#protective nanami
lady-wallace · 2 years
I Can’t Make You Stay: Whumptober Day 21 (Jujutsu Kaisen)
Some Nanami and Yuuji centric whump for today’s @whumptober 
Prompt: “Famous Last Words” (coughing up blood, ‘you’re safe now’, ‘take me instead’)
Fandom: Jujutsu Kaisen
Character(s): Yuuji and Nanami
Read on Ao3
Read on FF.net
It was one moment of distraction when Itadori went flying that landed them in trouble. Nanami liked to think that he was very good at staying focused, but seeing the young sorcerer take a hit and not get up was enough to pull his attention away for a second. Just long enough for the curse he was fighting to activate its domain.
For a second, Nanami thought he had been the sole captive, but as he looked over and saw Itadori crawling woozily to his knees, he swore silently.
"Hey, what—"
"Itadori-kun, stay there," Nanami commanded quickly, holding his hand out. They needed to assess the situation before they accidently triggered an attack. For the most part, the domain was empty, looking something like a prison cell. But experience had told Nanami that could change at any moment for the worse.
Itadori paused on his knees, holding an arm around his middle. Nanami swore under his breath again.
He didn't have any more time to worry about the student's condition though because the Curse was appearing in the domain now.
"The 7 to 3 Sorcerer and Sukuna's vessel—I feel honored to invite you into my humble domain."
Nanami's hand clenched around the handle of his blade. He hadn't realized this Curse had the ability for a conversation since it hadn't bothered earlier. The humanoid shape in front of them was a patchwork of debris from the abandoned hospital they were clearing out.
"I've been waiting to get a chance to talk to the vessel," the curse said, eyes pinned to Itadori. "But first, let me explain something. My domain operates on exchange and sacrifice. I capture two people and force one to choose who stays and who gets to go free. However, in this case, in honor of the occasion, I will offer you a different deal." It held out its hands. "Yuuji Itadori, I want a favor from Sukuna."
Nanami turned to stare at Itadori as the teen stared at the Curse, finally making his way slowly to his feet. "I'm afraid I don't really have control over that. Sukuna does what he wants."
"At least switch with him and allow him to make the decision for himself."
Itadori looked to Nanami who shook his head. Sukuna could not be predicted, and neither could Itadori's seemingly innate ability to swap at ease, especially as the Curse got stronger.
"Perhaps a little persuasion is needed, then."
Chains shot out of the walls and pierced through Itadori's body at multiple points, holding him suspended with a sharp cry of pain. Nanami jumped forward, raising his blade to cut through the chains, when another shot out and punched through his wrist. Shattered nerves forced his hand open and he dropped the blade, his arm suspended.
"Easy. I just want a minute. Sukuna," the Curse said, looking directly at Itadori.
"Can you control him in here, Itadori-kun?" Nanami asked quietly, itching to pick up his dropped blade.
The teen glanced over at him, gritting his teeth against the pain. "I…yes."
"Then give it what it wants," Nanami told him. If there was at least a chance of getting out of this domain, they might be able to quickly take the opportunity to take the Curse out once it released them. If they were in any condition to do so by that time.
Itadori swallowed hard, wincing, but nodded. He closed his eyes and a second later, his features shifted into that of the Curse. Sukuna sneered at the other Curse.
"What do you want, worm?"
The Curse sneered. "Sorry, I'm just taking a moment to enjoy the fact that I've captured the famously powerful king of Curses Ryomen Sukuna."
"Captured is a loose term," Sukuna said before he strained against the chains and freed one arm as it snapped.
More shot out instantly spearing Itadori's body to further hold it in place.
"All I want is one of your fingers," the Curse told Sukuna. "Surely you can spare at least one. I'll make it worth your while."
"Filth," Sukuna spat with a sneer. "You think you're good enough to have even a scrap of my power?"
The walls of the domain rumbled slightly as the Curse got more agitated. "You won't even give one up to save your vessel?"
Sukuna leered. "We're done." Then he suddenly shifted back to Itadori who gasped in pain, blood dripping from around the chains. There was nothing Nanami could do at this point though.
"If Sukuna won't cooperate, I'll just have to take the fingers for myself," the Curse snarled.
Itadori screamed as the chains started to shift as if threatening to tear him apart.
"Stop!" Nanami snapped. "Your Domain operates on choice and sacrifice, correct? Then take me instead."
