#project Daedalus
quasi-normalcy · 1 year
"Discovery" is just like...
Introduce cool-looking background cyborg
Finally give her some character development nine episodes into the second season
Reveal that she's actually the most interesting character on the ship
Immediately kill her
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siryl · 2 years
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One more nuclear pulse starship before the end of the season.  This one’s by Nick Stevens.
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data2364 · 2 years
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via Trekcore.com
Mary Wiseman (Sylvia Tilly) 2019 in Star Trek: Discovery "Project Daedalus“
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thecat-inthehat · 5 months
“What the actual hell is wrong with you?” 
Zenos blinked and lowered his weapon, but before he could even scrape up a response there was a chorus of voices behind him. 
“His father never hugged him as a child,” Alphinaud said. 
“He relies on others to give him a sense of purpose and direction,” Alisaie’s scathing voice rang out. 
“The good ol’ suicide that didn’t stick,” Arbert nodded sagely. 
“He willingly partnered with Fandaniel,” Helisent muttered. 
“I threatened to rip off his dick once and he got excited,” Shining mused. 
“His paternal great grandfather brought a gun to an alternate dimension where they didn’t exist for the sole purpose of shooting me in the chest at the exact time it would be the most dramatic,” G’raha huffed. “I think it’s genetic.” 
There was a pause, and Zenos tilted his head at Nive. “Have you nothing to add, my friend?” 
Nive didn’t even look up from her grimoire. “You tried to explain to me, the person who breathed life into an art five thousand years dead, how summoning worked.” 
“You’re never going to let that go, are you?” He asked with a fond squint of his eyes. 
“For as long as our souls exist,” Nive threatened.
(little snippet from a thing I'm working on)
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wardogxicarus · 2 years
Daedalus Project
Sub File 1: Codename Condor.  Functionality: Heavy Class Aerial Combat. Status: Recent refurbish to update UI, AI, and repair previous damage. Updates to rotor and jet pack system complete. 
Sub File 2: Codename Peregrine. Functionality: Middle Weight All Arounder. Status: Upgrade to wing shielding dynamics in progress. Up to date on UI and AI systems.
Sub File 3: Codename Tyto Functionality: Middle Weight All Arounder. Status: In progress. Design and digital testing proceeding. 
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poebrey · 6 months
rewatching disco has been a gift because knowing what happens in the overarching plot means I get to stop being mad at different thematic issues and stop and appreciate every episode individually for what they are and some of the go so much harder when I’m not sitting around mad that Michael still isn’t captain or we’re on the 7th consecutive episode of no real mystery resolution or there’s yet another interpersonal conflict that’s mildly uncomfortable to watch
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I love the Daedalus project so much. It literally was "What if the richest and worst avatars all came together and made the world's most fucked up spaceship" where two of the three participants just joined in just for shits and giggles and the last wanted to make an anti-sun using the power of space darkness.
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tropinano · 11 months
List of As Many Fiction Podcasts As I Could Think Of
NOT ORGANIZED! This is a big list of fiction podcasts with no descriptions, meant for the sole purpose of picking one based on the title and just trying it out. Just a big ol' list of titles. Kindof like a blind date! Explore a couple of the ones that intrigue you and come back later for more.
