#jake muller x you
RE 6 cast reacting to a surprise hug from the reader (theres mutual feelings but they aren't together)?
I need to replay Resi 6 again.
Jake Muller, Helena Harper, Ada Wong, Chris Redfield, Piers Nivans, and Leon Kennedy reacting to a surprise hug from the reader.
(Gender ambiguous).
Warnings: n/a
Masterlists here!
Jake Muller
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Jake is not used to this stuff. Being close to people, getting attached, being affectionate, all that.
When you come out of nowhere and try to hug him, he pushes you off out of a mixture of surprise and reflex.
You're both just standing there. There's an uncomfortable moment of silence.
Jake's blue eyes dart away from you. He clears his throat, then gruffly mumbles something that might be sorry.
He slowly holds his arms out, offering to try the hug again. He does want one from you.
Helena Harper
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A startled grunt escapes Helena's lips. Her body tenses for a beat.
"...What're you doing?" she asks.
"Hugging you," you answer. Okay. Helena knew that. She wasn't expecting such a plain answer, she was expecting... She didn't know what she was expecting.
Whatever. This is nice. With a small sigh, she returns the hug.
Her hold is loose at first and gradually grows stronger.
Ada Wong
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The mutual feelings between you and Ada are obvious. More so on your end than hers. She tends to keep true affection dangling just out of reach.
Soft stuff like hugs? Not commonly received. Even more rarely given. Surprise is an understatement here.
Ada hums. There's soft amusement there.
When she reciprocates, her arms wrap around you almost lazily.
She'll let you hold on for a bit. After all, who knows when you'll get to see her next.
Chris Redfield
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(I, uh... don't have GIFs of Chris post-Edonia on hand, but know that's the Chris we're talking about here).
Chris is at a point in his life where he won't admit he needs a hug, but he does. Desperately.
At first, his hands grasp your biceps, and it seems as though he might reject your hug.
But then, he slowly wraps his arms around you, pulling you impossibly closer and squeezing you tightly.
He's never been one for long hugs, but he remains in your embrace for quite a while.
When he pulls away, you find that his gaze has softened, though only briefly.
Piers Nivans
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When you practically throw yourself at Piers, it's like stepping on a beartrap. Except it's far more enjoyable!
His hazel eyes widen a fraction in surprise.
As soon as you make contact, his arms immediately close around you tightly. Congratulations, you are now trapped.
Not only does he hold you for a long time, but he also gives you a few good squeezes.
When you finally pull apart, Piers sends you a smile, keeping his hands on your shoulders.
Leon Kennedy
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Things have been especially rocky and insane lately, so the hug is a pleasant little surprise.
The corners of Leon's lips lift momentarily. He huffs out a quiet ghost of a laugh.
After a second, his arms wrap firmly around your waist in return. His tiredness shows.
He takes a deep breath, inhaling your scent.
Two seconds of silence pass. He makes some borderline cheesy remark about how you can't keep away from him.
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blueysobssesions · 1 year
"Is that a Hickey?"
Characters: Leon S. Kennedy, Chris Redfield, Albert Wesker, Jake Muller
You leaving a Hickey on his neck ;)
Leon Kennedy
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- Leon adjusting his collar and said "Well, let's go-" he stayed silent when Ashley and Lewis/j were just gazing at him without saying anything. "Uhm, it's not the right time to adore me in this outfit..." He said "Looks like Amigo had his fun with his partner" Luis replied flirtatiously. Leon was speechless. He hoped that they won't notice how red his face is becoming. "I think you might need to look in the mirror" Ashley said giggling, pointing the mirror next to him. He hurried to the mirror to see what they were talking about and there, on his neck, he noticed a hickey. He can hear Luis and Ashley laughing maniacally behind him. He groaned "I told her not to leave a mark" touching the hickey on his neck. "It's a sign of ownership Amigo! She's putting her mark on you, saying that this on is mine" Luis teased. Leon stared at the hickey you created and he pondered... He grinned, "Well, I'm guessing I'm not covering it then?"
