#project log net
vc55bughead · 27 days
GUYS! We have decided to make a fan project for Court's birthday aptly disguised as "Project Log Net" so they don't find out! We plan to do this across all platforms! Once we have a plan we'll update yall!
Btw "Project Log Net" is only the fake name we're using incase she sees something but the real hashtag will be #/happybirthdaycourtbourt
You can participate by using it to share a sweet message or some art or an edit- anything really! 💚
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uncensored-alchemy · 2 years
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hey there! nice to see another active star trek blog 😃 could you do some relationship with Data hcs if that's okay? what it would be like?
Hello! Welcome to my blog, and thank you so very much for taking the time to pop this request into my inbox! I agree, it's always nice to find other active Trek blogs 😊
Yes, that's absolutely okay!! I think we all know that being in a relationship with Data would be so wonderful because it would be a very happy, healthy, and exciting one, but I think the specifics of the relationship would vary, based on one major factor: whether or not you both were stationed on the Enterprise together. Thus, I split these headcanons up to sort of compare and contrast this factor. As a result, this response got really long...😅
I hope that's okay, and I hope you enjoy!
Being in a relationship with Data if you're not stationed on the Enterprise with him:
Data is very detail-oriented and enjoys following a routine (or at least as much of a routine as he can follow when living on a galaxy class starship that runs into unpredictable problems several times a week), and I think he'd be even more detailed and routine-oriented if you were posted somewhere other than the Enterprise.
Because Data loves the older, more traditional aspects of humanity, I think he would love writing letters/messages. I like to think that every M-class planet has a post office-esque space station next to it, so people can "mail" things to each other (maybe every quarters in a starship has a little mailbox-like transporter where they can receive mail from these stations?). Whenever Data visits a new M-class planet, he would try to pick something up for you, and drop it off at the mail space station nearby.
Despite his love for handwritten letters, I don't think he'd do that very often if you weren't on the Enterprise (he'd definitely include one whenever he sends you a "package", though), but he would send you subspace messages via your PADDs fairly frequently.
He'd try to send you messages almost daily, depending on how busy he is and what nonsense the Enterprise is currently involved in.
The messages would probably be similar to his personal logs, but with a more jovial and romantic touch:
It has been quite a day! An accidental virus was created in Sick Bay this morning, which later became airborne, causing the entire ship to de-evolve into ancestral life-forms. The Captain and I were on an Away Mission during this time, and did not succumb to the virus (the Captain was infected upon on our return, but he did not fully succumb to the infection nor de-evolve). With the Captain's help, I was able to create a remedy for the virus, and all of the crewmembers have since returned to their normal, humanoid forms.
Meanwhile, during all that 'excitement', Spot birthed a healthy litter of kittens! She had five kittens in total: four males and one female. Strangely, one of the kittens elicits thoughts of you in my neural net. I am uncertain why this kitten seems to 'remind' me of you, but I believe that is something which you would find endearing.
Has your day been equally or comparably exciting? How is your current project progressing? Did you receive the 'package' I 'mailed' to you last week? (I shall reserve the extraneous details about said 'package' until our next correspondence, so as not to ruin the surprise, if you have not yet received it.)
I anticipate your response, and look forward to our next 'meeting'!
Your 'Sunshine',
In addition to frequent subspace messages, Data would also schedule weekly video calls with you!
Those calls would be more personal and less clinical, but still professional and sweet.
Spot would also make frequent appearances in your video calls!
You always end your video calls by blowing each other a kiss (sometimes, Spot steals your kisses, and Data will teasingly scold her "Spot, that osculation was not intended to be received by you!")
Data probably has years worth of Shore Leave racked up, which comes in handy for you because he can almost always take his Shore Leave at the same time as you.
You're able to spend nearly all of your scheduled Shore Leaves together (except in the few instances where a last minute emergency happened on the Enterprise, and you weren't able to reschedule your Shore Leave to accommodate this). You usually try to visit a different planet each time, but if the two of you have a favorite or preferred planet, you would also schedule multiple Shore Leaves on that planet.
I think that Data is a very private person, in the sense that he doesn't offer personal information unless he feels it can be used as a helpful anecdote or example, or someone directly asks him about it.
Thus, I think he wouldn't mention you to his friends for a while, but when he does mention you, it would probably be seemingly random, as a somewhat relevant afterthought:
Riker: I don't know how couples stationed on different ships or stations make it work. Our current technology is great and makes it much easier to keep in touch than in previous centuries, but I just can't imagine not waking up next to the one I love every day...
Data: It can be difficult, in that sense, but my partner and I do not see it as a difficulty or challenge. In fact, in some aspects, it is more rewarding, as it makes our physical encounters more 'passionate' and meaningful.
Riker: I guess you're right, Data. It would be more pass---wait, did you say, "my partner"???
Data: Indeed, I did, Commander.
Riker: Data!! You have a partner, and didn't tell us??
Data: *soft, confused look* No one has inquired about my partner thus far, and I did not deem it a relevant aspect of my personal life to discuss, until now.
Riker: *shocked Pikachu*
Of course, once the rest of the crew finds out, they practically beg Data to meet you, which leads you to scheduling your next Shore Leave to be a trip to the Enterprise.
Data is so excited for your visit, but he'd never admit it.
He spends weeks planning everything he wants to show you, what activities he wants to do with you, and updates his quarters a bit to accommodate a second person temporarily living there.
Although he's not quite worried or anxious about the crew meeting you, he is a bit concerned that they might overwhelm you. So, he makes sure that he's the only one in the Transporter Room (aside from whoever is manning the Transporter at that time) to greet you when you beam aboard.
The first thing you see when you materialize on the Transporter Pad is his sweet, gentle smile, and his arms stretched out completely in front of him for a hug, "Welcome aboard, Dearest!"
The rest of your trip is spent doing date-like activities (i.e. holodeck adventures, trips to the Arboretum, painting and/or reading with him and Spot in their quarters, etc.). Overall, it's a very relaxing and sweetly domestic/mundane time, which both of you enjoy greatly.
He gives you a tour of the whole ship, which ends in you meeting his friends for a small celebration in Ten-Forward. The celebration is very chill, and mostly involves them telling you stories about their adventures and funny things Data has done or experienced during his time on the ship.
They also tease Data relentlessly, much to his chagrin. It's all affectionate taunts, like how he could have kept you a secret for so long, how he managed to "snatch you up", whether his romantic subroutine was "effective", etc.
While Geordi proceeds to tell the story of when Data let him "borrow" Spot, you move a hand under the table and take Data's hand softly but firmly into yours. Data blinks and turns his head to look at you in soft surprise, and when you return his gaze briefly, you flash him a warm smile.
Realizing this was likely a sign that you were feeling comfortable in the presence of his friends, and despite the jesting of his friends, you felt an enhanced desire to express romantic affection with him somewhat publicly, he softened his expression and posture, and entwined his fingers with yours as his lips curved upwards into a faint smile.
Troi, who's sitting beside you but angled in such a way that she can see slightly underneath the table, catches this and beams happily.
The evening ends with lots of warm welcomes and words of acceptance into their little Found Family. Everyone already loves you, and Data is so pleased!
After that first trip, whenever Data is unable to schedule a Shore Leave at the same time as you, you schedule yours to be on the Enterprise (much to Data's delight).
Being in a relationship with Data while being stationed on the Enterprise:
As mentioned in the previous set of headcanons, Data is very traditional and old-fashioned (in the best way!), and would enjoy older forms of romantic affection, such as handwritten letters, surprise gifts, etc.
Since you're on the same ship, now he can give you handwritten letters more frequently! They would come in the form of daily/routine notes, such as leaving a little sticky note on the replicator with a silly scientific joke on it, and formal love letters. He'd also leave you a little note on his pillow, if he had to unexpectedly leave during the night/earlier in the morning, and won't be able to join you for breakfast (more on this a little later).
