#presonal post
theshehulkproject · 4 months
Day 5!!! Of an ice storm! I had been doing pretty well with the particulars: getting out and walking (shuffling) for an hour on the half inch of ice literally coating everything. Every slight incline becomes a tiny sledding hill. Today was even more slick, by all accounts: some light freezing rain has made all the surfaces that much more slick. I decided to stay inside because my stairs were a death trap but now I DO feel incorporeal and like my brain is wrapped in several layers of an itchy sweater so.
I guess I should read something—that always makes me feel real
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pr3st0n-the-cl0ne · 4 months
I went to the r34 site just to see if there was any of you, hoping there wasn't, but. ..
There were two of Riggy r4ping you...
And that was it...
I hate people...
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lady-snow-flower · 1 year
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singalittlesong: Still not sure how to campaign for prom queen, but maybe a coffee can help! 😂 Shoutout to the Hatter’s staff for always making the perfect cup of cappuccino...now if I could only think of a campaign slogan... 😅 #SwynlakeProm 
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n0ct0urn1quet · 5 months
just found out someone i used to be friends with about 3ish or more years ago is still continuing to stalk my blog when i assumed they'd stopped at Least a year ago, or a few months ago, or whatever
so i know you're reading this man. you found my friend's tumblr account that they haven't even posted on in months and there's no way you would've foudn them had it not been through my blog and me posting an ask with their username in it. you even FOLLOWED them. what the fuck man
i. don't know what you're trying to gain here! i honestly don't. do you just enjoy stalking your victims. or do you want something. do you WANT me to talk to you?? cause if that's what you're trying to gain here im not gonna fuckin fall for it lol
we haven't spoken in 3 years. grow the fuck up, stop stalking my blog, stop stalking the people i follow, stop stalking the people i like posts from, and just. i dont know. just leave me be. leave my friends be, leave my mutuals be, leave my girlfriend be, just. Stop! you're a 22 year old stalking a fuckin minor!!!! do you realize how insane that sounds????? is that not fuckin weird to you??????
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yalikejazz9 · 1 year
Remember kids,
Don't get attached to your dnd characters, if you do, you'll make a Playlist for them, and if you make a Playlist for them, you'll eventually find a song that suits them enough that you consider it their theme song, and eventually, you'll listen to the the song, and think, Damn, I feel kinda bad for traumatizing that bitch, and then you'll be sad.
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smallchaoscryptid · 2 years
sometimes when im having a rough week and feeling unloved and unimportant my friends with say a little something and ill feel im at least important to them
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akwolfgrl · 2 months
I've had an idea for a while now, but I don't read much one-piece modern aus. (Opps I posted a little to soon lol)
Sanjis life is similar to cannon. He ran away when he was 8 and found Zeff when he was 10 had to return to his birth "family" at 21. He grew up with the younger gang, Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Usopp, and Chopper.
Sanji and Zoro were roommates in college, just as they finally confess thire feeling for each other. Sanji dissappears, and no one can find him, and the police are of no help. 8 years latter Zoro after returning home from a major Kendo championship, runs into Nami and a child of 6 years old with curly eyebrows.
Turns out Judge demanded Sanji marry Pudding (18 not 16) or eles he would charge Zeff with kidnapping and/or ruin his business the reastrunt. Sanji recltuntly agrees to this deal. The Vinsomkes were a once powerful family that are losing that staus but still have enough to get away with shit.
Pudding was in love with someone eles but also didn't have a choice in this marriage and after becoming pregnant (with she didn't want but didn't have a choice) had bad post partom and did receive help from a therapist for it but she kept dissapeing. For awhile, she would evently come back, but one day, she never did.
Sanji was able to get a divorce but had to sign a contract that he would work exclusively for the Charlotte Family. Devopling recipes and useing as many of thire products in cooking vedios as ge can. (They make four, suagr, cooking and baking utnicles, they make premade baked goods. All sorts of things.) Robin was his lawyer In all of this. That's how he met her and Franky. He moves back to town when it's finally safe to do so. He moved back while Zoro was out of town and was finally able to reconnect with his friends and real family.
