#purpose driven entrepreneur
billa-billa007 · 10 months
Are you being an Authentic Entrepreneur | Darryl Omar
Authenticity is the cornerstone of entrepreneurial success. Learn how to embrace vulnerability, embrace your strengths, and overcome challenges while staying true to yourself. Harness the power of authenticity to create a business that not only thrives financially but also makes a meaningful difference in the world
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kajmasterclass · 6 days
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cyberslvts · 10 months
SWEET TALKER || w.maximoff
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Summary: In the bustling city of New York, two ambitious entrepreneurs, Wanda Maximoff and Y/n L/N, have been fierce competitors in the industry of mechanical engineering. You and Wanda have been at each others throats fighting for the top spot. However, Your opinions on the Scarlet woman change after she approaches you one night with a business proposal.
Warnings: 18+ rivals to lovers, office romance, angst, smut, teasing, oral (r recieving), fingering (r recieving), marking/biting, little twist at the end (i love drama). Wrote this on my flight to Hawaii (teehee)
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader
WC: 6.1k
Part 2 | Part 3
The names Y/n L/n and Wanda Maximoff had become synonymous with power and dominance in the bustling streets of New York City.
Y/n L/n was the heir to the L/n family empire, a legacy that had its origins in the late 1950s. Back then, L/n technology had been at the forefront of demand, supplying the country with groundbreaking innovations. Their influence was so profound that buildings, schools, and billboards bore their name in honor. They became the embodiment of high society and untouchable success in America.
However, after the passing of Y/ns father, the company’s prestige and reputation went downhill. Soon L/n. Inc was buried by other up-incoming engineers with bigger ideas, faster solutions, and more efficient products. What was once America's most prestigious company was now a forgotten memory.
Until your twenty third birthday arrived, and your father's will stipulated that upon his passing, the empire would be handed over to the eldest L/n child.Taking charge of the company, you unleashed your unrelenting drive. For years, you had observed your father's tireless nights of work, and the dedication he poured into the company. His legacy became your purpose.
Growing up, your life revolved around your father's teachings and his pursuit of excellence. From a young age, he immersed you in the world of science and technology, and you soaked up knowledge like a sponge. As he explained the intricate molecular structure of vibranium, you sat in awe in your high chair, absorbing every word.
From that moment on, you were expected to be nothing short of a carbon copy of your brilliant father. Academics became your priority, and you quickly excelled in the math and science fields. However, this dedication came at a cost – you sacrificed social outings and events during high school, choosing instead to spend your time perfecting your craft and living up to your father's high standards. Long hours were spent hunched over a desk, diving deep into research and innovation. Now, with the responsibility of the company resting on your shoulders, you were determined not to let all your father's hard work go to waste. The thought of allowing untalented and entitled individuals to take over what was built with so much passion and dedication ignited a fierce determination within you.
After inheriting the company 10 years ago you immediately rose through the ranks and L/n. Inc was back on the tabloids as New York's top engineering company. Driven by a relentless ambition, you earned your place as a formidable figure in the engineering landscape. Your brilliant ideas along with your father's teachings allowed you to refine your technology and weapons to perfection. The demand for your products was through the roof and you made millions. High-paying investors from all around the world were coming to New York to see and buy your designs.
Your cold, focused, and reserved nature, along with your rapidly growing empire intimidated potential competitors, which gained you the respect and prestige you needed to uphold the company’s reputation.
You were unstoppable.
That was until Maximoff Industries.
Maximoff Industries was Sokovias most prominent and respected engineering company. Even though they were still relatively new to the field that didn’t stop them from breaking countless records and rising through the ranks Once they decided to relocate to New York. As expected they were quick to put a dent in your sales numbers.
At the heart of it all was Wanda Maximoff – a powerhouse of a woman, displaying a captivating aura that draws people in. While not as cold and detached as you, she maintains a level of professionalism that commands respect and admiration. Some might even describe her as friendly, with a warmth that contrasts the cool exterior of her competitor. But beneath her approachable demeanor lies an unwavering determination and a fierce desire to become the best engineering company the world has ever seen.
Thus, a rivalry was formed. The competition between both of your Companys was electric. Every Month either you or Wanda was ahead. You had your team work themselves until the brink of death coming up with new ideas that would outsell Maximoff Industries. The same trope echoed within Wanda's company, as her team matched your dedication step for step. Late nights and early mornings became the new reality as she dissected every aspect of your technology, searching for any imperfections. Anything she could use to break you down.
The rivalry between your companies intensified with each passing month, setting the business world abuzz with anticipation and excitement. Photos, articles, and Newspapers were being published every month detailing any upcoming projects or interactions you two had with each other. Whenever asked about anything Wanda related your responses were always the same.
“No comment”
“Would rather not say”
“I'm not allowed to say anything”
You always tried to stay out of the media as much as possible, you knew how everything was twisted or taken out of context in order to satisfy their audience. Wanda on the other hand couldn’t seem to get enough of the overwhelming attention. Always happy to give detailed responses to random interviewers on the street and pose for photographers, even though it was clear they were following her. She was basically their only outlet to you since she apparently had no filter when it came to the paparazzi.
“I heard she's working on a new type of AI device that's going to be used in search and rescue missions”
“Of course, we don’t hate each other! Just Friendly competition!”
“She's single, I think. But with her looks, who knows?”
Her latest interview sparked a plethora of theories among the people of New York, The press finding endless entertainment in your perceived connection. Were they secretly working together? Dating? Sleeping together?
Amidst all the success and recognition, there was one area that remained untouched – matters of the heart. Your relentless dedication to the company and your guarded demeanor left little room for personal connections. Love had always seemed like a distraction, and you found comfort in pouring your energy into your work, your empire, and your dreams.
You scoffed and rolled your eyes, throwing the open-faced magazine on your desk. This is exactly why you stayed out of the press. Once they found out one little snippet of information about you they would twist it around just to fuel their crazy theories. Now you would have to prepare yourself to be bombarded with flashing camera lights and microphones being shoved in your face all while you were just trying to get to your car.
Yet, compared to past allegations, a dating rumor was almost a relief. In October, you'd been accused of murdering your father to claim the business. Another scandal involved pregnancy after declining a drink at a New Year's Eve party. A dating rumor would likely fade within a week.A dating rumor was a piece of cake. You’d been accused of sleeping with a number of people in the past. It would blow over within a week.
Your eyes trained back on the magazine cover “A secret scandalous affair” followed by photos of you and Wanda. Your thumb found its way to your teeth as you leaned back in your big office chair with the magazine in your hand. Your interest starting to peak. At least this rumor was somewhat entertaining for you. Typically the people you were accused of sleeping with were past friends of your father, who were old, fat, or balding.
Amongst your hatred for Wanda, you couldn’t help but be captivated by her. Her beauty was undeniable. Your eyes gazed upon the photo in the magazine, it was a photoshoot Wanda had done for a sponsorship a few months ago. She wore a dark red suit that fit perfectly around her body, her hair cascaded past her shoulders as she gazed into the camera with a gentle smile. She was posing in the streets of Manhattan, surrounded by giant buildings that framed her gorgeous figure. pedestrians blurred in the background which only highlighted her powerful presence. Her bright green eyes stared right back at you as you continued to observe the photograph. Her arms, legs, nose, lips-
“What are you reading?”
You were startled out of your daze, quickly shutting the magazine and sitting up straight in your seat to see Natasha raising an eyebrow and giving you a confused look.
“Nothing. just these ridiculous magazines I keep getting sent” you replied, moving a stack of papers over the cover.
Natasha suspiciously observed your rather shaken-up demeanor as she was expecting your serious deadpan face when she walked in not you ogling at a photo of Wanda Maximoff “Ok. Well… just wanted to tell you the monthly report came back in and once again we are second to Maximoff, by 5 sales this time”
“What. Are you sure? The last time I checked…” Your focus trailed off as you began clicking through different files on your computer.
“I'm sure. It's that new drone she just released. Stark Industries just bought ten of them” Natasha's hands were now in her pockets, observing your worried yet focused expression which was glued to the screen of your computer. Natasha was the Vice president of L/N Inc. And you owed most of your success to the redhead. She was the backbone of the company and shared the same passions and desires as you.
Those weeks were it seemed like you were working yourself into a grave in order to meet upcoming deadlines, She was right by your side, writing notes, crunching numbers, filling out spreadsheets and even correcting the mistakes you rarely made. She kept all of your employees at the top of their game when you weren't there to bark orders at everyone, and you were almost positive you and the rest of the company would be a chaotic mess if it weren't for her.
“We need to move up the timeline for the AI robot release if we want to get ahead next month” Natasha was now in front of your desk handing you a blue folder “This is a new updated timeline for the project. I know it's faster than we planned but I think if we can get this AI out before September we have a chance at getting ahead of Maximoff for the October reports”
You sighed as you looked over the papers “Thank you, Nat. I really wouldn’t be able to do any of this without you”
She gave you a sympathetic nod before turning to exit your office. You felt the stress build in your stomach as you read over the new timeline. It was almost a month ahead of schedule, and you were still a third of the way from finishing the final project.
You were starting to get really sick of Wanda Maximoff.
The sounds of keyboard clacking and rustling papers were the only things heard in your large office tower, The building was eerily dark, the only light coming from the conference room on the 27th floor. Your back ached and your eyes felt heavy from hours of being hunched over your desk.
You finally decided to take a break, stretching your arms above your head and looking out the big glass windows that overlooked the city, only to be met with the darkness of night and speckles of light illuminating from other buildings. You blinked in surprise checking your watch. 1:46 am. Have you really been here that long?
You sighed and looked at the sprawled-out papers that almost covered the entire conference table, you decided to migrate down to the conference room since your tiny desk wasn’t big enough for this chaotic mess. The situation was growing more and more impossible with each passing minute. Despite brainstorming a multitude of strategies, the looming project deadline for September remained a stark reminder of your impending failure.
Frustration gnawed at you, a tempestuous emotion ignited by the mere thought of Wanda outperforming you in the upcoming monthly report.
Defeat was not an option. Sleep was a distant memory, and your social life had become a casualty of your unwavering commitment to your work. With a determined huff, you settled back into your seat, your brows furrowing as your eyes scanned the multitude of charts, graphs, and spreadsheets demanding your attention. The focus of your thoughts was abruptly interupted by a gentle knock, followed by the slow creaking of your office door.
“Natasha. I already told you I would be staying late” you spoke without looking up from the documents in your hand.
A melodious chuckle filled the air, accompanied by a voice you weren't expecting. “You know, you've been holed up in this tower for so long, I'm starting to think you're avoiding me.
Your gaze immediately shot up once you recognized the sultry voice you had become all to familiar with. There she stood, Wanda Maximoff in all her glory. She wore a loose dark red blouse, tucked into her long black slacks. She must have come straight from her office.
“How did you get in here?” you abandoned the papers, your focus now being shifted to the tall redhead standing in the middle of your conference room.
“Micheal let me in, told him I had important business to discuss with Miss L/N” she replied, removing a hand from her pocket to hold up a day pass badge she must have received from the janitor.
“Well, it looks like I will have to talk to Micheal about letting strangers into the building in the middle of the night” You were beginning to get more frustrated, you had enough to deal with as it is.
“Strangers? Please. me and you both know were obsessed with each other” she said with a cocky tone, only fueling the burning fire in your stomach. She was right of course. The rivalry between you and Wanda was more than just professional competition; it was an obsession that fueled both of your careers. you couldn't count the endless nights you spent researching the Scarlett woman, Watching every interview you could find of her, reading every article. Trying to find any source of information you could use to take her down.
Wanda, too, was caught up in the same game. But unlike her, you were a master at guarding your private life, granting only a glimpse into your world through one or two interviews or photographs a month – sometimes three, if the mood struck you. You were excellent at avoiding the paparazzi, a talent wanda was not fond of. She craved to know the person that was always at the front of her mind, the person that had occupied almost all of her thoughts for the past 5 years. The secrecy of Y/n L/N ignited a flame of curiosity and desire inside her. Even though your office buildings were only 2 blocks from each other, she felt like you were on an entirely different planet.
Your rivalry had become a dance of fascination, a battle not only for success in the business world but also for the chance to understand the person behind the titles and achievements. The world may see you as rivals, but deep down, you both knew that there was something more.
“Don't flatter yourself” you spoke while rolling your eyes your patience was getting thinner and the smirk on Wanda's face was not helping. “What do you want wanda? why are you here”
“I wanted to see how you were,” she said, the sincerity evident in her words, this was true. The demands of your rapidly growing empire caused you to withdraw from the outside world. You had been locked away in your office day and night, immersed in your work. You were going out less and less, missing out on the countless business events where Wanda had the privilege of catching a glimpse of you.
Although she grew accustomed to only seeing your presence once and a while at board meetings, exclusive events, or walking through the streets of New York, she was beginning to get frustrated. And a little worried about your growing absence.
You scoffed “Im fine, thank you” turning your attention back to your work, Picking up your abandoned papers and tapping them against the desk to shape them into a neat pile “Now as you can see I am very busy, so if there is nothing else I can help you wi-”
“I have a business proposal for you” she confidently spoke, meeting your cold stare, watching your face briefly contort into confusion before returning back to your usual cold stare.
You narrowed your eyes at her, inspecting her face for any traces of sarcasm. To your surprise you found none. “What are you talking about?”
She watched as you raised a hand to move your reading glasses to the top of your head. Her eyes glossed over at the sight of your hair pushed back, exposing more of your beautiful face.
“Im sure you've heard of stark industries” Wanda spoke, you shifted, of course, you had heard of stark industries.No one had heard of Tony Stark until last year. Within his first year, he had already broken twice as many records as you did when you were first starting out and had already risen to the number four spot in the country. Uncomfortably close to your rank. Your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Wanda's heels clacking on the floor as she made her war closer to you. Now Standing just a few feet from you “He offered me a partnership deal.”
Your face fell and your body froze. This was not good. If Tony and wanda were to partner up, that would be it for you. Panic started to bubble in the pit of your stomach. this news put a crack in the facade you were desperately trying to uphold. Wanda seemed to be enjoying herself watching your serious and cold demeanor crumble in a matter of seconds. “But I turned it down”
“What?” You blinked, making sure you heard her correctly “Have you lost your mind? What could have possibly possessed you to make such a stupid decision.” of course you were immensely relieved that she had declined the offer, however, you couldn't stop the frustration at wanda for turning down such a rare opportunity, An opportunity you would have killed to have. “If you came here just to rub this in my face-”
“I think you and I should partner up”
You were once again at a loss for words. Wanda stepped forward to take a seat closest to you. On one of the many large black swivel chairs in the conference room. “I want you. y/n.” You felt yourself heat up at her choice of words. “Tony's proposal got me thinking. You and I have been the owners of the 2 most successful engineering companies for almost a decade now. I've seen what you're capable of, Y/n. Your innovative ideas, and your dedication to your team, it's admirable. And I can't help but wonder what we could achieve together." Wanda continued, her voice gentle yet confident.
Your heart pounded in your chest as her words sunk in. Joining forces? You never thought you'd hear those words coming from Wanda's lips. The tension between your companies had always been palpable, and yet here she was, proposing a partnership
The conference room seemed to fade away as you considered her proposal. Working together with Wanda would undoubtedly be challenging, but the potential for greatness was undeniable. The combined expertise, resources, and talent of your two companies could create an engineering powerhouse, one that could outshine any new competition that arose.
As you took a moment to gather your thoughts, Wanda leaned in closer, her hand moving to rest on your knee "Think about it, y/n. I believe we could not only dominate the market but also push the boundaries of what's possible in engineering."
You narrowed your eyes at the woman sitting in front of you “Wanda, where is all of this coming from? you and I have been at each other throats for the past five years and now all the sudden you want to work together?”
Wanda's demeanor shifted, her eyes pierced straight into yours as she leaned forward to take one of your hands in her own. Her touch sent a jolt of electricity through you, and you couldn't ignore the rush of emotions welling up inside.
“Y/N. you are truly brilliant. Your designs are impeccable and You have an undeniable talent that I have been trying to replicate for years.” her hold on your hand tightened. You fell speechless at this confession. A sudden warmth spread throughout your chest. You searched Wanda's eyes for any trace of dishonesty but were only met with a look of raw truth. “Aren't you tired of fighting? wouldn't it feel good to build something great together”
You fell silent as your brain tried to formulate a response. You really weren't expecting this “There's no way it would work, we hate each other”
Wandas eyes softened “Oh, baby, I could never hate you” she spoke, and you felt something twist inside you at her sudden use of a pet name. “sure your constant desire to be better than me gets on my nerves from time to time. But hate? Never.” the sincerity in her words brought a sense of relief and curiosity to you.
The proximity between the two of you was getting thinner. Wanda was now so close your knees were touching and the smell of her expensive perfume flooded your senses.
“Do you want to know what I think” Wanda questioned with a slight smirk on her lips. You hummed in response, the lids of your eyes relaxing as your mind focused on observing the features of her face. “I don't think you hate me as much as you say you do”
“And what makes you say that” You leaned in closer
Wanda's eyes went up and down your body taking in the lovely sight of your slightly exposed cleavage, having undone the first few buttons before she arrived. “I think you want me, and that frustrates you” There was a beat of silence before you responded.
“That's ridiculous” You slightly pulled away, turning your head to avoid her burning gaze. Wanda only moved in closer, putting a hand on your thigh “Oh no I don't think it is. I think deep down, you crave for me as much as I crave you.” you clenched your jaw in embarrassment, your face felt like it was on fire.
