of the links are broken. If you have copies of these posts, please let us know so we can fill in missing content!
Because Tumblr only allows up to 100 links per post, we're unable to replicate the full list here. View the full list of links on our blog here: thefoxholecast.tumblr.com/FoxArchive
The Foxhole Court
ETA 2023: most of the posts here are from 2013-2015. Some of them overlap with older drafts. Some answers have evolved over time, even if they haven’t been updated here. Most I haven’t changed my mind on, for better or worse. Take ‘em or leave ‘em, and good luck making sense of ‘em around all the drunk rambling and detours. One day if I have the energy I’ll just sort it into a coherent reference.
Two sections here: the questions submitted by tumblr users, and a miscellaneous collection of stories & factoids pulled from the oft-neglected blog. The questions aren’t in any particular order, though I did try to organize them by subject matter. Ish. Once the dust is settled a bit I’ll try to find a better sorting system. Also, the tumblr tag I use for questions is http://korakos.tumblr.com/tagged/foxhole-court-questions-and-spoilers
Lots of spoilers for The Foxhole Court ahead!
Preface: Why are Asks disabled in 2016?
—Exy Rules & Regulations
—Exy: A History of the Sport
—Palmetto State University
—The original “What Happens After King’s Men” post
—SON NEFES, the cousins’ freshman year through Renee’s eyes
——One . Two . Three . Four . Five
—Nicky Hemmick
—Seth Gordon
—Aaron Minyard
—Matt Boyd
—Kevin & Andrew
—David Wymack & the Monsters
—Wymack & Andrew re: Neil
—Dan Wilds is recruited to the Foxes *
—Allison through Dan & Renee’s eyes *
——pulled from an abandoned, unfinished book about the Foxes’ women
—Neil’s life on the run
—Do they ever celebrate Neil’s birthday?
—What if Neil told the truth earlier?
—Neil through the Foxes’ eyes
—Neil through Ichirou’s eyes
—Neil’s looks post-book and relationship with his reflection
—Does Neil ever talk to Bee?
—Neil’s millions
—Neil’s fight training
—Who’s Neil closest to beside Andrew
—Neil’s fashion style
—Cellphone ringtone
—Christmas/birthday presents for Foxes
—Does Neil ever cry?
—Neil’s lonely fifth year
—When Neil’s overwhelmed
—Does Neil crush on his teammates?
—Neil & Ichirou’s intimidation
—Andrew’s sober look at his teammates & Neil
—How did Andrew react to Cass’s letter?
—Andrew’s medication and the follow-up
—Has Abby seen Andrew’s scars?
—Andrew & Mama Bee
—Andrew & Roland
—How far has Andrew willingly gone?
—What animal figurine did Andrew buy Betsy?
—Andrew’s eye color
—Andrew’s opinion of the cats
—What’d Andrew say to Nicky in TKM?
—Andrew’s honest opinion of Exy
—Andrew’s thoughts on Neil’s binder
—Andrew and his sexuality
—If Andrew had met Neil’s mother
—Andrew’s thoughts on Neil’s sexuality
—Andrew’s fondest memory of Neil
—Andrew’s aforementioned withdrawal
—Do you think Andrew is really really really awesome?
—Proust and Andrew
—What happens to Proust?
—Andrew’s reaction to Neil’s bday blood
—Andrew on Neil eventually changing out
—Does Andrew get grumpy?
—Does Andrew get less dead inside?
—Does Andrew call Neil by his name?
—Why give the Foxes crackers?
—Andrew’s first choices in winning a fight
—Who liked knives?
—What got chopped from Drake’s arc?
—Does Andrew get off thinking about Neil?
—Post Andrew & Bee’s side story?
—When did Andrew start thinking Neil was interesting?
—Any other words he can’t stand?
—What does he think about nicknames?
—Explain Andrew’s fatal disease in the comic version
—Andrew’s canon mental state
—How did Andrew not know about Tilda’s abuse?
—Why punch Neil for “Sorry”, and when Andrew is sick
—What’s with Andrew and promises
—Andrew’s thoughts on Roland’s premature confession
—Andrew’s arrest
—Wanting nothing vs not wanting anything
—Why was Andrew laughing after Drake?
—If Neil had chosen Dan & Matt over Andrew
—The other 10%
—Which teammate caught on first?
—Do Andrew & Neil go on dates?
—When did they first hold hands?
—When did Andrew clue in?
