Part 2
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Part 1 | +masterlist
Prince!Luke + princess!f!reader
Word count : Somewhere around 1800
*This is rewritten*
"You cannot be serious!" You screamed out in frustration, glaring at the prince. "M-Michael is my best friend! You cannot 'forbid' me from seeing him!"
"I'm just protecting you from him" was his answer. "What? No! You're just doing this because it hurts your dumb male ego! Well guess what ‘your highness’, I'm not going to stop being friends with him because of you and you can't do anything about it!" You glared at him, turning around in one quick movement and stomping away into the castle.
The prince sighed, head hung and shoulders slumped. This is not how he wanted things to go. When he first came up with the proposal, he thought that you would be happy; happy that it was him and not someone else, happy that you'd both finally have a chance at being together, it was all he thought about for all these years. Sure, it may have been somewhat of a reach considering the fact that you two haven't had been in touch in so long giving you enough time to easily fall into someone else. His plan may have not been so practical now that he thinks about it.
All the could haves and should haves start to fill his mind when some clears their throat from behind. Confused he turned around only to be met with green colored orbs staring straight into his blue ones…Michael.
There he was standing in all his might, with an ever so annoying smirk itched up in his face. What was he doing here?
"Soo" Your mother dragged out the word in a cheery tone basically jumping up in the air as she twirled around the dress she had in her arms. You were if being quite honest a little surprised at her antics as the queen usually was more of a reserved person in general. Or so you thought. "Mother"
"Mother!" "Yes dear?" "I don't care!"
The queen's eyes went wide as she searched your eyes looking for any sort of playfulness. "Now quit being so stubborn dear, this is your wedding!" She reasons as if she's talking to a child. "You should be happy and prancing around to make sure they have the flowers right and…and everything's the way it should be!”
You sigh fiddling with the lace ends of your frock "But mother it is not as how it should be. I do not love him and nor does he love me back"
"Oh, hush dear! Do not speak such nonsense! You will learn to love him; I mean what isn't there to love? Such a handsome young prince he is! And clever and smart just like a good leader he'Il turn into one day… He already is" the queen says in an infatuated voice. "He is the one who turned that small kingdom into the empire it is now. If not, your father may not have even given his blessing for you both.”
"So that's what I am now? A business transaction? A reward to seal off a deal?" you ask exasperated. The queen fixes her crown, turning around and staring at her daughter directly, she sighs " I do not understand how to get you to realize this child”
Walking down the creek with your dress bunched up in your hands, you smiled softly inhaling the fresh breeze. Suddenly, a sound of rustling of leaves startled you causing your feet to stop dead in their tracks.
Curiosity taking over your brain you snooped here and there, hoping the intruder would be a certain little rabbit. But what caught your eye was a fluff of blond locks and a pale back, crouched down near the riverbank, doing whatever.
The man seemed to be extremely tall by the looks of his long arms and his never-ending legs that was covered by black slacks and bent in the process of crouching. His shoulder blades were dusted with the tiniest number of freckles and the flesh adorning his body took a fair skin tone, almost the color of a ripe peach, his back muscles tensed as he got up "Hey princess".
The handsome man turned around making your cheeks turn bright red as a smirk crept up on his perfect face. "You know, it is considered unethical to see your man's chest bare before the marriage."
Your eyes widen at his remark, heart rate increasing as your breath got caught in your throat. He simply chuckled at that, loving the fact that he could get a reaction like that from you. You quickly turned around as embarrassment crept up your face, wanting nothing more than to escape his cocky nature.
But then you remember something, a simple detail and with that in mind you turn around. "What happened to your face?" His eyebrows furrowed as he touched his face subconsciously, hissing lowly when his fingertips reached his right eye.
"Did...did you start a fight?" you ask eyes narrowing. "Oh princess, you should know that I never start fights with those who are undeserving" And he's back to his old self again. "Then how did you get a black eye?" you question with a frown oh so prominent in your face.
He sighs as he changes back into his formal attire. The white fabric wraps around his body perfectly shielding his flawless muscles from your greedy eyes. He buttons up leaving the topmost buttons undone which ends up displaying the small blond hairs that rest up on top of his firm chest. "Go back to the castle, Princess" he says picking up his black coat.
"Wait, prince Luke!" he awaits your answer eagerly, surprised at the fact that you were willingly talking to him without turning everything into an argument. "Don't get into fights" you say softly, meekly turning around and walking away, trying your best not to look back. He smiles staring at the path until you disappear from his eyes. Maybe everything will turn out just right.
"You cannot be serious!" you exclaim with widened eyes. "Princess not again! We start our journey to Arostria tonight and be on your best behavior because that is where you will spend the rest of your life and you need to make a good impression with the town's folk." This was absolutely ridiculous! The wedding was supposed to be held in your kingdom, and the day after that was when you were supposed to head off to his kingdom. But as always without your knowledge there had been a change of plans. You didn't understand why though. Your father, the king himself came down to break the news to you just like that. No asking if you were ok with it or anything.
This had prince Luke written all over it! And worst of all you might not get to say goodbye to your best friend Michael.
The creaking sound of the wagon stop all together and after a good minute the door opens to reveal Henry, your footman. "We have arrived Princess!"
You slowly step outside, looking around the gigantic castle. The empire he basically built on his own.
"Welcome your majesty!”
You walked alongside the lake wandering about what you overheard. Was it true or was it not? The maids have been talking and you happened to walk straight into the chamber where they were sat, gossiping about you and your prince. Of course, by seeing the princess they all seemed to be shocked to their very core as they scrambled out of that place like little ants when they are caught trying to steal some sugar cubes.
But you heard, oh you heard some things. Somethings that should have never left prince Luke's chambers. Should you believe some maids over your prince? Well, he hasn't really said anything about the matter. And what are you supposed to do? Ask him? Not a chance.
The rustling of leaves brought you out of your realm of thoughts. "Who's there?" you asked, hoping to meet a pair of blue orbs but instead you were met with a different hue…green.
"'Michael!" you exclaimed, surprised to see him there of all places. "I had to see you" he said softly, taking your hand in his and kissing the palm delicately. "Oh Michael! I missed you so much!" you said as he wrapped his arms around you. It was a little bit inappropriate to hug a man that is not who you're marrying but this was Michael for God sakes! Your best friend who came to see you all the way to another kingdom!
"What are you doing here!" you asked teary, as you parted from his embrace. "Like I said, I had to see you and I have something I need to tell you" You ask him what it is. Eager to help him with whatever. After all, that is what best friends do!
"Princess Y/N, from the minute I saw you that night, the glimmer in your eyes, I-I knew that you were too good for this world. Every day I got to spend with you, it was a dream and right now I have to say this. I love you" Prince Michael said staring deep into your eyes. You stare at him dumbfounded. You only viewed Michael as your best friend. Plus you have feelings for someone. Someone else. "I-Oh Michael! I am sorry but I cannot love you. Y-You're my best friend and I am in love with someone else" you say worryingly.
