#pro hodor
littlelord · 6 months
“i hate bran because he turned hodor into a dumb pointless idiot who can’t understand anything or talk!” i hope no real-life disabled person EVER has to hear you say that shit.
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silverflameataraxia · 2 months
It was running down her nose and stinging her eyes. Sansa wiped it away with a napkin. When she saw what the fruit in her lap had done to her beautiful ivory silk dress, she shrieked again. "They should have killed you instead of Lady!" Sansa threw her head back in disdain. "You?" You couldn't sew a dress fit to clean the pigsties." "It won't be so bad, Sansa," Arya said. "We're going to sail on a galley. It will be an adventure, and then we'll be with Bran and Robb again, and Old Nan and Hodor and the rest." She touched her on the arm. "Hodor!" Sansa yelled. "You ought to marry Hodor, you're just like him, stupid, and hairy and ugly!" She wrenched away from her sister's hand, stormed into her bedchamber, and barred the door behind her.
AGoT, Sansa III
My mom treated me the exact same way Sansa treats Arya (putting her down all the time, calling her names, calling her ugly, saying she's an embarrasment, wishing someone else could be her sister/wishing Arya was a bastard, and saying that she wished she was dead). All my therapists have called this emotional abuse. Even if you look up emotional abuse, it fits Sansa to a T. So why do we say that Sansa's mean to Arya or that she bullies her, when really Sansa abuses Arya?
Also, saying this is normal sibling behavior is like saying my mother and I have a normal/healthy relationship, when really it's an abusive one.
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atopvisenyashill · 5 months
I don’t get how you’re a Rhaenyra fan but a Dany hater 🤨 like Rhaenyra committed a lot of atrocities in the end.
I don’t hate Dany! She’s smart, she’s funny, she’s got some of the best magical scenes in the series - she’s got some of the best scenes in the series, period, her last dragon fever dream in agot is like top 10 for me easy - and she’s a character that is conceptually similar to like, theon or ned or cersei in that she is really firmly rooted and informed by her past traumas, and I love characters like that from a writing standpoint. I have definitely talked more negatively about her bc it’s basically impossible to not be constantly inundated with takes i feel are just the most vapid or deranged or whatever takes in the world, but you can say that for anyone who feels anything at all about dany bc she is a very polarizing character! i think some of her narrative is frustratingly written, i do not mesh well with a large section of her fanbase, and i actively hate her show counterpart, but show dany is a vastly different character than book dany is (i mean just age alone, like with robb and jon, some of your sympathy evaporates bc they are too damn old to be acting this stupid). ultimately, a lot of the "hate" people think i feel for her is directed at what i feel are stupid opinions on her character or her show counter part's place in pop culture, or just like, normal analysis and critique that i do of every character in this series.
i will acknowledge that i tend to describe myself as "pro stark, pro blacks, pro smallfolk" so people know the general gist of what they're signing up for when they start interacting with me, but that is such a simple way of diluting all of my feelings for all of these characters. like "pro stark" in the sense that they are the most rational of the leaders we get in the main series, and have a connection to the land, people, and culture that is important, but i've pointed out plenty of times that robb's war is harmful to the people of the riverlands, regardless of whether he's justified or not, and i've been posting about how ned and cat fail to properly prepare their children (and the north in general) for Real World Politics, to the detriment of their kids. "pro stark" in the sense that i thought show dany wasn't just deranged from season 1 she was also wildly unlikable and nauseatingly stupid, you could see her "dark dany" turn coming from a mile away because these were not subtle writers interested in exploring why dany would decide "dragons plant no trees" and instead focused on her looking hot while she set shit on fire (same way they were less interested in looking at why jon failed as lord commander and had him be the action hero fighting at hardhome). definitely most of my aggravation at "dany" is at the show version, and while i do get why people feel that if you're a proponent of the "dark dany" theory that you're "anti" dany, but I am not anti book dany! i just think like rickon stark, shireen baratheon, jojen reed, aegon vi, etc she is very much doomed to die a very tragic death.
and i do not like characters based on how little atrocities they commit lmao, like, if i were to list my top 10 favorites, probably half of them have committed some extreme war crime. theon is a rapist! jaime is a shitty ass partner to cersei, a deadbeat dad despite living in the same building as his kids, and a failed child murderer! bran is mind raping hodor, understands on some level that what he's doing is morally repugnant, and keeps doing it anyway! pretty much every targaryen i like has committed some sex crime heinous enough to get them life + 25!! bobby b raised joffrey!!! i know i facetiously say shit like "rhaenyra did nothing wrong" but i'm well aware she's out here torturing people, same as like 75% of the characters we interact with in the whole series. so "rhaenyra commits atrocities" or "dany commits atrocities" is just not how i look at these characters (and not to get into stan wars here, but good lord, "rhaenyra commits atrocities" she is not the only or even the worst person in the dance! like 85% of these people suck and the ones who don't - which is limited to like, helaena, jace, nettles, and addam almost exclusively - either die or disappear because That's The Point. also, i was raised SDA alright, you gotta be a really compelling character for me to get past being super catholic, it's in my dna to be a spiteful hater of catholics!! catelyn stark is my one exception to this rule folks!!!!).
as to why i like rhaenyra - for one thing, saying that emma d'arcy is a better actor than emilia clarke is like saying cillian murphy is better than bradley cooper. they are just not on the same level lol. i definitely have my critiques of show!rhaenyra's writing but i also think she's miles better written than show!dany and her story is also more interesting because her writing is much less nonsensical. for another, i think book rhaenyra and book dany are wildly similar characters (for a reason!) meant to be in conversation with each other, and i very much enjoy what that conversation is saying about power, nobility, gender, sex, war, and identity. on a more technical level, while fire and blood is a mess writing and world building wise, the one thing it does better than the essos chapters (because it doesn't take place in essos, it takes place in westeros, and george struggles much less fleshing out "western poc" than he does "eastern poc" ya know) is that rhaenyra is not the only insight we get into the conflict. the people she loves, the people she rules, the people she harms, they all have a pov and a voice in a way that missandei, irri, jhiqui, rakharo, jhogo, grey worm, on and on, do not, the way that basically every single character that isn't westerosi except mmd (who was killed in book one) is not afforded. it's just a lot easier (as of right now) to talk about rhaenyra as a character because we have her beginning, middle, and end and the povs of people who hated her vs dany, we have the beginning and middle, a lot of arguing over what her end will be, and no one in the narrative as of yet who has even the barest criticism of her decisions besides cardboard cut out villainous slavers.
so like...no i do not hate dany, and i don't feel it's necessary to asterisk every post about rhaenyra with "i know putting a hit out on nettles and addam, locking the smallfolk into KL without easing their burdens of the war, positing herself as an exception to male line primogeniture instead of pushing for absolute primogeniture, and using torture on tyland and vaemond's family was fucked up, i acknowledge that she's flawed" when i talk about her, nor do i feel the need to defend my position on dany on the off chance one of her more annoying stans finds my posts and decides i hate women because i said i didn't like her sexual relationship with irri.
