#princess tutu: sex and violence
lesbianfakir · 2 months
Okay someone who knows more about dnd than I do help me sort out princess tutu rpg classes. My thoughts so far:
Tbh I could see Duck as either a bard or a cleric. Bard for nonviolent approaches to conflict and a dance focus. That said I could totally see her as a cleric, she’d make a natural fit as the healer of the party and princess tutu could be her deity.
Ok so Fakir has to multiclass in like the most inefficient way right? Starts as a low hp high dps melee fighter and eventually makes the transition to a magic user class (warlock perhaps?? Wizard of some sort?). It’s kind of funny to imagine him as guy who desperately needs a high wis/int but keeps dumping all his stats into strength out of sheer stubbornness. I mean he doesn’t HAVE to switch classes but I think it makes the most sense, he starts in a class that he’s really not suited for and has to transition to what’s best for him even if he’s not happy about it.
Mytho is a natural fit for a paladin tank (though I’d listen to an argument for cleric). He’s throwing himself in the way to protect all the members of the party with no regards to his own safety. Probably dies a lot.
Rue I’m most undecided on. I could see her as a magic using class like Druid (preferred form is a crow) or warlock (makes a pact with the Raven) or even a bard who uses her persuasion to start drama. In a totally different direction, I could also see her as a rogue just to balance out the party; she’s clever, resourceful, nimble, etc.
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mahou-furbies · 10 months
Closing thoughts on Magical Destroyers
This one was quite a mixed bag. You need to buy the wish fulfillment fantasy setting (imagine otaku are an oppressed class and the main otaku gets three hot girls devoted to him!) if you even imagine getting further than episode one and with the otaku theme there comes content I'd rather not put on this blog. So if you think the antagonist is right for wanting to cancel otakus (though the motive is something else than finding them problematic) you probably shouldn't touch this with a long pole. Thankfully the worst content was only in very few episodes though and mostly it was just violence and sex jokes.
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I was surprised how much plot there was in the end, and at the mid-point I was actually curious where the story was going, but towards the end it got convoluted enough that I was only barely able to follow. And then in the end... it just ended mid-action with no "tbc in season two"? This was it? Is it supposed to be some kind of meta commentary? The story also went quite meta with characters fighting against the script, which I guess is fitting for an otaku story, but Princess Tutu this ain't.
Still it's clearly visible that the creators are really into what they're creating, and there is something appealing about people being passionate about their hobbies so that part was nice. And at times it was artistically ambitious as well. Also shoutout to that one episode where the translation "cringemobile" appeared, that warmed my heart. But overall I figured I wouldn't be into this even before it started, because the whole edgy comedic violence stuff really isn't my thing.
As for the magical girls, Anarchy (the red one) was my fave for being the most developed. Meanwhile Blue and Pink didn't have a lot of character outside being horny and into drugs respectively, and I don't like it when the design doesn't show a character's face or at least eyes. I suppose their relationship with the Otaku Hero was kind of cute if you ignore the wish fulfillment part, they made a nice found family type group. Didn't care much for the outfits but at least they make sense in context as they're modified versions of shoddily made costumes.
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cottoncandyjester · 3 years
Little HC I have:
☆Monday keeps Rin all dumb and drooling just so he won't bother with his horniness while they do important stuff, poor BB has to take care of that stuff.
Monday would totally use this to get Rin to do things like helping with chores, if you clean I fuck you until you can barely walk.
☆When Wednesday helps someone he makes them kiss him at least 5 times before he starts making his damm job, is his way to get energy, tbh at this point he just acts like he is everyone's boyfriend.
☆Friday and Thursday make everyone watch anime with them, Im sorry if they don't want to see JJBA or Princess Tutu, they have to now, and when is their turn to put some music they would make everyone listen to Vocaloid.
☆BB gets a lot more of help now since Monday makes everyone on his team help with chores, even he helps, things like cooking, cleaning, taking care of someone who is sick, etc.
Since Sunday is the most calm and since he is not very fond of violence he is the one that helps BB the most, he won't shut up about how sweet/beautiful BB is.
☆When Saturday is not doing his clown act he likes to sit in Tiny's lap and tell him all the gossip he heard that day, judging people, making fun of them, is just his way of bonding!. (Well fucking with the gang is another way of bonding I guess).
☆Clover is Friday's perfect nap buddy, he would make her take naps with him after lunch, she is so soft and warm, is not his fault, but I don't think anything sexual will happen bc Friday is asexual.
Rin being the horny monster he is would absolutely take Monday up on all his offers to fuck, he just really likes sex. As far as doing chores yeah he would be super pouty and bratty about it being like “as leader this isn’t fair” but he will still do it cause good dick makes rin kinda stupid.
