#re5 albert wesker x reader
blueysobssesions · 1 year
"Is that a Hickey?"
Characters: Leon S. Kennedy, Chris Redfield, Albert Wesker, Jake Muller
You leaving a Hickey on his neck ;)
Leon Kennedy
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- Leon adjusting his collar and said "Well, let's go-" he stayed silent when Ashley and Lewis/j were just gazing at him without saying anything. "Uhm, it's not the right time to adore me in this outfit..." He said "Looks like Amigo had his fun with his partner" Luis replied flirtatiously. Leon was speechless. He hoped that they won't notice how red his face is becoming. "I think you might need to look in the mirror" Ashley said giggling, pointing the mirror next to him. He hurried to the mirror to see what they were talking about and there, on his neck, he noticed a hickey. He can hear Luis and Ashley laughing maniacally behind him. He groaned "I told her not to leave a mark" touching the hickey on his neck. "It's a sign of ownership Amigo! She's putting her mark on you, saying that this on is mine" Luis teased. Leon stared at the hickey you created and he pondered... He grinned, "Well, I'm guessing I'm not covering it then?"
Chris Redfield
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When he opened his eyes, he looked at the side and noticed that you were still asleep and... naked. When he looked down, he also saw himself naked. He sighed and sat up, giving you another glance before moving to kiss your forehead. He touched the ground with his feet with a sigh as he extended his arms... He dressed himself and walked downstairs. "Boo!" Claire startled Chris causing him to yelp "Jesus Claire! It's too early!" He complained "Haha, I'm Sorry!" He was patted on the shoulder as Claire chuckled "So, how's Y/n- Oh, I see you two had fun last night?"she winked at him. "W-what?" "Oh Don try to deny it! I can definitely see a hickey on your neck" He look behind her which there was a mirror, he noticed the hickey you left last night. "I'm expecting to be a niece!" A blush creeped out to his face.
Albert Wesker (Re5)
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As Wesker walked through the hallways, he came across Excella. Excella has never been happy just to see him. He knows about her liking him. Despite knowing about her feelings towards him, Wesker remains distant and uninterested in Excella's affections. He sees her as nothing more than a tool to further his own agenda. You are the only person in his world in whom he is truly interested. Excella greeted him but was rejected. She groaned and rolled her eyes. "Wesker, please sit down so I can inject it" she suggested. Wesker walked towards her and sat down on the chair, rolling down his sleeve for the injection. Excella watched in silence as Wesker receive the injection. When Excella was about to put the syringe back, she notices something on his neck. Her eyes went wide when she saw a hickey on his neck "Is that a... Hickey?" she asked him. Wesker smirked and replied, "Your not the only one who's been busy, Excella," before he pulled up his sleeve. "Who gave you that hickey!?" Excella demanded as she noticed the love bite on his neck. Wesker chuckled and said, "It's none of your concern. Let's focus on the task at hand" He said standing up, he didn't actually planned to cover it up as if he wanted to know that he was yours and you were his. Excella raised an eyebrow but decided to let it go for now. She knew that Wesker was a skilled operative and they had a mission to complete. However, she couldn't help but wonder who had bitten him.
Jake Muller
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"Ugh, why did you include him on the mission Captain?" Pierce groaned in annoyance. Jake only chuckled at his reaction "Relax, Pierce. We need him on this mission," Chris replied calmly, hoping to ease the tension between them. "Look, I can walk out of this room, you know? If that's what you want," Pierce glared at him, "Fine, but if anything goes wrong, it's on you" he spat. Jake smirked, and the room was quite hot, making Jake sweat slightly. Standing up from the chair, he removes his jacket. He then heard a chuckle from Chris "I didn't know you were in a relationship" Jake rolled his eyes and replied, "It's none of your business Chris" He spat before putting his jacket besides him. "Okay, Okay. I was just curious," Jake shook his head, and Chris then again spoke, "Well, there is something... On your neck? A hickey maybe" Jake looked at Chris with a surprised expression and asked "What? Are you serious?" He asked, reaching his hand out to feel his neck. He then realized that there was indeed a mark on his neck and blushed with embarrassment. Pierce laughed at his reaction, and Jake stared at him and said, "Shut up" he said and Pierce only rolled his eyes.
(want to be added? Just message/send an ask!)
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znoozin · 2 months
Who wants me to make some Albert Wesker x Fem Reader overstim + size difference smut???
৻( •̀ ᗜ •́ ৻)
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salvy-deldroid · 7 months
Yandere! Wesker, who didn’t give you much thought when you first joined.
Yandere! Wesker, who would find you annoying, to say the least.
Yandere! Wesker, who would always give you the cold shoulder.
Yandere! Wesker, who you didn’t think much of either at first.
Yandere! Wesker, who was just supposed to be your boss.
Yandere! Wesker, for whom you’d start to yearn.
Yandere! Wesker, the silent man whose mysteries you wished to unravel.
Yandere! Wesker, for whom you fell first.
Yandere! Wesker, who was paired with you during one fateful mission.
Yandere! Wesker, who you protected when things went haywire.
Yandere! Wesker, who is now confused over his feelings for you.
Yandere! Wesker, who is now a bit warmer towards you.
Yandere! Wesker, who was snapped to reality by one of the STARS members joking to him about his apparent closeness to you.
Yandere! Wesker, who started to shut you out, because you were going to be a hindrance to the plans of Umbrella.
Yandere! Wesker, whose disregard started to sober you up.
Yandere! Wesker, whose neglect pushed you to move on from him.
Yandere! Wesker, whose coldness helped open your eyes to the feelings harbored by others for you.
Yandere! Wesker, who was trying to make sense of his feelings for you.
Yandere! Wesker, who was confused as to why it was so irritating to see you treat the other male members the same way as you did to him.
Yandere! Wesker, who loathed how Chris suddenly became way closer to you.
Yandere! Wesker, who wanted to now bring you along with him to the new, better world.
Yandere! Wesker, who fell harder.
Yandere! Wesker, who would slowly start to affect your schedule.
Yandere! Wesker, who would make sure any threat to your love would be eliminated.
Yandere! Wesker, who would ensure your complete isolation at work.
Yandere! Wesker, who would slowly try to incorporate himself as deeply in your life as possible.
Yandere! Wesker, who would start to sneak in little soft touches here and there.
Yandere! Wesker, who had started to creep you out.
Yandere! Wesker, who didn’t take your rejection lightly.
Yandere! Wesker, who wasn’t above manipulating, gaslighting, drugging, or kidnapping you.
Yandere! Wesker, who believed that you were made to belong to him.
Yandere! Wesker, who would mock your tears and pleas.
Yandere! Wesker, who now won’t let you go at any cost.