The chains stopped tearing Itadori apart and the Curse turned to face Nanami again.
"That's your decision?"
"Nanami, no!" Itadori croaked. "Sukuna will heal me. It—it's fine."
"Itadori-kun, you understand that the power you hold cannot get into the wrong hands." Nanami said quickly. It was true, if not the whole truth. But he couldn't allow sentiment to get in the way of the mission now. "It has to be you who gets out."
Itadori's lip quivered and Nanami turned back to the Curse. "Yes, that's my decision."
The chains instantly withdrew from Itadori and he disappeared.
Nanami felt a brief sense of relief that the boy was at least okay before more chains flew toward him at the same moment he dove for his blade.
He sliced the chain already holding him and was able to deflect most of the others, but they kept coming, and it was inevitable that some of them would made it through his defenses. One pierced his shoulder, then two attacked his blade arm, another his left ankle. Soon he was effectively pinned, spread-eagled in place.
The Curse chuckled gleefully as it stared him down. Nanami glowered back, defiantly, still gripping his blade before it was knocked out of his hand as another chain punched through his palm.
"Time to die, sorcerer."
Yuuji opened his eyes blearily, pushing himself up on his elbows. What the hell had happened?
An orb of Curse energy loomed nearby and he gasped, staggering to his feet, ignoring his injuries, because Nanami was in there!
"Nanamin!" Yuuji screamed as he summoned his Curse energy and started slamming his fists into the domain. He'd done it before, he could do it again. Blood poured from his injuries but still Yuuji didn't stop. His only goal was to get Nanami out of there.
He continued pounding until his fists bled and he was swaying on his feet, and then…
A crack.
Nanami tried to use his Curse energy to fight against the chains as they started to tighten, threatening to pull him apart.
And then suddenly a crack appeared and light poured in.
The domain was shattered, and along with it, the chains disappeared, leaving Nanami to fall to his knees. He snatched his blade and was up again in one fluid movement, not giving the Curse a chance at second thought. He sliced the thing in half, effectively exorcising it.
"Nanamin!" Itadori's voice filtered in and Nanami turned to see him standing there—barely—blood seeping from his injuries, a look of relief plastered on his face.
Nanami furrowed his brow, slinging blood from his blade. "Itadori-kun, you really must stop doing these kinds of things."
The teen just gave him a bemused smile. "You're safe now," was what he said. "That's all that matters."
Nanami exhaled slowly, favoring his injured leg as he limped forward just in time for Itadori to collapse on his knees, coughing up blood.
"You're too reckless," Nanami scolded gently as he staggered to his knees as well, letting the boy fall against his chest, shuddering with exhaustion and pain, eyes closed. Nanami reached for his phone to call in one of the managers to come pick them up. He honestly wasn't sure he could make it back to the school in his condition without passing out. "What am I going to do with you?"
"Couldn't let you die," Itadori murmured, wiping blood from his mouth on the back of his hand.
Nanami huffed and pulled him closer as the call was picked up and he quickly explained their situation before ending the call once the promised pickup was arraigned.
Itadori buried his face in Nanami's shoulder as the older man rested a hand on the back of the boy's head.
"You did well, Itadori-kun," he said quietly to the boy's unconscious figure, then sat there and waited for the pick-up.
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red-elric · 1 month
nanami wants to protect touga from girls who only want him for status and attention, but that protective streak combined with her naïvety about his actual trauma and situation with their father and akio leads him to resent her for even trying. likewise, touga wants to protect nanami from the abuse and trauma he suffered, but his protective streak combined with his warped perspective of how things should be leads her to be suffocated and hurt by how he controls and manipulates her. they both love and hurt each other so, so much, and its easy to see how a relationship like theirs could become warped and damaged enough that only the hurt and the memory of love remains, becoming a relationship like anthy and akio, who no longer truly love each other but are trapped in the habit of protecting one another, even though that protection itself is what is slowly killing their relationship. the key to escaping this cycle for the kiryuus is communication and clarity; they are still at a point where they deeply love each other despite the tension, and if they understood one another better they would have a chance at fixing their relationship. for anthy and akio, the actual love is long gone; separation is the only remaining option for either of them to heal
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incorrect-jujutsu · 4 months
jjk as my friends driving
gojo: *hits the curb*
geto: im about to jump out the damn car
nanami: is this not the 5th curb youve hit?
