#psychopath and the sweet💀
ultimatehope213 · 2 years
come get yo man, i found him when getting riddle pins
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To be honest I don’t fully control where he goes. He just kinda runs around everywhere, I don’t have control. Buuut I shall drag him back since he bothered you from getting pictures of your own man. I apologize on his behalf.
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liaarxse · 7 months
hi! main tr boys with a taller s/o? like 6'
I'm baaack !!!
I get this struggle. I'm around 5'10, and I sucks simping for someone who's like 5'7 or below
This also includes real-life
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Characters: Ryuguji Ken, Hakkai Shiba, Keisuke Baji
Warnings: None, crack
A/n: I'm so sorry for this unannounced break I took, I just truly needed it <3
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— Ryuguji Ken
When he first saw you, he was FLABBERGASTED
Why the hell are you so tall??
As if he isn't walking Mount Fuji over here
But he never made fun of you
He actually admired you
You were rocking the height
And slowly, he started falling for you, and your just as big personality
That's how you ended up dating Ryuguji
And to be frank, you couldn't be happier
You knew the kind of environment he was raised in, and the fact he grew to be such a smart and responsible teenager was one of the things you admired most about him
And you always reminded him of that
Which only deepend his love for you
He also likes to slap your ass
It wouldn't be me if I didn't ruin a sweet moment 🫶
He's also very VERY protective of you
As if you aren't a walking mountain as it is
But there still are assholes who could try to hurt you, and you both knew it
And Ryuguji will be damned if he let anything happen to you
If someone, somehow, ended up hurting you, don't worry
Toman will be at their doorstep
Escorting the people who tried to hurt you to the ER
Like goddamn y/n
All jokes aside, the last thing Ken would be looking at are your looks. You could be half his height or half over it, and he'll still love you regardless. <3
The first time you visited the brothel, the girls were amazed
Beauty and height all in one?
Did a model just enter this place?
Would befriend you on the spot
And would, of course, watch what they say to Draken from now on
Would make sure no man comes up to you with the wrong intentions
More devious than Draken himself frfr
Your big sisters love you as much as your big boyfriend <3
Even though you're taller than them <3
— Hakkai Shiba
Baby boy
Will love to be dominated–
–Whilst cuddling
Get your head out of the gutter y/n
But only if he has had a bad day
Good luck trying to little spoon this big boy on a regular basis
Loves to hug you from behind and hide his face in your neck without having to sprain half of the bones in his body
Would be shook when first meeting you
Holy shit they're tall
To this day he's still trying to calculate how much milk you drank as a child to grow this much
And you?
You are too
Because why tf are you this tall?
This ain't jack and the beanstalk y/n
The first time you met Yuzuha she was shook
She knew you were tall but not THIS tall
She loves you regardless
Also babies you both
Because you're her babies
Her 6'0+ babies
Hakkai wouldn't be as protective as Draken, but will be possessive
Not the yandere psychopath kind of possessive but the kind that would cuddle up to you if you're talking to his sister on the couch
Would also keep a close eye when you're around his brother even though Taiju wouldn't harm you
Also forget about fighting
You might be double the height of his enemies, but you're staying double the distance away from them
Just stay away from fights
Boy only wants to keep his girl safe and sound y/n. Don't be an asshole
Nonetheless, Hakkai will make sure you feel at ease with your appearance no matter what because in his eyes, you were the most gorgeous person he's laid eyes on
And he makes sure you know it
— Keisuke Baji
BAHAHAHAHAHH – Mikey and Smiley
💀 – Mikey and Smiley 2 minutes later
Keisuke does not CARE about height
He'll treat you the same way as if you were half his own
Does not give a fuck if you're tall, he fell in love with you and that's final
Nobody messing with you from now on
You've had bullies? Wanna visit their graves?
A car almost hit you even though you're taller than siren head? Wanna see him light it on fire?
Baji solos your favorites
Wait Baji is your favorite?
Baji solos himself
Bonus points if you like cats
Because who doesn't like to play with cute little pussies?
Especially the big ones
Wanna know Baji's favorite big pussy type?
Black tigers
What did you think I was talking about huh?
You nasty
Speaking of cats, Baji loves it when they climb on you
You'd be minding your own business, waiting for Kaisuke to get ready so you could finally go out when you felt something tug on your pants
When you looked down, you saw one cute little black kitten climbing up your pants
Swear to God your heart melted
You started baby-ing the cat, encouraging it while making sure it doesn't fall
Keisuke entered the room, wondering who the fuck you were talking to and when he saw this scenario unfolding before his eyes he deadass dropped to his knees in front of you, encouraging the kitty as well
You were both ecstatic when it managed to reach up to your top, and Baji took a quick family picture, which is now his wallpaper and would beat anyone who made fun of it <3
Jokes aside, Keisuke adores you and will never let anyone or anything make you feel any less
You're perfect inside out in his eyes, and that's more than enough
Just accept the love because there isn't any other way out of this
You're loved
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nutal · 14 hours
got a question >:)
how healthy (or unhealthy) is Adam and Lute’s relationship 1 to 10 >:)
alright so, here’s my take: as toxic of people Adam and Lute are INDIVIDUALLY, I’d like to think they’re actually really sweet with each other.