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janiedean · 4 years
have you had a bad experience with s*nsa/j*nsa fans? it seems that the entire got/asoiaf fandom has problems with them (dany stans, arya stans, targ stans, jon stans, jaime stans, brienne stans, braime shippers) i don't want to generalize but they seem to be a very unfriendly, hypocritical and "holier than thou" bunch. they don't care for any female character who isn't sansa while screaming "misogyny" when someone dares to criticise their fave. they also bitch about jonerys despite shipping jonsa (i couldn't care less for either ship but wtf?) they gush about how flawed and complex sansa is but act like she did nothing wrong and get angry whenever someone criticises her. they act like arya throwing food at her clothes is horrible disgusting irredeemable behaviour, but say "siblings being siblings" when sansa literally tells her that she should marry hodor because she's ugly like him. The double standards ugh. as a brienne lover, i personally hate the way they only see brienne as a bodyguard to sansa and don't seem to care about her character. what about you? I really love (BOOK) Sansa but her fans' attitude makes me lose interest in her character which hurts me. It's gotten to the point that im wary of anyone who has a Sansa icon :(
I mean my worst experience with... anyone in that camp wasn’t even for fandom stuff but it was someone who shipped it/was a s/nsa stan being pro-trump under a springsteen post I made and that was... let’s just say extremely unpleasant and then there was the anti-sansan twitter crowd which was also extremely unpleasant and that one person who hated joncon and was a jon/sa stan/dany anti who couldn’t handle being told to not tag joncon hate who also was a trip though I’ve had friends who had way worse run-ins, that is if we don’t count my by now legendary beef with THAT one s/nsa-j/nsa stan who hated robb stark but I mean... half of her own fandom hated her so X°D 
that said: I personally detest show-sansa from s5 onwards and I loathe how part of her fandom has decided to make the entire show/series about her and how they discard arya and brienne to give s/nsa parts of their storylines/their love interests/making both of them basically the glorified bodyguards (which was also why I loathed a brienne in sansa’s qg ending and I’m way happier with the one we got if I had to choose one evil) and I detest how they turned her into cersei lite and everyone hauled that frankly shit ooc ending she got as FEMINISM just bc she became qitn when it’s against everything in the original text, not even going into the mess that was S5 which is better not touched and I honestly can’t with the part of fandom who has decided that the entire series revolves around s/ansa while at the same time denying all over the place her actual book traits and the fact that both people who are her only realistic viable canon interests aren’t standard hot. I do love book s/nsa a lot and I’m trying to detach the show version from the book as much as I can and if I write fic I’m sticking with the book characterization because I don’t want the show mess near me at any time, but tldr: idc for any section of this fandom who discusses s/ansa which isn’t either san/san or sansa/tyrion shippers too at this point because everyone else at this point is going to be a minefield and I’m tired of the continuous denial that s/ansa’s stark love interests are those two guys but nah let’s give her all the hot guys as if it’s not like... against the text, I’m tired of people denying book canon and I don’t want to see the show version anymore. I have nothing against like... liking showsansa or shipping j/nsa (even if idc for it same as idc for jon/erys) or shipping her with anyone and I don’t judge anyone’s shipping preferences but I’d just like some intellectual honesty when it comes to discussing the actual text and admitting that showsansa is basically cersei lite and nothing like her book self, and that’s not something that happens outside those two corners now so *shrug* and I’m not even touching the BRIENNE AS THE BODYGUARD concept as last time I tried to discuss it on twitter without bringing shipping into it I got accused of hating f/f ships and honestly I’m too old and tired for this discourse except to say that making brienne or arya s/ansa’s bodyguards only is rude af, shows zero understanding of the text and I really don’t want anything to do with it. :/
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augusberkeley · 3 years
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Your life belongs to the Night’s Watch, so go and stuff your smallclothes into a sack, along with anything else you care to take to Oldtown. One actor plays Judge Matthew Baillie Begbie, while the other plays all the other parts, from defendant to witnesses. Apple really needs to increase the resolution of its 13 inch MacBook Pro which is a paltry 1280 x 800.. He had a great leg, but he wasn't real fast. Katharine Hepburn is the most awarded actor in history with four Best Actress wins, but her latter three were all surprises. She was only part wrong; it took nike air max 102 essential white less time than that. Two more were going after Hodor, lumbering clumsily down the slope. Written in the frank, discursive style in which she speaks, it recounts her gruelling late teens and early 20s in unsparing detail. While it curls great, I think it's baby nike trainers doing too much damage to my hair. They should be grey. They then tied a rope round his neck, and set him on an old horse. Sam Carlson . The sound of iron hooves ringing on the old Valyrian road sent most of them darting back into the holes they’d crawled from, but the bolder ones lingered in the sun long enough to stare at the passing riders with dull, incurious eyes. Fill the thermos about one quarter full of pieces of ice just small enough to fit through the opening. Has never been better for catering because I in a small niche market and I can capture that entire market. He was punished severely, but to an extent by no means disproportionate to his offence; nor was it pretended, in any quarter, that this punishment implicated either his life or health. This week, the court agreed. "They don't take risks. Dany granted him the gold, but not the gelding. The singers made Bran a throne of his own, like the one Lord Brynden sat, white weirwood flecked with red, dead branches woven through living roots. 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And secondly, it’s a long time since anything has been heard of us in real society. The event in this case has been unfortunate and sad; but there was no motive for the taking of life. I could not forbear exclaiming to the lordly driver who rode at his ease along-side, “Heaven will curse that man who engages in such traffic, and the government that protects him in
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girlonfireice · 4 years
Tagging Game!!!
So I saw this on @a-libra-writes Blog and thought why not?
If you want to get to know lil old me better please feel free to read my darn long post
Here we go~~~~
Rules: answer 20 questions and tag blogs you want to get to know better!
Name: My user name here on Tumblr is girlonfireice but in real life it's Althea🙃
Zodiac Sign: Sun and Mercury on Aries ♈. Moon on Cancer ♋. Y E E T
Height: 5'3 / 5'4 ish hehe yeh I know I'm short😪😤
Languages I Speak: I am fluent in speaking the languages English and Filipino(Tagalog)(my mother tounge). I can kinda speak a bit of French but I'm no pro.
Nationality: Filipino 🇵🇭
Favorite Season: Since I live in the Philippines, a tropical country. I have only experienced two seasons, wet and dry. In this case wet season all the way!!!
But if I were to choose, I would really love to experience autumn and winter.
Favorite Flower: Sunflowers 🌻 🌻 🌻
Favorite Smell: Hmm... There's simply too many smells that I admire but I guess the smell of books, coffee, something cooking/baking, Sampaguita(it's a type of flower that is so fragrant I'm in love with smelling it, especially the one planted in my garden), and this may sound weird but I really love the smell of old things, probably because I was raised in our ancestral house where I am surrounding by antique objects.
Favorite Color: I am absolutely fond of the color sunset orange or any sunset related color. I dunno sunsets are just really meaningful to me. To me it means that even after experiencing different stressful moments there will always be a time where you can rest and get to see the beautiful mix of colors that will lead to the serenity that the night brings.🙃
Favorite Animal: I'm a major dog person. But all animals are cool with me with the exception of spiders and insects, like thanks but no thanks.
Favorite Fictional Character(s): Oho here we go 😅
This is gonna be long... Have fun! 😅
I'm going to categorize them by fandom.
Game of Thrones or A Song of Ice and Fire(yes, that's where I got my user)- Tywin Lannister, Jorah Mormont, Stannis Baratheon, Roose Bolton, Petyr Baelish, Tyrion Lannister, Olenna Tyrell, Lyanna Mormont, Ned Stark, Hodor, and Daenerys Targaryen. Yes if you have noticed most of them are dead👻🙃
Sherlock bbc- Sherlock(ofc), Mycroft or should I say Mycake 🎂 , Mrs. Hudson, and Moriarty.
Kingsman- Galahad and Merlin. Hubbies😍
HP/Fantastic Beasts- Severus Snape, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, Minerva Mcgonagall, Neville Longbottom, Hermione Granger, Barty Crouch Jr., Newt Scammander, and Gellert Grindewald.
MCU- Tony Stark(1/2 of my otp IronStrange. Iron ass/dick. Revoludicktion of the IronDick y'all 😔✊), Dr. Stephen Strange (1/2 of otp IronStrange. Wizard), Peter Parker(Underoos), Natasha Romanoff(Nat😍), Beyonce-i-mean-Wong, Bruce Banner(jolly green giantXD) , Thor Odinson(Goldilocks. Hammer time), Clint Barton(Legolas. Katniss. Merida), Loki Laufeyson(Reindeer Games. Emo brother), Nick Fury(Patchy the Pirate), Phil Coulson(agent not Phil), T'challa(Whiskers), Okoye(slay!queen!), Logan(slashy,slashy boi), Drax(can!t see him🤷‍♀), Groot(bby UwU), and Rhodey(actually the smart one between him and Tony).
BBC Dracula- Dracula🧛‍♂ and Agatha/Zoe.
Slashers- Hannibal Lectre(both Hopkins and Mikkelsen), Jack Torrance, Jason Voorhees, and Freddy Kruger.