Suddenly, She stood up, her hands moving to place themselves on the arms of your chair, hovering over you, enveloping you in her presence. “Truth is, you make me so angry y/n” You turned to look up at Wanda.
“I've thought about you almost every day for the past 5 years. I've thought about every possible way I could breakdown those walls you set up, find any crack just so I could see who you really are.” you felt the ends of her long hair brush against the apples of your cheeks, leaning down further to rest her knee right in between you thighs, pushing your back further into the chair.
“I don't like how I can’t get to you, I hate how you shut me out.” Wanda brought a hand to your chin, angling your face upwards to stare right back into her emerald eyes. “I hate that I can't have you.”
your eyes softened, reaching out to place a hand on the soft skin of her cheek. despite all the chaos that was you and Wanda, you felt a sense of sorrow illuminating from her. You couldn't help the tug you felt in your heart.
Her knee between your thighs sent a shiver down your spine, and you could feel the heat between you intensifying. The moment was electric, and the air seemed charged with unspoken desires. As she held your chin, her thumb gently caressing your cheek, you could see the raw emotion in her eyes, and it mirrored your own.
“Trust me, Wanda, I've always been yours,” you think in some twisted way it was true. You had practically built your empire on the dedication of her. You knew every detail about her, from the way her nose scrunched when she laughed, to the shimmer she got in her eyes just before she was about to tell a joke. You had invasively studied her for 5 long years. You went to bed dreaming of fiery red hair and woke up thinking about sea-green eyes. no other person had your attention like Wanda did.
Wanda's eyes darkened, her gaze moving down towards your lips. You felt all of the tension from the past 5 years building up in the room. What was about to happen was inevitable. You and Wanda both knew it.
Finally, Wanda leaned down to press her lips against yours, she started off slow, basking in the softness of your lips. As the kiss deepened, a sense of urgency overcame you both, and you could feel the walls that once separated you crumble.
Without a second thought, Wanda effortlessly lifted you off your chair and onto the desk. The sensation of being hoisted up caused you to gasp, to which Wanda took the opportunity to slide her tongue into your mouth. Wanda's arms held you securely as you instinctively wrapped your legs around her waist. You moaned when you felt the hard metal of her belt press against your clothed pussy.
You suddenly pulled back, Wanda furrowed her eyebrows and tried to chase after your lips, “Wanda. You know if we do this…things will change” you breathlessly spoke, your tone laced with caution but also lust.
“Yeah. Yeah. I know” Wanda quickly responded, attempting to reconnect your lips.
You put a hand on her chest, stopping her from devouring you “Things could get messy… and complicated”
All of a sudden, Wanda pushed you so your back laid flat against the mess of papers, your legs dangling off the edge of the desk. Using one hand she grabbed both of your wrists, pinning them above your head. You gasped, your heart pounding in your chest as she held you firmly against the desk “Y/n. I know. Trust me, I have thought about this a lot.”
You didn't have a chance to respond before Wanda smashed her lips back into yours, she used her other hand to run up the side of your thigh, pushing your skirt up to your hips. She moved her lips down to the edge of your jaw and then your neck. “Your so perfect” she mumbled against the soft skin of your neck.
Her fingers worked to undo the buttons of your blouse, practically ripping it from your body and tossing it to the side. Her mouth returned to your body, her teeth nipping at your collarbones as she moves her hand underneath you to unhook your bra.
You couldn't help but moan out when her mouth enclosed around one of your hardened nipples. With her hand still binding your wrists above your head you could only arch up your chest further into her mouth, letting out a pleasure-filled groan when she used her other hand to pinch a roll your other nipple between her fingers.
“You don't know how long I have been waiting to see you like this.” She groaned into your chest, Sending vibrations into your skin.
She finally let go of your wrists bringing her hand down to cup your pussy, now able to freely use your hands you tangled them in the mess of red hair that was splayed all over your chest.
Using her fingers she swiftly moved your panties to the side.
Wanda almost lost it when she pressed her hand against your pussy, feeling your wetness coat her fingertips. Her fingers ran up and down your slit, before she slipped them inside you, curling them right against your sweet spot.
“Fuck, Wanda” you harshly bit your lip, throwing your head back onto the desk. Wanda's fingers continued to pump in and out of you, setting a perfect rhythmic pace. You struggled to stifle the moans that threatened to escape, desperately attempting to hold onto any sense of dignity you had left amidst the overwhelming pleasure. However, It became clear that Wanda was determined to unravel you completely at this very moment.
“No, don't, I need to hear you.” Wanda breathlessly begged, momentarily pausing her fingers, causing you to let out a whine and buck your hips up to move her fingers deeper inside you. Surrendering, You moved your hand from your mouth, and as a reward she resumed her fingers, this time using her thumb to circle your clit. You were beginning to lose yourself in her, your senses becoming overwhelmed with Wanda. You wanted this feeling to last forever, to savor the feeling of her inside you.
Your moans were begining to get louder, Your jaw went slack against the side of her face as she continued to pump her fingers in and out of you at a ridiculous pace.
Wanda watched in pure adoration, your gorgeous face contorting in pleasure, your hips jumping up in fits to meet her hand, A rush of pride swelled up inside of her, knowing she could get this reaction out of you. y/n l/n. The daunting woman feared by half of the engineering industry. The same woman whom others could only dream of catching a mere glimpse of was now falling apart underneath her. Wanda couldn't help but want to be the only person who saw you in this intimate way. The thought of being the one who could unravel the layers of the formidable y/n l/n ignited a fiery wave of possessiveness within her.
“You're doing so good, baby” Wanda praised, returning her lips to your neck where she sunk her teeth into the softness of your skin and began to suck. Your eyes suddenly shot open and tugged on her hair causing Wanda to let out a groan, vibrating into your skin.
“Wanda don't, people will see” You were panting at this point, you could feel your orgasm building, the coil in your stomach threatening to snap at any given moment.
“I want them to see, I want everybody to know that you are mine.” her tone was assertive and dominating, her mouth never left the skin of your neck where she left behind deep red marks that you were sure would ache in the morning.
Her sudden possessiveness made you throb. A thrilling wave of desire surged through your body. Everything about Wanda was undeniably intoxicating – her confidence, her intelligence, the way she held herself with such magnetic allure. The way she looked at you with those intense, emerald eyes, the way her hands traced tenderly over your skin and the way she claimed you as hers ignited a primal response within you.
You surrendered to her, throwing your head back to give her complete access to you. her fingers just felt so good and her soft lips attacking your neck sent electric jolts throughout your body.
“God, fuck, wanda im gonna cum”
“Yeah? gonna be a good girl and make a mess all over my fingers?” Wandas fingers moved faster in you, her thumb moved to put more pressure on your clit, encouraging you to reach your climax. You buried your face in the crook of Wandas neck, biting into her shoulder as you fell into your orgasm, shaking and writhing against Wanda's tight hold.
“That's it, baby, keep going” wanda was moaning into your ear, feeling your wet walls tense and spasm around her fingers.
Wanda slowed down the pace of her fingers, letting you ride out the aftershocks of your orgasm before gently pulling them out of you.
She placed soothing kisses over the bruises she had created on your neck, she kissed her way up your body until she met your lips. You sighed into the gentle feel of her lips against yours, basking in the feeling of your post-orgasmic glow.
“Are you alright?”
“Yes, more than alright” you giggled, wanda smiled against your lips, holding your body flush against her. She pulled back to take in the sight of you. Your lips were swollen and red, a beautiful blush adorned your cheeks, and your chest was rising and falling with every heavy breath you took in. Your hair, which was now nothing more than a disheveled mess, cascaded past your shoulders, framing your face in a captivating way.
“Absolutely gorgeous” she breathed out. Her admiration evident in her voice
But before you could fully revel in the moment, your intimate bubble was abruptly burst by a loud knock on the door of the conference room. Both you and Wanda shot up, eyes wide with panic rising in you.
“Miss L/N, are you still in there? I need to vacuum before I head out for the night.” You immediately recognized the voice as the company's janitor Micheal—the one who had triggered the events of the night by letting Wanda into the building.
“Yes, Michael! I'll be out in a second!" Your voice came out slightly higher than normal as you swiftly pushed Wanda away, hastily pulling your skirt back down to your knees and frantically searching for your discarded top. Your heart raced with a mix of excitement and anxiety, trying to regain your composure as the interruption jolted you back to reality.
Wanda, seemingly amused by your frazzled state, observed you with a playful glint in her eye. You felt a rush of vulnerability as you ran around the room, both arms instinctively covering your chest to shield yourself from Wanda's piercing gaze.
As you searched for your top, she reached for the silk blouse that had been resting on the head of a swivel chair and offered it to you. You reached out to take it, but just as your fingers brushed against the fabric, Wanda pulled her arm back, causing you to stumble and fall into her embrace. She held you close, wrapping an arm around your waist to steady you. In the closeness of the moment, her words rang in your ears, reminding you of the business proposal she had made earlier.
"I want you to consider my offer, y/n," she whispered softly, her breath tickling your ear. "I meant what I said before. I truly believe we could achieve great things together."
The wave of embarrassment mixed with the excitement of the moment as you tried to cover up your exposed front from Wanda's lingering gaze. “I will. But can we please discuss this later?”
Wanda gave you a satisfied grin, handing you your shirt before stepping away to give you some privacy. As you swiftly turned around, you threw your shirt over your shoulders to cover the exposed skin of your back, and your fingers worked to fasten the buttons of your blouse. She observed you for a moment, taking in the sight of you as you composed yourself.
Deciding to take her leave, Wanda's heels clacked against the floor as she headed towards the exit of the conference room. However, with your back turned, you didn't notice her discreetly slipping a little red folder under her arm.
Unbeknownst to you, that folder contained the new timeline for the AI release, a pivotal piece of information that could shape the future of your company. In the midst of the intimate encounter, Wanda had managed to seize an opportunity to further her goals, using the moment to her advantage.
As she made her exit, a mischievous glint danced in her eyes, knowing that she had just played her cards strategically. The rivalry between your companies still burned fiercely, and she wasn't about to let the opportunity slip through her fingers. With the information concealed in that little red folder, Wanda was one step closer to gaining an edge in the competitive race.
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astrocafecoffee · 3 days
Groom Persona chart Observation ✨
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✨ For entertainment purposes only, enjoy ✨
💖 1st house stellium in GPC means your fs maybe someone who is noticeable and stands out in social situations.
💖 5th house stellium in GPC means your fs could be an artist, musician, writer.
💖 7th house stellium in GPC means your fs could be attractive and socially adept, drawing others to them with their magnetic personality and charisma.
💖 Union (1585) in 1st house meaning meeting your fa while attending social events, gatherings, or parties where you can connect with new people/ professional connection/ shared interest.
💖 Union in 3rd house means you can meet your fs during short journeys or travels close to home.
💖 Union in 8th house means you may meet your fs in context where there is a shared investment and mutual dependency, such as through work, joint projects or shared social circles.
💖 Juno in Capricorn means your fs is known for their ambitious and goal oriented nature. They may be highly driven and motivated to achieve success in thier career, personal goals and relationships./ Could be famous too .
💖 Juno in Sagittarius means they can be a foreigner, philosophical and open minded.
💖 Juno in Taurus means your fs may prioritise creating a stable and secure home environment and may value financial stability within the relationship.
💖 Juno in leo means your fs may be confident, outgoing and enjoy being the center of the attention in social settings., Creative, generous, romantic.
💖 sun in 11th house means your fs is likely to possess a charismatic and Magnetic personality within their social circles ,may value friendship highly and their social network may play a significant role in shaping their identity and opportunities.
💖 Sun in 12th house means your fs may be introspective and contemplative with a rich inner world that is not always readily apparent to others.
💖 sun in 6th house means your fs may prefer predictable schedules and organized workflows that allows them to efficiently manage their time and responsibilities., Possess strong problem solving skills and an analytical mindset.
💖 Juno / groom/ Venus in Sagittarius or 21°/9° or in Aquarius or in 9th /12th house means a Foreign spouse.
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💖 Venus in 5th - creativity, music/ art , your fs may have a strong desire for children or a nurturing instinct towards family life.
💖 Venus in 10th house - ambitious, successful, well liked , respected spouse.
💖 Fama in 1st / 7th house - could be famous spouse.
💖 POF in 4th house - fs may have a deep connection to their cultural background or family traditions., May have interest in real estate or property related work.
💖 leo rising means your fs may have a strong desire for recognition and appreciation.may carry themselves with Grace and poise projecting on air of authority and nobility.
💖 Virgo rising -Fs may be modest and humble , health conscious, possess a discerning eye and critical mind.
💖 Scorpio rising - fs may have mysterious allure and a penetrating gaze that leaves a lasting impression on those the encounter, have a rich inner world with complex emotions that run Deep.
💖 industria(389) in 3rd house - your fs career-
musicians, blogger, public relations, possess creative ideas, small business owner.
💖 industria in Libra - your fs career may be something with public relations or marketing, art or design, legal advocacy, or event planning.
💖 industria in Aquarius - you fs may be in technology or IT specialist, social activism , scientist or researcher, humanitarian work or international development.
💖 industria in Pisces - creative arts , healing arts , oceanography or marine conservation, healing arts , charity work.
💖 Industria in Aries - entrepreneur, may thrive in leadership roles , sales , marketing, or sports management.
💖 industria in Taurus - financial sector, buisness ownership, agriculture, horticulture, real estate, painting, sculpting or in music composition.
💖 industria in cancer -
Hospitality, home based business, psychotherapist, food blogger, art therapy.
💖 industria in gemini - social media influencer, journalist, writer, teaching profession, tour guide , hotel manager.
💖 industria in Scorpio -
- psychology and counseling, detectives, private investigator, forensic scientist ,holistic/ energy healer.
💖 Industria in Virgo - doctor, nurse , scientist, data analyst, , office manager, project coordinator, teachers, or instructors.
💖 industria in leo - actors , musicians, artist, brand ambassador, publicist, marketing manager.
💖 industria in Sagittarius - professors , researchers, journalist, media, philanthropy or in social justice advocacy.
💖 industria in Capricorn -
Buisness and management, politician, policy advisors , civil servants, lawyers, engineering, architect, judges.
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💖 Northnode in 7th house suggests that your relationship with your fs may have karmic significance., Soulmate placement.
💖 Northnode in 3rd house means your fs may play a significant role in facilitating your growth and development in the areas of communication, intellect and learning.
💖 Karma conjunct ascendent/ descendant - karmic relationship.
💖 your fs may share similar placement like your groom pc. Example - if your sun in Aries in GPC, they could have sun in their 1st house or at 1°,13° or 25°.
💖 Groom conjunct vertex - fated/ predestined encounter with fs. They may have a profound impact on your life and personal growth. they may serve as a catalyst for important experiences, growth opportunities and transfermetive changes is in your life .your relationship with them maybe characterised by depth, intensity and sense of spiritual or emotional connection.
💖 Groom conjunct Venus -
The conjunction of groom and Venus indicates are strong attraction between you and your fs. there may be a magnetic pull or chemistry that draws you together, fueling feelings of romance ,passion and desire. your FS may possess qualities that you find irresistibly attractive both physically and emotionally.
💖 your fs may be drawn to individuals who embody the qualities associated with the seventh House lord for example-
* if the 7th house lord is sun then your fs may be attracted to individuals who support their ambitions, encourage their creativity and contribute positively to their self expression. they may be drawn to partners who are confident, self assured and have a strong sense of individuality.
* if 7th house lord is moon - your fs desires a partner who can meet there emotional needs and provide a sense of comfort and belonging. they are drawn to individuals who are empathetic, nurturing and emotionally supportive. emotional intimacy is a priority for them in the relationship.
* if the 7th house lord is Venus -
Your FS values relationships highly and seeks harmonious and loving partnership. they may prioritise finding a romantic partner who complements their own sense of beauty and aesthetics. partnership is Central to their sense of fulfillment and happiness.
* if the 7th house lord is mercury - your fs places a high value on mental simulation and intellectual compatibility in the relationships. they seek a partner who can engage them in stimulating conversations and share their interest and ideas.
*if the 7th house lord is mars - your fs may seek a partner who can match their level of energy and enthusiasm and they may be drawn to firey and spirited individuals. they thrive on excitement and adventure in their relationships.
* if the 7th house lord is saturn - your fs value tradition and stability in relationships. they may have traditional views on marriage and may seek partners who share their values and commitment to building a secured and enduring Union.
* if the 7th house lord is Jupiter - your fs seeks meaningful and enriching connections in their relationships. they may be drawn to partners who share their values and aspirations who can inspired them to expand their horizons and pursue their goals with confidence.
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Thanks for reading ~💫
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sunshinesmebdy · 5 months
Pluto in Aquarius: Brace for a Business Revolution (and How to Ride the Wave)
The Aquarian Revolution
Get ready, entrepreneurs and financiers, because a seismic shift is coming. Pluto, the planet of transformation and upheaval, has just entered the progressive sign of Aquarius, marking the beginning of a 20-year period that will reshape the very fabric of business and finance. Buckle up, for this is not just a ripple – it's a tsunami of change. Imagine a future where collaboration trumps competition, sustainability dictates success, and technology liberates rather than isolates. Aquarius, the sign of innovation and humanitarianism, envisions just that. Expect to see:
Rise of social impact businesses
Profits won't be the sole motive anymore. Companies driven by ethical practices, environmental consciousness, and social good will gain traction. Aquarius is intrinsically linked to collective well-being and social justice. Under its influence, individuals will value purpose-driven ventures that address crucial societal issues. Pluto urges us to connect with our deeper selves and find meaning beyond material gains. This motivates individuals to pursue ventures that resonate with their personal values and make a difference in the world.
