#rei is Cordy
♡ 20 Datos de Diabolik Lovers que quizás no conozcas ♡
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1. El nombre Cordelia tiene la raíz latina cor-, cordi-, cordis-, que significa corazón.
2. Algunas de las novias sacrificadas anteriores a Yui se volvieron familiares de los Sakamaki (murciélagos), según lo explica Laito durante su ruta en Haunted Dark Bridal. 
3. Según se ha dado a entender a lo largo de la franquicia, Karlheinz es el único que puede convertir a otros en vampiros con sólo una mordida (como lo hizo con Carnelian y probablemente con los Mukami). Esto puede deberse al gran poder demoníaco que posee.
4. La otra manera de ser convertido es que un vampiro se alimente reiteradas veces de un humano en un período de tiempo largo, tal vez de meses, lo que se conoce como "despertar". No obstante, esto puede acelerarse si el humano ya es amante del vampiro (si ya mantienen una relación física estrecha). En este caso, si el humano bebe la sangre de dicho vampiro, puede convertirse sin la necesidad de llegar al "despertar". Esto ocurre en Haunted Dark Bridal, más específicamente en el Ending 2 de Shu, y también es mencionado por Subaru en su Ending 1.
5. En el prólogo general de More Blood, Karlheinz elimina el espíritu de Cordelia del corazón que Yui posee, ya que estaba ligado a éste. También da a entender que todo lo ocurrido en Haunted Dark Bridal falló por culpa de este lazo entre Cordelia y Yui, y que al quitarla se estará asegurado de que "la nueva Eva" se encargue de todo.
6. Según los datos históricos proporcionados durante las rutas de los Mukami en varios de los juegos, se puede afirmar con certeza que vivieron durante la Primera Guerra Mundial, y que "la revolución" a la que se refieren es la mismísima guerra. Por ejemplo, en un flashback de More Blood, Yuma describe a un tanque de guerra, tanques que fueron creados durante el transcurso de la Gran Guerra y que, en un inicio, eran utilizados para aterrar a la población y distribuir propaganda debido a que no eran eficientes en el campo de batalla.
7. Laito en "La noche antes de la boda" afirma tener más de cien años.
8. En el Versus de Shu y Reiji, Reiji se disculpa (a su manera) con Shu por lo ocurrido en la aldea y pide que lo perdone, pero Shu dice que no principalmente porque no puede perdonarse a sí mismo. Sin embargo, en el Vampire End de Shu en Dark Fate, Shu y Reiji arreglan sus problemas, siendo esta vez Shu quien dice que lo quiere a su lado cuando ascienda al trono. Esto significa que Shu pudo finalmente cerrar el capítulo más doloroso de su vida (la pérdida de Edgar y el miedo a perder a otro ser querido) para enfocarse y aceptar su futuro y destino como rey y Adán.
9. En el Vampire End de Yuma en More Blood, es el mismísimo Karlheinz quien casa a Yui con Yuma, utilizando a su alter ego Reinhardt para camuflarse.
10. Según lo que Laito da a entender en el Cd drama versus con Ayato, Cordelia abusó de él desde que era un niño.
11. Es muy probable que la apariencia de Kino sea en realidad parecida o idéntica a la apariencia original de Karlheinz, ya que éste posee únicamente el ADN de él. Eso podría explicar por qué se dice que tiene cierto parecido con Reiji, ya que Cordelia (durante la ruta de Reiji en Haunted Dark Bridal), afirma que Reiji es físicamente parecido a la apariencia real de Karlheinz.
12. Según lo dicho por Richter en Dark Fate, Burai (Bry, el Señor de los Demonios y padre de Cordelia) está vivo pero recluido en algún lugar desconocido.
13. En Haunted Dark Bridal, Shu dice que Transilvania fue una vez "el paraíso de los vampiros", pero que actualmente está asediada por cazadores de la iglesia.
14. Ririe es en realidad Lilie, sólo que se ha escrito literal a la fonética japonesa. No se entiende muy bien cuál era la intención de este nombre, pero lo más probable es que pretendieran darle otros nombres a los Sakamaki (como si fueran sus nombres originales o "de nacimiento"), como ocurre con Yuma (habiendo sido su nombre humano Edgar). Aunque esto carece de sentido ya que, hasta entonces en los flashbacks, los niños Sakamaki eran llamados de la misma manera por la que se los conoce actualmente.
15. Siendo Tougo Sakamaki un nombre falso de una identidad falsa que utiliza Karlheinz para moverse en Kaminashi y en el mundo humano en general, el apellido Sakamaki es, por ende, falso. 
16. Los directivos de la academia a la que asisten los diaboys, la Academia Ryoutei, saben que son vampiros. En Dark Fate, cuando aparecen por primera vez Carla y Shin, el director de la escuela está aterrado porque es plenamente consciente de lo que son y hace todo lo que éstos le ordenan.
17. En Lunatic Parade un conde coleccionista de objetos extraños y valiosos del Mundo de los Demonios roba el corazón de Yui y lo reemplaza con un artefacto mágico.
18. En Lost Eden, más precisamente en el Manservant End de Kino, Seiji y la Iglesia sentencian de muerte a Yui. La condenan como a una bruja y terminan quemándola viva.
19. En el Vampire End de Shu en Lost Eden, Reiji recibe un ataque mortal de Kino que iba dirigido hacia Yuma. Reiji le dice que, con esa acción, espera reparar algo de lo que le ha hecho en el pasado; a lo que Yuma responde que no hacía falta ya que lo había perdonado hace tiempo por el incidente de la aldea. 
20. Sí se presta atención a los poderes de Karlheinz y Sócrates, podemos notar que Karlheinz tiene el poder de manipular el tiempo mientras que Sócrates, el de manipular el espacio. Esto queda en evidencia en Chaos Lineage en donde Sócrates, en un intento por verificar la elección de Eva, crea un mundo falso del cual, si se intenta huir de una manera que no es la correcta, genera una brecha en el espacio-tiempo que da lugar a una realidad alterna hecha de recuerdos, pero carente de toda vida.
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Bueno chicos, dejaré esto hasta aquí porque lo considero demasiado extenso. En cualquier caso, haré una segunda parte con más datos relevantes que merezcan la pena saberse.
Muchísimas gracias por leer y espero que haya sido útil ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
¡Hasta pronto ꒰⑅ᵕ༚ᵕ꒱˖♡!
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onyxheartbeat · 1 year
I was tagged by @astarkey to list some songs that I've had on heavy rotation lately. Thank you, Ash!