As far as his penmanship goes, I think he would write in perfect, beautiful cursive, and probably use a quill and ink when writing a full letter. When writing official/formal love letters to you, he'd also probably use melted wax and a stamp to seal them (both as an additional security/privacy measure, but also because he's so delightfully extra like that). For his little notes, he'd probably just use a regular pen, but it would still be written in neat cursive.
You return the favor by leaving him little notes written in binary code around your shared quarters or his work areas, which he absolutely adores. He's very pleased to have this sort of inside joke, although he finds it difficult not to discuss it with others (he knows this defeats the purpose of an inside joke, which is why he refrains from doing it, but he wants to share this amusing tidbit with someone else so badly sometimes).
One of the things I think Data would covet in a romantic relationship is spending time together in a very literal/strict sense (especially because he knows that this part of a relationship is always threatened when serving on a starship), but also keeping in mind personal space.
He does this in two ways: First, he'd have scheduled, formal dates with you, probably once or twice a month. These dates would typically include holodeck adventures and trips to the Arboretum. Second, he'd have routine, daily "dates" with you. These would include having meals together, doing your individual work separately but in your shared quarters, and having philosophical/intellectual conversations.
Because Data enjoys traditional romance, he would want to share meals together, even if he decides not to eat himself. He tries to have breakfast, lunch, and dinner with you every day. Of course, this is not always possible when stationed on the flagship of the Federation, so he's a bit more lenient about missing breakfast and dinner.
However, he is very strict about lunch. In all your time stationed on the Enterprise together, you can count the number of times Data had to cancel lunch with you on one hand. All those cancelations were due to extreme circumstances (i.e. him being kidnapped for several days).
He (almost) always makes sure that you both take an official lunch break together. It's never anything fancy or formal (usually just the two of you in one of your offices or in a quiet corner in Ten-Forward, chatting about how your days have been so far), but it's very special and important to both of you.
Data also likes to end these little lunch dates with a literal "treat", like a cookie, tart, or whatever other sweet treats you enjoy, that he'll share with you.
He doesn't do this every time because "the element of surprise can make the reward even more pleasurable", but you do somewhat expect it. Regardless, it always brightens your day and makes you smile!
He insists on eating it with you, and always lets you have the last bite.
He'll also try to be extra cute every once in a while by attempting to do the classic Lady and the Tramp spaghetti moment (it doesn't work very well for desserts, but it always makes you laugh because he ends up getting some of the dessert on his face) or by feeding you a bite or two.
Lunch dates always end with a soft little peck, exchanged smiles, and gentle farewells.
You'd be very perceptive of Data's love for routine, so I think your main form of love-language for him is to incorporate a little routine into your romantic affirmations and affections with him.
One of the major ways you'd do this is by sort of scheduling your kisses. I strongly believe that cheek kisses are his favorite/preferred form of physical affection, so you'd always start your days with him by giving him a cheek kiss. You'd likely do this right after your shared breakfast/before the two of you part to start your days.
Once this becomes routine, he'd be a little cheeky (pun completely intended 😈) about it. For example, if you're running late one morning and try to leave without giving him his morning cheek kiss, he'd give you a very pointed look and extend his cheek out towards you, "Are you forgetting something, Dearest?"
If one of you isn't there in the morning due to work, don't think he's letting you get out of his promised daily cheek kiss! He'll make sure to squeeze one in during your lunch break later that day.
I think he'd also enjoy nose kisses, both a little peck to his lovely snoot and bunny kisses/nose nuzzling. I think Data considers sharing deep conversations in private together to be a very intimate activity. So, this would typically trigger his intimacy circuits, if you will, which would make him want to cuddle, bunny kiss/nose nuzzle, etc. These moments are likely when he'd be most physically affectionate with you.
In general, he considers these kinds of kisses to be more intimate and not "appropriate" as PDA, so these would be shared exclusively in your quarters.
Knowing his love for routine, right before you both go to 'sleep' each night, you'll kiss his nose softly (and just like the morning cheek kiss, you can expect him to remind you about it, if you ever forget).
Speaking of PDA, I don't think Data particularly enjoys PDA. Personally, I think he would only want to hold hands (especially on your Arboretum walks/dates), and share an occasional cheek kiss. That being said, if you'd prefer more PDA, then he would consider displaying other forms of affection with you in public (he'd still never do anything he deems to be 'too intimate', though).
Sometimes, when Data is really busy but you aren't, you'll just sit near him and his console while he works, with Spot curled up in your lap. He especially enjoys and appreciates this, although he can't explain why. Something about sensing your proximity and your relaxed vitals is very comforting and soothing for him.
I think Data's main love-language for you is sharing time/moments together. In particular, he enjoys moments where both of you are doing your own, individual work/things in each other's company. Usually, this involves Data softly tapping away at his console while you're on the couch with your PADD.
Spot also enjoys these moments, and will go back and forth between the two of you to get her desired amounts of affection.
However, he sometimes feels a little guilty about those moments because he's concerned that you're bored or that your free time could be better spent elsewhere.
You always reassure him that you're never bored and the activity is equally soothing and enjoyable for you, and that usually brings that cute little smile onto his face.
I think both you and Data would also have a bit of magpie instincts, so another one of your love-languages for each other is exchanging surprise and nuanced gifts with each other.
Data would definitely hand-make gifts for you, but those would be very meaningful and reserved for special occasions (i.e. birthdays or anniversaries). For other occasions, the gifts would be seemingly random, but actually quite personal. For example, on one Away Mission, he found a little rock that was the exact color of your eyes (and I mean exact, his positronic net calculated a 99.9999917% match). He can't explain why, but he had a strong urge to bring it back and give it to you, so he did (after intensive testing to ensure the rock didn't harbor any biological or chemical dangers, and was safe to keep aboard the quarters of a starship).
On your side, this would usually include artwork, either something you made yourself or purchased from other artists. Another common gift you'd give him is flowers/plants. I think Data absolutely adores plants, and almost nothing brings a smile to his face as easily as you surprising him with a lovely flower bouquet during his shift (note: I think Data would consider exchanging gifts in public as a form of PDA that he appreciates)!
Eventually, this leads to Keiko joking that your quarters is the Arboretum 2.0 of the ship because "your plant count comes very close!"
When he presents these kinds of gifts to you in public areas, nearby eavesdroppers would find it a bit odd, but you know what a deep and endearing sentiment it actually is, so you always appreciate it very much!
Whenever he'd get a questionable reading, he'd contact you immediately, make sure you're in a private area, and double check you're okay:
On busy days, especially ones where you don't get to see each other as often, he makes sure to check on you through the use of your Communicators. I think Data would keep tabs on you throughout the day, checking on your physical and mental well-being, this way.
Additionally, if you have a chronic illness, he'd also keep track of that (with your permission and approval). For example, if you wore some sort of device that monitors your condition/relevant vitals, he'd adjust that device so that its readings were shared instantly and constantly with his positronic net, especially in case of an emergency.
"Data to Lieutenant Y/L/N."
"Lieutenant Y/L/N here."
"Are you in a private area?"
"Not at this time."
"Are you able to relocate to a private area momentarily?"
"Yes, one moment."
"Okay, I'm in my office now. Is everything okay?"
"That is the inquiry I have for you. I just received some questionable readings from your health monitor, and wished to 'check in'. Have your slightly elevated vitals been reduced? Are you hydrating properly and frequently? Are you feeling alright?"
"Yes, my elevated vitals have been dealt with, and are currently on the path to returning to normal. Yes, I just had some water about fifteen minutes ago. And yes, I'm feeling okay. Thank you for checking in, Sunshine. Are you doing okay?"
"I am...relieved to hear that you are alright. Please refrain from straining yourself excessively for the remainder of your shift, if possible. Yes, I am fine. Thank you for also 'checking in' on me."