—Exites self-censure
—Betsy’s & Aaron’s reactions to the news
—Roland’s opinion of things
—The breaking point
—Who tops?
—On tying people up
—Their domestic life aka Sir Fat Cat
—I love you
—Andrew and the bed issue
—Do they learn to talk to each other?
—Blaming Neil for Drake
—Andrew comforting Neil?
—Neil’s fondest memory of Andrew
—Neil getting Andrew off for the first time
—Neil seeing Andrew naked
—Neil & the sex how-to
—How was the first time
—Where’d it happen?
—When was their first hug?
—“I won’t let you let me be”
—Their roadtrips
—Neil waking Andrew up
—Andrew’s real smile
—How does Andrew show appreciation for Neil
—Their happiest moments
—Does Neil ever make Andrew laugh?
—Does Andrew take comfort in Neil
—Does Andrew get protective/possessive?
—Doesn’t Neil crave affection?
—Andrew re: Neil’s panic attacks
—Media reaction to Andrew/Neil
—Further reaction to Andrew/Neil
—On “accidentally” sitting in laps
—What if Andrew died?
—What if Neil died?
—Reaction to getting hit on by others
—Do they celebrate anniversaries?
—The first time Neil pushes Andrew down
—How tall are the Foxes?
—Why is everyone so short?
—Where did their names come from?
—What were their majors?
—What do the Foxes look like?
—What are their Hogwarts houses?
—Reaction to the kidnapping
—Do Neil & Renee become friends?
—What did Allison do with Seth’s urn?
—Nicky’s evolution over the drafts
—Do the Foxes get their skiing trip?
—Does Andrew know Nicky kissed Neil?
—When did Aaron & Katelyn fall for each other?
—How did Andrew and Wymack end up handcuffed together?
—Kevin’s favorite things
—Kevin and Andrew’s on-court kerfuffle
—Dan’s haircut
—Dan & Matt’s relationship
—Dan & Matt’s first kiss
—Matt bouncing back from Columbia
—Matt rooming with the monsters
—The other what-if OT3 aka D/M/N and the dynamic
—Do Allison and Renee have the hots for each other?
—Matt forgiving his father
—Any mistletoe shenanigans?
—Thanksgiving and the Foxes
—Kevin’s best friend
—Janie Smalls
—How did Kevin and Thea meet?
—Foxes’ favorite ice cream flavors
—Kevin & Andrew’s on-court argument
—Foxes’ taste in music
—Kevin’s middle name & drink of choice
—Do Kevin & Neil want to kiss?
—Which Fox would Kevin kiss, then?
—Kevin’s best non-Exy memory
—Allison’s three bets
—Why is Allison’s middle name Jamaica
—Kevin, Andrew, and Neil staying friends
—“Joan of Exy”?
—Can the Foxes sing?
—Some of the Foxes’ previous bets
—Do Nicky & Allison become friends?
—Are Foxes based on RL people?
—Nicky when Neil asks about friendship
—Dan & the monsters in Columbia
—What if Kevin was killed?
—Renee and her near-death experiences
—More background available on Renee?
—Why doesn’t Aaron let the Foxes in?
—Team’s reaction to Drake, Andrew’s reaction to being outed
—Andrew & Aaron’s time with Tilda
—Does Aaron reconcile with Andrew over Tilda?
—Nicky & his parents after Drake
—Foxes thoughts in Baltimore
—The Pro Teams
—The Weddings
—Neil as the Best Man?
—Kevin after TKM —Thea, Jean, Foxes, and Riko
—How does Kevin & Wymack’s relationship evolve?
—Renee after TKM
—Nicky after TKM
—Aaron after TKM
—Allison after TKM
—Dan & Matt after TKM
—Dan and the US Court
—Any pro-period scandals?
—Andrew & Neil’s relationship with their team
—Would Neil hold Matt’s children?
—Neil & babysitting the Foxes’ kids
—Which Fox’s child would curse first
—Who is Robin Cross?
—Neil and Jack
—Andrew’s reaction to Neil punching Jack
—Foxes’ reaction to Neil punching
—Kevin and Jack
—Neil’s new recruit
—Andrew and Jack
—Who is Riko Moriyama?
—Riko & Kevin’s evolving relationship
—More about Riko & Kevin’s past
—How did Riko break Kevin’s hand
—Riko’s brutality toward Jean
—Any draft where Riko wasn’t killed?
—Were Riko, Kevin, and Jean involved sexually?