Chris Redfield
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When he opened his eyes, he looked at the side and noticed that you were still asleep and... naked. When he looked down, he also saw himself naked. He sighed and sat up, giving you another glance before moving to kiss your forehead. He touched the ground with his feet with a sigh as he extended his arms... He dressed himself and walked downstairs. "Boo!" Claire startled Chris causing him to yelp "Jesus Claire! It's too early!" He complained "Haha, I'm Sorry!" He was patted on the shoulder as Claire chuckled "So, how's Y/n- Oh, I see you two had fun last night?"she winked at him. "W-what?" "Oh Don try to deny it! I can definitely see a hickey on your neck" He look behind her which there was a mirror, he noticed the hickey you left last night. "I'm expecting to be a niece!" A blush creeped out to his face.
Albert Wesker (Re5)
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As Wesker walked through the hallways, he came across Excella. Excella has never been happy just to see him. He knows about her liking him. Despite knowing about her feelings towards him, Wesker remains distant and uninterested in Excella's affections. He sees her as nothing more than a tool to further his own agenda. You are the only person in his world in whom he is truly interested. Excella greeted him but was rejected. She groaned and rolled her eyes. "Wesker, please sit down so I can inject it" she suggested. Wesker walked towards her and sat down on the chair, rolling down his sleeve for the injection. Excella watched in silence as Wesker receive the injection. When Excella was about to put the syringe back, she notices something on his neck. Her eyes went wide when she saw a hickey on his neck "Is that a... Hickey?" she asked him. Wesker smirked and replied, "Your not the only one who's been busy, Excella," before he pulled up his sleeve. "Who gave you that hickey!?" Excella demanded as she noticed the love bite on his neck. Wesker chuckled and said, "It's none of your concern. Let's focus on the task at hand" He said standing up, he didn't actually planned to cover it up as if he wanted to know that he was yours and you were his. Excella raised an eyebrow but decided to let it go for now. She knew that Wesker was a skilled operative and they had a mission to complete. However, she couldn't help but wonder who had bitten him.
Jake Muller
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"Ugh, why did you include him on the mission Captain?" Pierce groaned in annoyance. Jake only chuckled at his reaction "Relax, Pierce. We need him on this mission," Chris replied calmly, hoping to ease the tension between them. "Look, I can walk out of this room, you know? If that's what you want," Pierce glared at him, "Fine, but if anything goes wrong, it's on you" he spat. Jake smirked, and the room was quite hot, making Jake sweat slightly. Standing up from the chair, he removes his jacket. He then heard a chuckle from Chris "I didn't know you were in a relationship" Jake rolled his eyes and replied, "It's none of your business Chris" He spat before putting his jacket besides him. "Okay, Okay. I was just curious," Jake shook his head, and Chris then again spoke, "Well, there is something... On your neck? A hickey maybe" Jake looked at Chris with a surprised expression and asked "What? Are you serious?" He asked, reaching his hand out to feel his neck. He then realized that there was indeed a mark on his neck and blushed with embarrassment. Pierce laughed at his reaction, and Jake stared at him and said, "Shut up" he said and Pierce only rolled his eyes.
(want to be added? Just message/send an ask!)
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cho-aaacho · 7 months
(Flufftober 2023) Love Letters
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Main Masterlist I Archive Of Our Own
Flufftober Masterlist I Prompts List
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Tags : Fluff, Romantic Fluff, Fluff and Humor, Love Letters, Friends to Lovers, Flufftober 2023, Reader is genderless
Note : Hello, since the prompt is "Love Letters" I'm writing this from Jake's POV. Let's assume that it's a love letter written by him to you.
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(Flufftober Day 24)
Hey, good morning. I hope the dawn caresses your gentle day, much like I do when I am adoring the spectacle of the October horizon, humming with the dawn in September, dancing in the cherry blossom of April, and touching the first snowfall in December.
