#ready to get back into adult themes and drama
mikexx2 · 8 months
People You'd Like To Get To Know Better
I was tagged by @lucilla-sims, thanks! :)
Last song: Black Tangled Heart - silverchair
Favorite color: a deep cherry red is my standard answer, but the older I get, the less I can commit to just one colour. And then shades within palettes? Don't even get me started.
Currently watching: Too much to list, quite honestly. None of it particularly current.
Last movie: Past Lives. I enjoyed its gentle grace.
Last reading: Kristy and the Snobs, book #11 from the Babysitter's Club. I've been on a junior fiction kick this year.
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: all - my spice tolerance is really increasing.
Last thing I googled: How to cover up scratches on floorboards.
Current obsession: @moocha-muses Simchelor challenge, biangbiang noodles, Pocket Styler.
Currently working on: nothing sims 2 related. I consider myself semi-retired these days.
Not tagging anyone, go ahead and do it if you want to.
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whipped-for-kpop-fics · 2 months
X Marks the Spot - K.SY
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🏴‍☠️Who; Kwon Soonyoung (Seventeen) x female reader 🏴‍☠️What; Humour. Bestfriends to lovers. I guess some tiny fluff? Adult themes. 🏴‍☠️Wordcount; 5.8k 🏴‍☠️Warnings; Profanity. Party typical alcohol mentions but neither SY nor reader are drinking. Kind of jealous/possessive Soonyoung. Making out in public places. The whole point of this story is Soonyoung in a costume marketed for women, so if that's not your vibe then this story is not for you, friend.
Although there isn't any smut, this is definitely an 18+ fic so Minors do NOT interact. I WILL block any account that interacts without an age indicator in the bio.
Summary; You stupidly left the job of buying your costumes for the party down to Soonyoung, and now you're paying for it and have to spend the night watching him dancing in those little shorts initially intended for you.
-2024 Masterlist-
A/N; this is all because I can't get the thought of Soonyoung in the pirate outfit from my "Sexy costumes for Seventeen to wear" post out of my head. made myself feral with that one.
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Completely out of the blue last week, Seungkwan decided to send a message in the group chat that he's throwing a costume party. No reason for it, nothing had happened to warrant a party, he had simply decided he wanted to do it and demanded the entire group be there and in costume.
Soonyoung had, unsurprisingly, already been by your side on our couch watching the latest episode of the drama you two were obsessed with, when the message came through. After the episode you both looked at your phones and Soonyoung immediately started to look for costume ideas excitedly. He soon found and fell in love with a pirate outfit and after showing you it, he said it's part of a couple costume and as besties, you have to match because 'that's what besties do'. In the year you have known Soonyoung, you have never truly said no to him and this was no different.
Though perhaps you should've at least looked at the female half of the matching costume before agreeing instead of blindly trusting your best friend.
Which leads us to here. It's an hour before the party is due to start and Soonyoung has just turned up at your apartment to get ready together just like always. He has the parcel of costumes in his arms and a bright excited grin on his face when he hands it over to you to allow him to remove his shoes.
"I haven't opened it yet," He informs, watching you walk over to the couch to lean the parcel against the arm and open it like you knew he wanted you to. Soonyoung knows you get an odd sense of joy from opening parcels whether or not they're for you so he often brings his orders over or invites you to his apartment to allow you to open them for him.
"So I see," You muse with a little giggle.
Soonyoung appears at your back a moment later, leaning his chin on your shoulder to peer into the bag as you open it. The first costume out is his, packaged in another bag though this is clear revealing the cardboard insert with a picture of a man in the costume on the front. He takes it happily when you offer it and bounces aside to start to open it excitedly.
There's only one more item in the bag, your costume so you take it out, excited about your matching pirate outfits too. Up until you turn the packet over to look at the picture and realise that this truly is not what you expected, especially not from your best friend.
"What the actual fuck, Kwon Soonyoung?!" You demand flabbergasted.
"Uh-oh, the full name," Soonyoung looks up at you in alarm, all sign of joy gone. "Did they send the wrong thing?"
"I hope so because if you saw this on the site and still ordered it, you and I are going to have some issues." You turn the packet to show him the picture on the cardboard insert. A picture of a woman in a tiny pair of high-waisted shorts, if they could even be considered that with fishnet tights underneath. There's an attempt at a white top that honestly could be a lot worse, it's off the shoulder and cropped but it's honestly not as bad as it could be for a female-focused costume, but still far too revealing for your liking. To finish it off, she's wearing a striped bandana on her head with a plastic sword in her hands and you're very certain that the sword alone is the only reason the packet is that big because there's certainly not enough material creating the costume to require such a size bag.
Soonyoung stares at the picture for a second then looks up at you with a confused little pout. "It's a pirate outfit."
"Show me yours," You demand with a sigh. He doesn't hesitate to move over and hand you his costume, still in the packet just about.
There's a clear difference in costumes. The picture on his packet depicts a man in three-quarter length vertically striped trousers and a simple white shirt with an open neckline revealing a thin triangular strip of skin down to his sternum, finished with the same bandana as your costume and a plastic sword. Though, of course, the man's sword is bigger than the woman's sword. Of course, the men get the big boy sword and the women get the toothpick.
"You seriously don't see a problem with this?" You ask, holding the two packets up side by side so that he can see the photos together. Poor, naive Soonyoung looks between the pictures rapidly in a desperate attempt to understand. Yet he winds up just shaking his head as he looks at you with such an innocent expression that you know that he seriously doesn't understand the problem here at all. "Then you can wear this one." You declare, handing him the woman's outfit before turning to stalk off to your bedroom.
"What?!" He sputters, scrambling to follow you down the short corridor. "This is for women!"
"You've said before, clothes have no gender!" You remind, turning at the threshold with a hand on your open door ready to close it and a sweet smile on your face. "If you want to match with me, Soonyoungie, you wear that and I'll wear this."
He stares between you and the packet in his hand for a moment before agreeing with a nod and a simple "okay".
And that right there, is your second mistake.
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When you had told Soonyoung to wear that outfit, you really had not been prepared for how fucking good he'd look in the skimpy little outfit. So now you have to spend the next hours at Seungkwan's bustling apartment pretending that your gaze isn't constantly locating Soonyoung in the dim lighting as he happily dances amongst other costumed bodies.
Sure, you've seen Soonyoung topless before so you know the man has a frankly incredible body usually hidden under the baggy clothes he usually prefers to wear, but the sexy little pirate outfit highlights his strong torso and biceps so well. The cropped top stops at his sternum giving full view of the top half of his defined abs, the bottom half hidden by the high waist of the shorts. And those shorts? They really do not leave a lot to the imagination at all so Soonyoung has spent the entire night so far carefully doing his best to keep the sword strapped around his hips dangling in front of his crotch. You had obligingly given him the bigger sword when you had realised that the 'woman's' sword wasn't exactly wide enough to cover him. Neither of you had made eye contact when you had handed it over without a word because you both knew what it meant and the fact you had obviously seen the bulge of his flaccid dick in the tight shorts.
Which honestly, had only made you wonder how big he was hard, and that was a thought that you usually try to avoid; thinking of your best friend in a sexual situation. Though his pure existence alone makes it very hard.
Kwon Soonyoung doesn't realise how attractive he is and you're kind of grateful about it. Because if that unfairly effortlessly attractive man knows how hot he is, then you know he'll be cocky and dress to show off more often than just for nights out or special occasions, and you would not mentally survive that.
As it is, you're not sure you'll survive the night.
"One day, you two are going to stop being stupid and just fuck it out," Chan comments from your right where he stands in his doctor's outfit; Seungkwan's wearing a matching one somewhere else in the apartment and you really can't tell if it's intentional or not with those two. They're always bickering and acting like they hate each other but they're always the first the other goes to for any reason whatsoever.
"Please make it before the end of summer so I don't lose money," Seungcheol requests from your left, leaning against the wall with you and dressed in a suit just like his own best friend and roommate, wherever she has disappeared to. She's likely with Junhui based on the way the pair have been eyeing each other for the past hour -and since they met really but that's another story entirely.
"You assholes have bets on us fucking?" You gawp in betrayed disbelief at the suited man.
"Yup," Seungcheol confirms shamelessly while Chan tries to sputter out a denial that makes you level the youngest with an unimpressed look. However, it doesn't last because you hear Soonyoung's loud voice even over the music and automatically look over to where your best friend is trying to stop Seokmin from grabbing at his sword. No euphemism even if the plastic is in the right place. "Looks like Seok's going to get further with your boy than you ever have." Seungcheol sniggers. You shove his arm making him laugh harder.
"Swordplay," Chan giggles then wanders off without another word to refill his cup after swallowing the last of its contents.
"Seriously though, you should like, go fuck him," Seungcheol speaks a moment later when Soonyoung has successfully distracted Seokmin by grabbing the younger's hands to make him dance with him. Soonyoung shoots you a world-weary, wide-eyed look that makes you snicker and wave innocently at him.
"You really don't want to lose money, huh."
"It's not even about that, just you two. This has been going on for over a year now; this gross pining shit. Just sit on his dick and ask him on a date, it's not that hard."
"You can't say shit, Cheol."
"Hey, I've fucked her, regularly," he defends with a pout before sipping at his drink.
"Oh yeah, because fucking your best friend who you've been in love with since childhood while encouraging her to go after your friend who she's been mutually eyefucking for the past three months is so much better." You retort sarcastically and give him a look. He can't refute it at all, it's entirely true and he's confided in you enough for you both to know that he's constantly making his own heartbreak worse by continuing to indulge his best friend both in bed and when she comes home and whines over how good Junhui looks.
"We're as bad as each other," he decides after a second.
"Don't lump me with you, I've never fucked him." You scoff and turn back around to naturally locate Soonyoung where he's back to smiling away as he dances with Seokmin and some others.
"You want to,"
"Yeah, I really fucking do," you exhale and swallow down the last of your drink only to frown down into the empty disposable cup. "I need a real drink."
"You know you can't drink around him like this or you will ask to suck his dick." Seungcheol reminds you of the very reason why you're always the designated driver when Soonyoung dresses up.
Because yes, you have come close to getting on your knees in the middle of a club for him. Luckily, Seungcheol had noticed and took you home before you actually acted on the urge to publicly defile your best friend. Unluckily, Seungcheol had noticed and has not failed to mention it at every chance. But at least it's stayed between the two of you.
"At this rate, I'll do it regardless," you mutter, still frowning into your empty cup. "Back in a bit." Seungcheol just grunts to show he heard before you slump off to the kitchen to refill your cup with one of the non-alcoholic beverages lining the counter.
You've barely finished filling your cup when a familiar hand reaches around you and picks it up to start gulping down. Even though you know it's Soonyoung, you still look over your right shoulder where he's chugging down the drink entirely unaware of your thirsty gaze watching the drop of liquid that escapes from the corner of his mouth trail down over his chin and jaw and down his neck to catch on his collar bone. You refrain from leaning in to slurp it up and lick your way up the trail it left all the way to Soonyoung's mouth.
Instead of staring at the way his throat bobs as he swallows down the last drops, you turn back around and wait for him to place the cup down so that you can refill it. And then he grabs it again before you can, making you groan. "Seriously?"
"M'thirsty," he defends barely pulling the cup away and accidentally dribbling some of the liquid from his mouth onto your shoulder. You look at him in disgust. He just grins sweetly and kisses your cheek in a sticky apologetic way before leaning back up to get back to his task of once again, stealing your drink.
At least this time when you've refilled the cup, he doesn't steal it away and lets you actually lift it to your own mouth. You can feel his eyes on you as you drink so you side-eye him questioningly without moving the cup away.
"Are you taking Seungcheol home again?" He asks, stepping closer to you as someone passes too close behind him, his left hand falling to your hip and his right on the counter, sort of caging you in though you know it's unintentional even if you wish it wasn't.
"He can take himself home, he's not drinking tonight," you reply, distracted by the feeling of plastic pressing against you. "Your sword is digging into my ass."
Soonyoung lets go of the counter to tug his sword belt around and lays the toy on the outside of his left thigh leaving him pressed directly against you. You genuinely can't tell if he's even noticed that as he seems to be focused on the conversation judging by the concentrated furrow of his eyebrows. "That's not what I mean and you know it."
"If I know it, wouldn't I respond to what you mean?" You give him a look, puzzled by his own words and hoping he understands that you seem to very much not be having the same conversation here and you are completely unaware of the conversation he's having with you.
"Not when you're both pretending nothing's happening,"
"What?" You nudge him back enough so that you can turn and face him, which admittedly, is not your smartest move when he moves straight back in. He doesn't press against you again but his left foot is between yours as you lean your ass back against the counter. Any closer and his thigh will be very close to pressing to your crotch.
"Come on, I'm your best friend, I think you should at least be honest with me, even if you play ignorant with the others," he frowns and leans heavier onto his right hand on the counter beside your hip, bringing him in closer so that he doesn't have to talk so loudly to be heard over the music. "You two often leave together when we go out. And even though his place is closer than mine, you drop me off first so it's just you two left. I'm not stupid."
"Wait, you think that's so we can go fuck?" You realise with wide eyes.
"It's obvious, you always find each other when we're all together like this and spend the whole fucking night hiding off to the side whispering to each other,"
You can't help but laugh. "Do you all think we're fucking?" He nods. You laugh again. "Oh man, I gotta tell Cheolie this," you start to push off of the counter with every intention of going to find the man knowing he will find it as hilarious as you do, but Soonyoung puts his left hand on your lower stomach to push you back and then he pushes himself against you to pin you there. "Soonyoung,"
"What? No? No what?"
"I'm not letting you go back to him. You came with me, you're staying with me and leaving with me, no one else." He declares firmly.
You stare up at him trying to decipher what the fuck is actually going on right now, what prompted this sudden conversation and behaviour. Not that Soonyoung has never pinned you before but it's usually playfully as he whines and pouts cutely to get his way, or to just joke around. But he's entirely serious now and looking at you with something kind of dark in his eyes. Admittedly, it's pretty fucking hot. "Are you drunk?" You ask, even if you know he's not; you can't smell any alcohol on him and drunk Soonyoung gets cuddly and clingy, not whatever this is.
"You know I'm not," he places his left hand on the counter on your other side, well and truly caging you in and causing him to lean down a little closer to reach comfortably.
"Then why are you suddenly acting like this?"
"It's not sudden." You give him a look. "Okay, fine, acting on it is but wanting to, that's not sudden. I've wanted to do this for a long time,"
"Then why haven't you?"
"Because I care about you too much," he frowns a little as he takes in your features from up close, gaze catching on your lips for a few seconds before lifting back up to meet your eyes. "There's a bet you know, about us fucking?"
"I just found out." You pull a displeased expression. "Cheol's in on that, you know? He wouldn't bet on us fucking before the end of summer if he's fucking me."
"He is?" He raises his eyebrows in surprise. "They made it sound like he's against the bet, said he's been trying to stop them from always talking me into it,"
"Yeah, no, he just told me to fuck you. He's always telling me to fuck you."
"Oh," He licks his lips as his eyes divert thoughtfully. "Guess I should stop being a dick to him then,"
"You've been a dick to him?" You ask, genuinely surprised. You really haven't noticed Soonyoung acting badly towards Seungcheol at all.
"Mm, I always take his favourite snacks at movie night." You can't help but burst into giggling laughter at his confession.
Of course, the man doesn't have a single genuinely mean bone in his body and would think purposely taking someone's favourite snacks would be a big dick move. You bet he's been feeling kind of guilty about it while no doubt Seungcheol hasn't even noticed.
"What? Why're you laughing?" He pouts at you.
"Oh, Soonie, you're so fucking cute," you coo and cup his cheeks fondly. He smiles a little dopily at the compliment, the same smile he reserves for you and your doting attention on him even if neither of you has noticed that. The rest of your friends have though.
"Nice ass," You hear before Soonyoung's hips jerk into you when he yelps and tries to escape the slap that landed on his ass.
"Hyung!" He complains, looking over his shoulder to pout at Jeonghan as the man appears from behind your best friend.
You really can't tell exactly what Jeonghan is supposed to be, you think it's some kind of anime character, or something kinky. Maybe both. Either way, his costume is a strange mix of faux black leather and shimmery red lacey wings. And he pulls it off unfairly well considering that you know he hadn't been prepared for the party that morning at all.
"What? Don't look at me like I'm disturbing something," Jeonghan scoffs, reaching around you to grab the same big plastic bottle you had been filling your cup from. Though he stops and looks at the way Soonyoung is very much pressed against you. Jeonghan grins after noticing that Soonyoung's crotch is definitely smushed against your upper thigh; something you have been doing your best to ignore yourself because yes you can feel everything through the thin material covering you both. "Or maybe I am." He smirks at you both.
"What are you supposed to be exactly?" You ask in an attempt to change the topic to one that won't kill your last remaining dregs of sanity. Then again, with the things that come out of Yoon Jeonghan's mouth, you could still be rendered insane but for a reason other than feeling your best friend's dick pressed against you.
"No idea just grabbed some shit from Hao's costume closet." Jeonghan shrugs as he looks down at himself. "Kind of think this might be less about his costume designing and more about sex though."
"He's definitely worn that harness while fucking someone." You agree and reach out to hook your finger over the thick horizontal strap over Jeonghan's chest. You're pretty sure it's directly over his nipples, but the slightly sheer tank top he's wearing underneath the harness kind of obscures your view enough that you don't have confirmation.
"Mm, definitely." Jeonghan agrees and smirks at you. "Want to take it home yourself?"
"And take it from you? I wouldn't dare, you look so handsome, Hannie," You coo, playing along with the flirty banter you two have always partaken in. Not because anything has ever happened between you nor will it, you've discussed it plenty of times to make sure you're both on the same page still. But it's just fun to harmlessly flirt.
"Never said I won't be wearing it," he licks his lips and gives you a suggestive look.
"You're not going home with her," Soonyoung argues firmly, crowding up against you further though his gaze is on Jeonghan in warning, so he misses the way your eyes widen and dart down to where Soonyoung is now pressing his crotch against your hip, his own thigh pressing up between your thighs. Jeonghan doesn't miss it though and cackles, taking the bottle and his cup away entirely without another word.
"S-soonyoung," You stammer, hands fluttering at his sides, wanting to push him back for your sanity but you think putting your hands on his exposed skin will just make you pull him closer.
"Do you have to flirt with him all the time?" He frowns at you, entirely unaware of the screaming in your mind, mostly just sounds with the odd yell of the word penis. He'd probably laugh if he heard it, to be honest, just because of the word penis. He wouldn't even realise it's his penis you're mentally screaming about. "And when I'm right here too. Did you forget I'm here or something?"
"No," You choke out.
"Then why- are you okay?" He suddenly realises how wide your eyes are.
"I can feel your dick," You blurt, unable to think of anything else.
He blinks at you for a moment then looks down at where he's pressed against you as if he hasn't even noticed until now. "Oh," he pulls his hips back and his thigh from between yours making you let out a heavy shaky exhale as your body relaxes a little. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."
"Ha, not the word I'd use."
"What word would you use?" If he was any other man, you'd say the little quirk of his head and innocent eyes locked onto you is fake, just some kind of game, a way to flirt. But it's Soonyoung and you've seen this man miss the most obvious of flirtations since you've known him; the amount of times you or the guys have had to bluntly tell him that someone had been trying to take him home to fuck is frankly absurd. "Stop touching my ass!" His sudden exclamation makes you jump a little while he looks over his shoulder in annoyance, glaring at Seungkwan who's giving him an innocent look.