—Does the Fox-Trojan rematch happen? Also how do the Trojans & Jean get along?
—Do Alvarez & Laila (Trojans) have backstories?
—Thea’s number & thoughts on Raven brutality
—Kayleigh Day & David Wymack
—Abby Winfield & David Wymack
—Wymack’s parents
—Did Wymack cry during the trilogy?
—Did Kayleigh know about the Moriyamas?
Nora & the Foxes
—Fancast and Andrew
—Changing opinion of Foxes over the years
—Bits of the scrapped K/N/A threesome here and here
—The KxAxN AU where Kevin died
—Will there be a sequel?
—What inspired you to develop Exy?
—Fox fanfictions, collected by coldsaturn
—Why a pseudonym?
—What came first, characters or story?
—Were you the artist of the comic version?
—What did the comic-Foxes look like?
—What do you do when you’re not writing?
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alexownsfandoms · 4 months
I have a hyperfixation so here is a whole bunch of mean girls (specifically the 2024 one) head canons:
In celebration of getting both Janis and Damian being canonically queer
Cady is bi (edit: she's demisexual)
Regina is a lesbian
Karen is pan
Gretchen is unlabeled (edit: she's probably also ace (thanks to the person who commented))
Aaron is also bi
Janis uses She/They prns
Before the whole dethroning of Regina, Gretchen had the biggest crush on her. I MEAN C'MON! you're telling me "What's Wrong With Me?" isn't a love confession?
Janis is buff. She took up art and working out/track as a way to cope after Regina. Nobody will physically bully her now bc of it.
Janis does not own a single item of clothing does not have some form of paint on it
Almost all of Janis's clothing are customized
Cady post-plastic still kept her plastic style but made it more comfortable (aka no heels) and meshed it with her style pre-plastic. Lots of cardigans and pleated skirts. Lots of blue and pastels too
Gretchen has either a very thorough and organized binder or notes app of everybodies information. like stalker level shit. she would like even have their astrological chart
Gretchen has autism (undiagnosed) and a very crippling anxiety disorder (diagnosed post-plastic)
Cady has also has autism (Probably is diagnosed during plastics era)
Karen is dyslexic
Regina's love language is physical touch (solely based off of all of renee rapp's interviews)
Gretchen's is words of affirmation
Janis's is also physical touch
Cady's is quality time
Karen's is acts of service
Regina got the idea of joining the lacrosse team bc after Janis got outed she joined the track team as a way to focus on smth else
Post-plastics Regina and Janis for a good few months would bicker but at the same time be flirting: "oh go fuck yourself" "oh I bet you would love to watch that"
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thefoxesraven · 5 months
@paradoxolotl wrote one of the cutest andreil fics, Necromancy for Children, and I love it because it makes Neil work at the place I currently work at! BAB, or Build a Bear Workshop.
However, because I work at BAB now, all I can think about (with the lovely @jtl-fics encouraging) an AFTG AU where the foxes are a team of Bear Builders. Wymack is the General Manager, Abby is the Assistant Manger, Dan, Allison, Renee, and Seth are all team leads (Matt is in training to become a lead as well they just need to hire more builders first) and the Monsters are the rest of the crew.
Kevin transfered in from the West Virginia branch to the south Carolina branch because he recently found out that Wymack is his dad but oh no, now his dad is his boss.
This is not Aaron's only job as he pushes himself through medical school. He also works at the cafe that everyone frequents because it's just a walk across the street away. Sometimes, he even comes into BAB smelling like coffee and pastries. He also has another job at a book store closer to the apartment he, Andrew, Nicky, and now Kevin all share. Now Kaitlyn also works at the cafe and the bookstore. However, she and Aaron met during their classes then found out later that they also worked together.
Andrew is just there for the kids. He doesn't express it, but he likes how the young kids light up when he's helping them build their new friends. Andrew is also working for his tuition but he's going to community College to improve his writing skills as he works on his manuscript.
Nicky once again is in the US for the twins. Adopting them as soon as he was able and working hard until they also started working. Nicky is the other person along Matt in the run to be a Team Lead. They just need more employees first.
Neil is a new hire that everyone is unsure of, besides Kevin. Kevin saw him interview at his old store then never saw him return even after his old Managers spoke highly of his interview. He's not inexperienced, though. He's worked at multiple BABs and knows the rules and standards by heart. The binders are his Bible. He'll read them for fun. Master of the Bonus Club captures and Bonus Gift Cards.
