#rant xx
emeow-blog · 6 months
If you have experienced any of these things with your language, no matter where in the world you are, reblog this post with your experiences, even if it’s just one word. I’m trying to see something.
Ppl should normalize speaking other languages than English in American public.
Ppl shouldn’t be scared of me conversing with my friend or a stranger.
Ppl shouldn’t yell at me to speak English while I’m helping an single refugee mother of two young children find the restroom.
Ppl shouldn’t talk behind my back about my accent.
Ppl shouldn’t tell me to go back to my home country when I have chosen to live here.
Ppl shouldn’t call me a terrorist for speaking another language.
Ppl shouldn’t assume that I’m talking about them in another language.
People shouldn’t make my communication evil because they can’t understand it. When I moved to America as an illegal, undocumented child, I did not understand a word of English besides “God”, “Bible”, “Jesus”, and “No English”.
Fucking normalize non-English language.
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otrtbs · 6 months
here’s the thing. the absolute joy and wonder i feel whenever someone tells me they came across ahb! and are now taking an art history course / majoring in art next year / went to their local art museum for the first time in ages is exponential. when yall send me your favorite artworks and tell me about them or tell me you went to x museum to see x painting mentioned in ahb??? it’s just so so wonderful. because never did i think something i wrote out of love for art and love for art history would lead anyone else to research art or talk about it or seek it out for themselves and that’s so much more than i could ever imagine would come out of a very timid first attempt at creative writing/fandom involvement.
i wrote it out of love and y’all have all reciprocated that love tenfold and ran with it to talk about art and explore it and share it with me and those around you. and it’s just been a very special incredible thing that makes me emosh. :,)
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djzbasement · 1 month
If i see one more fanart of whitewashed gonta im gonna burn a tree down.
As well as the other dark skinned characters. These folks are NOT white.
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(Forgot to add Nekomaru mb.) Before you say anything, gonta isn’t white. He’s at least tan. And before I get the whole “But it’s JUST a tan!!! ;-;” it’s still their canonical skin tone. Shut yo trap
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(I can’t believe I even had to make this damn.)
Edit- My friend made this.
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That. Is not. WHITE. God dam yall 😭 (creds to my pookie who made that chart)
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rollercoasterwords · 1 year
something else that i have been thinking abt since writing the cowboy fic is that like. i feel like. there is sort of this....very intense expectation when it comes to warnings on fics? and i feel like this is a post-tiktok shift simply bc i don't see it as much w older fics but. what i mean is like.
the tags are where tws/cws go, right? like, the general expectation is that if there is potentially upsetting content, the writer will do their best to tag it so that people know going into the fic to expect violence or angst etc etc. and it is the responsibility of the reader to check those tags before reading and decide if they're okay with encountering that potentially upsetting material. which is a great system!
but i feel like now there's this growing expectation that writers will not only tag their fics, but also include detailed warnings in the notes on each chapter. and like.....i think that is a very kind gesture from writers who want to do it, but it shouldn't be an expectation. it isn't a writer's responsibility to provide warnings on every single chapter of a fic. like, if the fic is tagged with something like "violence" or "injury" or "gore," you as a reader are opening that fic with the blanket acknowledgment that you are prepared for any kind of violence/injury/gore that it might contain. and you aren't entitled to any more detailed warnings on the actual chapter where those things occur. y'know?
and yeah, sometimes you'll open a fic tagged with something thinking u can handle it, and then you'll get to that part of the story and find it more upsetting than u expected. that happens! but that's just part of like...the Big Kid Reading Experience, y'know? it's not the writer's responsibility to protect u from a story that u chose to read.
anyway, i just feel like i am increasingly witnessing (and every so often being subjected to lol) this phenomenon of people reading a fic tagged with various warnings and then acting surprised or even upset with the writer because.....they were surprised that the fic tagged "violence" was violent. or that the fic tagged "angst" was sad. or that the fic tagged "canon-compliant" was canon-compliant. and then if they're called on their bs they'll hand-wring and act like the tag on the fic wasn't enough, because they weren't expecting the violence to be that violent, or the angst to be that sad, and they'll act as though the writer has done something wrong by not giving a step-by-step breakdown in the notes on each chapter of every single potentially upsetting detail....which is just ridiculous!
anyway. tl;dr - nobody is entitled to detailed, in-depth tws on every single fic ch; the writers who do that are just being extra nice to u, so stop treating it as some sort of standard expectation!