"What-Prince Luke? Y/N you can't be in love with someone who you are forced to marry!" He exclaimed, his eyes screaming rage. "Michael, I'm sorry but this is the way it is" you reason not wanting to hurt him even more. "No! you don't understand. Look…j-just because you're supposed to marry him doesn't mean you have to love him. We-we can go somewhere else! We can start a new life!" he started rambling.
"I'm sorry Michael but I can't! I cannot do that to prince Luke! I love him! I know I do...I just didn't want to accept my feelings" you start but were you talking to Michael or yourself? He doesn't seem too moved by your speech as he approached you.
"Can I at least kiss you?" he asks as your eyes widened. "N-No Michael! That is inappropriate!" You exclaim taking a step back. "I think you should leave" you said wanting nothing more than to end the conversation then and there. He takes a few bold steps and in one swift movement his lips are pressed to yours while his hands are firm on your hips holding you in place. You of course, try to push him away but he's too strong.
"What the fuck?!"
Tags: @ash-attack-ley
A/N : Hey! Thank you for reading! Feedback is always appreciated and my inbox is always open for you guys<3 So what do you guys think about 5sos5??? Emotions and Flatline are my faves!!
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Prince!Luke Masterlist
a kingdom of hearts (but not of love) (ao3) - orphan_account luke/ashton M, 12k
Summary: luke's a prince. well, a prince who loves to wear dresses and loves girly things. however, he feels though he's missing that special someone in his life. although it may just change when he meets a special prince named ashton.
or the one where luke's basically a princess, ashton is his soulmate, and things get in their fucking way before they fall in love.
Cinderfella (ao3) - orphan_account luke/ashton T, 1k
Summary: "Mother, I do not want to have a ball to find my 'wife'!" Luke complains, as his mother grabs another invitation off the large pile.
"Oh, honey, you don't have to find a wife," She says, and Luke sighs, sinking back into his seat, thinking that he was finally free.
"It may be a husband," She finishes, and Luke shoots up.
"I am not gay!"
come alive and bring the thunder (ao3) - merlypops michael/luke, past luke/ashton E, 36k
Summary: Prince Luke of the Faeries is forced to marry King Michael after a War between kingdoms threatens to tear their lives apart... and maybe Luke and Michael fall in love too. Maybe.
Crowns and Riches. (ao3) - snickerz luke/ashton G, 9k
Summary: Prince Luke meets Stable Boy Ashton, his mother informs him that he is betrowthed to be married, he agrees at first but starts to develop an untold amount of feelings for the boy which are later returned, he is faced with the dilemma of what he is expected to do vs what his heart and soul is telling him to do. (A whole lot of fluff)
i'll be yours truly unbelievable (ao3) - princesshemmings (deludedlarry) luke/ashton, michael/calum E, 17k
Summary: This was an incredibly stupid idea. He didn't even know anything about this guy (unless you count that he knows his name is Ashton and that he has pretty eyes and curly hair). He could be one of those 'dangerous' people his mother was always talking about. But he took one look at Ashton and immediately knew that he wasn't going to hurt him. Call it intuition or just plain idiocy, but he felt that he could trust this stranger. Then again, he didn't have a lot of experience with strangers. Whatever. Fuck it.
AU in which every country in the world has a king and queen. Luke just so happens to be the prince of Australia. alternatively titled: why are my titles always irrelevant all time low lyrics
I'm Sitting Eyes Wide Open And I Got One Thing Stuck In My Mind (I Don't Wanna Fit Wherever) (ao3) - Migs michael/luke E, 5k
Summary: Michael and Luke celebrate Valentine's Day.
OR: Luke is a Prince, Royal puppy fancies Calum (who can blame her?) and there is sex and proposals.
It’s a hell of a ride (loving you) (ao3) - PazloveMGC michael/luke G, 6k
Summary: When luke is a prince that has to save his kingdom and michael is the villian
Mary on a... (ao3) - hrts4julienbakr michael/luke G, 1k
Summary: Prince Luke is trying to run away, things get weird (and fluffy)
Rebel Heart (ao3) - orphan_account michael/luke M, 292
Summary: According to Greek Mythology, humans originally had two pairs of arms and legs, and one head with two faces. Fearing the power they can sustain, Zeus split them apart with his lighting, forever condemning them to find the other half of them for all eternity.
Prince Luke Hemmings had yet to find his soulmate.
or a soulmate au in which Luke is a prince and Michael is the rebel leader.
That One Name (ao3) - TrashTrashTrash michael/luke T, 2k
Summary: the one where Luke has a sucky life but one day Michael comes and fixes it
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taxinealkaloids · 8 months
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two b-list sons of God and a second-rate resurrection
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dicenete · 1 month
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I just wanted to draw the 8 princes of Rhodolite side by side, trying to think about their height differences and different body types. I suppose these might be my headcanons? I'm sure there are lot of things you learn about them in their routes and such so if those things are not present it is because I haven't played their routes.
I'm still bit peeved that Licht's sprite looks like a stick when he is the head of the army of Rhodolite. So I will not stop giving him some mass. I made Luke bit more burly, (How about making him a BEAR?👀👀) because I have gotten the idea that he is a warrior too and not just lanky and tall. I wanted to respect their sprites so I didn't go too wild.
IkePri Tag Team:
@scummy-writes @goustmilk @solacedeer @m-mmiy @mxrmaid-poet
@pawnkyyy @ludivineikewolf @violettduchess
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neerons · 1 month
Yet another reason to kill Chevalier…
Let’s just pretend Clavis invented smartphones and tried to impress Chev with his camera skills
There's also no way he would ever call himself ugly
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aliferousdreamer · 3 months
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lunasglow · 4 months
“They bullied Aemond!!!!!!”
the bullies in question:
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sol-insidious · 3 months
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"...I love you too, you Jedi-waking sap."
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yourdearestenemyluke · 5 months
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Rhaenyra tracing aemonds line of sight back to lucerys and gets distracted as jace jumps in. Aemond does not give a fuck about anyone else he just wants his hands on lucerys 🤣 nyra has seen this film before
Absolutely love the fact we establish here he does not care he's been hit by jace or even made the toast for rest of the brothers, but did it only to provoke and get near lucerys and the fact nyra notices 🤣 she knows obsession when she sees it
And yes that twitter account is mine
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madame-fear · 5 months
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★ amira speaks!: this was requested by my most beloved @juliavilu1, I hope you enjoy this dear and it was what you expected! I found it super fun to write. Thank you for the idea! 💕 ˗ˏˋ ꒰ summary : being the daughter of Lord Bartimos Celtigar, a close ally to Rhaenyra Targaryen, you have grown up next to Lucerys Velaryon; your childhood best friend... And crush. By the time you receive the news of his betrothal to Lady Rhaena, you distance yourself for years, not even being able to attend her funeral after dying during childbirth. But when Lucerys finds you once again in King’s Landing, attending a feast his mother as Queen had invited you to, he decides that he won’t easily let go of you. ˗ˏˋ ꒰ word count : 21.3k (this is the longest I have ever written 😳)
˗ˏˋ ꒰ genre : Friends to lovers, angst to smut ˗ˏˋ ꒰ pairing : Lord!Lucerys x Celtigar!Reader
WARNING.ᐟ THIS FIC CONTAINS ; jealousy, slight angst, Rhaena dies during childbirth, slight mentions of blood, neck kissing, praising, reader’s first time, body worshipping, P in V, seated missionary, unprotected sex, creampie, and overall soft smut.