The reason Nami is babysitting is because Sanji is showing off a new project to Katakuri, his main concatct to the Charlotte's.
Pudding does come back after the divorce and sees her daughter once a month. Part of the reason she dispared is so they could get a devioce. When Zoro is dating Sanji, she makes sure he's good for them both. She did care for Sanji she just was in love with someone else and wanted her own life. Wanted to make her own decisions and be her own preson.
Sanji has a flouting home that he and his daughter live on. Franky designed it with help from Usopp.
At some point, I'm thinking that the vinsmokes show up again. Judge wants to marry Sanji off again to someone eles. However, Sanji is no longer a Vinsmoke, and Robin made sure the Zeff would be under Big moms portcestion as well.
Zeff is very involved in his granddaughters life and definitely thinks Sanji shouldn't have gone, that he should have put up more of a fight, but what's done is done.
I'm thinking something sweet for the little girls name, but I'm not sure what. Uncle Kat is her favorite of her mothers and her father's siblings. She has only met Reiju once but not the other 3.
Zoro-swords he is going to run the dojo with kuina (not dead in wheel chair)
Nami- works as a fashion bloger/model
Usopp- writes and illustrations children's books
Robin- lawyer
Brook- in a band
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theshehulkproject · 5 months
18, 21, 25!
18: A memorable meal this year?
The first one! On New Year’s morning, my friend pulled out all the stops and had a fully gluten free crepe party/brunch for my friends who had come to town for New Year's. She served one round of savory crepes. Oh wait, I found a picture of the menu she made.
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it’s not so much the crepes as it is… just the love that’s stored in that meal. The wonder of setting the table and then sitting in the coziest kitchen with my friend who is 6 watching my best friends bustle about the kitchen. Reading bits of a literary nonfiction book aloud whenever something catches my fancy. Truly the Wendy Cope Orange poem of meals.
21: What’s something new about your place of residence (room, home, or general location) now vs the start of the year?
I moved! Once upon a time I lived in a low-ceilinged basement apartment, but then I found a newt in it (!!!) and found that the floorboards were full on molding. I freaked out and moved out to a second story apartment that’s my favorite place I’ve ever lived alone—just enough space for me and my cat, more sunlight, and a covered patio!!! That my dad and I converted to a catio!!!
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25: Did you create any characters (in games, art, or writing) this year? Describe one
@starlit-mansion you are the only one who knows about them!!! But I’ll tell everyone else as well.
Sometimes before bed I'll look at exchange Original Works writing prompts to full-contact juggle in my brain while I'm drifting off. I found a prompt for The Goddess of Telepathy/The God of Jewelry/The God of Time and I got so excited I couldn't sleep for HOURS. Before too long I had three solid characters and a whole pantheon set up, it was a beautiful thing. I still think of them constantly, but this is the most I've written down about them for a long time:
The Goddess of Telepathy is basically the goddess of deep knowing; the goddess of mountains and whalesong and the feeling that rocks get when rivers run over them for a hundred years... and also like 15 actually telepathic humans but they all try not to make too big a deal out of it. She's big in every dimension: tall and fat with the confidence of an opera singer but the serenity of someone who meditates every day. Her skin is the light brown of willow bark and she wears exclusively drapey, toga-like clothing.
The God of Jewelry is a real gremlin of a man, who was once the Goddess of Jewelry but then he made a golden phallus one time and decided it was his. Where his wife is still and serene, his hands are always in motion, always fiddling with the incredible amount of jewelry he has on at any time. He wears sort of a punk-rock military-style jacket and has dark skin with locs that have all kinds of beads in them. Very important: He always has a small living golden frog that spends most of its time as an ear cuff and might be his familiar? possibly a help in the jewelry forge?
The God of Time is just a mess.
I love these three but I might love them too much to commit them to an OW story? Someone did request them again for Holly Poly, though, so I might try to make it work for that? We'll see.