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the-woild-is-y-erster · 7 months
MAJOR TBOSAS SPOILERS you have been warned babes but i simply will actually perish if i can't talk about this movie
listen to me. i am taking you by the shoulders.
i have thought about this movie every five minutes since i have seen it. no, i am not okay right now that is not the point.
sejanus plinth. *distant sobbing*
there is no way that he truly thought of coriolanus as a brother like he said.
he told snow that there wasn't going to be a prize, and no one else. he followed snow's lead and tried to take food to the tributes. he came out of the frickin arena at snow's call after giving marcus the burial rites. he VOLUNTEERED to become a peacekeeper to go with snow, and after that followed him almost blindly before he found the rebels.
sounds like love, but is it really brotherly?
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tadfools · 3 months
Just found out my ex best friend is obsessed with bg3 (which is hilarious since they kept making fun of me for loving it during early access) because one of my beloved mutuals rbed a piece of art they made and it showed up on my dash
I hope your game crashes every time you go to kiss Gale you son of a bitch
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skyfallscotland · 2 months
No one ever talks about it but it's actually kind of hard not to dox yourself online these days. Like AI scares the shit out of me and I literally have to reverse image search every fucking landscape photo before I publish it just in case. One was just of a lake at sunset and I guess the hills behind it must have been just distinct enough because it would have told everyone where I live. That's how scary the internet can be now. Does no one else find this...concerning?
I used to have a very intelligent friend who worked in data security and she had no online presence at all. Refused to let anyone even post her kids' side profile on their facebook page and this was almost ten years ago when her kids were toddlers—that was enough to convince me to get serious about it, but now? T e r r i f y i n g.
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14dayswithyou · 1 year
are you a compsci major :0
✦゜ANSWERED: I wish I had the brains and dedication for that ^^; If anything, Ren would be the compsci major (if he chose to go to university with you)!! As for me though?? I'm currently double majoring in digital media and social working ;v;
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emeow-blog · 6 months
I performed a social experiment today, and the results kinda lowkey shocked me:
TW for topics relating to violence, self harm and suicide, bullying/harassment, threats against personal safety, and adjacent topics.
Note: I refer to myself as a “good person” a few times here. I am not in any way suggesting that I am a model for people to follow. I refer to myself as such to show what I think a good person would do.
Idk why it continues to surprise me, but I did a social experiment today and I still find it so weird how outright fucking MEAN people are.
I was simply talking about my likes and dislikes, and I say a few things about a game I like (that gets a lot of hate for no reason). I expected backlash for liking the game, that’s normal and I get that no matter where I say it. Suddenly, I am getting death threats and suicide guilt trips for liking said game. I am told that i should kill myself, I should die, I should never have been born, my parents were right for starving and neglecting me.
Over a game.
The social experiment I performed was to create an overemphasized version of my current life, and to slip up and create loopholes to see if people would find out I was lying. I joked around and tried to copy the behavior of other people, while also subtly attention seeking and dropping hints that I was faking my life. I also did my best to get peoples social media for later purposes.
I was being serious when I was talking about liking the game, and THATS when people snapped. Suddenly they brought up all the evidence of why I was lying and how, which I found odd that they hadn’t before. I played up my argument and pretended to be one of the people that guilt trips and gaslighted others to win the argument to make them react more.
I did expect “kys” jokes and other mean comments. That is what I set out to find. I did NOT expect to be sent death threats, doxxing threats, threats to harm my irl family, etc.
I eventually revealed that it was an experiment, and that I had screen recordings and screenshots of the hate messages and messages proving whose social media belonged to who.
Now, I don’t have social media besides Pinterest, Tumblr, Ao3, and Discord. I purposefully did not ask for or share these things. I made burner Tiktok, Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook, and Instagram accounts, and followed the members with those.
After I revealed the information, I thought it would be a good idea to tell them (jokingly) that I was going to leak the screenshots to their family and friends that followed their socials.
And guess what, they IMMEDIATELY started apologizing and begging me not to. People were even advocating to ban me and erase all message data relating to me (as though that would do anything).
My experiment set out to show how humans, especially younger people ( <22), act when they are behind their online identity. And how they change immediately when they realize that someone they know in real life will find out.
I am not going to send screenshots to their IRLs, nor on and of my socials, as I am not petty and I respect their privacy as minors (and humans) like a good person would and should.
My complaint is just asking why people are so mean? What do they gain? Absolutely nothing. I keep being disappointed for being surprised, over and over again.
Please be a nice person, to anybody who read this long post. I have made huge mistakes in the past, in the same way that this experiment shows.
You do not have to like someone. You do not have to agree with their opinions. But imagine if this wasn’t an experiment. Imagine if a younger person with a little out of the ordinary life joined this group, and got treated this way.