This Mess We're In / PJ Harvey ft. Thom Yorke Home Computer / Kraftwerk Gravedigger / MXMS Contortion / Sextile Happy House / Siouxsie and the Banshees The Party & The After Party / The Weeknd Pain / Boy Harsher Call Me / Tweet White Dress / Lana Del Rey Breaking up Slowly / Lana Del Rey Facefuk / BigKlit
I tag @awesomgrlgr8job @everoutoftouch @remarkableboyithinkilleatyour and @avaritia-cordis
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sunnydaleherald · 2 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Saturday, October 1st
(the whole gang is painting Fred's room) ROGER: Now, Spiro Agnew, I *know* he was... ANGEL: A Grathnar demon! You knew that? I thought I was the only one that knew that! ROGER: What else would he be, but a demon? (Wes comes in carrying another can of paint. Sees Gunn painting the wall.) WESLEY: Not horizontally, vertically! Otherwise you... GUNN: Look, I'm telling you, if you do it vertically you're gonna get those ugly drops... TRISH: Now, boys, I don't wanna hear any fighting over there. GUNN & WESLEY: Okay. (Cordy comes in, carrying two pizza boxes.) CORDELIA: Did someone here order a pizza? Hey Fred? Pizza? FRED: In a minute, I just wanna finish this section. (Fred looks at a line drawing of her and Angel on top of the horse in Pilea for a moment, then lifts her paint roller and paints over it.)
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Three Eighths and a Bit by Anonymous (Xander, T)
S.W.A.L.K. by HAL1500 (Giles/Jenny, T)
H.O.L.L.A.N.D. by HAL1500 (Giles/Jenny, G)
[Podfic] muzzled and caged by Ravin_Pods (Ravin) (Spike, G)
(st)ring of fate by The_Eclectic_Bookworm (Giles/Jenny, T)
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Spuffy!Roxanne AU by disco-tea (Buffy/Spike, not rated)
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In the Dark of the Night by GillO (Buffy/Spike, PG)
Don't Forget by violettathepiratequeen (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
After by Ginger (Buffy/Spike, PG)
His Only Hope by sandy_s (Buffy/Spike, G)
Follow Where She Goes by violettathepiratequeen (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Ever After, Chapter 2 (complete) by ywhiterain (Angel & Connor, G)
Different direction taken, Chapter 39 by Nerdzilla91 (Faith/Tara, M)
Shadow Over Hellmouth, Chapter 74 by Tuxedo_Mark (Buffy/Tara, E)
26 Days, Chapter 26 (complete) by violettathepiratequeen (Buffy/Spike, T)
A New Big Bad, Chapter 18 by tinfoil_paint (Willow/Tara, T)
Lindsey's Pride, Chapter 2 by TinyDancer96 (Angel & Lindsey, T)
Sweet Surrender, Chapter 65 by Crossbows_and_moonshine (Spike/OC, E)
Echoes of You and Me, Chapter 14 by Gefionne (Buffy/Spike, E)
Millennial, Chapter 28 by BrennaLynn (Buffy/Dawn, Star Trek corssover, T)
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If Only, Chapter 14 by MixSaysRawr (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Anything You Can Do, Chapter 7 by Daxeah (Buffy/Spike, R)
No Remedy for Memory, Chapter 3 by scratchmeout (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Marriage, Sunnydale-Style, Chapter 22 by scratchmeout (Buffy/Spike, R)
Her Birthday, Chapter 1 by BewitchedXx (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
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Typical Tuesday, Chapter 1 by Niamh (Buffy/Spike, R)
The Boyfriend, Chapter 1 by Rea (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
New Beginnings, Chapter 1 by MaggieLeFay (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Sunnydale and the Upside Down, Chapter 1 by Megan (Buffy/Spike, R)
I Hear a Very Gentle Sound, Chapter 1 by VioletMoon (Buffy/Spike, R)
Marriage, Sunnydale-Style, Chapter 22 by scratchmeout (Buffy/Spike, R)
The Road to Hell.... Chapter 1 by All4Spike (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Comic: Carpe Diem, baby, Chapters 1-2 by Axell (Buffy/Spike, NC-17, NOT worksafe)
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Gifset: Buffy by andremichaux (worksafe)
Artwork: Buffy and Faith by a-st-art (worksafe)
Artwork: furry-fied Xander and Spike by biomechanicalgirl (worksafe)
Artwork: Buffy “Every Outfit” “The I in Team” by whatshisfaceblogs (worksafe)
Manip: It wasn't over. it still isn't over by l0veisntbrains (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
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Gif: Willow and Buffy Flying by Cursed1978 (worksafe)
Artwork: [WIP] Spike in the Danganronpa Art Style by Sure-Ambition6719 (worksafe)
Artwork: 🎺 BtVS 417. Superstar 🎺 by tmtmcarlee (worksafe)
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Fanvid: Lovely || Buffy The Vampire Slayer Tribute || by BTVS Tribute
Fanvid: faith/buffy/spike//a Dangerous thing - Aurora by artemisia subs
Fanvid: Buffy & Angel || if the world was ending by FandomDiaries
Fanvid: Buffy & Angel || The Color Of The Night by Krystie
Fanvid/song: Lifeblood - Buffy the Vampire Slayer Parody! by Kyra Greif
Vidlet: spike + buffy | what happens on saturday? by loveisntbrains
Vidlet: Buffy Willow & Faith by Shannon Rey
Vidlet: The Buffyverse by Shannon Rey
[Reviews & Recaps]
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My Top Five Favorite Buffy episodes by mygreatadventurehasbegun
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I finished Buffy for the first time last night (Chosen review) by Starbucks-Lovers1989
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Podcast: Intervention S5 E18 (Buffy and the Art of Story Podcast) by Lisa M. Lilly
Podcast: Buffy S2 at 25: School Hard by Slayerfest 98
Podcast: Revisiting Buffy "Once More With Feeling" by Calling Home
Podcast: Revisiting Buffy and Angel by CallingHome
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Podcast: 7.2 – "Beneath You" by If the Apocalypse Comes, Beep Me
Podcast: Episode 86: Primeval by Myth Taken: A Buffy the Vampire Slayer Podcast
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Top 10 Spuffy fics I’ve read (Sept 2022) by mcgnagallsarmy
[Community Announcements]
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Buffyverse Top 5 to Open in 3 Weeks! by yourlibrarian
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New Short Story Contest! by Plasma
[Fandom Discussions]
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You think we’re dancing? that’s all we’ve ever done by chasingfictions
the absolute insanity of having I Was Made For Loving You by Jane Espenson immediately following Crush by David Fury by disco-tea
[Parallel between Faith and Cordelia] by oveliagirlhaditright
How much Giles' behaviour in season 7 is foreshadowed in earlier seasons by Rachael Jurassic
Buffy’s character, that she never gets jaded to “normal” peoples’ suffering by rose-marshmallow
The Kalderash Curse by rowan94
[Spike's hair] by simplyaiden-blog
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Darla and Lindsey by nightshade
Do you remember...the first episode of Buffy you watched? by Buffy Summers
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Pick your Scoobies! by Involvere