haibara: PLEASE just let shoko drive
shoko: let me drive or i make you crash the car
gojo: just because you said that im going to crash the car into the nearest tree
nanami: please god let me up out this car
*yuta slams the brakes, making him maki and toge jerk forward*
toge: *intense glaring*
yuta: IM SORRY
maki: your heavy ass feet bro get out the car
yuta: it wasnt THAT bad
toge: youve done this at every light and stop sign
maki: and everytime you do toge is inches away from flying out the damn windshield
maki: aint that what that one kid said about carter before he went flying off his bike
megumi: nobara thats a red light
nobara: *keeps driving*
megumi: nobara-
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sadistic-kiss · 11 days
House of Alphas
Jujutsu Kaisen Omegaverse
Summary: Waking up in a world that was not your own was problematic enough. Being the villainess was another. However, the possessive alphas might take the cake.
Omega!Reader x Alpha!Sukuna x Alpha!Toji x Alpha!Satoru x Alpha!Nanami x Alpha!Suguru
~Sneak Peak Chapter 27: Witch~
You pout as Sukuna walks away from the conference room and then places you upright on your feet.
“Go get ready to leave, we have a long journey ahead of us.”
“Please,” you pleaded putting your hand upon his chest. “…use some herbs to heal Toji’s wounds…”
“He doesn’t want that, let him handle this his way.”
You release a huff, glaring at him, “Did you have to hit him so hard? I bet you liked it.”
Sukuna growled as he stepped forward, you quickly took a step back but he snatched you and threw you against the wall.
You looked up at him with a defiant expression.
“You aren’t going to put this shit on me omega. If you’d stretch your pussy in the first place, we wouldn’t be in this situation. Now would we.”
Ouch- that hurt. You blinked a few times trying to stop your eyes from stinging, “I know…s-so I should be the one that gets punished…not Toji.”
Sukuna chuckled looking you up and down as he got closer to your face, “You sure do love to protect him. Is daddy your favorite alpha?”
You rolled your eyes in exaggeration, “I-“
Sukuna grabbed you around your neck giving you a light squeeze, “Roll your eyes again and see what happens.”
You stared at him, a moment of silence as you thought about the warning in his tone.
“What will happen?” You question playing with fire.
Do it-
Don’t do it-
Do it!
Sukuna grinned, “You wanna find out?”
Your heart was racing, and a part of you might just want to. A bratty voice saying ‘yes I do’.
The stare-down was broken as Gojo slammed the wall right next to you with a pout. “She owes me buddy and Nanami said I had to wait since we have to get ready to leave so if I can’t get my dick wet you can’t either!”
👩‍🍳 Read More 👩‍🍳
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sukunasdirtylaugh · 3 months
Addicted to the idea of an ex!convict geto who is on the run. You married him young at the fresh age of 19 in Vegas, only for him to ‘abandon’ your marriage never to be seen again. Nearly 4 years have passed and you’re now a moderately prestigious singer at mafia!gojo’s club, the blue dragon.
audiences stack up on weekends until Satoru introduces you to an associate of his called Kento. He’s tall, handsome, and mature in ways you didn’t know you wanted or needed. After a few visits to the club, he asks you out for dinner. A relationship instantly clicked with the businessman that suddenly everyone knew you were his. Until a mysterious letter appears on your doorstep one day. Attached is a familiar pink ribbon and all black lighter.
“My men wouldn’t do that,” your now boyfriend shakes his head. “No one knows about him but me.”
“Ken, you’re the only one to know about him. No one knows about him except you and Satoru. So please, if this is a prank, tell me.”
“I’m quite offended you think I would casually play with the emotions of the woman I have invested all my time in.” He says, “I’ll go talk to Satoru if he knows anything, but it’s for the best if you cancel tonight’s show.” You pull away from the protective hold he has on your waist and hiss. “I won’t cancel a show. Tonight’s the premiere, a lot of Satoru’s clients have invested thousands in tonight’s event.”
“Cancel it,” your blond partner whispers, “I’ll pay the difference, stay the night at my-“ but your agitated nature makes you turn him down.
“I said no! I’ll continue the show, and you can’t say anything about it. It’s my career, kento. And you can’t decide when to sing for me.”
He should have known it had to do with your hyper independence, your need to still depend on your own income after depending on what Nanami considered a reaction of yours after your relationship with a cowardly no good for nothing scum bag who left his wife.
After his disappearance, search warrants for him went on the national level until his presence was declared inconclusive 3 weeks later. Months later, it was rumored he was found dead.