I've noticed that you're so happy these days, and your warm smile wandered into my new life, embracing my darkest path with your warmth. I wondered where that sweetness of yours came from.
Is it because of your favorite movie? Or perhaps the tender caress of the morning breeze? Or could it be because of me?
But it doesn't matter. Because every step you take and every dance you do makes me happy.
Your smile, with its gentle innocence, never fails to fill my heart with happiness.
Did you see the shooting stars yesterday? It was the time when you could see the night sky painted with a lantern from heaven. I couldn't help but think about you when my eyes caught a line of shooting stars. How I wish that you were here too, with me under the same sky.
Five years have crossed your life since we first met, sharing our lives in colors of red and blue, entwining our gray and black, and feeling our gleam and sorrow. I cherished every journey of ours, every minute of our dance, and every moment when the moonlight caressed our day.
Yet you still believe that our relationship isn't just about friends?
Do you feel a glimpse in your heart to see me more as a friend? Do you ever wonder why I always gaze at you with these eyes? And talking to you with a different intonation? Or how much I'm trying to hold back my anger every time your presence comes across me?
I was hoping that you would realize my feelings.
But I understand if you like someone else, or maybe you are waiting for someone to hold your hand and walk through the rose petals. Every time I think about it, I'm hoping that person is me. I hope your heart beats for me and you are in love with me, falling for me harder than I've fallen for you.
But who am I? Why am I thinking you would be in love with me?
Even if God rewrote my story or put my life in a parallel universe, I would still find myself miles apart from you. You are too shiny for a shadow like me.
But why did God plant these feelings inside my heart if I knew they would never reach you? He doesn't have the right to put me in this agony.
But it's okay; I accepted that. As long as I can see your face and hear your voice again, I'm happy with that.
In the end, I must confess these feelings. Even if you start to hate me, I will accept that.
I love you.
I love you so much.
I love you like the rain showering the dry soil.
I love you like a rainbow rewriting the pastel sky.
I love you like sunflower petals in the morning.
I love you with all of my heart.
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Note : I made a little mistake. This prompt should be for Day 25😔😔
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My brother got the whole family sick so now I feel like I've been stabbed in the back a billion times and like my head was thrown in for a spin cycle and then I was tossed in the microwave ): . Could I please ask for some headcanons or small scribbles of Leon, Jake (RE6), and Shikamaru soothing/looking after their sick partner? Thank you, I really appreciate it! (P.S. If you want to, feel free to add others- obviously you don't have too!)
A/n: Of course! And I hope you feel better.
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Leon S. Kennedy:
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🗡: Goes out of his way to make sure you’re okay and comfortable.
🗡: Gets all the things you need to make sure you get over your cold or flue.
🗡: Will call Clair to ask her to cook some soup…doesn’t want to take the chances to burn the house down.
🗡: Lots of forehead kisses.
🗡: Reads to you from one of your favorite books.
“Y/n….you are not going out. You’re sick.”
Pouting you lips you snuggled back into the blankets, everything seemed so perfect in here. You knew Leon did everything in his power to make sure you were okay.
Letting out a cough you turned your head away, you could have sworn the man hummed in pleasure.
“Good. Get some rest and I promise you’ll be better in know time.”
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Jake Muller:
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🧬: He’s probably the reason why you’re sick in the first place.
🧬: Would feel guilty about it, may call Sherry for help.
🧬: Lay’s next to your, stroking your hair until you fall asleep.
🧬: Gives you lots of kisses, doesn’t care if he gets sick in the process.
“I’ll kiss the illness out of you y/n!”
🧬: Would out on your favorite show / movie and watch it with you.
🧬: Get’s you all the snacks { that won’t upset your stomach or make you more sick }
“I’m so sorry Y/n? I swear I didn’t know you were sick!”
Coughing into your hand, you smiled patting his cheek. It as sweet seeing how protect and sweet he got.
