#puppy bean
prismaticpichu · 2 years
For the prompts, 27 or 36? Sephzack, obviously.
YES!!! You get me so well x,D
Dedicated to the master of the catboy <3 Ty for the prompts!!
By the time the accursed, taboo not-word left his lips, formed by some rebellious pocket in his brain and wriggling past all security measures imaginable, it was too late. Way too late. Seph was staring at him as if he had grown a beak. He hadn't grown a beak, actually, but had most definitely just "awwed" at General Sephiroth.
Seph set down his coffee mug, the one he had been enjoying just a second ago. He knew this because his eyes always blew into little saucers when he was happy. A tiny thing, yes. A unique thing, yes.
An adorable thing? ...Maybe.
There had to be some law about awwing at your boss/military officer/best friend.
Oh Gaia. He was so dead. So totally believably dead.
"Did you see something?" Seph asked, although his tone clearly suggested that he knew the answer, steely and professional but also a bit stunned. There was nothing to "see" in the office besides them; Seph had made a habit of confiscating his PHS until they were done, and Ifrit knew there was nothing cute about paperwork. It was actually pretty devilish.
“Nope," Zack lied. "Just saw that my shirt was torn."
Of course he went and picked a lie that was debunkable from across the room. Good job, Zack! Gold star.
Sephiroth scanned him regardless, to which he found nothing. Probably aided by the fact that he was wearing a hoodie anyway.
Zack's insides crumbled, looking deflated in his seat. Not the Zackary thing... He hated when Seph called him Zackary; it sopped with so much disappointment, so much authority. And it was something he broke under each and every time like a spell.
"Okay, okay," Zack squeaked, wringing his hands together. "Your eyes did a little happy thing—when you were drinking your coffee I mean—and it was just so cute, er—“ What was he even saying? He probably sounded like such a weirdo. Who comments on people's eyes dilating? Him, apparently.
However, as he returned his gaze to his friend, it was a saddened look that swept across his face. Seph’s chin dipped, silver bangs wilting.
"Seph?" Zack blinked. "What's wrong, bud?"
"...That is a very interesting sentiment." Wistfulness was pooling in the emerald eyes, his pupils rippling, their unearthly shape drifting against the surface like black bamboo.
"Whad'ya mean?" Zack was frowning now, all that embarrassment overtaken and engulfed by guilt. Had he struck a nerve? He hadn't meant to... not at all.
Silence blanketed them, just for a moment, before Sephiroth gave a wry smirk. "Hojo used to say they were the eyes of a monster."
The perfect monster... My perfect weapon. He always stared into his eyes whenever he told him that, so close that he could smell his breath fuming from his mouth. He would lock with those muddy orbs and watch his own reflection in them, tainted and twisted by the miry color, drowning in a world of his design.
Zack's heart withered his chest, even more indignation stirring at Hojo for planting such an awful thought in Seph's mind. It wouldn't be the first one, and that only made it all the more heavy. It was a hammer that gained weight every time the man's name slithered into a conversation.
"A monster?" Zack repeated, a little sharper than intended. He blunted his voice down as he wheeled over to his best friend. "That Hojo is a slimy shin guard who doesn't know a pigeon from an elephant. Nothing he says will ever be true."
"The mindset didn't stop at Hojo," Seph continued, and Zack noticed how he seemed to be sweeping his bangs over his eyes. It must've been like making someone aware of their own breathing. Something that should be natural and unquestioned and now had a spotlight shining on it.
If only he could keep his mouth shut for one day.
"It didn't?" Zack pressed, stifling the irrelevant thought.
Sephiroth shook his head. "My appearance became very well known among both Wutains and SOLDIERs alike. They were well aware of some of my... eccentricities."
"You are one of a kind."
He smirked, faint but ephemeral. "Recognizable, that was what it was. Many macabre things were associated with me. I had slaughtered so, so many on Wutain turf... and all of them had seen me. At least once. There was no one who had death carved into their eyes as I did. A serpent, perhaps, but not a human. And serpents are very deadly creatures."
“Not all of them," Zack protested. "Some are even kept as pets, like in Gongaga!"
"They are still serpents at their core. People stay away for a reason." Sephiroth closed his eyes then, sighing, leeches of the past leaving him drained and boneless.