"I'm very happy that you two are finally doing something about your consistent sexual tension and mutual pining but take it out of my kitchen, please. I don't want to have to burn my home down if you defile my counters." The younger man speaks bluntly with a slightly sweet edge to his words. You can't even see him but you just know that he's got that too sweet smile on his face that always feels more threatening than anything.
"What?" Soonyoung blinks at him, the annoyance of his ass being grabbed melting away. "We're not doing anything."
"Hannie told me you're being possessive and we all know that she likes that so-"
"Hey!" You exclaim offendedly, not because you can argue it, but just more that you're being talked about like you're not there. "She has a name!"
"Well take hyung home and he can moan it for the neighbours to hear." Seungkwan gives you that sweet-threatening smile as he leans around Soonyoung to meet your gaze. "My neighbours don't want to hear it."
"My neighbours won't hear that," you scoff. Soonyoung can't help but frown, he feels like he's just been rejected even though he hadn't even gotten to the point of actually asking to take you home and fuck you like he wants to, like your mutual friends had convinced him you want him to. But your firm dismissal of Seungkwan's words sounds like you putting that boundary securely in place before he can even ask to tumble over it into your arms.
"He's loud-" Seungkwan starts to point out but you're not done talking even if you had taken a quick scoff break.
"I don't live in a cheap-ass building with paper for walls like you do, Kwannie." You finish.
Both men stare at you for a second, Seungkwan at first just blinks in surprise at the fact you're not even disputing the Soonyoung moaning your name part, just whether or not your neighbours will hear. And Soonyoung is full-on gawping at you, mouth open and eyes wide, wondering if this means that boundary even exists between you.
"Does that mean you won't get a noise complaint? Hyung is pretty loud, you know? There's a reason we don't live together anymore."
"I don't know." You reply with a shrug.
"Then go fucking home already and stop humping against my kitchen counter!" Seungkwan grabs Soonyoung by his hips to yank him backwards away from you while the scantily dressed pirate yelps and flails a little at the unexpected action. Then he's shoved towards the kitchen exit while Seungkwan grabs your wrist to tug you along.
You're both too genuinely dumbstruck by Seungkwan's sudden forceful actions to do anything but stumble along until you're both outside of the apartment, shoes in hands and staring in shock at the door that's just been shut in your faces.
"Did we just get kicked out?" You mutter.
Soonyoung nods slowly and then looks at you. "I think we got kicked out for sex."
"Is it still sexile if you're the ones getting kicked out and told to go elsewhere to fuck?" You muse, attention down as you focus on shoving your feet into your shoes, one hand on the wall behind you and the other out in the air pointlessly.
"Uh, reverse sexile?" He offers, dropping his shoes to shove his feet into.
"Sounds like a sex position."
He laughs. "What would that even look like?"
"No idea." You grin at him then figure that well, it seems like you've both been outed enough already seeing as all of your friends have stopped hiding the fact that they expect you to finally have sex, which really implies a mutual attraction. So you suck your bottom lip into your mouth for a second as he frowns down at his shoe that just will not accept his right foot for some reason. "Shall we go find out?"
Immediately, Soonyoung looks up at you with wide eyes. "What?"
"Shall we go find out what reverse sexile looks like?"
"Yeah, Soonyoung, us," You confirm with an amused twitch of your lips. "You said you're the only one to go home with me, right?" He nods. "Then let's go home and find out, Young-ah."
"Ye-no, wait." He steps closer and takes your hand gently before you can start walking down the hall to the staircase. His fingers are barely holding onto your own. It's perhaps the most cautious he's ever taken your hand into his. Even the very first time he had boldly laced your fingers together and you had only met ten minutes previously.
"No?" You ask, feeling really kind of stupid all of a sudden. You had been so unusually confident in asking him to go home and fuck you.
"Not because I don't want to because I do seriously, I really want to fuck you." He breathes out, sounding rather affected by the thought alone as he stares at you longingly and holds your hand a little more securely. "I just…I don't want it to wind up like Seungcheol."
"Uh, what about Seungcheol?" You shuffle a little closer while giving him a questioning look.
"Regularly fucking his best friend who has a crush on someone else, while he…while he wants her as more than just company in his bed." The way his expression turns serious and yearning makes your heart start to race a little with hope.
"While he…Are you saying you want more?" You ask quietly.
"Earlier when I said I care about you too much, I meant I care too much to be able to have sex with you if it means nothing. I really fucking like you and I don't want to go home with you like this if you don't feel the same. I can't do that." He shakes his head a little. "As much as I've thought about this, about you and me doing all kinds of kinky shit all over your apartment, and mine when Jihoon isn't there. Or when he is if you're into exhibitionism, I don't know your kinks and I'm pretty sure he wouldn't even notice anyway because he never leaves his fucking room an-" He's rambling at this point, frowning down at your connected hands as he talks.
"Soonyoung." He makes a soft hum of a noise as he looks back up at you with rounded eyes. "We can talk kinks later, I'd really like to get back to the matter of it sounds like you're confessing to me?"
"Oh, right yeah, I guess I am." He chuckles a little and scratches the back of his neck with his free hand. "So uh, yeah, I really like you and uhm, I guess now comes the part where hopefully, you say you like me back but I really don't know if you do because the guys just really said you want to fuck me and-" You cover his mouth with your hand that time to shut up his second bout of nervous rambling.
"I really like you too, Soonie," You confirm softly and giggle at the way his features light up adorably behind your palm. "Can we skip the trial dating bullshit and go straight to being together? I'd like to show you off as my boyfriend," His eyes widen dramatically and then he's nodding rapidly in agreement without dislodging your hand. "You're so cute." You coo and lean in just to press a kiss to the back of your hand over his mouth. He looks utterly betrayed and heartbroken when you lean back. "What?" You play innocent and lower your hand while backing up, lacing your fingers behind your back.
"You can't tease me like that, baby!" He whines, toddling after you and dragging his feet in a sulk as he moves along the carpeted flooring of the hall.
"Tease? Me? Never," You grin at him then stop as your back hits the door to the staircase.
"You are, teased me for the past year. Teasing me now." He continues to mumble away as he nears, though cuts off when you reach out to grab the sword and yank on the plastic to pull him in right up against you. His hands automatically fly up to catch himself on the door above your head while his breath catches in his throat.
"If you're so worried I'm going to keep teasing you, Soonie, you better hurry up and take what you want." You warn in a low voice, chin tilted up so your faces are only inches apart.
Soonyoung groans in the back of his throat before he leans down and seals his lips against yours in a hungry, desperate kiss. He presses his left forearm flat against the door beside your head so that he can firmly hold your jaw with his right hand and tilt you further into him with his thumb pushing on your chin to urge your mouth open wider and deepen the kiss in a manner much too filthy for a public hallway of your friend's apartment building.
"Oh for fucks sake!" The loud voice of the friend in question forces you both apart to peer over Soonyoung's shoulder to where Seungkwan is in the hallway with the cute neighbour he's recently started to date, their hands together and clearly with one intention in mind while sneaking away from his own party. They're standing outside of the neighbour's slightly open door but Seungkwan is staring at you and Soonyoung in disbelief. "I told you to go home! Not get your booty here!"
"Ha, booty, pirate joke." You snigger and Soonyoung giggles, both at your amusement and the pun he honestly hadn't even noticed.
"You two are fucking useless." Seungkwan decides and lets his neighbour tug him into the apartment. "You better be gone before I'm back!"
"90 seconds, right?!" Soonyoung calls as Seungkwan disappears. The younger's head pops back out to glare at the other and flip him a very heartfelt middle finger before the door actually shuts behind him that time. Soonyoung turns to look at you with a mischievous smirk. "Should we go fuck on his bed just to piss him off?"
"As tempting as that sounds, I'd rather only I hear you like that, Soonie," You pout at him cutely. "I'm not very good at sharing my toys, you know."
"Oh, I'm your toy now?" He muses, reaching down to open the door carefully to back you through it with his other arm wrapping around your waist.
"Mm, mine and only mine to play with when I want, right?"
"Yeah, yeah, yours and yours only, baby." He agrees lowly. "And you're mine."
"I am." You confirm and tilt up to kiss him teasingly. "Let's hurry and get home so I can show you everything that now belongs to you."
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A/N; There is more to this but I had to cut it all because it really was me mostly rambling with a sort of hand job thrown in there. The title comes from a conversation in the part I haven't included, by the way. Working title was "Yo ho hoe". But if I continue that part I removed from this, I guess there will be a part 2 as a direct continuation from this and it'll include smut.
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dariaslookalike · 4 months
Building Houses and Burning Bridges Pt 9: Losing a Hundred Dollars
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It seems, oddly enough, that Gregory House lives to annoy you. He takes 'arseholish boss' to the next level. Wake up in the morning, ready to have breakfast, and drive to the hospital where you both work? Nope, you're getting a text that says you're late to his impromptu 4:30 AM meeting where he's had the 'breakthrough of the century' on the team's latest case. Get your hair cut and walk into work, for once feeling confident? Nope, he's saying that he would have done a better job blinded, hands tied and going through Vicodin withdrawals. Finally, 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺, prove him wrong and attempt to wipe the cockiness off his face? Nope, you're simply slow because you didn't get to your diagnosis quicker and weak-willed because you didn't fight him for it in the beginning. Everything House does infuriates you, and it seems everything you do infuriates him. No wonder you end up pinned to the wall of your apartment and groping him like your life depends on. And knowing House, it very may well.
Warnings: Adult language, mature themes, eventual smut, female protagonist, no reference of y/n
Rating: 18+ MDNI
Current Status: Ongoing
Masterlist: Building Houses and Burning Bridges
Next Chapter: Pt 10
For someone who wanted you here to nurse back to health, House does his best to avoid you. 
Days pass in tense awkwardness. You spend most of the time sleeping, half from fatigue and half to avoid House when he returns from work. You wonder if he’s told the ducklings about your odd arrangement. You wonder what they think of your absence after your abrupt departure from the ball, let alone what they would think of you living with House. 
You decide he hasn’t told them. How could he? How does he explain that, without explaining everything in between? The bedroom, Pops, his absence?
The first night you slept in his room, he didn’t return home. You stared up at the ceiling for hours, and only when you turned yourself over, inhaling the cotton fabric and his smell did you fall asleep; it’s the mixture of the hospital, and the faintly scented soaps in his bathroom, and the cool New Jersey air, and the clothes from his linen cupboard and him and a million other things that you couldn’t begin to decipher that send you to sleep. 
He doesn’t tend to you or even ask how you’re feeling. Everyday when you awake like clockwork, there’s two white pills on the bedside table and a full glass of water. At first, you would inspect it to see if he spat in it or tampered with it, but you’ve grown to just gulp it down.  They continue to be the only thing to greet you in the morning. 
Sometimes you’ll step out too soon, and see the silvery crop of his hair from where he’s fallen asleep on the couch. Or sometimes you’ll stay up too late, and hear him limping to the bathroom. Even when you’ve wandered out, his eyes stay trained on the television. No words pass between the two of you, spare the occasional grunt of ‘pizza in the fridge’.
Two more pills. You take to rummaging around his room when the click of the door signals he’s left for the hospital. You don’t find many sentimental items although you spy notations spiralling throughout some of the novels on his bookcase. 
Two more pills. The days continue to turn over, and you spread your venture outwards; you raid his kitchen and find he barely has anything outside of peanut butter and bread in his pantry. 
Two more pills. His bathroom is unappealing, and you’re tempted to flush all the pills in his cabinet and closet. Piss him off, send him into a rage, pull his attention back to you. You resist. 
Two more pills. The lounge room, you decide, is your favourite. You watch the recorded episodes he’s saved of medical dramas and bitchy reality tv for hours and get very creative with the snacks you eat while you watch (toasted breadsticks dipped in peanut butter, a packet of two minute noodles from the back of his cabinet that you fry up). You play a half arsed jingle bells on his piano and find yourself sitting at it for hours, looking at the keys.
Two more pills. Two more pills. Two more pills. Two more, two more, two more. Again and again and again. 
You’ve lost count on how many pills; the days blur into each other, and you know the treatment is still long. 
The door handle glints from where you sit at the piano in the early morning light. The sun’s just rising, and surprise surprise, House isn’t here. Every few days, you find him asleep on the couch, but for the majority of time, you’re left alone. You wonder where he is on those nights; a woman’s bed or the hospital or Wilson’s. While you’re stuck here, caged with your own feebleness and shortness of breath.
But…your breath doesn’t feel short. You don’t feel feeble. Hell, you feel better than you have in weeks, as if the medication was finally restoring you to your former self. 
The door handle is practically waving you over, and you abandon the piano with a final tap to the keys.
It wasn’t like House said you couldn’t leave, rather, you just hadn’t. One day you would be aching, the next fatigued, and the next coughing. But today? Your legs are steady beneath you and they stride you across the apartment to the built-in cabinet in the hallway. You practically fling it open in your excitement, and delve past the shoeboxes of vicodin, and to the rack of clothes. 
You grasp a long coat, one that would’ve gone to House’s knees and instead brushes against your ankles. You look down at the sleeves, overhanging on your arms, and decide fuck it. In for a penny, in for a pound, right?
And so, you stroll out of the apartment in House’s engulfing coat and beanie, and a pair of your own leggings. You didn’t have any clean shirts of your own, so cross your fingers to the integrity of the coat’s button, and hope you don’t flash anyone your black, laced bra.
The days are brighter than you remember, starker- but you still breathe in deeply when you step firmly onto the sidewalk. The air is softer, fuller; spring. You look around like a nervous deer, and steel yourself as you set down the sidewalk. You vaguely recognised the streets from when Pop had driven you to the markets and shopping centre a suburb over front your own apartment. You don’t make any move however, to follow a direction, and rather just walk. 
You see pigeons pecking at scraps on the path, and overgrown weeds bursting through the pavement, and cars bustling on by. You smile until your cheeks hurt, and savour the feeling of the morning sunlight on your skin. 
You keep walking, and find yourself drawn to a bustling fruit market. Even in the early hours of the day, people are scavenging the stocks of fruit and veggies, and you slip into the crowd, unnoticed. You weren’t the precious thing that Pops treated you as nor the shameful object of avoidance House saw you as; instead, you were simply a woman looking at the sales on mandarins. 
You peer closer at the sign and scoff. They weren’t good sales, and you almost appreciate the fact that you have no money with you- at least you weren’t going to waste it on overpriced citrus.
You’re rolling your eyes next at the price of kiwis when you hear your name called out and you straighten.
You look around for the source and can’t place it amidst the colours, stalls and people. But then the person calls out to you again, and your eyes meet. 
You grin widely. “Chase?” 
He doesn’t smile or return your grin. He steps forward, and you think it odd to see him here, in a soft jumper and a basket full of produce (you spy the overpriced mandarins sitting neatly at the top, and groan inwardly). Somewhere in the back of your head, you think this makes sense. Spring and Chase and warm jumpers and fresh fruit; soft and calm and sweet.
Chase’s eyebrows are drawn in tightly as he speaks. “Where have you been?”
Ah. Suspicions confirmed about House’s silence. “Sick.” You raise your hands in defence. “Honestly. I wasn’t just avoiding you.”
At that, his face somehow sinks even more, and the memory of the charity ball is brought forth again. He huffs, and doesn’t meet your eyes. “I’m sorry about that, by the way. I- I don’t know. I guess I thought telling you was the best thing to do but then Wilson said you were super upset and-”
You step closer, and press a hand to his arm. “Chase.” You smile. “It’s fine. Really. If I’m being honest… It doesn’t mean anything to me right now.”
He scoffs, but a sheepish look quickly overtakes it. “How can you say that? I thought you were going to murder me, or House that night.”
You sigh. “Like I said, I’ve been sick. Being that ill and still not being a hundred per cent, nothing was comparable. When you’re vomiting to the point that it’s burning your throat, you stop caring about petty things from work.”
Chase, to your surprise, doesn’t cringe away at your words. He nods, almost earnestly. “So…we’re alright?”
You nod. “Yes. Even though I don’t care anymore, I really do appreciate that you told me. At least someone did.”
Chase nods again, and he seems to relax. But then his face twists, and he looks down at you. “What are you wearing?”
You just laugh. “So, how’s work been? How is everyone?”
Chase sighs, and puts down his basket beside him. “It’s crazy. House wouldn’t tell us anything about you- we had to pry it out of Wilson that you were still working with us, let alone alive.”
You chuckle, but have to swallow the lump forming in your throat. “I’ll be back soon. I’m finishing my medication soon and hopefully my, uh, doctor clears me for work.” 
The blonde man in front of you nods, and doesn’t dig further into your frail explanation. “That’s great, we need you back. It’s like the balances of good and evil are out of whack. House has been in sane .”
Your eyebrows raise and Chase nods in confirmation. “Really! The other day he locked Cameron in a clean room and told her to either get infected by the patient or figure out what’s infecting them.” Your jaw drops and Chase keeps rambling. “And y’know, if he’s biting off suck-up-his-arse-Cameron’s head, then Foreman and I are on the verge of being cut up into small pieces.”
You purse your lips. “That does sound like something House would do.”
“Even Wilson can’t reel him in right now, he’s manic I swear.” Chase’s eyes meet yours. “You were the only one who could get him to calm down.”
You huff, shocked. “You’re lying, right?”
Chase shakes his head. “I hate to say it too, but I mean it. He’s always been a dick, yeah, but since you’ve got here, he’s mellowed. He listens to you, even if it’s you telling him to stop being a prick. He doesn’t deserve it- you, trying to bring out the good in him. I think he’s just rotten at his core.”
“Chase. You’ve got to be joking. The only times he listens to me is when he’s about to tell me to shut up.”
Chase chews his cheek, and shakes his head at you.  He sighs, looking at you almost sadly, as if you just don’t understand what he’s saying. ‘He doesn’t deserve it-you’. What had happened in the past few weeks, that would cause him to think something so incredulous, that he wasn’t telling you?
But then he huffs as if to shoo away the thought of House, and grabs his basket again. He plucks a handful of kiwis to the side of you both. “Here. You should be getting all the vitamins you can, and you can take them as an apology. For the charity ball, and for saying you could tame the wildebeest House. Really… I am sorry about everything.”
“And really,” You smile, “It’s fine. But I will definitely take the kiwis.”
Chase laughs, and you realise you missed this. Interacting with a friend, laughing and joking and just talking. You wish you were done and over with all this sickness, and back at work. Not ‘taming’ House but bitching with Foreman or snickering with Cameron. 
You walk the markets together for longer. Chase tells you some crappy jokes, and even though you were expecting pity laughs to emerge from yourself, you find yourself snorting genuinely. He's adamant on buying you more fruits; you get a banana, an orange and even one of his overpriced mandarins. When you thank him, he leans down and gently hugs you. He’s tall, and wraps his arms around you easily in your oversized coat. 
When he leans back up, pink is gently dusting his face. “Get better.” He demands, with a notch in his brow. “Or when you come back to work, you might just find my corpse and House with a bloodied knife.”
You laugh again, and nod. You part ways, and as you retrace your steps to the best of your ability across streets and pathways, you’re left smiling. You don’t even notice the motorbike parked outside of House’s apartment, and you push through the front door, too giddy to realise it was unlocked. 
You bring your green bag of gifted fruits to the kitchen, and begin sorting them on the counter top. You set the beanie down beside it. But when a hand reaches out and grabs a kiwi, you turn and swing, bag still grasped. 
“Oh my  god!”
House looks down to his chest, where you landed a pathetic blow. The bag is crumpled on the ground, and you hope, pitfully, that your banana hasn’t exploded.
He scoffs. “ ‘Oh my god’? I was the one who just got assaulted.”
