pinkradfem · 1 year
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emploimaroc30 · 2 years
Concours de Recrutement RADEM 2022 (27 Postes)
La Régie Autonome de Distribution d’Eau et d’Electricité de Meknès RADEM organise un concours pour le recrutement de 27 postes répartis comme suit: (10) Agents d’Exécution. (12) Techniciens Spécialisés. (5) Cadres et Ingénieurs. Aujourd’hui la RADEM s’est résolument engagée dans un processus de modernisation afin de mieux servir ses clients. En effet cette modernisation vise à faciliter l’accès aux services de la régie, à simplifier les procédures et à généraliser l’alimentation en électricité, en eau et en assainissement liquide aux différents usagers. Ainsi les différents programmes d’investissement ont mis l’accent sur les différentes orientations citées ci-dessus. En effet la Régie a initié un certain nombre de programme visant: - La sécurisation de l’alimentation en eau et en électricité. - La réhabilitation et le renforcement des réseaux et des ouvrages de traitement et de stockage d’eau potable et le renouvellement des stations de pompage    - Le renforcement, l’extension, la restructuration et la mise à niveau du réseau d’assainissement liquide; - L’amélioration des rendements; - La généralisation des services de proximité pour répondre aux attentes sans cesse croissantes des clients. Et suite à ces mesures, les résultats techniques et financiers n’ont pas tardé à suivre puisqu’ils ont connu une évolution positive permettant à la Régie de se classer parmi les meilleures Régies du Maroc. La mission première de la RADEM, est d’assurer une alimentation en eau potable et en électricité à la population de la ville de Meknès, et de collecter et traiter les eaux usées, domestiques et industrielles. La RADEM va au-delà de sa mission principale, elle développe sans cesse une véritable relation de proximité avec ses clients, a fin de leur rapporter, au quotidien, le meilleur service; elle a pu réaliser au cours des dernières années des avancées considérables, tant au niveau du développement des infrastructures qu’en matière d’amélioration de la qualité de service et la consolidation de sa situation financière, ce qui s’est traduit par la progression de l’ensemble des indicateurs de gestion et par l’amélioration des conditions de vie et d’hygiène des citoyens de la ville Toutes les activités de la RADEM reposent sur les technologies les plus performantes et sur l’informatique de pointe, comme sur les systèmes d’information géographiques. Nos valeurs: Le développement réalisé tout au long de ces années aussi bien au niveau des investissements qu’au niveau de performances est le signe de la bonne santé de notre entreprise. L’essor escompté à travers les réalisations futures et la taille projetée feront certainement de la RADEM l’entreprise la plus importante dans son secteur d’activité et par là-même le modèle à suivre. Les autres activités de la Régie connaissent également des niveaux de performances assez remarquables, chacune dans son domaine, maniant habilement l’équilibre entre l’ambition, la sérénité, la sécurité et surtout l’enthousiasme. Ces évolutions n’ont certes pu se concrétiser sans la volonté inébranlable du top management qui sait surmonter les difficultés tout en conjuguant les compétences individuelles et collectives. Conscient des défis majeurs à venir, le management a toujours privilégié la mise en place et l’application des valeurs de bonne gestion: responsabilité et réalisation de soi; travail d’équipe et solidarité; enthousiasme et satisfaction des clients; profitabilité et respect de l’environnement. Autant de valeurs qui ont milité pour la réussite de nos projets, autant de valeurs qui renforcent notre Régie.