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teratophallia · 1 month
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This is becoming quite an inconvenience for Wesker... Enjoy some cropped bondage Uroborus. Wanna see the full image? Check out my Twitter (18+ Only)
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weskin-time · 1 year
I have a request...🥺👉👈
I was wondering if u can make scenarios about The (shy) reader confessing (any REV) members *COUGH* (wesker) that they luv them for the first time and there like shock about it bc likeeee the reader is not really good at showing there feelings and there finally have the guts to say ittt to them. hopefully you understand what I'm meaning... 😅 
HI THIS IS CUTE AND I HOPE I DID WHAT YOU MEANT!! HAHAH (also sorry for taking forever)
i got carried away with an idea on Weskers sorry not sorry <3
Characters- Albert Wesker, Chris Redfield, Sheva Alomar
not beta read
Chris Redfield
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(drooling over this man frfr)
Chris is a good man and a great boyfriend. He knew you were shy, it’s what drew him to you in some sense, he’s been through so much and he thought your personality was a great change of pace compared to what he was used to. He asked you out and the rest was history.
About 3 months into the relationship is when he first said “I love you.” and boy howdy did it send you into a flustered spiral. You wanted to tell him it back but if felt like you were choking on the feelings in your throat, like you were frozen. Chris understood your hesitation, he’s never going to tell you that he finds it cute, but he never pressured you into saying the big words. But wow did you feel like ass for not being able to tell him you love him just as much as he does.
3 months have passed since then, you’ve tried to show him that you love him in other ways and right now you were helping him work out. ‘Helping him out’ as in sitting on the side lines and watching him all while providing conversation and water, sometimes you joined him but your whole body hurt watching him do those hellish burpees.
You helped him keep count all while staring at your boyfriend. The way his muscles flexed under his tight dark green athletic shirt, the way his biceps tensed as he pushed himself up, only to jump up and drop back down to the floor again where you counted the number higher. Chris was a good looking man, but my gods was he one of the sweetest men you’ve ever met in your life.
He cared about you, really cared about you. He listened to everything you said even if he could sometimes barely hear your mumbling when you’re out in public he would listen and respond to you instead of pushing you aside like a doormat. He cherished you and you him. Yes he did all the things normal boyfriends do for their partners but he went above and beyond to make you happy. Too scared to tell the cashier what you want? He would tell them what you wanted with a smile on his face. He never looked down on you for being anxious and shy, he respected you, he loved you for who you are and never got upset at you. He would comfort you in hard times, not yell at you to grow up or brush it off and live in the real world, he would tell you it’s okay and never push your limits. You loved him, and in turn you did anything for him.
“I love you Chris.”
It was out before you could even get a second thought in.
Chris almost fell to the floor in shock at the sudden outburst and confession all while your heart was racing in your ears and heat swarmed your face like flies to honey, the lump in your throat returned but this time of embarrassment.
Your boyfriend on the other hand looked awestruck. His eyes open wide and a smile spread upon his face. It made him look younger, the spark in his eyes, he almost looked like a different person.
You on the other hand we’re dying in your seat.
Suddenly he rushed over and pulled you up and into a hug, all while laughing like a drunk man had won a war, his hand cradling the back of your skull while his other went to your midsection to pull you as close to his sweaty body as he could. You laughed too as your arms wrapped around his neck. His hands changed positions as he pulled back to give your forehead a kiss, they both secured themselves around your waist and hoisted you up off the ground into a spin hug.
To say he was smitten with you would be an understatement.
Sheva Alomar
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(Woman by Doja Cat starts playing bARK BARK my wife.)
You may have fallen for Sheva the day you met her, honestly.
The two of you met through a mutual friend and the two of you just hit it off instantly. She was strong willed and loyal, kind and soft but could kick your ass in more ways than you could even know, not to mention she was radiating beauty with every breath she took.
She seemed to be curious about you at first more than anything, in her line of work she rarely meets shy people. She instantly respected you and didn’t ask you to speak up or act different, she listened to every word you said and didn’t poke fun at you. The two of you became fast friends, you asking her to teach you some fighting moves to which she agreed, and one thing lead to another and she asked you out on a date to which you of course said yes after almost dying in a sea of flustered mess.
2 months in is the first time she said ‘I love you’. She took you home from a date and as she gave you a kiss goodbye she said the three words. When you started your relationship you let her know before hand that emotions were hard for you to express, that they get caught in your throat and are blocked by your flustered tongue, she understood and still agreed to start a relationship with you, so she didn’t expect you to say anything back and she left with you standing at your door speechless.
3 months have gone by, nice and easy. Every time she says ‘I love you’ you respond with ‘you too’ like she’s telling you to have a nice day. You felt bad that you’ve yet to say it even though she told you it was alright you still felt bad about it, which in turn made your shyness worse, like a snake eating it’s tail. So you thought ‘fuck it’ and you were going to tell her tonight even if you exploded, she had to hear the words.
You took her to have a picnic and watch the stars. A lantern in hand you two hiked up a hill in the middle of no where, where light pollution wouldn’t ruin the view. She could tell the entire night that your nerves were on high, slightly shaking as you ate, a wobble in your voice, not to mention your cheeks radiated heat that could burn her if she touched them.
The stars were beautiful. The light dancing in the sky was nothing compared to your girlfriend. The two of you talked about nothing important, you could barely hear her over the sound of your heartbeat in your chest and the rushing of blood in your ears.
You looked to her, and he turned her body to face you, to stare at you with her beautiful dark eyes that the stars made its home, her hair loose and ticking her face, she was beautiful.
“I love you.”
The words spilled out of your lips before you told yourself to don’t even think about it. You instantly wanted to curl into a ball and evaporate, or maybe go to the hospital because your heart shouldn’t be beating this fast to be healthy.
She laughed, a smile as bright as the stars in the sky tugged at her lips, “I love you too.”
Albert Wesker
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(putting him into a blender i hate him /lh /hj)
Excella Gionne wasn’t always the Regional Director of Tricell, she was given that spot thanks to Albert Wesker, and thanks to him you became her assistant.
You’d first meet the man the day you became her assistant, Excella telling you it’s important to meet everyone you’d be working with along side her even if you’d be stuck at a desk job most days. This was days after she became the head of the Bio-weapons devision, before Jill Valentine, before Irving was hired, before the BSAA had their nose in Africa.
Excella practically forced you into a room to meet him, regardless of your stammering she never jumped in to help you make acquaintance. Through mumbled words and not looking at him the entire time you stated your name and that it would be a pleasure to work with him.
A pleasure it was indeed. It was funny in some regard to see your boss throw herself at a man who clearly had little to no interest in her, how she begged him to look at her and want her but his eyes never even looked at her for anything less than a glance. She wasn’t important to him, he was just using her, everyone and their grandmother could see it, you felt kinda bad for her in some way.
Wesker seemed to like you though, and not in the same way he ‘liked’ Excella. He teased you about your shy nature a lot, to where you think he made it a game to see how flustered he could make you, awkward social situations, bumping into you and ‘accidentally’ making you drop papers, asking if you have a fever or if you’re feeling alright. It was unending and yet he grew on you. Your shyness soon was doubled as you began to grow fond of him, even thinking he was attractive and yet you feared you were acting like Excella.
One day as you were dropping off samples to him and he asked you out. You thought it was a joke at first to get you to fluster but he was serious, so you agreed.
Dating your bosses businesses partner didn’t really go over well. Needless to say she fired you but thankfully your new boyfriend hired you as his own assistant, which honestly wasn’t fun because Excella still was his lap dog and just flirted with him to spite you knowing you would ‘never grow a backbone’ as she had put it once. She sucked.
