#post fixed sry ^^
felassan · 6 months
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EA site update:
"The Dread Wolf Rises Dragon Age Day 2023 Happy DA Day to our friends across Thedas!"
"[Mark] Dragon Age has always been a franchise about characters. Characters to fall in love with or to learn to loath. Those characters need a place in which to live, to fight, and to love—a place that shapes them and the events they find themselves swept up in. Today we explore the place they call home that forms the stage for everything that you do: Thedas. Corinne and the Dragon Age: Dreadwolf team have created a game that celebrates the rich and varied past of the franchise while crafting new experiences and stories. It has been incredible to come back to BioWare and see all of the progress they’ve made, and I’m excited for some of that world to be shared with all of you today. [Corinne] Thank you, Mark! I fondly remember playing each entry in the Dragon Age franchise, being completely immersed and enamored in the world you all had built. It amazes me to be here now, working alongside you and the team, to bring new stories and characters (not to mention a few returning characters) to all of the fans of the franchise. Dragon Age: Dreadwolf is the product of hard work and love. We know how much this world means to all of you, how these experiences stay with you. We want to get it right, so we’ve taken our time. We're so excited to join in this celebration of all things Dragon Age and the incredible fandom that surrounds it. Within the dev team, we’ve been eagerly awaiting Dragon Age Day as the enthusiasm, stories, charity, and artwork you share motivates us to be our best and create new experiences for all of you. To celebrate DA Day, we’re sharing a look at a few of the in-game locations you’ll explore on this new adventure (and perhaps a little more for those who listen closely). The stage is set. The Dread Wolf is ready to make his move. Oh, and one last thing before I go… In summer 2024, we’ll be fully revealing Dragon Age: Dreadwolf to you! We honestly can’t wait. See you all in Thedas, — Corinne Busche, Game Director & Mark Darrah, Sr Production Advisor"
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"You’ve visited the lands of Thedas thrice before in our games and many more times in comics, books, art, and short stories. This time, you’ll be venturing to places unseen and returning to places from long ago. To celebrate Dragon Age Day, we wanted to show you some of those sights. [link to new trailer] We stand on the precipice of change. This is a world brimming with stories and characters waiting to meet you. The fate of this world teeters on the edge of a knife. In past games, you only got to see a slice of the world. In Origins, it was Ferelden—a land ravaged by war and Dark Spawn. In II, it was Kirkwall and its locales—festering with corruption and a dark underworld. And in Inquisition, you ventured across much of Orlais—facing down political intrigue as often as combat."
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"This time, however, much more of Thedas is yours to see. The desolate, beautiful badlands of the Anderfels with curtains of distant mountainous spires. The twisting canals and gleaming towers of Antiva, where Crows may lurk in any shadow. The turquoise seas of Rivain with its rushes of greenery and hardy sea-faring people. And of course, there’s more."
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"We felt this was best for the tale we wanted to tell this time and we hope you enjoy it as much as we have! It’s allowed us to create many more locations than past games, including both some you’ve longed to go to…and some you’ve never heard of before!"
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"To help capture the wonders of Thedas, we partnered with three wonderful artists from our exceptionally talented community and gave them an early look at what you’ve now seen. We’ve always been so fortunate to have such an incredibly skilled community of artists, and getting to work with these three was a true joy! We asked each of them to create a vista of one of the three regions in the video based on their interpretation of it in their own unique styles. Please enjoy their wonderful work, and be sure to send them some love when you check out their personal channels for more of their art!" [link to art]
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"Turning our focus to your closest kitchen, if you’re looking for a fun gift this holiday season or want to try some Thedosian dishes yourself, we’ve got you covered with Dragon Age: The Official Cookbook: Tastes of Thedas from our partners, Insight Editions! This project was lovingly crafted by the author, Jessie Hasset, as well as members of our team who have an affinity for the kitchen and a love of cuisine."