“You sneak up on me,” you groan, “and expect me to do what? Stand there like a statue?”
House rolls his eyes. “Statues are usually silent, unlike some people, so no, I don’t.”
“Funny.” You clench your jaw. “I can’t remember the last time in the past few weeks I talked to you.”
His eyes flick to yours, intense and flaming ice. He grunts and reaches forward, tugging at your coat. “Are you wearing my clothes?”
You bite your cheek. “Yep. Wasn’t like I had a whole lot of variety after being whisked away in the night.”
House scoffs, and drops his hand. Your neck is burning at the spot where he had kissed you, and where his knuckles had just brushed. “You look homeless.”
“Gee, I wonder who I got inspired by.”
House breezes past your comment. “You’re not caged here. Clearly, you went somewhere.” 
He pauses, expectantly and when you realise he’s waiting for an answer, you huff. “The fruit market.”
House tilts his head, and you feel like a rabbit, under the gaze of a hawk. You shuffle your feet back, but your back presses against the kitchen counter. House matches your movements and closes in on you more. “With who?”
You blink. “What, I can’t just go somewhere by myself? God forbid a woman escapes from here with her own free will, right?”
House smirks. “Trust me, women aren’t usually begging to leave here. They’re begging for something different, sweetheart.”
That damned name again. What happened to the cold way he called your last name or spat out Newbie? 
A blush starts to reach up to your ears, and House finally takes a step closer, placing his hands on either side of you against the countertop. There. For all your complaining, he would finally cage you in.
You have to remind yourself to breathe, and you only just tune back in to hear House speak again. “Of course you have free will; the greatest gift given to mankind, second to a reach around.” You scoff, and he leans in closer, smirking. “But you practically danced into here, in a world of your own. Which either means, while you were rummaging through my closet, you took a handful of pills just for shits and giggles, or you were with someone. So spit it out.”
You chuckle, and shake your head, looking away. Curse him though, because when you look to your side, all you see is his forearms flexing against the counter. “Fuck off. You’re not my bodyguard, it doesn’t matter if I met up with someone.”
House drops his smirks, and clenches his jaw. “Yes. It does.”
You meet his eyes with your own fiery gaze. “Oh gosh, you’re right! I wonder what kind of catastrophe awaits when the world realises I can actually talk instead of just these,” You raise your hand and flip him off. “Weird hand signals!”
“Wow. I can’t believe you’d go into medicine when you have such ,” He spits, “A talent for comedy.”
“I could say the same about you and missing your opportunity in drag.”  You flash him a toothy grin and he leans in closer. You try to rear your head back, but one of his hands snakes around, landing on your throat like it never left. 
“Remember the last time this happened- how desperate you were? Now, who did you meet up with?” 
You let out a laugh, looking down your nose at him to the best of your ability, trying to maintain a semblance of power when he’s choking you.. “Remember the last time this happened? How you got absolutely decked?”
House’s jaw ticks to the side and he applies pressure against you. He doesn’t bruise, god no; despite all of this, he’s still light enough to give you the chance to escape if you really tried. But he presses down with his palm in the right spot against your windpipe, and you let out a harsh gasp. He’s staring into your eyes, and it feels like he’s daring you to throw yourself to the side, break the hold.
Your pulse is racing, and it’s only when you start to feel light headed do you wheeze out,  “Fine. It was Chase. Happy?”
House scoffs and loosens his grip. “The Kangaroo? Really?”
You roll your eyes. “Yes. Really. Is it that crazy to think I like talking to him? Or are you just jealous?”
His eyebrows cinch in. “You think I’m jealous?”
You say nothing, and instead let your eyes flick down to his hand, still decorating your throat like a necklace.  
House blinks, and recoils almost instantly as if he realised only now what he had done. You laugh, crossing your arms and leaning back against the counter. “You avoid me like the plague but the second you sense another person with me, you’re all ‘macho-man-intimidation’. What’s next, I don’t have dinner on the table and I get a black eye?”
House scoffs, and mirrors you, crossing his arms across his chest. If any god was listening now, they would hear your prayers to smite him and his stupid fucking forearms. “I wasn’t avoiding you. And we both know that if you really wanted to, you would have stopped that. You’re not some little housewife- I know you like giving it as much as you like taking it.”
Your face is aflame, but you brush past his comment. “Right. You think that sleeping over at Wilson’s for three weeks isn’t avoiding me?”
His eyes widen ever-so-slightly, confirming your thoughts. No hooker or hospital for House’s bed. You’re sure he spent the last few weeks driving Wilson up the wall, alongside his team.
You throw your hands up. “Forget it. Go back to pretending I don’t exist. I’m nearly better, not that you care, so I’ll find a way to get out of your hair soon.”
You push off the counter, and House chuckles. “You’re always a pain in my arse. Doesn’t matter if you’re sick or not, the only thing you can find a way to do is annoy the shit out of me. Oh, and fuck up every blood sample you’ve ever taken.”
You wring your hands through your hair. “That was one time! When you gave me the wrong patient’s info!” You scoff, and walk away, certain that you leave a cindering trail behind you as you shout over your shoulder. “But sure House, I’m the one who annoys the shit out of everyone.”
You hear the click of his cane on the floorboards and speed up your pace. It’s comical almost, him catching up to you as you begin to quicken your steps. You reach the bedroom, and step inside. You turn to slam the door shut and instead take a step back, huffing when you see him standing in the doorway. “House, I’m really not in the mood to do this right now. If you want to choke someone again, go find a little puppy like you usually do.”
He snorts, leaning against his cane. “You’re never in the mood. You’re always pissy or bitchy or snippy or crabby. There’s always something with you.”
You clench your  jaw. “That’s rich coming from you.”
His eyes glint. “What, I’m the one acting like a hormonal thirteen year old girl?”
You throw your hands up. “Listen to yourself! You leave me here, all alone, after forcing me out of my place and then the first time you do see me, you fight with me!”
House runs his tongue along his teeth. “You call this a fight?”
You let out a groan. “How can you do this? Honestly, how!? How can you avoid me after everything in here,” You spit, gesturing to the bed behind you. His eyes follow your movement, and darken. “And then act like I’m in the wrong for finally talking with someone?! For leaving here!?”
“Because it’s Chase!” House yells, and his eyebrows are furrowed deeply. 
“What is that supposed to mean?!”
“Oh, don’t be so dense! Don’t act like you can’t tell that he’s been wanting to fuck you since Day 1.”
You laugh. “He’s right, you are crazy .”
House narrows his eyes. “You’ve got to be blind to miss it. Every meeting he’s practically creaming his pants just looking at you and every day since you’ve been away, it’s like a yappy dog at my heels. ‘Where is she?’ ‘When will she be back?’ ‘Is she alright?’”
You clench your jaw. “Maybe I should take him up on the offer. At least if he starts to fuck me, he won’t leave me for weeks just to show up and yell at me.”
House scoffs. “You think we had started to fuck?” You say nothing. His blue eyes look dangerously dark. “If we had started, we wouldn’t have stopped. You wouldn’t have been able to.”
You chuckle, and something in your stomach curls tightly. “I doubt it.”
“You wanna bet?” His voice drops, and neither of you are yelling anymore. “I bet I’ll have you screaming my name before it’s over.”
“I bet you wouldn’t even last to that point.” Your heart is racing in your ears.
He grinds his teeth. “You’re on, sweetheart.”
You can’t even register his movement in time before he’s crashing his lips against yours in one sweeping movement. It takes you a moment of standing there, dumbstruck to realise what’s happening. But House uses that to his advantage, licking against your lips and deepening the kiss, while he steps the two of you back. You feel the back of your knees hit the bed, and you hear his cane thunk to the ground somewhere.  
Your hands wind up, snaking around his neck and drawing him closer. Traitorous fingers gripping him as if your life depends upon it. House uses his body weight to force you down against the mattress, and you tug at his hair, twisting the short locks between your fingers. He detaches from you, and you suck in great heaves of air.
You look at him above you, and you’re reminded of the last time you were both in a position like this. His slow kisses, wandering hands, steady gaze. But this wasn’t like last time. There are no tender looks to be seen here or soft smiles.
Instead, House’s brow is still furrowed and his chest is rising up and down heavily. He leans back down, his lips against yours. He pushes past again, licking against your teeth and dominating your mouth. You’re certain your brain is becoming oxygen deprived by the time he pulls back, and scoffs. 
“Take all this off.” He tugs at the fabric of his own coat that you’re wearing, and unbuttons it with deft hands. You wriggle your arms out, and the cool air that hits your skin sends goosebumps rippling down it. House hisses in air above you, and you track his gaze down to your bra, where your full breasts are spilling over the top. “Finally dressing the part of the hooker, I see.” 
“Mmhm,” You chuckle, your head thrown back against the mattress. “I thought I’d finally let you see what you’ve been dreaming of, Doctor.” 
House doesn’t fight you on that, and your eyes trail from the ceiling back to him. His palm is pressed against his jeans, stroking himself through the layers of fabric. Your jaw ticks, and you try to not let yourself stare. You fail.
House smirks. “How much foreplay are we doing? On a scale from rose-petals on a bed for Valentines to truck-stop-fuck?”
“Depends. Do you usually leave all your partners unsatisfied and finishing themselves off in the bathroom?”
House looks at you from below his brow. “Don’t be so vulgar. Leave the obscenities to me.”
You smile, and make sure its sweet enough to drip with honey. “Sorry.” Your hand trails down to your leggings. “I was just starting to get,” Your hand slips into the junction of your thighs, and presses down. “So bored.”
Now it’s House who stares at you, as you begin rubbing circles between your clothes. It’s only when you press down harsher, and you gasp quietly, does his entrancement break. He leans forward, and your hands are forced to retreat when he tugs down your leggings and discards them to the side.
He’s breathing harder, and it seems neither of you are ready for a quick witted comment when he surges forward, and licks a strip against your panties. You clench, confused on the odd combination of barriers and sense, but he pushes your panties to the side and relieves you of your confusion by pressing his mouth directly against you. When he licks against you, from your core to where he trails on your clit, you moan harshly. 
He does it again, and again, as if he’s trying to memorise the sounds he’s drawing from you. You eyes flick down to him, and you see him working himself through his jeans from where he’s kneeling between your legs- his hands palming against himself harshly with each moan you release. 
You don’t even realise you’re trying to pull back as his mouth continues to work against you, until House’s arms are locking around the peak of your thighs and holding you down.  His hand grips the soft flesh of your hip, and if you trusted your ears, you would swear he just groaned against you. Your mind is a blur as your hands grip against the blanket, and you can’t focus on anything but the pleasure he’s giving you.
You let out a loud gasp, and groan when House raises his head to look at you. His chin is slick with you, and he licks his lips before he speaks. “Screaming out my name yet?”
You chuckle. “Cumming in your jeans already?”
House smiles, and there it is again- this odd, tender and fragile thread that hangs between the two of you in this moment, where you’re both smiling at each other. But then House’s smile slips into a smirk, and his eyes become hooded as he leans back down and begins his relentless onslaught. It’s as if with each swipe of his tongue and suck on your puffy clit, he’s asking you to scream out. When you gasp after one movement, he repeats it over and over until you’re moaning- stubbornly still not screaming. Your hips roll against his face as he laps at you, and when his tongue delves into you, your heads whip over to grip his hair. Now, he moans against you as you tug on his hair and your fingers delve into the strands. 
You can’t even register what you’re saying to him. There’s a stubborn reminder in your mind to not give into his bet, but you allow words to slip, telling him how good it, no, he is.
His right hand abandons your thigh, and snakes around. Even in the lust haze covering your mind, you know what’s coming, but you can’t stop the moan tumbling from you as he pushes one finger into you. He works it in and out and in and out, all the while sucking on your clit, and then he adds another. His free hand shifts to stretch across the plane of your lower stomach and pin you down. You thrust against his hand, trying your best to grind against him, and he leans back to chuckle. “God, you’re needy.”
Your voice is breathy and light. “Haven’t- Haven’t had a lot of time to myself recently. You know how it is- shitty job, shitty boss.”
His eyebrows raise. “Shitty boss?”
You moan again when his hand deliberately quickens, but still try to pretend like you’re coherent, and not on the edge of falling apart. “Y-yeah. Absolute arsehole.”
His jaw ticks. “Just for that, I’ll only stop if you beg me to.”
You laugh in disbelief, but it’s cut short when his head dips back down. He’s harsh against your clit, sucking and licking against it, and his fingers work in tangent, pumping in and out, over and over again. You drawl out a long moan, and his fingers quicken until he’s practically fucking you with them. He keeps at it relentlessly, and you struggle to fill your lungs up with air. His teeth scrap against you, and it’s rough and sweet and oh fuck-
He groans against you. “You’re fucking addictive. Who needs vicodin?”
Your eyes flick down, and he’s looking up at you, piercing blue eyes staring into your own. That’s what does it. You gasp, and muffle your sounds against the palm of your hand, and you cum against House’s face and hand brutally. He keeps lapping against you the whole time, working your clit and drawing out your orgasm. Your legs begin to shake, and your knees try to clamp against each other, trying to stop the attention that he continues to give. His hand slips from your stomach, and instead grips at your thigh, forcing it to the side and forcing your legs to spread wide. 
 “Mmmh,” Your sound is muffled against your hand. “Please.”
He doesn’t stop, and if anything, quickens his pace. You moan loudly again, and it’s harsh in the quiet of his apartment. You have to force your hand to leave your mouth and grip against his hair again. 
“Please,” you moan. “Please, House. That’s enough. It’s too much.”
How much begging did he want? He keeps working you, licking up anything you have to offer as if he was a starving man. It’s only when you’re babbling incoherently, with ‘please please please’ and ‘’ts too much I’ll do anything’ does he begin to relent. Finally, he raises himself back up, wiping his mouth with the back of his palm. He has a wild look on his face and his eyes are blown wide. 
He looks drugged almost, but he blinks himself back to reality, and smirks. “Glad you found your table manners, sweetheart. Now,” his eyes darken. “Time to return the favour.”
You tilt your head, and raise your eyebrows. He leans forward, kissing you again, and it’s with a more frantic frenzy. You can taste yourself on him, against his lips and tongue. He pulls you forward as you’re still kissing, and you follow him as if he’s leading a dance. Only when you break apart do you find yourself standing by the edge of the bed. He sits on the edge, and leans forward, arms reaching behind you to unclasp your bra. 
His chin rests on your abdomen, and he looks up at you as you slip your arms through the straps, and it falls to the floor. His hand reaches up, squeezing against your tit, and he groans. He doesn’t waste any time, his mouth against your nipple, tongue swiping over it. He pinches your other nipple, and you barely gasp before he’s squeezing your breast again. 
He licks at your nipple but leans back to admire his handiwork as both hands squeeze your tits. They overspill in his hands, and he massages them. He looks up at you from beneath his brow and chuckles. “I want to ruin you. All those tight shirts and collar-high buttons. You’ve been holding out on me.”
You lower yourself, tucking your legs beneath you as you kneel. His hands lose their grip on your tits but he happily grips your hair and tugs at it, smirking. “That’s a good girl.”
Anyone else, and the phrase would have made you recoil and laugh. Maybe gag. But House’s voice is deep and sultry, and you’re simply trying to stop yourself preening at the praise. You lean forward, the same way he did to you, and lick a long strip against his jeans. He sucks in a breath, and reaches down to unbuckle his belt, and tug down his jeans.
“You look excited. Was I right in guessing you hadn’t been blown since highschool?”
“Do the quickies Wilson give me count?”
“Do the quickies Chase give me count?” You retort.
House scoffs. “Are you always this chatty or is it just when you’re on your knees?” 
Your hand is gentle against his scarred thigh, and you move forward, pressing a kiss to the jagged muscle, the same place you had when he bathed you. You look up from beneath your lashes at House, giving him mock innocence. “Just when I’m kneeling for you. Could talk for hours if that’s what it takes to suck you off.” 
He groans softly at the sight of you between his legs, doe-eyed and foul-mouthed. He’s not starstruck enough to be frozen however, and tugs down his dark boxes, kicking them away. His dick is half hard already, and you take him in; the wide girth and already formidable length. Fuck, you’re already clenching at the thought of him in you, pounding mercilessly and stretching you open and splitting you and hammering in over and over and-
You gulp slightly, and House chuckles above you. “Don’t get shy. It won’t bite.” You shoot him a look, and his eyes narrow. “I hope you don’t either.”
You decide to silence him, and place your hands against his thighs as you lean forward, making sure not to put much pressure on his right leg. This time, when you run your tongue from the base to the head you feel him twitch against you as House hisses in a breath.
You reach forward, stroking him. House does his best to remain quiet, but you quicken your pace, spitting into your hand for lube, and then he’s groaning with each upward movement. Only when House is thrusting gently into your hand, his cock swollen and red, you lean closer, taking him into your mouth. You can taste the precum leaking out of his head, and you lap against it, swirling your tongue.
He grunts softly. “Don’t be a tease.”
You look at him from beneath your lashes again and moan softly against him in response. It seems from that, House lets you take control for some time. You bob gently against him, dragging your tongue up and down and being mindful to not scrape against him. You hollow your cheeks, and move quicker, digging your nails into his skin for support. But when you force yourself lower on his hard cock, and his light dusting of pubic hair brushes against your nose, he’s far down your throat. He fills the space up easily and you gag, going to withdraw.
House’s hands stop you, gripping the back of your skull. He holds you there at the base of himself, and groans. “There you go, just like that.”
Tears spring to your eyes but he pulls you back, letting you adjust to the feeling of him in your mouth. He doesn’t pull you away from him completely, and instead starts to move you at his own pace. “Just like that,” he groans again. Up and down, and up and down. Each time he draws you to the base of his cock, testing you. 
He begins to thrust into your mouth, fucking your face. You’re held still by his grip, his hips reaching for your lips and his length filling your mouth, your throat, you. When his pelvis brushes against your nose, you force yourself to swallow past the urge to gag, to blink past the tears clouding your vision.
“Fuck.” House groans out above you, holding you in place as you swallow again. “Finally shutting up with my cock in your mouth, huh? Such a good girl for me. So good.”
You squeeze your legs together, feeling the mess you’d made between your thighs. You squeeze even tighter as he face fucks you. Only when you reach down, slipping your hand between the apex of your thighs, trying to give yourself some relief to pressure rebuilding there, does he pull you away.
A trail of saliva connects you two, and you look up at him, gasping. Your lips are swollen and your cheeks are stinging. House is panting above you, looking down at you with feverish eyes. Your voice is breathy and hoarse when you speak. “I would have swallowed.”
House’s hand grips himself at his base, pumping himself languidly, such a contrast to the brutal pace he set with you. “I know. But how would I have won that $100?”
“$100?” You laugh. “I’m betting at least double that, that you’ll be finished soon old man.”
House smirks down at you, and his silence is the worst answer you could have anticipated for. Gloating, you could push off as over-cockiness, one that would be remedied soon. Defence, you could categorise as uncertainty. But silence? House was in it to win it.
House pulls you up to the bed, and you fall to your back, naked. He stands up, facing you and you watch him draw his shirt off slowly. He’s not ripped, he’s not carved from stone or some Greek god. But he’s House, and you drink in every inch that he’s never shown you. The hair across his chest, the lean arch of his neck, his toned arms. You’re about to try to fuck his brains out and instead you’re thinking about how it would taste if you bite down on the flesh of his forearm or how he would react if you kissed him everywhere you could reach. You gulp, and have to squeeze your legs again- it does nothing, and rather make the slick between your thighs more prominent.