Other universes - Mr. Darcy (Colin Firth 's)(pride&prejudice)(tbh I'm pretty much in love with all of Colin's characters😅), Negan(twd), Castiel(spn), Shouta Aizawa(bnha), Naruto/Jiraya (Naruto), James Bond (Brosnan, Connery, and Craig), Joker ( Nicholson, Ledger, and Phoenix), Spock/Bones/Scotty(star trek), Obie wan Kenobi/Han Solo/Leia(star wars), the six F.R.I.E.N.D.S cast and Richard, Big Bang Theory too.
Told y'all too many😂 This isn't even all of it🤷‍♀😅
Tea, Coffee, or Hot Chocolate: Being raised in a household where we basically worship coffee(not even kidding, we have a coffee farm here in the coffee capital of the Philippines, Amadeo. My mom is from Amadeo and we just inherited the farm.) Kapeng Barako is really strong. Aromatic with a kick that will surely wake you up.
So coffee all the way!
Average Sleep Hours: What even is sleep? 😂 jk. I guess it depends on whether it's a school night(I'm in uni) or if I suddenly decided I don't need to sleep xp. I guess it's either 2 to 9 hours. I can be an early yet a grumpy riser or I can sleep in till you think I'm dead😔✊
Cat or Dog Person: I am a D O G person through and through!!! Although I have nothing against cats(I adore them too) I just prefer furry bby dogs.
Pic of my dog
Tumblr media
Dream Trip: I would really love to go on a train/road trip through Europe. There's something about experiencing things first hand by going in a road trip and meeting new people and embracing new cultures, you can't get this by simply going to hotels and planned famous tourist attractions. In my opinion to get a full grasp of the soul of a country and its culture, you have to discover it yourself with good company and good food. Spontaneity at its finest.
# of Blankets I Sleep With: 😂 I have around 8 to 10 big, fluffy blankets in my closet. What can I say? I am a blanket connoisseur of sorts. XD
Blog Established: Pshhh... I dunno some time around May???
Followers: 20, I think? I dunno, I don't keep count 😂
Fun Fact(s): I dunno what you'll do with this information but... I like to think I'm a decent cook 😂 (my family and friends complements my cooking so I guess that's something?🤷‍♀), I'm a complete geek/nerd for my fandoms(if you haven't noticed), I can play the guitar/bass/ukulele/harmonica/flute, I can sing? Kind of, I know how to survive in the wild,
I once almost died because of my stupid self thinking that stepping in a glass table and jumping on it was a smart idea. I was five when this happened. I escaped without a scratch. I was scolded to death by my lola(grandmother). I was the one tasked to clean the mess after being talked my ear outXD
Alright ladies and gents! Tagging time! 🙃
@hoefordarkness @mymagicsuitcase @my-fanfic-library @allis143 @lets-talk-about-claes-baby
Love y'all. Stay safe! Eat cake! 😂 stay inside your homes! Wash your hands!
Honestly during this time of being quarantined I have never been more happy. Stuck in my house with food, wi-fi, books, cellphone, laptop, my dog, Netflix, and unlimited amount of fanfics??? Umm. Yes please! I don't even have to human 😍
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fedonciadale · 5 years
Judicatrix - In the crypts - Chapter 6
So, here is my next chapter.... Writing is fun at the moment. Also on AO3.
After a rather tiring evening Jon had spent mostly with Lady Catelyn asking him about the Lombards, Jon had spent a partly restless night in the guestroom. He had dreamed about some black beast, that was a threat to whom Jon could not tell. It had growled and bared his teeth. He had woken in a sweat, disoriented. Almost blind, he worked his way to the shutters. When he opened them, he saw the court of Winterfell below, familiar and yet unfamiliar after twenty years, bathed in silvery moonlight. Ghost’s presence had comforted him, and he had quickly found his way back to sleep again. His dreams in the early morning had been more pleasant, but they fled his mind, when he woke. He just had a lingering feeling of bliss.
It was very early in the morning, and he had just risen and was almost dressed, when he heard a timid knock on his door. While slipping into his tunic, he barked a short “Come in!”, expecting a servant to ask after his needs.
When his head popped out of his tunic, he was surprised to see Sansa, the early sun glittering on her hair. Ghost wagged his tail at Sansa’s dog and Jon felt a tug at his heart at the sight.
“Good morning,” she said.  “I thought, we might have a chance of doing at least part of the tour, if we have an early start, before my mother starts to pester you again.”
“What about breakfast?”, Jon asked.
“We’ll start in the kitchen,” Sansa said.
Jon arranged the laces of his tunic and made a knot. “That sounds like a good idea.”
They went down to the kitchen and Jon watched with a smile how Sansa persuaded the cook to give them some bread and cheese. Ghost and Lady were thrown some bones and Jon and Sansa left the two dogs happily mangling the bones in the courtyard.
They started at the stables, where they chanced upon a lanky Lombard lad who as Jon understood it, had been left by the Cleftjaw to stand as a surety. Jon watched with amusement, that the lad whose name was Rudio became very flustered in Sansa’s presence. He practically begged her that he could stay a day longer. Rudio very obviously had developed a fancy for the Lady Sansa and it made Jon feel a little bit better about his own enchantment yesterday. When Rudio glanced his way, Jon frowned though. The lad shouldn’t get any ideas after all.
Jon was surprised how the castle had changed in the twenty years of his absence. The castle had been in good shape, when he had lived there as a boy, but he couldn’t decide if his memory was hazy, or if Lady Catelyn was just meticulous. Jon remembered many corner, but there was white paint at places where he remembered naked walls, well-aligned wooden stairs, that would allow for running up and down without having to look out. Sansa laughed when Jon jumped a staircase from old habit, and almost fell over the stair that had not been there in his time.
The castle was new and familiar, just as talking with Sansa was. It helped that they talked in Raetic. Jon couldn’t remember talking in his native tongue for such a length of time since Benjen had died. It made him trusting, and even forthcoming. Sansa showed him her some of the places she loved most in the castle. Jon was moved by how readily she shared stories with him, and Jon found himself laughing at her observances. When they came across the big stable boy Hodor, whom they had missed in the stable, Jon felt as if he already knew the kind giant.
When they had reached the crypts of the castle chapel, Jon was surprised to find that Lady Catelyn had already taken care of how she would be buried. In a corner just beside the door, they found the half-finished stern-faced effigy of the lady of Winterfell.
“Ora pro magna peccatrice”, Jon read aloud. “Pray for the great sinner. Why would your mother have that on her effigy?”
“I don’t know really. She answers that she is doing everything grandly, apparently even sinning. I think, she just has a very susceptible conscience.” Sansa smiled at him. “It has a touch of showing off her humility – which could be considered prideful. And that certainly is a sin.”
Jon smiled in return. “She could avoid being a sinner then, if she just had that engraving removed.”
“That is what I keep telling her.”
 They went deeper into the crypt and finally looked in silence at the effigy of the father they shared. At Brandon’s feet was a wolf, as befitted the lord of Winterfell, the horn was at his side, as was the sword. Jon touched the horn, that was at his girdle, and suddenly felt a strange sense of guilt and an urge to tell Sansa about his mother and uncle Benjen, a subject he had planned to avoid.
“My mother probably thought, my father would keep her forever, maybe even marry her,” he blurted out suddenly. “That he let us live here in his castle, certainly gave her ideas. I probably was treated like the only son and heir, because there was nobody else. If I had been older, when Benjen took me away, I might have gotten some strange ideas in my head.”
“What kind of ideas?”
“As if I had a right to Winterfell.”
“Our father should have married your mother. I mean, she was his mistress for what? Six years or something? At least he should have made a provision for you, like anybody else would have done.”
“To be fair, he might have planned that. He cast away my mother, but I don’t really know, if he would have let me stay. Benjen at least thought, that Winterfell was not to pass to your mother or you. He would not have taken the horn and the sword otherwise.”
“Did he hate my mother so much?”
Jon shrugged. He did not want to repeat some of the things Benjen had said about Catelyn. He had been even more vocal about Catelyn’s father, ‘the scheming double-dealing liar’, Hoster of Riverrun.
“There was some bad blood between Benjen and Hoster. Hoster had promised the Lady Lysa to Benjen, with a generous portion of the Riverrun lands, but revoked his promise, when my father wanted it all, together with Catelyn, and Benjen never forgave him for that.”
“I didn’t know that. Mother never talks about Lysa. And shouldn’t uncle Benjen have been angry with our father as well?”