And Zack was left feeling hollow. Aching. "Seph," he started gingerly, "you don't think I'm afraid of you... do you?"
Sephiroth dipped his chin in response. It wasn't an accusation, or even a blame. It was nothing but a cold, visceral fear hidden inside of him, always coiling, always caged away.
It broke Zack’s heart.
His gaze thawed and steeled all at once, and Zack dipped his chin as well, leaning closer. The ache in his chest throbbed against the surface. "When I was just a baby in this huge city, heck yeah. You take out that sword of yours and I'd be under the covers in a heartbeat." He smiled quietly. "And then I met you, Seph. You. Not General Sephiroth. You kept me safe all this time, after everything. You always make me feel safe and sound."
Another swathe of silence stretched between them. Not heavy, not stiff, not a stifling mist, but long. Pensive. Sephiroth dipped his chin, shadows under his eyes, small splotches of ink that tried to muddy his friend’s sentiment as he took it in. Tried to muddy the earnest ribboned in his voice.
"...No," Sephiroth said softly. "I know you aren't."
Zack's smile softened to dough. "Good." And then he leaned closer, brushing a veil of mercury bangs away from his friend's eyes… where two obsidian orbs waited behind the curtain. Tame and gentle, kind and lost and found.
...And adorable.
"See?" Zack chuckled—he didn't mean to, he really didn't, but it was just too hard to swallow them. "Those aren't the eyes of some snake. That's a big, kind, kinda stupid cat."
Sephiroth was taken aback. He was already feeling much more relaxed. “A cat?" he parroted, teetering between something of surprise and amusement. That was also a new sentiment... but that was his lieutenant, he supposed, viewing the world through a kaleidoscope. Finding auroras in a blizzard, finding antidotes in a serpent.
"A cat!" Zack confirmed, and chirped it now, starlight glimmering in the eyes so bright that they were ethereal. Maybe even more so than his own. "It all makes sense now, too! The way you keep your hair so shiny, and how stealthy you are—I mean your footsteps are silent."
The amusement had bloomed into a chuckle, silver bangs swaying as he shook his head. Their tips dipped in delicate emerald light. "I am not a cat."
"Yeeeahhh you are. 100%. No questions please."
"You're insane."
"Stop being in denial, Seph. Gosh!"
The chuckling persisted for Gaia knows how long, harmonizing with one another, velvet and playful rhythms, a head shaking, failing to turn away, ungloved hands sweeping through silver bangs and huffs of protest laced in between.
"Let's order sushi later! I'll ask for extra tuna. Lots of tuna."
"It’s not that funny, Zackary."
"Stop smiling then!"
Sephiroth, in fact, couldn't order the smile away, it remaining plastered to his lips so long as his friend continued his one-man show. What he did do was peel his hand away, gazing right into Zack’s sapphire eyes. Locking with them. His reflection rippling in the calm waters, true and real, swimming in a world where he was... him. Him, with his those serpentine slits blown into saucers.
Maybe it wasn't too late for glasses.
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autisticgayplushie · 1 year
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full pride puppy squad.... starting to look a little like a class photo with all 15 of them,,, <3
(the colorful puppies series 2 pre-launch page is now up on KS!!)
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accio-victuuri · 3 months
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yibo, stop being so cute i can’t handle it 😭😭😭
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lucifinaspissed · 9 months
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roxygen22 · 3 months
"My Little Cocoa Bean" series
Summary: A stray pup finds his fur-ever home with the Wonka family. Ben/Bean is 7, and Charlotte/Charlie is 3.
If the weekend weather was favorable, the Wonka family could be found in the park. Today was no exception. The four of you were walking down a gravel pathway, Willy walking backward so he could talk to you, Ben, and Charlotte about his latest invention. Ever the animated talker, he was using his hands and jumping around until a shrill yelp startled him as he stepped down near a bush.
"Did that bush just...yelp?" you asked curiously and held the children back from investigating. Willy got down on all fours to peer under the limbs. There, he spied a little brown furball cowering by the trunk.
"Well, hello there, little fella. Did I accidentally step on your tail? I'm sorry," he cooed. Willy reached into the bush and pulled a trembling puppy to his chest. He sat back on his feet so the family could see and was instantly crowded by Ben and Charlotte, who wanted a better look at the tiny animal.