Wednesday would annoy the absolute fuck out of bubbles with all the small kisses so instead of five kisses he’ll just grab him by his shirt and just give him one very steamy kiss and probably be like “there,now help me. Right now.” I’m talking like sloppy passionate kiss then he’ll just leave him right when it’s getting really good. Tiny would absolutely lose his mind after the second kiss getting all shaky and flustered before hiding his face.
I can totally see all the members watching anime with Friday and Thursday. Rin would adore JJBA solely for the violence and big buff men, bubbles would question everything, clover wouldn’t really understand but she’s happy that everyone is together and enjoying it, poor BB would be so confused with the family tree that he has to write it all down just to understand..it would be an adventure.
BB would absolutely love all the help he can get since he treats everyone, cooks, cleans and make sure no one kills each other. Clover helps but she is pretty ditzy and tends to grab the attention of the other members so she’s usually busy..entertaining them. Whoever is helping BB will absolutely receive so much love and care like he is showering them with affection and praise even if they mess up. He’ll say things like “I really needed you” or “you’re truly amazing, know that?” Just sweet wholesome stuff
Sunday would break BB with the praise, he would be so flustered and wouldn’t stop grinning and laughing shyly at the praise since he’s so used to taking care of others he’s not used to receiving praise. I can totally see him rewarding Sunday with soft cheek kisses and sweet words of praise and love. He’ll definitely want Sunday to help lore often
Tiny absolutely loves to listen to Saturday talk and he’ll just pet his head and let him rant, he’ll chime in if he has something to say or is asked something but if not he’s usually silent. He adores having Saturday in his lap and when he has low energy he’ll find the male and just hug him close wanting him to just talk or just sit in his lap again
Clover being the chubby beauty she is would be so soft to nap with, like so warm and just cuddly and she always smells sweet and good. She will absolutely take naps with Friday when she’s not busy, totally see them cuddling together just sleeping all day.
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Yamata-No-Orochi (Part 2) Princess Tutu
Princess Tutu is a must watch if you haven’t seen it. It’s a bit after the MCs time though so she wouldn’t have been able to see it.
The throbbing bass from the speakers sync with the flashing lights of the dance club at Takamagahara. The crowd is thriving today. You can see glimpses of the masses of people in the pulsing of light. They appear like brief colorful snapshots on the floor below your center platform table.
The Romanceable MC contest continued despite the tragic death of Chance. The official narrative was that Chance died bravely defending you from street hooligans, which is horribly ironic, because that was something that you specifically told him not to do. Now Club Takamagahara was holding another Princess Night with the theme of Knights in Shining Armor. Men walked around like living walls of muscle wearing silver helmets, silver studded leather straps and bronze colored leather subligacula.
It was the exact opposite of what Chance’s life was. He was no knight. He would have been the first to admit that. He was on the underbelly of the world as a gang member, the lowest of his kind as an unstable hybrid and even then he lowered himself further, running sex dungeons for money to maintain the balance between his humanity and his raging dragonblood. And he still smiled and he still dreamed of a Hokkaido winter wedding.
Your chest constricts involuntarily.
“Are you going to be alright? You don’t have to be here.” A voice murmurs in your ear. Diamond is the only contender next to you. As a cowboy style performer, he has no need to dress up like a knight. Cowboys, like handsome knights, are just another font of masculine charm and marital fidelity. They work hard out on the lonely trails, wrangling sheep and cattle but they are true and come home to you, their sweet prairie wife. As sheriffs, they run out the outlaws in the town. “
You look up at him, his eyes are a welcome distraction. “You don’t have to be here either.”
He huffs. “Well, you can’t hurt too bad, if you come up with a sweet comeback like that.”
“Why are you here? Armani and Calypso have backed out.” Rumor had gone around that Chance's killing was related to an out of control fan who had fallen in love with you and had used his yakuza ties to put out a hit job and kidnap you. The other suitors didn’t mind losing a little dignity if it meant living another day.
“I used to work at Bliss Hall, also known as the Paradisio. I knew shady stuff went down. And when the gang war came there, I looked down the barrel of five guns while they interrogated me and patted me down. They determined I wasn't involved and let me go. So… if I was going to die of gang violence I probably would have already.”
“So why are you here?” You reach for the glass of champagne in front of you. Even though you were underage, you were already accustomed to the taste of drink and the smell of tobacco. Your high level of dragonblood didn’t let you get drunk easily as the men found out on your first day as the Main Character on this show. Chu Zihang checked the records on that night, and you had drunk two full bottles of vodka before you even felt the slightest bit tipsy.
He reached for his own glass. “I'm still a competitor. And I'm curious how Chance won three star-hearts in a single night. Is giving up your life the way to your heart? It’s a high price to pay and a lonely existence for you.”