Feeling his head rest on your chest the man held you close. “I’m gonna do whatever I can to make sure you get better Y/n.”
“I know you will Jake, I know you will.”
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Shikamaru Nara:
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💤: Would probably be the best one to help you with your sickness.
💤: Knows the moment you get sick, and already has the things you will need to help you get better.
💤: Would probably use your sickness to get out of work. { though it doesn’t mean that he doesn’t care about you…the man does of course. } he just wants to make sure you get back to your old self. While he can relax too.
💤: Would probably fall sleep next to you. { and get himself sick.}
💤: Though if you two are married and have kids then he knows to keep them away so they don’t get sick themselves.
💤: Might spoil you a bit more. { asks his mom for some advice on how she helped him get better.}
“Geez Y/n. Just take the damn medicine.” Shikamaru sighed leaning against the door frame.
Wrinkling your nose you crossed your arms over your chest. “No.”
“You’re gonna have to take it one way or another.”
“It’s gross.”
A groan left the man’s lips as he stepped into the room. Your eyes went wide as he placed the medicine in his mouth and soon his lips were on yours. Parting your lips you felt his tongue slide against yours.
Breaking the kiss, your eyes were still wide as the man gave you a smug smile.
“I told you so.”
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mishwanders · 1 year
❛ remind me why we’re friends again? ❜
Platonic Pairing: Jake Muller and Reader
Warnings: some cursing, but other than that, Safe For Everyone
“Remind me why we’re friends again?”
You looked away from your laptop and up at Jake who was taking a large bite out of the green apple you’d just tossed him. Hearing the loud crunch of the flesh of it between his teeth made your skin crawl - but it was his favorite snack, so you always brought him one.
“Because one of us has to be the charming one.” He replied, “How else do you expect us to make the cash we do?”
“Wait, wait, wait - I’ve been the one finding us these missions - not you!” You replied, “You’re the brawn and I’m the brains of this operation - got it?”
He chuckled at you, “still not the charmer though.”
You rolled your eyes at him, “I don’t need to be a charmer, thank you very much, I just fine the way I am, and besides, your mom likes me.”
“My mom likes everyone.” He replied
“Okay, and?”
“And - it means it doesn’t count.”
“Does too!” You bickered
“Does not!”
You huffed a sigh, narrowing your eyes at him. “You’re insufferable, you know that?”
“Yes, but we both know you enjoy it.” He replied, “Or else my ass would have been out on the streets after our first mission.”
You chuckled, thinking back to the first day you worked together, almost getting your ass shot off. If it weren’t for him, you’d be in literal pieces at the moment, half of an ass on the wall, the other on the side wall, the rest of your body unidentifiable. A subtle ding from your laptop grabbed your attention. You looked back to the screen before gazing back up at Jake with a sly smile.
“I don’t like that look.” He said
“Well, you should.” You replied
“We’re about to make some bank.”
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"Such a wet cunt for me. All dripping wet, just for me and only me. begging to be filled with my seed. what a good girl." he whispered in your ear, dragging the tip of his cock along with your swollen pussy, teasing you with that smug smirk.
"Don't worry, you'll get your reward soon baby." he said in a low growl, before biting down on your bottom lip hard enough to draw blood, but not too deep or long enough to really hurt you - just enough to make you gasp. You felt your body heat up at the thought of being fucked like this by the big bad wolf of your dreams. He was so hot. And you were so horny.
You couldn’t stop thinking about him, how good it had felt when he had buried his fingers inside you. How good it still felt when his dick slipped inside your wet pussy. You couldn’t stop dreaming of it. Even now you could feel him moving in and out of you in a slow thrust, his strong hands gripping your hips tight.
"Ah, so fucking wet. So ready for me." you heard him murmur in between breaths as he continued thrusted into you relentlessly. His hands moved faster and faster as he drove himself harder into you, hitting one of those sensitive spots inside you that had you moaning loudly and throwing your head back against his shoulder.