He’s unsteady on his leg, and when he wobbles slightly his eyes flick to yours, searching for something. You shrug. “What? Get a pillow and fuck me, House.” His limp, his scar, his wobble, whatever- it wasn’t going to stop you from 
His jaw ticks. “What did I say about the swearing?”
But he does as you say, reaching for a pillow and placing it on the edge of the bed. He leans his bad leg on it, kneeling into it. He taps his thigh. “Get closer. Or do I need to drag you?”
You laugh. “I’d probably like that.”
You begin to scooch yourself forward and now he does smile. “I know. Slut.”
You backpedal, and give a mock gasp, hand clutched to your heart. His eyes snap back to your bare breasts. “Well, if you think I should save my modesty, sir,” His eyes darken, “Then really, we shouldn’t be doing thi-”
He leans forward and grips you by your hips, yanking you forward easily. You land with a ‘hrmph’ against the edge of the bed, and your hands fling out against him to steady yourself. You grip his arms tightly and shoot him a look, but he just smirks, eyes creasing.
He shifts his hips, rutting against you. He reaches between the two of you, guiding himself between your folds. You sigh at the feeling, and he leans forward, resting his forehead against yours as he looks to where you two meet. 
“You’re so fucking wet for me.”
You let out a breathy chuckle, mumbling out “Hypocrite.”. He keeps teasing you, slicking himself as he moves forward and back, nudging against you hole but never pushing in. He adjusts his grip on you, moving to raise you right leg over his hip, pinning it there. His cock catches on your hole, and he breaches it slightly before retreating. He does the same thing, over and over, nudging into you, and stopping just as the feeling starts to burn.
You squeeze his bicep. “Fucking arsehole.”
He thrusts into you, and you seize up with a gasp. He groans, pushing his hips forward, and thrusting his cock into you. It’s easier with how wet you are from earlier, but he still grunts against you, mumbling a ‘t’s so tight’. He stretches you, and his cock fills you with a sweet burn. 
You moan as he bottoms out, pressing himself fully into you. When he speaks, he tries to sound cocky, but there’s a slight shudder to his tone. “Gotta relax. You’re strangling me.”
“You’re just-” You cry out when he rolls his hip, moving slightly in you, but you force your muscles to ease slightly. “Bigger than I thought. Y’know. Me and Cameron bet you had a micropenis.”
He scoffs. “God, you’re so annoying.”
You laugh in his face. “What? You’ll be devastated to know Foreman bet on it too.”
He drags his hips out and you gasp at the movement. “Shut up,” he scoffs, and slams his hips back to yours. You grip him, trying to steady yourself, but he sets a brutal pace against you, slamming into you again and again. “Always fucking running your mouth. Trying to act tough.” 
House grips you leg, hiking it higher on his hip. “Slut needs to be taught a lesson, huh?” He must see you start to open your mouth to reply, because he slams into you with more force, practically moving the bed. “Needs to learn to shut her mouth? Was my dick in it not enough to teach you?”
You could tell him to fuck off or go to hell or just really hammer in the micropenis joke. But instead, a breathy moan escapes you and your head tilts back. “N-no. Need to get taught.”
House smiles tenderly. “Yeah, sweetheart you do.”
He’s not tender in the way he fucks you. This wasn’t making love or even hooking up, House was fucking you and he was fucking you hard. He’s pistons into you, and you feel him against your cervix. It’s painful, but you just find yourself groaning and thinking about how you’ll be reminded of him tomorrow. 
He swipes against your smooth calf with his thumb and you relish in the feeling. You want his hands all over, touching you, gripping you, and he somehow reads your mind. House uses his position to lean you back, and he lays you against the bed. He hunches over you, abandoning his grip on your calf, and grabs your arms from where they still grip his own. He yanks your hands above you head, and pins them to the mattress with one hand, leaning over you.
The other hand grips at the softness of your hip, trying to use it for leverage as he slams himself against you. You wrap your legs around his lower back, drawing him closer, caging him in. You cry at the new angle, and he hits that spongey part inside you that has you writhing beneath him.
His face is so close here, and you feel his breath hit your cheek when he chuckles. “You like that? How many times do I need to do that for you to scream, sweetheart?”
You laugh but it gets drawn out to a high winded whine when he shifts his hips, hitting deeper and harder and at that same soft spot. His grip tightens on your hands for a moment as if he’s debating, but he lets go, instead snaking his hand to your throat. Your own hands land against his shoulders, bracing yourself as he rocks you back and forth. “I said how many times?”
“Mm,” You groan out loudly. “Um.” It’s drawn out again as he thrusts with such force and precision you’re certain he’s somehow cheating- maybe hyped up on so much vicodin that he’s become enlightened on the female anatomy and just how to make his employee feel euphoric.
House chuckles. “Have I already fucked you dumb, sweetheart?”
You mumble incoherently, and he squeezes his hand against your throat. The blood rushes to your ears and your stomach tightens. His voice is smooth and sugary as he leans closer to you, pressing your chests together. “We’ll count together. See if you can do that.”
Your breath catches in your throat as he thrusts harder, bruising your hips and squeezing your throat tighter. “One.”
“Mmhm. One.”
House shifts himself, placing his elbow beside your head and tucking it in- getting closer and closer to you, as if before wasn’t enough, as if nothing’s enough. He’s brutal, hitting that spot in you again. “Two.”
Your toes are curling, and your hands abandon his shoulders, going to claw at his back. You leave angry, red marks, and you’re sure you draw blood at points but it’s all you can do. House shudders against you, groaning into your shoulder when you scratch down to the base of his spine and grip his hips. You can’t even make out what he’s saying anymore, it’s all too much, too quick, too rough. 
It’s only when he snakes a hand between the two of you, somehow slipping through, and he rubs at your clit do your ears tune back into the number he’s saying to you. Well, he’s barely saying it. He’s groaning it into your shoulder between kisses and moments where he bites his teeth into your skin, and you hear your own voice, high above his when he rubs sloppy, frantic circles against your slick clit. “Fuck House, fuck, fuck.”
He pounds into your harder and abadons his number-game, instead fucking you mercilessly.  You keep babbling out incoherent ‘fuck’s and only when House bites down, hard and sharp into you, do you change your wording. “Please.”
He chuckles against your skin, but it’s quickly lost behind his own deep groan. “That’s better, use your manners. Ask me for it.”
“Please, House, please, please.” Your nails draw down his back again and again but then they find themselves in his hair, and you’re pulling at the locks with the same force he’s fuckign into you with. He groans out, and leans his head back, looking at you.
His hand becomes faster against you, his blue eyes piercing, “You just gotta scream. Just gotta scream on my cock, tell me how good it feels.”
Your mind is fuzzy and you’re nodding your head and calling out “Please, please, please.” His hand is fanatic against you, and his hips are bruising yours, and his lips are on your neck, muffling the deep groans he’s calling out, and then he shifts his fucking position, drawing his thighs closer to yours, so he’s not as much in between your legs as he just slamming straight into you, with no resistance. 
Then he applies more pressure and he’s harsh on your clit, and suddenly your legs are tensing around his waist and your toes are curling and your nails are scratching at his scalp, holding his head to you, and your chest is heaving and oh fuck you’re cumming, and you’re cumming all over his cock. Lewd, wet noises sound out from where you too are joined but if anything it encourages him. He doesn’t relent and quickens his pace, hand curled under you and squeezing you to him as your stomach tenses and your eyes roll back. 
You can only hear a high pitched ringing but when his hand doesn’t abandon you, instead continuing to circle your puffy clit and draw out your second orgasm you cry out to him.  You would think you should be sighing to yourself, hands on hips and committing some self reflection. Instead you just scream out his name again and again and his hips start to stutter against you as his hand eases.
“Please,” you cry out, suddenly aware that there’s wet tears trailing down your cheeks.
“Yo-you lost the bet.” House’s voice is weak and airy and he groans into your skin. “Fuck.”
“House, please, please, cum in me.” You draw your legs over him again, tightening where your grip began to slacken and tugging at his hair. His hips still slam into you, but his pace falters, and he loses his rhythm. “Oh my god, please.”
He slams his hips again, gripping you tightly, and all you see, all you can smell, all you can feel is him. “Is that what you want, huh? Want me to fill you up like a good little slut.”
You shudder. “Please. Yes, please. Ne- Need to feel you in me, need you to cum in me.”
He groans into your ears as he firmly bottoms out again. “Fuck, you’re gonna take it, huh? Take it like a good girl? Yeah, you’re gonna fucking take it.” This time he doesn’t withdraw, and you swear you’re cumming on him again at the deep sound he calls out as he cums. You feel him, warm as he spreads himself in you and he shifts closer, pushing himself in further. 
You stay like that, panting and heaving for a moment together. He pumps slowly into you, shifting his hips back and forth, and fucking his cum into you with languid movements. He keeps fucking you slowly like that until he pulls out with a wet sound, and you collapse against the bed beneath him, sinking into the mattress. You’re content to pass out right there, fall asleep and die happy knowing you got your brains fucked out finally.
But House returns, and you don’t even remember him leaving the room until he’s kneeling between your spread legs again. You don’t even have the strength to protest, even though you know you’re spent, so you watch as he reaches forward, wiping his cum from where it had leaked and slipping his finger back into you, pumping it.
Only when you start to close your legs does he withdraw, pressing a warm cloth to you and wiping up your shared mess. Your brain is fuzzy and you still feel fucked out, but you feel him when he presses a kiss to the bruised part of your inner thigh, mumbling “Such a good girl for me.”
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harlowtales · 4 months
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Jack and Y/N have to decide. Guys gaming night? Or Girls night in?
🎮 🧖🏽‍♀️ Part One
18+ Adult Themes - Drama/Language/Sexual
“Are you fucking kidding me? TONIGHT Jackman?” You couldn’t believe Jack forgot it was your girls night in. He invited all his friends over for gaming night…which was every week.
“Sorry baby, but we can both be here just go in the spare room. Aren’t y’all just gone be idk eating and gossiping and watching a movie?” He asked innocently.
You were insulted by Jack reducing bonding with friends you hardly see for “gossip time” compared to friends he works with and sees all the time.
“Excuse me??!” You raised your voice, folded your arms and tapped your foot impatiently staring him down to say what he said again with his whole chest.
“Uhhh did I say something wrong? I literally said we can both be here.” Jack said bewildered.
“Fuck!!” You said exasperated and huffed away. For the rest of the morning and afternoon you were quiet and ignored your boyfriend, slamming cupboards doing every day chores and clearly upset. Jack came up behind you to soften the situation and you wound up accidentally elbowing him in the stomach as you angrily swept the floor.
“Hey ow!” Jack said rubbing his stomach “Can you fucking stop sweeping like you’re ready to snap the broom in half?” He said getting in front of you and easily taking it out of your hands.
“Can you not?” You said folding your arms and storming off to the bedroom. You started undressing to jump in the shower. Jack walked in on you.
“Ok you can’t be naked and angry baby. That’s too much for me right now. It’s way too sexy.” He said
“I don’t give a fuck!” You said taking your hair out. As it cascaded down your shoulders Jack was trying to concentrate on what you were saying. “I never see my friends and you’re with yours ALL THE TIME!!! You asked me to move in with you I do and then the guys are here all the time which they’re like my brothers so whatever but then I never see my friends and when I manage to tear myself away from my world revolving around you and pups I get 21 questions about where I’m going and when will I be back and who all gone be there and oh lemme pick you up or literally sending your friends to be at the same place to “monitor” me it’s so fucking ridiculous and…”
Jack couldn’t let you finish. He was getting so turned on by you yelling at him with no clothes on. He grabbed you and kissed you, immediately running his hands down your back and caressing your behind. When your lips parted you were silent.
“Baby…can you shut up?” Jack said with a grin.
“Y’all come first tonight ok? We’ll make it work.” He said lovingly. “Now go shower before I fuck a better attitude into you. I gotta go help grandpa and my dad with something and I’ll be back and work all this out, but let me remind you I’m not a regular person so nobody around me is a regular person. I’m not apologizing for being protective.”
“Ok but did I need security at my niece’s baby shower?” You said incredulously
“Perhaps that may have slightly been a step too far baby, oh geez look at the time, gotta run!” He said and took off to avoid you questioning his over the top protectiveness.
“You suck Jackman!” You yelled behind him.
“I love you too baby!” He yelled back
“What are we going to do with him?” You said to pups lazing around on the bed. She gave you a genuine look of having no idea.
@itsyagirljaz @okaaay-mice @ride4harlow
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authoralexharvey · 26 days
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INTERVIEW WITH A WRITEBLR — @sleepyowlwrites
Who You Are:
M.J || She/her
I'm a relentlessly optimistic affectionate creative who will impart love to the world through whatever means possible, and this includes my writing. And it shows, because all my kids are either full of love or in desperate need of it.
What You Write:
What genres do you write in? What age ranges do you write for?
Action, Adventure, Contemporary, Fanfic, Fantasy, Poetry. Young and New Adult.
What genre would you write in for the rest of your life, if you could? What about that genre appeals to you?
Fantasy, it's always been fantasy. Even my contemporary pieces have trace elements of fantasy in them. I like having rules in my worlds, but ones that I made up instead of science or society.
What genre/s will you not write unless you HAVE to? What about that genre turns you off?
Romance. I sometimes think about trying it, but I quickly turn away. There's nothing about romance that is fulfilling in a way that I couldn't find elsewhere. It's just not enough for me. I want everything else, everything in the wider love spectrum, all the kinds I personally treasure in my own life.
Who is your target audience? Do you think anyone outside of that would get anything out of your works?
Anybody, but especially people who have emotions that refuse to be processed. I'm hoping to help them process those emotions through the lens of character. If a reader isn't ready for striking combinations of whimsy and weight, or unexpected feelings, then they might not jive with my stories.
What kind of themes do you tend to focus on? What kinds of tropes? What about them appeals to you?
Mental illness, friendship, hurt/comfort, the mortifying ordeal of being known, purpose, trauma, personal choices, siblings, raw depths of emotions, and shenanigans. One of these is not like the other. I like to put relatable qualities in fantastical realms and make it intimate. I want you to indulge, and I want you to think.
What themes or tropes can you not stand? What about them turn you off?
Romanticized abuse or toxic relationships, romanticized mental illness or disabilities, fake redemption arcs, poorly realized characters or cheap twists, and sex. I'm entirely uninterested in sex. There are too many things I dislike to think of them now that I've been asked, but they're just preference. Don't backtrack on character growth for the sake of drama, please.
What are you currently working on? How long have you been working on it?
That's a trick question. I work on multiple projects at once because that's what my brain prefers. My longest wip is 10 months old and my oldest is almost 7 years.
Why do you write? What keeps you writing?
I've always talked my thoughts aloud to make them make sense - my adhd doesn't think in sentences, so it can get very jumbled in my brain - and stories are an additional way of explaining the world or people to myself, or explaining myself to other people, or of explaining nothing but exploring the unnamed. I write because I feel these things anyway. Might as well share them.
How long have you been writing? What do you think first drew you to it?
Since I was 9, so 20 years ago. The same reason as above, and also my mom said I was talented. I was decidedly untalented in various other areas, so I jumped on that talent and went for it. I do still think I'm talented but I'm a good writer because I kept at it. I have the skills now to back up the talent. It’s very gratifying.
Where do you get your inspiration from? Is that how you got your inspiration for your current project? If not, where did the inspiration come from?
Anywhere, and I really mean it. I can't tell you how many times I've been sitting at a stoplight, or cleaning, or watch Chicago Med with my mom bemoaning the horrible writing and poof! Idea. It just comes to me. Little bit gift, little bit curse, really.
What work of yours are you most proud of? Why?
Hard to say. Everything. The ones that barely exist and the ones that don't make sense anymore. The poetry from 2010 that is simply terrible. The ones from 2020 that are full of grief. The stories that change form but won't leave me alone. The ones I just invented. I'm proud of of it for impacting me, the audience I write for first.
Have you published anything? Do you want to?
No. Yes? It's not the only end goal like when I was 14. It's an idea I like to entertain. I'm currently happy just to be writing along with work.
What part of the publishing process most appeals to you? What part least appeals to you?
I'd like to self-publish first, and that means learning and doing new things, which I hate. I'm 29 and I still hate it. The upside would be more control, the downside would be more control.
What part of the writing process most appeals to you? What part is least appealing?
Least appealing is finishing. Most appealing is starting and middling. I'm also afraid of worldbuilding because it tends to squash my writing drive for some reason? I'm working on it.
Do you have a writing process? Do you have an ideal setup? Do you write in pure chaos? Talk about your process a bit.
It's pure chaos. I rubber duck until sentences settle like dew in the morning, and then I sometimes collect it to make tea, and sometimes I just watch it evaporate. Both activities are important. I write until I find a plot, and if I cannot find one, I will let the tea sit and grow mold. Sometimes I have to throw it out. Sometimes I recycle, plant flowers, and grow new stories. It's chaos. I love it.
Your Thoughts on Writeblr:
How long have you been a writeblr? What inspired you to join the community?
2018 - I converted from a kpop blog - I wanted to get back into writing original fiction again, and I wanted my writeblr to be my main. So. I did that.
Shout out some of your favorite writeblrs. How did you find them and what made you want to follow them?
How. Am I supposed to pick. Some? I found everybody from following a few people and seeing who they followed. I usually follow on a whim, and then make friends after. @zmwrites, @akindofmagictoo, @blind-the-winds, @oh-no-another-idea, @ink-fireplace-coffee, @avrablake, @chayscribbles, @mel-writes-with-her-dragons, @artbyeloquent, @writing-is-a-martial-art, @ashen-crest, I have at least 80 more people I could mention
What is your favorite part about writeblr?
Making friends and adopting each other's blorbos! And reading some truly excellent stories, obviously.
What do you think writeblr could improve on? How do you think we can go about doing so?
Initiate interaction. If you want asks, send some, if you want tags, tag people, if you want readers, read stuff. There's no guarantee of reciprocity - I'm often too tired to respond enthusiastically even when I'm happy to see a post - but the more we engage, the more we are engaging. Wow, I'm a writer.
How do you contribute to the writeblr community? Do you think you could be doing more?
I try to send asks whenever I see people asking, I post prompts lists and invent tags. I start conversations and make friends that way. I could be doing more, but it’s a balance between doing more and not breaking my boundaries. I talk to people all day at work and expend social energy. As an introvert, I have to not overreach or I get anxiety and burnout. Life's a balancing act, and writeblr is no exception.
What kinds of posts do you most like to interact with?
Tag games? It liberally depends on the day. I struggle the most with reblogging others' writing. But I'm getting better!
What kind of posts do you most like to make?
Writing memes or relatability, or new tag games.
Finally, anywhere else online we may be able to find you?
Not anywhere that I use frequently.
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catfuyus · 2 years
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»» PAIRING. Shouto Todoroki x Reader x Touya Todoroki
»» THEMES. love triangle, family drama, hero justice system, redemption, self acceptance
»» NOTE. each chapter will have its own set of warnings, there is eventual smut so don’t ignore the warnings ! also p.s. sorry this post got so long, the read more tab wasn’t cooperating !
»» BACKGROUND INFO. reader has a healing quirk and volunteers with helping reformed criminals re-enter society. reader was a former pro-hero before changing careers to help those hero society turned a blind eye to. this takes place after the events of the manga, so Shouto is an adult and has been a pro hero for a few years. Dabi was in jail for a year before being accepted into the reformation program at the behest of Shouto.