Lute does not give a shit how much Adam tries to down talk her because in the end he ALWAYS listens to her. A prime example of this is during that scene in the where Adam almost starts a fight, and Lute literally MANHANDLES this guy explaining to him why he shouldn’t. And Adam just stands there, with Lute’s hand on his fucking collar, and listens. Of course, he has to brush it off with a quick “don’t fuckin shush me bitch” to look tough, but you can tell he respects her and what she has to say regardless. And Lute seems to be pretty okay with that.
On the topic of him name-calling her, I think she lowkey enjoys it like in her mind it’s almost empowering since she doesn’t necessarily see being a ‘bitch’ as a bad thing. And Adam has caught onto this and purposefully does it more just to screw with her it’s the same scenario with ‘Dangertits’ like weird ass petnames 💀
Btw, when these two do argue? It’s typically over really dumb shit. Like splitting the bill or who gets to drive (Adam is a horrible driver he got his license suspended like twice now because he keeps going past the speed limit and Lute is just so done with him she keeps urging him to just let her drive because she knows for a fact that he’s going to hit a curb because of how he’s done it too many times in the past)
Or, yk what, picture Adam arguing with her over metallica albums or something like: “SERIOUSLY LUTE?? YOU PREFER THE BLACK ALBUM OVER RIDE THE LIGHTNING?? FUCKING POSER!” and then he proceeds to go out of his way to learn and play her nothing else matters (from the black album) on his guitar while she’s falling asleep on him or something ☹️💔
My god, I could go on about these two assholes forever, but here’s just my two cents. While they may be a very unconventional couple objectively speaking, they really do love each other. They balance each other out perfectly. So, healthy? Yeah! Like a 9.5/10 on healthiness in my book, retracting like 0.5 points just because they’re literal psychopaths who could go from play-fighting and chasing each other around with swords mid-sparring because Adam made some dumb sexual joke. To which Lute gets intimidating and gives him death-stare eyes going all “I’m going to kill you.”
And when Lute tries dragging him aside to a secluded area to scold him, they somehow end up having a ‘hate’ make out sesh instead and that’s basically how they solve all and any of their disputes LMAO these idiots
When it comes to how good of a couple they make tho? 100/10
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aceslovebot · 11 days
I just love how Hannah marks is using Alex Saxon's twitter account 💀 This woman is crazy af! Next level of possessiveness!
So you are telling me Alex never liked posts based on his own projects he worked in and keeps on liking his cringey psychopath girlfriends movie posts.... ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?!
And the fact that movie is only getting views coz of the original book writer, and clearly the writer itself is falling for her tricks!
Prior to this, none of her work is recognised or known, her roles acted are flop, and she is now knowing Alex Saxon's Nancy Drew fandom is great, she is using that as a bait to get more people to know her work, which is really sick and pathetic on her end.
All her interviews about the movie is a joke! She narcissistic self is very much seen in those articles, yet people choose to believe that she is sweet and cute (thanks to her AB syndrome to act as a kid and her botox face)
The next question you are gonna ask me, if she is narcissistic and abusive why is he isn't leaving her??
Are you fucking serious? Do you even know what narcissistic do? They manipulate you, Gaslight you and lower your self esteem making you belive you are worthless and nobody wants you, so you start believing that the person is right, and there are other things like controlling, blackmailing and making sure he/she afraid of you and won't even think of leaving you
Now let's talk about Alex before he met Hannah, how much he adored his roles, all the pictures he took and posted of his characters, Max, Wyatt, Chloe, and how suddenly he wiped out his media after getting with Hannah; and the lies she posts about him making others believe she is telling the truth, but in real she barely knows Alex at all
Before y'all at me, think twice if you'll wanna support a professional abusive narcissistic psychopath 💀
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sleepytwilight · 1 year
I saw your post about Sirius being Anne Boleyn.
So, you know those reaction video? Can you write about Arcana Twilight boys react to themselves in another alternate universe about them being the Six wives?
Also, Summoner as Henry the 8th. It's funny!
Ex wives
Arcturus: He really like the introduction but was very confused why it started with divorce, dead, died, divorce, dead and survive. He will ask the Summoner about humans history later.
Spica: he think the outfits are bit too revealing. Other than that, he likes the beats.
Pollux: Poll was like 'WOW' the whole time. He is so gorgeous in that universe. Literally admiring himself lmao and called Alpheratz an old lady too.
Alpheratz: he still look handsome as ever.
Sirius: Green does suit him and he look very fashionable. Kinda wondering why Vega has a smug look the whole introduction.
Vega: know about the history and know that shits going down. Seeing Sirius as Anne Boleyn already make him almost laugh. But then again, he have to hold his laughter.
No way - Spica as Catherine of Aragon.
Arcturus: *shocked pikachu face* Spica is Summoner's wife and Summoner is cheating on him with Sirius?! He almost fainted but Spica caught him.
Spica: he know that's him in other universe but somehow he feel pissed of at Sirius. Image having a family with your husband but then he cheated on you none than other but your colleague.
Pollux: *Shocked Pikachu face #2* he recorded it to use it as a blackmail. Still haven't recovered by the sudden news hit him though.
Alpheratz: he is going to tease Spica forever for this.
Sirius: he laughed for the entire video. It's just a pure gold comedy for him.