The Hotel
The Night Post
I am in Eskew
Residents of Proserpina Park
The Daedalus Compound
The Magnus Archives
Francis Forever
Janus Descending
The Godfrey Audio Guide
Old Gods of Appalachia
Camp Here & There
The Way We Haunt Now
Jack of All Trades
Illuminati Interns
Death by Dying
Life with Leo(h)
Hello from the Hallowoods
The 12:37
Spirit Box Radio
Lost Terminal
The Switchboard
The Mistholme Museum of Mystery, Morbidity and Mortality
Aurora Everlasting
The Swashbuckling Ladies Debate Society
The Amelia Project
Jar of Rebuke
Monstrous Agonies
Where the Stars Fell
Kisses In The Dark
The Town Whispers
Uncommon Commons
The Author's Anathema
Elevator Pitch
Brimstone Valley Mall
Kane & Feels
The McIlwraith Statements
Caledonian Gothic
I have seen Niagara
In Darkness Vast
The Outside Tapes
Gather the Suspects
This Foul Earth
John from Home
Glasgow Ghost Stories
The Tower
The Antique Shop
Tales from Aletheian Society
The Secret of St Kilda
The Green Horizon
Road X
Seven of Hearts
The Department of Variance of Somewhere, Ohio
SubverCity Transmit
The Nuclear Solution
Jim Robbie and the Wanderers
With Caulk and Candles
This Planet Needs a Name
The Glass Appeal
Mar's Best Brisket
Nym's Nebulous Notions
Midnight Radio
The Bright Sessions
When Angels Visit Armadillo
The Mysterious Secrets of Uncle Bertie's Botanarium
Nowhere, On Air
Dark Ages
Welcome to Night Vale
The Silt Verses
Care & Feeding of Werewolves
The Bridge
The Far Meridian
Among the Stars and Bones
Primordial Deep
Someone dies in this Elevator
Seen and Not Heard
Abyss FM
Bodies in Space
Among the Stacks
Station Arcadia
Station Blue
Wolf 359
Mx Bad Luck
What will be here?
Wake of Corrosion
The Pasithea Powder
Tell No Tales
The Vesta Clinic
Georgie Romero is Done For
The Domestic Life of Anthony Todd
Alice isn't Dead
Stellar Firma
The Strange Case of Starship Iris
The Heart of Ether
The Orbiting Human Circus
Wooden Overcoats
Greater Boston
Moonbase Theta Out
The Penumbra Podcast
Desert Skies
Leaving Corvat
Red Valley
Back Again Back Again
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theminecraftbee · 5 months
minotaur Joe for the fanon swap prompts? i feel like he'd do something very philosophical and Joe(tm) about mythology. or butterfly/moth Joe?
After waking up with a headache and looking in the mirror to shave, Joe pauses. He stares at his reflection in the mirror. For the past several days, he hadn't thought anything of it; it's usual enough, for a hermit to start to get weird as the day of the start of a new project approaches. Why, if all that moon stuff hadn't happened, Joe can only imagine what growing snakes would have been like for Cleo.
He wonders if it was anything like this: Joe wakes up, stretches, hears weird clacking as he goes to the bathroom, goes to grab his razor, and rather abruptly realizes that he doesn't have a beard, or, rather, that since he now has a bull's head, he has far more beard than can possibly be reasonably shaved, and he should throw the whole concept of 'shaving a beard' out the window.
"Huh," he says. "I guess growing horns does give people a headache? Who knew?"
If his voice is wavering as he says it, well, no one's around to hear. They're between seasons, and while Joe is sharing a server with several hermits at the moment, his mountain lodge doesn't have much by way of neighbors. He's alone to have this horrible revelation.
"How will the bunny ears look with the bull head?" he asks himself. He tries to picture the result and, determining it a little less existentially terrifying than a sudden, unplanned change of species, decides to put them on. He nods. "I am a Playboy Minotaur," he mutters to himself. "I am confident! Composed! Perhaps even a sexyman? Eh, I'll workshop it. I wonder if there's better-matching armor for this..."
He hitches in his morning routine when he realizes the weird clacking he'd been hearing had been hooves. Realistically, he should now be wondering how well any of his boots will fit, now that he doesn't really have toes, and if he needs to be shoed, like a horse might, to protect the hooves from damage instead. Realistically, he should be contacting Iskall about whatever modifications need to be made for the remainder of his time hunting vaults before season 10 starts. Realistically, he should be hunting down one of the less-human hermits and asking if eating burgers to gain levels is now cannibalism. All of these things are realistic concerns that he can bother people about right now, if he wants to!
Unrealistically, he's thinking more about a conversation he'd had with Cub the other day as he stares at his hooves, hands shaking far, far more than he'd care to admit.
They'd been arguing about who Daedalus was.
It had started when they started planning together. Joe had mentioned wanting to build a labyrinth a little bit ago, and Cub, who apparently loved building mazes, was going to help out with the planning. With any luck, all of the hermits were going to help build it! He'd rambled about giving himself a bit of themeing about Theseus as a result, about conquering this whole labyrinth build, this project he'd designed not to really have an end. About having to guide himself in and out through twisting tunnels.