"So fucking sexy," he breathed against your neck, nibbling on your skin gently and licking the marks left behind. "And all mine. My sweet little slut." Your hands flew up and cupped your breasts instinctively, letting out a soft moan when his tongue found a particularly tender spot, sucking on it harshly until you were gasping for air.
“God fuck. Fuck, I can’t….I need to come.” you panted out, pulling his head off from where it had been resting on your shoulder and kissing him frantically, feeling his hand trace circles over your clit until you came undone.
Your moans became louder and louder, your body shaking uncontrollably as you came undone, your orgasm ripping through you like a tidal wave. He pulled away from you, panting heavily, his eyes dark and lustful as he looked down at you, “Fuck, you are so beautiful.” he murmured, leaning down and kissing you softly.
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smutbutoutofnowhere · 9 months
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he’s very intimate with you while sex he loves you so much like every single thing about you turns him on
he looks very soft but he’s actually very kinky inside and will show this side the more comfortable he feels around you
i feel like he enjoys sex a lot A LOT like it becomes very often
like i said in the beginning everything about you is a turn on to him like how you look when you wake up in the morning with your tank top and underwear or wearing an apron with your hair tied up showing your beautiful neck while cooking for him even when you’re wearing your glasses while you work tugging your hair behind your ear
he enjoys fucking you anywhere in the house in the kitchen on the counter or table, in the bathroom in front of the mirror, in the living room while you’re trying to watch tv etc
my man gets horny easily basically
gets you lingerie every time he goes out like while passing by the store seeing something and imagining you in it and literally drooling about the idea ending up getting too many stuff because he wants to see how you would look on each one before ripping them off you
a very big panty thief
if you’re away to visit your family or for work he would use your underwear to masturbate and gets them dirty with cum so when you come back you might face the issue of having less clean panties and wash a bunch because he sometimes forgets to clean them afterwards
expect to get your ass squeezed a lot like you guys are out on a walk with some tight shorts or while you’re making breakfast or dessert also hugs from behind is often too but doesn’t stay long before he gets hard and humps you
also he watches porn when you’re not around like again away for something like imagining blindfolding you and using toys on you while your hands are tied up or maybe spanking you until your ass is all red or dressing you up in kinky costumes such as nurse gets very into the role lmfao
has breeding kink and the idea of you carrying his child with your round belly and swollen breasts is sending him to the clouds if you do get pregnant get ready for some overstimulation (eating you out especially) and if you do start lactating he’s gonna suck them tiddies and squeeze them
on holidays get ready for sex like maybe two times a day around the house fully naked or if in a hotel maybe in the spa (if you guys are alone) he also likes risky sex probably because his dick wont stay still or at the beach in the sea making out away from people
also dont worry about any scars or etc on your body like i said before he worships your body as if you’re a god/goddess literally everything about you from head to toes is beautiful to him
if you’re younger than him he likes the college student teacher kinda shit or like your inexperience turns him on
he is insecure about himself actually because if you’re young there are many attractive people with better looking bodies but as soon as you reassure him that you love him as much as he does and giving kisses from his little belly to his happy trail to his aching dick (giving him a few kisses on there too especially on his pre leaking tip) he’s in heaven
that reminds me that he LOVES blowjobs like giving him head while he’s doing something on the computer or checking documents sucking his length and balls he swears he can see the stars he looks down with a sweaty face and pulls his shirt up to get a better view he smiles uncontrollably and holds your cheek then slowly tugs your hair and moves your head the way he desires and bucks his hips deeper into your throat while he shakes with his orgasm and seeing you swallow and swipe that one drop drooling from corner of your mouth with your finger and sucking it in is just incredible
lastly lazy morning sex is his thing before work he wakes up horny and then rubs himself to your back and wakes you up eventually before fucking you sleepy and hitting that one gold spot in you to give you amazing orgasm
also his dick is like average (don’t be fooled he can use it very good and fuck you dumb) and have blonde pubes shaves them but eventually forgets sometimes because of his work
i wrote this like it was my duty lmfao anyways thats all folks
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bioh4zards · 5 months
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some furry shake
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noturvlentine · 1 year
warm pale evening
Jake Muller (re6) x reader
based on this request 🖤 hope i got remotely close to what you had in mind!!!