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"Conversations with Dead People" was how The First Evil should have been for the rest of the season by jdpm1991
Do you like Samantha Finn? by sushibananawater
Wedding day (Hells Bells) by sushibananawater
I love how faith was willing to die to save Angel by Current_Ad_9850
Continuity between Bad Girls and Consequences by Tuxedo_Mark
What is the worst thing Xander has done? by Swinklepretzel
What is the best thing Xander has done? by rattusprat
slayer and vamp power mechanics... by daemon_sin
If dawn wasnt there by samonaspectrum
Xander and his attitude to Buffy sleeping with Spike😭 by AstridDante
Anyone else find season 5-7 hard to binge and somewhat of a miserable experience? by jdpm1991
When someone becomes a vampire, what happens to their soul? by anasophie1
Was Jasmine really evil, or forced to act the way she did due to TPTB strict rules and the actions of the First Evil? by iceswordsman
Zeppo theory: a frivolous speculation by fentablar
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muznew · 5 months
New Releases 09.12.2023
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  DATE CREATED: 2023-12-10 Tracklist : Abstracttet - Universe EP Audio Junkies - Playmobil Charman - Don't Stop DAARI - Anomano Danny Nectar, Facunh - La France Denney, Bushwacka! - Our House DJ Lutique - All Night EP DJ Minx - Get On Up EVIE (UK) - Girls Can't DJ EP Gorge, Fell Reis - Aousaa EP Greene - Cordis Magna Ismael Rivas, Th3 Oth3r - Adrenaline Jamek Ortega - Let It Go Javi Bora - What Do You Say_ Joal - Tonerama Jorkes - Super Hot Lover Joyce (ARG) - Love Me Kiko - Expansion EP MacBeth - Get High Maratus - New Day Marche - Focused Distraction Mario Ochoa - The Dream Martin Ikin - Make U Sweat Martin Occo - Keep Moving Masaya, Yuji Ono - Call on Me Matthias Tanzmann, Black Circle - Wheels Up Mauro Diaz - Cella EP Motip White - Clean the Turbines (The Read the full article
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djmusicbest · 5 months
New Releases 09.12.2023
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  DATE CREATED: 2023-12-10 Tracklist : Abstracttet - Universe EP Audio Junkies - Playmobil Charman - Don't Stop DAARI - Anomano Danny Nectar, Facunh - La France Denney, Bushwacka! - Our House DJ Lutique - All Night EP DJ Minx - Get On Up EVIE (UK) - Girls Can't DJ EP Gorge, Fell Reis - Aousaa EP Greene - Cordis Magna Ismael Rivas, Th3 Oth3r - Adrenaline Jamek Ortega - Let It Go Javi Bora - What Do You Say_ Joal - Tonerama Jorkes - Super Hot Lover Joyce (ARG) - Love Me Kiko - Expansion EP MacBeth - Get High Maratus - New Day Marche - Focused Distraction Mario Ochoa - The Dream Martin Ikin - Make U Sweat Martin Occo - Keep Moving Masaya, Yuji Ono - Call on Me Matthias Tanzmann, Black Circle - Wheels Up Mauro Diaz - Cella EP Motip White - Clean the Turbines (The Read the full article
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solocommaben · 4 years
So, I did another one. This is Angel and Cordelia. It's from "Spin the Bottle" in season 4 of Angel. When she gets her memory back the first thing she remembers scares her, but that's not the focus here. It's another Reylo in the Whedonverse.
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This is the second one I made where he's watching her leave. I need to cut him a break.
There's no video of the original, but I found a gif:
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darling-leech · 3 years
New Pinned Post(Mobile User Friendly)
Refsheet.net overview(Couldn’t fit all of my OCs in this post because of tumblr’s post limit, so I put some of my Notable OCs below): XXXXX
*NOTE: ** = OC is under the age of 18.
Refsheet.net for Eugenia(AKA Alex/Eu)(She/Her)(My Self Insert OC): XXXXXX
Refsheet.net for Mirmel(She/Her)(Player Character in Lord of The Rings Online): XXXXXX
Refsheet.net for Phoibe(She/Her)(Seventy Sixer in Fallout 76): XXXXXX
Refsheet.net for Elijah Liam Howard(He/Him)(Seventy Sixer in Fallout 76): XXXXXX
Refsheet.net for Ersa(She/Her)(Seventy Sixer in Fallout 76): XXXXXX
Refsheet.net for Darius(He/Him)(Vault Dweller in Fallout 1): XXXXXX
Refsheet.net for Aurora(She/Her)(**)(The Chosen One in Fallout 2): XXXXXX
Refsheet.net for Aspen Harper Chau(She/Her)(Lone Wanderer): XXXXXX
Refsheet.net for Torin Arlen Hugh(He/Him)(Courier 6): XXXXXX
Refsheet.net for Augustus(AKA Gus)(He/Him)(Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel(AKA just Fallout Tactics) and Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel(AKA Fallout: BoS): XXXXXX
Refsheet.net for Marleene(She/Her)(Protag/Player Character in Fallout Shelter Online): XXXXXX
Refsheet.net for Nathan Ian Howard(He/Him)(Sole Survivor): XXXXXX
Refsheet.net for Nora Margaret Howard(She/Her)(Nathan’s wife): XXXXXX
Refsheet.net for Caprice Lakshmi Guān(AKA Cappi)(She/Her)(Sole Survivor)(Freddie’s sister): XXXXXX
Refsheet.net for Freddie Theodore-Jahan Guān(He/Him)(Sole Survivor)(Cappi’s brother): XXXXXX
Refsheet.net for Prudence(She/Her)(Sole Survivor): XXXXXX
Refsheet.net for Alessandra Cheryl Heather Sharon Godfrey(She/Her)(Sole Survivor in my FANON Vault 116): XXXXXX
Refsheet.net for Ethyl(She/Her)(Vault Dweller to the Cut Vault 120 in Fallout 4): XXXXXX
Refsheet.net for Kianda(She/Her) (Vault Dweller to the Cut Vault 120 in Fallout 4): XXXXXX
Refsheet.net for Elysian(She/Her)(Current Overseer in my FANON Space Vault Arcturus-46): XXXXXX
Refsheet.net for Cecilia Gigi Anaelle Ronec(She/Her)(The Vestige): XXXXXX
Refsheet.net for Asher Vanasha(She/Her)(The Vestige): XXXXXX
Refsheet.net for Enyo Walks-Amongst-The-Dead(She/Her)(The Vestige): XXXXXX
Refsheet.net for Birgitta Garth(She/Her)(Vestige): XXXXXX
Refsheet.net for Neilina(She/Her)(The Forgotten Vestige): XXXXXX
Refsheet.net for Kainoa(She/Her)(Eternal Champion in TES: Arena and The Hero of Daggerfall/The Agent in TES: Daggerfall): XXXXXX
Refsheet.net for Pania(She/Her)(The Apprentice in TES: Battlespire): XXXXXX
Refsheet.net for Rei-Rei(She/Her)(Player/Soul of Conflict in The Elder Scrolls Travels: Shadowkey): XXXXXX
Refsheet.net for Sohvi(She/Her)(Player/Soul of Conflict in The Elder Scrolls Travels: Shadowkey): XXXXXX
Refsheet.net for Keanu(He/Him)(The Master Tunnel Rat in TES Travels: Stormhold and Hero of Dawnstar in TES Travels: Dawnstar): XXXXXX
Refsheet.net for Aviva Calypso Appius(She/Her)(Hero of Kvatch): XXXXXX
Refsheet.net for Chloe(She/Her)(Divine Crusader. She does the whole Knights of The Nine questline in TES: Oblivion.): XXXXXX
Refsheet.net for Perdie(She/Her)(Arch-Mage for the Arcane University): XXXXXX
Refsheet.net for Agapi(She/Her)(Becomes Sheogorath in the Shivering Isles DLC in TES: Oblivion): XXXXXX
Refsheet.net for Marian(He/They)(Nerevarine/The Incarnate): XXXXXX
Refsheet.net for Cosetta Caton(She/Her)(Fugitive/The Warrior in TES: Blades and The Forgotten Hero in TES: Legends): XXXXXX
Refsheet.net for Einar Kennet Viggo(He/Him)(The Last Dragonborn)(Tuva’s twin brother): XXXXXX
Refsheet.net for Tuva Lovise Viggo(She/Her)(Also The Last Dragonborn)(Einar’s twin sister): XXXXXX