»» SUMMARY. former criminal and mass murderer dabi— no, touya todoroki is granted parole after making a deal with the judge. half of the deal is keeping his record clean, attending court ordered therapy, and maintaining a steady job. the other half is living with you, and all that entails. you somehow wind up getting caught up in a whirlwind romance between a convict getting back on his feet and his brother who’s been through hell and back for him. you knew getting caught up in the infamous todoroki family would be messy, but you had no idea how intense things would get between them.
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Touya moves into your apartment after having spent a little over a year inside a jail cell. Some background info on how you live and plan to co-inhabit the same space. (word count: 2,851)
You begin healing sessions with Touya while he contemplates whether he’s ready to see his family outside of a jail cell for the first time in years.
You agree to let Shouto take you out as a thanks for all that you’re doing for the family. What you don’t expect is Touya’s reaction.
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©️sadisticyouko-main | please do not plagiarize, repost, or redistribute in any way to any other platforms, including wattpad and tiktok.
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shortpplfedup · 1 year
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Every week I'm salty about the pacing and editing of this thing, so I'm letting that go now or I'm going to drive myself nuts. Time to kick back and let the vibe and the drama wash over me, as Jojo clearly intends. 'Life' is this week's theme, as Neung and Palm enjoy the bubble of 'casually' dating, keeping their feelings firmly tucked in to themselves while everybody around them wonders who they're kidding. Elsewhere, the plot keeps churning as Mam's debts put a target on all their backs, Chanon gets sold down the river, and Ben and Chopper trap Aun into fessing up about the outing.
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In a key moment this week, we finally find out the source of Chopper and Ben's strained relationship as a confession gone wrong back in Grade 10. Ben knowing about Chopper's feelings for him puts a lot of new context into their previous interactions, and I kind of want to go back now and watch them with that knowledge. Also, Chopper having distanced himself recontextualises his conversations with Neung about Ben, and I want to go back and rewatch those as well. All that said, Ben boomeranging his affections to Chopper felt a bit abrupt and sudden, and I think I needed more runway on that to buy it, unless there's more context to come.
Chopper remains the best boy, trying to do the right thing for himself and everybody else, and it keeps my hope alive that he will be the one to bring Kit down in the end. Because Kit hasn't just set up Chanon, he is also setting up Phum's dad as the shot-caller. All the adults' shit is setting up to reverberate into the kids' storylines, because they can't retaliate against the adults so they'll take it out on each other.
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I left you but it didn't mean that I don't love you. I was just selfish. You didn't do anything wrong.
Don't you feel frustrated that you need to hide your feelings? The feelings that you have for Neungdiao. The way you look at him and treat him says it all.
This ep the women in Palm's life told him some home truths that he really needed to hear, especially Mam. Palm has denied loving Neung, has refused to give a name to his feelings, because what is love anyway? For his father, love is duty, giving everything. For his mother, love is freedom, a thing that happens at distance and asks nothing. Palm can't identify with either of those, but Maggie tells him simply: it's how you look at him and treat him. And Mam releases him from his feelings of unworthiness: you didn't do anything wrong. They tell him in short: you deserve love, and you can love. And then Neung walks into the line of fire for him, obliterating any idea of him being merely Palm's duty, showing his own love. And you can see Palm internalise those messages, recalibrating his ideas of love in real time. So when Neung asks flat out for the words, Palm is ready to say them, and also to ask for them in return.
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And this kiss, this feels different from the others. Palm has kissed Neung to comfort him, and he's kissed Neung out of desire, but this is a kiss from the heart. Now he wants to claim Neung as his, no more hiding from each other.
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No more hiding from the world either, as Neung saving Mam from the loan sharks means revealing where they are to the sharks hunting them. Next ep, the honeymoon is cut short and the boys go back on the run as we move into the final act of the story. All the threads have the feeling of being gathered into a whip that's gonna start hitting us HARD.
Stray Bullets
Every time I expect the plot to twist it reveals itself as deliberately linear. I expect that comes from the lakorn roots, the traditions that Jojo is using to tell his story. This isn't a mystery, and as time goes on it feels more like a tragedy in its rhythms, where it feels inevitable how the story is going to go but you hope against hope until the last moment. I think I really like that.
When the loan shark pulled the gun on Neung I laughed out loud like 'oh boy, this is not gonna go how you think sir'. At this point, Neung has watched both his parents get shot in front of his eyes, he has not an ounce of fear for his own life anymore. I liked the way Neung almost laughed in his face, and for the first time it's clear to me that this kid could TOTALLY become a mob boss.
Perth in the pool is the pretty of the day.
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spaceorphan18 · 3 months
X-Men 97 Episodes 1 and 2 Review
Okay! My thoughts on the new X-Men Animated series on Disney+
I'm going full on spoiler-y, so I'll put it under a cut
Okay - so over all tone/atmosphere/nostalgia stuff...
I think they did a really good job recapturing the feel of the original animated show. I'm not sure I love the throw back to the messier animation style, but it works. It's also more adult, too -- there's more explicit violence, and the adult themes are a little more present. I'm sure it was intentional because I think this is made, less for actual kids, and more for people who grew up with the original show who are now adults.
I think the second episode was stronger than the first. The first felt a lot like, not even a where are they now, but a - let's throw back to sentinels and the issues at hand. And. Meh. I've never been a fan of the sentinels. I did like the second episode kind of expanding and exploring the world more. I think it set the stage, more, for the show that they want to do....
The Introduction of Sunspot: I've never been a huge fan of the New Mutants (I'm sorry!) but his incorporation of being a young mutant new to this world worked really well. I kind of loved his attitude and his energy did exactly what it needed to!
Jubilee: Oh, she was so annoying in the original -- so it was nice to see she wasn't in this. She works for me, and I'm curious as to what they do with her - as she's the only one who didn't really get a trajectory spelled out for them.
(Also as an aside - there are new voice actors and I think they all do a really great job.)
Beast: I don't think he got much to do, either, but he was his delightful self. I really hope he continues to add a great flavor to the show.
Bishop: It's nice that he's now included -- but I wish they would have done more with him!
Morph: Was really there for all the cameos and sometimes comic relief.
It makes me super curious as to who else will show up in this show. I hope they don't try to cram everyone into this first season...
Which reminds me.... Professor X is still in the opening credits. But he died in the previous series. So.... ??
Wolverine: I'm so grateful that he wasn't front and center. I get so tired of Wolverine-centric things, and they included him very much as a team member. I still kind of eye roll the lusting after Jean thing, but one of my favorite moments is him figuring out that Jean is in labor.
Cyclops: Oh ole Cyke with all of his demons. But they made him so much more interesting than in the original series where he was so dull and dry. And they did some interesting things with this powers, so I'm curious as to where they go with this...
Jean: Look, if you guys know the original show, you know how annoying Jean Grey was. It took me really reading the comics to have an appreciation for her, because she was by far my least favorite part of the show. She just... was so useless most of the time. And I was grateful that they've made her less so here but....
The twist: OMG THAT'S ANOTHER JEAN GREY AT THE DOOR WHAT??? Look, guys, I was surprised when they had her give birth so early, but they're doing the whole Cyclops/Jean/Madilyn Pryor/baby Nathan mess and I am so here for it. I have my popcorn ready because it's such a disaster and yes, please give me all the clone drama. Because I find it hilarious. And I have no personal care about how it works out....
Storm: My girl! MY GIRL! I love Storm so much, and she really shines in this. She is so. good. And then she loses her powers, and they're doing what the original show did -- referencing the comics in a big way. There's a whole arc about Storm losing her powers (though that was during the 80s) but it was so good for her character development. I'm super curious if they're going to let Storm go through that same journey as in the comics.
And as an aside - I kind of wonder if they're going to let each of the characters (or group of characters) have their own focus? That is how the old show worked. Hmmmm....
Gambit: Is going through his 90s slutty fashion phase and I love that for him.
(More on him in a minute.)
Magneto: *side-eyes* Okay. ... Okay. They did the whole Trail of Magneto thing, and I think where they're going is interesting. it works. But there's going to be a flip at some point. I mean, y'all know that is coming.
I just... whatever. You know what I'm going to say, I will get there...
Rogue: My dear love Rogue.
I didn't love her delivering the baby -- that's not how... oh whatever. Her powers are often nebulous.
That's not what you want to hear me talk about anyway.
Okay, guys, okay.... here's my thing. I get it. I get it i get it i get it. But of all the things they've decided to resurrect from the comics -- the love triangle from hell -- the very reason I stopped comics for half a decade, i just... okay.
So. Yes. Rogue and Magneto had a fling in the comics. Once very briefly before Gambit was even created. And one very tedious time later when I decided I didn't have to read such crap and stopped reading comics all together until Rogue dumped his ass and came back to the X-Men (it's... a very long story).
I get the why here -- Rogue's story has always been her powers and controlling them and longing to touch, etc, etc. It's one of the reasons I liked her so much originally. There was a tragedy there.
I do think it's kind of weird that they retconned a previous relationship when there wasn't one in XMen TAS. But it is comics accurate. And there's a full story about Rogue figuring her shit out. I get what they're setting up here. (I mean -- unless they throw us a complete curveball and go the Age of Apocalypse time line where Magneto and Rogue are married -- but I don't think they will? If they did, I probably would let this go because I couldn't with this.)
I don't love it. I've made my peace with the fact that it is a thing that happened in the comics. And it helps that Rogue and Gambit have been happily married for the past six years (and that's a long time in comic years) and have put all of this past stuff behind them.
If the story plays out the way I'm sure it will, then I'll ultimately be fine with it. I did like the smaller moments we did get between Rogue and Gambit. There's definitely a connection there. And they're definitely pulling the whole love triangle thing with Gambit seeing stuff at the end of episode 2.
I just... don't want him to be a sad sack through the rest of the series. And I don't want Rogue's entire story to be about her relationship with two men. All of these characters deserve better than this.
But -- overall, I did like the show. I'm curious to see what they do with it. And just hope they don't try to cram too much into it - because they do have a ton of characters and a lot to service.
What did you guys think??
I may have to rethink our friendship if any of y'all are rooting for Rogue and Magneto. But <3 <3 anyway.
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alaynestone · 2 years
hey vicky happy wincest wednesday -- this is a thing I am unilaterally starting to get some kind of conversation happening in this fandom -- so, random wincest quesion: if Dean's done sex work, do you like Sam to find out? If so, when do you think is an interesting time for that?
hi liz! that's an excellent idea, though i'm a day late and it's thursday now.
for me, sex worker dean is one of those set in stone headcanons that i'm unable to separate from my understanding of his character in canon. i think it informs and complements so many of his issues and attitudes about sex and his perception of his body as a tool. frankly, every time someone tries to argue against it it only ends up reinforcing my belief in it. no, he wouldn't have better options, he wouldn't believe he's "too good for it", his clientele would not consist of milfs because women do not buy sex to the extent that men do and he'd have no way of meeting rich housewives on the road. plus, i see that last argument as an attempt to sanitize the kind of sex work a kid like dean would have to do and present the dynamics involved as less predatory. i have no interest in that.
unfortunately, i think he was exposed to predatory men early and that being dean, he'd have learned to embrace it early. if he's gonna be stared at or propositioned or threatened he might as well get back control and make some money off it. he's always looked directly at the things that scared him and tried his best to be brave and say i'm comfortable here, i have agency here. it's one of the most admirable yet heartbreaking things about him.
and while i've read and liked fics where he's only resorted to this once or twice, i don't tend to find it particularly realistic as an interpretation of canon dean. i think he started early and got good at it and learned how to hide it. i definitely think he's still actively doing that in the first seasons.
so keeping all that in mind, i generally tend to headcanon that sam found out pretty early but suspected even earlier and just wasn't ready to confront it directly. it would fit right into s1/s2 and the theme of sam getting to know his brother better as an adult and discovering new things about him or things that he had viewed differently as a teenager.
preseries up until s3 is also the time period where this discovery would cause the messiest reaction from sam and i love messiness and miscommunication when it comes to these two. i love knowing that his anger is not in fact directed at dean but at john/himself/the world, but that his guilt and protective feelings have no way of coming out pretty at this point. i love them navigating all that and coming to an understanding.
by s4/5 they have bigger issues and secrets to discover about each other so i tend to think sam knows about the rest by the time the apocalypse happens. from s6 to s15, they've been through hell and back for each other and with each other, so that's when i tend to think sam's reaction to finding out about this aspect of dean's past would be more mature. that's something you pulled off really well in "pragmatics" and that version of sam with his quiet acceptance has its own appeal and is generally really lovely to read about.
tl;dr sam finding out about dean and sex work is one of my favorite tropes and i think that there are many different ways to make it new and interesting but for maximum drama i tend to prefer this happening in the first 3 seasons.
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musingmemories · 1 year
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𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬, 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐲 𝐠𝐫𝐢𝐩 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐲
Hello friends! I’m just a sleepy girl excited to write my favorite female canon & heavily headcanon based muses, so welcome to my messy independent multi-muse blog corner of Tumblr. I'm thrilled you're here!
— Penned by L. she/her. 25+. cst. uses beta editor only. discord RP optional.
— Featuring my favorite female canon MUSES from various anime and TV show/movie fandoms.
— If you're interested, feel free to send in a Prompt/Meme or an Unprompted Ask if you'd like to get started that way! Just specify muse~ and PLEASE don’t hesitate to continue them with a reply if you want to I’m so down.
Welcome to my blog, I appreciate you taking an interest! — This is an independent, selective, canon adjacent, canon divergent, multi-fandom, multi-ship & multi-muse blog. — Mun is 25+ with 10 years of RP experience, so anyone under 21 is kindly requested to not interact.  — The female canon muses are from various anime and TV show fandoms, and I will continuously be editing my list. — Please advise there will be triggering themes of violence and gore on this blog. Reader discretion is advised as I do not tag my posts unless privately requested.
— This blog is going to be low activity as I have real life and work to juggle. As much as I'd love to do rapid-fire threads all day every day this just isn't possible. I promise promise promise I love all of our threads and put a lot of thought into them when I am able to write them. Discord is a little easier for the rapid-fire if you're interested, just send me a DM! Otherwise, please give me a nudge to remind me if I owe you a response.
— FEEL FREE to take your time as well. I’ll always be here when you’re ready to dive back in just as excited and raring to go when I get your reply! —  I do use Beta Editor. I write novella style descriptive replies and use small font. I have a tendency to let my muse carry me but please do not feel the need to match length if I get carried away. — I will only RP with canon not OC siblings of my muses as I unfortunately do not have the time to research and read your bios that you have put all your hearts and souls into. Thank you for your understanding! — My big requests: please do not be an asshole, please keep me out of drama. If you don’t like my portrayal, that’s fine. I’m doing this for fun and I want this to be a safe space for everyone I interact with. There’s a block button for that. As for drama, we’re all adults here and are using this outlet of creativity as a safe space, I’d like to keep it that way. I prefer drama to be kept to threads in-character, not related to muns, as we do not equal muse. — Ghosting happens, I understand and respect your boundaries and decisions. That being said, I will do the same should I feel uncomfortable and hope you respect my choice as well. — I will block blogs that revolve around triggering themes such as incest and pedophilia. — I do have a tendency to write romantically. Because I adore shipping, I’m a ship whore and most likely I’m wishing for the same canon ship you are. Please don’t hesitate to spam me with your musings and ship inspo. I’m so so here for it and am a fellow spammer myself!
penned by L. she/her. 25+. cst.
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madeofcc · 1 year
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Hello everyone and happy new year to all of you ♥
As a new year is starting I wanted to let you know a bit more about all the things I’ve planned for this year and also how my life could affect those plans. Feel free to read or skip this. But remember ...
Thanks a lot for being here and take very good care of you ♥
Blog update : As a new year is coming, I might change my theme but this is not my priority. You can see it above, those 3 stories are my main goal for this year ! As Another Side started last year, I really want to give you the entire story. The end of 2022 was quiet hard and I couldn’t work on it as much as I wanted to and you’re still here waiting for the next parts so I also feel like I have to end this story properly. This should take the first months (I think at least until february/march for sure) as the first part of the story is still not done and I’ve planned 4 parts for this ghost story. Are you enjoying it so far ? What do you think might happen ? Do you already have any favourites ? Don’t hesitate to tell me everything through asks and comments :)
After Another Side, we will finally get back to Destiny Harbour with the part I wrote the entire story around. Like, this 3rd act is the first one I wanted to developp but decided to include more background story first with DH1 and 2. So here comes the Britechester arc, which also is the end of teenagehood for our characters. This arc will be cut in two parts : a special musical episode called Melodia (I’ll tell you more about it on the next post) following by DH3 that will takes place 6 months after Melodia. This arc will be as light as very dark and will explore a lot of young adult theme such as : harassment, male toxicity, civil rights and the discovery of ourselves. All the characters will face some of the darkest issues of their lives and you will also know more about most of them (even the main ones like Leïla or Destiny). DH3 will also be a tribute to Wes Craven’s Nightmare on Elm Street and Scream, so if you’re a horror fan, this part should really be for you ♥
As Melodia and especially DH3 are pretty long (DH3 is the longest season so far with 12 episodes) it should take the entire year so are you ready ? If everything goes as planned, I can already tell you that 2024 will be focused on a new Another Side story, a DH LGBTQIA+ spinoff (that will take place several months after DH3) will start as well as DH4 if my life doesn’t get pretty impacted.
I guess that’s all for the blog update. I guess that now I have to be more intimate with you all and tell you more about the shitshow going on behing the making of sims stories ! Feel free to skip this part if personnal stuff isn’t your thing.
Personal update : So as most of you know, I lost my job in September and I’ve been struggling to find a new one since. What most of you don’t know though, is that I live with my ex for a bit more than a year know (after 6 years of relationship) and that has been affected both our lives. It’s not a nightmare, we’re both adults who also do our best to have a peacefull life, but it could be better (how many years would you live with your ex even though you’re friends? think about it) so we’re both kind of focused on moving on this situation.
As you can imagine, this has become a priority for me, especially since I got fired (it’s waaaaay harder to find a place when you don’t have a regular income - no I won’t do any patreon shit and will rather be homeless again than taking advantage of kind and poor people who want to help because they understand how it is while rich ones don’t give a single fuck anyway). So, between all these, life drama and death also came around lately so more stuff to deal with and guess what ... I’m still using a broke laptop on Windows 8 (which is kind of dying this year) so I’m facing some kind of issues with more and more software I used previously (no more Topaz Clean T_T / Good bye Gshade ...thank god Reshade still works) and I’m a bit scared it’s some kind of planned obsolescence that will ruin my computer and all my writting plans (it’s litterally one of my biggest fear. It’s the only computer I have and I won’t be able to buy a next one if it breaks for good U_U).
Thankfully, you’ve been around ♥ Seriously, I know I always thank everyone a lot and always say that you’re a strenght but you really are. 2022 has also been awesome because of you all and I will never thank you enough for all the support you’re giving by simply enjoying my content. I mainly post here to escape and also to practice my writting skills so it’s been a real joy and it always cheers me up a lot to see I actually have some readers who are interested about my stories or characters’ fate. You are also a true daily inspiration when I’m discovering my dash everyday like a kid in front of a new episode of their fav anime ! So, thank you for being awesome and being that creative my friend ♥
I wish you all the best for this new year. Let’s make 2023 an epic year of content ! It has already started on my dash ♥
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moonchildridden · 2 years
NottPun, that couple (who’re not exactly a couple) that showed a lot of nuances in less than an hour: dream stealers, Gen 1 stalking, popping hot tea, 701 in shambles, pimps in manager's clothing and innocence lost (Episode 4)
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Before I start, I wanna say that the main reason it took so long for me to post this is because I had a migraine crises for the whole week, then two days of cramps and back hurt but since I had a post to do and opinions to share, I said fuck my body and let's do this.