Matt is a relatively new hire that was hired on seasoned a year or two ago that just stayed after everyone else left. He and Seth got along immediately, which led Seth and Allison setting him up with Dan as a little double date senario. Renee and Matt used to work together at a local bookstore, but they were let go when the owner couldn't keep it running. Matt ended up working at a sports store, his unique knowledge of boxing coming in handy while Renee went into retail at a small clothing business catered to folks looking for stylish clothes that also followed religious modesty requirements.
Seth is the longest employee besides Wymack and Abby (they've been at this store sense it was first opened). He was, in fact, one of the first people Wymack and Abby hired after getting promoted. Seth, by experience, knows the rules and regulations by heart. He helped Allison, Renee, and Dan all learn the ropes.
Dan and Allison were both interviewed and hired and trained the same days. They quickly became bffs and Dan and Renee had a friendly competition when she was hired on. The girls have become so close they hang out outside if work frequently. Wymack and Abby learned to schedule them at least one day off that lines up.
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bellafragolina · 2 years
Physical Memories
Oshawott is her favorite. The little otter is full of energy, always wanting to wrestle and pounce the other Pokémon. His energy persists even through the most eventful of days, as shown in this moment.
Ren flexes her hand, and Oshawott quickly bites at in, blunt teeth gnawing at her skin as he paws her arm closer. She snickers, chest aching with fondness and. . . something else. Nostalgia? She doesn’t know for sure.
A scuffling sound draws her attention from Oshawott. Ren watches the leather binder slide across the kotatsu towards her, flanked by little hands. Rei cocks his head, smiling as he pushes the book closer.
“Got your photos developed.” He chirps. Ren grins, reaching to flip the book open with her free hand. Oshawott tries to climb her arm as she studies the photos. It sniffs the one of a Crowbat she took.
“Thank you, Rei.” Ren says, happy to see the photos developed at last. She had wanted to develop them herself, but Laventon had insisted they let a “professional” handle them. The word rubs her wrong even now, looking at the finished product; Ren considers herself a professional, despite her initial clumsiness with the camera.
“You sure take a lot of photos.” Rei comments, holding up a photo of Oshawott and Rei’s Rowlett, both mid-tussle for Oshawott’s shell, now dubbed a scalchop by the professor.
“Nothing wrong with taking photographs!” Comes the devil himself. Rei scrambles around the kotatsu to sit by Ren, allowing Laventon to settle where he was. The professor sets a thick, stuffed binder onto the table, but focuses on the open album instead of his personal dex. “It has certainly helped excel the progress of the Pokédex.”
“Ehehe.” Ren giggles, her hands covering her cheeks. Oshawott gnaws at her wrist. “Ah, I like taking pictures of Pokémon.”
“And of people.” Rei shouts, shoving himself against Ren to point out the photos with people in them. “You’ve taken as many photos of the Survey Corps as you have of Pokémon!”
Laventon picks up one of the photos. It shines, just like the people in it. Rei and Laventon both stand straight, the latter with his hands proudly on his protégé’s shoulders.
Ren takes the picture when offered, and gives it a fond smile. “I guess I do.”
“Nothing wrong with it.” Laventon says again, voice softer than the side eye he sends Rei. The boy hugs Ren’s side, only to yelp when Oshawott flops over onto his head with a squeal. “I’m quite happy you enjoy photography so much, my dear. It’s rather nice to share the hobby with you!”
Ren just hums. She rests the photo of her closest friends face down, and takes a pen. With a careful hand, she writes on it. Her boys watch on, curious.
‘Professor Laventon and Rei of the Survey Corps’
“There.” Renee says, blowing away the dust. Oshawott pokes his head up over the edge of the table, peering at the picture it’s shown. “Now I won’t ever forget you too.”
Instantly, Rei and Laventon meet eyes. Nothing is said, but Rei leans closer to Renee, rest against her. Laventon places his hand over hers, unaware of her bashful smile as he strokes her knuckles.
“We won’t ever forget you either.” Rei says firmly. “Never.”
Ren gives a shaky sigh in response. “. . . Thank you.”
I dunno, got sentimental about an amnesiac Ren in Hisui
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back2beesness · 2 years
Andrew: I fucking hate his guts. Renee. Renee. Listen to me. He’s a danger to Kevin. Don’t get me started on his weird binder thing. And look at his fucking SHORTS. No reasonable person owns those.