But no body was found.
Now in tonight’s stage, everyone is dressed in the 9’s, with kento leaning against a wall with crossed arms, looking over the audience as you sing prettily. That is until you see a dark figure, long black hair with a familiar silver wedding band on his fourth finger. What sets him apart is the drink on the table.
(wrote this part one and this part two as a result^)
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e-vangeiion · 5 months
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“Being a child is not a sin”
Did a fan art of Kid!Satoru for this NanaGo fic called “Konpeitō” by @togaki-kun, wherein Satoru gets De-aged and Nanami takes care of him. He learns Satoru’s past through that phase. It’s so insanely good and made me sob.
I definitely recommend this fic ❣️
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nxnamikento · 7 months
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aheckinmess · 29 days
All's Well That Friends Well (Dad Nanami)
(Part 2 of Season of Serendipity.)
Read on AO3.
Tags: Dad Nanami, Child Yuji, Original Child Character(s), Ryomen Sukuna, Nanami Kento, Yuji Itadori, Besu Sukuna, Parental Nanami, Dad Sukuna, Soft Sukuna, Protective Sukuna, Canon Divergence - AU, Sukuna Has a Daughter, Yuji is Nanami's Son, I Merged Two of My Series, Because I Thought it Would Be Adorable, Yuji Itadori is a Ray of Sunshine, OC Has Trouble Making Friends, But Yuji Sure Doesn't, Going to Pre-K for the First Time
Word Count: 1,025 words
Summary: Yuji goes to Pre-K for the first time; Nanami worries he'll have trouble adjusting, but Yuji is a little ball of positive energy. Needless to say, he makes friends.
While Yuji was an extroverted child by nature, Nanami still thought he might need time to adjust to preschool. So when Yuji easily waved goodbye as Nanami dropped him off for his first day at Pre-K, it soothed some of the paternal worry.
“Otouchan, how long is school?” Yuji wrapped his arms around Nanami’s neck and squeezed. “Is it very long?”
“You’ll be here for a few hours, Yuji-kun. But I’ll be back. You’ll be having so much fun you won’t even miss me.” He promised, kissing the young boy’s forehead. “If you need anything, just ask the teacher for help, okay? Remember how we practiced and…?”
“Raise my hand!” Yuji smiled.
“That’s my boy.” Nanami ruffled his hair and stood up. “Have a good day, Yuji-kun. And have some fun.”
. . . . .
Yuji Itadori made having fun his mission. From the moment he stepped foot into the classroom, he curiously trotted around the room asking question…after question…after question.
“What about that? Why do you have that?” He asked Ms. Chotto, pointing at the hundredth object his little eyes had landed on.
“Yuji, honey,” Ms. Chotto laughed. “You’re such a curious little thing, aren’t you? Those are my plants and I keep them on the top shelf so none of my students accidentally eat them. They can hurt your tummy.”
“Then why do you have them?”
“I’m keeping them here for a little bit until I can find a space for them at home.” She explained, turning away to separate two girls from fighting over a doll. “Go find someone else to play with, Yuji, okay? I have to help some of the other children right now.”
Yuji pouted but did as he was told. Pre-K proved to be one of the most fascinating places he’d ever been! He’d already spoken to just about everyone in the classroom, when the door opened to reveal another little girl.
What surprised Yuji wasn’t how tightly she clung to her father, but her hair. Pink! Just like his!
As soon as Ms. Chotto got the pink-haired girl detached from her father, Yuji stood patiently to the side. He watched her hide in Ms. Chotto’s legs until she peeked out at him.
“Hi! I’m Yuji!” He beamed.
Her wide, brown eyes looked up at Ms. Chotto and then back at him.
“I’m Besu.” She whispered. In fact, Yuji barely heard her.
“You sure are quiet.” He said bluntly. When she seemed embarrassed by that, Yuji pointed towards a pile of blocks on the rug up front. “You wanna go play blocks?”
Ms. Chotto muttered something into Besu’s ear. Besu whined back at her, but Ms. Chotto delicately coaxed her in Yuji’s direction. Yuji led the way over to the blocks and Besu sat by him silently.
“I like to build castles. What do you wanna build?” Yuji asked as he got to work. A triangular orange block looked perfect to fit on top of his green stack.
Besu shrugged her shoulders as she grabbed a few square pieces to fit together. Yuji gave her time to give it a specific shape, but when he still couldn’t tell what it was by the third row, he spoke up.