Hi. Hello. It's moonchild here, back again with another (late) post about WOY's episode 4 and, oh boy, it was a doozy, at best, and a burning mess, at worst. So many things that I had suspicions on were confirmed, other things that I never put too much thought into it came back with a vengeance and we had so much pain shown to us that it left me feeling like crap for literally days. I was expecting drama, a very heavy drama, but I was not ready for what I was about to receive.
Also, I cannot believe that after we complained and asked for the messages/social posts/comments translation, we FINALLY GOT IT! For real, I was expecting yet another episode where I would have to do the translations myself or wait for somebody else to do it but, maybe because the universe wanted us to suffer with understanding, the translations came.
I'm not gonna comment to much here, because I will have a lot to comment in my "prediction" section after the exposition of the themes of this episode, so for now, just me being a responsible adult, as always: everything that you guys will be reading in this post is the result of my observations into very specific parts of the episode, frame by frame repetitive viewing and me getting to the most plausible conclusion after taking all in, meaning that most of the things will be on the speculative territory, others in (maybe) theory territory and some can (or so I think) be proven by in-dialogues and scenes arrangements, so take things with a grain of salt, ok?
I will divide this post in two major sections, one with the themes that I managed to identify and the other with the view that we had about NottPun’s relationship, instead of dividing it into segments, because the episode itself didn’t gave me other choice than to use this format. However, the sections will be divided into sub-sections and those will (mostly) follow the order of events presented in the episode, with things in bold being mostly dialogues and things in italic being me emphasizing or exaggerating my thoughts.
As an addendum, I will reference a few things that I talked about in my previous posts so, if any of you reading this hasn’t read them, don’t need to worry about needing to read those posts first because I will paraphrase when necessary. But if after this you feel the desire to read them, head out to my masterlist and you can find all three previous posts there.
Without further ado, let’s uncover some crimes, shall we?
1 – Themes
 1.       Criminal mismanagement
Before I start, allow me to say something rude: fuck Koon, I hope that bitch has a painful death and burn in eternal hell for what she did, that fucking bitch. Jail is not enough for her, I want her blood smeared on the floor.
Ok, back to regular programming. While I was watching the episode, I kept asking myself how on earth was I supposed to talk about her actions in this post, considering that everything we saw on episode 4 was the culmination of what she has been doing since episode 1 (and two tweets that the official Copy A twitter account posted after episode 3 and 4) and how her behavior was swiftly unraveled to us but we kinda didn’t pay attention until it exploded in our faces.
Between NottPun’s managers, Koon was the one whose appearance gave a more serious and knowledgeable look, also trustworthy, like a person we could rely on for anything. Pun said, in his lunch with Tai on episode 2, that his parents were secretly afraid to let Pun go with Koon but Koon smoothly talked it out and that made Pun’s parents trust him to go and live with Koon, basically saying that she has a way with words and is capable of convincing people to do what she want. Looking back to that conversation, with all the information that we have about her now, and seeing her expressions during that conversation, is very easy to actually see her reactions to certain parts of it as a sort of foreshadowing of her actions:
Tai: Khun Koon and Nong Pun seem very close. How long have you been taking care of each other?
Koon: It’s been 5 years. I went to pay pilgrimage in Ayutthaya and met him there. So I asked his parents’ permission.
Tai: Good for you to ask for him to come. Not deceiving him here.
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[Look at Koon’s expression here. She was “smiling” but after Tai said those words, she averted her eyes, like she was hiding something]
Tai: Now there are a lot of scammers. Even my own channel often got impersonated.
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[Again, her expression changed. The mention of “scammers”, people who basically deceive people to get what they want, was enough to put her a bit uncomfortable. Perhaps she felt called out?]
Pun: When she talked to my parents, they were secretly afraid. But fortunately, P’Koon smoothly talked it out. So my parents trusted me to come and live with P’Koon.
This conversation only lasted for 40 seconds but in those 40 seconds, when well analyzed, it showed three focal points of Koon’s personality, that she uses around people: she’s a liar, she’s well aware of what she’s doing and she’s very convincing. Those traits, separate, are not exactly dangerous (albeit they are still wrong) but together they are a major red flag, because it basically shows that that person is capable of doing a lot of things and still make you think that it was for the best or that it wasn’t their fault that the things turned out to not be the way they promised.
Up until that point, I confess that I didn’t actually saw something weird enough to catch my attention, and episode 2 was an episode filled with topics like sexual harassment, the conversation about fanservice, public pressure and stuff like that, so my focus was on how those themes were being showcased and how Pun was reacting to all of them, instead of other characters. However, one thing that made me keep an eye on her, at least for a few seconds, and also made me feel like there was something wrong was in the changing room where she and Pun were with the makeup artist, before the event where Pun fainted; the worst part of it is that it was such a minor detail but it spoke volumes because it was a break of character (or at least the character that we had been perceiving on Koon) for Koon: after the makeup artist finished doing their job and asked Pun if they could take a picture, Pun looked at Koon with that expression of his that says “do whatever you have to do but don’t let them take a picture of me” but Koon, instead of doing what Pun wants, something that she usually does, she actually says yes, receiving an almost shocked expression from Pun as a response for that.
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When I saw that, I was like “so, we’re not doing what Pun wants anymore?”, because that behavior was not something expected from her and it rubbed me the wrong way for some reason. Yes, it could’ve been because the makeup artist was someone famous and that picture could give Pun, and her, some exposure, simply a business decision, but it doesn’t make the fact that she made a decision that she knew Pun was not comfortable with in the first place and that tells a lot about what she’s doing with Pun: she’s using him for her personal gains and hiding her decisions behind her “manager” card.
But it doesn’t stop there. Her shady behavior as a manager can be traced back to when Pun wasn’t even her artist and can be boiled down to one simple word: innocence. (put a pin on that and let’s go back to the present for a moment)
After Pun went home to ask for explanations about why Fang was the one that signed the contract with TTV and not him, saying that even after she took him to talk to the manager (I assume the manager is Khun Chalerm), the contract was still not for him, Koon said that she “talked to them” (meaning that it was supposed to be a sure thing that Pun already was signed with TTV, considering that he had already told his mother about that) and that “Khun Suthat liked Pun very much but he said that Pun’s sweet look is not right for the channel”, prompting a very explosive reaction from Pun, that asked “’not right’? Well, isn’t you the person who told me to keep this look? They why are you saying it’s not right now?”.
This exchange took me to two tangents (me again with these, shocker):
1 – Pun’s real personality, his real image, the way he really expresses himself is being crushed under the image he has to project to the world, because of his job
In my post for the second episode, the first thing I talked about was how Pun used personas in certain situations for certain people as a way of getting attention and continuing working in the acting industry. Quoting what I said about it: “[…]Pun projects specific images of himself to certain people and he tries to sell the image that he deems best to a specific person. To the TTV producer, he tries to appear interested in his works, in the cast and crew’s well being, in being nice and always willing to do his utmost best in the pursuit of doing a good job. To the crew and rest of the cast, he shows a distant and cold man, someone who’s above all of them and should have his desires granted as soon as they are vocalized or expressed. To his fans, he shows a sensitive and caring man, someone worth of being adored and taken care of, someone whom they can put their trust in and follow without an issue. None of those images are really what he is, his real personality.” At the time, I viewed that behavior as a personal decision from Pun, because it aligned with his goals in the industry, like a conscious action in pursuit of a dream, where you sacrifice a part of yourself to get what you want, and it also made sense with the profiling that I did for Pun, so I didn’t think much of it.
But after Pun said that a part of his image, the one that I associated with his persona to his fans (I mean, Pun’s fans are literally called “Mummy”, meaning that they view Pun as someone that “needs” to be babied or is “sweet and innocent like a child”) was Koon’s idea, a lot of my thoughts shifted to something that I had been suspecting for a while but never actually wrote on any of my posts because I didn’t want to accuse someone of something so serious, even if it could have proof of it: Koon deliberately made Pun keep an “innocent persona” because she knew it would cater to some people in power and it would make her job much easier.
 Meaning, Koon did that so she could pimp out Pun.
2 – Innocence is being used as a trade tool inside the industry
 This is where things get a bit creepy (or more creepy, whatever you prefer) about Koon’s behavior. We don’t know how old NottPun are exactly but I don’t think both are over 25, so it’s fair to assume that when Koon meet Pun he was fairly a young adult, still with a bit of innocent look; that being said, we have someone who seems to be in the industry for a long time, knows exactly what the industry likes the most (in terms of appearance and behavior, specially), telling a young adult that knows nothing of said industry to keep an innocent look and the young adult does exactly that because he trusts the person that told him that…after all, what reason would Pun have to question that decision, Koon knows what she’s doing.
Koon knew exactly what she was doing when she said to Pun to keep that look. She knew that the right people would go head over heels for a man with a sweet look, would want to be in touch with that man, keep him around, give him stuff (is this starting to seem like a sugar daddy thing or is just me?), pamper him, give money, in exchange of a small thing, probably a dinner, or a full night with said man. This was not showed in full picture in the episode but Copy A’s twitter account posted the full conversation (and translated by BillySengFC) and I’ll put it verbatim so you guys can understand exactly what I’m talking about here:
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 Khun Miao TTV: 30k. Is that ok?
Koon: Thank you for loving Nong.
Khun Miao TTV: It’s ok, he is cute, my boss really like him.
Koon: Just eating and talking, right?
Khun Miao TTV: Yes, but if he can do more like I told you earlier. From 30k to 100k, my boss can pay for it.
Koon: Let me consider first.
Khun Miao TTV: Thank you for not rejecting me.
Koon: You’re welcome.
Read that conversation as many times as you want or need (or don’t, it made me sick just by typing this here) because Koon was promising sexual acts in Pun’s name in exchange for money. Money, mind you, that would go straight to her and Pun wouldn’t even see the color of it. You know who else markets sexual acts in other person’s name in exchange for money? Pimps.
I dare to go even further and say that Pun is not the only one Koon’s been pimping out or even that she’s getting sexual favors from her artists as well (not from Pun, obviously), considering this image taken from the trailer, something that makes this already fucked up situation even more fucked up because she’s using her position as manager not only to sell her artists sexually but also to gain sexual favors herself. Just thinking about this, I feel sick and tired, for real.
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(A side note before I continue. This image right here, is this feet Pun’s? Because it seems like it)
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Anyway, about the look thing, just before I move on to the next sub-section, when she said that Pun’s “sweet look” was the reason he did not get signed on TTV, I called her on her bullshit because this TTV thing did not start from Pun, it was someone from TTV itself that went after Pun and showed him that the possibility for him to be part of a big TV station was within his reach. Or is she really saying that Tai, someone who works on TTV, directed many series in there, would go specifically after Pun if he didn’t think that Pun could fit inside the company? Because after the fiasco that was the NC shooting scene on episode 2, Tai admitted that he was eyeing Pun but because of what happened (a situation that he mistakenly thought that it was Pun just not being comfortable with love scenes or some variation of that) he think that Pun was not suitable for TV drama; not TTV itself, TV drama.
Also, if the “sweet look” was really the problem as she said the executive, the man that was willing to pay 100k if Pun did something sexual to him, “said” it was, then Tai wouldn’t have shifted his attention to GusBew, a ship where Bew also have a sweet look. To make matters even worse (believe, it always can get worse in situations like this), the meeting between Pun and the executive happened after the decision of not signing Pun into TTV, based on another chat that Copy A’s twitter account posted (and translated by BillySengInt), which I will post verbatim:
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 Khun Tai TTV: Koon, you’re not angry with me that I didn’t choose Nong Pun, are you?
Koon: It’s fine, I understand.
Khun Tai TTV: Thank you.
Koon: Khun Tai?
Khun Tai TTV: Yes?
Koon: [sends two pictures, one of Fang and other of Song]
Khun Tai TTV: It’s better if I call you
[A 05:04 call made]
 Three things that we can take from this conversation:
1 – The decision to not sign Pun on TTV came from Tai, not the executives. And I’m almost sure no one tried to talked back on that decision because they trust Tai’s judgment, so people assumed he had his reasons to do so.
2 – Not only Koon did not try to talk Tai into changing his decision for example, just like she did with Pun’s parents to let her take him with her) but she also quickly pushed Pun aside and “sold” her two other artists as soon as Pun stopped being “profitable” for her. Like, it took her two minutes between her saying that she understood his decision to her sending the two pictures to him; two minutes that could’ve be used to try to convince Tai to give Pun another chance.
3 – This conversation happened on August 16th. The conversation and subsequent meeting between Pun and the executive happened on August 23rd. A full week. She kept that a secret for a full fucking week.
Oh, and remember on episode 3 before Pun went out to meet Nott? There is this scene where Pun kicks a box of cosmetics that was on the floor and the first thing Pun asks is “Khun Chalerm sent this?”, to what Koon says “Yes. Pharaoh is about to get a drama job. So I asked him for a skin care kit”. Pun then laughs and says “just an extra, I think you don’t have to do this much” and Fang, instead of answering back like he would usually do, simply stays quiet. Pun, expecting an answer, nods while still smiling but after not receiving one, he just smiles victoriously, thinking that he had succeeded in humiliating Fang one again, and goes towards the door; Koon, noticing that he was about to leave, asks Pun where he’s going and he said that he was going to see Nott and this exchange happens:
Koon: You go out with Nott often now. Who said that he doesn’t want to be a shipped partner forever?
Pun: I did. I won’t be a shipped couple forever. I’m going to be in the TV channel soon.
When I saw her expression in this scene, I assumed that it was related to Pun being very close to Nott, so she was suspecting that something was happening between them. Now that we know that at that time, Pun was no longer going to be in TTV, her expression was a mix of “guilt” and probably fear: “guilt” because she was hiding the real information from Pun and fear because there was a chance that Nott could say something about the fact that he had signed with TTV and that could make Pun realize the truth.
Also, Fang not reacting to Pun’s teasing was just him keeping himself calm because he was expecting for the opportunity to humiliate Pun back with the news that he was the one that TTV took, not Pun. He probably had already envisioned how things would turn out and was salivating for the moment.
Wow, who imagined that talk so extensively about how trashy and vicious and disgusting Koon is would drain my energy, huh? Anyways, let’s move one and talk about the second sub-theme I found in this episode, that pertains to nothing more than the media.
 2.       Media intervention: from love to hate
Yes, let’s talk about the influence the media has on how we perceive people, because who doesn’t love to talk about media manipulation, right? (I’m being ironic here)
I’ve talked about how the media influences before in my post for episode 3, when I mentioned how the media had a hand into the feeding process on “rivalry” between actors and was also more busy with the possibility of petty feuds between them than do a more informative work of talking about the actors’ jobs and aspirations inside the industry. Quoting from my closing thoughts about that matter:
“[…]the industry and the media work together when it comes to which image project about certain people and how people will perceive them. Both choose what to show, what to say, what to highlight, all in the pursuit of the next big thing. Both make and break the stars at their whim and will continue to do so as it pleases them.”
Based on what happened to Pun in this episode, guess what the media decided to do? I’ll give a few seconds to think in an answer.
[I’m not going to defend or whatever variation of that Pun’s actions towards other people in this episode nor will I ignore the fact that Pun was trying to fight off something that he thought had been done wrongly to him, because let’s not forget that his “explosion” on set only happened after he knew that his shooting schedule had been cut on half and the other actors got theirs doubled, receiving a half assed excuse that it was because he wanted to “have new actors” and “the customer wanted that way” because it wasn’t.
When you think about that, two possible situations can come across your mind and you asked yourself:
1 – Did the schedule cut happened before the announcement that Nott was the one that signed with TTV?
2 – Did the schedule cut happened after the Instagram story that Pun posted?
Because if it happened before the announcement, Koon, Pun’s manager at the time, did not informed him of that and decided to roll with it, something that is already not good. But, if it happened after Pun’s Instagram story, then it was Koon’s spiteful action towards Pun, and I’m willing to go with the second option because of one small detail: the orange box on Pat’s table.
That orange box had an appearance before on episode 3, when Koon decided to give one to everyone on set, including the staff that worked on set. That orange box was some sort of “bribe” from her part and here on episode 4, we can attribute that same reasoning to the act of her giving one to the person responsible for the series. Because you cannot tell me that it was a coincidence that Pun’s shooting schedule was cut in half and Pat so happened to have something sent by Koon, the same person that not only was no longer Pun’s manager but also had reasons to destroy his career, after all Fang was her new golden goose.
This is me being as impartial as I can, to avoid making biased posts and lean towards certain characters just because part of their story resonates with mine, that’s why I’m giving you guys the most logical conclusion based on the evidences we have from the episodes we were given.]
Going back to the media image manipulation, as soon as the video of Pun “losing it” on set became viral and one of the staff made a live telling their side of the story and, all of a sudden, everyone was telling all the bad things Pun had done, either on set or not, sharing pictures taken suspiciously (I’m gonna talk about this a bit further down) or making twitter spaces to discuss what had happened/was happening. The media itself, instead of trying to approach Pun to get his side of the story or, at least, get an explanation as to what had exactly happened in the set on the day the video was taken, decided to create news saying that Pun was “whining on the set” (talking about the video), that behind the scenes he was “an entertainer” (talking about the picture of him and Khun Chalerm from episode 1) and that the series, or the people behind it, had “casted out main actor”. To make matters worse (because Pun did not caught a break in this episode, Murphy law style), GusBew ended up being interviewed and, instead of people talking about them, you know, as actors and stuff like that, they spent the entire interview session asking questions about Pun, if he had always been like what the viral clip showed, if they had seen Pun often, if one of them had seen any strange behavior and so on.
But, instead of the “tea” the interviewers were actually expecting, i.e GusBew confirming that Pun was the bogey man of the industry and the big bad wolf, they instead got GusBew telling them that Pun was a very good and professional actor in the industry (something that was not a lie), that they only had contact with Pun only on set and events (not a lie) and that Pun was very kind (a half truth) and that he even brought an ice machine on set (again, not a lie) that he let anyone use. The faces of the interviewers listening to that was simply gold because they went there with an agenda to be fulfilled (getting more dirt on Pun) but left with a list of compliments from Pun’s coworkers. Sorry you didn’t get your scoop, honey, that’s how life is.
Now, talking about the pictures the GossipXoxo’s twitter account posted , I have two questions about it: the first one is how did the person that took the picture (assuming that it was the same person that posted the picture) managed to be so close to be able to take the picture of Pun and Khun Chalerm? Because that person had to clearly be either inside the office, without being caught, or installed a surveillance device in there and managed to get the picture. Regardless, that person had to be inside the building, probably inside the office, at night, and be sure that no one would bat an eye to them.
The second one is about the picture of Pun in front of 701’s room. Considering that he was wearing a mask, glasses and a hood over his head, unless you knew that it was him, had followed him there or knew about his “meetings” with Nott, there was no one someone would pay attention enough to take a picture and keep it for so long (we are talking about a scene that happened in episode 1, being used three episodes later. That’s weird, to say the least). Who took the picture knew exactly who that person was and kept the picture for a reason.
My bet is that the person showed during the twitter space thing was Atichon. Who do you guys bet on?
2 – NottPun: the couple that is not a couple
Let’s talk about NottPun? Let’s talk about NottPun.
So…NottPun in this episode was the biggest emotional mess that they’ve been since their story arc started and I wish I was lying about that. I keep using the expression “that showed a lot of nuances in less than one hour” in my titles but I’ve never actually felt that way until episode 4 aired. BillySeng did an amazing job in portraying NottPun’s emotions through their eyes, through their facial expressions, their voice tones, everything. It was gut wrenching watch their suffering (specially Pun’s suffering) in this episode, seeing them getting hurt, seeing their world shatter in front of their eyes, without having any chance of stopping it or slow it down.