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laserrens · 6 days
Rengøring med laser: Den nye grønne teknologi til fjernelse af rust
Laserrensning er ved at revolutionere den måde, vi fjerner rust på og forbereder overflader til maling. Denne moderne metode bruger fokuserede laserstråler til at fjerne uønskede materialer som rust eller gammel maling uden at røre ved den underliggende overflade.Laserafrensningen kan også indstilles til at efterlade ruhed i materialet, således efterfølgende grundmaling binder rigitgt. Her har laser-rens ApS I samarbejde med Nørre Snede Autolak fået godkendt ruhed og renhed ved Deres producent ag maling i Tyskland.
Det er hurtigt, præcist og miljøvenligt, hvilket gør det til et fremragende valg for nærmest alle industrier.
Hvorfor laserrensning?
Præcision: Laserrensning er målrettet specifikke områder uden at beskadige de omkringliggende dele. Det er ideelt til sarte eller detaljerede overflader.
Miljøvenlig: Den producerer ikke sekundært affald eller kræver skadelige kemikalier og co2 fodaftrykket er ekstremt lavt i forhold til traditionelle afrensnings metoder, hvilket gør den til en meget renere løsning for miljøet.
Effektiv: Processen er hurtig og effektiv, hvilket reducerer nedetid og øger produktiviteten. Overfladerne efterlades rene, hvilket sikrer, at malingen hæfter bedre og holder længere.
Sikker for overflader: Da det er en berøringsfri metode, holder  den oprindelige overflade fri for skader, hvilket er afgørende for en glat finish.
Hvad kan laserrensning bruges til?
Fjernelse af rust
Laserrensning er fremragende til at fjerne rust uden at beskadige metallet nedenunder. Denne præcision bevarer metallets tykkelse og form og gør, at man undgår de problemer, som slibning kan medføre.
Forberedelse til maling
Den sikrer, at overfladerne er fri for forurening, hvilket giver en perfekt base for maling. Laseren kan endda skabe en mikroruhed på metallet, hvilket forbedrer malingens vedhæftning uden behov for kemiske primere.
Laserrensning giver en betydelig forbedring af rustfjernelse og overfladeforberedelse til maling. Dens præcision, miljømæssige fordele og effektivitet gør den til et bedre alternativ end traditionelle metoder. Efterhånden som denne teknologi udvikler sig, er den klar til at blive en nøglespiller inden for industriel rengøring og vedligeholdelse.
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heaven-s-black-box · 6 months
Seraph of Academia chpt.5
Return to File
Recovery date: March 25th, 2020
Description: Our favorite ONS teens training to be heroes! Will Yuu survive Guren's class? Will Yuu confess to Mika? And most importantly will the become heroes?
Notes: Unfortunately this series of entries was corrupted and recovery is unlikely, apologies for the inconvenience. This is an abandoned work
Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7---Quirk List
Word count: 587
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Akane picked up her binder and pencil case, and went over to her group's corner. Waiting for her was another girl with brown hair. Well, it was a brownish red. She looked like she was taking notes from her phone, Probably about our hero. Taking a seat beside her, she looked over and was met with rather detailed notes of his costume and functions.
“Are you a fan?”
“Wah!” The girl cried and turned to look at her, “Uhhh.... Huh?”
“Are you a fan?” She asked again, “Of freeze burn I mean.”
“Oh! I guess? I mean, my mom helps design some of the costumes at his agency. So I’ve met him before and he's pretty nice…”
Before they could continue with introductions, a boy pulled up a chair and joined them. His hair was a really pale blond.He looked kind of angry, or was he tired. Either way, this was a chance to make new friends. Akane opened her binder and pulled out her sketchbook, the boy looked like he couldn’t find his. So, Akane pulled out a page and handed it to him.
“Hm,” he hummed, looking up when she poked him, “Oh, uh thanks…”
“Akane, I’m Akane. And you two are?”
“I’m Kanemaru,” the boy said. “And this is Haruno,” he gestured to the girl, who looked up.
“Oh, you guys know each other?”
“Yep,” Haruno said, putting her notes down, “we went to junior high together.”
The morning had been interesting, Freeze burn wasn’t too hard to design a costume for. Akane had almost died of embarrassment when she realized she had started singing “Let it go”, this prompted a conversation about their families. The other two were only children, but they seemed to understand Akane’s struggle , and hatred, of children's movies Other than that it had been nice to make friends of her own.