"The cookbook features recipes suited to all skill levels, but we know that jumping in may be a daunting task for some. To help you out, we’ve partnered with MisoHungrie, a wonderful YouTuber who specializes in cooking, with a particular knack for video game and entertainment-related dishes. If you’re looking for a place to start on your culinary journey, check out his video and follow along. And be sure to let us know what you think of these Thedosian delights! In addition to this, there are two giveaways you should keep an eye out for! For the first, our friends over at Insight Editions are giving away five copies of the cookbook on their social channels, so be sure to check them out. And it doesn’t end there. For those of you who decide to try your hand at making a culinary delight from the book (including one of the ones we’ve released separately), be sure to follow our own Dragon Age social channels for the second giveaway. Keep an eye out for the opportunity to submit your creation for a chance to win a BioWare Gear Store package, including the brand-new Morrigan romance bundle! Details on that giveaway will be posted next week."
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"As we mentioned earlier this year, we’ve partnered with Dark Horse to create a digital package of all their comics for Dragon Age and Mass Effect on Humble Bundle. Visit the Humble Bundle page to find out how our partners are working to support Child’s Play, an organization that seeks to make the lives of children in hospitals more comfortable through the enjoyment of games. There’s no better time than the holidays to bring a smile to someone’s face. BioWare is also supporting a few local charities this month that focus on helping the most vulnerable in our communities via food banks. This includes the Edmonton Food Bank, the Greater Vancouver Food Bank, Les Banques alimentaires au Québec, and the Central Texas Food Bank. All of them provide food to thousands of people each month and rely on kindhearted donations and volunteers. If you’re wanting to give back this holiday season, please consider supporting Child’s Play or donating to your local food banks. Many communities also accept non-monetary donations of canned, dried, and packaged goods, clothing, and other useful supplies. However you choose to support those in need, know that every bit helps and can make a big difference in someone’s life, whether they’re in your community or around the world."
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"An insult that he took as a badge of pride. An insult to inspire hope in his friends and fear in his enemies. That is what Fen’Harel, the Dread Wolf, truly is. Not a man who sees himself as evil, but someone who believes he’s fighting for a good cause and is willing to get his hands dirty. This long-awaited chapter of Dragon Age is fast approaching—the time close at hand. We’ll see you next summer with answers to your questions, including ones you have yet to ask. With that will come our full reveal including new trailers, gameplay, and—of course—the long-awaited release date. The Dread Wolf will rise once more and we’ll have much more to share with you as we approach Summer 2024. Please keep an eye on our social channels for all the latest information on Dragon Age: Dreadwolf’s reveal and beyond. Know this, though: The Dread Wolf has not been idle these past years. His reach is far, and soon his plans will come to fruition—a cataclysmic rejoining of magic and realms hundreds of years in the making. Will you be able to stop him? We hope so. Always believing in you,             — The Dragon Age Team"
[source and full post]
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nevarroes · 5 months
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slowly posting some old stuff from my ptreon that might be helpful
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lemongogo · 3 months
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lorephobic · 6 months
weve been talking about barrys notebooks a ton but i also want to point out that theres a jacob saltburn notebook out there and he never calls it his saltburn notebook but /i/ know it is, because he shows it off in this old gq interview and says it’s a character journal for an upcoming role and 1. i mean. look at the cover lol. and 2. he just HAPPENS to also be reading brideshead at the time of this interview which i have to believe was assigned reading from emerald LMAO
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distortedclouds · 6 months
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I had a moment of epiphany
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carmen-in-space · 2 months
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i truly am my own target audience
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themthistles · 2 years
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the shock at the vulnerability of a body imagined invulnerable
-- Joan of Arc, Mary Gordon
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kimuramasaya · 11 months
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top 10 tracks of 2023  ⁘  january - june (click for full res)
tagged by @dongkwan, @jikyu, @lunetual, and @yangsminho ♡ there are maybe like six people in my dash circle who were also fuse dedicate live enjoyers but mid 00s pop punk rachel watched it every day after school so hopefully someone gets the reference. for those unfamiliar with dedicate live, it was a music video show where you could submit messages to be aired during the show. honorable mentions and additional tagged mutuals below the cut!
honorable mentions: skyscraper - vanner // coco colada - dkb // step by step - 24k // hola - bxb // wave - sevenus // u - ikon // lunch - bss // mirage - onlyoneof // deep sleeping - woodz // but i like you - boynextdoor // drowning - bobby // fix you - tan // waterfall - younite  // i want you back - junhoe
tagging: @woodziecup @ingblr-s @y5ngha @jangdaehyeonz @kyubins @dreamaze @ambivartence @blahblahblahcollapse and anyone else who wants to do this! I know I’m late with this (as always), so if you’ve already posted yours, feel free to send it to me or tag me in a reply!