Examples of Social Impact Businesses
Sustainable energy companies: Focused on creating renewable energy solutions while empowering local communities.
Fair-trade businesses: Ensuring ethical practices and fair wages for producers, often in developing countries.
Social impact ventures: Addressing issues like poverty, education, and healthcare through innovative, community-driven approaches.
B corporations: Certified businesses that meet rigorous social and environmental standards, balancing profit with purpose.
Navigating the Pluto in Aquarius Landscape
Align your business with social impact: Analyze your core values and find ways to integrate them into your business model.
Invest in sustainable practices: Prioritize environmental and social responsibility throughout your operations.
Empower your employees: Foster a collaborative environment where everyone feels valued and contributes to the social impact mission.
Build strong community partnerships: Collaborate with organizations and communities that share your goals for positive change.
Embrace innovation and technology: Utilize technology to scale your impact and reach a wider audience.
Pluto in Aquarius presents a thrilling opportunity to redefine the purpose of business, moving beyond shareholder value and towards societal well-being. By aligning with the Aquarian spirit of innovation and collective action, social impact businesses can thrive in this transformative era, leaving a lasting legacy of positive change in the world.
Tech-driven disruption
AI, automation, and blockchain will revolutionize industries, from finance to healthcare. Be ready to adapt or risk getting left behind. Expect a focus on developing Artificial Intelligence with ethical considerations and a humanitarian heart, tackling issues like healthcare, climate change, and poverty alleviation. Immersive technologies will blur the lines between the physical and digital realms, transforming education, communication, and entertainment. Automation will reshape the job market, but also create opportunities for new, human-centered roles focused on creativity, innovation, and social impact.
Examples of Tech-Driven Disruption:
Decentralized social media platforms: User-owned networks fueled by blockchain technology, prioritizing privacy and community over corporate profits.
AI-powered healthcare solutions: Personalized medicine, virtual assistants for diagnostics, and AI-driven drug discovery.
VR/AR for education and training: Immersive learning experiences that transport students to different corners of the world or historical periods.
Automation with a human touch: Collaborative robots assisting in tasks while freeing up human potential for creative and leadership roles.
Navigating the Technological Tsunami:
Stay informed and adaptable: Embrace lifelong learning and upskilling to stay relevant in the evolving tech landscape.
Support ethical and sustainable tech: Choose tech products and services aligned with your values and prioritize privacy and social responsibility.
Focus on your human advantage: Cultivate creativity, critical thinking, and emotional intelligence to thrive in a world increasingly reliant on technology.
Advocate for responsible AI development: Join the conversation about ethical AI guidelines and ensure technology serves humanity's best interests.
Connect with your community: Collaborate with others to harness technology for positive change and address the potential challenges that come with rapid technological advancements.
Pluto in Aquarius represents a critical juncture in our relationship with technology. By embracing its disruptive potential and focusing on ethical development and collective benefit, we can unlock a future where technology empowers humanity and creates a more equitable and sustainable world. Remember, the choice is ours – will we be swept away by the technological tsunami or ride its wave towards a brighter future?
Decentralization and democratization
Power structures will shift, with employees demanding more autonomy and consumers seeking ownership through blockchain-based solutions. Traditional institutions, corporations, and even governments will face challenges as power shifts towards distributed networks and grassroots movements. Individuals will demand active involvement in decision-making processes, leading to increased transparency and accountability in all spheres. Property and resources will be seen as shared assets, managed sustainably and equitably within communities. This transition won't be without its bumps. We'll need to adapt existing legal frameworks, address digital divides, and foster collaboration to ensure everyone benefits from decentralization.
Examples of Decentralization and Democratization
Decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs): Self-governing online communities managing shared resources and projects through blockchain technology.
Community-owned renewable energy initiatives: Local cooperatives generating and distributing clean energy, empowering communities and reducing reliance on centralized grids.
Participatory budgeting platforms: Citizens directly allocate local government funds, ensuring public resources are used in line with community needs.
Decentralized finance (DeFi): Peer-to-peer lending and borrowing platforms, bypassing traditional banks and offering greater financial autonomy for individuals.
Harnessing the Power of the Tide:
Embrace collaborative models: Participate in co-ops, community projects, and initiatives that empower collective ownership and decision-making.
Support ethical technology: Advocate for blockchain platforms and applications that prioritize user privacy, security, and equitable access.
Develop your tech skills: Learn about blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and other decentralized technologies to navigate the future landscape.
Engage in your community: Participate in local decision-making processes, champion sustainable solutions, and build solidarity with others.
Stay informed and adaptable: Embrace lifelong learning and critical thinking to navigate the evolving social and economic landscape.
Pluto in Aquarius presents a unique opportunity to reimagine power structures, ownership models, and how we interact with each other. By embracing decentralization and democratization, we can create a future where individuals and communities thrive, fostering a more equitable and sustainable world for all. Remember, the power lies within our collective hands – let's use it wisely to shape a brighter future built on shared ownership, collaboration, and empowered communities.
Focus on collective prosperity
Universal basic income, resource sharing, and collaborative economic models may gain momentum. Aquarius prioritizes the good of the collective, advocating for equitable distribution of resources and opportunities. Expect a rise in social safety nets, universal basic income initiatives, and policies aimed at closing the wealth gap. Environmental health is intrinsically linked to collective prosperity. We'll see a focus on sustainable practices, green economies, and resource sharing to ensure a thriving planet for generations to come. Communities will come together to address social challenges like poverty, homelessness, and healthcare disparities, recognizing that individual success is interwoven with collective well-being. Collaborative consumption, resource sharing, and community-owned assets will gain traction, challenging traditional notions of ownership and fostering a sense of shared abundance.
Examples of Collective Prosperity in Action
Community-owned renewable energy projects: Sharing the benefits of clean energy production within communities, democratizing access and fostering environmental sustainability.
Cooperatives and worker-owned businesses: Sharing profits and decision-making within companies, leading to greater employee satisfaction and productivity.
Universal basic income initiatives: Providing individuals with a basic safety net, enabling them to pursue their passions and contribute to society in meaningful ways.
Resource sharing platforms: Platforms like carsharing or tool libraries minimizing individual ownership and maximizing resource utilization, fostering a sense of interconnectedness.
Navigating the Shift
Support social impact businesses: Choose businesses that prioritize ethical practices, environmental sustainability, and positive social impact.
Contribute to your community: Volunteer your time, skills, and resources to address local challenges and empower others.
Embrace collaboration: Seek opportunities to work together with others to create solutions for shared problems.
Redefine your own path to prosperity: Focus on activities that bring you personal fulfillment and contribute to the collective good.
Advocate for systemic change: Support policies and initiatives that promote social justice, environmental protection, and equitable distribution of resources.
Pluto in Aquarius offers a unique opportunity to reshape our definition of prosperity and build a future where everyone thrives. By embracing collective well-being, collaboration, and sustainable practices, we can create a world where abundance flows freely, enriching not just individuals, but the entire fabric of society. Remember, true prosperity lies not in what we hoard, but in what we share, and by working together, we can cultivate a future where everyone has the opportunity to flourish.
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rookieforlife · 2 years
Listen to this episode from We Can Do Hard Things with Glennon Doyle on Spotify. 
1. The moment Abby – as Christen’s USWNT roommate – walked into their hotel room and knew Christen was very different than any soccer player she’d ever known. 
2. The boundary that helps Christen love her people while protecting herself. 
3. Christen’s take on death and how to keep the people we’ve lost alive in our lives. 
4. How to show our people (including our little athletes) that we love them for who they are, not what they achieve. 
5. The day Christen knew she was ready to fight for – and win – pay equity for the US Women’s National Team. 
About Christen: Christen Press is a two-time World Cup Champion and Olympian, as well as a leading forward at Los Angeles Angel City FC. An entrepreneur and advocate for inclusivity, Christen, along with US Women’s National teammates – Megan Rapinoe, Tobin Heath, and Meghan Klingenberg – launched their company re—inc, a purpose-driven, global lifestyle brand. Christen was one of the key players leading the charge for the “Equal Play, Equal Pay” campaign to highlight the pay discrepancy between the women’s and men’s national teams, which led to the new CBA agreement – and to her role as Player Representative for the US Women's National Team Players Association. 
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yeeterthek33per · 2 years
So Glennon and Abby just released the We Can Do Hard things episode with Christen Press, so for those of you who have trouble listening to podcasts but love reading, here's a copy and paste of the transcript from the episode. Abby is in bold, glennon will be italics and christen will be both. (FYI, this took so fucking long because my phone hates me but all credits go to the We Can Do Hard Things Websites transcriptor.)
Abby Wambach:
Is she okay? What’s happening right now?
Glennon Doyle:
Because you had never seen anyone meditate before.
Abby Wambach:
Well, she was meditating.
Glennon Doyle:
Right, right, right, right. Obviously, yeah.
Abby Wambach:
And it was the first time I had seen somebody do that in real life, in the national team environment. So, I think I tried to be quiet.
Glennon Doyle:
Checked her pulse first.
Abby Wambach:
And that was impossible. So eventually, you came to and I think I probably asked you about it and was super curious, because I think I’ve always been very curious in that spiritual space. What happened next was actually quite interesting because it developed an intimidation. I was intimidated by you because you had this part in you that you were exploring that I wished that I could explore in myself.
Glennon Doyle:
Because she wasn’t asking you for advice.
Abby Wambach:
That’s right.
Glennon Doyle:
She was looking inside herself. That’s what drove you nuts.
Abby Wambach:
Glennon Doyle:
Did you know that you have always intimidated Abby Wambach?
Christen Press:
No, this is news to me. News to me. I have definitely startled quite a few roommates with my meditation practice, especially early on in the national team because I’m pretty quiet. So, I didn’t tell people I was going to meditate. They just found me that way. But this is news to me that I ever intimidated you because I quite certainly was going through the same thing on my end, but maybe for different reasons.
Abby Wambach:
Yeah. I just thought it was so cool for such a young kid to come into the environment like the national team and to actually do your own thing. It was super common for all of us, myself included, to just assimilate and just do whatever anybody else is doing and just try to do it harder and more. I just love that memory of you and it solidified this deep respect, even though people don’t understand this about the national team, we are close, but we’re also competing against each other for time on the field. And that time on the field has repercussions in lots of different ways.
Glennon Doyle:
Pod squad, just think about that. You’re hanging out with your best friends in a room and then somebody blows a whistle and it’s like everybody run and one of you have to win. Imagine.
Christen Press:
We don’t have to imagine, we lived that. I still live that.
Glennon Doyle:
It’s so wild. Okay, Christen Press is a two time World Cup champion and Olympian. I’m sorry, I’m just imagining racing all of my friends. As well as a leading forward at Los Angeles Angel City FC. An entrepreneur, an advocate for inclusivity, Christen, along with her US women’s national teammates, Megan Rapinoe, Tobin Heath and Megan Klingberg, launched their company re-inc, a purpose driven global lifestyle brand.
Glennon Doyle:
A leader, both on and off the field, Christen was one of the key players leading the charge for the equal play equal pay campaign, to highlight the pay discrepancy between the women’s and men’s national teams, which led to the new agreement and to her role as player representative for the US Women’s National Team Players Association. Christen Press welcome to We Can Do hard Things. You do a lot of hard things.
Christen Press:
Thank you for having me. I am so happy to be here and thanks for that very lovely introduction.
Glennon Doyle:
So Christen, you weren’t always just Spirit Spice, you used to be Stressy Spice.
Christen Press:
You know me.
Glennon Doyle:
Glennon Doyle:
In college you actually talked about being miserable playing soccer, that you used to cry on the field that you constantly felt like you weren’t good enough. Can you take us back to that time and talk to us about what playing soccer was like for you then?
Christen Press:
Yeah, I have so many thoughts from your story, Abby, just swirling in my head of where to begin. But to go back to the beginning, I grew up in Southern California, which is a hotbed for women’s soccer, in a very competitive family and I’m a middle child, so I was vying for the attention of my parents my whole life. And soccer was the way that I thought I was going to get that. And I think many people experience in sport, this idea that if you win a game, you’ll be satisfied, or if you score a goal, then your parents are going to be satisfied, or it’ll help their life, or their relationship. So, I think my introduction to sport was in a really quite toxic and quite pressure ridden environment, where I thought that my worth and my value was dependent on my performance.
Christen Press:
It’s the typical sports story. I think so many people go through that, but it didn’t work for me. It didn’t work for my wellbeing. It didn’t make my parents happy ultimately, but it also didn’t allow me to be my best. And so actually, the better I got, the worse it was for me and that was all the way through college. And through college, I saw some of my teammates start to make the national team. We obviously experienced this huge boom in women’s soccer, where it became really important and there was glory to be had. And so with that, the pressure of getting a scholarship and going to college, and scoring in college, the pressure got bigger and bigger. It was make the national team, be the best player. And so, the closer I got, the worse it was. That was my experience in college and I started seeing some of my teammates on the national team and I started to feel for the first time in my career that I wasn’t reaching those dreams, that I wasn’t able to be the best player, that I wasn’t getting that call up, and I was drowning in that.
Christen Press:
I think both my parents were so invested in my career that they began to drown in this idea of, I wouldn’t be happy unless I got there. And then I was feeling like they wouldn’t be happy unless I got there. And actually, this is how my meditation practice was born. My little sister also played up to college soccer and she had a lot harder of a time than I did, struggled with mental illness, hated soccer, got sick when she played, so much anxiety.
Christen Press:
So, in her own journey, she went to meditation to try to find a way to cope with the stresses of her life and started a meditation practice and then convinced our whole family we should all do it together. That’s how my family is. So, we all go to this guru to learn how to meditate.
Glennon Doyle:
No way.
Christen Press:
Yep, and now my sister’s a meditation instructor. So, this is her whole life. That’s when I found my meditation practice. And of course, so much applied to sport, the meditative nature of letting things go, letting thoughts come in and go out. It’s so applicable when you’re on the field, when you miss a shot, let it go and just training your brain to be focused. So, it was really applicable to me in a concrete way, but ultimately what happened is once I started to let go in a larger sense of these dreams, of these accolades, of these need to succeed, I started playing way better, and it was like a breath of fresh air.
Christen Press:
Also, at the same time, the women’s league that was then folded, so there was no place for me to play. I was out of college and I went to Sweden, where I was putting a huge distance between all of those expectations and all of the people who had expectations and me and those two things happened at the same time. Learned to meditate, started playing just for the love of it and gave up on my dream of making the national team, just said, “It’s never going to happen.” But the current coach for the national team was in Sweden and I was there for two months before I got my first call up. And so, in my mind, I always say it was the scenic route to the national team.
Glennon Doyle:
So, hold on a second. So pod squad, listen, she goes to Sweden. She’s like, “Screw it, league folded. So, I’m just going to go to Sweden and actually have joy playing and play … ” like you say, like no one’s watching. And the national team coach happened to be watching because she is Swedish.
Abby Wambach:
Glennon Doyle:
Holy crap. Okay, so then she calls you and is like, “Actually you are going to be on the national team. Surprise, surprise.” And you’re like, “Shit.”
Christen Press:
I wish it was all that easy. It was she called and said, “You have a snowball’s chance in hell of being on the national team, but you’re going to get a chance.” And what I was waiting for was that chance. And so, I think that’s the reason that when I came into the national team, I came with this determination to stay true to myself because I knew that the traditional competitive pressure, that type of culture of American sports, did not get me to the national team, so it wasn’t going to keep me on the national team.
Abby Wambach: 
Christen Press:
And so, it was actually quite hard socially because it’s easier when you fit in and when you follow, and as a young player being like, “I have to be me,” that put a divide between me and a lot of people off the field, but I knew it was what I had to do to be well and to be successful.
Glennon Doyle:
So, besides meditating, what are you talking about when you say I had to be true to myself and that causes divides?
Christen Press:
I think it was just overall approach to training, to what I thought made me tick, to putting myself in environments that were right for me, even if it made other people uncomfortable, like meditating in my room with a roommate, that’s actually quite uncomfortable. Doing my own recovery when the group was doing something else and me feeling like this worked. I actually remember Abby, I have a memory of you asking Lauren Cheney Holiday, who was my friend on the team, one of my first friends on the team. “Oh, does Christen just like being alone.” She told me that you said that because I was always off doing my own thing. And I think that that is what made me feel like I had to do that to be there. But then there was a little bit of dissonance between how I was behaving and what was expected for a new player on the team because I’m entering this group where everyone’s amazing and they’re at the top of their game and there’s so much to learn from them. And there was this little sense of, “Does she not think she needs to learn from us because she’s doing it her own way?”
Abby Wambach:
Yeah. I remember that, when I walked into the room and I saw you meditating, that was in and around the same time that I was reading Susan Cain’s book, Quiet, because Becky Sauerbrunn was also on the team and she’s this raging introvert and I couldn’t connect with her. I felt like me and her were oil and water and I was trying-
Glennon Doyle:
Like me and you, yeah.