Refsheet.net for Buffy(She/Her)(The Last Dragonborn): XXXXXX
Refsheet.net for Nasrin Desidenius(She/Her)(Guild Master in the Thieves Guild in TES: Skyrim): XXXXXX
Refsheet.net for Cordelia Guinevere Nixie(AKA Cordi and Guin)(She/Her)(A Dragonborn but NOT THE last dragonborn. Also plays an active role in the Dawnguard DLC): XXXXXX
Refsheet.net for Alita Esylit Étoile Sterope (She/Her)(A Dragonborn but NOT THE last dragonborn. Also plays an active role in the Dawnguard DLC): XXXXXX
Refsheet.net for Hevnothur(She/He/They)(Is the Head Dragon Priest in Charge): XXXXXX
Refsheet.net for Elmira Godiva Faine(She/Her)(Bloodborne Hunter): XXXXXX
Refsheet.net for Cassius(He/Him)(The Chosen Undead in Dark Souls 1)(Edmonia’s husband): XXXXXX
Refsheet.net for Edmonia(She/Her)(The Bearer of The Curse in Dark Souls 2)(Cassius’s wife): XXXXXX
Refsheet.net for Edith(She/Her)(Ashen One in Dark Souls 3)(Cassius and Edith’s daughter): XXXXXX
Refsheet.net for Winifred(They/Them)(AKA Wini and Fred)(The Slayer of Demons in Demon Souls): XXXXXX
Refsheet.net for Blathnaid(She/Her)(Tarnished in Elden Ring): XXXXXX
Refsheet.net for Vera(She/Her)(The Apprentice in The Arcana - A Mystic Romance novel game): XXXXXX
Refsheet.net for Eluned(She/Her)(Monster Galaxy Tamer in Monster Galaxy): XXXXXX
Refsheet.net for Uilani Canleo(She/Her)(Tamer/Player Character in Black Desert Online): XXXXXX
Refsheet.net for Michiko Gen(She/Her)(Maehwa/Player Character in Black Desert Online): XXXXXX
Refsheet.net for Tuiti(She/Her)(Tav in Baldur’s Gate 3): XXXXXX
Refsheet.net for Deianira(She/Her)(Dark Urge in Baldur’s Gate 3): XXXXXX
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3 & 4 for cordy? 12 for the character of your choice?
3. Someone they miss. From her own world, it's definitely her (adoptive) mom. While Amelia Locke knew that Cordelia wasn't fully human or normal, she still took her in and loved her unconditionally. She's the one who taught her to bake and introduced her to music, taught her to dance and took her shopping. So she was like...both a mom and her best friend in a way. Because of her Cordy didn't grow up alone or unloved, and not day a day goes by that she misses her & hopes that she'll see her again someday. From Denny, though, the first person that comes to mind is Sal. I genuinely really loved the friendship they had & especially that they even fought and killed an evil dragon together?? She's had significant friendships with other characters that have returned to their own worlds, of course -- and she holds them close to her heart but the one with Sal came at a time when Cordy was starting to figure out the kind of person she wanted to be. His friendship and support was very important to her, I think. She definitely would've felt comfortable enough to confide in him about the Lancelot stuff, which so far she's only really done with people that she trusts wholeheartedly.
4. Someone they admire.
I don't think I can pick just one character for this one, either. She admires & loves her friends for different things -- Rey comes to mind, Serenity, Villanelle, Ruby, Amelia. Sinestro. Ward. Atsushi. But they all give her strength in some way & she's seen most of them shoulder hardship and keep going despite it, something she wants to do herself. Cordelia wants to be a source of bravery and strength for them, too -- she just... really loves her friends, okay?
12. Someone who taught them a valuable lesson.
I know it says "character of my choice" but I'm on the "being emotional about Cordy" train so here we go with Cordy again. I'm going to pick Sinestro for this one! Her mentor, her practically father figure at this point because that's how she feels about him. At the moment the most significant one I can think of is that her fate, her destiny is her own. As someone whose life was shaped by destiny from the get go, doomed to atone for Lancelot's mistakes...Cordelia has spent a long time believing that it is the only path set out for her. But Sinestro is someone that believes she can take it in her own hands if she wishes, rewrite it even. As self-sacrificial as she is, I think she really needed to hear that.
I also think it clicked for her during the Duat mission -- she could've given up and believed that she was fated to only be Lancelot, to repeat his mistakes. But she didn't. Though she still has a lot to learn & a lot of growth to go through, Sinestro's counsel and guidance have had a very important (positive) impact on her.
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The Dreamwalkers
This set of powers originates with the dragons, specifically Latch and his children.  Latch’s power entails aiding in dreams, reading dreams, and helping others to sleep.  In many ways, he is comparable to the Sandman.  As a part of this set of powers he has empathy -- the ability to feel the emotions of others.
His children with Chloe have evolved forms of Latch’s powers.  Chloe’s powers of abundance increased the strength of Latch’s powers in varying ways between the three Stuart kids.  All of them maintain empathy, telepathy, and the ability to bring about sleep in others.  They also have a strong connection to the natural elements thanks to their parents, specifically their mother.  The Stuart kids were among the first sets of dragon offspring, so for a time, the true strength of their powers was unknown.
He is the eldest of Latch and Chloe’s children.  Jensen was born with power over memories.  He remembers everything he sees, reads, smells.  It can become a burden for him, making it difficult to sort out his memories from those of others.  It wasn’t until his twin siblings were born and grew up that he came to understand the reasoning behind his powers.  The twins would use Jensen’s knowledge of other’s memories to help build dream worlds for the other dragons to slumber in when they needed rest. Jensen’s knowledge would help the twins create scenarios of others to work through problems and past pain.
Kelly and Cordie
The difference in Kelly’s powers from his siblings is that his ability leans more towards darker memories and nightmares.  He can induce delusions upon touch, should he wish, often pulling people into a fitful sleep.  If a dream world is created, he is often doing it with his twin, Cordie.  They are a balance for each other.  Cordie’s power is dream and reverie based, allowing her to create peaceful environments to promote restful sleep.  
Kelly and Cordie’s dream worlds come at a price to themselves.  Often, they will come out with injuries linked to their power being drained.  It is why they only use their own mind as the host, or server, for the dream world if no other option is available.  In most cases, that set up the dream world in the dreamer’s own mind, but sometimes, the dreamer isn’t strong enough.  It’s with this power that they have helped more than one of the dragons find peace while healing from dangerous and life threatening injury.  It is also a power that has nearly killed them both more than once.