"A puppy!" Charlotte cheered. You chided her to lower her voice so as to not frighten him further.
"Can we keep him?" Ben pleaded as he scratched under the pup's chin.
Willy didn't say anything, but he looked up at you with the same doe eyes and pouty lip as your children. Real helpful, dear, you thought.
"We really ought to make sure he doesn't belong to someone else first. But we can keep him safe in the meantime," you replied. "When we get back to town, we'll put up a notice in the square for a week. If nobody comes for him, then he can stay with us for good."
Willy stood and handed the pup to you, and of course you fell in love immediately, especially when he snuggled up to your chest. While you had to put up a responsible front, you secretly hoped that nobody would claim him. He was adorable, with one flopped ear and patches of white on his chest and feet. He looked like he had been dipped in chocolate - a perfect fit for your family.
You all took turns holding the puppy on your route home, first making a detour by the bulletin board in the downtown square. He scurried under the sofa when you first arrived at the house but quickly warmed up to Ben and Charlotte. He even licked the girl's face when she hung down from the couch to peer underneath. Her giggles eventually drew him out to play. The kids took great delight in watching him explore the house.
"I think we should name him..." Ben started to say. You quickly interrupted.
"No, no names until he's officially ours. Otherwise, you'll get attached." Too late, you thought to yourself. You knelt down to make eye contact with both of your children. "Now, I need you to understand that taking care of an animal is a big responsibility. He's more than just a toy to play with. He will be completely dependent on us for food, water, and clean bedding. The two of you will have to pick up after him, even if he's only with us for a little while."
"Charlie and I can handle it!" Ben piped up.
"Yeah!" Charlotte agreed.
"Great. I'm going to hold you to that. Now, let's see what we can find for him to eat." You stood and walked to the kitchen. You looked through the cabinets and refrigerator before deciding to mash up last night's leftovers and soften it up with some milk. The pup scarfed it down like he hadn't eaten in days. This brought on a new burst of energy, so the children took him outside to run off his zoomies (and theirs).
Willy made lunch while you kept an eye on the trio and joined in on their game of chase. He called you all in once the food was ready. The pup quickly learned that Charlotte was the one most likely to drop crumbs, both intentionally and unintentionally, so he settled beneath her chair. You were amazed when there was nothing to sweep up after the meal was done.
The kids took the puppy to the playroom while you and Willy cleaned up the kitchen and washed the dishes. You heard giggling, talking, and sounds of toys clanking for a little bit, but then everything grew quiet. You looked over at Willy who had picked up on it, too. It wasn't unusual for Ben to be quiet. But Charlotte? Both of you were wary. Willy smirked. "Go check it out. I'll finish up here," he said.
You dried your hands and made your way to the playroom. You put your ear to the door but still heard nothing. You quietly opened it and drew on all your strength not to squeal over the cuteness.
Ben was leaning against the wall asleep, head lolled to the side. Charlotte looked like she passed out on the rug mid-play. The puppy was laying on his belly between the two of them, eyes closed and all four legs stretched out in a sploot. It was a precious sight.
Willy came up behind you, set a hand on your hip and his chin on your head. He took in the scene and quietly chuckled. "They sat still too long," he whispered. The pup's ears twitched at his voice, but sensing no threat, he quickly dozed back off. You gently pulled the door to so they could continue to nap in peace.
Ben awoke before Charlotte about half an hour later and snuck out of the playroom with the puppy. He found you and Willy in the study.
"Hey, Bean. Sleep well?" Willy looked up from his newspaper and teased. Ben narrowed his eyes at his father in jest before turning his focus back to the puppy in his arms. He had declared years earlier that he was too old for naps now.
"Can you take the pup outside so he can stretch and take care of business?" you asked. He nodded and made his way to the back door. With the fenced-in back yard, you were comfortable letting your son learn responsibility and take care of this task on his own.
Then you heard Charlotte cry. Willy was up and out of the room before you could even react. His long legs made quicker work of getting across the house anyway.
Willy opened the playroom door to find Charlotte sitting up on the rug. She looked disoriented, looking around wildly with her tangled hair and tear-streaked face. Willy sat down beside the girl and scooped her up into his lap.