Abby Wambach:
Yeah. Yes, it’s ironic, very ironic that I’ve married a raging introvert. But I just think that I hope you know, that what you did, was you freed so many other people to come into that environment and to feel a little bit, maybe not fully, but a little bit more confident in doing their thing. And so, you see some of these players expressing themselves in all the kinds of ways. I actually deeply believed Christen, that you were a really big revolutionary when it comes to that, because it’s so much harder to do what you did than to do what I did, where I just stepped in. I was like, “Okay, Mia Hamm, I’ll do whatever you want. How do you want me to jump? I’ll do it.”
Abby Wambach:
I just want you to know that there’s so much respect there. Even if there was a feeling of dissonance or disconnection at times, there was for me, at least I can speak for myself. I always respected the hell out of you for making that choice. Because I knew that it was a harder road, maybe a more lonely road too. So, I think it’s really amazing.
Glennon Doyle:
And it’s hopeful to all of us who are … So many times we talk on the podcast about how do we introvert sensitive people, Spirit Spices? How do we function inside of cultures that are so American, so cutthroat, and churning, and even capital … all of it, just … So Christen, I want to ask, you talk about how you were in a cycle when you were young about trying to impress your parents that you thought they’d never be happy unless you were great. They thought you wouldn’t be happy unless you were great. You talk about the pursuit of greatness that your family had. Do you believe in the pursuit of greatness and what are the downfalls of chasing greatness? Would that be a theme of your chosen … The family you have one day, would you choose chasing greatness as a family value?
Christen Press:
100%. But I think it depends on your definition of greatness, because I hear a little bit of your answer in your question.
Glennon Doyle:
The answer is no, so you’ve already failed.
Christen Press:
But I think for me, the pursuit of greatness, while it caused anxiety and stress, and it caused me to lose myself, it’s also what caused me to find myself again. And it pushed me out of my comfort level to be true to me and ultimately this old cliche, the journey’s the destination, but that’s only true if you’re trying to get somewhere and that’s for me, the pursuit of greatness. I can take my injury right now, where there’s this idea that a successful recovery is a speedy recovery, or there’s an idea that I need to get to a certain place. I need to get back, I need to do these things, these milestones. I reject that. I reject that it needs to be a speedy recovery. I reject that I need to be on this certain pace, but in order for me to find value, it’s in the intention of my journey and my journey is to grow and to get better every day and to be well, and then to share that as I can with other people around me as an energy, as a lifestyle.
Christen Press:
If I was satisfied with where I was, where I can’t run currently, I can’t do things, if I satisfied, that’s not peace. So, I think it’s that intent to be moving, to be growing. That is greatness. I think it is helpful to have a target, and I am very goal oriented. Every day I write down, “This is my goal for the day. This is what I want to achieve.” I just have to be able to have peace when I don’t get there, but I don’t ever want to stop writing down that goal. I don’t ever want to stop pursuing greatness. I just want to balance that with acceptance of what ultimately happens.
Abby Wambach:
I think that’s so interesting because so many people in the world probably believe that spirituality and this desire for greatness can’t be put together, that they’re mutually exclusive. But I think what you’re saying is that there’s more nuance to that, in that not just your recovery, but you can be a multitude of things. You can have a path, spiritual or not, and also want to chase this kind of excellence and greatness that you get to define every single day. I think that that’s really interesting.
Glennon Doyle:
Do you have any advice because there’s a lot of parents that listen, we are now part of soccer land with children, so we spend all of our life on the sidelines of the soccer and-
Abby Wambach:
It’s a slow hell.
Glennon Doyle:
… the parents are un-effing-believable. Christen, you may have experienced some of this in your lifetime, but we actually started bringing blow pops to-
Abby Wambach:
Glennon Doyle:
… sidelines, and just shoving them in parents’ mouths when they started screaming, just going down the sideline, just we would call it, start sucking to stop sucking. Just put the lollipop in your mouth and it will remind you to shut up.
Christen Press:
Oh, that’s amazing.
Glennon Doyle:
It’s amazing to see parents lose themselves. I do it too. Do you have any advice for how to parent children who are pursuing greatness, without having them feel like their worth depends on it, or their relationship or their connection with their parents depends on it? Anything you wish would’ve happened or do you ever think about that?
Christen Press:
Yeah, I can only give parenting advice from the perspective of the child, obviously, but I think it was somewhere along the line, I felt like I was forgotten about. And at one point, it was, “Christen wants this, so we want this.” And then I think that I was cut out of the equation. It was like, “We want this.” And it wasn’t until my mom got sick, that she and I were able to overcome that struggle in our relationship. I have a memory, years before my mom was sick, where I was working in my spirituality, on my meditation practice, working with a few people. And the theme of this journey that I was on was surrender. And it helped you identify what it was that you wanted the most. And then you had to let go of it. I was already on the national team, so I was an adult. And I remember in a hotel in the national team, getting on my hands and knees every morning and saying, “I surrender the need for my mother’s approval.” And because as a full grown adult-
Glennon Doyle:
Oh, yes.
Christen Press:
… still needing to feel that it was for her, that I was playing for her. And I almost lost my own love of the game because of that. And through that time, I shared that experience with my mother and it was like we both had this aha moment, where one day I was on my hands and knees and I got up and I was like, “What if I’m wrong? What if she hasn’t forgotten about me? What if she actually already loves me and accepts me? What if she actually thinks I’m amazing? And I am the one who’s miscalibrating and I’m projecting all my own fears on her, and I’m saying, ‘She forgot about me. She has these goals for soccer,\ but what if that’s me?” And it just hit me that my mom already accepted me and it hit her that I didn’t need some of these things that she thought I needed and we both were able to move on from that.
Christen Press:
So, it’s really roundabout way of giving advice. But I think the key to it is acceptance and showing all people that you care, whether they’re your parent, or your child, or your friend, or your lover, that you accept them for who they are and meeting people as full people, not just as career people, because ultimately, that’s what was my deepest need, was to be accepted by my mother. I thought that that meant for so many years, I had to be a great player. I had to be on the national team, I had to do these things, but it really has nothing to do with that. It has to do with who you are, what’s at your core, what you’re striving for, and what that means to the other person and what it means to the world.
Glennon Doyle:
So, you’ve done your career differently. You do things differently and pod squad, you just have to watch the soccer game and just you just watch her on the field, it’s just different things. I don’t know, she just floats and flits about, and then somehow the ball goes in the goal, so you just have to watch her, but it’s different. And another thing that’s different is I watched how you did grief differently, when you lost your mother, who you love so, so very much. You actually signed with Angel City and then took a mental health break, right?
Christen Press:
Yes, I did.
Glennon Doyle:
I didn’t even know why at the time. I was just like, “That’s the coolest thing I’ve ever heard.” But can you tell us why and what you did during that time?
Christen Press:
Yeah. So, a big part of it was the emotional journey that I went on with my mom. She was healthy one day and then deeply sick the next and had about three months where she was very sick and then she passed. And in those three months, I feel like we lived 30 years in terms of our relationship and our conversations, and a big part of it was acceptance of each other and this fear that we both had, that the other person didn’t love us, or didn’t respect us, or didn’t accept us. We went through that and my mom cared so much about me and about soccer. She just loved it and she was so invested. And actually, I was with the national team in Spain, in January of 2019, and I scored in that game in Spain and I got back on a flight the next day and flew home and my mom had brain bleed when I was on the flight. And I actually never saw her again. And as soon as I walked into the hospital room where my family was, my dad said, “The last exchange I had with your mom was showing her your goal and she was so happy.” So, that gives you a sense of how deeply tied my whole family is to my career, that it meant so much to my dad that that was his last interaction with my mom.
Christen Press:
So, that was January, 2019. I had missed a lot of camp when my mom was sick and it was a World Cup year. So, I took a little bit of time and I just went straight back into it, and we were preparing for a World Cup. We had our pay equity lawsuit. There was just so much happening and I’m a very emotional person. I’m very dramatic, I’ve been this my whole life. So, I process things in big ways, in big moments, but I’m generally not sad. I’m generally not mopey or tired. I just have these outbursts of emotion, and then I bounce back. And so that’s how I was dealing with my grief. It was these big dramatic moments and then I’d get back to practice, and get back to life. And that went through the World Cup and all the way, honestly, for years.
Christen Press:
It went on through COVID, it went on through the Olympics, and I started to think, why did my grieving experience look so different from my sister’s or from other peoples? And there’s this weird comparison that happens, which isn’t fair, but can’t help but do it. And I was like, “This doesn’t feel right.” I reflected on it and I was like, “I never took a break. I never processed, I never stopped.” I didn’t feel like it was killing me, but I felt like I was missing something, some sort of next step, some sort of clarity, and almost like a growth in my relationship with my mom that I saw in front of me.
Glennon Doyle:
Christen Press:
Well, obviously the period of playing soccer through COVID was really hard and difficult and the Olympics was really special and difficult, and it was like all this pressure was just mounting on me and I’ve always done it my own way. I’ve always been on the national team in my own way. I remember when I had this revelation that it was like, “I’ve done this consistently since 2012. It is now 2021 and I need some perspective and I need time to grieve. And my relationship with my mom is so tied to soccer, I need to not have soccer to understand where that leaves like me and my mom.”
Christen Press:
Yeah, you’re probably catching onto this, I feel like my relationship with my mom is ongoing and it’s something that I do cultivate now. So, it was like, I need to have my relationship with my mom without soccer for this period of time. In that same moment where I was like, “I’m going to take four months off,” I also had this feeling of competitiveness that it was like, I can do this. I can show a good way. I can help release some of this pressure that I’m sure other athletes are feeling and I will come back and I will be better. And it will be a good thing for the world, to show that you can do this. That was last fall and I then spent four months traveling and living my best life.
Christen Press:
I became a pilgrim and I went on El Camino de Santiago and I just walked everywhere, I traveled all these places and I really worked on my relationship with my mother, my relationship with myself, my identity without soccer and where all those pieces fit. I think I had this fear because I had such a toxic relationship with soccer for so long, that I would never want to come back. I never felt like that. The whole time I was like, “This is this moment and there will be another moment.” Now it’s an interesting thing to reflect on because obviously, I came back for a few months and then had my first major injury. And so there’s this feeling of, this probably never would’ve happened, if I hadn’t taken four months off. I can just say that.
Christen Press:
I don’t have regret, I’m not that type of person, but I just think that’s the facts. But the question is, did I gain more anyway? Did that help prepare me for this, for this next journey? I think in so many ways, the way I grew, I imagined myself so often just taking step after, step on El Camino with nothing to burden me, but just taking the next step and the simplicity of that and the profound effect it had in its most basic form of living, just letting your foot kiss the ground, that’s all you had to do. I feel like it shaped everything that I am from this point forward. And it prepared me for so much, but it came with the big risk of my place on the national team, my ability to compete at the highest level, a little bit of fear of maybe I never even liked this sport and I just did it for somebody else. What if that was my revelation?
Glennon Doyle:
What if I realize I hate it?
Abby Wambach:
That’s worse case.
Christen Press:
That’s scary.
Glennon Doyle:
That’s why most people don’t stop their lives. Christen.
Abby Wambach:
That’s right.
Christen Press:
I know.
Glennon Doyle:
That’s why most of us don’t stop our lives because we’re afraid of thinking.
Christen Press:
No, probably my biggest fear was that I would realize I hated it and never want to go back.
Abby Wambach:
And then the universe is so beautiful, giving you … and I know that maybe you’re not here yet, but as soon as I heard you got injured, I thought, “Oh, this is going to be interesting to see how she processes this.” It’s like the universe’s little joke. Like, “Ooh, let’s see how you handle this little bit.” I’m going to show you, give you an opportunity to even question it even a little bit more, because-
Christen Press:
Abby Wambach:
… what the fuck did you not learn on the El Camino that you still-
Glennon Doyle:
It wasn’t a long enough hike, Christen. Listen, we’ve had Cheryl Strayed on. We’ll hook you up, you just need a longer hike.
Christen Press:
I mean, that’s exactly, exactly how I reacted. I was like, I had this plan. I was going to leave soccer and then I was going to come back and show everyone.
Glennon Doyle:
Of course.
Christen Press:
And then it just got blown up in my face. And I was like, “No, I already did the hard part.” And now the hard part’s ahead of me. So, it is, it’s the twisted nature of life.
Glennon Doyle:
Can you talk to us about what you mean when you say my ongoing relationship with my mother? My whole heart just jumped when you said that. Can you just tell us what you mean and how that shows up in your life and what you’re doing and what that relationship is?
Christen Press:
Yes. So, when my mom passed, I got really good advice from a family friend. And he said to me, reflecting on his own experience of losing his mother, that the moment that she died, she was with him forever. And while he was alive, you have to go physically see people. But when someone’s no longer alive, you never have to travel to see them, they’re always there. That articulation is exactly what my experience has been. It’s hard. Relationships are really hard when people are alive and you have to do these things to make sure you feel like you’re prioritizing them, making them feel loved, all these things. And I was like, it was just completely gone. I never had to get on a flight. I never had to make a phone call. My mom was just always with me and because of this journey that she and I went on, I felt like I learned what I’ll call Stacy 2.0, my mom’s name Stacy, was Stacy 2.0, which was a mother that didn’t care about me as an athlete. She just cared about me as a human and that’s who I met and that’s the person I get to continue to cultivate a relationship with.
Christen Press:
So sometimes, when things are going wrong or hard and I feel like, “Oh, I’ve failed and I’ve let these people down.” I’m like, “No, no.” I can even look up to the sky and I’m like, “My mom is here and she doesn’t care about this.” That was something I learned that was wrong, and I’ve now unlearned it. I have this relationship with my mom that’s growing because I can still revert to those old pathways where I’m like, “I missed the goal. My mom must be disappointed.” And now I’m trying to cultivate this new pathway that is when you’re omnipresent and when you’re transcendental, which I think is what happens in a way when you pass, there is no limited human nature.
Christen Press:
And so, I get to experience this relationship with my mom where I know 1000%, she’s proud of me, that she accepts me and I get to live my life with that freedom, and I get to talk to her in a way that I often couldn’t when she was alive, because I had fear of my flaws, fear of her flaws. And now the fear is gone, because she sees me at my worst. There’s no hiding from her. When you’re kid, you’re trying to hide everything from your mom. There’s no hiding anymore. And that’s the relationship that I cultivate and it’s a daily thing, a conversation with my mom and a understanding of each other.
Abby Wambach:
Oh my gosh, it’s like-
Glennon Doyle:
That’s one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever heard.
Abby Wambach:
I know. I’m crying over here because so many people I know, especially in the LGBTQ space, struggle in many ways, or have struggled with their parents, and the approval of their parents. And I’m just so afraid. I’ve been so afraid of when my parents die, that there will be all this stuff that’s undone. And what you’ve just done is make me feel so much less afraid of that because of your experience. That is such a life giving …
Glennon Doyle:
No more human nature, that’s so good. No more fear, no more … All of that gone and just pure love.
Abby Wambach:
Took my breath away.
Christen Press:
And pure love, that’s it.
Abby Wambach:
Also, I just want to say this. When you stepped away from the game, much like Simone Biles did from the Olympics, the pod squad might not know how revolutionary that is in sport to say, “No, my mental health is going to take priority over this team, over this country, over this medal,” or whatever it is. And I think you and Simone show that it’s possible to step away and come back. I just remember feeling so jealous. Whoa, they get to take care of themselves fully? I mean, it was always an option. I just never took it. I just think that it’s another way you’ve shown your courage, to take that relentless pursuit … For me, your relentless pursuit of your own personal greatness.
Glennon Doyle:
That’s what it was.
Abby Wambach:
Is just so rare.
Glennon Doyle:
So Christen, you’ve already solved death for us, so could we just get, I want to move on to another one-
Abby Wambach:
Solved death.
Glennon Doyle:
… I just feel like we have 20 more minutes, we can solve a couple other things. Because if we can solve death, the rest has to be easy, right? I mean, for real. Death has always-
Abby Wambach:
I’m sweating.
Glennon Doyle:
… still been a problem, ’till now.
Abby Wambach:
I know, I’m sweating, how much that was profound.
Glennon Doyle:
So, I want to talk to you about suffering because I have heard and read you say that you do not choose to suffer, right? That you are unlearning suffering. What I want to say about that is that that is blasphemy in this country. That it is the religious way, the capitalistic way, the parenting way, the romantic love way, the sports way, the American way, that the more you suffer, the more you earn-
Abby Wambach:
No pain, no gain.
Glennon Doyle:
… or the more you … Right, right. No guts, no glory. No pain, no gain. When we talked about this, Abby said, “No, I fully believed when I was playing, if I suffer the most, I will be the best.” So, you think that there’s another way. You said, “There is a general consensus in sports that you just suffer, you push through it and keep going and that’s what makes you tough. But I believe in my heart that there’s another way.” Can you tell us what’s the other way?
Abby Wambach:
Glennon Doyle:
Christen Press:
My own philosophies.
Glennon Doyle:
It’s amazing, Christen.
Christen Press:
I don’t know anything. I’m like, “Oh sure. I can tell you about this.”
Glennon Doyle:
You can.
Christen Press:
Just, I know nothing about anything, but-
Abby Wambach:
No, you fixed death, so you do know something.
