#possibly also in glasgow but probably not
funforahermit · 10 months
i'm gonna do it guys, i'm gonna buy a ticket tomorrow
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uhbasicallyjustmilex · 4 months
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it’s been a week now and i’m still not even remotely over the fact miles kane came into the crowd and fucking spoke to me 😭😭😭
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steelycunt · 6 months
MY BOOKS ARRIVED!! well 2/3.
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blackbird5154 · 2 months
Some possible sources of inspiration for Meliora design
It is known that when creating Meliora, Tobias Forge was inspired by the movie "Metropolis" and the art deco style of the 1920-30s. Here I want to share my findings of some borrowed elements in the third era.
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The Palace of the Soviets was a project to construct a political convention center in Moscow on the site of the demolished Cathedral of Christ the Saviour. The project was never realized. Zbigniew Bielak wrote in his blog: "Check out the rough concept sketches leading up to this apotheosis of Soviet esprit". Meliora is probably referring to the USSR as a failed utopia.
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The building beneath the lustful megalomaniac resembles Boston Avenue United Methodist Church (1929).
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This element is taken from the old RKO building (usually known as the General Electric Building) (1929-31). The theme of electricity is given a lot of attention in Meliora.
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The lanterns in the hands are made in the style of the Helsinki Central Railway Station (1907) lamps. Papa Emeritus is compared to Lucifer the Light-bringer, and at the same time he is the bearer of the idea of enlightenment.
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Another unrealized building, a concept by visionary artist Hugh Ferriss, can be seen in the City's urban landscape from the music video. Hugh Ferriss was an American architect and illustrator who created many images of futuristic New York in the 1920s, he's also the author of the book "The Metropolis of Tomorrow".
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This building is the actual Odeon Cinema in Glasgow. It was built in 1934 and was originally owned by the American Paramount movie studio. A prime example of mid-1930s architectural modernism.
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The cover of "From the Pinnacle to the Pit" is painted from Nick Gaetano's "Romantic Manifesto." It is a 2006 painting inspired by Ayn Rand's book "Atlas Shrugged".
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captain-mj · 4 months
Wrote this at a laundromat so I hope you guys like it
Ghost had just moved to Scotland to get away from everything. His family's murders stayed a constant thought in his mind, but more than that, he didn't want anyone still loyal to Roba to find him. After wiping them off the map, he decided to do something he never thought possible.
Chose himself.
So he made his way to Scotland where no one would know Simon Riley and he bought a house and lived next to a small town so he could go over and get whatever supplies he needed before coming to hide again.
That's where he met him.
A local man who apparently was involved in the church and was in general a great person.. Most people referred to him as Soap, which Ghost thought was a very strange name, but he had also heard MacTavish which seemed more realistic.
The man saw Ghost, probably decided he was emotionally vulnerable, and decided to skulk around him. He asked, begged, pleading for Ghost to join his congregation.
Ghost turned him down each time, though he did love to see a pretty man beg. Once, he lifted lifted his mask, let him see the Glasgow smile cut into his cheeks. He hoped that Soap would assume gang member or miscreant and leave him alone, but it seemed to spur him on.
Soap MacTavish, savior of big buff men. Patron saint of being annoying.
Ghost started... watching him. The way he moved. His smile, just a little too wide with teeth a little too sharp.
He was... handsome. Seemingly kind. But Ghost was like a stray. He didn't trust affection and he wanted to keep it that way. No matter how honeyed Soap made his words or how kind the scraps he offered. Something about the man was unsettling.
Soap simply knocked on his door one day at dusk. Ghost only answered when he had his mask on. He had some kind of food in containers. "Hey! Several people I know made me these and gifted them to me, but I don't think I'll be able to eat all they gave me. Thought you might appreciate them. I know I'd be homesick, in such a new area."
Ghost stared at him, hands itching. "How did you know where I lived?"
"i knew the people who lived here before. Laid them to rest myself. Saw their last rites and all that. No other empty house around for miles."
"Other people know...?"
"Doubt it. Most don't think of you too much." Soap sniffed, looking around. "I assumed that's what you'd prefer."
"It is. Thanks."
Soap smiled. "I'll keep it between us." He kept standing there. Just waiting.
"I'm not going to invite you inside."
Immediately, those soft lips turned into a pouty frown. "At least take the desserts. I really do have no use for them."
Ghost didn't want to disappoint him for some reason, so he awkwardly took the food. "Okay. Address between us right?"
"Of course. With God as my witness." Soap grinned and left.
If Ghost would've thought about it, he'd made him promise to never come back as well. But he did not do that.
He went into his kitchen and opened the container.
Cranachan. Ghost had heard of it. The King of Scottish Desserts.
He grabbed a spoon and brought a bite to his mouth slowly. There was a thick cream with oats and raspberries. When he put a bite in his mouth, he could taste the honey and whiskey.
It was so good.
Ghost dug in on his couch. He was pretty sure this was supposed to be something he'd eat off for a few days, but he devoured all of it in one sitting. There was more of the raspberries sauce and Ghost found himself licking it from his fingers. A warmth settled in his chest from it.
Maybe Soap wasn't terrible.
Ghost got ready to start his routine of checking all of the windows and doors, but his couch suddenly felt so comfy. He felt his eyes start to close, the warmth spreading more.
For the first time since being a kid, Ghost slept all the way through the night with no nightmares.
Ghost cleaned up from the night before, feeling comfy. He noticed one of his windows was unlocked and chided himself for being so forgetful. After two sweeps of the house, he was sure no one was in his house and nothing was missing.
The dishes sat on the counter, suddenly suspicious. The idea of there being something in it was preposterous.
Ghost cleaned the dishes. "He's a fucking poster boy for good. You're being paranoid."
As time went on, he noticed things. Always on his porch or right outside. Tapping or animal noises or sometimes visions of someone right outside. The wonderful night of sleep was the last time he slept for a while.
Soap showed up again. A cross necklace Ghost couldn't remember seeing was around his neck. He looked apologetic as he had more of the delicious treat. "Sorry. It's raspberry season so everyone is making it and... well... I don't really have much of a sweet tooth."
Ghost looked at him coldly. "And you're bringing it to me? No orphans to give it to? Children to target?"
It was the first time Soap had looked upset at him. Ghost was a military man. He dealt with that constantly back in his troop. But for some reason, Soap's unhappiness got under his skin.
"No, Ghost. I just... thought you might be feeling lonely. Ya probably think I'm naive. Small town guy, always trying to talk to you..." He looked embarrassed. "Never met someone from Manchester. And before you ask, I figured it out by your accent."
Ghost looked at him for a few minutes before looking away to pretend he wasn't affected by him. "I don't."
"Gotcha... I can just... take the food."
"No. I'll still take that." Ghost quickly grabbed the home made food, noticing Soap's flash of a smile. He bit his lip as he cradled the food. "Look, I'm not a good guy. Definitely not someone you need around you."
Soap looked at him sadly. "Even outside of my faith, I still think all people deserve someone. I just... want to try to make you feel less lonely."
Ghost sighed. "Alright. Come in."
Soap got so excited. He carefully walked inside and glanced around, moving his weight back and forth between each foot.
Ghost sat on the chair he had. "Haven't exactly bought much furniture. But you're allowed to get comfy."
Soap grabbed the couch and smiled brightly. There was something about him. He looked at him and his eyes... had a shimmer to it.
Ghost paused, holding the bowl.
"Are you going to put it away? Or eat it right now?" Soap asked conversationally. He batted his eyelashes.
Ghost gnawed on the inside of his cheek. "Gonna put it away for now."
"I see. Have you been sleeping well? This place seems... so isolated. I don't think I could ever quite get a good sleep."
Ghost couldn't think of a good answer besides the truth. "Sleep has never came easy to me."
Soap frowned, batting his eyelashes at him. "I'm sorry. I hope it gets easier for you." He seemed so genuine. So sweet.