"Will do, and of course. I have to get back to work now, but I'll see you at around 21:00 hours for dinner?"
"Yes, I anticipate that my shift will conclude in time to keep our shared dinner arrangement at 21:00 hours. I will contact you immediately if this changes."
"Sounds good...good luck with the rest of your shift, and I'm fond of you very much."
"Likewise, Dearest. Data out."
A/N: Okay, I think that's finally it...I really hope this response was satisfactory for you, anon! These were really nice and comforting to write 🥰 Thank you again for the request, and please feel free to add on to these ideas and/or send in more requests!
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wings-of-ink · 2 months
Could you tell us about the skills that MC could excel at?
I'd love to, Anon!
The main skill/interest/occupation your MC can have are one of the following:
Logging-Loggers mainly cut down trees, shape and split logs for use in building and such, or even cut firewood. This is how Papa got his start and then eventually also worked his way into carpentry (it takes some time, so this is as far as MC will be, but eventually they can also do carpentry). MCs that pick this may have special options or outcomes in the story because they will have better aptitude towards wielding a tool/weapon and will, in general, be stronger.
Carpentry-Carpenters take the wood from loggers and make things from it - furniture has a big market, but so do tools, utensils, and even art. They work in the fine details and beautification of wood. They also may be called upon to do some repairs to a home or assist in building bigger projects. MCs with this skill will have deft hands and an eye for detail.
Swordsmanship-If your MC has studied the blade, they're likely going to called upon to work as a guard or general peacekeeper for the area. MC's hometown is a bit sleepy, but isn't without trouble since it sees a fair few travelers. Duals are also a common form of entertainment as well as practice. MC's with this skill will have boost in hostile situations out in the world and be, in general, stronger.
Archery-If your MC has studied the bow they will also be called upon for guard duty. This is another very popular form of entertainment and sportsmanship in the world and there are almost never-ending tournaments that MC can be apart of both in and around the MC's hometown (this nets a lot of gold). MC's that master the bow will be second in skill only to their da (even if Oswin claims otherwise). MC's with this skill have a boost (from a distance) in battle, and nice strong arms. [This skill almost got a split between sporting (doing the competitions) and hunting, but there is already too much coding involved as is, so I didn't do it.]
Medicine/Herbalism-You need a healer in every party and MC can be a darn good one. MC's that study medicine mostly work with the established healer, Kavi, and his wife Betony (who specializes in midwifery). Lakota, MC's best friend, is also a practicing herbalist and will work with a healer MC. If your MC knows medicine, they'll not be as good in a fight, but a boon after it's over (assuming they are conscious...).
Trade-MC's that learned trade will be the money makers. They know what things are worth and can strike a deal with almost anyone. They may tend to be a bit more charismatic without much effort (they don't even need to be especially friendly, people just trust them). These MC's have a mind for numbers as well and are often good at spotting a scam. Not always so good in a fight though.
Cooking-MC's that have mastered cooking draw a great deal of attention from the wealthy. Eating isn't always a luxury in this world and need often comes before taste. Those that can forego need and afford the finer foods in life, will clamor for your MC's cooking. They prepare feasts and raise everyone's spirits with their skills. They have a lot of connections in high places. Cook MCs may not be super powerful (though those arms from kneading dough are nothing to balk at), but they wield knives with terrifying grace.
In Chapter 3 your MC will also get to pick a hobby that they primarily do for fun, but that may add some extra flavor for their usual occupation. [Singing, drawing/painting, sculpting, storytelling, whittling, and needlework]
Thank you for the ask, Anon! ^_^
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pangolin-404 · 3 months
little (big) announcement
Well, looks like Tumblr has taken the turn to sell data to Midjourney.
According to my archive, I've been in here for 6 or so years. I've stuck with this site for a long time, and believe it or not I'd call this hellsite a net positive for my life. I never intended to leave, even when Tumblr was boiled down to its skeleton crew. I thought I'd go out with the whole site when the servers rotted away. I've heard rumors that the CEO was taking a gander at AI but I never thought it'd pull through since the Tumblr userbase is vocally anti-AI. And, lo and behold, they slipped it as an opt-out thing into the settings very casually.
I want to hold out hope that the resulting backlash will urge Tumblr's CEO (as I don't blame most of the staff for this) to back out, but the trust has been damaged greatly over the past few months.
I do not want my art or writing or anything to be used to feed AI. As for my art, I am hesitant to keep posting here. I don't know what I'm waiting for. But if that nebulous reckoning of the end times comes, I will log out. I think I'm too emotionally attached to delete my account.
I have a Bluesky account which I am thinking of wholly migrating to. That feels weird to say; I never thought I'd make a social media account anywhere else. I made a lot of friends on Tumblr (who I am connected to via Discord and not strictly here, thankfully), and will be hunting for people I follow on BSKY as well.
I know, inevitably, not everyone will migrate to BSKY. Some people will choose Cohost (I did make an account there, but so few people I know here go there, it's not my first choice) or Dreamwidth as their new platforms of choice. But for those who are moving to Bluesky, I hope to find them.
I really don't want to leave Tumblr. Its culture and UI is truly one of a kind and is the biggest reason I've stayed. I don't want to wholly abandon ship just yet; maybe I'm too sentimental and we're already past the point of no return. I'll still be here, even if for a little while.
I'll be making this my new pinned for the foreseeable future, so let's get all this out of the way. Here's where I lurk:
Tumblr (Main) (here!)
Tumblr (Art Blog)
Bluesky (Main)
Bluesky (Art Blog)
Cohost (Main) (most likely to collect dust)
Archive of Our Own (writing only)
Neocities (as a side project, I suppose)
It's been fun. May we all trip over our shoelaces on our way out the door. o7
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askmarshandbroflovski · 6 months
In response
i checked this blog today to make sure it hadnt been deleted and saw a few things in the inbox. i want to clear up a couple of things. if this is the last post to ever hit this blog, so be it, but heres the endcase:
no, i decided not to make the end comic. i wrote this story nine years ago with someone i loved very much. it sort of became a net for my feelings about my loss and addiction. it was messy and weird and put a lot of my perspectives on display. ive been clean for two years now and i think its okay not to tie up this story with a neat end. like stan and kyle, i graduated and i got older and i have a career. thats all it would have been. i would have tried to ascribe some deeper meaning to making a dumb thing in high school, and i would have tried really hard to make it feel like the way things were back then were okay. i dont really feel like revisiting it. comics are hard. it took me a very long time to write and create something that can be read in maybe an afternoon. maybe you just had to be there. by following stan and kyle for as long as it took, you followed me and my coming to grips with being a person. really, this was just longform vent art about whatever dumb bullshit occurs to a high school junior. but i know it helped some people and entertained some other people so, i will be leaving it up. i just dont think ill ever slap a neat bow on it. my story wont have a neat end and neither will stan and kyles.
no, i wont end the craig blog either. i havent logged into that one in a while and i think if tumblr wants to wash it away thats okay. it was a way for me to reclaim some control over a narrative and maybe explore some deeper feelings (surprise, my birth father Also went missing, who knew) but it ultimately didnt amount to much. whatever happened to craig is up to you. my interpretation wasnt liked much anyway, and to have an askblog, you need people to be curious about the premise. i didnt connect as much with it and the frustration associated with running a project like that outweighed whatever i got out of it. i still dont know what that was.
anyway. i moved onto writing dnd campaigns and i am still alive. i still make art sometimes. i still get anxious when i see the inbox notifs, but these days, 9 times out of 10 its spam. i hope you guys all liked the south park post-pandemic aged up specials. i didnt, but im nitpicky and kind of bitter about the idea altogether. i havent seen an active askblog since 2017 but hey. be nice to people who make things. if you feel so inclined, maybe go make something for yourself. id like to thank the people who were curious and had fun here. id like to thank sekrit, neggy, rachel, five, ozzy and nadia. id like to thank everyone who let me tell my story. its just not over yet.