Christen Press:
But I think there’s a fine line between discipline and suffering. I do think that suffering is a part of life, but with acceptance, the suffering isn’t actually suffering, I think it’s discipline. So, that’s where it’s a little bit tricky. So, when I think about sport, the consensus of have to run ’till you’re sick. You have to give up so much, that’s like an endless suffering. And when I think of myself on the field and I put myself on the field emotionally, there’s this unpleasant thing that happens to many athletes, when they’re not in flow state, where you’re playing but you’re also watching a movie of yourself playing and it’s a highlight reel of all your mistakes. And it’s very distracting from the actual playing.
Christen Press:
I think there’s a lot of decisions that you can make on and off the field as a human, as an athlete, so that your whole life is more aligned in a way that’s blissful. I actively work towards a flow state, where playing soccer would be the most blissful and joyous thing that I ever did. I believe that if I loved it, if I’m laughing, if I’m smiling, that’s when I’m at my best. There’s this belief that you want it so bad, and that’s what motivates you. But what if that’s not what motivates you, like the trophy? What if it’s something much bigger than that, that you’re working towards? Because what happens … and I mean, everybody knows this, you win the trophy, you get the medal and you feel empty inside. And so, it’s this big laugh in your face moment where you’re like, “I worked so hard to get here and I’m still not where I want to be.”
Christen Press:
And so, the letting go of that fixed goal is the letting go of the suffering, and it’s working towards acceptance and bliss. There’s this quote, I think it’s Buddha, says, “Someday, you’ll tilt your head back and look at the sky. And you’ll just laugh because everything is exactly how it should be.” And it’s this idea that life is perfect, we just are missing it. We’ve put all these barriers and expectations and unhealthy routines between us and the perfection, but the perfection’s still there. I think sport is a way that actually breaks down those barriers because no matter what relationship you have with sport, there is always moments that great athletes, people who run, humans, they find that bliss, they find that transcendence, they find that flow and it helps you dip into it. I can imagine dancers, all different types of people, artists, these creative forces help you find that. And my hope is that there’s the more times you find that space, that flow, that ease, that joy, then the closer it gets to you, so you can keep finding it more and more. The more I find it, the better I’ll play, for sure.
Christen Press:
So, if you want to just do it to get to the next place, you probably missed the mark, but it becomes something that you can train. And that’s when I walked on El Camino de Santiago, it was like I was able to find that state of presence every day for a week. Then when I left, it has been my job to find that place in a regular life. When I have other things to do, when it’s not that simple, when I go back on the field, how can I access that state of joy and flow? That’s not to say my life is without suffering, but I do believe in this reality that can exist, that’s bliss.
Abby Wambach:
It’s so far different than the average pro athlete’s way, where it’s numbers, heart rates, repetitions, how many sprints you can do, how many calories you’re expending, all of that stuff feels so counter-cultural, what you’re trying to create for yourself. Are you trying to show this way to the people around you on your teams?
Glennon Doyle:
Ooh, that’s good. Are you a Spirit Spice evangelist or do you keep your Spirit Spice to yourself?
Christen Press:
Maybe a little half, because I think I’m still on my way. I still have so much to learn and to get to understand before I feel satisfied with it. I guess maybe you never feel satisfied, it’s like a giant catch 22. But I think the people that are closest to me, they know it, because they know my hurt and my journey and how I had to let go of that to get here. So, in that world, there’s no other option then for me to go deep into my sense of spirituality.
Christen Press:
But what you said, Abby, is so important because it’s still about numbers and sprints. It’s still there, but there is this way to do it that is intertwined with acceptance. And a very simple example is running. You’re going to run so hard, whatever it is, your mile. And it’s going to physically hurt, it’s going to burn your muscles are going to burn. You’re going to get sick. And that’s something you have to do. Whether or not you want to be a Spirit Spice or not, it’s just part of the job. But you can actually have your brain focus on certain things like certain parts of your body.
Christen Press:
So sometimes, when I’m doing hard cardio that’s unpleasant, I do a body scan. So, I’m running and I’m like, “Okay, what does my toe feel like?” I’ll scan each part of my body and just that simple shift of awareness away from whatever part of my body is really hurting, it makes it so that it doesn’t hurt, it’s literally like a magic trick. I try to tell people this, you can just focus on something else, stay in tune with that and you can still do the suffering. But for me now, it’s discipline. Now it’s the discipline of doing the work and it’s the discipline of doing the training of your brain, so that your life is in the direction that you want it to be.
Abby Wambach:
I like that, I mean-
Christen Press:
You got to try it, little body scan.
Abby Wambach:
Little body scan.
Glennon Doyle:
Body scan.
Christen Press:
Little body scan, mid exercise.
Abby Wambach:
I used to just count for some reason when I was in the depths of it. I’d just count out loud, so that I wouldn’t think about it, so maybe I’ll-
Christen Press:
Yeah, exactly.
Abby Wambach:
Just something.
Glennon Doyle:
Christen, you helped lead the charge for racial and gender justice in the NWSL. So, I just think it’s super important, sometimes when we talk about spirituality or any of this, people tend to think either, or. If you’re talking about the spiritual world, you are not boots on the ground involved in justice work, which is just … couldn’t be less true here. Once again, this is and, both situation for Christen.
Glennon Doyle:
So, you said, “The revolution is not about what you say or post,” Instagram and TikTok are going to be … They’re going to have problems with that, Christen. “It is about the inner work you do today and every day to fuel a lifetime of activism, the work starts within.” How does racial justice start within?
Christen Press:
This thought has come up so many times while we’re talking. I believe that the thing you can do to help the world is to help yourself and to cultivate peace and energy. Because I believe in that energy exchange, that’s my spirituality. And so in order to help others be well, you must be well yourself. And that’s where the two things get tied. I think there is a place for anger and frustration, and all the things that come, I think, with activism and fighting against status quo structures. But I think there’s also a place for a break and a place for cultivating your own sense of being grounded, so that you can go again and fight again. And I think that they’re actually really intertwined.
Christen Press:
When I think of my identity as a black woman, I think so much of my understanding about race came from this place of fear and a place of anger and a little bit of confusion and insecurity that comes from fear and anger. I think that that’s when it goes back to inner work, like me understanding my identity, my family, my history, how I came to be, what is my purpose? There’s a lot of guilt, I think, that goes into activism. It’s like, I’m not doing enough. I’m not contributing. I should be doing this. Look what that person’s doing. And that’s balanced by knowing yourself, being grounded, knowing your truth, knowing that can’t all get solved in one day and just being accepting of taking that next step.
Christen Press:
For me, that’s looked like [inaudible 00:46:58] our players’ association, so that we could take some power back from the federation and fight for equality. And it’s looked like having to have really hard conversations with reporters about coaches that were treating people unfairly. And that takes a strength that can only come from being well and being me and being you. I just think that that balance is important. I think it’s actually crazy to think that people think justice fighting and spirituality are at odds because for me, they’re exactly the same. And it’s like your belief in a greater good is how you get through the work. It’s how you do the work, it’s your why at the end.
Glennon Doyle:
So, you said energy exchange and the way that works is your spirituality. Can you tell me what you mean?
Christen Press:
Yes. So, I think every person that you interact with, you just have an energy exchange. I think people who are really good at it, you don’t even have to be in the room with them and you feel the presence. And there’s just like a … So simple, like a warmth that you feel, something that makes you at ease. I think that that’s an idealistic version of the best form of a human. It’s the human that lifts their head back and laughs because everything’s perfect. But I think that that’s something that we all are working towards.
Christen Press:
Ultimately, what I want to do on this Earth is just leave it a little happier, leave it a little safer, and you can think really macro and you’re like, “Okay, then I have to change this policy,” but it’s like, you can also just make someone feel safe in a moment and that’s the energy exchange. I think that we are a collective, where I believe in oneness. I believe that my wellbeing is tied to your wellbeing. And so, the more well that I am, the more well that you are. And in that humanity, we can all move in the same direction if we’re in that interchange of energy. I think that that’s special and it’s also very motivating for me because when I have an interaction with someone, especially when I’m being my introverted self, I feel like, oh I want to protect me,” or I want to keep this from me, or this is my boundary.
Christen Press:
And those things are important, but there’s something that’s just so life giving to me, to just know that a smile, or just a warmth, it’s contagious and it can lift somebody and that person can then spread it on. And in that way, simple moments can have massive impact.
Glennon Doyle:
The idea of change the world but the world is often just the world that’s within your fingertips, just the world around you. So beautiful. If we are suffering and we’re like, “All right, I’m just going to do a body scan.” And then it won’t be suffering, it’ll be awareness. But my question is, how do you know when you’re in a situation that’s the wrong kind of hard? You shouldn’t be just body scanning, you should be body leaving. How do you know? Have you ever been in a situation where the answer was not acceptance? The answer was end this. Because people are always asking us about that. I think it’s one of the best questions. How do you know when to dig deep and how do you know when to quit digging?
Christen Press:
Wow, I love that question. I’m puzzling over it. I’m thinking of environments that I’ve been in that were not safe or good. I’m the type of person who I have really high standards. So, I speak about spirituality except this, but I have a really high standard for things I don’t put up with a lot. I came from a tough family, so I never feel like if something is triggering or unsafe, I never attach that to the same place where I’m trying to understand myself better. Those are two separate things. But if I think an unsafe soccer environment, where things are going wrong, we’ve all seen NWFL, it’s happened in all phases of our career. I do think that I have to accept it to fix it. I don’t have to accept it to live with it, but I accept it to fix it because when you’re volatile or when you’re overly emotional, then that’s not the best place to make progress. And so, in order to have the conversations, the hard conversations, and do the work, I have to be able to have processed the bad parts of it. But I do think that to some degree that comes naturally to me, I make boundaries and stick to that.
Abby Wambach:
Give it us an example of boundary setting, because that’s a big topic of this conversation and in my marriage, I’m still learning.
Glennon Doyle:
Yeah, what are some of your boundaries? In friendship or in relationships with other people? How do you teach people how to treat you?
Christen Press:
I mean, the most severe example, it’s like I have a relationship where I will only interact with this person while the sun’s up because the sun goes down and it’s a scary situation. It’s a relationship that I’ve been dealing with my whole life, where I have felt unsafe. It wasn’t until two years ago and I worked with a therapist, that this idea came about like, I don’t have to put myself in that situation. Even though it’s a person that I love dearly and I have to see, and I feel guilty when I don’t and all of those things, but I think it has been a revolutionary boundary for me because it’s like-
Glennon Doyle:
I love that.
Christen Press:
… I can still love this person within the way that I can. And my boundary doesn’t mean that I don’t love them. It actually allows me to love them because if I was going to see this person at night, I would not love them.
Glennon Doyle:
Yes. Boundaries are good for relationships. Yes, that’s beautiful.
Glennon Doyle:
I love that. Only during sun hours. I mean you can say-
Christen Press:
The sun goes down and I’m out.
Glennon Doyle:
I love it. I want to talk about the 2015 ticker-tape parade because I read something that you wrote about that that was so beautiful. It really feels like the way that you describe it, that you experiencing that first ticker tape parade led to the equal pay settlement. Because you say that you stood there and you looked at the people celebrating you and how many people were in those streets because they cared that you won. And then you compared that to how you were being treated and paid and it didn’t align and you had an awakening.
Christen Press:
Mm-hmm, yeah.
Glennon Doyle:
Christen Press:
No, I mean you just said it exactly how I experienced it. I think in 2015, I had no idea what the magnitude of that tournament would be. When you’re in a world championship, Abby, you know better than me, you’re in isolation, you’re in a bubble and you’re heads down just trying to get through to the next game. And then you come out of this experience and that in itself would be a whole podcast because it’s really mentally hard. But you come out and you open your eyes and you’re like, “Oh yeah, something else other than my World Cup exists.”
Christen Press:
But what happened was we opened our eyes and our lives had changed. We went into the tournament as somewhat well known people and we came out as these beacons of hope for people. And that was a complete surprise for me. I didn’t know that that was going to happen. I had no idea. I think people who had played another world championships probably knew, but I was like, “What the heck, how is this happening?” I didn’t know anyone was watching, you know?
Glennon Doyle:
Christen Press:
Other than people in the stands. And then we had that ticker-tape parade, which was the perfect picturesque setting of so many people crying and cheering. And it’s the absolute best part of sport, coupled with the hope of equality and those two things coming together. It was a moment, it was like a reckoning where I was like, “Wow, we’re extremely valuable in this moment from a complete business sense.” Of course, the reason that it was impactful to me, totally separate. But I was like, “Hey, a lot of people want something from us right now. We have huge value in our market. Why aren’t we being compensated that way?”
Christen Press:
I think that’s what started this re-upping of our players’ association, to take back power because it was this knowledge of our own value. I think that’s what the world does, is they try to hide your value from you so that you don’t know. And in this moment, there was no hiding it because there was thousands of people throwing tiny pieces of paper at us. And that was enough to know that we deserved better.
Glennon Doyle:
Oh my God, it’s so good.
Abby Wambach:
It makes me remember. I actually talked to Glennon a lot about this in terms of post-retirement guilt and the consciousness that we have now and seeing you all come to settlement with US Soccer. I just remember feeling like I didn’t do enough. I just accepted such mediocre standards for so long and I’ve had to actually do a lot of personal work in accepting that part because I do think that there is a role we all play on this spectrum.
Glennon Doyle:
Abby Wambach:
This continuum of justice, but I can’t help but look back and go, “Oh, I just took such minimal … ” I mean, we have this conversation all the time about business. She’s like, “Abby, you are worth more than this. You can actually go back and say, ‘No.’ ” I could go on and talk about this forever. But there was nobody that was more proud and more happy for you all, because it almost needed us old folks, like us old OGs needed to not be in the team, for you to actually get this accomplished. Sometimes the old does need to go out for the new to be able to step into a new paradigm. And you all did that so well.
Christen Press:
But you know, I feel like we all feel that we haven’t done enough. I think from the outside world, a settlement was such a massive accomplishment, but there is so much work to be done. So, the same feeling that you’re expressing, I absolutely still feel it. The way I always talk to people about it is when you join the US national team, you’re handed a torch because something happened long before I was on the team that made that team just a symbol of hope for people. That comes with great responsibility, but you’re handed this torch and you carry it as high and as far as you can, and then you hand it off, and any success we had was built on the work that you did, and same will be of the next generation. I think that that’s kind of a drag on fighting for justice and activism in general, that it’s so riddled with guilt. I wish we can all be rid of that, because in my own life, I think the all time I’m not doing enough, but that, I know it’s wrong, so I try to fight it. And I’m like, “I’m doing what I can. That’s something.” But it’s so true and I think it paralyzes people and makes them afraid to do anything, to do what they can, because it will still feel it’s not enough.
Glennon Doyle:
When you think that you’re not doing enough, do you think of your mom? When you’re thinking of something that you know is not true, that you know somebody who loved you without human nature would not believe, does that help you to have an actual relationship with someone who is free of all human bullshit so that you can get fixed?
Christen Press:
Out of it? Yeah. Yeah, I think that’s true. I think that I’ll have these thoughts and then it’s not even that conscious, but it’s just like, I can even just think, “Mom.” And then I’m like, “Ah.” And it’s just this reminder that something’s bigger than this small thing that I’m feeling, that you feel it and it feels so big, but it’s not the end. And now my mom just represents that for me. So, it pulls me out and gives me some perspective. So, thanks, mom. Keeping me going.
Glennon Doyle:
Okay, Christen Press. With that, we’re going to end. Our next right thing, I just think I’m thinking already about the beginning of this conversation and about how much suffering could be saved from if we would communicate more with our people. If you’re a parent and you’ve got a kid, don’t assume that they know that you love them just without any of the achievements. Tell them, tell them, tell them, tell them. I’m going to today. And also, let’s just do what Christen does and just do our best to make the world a little bit happier and a little bit safer even if it’s just the people in the room we’re in.
Abby Wambach:
Well, let me tell you, my life post-soccer has gotten exponentially better. I know that in my heart, I’ve probably wanted to be more like you and work on the full humanity of myself. I was afraid that it would distract from the soccer, so I did opposite. I just did all soccer and then now I’m just fully into my humanity. And the fact that you’re so ahead of that game makes me know that your retirement is going to be filled. You are not going to believe how much joy you can experience without this other thing that became so much of who you are, the thing that you spent most of your time doing. I keep telling all the players who are still playing. I’m like, “Just you wait, it gets-“
Christen Press:
Just wait.
Abby Wambach:
It gets so much better.
Christen Press:
The other side.
Glennon Doyle:
Yeah, the other side.
Christen Press:
Thank you so much for having me.
Glennon Doyle:
Christen, you’re a dream. We adore you so much.
Christen Press:
It’s been a joy.
Glennon Doyle:
We will see you at the games.
Christen Press:
Love you both.
Glennon Doyle:
Love you.
Christen Press:
See you at the game, see you.
Glennon Doyle:
Bye pod squad.
Abby Wambach:
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medicinanocturna · 2 years
Planets in detriment
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What is the detriment essential quality of the planet, and the huge potential it is bearing you can read in this part of my blog.
Sun in Aquarius is one of a kind position. Here I wrote about how the main luminary of the chart is expressing itself when in exile.
Moon in Capricorn can be sensitive and caring to the degree that Cancer Moon cannot understand, because the Capricorn Moon is not only driven by emotions but also by the sense of inner axis and responsibility that can give even more depth to any caring feelings. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the teacher of karmic lessons. Add this to the planet like the Moon, and you will see the potential to feel out the karmic roots of the emotions. Capricorn Moon’s sensitivity is more about energies than emotions and it makes it potentially more fine-tuned with the higher planes. Saturn quality of the Moon can make it disciplined in the most humble way and thus highly susceptive to the emotional states of others. 