About 4 months into your relationship it took a turn. You reminded him that it was time for his injection of the prototype virus, which he asked you for help with. You agreed and he taught you how to prepare and safely inject him with the serum. The next time he needed it you did it by yourself, which you were proud you didn’t shake and stab him in the wrong spot but as you were injecting it he made you look at him and he confessed.
Now if Albert Wesker was the embodiment of emotional constipation what did that make you?
2 months later he invited you back to his place for a three course dinner and desert. Fancy ass. Everything was set up, everything was fancy, your favorite food was brought to you first and the desert melted in your mouth and was so good you almost wanted to cry.
You stood with Wesker on the balcony of his penthouse, the night air cool against your skin as Wesker pressed you against him. He could feel how tense you were.
“Are you alright dear?” He looked down at you.
“Yea i’m fine don’t worry.” you gave an unconvincing chuckle.
He just cocked a brow at you as you breathed a little deeper and shook your head, trying to calm the beating of your heart and the nausea of your emotions.
“Hey Al?” You asked with your eyes screwed tightly closed.
“Yes my sweet?”
You opened them and turned your head to look at your boyfriend. “I love you.”
He seemed to freeze for a second, his eyes searching yours as you died inside fully embarrassed before he relaxed somewhat.
“I love you too dearheart.”
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goofyahhcats · 9 months
oogh no thoughts only wesker being surprisingly reassuring to his s/o when they feel like they aren't pretty/good enough for him.... ☹️☹️☹️ ugh idc if its out of character i want that man to comfort me !!!!
Feeling this at 10000000% Like yes, it is so OOC, but god damnit I want him to just hold me tight Includes hcs and mini fics for both STARS era and re5 Wesker : ) also yaay I love these types of requests keep em coming
Suprisingly Nice Wesker Hcs
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Rating: M (kissing, suggestive ending)
Warnings: very self-indulgent moment where reader is very overwhelmed and overstimulated (not in that way, horny bastard), no smut, suggestive ending, fluffy wesker (never thought those two words would go with one another in a sentence), Gn reader (reader has an outfit picked out for a gala, but the type is not mentioned, choose whatever you imagine)
Word count: 1k
- STARS Wesker would care. I said it. Hate me all you want. I think he does, he just wouldn’t voice it, like ever
- Firm believer in physical touch Wesker
- As much as he loves watching people fail, something in his heart twists when he sees you at your lowest. Especially when it comes to pleasing him. He wants you to succeed. Again, he just wouldn't say it
- Would only voice his feelings if he really truly believes in it, and if he can tell you're utterly distraught
You tilted your body left and right in the mirror. Shifting your hips slightly, raising your arms, doing a 180, and groaning.
Your outfit for the night, picked especially by Wesker, was supposed to be flattering. It was supposed to show you off as his pride and joy. But god, you hated it. The event was special, a gala with all of the upper Umbrella execs. Wesker had told you he needed you to look your best, which now worsened the feeling of failure in your stomach. You sighed, pulling at the fabric, twisting it, trying to get it to just look right. Nothing seemed to be working. You groaned, frustrated.
The whole event was getting to you, overwhelming every nerve ending in your body. Suddenly, the cloth felt too scratchy, and yet too soft at the same time. You wanted to rip it off and snuggle into it all at once. Your hands raced through your hair, as you inhaled and exhaled rapidly.
A firm hand rapped at the door.
“Dear, come out. We’re going to be late,” Wesker's voice shot straight through the wood of the door and into your heart. You looked at yourself in the mirror again, wringing your hands in frustration.
You pull open the door, met with the sight of Wesker in a dapper suit. He was adjusting his tie in a mirror. He turns to you, taking you in. Your eyes fill with tears, threatening to spill over. You don’t say a word, just gesture down at your body, and throw your hands in the air in anger.
He seems to understand, taking a step forward and caressing along your side, fingers catching on the fabric of your outfit. He hums deep in his throat.
“I’m sorry,” you choke out, gently grabbing his wrist and pulling it away from your side, “It just doesn’t fit right. I’m sorry, I know you wanted me to look my best tonight,” a shuddering inhale, “But I didn’t know what to do, I don’t want to disappoint you.”
Wesker tilts his head slightly, the hand not in your grasp comes up to your face and swipes away a single tear. A small smile tugs at his lips.
“You cannot disappoint me, dear,” he firmly grips your jaw, tilting it up towards him, “I think you look stunning,” It’s spoken low, almost rumbling over your skin, raising goosebumps.
Your eyes widen. Wesker was usually cold, stoic, and withdrawn. Never before had he voiced his praise of you in such a direct manner. Sure, you’ve received the occasional compliment, but nothing so straightforward.
You swallow heavily, sniffling and blinking a few times. You gently wrap your arms around his waist, pulling him into a hug. He’s stiff and awkward, but after a moment, pats your back gently. His other hand rubs your shoulder for a second, but he quickly pulls away.
He instead rewards you with a heated kiss to the lips, something he was far more comfortable with.
It’s safe to say that you two are going to be late to the gala tonight.
In the same vein as the other Wesker request, I don't think re5 Wesker gives enough fucks. By then he is already evil and blah blah blah, The most you’re getting out of him is a “You look fine, quit whining.” (But like, that's hot so not complaining)
THEN AGAIN, I think if Wesker won, like he sends Uroboros into the atmosphere, infects everyone, yadda yadda. AND Uroboros accepted you, he's all praise. Everything for his new partner whom he gets to rule the world alongside.
Uroboros coursed through your veins. You shook, letting out an ear-piercing scream. Wesker watched on from the left, having just administered the virus to the two of you. Your hands twitch, and you could literally feel your body change. Strength shot through your veins, you leaned your head back and shrieked as the virus covered you, accepting you, powering you.
You looked down at your body, writing and shaking. Terrified at what you had become. Your body still looked the same, but you felt different. You felt disgusting. A filthy creature. No longer human. You felt all of your hopes and dreams crash around you. Would Wesker still love you? The virus had accepted you, but would he?
The latter chuckled, stalking over and offering you a hand. You accept, gingerly making your way to your feet. You refuse to look him in the eyes. Instead staring down at his hand that engulfed yours. 
“My dear,” Wesker purred, running a knuckle down your jawline, “Look at me,” his hand rested underneath your chin, forcing your face upwards and towards him. His red eyes bore into your identical ones.
Wesker smirks, “Ah, It appears Uroburos has accepted you,” his other hand finds its place on your waist. He holds you firmly, “My beautiful creation,” he muses, tearing away from your gaze to scan your lower body. He releases your chin, instead caressing over your hips, your chest, and your thighs. 
“Look at you,” he smirks, shaking his head, “Not a blemish to be seen. Gorgeous little thing, aren’t you?”
You look down at yourself in disgust, Wesker notices looking up at you, “Do you have a problem with your new self?” You sigh, nodding slightly.
“You are my creation. I produce only the highest quality beings. Uroboros has proved to me that you are above human. A God. One who will rule the new world at my side, how does that sound, my dear?” His hand finds your cheek, thumb running over the skin.