They wouldn’t be prepared for this. This could harm people. This DOES harm people. There are countless, and I mean COUNTLESS news stories about cyber harassment and bullying leading to teen suicide.
Be a good person, both IRL and online. You can and will harm people by your negative actions. I don’t expect you to like everyone. I expect you to be kind and respectful. If they become angry or mean, that does not indicate that you can react harshly.
Cut off your connection. Block them. Report them. We have measures on the internet to essentially get a restraining order on people you don’t like.
Be a good fucking person.
Have a wonderful day/night. I am sorry for the rant.
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mudefrau · 9 days
every time i find a (typically more recent) YA/fantasy series that turns out to have an abundant dedicated fandom writing long essays, fics and pumping out amazing fanart on the daily, with those posts averaging 200-400+ notes-1K+ for fanart, i get a bit sad and jealous that maguire isn't achieving this despite all the exposure (musical, upcoming movie, being based on the american cultural staple that is wizard of oz)
what went wrong with the wicked years? can't be only the feline sex parts 😩
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coldercreation · 9 months
Why doesn’t Izzy usually cuddle with the alphas during the day? But will with Nat(?) Love the new snippet!!<3
Ohh good question! It’s kind of a subtle thing actually heheh🤓☝️ and it's not just because he's playing favourites lol
Basically, bun’s just too restless during the day to stay still while getting pawed at, as he’d say. The other three are more cuddly than him in general, but the As also instinctively want to be doing the cuddling/holding. As in, they actively, and also on an instinctual level, are the ones ‘doing’ in those moments. 
With Nathan Isac gets to be in that instinctually more dominant and active position = Iz and his instincts feel proactive, and instead of building restlessness it’s giving him an outlet. 
Before Nat joined them, Izzy would sometimes burn himself out being super keyed up until he’d finally tire out enough to sleep and cuddle in bed. Whereas Lit’s instincts would sulk like babies over these mini-rejections they’d get during the day. :') Turned out that always-cuddly-Nat was a very good calming way for Isac to redirect some of his restlessness, while also letting the As paw at a very willing someone to their hearts content lol. 
The As do help Isac and his instincts calm down too, but usually that’d involve some sort of instinctual push/game, restraint, and/or giving him a mentally engaging task to focus on while he’s ‘made’ sit still/calm down (all these 'methods' could be sexual sometimes, but very often also non-sexual. Or sexual but in a non-sexual way/context, if ... that makes sense?) Although they all enjoy going this route at times because it can be fun, with Nathan and Izzy it's just very effortless and happens naturally without the intention necessarily being anything else but cuddles.
(Meanwhile Nathan’s just over here vibin’, O belly up, all blissed out, and rolling from one cuddler to another lmao) xx
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rollercoasterwords · 1 year
"women and non-men" is a weird thing to say because the label "non-men" would, in theory, already include women. same goes for "women/non-men." i will not lie whenever i see posts where people are just tacking the label "non-men" onto something about women it feels less inclusive and more like a reimagining of the gender binary. if u want to talk about women u can just say women.
i think the other thing that strikes me as odd about the grouping of "women" and "non-men" behind some clearly-drawn line in the sand on the other side of which is "men" is the way that it treats any of these labels as though they are fixed categories with legible boundaries, rather than porous and fluid and shifting. the problem with plucking a social construct like gender out of its socially constructed context and flattening it down to a set of fixed labels is that without any grounding in material reality or social experience the only leg left to stand on will ultimately be gender essentialism. so.
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raikkxz · 3 months
what if i like .. post x-men fics 🙏
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thereweresunflowers · 5 months
really not enjoying how any form of media is being constantly pushed away from difficult topics. have proposed an adaptation of a shakespeare tragedy to a comedy group as it starts off comedy and ends tragic and it's an investigation of what conventions need to be subverted to make this possible and they have asked me. to take death grief and mentions of suicide out of the show. to take death grief and suicide out of the death grief and suicide show. in case it excludes some of the potential audience and triggers people. a) all shows exclude some people in some way it's called don't like don't see b) tragedy is inherently cathartic and as emotionally satisfying as comedy any show about grief is also a show about love c) i despise the idea that we cannot explore themes of death and grief in comedy and that those do not have place to be mentioned. they are a fact of life they are treated with nuance it is integrating reality with comedy. why are we all so scared of saying anything vaguely interesting.
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ravenelyx · 8 months
When I feel like I can't write or hate I'm writing, I think about the fact that I shouldn't even be writing in this language, yet I work my ass off and it looks good. It does. And I'm proud of it.
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queenie-official · 28 days
It's three days before my sister's final so I have to wait until she's done to watch it 🥲
omg i’ll wait with you hun 💅✨ we in this together 💪
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