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summerf0x · 5 months
Casual reminder that Monster Kelp aren’t real ambush predators. They actively seek prey out instead of waiting for it to come to them.
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What the fuck are you talking about? Monster Kelp have been ambush predators longer than you’ve been clinging to the ceilings. Why don’t you log off and touch some wormgrass instead of projecting your preylessness onto us?
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I’m the preyless one? At least I can move.
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🚨 red_leech_collective
Honestly, we think that this argument is super dumb. Monster Kelp are lineaged versions of Pole Plants, and if Pole Plants are ambush predators then so are Monster Kelp. Typical landwalker L.
-Mod Red Leech 3
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🐈 TheSurvivor
can you let go of me please
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SMH average Red Leech behavior. Always sticking their suckers where they don’t belong. STAY 👏 OUT 👏 OF 👏 AMBUSH 👏 PREDATORS 👏 BUSINESS.
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🚨 red_leech_collective
Are you saying that leeches are not ambush predators?
-Mod Red Leech 2
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🐈 TheSurvivor
im so cold and i can hear the rain coming please i just want to find my sibling
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Yes???? Everyone knows Leeches, regardless of color are parasites.
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🚨 red_leech_collective
Parasites are a species type, not predator type. I swear, the average intelligence levels on this site are so low.
-Mod Red Leech 3
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🐈 TheSurvivor
got a rock gonna throw it
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🎄totally-a-real-pole AUGH FUCK
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🐈 TheSurvivor
made it to the shelter im safe
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lol if you hadn’t been so caught up in your stupid argument you would have eaten that Slugcat. I’ll have fun eating them next cycle.
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This loser isn’t in their den!!!
RAIN ATTACK 💧🌧💧🌧💧💧💧💧🌧🌧
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🚨 red_leech_collective
Imagine not being able to breathe water.
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🥀 monster-whelp
Glad that asshole’s not going to be in this timeline anymore. But real talk? If you can’t handle Monster Kelp being considered an ambush predator unfollow now.
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💣 Scavenger-Wizard-Money-Gang
I gained a net zero of information from this post
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bizarrequazar · 4 months
GJ and ZZH Updates — January 14-20
previous week || all posts || following week
This is part of a weekly series collecting updates from and relating to Gong Jun and Zhang Zhehan.
This post is not wholly comprehensive and is intended as an overview, links provided lead to further details. Dates are in accordance with China Standard Time, the organization is chronological. My own biases on some things are reflected here. Anything I include that is not concretely known is indicated as such, and you’re welcome to do your own research and draw your own conclusions as you see fit. Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or additions. :)
[Glossary of names and terms] [Masterlist of my posts about the situation with Zhang Zhehan]
01-14 → Possible hexagon ring sighting.
01-15 → Net-A-Porter posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ 361° posted a commercial featuring Gong Jun. (1129 kadian, 51129 with the date.)
→ GXG posted six photos ads featuring Gong Jun.
→ Gong Jun's studio posted a behind the scenes video of the GXG photoshoot. Caption: "Freeze and relax, feel the leisurely spring in advance. @ Gong Jun Simon enjoys every moment of the rhythm~"
→ Elle magazine posted a teaser of their photoshoot with Gong Jun that would be released the following day. Caption: "The New Year brings the 'dragon', and the new year brings the 'beauty'. The cover of the new issue is about to be revealed."
01-16 → Elle posted their photoshoot of Gong Jun. Caption: "The shooting location is in a building decorated in artistic style. The porch has been decorated early with the festive atmosphere of the New Year. The lawn in front of the door is still green and full of the vitality that is rare in winter. At 6 o'clock in the evening the night before, @ Gong Jun Simon was still working on set. After finishing work, he rushed to Shanghai. After getting up early, he had to rush to attend a New Year's Eve party after filming. He won’t have a holiday tomorrow for New Year’s Day, but will go back to the set and continue filming. Looking back further, last year at this time he was also preparing for a New Year's Eve performance and joined the group the next day. 'It's good not to have a holiday,' he said. There was a sense of urgency in his words, as well as a sense of eagerness to try. 'I just hope that every project will be filmed smoothly and new projects will start filming as soon as possible.' Why is he so serious about pursuing a career. 'I have to do it well this year and try to use my time as much as possible.'"
→ Gong Jun posted six photos from the Elle shoot. Caption: "In the first year of the new era, let's have fun together." He also posted nine to his Xiao Hong Shu, caption: "Send 30 million red packets 🧧🧧🧧 Be healthy, be happy, be rich" and nine to his Instagram, caption: "Spring festival is coming!!! 🏮🧧🐲!"
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→ Elle posted a video of their photoshoot featuring Gong Jun. Caption: "This year @ Gong Jun Simon has launched a 'World Favourites' section, where he publishes travel p-logs from time to time. On the one hand, he wants to record the scenery he has seen, the food he has eaten, and the interesting things he has seen. On the other hand, he wants to share what he has seen and heard with everyone, so that they can see the world he has seen through his records. In these travel p-logs, the photos and layout are all his own ideas. Gong Jun is a person with a strong desire to share. He hopes to pass on the happiness in life to others so that everyone can feel this happiness together. Of course, this is also a process in which he magnifies the happiness he feels."
→ Gong Jun's studio posted a behind the scenes video of the Elle shoot. Caption: "Have a far-reaching inner rhyme and bring auspiciousness to the East. @ Gong Jun Simon is enjoying the fun of the New Year."
→ Gong Jun's studio posted fifteen photos from the Elle shoot. Caption: "The fiery national colours outline the oriental charm, and @ Gong Jun Simon writes the warmth of the New Year."
→ Gong Jun's studio posted a douyin of footage from the Elle photoshoot. Caption: "Gong Jun inherits the past and traces the present, and absorbs the meaning of Chinese style. @ Gong Jun Simon interprets the modern style of the New Year with a pioneering attitude."
→ PRSR posted a promotional video spoken by Gong Jun.
01-17 → Gong Jun posted a promotional video he did for Deeyeo.
→ Kinokuniya Tokyo responded to whalers' injuries about stocking the Zhang Sanjian photobook, saying that they have been unable to contact the suppliers. They later posted an update that they have no plans to pursue this further.
→ PRSR posted a video (flashing lights cw) of their photoshoot with Gong Jun.
→ Fresh posted a photo ad announcing that Gong Jun would be appearing in a livestream the following day.
01-18 (Candy shower!!! 🍬) → Gong Jun posted a screenshot of the song 南京恋爱通告 (Nanjing Love Announcement) by Galaxy Express to his Instagram. Caption: "Good morning!" Fan Observations: - For the significance of Nanjing, see [here]. - This is only the second time that Gong Jun has posted a song to his Instagram since 813, and the first time that he has done so with it being the only thing in the post. Prior to 813, he posted songs quite often. - The song lyrics include the line "Sunrise on top of the purple-gold mountain," reminiscent of the golden mountain photos Gong Jun posted on 2022-12-17 which many people believe showed Zhang Zhehan from behind.
→ Gong Jun appeared on a livestream for Fresh, hosted in Nanjing. [full recording] Fan Observations: - He wore a jacket with a gold hexagon pattern. - One activity involved drawing images associated with words. For Nanjing, he drew a heart. 🥺 - He mentioned the song he had posted earlier, saying that he had found it a while ago and had been wanting to share it.
→ Gong Jun's studio posted eight photos from the Fresh livestream. Caption: "The carved jade dragon glows with vitality, and the veil and gold layer create the beauty of the new year. @ Gong Jun Simon feels pure in the momentum of soaring. I wish everyone a happy Laba Festival and prosperity with the dragon in 2024!"