Come lunch time, their assignment had been polished and turned in. Haruno had invited her to sit with them at lunch, and she gratefully accepted the break from her brothers. Toujo, their other friend, and Mitsuba joined them. A break from her brothers, This’ll be fun…
“Akane! Akane help!” she heard someone, probably Mika, yell from the direction of the noise.
She groaned and slumped into the table. Covering her head she began to mumble, “I don’t know them. I don’t know them.”
“Uhh,” Toujo started. “Akane?”
“Just ignore it,” Mitsuba said, eating like nothing was happening.
“Brothers?” Haruno asked, giving her a worried smile. She nodded.
The Group of them went back to eating, except Toujo. He kept staring behind the girls towards the noise. 
“Something wrong Toujo?” Knemaru asked, nudging him.
“Dear god,” Toujo mumbled.
Just then the room went silent. Of course the sudden silence was kind of scary, and the looks on Toujo and Kanemaru’s faces weren’t helpful. So of course, albeit reluctantly, they turned around. In a small area in the middle of the cafeteria, at least twenty people were laying on the ground. Just, laying there.
Standing in the middle of the sleeping students was a boy with black hair in a ponytail. Akane put her chopsticks down and ran over. The others followed her to check on everyone. 
“Rene. Why’d you do that?” Another boy asked, approaching the boy.
“They were being noisy. Where are the teachers? They should have done something.”
“Rene!” Norito-sensei stormed in, “ Using your quirk in the cafeteria is prohibited.”
“Head to the faculty room,” the teacher with him said, “We’ll deal with this.”
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paquettesdownfall · 1 year
Is Renee wearing a binder or something tonight? I know she isn't big in the breast area but in the Bunny and Hayter segment, she looks flat chested. Are her breasts like her belly was during the story pregnancy, ever changing size and shape?
Well, if you're wearing a dress that's at least 3 sizes too small, it kind of flattens everything out…although you could still see her flabby beer belly.
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yifeiyay · 3 years
good morning to asian le mans champions ferdinand habsburg, ye yifei and rene binder only 🥰
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bbcf1sundays · 7 years
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bellafragolina · 2 years
The one that difuse the tense atmosphere would be Lillie, Skia was in the other room with Ignos while Lusamine is having a moment with Mohn
They just found both of their fathers, who they presumed had died and was amnesiac (sadly, Ignos didn't remember anything about his family, poor Damian and Skia). No time to debate about an incident in the past!
Damian's still sour about it, but bears respect for the blonde boy for saving his sister (at least care for family topic could difuse the conflict)
And about the aftermath of ultra wormhole incident, Skia woke up and would cling to anyone nearby, in this case was Gladion since he's the lucky one to see the girl finally woke up. She clung onto him for dear life
Because she remembered a memory. "Storm", "tree falling", and "mom" put them together and we'll know what happened to the twin's mother (I'm so sorry)
-🦀 anon
I am at work and you make me cry like this. My boss is gonna see me sobbing over my laptop and binders and be like “wtf is your problem” and I’m gonna have to tell her you’ve absolutely destroyed me emotionally. Their dads! Their family! Skia’s back! Damian’s mad!
And the mom!!!!! God, you’re gonna kill me
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game-set-canet · 7 years
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prontaentrega · 5 years
I'm 10+ hours in school so idk when could i possibly wear a binder without fucking up my back and chest. Life is soup. I am fork.
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pt. two of things i gathered from reading nora's extra content :
part one and three and four
[tws : sexual assault, self-harm, substance abuse, overdosing]
- andrew once climbed the fence surrounding wymack's apartment and broke into his room and liquor
- wymack was in a car wreck and broke his hip in three places
- it never fully healed
- wymack doesn't like cockroaches
- before neil moved into wymack's apartment, andrew broke in biweekly
- dan has a younger cousin named joanna
- laila's last name is evans
- while dan and renee were still rivals, before the foxes, renee was known as 'rainbow bright'
- the year that dan joined was only the second year that the foxes had been a thing
- wymack's father took wymack's mother's eyes out using a corkscrew
- dan's gpa the senior year of high school was a 2.0
- allison had an eating disorder
- the foxes did end up celebrating neil's birthday post-tkm like dan promised
- nora believes that if neil had revealed his past mid/late november, they wouldn't have fought to keep him, though they wouldn't exactly have wanted to let him go
- ichiro was engaged by the time that he met neil
- during aaron's trial, neil met with bee and asked her to be there for andrew, worried about how he would react to seeing cass again
- neil said that andrew needed a mother at that time and he wanted bee to be andrew's support
- the money neil had left over from his time on the run was spent on a vacation for the foxes, road trips with andrew, christmas + birthday presents for the foxes, neil's car(which is described as half as expensive as andrew's maserati), and donates the rest of it to a safehouse that helps the homeless youth in baltimore
- besides andrew, neil is closest to matt !!