Ghost shrugged. "Thank you..."
They started to slip into rather easy banter, but he found his eyes getting heavier.
Soap got up and picked his way over. For a moment, Ghost was afraid. He almost lashed out, afraid. But he didn't touch him. He leaned in, eyes glowing against the backdrop of everything around them. "Sleep well, Ghost."
Ghost fell asleep on his chair. Soap locked the door on the way out but he didn't lock the windows.
Ghost found Tommy's photo album and went through them. He looked at the various photos of him and his family and he found himself missing them again. They looked so cute. So perfect. He left them on his coffee table, messy and covering every inch.
Joseph looked up at him, bright smiling face.
Simon was holding him. Blond curls that he spent too much time keeping bleached. No scarring.
He felt like he was going crazy as things... moved around his house. Things moved right out of the corner of his eyes. So he started preparing.
Guns were tucked into every hiding place he could. Knives even more so. He started to work out again for the first time in a few weeks. Luckily he hadn't lost too much of his physique.
Ghost eventually found himself eating the cranachan. He slept well. It was unsettling.
Right before dawn, Soap arrived at his house. The clouds were churning together but there was still some sunlight streaming through. "I brought coffee. Are you a coffee person?"
Ghost wasn't usually, but rather than deal with Soap's sad look again, he took the drink. He sipped it and found himself pleasantly surprised at how good it was.
Soap smiled. "Have any plans?"
"Gonna make breakfast... wanna join?" Why did he say that??
Soap smiled and quickly walked in. "I'd love to."
Ghost started to cook. He had been trying to learn more cooking lately so hopefully it wasn't too bad.
Soap looked thankful when he set it down and started to eat. They did so in basically silence. The cross necklace kept catching the light so he kept staring at it. When he lifted his gaze to look at his eyes, they made direct eye contact.
Soap's eyes. They were so dark. Like a shark.
Ghost felt for the gun under his side table. He tried to keep up conversation.
"Don't grab that gun, Simon."
Ghost paused what he was doing, watching the cross necklace sway where it sat. "What?"
Soap sighed. "Don't be like that. The gun your hand is on. Don't grab it." His nails clicked against the table. Too long. Too alarming. "Be a good boy, Simon."
Ghost stared at him, debating what could be done here.
"I'm not going to hurt you."
"What are you?"
"Not a danger to you." Soap answers a little pedantically. "I promise." His canines. They were long and curved.
Ghost glanced at the coffee. "You were drugging me."
Soap hummed. "No. More of a... side effect of my presence. You feeling anything right now?"
Ghost could feel something tugging at the edge of his consciousness but nothing too severe. "What do you want?"
Soap swallowed. "I'm hungry. Starving."
"You saw me up here. Being vulnerable. And decided you could fuc-"
"No. Not quite. I... I know you could keep a secret."
Ghost blinked, realizing the situation. "You're... asking."
Soap looked pained. "I am. A... deal. I keep everyone away. Tell them whatever I need so they leave you alone and I get to..." His eyes trailed to Ghost's throat.
"How bad is the feeding?"
"Not bad! I take about as much blood as a blood donation. Easy peasy. I'll even bring you food for recovery just please..."
Ghost undid the top button of his shirt and Soap looked ready to wiggle out of his seat. The poor man was salivating.
Why was he doing this?
it was stupid.
The mask hit the table.
"Go for it."
Soap leapt over the table and sat in his lap. Teeth sank into his throat as he held him, holding him tight. They pressed together and Ghost could feel the unsettling chill that came from Soap.
He grabbed the table, almost white knuckling it.
Pain radiated from where he was being stabbed into and he felt himself go lightheaded. Soap's ass was pressed firmly to his lap though and it felt...
Slowly he sank into it, feeling Soap take his fill.
His pretty boy thanked him, lips bright red from blood. "Thank you. Thank you. You're perfect. My angel from heaven."
Their lips touched and Ghost groaned softly.
Soap panted in his ear. "I'll be good. Promise. Take care of you." His claws sank into Ghost who was wondering how bad the situation he landed himself was.
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adriennebarnes · 6 months
Don Refri
Pairing: Walter Marshall x Hispanic/Latina! Reader
Summary: Y/N has been the police records clerk for a few months. He’s known as Detective Grumpy to everyone in the district, but she’s the only one who calls him Don Refri. Walter gets jealous when there is a new detective around.
A/N: Walter Marshall is probably my favorite Henry Cavill character to read about, I need more content of him. I’ve also been watching a telenovela and the way Alexander has been acting with Lola when they were fighting, I thought “what if Walter was like this?” So here it is. Also, LATIN PRESENTATION FOR HENRY CAVILL!
For all intent and purposes, this one shot is very humorous, sort of like a sitcom, Walter doesn’t follow canon AT ALL, but I did try to “research” what happens in a precinct.
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Y/N was entering the district with a thermos in hand, all bundled up.
“Ay, hace un pinche frío, why the fuck did I move to Minnesota, it’s so cold.” Y/N said as she took off her coat and Matthew started laughing. “Don’t laugh like that, I’m not meant for cold weather.”
“Just start working on something before detective grumpy comes in and starts yelling.” Matthew said, taking Y/N’s coat, folding it.
“I’m not scared of Don Refri, but I will start working because i have to make the case files of whatever criminal is out now so Don Refri and detective Dickerman Can catch them as soon as possible.” Y/N said and she started sipping hot chocolate from her thermos. As she was working, Walter came in. “Good morning, Don Refri.” Walter rolled his eyes at her.
“Morning, Y/N.” Walter mumbled and went to his office. Matthew, Glasgow, and Rachel stared at Y/N. Y/N looked at them.
“What?” Y/N asked.
“You call him Don Refri to his face and he does nothing, but we almost get written up when he overheard us reference him as Detective Grumpy. How is that possible?” Glasgow asked.
“I don’t know, but I’m happy about it, not gonna lie.” Y/N said. She began working on the computer, smiling to herself. No one but her bestie knows about her crush on the grumpy detective.
“I think he has a soft spot for you, what do you think?” Rachel asks.
“Maybe he does.” Y/N replied.
A few moments after creating the case files, Y/N heard Walter yell “Fuck” from his office.
“I wonder what’s got him worked up. Y/N, go check on him.” Matthew said.
“Fine. Now I know how my brother felt when I sent him to ask our mom something.” Y/N said. She got up from her desk and went to Walter’s office, saw that he threw his stuff off his desk and is now running his hand through his hair, exasperated.
“What do you want, Y/N?” Walter asked.
“What’s got you in such a bad mood, Don Refri?” Y/N asked.
“First; you keep calling me that.” Walter started and Y/N rolled her eyes.
“I told you, start being open about your feelings and then I’ll stop calling you don refri, Don Refri.” Y/N replied and Walter rolled his eyes. “What’s the other thing that got you in a bad mood?”
“They’re transferring another detective here.” Walter massaged his temples.
“Isn’t that a good thing?” Y/N asked.
“Not if the detective is a fucking pain in the ass. He hits on anything with skirt.” Walter commented. “He has a womanizer, player kind of reputation and I don’t want that guy in this district.”
“Why is he getting transferred?” Y/N asked.
“Don’t know. Hopefully I have time before this fucker gets here.” Walter starts picking up the stuff he threw and Y/N helped him until they heard a voice.
“Isn’t anyone going to welcome me?” The man sounded arrogant.
“Too late. Let’s go.” Walter said, after putting everything back on his desk and him and Y/N went to the front of the district, Y/N went back to her desk. “Team, this is…what’s your name again?” Walter asked.
“Ha ha, nice to see you haven’t changed. I’m Detective Tyler Delgado, I just transferred here.” Tyler introduced himself.
“Well this is my team, Matthew and Glasgow are technicians, Rachel is a profiler and psychologist, and Y/N here is our records clerk.” Walter introduced them to Tyler.
