#miserable anons
sorry if this is asking too much but can you please tw/cw for france/french people?
... Anon this is a Les Misérables blog?
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larrysblooming · 2 years
Why are projecting so hard onto Harry 😭 it's not your sex life and he likes being called daddy. You shouldn't care so much
Oh honey…
If YOU need other people to see Harry as a daddy and YOU are so concerned with a tag on my post that is literally a joke and YOU feel the need to send anons trying to defend Harry’s “daddyism” and YOU take Harry’s ambiguous post as confirmation for your agenda and leave no room for different interpretations then YOU are the one projecting and caring a bit too much about Harry’s sex life.
Listen, I don’t know why Harry posted this picture, there could be several different explanations, and frankly, I don’t care enough to figure it out. But if you think this is Harry giving fans permission to sexualize him and call him daddy after years of expressing how much he hates being viewed that way and literally saying “Jesus Christ 🙄” in response to these kind of signs, you are beyond help.
Go touch some grass and enjoy your Sunday instead of sending stupid asks like this. Learn to scroll past something you don’t agree with. Or better yet, there’s a block button, learn to use it. Get off my dick and get off of Harry’s too. We all know the only person who belongs there is Louis. And whether he’s screaming “Mommy” “Babygirl” “Slut” or “Daddy” on it doesn’t matter to me, so why tf does it matter to you???
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shamedumpster · 7 months
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Every time I see that damn sweater I think of Courferyac
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maiaczy · 4 months
It isn't Mermay yet, but could you draw Mista as a merman? XD
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Mermista with his fish friends
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heavenangelly · 18 days
there's only one reality you dumb cunt go suck your Dads dick until he kills you with his semen
Get off of anon mode and say it to my face. And It’s not my fault youre miserable and a fucking freak with no hope in life. I’d suggest you to stop sending me these asks
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dykedvonte · 2 months
thoughts on Arcade Gannon!
Arcade is so silly to me but in a serious way.
His whole character centers around the guilt of his father and past and what it would mean to follow in his footsteps and to not. I hate that virtually all his endings are lack luster and sort of sad. He and Veronica get such bittersweet ending slides but all of his stem from the Wasteland not letting him find peace vs Veronica's who struggles to find peace within herself.
He's so smarmy and despite him insisting he's boring he's the most pleasantly (this is a dig at Cass) vocal companion next to Raul for me. His quest is a bitch to start early but it's fun to tote him around. I think it's fun to play around in his idle commentary because I don't think he gets to use his dry whit with the followers a lot (too easy to reveal something about himself and it probably falls flat with how direct and non-tactful the followers seem to be socially).
More people should lean into the "Highly capable in combat but panicky" side of him versus the avoidant type he tries to perpetuate. I mean he starts shooting first of any of my companions' behaviors and his melee weapon is terrifying for a guy who doesn't like to get up close in combat. I feel like he's got a lot of anger bubbling underneath his surface but is scared to let any of it out because he feels that he'd let it become misguided. Then how is he any different than the Enclave who were led by so much misguided hate they were willing to kill all mutated life (minorly mutated humans included).
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canon-gabriel-quotes · 2 months
haii ^_^
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Haii OHh shit I-
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pan-perkozeq · 14 days
Congratulations! You have been chosen to be the microwave anon’s first victim.
*gifts comically large microwave*
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[Thanks that's quite a nice thing to have these days ☺️]
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chrollohearttags · 2 months
good morning frens! it’s a new month which means new, exciting things are coming in your life. You’re gonna do great at whatever you put your mind to. You’re going flourish and you’re not going to let a do nothing, broke, bored ass bitch kill your joy. Never let anyone get on this app or the next and play in your face. You’re that bitch, everything about you is amazing and can’t nobody stop you. May April bring you creative spark to make that fic, drawing or art of your choice. And may you block out all noise from these trolls, ignorant clowns and so forth. We’re not feeding into the bullshit. Remember, if they had something going for themselves, they wouldn’t be bothering you. Have a great week y’all 💙🤍
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tosahobi-if · 3 months
by tropes, I meant more as in their favourite tvtropes, e.g, enemies to lovers, misunderstandings, dual cultivate or die, etc etc (just general like . ao3 ass tag tropes), but im always a big enjoyer of finding out about their interests either way, so it's a win either way for me 😩🙏
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ooh, how meta! i've talked about their "tropes" here before but i'm a little unsure if they'd assign something to themselves or how they interact in relationships (mostly because that requires a degree of awareness none of them have HAHAHA) i've been thinking about how to respond to this for a few days so i hope you don't mind if i hijack your ask and turn it into "which ao3 tags would i give the ros"
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vigilskeep · 1 month
I know you went into this briefly before. But truly. HOW INSANE adding a child into the Isabelamance arranged marriage Hawke.