- neil's least favorite fox is aaron
- neil doesn't cry very often, but he would when he gets the call that wymack was gone
- after matt graduates, neil starts a new binder that contains things all about the foxes post-graduation and what they're up to
- neil is confirmed to be on the ace spectrum and nora guesses that he leans more towards the demisexual label !
- if neil hadn't gotten andrew to retract his protection, nora believes that their relationship never would have recovered because andrew wouldn't have been able to forgive himself for not protecting neil
- if it hadn't been for aaron, andrew would have stayed with cass
- andrew's scars weren't there for suicidal reasons. rather, they were his way of staking a claim on his body, which so many people were trying to take away from him
- the cutting was a way to keep control, in the way that he could control how much pain he felt
- betsy cried when seth died
- "(Betsy cried over Seth–but she had to sit on it for days, because when she got the news she knew she needed to get to Allison, get to Allison now now now, hold her together before grief tears her apart. Betsy knew more than anyone how much Seth loved Allison; she knew that he was trying, she knew that he was trying so hard but that it was just too much sometimes to keep an even keel and can’t we try another drug one that makes me better or one that will kill me faster I don’t even give a fuck at this point Doc just give me something so I can sleep)" - nora, about betsy and her relationship with seth
- at the end of tfc, the two people who andrew couldn't afford to lose were neil and bee
- bee is the only person that andrew had ever yelled at
- it happened after bee had what appeared to be a heart attack, and she is given stints to open up her arteries
- "When Bee wakes up from the procedure and Neil asks her how she’s doing she dopily says she is fine. Mistake. 'You are not fine and this is not fine and if you ever eat another fucking piece of chocolate again so long as you live I will fucking kill you.'" - nora, about betsy and andrew's relationship
- even post-graduation, andrew and bee keep in touch
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panlight · 2 years
Anon please? Did you see that someone who got got to read Forever Dawn did an AMA on Reddit? She also has a tiktok called "Twilight_revamped" where she discusses some of the things that happen in the Forever Dawn draft. You should check it out, I would love to hear your thoughts!
This is fascinating.
It seems legit?
I had heard vaguely about the tiktoks but was skeptical; having more background info on the AMA reassures me a bit.
I don't know a ton about how the copyright office works but from the little I remember from library school this tracks. tl;dr a copy of Forever Dawn was submitted to the Library of Congress for copyright purposes (literally just printed off the computer and put in a binder. Not a "book"). You can go and read it but you have to plan way in advance and pay like $200 in fees for them to search and retrieve it for you. That's generally how archives work.
Find it REALLY interesting that in this version, Bella wanted to be a mom and has "baby fever" because (spoilers for a book that wasn't and will never be published, I guess?) Renee and Phil had a baby boy, and Bella was a doting sister, and Edward's all emo that Bella will never be able to be a mom. When they find out she's pregnant, Edward instantly understands Bella will want to keep it instead of him assuming she's horrified and wants it gone in BD.
Apparently the wolves know about the pregnancy but don't super care.
There's also something about the Volturi making Bella fight Victoria that at first I was like ". . . sure, Jan," but then it goes on to say that Bella's at the end of her newborn year so she knows she'll lose, so instead she leads Victoria to the wolves who are hiding in the woods and THEY kill her which tracks with what SM said on her FAQ that the wolves kill Victoria at the confrontation and she's the only death.
Also apparently Nessie is actually more of a baby?! Omg that already makes it way better.
Edward picked the name "Carlie," which lmao yeah he would name his kid after Carlisle (and Charlie too but c'mon).
Jacob still imprints but only visits occasionally, doesn't basically live with them, and Nessie "adores 'her doggy.'" Which, YIKES SM he's a human person! But it does point to Nessie not being a super genius. In BD, she says instead how she loves "wolf people, like my Jacob." Which . . . okay I hate both of those actually.
Apparently FD does blatantly say that "imprinting is how werewolves find their mates," though so that removes all doubt about whether or not it will be romantic in the future. Blech.
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