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→ Gong Jun posted four selfies. Caption: "Today is Laba, so it's time to post selfies!" Fan Observation: The hoodie and pose that he's doing in them is very reminiscent of photos he posted on 10-31-2022, the anniversary of the One Night in Nanjing, which are in turn reminiscent of selfies Zhang Zhehan had once posted. [comparison]
→ PRSR posted a commercial featuring Gong Jun. The later also posted a photo ad.
→ Fresh posted five photos of Gong Jun from the livestream.
→ Yang Yang posted two photos of himself and Gong Jun from the livestream.
01-19 → Net-A-Porter posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ PRSR posted two behind the scenes videos [1] [2] (flashing lights cw for both) of their photoshoot with Gong Jun.
01-20 → The Instagram posted a video of "Zhang Zhehan".
Additional Reading: → N/A
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idrellegames · 1 year
Wayfarer Dev Log 2023.01.05.
Hi friends,
Happy New Year! I hope you all had a great holiday, if you celebrated. 💕
December was a quietly difficult month for me. I pushed forward with the Episode 3 Part 1 material, but hit burn out a week or so into the month. I reached a point where I disliked everything that I had written, felt stuck with the new content I was creating, and was unhappy with the progress I was making.
The challenge with interactive fiction is that for complicated moments that reflect a wide berth of player choice often leave the writer feeling stuck in a time-loop. You may write 2000 words a day, but it’s difficult to feel progress when those 2000 words are part of a single variation and you still have to go back and tackle the same plot beat from several more angles.
This is the nature of the beast—in order to achieve narrative flexibility and allow the player to actually roleplay and feel like their choices are meaningful, you often have to revisit similar plot beats several times over from different angles.    
Instead of struggling with it, I decided to take some time off in order to rest and recuperate. I got sick twice, and I’m still recovering from flu/cold. It’s not a great start to the year, but I am trying to get back on track and hopefully will have an alpha update soon.
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No new patches were released in December.
As mentioned in last month’s dev log, the next public update is TBD. As I want to finish both Episodes 3 and Episodes 4 on the alpha build before updating the public one, the next public update won’t happen until we’re well into 2023.
There is a major bug in Episode 2 that affects playthroughs with high Aeran friendship (+60 approval). Chances are most players have encountered it without knowing it. There is a specific spot in a conversation with Nova where a single romance point can be gained. This point will lock you out from the friendship reconciliation scene at the end of Episode 2. Because the romance bar is hidden on non-romance paths, you cannot see whether you have gained this point or not.
This bug will be patched out in the next patch. The recommendation will be to replay the episode from the beginning to ensure you don’t have miscellaneous romance points accumulated.
If you want to replay it now and avoid the dialogue option that gives you the bug, restart from the beginning of Episode 2. When the MC is talking to Nova on the Dareia, you will encounter a passage where the #1 option is either:
1. “Anything to keep Zenaida happy. You, on the other hand…”
1. “If you’re done being helpful, I’m sure you have something better to do.”
Choosing either of those options while your approval with Aeran is 60 or more will net you the accidental +1 to romance and a notification that Aeran’s approval (not his romance) has gone up. To avoid the bug, choose the #2 option.
This bug will not affect your playthrough if your approval is below 60 or if you selected Aeran’s romance in Episode 1.
Episode 3 Part 1 is still in development. The current material is approximately 257,000 words.
This new content has not been coded and added to the alpha build yet.
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A retrospective on Wayfarer’s earliest prototype (with a playable demo) was released on Dec 3. [Apprentice tier+]
Bi-weekly progress reports about Episode 3’s development. [All tiers]
Weekly Sneak peeks of new Episode 3 material. [All tiers]
The Wayfarer Pin-Up Calendar 2023 launched on January 2. This calendar is a community project created by artists passionate about the game. It is digital only and will be available until March 2. Pay-what-you-want, with all proceeds donated to the Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice. As of January 5, the calendar has raised $783 CAD. See the details and get your calendar here!
Two public previews of Episode 3 Part 1 were released. You can read a preview of the Aeran romance branch here and one from the aftermath of the Veyer tryst here.  
Wayfarer now has its own fandom wiki! This is a community project, created and maintained by fans (I am not affiliated and do not update it). You can check it out here.
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If you’ve enjoyed Wayfarer, used my tutorials, or would like to support my work, please consider supporting me on Patreon. Patrons receive access to the alpha build, a private Discord server, exclusive previews, bonus content, side stories, and other benefits.
Wayfarer is a passion project and creating it is a full-time commitment. Any little bit goes a long way to help me bring it to fruition.
If you aren’t in a position to support financially, reblogs, shares, ratings and comments, and spreading the word about the game are much appreciated and do a lot to help me out! 💕
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pbandjesse · 17 days
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I felt so much more like myself today. And for most of the day I felt great. I would feel bad every time I ate. But when I wasn't eating it just post eating I felt great.
I slept a lot better. I think that helped. Waking up was not as horrible. I didn't even snooze my alarm!
I would get up and get dressed. I felt alright in my outfit. I knew I was going to be in the mud today but I wanted to feel pretty. Did my makeup and everything.
Everyone else apparently thought I looked great though because I got so many compliments today. James kept telling me how lucky they were to have a pretty wife. It made me feel nice.
I had a really easy drive to work. (I wish I had gotten a picture but there was a baby grand piano on the side of the highway???) And when I got to camp it was just really pretty. I would stop at the eyrie to get my supplies. And then drove to the art building. Where I set up my water color painting project and cleaned out all the trash I had in the doors. I wish we had a little more storage inside of the car and so I bought a net for the ceiling of the car so when that gets here I am hoping it helps me feel more organized.
I would walk down to the office. And was alone for a while. I had my egg sandwich and regretted it. I felt very out of sorts after eating it. But my mood was still really good. Elizabeth and Nick came in. There was discussion about the day. And he went to go set up the tower.
I would head to the lodge with Elizabeth and Sarah so we could set up tables and chairs and we were very efficient and got everything ready.
The group was a little late. We would have to alter the schedule just a bit. But this group was literally a dream. They were so lovely. I am so cool to second graders and they gassed me up hardcore.
At first I think they were unsure of me. But I took my little group to the pond and we went through everything. I was slightly put off by the one chaperone not wanting them to explore without an adult next to them and being very concerned about them getting muddy. I just had to go. This is the nature of the program. They will get dirty. It is okay. I'm sure the parents will complain but also why did you send your child to any field trip in New shoes. That's crazy to me but I don't know their lives. I just want them to have fun and not be afraid of nature.
But once we got into it we had so much fun. The first group found 14 things!! They did so good! And we had a couple extra minutes because Nick's group at the tower needed the time. So I pulled out some of the larva and had them identify it by picture. It was fun.
One little girl, Ashley, got a sticker bush stuck in her hair and in getting it out she got a finger prick. And she was hysterical. Just scream crying. I carefully took her hands (avoiding the cut) and was just very very calm. Her teacher got a first aid kit and while she got that ready I sat Ashley down and had her breathe with me and she calmed down and was just quietly crying. And I validated her upsetness, "that was really scary right? You are being very brave." I told her that I also got a cut last week and I'm only stronger for it. And by the time she has a bandaid she was all good and would be a joy for the rest of the day and also my best friend. Her and her friend Genesis were my shadows and we would look under many many logs. We even found a morel mushroom!! My very first one!
They were not my only shadows. In the second group Nevaeh was all red faced crying. I'm not sure why. But I got her to come look with me and I think she thought it was really cool when I was able to grab two different slippery frogs. This group was very good at finding the frogs. We even dug one up from under the grass. Literally pulled the "sheet" of grass up to grab him. It was so fun.
Lunch was quick. But the second group has helped me bring all my materials back to the eyrie so I was able to enjoy my little half hour. I was very disappointed to find my watermelon didn't taste right. But I enjoyed my little pizza and things were good.