this one’s a short one, but i kinda shoved the reader character into doing what Jake does alongside him- extending from the end cut scene of Jake in re6 where it’s suggested he’s still a mercenary but also helping fight B.O.Ws, so this is set post re6
do not copy my stuff elsewhere but reblogs are ok!!!
fluff basically, mentions of previous events
Summary- Jake and his lover are having a talk in bed about their worries sometime into the evening.
༺ ♰ ༻
Somewhere in the Middle East
The late summer atmosphere was starting to catch a little breeze. You didn’t know how long you were due to stay in this worn down flat- it was a cheap stay for the time being while Jake received intel on the latest B.O.W reports around the city. He had kept in touch with Sherry after what unfolded in 2012, though he wasn’t keen on being governed by any authority what so ever. You two were always on the move, stopping here and there to discreetly (but not so quietly) take down any bio-organic weapons along the way. You wouldn’t trade this for anything in the world- though it did make you worry about your relationship more than you should.
Jake stood on the balconet, his silhouette leaning wanderingly against the short railing behind the curtains. He’d left the slender door open, you could feel the light breeze wavering into the room. The door was like a large window, and the balcony was barely big enough to fit the two of you- it reminded you of Italy for some reason. You could tell Jake was eating away at his thoughts as he observed the clouded sky. You propped yourself up on your elbows, shifting on the bed to get a better look at him.
‘Come back, it’s cold outside’
He turned his head in the dark, his silhouette craning its neck to get a better peak inside. He quietly made his way back into the room, shutting the small glass door behind him. Jakes sweatpants hung low at his hips as the rest of his bare torso dimly lit by the moon, making his way over to his side of the bed. You were in a thin white tshirt, probably one of his seeing as it was quite big on you, you’d both kicked off the covers hours before due to the heat. Jake shuffled the blanket to the side as the mattress sank beside you. There was no bed frame, just clean white sheets on a mattress, brushing up against warm wooden floors. He sat himself on the bed against the wall, slumping down to meet your level. He motioned for you to move closer to him, so you did, your head resting against his chest as his arm looped around your shoulders.
‘I’m worried you know-‘ you began, staring outside. Jake began gently twirling a strand of you hair around his finger.
‘Go ahead- I’m listening.’
A pause followed. Maybe now wasn’t the time for this, maybe you wanted to lie in silence with his arms wrapped around you.
‘What if it all goes wrong one day?- what if- fuck, I don’t know. What if something terrible happens and we lose each other-‘
‘Oh shut up.’ He teased amidst your sentimental stuttering.
‘Jake I’m being serious okay- I’m not at all against what we do but sometimes I could almost die thinking about it.’ You sighed, expecting some witty reply back from him. But he stayed silent for a while longer, thinking about whether to be completely honest with you or just to assure you that it was all okay.
‘Listen, I think about it too- in fact I was just drowning in that thought outside before you called me back in.’ He scoffed at himself- for once he’s not pretending. ‘God- I don’t even know where to start. But what’s important is this, we’re here right now and that’s all that matters right?’ You felt him shrug at his words as he brought his other hand up to your face, gently running his thumb across your cheekbone. You shifted your head up to look at him, tracing your finger across the scar on his face down to his chin, pulling him down to kiss you. It was long and sweet, delicate almost, as if the conversation wasn’t finished. You pulled away slightly to see the complexion in his eyes, searching them for some kind of answer. You sighed quietly and dropped your hand down to his chest, trailing it all the way to his side as you had your arm wrapped around him.