"Shhh, baby girl. I've got you. What's wrong?" he asked while rocking her.
Sobs wracked her tiny body. "The puppy is gone! Someone t-took h-him h-home!"
"Oh, no, Charlie. He's just outside with your brother. He woke up before you."
"I pinky promise. And that's the most solemn vow there is!" He held up his pinky for Charlotte to link with hers, then kissed her on the head. "Come on, I'll take you outside to show you."
Willy reappeared briefly in the study with Charlotte on his hip. She laid her forehead in the crook of his neck and occasionally took shuddered breath as she calmed down. "I'm going to take her outside to see the puppy."
Ah, she must have been upset about the dog. She will be devastated if someone does claim him. But doing what is right isn't always easy, you reminded yourself. Soon, you heard the girl's cheerful laughter ringing throughout the yard. All was right in her world again.
The rest of the evening was uneventful. You started dinner and called your family inside when the food was ready. The dog took up his previous station under Charlotte's chair, but this time you also provided him with his own bowls of food and water on the floor.
"I'll stop by the store on my way home tomorrow for some supplies and food for him," Willy offered. "I'll also ask around if anyone is missing a pup." Ben and Charlotte both pouted. You and Willy exchanged knowing looks.
The family finished up dinner in relative silence and set about their nightly routines to get ready for bed.
"Where will he sleep tonight?" Ben asked as he rubbed the pup's belly.
"We'll set up a box for him in the kitchen with a warm blanket," you replied.
"The kitchen?" Willy asked.
"Well, yes. That way if he makes a mess it's easier to clean up. Why?"
"No, that makes sense. I...I just think he may get a little lonely is all."
"I think some separation will be good so we don't get too attached. Not yet," you replied, mainly for your own benefit.
Willy kissed you on the forehead. "Always the voice of reason. Alright kids, time to brush teeth and go to bed. Bean, you get to pick the story tonight." His voice faded as he herded the children down the hallway.
You dug out a wooden crate out of the storage room and placed a cozy blanket inside. You picked up the pup, gave him a snuggle and a good scratch behind the ears, and laid him in the crate. You gently pet him on the head until his eyes closed, then off you went to bed.
A couple of hours later, you were awakened by pitiful whimpering. You laid in bed for a few moments in hopes that the puppy would settle on his own, but you had no such luck. You grumbled as you sat up. *Just like taking care of a baby again.*
You put on your robe and tiptoed to the kitchen so as to not wake the others. Upon turning on the light, you saw the pup looking up at you, wagging his tail and whining.
"Hey there. What's all this about, hmm?" Gently you picked him up and he licked your face in return. You suspected he was just lonesome, but you went through a mental list of all his other potential needs as well. First was a trip outside in case he needed to potty. He romped around and barked, bowing at you to get you to play.
You tsked at him. "Shh, no, this is not time for play. Go take care of your business." The pup conceded, though he got distracted a few times by sniffing around the yard. You brought him back inside and set him up with a little more soft food and water in the crate. After a few reassuring pets, you stood to exit the kitchen and go back to bed.
He instantly took up whimpering again.
"Now, now, shhh. Let's not wake the family." You sat back down by the crate and encouraged him to lay down, fluffing up the blanket around him. You got back up once you thought he was settled again, just to be rewarded with more whimpering. So you sat down again with a huff.
<about three hours later>
Willy shuffled into the kitchen in his pajamas when he discovered you were no longer in bed. He stifled a laugh when he found you in a similar state to your son earlier in the playroom.
You had fallen asleep sitting up against the kitchen cabinet beside the crate with your head lolled to the side. The puppy was asleep, too...
...in your lap.
"Separation, huh?" he playfully mocked. "She's going to be sore in the morning if she stays like that," he muttered to himself. He knelt down and gently shook your shoulder.
"Hey, my sweet. Wake up."
You blinked and squinted in response to the kitchen light you had left on. You looked around then down in your lap at the sleeping furball. You realized you caved and coddled him out of desperation.
"He finally fell asleep. The poor dear was whimpering pitifully. I gave him food and water, even let him outside, but he would whine anytime I stood to leave. You were right. He got lonely."