Vega: is recording Sirius laughing for the whole situation just so he can replay his laugh when Sirius turn come.
Don't lose your head - Sirius as Anne Boleyn
Arcturus: oh boy, this gave him heart attack. It explains the song introduction.
Spica: slander Sirius for it such as "that's what you get for stealing someone's man." he is enjoying this.
Pollux: almost cry to be honest. Image seeing your friend from another universe got beheaded by Summoner from other universe. He doesn't like it anymore. Also, it explains why Vega hold his laughter for the whole time.
Alpheratz: that took turn really fast. He thought it's just hilarious story but oh boy. He was wrong. Probably won't be able to sleep for a while after seeing a guy you dislike got beheaded.
Sirius: drop his smile as soon the song getting darker in beats. He is mad at his other self for marrying the other Summoner.
Vega: literally replays Sirius laughter a lot of time just to pissed him off. Everyone started to think Vega is a psychopath for smiling throughout the video.
Heart of Stone - Arcturus as Jane Seymour.
Arcturus: he is crying. He feels bad for his own son from another universe and also himself. They have something in common which is hope.
Spica: Spica was like, oh this is so Arcturus and yeah he was right. Almost drop a tear but hold it. The song is so sad for him and it sadden him more to see Arcturus in that universe hoping for Summoner's love is permanent.
Pollux: he is crying like a baby to be honest. Had Alpheratz as his pillow to wipe of his tears. Arcturus is so sweet in every universe.
Alpheratz: crying mentally on the inside. He won't make fun of anyone who cry at this song because it's cryable.
Sirius: the situation is so tense even for him so he tried to bright up the mood with patting Arcturus's back. Vega slap his hand though.
Vega: he slap Sirius's hand because he's the one who want to comfort Arcturus.
Get down- Alpheratz as Anna the Cleve
Arcturus: this song teach him the term of gaslight, girlboss and gatekeep. He really like Alpheratz attitude in there.
Spica: "why can't you be more like her?" he said to Alpheratz with a grin. Marriage that didn't last for a year, oh how he love to hear scandal.
Pollux: regret calling Alpheratz in that universe an old lady. In fact he is admiring the other Alpheratz more than the original one.
Alpheratz: proud of himself. He frowned at Spica's comment and said "Image getting divorced because you're old." Spica all frowned at that.
Sirius: he secretly proud- yeah a big surprise. He likes this song more than his own.
Vega: still surprised that Alpheratz as Anna the Cleve. They both have huge difference personality but it's funny to see Alpheratz acting like Girlboss.
All you wanna do - Pollux as Kathryn Howard.
Arcturus: he was wondering why Vega insisting on throwing Pollux to his room again. Oh boy, once he heard the song he felt his heart shattered to pieces.
Spica: he is glad he shove Pollux back to his room. Even if Pollux is not that innocent, he can't handle another crying person. Arcturus already have his eyes red from crying. It was disturbed and sad.
Pollux: still wondering why the hell he can't listen to the song and why when he came back, Arcturus and Alpheratz won't stop stop hugging him.
Alpheratz: he was disgusted at those people who harassed Pollux from another universe. He even scream when Pollux was beheaded for false accusations. Once he get out from here, he's going to treat both Pollux and Arcturus a nice meal-
Sirius: had his jaw dropped the whole time. He really doesn't enjoy this anymore. Yeah all of it start with nice stuff but this? It's too much even for him.
Vega: he feel bad for both Kathryn and Pollux in that universe. Vega is a big fan of Kathryn back in Middle Eartheim when he was learning England history
I don't need your love- Vega as Catherine Parr
Arcturus: Vega voice is very majestic and he is proud of other Vega too. This stopped the whole room before it get flooded with tears.
Spica: really glad everything come to the end. He hopes from the dead one rest in peace-
Pollux: is proud for other Vega for not needing her husband love anymore. Listening to Vega's singing wanting him to karaoke with Vega again.
Alpheratz: they both have huge difference personality. Somehow, Alpheratz commenting to Vega for the whole video.
Sirius: "hey, how come he gets the cool part?" -Sirius 2023. Still not over the fact he got beheaded.
Vega: "because unlike someone I don't see the reason why I should steal someone's husband to climb the throne." -Vega 2023. Yeah he and Sirius having a beef after this.