In the fae
This power rarely shows up among the fae. When it does, it is coveted. Usually, there is mesmer blood somewhere in the family line.  Two of the most well known dreamwalkers are Colum Watson and Rei Cassidy.  Both have been hunted, and Colum’s sister, Astoria, has done a lot to keep her brother safe. Rei turned herself into Lucien to protect her cousin’s from the mesmer’s rage.  
The fae dreamwalkers do not have nearly the power as the Stuart siblings.  They can influence dreams and sleep, but they can not create elaborate dreams or nightmares.  Their powers are more telepathically based, which makes them scary in their own right if you were to cross one of them.
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turangalila · 3 years
Dieterich Buxtehude (c. 1637–1707) Membra Jesu nostri patientis sanctissima (1680) BuxWV 75
VI. Ad cor
    1 Sonata
    2 Concerto a 3 voci (SSB) Vulnerasti cor meum, soror mea, sponsa, vulnerasti cor meum.
    3 Aria (S I) Summi regis cor, aveto, te saluto corde laeto, te complecti me delectat et hoc meum cor affectat, ut ad te loquar, animes.
    4 Aria (S II) Per medullam cordis mei, peccatoris atque rei, tuus amor transferatur, quo cor tuum rapiatur languens amoris vulnere.
    5 Aria (B) Viva cordis voce clamo, dulce cor, te namque amo, ad cor meum inclinare, ut se possit applicare devoto tibi pectore.
    6 Concerto a 3 voci (da capo: Vulnerasti cor meum)
[Cant 4:9] [Arnulfus Lovaniensis]
Buxtehude: Membra Jesu Nostri. The Sixteen. Harry Christophers. (2000, Linn Records #141)
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ao3feed--reylo · 4 years
Sanguinea Cordis
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2zzfqHd
by Solumex
Velvety blackness caved into her peripheral vision as she tried to focus on was little light of day she could see left. It was disappearing, disintegrating with each thinning breath she took. Rey was trapped, unable to find freedom within his grasp. She trusted he wouldn’t hurt her. She trusted he wouldn’t kill her. She still held that trust even in that last moments of her life.
Even if it was betrayed.
Everything seems strange about Rey’s new private college. Especially her new English teacher who seems to have an irrevocable hatred for her.
Words: 2102, Chapters: 1/35, Language: English
Fandoms: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Sequel Trilogy
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F
Characters: Rey (Star Wars), Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Kylo Ren, Finn (Star Wars), Poe Dameron, Snoke, Luke Skywalker, Leia Skywalker, Han Solo, Armitage Hux
Relationships: Kylo Ren/Rey, Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Rey/Ben Solo
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe- Vampires, Vampires, Vampire Kylo, Human Rey, Enemies to Lovers, there will be a blood sucking scene, probably not a blood kink tho, slight gore, Teacher-Student Relationship, Slow Burn, but there will be - Freeform, Smut, long chapters, Kylo is 29, Rey is 19, Rey Nobody, at first, but then she becomes, Rey Solo, ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), age gap, Reylo - Freeform
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2zzfqHd
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ao3feed4reylo · 4 years
via AO3 works tagged 'Star Wars - All Media Types' read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2zzfqHd Solumex
by Solumex
Velvety blackness caved into her peripheral vision as she tried to focus on was little light of day she could see left. It was disappearing, disintegrating with each thinning breath she took. Rey was trapped, unable to find freedom within his grasp. She trusted he wouldn’t hurt her. She trusted he wouldn’t kill her. She still held that trust even in that last moments of her life.
Even if it was betrayed.
Everything seems strange about Rey’s new private college. Especially her new English teacher who seems to have an irrevocable hatred for her.
Words: 2102, Chapters: 1/35, Language: English
Fandoms: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Sequel Trilogy
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F
Characters: Rey (Star Wars), Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Kylo Ren, Finn (Star Wars), Poe Dameron, Snoke, Luke Skywalker, Leia Skywalker, Han Solo, Armitage Hux
Relationships: Kylo Ren/Rey, Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Rey/Ben Solo
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe- Vampires, Vampires, Vampire Kylo, Human Rey, Enemies to Lovers, there will be a blood sucking scene, probably not a blood kink tho, slight gore, Teacher-Student Relationship, Slow Burn, but there will be - Freeform, Smut, long chapters, Kylo is 29, Rey is 19, Rey Nobody, at first, but then she becomes, Rey Solo, ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), age gap, Reylo - Freeform
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2zzfqHd
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theraccolta · 5 years
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O vulnerata, Domina, vulnera corda nostra.
A mala morte, libera nos, Domina.
V. Deus, in adjutórium meum inténde.
R. Domine, ad adjuvandum me festína.
V. Gloria Patri, et Fílio, et Spiritui Sancto.
R. Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper, et in sǽcula sæculórum.
O Signora piagata, ferisci i nostri cuori.
Liberaci, o Signora, da mala morte.
V. Accorri, o Dio, in mio soccorso.
R. Signore, affrettati a darmi aiuto.
V. Sia gloria al Padre, al Figliuolo, e allo Spirito Santo.
R. Come era nel principio, ed ora, e sempre, e nei secoli dei secoli.
Così sia.
Sancta Mater, istud agas,
Crucifixi fige plagas,
Cordi meo valide.
Santa Madre, questo fate,
Che le piaghe del Signore,
Sieno impresse nel mio cuore.
Compatisco, o Santa Madre Addolorata, quel gran cordoglio che Vi trafisse il cuore in udire dal santo vecchio Simeone, che il Vostro dilettissimo Figlio, unico Amore dell'anima vostra, dovea essere conficcato in Croce, e che il Vostro innocente petto dovea essere trapassato dalla spada acutissima del dolore. Vi prego per questo lungo spasimo, che vi accompagnò per tanti anni, ad impetrarmi grazia, ch'io da oggi in avanti sappia compatire, a Vostra imitazione, la passione e morte del Vostro Figlio e mio Signore, e possa fare una buona e santa morte.
Pater, Ave e Gloria.
Ave, dulcis Mater Christi,
Quae cor tuum gladio
Transfigendum discis tristi
Senis vaticinio:
Tanti memor fac doloris,
Mihi sit praesidio;
Ut post vallem hanc moeroris
Coeli reddar gaudio.
Salve, o dolce Madre di Cristo,
che nel vaticinio del vecchio Simeone
apprendi dover il tuo cuore
essere da crudele spada trafitto.
Deh! tu fa' che la memoria di sì gran dolore
siami di sostegno,
onde uscito da questa valle di afflizioni,
sia reso al gaudio del Paradiso.
Sette Ave Maria e un Gloria Patri.
Sancta Mater, istud agas,
Crucifixi fige plagas,
Cordi meo valide.
Santa Madre, questo fate,
Che le piaghe del Signore,
Sieno impresse nel mio cuore.