You feel your worries melt away, replaced by pure happiness. You nod, returning his smirk.
You both rule the world, together.
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whiskers-my-beloved · 4 months
Happy valentines day everyone ! Hope you all have a great time !
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Also shoutout to thatgirlgames ❤️
Helped me with the chesy pick up line that Weskers says.
Really saved my butt in the end here ! :D
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tonberry-yoda · 1 year
Cuddling with Wesker Headcanons
notes - I just did the one with Leon and now I feel like I have to do Wesker. LISTEN, I still don't know a lot about the man, but I know a bit and I'm gonna play re5 soon. This may not be the most in character Wesker, but I want to cuddle him, so that's what he gets for being in my brain lolol
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b-broad shoulders (*drools cutely*)
this man will hold you in his arms and never let go
i feel like he doesnt care for spooning, but instead wants you cuddled on his chest
yeah that feels right
and like, he'll give you little forehead kisses when you're sleeping
will his admit this to any of you in the morning???
tee hee
run your fingers softly over his face and neck and down his chest to his abs and he belongs to you now
that's just how things work
call him pretty names while cupping his face
he'll act like he hates it, but come on
he needs you for warmth
he is shivering at night and will just press you against you and use you as a blanket LMFAO
ever night before you two fall asleep in each other's arms, he will always tell you something about how pretty you are with a drousy voice before dozing off
you dont care if he says it through a yawn, it means the world to you
play with his hair because it's already fallen out and messy before you two go to sleep, so playing with it more just makes him smile a bit and always helps him sleep faster
i feel like he has a problem with sleep unless you're there, so make this man pass out, it's one of your best qualities <3
he will always be gone when you wake up, but he won't stop thinking about cuddling you lol, you just have that effect <3
resident evil masterlist | pinned post
2023 @tonberry-yoda – do not repost or claim ANY of my work as your own! likes, reblogs, and comments are not only welcome, but appreciated
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cocomeshosho · 3 months
Hello Resident Evil Fans.
I've created my first fanfic. An ongoing, lengthy, and slow burn Wesker x Reader.
I'm new to this...
I also take requests!
Read it here. (wattpad)
Read it here. (ao3)
not nsfw because... I'm not really a fan of that :)
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alespov · 11 months
-✰Dating Wesker hc’s. - A.Wesker -✰
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-✰Tw: slight nsfw themes. 18+. use of pet names, dirty talk. mentions of Wesker's past. -✰paring : Albert Wesker x fem muse -✰a/n : hi loves hope you enjoy <33, feedback is appreciated! Requests are open.
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-✰ When Wesker was still the S.t.a.r.s captain he was more intimate with you. He spoiled you, after all, you were his pretty housewife. You loved to visit him at work, bringing him lunch or just to show him the new dress you had back.
-✰ Present day Wesker... was different. Naturally, he still loved and spoiled you, but he was more reserved this time through. You can't visit him at work. He wasn't as intimate as he used to be, you try not to press the matters onto him. You knew he was struggling with all of the viruses that he had.
-✰ He keeps his work life separate from his home life, after he's done with work for the day, he's spending the remainder of his day with you.
-✰ lowkey morning sex is his favorite, he loves how cuddly you are, the sleepy kisses. Your soft moans. He eats it up.
-✰ He's relatively kinky, he likes the basic bdsm. Whips, being chained, master/ daddy kink. Big into spanking, loves to tease you with vibrators.
-✰ When the both of you go out somewhere, you both somehow coordinate, whether it be by brand, color, or material.
-✰ He's actually a good cook, he doesn't love cooking but he will cook for you if he gets home first. If you get home first, you'll cook for him. He loves systems and routines, and this really helps keep him on track.
-✰ He loves to travel, and he builds up his work vacation days so he can take multiple weeks off at once. For his birthday you planned to take him to Greece. It would be difficult to surprise him but somehow you managed. For the first time in a while, you could tell he was genuinely happy.
-✰ Loves pet names, "dearheart, good girl, cumslut, pretty little cockslut."
-✰ It took a while to break the interior that he's spent years building, Wesker was more of a reserved man but could charm anyone that he talked to. By no means was he an extrovert but he knew how to open up, he just didn't want to. So when you came along he definitely questioned his own morals.
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kult6 · 1 year
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More prints of Wesker :3 such a silly little guy
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nekrosdolly · 6 months
older wesker hcs!
i fucking love old men...
cw; major age gap (15-35 years), reader is at least mid-twenties or early thirties, silly old man things, wesker is a SENIOR CITIZEN, current-day au, gn!reader
a/n; very much inspired by a silly conversation in the comments under one of my posts with @thatgirlgames
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old!wesker, who's pissed off half the time because being in the pit of lava burned the Uroboros right out of his system so now, for the last fourteen years, he's been living like a normal person.
old!wesker, who's constantly remembering and recanting the past like it'll actually change something (it won't, he's just crabby)
old!wesker, whose joints pop and crack every five seconds due to old age.
old!wesker, who can't wear sunglasses inside anymore because they hurt his eyes too much, so he sticks to very thick, prescription bifocals in a similar style.
old!wesker, who's shocked that you even wanted to be with a dude in his sixties. he appreciates the company.
old!wesker, who's aged fairly well, given that the aging process was staved off by Uroboros for some time.
old!wesker, whose energy supply has depleted thanks to being older. can't do as much as he wants to, not without his back threatening to throw itself out.
old!wesker, who wakes up at the crack of dawn to start his day. he takes multivitamins to remain at least a little healthy for his retirement years. if his developing arthritis gets too bad he uses a cane here and there, but you're always by his side to help him out.
old!wesker, who feels a little bit weak every time you have to help him with something. maybe it's the way he was raised, but he can't just let you do everything for him. he's supposed to be a man- a strong and smart one at that, mind you- and it irks him when he can't be that for you.
old!wesker, who despises how he's slowly started to settle into more age-appropriate hobbies, such as watching birds or doing the daily crossword in the newspaper (New York Times only, thank you very much.) although he finds it sweet how you don't tease him about it.
old!wesker, who adores how you snuggle up to him in the morning, putting a temporary pause to his grumpiness. he is happy to be alive and with you, even if life hasn't been the most kind to him (nor him to it, either.)
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wil-o-wispy · 7 months
The Wife, The Lover and the Bastard Son - Part 1
Chris Redfield x Reader
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Part 1 (You are here) | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Synopsis: After a long day of being interrogated about Wesker's work in Africa, you try to drown your sorrows in liquor. Too bad it won't work out as planned with Chris Redfield watching your every move.
Includes: Minor reader injury, excessive drinking, vaguely referenced unwanted advances from a stranger, spoliers for RE5, my first time posting my writing publicly. Enjoy!
Hurt/Comfort with plot. Reader is referred to as 'Doc.'
wc: 3.8k+
“I had it handled.” Your tone was matter of fact and icy. You were not the best fighter by any stretch of the imagination, but you were positive you could have taken down that wobbling drunk with a good kick.