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milfhandholder · 2 years
Bringing back Black Butler actor AU by writing a bunch of headcanons for it
Sebastian has a dog, yes. He loves it very much, a big fat bulldog that WILL run at you to show you love
The children do homeworks on set so an adult can help them LMAO (don't ask Will though he hated that shit)
Not Sieglinde though, she's homeschooled!! Sucks to sucks, it's not easy being rich 😩😩
Grell and Sebastian are childhood best friends. Sebastian's the one who scored her the role because he "works well with his bestie"
Grell: I genuinely thought I was just going to play a cute butler who's going to have this big gender identity revelation but turns out my best friend just thinks I'm a psychopath so that's nice to hear
Ron originally was a make-up staff who did stand-in for script readings but then the director was like "you're the perfect amount of British"
William genuinely adores Grell because she's been in the industry longer and also she's hot as hell
Madam plays extras after her death scene
Madam: I was just too hot to be alive </3
This is Lizzie's first role and for her great work, she was allowed to bring home 3 dresses of her liking
Had it been their way, Redcliff would've had more screentime and deeper relationships but ig ppl aren't ready for that
The one who breaks character the most is Ciel and the one who does it the least is surprisingly Finnian
Finnian is more known for darker and more serious depictions of teens so when he got casted, everyone was like "we're about to witness mental illness y'all"
Ran Mao is very talkative outside of her screen time. Girlie would infodump about her favorite thing that month to everyone
Mey Rin's a Chinese diaspora and so Lau takes her to 'reconnecting with your roots' trip at least twice a month
Ran Mao's a streamer and it's just her yelling "A FUCKING MONA 💀💀💀"
Lau is actually younger than Sebastian, Madam and Grell so when he first started, he called everyone with honorifics because this is his first non-chinese film and wow you white people really do go call everyone by their names even if they're older
Yes, this is an excuse for him to call Grell "Grell jiejie" and I just think that's cute and I love it. As a Chinese who can't speak Mandarin for shit, I want to call her jiejie LEAVE ME BE
Sieglinde has a very thick German accent that slips sometimes and whenever that happens, she and Ciel starts laughing
Sienglinde: it's not my fault you british have weird as hell accents
Ciel, a british: YOU TAKE THAT BACK
Lizzie brings all the young sapphic watchers bcs y'all,,,my girl is not straight at all and if she is, it's written in the most cursive shit ever
Sebastian on Grell's Instagram comments: SO TRUE QUEEN, MY WIFE, MY LOVE, PLEASE MARRY ME ❤
Grell replying back: lol no you're ugly /j
Grell is unfortunately a brunette irl rip to her roasting her own hair
The ones who are the least like their characters: Ciel (dude he's like 13), William (very sweet and soft-spoken, hates confrontation)
The ones who are literally their characters: Lau (he doesn't have a script, that's just him), Lizzie
Sebastian did actually accidentally stepped on Grell's face. He felt so bad that he kneeled to the floor and basically gave her an apology poem while she's just >:( that she has to redo her makeup
Mey Rin is blind as shit irl, she's just like me fr
Mey Rin: I wished I could see really far instead but no, I can't even see past my own nose
Ran Mao followed Lau's footsteps and calls (only) Grell "jiejie" because she likes her the best LMAO. The highest honor from Ran Mao is if she calls you with a Chinese honorofic, unless if you're Lau in which case she feels obligated to call him 'Lau gege'
Ciel is absolutely in awe with Sebastian's acting skills, he's all starry-eyed like "TEACH ME PLS"
Sebastian could only dance thanks to his theater kid days with Grell
I firmly believe that Sienglinde would love kpop and Hatsune Miku
Finnian has a RBF when he doesn't realize it, it scared Ciel shitless the first time
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tonberry-yoda · 1 year
AAAA I HOPE IM NOT TOO LATE HELLO- I’ve requested some stuff from you anonymously for a while and you’re one of my inspirations for branching out starting on tumblr so thank you! Your writing brings me a lot of serotonin in tough times so I appreciate you very much! (Also now having the guts to not ask on anon for the first time too)
I’d like a romantic JJBA Part 3 matchup please! (Crusaders only if possible)
No preference on name
Sexuality: Pansexual
Personality: Im very curious and kind, i’m kind of shy at first when meeting someone new but when I get to know the person more and feel comfortable I can become very fun and energetic! According to my friends (and parents included..) I have a psychopathic laugh thats contagious LMAO (I think its cool) A lot of times. A lot of times I can be very hard on myself and give up easily, but when reminded of my strengths (especially by someone I deeply care for) my confidence and motivation sky rockets sometimes lmao. I have a huge witch aesthetic going on right now, so things like tarot, palm readings, crystal pendulams and jaring herbs and stuff are very fun and pleasing to me! Some fun facts: Im always cold (hence why I dress cozy all the time) when im holding something while trying to sleep (like a pillow) i’ll doze off instantly! And my favorite colors are orange, green, burgundy and black!
Hobbies include!: Studying tarot! (I give fortune readings to family members and to myself) Videogames, teaching myself how to knit, taking care of my cat Ivy, and also studying plants to one day have a nice garden 🪴 I also love listening to music, I actually like all kinds of music and I like to spread out and listen to different things, however Phonk, Pop and Rock are my top 3 favs. When im just chilling and vibing in my room i’ll put on Lo-fi or calming/serene meditation music.
The way I present myself is relatively simple, I love long and baggy clothes, hoodies, sweaters, turtle necks, just a LOT of comfy and cozy vibes. I dont like wearing short skirts but I LOVE wearing long dresses to just flow around in. However one day I’d really really like to wear a fancy sparkly suit 🥹 As for color schemes, def on the darker tone! But every now and then i’ll rock something bright!
What i’d what in the relationship is mainly just someone being there and present for me, its not about being alone but just more of just KNOWING someone is there for me physically or not. Kind gestures that are even super small to most will literally make me melt. I also LOVE being able to take care of my partner, making them dinner/coffee/tea, you name it. If they got hurt? Im patching them up, nightmare? Im comforting them the moment they wake up. Getting them water, a coat, you name it. I also love giving gifts that I made, i’d also spoil them rotten with store bought gifts but they can expect a LOT of handmade crafts and DIYs LOL
I hope this is enough and again, thank you so so much for taking the time out of your day to read this! Sorry if it was really long 💀
OH MY GOODNESS YOU DONT KNOW HOW MUCH THAT MEANS TO ME!! everyone has been so kind about my writing i cant believe there was a time where i didnt share my fics. bonkers. but seriously, thank you so much for the kind words!! you are so sweet and it is so nice to see you off of anon! :) i have the PERFECT character for you!! i really hope you'll agree!
the character I chose for you is...