Compatisco, o Santa Madre Addolorata, quel gran dolore che soffriste nella persecuzione di Erode per la morte degl'Innocenti e fuga in Egitto, dove patiste timore, povertà e incomodi in terra forestiera e barbara. Vi prego, per sì alta pazienza, ad impetrarmi grazia di soffrire pazientemente, a Vostra imitazione, i travagli di questa misera vita, lume per conoscere Dio tra le tenebre dell'Egitto di questo mondo e di fare una buona e santa morte.
Pater, Ave e Gloria.
Ave, dulcis Mater Christi,
Quae prae Regis furia,
Saevientis caede tristi,
Fugis exsul patria.
O Regina Beatorum,
Nostri spes exilii,
Fac, infractus vi malorum;
Fiam consors Filii.
Salve, o cara Madre di Cristo,
che pel furore di un tiranno,
che infieriva con orribil strage contro gl'innocenti pargoletti,
esule fuggisti dalla patria.
O Regina dei Beati,
speranza nostra in questo esilio,
fa' che io non avvilito dell'impero dei mali,
divenga partecipe della gloria del Figlio tuo.
Sette Ave Maria e un Gloria Patri.
Sancta Mater, istud agas,
Crucifixi fige plagas,
Cordi meo valide.
Santa Madre, questo fate,
Che le piaghe del Signore,
Sieno impresse nel mio cuore.
Compatisco, o Santa Madre Addolorata, quel gran dolore che Vi trafisse nella perdita del Vostro bellissimo e amatissimo Figlio Gesù in Gerusalemme, spargendo per tre giorni fiumi di pianto da' Vostri occhi purissimi. E Vi prego per quelle lagrime e sospiri di quei tre giorni per Voi amarissimi, ad impetrarmi tanto lume, che io non perda mai il mio Dio, ma che lo trovi una volta per sempre, e soprattutto nel punto della mia morte.
Pater, Ave e Gloria.
Ave, dulcis Mater Christi,
Natum lugens inclytum:
O quem tristis quaesivisti
Triduo jam perditum.
Cujus memor hic doloris,
Christum fac inveniam:
Et inventum per amoris
Nexum semper teneam.
Io ti saluto, o soave Madre di Cristo,
che piangi il Figlio tuo divino,
e che mesta, avendolo da tre giorni perduto,
cercando lo andavi.
Deh! tu ottienimi che io memore di questo dolore,
ritrovi finalmente Cristo.
E ritrivatolo mi tenga col ligame dell'amore
sempre a lui unito.
Sette Ave Maria e un Gloria Patri.
Sancta Mater, istud agas,
Crucifixi fige plagas,
Cordi meo valide.
Santa Madre, questo fate,
Che le piaghe del Signore,
Sieno impresse nel mio cuore.
Compatisco, o Santa Madre Addolorata, quel gran dolore che soffriste in vedere il Vostro benedetto Figliuolo inviato al Calvario con la pesantissima Croce sopra le spalle e cadere sfinito sotto di quella. S'incontrarono allora, o mia dolente Regina, occhi con occhi e cuore con cuore. Vi prego, per quella tormentosa compassione che ne aveste, ad impetrarmi grazia di portar la mia croce con pazienza, in compagnia del vostro e mio Gesù fin che viva, e di fare una buona e santa morte.
Pater, Ave e Gloria.
Ave, dulcis Mater Christi,
Quae dilectum Filium
Capi, caedi flens vidisti
Manibus crudelium.
O per poenas patientis
Nobis sit impunitas!
Per amorem Condolentis
Matris, crescat caritas.
Salve, o Madre di Cristo amabile,
che dolente, coi propri occhi
vedesti il diletto Figliuolo tuo esser catturato
e battuto per le mani dei crudeli Giudei.
Deh! possa io, per le pene sofferte dal paziente Gesù,
ottenere il perdono delle colpe!
possa crescer in me
per l'amore della condolente Madre.
Sette Ave Maria e un Gloria Patri.
Sancta Mater, istud agas,
Crucifixi fige plagas,
Cordi meo valide.
Santa Madre, questo fate,
Che le piaghe del Signore,
Sieno impresse nel mio cuore.
Compatisco, o Santa Madre Addolorata, quell'eccessivo dolore che soffriste in vedere il vostro amatissimo Unigenito morire in croce con tante pene e disonori; e senza niuno di quei consuli e refrigerii che si concedono anche ai più rei. Vi prego per la dolorosa tenerezza del Vostro crocifisso Figliuolo, che nella sua croce siano crocifisse le mie passioni, e di fare una buona e santa morte.
Pater, Ave e Gloria.
Ave, dulcis Mater Christi,
Quae sub Crucis arbore
Gemens, Natum morte tristi
Vides, heu! succumbere.
O per ensem hunc doloris,
Qui tunc scidit animam,
Fac me firmet vis amoris,
Mortis ad victoriam.
A te m'inchino riverente, o diletta Madre di Cristo,
che sotto il tronco della croce
gemendo finir vedi il Figlio tuo
con fiera morte.
Deh! tu mi ottieni per questa spada dolorosa
che allora ti squarciò il cuore,
che la forza dell'amore mi renda vigoroso
per vincere gli orrori della morte.
Sette Ave Maria e un Gloria Patri.
Sancta Mater, istud agas,
Crucifixi fige plagas,
Cordi meo valide.
Santa Madre, questo fate,
Che le piaghe del Signore,
Sieno impresse nel mio cuore.
Compatisco, o Santa Madre Addolorata, quello spasimo che soffriste in veder ferito da lancia il Cuore di Cristo morto. Quella ferita sì, o mia dolente Madre, fu tutta Vostra; e in ricevere il suo santissimo cadavere tutto svenato nel Vostro seno materno, il Vostro Cuore fu trafitto crudelmente. Vi prego per quelle angosce inesplicabili dell'anima Vostra, ad impetrarmi il vero amore del mio Gesù, che mi ferisca il cuore, acciò non trovi più luogo l'amor profano del mondo, facendomi fare una buona e santa morte.
Pater, Ave e Gloria.
Ave, dulcis Mater Christi,
Quae de Cruce mortuum
Ulnis Natum suscepisti,
Madens unda fletuum.
Eja praestet vis doloris,
Mater plena Gratiae,
Ut supremis server horis
Gremio Clementiae.
Io ti saluto, o bella Madre di Cristo,
che coverta di lagrime accogliesti tra le tue braccia il Figliuol tuo morto,
quando fu dalla croce deposto.
Deh! Madre di grazie piena,
tu m'impetra, che la forza di questo dolore,
nelle ore estreme del viver mio,
mi conservi nel seno la divina misericordia.
Sette Ave Maria e un Gloria Patri.
Sancta Mater, istud agas,
Crucifixi fige plagas,
Cordi meo valide.
Santa Madre, questo fate,
Che le piaghe del Signore,
Sieno impresse nel mio cuore.