Cub had then pointed out that if Joe had been building it, that technically makes him Daedalus; the one guy who knew the layout, the genius inventor building the trap for the server, designing its hallways. Joe had argued that was who Cub would be; Cub is the expert madman inventor being brought on, and Joe just like, wanted to build a maze. Cub had said that that sort of made Joe Minos then, but given season seven, the guy who once got cursed to turn everything he touched to gold didn't feel very fitting. Joe had agreed it hadn't fit. Maybe they'd split Daedalus then, if Theseus was a little too thematically muddled?
They'd laughed about it. Joe hadn't really intended for the maze to be based on myth, anyway. That would be stealing Cleo's bit, and he knows better than to do that.
And yet.
"We didn't consider I might be the Minotaur," Joe says to no one in particular. "You know. Of the figures associated with the Labyrinth, we didn't consider the big bull trapped in the middle. I should tell Cub we forgot about that one. It'll be a real laugh."
He can't quite say out loud the thing he's really thinking, which is this:
Well, if the universe has decided the guy with the maze won't be the hero, or the inventor, or the king, but the bull it was designed to trap--well. What's that say about him, exactly, in symbology?
"Maybe it's just in reference to the vaults," he says, trying to hype himself up. It falls a little flat. He takes a deep breath. He realizes he's still holding his razor, even after crossing his house to get the bunny ears. He goes to put the razor down and catches sight of his head in the mirror once again.
Monstrous. He's friends with a lot of monsters, of course; he's known Cleo for more than a decade. And his mannerisms, they're still him. But right then, in that moment...
He pokes the bunny ears.
"I am the Playboy Minotaur," he says, more insistently. "Didn't Iskall have that dress he had covered in flowers? That's what's really important here. That, and the obligatory cannibalism if I want to reach the level 100 goal in time, of course. The Minotaur clearly ate meat, despite being a cow, and ate people, despite being half person, but we really know nothing about what cow would do to my diet. Hold on, I have a very confusing message I can write Iskall about this one."
He deliberately turns away from the mirror and goes to write Iskall something that will explain nothing at all, and then tell Cub about their oversight. It's not like he can change it now.
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betashift · 1 year
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STAR TREK: DISCOVERY | 2.09 "Project Daedalus"
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siryl · 2 years
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A digital model by Retro Visor of the hypothetical starship Daedalus with a Saturn V rocket for scale.  More images at source.
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dr3amofagame · 4 months
been thinking about post-prison c!dream again and i feel like ... characterizations of him after pandora smtimes can lean vindictive. and it's not like there's no proof for this being the case, lol, this man has quite a few angry speeches post-prison about getting his Revenge! and such, and obviously has Feelings about the whole being left to rot and be tortured thing. that being said, i think it's worth pointing out how what a character thinks they believe and what their actions show can have some...pretty apparent discrepancies, and i think that c!dream's stated desires to take his revenge as well as a "us against them, you're either with me or against me" viewpoint of the server as a whole don't necessarily match up with his behavior post-prison
for one, i think it's worth pointing out how often c!dream's anger in these cases is obviously emotional to the point of incoherence--it's often been stated that his speech in the logstedshire chase scene screams of projection in the midst of a panic attack, which, i mean? yeah? he's making assumptions about what c!tommy thinks and basically repeating what c!quackity said in that cell almost word for word and making the kill-and-revive-you-over-and-over-and-over threat that he definitely wasn't going to go through with (though, is kind of interesting retrospectively considering we know that he literally did that to himself). then there's his rant to c!sam in daedalus one which literally includes his threatening c!sam with c!quackity, a claim so absurd that c!sam himself points it out as making no sense. and then there's his speech with c!quackity where he says he's going to torture...las nevadas? as in, the country? dream that's. dream it's a country. it can't feel pain. dream.
in this, a clear pattern is established where a lot of these angry threats are...bluffs. hot air. even if c!dream is genuine when he makes these threats, they're really not plausible (like, uh, please tell me how youre gonna convince quackity to torture sam for you king.) and it's not like c!dream doesn't have a pattern of being A Whole Lotta Bark when you have him in a position where he feels cornered, either. but with this, there's a precedent that's established where c!dream's threats, particularly threats where he's literally just listing shit out like that, should be taken with a grain of salt. less evidence of true plans and more an attempt to bare his teeth at you until you back the fuck away.