“As Benjen told it, Hoster was the one to play the two brothers against each other.”
“Maybe it was a misunderstanding.”
“I really don’t know anything about it, safe Benjen’s tales. And he told his own story. And his story doesn’t really fit what I have seen of your mother and her rule.”
Jon watched his breath form mist in the air of the crypts.
“He might even have taken the horn and the sword for himself. When he died, he gave it all to me.”
He looked earnestly at Sansa.
“When you marry and get a son, I’ll stand godfather and gift him the sword and the horn. I have no right to this.” He touched the horn. I can get any sword I want from the emperor.
Sansa beamed. “Thank you, brother.”
She came closer and gave him a very light kiss on his cheek. Jon felt strangely light-hearted. It was the right thing to say. It will be the right thing to do. He pictured Sansa in his head, a son in her arms, and himself leaning over the baby to give him a blessing and kissing his sister on her cheek.
Sansa stepped back. “You know. Our situation is not that different. You don’t have a right to that sword and that horn because you are a bastard, and I… Well, I am a girl.”
Jon briefly pressed her hand. “We just have to stick together then. Benjen told me all kind of things, and your mother must have told you something. Maybe we can puzzle it out together.”
A mischievous glint came into Sansa’s eyes. “And if we don’t succeed, we ca invent our own story.”
“There will be no need for that,” they heard Catelyn’s voice behind them. She held a torch and its light mingled with the torch Sansa held, so that their shadows danced over Brandon’s lying figure.
“It was not my father, who gave Benjen that promise, but his most trusted advisor. Hoster had no idea about the negotiations Petyr had made in his name.”
Catelyn came closer. “Petyr was an ambitious man. He dreamed of riches and aimed high. He wanted my hand and the best part of Riverrun.”
Sansa frowned. “Why promise Lysa to Benjen, then?”
“Petyr conspired with Lord Walder to get rid of my father and thought that he could get me as a price, if we girls were on our own and Riverrun rulerless, and Brandon and Benjen keen on getting their own share of the lands.”
Sansa gasped. “That is awful, why did you never tell me?”
It looked to Jon as if Catelyn’s eyes became misty and he was surprised to see her breathing heavily.
“For a long time, it was too painful.”
She gave a mirthless laugh. “It does make for a good story though. One of your tales, Sansa. Petyr’s ambitions were thwarted thoroughly, and his plans went to dust. Sudden change or God’s hand if you will, countered his plans. Lysa bled to death after a fall from her horse, my father found out about Petyr going behind his back and made his own deal with Winterfell, marrying me off to your father.”
“Did Benjen know this?”, Jon asked.
“I doubt it. Lord Walder still went through with his part of the bargain though. A fortnight after I had been married to Brandon, and my world was turned upside down, my father was dead, and Brandon went off to revenge him, campaigning in the midst of winter, stretching his strength.”
Whatever feeling had gotten hold of Catelyn, it was gone now, and her face had become stern again. It gave nothing away. Apart from the one streak of hair that framed her right cheek, she could have been her own effigy.
“Brandon took Walder by surprise and beat him only to ride to his own death, here at Winterfell.”
Her eyes searched the stony eyes of the former Lord of Winterfell.
“This is why I came to look for you Jon. I don’t know where you two have been all morning, but I gathered everyone who was there on that fateful day. It is time for you to do as you promised, and to give your own judgement on what happened that day.”
Jon looked at her aghast, unpleasantly surprised that his task here would be done so soon. He had hoped for some days to prepare. “As I’ve already told the emperor in Rome, I don’t believe you are guilty of his death. And I won’t lay a claim to Winterfell.”
“Still, justice has to be done.” Catelyn said. “And it must be done, before the twenty years are up. I don’t want anyone to claim foul play.”
She led the way out of the crypts.
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sanrionharbor-blog · 5 years
For Everybody Still Worried About the Leaks
Clues from the Cast Interviews, GRRM Hints, and My Own Gut Feelings
Disclaimer: Hey, nobody knows nothing, but life’s too short to stress about things we can’t control, and stories are supposed to be maps to help us learn more about ourselves and about life in general–not hair-pulling inducements.  So I’m going to enjoy all the speculating that I can regarding the GOT season finale, and want to share some thoughts on why I think certain “leaks” are most likely bunk.
I’m mostly focusing on the pervasive “Does Tyrion die by trial?” leak, and everything that links to that, including any betrayals or major deaths.
Tyrion’s Ending and The Ending, In General
First, let’s quote Peter Dinklage himself:
I had all these ideas in my head and a version of one of them is how it ends up [for Tyrion]. David and Dan have a brilliant version of what I had. If I use any adjectives it will give it away. But I love how it ended up. And how it ends up for everybody. They had a beautiful gentle touch with some, and a hard touch with others.
But that’s just on Tyrion’s ending. Before I get into what that quote tells us, let me quote what other people have said about the Overall Ending of Game of Thrones:
Nikolaj Coster-Waldau:
I’ve never read anyone who got the whole thing. And when I read it the first time, I was blown away.
George R.R. Martin:
So many readers were reading the books with so much attention that they were throwing up some theories, and while some of those theories were amusing bulls*** and creative, some of the theories are right…At least one or two readers had put together the extremely subtle and obscure clues that I’d planted in the books and came to the right solution.
What the above quotes tell me is:
No one has guessed the ending completely–but parts of the ending? Yeah, they’ve been guessed. Which just goes to show how much this show and its themes have resonated not only with GRRM, but with his audience. Because,as a writer, I can tell you that no storyteller tells a story alone. There’s something guiding us and we can’t put a finger on it but it’s often the source of our best ideas. And it’s the same ineffable something that stirs all of us when we’re creating, sharing, and participating in stories. It’s the reason you see the same patterns in stories over and over. In short, the fact that part of the ending CAN be guessed is NOT a bad thing. It’s natural. Some postmodern storytelling theories have taught us that tricks and surprises are where it’s at–but a story isn’t true unless it can surprise us and, in retrospect, give us the only answer that makes any sense. You can see a pithier version of this kind of storytelling in Ye Olde Riddle–for example, the Sphinx in Oedipus Rex could tell us the answer to her riddle is orange, and that would throw us for a loop, but it would tell us nothing and mean nothing and add nothing to the story and thus would be forgotten. Surprise doesn’t count unless it has a ripple effect. So, about-face turns and OOC arcs may shock and subvert, but they’ll ultimately end up as dross and not as gold. (But hey, more on my thoughts on what can and can be accepted as canon in the last blurb below!).
Now, has anybody assumed that Tyrion would betray Daenerys and end up dead simply for 1) loyalty to the Lannisters, 2) suddenly losing faith in humanity?, or 3) suddenly wanting to usurp power himself? No. This is not a popular theory by a longshot. Tyrion dying? Sure. Somebody betraying Daenerys? Sure. Tyrion as a ruler? Sure. But this very specific, shoehorned version of the story is simply too contrived to have been picked up by fans organically.
The leaks so far have painted nothing but harsh endings for ALL the characters. Don’t tell me those leaks are pro-Stark. Those leaks point out backstabbing, loneliness, and emotional stagnation–forget what characters live, think about what these leaks have said about these characters. Not only does this not jive with the “bittersweet” aspect of the ending, it doesn’t jive with Dinklage’s assertion that, while some characters will go down harshly (R.I.P. Missandei especially–at least Edd and Jorah and Beric got heroic deaths and funerals), others will be treated gently. A heartbroken Brienne? A cold, lonely, manipulative Sansa? A suddenly hopeless, headless Tyrion? I don’t think so. (I also don’t think that means that Brienne and Jaime will necessarily ride into the sunset–but I do think we’ll have Jaime’s feelings for her confirmed, along with the completion of his redemption arc. I also don’t think that means Tyrion definitely won’t die–but I don’t think he’ll be character assassination, either. And I also don’t think that Sansa WILL end up in a canon relationship–but, logically, they can’t leave all the Stark’s COMPLETELY UNABLE TO LOVE, and um, somebody has to be willing to have legitimate heirs to the Stark House. Ok, just to continue this aside, but it seems theoretically impossible to me that the Stark House, which is all about the continuation of the Starks and the independence of the North, would not be given any canon marriages/alliances at the end of their arc. Arya’s already rejected marriage, Bran drove Meera away, and Sansa’s always wanted a happy marriage, even if she’s got very understandable trust issues right now. Anyhow–).