Compatisco, o Santa Madre Addolorata, quella inconsolabile amarezza che provaste nel riporre il Vostro morto Figlio Gesù nella sua sepoltura, fino ad accomodarvelo con le Vostre mani. Rimaneste allora, o mia piangente Signora, sepolta con tutta l'anima, ove giaceva sepolto il corpo del Vostro Figliuolo. Vi prego, per tanti martirii del Vostro Cuore, ad impetrarmi, pe' meriti dei Vostri sette dolori, in vita il perdono delle colpe, in morte la protezione della Vostra presenza, e dopo morto la gloria del Paradiso. Così sia.
Pater, Ave e Gloria.
Ave, dulcis Mater Christi,
Quae sepulchro conditum
Plangis Natum, heu! quam tristi
Mente volvens ambitum.
In virtute tot dolorum,
Quos tulisti fortiter,
Omnem contra vim malorum
Stare nos viriliter,
Demum sorte Beatorum
Fac gaudere jugiter.
Salve, o diva Madre di Cristo,
che piangi il Figlio nel sepolcro rinchiuso,
e nel mesto cuore rivolgi la serie delle pene di lui.
Deh! per la efficacia di sì grandi dolori, che con fortezza soffristi,
tu fa' che io sia forte contro l'impeto de' mali che qui ne opprimono,
e che finalmente sia per tua intercessione chiamato a godere
eternamente la beata sorte de' Santi in cielo.
Sette Ave Maria e un Gloria Patri.
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reinsdork · 5 years
player's weekend nicknames!
Jose Abreu: "MAL TIEMPO"
Tim Anderson: "TA7"
Aaron Bummer: "BUM"
Dylan Cease: "CEASE"
Alex Colome: "THE HORSE"
Ryan Cordell: "CORDY"
Jimmy Cordero: "GERARD"
Dylan Covey: "COVE"
Ross Detwiler: "DET"
Adam Engel: "MAN OF STEAL"
Jace Fry: "FRENCHY"
Leury Garcia: "LEO"
Ryan Goins: "GO GO"
Jon Jay: "305 J"
Eloy Jimenez: "THE BIG BABY"
Michael Kopech: "KOPEY"
Reynaldo Lopez: "REY"
James McCann: "McCANNON"
Yoan Moncada: "YOYO"
Ivan Nova: "SUPER NOVA"
Josh Osich: "O"
Carlos Rodon: "LOS"
Jose Ruiz: "EL DE GUACARA"
Yolmer Sanchez: "NOAH ALAN"
Matt Skole: "BABA"
Seby Zavala: "SEBY"
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toradata · 5 years
Primera sesión estética de lo feo.
Notas sobre anatomía de lo feo
Nietzsche> Lo apolineo y dionisiaco es una dicotomía filosófica y literaria a la que Nietzsche el concepto de dualidad desarrollado en su libro "EL nacimiento de la tragedia en el espiritu de la música" Apolo y dioniso representan figuras antagónicas
las tentaciones de San Antonio: Triptico del pintor flamenco El bosco. Es un óleo sobre tabla de 131x238cm de ancho perteneciente al renacimiento nordico(1) . EL tema es las tentaciones de San Antonio el cual suscitaba bastante interes por reflajar la lucha entre el Bien y el Mal, Cristo y Satan. Posibles fuentes pudieron ser la Vita Sancti Antonii de Atanasio o la leyenda áurea de Jacopo da varazze (2) Con el trìptico cerrados se observan dos escenas; el prendimiento a la izq y el Cristo subiendo al calvario con la cruz a cuestas a la deracha. Abierto encontramos e la izr el vuelo y caida del santo. En la tabla central se encuentra la tradición del Bosco por la habilidad santa de rechazar la tentación. Contiene escenas de toda perversión. En la derecha encontramos la meditación de San Antonio
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Kafka, un medico rural, la metamorfosis (la herida). Literatura grotesca
Retrato de viejo con niño. Domenico Ghirlandai 1490. Òleo sobre tabla 62x46cm. La fealdad del viejo, central, queda contrastada por el niño, la vista aerea del paisaje y la melancolía que suscita la relación de ambos.
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Melancolía (bilis negra): teoría de los humores, corpus ipocatium: Grecia clásica, una de las teorías más importantes de la medicina. Hipocrates la inventa para explicar las enfermedades dividiendo el cuerpo en cuatro humores; La sangre, la flema, la bilis negra y la bilis amarilla. las enfermedades son entonces, un desequilibrio de estos humores. (completar)
Saturno y la melancolía (panofsky): dividido en 4 partes. Sobre la noción de la melancolía, en el contexto de la tradición literaria como tradición pictórica antigua y medieval, la tercera estudia la melancolía poética, la glorificación de la melancolía, saturno en el neoplatonismo florentino y el origen del ideal moderna de genio.Por último, el grabado de melancolía I de Durero.
la palabra y el fantasma en la cultura occidental: reconstrución de cuatro capítulos de la cultura europea; la teoría del fantasma en la poesía amorosa del S13, el concepto de melancolía desde los padres de la iglesia hasta freud, la obra de arte frente al dominio de la mercancia, la forma emblemática desde el S16. Cuestiona el lugar (topográfico y no espacial) donde se situa la cultura humana tentada a entrar en relación con se objeto.
Orfeo de Verdi. música de la melancolía
Um bellum bonum . Platón:
La filosofía- manía, procede de la locura. (R)
Renacimiento nórdico: Término historiográfico usado para clasificar el renacimiento europeo del norte de los alpes. Fuera de italia y con exclusión del renaciniento español. Artistas como Jan van Eyck, Pieter Brueghel el viejo, Alberto Duero, Bernard van Orley
la leyenda áurea o doroda son relatos hagiográficos compilados reunidos por el arzobispo de G��nova. Fue uno de los libros más copiados durante la baja edad media. El original recogen, en latin, lecturas sobre la vida de 180 santos mártiles cristianos y presenta una explicación basada en los evangelios de las fiestas del calendario liturgico.
Introducción a la estética de lo feo
Fealdad trasmutado a lo cómico. - Rossemberg . El gran macabro
Shakespeare con componentes feos, maldados, una temática ultracontemporanea y las Sad historia. Ideas como el teatro dentro del teatro, el juego del duelo. Envenenamiento de oído. EL envenenamiento de oído de Hamlet tiene un precedente en Eduardo II de Marlowe, quien utiliza polvos introducidos con la ayuda de una pluma. Es interesante dado la asociación de la ingesta de veneno por la vía oral hasta llegar al punto de dudar la verosimilitud (1) Las enfermedades de oído de aquella época rompían el tímpano por lo que el veneno podía atravesarlo y llegar al torrente sanguíneo.
Akira korosawa. Dentro de lo shakesperiano. "La vida es un idiota lleno de euforia que no significa nada" (2)
Campanadas a medianoche, 1965. Coproducción hispanosuiza dirigida y protagonizada por Orson Welles. Cuenta con el personaje recurrente shakesperiano Sir John Falstaff. El tema es la traición de la amistad. Considerada una de sus mejores películas.
Sandro Boticelli, historia de nastagio degli Onetti, temple sobre tabla. Sobre una narración de Boccaccio (octava novela de la quinta jornada del decameron) El infierno de los amantes crueles. Fue un encargo donde cada color, su cantidad, su iconografía estaba acordado. Obra de carácter cinematográfico, dividida en cuatro capítulos. Los tres primeros se pueden encontrar en el museo del Prado mientras que el último pertenece a una colección privada del palacio de Pucci en Florencia.