‘I just wanna love you without having to worry about it.’ You said as you snuggled up against him a little more.
‘Then do as you please. Love me without worry.’ He repeated, sliding down his pillow so that you were both somewhat levelled again. He spoke softly and carefully as his fingers continue to weave through your hair, his other hand now tracing small circles on your arm around him. You shifted onto your side a little more and slipped one of your legs between his.
‘Maybe we should call off kicking ass tomorrow and just lie like this for another day.’
You hummed in response.
‘One hell of a job it is, we should retire.’
‘It’s not really a job, Jake.’ You teased at him.
Jake chuckled in response, reaching a hand down the mattress to pull a bit of blanket on both of you.
AN: I have no idea what that is but it rendered kind of bittersweet in my head, kind of a bit domestic despite the setting I guess but it was fun!!!
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ivyial · 10 months
so i just finished chapter 3 of jake and sherry's campaign in re6 and
why do i never see anything about this ship they're so cute wtf, pls tell me they used to be at least sort of popular back in the re6 days
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vex-leth · 8 months
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spotify really needs to add a feature where you can see who likes your playlists
Bc I wanna know who u guys r
I'm glad I'm providing you with sherry/jake music tho
Didn't know anyone else liked these silly guys that much
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Gender ambiguous reader
Pet name HCs - (RE 6)
Dating HCs - (RE 6)
Reacting to a surprise hug from the reader - (RE 6)
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un-named-thing · 2 years
I saw your getting back into Resident Evil so I thought I'd give you something to write.
So this will be a gender neutral reader with the villains or antagonist as some may call getting praised and how they would react, it doesn't have to be all it can be a few, or the ones from your favourite Resident Evil game.
Delete or ignore if you don't feel up to this.
I only did male characters cause why not
Resident evil characters x gn!reader
Summary: how different resident evil characters react to you praising them.
Cw: fluff, kinda suggestive,
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Leon Kennedy:
The way leon reacts to praise depends on which leon we're talking about.
Re2 leon either way would get quite flustered but if it's in a suggestive setting then he can't even speak proper sentences. Basically becomes a flustered mess.
Leon after re2 would most like simply say thank you, or not respond at all. However in a suggestive situation he is once again a mess. Maybe not so much but kinda similar.
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Chris Redfeild:
In a general setting, he smiles If you praise him. He'd laugh while saying thank you. He loves to hear praise from you.
In a suggestive setting he's more cocky and praise you back. He loves to hear your praise in this type of setting even more.
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Carlos Oliveira:
He eats this shit up. He loves it. Will get all gidy and happy if you praise him.
This man is quite a cocky mf. So in a more suggestive situation he's saying something cocky in return if he's not a blushing mess.
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Albert Wesker:
He's a slight bitch. I'm not joking here.
In general he would say a simple thank you or sometimes not even respond. But there is that moment when he actually appreciates the prasie.
In a suggestive situation. He's laughing at you. (Not like in a bad way) but he likes it. He adores it when you praise him in a suggestive situation.
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Billy coen:
He's the type to at first laugh praise of and then realise its genuine. I have a feeling this man isn't exactly used to praise.
He'd most likely laugh of any type of praise before just, blushing and realising you mean it.
In a suggestive setting, he loves to hear you praise him and just looked at you with the most love struck eyes in the world.
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Ethan Winters:
Ethan in general he likes praise alot. If you praise him he would smile and blush. Laughing in slight embarrassment.
In a suggestive situation he's is a mess. He blushes alot and tries to shut you up even tho he doesn't want you to.
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Karl Heisenberg:
100% isn't used to praise and doesn't know how to react.
In general he's just shocked that you praised him at all. He gets so confused. But loves it straight away
In a suggestive setting he is less shocked at the praise. He wants you to praise him. He almost begs for it. And absolutely melts when you do praise him.
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Jake Muller:
Why do I feel like most of these men don't get much praise, jake muller being one of them.