Peter Dinklage was able to guess how his character arc ended. What are the odds that Betraying Somebody He Cares About Without Good Reason (Daenerys–I could see him betraying her reluctantly, but not easily)/Being Betrayed By Somebody He Cares About (Sansa)/Dying Guilty After All The False Trials His Character Has Been THrough were in the mix? I don’t think so. Dinklage has gone on record multiple times to say how much he admires Tyrion and thinks he’s a good person. He’s also gone on record stating that Sansa and Tyrion’s relationship is full of true affection. Even if Tyrion dies and/or he and Sansa don’t end up as a couple, betrayal just seems so far out of the scope of what these characters’ storylines have been building to. And again, I can’t see that being even one version of one of Dinklage’s headcanons. What I think is most likely? A) Hand to the Ruler, B) Part of a new council that replaces or supplements the King/Queen, C) the King himself, or D) a heroic death.
How Long They’ve Planned the Ending:
They had talks with GRRM in 2014
They’ve been planning the ending for five years
They’ve known it was Arya who would take out the NK for three years
So some decisions weren’t set in stone, even by GRRM (such as who would take out the NK…an interesting thing not to know, actually, but that just points out how inflated the importance of the Others/White Walkers was–do I still think it will be handled better by GRRM, yes, but that’s another story), and even if D&D’s execution feels more like “here’s an outline of what’s happening” rather than “here’s the organic progression of that storyline,” I can only imagine that if core pieces were given by GRRM AND they’re not completely winging it, then there will be a certain amount of narrative cohesion once this comes full-circle.
Let’s not forget, we still have a third WTFudge moment that was came straight from GRRM himself, with the other two shockers being Hodor’s origin and Shireen Baratheon’s death. Could this third twist be Dany going completely mad? Maybe, though it doesn’t fall into the same category of completely-unexpected-but-honestly-possible, like Shireen and Hodor. Only because the foreshadowing for Dany’s madness was heavy-handed in the last few seasons (taking away the ‘unexpected’ bit), and is now quite uneven here in Season 8.
I think the third twist will likely be a specific action (a la Shireen’s death) or another origin story-type twist (a la Hodor). Some people have speculated that “Tyrion’s Trial” would make for that final twist, but here’s why I don’t think so:
The Nature of the Leaks
It’s very interesting to me that this leak, supposedly this Huge Most Important Leak, was one of the very first ones released. Like, months ago. While the rest of the leaks, the ones that have actually been accurate, are usually only released at the max a few days before each episode airs.
It’s also interesting to me that HBO has not done more to shut down this particular leak.
And, I would not put it past HBO to have actually filmed one entire fake-out scene. Most of the Dragon Pit/South scenes were filmed after the first three episodes, so they probably knew that they had the time and money to just throw fans for another loop. Sound tinfoily? Perhaps, but the idea that this big twist–and a twist that so far doesn’t make much sense given what we’ve seen in what is now ⅔’s of the season–was such an easy leak just makes me suspect.
Another possibility? Tyrion IS on trial, but is pardoned. Or Tyrion thinks he’s on trial, but it turns out to be somebody else’s funeral (a la that Littlefinger Fake Out 2.0.). I’m not saying any of this makes for the best handling of his character or for a particularly compelling scenario, but considering we haven’t seen it, I can’t say for certain.
GOT’s Recent “Plot Twist” Pattern
D&D have switched to information-withholding tactics in the last few seasons. Just look at Sansa and Arya’s arc and the Littlefinger Fake Out. Were these well-written? Not entirely–but they don’t make for the worst entertainment either. Yeah, we had better quality storytelling in the first four seasons, but soap opera can still be fun.
And how long have they been teasing Dark!Sansa without actually delivering? And let’s not forget–show-Sansa’s arc is still, broadly, based on book-Sansa’s arc. Book-Sansa remains far more in tune to the archetype of the Lady/Maiden, while show-Sansa is slightly blended with Jeyne Poole’s arc (and, unfortunately, a dash of Pop Feminism). But the fact remains that whatever meeting D&D had with GRRM back in 2014 contained information based on the broad trajectory of Sansa’s arc as GRRM has been writing it. (I’m writing a character arc meta on Sansa that’ll be out…soonish).
And let’s just say I don’t see Dark!Sansa hinted very well in the books at all. Sansa learning to pull strings like Littlefinger and Cersei and Margaery? Heck yes. But Sansa will do it Sansa’s way.
So, given that D&D usually try to shock us by hinting at a character’s worst possible tendency AND by withholding information AND by trying to get us to see one scenario while giving us another (another example being Jon Snow vs. Night King actually being Arya vs Night King), I can very well see them turning Sansa into a reluctant last-minute ally of Daenerys, Tyrion being pulled out of hot water at the last minute, Jaime’s running to Cersei being about taking out Cersei not making out with Cersei (yeah sorry/not sorry about that one), and heck, maybe Dany won’t go mad–she’ll just realize she doesn’t want the Iron Throne anymore, or the Iron Throne shouldn’t exist, or she dies tragically but not as a monster. Time will tell.
Who We Haven’t Seen So Far That Can Introduce New Complications
1. Edmure Tully
Tobis Mennzies (Edmure Tully) has been confirmed to return this season. Could it just be a cameo? Maybe. But I wouldn’t put it past Sansa, Arya, and Bran to be planning a back-up plan to help out Jon (and thus Dany). Arya is probably planning on killing Cersei, Sansa can rally what’s left of the Tully’s, and Bran will hopefully do something Three-Eyed Ravenish (or regain some of Bran’s humanity–which would be a twist worth waiting for).
2. Khal Drogo
Motherhood is an important theme in Dany’s life. I think ultimately, book and show wise, it’s what’s truly important to her. She just doesn’t realize it. In this way, Dany is a very interesting parallel with Cersei. Both of these women are tempted to replace their intimate losses with power. They believe power will protect them and their own. And that mentality can slowly shift into the classic Mother Bear conundrum: Us vs. Them.
Now, Khal Drogo not only represents a happy time in Dany’s life where she was both powerful and protected, but where she was a mother. After her losses, she gained her dragons. She truly loves her dragons as children, but they are also a liability to everyone but Dany. Interestingly, Dany’s human child with Khal Drogo was a liability to everyone but the Khalasar. The priestess from season 1 knew this, and so she prevented it. It doesn’t make the loss any less of a tragedy, however.
Will we see the same thing play out here in the final act of Game of Thrones? I’m not sure, but Khal Drogo’s presence will be heavily symbolic. Either Dany will meet him in the afterlife or reject death another time–but perhaps she’ll realize that her true desires were always for belonging and motherhood (just not at the expense of her own free will).
And, as an aside–I’ve really come to see Dany in a different light this season. I’ve always been anti-Daenerys as Ruler, but Daenerys as a character is truly fascinating. So what I see implied in her final arc is truly heartbreaking (and I hope it’s handled better overall than it was, in snapshot, here in 8x04). [Dany’s also my dad’s favorite character, haha, and I respect my dad’s opinion almost more than anyone else’s, so she gets props for that too lol].
3. Robin Arryn
I have a feeling this will be a cameo, but honestly the worst-case scenario for me would be Sansa being engaged to him lol. It would certainly be a Margaery Tyrell move on her part (knowing she won’t have to marry him for some time and he’ll be easy to influence), but the Knights of the Vale are already dedicated to her and I’m a Sanrion shipper so you know where I stand on any other Sansa ship. ;-)
Regardless, the Vale could become an important wrinkle in the plot, and I’m all for us not having a complete Doomsday scenario.
And In The Worst Case Scenario
The worst case scenario is that the leaks are legit. Bran as an emotionless king? The Starks are forever alone? Tyrion’s character assassination? Bleh.
But I’ve already hinted at my philosophy on canon storytelling.
Look, most fanon is crap–but so is most fiction. There are millions of stories out there, but it’s hard to find (and tell) one that resonates across all borders of sex, ethnicity, age, and epoch. You know what CAN exist in both fanon and canon–and what actually matters as canon in the end? The stories that are true.