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like tarot reading?!??! SAY NO MORE
this man's life is literally tarot
you do readings for him and he does reading for you
he also will teach you new stuff too
this man will boost your confidence
like he will always remind you how amazing and beautiful you are
ALWAYS COLD YOU SAY?!??!???! this man has got you 100% expect warm hugs and just warmth whenever you're by his side :)
uh oh i guess you got to hold him now when you sleep so you can have some amazing sleep... that's too bad 👀👀👀
please knit him things he will love you forever and ever
your cat loves him
like will not stop sitting on his lap whenever he is over lmaooo
will help you plan for your future garden
will hang out with you and just listen to music in peace while you plan or while he helps you learn some more fortune teller tricks
thinks you look BEAUTIFUL in dresses and skirts frrrr like it is his favorite style. will 100% buy you some skirts and dresses from egypt
he will buy you that sparkly suit because you would rock it
he will also get himself a sparkly suit so you match
he is always there for you, whether his arm is around you or you know that he is always supporting you
he will blush when you bring him nice things or do nice acts for him
he appreciates it, but tells you that you dont need to do all that for him, but you do it anyway lol
spoil him rotten and he will be a blushy baby boy about it
matchup rules --- pinned post
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mythicamagic · 2 years
I think Yang would have a lot of potential being a DL character, can you imagine Yang as a vampire? 💀💀💀 I can imagine him killing and torturing for sport, especially during the full moon when his bloodlust and sadism are out of control. Eternal life might bore him, but facing vampires and other powerful demons would keep him entertained.
And I'm sure if he were a Diaboy, his personality would clash a lot with Yui's personality, as she's too good and sweet for a fucking sadistic psychopath like him, (although her blood might be the only reason he lets her live).
Yang as a vampire or demon is always hot 👌 hell yee ♥ I actually don't think Yang can torture as well as people might expect though 😂 in Dante's route, Yang fights Orlok and doesn't seem to realise when he's dead. Dante has to point it out to him. From this, I think Yang gets too lost in bloodlust to be effective at torture, as he doesn't have the same control as say Nichola for it. I think he hands off those tasks to Lee or the twins lolol
I think Yang would operate much like Laito in terms of mind games but yeah I don't believe Yui could survive Yang. As much as I love her, I don't think she could keep up with his demand for intelligence and engagement. She tends to repeat the same mistakes in 'triggering' the Diaboys tempers (which as grim as it is, actually works in her favour bc the boys realise she's not the type to deceive them)
Yui also gets swept up in the boys flow quite often, and in Laito's route when he threatens to suck blood from a random woman - she realises she's more jealous than worried for that woman's safety. Contrast this with Lili who doesn't sacrifice her sense of self for Yang - she threatens to bite off her own tongue and die rather than have sex with him, and prioritises Elenas recovery over pleasing him. This makes Yang take an interest in her. Sad to say I think Yang would toy with Yui and she'd end up like Lili in Yangs Bad End where she lost sight of reality and was too enamoured with him.
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ultimatehope213 · 2 years
3, 4 and 5 for Zack-
(I'm bored lol)
Oooh! Another one! Zack, you’re up!!
Ugh, fine, whatever.
(Warning, curse words, because it’s Zack)
3. What was your SECOND date like? Was it an improvement on the first in some way?
And why the fuck do you care?!
Tch, whatever. The second date was fine. I guess it was a bit less awkward?? I don’t fucking know. We just walked around the town at midnight or something. There wasn’t really anything. Though, she did get tired and I had to carry her ass back. I can say, it was better then the first, to be real.
4. What's the strangest gift your F/O has ever given you?
The strangest gift? I don’t know, probably some sort of thing that squishes. What did she call it again?? A squishie? I don’t fucking know it was weird. She said it helps with stress or something, I don’t know. It broke after a while. Her strangest gift? I don’t fucking know, OI, SAM, WHAT’S YOUR STRANGEST GIFT YOU GOT FROM ME?! THE BLOODIED KNIFE?! OH COME IT, IT WASN’T ANYONE YOU KNEW ANYWAY!!
5. What's your F/O's favorite type of kiss to receive? Slow, passionate, sloppy, quick, sweet? What about you?
God, what the fuck is with these questions. Fine fine I’ll answer. The kisses I usually get are sweet and short. Yet..you can just feel how much love she has in it. The kisses I give to her? They’re fine, why don’t you ask Sammy. I’m supposed to answer?? What the hell is wrong with you people. Fine, guess mine are usually quick and passionate of course. That’s it.