Your mind flashes back to Renata and Chance. “I can see why you're second in the ranking. You dress much flashier than Kazama. But you’re no less of a sharpshooter.”
He presses his hand to his chest and bows.
“I don't need riches or beauty. So if you offer me those things, I'm not attracted. When I first came to Japan,  I didn't care about anything.  I felt my life was over. I was just trying to wait until the end and I wanted my life to end. But every time I reached for the end, there was a man who kept telling me no. I should not try to end my life and, even if it looked like my life was over, I shouldn't just take that conclusion at face value. His final lesson was I shouldn't just accept the inevitable death of others. It took a few times to accept those three lessons, but it was what I needed.”
“What happened to that guy? He sounds like a real keeper.”
You huff. “He was very happily engaged when we met.”
Chances eyebrows lifted. “I bet.”
“But I never forgot what he taught me. Chance helped me to speak those words from my own heart and my own experience. It's one thing to learn a lesson. When you teach that lesson to others, then you know it's part of your life. To see him listen to me and put what I learned into action because he loved me? How could my heart not overflow? Chance didn’t just accept his fate. He didn't just give up his life for me. He fought for us to be together. He… he wanted to live. I needed that in a person.” You run your hands over the empty glass in your hands imagining his smooth childlike face, so peaceful in the rain. “How many people are there out there who can look fate in the eye and say… ‘How about no?’”
Diamond reaches over with a champagne bottle and refills. “Oh You need someone who can rewrite the script! Like in Princess Tutu.”
You blink. “I’m sorry, did you just say ‘Princess Tutu’?”
“Oh come on, don't tell me you've never heard of Princess Tutu. It's just the best anime ever!”
You’re speechless. It was like this suave handsome Ikemen had suddenly turned into Lu Mingfei. “No, please fill me in.”
“Okay, hear me out. Once there was a writer named Drosselmeyer, who had the power to make his stories come to life. He especially loved to write stories with tragic endings! But he died before he could finish his final tale, called The Prince and the Raven, leaving the two title characters locked in an eternal battle.”
“After many years, the Raven managed to break free into the real world, and the Prince pursued him. To seal away the Raven's evil, the Prince shattered his own heart with his sword, causing him to lose all his memories and emotions. Without his emotions, he is reborn as Mytho.”
“Drosselmeyer, now a ghost, decides the story must have an ending. He finds it in the form of a little duck, who has fallen in love with Mytho. He gives her a magic pendant that can transform her, first into an ordinary human girl, then into the graceful ballerina Princess Tutu, another character in the story. As Tutu, it's Duck's job to find all the scattered shards of Mytho's heart and return them to him.”
“What's more, Duck learns that part of Princess Tutu's story is that she can never confess her love to Mytho, or else she'll turn into a speck of light and vanish. However, it becomes clear that Mytho wants his heart restored, so despite interference, she persists. She finds a friend in Fakir, a man who is the son of Drosselmeyer who also has the ability to bring his stories to life.”
“After most of Mytho's heart is returned to him, the seal trapping the Raven begins to break. Finally able to feel love again, Mytho realizes he loves Rue, another character – not Duck. Duck also discovers her pendant is the final shard, meaning she must give up her life as a human to return it. She eventually finds the courage to do so, and becomes a humble duck again.”
“Mytho and the Raven battle once more. When the fight turns bleak, Mytho considers shattering his heart to seal the monster away again. Duck begins dancing to show him he must not give up. As she does, this guy named Fakir writes a story about how she never stops, no matter how many times the Raven's minions attack her. They make that story a reality! This gives Mytho hope, which gives Mytho the strength he needs to rescue Rue and defeat the Raven. Mytho asks Rue to be his princess and they return to his kingdom inside the story. Duck and Fakir continue their relationship, even though she's stuck in her duck form. With nothing left to do, Drosselmeyer departs in search of another story.”
“The point is, you're Duck and you need someone like Fakir who can defeat Drosselmeyer by rewriting the script!”
When thinking about a ghost behind the scenes writing a script, it was clear who the Drosselmeyer in your life was. Z had rescued you and taught you to fight so your life could continue even though you didn’t really understand why. You were just like a duck receiving the pendant. But Z also had plans for you. He'd also forbidden you from confessing her love to Ruri Kazama before you even had feelings for him, only for you to meet him and suddenly he’s a potential contender for your heart with a clear connection with your past?
Z had a script.  And falling in love with Ruri Kazama didn't fit. Why was your love interest so important? Who are you supposed to fall in love with? Caesar asked that in a roundabout way. Why did the person you fell in love with matter to him, if he wasn't your boyfriend?
Chance said that Izanami loved Izanagi on a whim, as a hobby, while she used him to help her live forever.  She loved him and turned him into a monster. She needed him, and consumed him.