He thought you where joking the first time but then he kinda froze for a second and then was like 'okay then.'
In a suggestive situation he'd kiss you to shut you up but he wants you to keep praising him. It does something to him.
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Luis sera:
We all know what this man is like, right.
He would be so flattered if you praised him. Just like all the rest, he loves the praise. It boosts his ego.
In a suggestive situation if you praise him it makes him all cocky and confident. And he just wants to hear you.
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Piers Nivans:
If you praise him simply just in general, for achieving something or something along those lines, it brings a smile to his face. He'd blush and absolutely love the attention.
If it's in a more suggestive setting he would blush like crazy and attempted to hide his face.
He'd blush even harder if you make alot of direct eye contact or try and take his hands away from his face.
Some of these men desperately need praise.
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cho-aaacho · 7 months
(Flufftober 2023) Game Night
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Main Masterlist I Archive Of Our Own
Flufftober 2023 Masterlist I Prompts List
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Tags : Fluff, Romantic Fluff, Fluff and Humor, Game Night, Teasing, Flufftober 2023, Reader is genderless
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(Flufftober Day 25)
"You know, Jake," you sighed in frustration. "You won't get rich with that fake money."
"Huh?" Jake mocked in surprise. "It's my victory; of course, I should celebrate it, duh."
The aroma of black tea swirled around his nostrils, along with a mouthwatering slice of pizza. You both snuggle up under the warm blanket. The soft cushion and the aromatic soft candle add a romantic touch to your Saturday date.
He draws closer and snuggles between the crooks of your neck, inhaling the fresh jasmine scent that floats on your neck. A piece of romantic music flowed through the wall and transformed into a romantic bond between you and Jake. His embrace was not just a simple hug; it was greedy and passionate, as if he desired to lock you up within his universe.
His arms circled your waist, drawing closer as he pressed your body against him. Until he could sense your sweetness and softness. Until he could trap your magnetic charm in his embrace, and it seems like you have him completely insane. You could hear a purr escaping his lips during this intimate embrace.
At that moment, you knew one thing. He had no intention of letting you go until he was fully satisfied with possessing you.
For Jake, Saturdays have had a special story over the last 2 years since you became his diary. He was quite addicted to Saturday, eager to have all of your presence on that day.
"You smell so sweet," he mused, tracing the delicate fragrance of your hair. "But it isn't just your scent that makes me fall for you."
With a mischievous giggle, he drew closer, capturing your gaze with an innocent and tender smile. He blinked, scanning your face as if he were in love all over again. 
The impulse was irresistible, and he planted a slight kiss on your jawline, playfully squeezing your shoulders. His warm breath brushed your sweet face.
"You're so bad at board games. Monopoly isn't that hard, but you went bankrupt easily." Jake's teasing voice intruded. "You even lost in our Uno games."
You sighed in frustration, and Jake could detect an unsettling vendetta in you. "I'm not good at games. Mr. All Rounder," and you playfully pinched Jake's cheek, "but I have something."
"Oh, and what is it—"
Before he could finish his sentence, you had already pinned him down on the couch. Your body pressed down on his and placed his wrist above his head. 
"Jake," you whispered with a playful smirk. Your eyes seductively scan his face, trying to capture him by your charm, to ensure his soul is in your spell, to leave your mark on him, to tie him up under your name.
You could see a glimpse of desire in his eyes, and he couldn't resist this romantic sensation. He loves being vulnerable when you take care of him.
"Ow, it looks like someone is eager for my attention. Hmm?"
You could see just how much he loves your bold actions.
"No," you replied with a smirk. "It's just the moment when I could win against you, Jake. I know your weakness, and this," you wandered your fingers on his cheek, "is proof that you aren't as strong as you think."
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jackwillwrite · 1 year
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the transmascs r fightinggg
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crimescrimson · 1 year
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Resident Evil in the Eyes Of The Beholder: @mekakoi Edition
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