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“Do you think we will be able to avoid war, Luke?” you inquired sheepishly, craning your head to stare at him.
The soft sound of the seawaves clashing against the beachshore was the only thing heard amidst the night as well as the faint noise of the cool windy breeze, bringing a soothing comfort. Both Lucerys and you laid on your backs against the sand, quietly admiring the bright stars in the darkness of the night as you spoke to one another. Arrax peacefully slept by your side; his pearly scales glistening under the moonlight.
It wasn’t unusual for you to surreptitiously sneak away from your chambers late at night with your childhood best friend Lucerys Velaryon whenever your family visited his own at Dragonstone, only for him to take you towards Arrax, fly on dragonback around the Dragonstone castle, and lay down on the beach before having to return to your private quarters. Ever since you grew up a bit, that was a common routine for the two of you to follow.
The war was imminent — inevitable. No one wished to provoke it, much less his mother Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen, but everyone knew it was there, and the time to prepare for war would eventually come. You dreaded the mere thought of it, but you always sought and found comfort by simply being by Lucerys’ side.
The realm was coldly divided, and his mother Rhaenyra would have to fight hard for what was her birthright. Such times were complicated to deal with, and you knew you would have to be greatly prepared for what was yet to come... But knowing you had a great loving friend to rely on, was all that soothed you.
Or at least, you wished to think of him merely as a great best friend. It was quite obvious what you genuinely felt for him, despite you wouldn’t even admit it for yourself — yet, you were endlessly teased by his and your own family. You — in a flustered manner — always disregarded such teasing remarks when they mentioned how head over heels you seemed for him, but deep down inside, you knew there was some truth to it.
At your question, his head tilted towards your side to stare at you. A soft huff escaped from him, feeling uncertain on what to answer. “Well,” he began, frowning slightly. “I’m not quite sure, my dear.” his nicknames to you had always been endearing, and they never failed to make you timidly grin. “We can only hope so. But I’m afraid, war is always inevitable.”
A frowny smile appeared on your lips. While you wished to believe war could be easily avoided, part of you knew Lucerys was right — war is always inevitable. You knew you had to prepare yourself for the worst, and in like every war, your Houses would have to get good allies. And with alliances, came betrothals — and knowing how most betrothals were — unwanted, unhappy, or both — you dreaded the mere thought of having your parents choose a Husband for you. If you could, you would choose to get betrothed to Lucerys; but you knew that situation was solely hopeless daydreaming.
The young Velaryon Prince knew about your discomfort regarding betrothals, and he always made sure to comfort and soothe your mind out of such thoughts. Though, Lucerys daydreamed as well about having the chance of choosing you as his wife some day. You were the only girl he had ever laid his eyes upon, and desired to have — and he knew he would be able to give you all the love and care you deserved to have in the world.
Unfortunately, as expected, Luke got betrothed to his cousin Rhaena. It wasn’t bad, since he got along her, but she clearly wasn’t you — the one Lucerys only longed to have.
A few moments of silence loomed over you, being only able to hear the way the tides clashed against the beach shore, occasionally hitting against some small shells or rocks. “I don’t want to get betrothed just now, Luke.” you muttered quietly, fixing your gaze on the sky, which despite being dark, the stars scattered across it and the moon brought some calming lights. Lucerys stared at you with his hazel green eyes in a dreamily manner as you spoke. “I wish I had the full liberty of choosing whomever I want to marry, instead of praying in hopes of receiving a sweet, kind husband.” you continued, “If we all had such liberty to choose the person we truly love, everything would be less complicated.”
And he couldn’t agree any more with what you said. But his betrothal was already settled, as much as it pained him. “I know. It would be less dreadful, and it would feel less… Forced.” a soft sigh escaped from his lips, frowning briefly. “And I wish I could break off my own betrothal, but I have no word against it.” there was certain reluctance coming from him in telling you, but sooner or later, you would have to know about it — and he would much rather tell you about his betrothal himself. Furrowing your eyebrows in confusion, you didn’t waste a single second in turning your head around to stare at him, believing you misheard him. What did he mean with… ‘Break off his own betrothal’?
Propping your body with your elbows in the sand, your staring remained on him. “What? What do you mean?” doing the same thing as you did, he slightly laid on the sand, but used his elbows to prop himself. His rosy lips partly opened as he was about to begin explaining, but you kept talking. “Luke, are you…” the words trailed off for a moment, lingering on your lips before you could say them. It felt bitterly venomous to even acknowledge Lucerys had already been betrothed. It couldn’t be, you wished to deny it. “You are betrothed, already? To whom?”
As you awaited for his response, you could feel your heart loudly thumping against your chest, to the point it was as if it nearly escaped from your chest. Swiftly, his tongue passed over his lower lip, huffing faintly. You didn’t seem very pleased at the news, and neither was he; but it was eventually expected. “I have been betrothed to my cousin Rhaena.” he began. A soft scoff escaped helplessly from you, clenching your jaw discreetly. “I got betrothed to her the day we went to King’s Landing for the first time after years.”
A knot had been formed quite tightly on your throat as you attentively listened to his words. Your chest rose and fell continuously as you managed to hold yourself back from allowing the tears threatening to spill to expose how you felt — seemingly making your emotions worsen with the dreadful passing of the seconds. Your heart dropped abruptly, and it was a burning pain mixed with jealousy. You knew this day would come, and every passing day it was overwhelming to even be reminded of him getting betrothed, and you as well.
“I see.” you managed to mutter, swallowing all your own emotions that seemed to wash over you violently. You didn’t even know how to answer, you felt perplexed at the sudden situation. “Well, it was expected for both of us to eventually betrothe someone. At least, she will be lucky to have you as a husband.” gods, each word that came from your lips was one more painful than the other. Saying them felt like poison, completely bitter.
A frowny smile appeared on his lips, as he gently took your hand in his, squeezing it ligthly and caressing your skin with the tip of his thumb. In a sense, he tried to soothe you by giving you some physical affection like he always did, but it felt more painful than comforting. “I hope you find happiness and are very much loved with her, Lucerys. Because you deserve it, and you deserve to be appreciated every day of your life.”