Mercury in Pieces can be more profound in understanding than the Mercury in Virgo or Gemini because of its strong inclination towards intuitive perception, and the ability to absorb the enormous volume of information in its own abstractly creative way instead of relying on mental understanding and structuring. Mercury in Pieces is non rational and mystical. It has a talent to discover the very depths of complicated subjects. The water quality of permeating into every millimetre makes this Mercury telepathic and empathic. It also has its own way of putting thoughts into words that can be more comprehensive and concise thanks to its poetic and artistic nature.
Opposite to Venus in Taurus, which loves lavish aesthetics, refined sensuality, and the material pleasures on all levels, Venus in Scorpio is considered to be in exile in the sign where all tangible things have little value by themselves. The intensity of the Scorpio Venus may seem rude, intrusive, and even perverted. Her major lesson in this position is to learn how to relax into trust before it let herself go into feelings and emotions. Her gift is to turn her own intensity into the sensuality that is penetrative, outspoken, and has a healing potential of cutting through the layers of the others. Scorpio Venus not only appreciates pain sexually, it knows how to disentangle it and live it through either relationships or forms of art. Her touch of love can be compared to a surgery and her aesthetics can pierce to the bones, but what it leaves you with is the naked truth. 
Mars in Libra may go much farther than the Mars in Scorpio because of its excellent diplomatic qualities, its talent to build connections and lead others in a graceful and harmonious way (in fact many successful politics and business owners hold this position of Mars in their chart). Libra’s sense of beauty differs from that in Taurus or Pieces. It very much relies on the sense of balance (Saturn exalts here). Add this sense of balance to the planet of action, Mars, and you will see the actions that can be highly efficient in any domain, be it an athlete, an entrepreneur, or an artist. This Mars’s spiritual purpose is about the sense of beauty and equilibrium, which easily makes it a peacemaker where the fight seems to be inevitable. 
Jupiter is considered being a detriment in Virgo. Virgo’s key principle is to put things under scrutiny, to break the entire picture down into pieces, and to be critical before anything else.
Jupiter is the benevolent planet, which we love for its expansive quality, its generosity, and the helicopter view. In Virgo, it can indeed seem inharmonious. However, here the Virgo can teach the Jupiter how to understand all the details as an important part of the picture, and the Jupiter will reciprocate by giving the Virgo more freedom for a larger view. In this position the Jupiter becomes a discerning teacher and benevolent. Something that Sagittarius is often lacking. The Virgo Jupiter in the leadership position will be like an eagle with a magnifying glass. This is an excellent gift for creators. While keeping the entire process of the creation in their mental sight this Jupiter stays considerate of every single step within this process, thus ensuring both the smooth acting and the polished result. A spiritual person with this kind of Jupiter in their chart will hardly become a victim of a false teaching, and vice versa will rip the masks off the fake gurus. 
For a personal examination of your chart, drop me a line…
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nexcrowd2 · 3 days
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Welcome to NexCrowd Marketing Solution
At NexCrowd Marketing Solution, we specialize in empowering crowdfunding campaign owners to achieve and exceed their goals through our transparent, effective, and expertly executed digital marketing strategies. Our mission is to democratize access to funding by providing top-notch services that level the playing field for all campaign creators, regardless of their background or resources.
>Our Purpose<
Our core purpose is to help innovative ideas and passionate entrepreneurs thrive in the crowdfunding ecosystem. We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to bring their projects to life, and we are dedicated to making that a reality through our expertise and commitment to excellence.
>Our Goals<
- Empower Campaign Owners: We aim to equip crowdfunding campaign owners with the best strategies and tools to succeed.
- Drive Campaign Success: Our goal is to ensure that every campaign we work with not only meets but exceeds its funding targets.
- Foster Innovation: By supporting a diverse range of projects, we contribute to the growth of innovative solutions and ideas.
>>Our Objectives<<
- Transparency in Action**: We maintain open and honest communication with our clients, ensuring they are informed and confident at every step of their campaign journey.
- Expertise and Innovation: Continuously enhance our digital marketing techniques to stay ahead of industry trends and provide cutting-edge solutions.
- Customer-Centric Approach: Prioritize client satisfaction by offering personalized services tailored to the unique needs of each campaign.
- Results-Driven: Focus on measurable outcomes, using data-driven strategies to maximize campaign visibility, engagement, and funding success.
At NexCrowd Marketing Solution, we are more than just a service provider; we are your dedicated partner in crowdfunding success.
!!! Join us and let's turn your innovative ideas into funded realities. !!!
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laineycaldwell · 16 days
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"The meaning of life is not simply to exist, to survive, but to move ahead, to go up, to achieve, to conquer." -- Arnold Schwarzenegger
ESTP (Entrepreneur) is a personality type with the Extraverted, Observant, Thinking, and Prospecting traits. People with the ESTP personality type (Entrepreneurs) are vibrant individuals brimming with an enthusiastic and spontaneous energy. They tend to be on the competitive side, often assuming that a competitive mindset is a necessity in order to achieve success in life. With their driven, action-oriented attitudes, they rarely waste time thinking about the past. In fact, they excel at keeping their attention rooted in their present – so much so that they rarely find themselves fixated on the time throughout the day.
Lawful Neutral
Those of this alignment view regulation as all-important, taking a middle ground betwixt evil and good. Evil or good are immaterial besides the determined purpose of bringing all to predictability and regulation. It is the view of this alignment that law and order give purpose and meaning to everything. Without regimentation and strict definition, there would be no purpose in the cosmos. Therefore, whether a law is good or evil is of no import as long as it brings order and meaning. 
Words of Affirmation
Your Love Tank overflows with Words of Affirmation. Words hold a special power for you in building connections. You thrive on hearing kind and encouraging verbal expressions that come from the heart. They quickly fill up your Love Tank. Words of Affirmation encourage you and make you feel deeply valued and connected.
The Achiever
Threes are self-assured, attractive, and charming. Ambitious, competent, and energetic, they can also be status-conscious and highly driven for advancement. They are diplomatic and poised, but can also be overly concerned with their image and what others think of them. They typically have problems with workaholism and competitiveness. At their Best: self-accepting, authentic, everything they seem to be—role models who inspire others.
People with a choleric temperament are typically characterized as being decisive, focused, and goal-oriented. They have a strong drive to get things done and are often perceived as leaders due to their proactive nature and ability to take initiative.
Scorpio sun, Gemini moon, Taurus rising
With a Scorpio Sun Gemini Moon, you have a charming, exuberant, and magnetic personality. You can talk circles around most people, which makes you a first-class salesperson. Self-assured and magnetic, people find it hard to resist your subtle and sophisticated manner. You seem serious, purposeful, and even mysterious, but you are not nearly as profound as some people may think. Clever would be a better word. Wit is one of your greatest assets. That strong sense of irony and those incisive remarks almost always find a target. People might accuse you of being tactless, but they’ll usually come back to be your willingly audience again.
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luenahorowitz · 5 months
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Happy New Era, Everyone!
What a time to be alive! We are entering a new era of Pluto, ruler of global processes and transformation in Aquarius. If you are not familiar with what it entails, visit the description at https://astrowinners.online/newera/
Embarking on or restarting a career during the era of Aquarius requires a blend of traditional skills and a forward-thinking mindset. The cosmic energies of Aquarius emphasize innovation, technology, and a collective consciousness. Shift from individual performance and competition to genuine cooperation with others takes a second look at what you are learning at the moment.
Here are some skills and career tips of what will be in demand to consider:
Digital Literacy: Embrace technology and stay updated on digital trends. Develop proficiency in using digital tools, collaboration platforms, and emerging technologies relevant to your industry.
Adaptability: Cultivate a mindset of adaptability. The pace of change may be rapid, so being flexible and open to learning new skills will be crucial.
Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving: Enhance your critical thinking abilities. Aquarius encourages unconventional solutions and innovation, so being able to analyze situations and devise creative solutions is valuable.
Data Literacy: Understand and interpret data. Data-driven decision-making is becoming increasingly important in various fields. Familiarize yourself with data analytics tools and techniques.
Communication Skills: Effective communication remains a timeless skill. However, in the Aquarian era, the ability to communicate ideas, values, and perspectives across diverse platforms and mediums is essential.
Collaboration and Teamwork: Foster collaborative skills. Working seamlessly with diverse teams, both locally and globally, will be integral as collective efforts are emphasized.
Emotional Intelligence: Develop emotional intelligence. Understanding and managing your emotions, as well as empathizing with others, contributes to a positive and collaborative work environment.
Continuous Learning: Adopt a mindset of continuous learning. Stay curious and be proactive about updating your skills. Online courses, workshops, and certifications can be valuable resources.
Entrepreneurial Mindset: Even if you're not an entrepreneur, cultivating an entrepreneurial mindset can be beneficial. This includes a willingness to take calculated risks, think creatively, and embrace innovation.
Cultural Competence: With an emphasis on diversity and inclusivity, being culturally competent is crucial. Understand and appreciate different perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences. Career Tips for the Aquarian Era:
Stay Informed: Regularly update yourself on industry trends, technological advancements, and global developments. Being well-informed positions you as a valuable asset in any field.
Build a Strong Network: Network both online and offline. Cultivate connections within and outside your industry. Aquarius encourages collective efforts, and your network can offer support, mentorship, and collaborative opportunities.
Embrace Lifelong Learning: Recognize that learning doesn't end with formal education. Embrace a mindset of lifelong learning, seeking out opportunities to acquire new skills and knowledge throughout your career.
Personal Branding: Develop and showcase your personal brand. Use social media and professional platforms to highlight your skills, achievements, and contributions. A strong personal brand can open doors to new opportunities.
Seek Purposeful Work: Align your career with your values and passions. Aquarius encourages individuals to find meaning in their work. Pursue roles and projects that resonate with your sense of purpose.
Be a Change Advocate: Embrace change and become an advocate for positive transformations in your workplace. Share innovative ideas, contribute to a positive work culture, and inspire others to adapt to change.
Volunteer and Give Back: Engage in community service or volunteer work. Aquarius emphasizes collective well-being, and contributing to the community can be fulfilling and enhance your professional skills.
Stay Resilient: Understand that the professional journey may have ups and downs. Develop resilience to navigate challenges, learn from setbacks, and persevere in your career goals.
Be Aware of Influence Since Pluto entered Aquarius which is ruled by Uranus, also the ruler of astrology, being aware of planetary influences we are under is becoming a key component of success in fast changes navigation. If you are ready to learn, visit short, affordable and practical classes at www.etsy.com/ca/shop/astrowinners As you embark on your career journey in the era of Aquarius, remember to blend your unique skills and experiences with a forward-thinking mindset. Embrace change, stay connected, and contribute to the collective evolution that defines this transformative cosmic era. Congratulations and expect the unexpected.
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‘This project . . . is backed by big finance, big pharma, big tech and all the corporations, international corporations, international finance houses, international law firms – they’re all driving the same narrative. And you have to ask yourself, why would this happen in the span of ten years?’ – Jennifer Bilek in an interview with James Patrick 
SINCE when did transgenderism become part of our vernacular? Today it seems to pervade our culture. Hardly a day goes by when there is not a trans story in the news or more evidence of the collapse of truth – the latest example being Channel 4’s Naked Education which sells the lie of two transmen’s ‘success’ stories – cancellation of anyone who dares call out the deceit, and evermore adults in authority dancing to the trans piper’s tune of ‘acceptable’ child abuse. Yet 15 years ago none of this existed. No child was asked in a school whether he or she was happy with his or her sexual orientation. Magazines did not obsess about the latest trans icon. Today they can’t leave it alone. Whether or not true, that pollsters can elicit that 20 per cent of Generation Z is likely to identify on the ‘LGBTQQIP2SAA’ spectrum and more than 5 per cent of Americans aged 18 to 30 identify as ‘transgender’ or ‘nonbinary’ is indicative of the speed of this revolution.
How did it happen in this timespan? One woman who has pursued this question believes this is no natural phenomenon or uprising like first wave feminism – there is no evidence of generations of trans people being cruelly oppressed, of a minority needing representation. On the contrary, transgenderism is a top down ‘ideology’ with close links to the transhumanist movement and megamoney-backed initiatives which can be traced back to early 2000s Silicon Valley scientists. Investigative journalist and feminist Jennifer Bilek has has located its genesis in two leading American transhumanists – William Bainbridge and the fabulously wealthy lawyer and bio-tech entrepreneur, Martine Rothblatt, a transwoman who had sex reassignment surgery in 1994.
In 2004, Rothblatt launched the Terasem Movement, a transhumanist school of thought focused on promoting joy, diversity, and the prospect of technological immortality via mind uploading and geoethical nanotechnology‘.
Bileck believes that ‘Bainbridge’s religious, technological, religious cult’ met ‘Rothblatt’s fetish’ and that together they’ve driven ‘the ideology that people can be born in the wrong body through the institutions’. But it wasn’t to serve transgender people or people that thought they were born in the wrong body, ‘it was to destigmatise this fetish of adult men within the corporate world, within the community, within schools.’
James Patrick, the director of bigpicture.watch and the film Planet Lockdown, recently interviewed Bileck. The tale she has to tell is deeply disturbing. It is not about human rights but the creation of an ideology which says you can choose your sex and the money-backed ‘grooming’ of the media and institutions to ‘convert’ people to it, perhaps unknowingly, towards their broader transhumanist end. Follow the money as Bileck has done and you will see the billions of dollars given by big foundations to back and incorporate this ideology. The message comes from on high and its latent transhumanist purpose is not progressive but malign. For anyone in authority or with influence – doctor, parent, teacher, lawyer, celebrity, actor or musician – who is labouring under the illusion that encouraging or allowing children to change their gender is OK, this interview should be compulsory viewing.
A full transcript follows.
JAMES PATRICK: Hi, I’m James Patrick, the director of bigpicture.watch and the film Planet Lockdown. I’d like to introduce you to a very interesting woman named Jennifer Bilek. She’s a feminist and investigative journalist who’s dug deep into the transsexual issue. She’s found out it has an intersection with transhumanism and there’s huge, big billionaires pushing this issue and pushing it down our throats, frankly. Her work on the 11th Hour blog is some of the best work I’ve seen on this issue. And she gets to the bottom of the story and who’s behind it. Let’s hear what she has to say. 
JENNIFER BILEK: I’m an investigative journalist, and I write at the intersection of the gender industry, technology and runaway corporatism. I got into writing about this industry because I was in activist circles. I’ve campaigned for women’s rights since I’m in my twenties. I have campaigned for the environment, etc, etc. And there came a point around 2013 or so, that suddenly people were being deplatformed for acknowledging biological reality, that there are . . . that we are a sexually dimorphic species. There are only male and female sexes. We are a sexually dimorphic species, just male and female, and there isn’t anything in between.
Transsexualism has been around probably in the United States since the 1950s. Some people remember Christine Jorgensen made a big splash in the papers, but, you know, it wasn’t really part of our vernacular our, you know, social vernacular at all. 
You know, there was a few men who had this fetish, this adult male fetish of appropriating female . . . synthetic simulacrums of female biology for their, you know, sexual gratification. It used to be cross-dressing, transvestites. And then as soon as the medical industrial complex advanced to the point where they could make reasonably, you know, good fake sexes, you know, then, you know, they started to appropriate female anatomy. 
Well, in the 1940s, this guy, this guy William Sims Bainbridge was born. He graduated Harvard as a sociology professor. He’s written many, many, many books about cults, religions, technology, gaming, the future of psychological mind control. And he now works at the head of the National Science Foundation’s Cyber Human Program, which is the melding . . . it basically overlooks the ethics involved in human-cyber melding. And, you know, you can see this, this trajectory in the, you know, along the late 1990s, early 2000s. There was a big shift in the culture from, you know, data . . . from the digital age and the information age. And it’s sort of moved into artificial intelligence, transhumanism, robots, nanotechnology, biotechnology, etc. So this is kind of where we’re going now. This is like the future trajectory of this. But, you know, Silicon Valley has been pushing a transhumanist agenda for, you know, since the early 2000s, late 1990s. 
So then, Bainbridge meets up with another interesting character, Martine Rothblatt, who is also a transhumanist. And Rothblatt is, he’s a transsexual. He’s a man that’s appropriated simulacrums of women’s biology for himself. And he calls himself, you know, a transgender or a transsexual. And he’s travelled around broadly in the culture in many different circles, because he’s accomplished so many different things. He’s very well-renowned and very well, you know, appreciated for his accomplishments. So he’s been in the tech sector. He’s been in the medical sector. He’s been in . . . all over Hollywood, you know, he’s been on Oprah and he’s been on a million different shows, you know, with his robot wife, which he created. 
Rothblatt wrote a book. And it’s really, like, it’s really a blueprint of what’s going on in the culture now. This is his ideology, working off of the work of Bainbridge. Whereas we’re going to disintegrate the sexes, the boundary between the sexes, there’ll be no youth and age, there’ll be no, you know, male and female, there’ll be no . . . transhumanism is like boundarylessness. You know, you’re out there in cyberspace. Ultimately, while you’re getting there, it’s an upgrade in humanity, melding yourself with machines, you know, transferring reproduction, human reproduction to the tech sector. In, I think it was late 1980, he got together with a whole bunch of other transvestite lawyers and transsexuals, and they created a document which was the first, the very first gender bill, which brings disembodiment into the law, the sexual objectification of female biology, you know, into parts, and making a human right out of that. Right? 