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frutaetae · 1 year
Hey author, I missed you! It took an hour for me to find you😭, good thing I remembered the name of this one particular fic which is the NTTD that payed a great help in finding you. I don't know but NTTD just came lingering on my thought out of the blue and I couldn't help but wonder how the fic ended. And that I remembered this fic was a horror, HAHA😭. But I couldn't find you at first😭. Then hours came by and I was on facebook scrolling then Stephanie Soo came, the story teller where in I watch as she talked about the heartbreaking case of Lindsay Hawker. AND I COULDN'T HELP BUT THINK THAT THIS IS EXACTLY LIKE THE FIC NO TIME TO DIE LIKE—💀 SO YEAH I DILIGENTLY LOOKED FOR YOU, THINKING THE FIC'S CORRECT ACRONYM, DIGGING MY MEMORIES, AND REMEMBERING HARD FOR YOUR NAME AND THE RIGHT NAME OF THE FIC. I TOLD MYSELF THAT I AIN'T RESTING UNTIL I FIGURED OUT IF YOUR FIC IS BASED ON A TRUE STORY LIKE I'M CRYING FOR Y/N😭, FOR THE GIR—💀 PLEASEE TAG MEEE, NOT THAT I'M DEMANDING BUT—💳💰
Omgzzzz the fact that u legit searched for my account is so sweet bub 🥹💞 also holy shit detective pikachu!! I'm quite astonished like you connected the dots very well. I enjoy watching all these horror and gore crime series about crazy psychopaths, like their brain really fascinates me a lot (one of the reasons I enjoy yandere stuffs XD). So like you a also came across Stephanie Soo's that video btw I'm a her regular viewer (for people who are interested in crime and psychopath related stuffs I highly recommend her youtube channel). Ya so I saw this Lindsay Hawker video and couldn't help but sympathies for her and that's when it hit me what would have happened if this story can get an alternate ending, in which she escapes. That's when I decided to write NTTD but unfortunately due to some issues I had to delete it an year ago. But NTTD will always stay close to my heart as it was my first ff, also I don't have any regrets everything happens for good. But damn! I was quite shocked as you are the first one who noticed that this ff was inspired from a true incident, you got some skills girl.
Thank you for investing your time in finding my story, I'm really so happy. Also your detective skills deserves a shoutout XD
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larrysblooming · 2 years
Honey you completely missed the point of dwd. The fact that Jack is a charming sweet character but is actually a creep is the entire point 💀like please use your brain. He is literally like Ted bundy
Hello jackass 🤡
Listen, if you want to applaud Olivia Wilde on her r*pe-advertised-as-female-pleasure film that is currently doing disproportionately worse than the singing crocodile movie for kids at the box office, you go on ahead. But if anyone missed the point of the movie, it is you.
You compare Jack’s character to Ted Bundy which is not only utterly tone deaf but objectively wrong. The point of the movie isn’t to depict psychopaths. The point is to show that actually, you don’t have to be a psychopath in order to do something as horrible as Jack and the other men in this story did. The reason these men took their wive’s/gf’s bodily autonomy away and trapped them in a simulation against their will is because they were sold the idea of the Victory Project, which is a direct representation of misogyny and anti-feminism. Olivia Wilde was supposed to make a commentary on the issue of misogyny which is both learned and a systemic issue in our society today, but she didn’t. That was Olivia’s task with this film and she failed. She was supposed to show how Jack’s character developed into a misogynist/ab*ser/r*pist just as the original script did, but she refused to commit to Jack’s villain arch and instead put more focus on the sex and romance between him and Alice, both in the simulation and the real world. It’s the reason why his character is so weak, and why his under developed characterization allows for too much room for interpretation/sympathy for his actions.
Your ask only proves that Olivia Wilde’s execution of the film was extremely poor, because even you yourself, who seemed to have enjoyed the film, are confused on the entire premise of it. Glad I was able to clarify it for you :)
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dragon-in-a-kettle · 2 years
Adult stuff that Schools don't teach you, about work and dreaming
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Aim for the stars, NEVER give up on your dreams. You just need to learn how to make it a reality. Our time here is finite, the end result is the same for everyone. So, tell fear to go to hell and do whatever makes you feel like it's worthwhile been alive.
Learn the most important skill ever: How to deal with difficult people. From minors inconveniences, to personality clashes, to narcissistic cunts with psychopathic tendencies who enjoys making everyone's life a living hell (mobbing). No school, college, university, trade school or whatever is gonna teach you this. IT WILL SAVE YOUR SANITY. Especially when you don't have the luxury of losing a job. So take advantage of some sweet internet and find resources about this. (Z Library is free and safe)
Expand your skill set. Don't stick with only one thing, learn practical and technical stuff related to your line of work. For example: In film school everyone wants to be a director or a writer, which is great but it takes time, in the meantime learning about editing, sound, lighting, props, wardrobe, etc, can open many other doors. This will pay your bills while you're dreaming. So, take your time to analyze what skills are useful in your work and learn.
Fuck the unpaid internship once graduated. It's slavery with pretty words. If you're still studying, you can (and should if you have time) participate in those unpaid projects, volunteer jobs, and all that; but never ever after getting your [title]. You are valuable, no matter what any company says, and you didn't spend countless hours of effort and sacrifice to not be paid. If you apply point number 3, you will gain experience while also getting money. No amount of experience is worthy. It's like influencers wanting to pay with exposure.