“Nice to meet you guys.” Tyler said, “Especially you.” Tyler said, looking at Y/N before winking.
“Well, Let’s get back to work.” Walter said, leaving with Tyler.
The day went on Walter and Y/N were the only ones left in the district, she was finishing up the police logs.
“Ugh, i can’t wait to sleep.” Y/N said.
“What did you think of Delgado?” Walter asked.
“I Don’t have much of an opinion of him, he doesn’t look like a fuckboy though.” Y/N commented.
“I never said he was a fuckboy, I said he had the reputation of one, big difference.” Walter said.
“Yeah, whatever. If you’re worried about Rachel going out with him, I don’t think she would fall for any of his ‘tricks’ because of her psychology background.” Y/N commented as she took a sip of soda.
“It’s not Rachel I’m worried about.” Walter replied, looking at Y/N. Y/N looked at Walter with wide eyes and she put her soda down.
“Me? You’re worried about me? Why are you worried?” Y/N asked, please say it’s because you like me she said in her head.
“I just don’t want you to get taken advantage of.” Walter said.
“Do I look easy to you, Walter? I know I’m a few years younger than you but I’m not naive, I know when someone has other intentions, there’s a reason why I wanted to be an FBI profiler.” Y/N said.
“I’m just saying, I saw you and Delgado flirting when he was giving you some files.” Walter said.
“I was being friendly! Por Dios, uno ya no puede ser amable o que?” Y/N said, crossing her arms.
“What does that mean?” Walter asked.
“It means I can’t be nice to someone without being accused of trying to sleep with them.” Y/N said in a huff, packing her bag.
“When did I accuse you that?” Walter asked while raising his voice.
“It doesn’t matter, don refri, I finished, I’ll see you tomorrow.” Y/N said and she left without kissing Walter on the cheek or hugging him.
The next day, Walter was running late because he was talking to Angie about Faye. When he entered the district, he saw Y/N and Tyler talking, as he got closer, he heard part of their conversation.
“It’s a date, I’ll pick you up tonight at 8.” Tyler said, winking at Y/N and walked away. Y/N smiled slightly until she heard Walter.
“What was that about?” Walter asked behind Y/N, scaring her and she put her hand in her chest.
“No me asustes así!” Y/N exclaimed as she hit his arm. Of course it didn’t hurt since Walter works out a lot, but he still winces because that’s how he is with Y/N.
“You’re going out with Delgado? After telling me I shouldn’t worry about you? Are you kidding me, Y/N?” Walter questioned.
“Sabes algo, Don Refri? If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were jealous.” Y/N said. Hold up, is he jealous? That HAS to mean he likes me, oh please don’t be such a don refri and tell me you like me, PLEASE! Y/N thought to herself
“I’m looking out for you just like I would look out for Faye and Rachel, I am protective over the women who are close to me, especially with this job. I’ll talk to you later.” Walter said and walked away.
Y/N sat at her desk, very confused over what just happened with the grumpy detective.
A week went by and Walter observed Y/N and Tyler. Whenever they would be together during their lunch break or just together in general, Walter scowled. But one day he was walking by Tyler’s office and he heard something suspicious.
“I’m still at work…yes, I’m going to be late again…I’m sorry, the captain is tougher than at the last precinct…I’ll see you at home, love you, baby.” And Tyler hung up the phone. Walter walked in his office.
“Who were you on the phone with, Delgado?” Walter asked.
“My niece, it’s her birthday today.” Tyler lied, Walter could tell. This wasn’t the first time Walter heard a suspicious phone call like this but it’s the first he confronted Tyler.
“Well then, see you later.” Walter said as he walked out of Tyler’s office. He grabbed his lunch from the fridge, heated it up, and walked back to his office where he would do a background check on Tyler Delgado. “I’m not jealous, Y/N is like a sister to me, I just want to make sure she’s safe.” Walter said to himself as he was checking all the information that he managed to pull up about Tyler.
For what seemed like an eternity to Walter, he found out that Tyler Delgado is married! He took a photo of what he found on the computer, he went into the break room to look for Y/N and he found Tyler leaning in to kiss Y/N so he did what any man would do when they see a married man try to kiss their crush, I mean, their “friend”, and punch them in the face. Walter punched Tyler so hard that Tyler got knocked out and was on the floor, out cold.
Y/N was in shock. “Are you insane?!? Que te pasa?!?” Y/N yelled. “You killed him, you fucking killed him.”
“Oh please, how am i going to kill a man with a single punch, Y/N? Seriously, think.” Walter said.
“Well I don’t know, you work out a lot, you clearly have a lot more muscle than Tyler, you probably killed him.” Y/N said.
“You look at my muscles a lot?” Walter said with a little smirk.
“Don’t change the subject.” Y/N said firmly. Rachel was entering the break room with a box,
“Hey, Matthew brought doughnuts, you guys want some? What the fuck happened here?” Rachel asked when she saw Tyler on the floor and she place the box on the table, closing the break room door.
“Oh well what happened was Don Refri here came in and just punched Tyler for no fucking reason. You’re a psychologist, is this an act of jealousy?” Y/N asked.
“First of all, it wasn’t for no fucking reason, he’s scum, did you know that he’s married?” Walter yelled.
“What?” Both Y/N and Rachel asked,
“Yeah, He’s married, and He’s been married for 4 years.” Walter said
“Ugh, stop lying, Don Refri, and just admit that killed him because you’re jealous and that’s it!” Y/N yelled.
“Jealous? You think I’m jealous, really? Of course I’m not jealous.” Walter said, stepping closer to Y/N, resulting in getting closer to Tyler’s unconscious body.
“Careful, you’re gonna kill him again.” Y/N said.
“How am I gonna kill him again if he’s already dead?” Walter teased Y/N.
“Well, He’s not dead, he’s still breathing.” Rachel said, looking a Tyler, seeing his chest rise and fall.
“Whatever, Rachel, why would you think I’m jealous? Do you really think I’m jealous, Y/N? Please.” Walter asked.
“Mm hmm, sure, and your fits just has a mind of its own? Ah! I cant even speak, I’m so mad, your fist, fist!” Y/N shouted the last part of her sentence.
“I can’t understand what you’re trying to say, speak clearly.” Walter said in a fed up tone.
“I am speaking clearly! Fist, fist, fist! You know what? Say whatever the hell you want, to me, this was a crime of passion, you can’t tell me different.” Y/N said and Rachel just observed their argument while eating a doughnut and drinking her coffee thinking to herself that these two people totally love each other, are at the very least shave feelings for each other.
“Y/N, you can’t possibly be acting this way?” Walter questioned.
“Acting what way, hm?” Y/N asked.
“Like this!” Walter said, gesturing to her with his hands. That’s when Tyler started to come to and he sat up.
“What happened?” Tyler said groggily.
“Shut up!” Walter said, punching him AGAIN. Rachel’s eyes were wide as plates, and so were Y/N’s.
“What’s wrong with you?!?” Both women yelled.
“What? I Don’t like being interrupted while I’m speaking.” Walter stated
“Oh my god, You’re crazy, i need to get out of here.” Y/N said. She left the break room with Walter following her. Walter grabbed her wrist and they walked to an empty interrogation room. “What are you doing, Don Refri?”
“Fuck it.” Walter whispered before kissing Y/N passionately in the interrogation room, only lasting when they were out of breath. Y/N pulled away first.
“What was that, Walter?” Y/N asked. The first time she called him by his first name.
“You wanted me to admit I was jealous, right? Well, here I am admitting that I was jealous of you and Tyler. But i am not lying about him having a wife, I did a background check on him before knocking him out, look.” Walter said, showing Y/N his phone. Y/N grabbed his phone, seeing it was true. “I’ve had feelings for you since you started working here but I am very bad of expressing my feelings, as you point out to me daily.” Walter admitted.