It seemed as if you nearly spew out those words dreadfully, and you were; but as well, you genuinely wished for him to be filled with an immense amount of love... The same immense amount of love you could give him every single day, until your last breath. Love killed you, thorned you apart brutally — but there were duties to follow. And you couldn’t easily object against them.
Lucerys had known you ever since he had memory, and probably, he knew you better than you could possibly know yourself. The prince noticed the struggle in your features, and the faint voice tone that managed to not break in between words. You felt upset, and it blended along notorious sadness simultaneously. Softly, he exhaled, and leaned closer to you, close enough for you to feel his sweet boyish scent, while he continued to tenderly squeeze your hand in his own.
“I wish the same for you, (y/n). And even a thousand more things, more than you could imagine.” closing your eyes slowly, Lucerys pressed his lips against your skin, smooching your cheek. Gods, if only you could feel his lips against his own, and savour him. “I have never met someone like you. I hope you get betrothed to someone who knows how to cherish and pamper you properly.” he was wishing you nothing more but mere well-being in every sense, as were you with him — why did it have to profoundly hurt the way it did? A shaky sigh escaped from your lips, opening your eyes slowly as he pulled back from the smooch in your cheek.
The look you carried in your eyes made his heart sink. In a way, instead of noticing how you had to hold back the way you truly felt, he preferred for you to talk to him about it, but Lucerys knew that wouldn’t possibly happen. “Thank you, Luke.” was all you replied, a bit shortly. Softly, you stood from the ground, progressively letting go of his hand. And even so, his warmth ghastly lingered on your delicate skin.
His hand returned to lay on the ground, feeling the small grains of sand under his fingertips, watching you stand up with his green eyes. “I think it’s time for me to return back to my chambers, Luke. I do not wish to rest late, or get scolded by our parents.” giving you a single nod, he rapidly stood up along you, briefly shaking off some sand from his clothing. “I understand, and agree. Let’s go, before anyone finds we aren’t in our chambers.” a small, sheepish grin tugged lightly at the corner of his lips, notoriously trying to lift off the tension felt looming in the atmosphere.
You hesitantly returned the grin Lucerys offered for a few seconds, and followed him towards Arrax to fly back closer to the rocky castle — the pearly coloured dragon seemingly feeling the emotions of his rider, and awakening from its sleep. Swiftly, you climbed into the dragon’s back, right behind of Luke, and wrapped your arms tightly around his body as he commanded orders to his dragon in what you understood as High Valyrian. While you clung to his body, your cheek rested firmly against his back. And while you wished to enjoy the last dragon ride before having to return to your chambers and have a deep rest, your mind couldn’t help but keep wandering off to his future marriage to Lady Rhaena.
The warmth emanating from his body was bitterly endearing, having the need to keep clinging to him as if your life depended on it. But you knew, the more you grew up, that you would eventually have to learn to live with the friendship you maintained, and perhaps, keep certain distance to respect the each other’s betrotheds to yourselves. And despite acknowledging that, you weren’t willing to suffer from a heartbreak, or longing for his soothing touch.
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Years had passed since you had been told of Lucerys’ betrothal by none other than himself, got married, and was officially named as the Lord of Driftmark.
Throughout all those passing years, you had kept in touch with him. Raven letters were often sent by him, and you replied back. But ever since Luke got betrothed and married his cousin, you had decided on keeping your distance with him as much as it hurt you; and even if you still wrote letters to one another, your feedback was short and slightly cold at times. Your visits to Dragonstone were delayed, and most of the times if your father had to have a meeting with the Black Council, you now rarely travelled along him.
Lucerys noticed your cold distance immediatly. From the moment he observed your reaction to the news of his betrothal to Rhaena, he knew you had done your very best to put on a straight face without your voice breaking, or tears spilling from your watery eyes. Your abscense was more hurtful than anything else. All he had to cling to, was the shared memories of your sweet laughter, whispered gossiping to one another, and how you never failed in comforting one another no matter the inconvenience.
Of course, he had the replies y he received from your letters; but they didn’t seem as light and sweet as they used to be, they seemed gloomier, and distantly cold. Lucerys adored you, even more than he could possibly adore his wife — as bad as it may sound — and himself, and if he had the possibility of changing his betrothal, Luke would have immediately broken it off just to marry you.
Recently, you had been informed by your father that Lucerys’ wife and Lady of Driftmark, Rhaena, along her newborn babe, had passed away during a difficult childbirth. Not only she had lost too much blood trying to give birth to the child, but as well the babe had taken too much time until it finally came out; and it was too late for both of them, immediatly passing away together.
Guilt burdened on you upon hearing the news. Especially, when you reminded yourself about the negative thoughts and bitterness you naturally had about her — yet, you couldn’t never have wished for such tragic event to happen. And the burden weighened even stronger when a traditional Velaryon funeral was held for her, and instead of assisting to it and visiting Lucerys to check on him, all you managed to do was solely write a letter to him offering your deepest, genuine condolences.
You had to admit to yourself, you felt wrongly awful for not having enough strenght of seeing him once again in person, but you were afraid of it being too awkward, or making him feel worse about the situation somehow. You didn’t want to further avoid him, however, you did, despite not wanting to admit it to yourself.
Until, destiny seemed to push you towards him, without you consciously realising. An invitation had arrived to you, from none other than Rhaenyra Targaryen, whom had managed to become the rightful Queen after winning the war against the Greens, and she was throwing a feast in King’s Landing. Much like you had done with Lucerys when his wife and babe died during childbirth, you had merely sent Rhaenyra a raven letter congratulating her for winning what was her birthright — for being the True Queen.
It had been years since you last saw her personally as well. Ever since you were a child, she had treated you as if you were her own sweet daughter, and she was like your best girl friend during your childhood, and teen years. After such victory and at the invitation to her feast, you never doubted in accepting in a heartbeat. And shortly after accepting to attend the feast, you prepared yourself to travel to King’s Landing.
A mix between eagerness and nervousness lingered on you during your travelling to King’s Landing. Of course, it was all because of the mere excitement you had after not seeing her and her family for many years, and you felt keen in properly congratulating her personally, and chatting together. Perhaps even to meet other allies of hers.
As soon as you arrived to the feast in King’s Landing, the atmosphere felt far more calming than you remembered. The environment was beautifully decorated, just properly for the feast. Soft, lovely music played in the background the moment you got into the feast, meeting other Lords and Ladies in there, and of course, you had the chance of seeing Rhaenyra once again after such a long time, greeting her cheerfully and even getting to chat a bit with her to catch up on how your lives had been.