Chris kept his eyes on the road. From the streetlights outside the car that came and went as Chris drove his hummer towards your home, you could see his stony expression illuminate and darken.
“You were just about on the receiving end of a right hook.” His hands tightly grip the steering wheel. Not in anger, but in frustration at the situation you’d found yourself in.
“And I was preparing to counter just like Jill taught me. Your point?”
“My point? You almost got in a bar fight! Why were you even in there at this time of night?”
Your mouth falls open. “Oh so it’s my fault some small-dicked idiot doesn’t know what ‘no’ means?”
“That’s not what I said-“
“And you didn’t have to! I’m a grown ass woman. I can handle my own problems. I don’t need you playing hero for me. And if I want to drink myself into a coma on a weekday, I have every right to do that without getting chewed out by you.”
You look at Chris with a withering glare and he shuts his mouth and keeps driving. A tense silence overtakes the car. In truth, your night getting cut short by a drunk asshole then Chris intervening on the almost fight was just the final incident after a long day that made you see red. You shift uncomfortably in your carefully curated, business casual outfit. A minute later, you let out a tired sigh.
“I’m sorry. If you must know, I had a tough day and I didn’t want to drink alone.”
The captain tilts his head, still keeping his eyes on the road. “The D.S.O. interview?”
You could feel your eyes getting hot. When you had married Albert Wesker all those years ago, you couldn’t imagine that your life would be like this; living under the protection of the B.S.A.A. and questioned on yet another aspect of Albert Wesker’s work every few months. It’s days like this when it feels like Albert isn’t actually gone. Even in death, his stain on the world of bioterrorism still found ways to torment your existence. You being a former Umbrella scientist didn’t help your case either, regardless of the fact that you never participated in Albert’s schemes.
“More like interrogation… but yeah.”
Chris’ expression softens. “What was it about this time?”
You take a deep calming breath, debating on keeping the details to yourself as usual. Chris wasn’t your friend. He was your designated agent that gave you assignments whenever another virus made itself known (which was more often than you would think). You made a point to keep things professional between you two. Anything more felt taboo given the circumstances of your relationship. The will to keep it that way had worn thin with the day’s events, so you relented but kept the answer short.
“Africa. Again.”
More silence. You notice Chris sigh and look annoyed, but don’t draw attention to it. Africa was a sensitive subject for both of you. It marked the explosive conclusion to your marriage with Albert, and the beginning of your strained alliance with his murderer. You didn’t hold it against Chris in the slightest. You really didn't. Deep down you know Albert would have ended humanity with a smirk plastered on his face. You’d already mourned the loss of the man you married long before his heart stopped beating. Since then, Chris had surprisingly and unwaveringly advocated for you. He even worked out a deal on you becoming a consultant on viruses for the B.S.A.A. in exchange for protection. He’d helped you so much over the years. More than you could ever hope to repay. That debt continues to grow with every kind gesture. You hated it.
Tonight for example: after Chris grabbed that drunk’s arm on the backswing and pinned him to the bar counter, both of you got kicked out. You didn’t even get your drink. You’d already had a rough day, so you yelled at Chris about him being a stalker and an asshole as you stomped back to your car. A comical insult considering knowing your whereabouts was a part of his job. All you wanted to do was go back home, resigned to drink alone, but lo and behold your car wouldn’t start and Chris noticed. He had every right to leave you to fend for yourself, but instead he insisted on driving you home.
“You’d think after three years they’d run out of questions to ask. The government keeps hiring investigators more stupid than the last. It’s incredible really.” You quip with some annoyance after a moment, trying to ease the tension. Chris still stares at the road in silence, so you keep going.
“They demanded a lot of answers about why we helped each other that day. That was a fun trip down memory lane. Don’t be surprised if someone calls you to verify that I told them the truth.”
Chris takes a deep breath, shifts in his seat and his posture relaxes slightly. “You know you can talk to me, right?”
“I am talking to you.”
“I mean beyond the one-word answers. I know there’s a lot on your mind. You can talk to me.”
You roll your eyes and go back to looking at the streetlights go by out the window.
“Right. Because you’re so unbiased about this subject.”
“I’m serious. I’ll just listen if you need to vent.”
“You’re already driving me home. I don’t need any more favors from you tonight.”
“It’s not a favor. I just want to help.”
You think about it for a moment. This wasn’t the first time Chris tried to get you to open up to him. But instead of brushing it off like before, you consider it. And the more you thought about it, the more it made sense that Chris would be the perfect person to weigh in on your interview with the D.S.O. He worked under Wesker at the R.P.D., knew nearly every single thing there was to know about him from tracking Wesker down over the years, and he’d witnessed Wesker’s possessive treatment of you the day he died. He didn’t look at you with disdain like most of the B.S.A.A. He saw you for who you were. The only person who could even be remotely as qualified was Jill, but she was still getting back on her feet after what happened in Africa. Plus, you doubted she would willingly listen to a rant about anything remotely associated to the man who brainwashed her.
Plus it would be nice to have someone listen to your complaints without looking at you like you were the scum of the earth.
Eventually, Chris pulls up to the small house that the B.S.A.A. had put you in for witness protection. It was an older one story house with a few problems here and there, but it was inconspicuous and you had managed to make it feel more like ‘yours’ with the handful decorations and plants you had accumulated over the last few months.
Chris pulls into the driveway and puts his hummer into park. Both of you just sit in silence for a few seconds, with Chris staring at the steering wheel and you at the sad excuse of a flower bed leading up to your front door.
Chris looks at you, confused. “What?”
You turn your gaze from the window to Chris. “I’d… appreciate having someone to vent to.”
You unbuckle your seatbelt and get out of the car. You lean your head back in the car before you close the door with a cheeky smile. “Care to join me so I don’t have to drink alone?”
If nothing else, Chris Redfield proved to be a great drinking buddy. He took what was offered to him, drank without complaint, and took care to keep both of your glasses full throughout your animated storytelling of the day’s events. Although he did limit himself because he had to be sober enough to drive home, which you understood.
You on the other hand, had enough drinks in you to cause the vibe of the room to feel fuzzy, your social filter to disappear, your shoes and socks to be discrded in the corner, and to have any soft surface to feel like the most comfortable thing in the universe. You had completely relaxed laying out on the end of your sofa by the side table where Chris opted to sit in the armchair caddy cornered to the couch next to you, listening intently to your retelling of the days events.
“…then this pencil pushing government lackey asks me if I personally had anything to do with the development of that plaga strain that popped up in Africa.”
You motion your empty glass to Chris, and he reaches over from his spot in the armchair to grab the whiskey bottle on the coffee table to pour more into your glass while nursing his own drink.
“Thank you. And when I told him no, he started going on this tirade. And if he’d read any further than the last name at the top of the damn page, then he’d know my specialty isn’t parasites. It’s viruses! Yet this half-assed excuse of-”
You hiccup and take a moment to compose yourself after the hiccup before continuing while Chris makes no attempt to hide his smirk at your drunkenness.
“-half-assed excuse of a government agent goes on this rant of how I had to have been involved. There was no conceivable way that I wasn’t at least consulted on the development of the new plaga. So I tried to break down the differences between a virus and a parasite to him, and by the end of that little lesson I was convinced he didn’t know his ass from his elbow!”