Concours de Recrutement RADEM 2022 (27 Postes)
La Régie Autonome de Distribution d’Eau et d’Electricité de Meknès RADEM organise un concours pour le recrutement de 27 postes répartis comme suit: (10) Agents d’Exécution. (12) Techniciens Spécialisés. (5) Cadres et Ingénieurs. (10) Agents d’Exécution
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(12) Techniciens Spécialisés
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(5) Cadres et Ingénieurs
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Le dossier de candidature doit être envoyé par courrier postal sous pli fermé en signalant sur l’enveloppe la référence du poste, au plus tard le 27 Juillet 2022 (le cachet de la poste faisant foi) à l’adresse suivante: Recrutement RADEM 2022 BRAIN MANAGEMENT 63 Boulevard Anfa Angle Rue Washington Résidence Al Said 7ème Etage Casablanca - Les dossiers incomplets ou parvenus après le délai susmentionné ne seront pas pris en considération de même que les demandes envoyées par email ou fax. - Les candidats remplissant les conditions requises seront convoqués pour passer un concours écrit. - Les meilleurs candidats retenus à l’écrit seront convoqués pour subir un entretien oral. - Les dates et lieux des concours seront communiqués ultérieurement. Read the full article
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crypticarchivist · 3 months
Little PSA:
If a bunch of terfs and “lgb alliance” types are flocking around a post, just block them. They want attention. They’re not going to listen, they’re just gonna keep saying stuff about the lgbtq+ community that’s completely fucking made up to support their own biases.
So just go into the reblogs and block every single fucker who tries to push that ridiculous transphobic, aphobic bullshit. It will be leagues better for your mental health they’re not there to be convinced they’re just there to bully people.
Don’t give them your time. Do something that makes you happy instead.
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anticomphet · 1 year
i think a lot more trans activists would be open to gender critical ideas if they saw that we are not advocating for gender roles in the slightest. like we believe biological sex is material reality and the ONLY thing that matters sex-wise, but you can act in literally any way you want. nobody should be limited to anything or any way of expressing themselves
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takasgf · 7 months
ik i dont talk about ishi often anymore but seeing other ships with him still causes me terrible distress and they feel like an absolute insult to my entire existence. explodes them with laser eyes
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rahmamustafa99 · 5 months
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Radem (2001) / فيلم وثائقي ردم
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marimelwrites · 4 months
🌿🍒 for Radem? 👀
From this Christmas prompt meme here!
With the holidays giving Adem a brief break from hockey, he was happy to be away from the ice for a slight reset. On this occasion, he found himself at a party full of hockey players from various teams, including his brother. Not wanting to be stuck at a party like this without decent company, he had managed to drag Riley along. Somewhere in the chaos of people drinking and letting loose, he had managed to lose Riley. No doubt, Taner had stolen her, not caring the least that she was there to keep Adem company. It there was one person he didn't have to worry about her being around, it was his brother. He knew that she would be in good hands all the same.
When he did find her, standing in a hall all alone, Adem let out a sigh of relief. "Finally, some company that won't require me to talk about hockey." No matter how much Adem loved the sport, he wants a break where he wouldn't have to discuss it. "I was looking for you everywhere, and was beginning to think Taner helped sneak you out of here, or something," he teased while coming to a stop before her.
His eyes caught sight of something hanging above them, only taking a moment to realize that it was mistletoe. The irony of their situation wasn't lost on him. Here he was, under mistletoe, with the woman he had been in love with since they'd been young. When his gaze returned to her, he pointed up slightly. "Mistletoe..."
It was a split second decision, but before he could change his mind and talk himself out of it, his arm shot out, slipping around her to draw her toward him and his lips landed on hers. It wasn't a small peck, even if he'd intended that to start, soon he found himself kissing her gently, slowly, savoring the moment and not wanting this one moment to end, but knowing it had to. He committed everything in those precious seconds to memory.
The moment was gone before he knew it, pulling away slowly to find his gaze landing on her face. "It's tradition, after all, isn't it?" Adem offered her a smile, an attempt at hiding his feelings the best he could. "I could ask you why you're standing under this. Makes me wonder who you were trying to catch." Once again he tried to keep his tone light and teasing. Holding a hand out to her, "Wanna rejoin the party? Or do you wanna slip away and get out of here? Because, in case you're wondering, I'm starving right now for more than little finger foods."