“What is that?”
Once again, Besu shrugged. Yuji huffed, feeling disappointed. He’d expected her to be just like him since she’d looked so similar. But she barely even talked! Sensing this, Besu cleared her throat.
“I just like putting them together. But now I’m making a watermelon.” She explained, picking off a few blue pieces and replacing them when red and green.
“My dad put watermelon in my lunchbox! Wanna see?” Yuji stood before she answered.
“I don’t think we’re sposed to do that.” She glanced at Ms. Chotto and then Yuji’s lunchbox. “You could get in trouble.”
“Nuh-uh. It’s my lunchbox!” Yuji said matter-of-factly.
But when he went to grab it, Ms. Chotto put a hand on his shoulder.
“Yuji-san, it’s not time for lunch yet.”
“Can’t I show Besu my lunch?” Yuji frowned.
“Why don’t you show her when it’s lunchtime? That way you can both show each other what you have.” Ms. Chotto offered.
“Okay!” Yuji agreed, before toddling over to Besu. “Hey, Besu! Let’s wait until lunch and then I can see what you packed, too!”
“Father made me stew.”
“Oh, boy! Will you share?”
“...well, okay.”
. . . . .
While Nanami waited outside the classroom as kids shuffled inside, a man with wild pink hair waited with him. He couldn’t help but stare. Just like Yuji’s, and that’s not common. I wonder if he’s of any relation.
“You waiting on your brat, too?” Sukuna quirked a brow and stuffed his hands in his pockets.
“I’m waiting for my son, yes.” Nanami answered. “It was his first day.”
“Mine too. You have any trouble dropping him off?”
“I thought I might, but he didn’t seem upset. He’s more outgoing, though, so I wasn’t too surprised.”
“I had to pry my daughter from me.” Sukuna scoffed, shaking his head with a smile.
“Ah, she must be a daddy’s girl, then. Does she have you wrapped around her finger yet?” Nanami normally wasn’t one for small talk, but the conversation helped him remain patient as he watched through the window while the teacher struggled to wrangle a boy into his bookbag.
“Absolutely not!” Sukuna huffed, but he turned his head away. “That is…I don’t give her everything she wants.”
Nanami couldn’t help but chuckle.
“Don’t worry. I’m the same with my son. He’s my first.”
“My daughter is my first, too.”
And then the floodgates unleashed. More parents began filing down the sidewalk towards the portable classroom, but Yuji and Besu were the first at the door. Both of them raced and planted themselves directly into their father’s arms.
“Otouchan! You won’t believe it! That girl looks like me!” Yuji turned to Besu to see her the most animated she’d been all day, jabbering on to her father with bright brown eyes. “She’s real quiet though…like Fushi-kun.”
“I see. Did you have fun, then?”
“Yeah! I made a best friend!”
And Nanami smiled when Yuji turned to Besu, waving goodbye as Sukuna carried her away.
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transmascutena · 3 months
people have such high expectations for the utena character's to do the right thing to help other's out of their situation when very often the point is that they can't even help themselves
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nanamikentoseyebags · 10 months
thinking about how vital it was for kento to have someone by his side after haibara's death. but since everyone was so caught up in their own problems, he was left all alone with his grief that swallowed his whole being. the grief and loneliness that made him leave the tech. the grief and loneliness that didn't fade even for second. even when he took his last breath.
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satorugojoswiife · 8 months
why are men so bothered by women thirsting over fictional characters 💀
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sootyfeathers · 4 months
Chapters: 1/3 Fandom: 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Anime), 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Manga) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Nanami Kento/Reader, Nanami Kento/You Characters: Nanami Kento, Reader Additional Tags: Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Bodyguard, Soft Nanami Kento, Protective Nanami Kento, nanami is the greenest flag that ever did wave, Bathing/Washing, Sharing a Bed, Sharing Clothes, Literal Sleeping Together, Panic Attacks, it’s 2am still time for one more bad writing decision Summary:
Cold, rain soaked, and stranded at a park, you suffered a panic attack alone and needed someone to help you. Who else could you call other than your former bodyguard and First Grade Sorcerer, Nanami Kento? Fear and shame kept you from reaching out to him, but in a turn of events, it seems he was thinking of you as well.