If characters don’t act true to themselves, if deep-in-the-bones themes suddenly drop off, if crucial scenes that are present in every single successful outline are missing (don’t go postmodern on me–just read The Story Grid), then that story is incomplete. And it’s a lie.
Madeleine L’Engle once said “All truth is God’s truth.” She was trying to make the point that fantasy, and fiction in general, is important because it tells the truth. It’s not about the facts (dragons aren’t real! This is just a TV show! Etc.). It’s about the truth (dragons can be beaten! There is wonder in the world! We are united by our mythologies!).
So no, fanon can be a lot more than making heterosexual characters gay or inserting fluff without dealing with the consequences of character actions or erasing parts of canon. Fanon can be more true than canon when the author is on the tail of the actual Story.
Steven Pressfield does a much better job of explaining this in The War of Art. Madeleine L’Engle does a much better of explaining this in Walking on Water. Shawn Coyne does a much better job of explaining this in The Story Grid.
So don’t just take my word for it.
For me, then, I’m excited to see how the show plays out. And I’m fine if certain things that I only WANT don’t happen–but if the story doesn’t have what NEEDS to happen, then I’ll sadly and reluctantly reject it, and wait for GRRM’s books to come out, or simply contribute to the ASOIAF lore as best as I can. Hopefully not as wish fulfillment, but simply to respect the core of the story itself.
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.
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blurrymanbun · 5 years
Why do the pro-finale/pro-season8 people think that anyone disappointed with the writing was expecting a happy ending? 
I was certain that when the Night King was killed, Jon would die because that seemed to be the reason he was brought back from death.  I thought that like Hodor, Beric, Melissandre...etc, he would die when his purpose was fulfilled. I also felt like Bran would die for the same reason and all ‘magic’ and dragons would be gone forever.
If Dany didn’t die with her dragons in one of the wars, I didn’t expect her to end up on the iron throne. I did think the survivors would end up electing someone, possibly Tyrion. I also thought she might have a baby.
I thought Cersei would be killed by Jaime the way Jon ended up killing Dany.
I thought Brienne would die protecting Sansa.
I didn’t think Bronn would survive. But I also didn’t think he’d end up being completely useless.
I thought Yara would kill Euron, but I didn’t think she’d survive.
I expected pretty much everyone else that did die on the show would die.
I absolutely didn’t expect any type of fairytale ending for any character.
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nellie-elizabeth · 5 years
Brooklyn Nine-Nine: A Tale of Two Bandits (6x05)
This actually wasn't a super great episode - perhaps the weakest of the season so far. I think part of the problem was that this felt like an episode that had to explain to me why I should find things funny, instead of just being funny. Sure, there were plenty of individual jokes that worked really well, but the premise wasn't as electrifying or wacky as I would expect, given that the Doug Judy episodes are usually highlights every year.
I feel like we didn't really tread new ground with this episode. Last time we saw Doug Judy, he was going legit, and we spent the whole episode wondering if he'd trick Jake, and he didn't. Same thing this time, only now Terry is there to be suspicious, and Trudy Judy is there to take on the criminal mantle. It's not bad, exactly, it just doesn't feel innovative.
The subplot had a good opportunity for comedy, since it involved the rest of the gang (sans Jake and Terry) drinking together. Again, the individual jokes worked perfectly well and made me laugh, but the premise itself lacked substance. That would be fine, except for the fact that I think it was meant to be sentimental as well as funny. I wasn't aware until now that I was supposed to attach some sort of special meaning to Shaw's Bar. I honestly hadn't really given the place a second thought. It just seemed like a spot for the characters to be together when they're not in the precinct. I don't get a feel for the atmosphere or understand why this bar specifically is important to the gang. A story like this should either be entirely comedy, or it should be rooted in something that feels real. I think the script tried to split the difference, and fell short.
But when we go into the individual jokes of the episode, I laughed a lot. I'm always bad at remembering individual bits that got me, but I'll try to list a few:
Terry: "How did you deal when Hodor died?"
Jake: "Not well, Terry. Why would you bring that up?!"
Doug Judy and Jake rhyming with the word "Judy" over and over again.
Doug liking Jake's song even though it was objectively horrible.
Terry being unfazed by 1,000 push-ups.
Jake "discovering" that Orlando Bloom has a weird name.
Drunk Amy - especially three-drink Amy back down from nine-drink Amy after throwing up. Apparently nine-drink Amy speaks French?
Rosa's flat yet still clearly wasted delivery of all of her lines, especially when she calls Holt and leaves messages to get him to come back to the bar.
Holt saying that he hates it when Terry shouts "Nine Nine" because he should say "Cheers to the 99th precinct."
And plenty more, I'm sure. I was kept smiling by all the one-liners and individual comedy beats this week, even if I felt both premises were lacking in some way. This show is incredible, and sometimes I think I grade it harshly because I expect it to be so wonderful every week. This week we got a pretty standard sitcom episode. Nothing wrong with it, just not one for the history books!
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tyronemacpherson · 3 years
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by crossbowmen, front and rear. One source of almost constant annoyance to my feelings is the profanity and vulgarity, and the bad, disagreeable temper, of two or three fellow-prisoners of my cell. Looking more carefully one began to suspect behind the invariable mask something spiteful, cunning, and intensely egoistic. Guy Balensi reprend la gestion du Trianon. Carina says her good byes, trying once again to seduce Chuck, but only because she loves taking what Sarah wants. The stewards began to bring out the first dish, an onion broth flavored with bits of goat and carrot. This is because the hip flexors work hard along with your abs to hold your legs just off the floor and kick.. He bathed thrice a day and wore flowers in his hair as if he were a maiden. If you're referencing the Greek delicacy of meat and chips wrapped in flatbread, please see above.. First released in 1997, the Nike Air Foamposite Pro has long been a collector's favourite. Last year, extent trended relatively low as well, but a surge in the middle of March made for a late max on March 19th. I don’t know what those are. Yes the Bertuzzi crime went unpunished. And it was on national television that Sedochenkoff, 18, shined along with AcroArmy an acrobatic gymnastic group made up of 19 gymnasts as they made it into millions of viewers homes and all the way to the finals on evro kalkulator Season 9 of the reality show Got Talent. Some shouted obscene proposals, others insults. Oui, calça kickboxing il est possible de faire des films de genres et des films audacieux au Qubec. Hodor walked with one eye frozen shut, his thick brown beard a tangle of hoarfrost, icicles drooping from the ends of his bushy mustache. Brosowsky interest is in urban agriculture cities, reducing the heat island effect (covering all that concrete and asphalt with parks and gardens) and getting local food to people who need it through community gardens and other projects. 83): “The Rev. It is going to be windy as well and that will certainly add to the chill. And, as Ryan Cooper observedFriday, Trump is largely justified in that outlook.