As the time passed by, you decided to go chat with some other Lords and Ladies. And to have some fun with yourself, you kindly accepted the hand of a Lord that had offered himself to dance with you, amongst other people dancing. You had long forgotten about you own worries, giggles continuously spurred from your lips as you danced with another Lord, talking together about things that didn’t matter much. Gracefully, your dress spun along your gentle movements, and the jewellery you wore jiggled.
From afar, the young Lord of Driftmark, Lucerys, stared at you with both his arms behind his back. His green eyes carefully observed your every delicate movement, helplessly feeling a tinge of jealousy overwhelm him slowly and dreadfully at the sight of you laughing along the other Lord. Gods, you seemed even more precious than he remembered. More mature, and with such beauteous features that made his eyes remain fixed on you. It surely couldn’t be a coincidence, for you to be there, Lucerys had to approach you, and chat with you after many years of exchanging brief raven letters.
With gentle footsteps, Lucerys walked towards you. Your laughter was as endearingly sweet as the last time he had heard it during your shared youth, nearly intoxicating. Carrying a gentle grin, he cleared his throat as he stood next to you, and the other Lord. Both of you turned your heads around to stare at the person clearing his throat, and when you spotted Luke, your breath stopped for a moment. Your eyes went slightly wide, noticing with surprise how tall Lucerys had grown in comparison to when you were younger, nearly towering you, and how matured he looked. Your breath hitched as you fought back a timid grin, feeling your heartbeat thump rapidly against your chest. The way he stared at you with his green eyes… Seven Hells, you could melt right there in the spot.
“My Lord, my Lady Celtigar.” Lucerys greeted, and you gave him a single bow down with your head. As his gaze moved from staring at the Lord briefly, he then stared at you; his eyes lingering on your features for a few long seconds. “I hope you don’t mind, if I steal the Lady Celtigar’s hand from you?” a faint rosy hue crept on your cheeks, as the other Lord immediatly agreed with a smile, giving Luke a final bow with his head before bidding goodbye, and leaving the two of you alone — which, that’s just how Lucerys wanted to have you. All alone for himself.
As Lucerys offered his hand to you, you took it right there, walking with gentle footsteps as to dance together, just like you were doing with the previous Lord. “My Lord Velaryon,” you greeted playfully with a shy grin. “I’m pleased to see you once again.” the atmosphere was far from tense, as you would’ve imagined. You did feel slightly timid around him, but merely because he looked intimidatingly precious, and fully matured like a proper Lord — far from the shy, insecure young Prince he used to be.
Placing your other hand on his arm, you gently danced around together amidst other dancing Lords and Ladies, continuing to hear the gentle music in the background. “I could say the same, my Lady. You’ve grown to be even more beautiful than you already were.” immediatly, you scoffed at him, trying to dart your stare elsewhere as to hide the notorious blush growing across your cheeks. “Oh, shut up, Lucerys. If you think that about me, what is there left for me to say about you?” But Lucerys noticed your fluster right away, and along your teasing retort, it all served to fulfill his pride.
As he gentle held you, spinning around together softly while dancing, silence briefly loomed between the two of you. It wasn’t a bad silence, but the more the seconds kept passing, the more it left place for your own thoughts to occupy your mind. And the burdening guilt had returned to you. The guilt of knowing his wife and babe had died during childbirth, and not having been there for Luke when he surely needed it the most. Your tongue swiftly passed over your lower lip, faintly clearing your throat.
“I-I’m terribly sorry for what happened to Lady Rhaena and the babe, Luke.” you muttered shyly. The young Lord looked down at you, attentively listening. “I also apologise for not having been there for you. I should have.” gently, his thumb passed over the hand that held his own, smiling down at you. “Don’t apologise. You really don’t have to, I understand.” some relief washed over you at his words. “I did receive the letter you sent me, and that was enough for me. I don’t want you to apologise for anything.”
Helplessly, your grin widened at hearing how Lucerys softly comforted you. The warmth of his thumb running across the skin of your hand felt just like the last time he had touched you like that. It felt as if your skin screamed to be touched by him again. “Thank you, Luke. I really did miss you. I hope you know I never stopped thinking you, not even for a single day.”
His eyes twinkled gently. While it was fun to tease you on the inside because whatever thing he said it made you become immediatly flustered, it was now your turn to feel a sense of pride washing over you at the sight of his pale cheek turning a dark shade of red. Lucerys had greatly missed you, and your absence was notoriously felt by him. How could he not miss you, his dear friend... And the woman he so dearly adored more than anything?
“I have missed you terribly as well, vēzos qēlossās ñuho, more than you could possibly imagine.” my sun and stars, as he often fancied nicknaming you. Another trait you had missed from Lucerys, was all the nicknames he had only for you, and no one else. Luke knew just how much you loved High Valyrian, and how you appreciated hearing him talk in it, and he wasted no time in teaching you, and talking to you in Valyrian.
“I have needed you by my side more than anything else in my life. And now, the Seven have brought us back together.”
One thing the young Lord had for sure, is that now that you had returned right back into his arms after yeaes of not seeing each other, he wasn’t willing to let you escape so easily from him. You weren’t going anywhere.
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Hours had passed since you arrived in King’s Landing and joined the feast. The nerves you had through your travelled had long washed away from you, now feeling a state of tiredness from all the dancing, laughing, and hyperactivity — and also, you still felt the keen emotion remaining on your veins of seeing Lucerys again, and having great fun with the boy you had always held deep into your heart, unlike no other.
An exhausted, yet gentle huff spurred from your lips as you reached the dimly lit chambers to spend the night in, and get some proper rest before parting back to where you belonged. The wooden door slightly creaked, shutting it closed behind of you the moment you entered. And as soon as you were in, your fingers immediatly moved in a lazily hurried manner to untie the laces from your dress.
You already had enough fun for the day, and you couldn’t await any longer to surrender yourself into a deep slumber. Beginning to open your dress slightly to free yourself from your clothing and change into a nightgown, your eyes were half lidded with tiredness. And before you could manage to fully undress, a hushed knock outside your door was heard. Furrowing your eyebrows in confusion, you turned around.
“Come in.” you chirped gently, curious at who knocked on your door late in the evening. The door was swiftly opened, creaking once again, only to reveal Lucerys. It was hard for you to fight back a smile at the mere sight of him. As soon as his hand closed the door discreetly behind of him, you could feel his eyes curiously lingering on your body, admiring it as your dress was loose. “I’m not interrupting anything, am I?”
Trying hard to fight the blushing in your face, noticing the way he took in your figure for his own delight, you shook your head. “N-No, of course you aren’t. I was just preparing myself to sleep.” you explained, “I supposed you were already in bed?” in response, Lucerys simply shrugged. “Yes. But I couldn’t really sleep.” he replied shortly. His arms were both hidden behinds his back, gently approaching you with quiet footsteps.