“I have liked you since I started working here too. Does this mean we’re together now?” Y/N asked. Walter chuckled, taking Y/N’s hands in his.
“It means I’m going to take you on a date after our shift is over. Hopefully Tyler doesn’t report me.” Walter said and Y/N laughed.
“You’re probably going to be suspended but you can worry about that later, i have reports to write up.” Y/N said and Walter opened the door for her so they could leave the interrogation room. The first time since becoming a detective, Walter had a smile on his face. It was small, but it was there.
The End
Thank you for reading my very first Walter Marshall fanfic, hope you liked it
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sgiandubh · 26 days
If walls could talk...
... or not.
Saw by chance this still from an old C interview, probably shot at one of her former homes/flats in Glasgow. I believe it to be Lawrence Street, but I am unable to substantiate - if anyone can confirm or correct, please step forward and thank you for this:
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This caught my eye:
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Not a pic - a painting. It reminded me of a very precise visual reference (just because I was browsing around and I really liked it - it sort of reminded me of one of our most famous painters of the XIXth century - Ion Andreescu):
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...closer, for comparison:
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Not the same painting, but possibly the same painter. At any rate, the same color palette, the same light, the same vision and very similar looking landscapes. Real masters have their own, genuine touch or brushstroke, like that. This is why, with a bit of curiosity and self-training, you could easily (very easily) tell a Vermeer apart from a Van Eyck or a Bruegel.
The painting in the flat is impossible to attribute, at the moment - and I have looked thoroughly - to no avail.
The one I thought about and compared it with is James Morrison's 'Towards Glenesk', painted in 1993 and auctioned by Bonhams in 2011, in Edinburgh. His market value did not fluctuate much, in the meanwhile:
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Recurring themes are not unheard of, when we are talking about an artist's lifework. Also, this painter disappeared in 2020 only and we still do not have, to this day, a definitive catalogue of his entire body of work. It sometimes takes years to make it happen, particularly when dealing with a prolific artist, as Morrison was.
Why James Morrison? Perhaps this would help (I know I have written about this topic before, but I cannot be arsed to go find the link, in my archives):
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If only walls could talk... Until we'd know for sure (and before the forms of life across the street start screeching), we can only speculate.
I know what I am thinking, though. And as I usually say - well, then: let it be my sin.
[Later edit:] there seems to be a consensus among the people who commented that C was in the US at the time. If so, I am obviously wrong and one more time, I have no problem or shame to admit it freely and openly. Maybe some commenters thought I would not update my post - well, as always, here it is: my self-esteem will NOT go down the drain, I am not exactly the fragile type, either.
If anything, some things are posted in here to encourage debate, also - not to 'spread lies', as some manipulators in chief gleefully remind their platoons. I am not going to start a career in cowardice at 45. I am who I am. Many thanks to all the people who commented.
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bcacstuff · 3 months
Have you seen this tweet , would explain no pics of him actually competing. Hope she just made a mistake as that would be a rule infringement especially as his name and stats still appear on the results board .
Yes, I saw that tweet, in answer to Tash (who graciously took the fan pic (which was actually a screenshot from a video) from my blog without any credit to where she found it or who's pic it actually was #justsaying)
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I've silently watched the posts and the 'jumping to conclusions' yesterday (after I took the day to enjoy some sunshine and much needed vitamine D after all the rainy and dark days we had)
I looked things up, and at the same time enjoyed seeing the Dutch team NL being successful in Glasgow, which was a lot more fun to watch than all the shenanigans and narratives.
Anyway, here is what I saw and what I take into account on the different rumors:
The rules book and the terms and regulations show that a participant can change his/her registration up to one week before the event
From the FAQ
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From the Terms and Conditions:
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So yes, you can change the participant, but it should be no later than a week before the event, and no gender change.
As we found Sam's registration on 28 February in his name, no change could be done anymore. And we've all seen how the results have been posted in his name last Saturday.
So I informed myself by talking to people more familiar with rules and conditions for these sort of sports events, particular asked if it is allowed to let someone else compete in your name and slot. What I was told is with marathons it sometimes happens, but it's not really preferable as for the one who actually completes the race the result wouldn't show up on their record. Also took into account that for the Hyrox events, en overall ranking is kept in the records on someones name.
Another look at the rules and terms told me that upon check-in on the day of the event, a participant has to show his/her ID and registration confirmation
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And you receive an timing chip and a wrist band for your start wave and category
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So do I rule out he gave his slot and registration to someone else, and why didn't he post any pics, or was seen in any of the EDA guys who also were there (and tagged him)?
No I don't rule it out. In fact it might be an explanation (other than the ones trying so hard to make more of his connection to Sarah) why he was there and early on before his start wave. I keep the options open for now, and one of them is simply he could have gone there to ask the organization if they'd allow to let someone else compete on his slot. They might have agreed, though it would not be possible to make these changes online. Perhaps it's possible they show up later as changes, we've to wait and see. I mean, if he decided the day his condition wasn't good enough due to jetlag and one of his friends would like to compete instead of him, he surely would like to consult the organization and not bring his registration in jeopardy as it could bring him a penalty or even a ban from the events.
Sure, for people in the back, he stayed there and watch the races of other friends (Yes, there were friends from EDA who had their race earlier that day), including Sarah's. Though I do not think it was his voice in the video contrary to other opportunists. To me didn't sound like his accent. (but believe what you want).
More convincing to me is, he didn't hide his presence, took fan pics, and we've seen him in a video as well. No didn't look like he was in Sarah's section or solely there to support her. He's tagged in most of his friends footage they posted from the event. Valbo, Big Red, Tommy (who didn't compete but probably there as a spectator as well) and Valbo even tagged Big Red's and Tommy's wives. None of them tagged Sarah though, and Sarah followed none of them (something she would most certainly do when meeting them, she doesn't even follow Valbo). (let me just remind you the big deal people made of it how KE was followed by friends of Sam!)
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Also, what this 'other blogger' doesn't tell you is the video Sarah posted, on her way to Hyrox Sunday in her car 14 miles from the venue as she competed in another race on Sunday. So romantici thinking about what or where she was on Saturday night, go figure... (people in the back his home isn't 14 miles from the venue) Nope, I already told you after (or during) GC, their mutual interest is fitness and both training apparently for Hyrox. And that is exactly what was shown Saturday, no more no less.
I feel disgusted though reading how this 'other blogger' is 'vetting' her source for her info on a romantic love story she wants to spin, who always miraculously turn up in her DMs after I posted the info (where were they before).... Oh yes she'll say I'm gnashing my teeth and am jealous... gosh if she only knew the real stories, I know who would be jealous. I'm just keeping a little more integrity and don't throw women under the bus like that. Even if I could so easily debunk her whole romantic notebook. But well, not necessary as it will debunk itself as usual.
The joke is on her, I wonder if anybody would have noticed him in the video during her race... or even the info about the villa they stayed in in GC, not to mention I'm quite sure she wouldn't have found it nor her minions (oops sorry 'team') who all so generously report to her what I post... I know where I find my info, where it comes from and what is true or not. I sometimes wonder what would be found if I don't post the reality out there to use as a base for all kind of narratives (on all sides tbh)
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kakashiislut · 11 months
No one asked for this, but I’ve been thinking about this and me and @kioplama had some giggly chats about it. So hehe, hope you enjoy.
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Part 2 here!
Warnings: Mentions of Simons past, concussions, scars, blood, malnutrition, needles, and more. 
Authors Note: heyo! Maybe this will be a series, who knows!!!! Basically, Y/N is a underground nurse/doctor and she finds lil old Simon passed out in front of her house and she takes him in to care for him until he’s all happy and healthy.
Word Count: 1,096.
Part 1/?
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The Solider~ Ghost x FemNurse!Reader.
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“What the fuck is that” You mumbled, squinting your eyes to try and get a better look. Moving your curtain to the side, you stared at the massive black blob that laid almost 50 Ft away from your house. It wasn’t moving, but you could see the outline of a hand and maybe even a head.