(I have other OCs that I haven't told anyone about, also based on OW ship tags, and I could share if you want but also it's late and I might have to go to bed.)
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finnitesimal · 3 months
you reblogged that old ask about pissa ever going anywhere with their relationships and i've had some thoughts about this topic and it's probably gonna become a little bit of a rant so no pressure answering or even reading it's your askbox of course. so firsts things first jusr as you said the the answer to that task missa would definitely have to be more present on the server for this to not fall flat and feel very surface level. that being said the ender king stuff that's been going on with phil could potentially be a catalyst for things to move forward but personally i don't know if i like this idea 100%. while it is crucial to phil's character because well it's his lore! i presonally wouldn't like missa to become just an extension to him and a plot device for his story. i'd love missa to have more developement on his own or with other people first because as you said yourself a lot of the times when he's on the server him and phil barely leave each other's side.
the thing with phil ignoring missa's feelings in a way is that it could be easily attributed to him being a repressed old bird, which well, he totally is. and the threat of the ender king constantly looming over him and his loved ones definitely doesn't help with opening up to people these days. but that's where a lot of developement could happen for him and he's already been talking more to his eggs so hopefully he can exchange that trust and honesty to missa soon. and if it takes the ender king to do it then so be it i have more faith in missa being open about things on his own accord than this guy.
honestly i think i saw a post similar to what i'm going to say but i really hope the prison kiss will push some unspoken boundary between them that makes them perhaps question some things or move forward. i'm personally any type of pissa enjoyer but i just hope they can confront each other at some point and talk about how they feel. there's a lot of potential for a very sweet story here it would be a shame if nothing ever happened with it. i know it's probably wishful thinking but hey i can dream.
also we don't really know how the server is going to look and to what extent it's going to be reset but it could be a good chance for them to hang out more if let's say some bases get yeeted or they need to gather resources. or even if the bases are untouched it feels like a good moment for less active members to join since there's been a little bit of pause. what i'm saying is missa please log on more it's really crucial to this.
i do agree that Missa should get to write his own lore whether it coincides with Phil's or not, he doesn't seem to be into scripting interactions with the others he's more likely to just start playing a bit and then bouncing off that for his cubito's story (spreen's betrayal and him leaving roier's house for it, kidnapping by wolves, being in love with phil, fortnite cheese putting him in prison) overall there's no evidence missa's gonna be involved in the ender king plot in canon unless he and Phil have talked about it
definitely think having a lot of new untouched space could take most of the pressure out of just walking around and seeing everything expand so quickly and being worried about building somewhere someone might have already claimed or on someone else's grounds
canon romantic pissa is still up in the air but ccphil and missa are most definitely aware that they're playing into a traditional romantic love story, theyre gonna have to decide if it'd be better or funnier to keep pivoting around the subject and drive everyone on the island insane or to get the ball FUCKING rolling
I'm going to Have Faith that he will log on more. I'm going to Hope and Pray. Calacaland will prevail
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millie13883 · 4 months
Heyy bbgs
I wanted to say happy new years!!!
@frizbluey i wanted to say i love you and your art and Estella,😏 i love her gyat but you are my favorite preson in the welcome home famdom
@natasha-allfluff hey i also wanted to say i love your post and chatting with you about animals and the ships you make with gf oc they are both adorable and happy new years
@kimmyisachiisaiakuma hello cookie monster i am going to start calling you that because you love cookies and i am agreeing with you cookies are wonderful but i love your art work i love the stuff you do keep up the work i do for give you when you were trying to eat me on roblox you are funny and amazing love you kimmy♡
@idiot176 Van hey i love you your work and your my favorite preson in the whole world even tho i sometime get me mad but i will always love you♡
@gesterrayisazloykhorek hey mori :3 i love your art you are funny and amazing also sweet and i love you so much i glad we met too
@ericadrws hey i love your art you are so good at art you are fun and amazing your oc is so Adorable:>
@officialrinyx hey rin i love your art keep going you are funny and amazing love your Art and ideas:]
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btstwtarchive · 7 months
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130916 [text] 그런사람 요깅네?? ^^ [Trans] This kind of preson right?? ^^
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ARMY NOTES -Yoongi is referencing a series of tweets he posted the same day, in which, he jokingly asked if the reason ARMYs discovered Bangtan was becasue of "a white-colored handsome guy who raps".