Your eyebrows kept furrowed, awaiting for him to keep going. Some moments of awkward silence remained on the atmosphere, noticing how Lucerys seemed to struggle whatever he had to tell you. His hazel eyes remained on the ground, before raising his sight and staring at you. “I can’t sleep, knowing you’re finally here with me, after all these years.” he managed to whisper out. It seemed slightly shy, but at the same time, you knew his words were genuine.
“When I say I missed you, I truly mean it. I wish I could have seen you more often, like we used to do in our youth.” nibbling discreetly on your lower lip, you stood stiff in front of him, playing with the hem of your sleeves. “I never cared about whoever I married. That was supposed to be part of my duty as a future Lord—” abruptly, Luke paused for some seconds, before continuing. “—But the only person whom I genuinely adored ever since I have memory, and never stopped thinking about, was you.”
Lucerys stood right in front of you, shadowing you slightly with his height. Your sight was raised to stare at him in disbelief, feeling heat rise your cheeks. Nervously, Luke placed his hand on your cheek, beginning to caress your skin with the tip od his thumb. “You have no idea how I have longed for you; how not seeing you as often as we did when we were younger made me need you more than anything.” his thumb slowly moved towards your lower lip, brushing it. Your lips partly opened, losing yourself on the way he gazed down at you.
“I can’t hold back the fact that I love you. I’m in love with you, and I would anything to prove it to you, and have you by my side for the rest of my life.” for him, in a way, it was a relief to get those words off of his chest. Lucerys was undoubtedly devoted to you, and he never laid his eyes upon anyone else, but you. Unconsciously, you allowed the weight of your head to fall against the palm of his hand, melting at the feeling of his thumb stroking your cheek sweetly.
Without answering, your eyes were fixed on his own for a few seconds, appreciating the silence that had formed between the two of you. Suddenly, you tiptoed, firmly gripping his clothing to quickly pull him closer to you as he leaned further, and your lips immediatly locked against his own for the first time ever. Kissing him was an urgent need that you desperately craved. After many years of daydreaming about savouring the taste of his lips, you finally had the opportunity to do so, and you took it.
His lips tasted like seasalt, and at the same time, they were endearingly sweet, as well as plump. Initially, your actions took Lucerys by surprise... But much like you, ever since he had fallen head over heels for you, not one day passed without him fantasising about holding you in his arms, tasting your lips, and being more intimate with you. You kissed with such vigor, and so fervently that neither of you were aware of what you were doing, or were even aware of your surroundings anymore, as Lucerys placed one of his hands behind your neck, pulling you closer to deepen the kiss.
You were desperate to feel his body pressing against yours, to feel his warmth seeping into you. You wanted him, and you needed him. Your hands caressed his chest as they moved up and down, playing occasionally with the buttons of his clothing, trying desperately to gain some kind of feeling for his skin. Quietly you gasped as Lucerys abruptly pulled away from your lips, leaving you heavily panting, just like he panted. In disbelief, you stared at him notoriously desperate to keep kissing him, and he softly scoffed.
Sliding one of his hands on your waist, he moved to sit on the edge of your bed, falling down into the mattress with a huff. His hand then patted gently his lap. “Come. Sit on my lap.” he offered, smiling at you invitingly. Happily obliging, you did as he offered, immediatly approaching closer to him just to sit on his lap, weighing on him very softly, and wrapped your arms firmly around your neck. A smug grin appeared on his rosy lips as his hands were on your waist, caressing you with his fingers slowly.
You pressed yourself tightly against him, lowering down your face to press a smooch agaisnt his lips, to which Luke rapidly reciprocated. “You should sit on my lap more often.” he whispered, trailing kisses from your cheeks, lowering himself to your jawline, and approaching your neck. “It makes you look prettier, more than you already are.” his hot breath against your sensitive skin made you shiver softly, gasping as he spoke in a low tone, and kept pressing tender pecks on your neck.
One of his hands that rested on your waist moved slowly downwards, attempting to lift your dress to slip a hand under it, grasping your skin. Throwing your head back to give him further access to your flesh, you hummed quietly as your eyes were closed. His sight was raised to stare at you, as his other free hand played with the laces of your dress. “May I keep kissing and touching you?” you opened your eyes, looking down at him. A smile tugged at the corner of his lips, scraping his nails across your skin teasingly as one of his hands was under your dress, touching your leg.
If it were for him, he could take you right there, and pamper and show you just how much he adored you more than anything else in the world. But his mother taught him how to be a proper, respectful gentleman — he preferred to have your full consent before allowing his impulses to act by themselves, especially when it came to treating you.
You returned the way Luke gazed at you, with warmth and love, shyly smiling down at him. Leaning closer to him, lowering your face, you placed a gentle kiss onto his cheek, resting your lips there for several seconds. Luke’s lips curled into an easy smile, feeling your lips against his cheek, and gently craned his head slightly to kiss your lips. “Yes, you may. And you don’t need to ask for my permission, Luke” you agreed, closing your eyes once again, allowing him to continue with exploring every inch of your skin with fervor.
Lucerys leaned forward to place feather light kisses along your collarbone and on your throat, his touch almost feverish as he took you in his arms. He continued to pepper kisses on your neck, moving to your breasts, and your chest began to ache from how hard your heart was beating. You growled silently as one of his hands began untying the laces of your dress, loosening your clothing from your body as his lips focused on placing tender, yet desperate kisses on your breasts.
Writhing slightly on top of him, quiet moans spurred from your lips needily. Your hips began grinding against him, sliding a hand behind the back of his head, interwining your fingers between strands of his brunette messy hair. The sound of your muffled moans were drowned out by the sound of your pounding heartbeat, the sensation so sweet that you couldn’t help but feel the need to do it again and again, until it became unbearable.
Unable to wait any longer, you bit your lip sharply to suppress another moan. Your body tensed as Luke lifted your dress by it’s hem, up to your stomach. “You’re so precious, I could take care of you—” he whispered, interrupting himself briefly, moving his hand to caress your stomach with his fingertips in a slow, dedicated manner, until they travelled downwards to play with the waistband of your underwear. “No, I will take care of you so perfectly — like you deserve to be taken care of.” beneath you, you could feel his growing erection poking against your clothed, moistened genitalia; achingly throbbing in need to feel him.
It felt as if you were dreaming. Such things could occur in your fanaties — and yet, you were. Overall, despite the notorious eager wave of emotions washing over you, you felt rather nervous. It was the first time in your life you would ever have such intimate moment, only having known about what other ladies experienced, but never having the opportunity of doing it yourself. What comforted you, was the thought of Lucerys being there to guide you through, and knowing just how gently delicate ans patient he always was around you.
You swallowed, as you were pressed firmly against his lap, grinding against each other unconciously; the room being filled with your heavy pants. One of his trembling hands moved in a hurried manner to unbuckle his belt, loosening his trousers and rapidly lowering his pants. Attentively staring at his actions, your breath sharpened. You placed your hand on his chest, catching his attention. “Luke, wait–” you whispered, nervously.