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joshuajacksonlyblog · 4 years
XRP Analyst Suggests IPO Could Be Game-Changing for Ripple: Here’s How
This week, Brad Garlinghouse — chief executive of Ripple Labs in San Francisco — made a massive announcement at a Wall Street Journal event in Davos, Switzerland at the World Economic Forum. The industry executive told a crowd at the event that he intends to bring Ripple public in the coming years, adding that he expects for there to be a number of crypto- and blockchain-related IPOs in the coming 12 months. “In the next 12 months, you’ll see IPOs in the crypto/blockchain space. We’re not going to be the first and we’re not going to be the last, but I expect us to be on the leading side… it’s a natural evolution for our company.” –@bgarlinghouse at #WEF20 — Asheesh Birla (@ashgoblue) January 23, 2020 Due to the unexpectedness of this news, many have had things to say about the announcement. Some have been skeptical, others have been optimistic. One crypto analyst closely following all things XRP, Hodor, an industry commentator with over 50,000 followers, laid out why Ripple going public could be game-changing in an old blog post. How Would Ripple Benefit From an ICO Seemingly now-retired crypto commentator Hodor last year released an extensive blog post to Coil on how Ripple going public could affect the company at the cryptocurrency it has close ties to, XRP. Firstly, he stated that Ripple, should it issue shares on public markets, would likely see a “sizable” IPO, estimating that it will take in around $5 billion cash worth of capital — less than Uber’s recent $8 billion IPO, Facebook’s $16 billion public round, and Visa’s $18 billion sale of shares in 2008. Should Ripple 'go public?' I analyze some basic pros and cons in my latest blog on Coil, and include a hint about the next 'scenario' I'll be analyzing, which may surprise some people. https://ift.tt/36xQk6k @bgarlinghouse .@JoelKatz .@justmoon @nbougalis @XRPLLabs pic.twitter.com/8lWbizndHq — Hodor (@Hodor) September 8, 2019 Even if Ripple brought in 20% of that, which would be $1 billion, it would have a large cash reserve it would be sitting on. Hodor then noted that with this cash, Ripple could participate in strong marketing: “With $5 billion dollars, no amount of potential marketing is out of reach, and the days of Superbowl advertisements about digital assets may be upon us.” He added that the sale of Ripple shares would also give the company more capacity to participate in more business deals and acquisitions, with Garlinghouse last year saying in an interview that acquisitions are a big focus of his company when their balance sheet is strong. This comment in the wake of Ripple partnering with top remittance provider MoneyGram.  As to how this could affect XRP, the analyst suggested that the reserve of cash would decrease Ripple’s incentive to participate in programmatic sales of XRP, which investors like Kyle Samani of Multicoin Capital may have depressed the price of the asset over the years. He added that a Ripple IPO would “accelerate the adoption of their payment processing software and its preferred digital asset,” potentially presenting a bull case for the battered crypto asset, which shed 50% of its value in 2019. Featured Image from Shutterstock The post appeared first on NewsBTC. from Cryptocracken Tumblr https://ift.tt/3aKTbMb via IFTTT
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brettzjacksonblog · 4 years
XRP Analyst Suggests IPO Could Be Game-Changing for Ripple: Here’s How
This week, Brad Garlinghouse — chief executive of Ripple Labs in San Francisco — made a massive announcement at a Wall Street Journal event in Davos, Switzerland at the World Economic Forum. The industry executive told a crowd at the event that he intends to bring Ripple public in the coming years, adding that he expects for there to be a number of crypto- and blockchain-related IPOs in the coming 12 months. “In the next 12 months, you’ll see IPOs in the crypto/blockchain space. We’re not going to be the first and we’re not going to be the last, but I expect us to be on the leading side… it’s a natural evolution for our company.” –@bgarlinghouse at #WEF20 — Asheesh Birla (@ashgoblue) January 23, 2020 Due to the unexpectedness of this news, many have had things to say about the announcement. Some have been skeptical, others have been optimistic. One crypto analyst closely following all things XRP, Hodor, an industry commentator with over 50,000 followers, laid out why Ripple going public could be game-changing in an old blog post. How Would Ripple Benefit From an ICO Seemingly now-retired crypto commentator Hodor last year released an extensive blog post to Coil on how Ripple going public could affect the company at the cryptocurrency it has close ties to, XRP. Firstly, he stated that Ripple, should it issue shares on public markets, would likely see a “sizable” IPO, estimating that it will take in around $5 billion cash worth of capital — less than Uber’s recent $8 billion IPO, Facebook’s $16 billion public round, and Visa’s $18 billion sale of shares in 2008. Should Ripple 'go public?' I analyze some basic pros and cons in my latest blog on Coil, and include a hint about the next 'scenario' I'll be analyzing, which may surprise some people. https://ift.tt/36xQk6k @bgarlinghouse .@JoelKatz .@justmoon @nbougalis @XRPLLabs pic.twitter.com/8lWbizndHq — Hodor (@Hodor) September 8, 2019 Even if Ripple brought in 20% of that, which would be $1 billion, it would have a large cash reserve it would be sitting on. Hodor then noted that with this cash, Ripple could participate in strong marketing: “With $5 billion dollars, no amount of potential marketing is out of reach, and the days of Superbowl advertisements about digital assets may be upon us.” He added that the sale of Ripple shares would also give the company more capacity to participate in more business deals and acquisitions, with Garlinghouse last year saying in an interview that acquisitions are a big focus of his company when their balance sheet is strong. This comment in the wake of Ripple partnering with top remittance provider MoneyGram.  As to how this could affect XRP, the analyst suggested that the reserve of cash would decrease Ripple’s incentive to participate in programmatic sales of XRP, which investors like Kyle Samani of Multicoin Capital may have depressed the price of the asset over the years. He added that a Ripple IPO would “accelerate the adoption of their payment processing software and its preferred digital asset,” potentially presenting a bull case for the battered crypto asset, which shed 50% of its value in 2019. Featured Image from Shutterstock The post appeared first on NewsBTC. from CryptoCracken SMFeed https://ift.tt/3aKTbMb via IFTTT
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XRP Analyst Suggests IPO Could Be Game-Changing for Ripple: Here’s How
This week, Brad Garlinghouse — chief executive of Ripple Labs in San Francisco — made a massive announcement at a Wall Street Journal event in Davos, Switzerland at the World Economic Forum. The industry executive told a crowd at the event that he intends to bring Ripple public in the coming years, adding that he expects for there to be a number of crypto- and blockchain-related IPOs in the coming 12 months. “In the next 12 months, you’ll see IPOs in the crypto/blockchain space. We’re not going to be the first and we’re not going to be the last, but I expect us to be on the leading side… it’s a natural evolution for our company.” –@bgarlinghouse at #WEF20 — Asheesh Birla (@ashgoblue) January 23, 2020 Due to the unexpectedness of this news, many have had things to say about the announcement. Some have been skeptical, others have been optimistic. One crypto analyst closely following all things XRP, Hodor, an industry commentator with over 50,000 followers, laid out why Ripple going public could be game-changing in an old blog post. How Would Ripple Benefit From an ICO Seemingly now-retired crypto commentator Hodor last year released an extensive blog post to Coil on how Ripple going public could affect the company at the cryptocurrency it has close ties to, XRP. Firstly, he stated that Ripple, should it issue shares on public markets, would likely see a “sizable” IPO, estimating that it will take in around $5 billion cash worth of capital — less than Uber’s recent $8 billion IPO, Facebook’s $16 billion public round, and Visa’s $18 billion sale of shares in 2008. Should Ripple 'go public?' I analyze some basic pros and cons in my latest blog on Coil, and include a hint about the next 'scenario' I'll be analyzing, which may surprise some people. https://ift.tt/36xQk6k @bgarlinghouse .@JoelKatz .@justmoon @nbougalis @XRPLLabs pic.twitter.com/8lWbizndHq — Hodor (@Hodor) September 8, 2019 Even if Ripple brought in 20% of that, which would be $1 billion, it would have a large cash reserve it would be sitting on. Hodor then noted that with this cash, Ripple could participate in strong marketing: “With $5 billion dollars, no amount of potential marketing is out of reach, and the days of Superbowl advertisements about digital assets may be upon us.” He added that the sale of Ripple shares would also give the company more capacity to participate in more business deals and acquisitions, with Garlinghouse last year saying in an interview that acquisitions are a big focus of his company when their balance sheet is strong. This comment in the wake of Ripple partnering with top remittance provider MoneyGram.  As to how this could affect XRP, the analyst suggested that the reserve of cash would decrease Ripple’s incentive to participate in programmatic sales of XRP, which investors like Kyle Samani of Multicoin Capital may have depressed the price of the asset over the years. He added that a Ripple IPO would “accelerate the adoption of their payment processing software and its preferred digital asset,” potentially presenting a bull case for the battered crypto asset, which shed 50% of its value in 2019. Featured Image from Shutterstock The post appeared first on NewsBTC. from Cryptocracken WP https://ift.tt/3aKTbMb via IFTTT
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ramajmedia · 5 years
Harry Potter: 5 Best Dementors (& The 5 Worst) | ScreenRant
We're going to look through the books and movies to find the most terrifying, soul-sucking Dementors of them all. We're also going to scoff at the lamest Dementors to ever float about making every day feel a bit like Monday. Want an excuse to eat chocolate? Then here's the list for you!
On one hand, Dementors are Harry Potter's Achilles heel. They cut through his bravery right to his worst memories, like a free-floating Horcrux coming to make out! Fortunately, they're as dangerous as they are easily defeated. Like many of us, they're vulnerable to chocolate and nostalgia. So, what separates the top-tier terrors from the lazy, lame moaners? Read on! You'll also see how you can repeatedly use 'sucking' as both a negative and positive!