1. William Harvey De motu cordis considerado el primer estudio científico sobre el sistema sanguíneo humano.
2. Akira Kurosawa fue un director, productor, guionista y editor de cine nacido y residente de Japón, también conocido como El Emperador. Comienza su carrera con La leyenda del gran Judo pero algunas de las mas notables fueron; La fortaleza escondida, los siete samuráis o Rashomon .
Historia de la fealdad
El banquete de Platón. Junto con Fedro conforma la idea de amor platónico.
Rubens. La cabeza de medusa, óleo sobre lienzo: Con la muerte en los ojos. Supuesta colaboración con Fran Snyders(1) La escena es la cabeza de Medusa cortada mostrada de forma bisceral y repleta de insectos y reptiles.
Medusa de rodanini. "Que no entre nadie que no este dispuesto a perder la cabeza "
Harold Bloom, la angustia de las influencias(T). Apofrades, el retorno de los muertos. Toma la palabra de los días aciagos ateniense donde los muertos regresaban a habitar las casa en las que habían vivido. Introducirse a si mismo dentro de una genealogía. El poeta que se piensa a si mismo dentro de un historia, el artista que se considera dentro de la historia del arte.
Geometrías de las pasiones, remo bodei.
El desollamiento de marsias, óleo sobre tabla, obra de Tiziano inspirada en los libros VI (suplicio de marsias) y IX (historia del rey midas) de mas metamorfosis de Ovidio. Plasma en momento en el que el sátiro es desollado por el Dios Apolo. Expresiones como dejarse la piel
Perritos en el arte ej. Caniches, críticos de arte
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Cerámica griega. Los de frente (símbolo) están de cara a la muerte.
Mito de la centauromaquia. Centauros, mitad hombre mitad caballo, criaturas salvajes entregadas a las pasiones (por su parte de animal) pero capaces de razonar, analizar y reflexionar (parte humana) Representan por ello el conflicto entre razón y emoción.
Tirzano. Ninfa y pastor, John Berger.
Homero Ilíada, " tersites era el hombre mas deforme.. : Es presentado como el más feo de los griegoscon un carácter vulgar e impertinente. Origen del bufón
Platon, la República, III. Advierte sobre el peligro de las enseñanzas de los poetas
Platón contra la teatrocracia, Aristófanes y la comedia. Teatros bullicioss La comedia introduce una crítica. Platón gobierna imponiendo un arte que educa a través del miedo.
José Manuel Cuesta Abad, Apolis. Dos ensayos sobre la política del origen.
Dialéctica de la ilustración. Obra de filosofía y crítica social escrita por los filósofos de la escuela e Frankfurt Theodore adorno y Max horkheimer ambos dedicados a la teoría crítica.
El silencio de las sirenas de Kafka. Las sirenas nunca dijeron lo que cantaban. El silencio de las sirenas es mucho más aterrador.
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Elogios homoeróticos durante la batalla.
Cassandra. Sacerdotisa de Apolo que cambia el don de la profecía por un encuentro carnal. Incumple su parte pero sigue teniendo su don aun que nadie cree sus profecías. Junto con el Laaoconte predijo el engaño del caballo de Troya. "temo a los griegos por hacer regalos"
Hospitalidad-hostilidad (extraño, miedo) La traición de Paris y Helena es el comienzo. Ulises tarda en volver a Ítaca por reconstruir la hospitalidad isla por isla agradeciendo regalos.
Altar de colmar, matias 1515. Pies de cristo crucificado. Manos que expresan dolor  (2)
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SAN AGUSTIN “ para sostener su fe, cristo [...] cristo deforme” Llegar al colmo de la fealdad. Representaciones literarias feas de cristo para demostrar humanidad. 
Cristo que duda de ser cristo (padre por qué me has abandonado)  
Arte cristiano representación de la iconografía de la fealdad 
Cristo en la columna 1485 con gotas de sangre. Flagelación
Antropologia. Mery Doglas. Pureza y peligros. La primera cuestión es el miedo al contacto por las sustancias que general los cuerpos entendidas como sucias. Miedo a la sangre, excrementos, fluidos pero sobre todo a la sangres menstrual, mayor contaminación (tabú) 
Priscilla monge: Compresas como material artístico. El “balon de futbol” engarzada con fragmentos de cuero. “habitacion de aislamiento”  a modo de pared insonorizada, motivo de aislamiento fisico y pscoologico. “Pantalones apra dias de regla” pasea con pantalones “sanitarios” que absorben su sangre mestrual. (3)
El llanto de Cristo muerto de 1304 Padua
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el hospital de los venerables.  In ictu oculi. La muerte apagando una vela
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(L)  El otoño en la edad media  
Macabro (E) 
La danza de la muerte/ danza macabra:  Género artístico tardo medieval con temática de la universalidad de la muerte. Diálogo en verso, representable. Inició en Francia y extendido por toda la literatura Europea.  Ver la danza general de la muerte
1. Fran Snyders. Pintor flamenco especialista en animales y bodegones.
2. el abad del monasterio de San Antonio de Isenheim (Alsacia), Guido Guersi, encargó al maestro Matthias Grünewald un retablo que habría de presidir la capilla de un hospital para enfermos de un mal conocido como el "Fuego de San Antonio", una extraña enfermedad de la piel que provocaba grandes padecimientos gangrenosos a los afectados y que en aquellos años tenía como único tratamiento la amputación, por lo que era extremadamente temida. Esta enfermedad sería diagnosticada bastantes años mimás tarde, en 1597, y registrada como ergotismo, un mal producido por el consumo prolongado de centeno contaminado por el hongo cornezuelo
Se relaciona a los enfermos con el que padeció cristo en la pasión. Al cerrarlo y ver la imagen de la crucifixión  el cuerpo se encuentra moribundo y deformado por la cruz mostrando una anatomía suficiente, retorcida y antinatural. Los pies y las manos presentan un tamaño desproporcionado remarcando el dolor. Las úlceras tienen una tonalidad verdosa que contrastada con los coágulos de sangre similar a las heridas que produce el ergotismo 
Unas pocas notas sobre lo monstruoso
El libro de los monstruos espsñoles http://www.siruela.com/catalogo.php?id_libro=1248 
Bestiarios  medievales https://www.iberlibro.com/buscar-libro/titulo/bestiario-medieval/ 
Lo monstruoso viene de Oriente
Monstruos en los capiteles de iglesias 
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sleepysailorjunko · 3 years
hear me out: Buffy the Vampire Slayer would make a pretty good Sailor Moon au??
like the Queen curses the dying Prince Endymion with eternal life-as long as he feeds on the men who were once his subjects to sustain himself. He's forbidden to walk under day's light so she can look with disdain upon him from the moon and curse him for being the reason her daughter no longer lives.
Eventually, Luna, a watcher of sorts, arrives to tell Usagi of her destiny as Sailor Moon.
they just work together really well I think.
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