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janesgms · 5 months
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kinda random but i have asteroid tantalus at FORTY ONE DEGREES of declination???? i'm shocked lol that's so out of orb it's crazy - side note: the right term is out of bound but i have an habit of calling it out of orb including my older posts lmao. just for you to have a notion: my asteroid tantalus is conjuncting my other asteroid young with a 0° orb and my asteroid young is in the 23° degree of declination (out of orb too)
in case you don't know, declination is the measure of a planet/angle/object's latitude - apart from the flat plane we see our chart usually when it shows the normal degrees that is measuring the longitude - in this perspective is represented projected through the ecliptic equator of earth. this is a vertent of astrology that's pretty cool to analyse and it helped me a lot to fill my chart researches.
with declination, we can mainly look at the two "missing" aspects: parallel and contral-parallel, the first has the effect of a conjunction but with only the positive traits (which i presonally consider kind of a trine but a lil bit stronger specially if tight) and the latter has the same effect of an opposition but not as strong.
now about the out of bound (or out of orb like i like to say but i know is wrong 😭) part, is basically the degree of declinations of planets/angles/objects that are further from the maximal declination of the sun (23°26'), and this gives them a totally different energy that can be both good and bad. i'm gonna detail this on other post maybe... so guys, 41° is really wild lmaooo specially considering what tantalus represents. for you guys to have another notion, my boy's tantalus is in the same sign of mine really close to it but its declination is 4° 💀
anyways let's end with the praying bart because if my theory is right then the hole is way downer then i thought. actually i'm thinking of so many theories about this matter lately and i'm anxious to do so but scared of people's reactions to be honest, i just need to put my thoughts in order inside my head first and read a little more so let's be patient with myself
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obs: please if you do not believe or study or whatever with declinations and anything on here, just pass ahead, i am not trying to force anything of what i believe to anyone and i am not a professional. i'm just doing it as a hobbie and because i have fun doing this, i love gathering knowledge about this and i do believe in this matter, it makes sense to me, but i totally respect who doesn't and you should respect me. and remember: many of astrology is unknown and a mystery, and it doesn't matter for how many years you've studied and read, you'll never know everything and you'll never be the absolute truth. the key to astrology is having an open mind and trying to see beyond the surface and the obvious or the stereotypes sorry for the ranting lol
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thueenz · 6 months
for real though that post is so true on the love front i think about it all the time like why is everyone so LOVELESS not even just in like cishetero marriages where they hate each other just in general like platonic too. it drives me craaazy when im exposed to it like why are ppl like this !! why dont you love your friends and partner!! its like everything is a social game that theyre playing just for validation and lacking real connection and its a game where theyre always about 2 steps away from being bitter and hateful towards their friends/lover like STOOOOP! im someone who values love and kindness so much and it baffles me. why do you hate your partner! why do you talk about them like theyre an object of validation! why are you dating someone you clearly dislike! why are u so mean to ur friends behind their backs im cryin. why do you up and abandon them the second you get a partner bc you dont value them over the romantic validation you get. ive always been such an affectionate person at heart and i value what my friends say so much and i always find myself feeling so distant from people in relationships because they just feel?? so shallow?? and distant from me. like i think oh this preson gets me but theres ppl who say the same things how they value kindness and love but its always like, immediately clear they are actually a deeply mean person and just enjoy feeling like theyre 'good'. the way society functions with relationships feels so intensely shallow and i cannot connect to it at all. i love my friends and i love people and i always want to understand them and reach out with compassion and be close to them physically and emotionally speaking and talk a lot and listen to them. however im cursed to live in a world of 1 word responses if any at all and shallow relationships where no one gaf about each other and then i get told i talk too much. hello? *tapping mic* hello? is this thing on? be filled with whimsy and love going forward please. anyway does anyone else feel this way or is it just me feel free to talk about it if youd like
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griffonposting · 8 months
WOAHHAHOAH!! preson! heloo!! com meet wif, @whitepikminposting !!