Networking, 90% of the time it's not about your talent but who you know, no matter what kind of job you are doing. And I'm not necessarily talking about nepotism. Sometimes if you know a person they can say: "Oh yes, Clara is a friend and she's excellent at her job. You should consider her." Humans are social creatures, we value the opinions of those who we are friends with or respect. Don't be fake, just be nice and try to get to know your coworkers and people from your field. (There are also books about this if socializing isn't your forte)
(Feel free to reblog and add more stuff. We all know we need this 💀)
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sanzusbestie · 3 years
HAHAHAHAH okay but i had this idea for like a while but imagine the haitani brother were on buying groceries and they saw ran crush and gies to spy on them and ran who has not braided his hair letting it freely.and it was dark and reader goes to an alleyway for shortcut when she look at her back she thought she saw a ghost only when its ran but it was dark so she was just yawning cuase bitch is tired and when she looked back she just scream not loudly because not wanting attention and then just sprint on full speed.rin who caught on anything start laughing like a hyena.how do you think ran react?
♡ Haitani brothers accidentally scaring Ran's crush ♡
Characters : Haitani brothers and f!reader as Ran's crush
Genre : Crack
Warnings : Cussing (not really bad lol)
A/n : Thanks sweet anon you really made me laugh with this ! Thank you for requesting and have a nice day ♡
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"I'll go." "I won't go." "I'll go." "I won't go."
You were currently debating with yourself if you should go buy a midnight snack by pulling the petals off of a daisy
Last petal : "I'll go."
You grabbed your jacket and put on your shoes and walked out of your tiny apartment, locking the door behind you
You were still in your lame pyjamas but it didn't matter, you wouldn't run into anyone you knew, right ?
Absolutely not right. You were wrong, very wrong 💀
You went to the nearest convenience store to get some chocolate
You were so focused on choosing that you didn't see the two young men looking at you from the other side of the shelf
"Is that Y/n ?" one of them asked
The way Ran immediately turned his head like boy be careful of your neck
He slapped Rindou on his face with hair by doing so
"Watch out for fuck sake ! I'll cut your damn hair !" he started, "What a strange choice of clothing," Rindou whispered to his brother
"Don't judge her ! It's her personality that matters."
But Ran had a hard time trying to conceal his laugh
He had to admit it : what the hell were you wearing ?
You must be very confident, he admired that about you
"Oh wait. It's almost her turn to pay, she'll leave then !"
"Okay ? And what do you want me to do about that ?" Rindou asked
"Let's follow her !" Ran said like he just had the best idea of the century
"Do you know who follow people ?"
"Who ?"
"Psychopaths ! We're not in 'You' ! Let's go home."
"You're coming with me," Ran said seriously, "Or else..."
"Or else what ? Finish your fucking sentence I hate when you do that, it's so annoying !"
"You know what I'm talking about, Rindou."
He wasn't left much choice : his brother has too much shit on him
They put some distance between you and them so you wouldn't notice
"That's fucking ridiculous. You know what ? I'd be glad if she called the police."
"Shut up, she's going to hear us."
"Well, I sure hope she does."
You, for your part, haven't noticed them at all
You could only think about the chocolate you just bought
"I'm so hungry, maybe I should take the shortcut. But it's dark af. Oh but I can use my phone flash ! Yummy yummy, all this chocolate in my tummy !"
You were lucky they couldn't read minds
The more you sank in the dark alley, the less the street lights could reach you
So you took your phone from your jacket pocket to activate the flashlight
Only to see that it was dead
You turned around, there was no way in hell you'd walk alone in the dark
But when you turned around you saw him : the man that was going to kill you
You couldn't see his face well but you could make up some things
Like his long messy hair and his open mouth- wait why was his mouth open ?
You knew why :
He was definitely a cannibal !
You had watched documentaries, you knew what you were talking about
You wanted to scream but no sound came past your throat
You couldn't die right now
Not dressed like that
Not in your Justin Bieber pyjamas
You didn't want to do it, you absolutely didn't want to
But your life and dignity were at stake
You took your bag filled with chocolate and threw it on his face with full force
You took advantage of the fact that he was unbalanced to push him with all your strength and left, you had became Usain Bolt
You didn't even noticed Rindou who, the second you left, started to laugh hysterically scaring you even more
"Well," Rindou started after he calmed down a bit, "That was a reaction. I really don't regret coming with you, that's for sure !"
"She didn't even give me one second to talk," poor boy was so dumbfounded
You really shocked him
"Rindou," Ran said, regaining his composure, "Don't talk about this to any one. Especially not Y/n."
Rindou smirked : he now had something to blackmail him.
Taglist : @eriskaitto
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the-falling-star · 2 years
Pick a pile reading
What would you be known for if you were a criminal ?
Pile 1. Pile 2. Pile 3.
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Pile 1
Actually I don't think you guys are naturally criminals but 100% sure that if you are hurt like emotionally hurt maybe if you got cheated on or someone hurt someone you love you won't hesitate to kill or hurt someone you are knowing for your protectiveness and your anger issues like you may appear super cute super nice to people but the moment you flip it is for Real ,you don't play around, you are heartless and unbothered, you're one of these criminals who can get people sympathy because of the case like for example a woman killed two men because they tried to rape her children you understand ! that the kind of stories I see you in.