You down the whiskey is one clean chug. Chris let’s out a light-hearted laugh at that, much to your annoyance.
“It’s not funny,” you admonish while wiping your mouth with the back of your hand.
“It isn’t, but the way you’re telling it is.”
“Well, I’m glad my suffering is entertaining to you.”
“Go on, what happened next?”
Your face grows a bit more serious.
“The bit after that isn’t as funny.”
Another charismatic smile. “Go ahead. I want to hear it.”
You look at Chris, and the look on his face is so genuine, so kind, that you find yourself speaking before you can stop yourself.
“He started questioning me on what I was doing if I wasn’t helping create these things. He was asking why I stood by and did nothing. Why didn’t I try to contact anyone, sabotage the work, try to leave… that kind of thing. And how many deaths could have been avoided if I just sucked it up and called someone.”
In truth, those questions that the agent asked you prompted a well of guilt that you’d safely tucked away to return with a vengeance. In reality, there was very little you could have done to influence the outcome of anything Wesker was involved in, and there was nothing that could have been done to stop Uroboros before Chris and Sheva were sent to Africa.
But there was always that little pit of guilt haunting the back of your mind: If you were cleverer, you could have gotten a radio sooner. If you cared more, the subjects for those experiments wouldn’t have died. If you weren’t so afraid you could have stolen a phone or a laptop and ended Wesker’s reign of bioweapon terror years sooner.
That last one weighed heavy on your mind long before the D.S.O. interview.
You feel tears start to prick your eyes and you remember why you wanted to drink in the first place. You can’t be consumed by guilt if you’re too intoxicated to remember it.
“Top me off will you?” The request comes out in a mumble, laced with a false jovialness that not even you are convinced of. You don’t even hold up the glass in Chris’ general direction. You only stare mindlessly into it from your perch on the couch.
“Hey…look at me.”
You look up from your glass and become slightly startled from Chris’ close proximity. You hadn’t even realized Chris had gotten up from the armchair on your right to kneel in front of you at the end of the couch. You can feel the heat of him he’s so close. His concerned and comforting look and tone brings you dangerously close to shedding tears. Suddenly, Chris’ presence in your house feels suffocating and his gaze makes you feel exposed. You look to the side and stare at the rug.
“I’m sorry this was a bad idea. I think you should go.”
You move to get up from the couch and Chris mercifully backs up and gives you room to walk. Calling your movement a walk at this point was generous. You shuffled like the undead trying to head to your front door; unbalanced yet somehow still walking upright.
You call over your shoulder back to him. “I’ll escort you out. Do me a solid and forget this happened.” You start to turn back towards the door and you feel your foot catch, stomach drop and body lurch forward.
In the moment, you forget about the little wooden divider between the hallway to your front door and the living room. Thankfully, by throwing your other foot forward and flailing your arms you catch your weight and you don’t fall to the ground. But the shock of suddenly almost losing your balance causes the grip on your glass to loosen. Before you could stop it, the glass in your hand slips between your fingers and shatters in the little hallway to your front door between your kitchen and living room. In your drunken and vulnerable state, the symphony of glass sounds like a death toll.
“Oh.. shit I’m sorry about that. Just… just get out. Watch the glass.”
You didn’t know why you were apologizing to Chris for breaking your own things. You felt like you were being viewed under a microscope and every little thing was being analyzed by Chris, who still wore his worried demeanor under a decisive mask of calmness.
“Hey it’s alright. You go sit back down…” His voice is so infuriatingly calm.
Chris’ body starts to try and move past you towards your kitchen, presumably to find something to clean up your blunder for you. The very idea of having this man do any more favors for you made your chest tighten and you to move to clean up the mess before he does too quickly.
“No this needs to ge- mph!”
When you stepped towards your kitchen to get a broom, you felt an agonizingly sharp pain in your foot. You instinctively lift the injured foot and lean on the archway, but drunkenness and balance rarely ever agree with each other. Your hand doesn’t gain enough purchase on the wall, so your arm slides past its target and you gracelessly and painfully crumple to the ground. It was a kind of fall that knocked the wind out of you for a moment.
“Shit.” You breathe out heavily, trying and failing to hold back your tears and attempting to get up. Chris is quick to act before you make much progress. He kneels down in front of you, gently grasping your shoulders, taking care to step around the glass in the process.
“Where does it hurt? That sounded painful.”
“I’m fine.” You grit through your teeth.
Once you’re sitting upright on the ground, Chris takes one look at your foot, and you see a slight shift in his expression where his eyes get just a tad wider. You can physically see him shift from concerned friend to authoritative captain. He speaks with soft authority.
“Stay put. Don’t get up.”
Before you can say anything, he disappears into your kitchen. You lift your leg and tilt your head to get a better view of your foot and you see red. Your foot is smeared with blood and bits of glass. You instinctively go to pull a larger glass piece out of your foot, but even with all of the whiskey you drank, it hurts like hell and you hiss in pain. You hear hurried footfall from the kitchen.
“Hey! Don’t do that.”
Chris gently removes the hand that’s trying to pick out the glass from your foot, places a wet rag in your hand, then moves it back to your foot, lightly clasping his hand over yours and your foot for a moment and you wince. He watches you with kind eyes.
“Keep that on there, ok?”
“I don’t want your-”
He doesn’t give you a chance to finish before you see him return to the kitchen. A moment later he reappears with a broom and a first aid kit. Chris tosses the first aid kit beside you and quickly sweeps the glass into a small pile by the arch so it’s out of the way of foot traffic and haphazardly leans the broom on the wall. Smudges of blood remain on the floor, but Chris ignores it in favor of sitting down next to you and digging supplies out of the med kit; disinfectant, tweezers, gauze.
“Stop! Okay? You really don’t have to do that…” You hear your words slurring together.
Chris ignores your protest and gently, but firmly, wraps his fingers around your ankle. He pulls it towards himself and you let go of the wet cloth as he perches your ankle on his knee.
“I do, actually. You’ve had a lot to drink and this glass isn’t going to pick out itself.”
“Will you just stop? I can bandage myself up.”
A lie. You’re too drunk and you know it. He knows it. You weakly try to pull back your foot, but there is resistance from Chris’ grip. You looks at you with a soft, but exasperated look.
“You’re drunk and you’re bleeding! Just let me take care of you.”
“And why the fuck do you even want to?” You’re angry. Angry at yourself for letting yourself get friendly with Chris. Pissed at Chris for being so nice after your repeated attempts to keep him at arms length. Heated from him ignoring your requests to stop helping you because you sure as hell don’t deserve it.
Chris looks at you and answers straight away, gently pulling your foot back towards him by your ankle.
“Because I’m not going to leave you when you need help!”
You just looked at Chris with your puffy eyes, flushed face, and tear-streaked cheeks. You two sit there for a long moment looking at each other. You’re frozen in your spot from his words.
“Why the hell are you of all people still trying to help me? You should hate me.” Your tone is incredulous and quiet.