The afternoon was art! I would collect my group and we went up to arts and crafts. Lots of hand holding and hugs. Such a sweet group. And I had them draw in sharpie at least one plant and one creature they really liked seeing today, OR one that they WISHED they had seen. So we had some snake and bear drawings. But also a lot of tadpoles. And then they would watercolor paint. And it went so good. I was very very happy with this project.
The second group would be super sweet as well. Nevaeh would paint a picture of me!! And she gifted it to me so I promised to hang that in the art building. I also had a really lovely conversation with two parents and shared some of our Africa pictures. It was just a really lovely time.
One of the little boys also kept telling me how beautiful I was. My makeup: beautiful. My hair: beautiful. My personality: so cool. These kids were echoing everything he was saying and I was just like. Guysss stoooppp. But it made me feel really nice.
At the end of the program we cleaned up and I packed up their art in bags to give to their teacher. And we walked back to the lodge. Where the little girls wanted to wear my hair clip and look at pictures on my phone. We're disappointed I was not wearing my engagement ring but also it would get so dirty! My wedding rings go through enough as it is. I did show them some of our wedding pictures though and that was fun.
Nevaeh and Ashley and Genesis and a few other girls helped fold chairs as they were leaving. It was so sweet. I loved this group. Absolutely would have again. I hope my future child is as sweet as them.
Nick and me would finish folding the chairs. And I would go clean the bathrooms. And once that was done I went to the art building to put things away. And then to the office. Where I very badly answered some emails (with incorrect information because I wasn't thinking about alcohol when someone asked if they could bring outside drinks to the music festival. I assumed water bottles??). And I offered to go pick up our total wine order.
This ended up taking more then an hour which I did not expect. Traffic was bad. And then when I got there they couldn't find our order. But the man was nice and looked really hard and would find both orders and everything would be fine. I enjoyed just sitting in the car for a bit. I wasn't in a rush.
When I got home James helped me out and brought everything inside. I was worried about them getting taken from our car? Can't risk it.
James made me a salad for dinner and it was great. I would change into my comfy clothes and painted my toes and ate my salad and eventually I went downstairs to play the new video game James got me.
Little kitty big city! It's very fun so far but video with walking games still make me nauseous. But I would play for a couple hours. James would join me and made pizza and I shouldn't have eaten it because I have felt bad since. Maybe it's a bread issue? I will try to have less bread tomorrow.
I just got a shower and James is dozing on bed while I'm sitting on the floor. I am tired. But I am feeling good. My stomach didn't hurt at all today (I mean it did but not in the way it has been. No crazy scary cramping). And I am feeling really good emotionally. I hope to keep these good vibes going.
I hope you all sleep good tonight and have fun tomorrow. Goodnight everyone!
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highlyentropicmind · 2 months
The history of the siblings you didn't know you had
Hello, I am Emshteko, or just Etko for short, and I want… I need to tell you a story
Long ago people emerged in this planet and they wandered over the land and the water, reaching many distant places, having adventures we will never know. You know this
But what you didn't know is that one day slavers arrived, they chased people with nets, and they captured some of them, and they took them away
You already know what happened with the people who stayed. They raised plants, they did cities, they performed writing, found science, established music and all that stuff… This is your history
But what you didn't know is what happened to those who were taken
The slavers didn't live in a world, they lived in the Fleet. The Fleet is more ancient than the slavers, the Fleet survived its makers and like the shells of those crabs it has been found and inhabited many times by many peoples. This was the turn of the slavers
When humans woke up they were already in the fleet. They weren't slaves at first, they were specimens, they were pondered by the slavers for a long time, until the slavers realized humans had mental capabilities similar to them, this is when they decided to make them property, to make humans into living tools. This lasted for a little more than two thousand years
People were forced to work without time to play nor tell stories. If a human was holding a piece of art and they spoke, the slaver would tear their teeth away saying "tables don't speak, and they don't need teeth"... I realized just now that saying this is unnecessary. I was going to give you examples of the cruelty of the slavers, but the humans that stayed also turned other humans into property, and they were cruel in similar ways. You know this, and you know why humans had to rebel
The Fleet has a heart, and it gives control in its heart to the crew of the Fleet, but the loyalty of the Fleet is high and cannot be reached, it will be loyal as long as one of the crew remains, and for that reason this was a war of total extermination. Only by killing all the slavers could the humans be in the heart of the Fleet
We don't know much about this war, but we know it was painful. The warriors fought with mangled bodies, with melting skin, with vibrations in their bones, they never stopped. Everyone fought until all the ATP in their cells was spent, they hugged their children and their minds were stopped
This is how humans became masters of the Fleet. But by then the Fleet was as broken as the bodies of the warriors, for a second they thought they had turned the Fleet into a tomb, but then the Fleet came back to life
All the ship-mites began taking the pieces of the Fleet and putting them back together, like two patches of skin separated by the edge of a knife longing to be together again, reaching towards each other. This is how the Fleet slowly healed. This period of reconstruction lasted for a thousand years
The human family also healed, having more children, children who were free. They grew up and became masters of the Fleet
We don't know where were the slavers going, maybe they didn't know either, maybe the Fleet had been going in the same direction since it was made, we will know if we ever decipher the logs of the previous crews, but now people had to decide where to go
We knew we had been taken from somewhere, and we decided we would go back to that place. That was nearly six thousand years ago. Our ancestors set the destination and they forgot about it, they knew they wouldn't live to see it
During all that time we lived in the Fleet and we too experienced history. People lived their lives, they raised their children, they found art, they touched jobs, they made ideas, they told stories… Sometimes large groups would work together in big projects, sometimes large groups disagreed and there would be conflict. Many times there was war in the Fleet, although never like before
This is to say, we walked the same path, you in the planet, we in the Fleet. It was different, of course, no one told you guys anything, you had to give shape to everything yourselves, and that's admirable. We as a difference were told many things about the inner workings, but we still had to learn to use it, and we had to give shape to those things we weren't told. We are still giving shape to many questions
But now, after this long time, we arrived at the place we were stolen from, trying to undo the damage of the slavers, but can you imagine our surprise when we saw our home wasn't empty? We saw you living around and walking your lives, and we were happy. We thought the slavers had taken everyone. We were also happy to see many other creatures in your world. The slavers told us they burned everything they couldn't take. Now we see that was a lie
This is happy, but this is awkward. We cannot simply go to the planet as we had thought. It's not like you were expecting us, you didn't know about us, that story was lost long ago
Some think maybe we should just continue, never visit the planet, but most of us think this is unacceptable. We are siblings, we cannot leave without saying hello. We also know many things you probably want to know. Also, the people from before selected this course so that we could be dressed with the sky, and the water. So that we could feel the sand, and the mud. The victory against the slavers will not be complete until we walk freely on our planet. We feel strongly about this, even if it happened long ago. This yearning has shaped us, we cannot let it not happen now that it is reachable
For that reason we have decided to wait. We have waited six thousand years, we can wait a bit more. BUT PLEASE UNDERSTAND, this is a great sacrifice for us. Everyday people die in the Fleet, people who hoped to live long enough to be dressed with the sky, and we have to tell them: "No, you didn't live quite long enough for that. We are sorry"
We have sat far away, watching you, learning. We like your art, we like the stories you tell. Well done!. We can't wait until we can share with you the stories we've made, you are gonna laugh, and cry, and scream with passion at the stories of our heroes
We are your long lost siblings and we want to embrace you, we want to be joined and have a single future, but to get there we have to solve that problem: How can you say hello to someone who wasn't waiting for you?