JP:  What do you mean, disembodiment? 
JB:  Well, where he’s going is full-on disembodiment, where everybody lives in cyberspace. We live in a virtual reality. We don’t live in our bodies any more. We’re going to be uploaded into cyberspace. 
Well, in order to sell that to the public, you know, transhumanism and disembodiment as a life, you’re going to have to groom them and get them there. And the way to do that is to create this ideology that says that you can choose your sex. That’s disembodiment. You can’t choose your sex. You are the body that you were born as, no matter what happens to you. I mean, in 200 years, if they dig up my bones, you know, they’re going to find a female. You know, you can’t change that.
So the ideology is promoting the idea that you can. Right? So, and they’re driving this ideology into children’s schools, not only their schools, they’re driving it into their entertainment, their social media platforms, their schools, all the organisations that you know, that cater to children are all jumping on board with this ideology.
And this has only happened in the past ten years. I mean, before this we didn’t hear about this word, we didn’t hear transgenderism, we didn’t even hear transsexual. 2014 Laverne Cox was on the cover of Time magazine owned by Marc Benioff. And, you know, it announced a transgender tipping point, when there was really nothing preceding that to warrant that that would be a tipping point, 2014. It was just, like, dropped fully formed into the culture. And then, from then on, it was just like a chant, over and over and over and over and over again, you heard ‘Transgender. Transgender rights. Transgender rights are human rights. Trans rights are human rights.’ 
These huge NGOs, these very huge, powerful non-governmental organisations serving the LGB community worked hand-in-hand with international law firms like Hogan Lovells and Dentons and [unclear] Nextlaw and Open Society Foundation lawyers, to create, to start to create legal guides for transgender children. So they’re being, they’re, they start to build this edifice of transgender children, to drive this narrative, you know, that you can be born in the wrong body. 
And so we heard all these, you know, initial stories about these poor children born in the wrong bodies, right? Which is now, you know, a decade later, has morphed into just ‘expressing yourself’, right? You can be male, you can be female, you can be non-binary, you can, you know, have both your genitalias. And this is all about self-expression now. So it’s really morphed in the course of ten years into the right to augment yourself in whatever way you see fit. 
Bainbridge’s religious, technological, religious cult meets Rothblatt’s fetish. And they both take off together. And they’re both now in the techno-medical field here, right? And they drive this religion – and it is a cult. They’re driving it over media, and people are buying it. I mean, same people, people that are intelligent people, people are going, ‘Yes, you can be born in the wrong body.’
This project has, you know, is backed by big finance, big pharma, big tech and, and all the corporations, international corporations, international finance houses, international law firms, they’re all driving the same narrative. And you have to ask yourself, why would this happen in the span of ten years? You know, when human rights movements don’t act like that, they don’t come up like that. They come up against these entities, corporate entities, to fight oppression, not to, you know, to offer them, you know, more profiteering. 
So all of these people at the top are all thinking about this same thing and thinking about it in the same way. Do you know what I mean? It’s like Rothblatt and Bainbridge got together. They have this, you know, ideology that they’re forming. Rothblatt has actually written about it. He’s written about the technological takeover of human reproduction. He’s written about transgenderism being an onramp to transhumanism and how to drive that. He’s given conferences all over on how to do that. So he’s, he’s right there. He’s starring in this movie, you know? And he’s trying to drive this ideology through our institutions. 
Okay. So then you have all these gay men who suffered through the AIDS crisis. Even if they didn’t suffer themselves, they watched their brothers, you know, their cousins, you know, die. I mean, the LGB human rights movement was very, very young when AIDS hit, right? So immediately the medical industrial complex swoops in and is part of this movement now, right? And these philanthropic organisations come up to serve them right? And to serve the public. 
So once AIDS dissipates, though, you have these mammoth, you know, what were then LGB organisations, you know, teach them about, you know, safe sex and what . . . how the thing is, you know, how AIDS is transferred and you know, help for people, you know. So they were getting all this money, you know? And big pharma is profiting off of these AIDS drugs, and then suddenly, there goes AIDS, you know.
Then the issue became gay marriage for these organisations, right? And late 90s, early 2000s is when the first, when the two major LGB – what is now LGBT organisations – came up in the United States. You have Tim Gill founded the Gill Foundation, and then you have Jon Stryker starts Arcus Foundation, which is probably the most significant LGBT organisation in the world. Arcus Foundation, as well as Gill Foundation, send millions and millions and millions and millions of dollars to our educational institutions, our medical institutions, prisons, organisations that serve the community, churches, everywhere, they’re everywhere, their money is everywhere. And it’s contingent though, that funding mechanism, is contingent upon adopting this ideology of gender ideology. 
And then these trans organisations started to come up. And this wasn’t to serve transgender people or people that thought they were born in the wrong body, but it was to destigmatise this fetish of adult men within the corporate world, within the community, within schools.
You know, when you’re sending millions and millions of dollars to these cash-strapped institutions, you know, like universities and schools and stuff, you know, and all they have to do is get on board with this progressive ideology. They’ve been told it’s progressive. Who cares? It’s part of the LGB, right? They don’t really think about what they’re doing. 
And then at the same time, the media is promoting this, ‘It’s a human right. It’s a human right. It’s a human right.’ Well, there’s thousands of, tens of thousands of children that are identifying as transgender now. And you have thousands of children on these puberty blockers that disrupt your growth, ruin your bones, provide all sorts of complications, water on the brain, etc., etc. And they usually graduate to cross-sex hormones, which are even more dangerous. And they’re going to be taking those for a lifetime, and they’re going to be sterilised.
And I think the first children’s gender clinic came up in, like, 2007. And now we have hundreds of them all over the United States. Where did they all come from and why? You know, nobody examines . . . nobody examines the issue. Why is this happening? Why are suddenly children like, oh, committing suicide in droves? They’re jumping out of buildings because they want to be the opposite sex. You know, like, we never heard about this before. If pharma could have made bank on this 50 years ago, we would have heard about it, you know?
This is totally a top-down arrangement of power and it comes, again, from the highest echelons of society, and finance, and then the owner of . . . the founder of Outright Leadership, which is the business networking arm of the LGB, comes out of banking. The guy that runs it comes out of banking. You know, Jon Stryker, head of Arcus Foundation, comes out of banking. There’s no Harvey Milk character here, do you know what I mean? There’s no grassroots activist here. These are all uber businessmen.
So you have a profiteering motive. Absolutely. Drugs, surgeries, surgery equipment. And not just the hormones and the puberty blockers, but you have the antibiotics, you have anti-rejection medications, You have myriad surgeries that people want to have after they have this attack, basically, on their sex, a medical attack on their sex, then they want to get their neck done and they want to get their Adam’s apple gone, and they want to have their jaw shaved off. And it’s like a compulsion, you know? And it’s driven through technology. It’s a consumerist orgy. And, you know, we’re the ones being consumed, you know? People, our sex is being actually deconstructed.
It’s not just an idea, an ideology. It’s actually happening. They are removing young women’s reproductive organs at major hospitals. So sex is actually medically being deconstructed as well as ideologically and legally and linguistically in the culture.
If you convince a whole generation of children that they can choose their sex, they’re not going to know where they come from. They’re not going to know who or what they are, because we as a species are connected to the real world, to the natural world, by sex. That’s how we’re tethered to everything else, everything in the universe, you know, in all the, you know, in the world, in the biological world, is reproduction. Regeneration, death; regeneration, death; regeneration, death. Right? 
But you’re teaching children that they can live for ever, that they can choose their sex, that they can choose whatever they want to choose. And this is madness. It’s absolute madness, because it goes against the grain of reality. You know, why are they driving an ideology of physical disassociation from your sexed reality? This is what’s going on here. Why is this happening? Confront that over and over and over again. 
Well, it’s all part of the medical tech sector that they’re going to profit from. If you  sterilise a whole generation of children, they’re going to need reproductive services, right? You can’t just go and make a baby in your backyard with your partner, right?
So, yeah, this is really an occupation. I mean, as a feminist, I see it as an occupation of womanhood. It’s not just using our biology like, you know, like it’s used in prostitution, or it’s used in the sex trades. This is, like, the pinnacle of objectification. ‘We’re going to take your biology. We’re going to wear it as a costume, first of all. And second of all, we’re going to transfer this reproductive capacity that you have to the tech sector.’ 
And this is why women are being legally erased in language in law. They just took ‘woman’, the word ‘woman’, out of the dictionary, in the Cambridge Dictionary, and they replaced it with ‘anybody that feels like a woman’. And the way that they do that, to transfer the, you know, human reproduction to the tech sector is through all the big fertility treatments that are out there now, you know, freezing your eggs and freezing your sperm and surrogacy. And they’re talking, you know, they’re researching womb implants, womb transplants. It’s profiteering, and it’s social control in the sense that they really, literally, want to break sex apart, the boundary between the males and females of our species. They want to break this apart. They perceive this as progress. You will be unburdened by sexual stereotypes, by sexual inequalities. Mothers and women won’t have to have children.
It’s like, look at the tampon. You know what I mean? Suddenly women could leave the house. You know, you didn’t have to sit in your backyard on this stack of rags, you know? It’s technology. It’s the advancement of technology to improve, you know, our lives. But we never get a say in any of that, you know? We don’t get to say. We don’t get to decide. We don’t get all the information. This is all elites deciding this for us, right? 
And it rides the bullet train of the market, you know? Everybody is profiteering off of this now, even if they have no idea what it’s about. You know, transgender modelling agencies, gender fluid makeup, photographers taking pictures of transgender children, you know, it’s everywhere. And this same message is being driven into their grade schools. You know, by second grade they’re learning about gender identity, taking hormones. 
And this is all brought in under anti-bullying programmes. These programmes were passed by Obama and funded by the Pritzker family, one of the largest . . . one of the most wealthy families in America. There’s many of them. Jennifer Pritzker was an Army colonel. He purports to be a female and runs around with, you know, synthetic sex characteristics of a female. And he drives this ideology into the psychiatric departments of major universities, into other medical institutions, gender hospitals, the military, etc., etc. And his company, Tawani Foundation, is partnered with Squadron Capital, which is a medical device company. So he’s following the same trajectory of Arcus Foundation – Stryker Medical is a medical supply corporation, right? And they’re going to be profiting off of these surgeries, not just, you know, so-called gender surgeries, but human augmentation. 
When we open the door to these kind of radical changes to our biology, you know, the way that we’re planted in the ecosphere, you know, once we let that go, that tether, anything is up for grabs. You know, they can manipulate your DNA, they can manipulate you any way you want. And that’s why these rights are, I mean, from what I can tell, why these rights, these gender rights are being passed, it’s not about people that are allowing a medical attack on their sex. It’s for future augmented human beings. 
I follow the money and money trails do not lie. They tell you the truth. And I don’t care how crazy I sound, because it doesn’t matter to me, you know? It just doesn’t matter. Just get the information out there so people can go looking for themselves. Because again, it’s not hidden. And none of this is hidden. It’s just that people are not looking for it. Do you know what I mean? They’re looking at the human rights angle. ‘These poor individuals,’ right? ‘who feel trapped in the wrong body,’ you know, ‘my heart breaks.’ 
You know, it’s so ridiculous. All the governments, all of the politicians, all the major banks, all the financial investment houses, all the medical institutions, the universities, the schools, the corporations, the law firms, they’ve all jumped on board within ten years for poor people that have identity issues, that have body dysphoria. I mean, come on, this is so patently ridiculous. And people just gobble it up.
I mean, you have people that have body dysphoria related to their limbs, you know, you know, body integrity identity disorder, and they feel like their limbs don’t belong to them. It’s usually a, you know, a lower extremity, a leg or a foot. And they, you know, they just feel like they want . . . they feel like they’re going to cut it off, you know, because it’s so . . . it just feels so wrong to them. And psychiatrists have notorious difficulty trying to treat these people. But we haven’t made any parades for them. We haven’t started a human rights movement for them. We haven’t put them on the cover of Time magazine. We haven’t had a makeup line for them, or a modelling agency. 
I could say the same thing for anorexics, that’s a form of body dysmorphia. Why is this only happening around these people, you know, who are claiming a synthetic sex identity? You know? And why has it happened across the board in so many different countries? And laws are changing and language is changing to uproot society, the way that we’re organised as a society. Why would you do that to people? I mean, it’s absolute insanity. It’s madness. Nothing means anything any more, right? There’s no boundaries. Boundarylessness.
I started following the money around this issue because if you want to know anything in America, you follow the money, right? And so I started following the money and I looked at all these different NGOs, these non-governmental organisations that were really huge. They were huge, like Arcus Foundation and Gill Foundation. They’re mammoth. They’ve each given like a half a billion dollars to spread this ideology through the cultures, you know, not just our culture, but, you know, Western cultures, because they fund other organisations that do the same thing, and they create this whole scaffolding, this political scaffolding to drive it, so that you have media people, you have people that are being trained in politics to get them into political institutions like the Victory Institute, for instance, that’s funded very heavily by Arcus Foundation. And like, for instance, Rachel Levine was part of that organisation. You know, they call people from different schools and different areas that are going to work for them, and then they train them to be in these positions to drive policy through the culture, right? Which Levine is doing, if you’ve seen him speak.
And so then they have media people as well, like GLAD is the media arm. So GLAD and Arcus Foundation are closely working together and GLAD goes about spreading information about how people are supposed to talk about this, because it’s a human right and you don’t want to offend anybody, right?
So the message comes from on high. And what I mean by ‘on high’ is not Arcus Foundation, I mean Stryker Medical. $17.1billion corporation and growing by the day, in 75 different countries. The medical industrial complex is bigger than the military industrial complex. 
So I’ve picked out a few different characters that are very, very prominent and are doing a lot of work to change society and to change people’s minds, to drive this techno-religion through our society. But there are many, many others, whether or not they actually know what they’re doing, it’s not quite clear to me, but they, most of them, come out of the techno-medical industry, the banking industry. 
We don’t see big oil men, you know, in the gender industry. Do you know what I mean? We don’t see automakers in the gender industries, do you know what I mean? This is all pharma, tech and big finance, you know? BlackRock, Vanguard. The ideology is just so patently ridiculous.
You know, I mean, there are men, grown men with adult diaper fetishes. Are we going to have, like, next year, are we going to have, like, changing tables in the corporate arena for them? You know, we have stores for them now, where they can actually go and buy paraphernalia for their fetish. But why are we, you know, why are we normalising fetish? You know, fetishes, really, it’s a compulsion and it’s objectification. You know, it objectifies if your fetish is for another person, it’s an objectifying of them, objectification of them.
So, and we’re seeing this because we’re dissociated as a society. You know, this has become our mode of expression now, dissociation and compulsion, addiction, you know, because we’re trying to fill up the holes that this society has created. And instead of looking at the society and how damaged and broken it is, that it’s not giving us what we need. All these aberrant behaviours are being supported in its stead, which is absolute madness. 
GLSEN is the educational arm of the LGBT Inc. And they basically take care of educating the populace in schools, in community centres about, you know, they dispense gender ideology to them, sort of like the old Christians used to come into the, you know, American Indian communities and indoctrinate them into Christianity. Well, this is very similar. It’s a technological religion, and they’re indoctrinating people to this ideology, promoting it as a human right. But it’s a technological religious cult.
You don’t get to bow out of this. I mean, that’s becoming abundantly clear to a lot of people, but they don’t understand why. Why can’t we talk about this, if this is a human right organisation, a movement for human rights, why wouldn’t you want to share that information with people? Why wouldn’t you want to get people on board with it? 
Everything is transphobic. You can’t speak about it. No debate. No debate. You know you can’t talk about it. You can’t even talk about womanhood, because that’s transphobic. Everything is transphobic. I mean, it’s becoming like a joke on social media now.
The construct of the transgender child had to be created. So, you know, these very, very large international law firms, lawyers, have created legal structure for transgender children. Right? And how to communicate about this, like, how to drive this ideology. They’ve created guides, basically, for people. Right? 
So this gets, you know, this is created through these ginormous NGOs, right? With these international law firms. And then they’re sent down through the community, you know, through people like, you know, organisations like GLAD, right, who take that information and now they indoctrinate the public. ‘This is a human right and some people are born in the wrong body. And it’s just the way that it is.’ And da-da-da-da-da.
You know, and then you have GLAD who, you know, takes care of the media. This is the way that you have to sell this to people. Right? So, and then these universities are getting, you know, all of this money to promote this ideology. And so they do, you know? So it’s coming from every single avenue that you can think of in the culture. 
Well, let’s see. Governor Pritzker just sent a bill through the schools in Illinois, Chicago specifically, that if you want health education in your school, you have to adopt gender ideology. You have to teach kids about gender ideology, which means they can, you know, you can change your sex, you can get hormones and puberty blockers, you can change your name. Very sexualised material as well, very intense sexual material, they’re teaching them. You know, anal sex and the gamut, you know, bondage and, you know, anything really that you can think of. They’re teaching them to young children.
And so if you don’t want this in this school, in your school, then you have to pull out of health education altogether. You don’t get any health education. If you want health education, then you have to do this. So this, I think, was sort of a, you know, the first real platform of its kind to sort of see how this went over, you know. Most parents said, ‘No, we don’t want it,’ which is a credit, a credit to them. But they’re still pushing it, they’re still pushing it all over the schools. And, you know, teachers adopt it, parents adopt it because they think it’s kind, you know? They don’t want to be seen as terrible people. This is part of the LGB. 