of course, this in itself isn't enough to claim that all of his claims of more vindictive actions should be dismissed. that being said, across the board, when you look at c!dream's actual actions post-prison...well, the amount of actual revenge this guy gets is. very small. very small. in fact, contrary to what one might think due to his paranoia and the huge breach of trust that had happened as a result of the prison, c!dream actually seems quite willing to establish connections with other people--friendly interactions, even alliances to a certain degree. looking at the following list of interactions w/ people post-prison:
He immediately gives the axe of peace to c!Techno in Snowchester after they part ways at the Arctic Commune--though the lack of favors between them indicates that there's no real explicit reason to call on each other in the immediate future, he does show very clearly that their parting hasn't made himself unwilling to cooperate with c!Techno at all.
Punz is self-evident--he speaks with his ally and reaffirms that the plan is still on track (a plan made before the negative effects that prison had on his. uh .everything)
The aforementioned conflict with c!Tommy, where he makes a lot of threats in ways that seem like a pretty damn deliberate mirror of c!Quackity and makes no effort to follow through on, particularly in tems of the killing-and-reviving shit and keeping tommy in exile and whatever else he was saying there
The interaction with Sapnap, where he is clearly gauging c!Sapnap's reaction and flees shortly after things appear to grow in hostility, once again making overtures at a threat that he will never follow up on (even considering he could very easily follow Sapnap to find Kinoko and could as such attack it quite simply even with just, a couple flint & steels tbh)
An interaction with Eryn where he makes no effort to be hostile at any point, hiding behind his shield and then exchanging items when Eryn offers them. The entire time, c!Dream's actions are defensive and purposefully nonthreatening and at no point does he attempt to engage a fight--even when not asked for payment, he gives a valuable item in exchange. Clearly more an attempt to be friendly than any outright hostility, though he is also obviously wary.
Daedalus also quite self-explanatory--again, it should be emphasized that letting Sam go in any capacity with any lives is explicitly an act of mercy. Left alone, Sam would have died in the prison for good; he set his spawn in the prison, a fact Dream would've known when he escorted him out. He makes a lot of threats, including some that are quite incoherent, and at the end he kills Sam once and then escorts him out of the prison grounds alive. Interestingly enough, conversations in Daedalus also seem pretty explicitly from a perspective of trying to get c!Sam to understand him in some respects--like, c!Dream isn't seeking division here. Even in consideration of the fact that he needed to get the keycards, c!Dream's continued emphasis on trying to get c!Sam to see him is...interesting, in view of how much of what went wrong being explicitly because of c!Sam's betrayal.
He warns Bad and Skeppy away from the prison shortly after beginning to reside there on a permanent basis. He gives them quite a sum of gifts (iirc, a block of netherite and a totem of undying) despite firing arrows at them; even though he has a reason to be aggressive towards c!Bad as one of the prison guards (something both c!Bad and c!Skeppy point out) he makes no effort to kill them and outright gives them valuable items while warning them to stay away from the prison
scrapped lore, whenever it was meant to happen, was an obvious "revenge" attempt against quackity...which goes, badly. a clue into the State that he was in in terms of his revenge quests. also, whatever interaction he has with c!wilbur later, obviously c!Wilbur doesn't end up worse for wear physically from it.
In inconsolable differences, c!Dream is more preoccupied with keeping a "feeling" of power over c!Wilbur over taking outright control over the room and therefore complies with c!Wilbur's orders. He does attack, but despite having more than the necessary means to kill both c!Wilbur and c!Tommy while he's there, does not do so. Neither does he manage to keep them trapped in the prison, something that he absolutely could've done if he so chose. Instead, he values a (imaginary) symbol of his continued alliance with c!Wilbur over any kind of hostile action, imprisonment, or killing of either person (and explicitly values c!Wilbur's life over just about everything, there.)