Z appeared and kissed you after you entered the MC contest. “I want to get to you before those idiots.” He’d said.
He entered the competition only after you nearly gave a star heart to Ruri Kazama. “I know how the story ends.” He’d said. 
Pursuing Ruri Kazama or anyone else would defeat his script! Whatever script Z wrote required that you love no one but him. 
Your hands tighten on the wine glass and Diamond massages your back. It's not that you had no feelings for Z at all, but Z was acting like Izanami, hiding his true intentions while making overtures of affection.  There's only one way to be sure you weren't going to end up a duck or a monster at the end. Force a confession out of Z!
You look up at Diamond. “Thank you.” Your eyes are sparking with something like anger. You felt fierce and wild inside realizing that you’d been led along by this stranger, assuming that ‘keeping you alive’ was good enough of a good ending to your story. But Izanagi was ‘kept’ alive… as a sacrifice to the White King. Until you understood Z’s intention, there was no telling where he was leading you.
You stand up and lightly tap your glass. The host of the Takamagahara lowered the music and all faces turned to your center platform. “I would like to thank you for coming out tonight. I’ll let you get back to your dancing in a moment, but first I would like to award 3 star hearts to Diamond, for opening my eyes to the truth tonight.”
You spoke looking down on your audience like royalty. Standing in your sparkling silver cheongsam, you looked like royalty. Diamond’s eyes opened wide and he hastily swallowed his Champagne before he could choke on it. He had been kicking himself for speaking so foolishly to this woman. She’d fallen into a deep silence and he figured he’d just killed all his chances of a win. But she liked it!
“And I would like to announce the winner of the MC Romance contest. He knows who he is. He has a deep connection to my past, and I would like to explore that connection further. If you’re listening.”
You raise your eyes to the cameras that broadcast your face to hundreds of screens around Takamagahara. Spectators pushed each other to get a good view and the loud hall descended into a deep silence.
You didn’t remember the tune, but you would always remember the words and you speak them, closing your eyes and placing your hands on your heart. “All happiness may be a fleeting blossom in the shadow of the moon, but I am in that shadow waiting for you in a field of those flowers. Won’t you join me? Together we will dance in the depths of Yomi!”
The hairs rise on the necks of every patron of the Takamagahara. Eyebrows knitted in confusion, hushed puzzled whispers were uttered involuntarily. Your words sounded nothing like a love confession, more like a forbidden incantation written in secret by a practitioner of black magic!
The flashing lights suddenly go dark, every large display screen clicks off in a successive wave. You turn around in horror as those screens replace your face with the words “GAME OVER” in bright burning red text!
The words were on every screen in the room. Your eyes scan the room and immediately spot Caesar moving towards you on the left. You quickly descend from the platform and hurry to him. He covers you, sweeping over you with one arm. “Get downstairs. Now!” 
His eyes meet with someone else's, likely Chu Zihang’s. “Don’t take the elevators, he can probably control those. We’ll take the stairwell.” He said.
You enter the beige corridor of the stairwell. It’s also pitch black. Not even the emergency lights are on. The basement is only one flight down and you can see to the bottom. A lone shadowy figure staring up at you with furious red gold eyes. You leap back and try to pull Caesar out, back to the crowd. “No! Caesar! Run!”
Caesar’s eyes blaze gold and he levels the Desert Eagles in the direction where you’re fearfully looking, but then he lowers them. He didn't hear anything, or see anything.
“Don’t! Don’t hurt him!” You beg.
“Z’s here?”
You gasp. “Yes. He’s mad.”
“Then we can talk?”
Your eyes swivel to and fro from Caesar’s eyes to Z’s eyes which apparently only you can see. Caesar still held his Desert Eagles but there was no fear there. “Yes.”
“Alright… Z. You’re running Takamagahara. The MC love contest was your idea right? What are your plans for MC?” Caesar asks. “I get the feeling you don’t have her best interests at heart.”
Z chuckles from the bottom of the well. “This conversation will have to wait. I’m a bit busy with another client.”
You’re shaking so much you hold on to Caesar’s arm to just keep yourself upright. “He’s gone.”
“What did he say?”
“He said he’s busy with another client.”
The door opens, scaring you both. Chu blinks at both of you in the dark stairwell but then he looks at Caesar and holds his questions. “We’ve got a problem. The Uesugi girl and Lu Mingfei have run into trouble. The whole area around the Robuchon restaurant is blocked off and it’s complete chaos. We’ve got to find Lu Mingfei and make sure he’s alright.”
Caesar gathers his arm around you and together you leave the stairwell. “MC, come with us. I don't want you and that Uesugi girl to meet, but until I figure out what Z is… I don’t think you should be alone.”
