emlyn-scribbles · 6 years
She is Desire personified: to gaze on Her is to gaze on all you have ever wanted, to know Her is to know undying adoration, to love Her is to love Love itself.
Aphrogenea She is in the tide that tickles the feet of paddling children, and the crashing waves that smash rocks to pieces. pick up a shell, you can hear Her sweet whisper ah, if only your ears could understand what She says: “you are loved, I love you, you love, you are loved…”
Chrysia you can see Her in the amber glow of sundown as it hits your lover’s face, candle-lit face masks, nested in the shine of empty chocolate wrappers, freckles spattered across the curve of a nose, kisses of the sun. in fire: She crackles in the grates of cosy cottages, and She blazes in the flames of revolution.
Antheia roses are Her flowers, red for passion, buds for beginnings, their scent runs through Her hair, their velvet petals the feel of Her fingers. but She grows in all blooms: a diadem of daisies for a daughter, cherry blossom petals drifting around couples as they whisper Her words, a spray of forget-me-nots picked before lovers separate.
Epistrophia a father blows bubbles for his infant, She floats within them. a child strokes her brother’s head with Her hands after a nightmare; dear friends embrace with Her warmth after long spent apart. conversations in the witching hour illuminated by screen glow can feel Her urging them on even as the night slips away.
Porne you can hear Her in moans and cries in bedrooms in starlit hours, feel Her in the fumbling caresses of newborn passion, red lipstick smudged at the edges, smeared across two sets of lips She sees through the hungry eyes of your lover as you slide down your lace lingerie, bite your lip gently.
Gamelii Her laughter bubbles in the glasses of champagne raised high for the bride and the bride as they kiss with lips the flavour of violets. they dance together and She composes prothalamia; as She sings the guests feel a breeze - warm, honey-scented. wrinkled hands clasp together, sporting gold rings on this golden anniversary.
Enoplios brandishing a banner, She screams for justice in a voice the sound of shattering glass, the anguish of thousands contained in Her heart. femme fatale, manicured claws, a necklace of pearls and eyes that kill. the glitter of tears fuels Her fire, She cannot bear you to know sorrow. the hateful do not know Her love: pity them, pity them.
Pandemos there is not one who loves who does not know Her: She homes in hearts, her residence the spinning globe; in the rainbow lights of bars and clubs She dances, her pulse in time with the music. feel Her, see Her, know Her, love Her: Aphrodite for all and all for Aphrodite
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