In his interaction with c!Foolish, he's outright trying to get c!Foolish to consider him beyond what other people have said about him. He's trying to establish some form of an alliance and offers...well, quite a lot in order to have one (in order to have a five minute warning of c!Quackity's location. like, he's putting himself in c!Foolish's service quite explicitly here, offering to become his hitman or bodyguard). He's obviously wary, but also obviously trying to be friendly and largely interacts with c!Foolish by trying to establish a rapport, not by trying to threaten him into something or attack him in any way. Even with c!Sam, the amount of outright threatening behavior from c!Dream isn't all that large--mostly, he's being petty? You could make an argument about c!Dream's vague threat to c!Sam's island, but clearly Sam loses no lives from Dream in any interaction they might have after they leave the summer home.
I consider the whole interaction with c!Aimsey canon bc literally everyone was playing as their characters there--c!Dream outright goes out of his way to try and protect a total stranger here with no obvious personal benefit. He literally inserts himself into the conflict to try and prevent c!Aimsey's death, which is kinda wild for someone to do as someone who allegedly wants people to die on the server. He attacks (and even kills c!George) c!snf here, but it's all in a scene where they get distracted from their whole "blowing shit up" moment because they want to chase c!Dream, and c!Dream specifically uses very little melee combat here--a lot of ranged stuff, which is far from his specific specialty. Further, there's a scene in this fight where c!Dream is acting entirely defensively, backed up against a wall with his shield in front of him as c!snf attack, and at the end he just runs away--all behavior that doesn't seem to be about killing anyone or profiting from anyone's deaths in any way.
LN5, threats similarly nonsensical, and he dips as soon as things start going south. For all of his seeming confidence, he's not the one that continues the chase in an attempt to kill c!Quackity, and the fight evidently freaks him out considering how he ends up not realizing he's being stalked by c!Tommy and then hides in the prison for a solid while (while still being stalked by c!Tommy)
Despite apparently wanting them to decide who to die in the saw trap (which had a premise that is frankly, quite hard to believe), c!clingy are given the exact items that could've facilitated their escape. He certainly could've killed both or one at any point in time, even if he wanted a message to be spread to the server (something easily done with one guy)--instead, he monologues at them, then conveniently leaves so that they can get away (and they could've with the literal items he gave them if tommy didn't burn their food.) When c!Tommy returns the following day, c!Dream makes it clear he expected both of them to have gotten out
Despite being clearly unable to stand c!Tommy, blaming him for most if not all of his problems on the server, and outright saying to c!Tommy that c!Tommy would never agree to help him (after they had a shouting match literally one day ago), gives quite the sales pitch to get c!Tommy on the same page as them.
I'm probably missing stuff, but you get my point--even when presented golden opportunities to kill off a player post-prison, c!Dream doesn't take it. He outright spares c!Sam when he could've easily died from the Revengers' tactic. When meeting with strangers, he prioritizes establishing a friendly rapport with them through things like gifts over, in his distrust, treating them badly so that they're scared of him and therefore don't fuck with him yadayada. His behavior, instead of exuding an aura of anger and vengeance and vying for destruction, tends to send a message of trying to be outright unthreatening, please-don't-attack-me. He's not going everywhere holding his big fuck off axe, he's seeing a new person and ducking behind his shield.
Oftentimes, I feel like this quote is pulled or paraphrased from No Way Home to show how c!Dream has become distrusting of people, vindictive, post-prison
And if that means we have to kill everybody— and ev— everybody that doesn't wanna go along with what me and Punz have to say? Everyone that doesn't want to figure it out? Then, fine! You can be simple-minded and you can die simple-minded. But! If you wanna actually know what's going on in this world, and you wanna fix it, and make it the best that we can be, and live forever? Then they can join us.
And while I'm not saying we should dismiss the whole quote as just being disingenous bluffing, I think when taken into the context of post-prison c!Dream's actions (or, well, c!Dream's actions as a whole) as well as his actions in the finale itself (such as his appealing to c!Tommy in the next stream), rather than putting the emphasis on the idea of "everyone who disagrees with me should die," c!Dream seems far more preoccupied with the idea of trying to find people who are willing to work with him to "fix" everything. People who will help him make it so that they can "live forever"--a desire he expresses in the fourth finale stream as well.