The LGB people have been accepted in society now. Usually somebody knows somebody in their family somewhere, right, who’s gay or lesbian or bisexual. And so it’s like, ‘Oh, this is just, you know, this is just part of that.’ This is what they’ve been told. Not once, not twice – over and over and over and over again. 
Well, the material that they’re being exposed to is highly sexualised. They’ve got Drag Queen Story Hours, grown men dancing around with a G-string on and makeup and hair flying, you know, fake boobs bouncing. You know, and this is supposed to be progressive and cool and fun. And they’re teaching them about, you know, very, very sexual material. You know, what partners do with each other. They’re teaching them about hormones and puberty blockers and that you can change your sex if you want to. ‘This is, you know, just the way some people are.’ It’s not a disorder. It’s not anything other than, oh, it’s just another way to be human.’
God, I think we should just throw the whole thing out, honestly, even as a feminist, I think that, because it’s just so . . . it’s so convoluted now, it’s just ridiculous, you know? I mean, you have . . . you have a female body – that’s really the only thing that makes me a female is my female body. It’s not because I like long hair, or because I like pink nails or want to run around in high heels or, you know, I cry myself to sleep every night, you know? No, none of those things. Those things are socially constructed, right? But they do have some relation, some, you know, small relationship to biology. You know, like testosterone really drives male aggression. I mean, even the women that are, you know, having their sex medically attacked, who call themselves, you know, ‘men’ discuss how, how aggressive it makes them feel.
We all have oestrogen and testosterone, you know, but like, overwhelming the body, that’s not meant for that causes changes, right? So there are propensities. And I really just say that with such caution, you know. Like, propensities of women and men to act a certain way because of their biology. We have, generally speaking, smaller hands. We take care of infants. It makes sense evolutionarily, do you know what I mean? But you know, when you get into, ‘Female brains are smaller and they don’t read as well,’ or, you know, ‘Men are better at math,’ or, you know, all those things are just ridiculous stereotypes. Right? 
But, you know, it’s very difficult to talk about all of those things in this particular climate, you know? So you have conservatives, for instance, going, ‘No, gender is not a social construct,’ right? ‘Females do like to do all these things,’ right? And then you have radical feminists screaming that it’s totally a social construct. I don’t think any of those things is actually real. You know, I think it hovers somewhere in between. 
But feminists, sort of, you know, they wanted to make . . . to, to sort of explain the difference between, you know, our biology and the role that is constructed for us under male supremacy, basically, where we get the shitty end of the attributes, that are docile and non-active and demure and, you know . . . whereas men get all the active qualities, you know, assertive, take action, blah, blah, blah.
So it was originally meant to talk about that hierarchy, right? But now it’s like, because like I said, in this particular environment, it’s completely useless. Just throw it the hell out, you know? Talk about sex, because while you’re discussing gender, the state, the corporate state is running away with human sexual reproduction and transferring it to the tech sector. 
Women are being erased in language in law. It’s like we don’t exist. You know, rapists are being put in women’s prisons, because there’s . . . it doesn’t matter. You know, sex doesn’t matter. Only gender identity matters. The feeling that you have about yourself matters.
So women are being erased in language and law. And mostly women are having their biology deconstructed. You know, young women are getting the double mastectomies. You know, they’re having their ovaries removed. They’re having their wombs removed. You know, it’s way, way top heavy with young women having their bodies, their sex bodies medically attacked. 
So this isn’t just some ideological thing going around of female erasure. This is actually happening. And you have to ask the question, well, why is this happening? Why would they do that? And when you follow the money, like I do, you find the answers. It’s all going to the tech sector, to the, you know, they want to take over human reproduction with technology. People worry about, you know, ‘Oh this is crazy. Where is it going?’ And, you know, but look at where it is. It’s absolute madness out there. You can’t say . . . you can’t talk about reality without bringing the law down upon you. Women are being arrested. Arrested. Legally arrested for saying that, you know, men can’t be women.
So where it’s going, you know, the money points to them sort of overlaying a virtual reality over the natural world and subjugating the natural world. All the big techie guys, they’re all talking about it. They don’t hide it. Metaverse for Zuckerberg, Singularity for Ray Kurzweil, who’s also mentored Martine Rothblatt, he says we’re, you know, in very short order, we’re going to be living as a different species. We’re going to be post-human. 
Now, he’s considered one of our greatest intellectuals, public intellectuals. He works for Klaus Schwab at the World Economic Forum. And he says that, you know, we’re building a virtual reality, that we actually live in a virtual reality already – which I actually agree with – and that it’s going to be more solidified, and it’s going to be more important than and more significant than the natural world. And this is where they’re taking this. Whether they get there or not is anybody’s guess, because there’s not a whole lot of planet left for them to destroy and colonise in order to get the resources to build the tech that they need to do this. However, but that’s never stopped anybody, do you know what I mean? ‘We can’t do it. We shouldn’t do it’ – never stopped anybody. 
Look at the way they’re sexualising children, too. I mean, this is like, you know, the first people to dissociate from their physically sexed body are, you know, rape survivors and kids who have been sexually molested, right? They dissociate, you know, because they’re being traumatised sexually, right? So, and they’re flooding children’s mainstream media, their schools and other institutions with this highly, highly sexual material. And it’s just really overwhelming. I mean, when you think about the things that we’re exposed to, I mean, as adults, I mean, the crazy, you know, sexual activity that’s out there, the wars, the violence, the shows that are on television, everything is so violent, you know. Before the advent of the internet, we didn’t have that kind of exposure to all of those things outside of our own little community, you know?
So we become traumatised. And traumatised people don’t move. Their initial response is to freeze, if you’re being traumatised. You know, somebody comes into a bank and they hold you up and they put a gun in your face, you’re going to freeze, you’re not going to do anything, you know? And people are really sort of frozen in terms of responding to this. This is absolute madness.
When you have a young man on national TV talking about his castration surgery and you follow him into the operating room. And then People magazine, you know, puts on a spread celebrating his penis goodbye party, where he has a penis cake, and this is a big celebration, this is absolute madness. And we should all be saying so. And the fact that we’re not is a very, very big problem, that we’ve gotten to the point where we can’t say what’s real, what’s horrible. It’s absolute madness.
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bloggershojib · 7 months
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Eight steps to finding your NF calling
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Please note: NF = Intuitive Feeler in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, or the “Idealists” in Keirsey’s typology system. NF personality types tend to overlap with Highly Sensitive People (HSPs).
Many NFs struggle to find their calling in life – and usually, for NF people they are searching for a calling, a life purpose. Generally NFs don’t just want a job, they want a meaningful career and vocational direction. Of course, for various reasons NFs may have to work at a job they don’t find particularly stimulating or rewarding. Some may work at a fairly mundane job to support their family, or to fund other creative, spiritual or community service pursuits. I have found NF people to be quite adaptable and are found in all kinds of different workplaces – not just the typical “recommended” careers for their type.
Of all the types, NFs have the most difficulty dealing with jobs and career choices, because the things which NFs at excel at are generally not all that profitable. NFs are typically most interested in and most skilled at various forms of creative arts, music, psychology, social justice, advocacy and community service work. Unfortunately these jobs are often less profitable than many other career paths, and the skills of NFs do not immediately lend themselves to make a great deal of money. This can lead to all sorts of problems, like the “starving artist” syndrome.
Nevertheless, many NFs do not aspire to be affluent, and do not find money or conventional forms of status to be terribly motivating. Yet it is a necessity of life, and it can be frustrating when you can’t find a job in the area that you are most passionate about. Personally, I have experienced conflicting feelings about making money from the vocational areas I’m interested in. Sometimes there is a sense of guilt, or a feeling that these things are too important to make them into a business. I get concerned that money may interfere with my motivation, or somehow detract from the real purpose.
I’ve come to terms with the fact that making money can be a positive thing, as long as it is done in an ethical way. Also, making a profit can be a really good thing, as it enables me to be more generous and give to others. As the successful artist and entrepreneur, Stephanie Rose Freeman says, money amplifies who you are. 
But I do think that dealing with the business side of things can make NFs uncomfortable, as many of these areas – for instance the music industry – are very profit-driven, and this conflicts with NF values in many cases. There is also a common frustration that our culture and society does not always value and is not always willing to pay for the things which NFs view as important and essential to life.
It does seem that the perceiving types have more difficulty making a decision about what to study or what career path to follow, compared to the judging types who are a bit more stable in their sense of direction. As an ENFP, I know that I change my mind a lot – and I’ve also noticed many INFPs do the same thing. I heard one middle-aged INFP lady proclaim, “I still don’t know what I want to do when I grow up!” If you are wrestling with this and feel like you should know by now, then you are not alone. It’s not just a challenge for teenagers and young adults – people of all ages have trouble finding direction and knowing what they want to do with their life.
So what is the solution? I won’t claim to have any instant or simple answers to “finding your true calling”. Besides, the concept of “calling” will vary from person to person. For some people, it might mean a spiritual purpose or mission. For others it is more about a career or a particular area of study. Still others see their purpose and goals in life to be more about marriage, family and relationships. For most NFs, I think the idea of “calling” embraces all the above areas, but some people emphasise one aspect more than others.
I would like to share some tips, suggestions and ideas that I have found helpful. This is not professional advice, so feel free to take it or leave it! I have a keen interest in psychology and counselling, but I am by no means qualified. The only qualification I have is that I am an NF, and I’ve observed a many other NFs throughout my life.
Here are eight factors to consider:
One: Write down your dreams and goals, and be willing to brainstorm all kinds of ideas – even the ones that seem wild and wacky. Some people find it helpful to do something creative, such as making a collage of their “ideal life” or the things they are passionate about. Others may be inspired by images on Pinterest, which reflect their hopes and dreams for the future. I once made a slideshow of images which music, which reflected my desires for the future and my sense of identity.
Don’t just consider your long-term goals here, but consider what would your ideal day look like. What would you be doing? How would you spend your time? This can help you get more granular and gain clarity about what you would like to be doing on a day-to-day basis. For instance, you may love painting, but if you’re an extrovert then being isolated on your own in a studio may not be an optimal situation long-term.
Two: Remember there are different seasons of life, and in each season there may be a different focus. In one season of life, I may be focusing primarily on my studies. In another season, I may put more effort into my friendships and community involvement. There may be seasons of travel, searching and self-discovery. Many will go through seasons of investing in their marriage and children. Allow yourself to go through these seasons, and recognise that each one is valid – even if other people do not value them or think you are wasting your time.
Three: Some people make the idea of “calling” all about having your dream job or career. This can be wonderful, but don’t be limited if you are stuck in a mundane job right now. Is there some volunteering you can do which would be rewarding? What creative areas can you pursue in the mean time? Do you have a business idea you would like to explore on the side? Is there a course you could study part-time? Try to see your calling and purpose in a more holistic way, and embrace different ways of finding fulfillment.
Four: This one is particularly for the ENFPs and INFPs: cut yourself a bit of slack. Most NFPs take longer than others to really work out their true calling, purpose and mission in life. People may judge you as unstable, flighty or uncommitted – but don’t take it personally! Many people, especially SJ types, will not easily resonate with NF values. They may find it hard to see the connection between all the different jobs and areas of study you have engaged in, but you will see a common thread among them. Don’t internalise the judgements of other people, hard as it may be.
Five: I really like how Mike from NF Geeks describes NF “path finding” and his recommendations. Mike advises NF types to look for careers that embrace the values of ‘transformation’ and ‘transcendence’. (See link at the bottom of the page.) This can be found in many different types of work, but those principles are important to keep in mind when choosing a career direction or path of study. Also, don’t just consider the kind of job you prefer, but the type of lifestyle and relationships you want.
Six: Be open to different types of careers and various ways of gaining an income. Some people have a couple of part-time jobs, or run their own business on the side. Many NFs enjoy being an entrepreneur, as it gives them lots of scope for flexibility and creativity – as well as doing something more meaningful. For instance, I’m sure that many self-employed life coaches are NFs! I’ve been really inspired by Marianne Cantwell’s book ‘How to be a Free Range Human’ which explores various unconventional career paths.
Seven: Consider what gives you energy and what drains your energy. When do you feel excited, energised and inspired? What gets your juices flowing? Introverts may want to be careful of jobs that require too much extroversion, as they will often end up very drained at the end of the day and will not have much energy left for their friends and family. Extroverts may get too lonely and feel isolated working from home all the time. Personally, I’ve found jobs that require a great deal of attention to detail can be draining, as generally these are areas that Sensors excel at.
Eight: See if you can find people living lives that inspire you – preferably someone you know. Get to know them and ask them questions. Find out how they got into their particular vocation or career. You might even be able to find a mentor who can encourage you and give you wise advice. However, be careful of trying to emulate someone else who may have very different skills and talents from you. Remember to appreciate your own unique gifts and calling, rather than copying another person.
Further Resources:
Puttylike: A Home for Multipotentialites
NF Pathfinding Video by Dr Mike Boudria
150+ Art Careers – The Ultimate List
Live Your Legend: Change the World by Doing Work You Love
How to Be a Free Range Human by Marianne Cantwell
Career Shifters Blog
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sunshinesmebdy · 2 months
Power Surge for Business: Moon in Aries Meets Mercury, Eclipse & Destiny (April 8th)
Get ready for a firestorm of opportunity, because on April 8th, we experience a powerful convergence of astrological forces that can dramatically impact your business and finances. Buckle up, entrepreneurs and go-getters, because I’m here to guide you through this dynamic cosmic dance!
Triple Threat Tuesday: Aries Takes Charge
Three key transits collide on this potent Tuesday, each influencing your business and financial landscape:
Moon Conjunct Mercury in Aries: This dynamic duo ignites clear and concise communication. Negotiations flow effortlessly, and innovative ideas spark like wildfire. Action Item: Schedule important meetings, pitches, or presentations for this day.
Business Implications:
Effective Communication: Use this alignment to express your ideas clearly and persuasively. Collaborate with colleagues, clients, and partners to convey your vision.
Swift Decision-Making: Decisions made during this transit may be impulsive but can yield positive results. Trust your instincts.
Marketing and Sales: Promote your products or services boldly. Engage with customers through direct communication channels.
Financial Impact:
Increased Transactions: Expect brisk financial activity — sales, contracts, and deals.
Risk-Taking: Be cautious of impulsive financial decisions. Balance boldness with practicality.
Moon in Aries Conjunct Mercury in Aries:
Effective Communication:
During this alignment, communication becomes assertive and direct. It’s an excellent time for negotiations, pitching ideas, and closing deals. Business leaders should express their vision clearly to clients, partners, and colleagues.
Swift Decision-Making:
Decisions made now may be impulsive but can lead to positive outcomes. Trust your instincts and act swiftly. Avoid overthinking; seize opportunities promptly.
Marketing and Sales:
Promote your products or services boldly. Use direct channels — emails, phone calls, or face-to-face interactions.
Customers respond well to confident communication.
Aries Solar Eclipse: Eclipses signify new beginnings. The fiery energy of Aries makes this a particularly potent time to launch new ventures, rebrand your business, or unveil a revolutionary product.
New Ventures:
Solar eclipses mark powerful beginnings. Use this energy to launch new projects, products, or marketing campaigns. Set intentions for growth and innovation.
Reflect on your business identity. What drives you? What needs healing or transformation? Realign your business goals with your authentic purpose.
Courageous Initiatives:
Aries encourages bold moves. Take calculated risks. Innovate, even if it means stepping out of your comfort zone.
Business Implications:
New Ventures: Launch new projects, products, or marketing campaigns. The eclipse provides a burst of energy.
Self-Discovery: Reflect on your business identity, purpose, and leadership style. What needs healing or transformation?
Courageous Initiatives: Aries encourages bold moves. Take calculated risks.
Financial Impact:
Investments: Consider long-term investments or diversify your portfolio.
Debt Management: Address financial wounds — pay off debts, seek financial advice.
Innovation: Invest in cutting-edge technologies or business models.
Moon Conjunct North Node & Chiron in Aries: The North Node represents your destined path, while Chiron, the “wounded healer,” highlights past challenges. This alignment sheds light on any past financial roadblocks and empowers you to step into your true financial potential. Action Item: Reflect on any past financial hurdles you’ve faced. How can you use those experiences to propel yourself forward?
Moon in Aries Conjunct North Node and Chiron in Aries:
Purpose-Driven Actions: This alignment signifies a karmic turning point. Align your business actions with your soul’s purpose. Seek meaningful work that resonates with your core values.
Healing Leadership:
Address past wounds in your leadership style. Lead with empathy and authenticity. Healing within your organization can positively impact financial outcomes.
Networking and Guidance:
Connect with influential individuals who can guide your path. Collaborate with like-minded businesses for mutual growth.
Business Implications:
Purpose-Driven Actions: Align your business goals with your soul’s purpose. Seek meaningful work.
Healing Leadership: Address past wounds in your leadership style. Lead with empathy.
Networking: Connect with influential individuals who can guide your path.
Financial Impact:
Karmic Financial Shifts: Expect changes in income sources or financial stability.
Self-Worth and Abundance: Heal any scarcity mindset. Value your unique contributions.
Collaborations: Partner with like-minded businesses for mutual growth.
Remember: While the impulsive energy of Aries can be a powerful asset, balance it with careful planning. Do your research before making any major decisions, but don’t let hesitation extinguish your spark. This is a day to seize opportunities, ignite your passion, and take your business to the next level!
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