Taking a step back, you reached into the entryway table and pulled out a Glock .19, pushing it into the back of your pants, you made your way out the front door.
You walked carefully to it.
It was indeed a body, a body that was unresponsive, but you could hear some mumbling. Using your nurse strength, you pulled the body onto its back and stared down at the odd mask and military clothing. “Sir, are you breathing?” You asked, trying to sound as professional as possible. “Sir! Can you hear my voice!” Leaning down, you could hear him say something.
“Roba? Is that your name? Sir, is your name Roba?”
Getting behind him, you hooked your arms underneath his armpits and began dragging him towards your back door.
“Oh My GAwd!” You let out a loud huff as the man’s body finally hit the hospital-like-bed you kept downstairs. “I never regretted having an entire hospital downstairs more than right now- ow! My back-“ You whined out, rubbing the sore spot on your lower back. Getting him downstairs….well…if he knew, it would probably break his pride.
If he had any left.
You got “scrubbed in” as fast as you could. Slipping on a pair of scrubs over your clothes, getting into some gloves and even putting a mask to your face.
You had everything. Of course you did, you’re a pretty famous underground nurse. You worked with petty criminals, politicians that needed embarrassing or private work done, even with poor people who couldn’t afford basic help. Though licensed as a nurse, your knowledge and expertise went as far as a doctor.
You took off the mask first.
“Wow…you’re..something” you mumbled, placing it to the side, your fingers searching for a wet wipe to clean his face a bit. Once clean, you checked for any sort of cuts or wounds.
The man had a crooked and bumpy nose, with a massive scar coming across of it. His eyebrows were brown and messy, with once again, another scar vertically cutting through it. His hair was dyed blonde and grown out, some of it covering his face. He had a Glasgow smile cutting up the right side of his face and his cheeks were sunken in.
Very obvious sign of malnourishment.
Peeling open his eye lids, you flashed a light and watched how they simply didn’t respond. His pupils seemed to be uneven and you heard the smallest groan slip out of his mouth.
Concussion? Seriously. Fuck.
“Roba? Can you hear me?” The man licked over his dry and cracked lips. “No.” He mumbled, “no? No What?”
The man went silent again.
It was bad. It really was. When you cut off the man’s shirt, his body was littered with unimaginable scars and wounds. His shoulders were burnt and messy. He had a hole between his ribs. What seemed like 100 gunshot and stab wounds. His body was also littered with many messy and faint tattoos. The most prominent and taken care of was the one that adorned his forearm.
Lucky for you, those were all scars and seemed to be in the man’s past. The bloody ones…weren’t any better. His skin almost seemed to be peeling, he had a branding on his pelvic bone that stuck out, and shards of glass and wood stuck into him.
His ribs were sunken in and his skin seemed to be almost purple and red. The man needed something in his system, STAT!
Infection. Infection. Infection Was all that ran through your mind as you hurried to grab a IV bag full of fluids. You searched his cubital fossa for a vein and when you got a good one; you injected him with the needle. Letting the bag drip its liquid gold into his system, you cut off his pants.
Not as bad. But his legs were skinny and taunt.
His wrist was also broken. It seemed cleanly broken though. Like someone purposely did it to inflict pain.
You’re not worried that he might be a horrible person, you really aren’t. You’ve worked with people in the mafia and so much worse. If this man deserved all this to happen to him…then who gives a shit!
“Finished!” You huffed, sitting down in your chair and breathing heavily. Working with a limp body was super difficult, you barely had control over it. You used over the counter Antibiotics for his infection and a “homemade” cast for his wrist.
To heal? He needs lots and lots of nourishment.
Sliding your wheely chair to the closet, you opened it up and searched for a pair of handcuffs. To be safe. Of course. You wheeled back and attached his good hand to the railing of the bed and a sense of comfortability washed over you.
The painkillers you injected into the IV bag will keep him asleep, make him a little drowsy, so he’ll for sure wake up screaming and thrashing, confused where he ended up at. While he had his beauty sleep, you searched his pants, vest, side bags and the broken down backpack he had on him. Messy and dirty clothes made up most of the bag and you made a mental note to wash them in your softest and best detergent.
He had a bag of essentials in the smaller pocket of the military backpack and you took them to the bathroom in the basement. He had no phone, just a loose watch that had a broken screen. His vest seemed to be missing something, like some sort of system was ripped out of it.
The man had no ID.
The man seemed to be no one. Like he didn’t exist.
Cleaning up the mess you made, you didn’t need to worry about weapons as the man had nothing on him. Maybe, he himself was the weapon. You left upstairs, locking the door on the bottom of the stairs, and then the door that led to the stairs. You washed his messy clothes and stitched up the ones that had tiny holes in them. You made a homemade tomato soup and kept it warm until he would wake up.
Before you left upstairs, you snapped a photo of his face. Your “friends” could help you.
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Heyo! Sorry for making this kinda short and maybe a bit fast paced, but I’m to excited thinking about their little interactions they’re gonna have in the next part! I hope you like it and leave some comments for any misspellings or ideas! My request box is also open ❤️
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princeloww · 8 months
Stuff We Know About Campbell Bain (From Both the Show and the Play)
Since the play has some things that clash/contradict with the show, things I've taken from the SHOW will be marked (S) and the PLAY (P).
- (P) Campbell comes from a small place (Hector calls it "dead wee") called Invergellen, which is in the middle of nowhere. There are not a lot of job options, but there does seem to be some kind of tourism industry - the only job options Campbell can list are "sheep", "fish" and "tourists".
- (P) Campbell's dad lies about where Campbell is, telling people that he's off doing a youth volunteer placement in Africa. He even makes Campbell lie to his friends about it, too. Campbell says it's because he doesn't want anybody in Invergellen finding out. He also says his dad is reluctant to visit too often, out of fear that people will grow suspicious of his trips to Glasgow.
- (P) Campbell has siblings: an older brother and an older sister. His brother owns his own building company, and his sister works in Forestry - possibly for the government? Regardless, Campbell views his siblings as very successful and compares himself to them. He also believes that his dad compares him to them, and calls himself a "loser" who's "never gonnae amount to anything".
- (S) Despite having many past jobs and dreams he was seemingly dead set on achieving, Campbell states that he's never been good at anything other than the radio. He includes flirting with/getting girls in the things he's bad at. He also only learnt guitar to impress said girls, but must have failed pretty miserably based on his comment.
- (S) Before Campbell came to St. Judes, things must have been hard at home/school. Campbell's dad says that his mother is so worked up about the whole thing that she's had to take medicine, and (P) Campbell says that his dad says he "doesn't want to put (Campbell's aunt) through what (Campbell) put (Campbell's dad) through".
- (P) Campbell is excited when his dad is coming, and he is disappointed with him constantly letting him down/not showing up. I believe that Campbell's parents do love him and do TRY to understand him, but simply don't, and end up thinking/acting selfishly instead. They want to help but do not understand their son, and therefore do not give him the support he needs. Whatever Campbell "put them through" was likely due to them not understanding him or knowing how to react to his condition, or the education system and teachers also struggling to understand and accommodate for his needs.
I assume worry was also a big part of what he "put them through", but the line about Campbell's auntie still rubs me the wrong way.
- (S/P) Campbell's dad believes the radio is just another one of Campbell's "loony ideas" and thinks he is manic. Campbell (P) seems disappointed by this, and says he thought he'd be proud of him. Which is just kind of heartbreaking.
- (P) Campbell has to be wrestled by Stuart as he screams at his dad, the doctor and then eventually Stuart, too, to "fuck off". Which is very sad but also kind of funny because Stuart deserves that. This is after he finds out he has to go back to Invergellen (before he then fakes the manic episode).