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mikoo00 · 7 months
Pije trzecią kawę wypiłem fantę wyżyłem pół paczki gum Powinienem jutro wysrać co dziś zerzarłem
Zrobie sobie listę to do ( w glowie bo nie chce mi się pisać XDD) Bo ostatnio nie mam jakiś większych projektów nad którymi bym pracował parę dni, więc muszę coś wykminić
Mam jedną ramkę i pasowałoby coś narysować mam pomysł co ale nie wiem jak XD
Mam też plastikową czaszkę i myślę czy by nie okleić ją gliną, żeby służyła jako pojemnik na moje ołówki
Powieszę cześć obrazków, które mam Planuje zrobić oddzielnie różne sekcje Vinatge, druga goth randomowa i trzecia to plakaty
Kiedyś gdy będę miał jakieś ozdoby to odnowie półkę z garażu i sobie przywiesze już wiem nawet gdzie
Ma padać jutro więc mam nadzieję że będzie fajny klimacik co mnie zmotywuje do produktywnego spędzenia czasu
Póki co oglądam jakieś filmiki o medycynie Wiedzieliście, że robili pasty do zębów z radem? Wiedziałem, że do czegoś dawali ale ta lista w chuj długa jest Pojebane czasy
Jeszcze żeby reklamować lekarstwa robili teatrzyki jakieś i se jeździli, mówiąc,, Tak tak jestem lekarzem a o to pacjent, który brał moje lekarstwo( które w składzie miało alko opium i jakiś inny syf) ,, tak bralem działało" *klask klask klask*
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predispusalascandal · 2 years
știu ca noua ne place sa radem de leacurile băbești dar când eu va spun ca am luat tantum 3 zile și nimic și apoi îmi zice bunica sa rad niște cartof, sa îl dau prin spirt, să-l infasor într-o cârpă și să-l leg la gat și apoi îmi trece imediat gatul eu cred ca regresam ca societate
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pinkradfem · 1 year
Men sympathise with a father who murdered his wife in custody battle revenge
Look at these comments. None of them condemning the killer. All of them talking about the "monster" society creates. All of them talking about how the courts never side with men. None of them sympathising with fhe woman slain by a selfish man in a cruel act of revenge.
One comment even saying that if this happened more often, men would be taken more seriously.
Daily reminder that men want you dead.
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dragynkeep · 2 years
Everytime you come across a radem or one comes to you, you should respond with it's raining men gifs and celebrate all the free dick you're getting just to piss them off
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magda9836372819 · 6 days
28 maja jade na wycieczke
a radem z tym idzie aquapark
przed chwila sie objadlam
nie schudne.
jutro nic nie jem, nie moge
musze schudnac.
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jarwoski · 17 days
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shakil244 · 3 months
Thanks to AI's ability to read, you have gained more high-end skills for nothing
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With the rapid development of AI artificial intelligence technology, we can now combine a variety of AI tools to help us practice workplace skills and improve the efficiency of work and study. For example, in this article, the author shared several "how to play" AI tools. You might as well take a look.
I have been looking for a way HE Tuber to express myself and tell everyone that with the support of powerful AI, what will reward you in the future is no longer the ability to specialize in something, but how much knowledge you can "talk in general" .
My way of expressing this is particularly easy to get scolded, but what Dr. Lu Qi said is very subtle.
When I "played" with AI for two or three months, that is, in March this year, I felt the changes it might bring to everyone's learning and ability improvement in this dimension.
I am a second-hand programmer. Because I have briefly taught myself some front-end, JavaScript and Python, I can "write" some very simple script codes with the help of Baidu (writing = copying).
But once the copied code reports an error, or my needs are too complex and I can't find the code that can be copied, I can only stare.
With the advent of AI, this situation has completely changed. After I describe my requirements clearly to AI, it can help me realize the requirements in minutes, and it can also solve errors and the like.
1. AI+GitHub, become a “programmer”
I have a lot of great open source programs in my GitHub.
You may need to explain: GitHub is a program code sharing community. Developers around the world will upload their own code to the community for everyone to download and use. You can download the developer's source code and follow the documentation provided by TA (called RADEME in the community) to implement the program's functions.
However, a large part of the documentation for these powerful open source codes is written in English. For a "programmer" with two skills, it is too difficult to read English documents.
And their open source programs rarely use JavaScript and Python, which I know a little bit.
So these open source programs can only be collected by me, but have never been successfully run on my computer...
Later, after Claude supported uploading documents, my world was completely opened up!
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rahmamustafa99 · 5 months
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Radem (2001)
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"Sa radem impreuna"/racoltapetru6
Să râdem împreună
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