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like, it's not to say that c!dream isn't vengeful. he is. i mean, i'd say moreso than vengeful, he's angry--just like how a lot of his overtures at friendliness are so deeply rooted in fear. the prison made him angry and the prison made him scared, and the anger has to be repurposed into revenge because revenge is power that he certainly didn't have when he was on his knees begging for mercy. but far from being closed off and unwilling to work with other people post-prison due to his experiences in Pandora (which. would make sense. i mean. like, he was left in there, and tortured, and betrayed. anger and revenge and a general distrust towards everyone and a desire to destroy a world that condemned him would be very easy to understand in this scenario), i'd say c!dream's interactions with people post-prison scream of a general lack of a desire to actually go through with killing people. hell, he even revives c!tommy--c!tommy! who just killed him! who c!dream outright blames for like, basically ruining his life! when revivals are literally apparently destabilizing the universe!--shortly after killing him. generally, he meets people who are dealing with him aggressively with a desire to flee moreso than with murderous intent (in genuine finale 2, for example, this guy was sure more focused on running the fuck away than he was on killing either of c!clingy), and even moreso deals with other people on the server by acting defensively and even in a manner that seems deliberately designed to get them to be more willing to work with him, or at least deal with him in a friendly way. despite his paranoia and how deeply pandora cut as a betrayal and his obvious wariness towards all people as a result (there's hardly a single interaction on the list above, after all, that doesn't have c!dream's obvious fear of people leaking all over the damn carpet), he seems to be much more focused on the idea of finding possible allies than he is on the idea of killing everyone possible.
which, i mean, makes sense. as he himself states:
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thecat-inthehat · 4 months
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I might've. Made some bad decisions. I don't know how canon he is, but uh. Well. He's certainly taking up brain space. Nive might've gotten pregnant after the events of In From The Cold, maybe, just a little bit, and uh,
This is Mikhayl Ajuyn, Nive's son. He's half Garlean, and he's got his maternal grandfather's eyes.
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captainsophiestark · 7 months
Piper McLean x Reader
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Fandom: Percy Jackson
Summary: Piper's girlfriend has been holed up in the Athena cabin working overtime on a project with Annabeth. Late on the second day with no breaks or sleep, Piper and Percy decide it's time to stage an intervention.
Word Count: 1,361
Category: Fluff
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Piper's POV
"Hey! Percy!"
The man in question turned to greet me with a smile and a wave as I crossed Camp to reach him where he stood on the docks of the lake. I waved back as he called out to me.
"Hey Piper! What's up?"
"Have you seen either of our girlfriends?" I asked, finally coming to a stop in front of him with both hands on my hips. "I've hardly seen mine in days."
Percy shook his head, a fond grin pulling at his mouth all the same.
"No, Annabeth's been holed up in her cabin working on some crazy architecture-engineering project. I was actually planning to check on her today, make sure she's remembering to sleep and eat and drink water. Your girlfriend's probably right there with her, if you want to join me."
"Yes," I decided without hesitation. "Yes I do."
"Okay, what if we changed the building material all together?" I asked, slumped all the way over the table in the middle of the Athena cabin, one hand absent-mindedly tugging at my hair. Annabeth and I had been tearing our hair out trying to perfect a joint engineering-architecture project, and without sleeping or leaving our cabin for a few days, we were both starting to go a little crazy.
"We could... but wouldn't that affect some of our design elements here, since it won't hold weight and interact with other materials in the same way?"
"Ugh, you're right. So, do we change the design to fit the existing material, or do we change the design to try to accommodate a new material? Which one do we think will give us less of a headache in the long run?"
Annabeth hummed, staring at the blueprints and the 3D mockup we'd made on Daedalus' laptop for so long that I thought she might've fallen asleep with her eyes open. Finally though, she took a deep breath in and moved forward, turning the design and pointing at it with her face so close to the screen the blue glow completely lit her up, even with a few low lights on in our cabin.
"What about this space right here? Could we fit in some extra supports or something like that with minimal design changes?"
I leaned forward, getting my face right next to Annabeth's to look at whatever she was seeing. At the same time, I heard the door to our cabin slam open behind us, sunlight flooding the dim room. I hissed, throwing my hands up and turning to glare at whoever had just interrupted our work session so rudely, only to find my girlfriend standing in the doorway with her hands on her hips, Percy Jackson right behind her.