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palettepainter · 4 years
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I really liked how the drawing of Jokey came out, so I decided to use it for his updated ref sheet! Gonna be redesigning a few angel OC's - Willem, Chloe and possibly Yin and Yang DO NOT REPOST/EDIT/COPY/TRACE MY ART OR OC!!! Name: Jokey Nicknames: JJ, Joke  Gender: Male Occupation: Angel in training Demon type/species: Angel of Acceptance Likes: Balloons, cupcakes, parties, smiling, singing, trumpets, jingle bells, cotton candy, flying, his bf, grilled cheese sandwiches, frogs Dislikes: Party haters, bullies, insults, sugar free sweets Died in: 2010 Former life: Before his death Jokey's parents divorced when he and his fraternal twin Chloe where very young, one week when Jokey and Chloe where being taken care of by their father (their older brother Johnathan was away studying in france) Jokey realised he was pan, he didn't really care much for gender if someone made him happy! He casually tells his dad in his most relaxed, happy tone he cane,l his father didn't react as positively as he thought they would. It ended up with his father kicking him out of his family home and onto the streets. Jokey stays within a dark place for a very long time, and it's only when he comes across a young girl that is struggling with the same issues as himself does he realise how badly he needs help. He sits down and talks with the poor girl, and though she is timid at first she is soon bawling her eyes out and telling Jokey all of her worries and fears, Jokey takes her to the local police station where the girl is then given a hot meal, and is taken to a therapist for further help. Filled with new found purpose Jokey starts picking himself up, an officer at the station notices how rough Jokey looks and also buys him a hot meal, and with his thanks sends him off to a refuge shelter where Jokey is allowed to take his first hot bath in years, is given a hair cut and a clean set of clothes, and more importantly, a place he could call home. As Jokey begins to pick himself up he becomes a worker at the shelter, offering support to young teenagers and adults who are struggling to find their self worth and who they are. Powers/Abilities: Jokey can stretch his body into any kind of shape like a cartoon, has endless patience General bio: Energetic, zany and light hearted, Jokey seems to make friends wherever he goes, he is full of bottomless energy and is a happy go lucky kinda guy. He has many different jokes and tricks up his sleeve and has a tendency of throwing cream pies at very unassuming angels - but he means well ^^ Due to his always happy mood people often think of him as stupid and oblivious, but he is actually very aware and one of the most understanding angels you'll ever meet. He is very supportive of his family and friends, to the point where he will dress up in a cheer leading outfit and wave pompom's around in the air. Due to him being pansexual he is very open to people's sexuality and same sex couples, he will wear whatever he feels like wearing, one day it could be a tutu and the next day it could be his jester outfit. He is obsessed with frogs!! He has a pet frog named princess that he loves and adores with all of his heart  Relationships: Total mama's boy. Jokey on the whole is a generally well behaved child, he never really stepped out of line or did anything bad on purpose. He loves his mother dearly despite what happened in the past, though some things do still affect him Jokey continues to be happy for himself and his family. Jokey pampers his mother with gifts and hugs whenever he can, feeling as though he needs to prove to her that all is forgiven - despite how much his mother may worry he still loves her very much, is A-Okay with being fussed by her in public Himself and Chloe are practically inseparable, gushes over how amazing his baby sister is whenever he has the chance, whether it be in public or private it doesn't matter, he'll gush over her. Picking on Chloe is probably the one thing that'll get Jokey to frown, he isn't afraid to show weakness around Chloe, she's the first person he'll go to if he needs to cry and if Willem isn't around. His bond with his older brother Johnathan is a bit more strained, Jokey understands now that he's older that Johnathan had to take the brunt of punishments a lot whenever he or Chloe got into trouble, he's very grateful to Johnathan for this reason. He also understands that his extroverted and loud personality can be a bit overbearing for his brother, so he tries to be a little more calm and quite when around him. Genuinely loves his siblings, would move heaven and earth for them Jokey is in a happy relationship with Willem, the two met when Willem started coming to his therapy sessions so that he could better cope with his anxiety. At first the two are just acquaintances, but Willem grows found of Jokey's contagious happiness, and even feels himself smiling ear to ear when Jokey laughs at his jokes. Whenever Willem goes to therapy he asks specifically for Jokey, eventually their therapy sessions turn into hang outs around heaven - Jokey does most of the talking when the two are just hanging out, but Willem is perfectly fine with listening. It was Willem who originally started crushing hard on Jokey, and Jokey was more then happy to accept his offer to a lunch date. The two have been very happy together since! He pays visits to Claire whenever he can, he knows she's often busy being Charleston's assistant but he wants to remind her she has friends that care for her, if she isn't at home Jokey leaves her a letter or sends her one via owl up in the archives. Though Jokey himself is not a fan of violence, he's there to cheer Claire on during her fencing practise, or even if its to just give her company while she reads Kiana and Jokey knew each other before Jokey met Willem, Kiana makes herbal remedies and stress relievers to help minimize stress, Jokey wanted to try out her way of therapy, and what was supposed to be a small hello ended up being a full two hour gossip about scented candles and other therapeutic activities. Jokey practically goes gaga when he realises Kiana and Willem are friends, he was so happy that the two got along! And he may or may not take full responsibility for their friendship since he was the one that introduced Kiana to Willem
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supersleepygoat · 6 years
Glass Houses
Paring: Sam x Sister!Reader, MOC!Dean x Sister!Reader
Request by Anonymous: Hello! Could you do something where the reader is Sam and Dean’s little sister and one day they find something in her room (Something edgy like condoms or weed, idk) and they confront her about it
Summary: You are the Winchesters’ little sister. The boys find some things in your room that warp their image of you being a little girl. When they confront you about it, everyone airs their dirty laundry. Some things are better left unsaid.