Pile 2
Hello there pile 2 💀 you on the other hand can be a really talented serial killer not even joking you have this intelligent mind and really good tactics 😂😭💀 you may be one of those criminal Who leaves the first letter of their name in the scene or just put a smiley face:-) on the wall where the body is lying down , you are the criminal who is known for being funny but serious at the same time you are not knowing to the people as much as you are known to the cops, i feel like every cops in the town is looking for your ass because you make them look stupid .
Pile 3
You are the criminal who scares the s*** out of me why you may ask well you have this innocent Aura around you that no one will ever suspect that you can do a bad thing or a crime to be exact you gave me the vibe of this sweet neighbor who everyone in the town love him or her but is secretly a serial killer who may even kill just for fun or because you are bored, for people as a criminal you are knowing for being a psychopath or a little Bit crazy cuz you act like a toddler but your crime are so scary and weird.
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simpywhore · 2 years
(First time doing this idk if I’m doing it right lol)
OKAY SO FOR WHAT YOUR BLOG SMELLS/ TASTES LIKE- apart from grape cause like the colour theme hehe (and cause grape 🍇- the meme haha) I WAS THINKING LIKE CANDY/SWEETS BECAUSE (and I have a well thought out reason too hehe) :
BECAUSE CANDY-> sugar high-> hyperactiveness-> fun times and fun energy hehe
ALSO rindou as a cat/ dog 😆 I feel like that will be pretty interesting XD
And linking onto that let’s settle the age old dilemma: cats or dogs ?
HAVE A GREAT DAYYY!!! ♥ \(≥◇≤)/
Purple grapes yes yes 😌🤌✨ SUGAR RUSH HDADABFABDF IT’S LIKE A 24/7 HIGH WITH a hint of thirstiness. I’M GLAD YOU THINK ITS FUN 😭💖💖
❣ He is the type of “I won’t hesitate to bite your head off” dog. But yet, he’s all soft and cuddly when he’s alone with you 🤌✨ 
❣ Very protective of you, his loyalty is so precious istg. No one dares come close to you because of him lmao-
❣ Has to be on a leash whenever you take him out for a walk, cuz you wouldn’t wanna risk having to pay for someone’s hospital bill again 🐕‍🦺🐕‍🦺🐕‍🦺 
❣ He hates getting cold, his lil sneezes are so cute tho dahfhsabfa you couldn’t help but take a vid of him sneezing and saving it in your favs 😌💖 
❣ He hates bath time but will gladly comply if you promise to play with him all day. He just craves your attention <3 
❣ Looooves when you dry his fur, you know how those air force are kinda strong? Yea he tries to bite them 💀💀💀 anddd he still does.
❣ Very picky with his food, and won’t eat till you serve it in his fav bowl smh 😒😒😒 
❣ Tho he’s quite aggressive with others, and had a history of giving his past trainers multiple stitches, he would never try to hurt you. Poor bby would feel so terrible if he did hurt you on accident. His tail drooping as well as his ears, curling up into a ball on his bed, and refusing to play with you cuz he’s afraid that he’d hurt you again. :((
❣ Has beef with any small creatures 💀✋ He’d be chasing them down like a maniac who just escaped the mental hospital or sum. Very psychopathic and chaotic at the same time. (I swear you’re rethinking if he has rabies or not.)
❣ Brings you random gifts all the time, 😭💝 like shiny rocks, dead animals he caught (rats, birds, squirrels, etc...) and so on.
❣ Never sleeps in his own bed smh, he’d always sleep with you no matter what. You even start question why you had bought him his own bed when he’d just crawl and sleep with you anyways.
❣ Best guard dog ever, can’t change my mind. You literally have those dog warning signs everywhere around your house istg.
Answer: I’m more of a dog person but cats are pretty cute ngl, I also have cat allergies so that’s why dogs are more compatible with me pfffft hsbdhasfhsdfsfaw 
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Fmk right back at you:)
Aaron, Ethan & Josh - Fuck, Marry, Kill?
Hi Bell! ❤
How are you, how's life treating you?
This has been sitting in my askbox for so long, I'm sorry...but life just got busy, uni dumped a shit load of work, and I spent way more time to finish TSLD than I had thought...but I didn't want to answer this ask before I finished it, because I wanted to give all of them a fair chance...although, spoiler alert, my answer actually didn't end up changing, oop. 😂
Anyway, here you go:
Fuck: Ethan. I have said this before, but I want to know first-hand what the completely mind-blowing ankles-on-shoulders thing. I debated Josh and him for fuck and marry, but I ultimately put him here, because I do not want to ever see his assface brother.
Marry: Josh. This man is the biggest simp in contemporary literature and that is simply a fact. Like, the guy painted his room the colour of his lady love's eyes (I mean, if you think about it, that's also something a psychopath killer would do, but the circumstances are different and in Josh's case, it'sincredibly sweet idc). And yes, I said lady love, don't @me I finished Pride and Prejuduce yesterday, the pompous language is going to last for to while. 💀 Also, his family is all doctors, and so is mine, which is completely unrelated to everything, but point is, we'd just vibe, you know? Oh, and he'd also keep my house clean, being a neat freak and all. Which is great, because I love having things organised, but I don't like doing it myself lol. 😂
Kill: Aaron. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I know a lot of you love him to bits. I like him too, but honestly, I love the other two more. So yeah, sorry Aaron.
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