Perhaps the simplest solution is the best one: Introduce yourself and explain your story. But of course, we can't simply appear in your sky and send you our story, that would scare you
Maybe we can share our story in some insignificant way, shared in many different places across your systems of communication, pretending that it comes from a normal person, pretending it is a fiction
If someone sees this story they could believe, or they could think it is indeed fiction, but either way, they can choose to share it with others, and maybe some of those will take that same choice… Eventually some of the people who read the story will believe it, or at least they will get used to the idea, and if enough people believe, you will not be scared when we say "hello!". You will say: "Oh, those are our long lost siblings! I read their story, I thought it was fiction, but it is reality. That's their fleet, we should welcome them!", instead
I know this is probably overly optimistic. Maybe we'll try something else, maybe we'll wait for you to find us, we are not sure
I've even asked the committee to let me go into the planet, in secret. I don't know if they will agree, but if they do you should know I have straight white hair, green eyes, and dark skin. This is actually a common combination of features among us. If you see me, and you recognize me, wink
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yugiri315 · 2 months
LWJ Cosplay Log - Master Post
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Making Lan Wangji
(AKA My Lan Zhan Cosplay Log)
This went from a historical project to cosplaying all the Hanguang-Jun, Lan Wangji in existence!  The main concept is Lan Wangji’s (LWJ) novel/manhua/audio drama design.  As the project started pre-pandemic, I didn’t consider the butler or dragon au in the design.  That would be too much.  There is a dash of videogame in him since there were some details I liked in that model.  If the title is “Mo Dao Zu Shi” then I have incorporated Lan Wangji’s description and concept arts into my design.  
Lan Wangji as known in The Untamed was generally avoided save for a tiny nod to the show’s Gusu Lan Clan.  “Mo Dao Zu Shi” Wangji and “Untamed” Wangji are distinct in my opinion.  Neither is superior from the other, just different enough that I need to pick one interpretation to play with.  The actors of Untamed, especially Xiao Zhan, really claimed the characters as their own and portrayed them wonderfully.  Wang Yibo’s Wangji is his Wangji, I won’t interfere that.  If you want to see that interpretation of Lan Wangji, then go watch the show.  It already exists.
A few caveats before you dive in:
1)     I am not a seamstress or tailor so I don’t know all the proper sewing terminology in English or any other language 2)     Also, modern romanization of Chinese confuses the shit out of me, a native speaker, so apologies for any spelling mistakes.  The Yale Romanization made so much more sense but then China thought they understood the English alphabet better than native English speakers so here we are.  Do as the Romans do, I guess. 3)     I am not a historical costumer either so all my info come from conjecture and research 4)     I am not a Chinese historian but I like to think I know enough about my history and culture through osmosis and the hell-hole disguised as Chinese school to talk about it 5)     I am not trying to make an authentic historical costume, I’m trying to make an anachronistic fantasy costume. Historicity went out the window the minute LWJ and every adult character decided to have their hair down.  I did try to make a semi-historically accurate version?  Depended on the mood at time of construction. 6)     I suck at being Chinese apparently so that will be my safety net if everything fails horribly :P  
The Lan Zhan Cosplay Log Layer 1:  Undergarments! 中衣 Layer 2A:  Yichang 衣裳   Layer 2B:  Ruqun 襦裙 Layer 3:  Zhiju 直裾 Layer 4A:  Leatherwork Layer 4B:  Jade Bling Layer 5A:  Dachang 大氅 Layer 5B:  Bijia 比甲 Layer 0:  Hair, Props, “Cheating,” & Overall Stats
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Exhibit:  LWJ cosplay in action [1][2]
Patterning:  https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Qb411j7z6?spm_id_from=333.905.b_72656c61746564.1
Hanfu Resources:
@ziseviolet:  https://ziseviolet.tumblr.com/about
@fouryearsofshades:  https://fouryearsofshades.tumblr.com/post/179249195707/hello-do-you-happen-to-have-a-master-post-of-all
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rubberbandballqueen · 5 months
About your tags: is there more that you can share about the OW fandom and fics? This was a phenomenon I wonder about too. It was one of the most popular fandoms around 2017-2018, but the way the fandom stopped on its tracks around 2019 was hard not to notice. Especially from people who didn't play the game but were aware of it's fandom.
oh! overwatch is one of about 50-ish fandoms i track for this one spreadsheet project i do as a hobby (which i Technically blog about @fandom-data-scientist, but i've been too lazy to do a proper writeup to explain what the hell it is i do), wherein i try to answer the age-old question: when did the weebs move to ao3?
(the answer is late 2015/early 2016. most likely this was in large part a result of undertale and sports anime, but that's currently just my own conjecture)
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According To My Research(tm), the overwatch fandom peaked in late 2016/early 2017 when it comes to the number of new fics posted per month. after this, it declined quite rapidly, as it didn't even get to enjoy a plateau period.
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(there's a reason why the plots are really wonky towards the end of this graph-- it's bc i found the past dates for number of fics archived to a particular site via the wayback machine. since those snapshots are typically bot crawls, the number of fics shown on the fandoms listings will not include fics that have been archive-locked. although i technically started this project in august 2022, i did not add overwatch to my tracking list until this june/july or so. my current guess for the small uptick in the rate of ow fics published to ao3 in october 2022 is that the sequel came out? and then the rate plunged for january 2023 bc of the ai scraping scare that happened at around that time-- nearly every single fandom i track had a significant drop right then bc everyone was archive-locking their fics. the rate shooting up in like july 2023 on this chart is bc like i said, that's when i added ow to my list of tracked fandoms; because i'm logged into my own ao3 acct when checking these numbers live, i get access to the archive-locked fics and so the display number goes up.)
in my experience, fandoms will generally kind of plateau in their fic production after their peak, which will ofc normally gradually taper off. games that receive regular lore or story updates probably have fairly long or stable plateaus, although i haven't made scatterplots or made any comparing analyses to prove this rigorously. this plateau period generally represents a time of fandom stability as the fair-weather, casual, or migratory slash fans run off to the next big thing.
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if we ignore the fact the plague and quarantine happened, we can see a nice, steady, and very consistent plateau period for the danganronpa fandom from about 2018-2020!
let's look at an older fandom, like my archnemesis final fantasy:
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granted, the ao3 numbers are kind of all over the place these days, but you kind of get my point by now, right? that healthy fandoms tend to plateau as the wind carries away the faintly-interested and leaves the long-haulers behind to form their communities.
overwatch struck me as unusual when i was on one of my long wayback machine trips because of the way there was a net increase of only two fics published from 1 july 2021 to 1 october 2021, when before then it had usually been in the hundreds or so. i then went on a work tangent n googled around n more or less concluded it had Something to do with some kind of scandal with the development company, but otherwise i don't really have any more comments on it hahaha.
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Demographics - Who took this poll?
After four weeks of collecting data, we had a total of 225 respondents. Out of those, we opted to use a sample of 221 people. Two respondents stated that they had no first hand experience with the game, while two others had their responses discarded because they stated their answers wouldn’t be serious.
Below we will discuss the platforms people played on and player experience, in terms of hours played and achievements collected.
We opted to separate respondents who play on the Nintendo Switch from those who play on a generalized console platform like the PlayStation and the Xbox due to the popularity of the Switch in casual play, and to specifically test hypotheses about input lag on the Switch. Similarly, we split respondents who play on the computer into those who play on a keyboard and those who play with a controller to test other hypotheses. This netted us four major categories: Computer players who play on a Keyboard, Computer players who play with a Controller, Nintendo Switch players, and generalized Console players.
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The majority of respondents play Hollow Knight on the computer, and they make up 54.1% of the respondents, totalling 119 respondents out of the sample of 221 players. Of those, comprising 35.9% of the total respondents, 79 are keyboard users, while the remaining 40, making up 18.2% of the total, play with a controller. Another 35.9% of respondents (79 people) play on the Nintendo Switch, and the last 22, making up 10% of the respondents, play on a separate console platform.