Word Count: 2,797
Warning: Angst. MOC!Dean Being a Mega Jerk. Violence. Angst.
Submit your REQUEST here
“I wouldn’t if I were you,” Sam warns his brother. 
“Relax Sammy, Y/N/N will never know. I want to get this over with and get this thing off my arm. We need Dad’s journal but she keeps stealing it. She’ll survive if I enter her Fortress of Solitude while she’s not even here.” 
“It’s your funeral,” is Sam’s only response. 
Your brothers know you have strict rules about them entering your room without permission. Since finding the bunker, you finally have your own space. You finally have privacy. They figured your rules were simply you being a bossy teenager. So, they played along. Neither brother believes their baby sister is actually hiding something in her room. They figure you are just marking your territory. 
But, now they are in research mode and they need the journal to help move things along. Dean decides he would go get it from your room, instead of waiting for you to come home from school. Dean doesn’t see it as a big deal.
Your room was a mess. So, it wasn’t Dean’s intention to snoop. But he had to dig through piles of clothes and stacks of books to find that stupid journal. 
When he opened your nightstand drawer, it was empty. But, Dean has a keen eye for recognizing a fake bottom when he sees one. Dean trusts you. But, his curiosity and protective big brother instincts take him over. He slides his hand around the wooded surface. He soon finds the latch that exposes the true contents of the drawer. 
Dean squeezes his eyes shut and sighs. He didn’t want to see that. 
An open box of condoms. A bag of weed and rolling papers. Dean hesitantly pulls on a black piece of fabric but when he recognizes it as a garter, he drops it as if it were made of fire. 
“Nope!” He slams the drawer shut and rushes out of the room while wiping his hand on his shirt and shuddering to himself. You are his baby sister. Or, at least you were. 
“Dude where is it?” Sam asks as Dean enters the room empty handed. 
Dean is about to respond. He is about to tell Sam what he found but before he can straighten out the words in his head, the bunker door opens. You come striding through with your backpack thrown over one shoulder. Your nose stuck in the leather-bound journal Dean was looking for. 
“You!” Dean bellows as you enter the library. His stern voice breaks your focus away from your father’s words. 
Dean only ever uses this tone when he is really mad. But, you don’t remember doing anything bad, that he would know about. You look over at Sam who looks just as confused as you. 
“Care to explain yourself?” Dean asks forgetting that no one else knows what he’s talking about. 
You look back down at the journal you are now clutching to your chest. “I’m sorry, did you need this?” You ask as you extend your father’s history toward your brother. He snatches it roughly from you and throws it on the table behind him. 
“Dean!” Sam chastises his brothers needlessly brutish behavior. 
“Don’t start, Sam! I found drugs and condoms in your little sister’s room. So, I’m not the one who needs to be explaining myself here.”
Sam’s wide eyes snap up to you as he raises from his seat at the table.
You always knew your brothers could not handle your growing up. You are a lot younger than them, so you know they have this need to protect you. You understand that they have this image of who they think you are. They still see you as a seven-year-old girl. A girl who would beg to braid Sam’s hair and force Dean to wear a tutu to your ‘Princess Only’ tea parties. Over the years they had forgotten that you are more than that. They forgot that you are a Winchester – and Winchesters like to get their hands dirty. That’s why you didn’t tell them.
“Shouldn’t you be happy I’m using protection?” you try joking but your voice is meek and hesitant.
“Oh yeah! We’re fucking thrilled our whore of a sister always has rubber on hand for when she spreads her legs!” Dean bites out.
“Dean!” Sam admonishes his brother.
Your body involuntarily recoils at Dean’s words. You take a step back from your brothers. If your vision was not so blurred from unshed tears, then you would have noticed instant regret flash across Dean’s face.