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sadistic-kiss · 3 months
*Desert Rose Polyamorous Jujutsu Kaisen Fanfiction. Reader x Various
Chapter 37: Safeword *Taste Test* *Full Chapter Will be posted (here) Friday, March 1*
Sukuna x Reader(nickname Rose) x Megumi (in this chapter)
Chapter Summarry: You and megumi teased Sukuna, so now he has to deal with his brats…within a safe environment of course 🖤
Warning: Fluff 🥹 (because we need it right now)
“WAIT SUKUNA!” Megumi called out.
The two of you looked at him with wide eyes, surprised by his sudden change in tone.
“Rose came up with a safe word…” Megumi nodded toward you since his hands were tied behind his back.
“Safe word?” Sukuna furrowed his brows. “What the fuck is a safe word?”
“You…” Megumi felt the color drain from his face, he felt very-very bad for the people Sukuna had been with in the past. Barbaric… the man was an absolute brute that needed training. He took a moment to think of the best way to explain. “It’s a word or phrase that pretty much means stop. Like… if for instance… if Rose isn’t okay, mentally…physically, or something scares her…like you know, being tied… she can stop what’s happening with a phrase and we check in with her… make her feel safe.”
Safeword- that was the stupidest thing Sukuna had ever heard…why would anyone…his thoughts trailed off as his eyes moved to your hands that were still within his grasp, rope about to be tied around your wrist. Looking upon his actions he didn’t realize how alarming this could be for you. He didn’t even think about how this could make you uncomfortable, especially considering what you had been through. Sukuna clicked his tongue, rubbing your wrist with his thumb as he loosen his hold, “What’s…your safe word princess…?”
You leaned your head against Sukuna’s chest, craning your neck so you could look up at him.“Huuuman Earthworm Ten!” You beamed proudly.
Sukuna scowled, “Why the hell is that the safeword?”
You giggled at his reaction and Megumi snorted.
“For the exact reason you're making that face and she’s laughing.”
Sukuna rolled his eyes. He’s never used a safeword. If someone couldn’t handle him then they got the fuck out of his bed, end of discussion. Anyone who wanted to be with him would form to his liking. Let him do whatever he desired. He never cared how any of his partners felt mentally or physically. Yet as he looked at you and Megumi…he… maybe…perhaps…cared (loved both of you). “Fine.” Sukuna sighed. “Can I tie you up now?”
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dimenirvana · 6 months
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Can we just appreciate how incredibly resilient Yuji Itadori is ? He awakens to the mass murder & destruction by Sukuna, watches Nanami die tragically, and then watches one of his closest friends die immediately after. Yet he still continues to fight…Yuji must be protected at all costs 🥺
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fagmegumi · 2 years
generally beginning to realize that most people who thirst for the jjk men are doing so incorrectly and for the wrong reasons like just making up a generic archetype of a really cool hot guy from those het smutty self published amazon novels and pretending theyre the jjk dudes. when you can say anything about gege akutami but he gave us such a diverse & fascinating cast of hot dudes who are losers in such specific and different ways but always so devastatingly that none of them get any hole whatsoever
#like gojo is this hot super strong unflappable cool guy but he only had 1 friend who tolerated him bc they were both the most insufferable#guy around and ever since he died he’s been annoying hapless teenagers who cant do anything about his obnoxious presence and thats his#whole social life.#toji is a badass action hero who also in his head has the Action Man backstory of yes i may have been a shitty deadbeat dad… but i did it…#to Protect My Family😤 but his legacy is that megumi doesn’t remember or think about his and when he does its ‘oh yea that loser’ and also#as previously mentioned his only employable skill is Can Cut Down Big Monsters; Fast and he looks like he uses dish soap on his hair#sukuna would be the closest to the idealized hot powerful guy image at least if ur a monsterfucker which i know many of us in the lgbt#community are. but he’s also an apocalyptic maneating entity who’s tied to the whims of a chaotically good teenager who would eat an entire#jar of mayo on a dare and summon him to ask for an opinion on his new hair dye.#which is both a hysterical premise that should be used more in fanart/fic for comedy AND profoundly pathetic on his part.#only exception to all this is nanami but thats bc he is textually canonically there to offset the swagless vibes of the main adult cast esp#gojo with his dignified huge dick energy.#to be clear i dont profoundly care about any of this like i think its funny im not mad about it . but as a known pathetic guy desirer i had#to say my piece#personal#jjk
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tariah23 · 5 months
I feel like ppl just be watching movies, tv shows, and reading books with their brains turned off because what?
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