Lucerys’ eyebrows knitted in worry, being afraid he might have pressured you, or even made you feel uncomfortable, as he patiently awaited for you to continue. “P-Please go slowly, and gentle. I-It’s my first time.” you awkwardly admitted, keeping your gaze elsewhere timidly as a blush crept on your skin. A sigh of relief escaped from him, knowing you were merely wishing him to go slow and gentle.
He quietly chuckled, pressing his lips against the corner of your lips, and placing several kisses on that zone as his other hand cupped your cheek tenderly. “Of course, my love. I wasn’t planning on treating you otherwise, either way.” your eyes closed as a smile grew on your own lips, feeling loved and pampered by the young Velaryon Lord. “Please continue, Luke. I need you.” you whispered back, moving your head to meet your lips with his own.
A growl of approval came deep from his throat. The hand that cupped your cheek let go of it slowly, and moved downwards towards his underwear, tugging on the fabric. He removed them quickly, before leaning forward to place light pecks on your lips once more as your own shaking hands removed your panties, sliding them through your legs quickly and tossing them apart.
Once he did lower his underwear, he pulled away slightly, resting his forehead against yours. “If you wish me to stop, tell me. I could never try to hurt you in any way, my sweet.” Lucerys spoke softly, almost shyly; and who could blame him? You were as delicate as the petal of a flower. But you didn’t want him to stop, not now.
You gave him a small reassuring nod, encouraging Lucerys to continue. The young Lord smiled to himself, finally pulling out his erection, feeling it’s tip poke against your wet folds, rubbing himself teasingly; which made several groans escape from you. You straddled him, wrapping your legs around his waist. His panting became heavier, ocassionally hitching his breathing as your moist folds grinded against his tip, which leaked precum. Both his hands gripped firmly your waist, trailing kisses all across your neck in between gasps.
Slowly and carefully, moving his hips, and helping your body move down to him, his erected member slipped inside your tight entrance. Initially, the stinging, burning sensation of your inner walls being stretched made you groan; immediatly hiding your face in the crook of Lucerys’ neck, and digging your nails deep into his skin. His arms were wrapped tightly around you, staying still at the sight of your reaction, looking down at you with concern.
“A-Are you alright, love?” Lucerys knew ladies took their time until they adjusted themselves during intercourse. And for you, Luke was willing to be as patient and loving as he could possibly be. With a hitched breathing, clinging yourself to him as he peppered the top of your head with kisses, you nodded weakly. You awaited until you adjusted to his size, feeling your slick increase as it leisurely turned into a pleasant sensation.
“Y-You can continue, please.” you mumbled in a whisper, placing a soft kiss on his shoulder blade. A smile grew on him as one of his hands caressed the back of your head, playing with the strands of your silky hair lovingly — as if Lucerys admired every bit that composed the entirety of yourself. And with a gentle movement, holding firmly your waist with one of his hands, he kept pushing further inside slowly. A high-pitched groan escaped from you, moving down on his cock.
Your soft moans and pants became louder, the more used you became to the feeling. Despite your sweet sounds encouraging him to go further, his movements remained gentle and slow, yet deep. “G-Gods,” he breathed out, as you moved your face, encountering his own, to press a quick sloppy kiss. “Y-You feel so tight, and you take me s-so well, issa jorraelagon—” continous growls escaped deeply from his throat as your pussy tightened around his erection with each penetration. “I-Is it okay if I move faster? I-I promise I will still be gentle,” he inquired in a low tone, moving his green eyes to stare at you, awaiting to know if you felt comfortable and ready enough. You nodded vehemently in approval, nibbling down your lower lip to hold back your pleasured grunts.
Desperately, beginning to progressively move faster — much to your delight, heard in your high-pitched whines —, his lips found their way to your sensitive neck, making you throw your head back to give him more carnal access. “S-Seven Hells, your skin f-feels like I’m kissing soft silk, you’re beautiful.” he praised, using softly his tongue to pass it across the soft spots in your neck, occasionally nibbling on them while he pressed you all the way down against his throbbing cock.
“A-And you taste so sweet. F-Fuck, I adore you.” a soft fleshy sound accompanied the simultaneous pants spurring from your mouths, which then became slightly loud moans despite the urge of holding them back. His hips moved upwards, making his thrusts against your wet cunt become more intense, hitting deeply against your sweet spot. With each pound against that one spot, his name escaped relentlessly from your mouth. “L-Lucerys,” you growled, as his lips continued focusing on your neck, throat, and moving to your collarbone; in each kiss, a cry of pleasure spurred helplessly from him.
“I-I love you. I love you more than y-you could possibly imagine... More than anyone else.” he murmured into your neck, sucking and nipping at the tender skin there with the gentlest touch he could muster. With each word that passed between his lips, a moan left you with each breath, his hips moving even harder as he let himself get lost in your intimate encounter.
This wasn’t like having intimacy with his previous, now deceased wife — that was done for mere duties and responsabilities; to bring heirs to Driftmark, the ones that would sit in the Driftwood throne. This, was an intimate act strictly out of love. It was a moment Luke always longed to have with you, the person whom he truly desired unconditionally, and the one whom he was willing to give his entire heart and soul, and all of the love that he had. “Skorkydoso kostagon ao sagon sīr vok, se gevie? A-Ay jorrāelan–” (how can you be so perfect, and beautiful? I love you.) You owned his heart, and you most certainly belonged with him.
As his pace quickened, you were able to grab onto his shoulders to support yourself without letting go of him, feeling his muscles tense underneath your fingertips as he continued to move into you. He was going fast enough for both of your bodies to come undone with a mix of ecstasy, but at the same time, pure love that was expressed in his gentle — yet intense — thrusts, kisses, and words of praising. Your slick was coated well enough all across his throbbing member, making it easier for him to slip in and out of you with fervid intensity.
A knot formed inside your stomachs the deeper and faster his thrusts were against your moistened cunt, hitting against your overstimulated folds. Your violently legs shook as they were firmly wrapped around his body, while he continued to hit your sweet spot that made you absolutely weak, clinging to him needily the closer you felt to coming. Both your arms were around his neck, slightly digging your nails deep into the skin of his back.
The panting that escaped from both of your lips intensified, becoming loud growls and moans as the knot inside your stomachs tightened, feeling as if it was about to loosen at any moment. His cock became harder inside of you, pulsating; as you couls feel your own slick coming down faster. Eagerly, while one of his hands remained gripping your hip to help you with your own movements, his other hand went to the back of your head, intertwining his fingers in between strands of your hair, pulling you closer to him.