“Y/N/N… I’m - I’m sorry. I didn’t-” Dean reaches out for you but you smack his hand away.
“You of all people can’t judge me, Dean!” you steel your voice. You have nothing to be ashamed of. “You think I’m the whore?” you scoff.  “Can you even remember the name of the last girl you slept with? Or… let me ask you something simpler, how many women have there been exactly? Or did you lose count?”
“Y/N, he didn’t mean it,” Sam tries to deescalate the situation. “He’s pissed and scared for you. But drugs, Y/N? Come on, you have to know that’s not okay.”
You cannot stifle another scoff. “Oh please, Sam. I know for a fact you smoked weed at Stanford... or, I’m sorry, oregano!” you shout.
“That was different! I was older and I wasn’t hiding it from anyone one!” Sam tries reasoning but you’re not having it.
“No, you know what the real difference is? The difference is you guys are Sam and Dean Winchester. You two can do whatever the hell you want and then judge everyone else for doing the same thing. You don’t give anyone else a chance. You didn’t even ask me,” your rage is now replaced with dejection. “Did it even occur to you to ask me about what you found? Or, do you care so little about me that your first reaction is to start calling me names?”
Your brothers assume your question is rhetorical and they remain silent. So, you continue.
“Those condoms, I use them with my boyfriend. We’ve been dating for almost two years and you would know that if you bothered taking an interest in my life. You both have kept this image of who you want me to be. But, you never take the time to actually know me. You know the girl I was and you cling to that ideal because you don’t want to know the woman I’m becoming. If either of you realize that I may actually be grown up then you would have to include me in your lives. And, god forbid that would happen.”
“Having sex doesn’t make you a grown up, sweetheart,” Dean interjects.
“No. But, taking control over my body. Knowing what I want. Sharing myself with someone who loves me. And, taking the proper steps to protect myself, is a step in the right direction,” you say with an unfamiliar firmness.
“Who is this guy?” Dean asks with bitterness.
“Now you care? I’ve been trying to introduce him to you guys for months. Every time I ask you when you’re free, you say ‘we don’t have time sit around and babysit your little friends’. Which basically translates to, you don’t have time to take an interest in my life.”
“Y/N, we didn’t know how important this guy was to you. If we knew-” Sam says with guilty eyes.
“You mean if you knew that he defiled your baby sister, then you would give a shit?”
“We’re not the ones on trial here, kid!” Dean barks.
“No one is on trial!” Sam tries to pacify everyone.
“Alright so you’re in love,” Dean says in a patronizing tone. “But what’s you’re great excuse for the drugs, princess?”
“It helps me sleep. You guys leave for a hunt and I’m left here in this big and creepy building all alone. You guys never answer my texts, so I don’t know if you’re even still alive. I don’t sleep. Every time you two leave I start to panic that you won’t come back. The weed helps me get through the night without being physically sick with worry.” You never intended to confess this much. Your brothers don’t need you adding to their list of things to worry about. But, they had pissed you off and pushed you into telling the whole truth.
Sam comes over to rest a hand on your shoulder. You lean into his touch and finally work up the nerve to look him in the eye. “We’re so sorry, Y/N. We sometimes forget that you’re old enough to fully understand the danger we put ourselves in. And, us sidelining you all the time, probably makes you feel helpless.”
“Maybe if you started taking me on hunts, we could -”
“Not this shit again,” Dean scoffs.
“Dean, we were nearly half her age when Dad threw us into the life. If we train her properly and -”
“Never going to happen,” Dean says as he walks over to pour himself a drink.
“Dean, I’m capable! I’ve been doing research. I’ve been teaching myself to fight and I’ve gotten really good. But, I’d be even better if you trained me.
Dean throws his arms out to the side. “I’m sorry, why are we still talking about this? I said no. That’s that.”
“I’m ready and I want to help you guys,” you plead. You won’t give up. You can’t keep living this way.
“Kid, I know you want to help us but you’d only get in our way. What, you think you can kick around the punching bag we have hanging in the basement and that makes you a hunter? You think you can read Dad’s journal and all the sudden you know everything? You don’t know shit.” Dean is all but laughing at you now.
“Dean, back off!” Sam cautions his brother when he sees the anger building in both his siblings.
“No, she wants to hunt so bad? I say we put her to the test.” Dean slams his drink down steps closer to you.
You don’t back down. You raise your chin and wait. You’re ready to prove yourself. Dean’s large frame is looming over you but you refuse to feel small.
Dean pushes your shoulder but you don’t let yourself wobble too much. You lock your eyes with his and silently challenge him to do his worst. You’ve been training for this. You know the chances of winning against the Dean Winchester in an actual fight are basically nonexistent. But, he is your brother. As long as you hold your own for long enough, he’ll see that you’re ready to learn.