- (P) Campbell believed he was the greatest comedian in Britain at one point and even went to the BBC in Glasgow to tell them. They were less eager to give him a chance and ended up calling the police on him. He says it's "kind of how" he "ended up" in St. Judes, which adds a bit of an extra layer onto (S) the police being called on him, Fergus and Rosalie when they snuck out.
There's probably, definitely more that I've forgotten to mention, but there's what I've got. There's obviously also the big difference between the show and the play with Perth/Invergellen, which makes some things canon only in the play and others only canon in the show. I'm totally choosing to take Campbell's siblings from the play and accept them as canon all around though,,, and the extra family details we get too.
OK thats all, stay proud loonies
(Sources - Takin' Over the Asylum (TV), Takin' Over the Asylum (official stage play script book))
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fandomsniper · 7 months
so this is my take on human Caine
keep in mind that this is all my headcanons and imagination, and I'm going with the theory that he is an AI and he wasn't a human before
(again it's my hc!) also minor tw for drvg mention
so going with that logic, man is an AI, for his whole life all he was, was lines of numerical codes and suddenly he's thrown into this world and becomes a human, as we all are aware a human body needs to comply to the laws of physics, biology, etc., it has needs that need to be taken care of for it to function right which an AI in a digital world doesn't need to do so imo all of that had to mess with his head a lot, I think that there is a high possibility that he would experience some kind of body dysphoria, he would feel that this isn't HIS body, that something isn't right, something doesn't fit etc., that would be pretty logical
complete change of how his brain operates (idk what he had as an AI but let's also call it a brain lol), human body operates on five basic senses, which is something that he didn't have to submit to, the list of "senses" he had as an AI in a digital world is probably long as fuck and now he has to lean on only five basic ones? that gotta suck and be absolutely difficult (which should be obvious, imagine suddenly becoming blind or deaf, now you need to learn to operate with even less senses than you had, fucking sucks), back in the digital world he could do practically everything with little effort and now? he is limited by this human body/world and all the laws it needs to obey
still on those senses, I think they are all over the place because of the sudden change so he would be prone to sensory overloads or something like that
he literally needs to learn all social rules, written and unwritten, and overall the basis our world works on, which we had YEARS to learn about as we grew up, and yeah as an AI he had some info about humans and our world 'cause he had direct contact with us back in the digital world but it wouldn't be even close to enough to live here among us (heh) completely out of nowhere
because of all of this, I think that he would be a total train wreck and he would be very prone to fall into some unhealthy habits, like for example imo he could easily get addicted to drugs (idk what kind tho), he takes some pills and he can "get back" to his old life at least for a moment? sign him up! for that short period of time, he could feel "right" again, he could have control again [I'm also leaning towards the idea that he could develop some kind of control issues considering who he was back in the digital world as an AI], drugs give you a high which on you can imagine/hallucinate/feel a lot of things so yeah, he could easily get addicted to those, especially if his trips would revolve around him being back in his digital world, his home
and nope, it's not me projecting onto my fav character yet again, not at all (I'm a big liar)
but fr tho, I think it would make sense if he actually was an AI who was never a human and somehow he got out of the digital world with all circus crew
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and I made a visual of him in a picrew! (if anyone will want it, I will drop the link to it)
I made some small adjustments in ibis paint lol, like the eye color and the roughly drawn Glasgow smile scars (for some reason it just fits him??? cause he was literally all teeth and it connected in my brain??? idk but my mental imagine of him as a human has those scars, can't do anything about it) + a bit longer lines under his eyes
he would look like he's in his really late 20's or early 30's
bonus, cause I found that t-shirt in the maker lol, Jax gave it to him
a playlist I made and some footnotes with fun hcs
he would love the movie "The Greatest Showman", can't tell me otherwise
I think he wouldn't have a specific music taste, no specific genre etc. but I think he would enjoy music from 80's and 2000's
he cried watching Bambi
his fav candy is Skittles
for the first two weeks the only thing he would eat was any variation of buttered bread, breakfast? toast with butter, dinner? buttered bread with salt, supper? toast with butter but this time with no crust, he would have continued this if Ragatha didn't step in and practically force feed him scrambled eggs one morning and then continued to do so with other foods until he stopped eating just bread
he likes Lady Gaga
he's not allowed caffeine, under any circumstances, never again, the circus gang decided that as a group
surprisingly, he enjoys horror movies
Jax showed him that one video of car driving through the hills (iykyk), he fell out of his chair
his room is very cluttered, messy but in this artsy-homey way
he picks on his skin a lot, especially when he's nervous and because of that his hands are covered in band-aids
he once saw Zooble smoke and asked if he can try, now he joins Zooble on "smoke breaks" because he picked on the habbit, Zooble kinda feels bad about it
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scotianostra · 6 days
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May 30th 1291 saw claimants to the Scottish throne meet King Edward I of England at Norham on Tweed to resolve succession, this became known as The Great Cause.
Bishop Anthony Beck entertained Edward I and his advisers at the castle while the king arbitrated between 13 competitors for the Scottish throne. Judgment was made in favour of John Baliol in 1292 at Berwick Castle, and three days later Baliol paid homage to Edward in the hall at Norham.
Following a period of prosperity for the Scottish Kingdom, tragedy struck when,in 1286, Alexander III died and left no heir. The nobles of Scotland agreed to oversee the coronation of Alexander’s granddaughter Margaret, Maid of Norway, as well as selecting a regent to rule and a husband for her to marry.
In the meantime, in order for the kingdom to function properly, ‘Guardians of the Realm’ had to be appointed.
The men chosen were: the Bishops Fraser of St Andrews and Wishart of Glasgow, the barons John Comyn of Badenoch and James Steward, and the Earls of Buchan and Fife. It was agreed amongst the Guardians that the nobility of the realm would swear an oath of loyalty of the young queen, but in the meantime they would rule in the name of the Scottish crown.
Tragedy struck when Margaret died travelling from Norway to Scotland. This left the future of the Scottish Kingdom in jeopardy as without her, the Treaty of Birgham was meaningless.
Edward I was informed, by the Bishop of St. Andrews, that Robert Bruce and the Earls of Athol and Mar were scheming and that war was a distinct possibility. The bishop asked Edward for assistance in order to stop a civil war. Bishop Fraser clearly favoured Balliol, but Bruce and his followers appealed to Edward by writing the ‘Appeal of the Seven Earls.’
At Norham, Edward showed his intentions of being made Overlord of Scotland, demanding that the Scots make him their feudal overlord before he would make any judgement on who would become the new King of Scots.
The Scots were worried because Edward had a large military presence with him. The Guardians replied stating that only a king could deal with such a demand which could only happen after Edward had selected one.
Edward wrote to English monasteries asking them to search for legal evidence in their documents for English overlordship over Scotland. He also threatened to blockade Scottish ports with his navy and summoned men to form an army.
Fourteen claimants petitioned Edward for the throne of Scotland, but two emerged as having serious claims – John Balliol and Robert Bruce. To make sure that he became overlord of Scotland, Edward demanded that all the claimants accept this before he would pass judgement. This agreement is known as the 'Award of Norham’.
The Award of Norham was an important acknowledgement. It gave legal possession of the Kingdom of Scotland to Edward and meant that it was his to give away.
This was not what the Guardians had intended – Edward had totally outmanoeuvred them. They were furious! Edward had moved from being a neutral observer choosing between the two main rivals to being a judge with the right to give away their kingdom!
Technically this made Edward the legal owner of Scotland, the English King was a very clever man and one of the top legal minds of the time
Everyone had agreed to Edward’s demand, although it was understood that their oaths would revert to the new king once he was chosen. This was probably the reason he would take so long to make his decision .It would be easier for him to hold on to the legal position of overlord after a longer period of time.Historians point out that the longer Edward was overlord, the harder it would be for the new king to establish his authority .Once Edward’s authority was agreed, a court was set up and the investigation of the claims to the throne could begin...........