"He might just be sad that dogs can't have chocolate," Willy said with a deadpan face and serious tone. You cut your eyes at him and tried to act surly, as this was no time to joke, but you couldn't help but laugh softly. He broke out into a childish grin.
"I've never slept well on the first night in a new place," he continued. "Especially if it was too quiet. There was always background noise on the ship." You could tell an idea struck him when his face lit up. "I'll be right back!"
Willy scurried out of the room and returned just as quickly with a wind-up clock in hand. "I read about this once," he said with hushed excitement as he sat down in front of you and the crate. "You place it near their bed at night to comfort them. The rhythm reminds them of...of their mother's heartbeat." His excitement dimmed as he looked down at the pup, though you knew his thoughts were elsewhere. You leaned forward to squeeze his hand.
"Do you think we should bring his crate to our room?" you asked hesitantly after a few moments.
Willy nodded fervently. "He is just a baby, after all. We kept our other babies close at first."
"Willy. He's not a *human* baby. And he's not ours. Not yet."
"Maybe not. But will it hurt to treat him like family while he's here?" he asked with a pout.
"It may hurt us later if he has to leave."
"True, but we will cross that bridge if it gets here. Make the most of now. Besides, you risk closing yourself off from the world entirely if you avoid attachments to anyone or anything that may leave."
"So wise at two in the morning," you chuckled and shook your head.
"I have my moments." He smiled as he carefully picked the puppy up from your lap and offered his hand to help you up. You picked up the crate and clock and returned to your room. You sank into your bed with a sigh as Willy got the pup settled in the crate on his side. Ever the doting father, you thought happily. Soon, everyone was asleep again.
The days went by and you only received one inquiry about the pup. Sadly for them, the description of their missing dog didn't match, but it was difficult to keep the joy out of your voice. He quickly became embedded in your daily routine, as if he had been part of the family all along. He was Charlotte's shadow by day and Ben's in the evening when he returned home. Once the children went to bed, he would lay his head on your lap as you and Willy cozied up by the fire. You counted down the days until you could claim the pup. It would break your heart to see him go now, especially now that he was letting you sleep through the night again.
<one week after the walk in the park>
You and Willy called the children to the study. "Alright, kids. The puppy is officially ours! Now we can name him," you announced excitedly. Ben and Charlotte jumped up and down while the pup bounced around and barked.
"Anything but Tiddles, please," Willy supplied.
"Well, I think he looks like he's dipped in chocolate, but Fondue just doesn't sound right," you replied. "Maybe Biscuit, like the storybooks?"
"What about Brownie?" Ben asked and looked around at everyone. The puppy barked. "I think he likes it!"
"Bwowneeeeeee!" Charlotte squealed.
"That has a nice ring to it," Willy agreed as he pulled a collar out of his pocket and placed it around the puppy's neck. "Welcome to the family, Brownie!"
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photozoi · 1 month
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Mr the Mung Bean and his beautiful half sister, they make a nice brace!
Mr the Mung Bean, Friend Sister- Silken Windhounds
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satans-knitwear · 4 days
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Ft the beanie baby pretending to be big (she has the high ground)
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purplesaline · 22 days
Bean alert!
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brinnybee · 6 months
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quick scribbles to try and learn some dear dear faces c':
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antisocialxconstruct · 2 months
SO....... guess what my most wonderful amazing beloved partner bought for me 😭😭😭
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THEY'RE SO SWEET....... the face sculpts are soooo cute and delicately painted I simply cannot deal with them. I love the variety, two of the puppies are twins and one is clearly a little albino 🥺
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dreamyboogrem · 4 months
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Fuckin' creature (His name is ET btw)
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prismaticpichu · 2 years
Since you're doing Zack headcanons, what's your take on his relationship with Genesis? Genesis is such a little stinker that I love seeing different perspectives on him. And I love the way you write Zack so it would be interesting to hear!
Ahhhhh Genesis! The guy everyone wants to kick right in the biblical shins. For all his stinkerness is worth, though, I think he’s definitely got some goodness in there- and all thanks to you and those beautiful fics of yours sparking my interest in him!!