When you raise your fists, Sam speaks up. “Guys, stop! This isn’t the right way to do this!”
“Relax Sammy, this’ll be over before you know it,” Dean taunts.
Before you can throw your first punch, Dean has grabbed your wrist and twisted your arm around your back. He throws you down so you’re bent over the library table. You use all of your strength to squirm out of his hold but he’s griping you too tight.
“Dead,” he leans down and whispers in your ear before releasing you.
When you get yourself upright, you instantly take a swing at his jaw. He blocks your hit and kicks you in the back of the knee so you tumble to the ground.
“Dean! That’s enough!” Sam growls at his brother.
You haven’t had enough. You’re a good fighter and you still have something to prove. You raise yourself off the ground. Before you can get your footing, Dean has gripped you by the throat and is pinning you against the wall.
“Do I need to say it again? You’re dead, Y/N. You will always end up dead because you’re just a dumb kid who thinks she can run with the big boys.” Dean squeezes down a little harder on your throat. “You’ll only get in our way. We’ll have to come save your ass every two minutes while were out on a hunt. You can’t help us. You’re useless.” He finally releases his hold over you and you crumble to the floor gasping for breath.
Dean turns his back to you. You get yourself off the floor one last time. If you keep getting back up, he’ll see that you can take a hit and brush yourself off – just like Winchesters always do.
Dean hears you shuffling behind him. When he turns around and sees you standing with your fists cocked ready for more, he rolls his eyes at you. “Nothing you do here is going to prove anything. We’re not letting you tag along on hunts. So, just give up before you make an even bigger fool of yourself.” He says as he picks up his glass of whiskey.
You raise your fists a little higher and knock the drink out of his hand. “I’ll do whatever it takes! I’m a Winchester! You can’t keep me from the family business. I’m in this life already, whether you like it or not. So, I will always keep getting back up every time you knock me down! I will always keep fighting until you see that I’m in this!”
Dean wipes the spilled alcohol off of his shirt. He nods at you in what you think is defeat. Suddenly, the back of Dean’s hand comes crashing down against your cheek bone. You hear a sickening crack as you crumble to the ground. Pain radiates throughout the entire right side of your face.
Sam lunges forward and pushes his brother back before leaning down check you over.
Dean walks away to pour himself another drink. He comes back to stand over you and Sam. Sam is cradling your shaking form in his arms.
“That’s what I thought, Y/N. You can’t even take one real hit without needing your big brother to swoop in and hold you while you cry like a little bitch. Stick to what you’re good at, kid. Which apparently, is only getting doped up and spreading your legs for your precious boyfriend. Because you’re never going to be a hunter,” Dean says before pulling out a chair and lounging back into it.
You push yourself away from Sam and run to your room.
Sam is too stunned by what just happened to go after you. He is still sitting on the floor where you left him. He looks up at his brother with utter disbelief. “What the hell did you just do?”
“It’s for her own good, Sammy,” Dean says as he polishes off his drink in one go.
“For her own-” Sam gets up off the floor and raises to his full height over his brother. “You just – what the hell is wrong with you? That mark on your arm is turning you into a-”
“A what, Sammy?” Dean challenges his brother to continue.
“She will hate you, Dean. Whether the mark made you do and say those things doesn’t matter. She may not forgive you. She will hate you.”
“Good,” Dean whispers. “I’d rather her hate me and be alive, then her love me but die on a hunt. Now more than ever, with this mark on my arm… I can’t protect her in the way that I should. She needs to stay here. You and me, we know this life will only end bloody for us. But, it doesn’t have to be that way for her. So, yeah… she can hate me all she wants but I will do everything I possibly can to keep her safe.”
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You slam your bedroom door shut behind you. Your initial instinct is to crawl into bed and cry yourself into a stupor. But, the tears aren’t coming. Your anger was overriding your hurt. You pack most of your things into a duffle bag and grab the silver knife you usually keep under your pillow.
You creep into the hallway and hear the faint sounds of your brothers still bickering in the library. When you make it to the bunker’s garage, you see Baby sitting pretty and waiting.
You know it’s childish and a low blow. But, a part of you thinks that Dean cares more about this car then he does you. You find a spare pair of her keys in the key box of the garage and slip behind the wheel. Dean barely lets you sit in the front seat, let alone drive her. You turn over her ignition. You wish you could be here to see Dean’s face when he realizes you stole his precious car to go hunting on your own. However, for your safety, you should put as much distance between you and him as possible. When Dean finds out what you’ve done, he may actually kill you.
Forever Tags:
@phonegalhelp @arses21434 @mogaruke @spn-ficfanatic @winchestersister55
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