I am. One second away from screaming . What
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arkhammaid · 2 months
Hi Anne! I've been thinking of sending this ask for a while now, so here I am.
I've been following you for a while now and got to experience your developement of writing (x Reader Fics, Crossovers, AO3 Fics and now SMAU's) and I wanted to say that I think your journey as author is incredible! So I wanted to ask, what has helped you? In general for writing but also finding inspiration? Because I know you somewhere mentioned that English is not your first language, which is the same for me.
I too have ideas for Fics, but writing them is a bit intimidating, if not scary to me. So I would be very interested to hear your thoughts and advice!
Thank you in advance and have a nice week!
hi there, dearest anon! thank you so much for your message, it's always so lovely to receive them <33
some of my thoughts, advice and more below the cut!
(please note that i'm kinda rambling here, i tried to sort it out but.. yeah, take your time reading through it!! and as always, not edited/proofread LMAO)
so first of all, here is an awesome post about writing advice (focused on smau's) by @formulafics. please check it out, because all of this can also be applied to any other fic form
the most important part, before anything else: write whatever you want!! it's your time, your passion, it's your work.
reading: reading in english helps so much! but not only just regular books, the classics or bestsellers, fics as well! by reading you get to know and learn so many different writing styles, influenced by the time, genre and presonal preference. believe it or not, but i went from an A2 (borderline B1) level to B2/C1 level within months. i consumed all kind of media in english (movies, books, news, i even set my phone to english) speaking: speaking with native speakers or even fluent speakers helps especially for dialogue specific skills. it helps with general use of the language, which can be learned by eather studying or reading. i've been texting and speaking mostly in english with my best friend for years now, also having started during lockdown. her english was much better than mine, so i learned much from her, even if she didn't correct me! writing: start writing! be it small ideas, essays, or just some notes. anything in which you apply what you've been learning actively will help you to basically cement that knowledge in your mind and will make you more sure footed in your use of language. don't hesitate about mistakes, there is no reason to worry! you're still learning and mistakes can help you to advance further. i started fic writing in german and then did the scary jump to english years later... if i would read the text now, which i produced and posted, well, i would shudder to be honest. but i'm still proud of it, because it's my first fic in english, the first big step! and even now i make mistakes, but that's totally fine. because these mistakes don't stop me from being creative, instead the encourage me to do better.
german: my second language. german is a difficult language, especially if it's not your first. i was lucky enough that my mother encouraged me to read, she spent so much time next to me helping me read my first books in kindergarten and she flueled the passion by going to the weekly library visits during primary school. i've always been ahead of many other students in my age (as arrogant as this sounds), simply because i devoured books at any time i could. i had a phase once where i read around 40 or so books in a week... so yeah, my vocabulary was and still is advanced for my age, and i never had to study the grammar rules, i just knew them by feeling and always passed the exams. i have no idea if you could ever gain that kind of... level?? in a language, because my childhood has been filled with books and i only stopped reading german books in my teens, so at least 6-7 years of my life were filled with me just... reading. because of this, and because i didn't have much tv as a kid (i got my first phone at 14, which was kinda late compared to others) i have a vivid fantasy. reading fluels your own creativity, the ability to imagine!!! words paint pictures and you have to think of what happens between the lines yourself, so yes, a big contributor to my creativity goes to the thousands of books i've read (yes it's thousands, i work at the library we've been going when i was a kid and i can still access to the account information... i was curious don't come at me) rp servers: surprise surprise! a big help and a way to practice your writing are rp servers. i have no idea if they're still a thing but i've been in (german) rp servers for years now. it not only helps you practice your writing, especially dialogue, but also how to create plots (within plots), and how to write a character. either one that already exists or your own. it helps you to develop and build your character, grow with it, which has also been a good way for me to characterize the people i've been writing! frigga, my first marvel rp character, will always be dear to me. i took her because other characters i would've loved to write for the first time were already taken, but i'm glad i picked her in the end. experimenting: writing fics is all about what you like. what characters you like (or write in spite, it really depends), what fandom like, which style of writing. so it's important to experiment! do you like dialogue heavy fics? or focus more towards world building? or is it smau fics that have caught your eye? if something interests you, try it out! there is no wrong or right, as long you have fun, it's all good!! it took me YEARS to find a writing style i like, especially in longer fics. i especially struggle with filler scenes, scenes that connect two important things happeneing or even a long scene that spawns over two pages. so now i'm writing in snippets, different povs and it works out perfectly for me! don't worry if you don't immediately find something you like, it will take time. and your current prefered writing style can always change, so nothing is set in stone!