Is the child expected to inherit? Does it remove potential matches Hawke could have had, potentially making the fiance lower on the social ladder than Hawke?? The implications?? Does Isabela even LIKE the kid??? What if the kid gets seasick. What then. How does no attachments no complications Isabela allow herself to fall in love with THE most attached man in Thedas.
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making this woman the not-stepmother to a kid growing up in a hightown estate just to feel something
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larrysblooming · 2 years
Honey you completely missed the point of dwd. The fact that Jack is a charming sweet character but is actually a creep is the entire point 💀like please use your brain. He is literally like Ted bundy
Hello jackass 🤡
Listen, if you want to applaud Olivia Wilde on her r*pe-advertised-as-female-pleasure film that is currently doing disproportionately worse than the singing crocodile movie for kids at the box office, you go on ahead. But if anyone missed the point of the movie, it is you.
You compare Jack’s character to Ted Bundy which is not only utterly tone deaf but objectively wrong. The point of the movie isn’t to depict psychopaths. The point is to show that actually, you don’t have to be a psychopath in order to do something as horrible as Jack and the other men in this story did. The reason these men took their wive’s/gf’s bodily autonomy away and trapped them in a simulation against their will is because they were sold the idea of the Victory Project, which is a direct representation of misogyny and anti-feminism. Olivia Wilde was supposed to make a commentary on the issue of misogyny which is both learned and a systemic issue in our society today, but she didn’t. That was Olivia’s task with this film and she failed. She was supposed to show how Jack’s character developed into a misogynist/ab*ser/r*pist just as the original script did, but she refused to commit to Jack’s villain arch and instead put more focus on the sex and romance between him and Alice, both in the simulation and the real world. It’s the reason why his character is so weak, and why his under developed characterization allows for too much room for interpretation/sympathy for his actions.
Your ask only proves that Olivia Wilde’s execution of the film was extremely poor, because even you yourself, who seemed to have enjoyed the film, are confused on the entire premise of it. Glad I was able to clarify it for you :)
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hjartasalt · 5 months
Terfs are amazing <3 I love terfs <3 Thank Goddess for all terfs! 🥰🥰🥰
This might surprise you to learn but I don't actually care about the opinions of people who have nothing better to do than bother strangers on the internet all day
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fromtheseventhhell · 5 months
The majority of Rhaegar/Lyanna stans here are minding their own business but for certain people here (especially "martell stans") is not enough
They keep bashing these characters and they are acting as if they are "oppressed" by Rhaegar's stans
It's boring
This is sooooo true, and why I find Elia/Martell stans to be so annoying even though I love several Martell characters (same with house Stark stans tbh). They love throwing stones and then hiding their hands. They put their hate in the main tags and call Rhaegar a pedophile/rapist/racist/abuser/etc., Lyanna a spoiled brat/heartless temptress, and shit talk shippers cause they think the fanon they invented justifies it but the second a Rhaelya gives a fraction of that energy back, they play the victim. Cause you're right, it's not enough for them. At the root of it, they're forever going to be mad that Rhaegar, Lyanna, and their relationship are popular + important to the story. They swear they don't care but then they never shut up about them. Just another case of people wanting to be morally superior and getting pissy when things don't go their way.
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also hell yea i'm in love with a pixel and i might be delulu but at least i'm happy 🥰
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moeblob · 10 days
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it's so true they are all idiots and they all are disasters but after the group mom offered me his therapist info because I was acting a bit weird (and hey, if you need help then get it! no shame!) then yeah I am literally convinced the only way this group is alive is because he has no mean bones in his body.
(I have only just gotten past the first witch and the twinks hate me but understandable have a nice day, boys... but honestly Arshem CONTINUES to remain the healthiest despite going through the roughest imo.)
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