"Did you literally just hiss?" she demanded. I just narrowed my eyes at her.
"What are the two of you doing?" I whined. "And can you shut the door please? The glare's gonna make it hard to see the details we need to on the screen."
Piper and Percy shared a look that I didn't love, then both crossed the room to Annabeth and I, leaving the door wide open behind them. To my left, I saw Annabeth glaring daggers at Percy, but my attention quickly shifted to Piper as she came to a stop right in front of me, hands still on her hips.
"You've been sitting in this cave working in the dark nonstop for days," she said. "You need to take a break and go outside, you fucking vampire."
"No, Pipe, I need to finish this project. Seriously, we're so close-"
"We're not close," Annabeth deadpanned from beside me. I whipped around to look at her, mouth open and eyes wide from betrayal, but she just looked back at me with a blank, exhausted face. Vaguely, in the back of my mind, I wondered if I had the same raccoon dark circles under my eyes as she did. If so, it would explain why Piper was acting so urgent.
Annabeth just shrugged in response to my glare. Percy had his arms around her shoulders, and I could see her giving in to his persuasion inch by inch.
"We're not close. We found a major flaw that's going to take a lot of work to fix," she said with a tired sigh. "It might not hurt to take a short break. Who knows, maybe inspiration will strike once we finally focus on something else for a change."
I gave a long, dramatic, drawn-out sigh, then flopped my head back to look at my girlfriend. Her arms were still crossed, and I could tell that she was not going to give up before she drug me out of this cabin.
"Fine. What, exactly, did you have in mind for a break then, Pipe?"
She grinned and held out her hand. "Come on and let me show you."
With a tiny little bit more whining and complaining from me, I let Piper lead me out of the Athena cabin and into the sunlight. Percy found similar success, and he and Annabeth headed towards the lake while Piper and I peeled off towards the forest.
"Don't tell me your idea of a break is taking me into the woods to fight monsters," I teased, still holding Piper's hand as I trailed behind her through the cabins. She glanced back to shoot me the stink eye.
"Of course not, don't be ridiculous."
Part of me had been expecting more information, but I should've known Piper would keep making me wait. None of her surprises had ever failed before though, so I didn't mind too much.
A few minutes later, just beyond the first few lines of trees, we came to a small clearing with a picnic laid out, right on the edge of the creek. This close to Camp, we were unlikely to run into monsters, which made this the perfect spot for a relaxing afternoon with my girlfriend.
"You are... incredible," I said, a little dazed as Piper and I settled onto the blanket together. She grinned.
"I know. But I'm always happy to hear it. So do you want to tell me about that project you're working on?"
I eyed her suspiciously as I took out a sandwich, not sure if she meant it or wanted to test if I'd really let the work go for the afternoon break. Piper caught the look and rolled her eyes with a sigh.
"It just seems like an important project that I haven't heard a lot about yet. You don't have to talk about it now, but if you want to tell me, I'd love to hear about it."
I grinned, biting into the sandwich as I leaned back against Piper. She put her free arm around me without hesitation, and with every second I spent close to her like this the stress of the project melted farther away.
"I love you, Pipe. But I'll respect your break bubble for now. Let's talk about what you've been up to while I've been holed up with Annabeth."
"Are you sure?"
I nodded. "Totally sure. Maybe later I can talk about it a little, but right now, as the focus and adrenaline are wearing off... I think my brain might be a little too fried to think about it anymore."
Piper laughed, then pulled me in a little closer to her.
"Well, let's see if we can do anything about that, then. Um... Rachel convinced me to help her with some painting yesterday."
"Ooo, really? What did you paint? Can I see it?"
"Sure. It can be the next stop on our break tour after the picnic."
I smiled, not even bothered by the new activity that would take me away from work a little longer. My project with Annabeth was important, and I loved the work we were doing, but I also loved my girlfriend. Every single moment that I could spend with her I wanted to take, and I truly couldn't imagine any better place to be. Thank all the gods and Fates that I had her in my life.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989
Percy Jackson Taglist: @valkyriepirate
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