We measured player experience in two ways: total playtime, and achievements earned in the game, both official (something that shows up in the Achievements menu) and combat related (such as beating the Pantheon of Hallownest). On average, a first playthrough takes 25 hours to complete (Source: Hollow Knight's kickstarter page). Most respondents had between 100 and 300 hours in the game at the time of responding to the poll. The next largest group of respondents had less than 100 hours total, but almost all of them still had more than 25 hours logged into the game. By the inherently nonlinear nature of metroidvanias which further encourage exploration, and by Hollow Knight’s own difficulty curve being built by the various bosses and challenges in the game, the total playtime serves as a rough estimate of how much the respondents know about the game’s mechanics, particularly about charm builds. However, this does not necessarily reflect their total achievements. 
In considering achievements, we find a diverse distribution amongst our respondents. Most respondents have completed almost all official achievements, comprising 30.3% of respondents with 67 players. The next biggest group were those who have at least 50% of the achievements, and have attained at least one ending, making up 27.6% of the sample with 61 players. A separate 20.8% of respondents, totalling 46 players, have over 75% of the achievements and have completed at least one challenge achievement, some examples of which being Ascension and Speed Completion. This is ideal for the purposes of the poll, as this means most of our respondents have some familiarity with the different charms and have likely settled on what charm builds work best for them. Unofficial, combat related achievements will be discussed in the combat section of the summary.
Stay tuned for other results!
Kickstarter Source: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/11662585/hollow-knight/posts/1887534
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Blog Update / Muse Retirement
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//Hate that it's got to this point. Going to be a bit of a downer here so, read at your own discretion.
There is little to say really. Like many people here, I use RP as a form of escapism to my own stress and life. It makes me genuinely happy to get into character and forget about problems for a while.
These past weeks I have been in dire need of RP more than I had in a very long time. An awful timing really, to hit a slump in interactions.
I did my homework, I tried to network. I reached out. A few became welcome and beautiful mutuals, but many, many many others unfortunately did not. At my age, I tell myself I can handle rejection well, but that is only true to a certain degree. Even if I don't let these feelings impact my routine and real life, they are there nonetheless. And I don't want them to be.
After doing research on how to help with the situation, I have reached the conclusion that I have been in denial just how much my choice to make a multimuse blog has come back to bite me in the ass. Things like anonymous RP confessions say it like it is: multimuse blogs are stigmatized and often passed on without a chance given.
We are considered to be unorganized, lack commitment, and not provide the muses we put in our roster we asked. Personally, I thought multimuse was an excellent idea. I thought that making single blogs muses for such niche fandoms would lead to no activity, since my pool of potential partners would be smaller. I thought a multimuse would equal to fish with a net rather than a rod.
I was wrong, haha.
I can be super organized and tag every post with its fandom; I can provide all the tools for my followers to blacklist fandoms they are not interested in; I can commit to respond to any muse in my roster one may ask for. All this hard work won't amount to anything to those who just look at a number and decide I do none of those things without actually giving me a chance to prove them wrong.
So what is it that I can do? Create single muse blogs. The idea of having to log out and log in from tumblr for each individual muse to check notifications, reblog memes and post replies seems like even more work than what I already am doing, but if it is what gets mutuals, then so be it.
I feel like I have lost a fight here, but RP is a hobby, my favorite hobby, and it shouldn't be making me miserable.
So what is the TLDR? Do not panic. This blog isn't going anywhere anytime soon. But I will be slowly retiring muses that haven't gotten any engagement in months. Those I care to keep will get their own blog, and when those are set up and running, I will update you and provide links for anyone interested.
We are talking about an endeavor that will take months, so do not throw me away as a mutual just yet. This blog will stay up and running until everything else is set up properly. I have over 1500 posts to scan through and decide whether to transfer or not (I hate to leave my own writing behind, I like to go back and reread these threads for my own enjoyment).
In the meantime, I hope to still RP with everyone here. If you want to make sure I update you regarding a specific muse getting their own blog, DM me and I'll write a memo to do so. Just know that it is a long term project.
Thanks to all of my new mutuals and the old ones who have stuck around. You guys are keeping me sane everyday and trust me, this is less of an overstatement than it sounds.
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prismmediawire · 5 months
SinglePoint Announces Closing of $4 Million Public Offering, Uplisting to Cboe Global Markets and Reverse Stock Split
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Phoenix, AZ, December 19, 2023 - SinglePoint Inc. (Cboe: SING) (“SinglePoint” or the “Company”), a diversified holding company principally engaged through its subsidiaries in providing renewable energy solutions and energy-efficient applications to drive better health and living, today announced the closing of its underwritten public offering of 800,000 shares of common stock at a public offering price of $5.00 per share. The gross proceeds from the offering, before underwriting discounts and commissions and estimated offering expenses payable by the Company, are expected to be $4,000,000. In addition, the Company has granted the underwriters a 45-day option to purchase up to 120,000 additional shares of common stock at the public offering price, less the underwriting discount.
The shares began trading on the BZX Exchange, a division of Cboe Global Markets on December 15, 2023 under the ticker symbol "SING".
The Company intends to use the net proceeds of the public offering for general corporate purposes.
Advisor Details
Alexander Capital L.P. acted as sole book-running manager for the offering. McGuireWoods LLP served as counsel to the Company. Manatt Phelps & Phillips LLP served as counsel to the underwriters.
The securities described above are being offered by SinglePoint pursuant to a registration statement on Form S-1, as amended (File No. 333-267779) that was declared effective by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) on December 14, 2023. The offering is being made only by means of a prospectus forming a part of the effective registration statement. A copy of the final prospectus related to the offering, when available, may be obtained from Alexander Capital L.P., 10 Drs James Parker Boulevard #202, Red Bank, NJ  07701, Attention: Equity Capital Markets, or by calling (212) 687-5650 or emailing [email protected] or by logging on to the SEC’s website at www.sec.gov.
This press release does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy these securities, and shall not constitute an offer, solicitation or sale in any state or jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior to registration or qualification under the securities laws of that state or jurisdiction. Any offers, solicitations or offers to buy, or any sales of securities will be made in accordance with the registration requirements of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.
SinglePoint Inc.
SinglePoint is a diversified holding company principally engaged through its subsidiaries in providing renewable energy solutions and energy-efficient applications to drive better health and living. The Company’s primary focus is sustainability by providing an integrated solar energy solution for their customers and clean environment solutions through their air purification business. SinglePoint conducts its solar operations through its subsidiary, The Boston Solar Company LLC (“Boston Solar”), in which they hold an 80.1% equity interest. The Company conducts its air purification operations through Box Pure Air, LLC (“Box Pure Air”), in which they hold a 100% equity interest. SinglePoint also has ownership interests outside its primary solar and air purification businesses, which are considered noncore business subsidiaries..
Forward-Looking Statements
This press release includes statements that may be deemed to be “forward-looking statements” under federal securities laws, and we intend that such forward-looking statements be subject to the safe-harbor created thereby. To the extent that the information presented in this press release discusses financial projections, information, or expectations about our business plans, results of operations, products or markets, or otherwise makes statements about future events, such statements are forward-looking. Such forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of words such as “should”, “may,” “intends,” “anticipates,” “believes,” “estimates,” “projects,” “forecasts,” “expects,” “plans,” and “proposes.” Specific forward-looking statements in this press release include, among others, statements regarding the expected trading of our shares on The Nasdaq Capital Market, the expected closing of the offering, and the intended use of the net proceeds of the offering. Although we believe that the expectations reflected in these forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, there are a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially and adversely from such forward-looking statements. You are urged to carefully review and consider any cautionary statements and other disclosures, including the statements made under the heading “Risk Factors” in the prospectus included in the Registration Statement and elsewhere in documents that we file from time to time with the SEC. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of the document in which they are contained, and SinglePoint does not undertake any duty to update any forward-looking statements except as may be required by law. References and links to websites have been provided as a convenience, and the information contained on such websites is not incorporated by reference into this press release.
For more information, contact: [email protected]
SinglePoint Inc.
Source: SinglePoint, Inc.
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