Anyways, before I repeat what I said in this impromptu post about Pun, let me untangle the tangled mess that we got with NottPun in this episode. However, to talk about NottPun in this episode, I will need to explain his attitudes in context, so that my train of thought makes sense and I will use subsections to do that:
Phase 1: Pain infliction
NottPun in this episode already starts on a bad note, with Pun discovering that Nott signed the contract with TTV and not him. Nott, upon waking up and seeing the ad on television (I'm sure the moment he looked at the television, it only had his picture and not the picture of him with Fang), hugs Pun and says that he would also be part of the TTV, which means they "would work on the same network" (when I said I wouldn't make any judgments or comment on this subject until I had Nott's version, it was because I was assuming there was something wrong with this whole story and I was right). Pun, obviously annoyed, asks Nott "why was he doing that" and Nott replies, still half-excited but confused by Pun's reaction, that he "had signed the same contract as Pun, so why was Pun angry?", making Pun point to the television, which was still showing the news of the hiring of new actors, and this time it had a picture of Nott and Fang on the screen, and says that he (Nott) and Fang had signed a contract with TTV and that out of the two of them, only Nott had been taken, "they didn’t want him"
To give you an idea of ​​how slowly Pun was processing events, he wasn't even worried about the fact that Fang was on the same network he had fought so hard to get into, but rather that Nott had gotten what he wanted, making Pun direct his growing anger at the person closest to him at that moment, who was also the person who had hurt him (or at least one of them). With that, Pun begins by saying that he "knew Nott was stupid, but I didn't realize he was stupid up until that point" because "big network channels never signed contracts with the two members of a ship" (I wonder if there is any plausible reason for that because I was surprised and genuinely curious).
Nott then says something very curious in response to Pun's words, which piqued my interest, that (probably when they presented the contract for him to sign) "they said it was a contract for 2 people and the other person was being managed by Koon" and it made me think of two things: the first is that even though Koon had two other artists under her belt, Pun was the one that was getting the most attention at the moment, especially considering he had just come off a hit series and was currently recording its sequel, and since it was a big network and the same one that Pun had shown interest in, it made sense Nott would have concluded that the other person who would sign the contract was Pun. The second, and this is more speculation than anything else, is that Nott probably only signed the contract precisely because he thought the other person who was going to sign was Pun, i.e. Pun was the reason he signed the contract.
Nott has never struck me as a liar (I'm not saying he doesn't lie, just that he wouldn't lie in such serious situations), so I'm inclined to believe what he said that he had no idea the other actor joining him in TTV was Fang and not Pun, because it would be a very stupid move for Nott to intentionally steal Pun's dream and then act like he didn't know anything, considering how desperate Pun was to get that contract and how unstable and a little out of control Pun tended to be when things didn't go his way. Obviously, Nott could just be manipulating Pun, just like Koon had done, but you don't spend that much time trying to earn someone's trust and then do something like that.
It's basically a shot to the foot or a stab to the chest.
[As I'm trying to be unbiased, I can't help but comment once again that we're taking this story from Pun’s perspective, which means that any attitude that doesn't come directly from Pun is intrinsically linked to him. That is, the story revolves around Pun.
We don't know anything about Nott, except what directly affects the relationship he has with Pun. Yes, we know he has been jealous, has always been concerned about Pun's physical and mental well-being, enjoys working with Pun and is comfortable being around Pun and always makes it clear that no matter what, Pun could always count on him. he. However, the problem with not having more knowledge about Nott's personality is that it leaves room for several interpretations, one of them being that everything he did is nothing more than manipulation on Nott's part and this is a possibility that I definitely I don't want to think because I need Pun to have at least one person as an ally, someone on his side, supporting him.]
After that interaction, we had that scene where Koon tried to manipulate Pun into thinking he was getting it all wrong (like the classic "it's not what you're thinking" line after he read the messages coming into her phone that same time was a well-known and most often failed tactic of manipulation), he walks away from Koon, Fang and Song (with how much that people are starting to reveal themselves as real snakes, I'm starting to distrust him too because the Song boy here is too innocent for my taste) and then posts the Instagram story, in which he hints that Koon had done something hateful enough to result in their professional separation.
Phase 2: Counter-attack rain
One thing I noticed while re-watching the episode for the fiftieth time is that everyone who interacted with Pun (Koon, Nott, Pat, Candy) was telling him to calm down, as if Pun's actions were from someone just throwing a tantrum and not really him having reasons to do so (it makes sense, at least from a literary point of view, that these people would have these thoughts because unlike us who have the advantage of seeing everything that happens and having access to all the information, we can see the full picture of everything that happens at any given time, but the people within the New Ship universe don't have that same advantage and act on the information they actually have access to) but none of those people were really willing to listen to what Pun had to say, understand his reasons or why he was acting that way, unlike Pun who was willing to listen to everyone and give the benefit of the doubt even when the person didn't deserve it.
Confirming this, Pun even asks Nott “why? Why is everyone telling me to calm down? If it were you, would you be calm?", as a way of expressing exactly what was going on with him at that moment and then says to Nott "I want you to listen to me, not tell me to calm down", that is Pun he just wanted someone to hear what he had to say.
It's after this scene that the nuances I mentioned come into play and we get to see exactly how hurt Pun was by it all, and because of that hurt, his self-preservation instincts kicked in. Pun knows, or at least has the confidence that Nott was on his side, but feels that there is no way Nott can help him because it was this same Nott who “stole his dream”, since Nott knew full well that Pun “wanted to being on TV", so why was Nott "doing that", because Nott "didn't want to be on TV let alone be an actor" (this was the first really personal information we've had from Nott since episode 1 and it didn't even came from Nott himself but from Pun). After that, Pun goes on the real attack and says that Nott "just wanted to be famous" and that "if he didn't have money he wouldn't even be there" because the industry only cared about having "superficial people, beauty and money instead of talent and effort”, which is why Nott was chosen and not Pun; Pun wasn't exactly saying that Nott had no talent or that he didn't make an effort to deliver a good work, but that Nott being a person who had money (which Pun didn't have), in addition to being handsome, made Nott "one of them" , someone who had the right appeal to catch the industry's attention.
The attack was working, because Nott decided to counterattack and says that Pun "thinks that way because he was no different" (from what he was criticizing) and Pun makes his counterattack saying that "he used to be that way", that "used to see Nott as a boat that would take him forward, but if today that same boat was useless, he had no reason to continue with it”. Even though it was too painful to listen, after all Pun had just said that he didn't see Nott as anything more than a boat, a tool for him to achieve his goals, there's something we need to pay attention to and it's the tense he uses when it says this: past. Pun does not say that he “sees” (present), much less that he “is seeing” (present continuous), but that he “used to see” (past tense) Nott as a boat, that is, his view of Nott has changed.
An interesting thing about this tense is that unless the person using it in a sentence specifies the exact tense (in days, month, year, etc.), everything that happened up to the time the words were uttered could set to “past” (e.g. “five seconds ago” is past). By this I mean that we have no way of knowing exactly when this change took place, much less what caused this change. Was it after they started their sexual relationship? After the events of Episode 2, more specifically their conversation after the event where Pun passed out? After Nott's confession in Episode 3, after Pun asked to spend the night with him?
I have the impression that Pun was ambiguous on purpose, precisely to not give Nott space to know exactly what had happened (I mean, Nott didn't even record the tense used by Pun) and also to get a specific reaction from him, which fact happened. And it is in this reaction that opens up a very important moment in the final moments of their conversation:
Nott: What you said, did you think about it?
Nott: Was I just that to you?
Nott: So I must have been wrong to have fallen in love with you.
At ANY MOMENT did Pun respond to Nott's words, having held still while Nott asked him the questions, and turning away as Nott said he had made a mistake in liking him, before bursting into tears. His silence and the act of turning his face away so Nott cannot see his facial expression are not the attitudes of someone who is talking about having used someone else for personal gain, but someone who is trying to appear cold and indifferent, someone who is trying to give the image of a person with no weaknesses that can be exploited. In fact, Pun only spoke again after Nott left the room and it was only to say that Nott "was stupid to have fallen in love with a person like him", demonstrating the side of Pun that thinks he is insufficient and not worthy of being loved, someone broken; to Pun, Nott was better off without him, at least sentimentally speaking.
Phase 3: The point of no return
Here comes the conversation that Pun had with his mother, one of the most painful moments that Pun went through in this episode. We have a man who has just pushed away one of the very few people who was able to see beyond the walls he had erected around him, trying to seek refuge in someone who, despite his regrets, was still a source of comfort to him, and receiving the response that Pun “would be better off where he was”, as he ���had a good, comfortable job, and didn’t have to work as hard as other people” (there is a misconception in some people’s minds that it’s easy to be an actor and that there is no effort behind this profession), not to mention that his mother still had the idea that Pun was still going to be a TV star. She didn't ask how Pun was doing, didn't find it strange that he suddenly wanted to return home, and didn't offer any updates on the state of Pun's father's health; she ended the call with a “take care” and that was it.
At the moment when Pun felt most fragile, needed his family the most, his attempts to approach him were mercilessly stopped. I wonder if Pun's mother's attitude would have been different if Pun had called her to say he had already signed the contract with TTV, if she wouldn't have let Pun stay at home for a few days, if she wouldn't have been more affectionate. and paid more attention to Pun if his situation was different. Because Pun knew very well the image that his work had in his mother's head, he knew very well that his work was only tolerated because it made money and that money was sent to his mother and he helped her at home, and he knew very well that that contract with TTV would have been a starting point in his goal of earning the respect and pride of his mother; and he didn't have it anymore.
As if it wasn't enough that he didn't have the contract signed, it made it that much harder to get his mother's love back.
Phase 4: A man with nothing to lose is dangerous
 Trigger warning: sexual abuse, suicide
When GusBew said that Pun was a professional and dedicated actor, they weren't just saying that out of nowhere, it was something they had personally seen and knew to be true. A big testament to this was how Pun, even though he felt like his world was crumbling at his feet, probably with a little hangover after he'd had a few drinks to drown his sorrows, prepared himself and went to the movie set to do his thing. job, after all he didn't have the luxury of just not showing up, not when he was an actor without a manager.
However, what happened on set was one misfortune after another: the cut in his shooting schedule and the increase in GusBew's schedule, Koon's bribe, his fight with Bird, the recording and the viral video, not to mention total silence and distance on Nott's part (to be honest, if I were in his shoes I probably would have done the same thing), though he reacted with mild surprise when Pun said he wanted to know "how the show would go on without him" . But other than that, Pun was standing officially alone, his dreams shattered by the people he'd placed his trust in, with nothing but his pain, his anger and his tears; as he always thought, he was fighting alone, trying to hold on to anything that would give him the slightest sense of control, yet he was fighting alone, surrounded by people who wanted nothing more than his downfall.
After that, we had his suicide attempt, something that being a person who also carries traumas of the same nature that Pun carries, I understand very well the weight he must be feeling at that moment, seeing his image being destroyed and not being able to defend himself , seeing the encounter he had with Khun Chalerm seen as him “entertaining” the man when the truth was far worse than people were saying, seeing his hard work on the series where he spent so much of his time being thrown into the garbage (he wasn't the only one to blame for this), having to remember the abuse he suffered at the hands of the old man he crossed paths with the day he returned home (honestly, seeing that gave me such a trigger I don't even know how I kept watching, and I've never felt so sad to see a theory of mine confirmed) and how it fucked up his head, with his life, turned him into the person he was today, how people looked at him and didn’t see a person but a sex object, available for their pleasure, how the one person who promised to be on his side was gone, how his life was basically over and he had no reason to keep trying to survive one more day, not when he had no one or nothing else to live for.
The way our body, our mind, processes trauma is one of the scariest things in nature. There are those who endure as long as they can and manage to find something that gives them the strength to continue, others reach their limit and simply stop along the way, but none of these people deserve to be judged because only they know exactly how much they endured and what was/is the its breaking point. Seeing how the world seemed to treat Pun like a disposable object, there's no way to look at what happened in the car as something that was almost not meant to happen. And just seeing the look of helplessness, loneliness, fear, defeat, on Pun's face, I can't think of anything else but “sorry for the way the world has treated you”; no matter how rude/arrogant/unnecessary he was to other people, Pun didn't deserve to go through what he went through, to be used the way he was used, treated the way he was treated.
I think this is where my impartiality decided to take a vacation, sorry.
Phase 5: Hope is the last to die
 Nott going after Pun. Nott's despair at seeing Pun unconscious inside the car. Nott taking Pun to the only place where Pun ever felt safe, free to be himself, the place where so much joy and so much pain was shared, their refuge.
 In Pun's mind, Nott would never come back to him, not after the hateful words he'd said to the one person who couldn't get enough of his assurances that he would fight on his side against the world. And that's exactly why, as soon as Nott asked if Pun was hungry, the first thing Pun asked was "why Nott had come back", to which Nott replies "how could he not be there?", that he "couldn't let Pun get away" again", before apologizing for stealing Pun's dream (something he didn't intentionally do, but which still caused heartache and pain in someone he cared about) and also for "not being on Pun's side when he needed it most.” Here was more Nott apologizing for not keeping his word and abandoning Pun, when he said so many times that Pun could always count on him, come what may.
 Pun, who is fully aware of why Nott wasn't on the side, says he "did terrible things to Nott", so he didn't understand "why Nott was still taking care of him" and Nott says he was doing it because he "didn't care anymore" and that the rest could fuck off that he didn't care. Then he adds that “whatever Pun wants him to be, he could even be a boat, as long as Pun stay by his side” and that he is aware that “the world has been very mean to Pun but Pun should not be forget that Nott would never be mean to him", before asking Pun to be his and letting Nott take care of him, something Pun accepts, just like he accepted every time Nott promised he would take care of him because Nott never lied about it. , his having returned was the greatest proof of that.
 Nott was giving Pun an attitude full of their love language: words of affirmation and acts of service. Pun knew he could trust Nott when that happened.
 After that, we had Nott trying to reduce a little the damage that had been done, saying that he "was going to cancel the contract", receiving a surprised attitude from Pun, who asked "why would he do that, wouldn't it make things better" and received a “so what should I do to make things better?” from Nott. Nott, as I suspect, was probably only staying in the industry because of Pun, so being in a place like that without his motivation didn't make much sense, so he'd better not waste other people's time and just give up. Pun says that he "doesn't have to do anything" and that he would "wait and see him on TV as one of his fans" (I can't even imagine how painful it must have been for Pun to say that, after all it was his dream that were talking, but if Nott was willing to make that sacrifice for him, Pun could do the same in return. The industry had done nothing but cause him more pain than was necessary), getting a “as a fan? More like a boyfriend", which embarrassed him and made Pun respond with a "shut up".
 I'd really like to say that NottPun cuddled in the hotel room, enjoying each other's presence and that Pun was finally starting to get his "happily ever after," but Pun seems to attract trouble as easily as he breathes, so let's go. talk about the last part of the episode.
 Phase 6: Sleeping with the enemy
Ignoring the discussion between Pun and Fang, where Pun confirmed (not that we didn't already know that) that Koon did indeed pimp out his artists, let's focus on the fact that Nott, for some reason, at some point in his life, slept with Fang. Honestly, I was ready to dismiss the “how do you know his name is Fang?” from Pun, followed by “did you sleep with him?” like him doing what he does best and jumping to conclusions, but then Nott showed a guilty expression and the episode ends with an image from Nott's private Instagram story, as if it were visible confirmation that Nott did indeed sleep with Fang.
Far be it from me to defend a man online but I've seen a lot of people saying that this whole thing between Nott and Fang happened after the argument that Nott had with Pun, as a form of revenge or something but the fact that they showed that story demonstrates the opposite . In the first episode, before we were introduced to Room 701, during the NottPun encounter, Pun complained that Nott was late showing up and Nott said he was busy before he went to Pun. Later, when Pun goes through Nott's stories, one appears in which Pun asks "is this the subject you told me about?" and the story he shows Nott is exactly the story they showed at the end of episode 4. Again, far be it from me to defend man online, but if we follow the logic that nothing in New Ship is random (which so far it really hasn't been, each point is well connected to the other and so on), then showing the story was a way of say exactly when Nott slept with Fang, and no, it wasn't after the argument he had with Pun.
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[Making a little space to complain, Nott, honey, you could have had sex with anyone, but did you really choose Fang for that? Was you desperate, by any chance? It's the only explanation I can find. Not to mention the possibility that Fang knew there was something between Nott and Pun and, given his track record of apparently wanting everything Pun wanted, decided to seduce Nott just to gloat about it later.]
Another thing I wanted to comment, which I found funny, is the fact that Pun's first conclusion to justify Nott knowing Fang's name was precisely that there was sexual contact between them, as if Fang's name was a state secret so well. guarded that could only be discovered through sex.
 Small predictions
 It’s 4 am in here and I can barely think straight, so I’m gonna make a quick prediction, that follows this ask that I received last week. So, in terms of what I think will happen to NottPun, I'm under the impression that we're going to have an ambiguous ending, where we'll have some hints that NottPun might be able to get together as a couple, even if it's not immediately at the end of their arc. Whether they end up together romantically or not, I'd like them to stay together, side by side, although I think that Nott sleeping with Fang is going to spoil a lot and I'm trying not to get annoyed with Nott about it. why couldn't he have chosen someone else to sleep with, other than the person that the owner of your heart hates the most?! I can't have a moment of happiness with these two, for God's sake.
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harlowtales · 6 months
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Jack has a clever way to get you back after a breakup while on his NPLH tour 💔
18 plus - adult themes, drama, romance
You got a frantic text from Jack the day before the first stop on his No Place Like Home Kentucky State Tour. “Need you ASAP!” The message read
You were busy at work but texted back right away. You and Jack were on a break. It got a bit messy with you refusing to move in with him. It just wasn’t working out and you needed space, but you couldn’t resist seeing if something was wrong. You were still in love with him. Jack was always so proud of you and how you were independent and did your own thing. Maybe too independent for his liking. He didn’t mean to seem like your career didn’t matter when he wanted you to quit your job and move in with him.
“I’m in a meeting. Are U ok?” You replied under the boardroom table.
“Can you please come out to Owensboro? I don’t trust anyone else with fluffy.” He answered
“You need a dog sitter??” You texted back in disbelief
“Um sort of.” He replied
“Can one of your little cousins do that?” You texted
“I’d be too nervous unless it’s you.” He answered
“Um my job??” You texted back
“I’ll work it out.” He said
“…and us?” You said
“No funny shit. I swear on the Cardinals.” He answered
You hesitated and didn’t want to say yes right away. Going on Jack’s mini-tour and spending time with the puppy you got together as a trial run for kids would be special, but maybe too much emotionally. Jack had some answering and apologizing to do for girls he said were friends. Friends for him sure, but he refused to see they were trying to break you up. With a couple of them in the new music video, you saw that Jack wasn’t changing his mind. To him friends were friends for life. You decided to gave him an ultimatum.
“Ok, I’ll do it but it’s them or me, take it or leave it. I ain’t staying on a tour bus with them.” You said expecting him to say never mind.
“Done. I’ll have a car get you. Get here ASAP please.” He said.
“I’ll need to talk to my boss first. Some of us are regular folks remember?” You messaged
“Your choice.” He texted back salty
“Be nice Jackman or it’s NO.” You said
“Fine. Just get here…I miss you.” He said
You left him hanging for a while and waited for your boss to say yes.
Jack texted “???”