RELATED: Harry Potter: 10 Things About Hermione Granger That Haven't Aged Well
10 Worst: Hodor-mentor
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These Dementors are just being lazy! Considering they can clearly reach through the bars of the elevator, we know the ministry hasn't put a defensive charm there. We know they can open doors because they did so on the Hogwarts Express the first time we saw them. The Dementor equivalent of 'hold me back, Dementor-Steve! I'd totally suck this guy's soul if you weren't holding me back! Oh, I lament your considerable 'back-holding' skills that preclude me sucking this guys soul!'. This is just poor work all round.
9 Best: Bad Weather Fans
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You could take marks off for leaving their posts, but you've gotta give it to the Dementor who knocked 'The Boy Who Lived' off of his broom with sheer halitosis. As Harry and Gryffindor were battling Quidditch "powerhouse" Hufflepuff, these Dementors got a bit too frisky for the faculty's liking. We actually see one right up in Harry's proverbial 'grill' giving his soul a suggestive suckle and that takes him out of the game completely. Clearly meant for bigger things than guarding the local school.
RELATED: Harry Potter: 10 Movie Villains You Wouldn’t Think Are More Powerful Than Voldemort (But Actually Are)
8 Worst: Duhhh-mentor
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You know when you get an assignment with clear instructions, but your partner wants to take the easy way out and ends up ignoring those instructions entirely? That's this Dementor. Tasked with getting Harry Potter, this one decides to detour into Dudleyville. While his partner stays on the job, he sees 'Big D' as an easier, Patronus-less target to gorge on mid-mission. Back to Dementor Detention for you!
7 Best: Tunnel Of Love
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Of course, while the previous Dementor was slacking off by picking easy but non-essential prey, this guy was on the job! This Dementor had Harry right where he wanted him. In pro-wrestling parlance, he 'goozled' him by the neck and was seconds away from tasting 'Boy Who Lived' soul. If Duhh-mentor had have been on the lookout, these two probably would've gotten the cookies. Points for the near-miss, though.
RELATED: Harry Potter: 5 Most Powerful Slytherin Wizards (& 5 Worst)
6 Worst: Jury Duty
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You've got to be a pretty underwhelming Dementor to get assigned to 'float around the ministry ceiling' duty. These Dementors aren't just doing the laziest of work, they're put in a position to be getting the Dementor equivalent of a sunburn. With Delores Umbridge's Patronus sat right there—shudder to think of her 'happy thought' that conjured it—it'd be like floating above Chernobyl. The lowliest government job available.
5 Best: Death Smoocher
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Now here's a Dementor committed to doing its job and doing it right. This one clearly remembers that Barty Crouch Jr was supposed to be buried in Azkaban, not alive cosplaying as Bill Weasley's dad. With the shot to suck out his soul, this dementor wastes no time and gets the tongue in. In the grand scheme of things, he probably hurt Voldemort's overall odds, and thus the Dementors chances at becoming the national bird, but, at the time, it was the play of the week.
RELATED: Harry Potter: 10 Hilarious Voldemort Logic Memes That Are Too Funny
4 Worst: Don't Bogart My Chocolate, Man
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The only thing worse than a lame Dementor is something pretending to be one. The Bogart in Professor Moody's office is little more than a Dementor-shaped punching bag for Harry to repeatedly beat down.
Curiously still able to give off the Dementor's depressing effects, it is nonetheless also guilty of being a spider on rollerskates in its spare time or being easily defeated in the Tri-Wizard maze. Quite frankly, it was far more terrifying when it turned into a creepy pop-up clown or Fashionista Snape.
3 Best: Training Day-mentor
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The first dementor we ever meet and clearly a potent one at that. This guy manages to frost up an entire train filled with kids fresh off of candy from the cart.
Not only that, but he also manages to find the one kid with the tastiest and most deliciously terrible past and almost ends the series at Book 3. Harry Potter and the Half-A-Train-Ride-Before-He's-A-Gormless-Soulless-Shell wouldn't have sold half as many copies. Plus, it would've been about as long as a pamphlet. If not for Professor Lupin, this one could've topped the list.
RELATED: Harry Potter: 10 Hysterical Dursley Logic Memes
2 Worst: Dercrabbe Malfoylor
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"Dementors" mostly in the sense that this plan was demented. When Draco, Crabbe, Goyle, and Marcus Flint waddled onto the Quidditch pitch dressed as Dementors, it showed the reason Slytherin's aren't known as intellectual powerhouses. Lacking the depressing effect, weather manipulation, and generally everything that goes with Dementors, they thought some cheap cloaks would suffice in spooking Harry out of the game. When you're such a sad Dementor that you lose 50 points for Slytherin just for showing up, you suck. In the ineffectual lame way.
1 Best: Lakeside Lover
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The Dementors that came as close as Voldemort to ending 'The Boy Who Lived'. With Sirius unconscious and Harry unable to execute his Patronus Charm, this squad of soul suckers almost did the deed. It might've even still allowed for the prophecy to be true since a soulless Harry would still be 'alive' for Voldemort to kill later. Convenient.
When you are about to succeed only for time-traveling duplicates to foil your plan, you can still call it a moral victory, assuming your morals are 'suck souls, make bank.' We should assume all dementors have that tattooed somewhere. Probably a tramp stamp. Hence the cloaks.
NEXT: Harry Potter: 6 Reasons Ron Is Harry’s Best Friend (& 4 Reasons It’s Actually Hermione)
source https://screenrant.com/harry-potter-best-worst-dementors/
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blockchain-hero · 5 years
Ripple verschenkt 1 Milliarde XRP in einem massiven Gebot zur Finanzierung von Online-Inhalten
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Ripples Infrastrukturentwicklungs- und XRP-Einführungsinitiative Xpring kündigte am 15. August einen Zuschuss von 1 Milliarde XRP (rund 265 Millionen Dollar) an die Web-Monetarisierungsplattform Coil an.
Ripple verschenkt 1 Milliarde XRP in einem massiven Gebot zur Finanzierung von Online-Inhalten
Am Donnerstag gab Ripple's Investment Arm, Xpring, bekannt, nahm an der 4 Millionen Dollar Seed-Runde für die Startup-Spule zur Zahlungsabwicklung im Browser teil, die vom ehemaligen Ripple-CTO Stefan Thomas angeführt wurde. (Thomas und Ripple waren die einzigen Teilnehmer in der Runde.) Xpring gab am Donnerstag auch bekannt, dass es Coil einen Zuschuss von 1 Milliarde XRP (im Wert von rund 265 Millionen Dollar zum heutigen Preis) für den Aufbau einer Gemeinschaft von "Kreativen, Verbrauchern und strategischen Partnern" gewährt hat, so eine Pressemitteilung. Der XRP, der Coil gewährt wurde, kam direkt aus der "Ripple's Bilanz des XRP", so Xpring Vizepräsident Ethan Beard. Coil ist eine Plattform, die eine alternative Methode für Autoren bietet, um ihre Inhalte im Internet zu vermarkten. Auf der Plattform können Nutzer öffentliche und exklusive Inhalte veröffentlichen, die automatisch für das Streaming von Zahlungen freigeschaltet werden. Alternativ können Autoren ihre eigenen Websites monetarisieren, indem sie ein einfaches Tag hinzufügen. Stefan Thomas, CEO von Coil, kommentierte dies: "Erfinder wollen mehr Auswahl und Kontrolle darüber, wie ihre Inhalte monetarisiert und verbreitet werden Web-Monetarisierung bietet eine Lösung, die für Erfinder und Fans auf der ganzen Welt fairer, offener und integrativer ist." Die Coil-Plattform ermöglicht es den Abonnenten, 5 US-Dollar pro Monat zu zahlen, so dass die Inhaltsersteller - wie der Musiker Riley Q und der XRP-Enthusiast Blogger Hodor - automatisch XRP-Zahlungen oder Fiat-Banküberweisungen über Dollar erhalten, wenn Benutzer Inhalte von einer Coil-kompatiblen Website konsumieren. Quellenangaben: coindesk Bildquelle: Pixabay Read the full article
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