The Photo is a depiction of Norham Castle in medieval times.
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pansyfemme · 1 month
ok my dash (mostly you) have convinced me to listen to the pastels. planning on running through their whole discography but in your personal opinion, top 10? ik youve probably already answered this sort of ask so no pressure B) <3
haha i will convice people to listen to the pastels til the day i die. The main thing to know is that they are a very, very varied band with a lot of distinct ‘eras’ of different types of sounds. Early pastels is very grungy, looser, a bit weirder and louder, and eventually they find their footing, slightly softer but more of a solid sound before becoming really sort of.. transcendental? that’s the best way i can describe the later stuff. and i am going to be honest, i love all of it equally! there really is not a bad (or even less than exceptional) pastels release imo. however i’m gonna start off by saying my personal favorite album is ‘sittin pretty’ which is not on most streaming platforms! but i do think it’s really wondeful as a peice. I’m just gonna throw out a handful of tracks i think are interesting for various reasons, in no particular order.
(though if you listen to one album, up for a bit is probably a good start, it’s wonderful and a good intro)
-Comin’ Through
this is the song that got me into the pastels, and my father before me! It’s like.. the gateway song. you hear it, you’ve never heard anything like it before and you need to hear more.
my personal favorite of the earlier/middle era! it’s loud, its chaotic, it’s fast, it has fucking eugene kelly featuring on it.. i loooove this song.
This is one of the songs that kind of hints towards where they would go later on but is a bit less calm? I love it a lot
-Worlds of Possibility
theres two versions of this one! an ep version and one on mobile safari. i reccomend you listen to the mobile safari version first, it’s more straightfoward, but both are exceptional.
-Thru Your Heart (Home recording)
This is an oddball, i’m reccomending it to kind of highlight the.. spiritual quality of the pastels? this is a really shoddy recording but it has a beauty i can’t really describe.
-Tokyo Glasgow
following that up, this is kind of similar as it is also a deeply deeply emotional track, it’s got this quality that just.. cuts you.
- Speeding Motorcyle 2
I’m listing this one and not their other speeding motorcycle cover, because this is specifically an instumental that just showcases how fucking insane they are with orchestral arangements, it’s a really moving instrumental that i really dig
-Nothing To Be Done
i can’t say that ‘this is the one people know’ because the pastels are not a band that is known wildly ouside of certain circles but nothing to be done is their most popular song and that is for a reason!!!
-Kicking Leaves
I post this one a lot. It makes me feel really warm, it’s sad but lovely.
- and for number 10.. i’m gonna cheat and give you two ‘kind of’ pastels tracks because there are soooo many pastels tracks and i also just feel like shouting out two really cool things.
1) Illumanati is an album of remixes of pastels songs, and it’s a…stacked list. i really love cornelius’ ‘windy hill’ remix but also if you’re a stereolab or my bloody valentine fan or really into 90’s indie at all you will recognize a name or two who did a remix
2) stephen pastel/stephen mcrobbie is alive and well to this day and one of his most recent projects was providing the soundtrack to a play called ‘this is memorial device’ that premiered at the edinburgh fringe fest a while ago. And the soundtrack to it is coming out soon with the first two tracks currently available to stream and they have already made me sob and i need to see that show so bad i might puke
but yes like by all means do a tour around their discography, it’s a decent amount of stuff but you can probably do it pretty stress free, it’s not a major project. I would just be mindful that some of their albums (including some of the most important ones) are not on all streaming platforms so take a look at their discography first as to not miss anything major!
i’m glad you’re interested in the pastels, they’re a band that genuinly has made me feel things no other form of art ever has been able to.
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bonesandthebees · 9 months
500 words on the Lovejoy concert: go
500 oh god oh fuck
Glasgow was a really fun concert!! Though it’d probably rank as one of my lower ones just bc I didn’t do the whole queue all day experience so it felt a lot shorter to me (and also it was such a huge venue)
I originally debated doing the all day queue bc I was selling my ticket to a Twitter mutual of mine I’ve met up with at concerts before, and they were planning on queueing all day. But when my alarm woke me up around 6 am I texted them asking what the queue was like and they said their friends held a spot for them at 4 am and they were 24th in the queue. Like, what.
So yeah I decided that wasn’t how I wanted to spend my last full day in Glasgow lol. Instead I took a tour of a whisky distillery (I do not like whisky but it’s Scotland so I figured why not) and got tipsy off the whisky samples they gave us. Then I went to a science museum across the way from the distillery (technically it’s meant for kids but it’s meant for adults to enjoy too) so I was just slightly drunk playing around with interactive science exhibits and befriended one of the staff members lmao
ANYWAY then around 4 I got to the venue and got in line (doors opened at 7). Got some takeaway from a nearby restaurant and ate it in line, it was very spicy but it kept me warm bc it was raining so I wasn’t complaining. Then I just kinda hung out there and chatted a bit with the girl behind me! We ended up being next to each other at the actual gig and became buddies which was nice and I was actually closer to the stage than I expected to be. Also I got tired of the ‘someone holds pictures up to the crowd on their phone and lets them cheer and boo respectively’ bit that happened at a few lovejoy gigs this past year, but it was pretty funny when someone held up the Scottish flag for everyone to cheer, and then the English flag for everyone to boo (and ofc I joined in)
It was SO HOT. At first I was glad bc as I said it was raining outside so I was shivering by the time we got in, but it didn’t take long for it to get sweaty. Loupe as an opening act was SO good. I’d never heard of them before but their music was so good!! (also the lead singer and the bassist were both so pretty I was having such a gay moment). Then Goodkid performed and tbh I know a ton of Lovejoy fans love their music but I’d never heard their stuff before, but I get it now they have such a fun sound and great energy!! Definitely gonna save some songs from them when I get around to it
Then lovejoy was fantastic as always. Although we were only about 3 songs in when someone fainted and everything had to stop. I couldn’t see what was going on from where I was but I hope the person’s okay! This was my 5th lovejoy gig but it was the first time someone’s fainted at one I’ve been to.
Then we resumed and in between songs the boys would start playing this instrumental track I didn’t recognize, but I filmed each time it happened bc it didn’t just sound like random jamming. I sent the clips to firesnap after the gig and she and I both agree it sounds like snippets from a possible new song so… :)))
Also Lovejoy covered The Killers at my gig which was so good. At first I was confused bc it was a mashup with cause for concern so I got hyped thinking it was cfc and then Wilbur started singing different lyrics but it slapped so I’m so glad I got to see that in person.
Anyway overall really good gig!! Also I wasn’t getting shoved nearly as much as I have at American gigs so shoutout to the Scottish for that
Is this 500 words? Is this more? I don’t feel like plugging it into a word counter so this is what you get lol
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mariana-oconnor · 11 months
The Three Students pt 1
Three of them? Are they medical students, because we've already discussed how disturbing that gets.
It was in the year '95 that a combination of events, into which I need not enter, caused Mr. Sherlock Holmes and myself to spend some weeks in one of our great University towns...
Is he withholding the name of the town for its protection?
It will be obvious that any details which would help the reader to exactly identify the college or the criminal would be injudicious and offensive.
Oh, he is.
Honestly Oxford and Cambridge, and probably most of the other universities, had the resources to sue him to hell and back for libel, so that might be a wise course of action. Other universities were available, but there were only about 12 universities in Britain at that time, and he specifies they were spending weeks in the town, so it won't be the University of London. That leaves (in age order): Oxford, Cambridge, St Andrews, Glasgow, Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Durham, Belfast, Cork, Galway, Manchester, or Cardiff. The University of Wales would only have been 2 years old in 1895, so Cardiff probably wouldn't count as a 'great' university town. Honestly, I don't know if anything from Durham onwards would have been regarded as 'great' because they were all founded in the 1800s. Durham would have been over 60 years old, does that count as a 'great university town' to Watson? I don't know.