“He hasn’t said yes yet.” You said
Suddenly Jack called you. “He ain’t gone say yes.” He said right away.
“Hello Jackman.” You said cooly
“Y/n I can’t be kept waiting. It’s yes or fucking no.” Jack said impatiently
“I’m not the one today Jack.” You said and hung up
He called back but you let it go to VM. Then Urban called you. “Y/N whussup.” He greeted “I miss you kid.”
“I…I miss you too Urb.” You said choking up a bit.
“Please come. He’s snippy and not himself.” Urban begged
“Sorry he’s too much. Asking me to dog sit is insulting. I have a real job.” You retorted angrily “I miss our girl, but not like this. I’m not at his beck and call.”
“Stop pretending you don’t want to be here.” Urban said bluntly “We genuinely need supervision for puppers. You report to me, we’ll pay you. If he gets on your nerves tell me. You can be my assistant or Neelam’s. I know you tryna climb that corporate ladder, no matter what he says or if you decide to go home, I’ll always be a good reference on your resume. It’s just a job.”
“Ok how much?” You said firmly
“Y/N come on don’t bust my balls.” Urban said wearily “He made me call, I’m in a tough spot.”
“Fine, but I’m not doing this for free.” You said abrasively. Already Jack was rubbing you the wrong way. He was such a control freak and so many girls would just do whatever he says.
“Ok!! That’s not a no! Ismail will come get you.” Urban said.
“Whoah boss man hasn’t said yes yet.” You said cautiously
“What’s his number?” Urban said ready to put it in his phone.
“I’ll give you his email.” You said not wanting your boss to get a call out of the blue.
“Gee don’t do email.” Urban said seriously
You paused. Jack wasn’t fucking around. You were going. You proceeded to give Urban the number. Within 10 mins your boss texted you to take all the time you needed.
“I can’t fucking stand him!!” You huffed as you packed up your laptop to leave right away. You got instructions to not go home to pack. Jack didn’t want any chance you wouldn’t come. You looked out the window and a black suv was already waiting outside.
“This is kidnapping you know!” You said exasperated
“Tell it to the judge y/n.” Ismail said rolling his eyes
“You should do Uber. That was fast.” You said sarcastically
Jack had already warned everyone you wouldn’t be happy. They just took it in stride. Everyone knew you had a bad temper and didn’t take kindly to Jack thinking he had you wrapped around his finger like everyone knew he did. The drive out of town to Owensboro was beautiful. Jack was set to perform the next day. Ismail made no attempt to make conversation. Jack had sent his best for this mission. You were smart and could talk your way into or out of anything. Ismail couldn’t be swayed to let you off the hook.
“You don’t have to do everything he says you know.” You said trying to wear Ismail down or at least regret that he was stuck in a car with you for hours.
“You want me to pull over and wait for you to get a better attitude?” Ismail said with a straight face.
You folded your arms and looked out the window watching farms and rolling hills pass by. “Y’all are either a match made in heaven or hell…or both.” He said looking at the road ahead.
You said nothing but Ismail saw a little smile creep up on your face. “We’re done so…” you said still looking outside
“My man ain’t done. He’s just letting you think the ball’s in your court. He didn’t bargain for you being such a hard ass. He’s always had a pretty easy time with most women. He thought you were easy going.” Ismail said
“This is a pointless conversation! There’s no balls in any court! I’m done with his balls!” You shouted “Take me back because this is already some bullshit.” You fumed.
“Ok geezus.” Ismail said “chill.” Shortly you pulled up to Jack’s hotel in Owensboro. He was outside letting the puppy go to the bathroom. He couldn’t help grinning from ear to ear when he saw you.
“Wipe that grin off your face.” You said to Jack. “Hello sweetheart!!!” You said to the puppy as she jumped up on you and clearly remembered you. You picked her up and nuzzled your nose in her soft curly fur.
“Ah hum” Jack said clearing his throat holding his arms open for a hug. He had to try.
“Hi Jack. I’m sorry I was rude but you didn’t give me a chance to say no. Like Gee scaring the shit out of boss? Really?” You said
“That’s the point Duh.” Jack said rolling his eyes light heartedly, sticking his tongue out, and doing his famous fake gun to his head with his fingers. He was so damn charming. “Go see your room and we’ll go for a walk.”
You headed into the hotel and opened the door to your room in shock. Boxes of clothes and shoes were waiting for you with a thank you note and some flowers on a desk with a brand new laptop. Jack knew you needed a new one but wouldn’t ask. The card said “May all your dreams come true.” On the desk was a framed picture of when you and Jack picked up the puppy. Urban took the photo. That was the last straw. You broke down crying.
“Babe?” Jack said knocking at the door. “You coming to walk pups?” It was so natural for him to call you babe.
“Um yeah, I’ll take her for a walk. I mean that’s why I’m here right?” You said your eyes watery as you let him in.
“No I mean we’ll all go for a walk….together” Jack said
“Thank you Jack…the laptop. Thank you so much, and this picture….” You said teary eyed. You flung your arms around his neck.
“Whoah that’s all it took was a laptop?” He joked, turning red from all the love he had for you flooding to the surface.
“It’s not that, it’s you supporting my dreams.” You said wiping your eyes. “That’s all I needed, and for you to see people for what they are. You made me feel like I was lying on your friends.”
“Y/n you can be very stubborn. The girls like you, they were just teasing you because they felt like you were cool. We rib each other, that’s how you know you’re in. I’m not interested in any of them.” He said embracing you now. “As for what you want to do in life…I should’ve been more supportive.”
“I feel so stupid.” You said enjoying every whiff of his cologne and resting your head on his chest.
“It’s my fault.” Jack said “My world is a lot. There’s lots of pretty girls but you…I can’t shake if I tried.” He said tilting up your chin kissing you deeply. Just then the puppy peed on the carpet.
“Ah geez!!” Jack exclaimed picking her up and scolding her.
“Give her to me” You said giggling “wanna go for a walksies??” You said rubbing noses with her.
“Can I come?” Jack pipped up
“What do you think can he come with us?” You asked the little fluff ball and she barked in agreement.
“You staying the tour?” Jack asked nervously anticipating your answer
“I think I can be persuaded.” You said
That evening you and Jack parted ways. He was a perfect gentleman heading to his room and texted you “Good night” with a heart ❤️.
The next morning room service knocked on your door. You opened it to a whole selection of homestyle Owensboro breakfasts and your choice of tea, coffee, or orange juice. The server wheeled in a silver cart of all your choices with a warm smile.
“Are you coming to eat some of this?? You texted Jack
“I’m at the gym and headed to rehearsal.” He replied “Enjoy.”
“I guess we’ll see daddy later.” You said to lil pups as you ruffled her fur, but you caught yourself. “Don’t get sucked back in.” You said to yourself “Yesterday was just a weak moment.”
You got to the venue just in time to be ushered back stage with puppers. Jack had been prepping all day for the show so you hadn’t seen him since the night before. He was sweet and texted you periodically and FaceTimed when he got a chance. It felt weird to have so much contact with him again.
You heard the crowd scream as Jack came up on stage through the floor. You were a fan and fanned out like any girl in the audience. Before his last song he said “Can we dim the lights please. I want y’all to meet someone real special to me.”
You were playing with the puppy and heard Jack say “I fucked up and I want y’all to help me out. I want everyone in this bitch to light up your phones. “Y/n where you at?”
You froze and held on tightly to the puppy as you walked like a deer caught in headlights to the stage. You were shaking. Jack put his arm around you as you faced the crowd terrified. “Fellas, if you’re here with your lady don’t be a dumb ass like me. Hold her tight cuz when she’s gone you gone regret it.” Everyone cheered and you started to tear up. Jack motioned for something from off stage and a long jewellery box was handed to him.
“Y/n I been so foolish. I need you back in my life. Please take this and come back to me.” Jack opened the box and a beautiful key pendant on a diamond encrusted chain gleamed in the dimly lit auditorium. “Take this key to my heart.”
You nodded yes and speechless covering your mouth to keep from ugly crying. The puppy let out a bark and every one said “Awwww” all at once.
Jack put the necklace around you neck to everyone whistling and cheering and started to perform his last song while you and the puppy were escorted off stage.
When he entered the green room you stood up. “Jack I…” you started to say
“Y/n, I have something else for you.” He reached in his pocket and produced a real key on a pink diamond keychain. “This is for you. Please I’m fucking begging you. I can’t look after this puppy by myself!”
“Jackman Thomas Harlow what am I going to do with you?” You said kissing him on your tip toes.
“Well if I’m off gentlemen duty I can think of a few things.” He whispered in your ear in his smooth low southern drawl. Your private space fluttered.
“Um ok…” you said blushing and looking down. Jack still gave you butterflies.
“Don’t get all shy and sweet cuz it’s gone go down right here right now.” Jack said lustfully, pressing up against you so you could feel his size.
The rest of the tour continued with you and pups watching Jack from back stage every night, but you couldn’t wait to get back to Louisville and use your shiny new key.
@jacks-daycare @ride4harlow @itsyagirljaz
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Secret Relationship Blown
Summary: Chad does not want for people to know he is dating someone, but when a guy makes a move on Barbara, he has other concerns.
Rating: T - Suitable for teens, 13 years and older, with some violence, minor coarse language, and minor suggestive adult themes.
Words: 1100
Notes: I think Chad would admire intelligent people. Not stuffy academics or nerds, but that kind of understated cleverness that is shown in polite conversation, that sort of understanding of the world.
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It is finally springtime in Sugardale.
The end of the school year swung in with the looming promise of well-deserved vacations and great change to come, as it always did. Some would graduate and leave, some would become the new leaders of the clubs and fraternities, and there would come another batch of pledges. It is hard to escape the whole sentimentality of the season.
According to most of the student body, and a few sections of the faculty, this is the perfect time to throw a party, and the Investments Club is not one to stay behind with such matters. They set up a rave in their large club house, inviting every member and their roommates and girlfriends, and eventually what seemed the entire population of the town showed up. Word spread like wildfire when it came to a blow out of theirs, as it is guaranteed to be the hottest place to be in any given night.
Chad scanned the room for you, not worried about being obvious, as there is little point to hide anything. Bryce was with Trish, and they were wrapped around their usual drama, having April hanging around, senselessly trying to referee the petty dispute, his football teammates and fellow Investment Club associates are scattered around, too busy with either hoping to bag a new conquest or get some old one to put out, and everyone else was too drunk with the better quality of alcohol they were offering for the occasion.
Then his eyes found her, Barbara Hylton, his date for the night, and he realised that they could not leave anymore. She still is the most beautiful, intelligent and awe-inspiring person he had ever seen, even if he keeps it to himself to save face. His jaw still dropped at the sight of her after the best part of seven months, and he does not think it will stop any time soon.
It took every single ounce of energy from every bone in his large body to not walk up to her and shower her with the millions of compliments springing to his mind, some not as wholesome and civil as others. Alas, he could not, and that is mostly on him.
He had suggested that they kept their little dalliance, as she puts it, between them, as not to make a big deal of it, because, as ashamed as he may be for admitting it, he does not want people to know that he is dating anyone, least of all someone like her.
Though, much to his own chagrin, she promptly agreed to his suggestion. She is a scholarship student, after all, and she is in the club which he manages, a club which is very exclusive, catered to legacy members, and with a selective membership process she has not found herself subjected through. It could be assumed that he had something to do with it, and that may lead to circumstances which threaten the continuity of her student support.
Chad was readying himself to keep control and greet Barbara regularly, like a proper vice-president would to one of its female members. He is often reminded of his etiquette whenever he interacts with her, as he gets nervous and acts ceremoniously to avoid suspicion or back-talking.
It was when his eye caught some student that he does not recognize approaching her for a conversation. He decided to wait until they were done talking to go and greet her for the first time that evening.
The drink he was holding almost spilled in his grip when Chad realised that the little bastard was not just talking to his girlfriend, he was touching her, too. Not a friendly shoulder nudge, not a drunken knock, not a brotherly poke. No, the guy was attempting to slip an arm around her shoulder, trying to make her laugh and lean into him.
He cracks his knuckles. Someone is going to be sporting a black eye tomorrow morning.
The burly man focuses his attention on Barbara, to see whether she is welcoming the guy’s advances or rejecting him, to see how much force he is putting in his first punch. He notes, with satisfaction, that she is not responding to the pathetic advance. Instead, she stood stiffly, gripping her drink as tight as he was gripping his.
She gave the drunk guy a restrained smile, eyes searching the room. She swept her gaze across the crowd, desperately trying to locate Chad as she shifted away from her interlocutor. The lipstick, carefully selected and applied to match her outfit, was starting to stretch with the polite expression she forced.
She did not want to upset the man too much. Firstly, because one can never know what men will do in these situations, but also because he has not treated her with any disrespect. There was nothing wrong with him, aside from the ebriety, but she simply is not interested in anyone else.
"Look, I’m sorry, but I, erm, I'm seeing someone at the moment." The woman said, trying to extricate herself out of the situation.
Barbara craned her neck to the right and locked stares with Chad, silently pleading for him to come over.
The drunk man chuckled. "And he left you all alone at this party? That’s very shitty of him. Don't you want to dance with someone?"
She laughed awkwardly, relieved to see her date appear in front of them.
"I didn't leave her alone. Off you go." Chad threatens, baring his teeth.
The guy spluttered, surprised at the sudden appearance of the tall and strong football captain. "Chad! I-I didn’t…! Sorry, I’m so sorry, I didn't…"
Chad smirked, looping his own arm around Barbara as the other man promptly removed his. He does not reply to the stammering, leading her away instead as she leaned into his side.
"Thanks, C. You saved me out there. Where we going now?" She asks, as they go out the door.
"Just out for a breather." He responded, both curt and airily.
As it turned out, the so-called breather was at his bedroom in the frat house and it did not involve breathing so much as fast paced making out.
The hot and savage kissing left her lips tingling and parted with the gloss smeared on the side. With a giggle, she realised there was a shiny pink tinge to her boyfriend’s ones as well.
Chad smiled down at the woman, whom he locks underneath him with his strong arms. "Do you think that we blew our cover?"
Barbara laughed breathlessly. "Yeah, we probably did."
“Good.” He responded hoarsely.
College Craze Masterlist
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bbygirl-in-lace · 2 years
For International Womens Day I'd like to talk about periods for a bit cause women spend a huge part of their lives dealing with them and in fact i got my period today as well ✨️
If youre a man and the mentioning of periods makes you uncomfortable I especially want you to read this.
I personally have quite short, chill periods, but I have friends with PMS, heavy flows, horrible cramps and so on. Many of my girlfriends seriously suffer when they are on their periods. One of my closest friends has a very heavy period that lasts for up to 7 days and the week before she suffers from PMS. She basically feels like shit for 2 whole weeks a month.
I started my period at 12 years old. I was a child. And even though my periods are mostly chill now doesnt mean they always were. I remember often having really bad cramps and circulatory problems in school. Even heat waves. One time my circulation was down to the point of me feeling like I was passing out in class. I often packed multiple pads and bled through all of them so quickly I had to be picked up by a family member cause it was too much for me at school. I was extremely scared of bleeding through my pants which happened twice i think. But luckily no one saw it. Another time I was on my period when a friend celebrated her birthday in a theme park. I had cramps once again, bled through all my pads and was too ashamed to tell anyone so i asked my friends mom to call my mom and ask her to pick me up because of stomach ache. I remember crying the whole time because I felt like shit and the adults there treated me like a drama queen while i panicked about the thought of bleeding through my pants. But the absolute highlight of it all was when i was home alone for a couple hours before christmas eve and suddenly got cramps that were SO BAD I couldnt do anything but lay in my bed in fetal position and try not to scream. This might have been the worst pain Ive ever felt in my life. My mom left her phone at home so I couldnt call her and when she finally got back home I was just crying and screaming for her to help me. These things all happened to me at the age of 12 to 13. I was a child that felt absolutely overwhelmed with her period.
Even before i got my period for the first time i often heard boys joke about it which lead to me feeling too ashamed to talk about my period with anyone. I couldnt even tell my friends or close family. I felt gross and ashamed and alone. One of my friends once told me that her brother and dad would constantly make period jokes when she was a teenager and really struggling with heavy periods as well and this shit hurts.
Most of my followers are probably men that follow me for my nudes and thats exactly why I wanted to make this post. Being a woman, especially a young girl can be really fucking hard and I feel like men often don't realize that. Periods can be HARD. Female hormones can be HARD. Having a vagina can be HARD. And these things are nothing to ever joke about.
Now excuse me, I gotta take some pain killer to be able to get ready for my tennis lesson💪
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bonny-kookoo · 2 years
Jimin: Devil in Disguise (6)
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In which you take the initiative.
Tags/Warnings: mafia!AU, hybrid!AU, Mafia member!Jimin, Cat hybrid!Assassin!Reader, Angst, Blood, Violence, Dead Dove Do Not Eat, Fluff!!, romance after all that drama
This story covers heavy themes. Adult content ahead.
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Jimin stays true to his word; not leaving you alone from now on, always keeping you close so you don't feel abandoned again, or get caught up in negative thoughts. He does a great job as keeping your mind off of things; even giving you some easy tasks to make you feel like you're doing your part as well. You've helped him around in his office- copying some dates from his digital time planner to a physical booklet.
One that you notice, has a small picture taped on the inside of it, a date scribbled below.
He looks a lot younger in that picture, face still round and soft, glasses sitting on his nose.
"No I-" He stutters a little, before he sits straighter on his bed, trying to appear more confident. "I really like you." He confesses, looking at you with a gaze determined.
"Like.." you try, unsure if he knows what he means.
"Not as a friend." He clarifies, cheeks turning a bit red as he shyly reaches for your hand- fingers intertwining. "But.. as in, I want to be your boyfriend." He tells you.
You're growing just as shy in that moment- heart racing as he looks at you for an answer.
But you're too shy, so you just clumsily lean forward to peck his lips- the bright smile on his face showing that he understood just fine.
"Y/n?" He asks, a hand on your shoulder breaking the spell those memories put on you. "Everything alright?" He worries, and you nod your head, closing the booklet before you look at your fingers.
"Do you.. does it hurt?" You ask, looking at him when his answer takes a moment. He seems unsure about what you mean- and you can't help but notice how much sharper his face looks compared to the little picture you've just seen. "Like.. me not remembering. It must be painful." You say, and his eyes soften a bit.
"I'm not going to lie and say that it's not affecting me." He admits, averting his gaze as he walks to put the booklet away again- as if to put the memories away as well. "But it's not your fault, nor would blaming anybody change what's happening." He explains to you. "What's done is done; there's no going back to it."
"Maybe if I-"you start, but he shakes his head.
"I don't want you to force yourself to remember anything." He says. "If you can't, you can't. I'm glad I got to.." he drifts off, smiling bitterly before you walk a bit closer.
"Glad to what?" You ask, and he sighs.
"I'm glad I got to love you once." He finishes. "Thats more than I could've ever asked for."
You don't know how to answer.
So you just trail after him like a lost kitten, quietly getting ready to go to bed next to him yet again, already underneath the covers as you feel him get into bed as well. He's far away from you- as far as he can, giving you space.
More than you actually want.
So you try out how far he'll let you go- sneakily moving yourself closer to his back, before you lean against it, forehead resting between his shoulders. He grows stiff at that.
"I told you.. you don't have to force yourself." He mumbles into the darkness of the room, but you just shake your head.
Instead, you wrap yourself around him the best you can manage, craving his comfort-
And while he doesn't turn around to face you yet, worried you might catch his watery eyes, you do notice the way his hand lays itself over yours, holding onto it.
His touch almost scared.
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