Zack and Genesis’s first encounter was shortly after Zack was taken under Angeal’s wi—I mean, er, adopted by Angeal! We’re only shown Sephiroth as being an influential part of ShinRa, but I’ve always imagined that Angeal—and by extent, Genesis—had some serious spotlight too. They’re First Classes after all! The best of the best! (Sure, Zack may have saw Sephiroth on the papers and tv and cereal boxes, but he still had a bit of butterflies when Angeal first brought him to his apartment.)
One minute in, annnnnnnd butterflies gone! Boom. Caught in a net and burned away. Wow oh wow oh WOW!! It was COMMANDER RHAPSADOS AND GENERAL SEPHIROTH! Oh myyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.
Genesis, sitting there on Angeal’s couch, is mortified. Eyes twitching. Lips a thin line.
You gotta be SHIVING him, Angeal. Did you at least get him shot for rabies? And influenza? Did you at least wipe his feet?
Surprise, surprise, Genesis isn’t so keen on Zack joining his friendship circle. Angeal is absolutely mother-Chocobo for his little student and even Sephiroth seems to enjoy his presence. Has the world gone MAD?!
For all Genesis is though, he’s not a bully. His feelings towards Zack never extend beyond impatience and just… annoyance. Why is the new puppy getting all the attention? Why is Angeal, who’s been his bestest friend since they were 3yos, whose dreams they shared and whose path he followed, spending more time with Zack than him? It—it isn’t fair! (Genesis kicks himself for that pun.)
Halftime! Let’s switch sides of the court. Zack is a natural puppy and wants to be pals with everyone. But that doesn’t mean he necessarily gets along with all living matter on earth. Genesis and Zack’s personalities majorly clash—and I’m not even talking “opposites attract” kinda thing. I’m talking God has shut off the magnetic field. Genesis was stiff and smug and was always rolling his eyes at him :( Like seriously!! All he did was ask for seconds of ‘Geal’s mac and cheese and Genesis scoffed. What did he do???
They develop a very “grouchy siblings fighting over mom’s front seat” kind of relationship. Angeal is constantly tearing apart petty little grapples between the two, and then poor Sephiroth gets roped into the lecture too because he’s being a “bystander” and yadyaydya Angeal’s ted talk.
But, alas, leave two stubborn animals in the same room long enough and they’re bound to work things out (or tear each other to shreds, whatever comes first). Genesis begins to take notice of Zack’s impressive swordsmanship—of course it’s courtesy of Angeal’s guidance, but still. The whelp is… not bad. He finds himself watching training sessions between the two, admiring how he almost always managed to actually land a hit on Angeal. (Not that he is any match for Sephiroth—if he couldn’t beat him neither could the puppy. Now that would be unfair.)
Come the day when Zack is promoted to Second Class, Genesis volunteers his time to go to Angeal’s apartment and celebrate. He even took the time to get a little gift—how sweet is he?? :3c C’mon, really. Tell him!
More weeks go by, and Zack’s presence doesn’t feel so asphyxiating anymore. He would dare to call it natural, but Genesis knows that isn’t the full truth. Zack is merely fading into the background as other, more… potent emotions are stirring. Sephiroth’s fame is snowballing and his is falling behind. It’s as if the more effort he put into training, the less it paid off. The less it mattered.
He would show Sephiroth—and Angeal. Just ONE more spar to prove himself. He knew he could.
When Genesis vanishes, Zack feels it. Maybe a little less severe than Angeal’s lack of energy or Sephiroth’s lack of appetite, but he feels it. Seeing those Genesis clones on the ground, and then the real thing, all winged and twisted… No. No. It was all wrong.
“You’re not the Genesis I once knew!”
His words echo far into the sky, where Genesis had already been swallowed.
And so he proceeds to bond with Sephiroth instead <3 <3 It’s a very adorable, healthy friendship and they love each other very much. There is no amount of jealously or genetic revelation that can ever tear them apart <3
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wolfylch · 9 months
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✨️Newly Weds✨️
Their Doodle, POG, under the cut :
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rubywolf0201 · 2 months
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I think I should start gatekeeping these two from the BUCCHIGIRI?! Twitter/X space cause the way they acted towards two flawed teenagers is just horrendous.
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photozoi · 7 days
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When you are posing for pictures but keep getting distracted by bees.
Mr the Mung Bean, Silken Windhound, 11 months
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satans-knitwear · 2 months
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Shark attack 😱
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