“Avy jorrāelan,” (I love you) Lucerys whispered against your lips, grasping them against his own. “Nyke kostagon mērī jorrāelagon ao.” (I can only love you), he continued, as his lips needily locked with your own, tilting his head slightly as to deepen the kiss, feeling your intensifying hot pants continously hit against your skins. You could feel your orgasm approaching, your core tightening as your stomach twisted in an increasingly uncomfortable way.
A loud groan escaped deep from your throat against his lips as you felt your walls tighten around his pulsating cock, milking him, and your own cum violently coming down as a flush of wetness. His hands firmly gripped both your hips, pressing you all the way down his shaft. A loud groan pleasantly escaped from him, feeling his cum shot several spurs inside of you, provoking in you to feel warmth in your stomach.
“Fuck,” he cursed under his breath, parting is lips aqay from you briefly, resting his forehead lazily against you. A grin curved on the corner of his lips, chuckling breathlessly to himself as both of you tried to calm down from your simultaneous orgasm and release. His fingertips caressed your hips with a shaky movement from the arousal, remaining buried deep inside of you.
Copying his previous actions, you released a panting giggle. “I-I quite liked that, Luke.” you whispered, rubbing the tip of your nose against his own lovingly. Humming contentedly, Lucerys returned the affection. “You have no idea how much I missed you, my Lord Velaryon. And how many times I imagined for this to happen.” a faint rosy pins hue formed on his cheeks, as his chest rose and fell slowly, trying to catch his breathing.
Without thinking it, both his hands cupped your cheeks, and his lips began exploring your face by littering you with delicate kisses — tresting you as if you were made of glass. “My sweet princess,” Lucerys whispered, not fighting back a smile. His index finger fell to your arm, moving it downward to explore your skin, feeling it delicately on his digit, until it reached your hand. “I could say the exact same to you, and many other things. You are so perfect, physically and personally, I would despise it if any other Lord had your attention.”
Immediatly your arms were wrapped against his neck again, giggling as you placed your lips on the tip of his nose. Gods, his heart was melting at how much pure love and desire he felt for you. It could combust from being overwhelmed at his own affection. His green eyes fluttered shut, allowing to be pampered in those little kisses coming from your pretty lips, leaving their warmth on his flesh.
Lucerys let his head tiredly rest on the crook of your neck, inhaling discreetly as to feel your endearing honey scent intoxicate him. How could he have not missed you? And now that you were there with him, having had sexual relationships and shared kisses and feelings, you weren’t going to so easily escape from him now. Merely remembering how you distanced yourself after his betrothal felt like a burning, stinging pain on his heart.
His arms were protectively wrapped around your waist, growling in delight quietly. Lazily, Luke placed a kiss on your shoulder blade, opening his eyes to look up at you staring at him adoringly.
“Nyke jāhor daor ivestragī ao jikagon, issa prūmia. Ao jāhor daor dakogon qrīdrughagon hen issa dombo.”
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♡ taglist : ♡
@jjamieberry @anemicroyalcore @countsmoon @beeebo234 @manuholland6 @keiratonks @kyuupidwrites @tchatso @phantasyy @tasty-nutella @mstxdes @valeriecash @cookielovesbook-akie @zzz000eee @bellarkeselection @feliuuuksks @visenya-reigned @maria699669 @mariaelizabeth21-blog1 @sweethoneyblossom1 @jamiemydeer @snowprincesa1
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archangel-lucerys · 27 days
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"Mother, eat me and give birth to me again. this time around i’ll make you proud."
Rhaenyra Targaryen and Lucerys Velaryon
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The one with the Aunt a prince!luke one shot
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His majesty took a seat on the royal table, scoffing at his mother's glare, rolling his eyes at his aunts and finally winking at the brunette maid causing her to almost spill the water jug onto the kings lap. He also had the audacity to act as if everyone around the table wasn't giving him the death glare. "Lucas, you are very late! Is this how you greet your aunts? Hmm" his first aunt's obnoxious voice range through the castle.
"Hello aunt Helen, I must say I'm not even the slightest happy that you're here. So please, do say how much of the gold pennies you've had your eyes on so we can move this along." He said in the most polite voice his mother has ever heard coming out of his mouth. The women's eyes almost popped out of her head as she narrowed her eyes into two slits scanning the room to find her two sisters shocked expression. Her youngest sister who also happens to be the queen of the land seemed to find the plate infront of her rather interesting. The king seemed to have a hard time trying to stop the corners of his lips from twitching upwards. The same maid from before seemed to have a reddened face as she held eye contact with the smirking prince.
Aunt Helen huffed, turning from her seat to the queen. "Dear, how many times have I told you that place near the kingdom border? They teach discipline in the most acceptable way. Surely you can't have a king with respect as him" "Oh yes with me out of the way you can.." "Luke that's enough" his mother told him with a pointed glare. Aunt Helen shuffled comfortably in her seat. Munching on a pea never felt so good. "Now tell us why you're late dear" His other aunt the one who was quiet for all this time spoke up. "I was umm doing some research of sorts. Yes a research on how to get rid of leaches" his majesty stated giving an amused smirk while catching his aunt Helen's response towards his clever answer. Luke = 01 Aunt Helen = 0 "Well now that's out of the way let's eat! Oo what is this?!" The prince exclaimed stuffing a mouth full of the baked good in front of it. "That's um aunt Helen here bought it and it's um.." "Oh let me tell him darling. It's one of the signature dishes from my land Lucas. And guess what's the special ingredient is...Snails!! Yes they are very nutritious" Aunt Helen exclaimed proudly with an evil glint filled in her eyes. "Well that's grea-" The prince stopped mid sentence, the chewing process slowly discreasing as he took in the new information. His face turned a bit of white as he gulped down the bolus. Ooo bad idea. He cringed at the taste, feeling saliva fill up his mouth. Aunt Helen = 01 Luke = 01 Aunt Helen's smirk didn't last long as she was dragged into one of the infamous conversations the three sisters had. The king, who was silent upon all of this chaos looked to the side to see the situation his youngest son had fallen upon. He couldn't help his lips from twitching upwards as he saw how the prince was clutching the edge of the table, knuckles turned white and legs bouncing out of nervousness. "Nope..no" the prince mumbled out quickly stumbling out of the dining hall, crashing into the white porcelain statue of his great great grandfather and nearly breaking the neck in half.
A/N : Hi, thank you sm for reading this!! And I would love some feedback if you guys can, don't be afraid to ask me anything :-)
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the bear 🥺
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slaymiedrysdale · 8 months
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463 notes · View notes
dicenete · 14 days
IkePri Suitors!
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I shaded these quite quickly o.o I just wanted to get this out of my system xDD
But here we are ^^ I tried to color pick the skin colors from the sprites, and well there aren't much diversity here.
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neerons · 1 month
Nokto Klein’s "cherry flavored" ✨ glitter ✨
I kept imagining Nokto with this audio and had to do this 🤣
Poor Emma has had enough of his shit
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