You knew for a fact that your presence at the B.S.A.A. as a consultant instead of criminal at Chris’ own insistence caused far more trouble than it was worth over the years. The attempted kidnappings, the death threats, the extortion attempts and countless other events that occurred as a result of your proximity to Wesker and the B.S.A.A. caused, at best, a headache for the captain. Wasted time, wasted resources, wasted manpower, wasted anything that could be used to fight bioweapons instead of bad actors that wanted you dead at worst. Chris had absolutely no incentive to keep helping you after Africa, yet here he was. He had every right to look at you with disgust for sleeping with the enemy, yet he’s always tried to befriend you.
The silence stretches for an uncomfortable amount of time while Chris picks the glass out of your foot. It stretches through Chris disinfecting the wounds. It ends when he starts to bandage your foot with a roll of gauze.
“Your only crime here is falling in love with the wrong man.”
Chris wraps the final bit of gauze around your foot, and looks back up at you with a reserved playfulness.
“Last I checked, you get left off with a warning on that one.”
“People died because I didn’t do enough-”
“People died because Wesker was a psychopath. That’s not your fault.”
You look at Chris in silent shock.
No one in the years after Wesker died had told you that you weren’t at fault for what he did. You were always met with suspicious glances, strict professionalism, or outright disdain when you were forced to talk about him or any projects he was related to. You thought you deserved it. Even Jill still held you at arm’s length when it came to being vulnerable about what happened with Wesker. This was the first time that anyone had shown you genuine compassion and absolved you completely of guilt. And it’s devastating.
You can’t do anything except burst into tears.
Your vision goes blurry and before you can even think about stopping it, your body is wracked with sobs and you cry. Still unbalanced from your drinking, you lean on the wall facing Chris.
There’s a moment where Chris isn’t sure of what to do. But he knows that he can’t leave you like this. Chris tentatively reaches out his hand towards your shoulder, carefully watching you to gauge whether or not you wanted physical comfort.
“Hey, you’re okay. You’re okay…” Chris’ voice falls over you like a weighted blanket. The heavy soothing tonality of his voice cuts through guilt that had been plaguing your mind and you can’t help but lean into his touch when his hand rubs your shoulder.
You don’t fight him when he pulls you into his lap. His embrace is warm, comforting and everything that you didn’t know you needed up until the moment you had it. One of your hands grab a fistful of his shirt for support, and you bury your face in Chris’ neck as you continue to sob.
“It’s alright, let it out…”
The captain’s tone never wavers outside of that low, soothing timbre. Chris uses the hand that’s not wrapped around your torso to rub comforting circles between your shoulders. His touch is consistent and methodical. It takes a long time, but eventually your breathing starts to even, sobs morph into sniffles, and rigid muscles relax into Chris’ embrace.
“Do you need anything? Anything at all?”
You hesitate for a moment, but nod your head. You let go of Chris’ shirt and maneuver your arms over his shoulders and squeeze. Chris gets the message immediately. Chris wraps his arms around you in a tight and comforting hug. The heat of him engulfs you fully and for the first time in a long time, you feel like everything is okay.
There’s no Wesker, no D.S.O., no bioterrorism organizations intruding on your life.
There’s only you and Chris.
And for once, that’s enough.
Hopefully this will be a full series but we'll see if that happens with my work schedule. Thanks for reading!
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bonkwosher · 1 year
Omggggg I saw you write for Albert wesker and just had to ask, do you take requests???
If you do can you PLEASEEE
do Albert wesker with a reader who is short and does anything and everything to get into trouble?
They are basically a small feral grimlin
A/N: Sounds wonderful lmao, here goes
Pairing(s): Albert Wesker x Short!GN!Reader
Contains: Mentions of Alcohol/Being Drunk
How You First Met Bonus:
You met Wesker at a bar, the only place you could find the man since he spent most of his time at the precinct. He was dragged to a S.T.A.R.S party & was sitting at the bar. You walked up, tired from a long day, & ordered (insert preferred alcoholic drink). He couldn't stop himself from chuckling.
"What?" You asked, a smile slowly growing on your face. "I'm surprised they didn't I.D. you," he joked. "I am not short, I'm taller than you actually!" You retorted, obviously teasing considering the clear height difference. Wesker stood up next to you & your face grew flushed when he towered over you. "You're right, you're clearly taller than me."
Chris stumbled up to the two of you, already a bit drunk. "Heyyyy, Captain. Who's kid is that? How did a child get into a bar???"
"I AM NOT THAT SHORT!" You yelled, causing Wesker to chuckle once more. Chris did a 'dance' of sorts as he made his way to the dance floor. You turned back to Wesker, "Captain?"
"I'm the commander of the S.T.A.R.S. Alpha Team at RPD," he spoke nonchalantly. "Wait, that is so freaking cool!"
Captain Wesker Moment
Later that night you got Wesker's number & you two hung out quite frequently. The team knew it was a big deal when Wesker announced he'd be leaving early one night.
"Who are you & what have you done with our captain?" Chris joked. "Yeah, Wesker, why are you heading out? You never do," Jill continued. Wesker paused for a minute & adjusted his uniform. "I- erm, have a date tonight." He received relentless teasing for weeks.
The teasing finally stopped when you snuck into the precinct to meet up with Wesker & Chris caught you. Being so small he was able to pick you up by the back of your shirt with ease & carry you to Wesker's office.
"Come in," Wesker called out before Chris walked. "I caught this person breaking in, what should I do?" Wesker looked up, ready to arrest someone, then saw you with a shit-eating grin. He let out an exasperated sigh as you yelled, "NO REGRETS!" Wesker let you stay in his office while he worked. Soon after you stepped out to go to the bathroom. Wesker quickly noticed you hadn't returned & walked outside to see you sitting on Chris' desk & talking to him & Jill.
"I know right, Wesker looks so goofy with his sunglasses inside!" You joked while Jill & Chris froze, "He's right behind me, isn't he?" You turned to see Wesker & burst out laughing, "I was so right!"
Later that day Wesker looked at himself in the mirror & slowly took off the sunglasses, "I don't look goofy."
One day he had to head out on a mission while you were hanging out in his office. You insisted that you should go with him. Wesker pulled you close to him by the wrists, gave you a soft kiss, then handcuffed your right arm to his office chair. "I'm sorry, darling, you cannot come on my mission. See you soon!" The look of pure shock on your face was something he relished in, & his reaction to you being a gremlin was your new favorite thing.
You single-handedly started an office prank war. Some of the worthy mentions of your chaos were you, Chris, & Jill wrapping his whole office for the holidays (& you because quote "I'm the best gift"). You put a fake, remote control rat in his office & he screamed so loud, you were sworn to secrecy. One day, after spending the night at his house, you replaced his work pants with custom-made tearaway pants. You pantsed him the second he closed the door to his office so it was just you two that would know & gave him his actual work pants.
What would Wesker do when you pranked him? Initially, just light chuckles or unamused frowns while he rubbed his forehead. Later on, he would "prank" back. He'd grab you & hang you upside down until you apologized. Handcuffing you to his chair is, by far, his favorite. When you would ask for things like massages after pranking him he would definitely give one good press into your back then stop & leave you complaining. If you were anyone else he'd be an absolute asshole about your pranks.