books: well, as i already mentioned, books have been a big part of my childhood. so i have so many ideas stored in my head, simply because i've somewhere read something similar! be it classics or a niche book, any work can be an inspiration for a fic (or even another book) music: music has also been a big part of my life. as piano player, i enjoy classical music, but also songs with lyrics. i once wrote a fic inspired by a k-pop song, simply because i've been listening it on repeat. daily life: so many stories, fics, books, plots, movies, etc. are inspired by real life stories. be it by something that happened to you, to family, or someone you don't know, our life gives so much inspiration to create wonderful plots! other media: movies, series, literally anything can be an inspiration to your fic! be it a trope, or even to fandoms smashed together, there are so many ideas and plots out there, you will never go out on creative ideas. BUT! it is also important to note, if you ever take some heavy inspiration of someone else idea's, credit them! CREDIT THEM!!!
if you have any idea for fics, for a work, write it down!! don't make the mistakes like me and say "oh yeah i will definitely remember that, i could never forget this idea" YOU WILL. or at least, you will forget major ideas and then you will be sad :(( and we don't want that. so. write that shit down!!! never delete any written work! no matter how frustrated you are with a fic, never ever delete something. even if it's just a passage. you can always revisit it later, or write something based off that. maybe you'll even like it after some time. experiment!! i've already said it, but!! experiementing is so important. trying out, finding yourself, what fandom you wish to write for, how you want to write it, everything!! nothing will work for the first time, it's okay to be frustrated, but only if you try something out, you can develop your skills and grow as a writer and most importantly... have fun!! writing is something beautiful, you're creating worlds with mere words. you should feel happy with your works, even if you don't share it with others, because this is YOUR work. as long you're not harming anyone, only the boundaries you set are the boundaries you have!
phew, that should be the most important things... i hope this has answered your questions and can help you on your journey as writer <3
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narrators-journal · 2 months
Why the ask box is being emptied.
So, I took the day to chill, contemplate a few things, and generally just. Decide how I felt about some shit that's been going on. And, I have decided that emptying my ask box and taking a lil request break is a good idea.
Not that I don't enjoy the asks and the well wishes from everyone! I just, don't have the mental energy to be under requirements rn. Because, I have a heavy, heavy mix of mental issues.
From the classic depression, to presonal insecurities and self-worth problems, and it sort of goes up and down on the levels of awful. And the past month has been a slow decline into the 'down' portion of that. Add on top of that, some life issues, money trouble, and shit like that, and I'm in no headspace to write well.
So, this blog is NOT going on a hiatus, I WILL be posting writing still, but I'm going to just, lower my personal expectations. Let myself have a break from the fear of not being up to snuff or meeting expectations. Because! That's the only thing I can control for myself.
So! If you sent me an ask, and I didn't get to it. I'm sorry, I feel horrible that I couldn't deliver, and I hate turning down asks. But, I hope you'll stick around, and once I get more things sorted and come back from my ask break, you'll still be happy to offer your ideas. For now though, I'm off to write and draw for myself for a while, and hopefully recharge the batteries.
Thank you to everyone who understands and sticks around!
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