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wexpyke · 1 year
no but what was that finale… i miss longer shows so much… give us 22 episodes per season again!!! give us more time for character growth and relationship development and bring back fun filler episodes!!!! because what was this finale 😭
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aspecpridecalendar · 1 year
Aspec Pride Calendar: Round Two!
It's just about time for round two! I created this blog last year to celebrate aspec identites and experiences during Pride Month. We're too often left out of other celebrations, and even apart from that, we just deserve to be celebrated! I'll be posting a celebratory/introductory post each day for the day's identity/experience at 10 am CST and doing my best to queue eight related posts throughout the day, one for each successive hour. (I also want to note that for my own mental health, I will not be vetting every single blog I reblog a post from, so if I happen to reblog from someone with bad opnions/shitty takes/is problematic, don't automatically assume I agree with them, just let me know.)
I also encourage you to participate by creating or submitting posts celebrating those identies. Anything goes - original content like stories, poems, personal posts, crafts and fan content like fic, art, headcanons, recs, edits - and anything not listed! Just @ mention the blog @aspecpridecalendar and/or mention it in the tags, and I'll reblog your contributions.
This years themes are all new with no repeats from last year to highlight as many different people as possible, and I've also decided to give each individual identity its own post this time around rather than pairing up ones that match (ex: last year demisexual and demiromantic shared a day, while this year caedsexual and caedromantic will each get their own). Without further ado, here is 2023's Aspec Pride Calendar:
alterous attraction
austistic asexual
austistic aromantic
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felassan · 7 months
Article: 'Laid-Off Dragon Age Testers Will Picket BioWare'
Unionized ex-Keywords devs won the right to protest, against EA's wishes
"Former quality assurance testers who worked on Dragon Age: Dreadwolf are preparing to picket outside Bioware’s Edmonton offices after being laid off earlier this year. Electronic Arts tried to block the protest but the developers prevailed in a ruling by the Alberta Labour Relations Board in Canada. BioWare laid off 50 employees in August, including some longtime developers whose tenure goes back to the beginning of the Dragon Age series. It also cut its contract with Keywords Studios, which was supplying quality assurance testers on in-development sequel Dragon Age: Dreadwolf. Those same testers had unionized just a year earlier. Last month, they were laid off from Keywords as well, with the outsourcing company blaming it on the loss of the BioWare contract. Now, as first reported by Game Developer, those former Dragon Age testers say they’re planning to picket outside BioWare’s office on November 7 around noon. They are demanding that Keywords reinstate them and continuing bargaining their first contract, calling the layoffs earlier this year a “union busting tactic.” But Keywords doesn’t have any offices in Alberta so they are going to BioWare instead. EA was apparently far from happy about the decision. The publisher tried to force the laid-off developers to take their protest elsewhere, noting that, as fully remote staff, they never technically worked inside BioWare’s Edmonton office. Instead, EA tried to convince the Alberta Labour Relations Board to make them picket outside their homes. The regulators were unmoved, ultimately siding with the workers. “We view this Labor Board ruling as a huge win for not just us, but remote workers everywhere in Canada,” former Keywords tester James Russwurm told Game Developer. “Workers can now go ‘oh, I can picket my employer’s offices downtown even though I didn’t work in the office.’” The ex-testers had been contracted to work at BioWare beginning during the pandemic, first on Mass Effect Legendary Edition and later on Dragon Age: Dreadwolf. When BioWare moved to force staff back into the office, the group successfully unionized to try and keep their remote status and improve pay. The Keywords developers were laid off before they could finish bargaining their first contract. EA said at the time that it had previously renewed its contract with Keywords and not doing so in September had nothing to do with the group unionizing. But the publisher has never made clear why it cut staff on a highly anticipated game like Dreadwolf that is still deep in development following several reported internal delays. EA and BioWare did not immediately respond to a request for comment."