Evil Man Wesker Moment
A lot of your chaos would involve bullying Excella for having a crush on your boyfriend. Wesker would keep a cold stare on his face when Excella was around to see his reaction but in private he would definitely smile to himself. The only time he'd get upset is if Excella threatened to quit, to which he would make a show in front of her, telling you that you should stop messing with her knowing she'd love every second of it. You know he's only doing it because he needs her scientific mind.
If you try to mess with him now he'll make jabs at you teasingly. You prank him one day, the next morning there is a sesame street, kiddie stool in the kitchen with the note "Thought this would help you while I'm away."
He will never get tired of your snarky comments & pranks, you're one of the few people who dares to challenge him in any sense & it keeps him on his toes. Sometimes when you try to tease him he'll just look deep into your eyes, grab your chin, & tell you he loves you more than anything... effectively making you melt.
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weskin-time · 2 years
NSFW Wesker Headcanons part 2
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More wesker headcanons because im high and hes all i can think about right now i cannot get him out of my head!!!!
this one is a fuck ton kinkier i will not apologize- children leave the area before i eat you
he loves using pet names
him grabbing your chin, sorta squishing your face while making you look at him saying "youre such a perfect plaything for me"
heres a list of pet names i think he would use
good boy/girl
dearheart (a given as this is wesker)
honestly he will call you anything you want (within reason to his ego)
into pet play
this one is for me im being self indulgent
if youre not into it thats fine but if you are
loves if you wear a pair of puppy ears and/or tail
(or kitty if you wish. or hell even a fox)
LOVES it when youre in pet space with a collar on and leash tightly held in his fist while hes working at his desk and youre just sitting there next to him but on the floor with your head on his thigh
will randomly tug on your collar and make you suck him off while hes doing paperwork
will get you a water bowl to drink out of if you wish
and will get you a cage to rest in
dry humping? yea dry humping.
if theres little time to fuck and youve been teasing him all day he will 100% pin your chest to a wall and hump your ass till he cums
so now youre all hot and bothered, he got off on using you, the fucker will not allow you to tease him all day and will get back at you for it
this man is clearly into BDSM
i mean look at him
skintight leather suit (which respect him for that that shit must be hot af and not easy to move in yet hes doing jojo poses and shit like hes dio brando and flipping around like a kungfu movie star)
hes very into bondage
either that be tying you up with silky rope, giving you a body harness, suspending you, or even using uroburos on you
would 100% blind and gag you, have you tied in a frog tie with your arms tied behind your back
if you want a crotch knot is up to you
he just loves to have you tied up, gagged and blindfolded at his mercy
it makes him swell with power
and makes his cock hard when he trails his hands up your body and you make a cute muffled wimpering sound
respects your bounderies
not really a kink thing but
when you two first start becoming sexually active with each other he sits yall down to make a list with things you want to do, what youre willing to try, and things you will not do
then review them together and talk about it
even if its embarassing a tad he makes you feel comfortable
he wants to make sure you actually like it alot when he pulls you aside in his lab when anyone can walk in
his hand around your throat and the other in your underwear fucking you with his fingers
(dont worry he locked the door, he wont tell you but he would never let someone see you like that. thats for him and him only. tho he gets off on you thinking its unlocked)
as much as he loves to fuck you hard he also loves soft sex
holding you close to him, bodies touching as he slowly thrusts in and out of you, bottoming out inside you while hungerly kissing you
sitting in his lap with one of his hands on the back of your neck holding you to him tightly while the other one is held firmly around your waist as he bucks his hips up to fuck you
if youre like me and take a fuck ton of time to orgasm and are kinda embarrassed by it
please do not fake it with him
or do cuz he can tell if you are faking it no matter how real it looks or how many times its worked on other people
if you do and he knows he will overstim you by making sure you cum for him
he doesnt mind sitting there for longer between your thighs
or rubbing you off while he fucks you sensless
your pleasure means a lot to him too hes not just chasing his own high
would somehow train you to cum when he does
hes also into you calling him some names
those names are
captain (my personal fav)
my lord
anything really that lables him as someone having power over you
an athority figure
daddy was one he was kinda iffy about
but hearing it come out from your lips one night inbetween your gasping, he almost came right on the spot and was sorta confused with himself for a bit
which then made him realize he has a breeding kink
please wear his sunglasses on your head while fucking him, damn
send him lewd photos while hes at work of you in a shirt of his and nothing else and he will try to leave work early
gods this was longer than i wanted it to be lol
i hope yall like this! reblogs help me find more wesker simps to share my shitty food with
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blueysobssesions · 1 year
37. "Maybe she was right...I'm useless"
with Wesker? like Excella being mean to y/n and them getting insecure abt being with Wesker and not feeling like enough
-🐺 also ough such angst ty brain
Love me some angsty :))
Albert Wesker x Reader
Angst to Fluff
"Your just useless to him, I mean look at me! I helped him achieve Uroboros! and your just there doing nothing but just give him love and affection!" Excella mocked you. She's been doing this when she found out about your relationship with Albert. You knew she has feelings for him, you even caught her staring at him with a smile on her face. She seems like he was admiring him... You didn't bother it at first, but when you saw her seducing him with her hand roaming around on his abdomen. Albert getting annoyed at her actions but in your eyes, he wasn't getting bothered by it. Jealousy starting to fill your body.
"She's beautiful, have a beautiful body and a pretty face... Of course he would like her..." you were unsure and unconfident about your relationship with him. You we're losing trust to him to stay faithful and constantly worrying that his cheating on you.
Sobs were heard in the bedroom, and you sitting at the edge of the bed. You couldn't stop the urge to cry when Excella keeps on continuing to insulting you. "Dear? Are you alright-" hearing a small gasp from Albert who just returned home. He heard sobs coming from the bedroom and went to check on what's happening, there you are... Sitting at the edge of the bed crying. "Who did it?" He said harshly, you didn't say nothing but just focusing on to stop your cries. Albert walk towards you, he was now standing in front of you. He kneeled down wanting to see what's happening and ask about it. "Shh, it's okay my dearest... Everything is okay..." He held you face in his hands, his thumb slowly removing your tears that was falling. You look at him with teary eyes "M-maybe she was right... I am useless..." You breath was shaky. You can already see a small glowing red dust through his glasses. "Who said that to you?" he said with a calm voice trying not to make it obvious that he'll do something brutal. "Her... D-do you think I'm useless...?" You whispered. Albert was quite taken back to what you just said to yourself "Why would I think about you like that? No, your not useless my dear... You kept me safe and loved for how long... I love you with all my heart..." He said with a soft tone and kissed your forehead. Your sobs were now gone, tears stopped falling down to your cheeks. A smile slowly appearing to your face. You couldn't help but hug him without a warning. Let's say... He made an excuse that he's sick but really was just staying close with you <3
"Sorry Excella, but it appears that Uroboros has rejected you. There's only one who can join my new world... Unfortunately, it isn't you"
I apologize for not posting that much :') rlly busy doing work
@dargoww @ssbptigers @re-njnx
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