[source] [the referenced Game Developer article] [more on the Keywords topic]
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uhhbeans · 8 months
mack what is baldur's gate about. i just see posts about babygirl characters
...it's about babygirl characters.
Actual answer: You're kidnapped by these mindflayers, and infected with their tadpole parasites (that turn you into one of them). the game progresses with you escaping their kidnapping and trying your best to cure the parasitic infection before you turn into one of them :). You're accompanied by a bunch of babygirls who also have such tadpoles behind their eyes and are trying to solve that + other issues (other issues including: escaping abuse. escaping abuse again. escaping abuse again. escaping-). You can also date these people and put them in silly outfits.
It's like DND if the DM was the game itself. it's...very big (122gigs, oh god), and there's A Fuckton of options/choices to go through. only game in the past decade I'd say is worth the $60. which sounds like bullshitting but I didn't pay for it (thanks wife), and *I want to*.
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kirihara · 1 year
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some recent stuff! 💫
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nomaishuttle · 1 year
u guys cant judge me for anything i say after the first two sentences of this post are we clear. ok good. So ive been watching spn famously and there was one episode where theyre like you know. doing spn things.but supermassive black hole came on in the background and me and hal (im watching with hal obv) both shot up it was awesome
#it was super mega in the backgrojnd like as in it was playing in another room behind the dialogue. but i heard it and.got excited#bc its been stuck in my head for weeks#tisbe dont look#also im rly rly rly sry to say but i do think it had potential I HAVENT GOTTEN THAT FAR were watching the s2 finale today and ik the show#gets wayyy worse.. but like. i hate to say it some of the jokes do kinda land and the ones that dont are Rly fun to make fun of#there are some parts where im like. Oh dear god uts 2005 and your audience is 30 year old white dads whos only personality trait#is that they think theyd be able to survive a zombie apocalypse#and like there genuinely some gross shit in there . like badddd. but i like watching it and being able to turn to hal and were both like#Yeah that was bad. hashrag media literacy and stuff of that nature#abd then i theow my media literacy out the wjndow for asecond to think abt my spn rewrite thta isnt real and that would never happen but it#isss sort of slay i could fix her (the entire show)#ok sry. i dont post abt it bc well i dont post abt anything fandom or media related rly unless im lbing. but its a bit funny.... im like#simultaneously excited and scared to see how downhill the show goes#excited bc ik its gonna be rly funny in like A mocking it way but sad bc ik th show just like. forgets every interesting thing that it had#going for it..#i will say watchnng it is like a rollercoaster bc first of all istg it alternates between good episodes and bad episodes frequently#and second of all WITHIN the episode itll be like okay? good good borjng bad bad good Thats Racist. boring cliche Good Good okay whatever#interesting character motivation that they shit on Oh i love that song :] the end.#and rhen add in 50000 homophobic jokes#ALSO IM RLY SRY TO SAY IT BUT I HAVE LAUGHED AT THE HOMOPHOBIC JOKES IM RLY SRY. THEYRE AWFUL LIKE GENUINELY#BUT THEYRE SO OUT OF POCKER SOMETIMES .. theyve had lke 3 seperate hotel front desk ppl go Oh fags? you need a fag bed for gay people?#fslur#sorry. its a little funny to me in like Wow thats rly homophobic. yk. its complicated ok. im allowed to say this I legit grew up gay in ky#anywyas NOW rhats all. sry i always ramble.i prommy i wont be posting abt it that much ^-^ i should make a liveblogging blog though maybe..#not just for spn but just bc my lbs ALWAYS flood da dash... much 2 think abt
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angeloftrumpets · 1 year
thinking about jonesy
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toto-lab · 2 years
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for Derse week day 2 “timelines”. Yknow, the doomed timeline that birthed Davesprite. I wonder how the kids lived through their days knowing they’re doomed... 
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