Honestly, he's probably leaving it vague so people can project their own biases onto it. The rivalries between universities are longstanding.
He's never specified leaving anything out to prevent offence before, though. Like, maybe he changes the names, but he's never specified anything, and has a few times referred to people being aware of things from the papers. I think it really shows Watson's priorities here that he's obscuring the information in this one especially when he's published other people's dirty laundry for all the world to see.
“I trust, Mr. Holmes, that you can spare me a few hours of your valuable time. We have had a very painful incident at St. Luke's, and really, but for the happy chance of your being in the town, I should have been at a loss what to do.”
The more they talk about how painful and scandalous the incident is, the more convinced I am that I will not find it particularly painful or scandalous. But I may be wrong.
Also, the fact that we're referring to colleges does narrow it down a bit. As far as I know, most universities in the UK don't have a collegiate system. Oxford and Cambridge do, St Andrews does (on a smaller scale, I believe), Aberdeen does (similarly to St Andrews, only 3, I think), and Durham does. I don't think Edinburgh and Glasgow have colleges in the same way, and I can't find any evidence that they used to in a quick bit of internet searching.
The fact that Holmes was looking into English Charters makes me think that this is probably in England, though, not Scotland, so I'm still thinking Oxford or Cambridge, or possibly Durham, but less likely as it's a newer university.
"...this is just one of those cases where, for the credit of the college, it is most essential to avoid scandal."
Oh boy, I already don't like these people. I smell cover-up all over this. I can feel the outrage already starting to brew inside me and we don't even know what's happened yet.
"My subject is Greek, and the first of the papers consists of a large passage of Greek translation which the candidate has not seen. This passage is printed on the examination paper, and it would naturally be an immense advantage if the candidate could prepare it in advance."
Is this a cheating scandal? Seriously?
Also, I assume it's taken from an extant Greek text, so surely there's always a chance that that student will have studied that text in their own time as part of their reading? They presumably have access to the university library, which presumably contains texts in Ancient Greek?
"The only duplicate which existed, so far as I knew, was that which belonged to my servant, Bannister, a man who has looked after my room for ten years, and whose honesty is absolutely above suspicion."
Nobody is above suspicion.
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"I found that the key was indeed his, that he had entered my room to know if I wanted tea, and that he had very carelessly left the key in the door when he came out."
A likely story.
"The proof was in three long slips. I had left them all together. Now, I found that one of them was lying on the floor, one was on the side table near the window, and the third was where I had left it.”
That's just incompetence. You didn't even try to leave them close to where you found them, unknown interloper? Come on. You're better than this. You must have some brains.
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"A large sum of money is at stake, for the scholarship is a very valuable one, and an unscrupulous man might very well run a risk in order to gain an advantage over his fellows."
So this is for a scholarship? So probably not a spoilt little rich kid. Unless it is a spoilt little rich kid who can't be bothered to do the work.
“Bannister was very much upset by the incident. He had nearly fainted when we found that the papers had undoubtedly been tampered with."
Bannister knows who did it. He's probably related to them. He let them in.
“This was not all. I have a new writing-table with a fine surface of red leather. I am prepared to swear, and so is Bannister, that it was smooth and unstained. Now I found a clean cut in it about three inches long—not a mere scratch, but a positive cut. Not only this, but on the table I found a small ball of black dough, or clay, with specks of something which looks like sawdust in it."
...This I do not understand. The cheater stopped to do some arts and crafts? They clearly were cutting something, but what's the clay for? Putty eraser? Some weird way of making a copy?
"Either I must find the man or else the examination must be postponed until fresh papers are prepared, and since this cannot be done without explanation there will ensue a hideous scandal, which will throw a cloud not only on the college, but on the University."
Yeah, I was right. I don't consider this particularly scandalous. You could totally make up an excuse why the exam needs to be changed at the last minute, and even if you didn't I still don't think 'someone peeked at the answers' is the kind of scandal that could bring an entire university into disrepute. But what do I know? I'm sitting here in the future where there's an entire industry of students paying other people to write essays for them and if they don't want to pay they can just get an AI to write it instead.
"Had anyone visited you in your room after the papers came to you?” “Yes; young Daulat Ras, an Indian student who lives on the same stair, came in to ask me some particulars about the examination.”
Fingers crossed - please don't be racist. please don't be racist. please don't be racist.
Of course, that's only one student, according to the title there are three.
“Where is Bannister now?” “He was very ill, poor fellow. I left him collapsed in the chair."
Yeah, he knows something. He's got to.
“Well,” said he, “let us go round. Not one of your cases, Watson—mental, not physical. All right; come if you want to."
This bit made me laugh. Has Watson just been sitting there watching you pore over obscure English charters for hours, Holmes? And how many times has he come with you when nothing physical needed doing? But no, this isn't one of his cases.
“Dear me!” said Holmes, and he smiled in a singular way as he glanced at our companion. “Well, if there is nothing to be learned here we had best go inside.”
Clearly there was something to be learned there and Holmes is being smug about finding it when no one else has realised.
It was a small pyramid of black, putty-like stuff, exactly like the one upon the table of the study. Holmes held it out on his open palm in the glare of the electric light. “Your visitor seems to have left traces in your bedroom as well as in your sitting-room, Mr. Soames.”
OK, now it's a scandal. You really shouldn't be having students in your bedroom, Mr Soames. Especially right before exam time, and with allegations of cheating hovering in the air. What will the ethics committee say? Now, obviously, two consenting adults, but there are some distinct questions that need to be asked about these things in the circumstances.
Not that I expect there was an ethics committee in 1895.
“What could he have wanted there?”
Mr Soames, blissfully unaware of the world.
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“I will tell you, then, in a few words the character of the three men who inhabit these rooms. The lower of the three is Gilchrist, a fine scholar and athlete; plays in the Rugby team and the cricket team for the college, and got his Blue for the hurdles and the long jump. He is a fine, manly fellow. His father was the notorious Sir Jabez Gilchrist, who ruined himself on the turf. My scholar has been left very poor, but he is hard-working and industrious. He will do well."
So he really needs the scholarship then, is what I'm hearing here. Also 'fine, manly fellow'. People really did just say things like that back then, huh?
“The second floor is inhabited by Daulat Ras, the Indian. He is a quiet, inscrutable fellow, as most of those Indians are. He is well up in his work, though his Greek is his weak subject. He is steady and methodical."
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Ah, yes, racism. Could be worse racism, but still. And this guy probably isn't going to do well in the exam, so wants to up his grade.
“The top floor belongs to Miles McLaren. He is a brilliant fellow when he chooses to work—one of the brightest intellects of the University, but he is wayward, dissipated, and unprincipled. He was nearly expelled over a card scandal in his first year. He has been idling all this term, and he must look forward with dread to the examination.”
And the spoilt little rich kid, previously hypothesised, seemingly lazy and didn't bother with his lessons so now he needs to catch up. Seems to obvious from the description, though. My money is on the Fine, manly fellow at the moment, because clearly he's the one Soames doesn't suspect at all. OR all three of them are working together. I assume there are other people also taking the exam.
“That is singular, because you sat down in that chair over yonder near the corner. Why did you pass these other chairs?”
So he could be closer to the bedroom door? Though I don't know how that would help him? To see out the window?
“Oh, I would not venture to say, sir. I don't believe there is any gentleman in this University who is capable of profiting by such an action. No, sir, I'll not believe it.”
These guys really don't like cynicism, huh? Couldn't possibly be anyone who did this. It all must have just happened on its own.
Bannister might have let one or more of them in under false pretences and then realised what was going on after the fact. That would explain his excessive reaction (although, it occurs to me that since they're taking this so seriously, he might lose his job over it, which would explain a large reaction, but then sitting in the furthest seat possible is odd).
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stephensmithuk · 11 months
The Empty House
Published in 1903, this was the first Holmes short story for a decade. Doyle had previously released - in a serial format - The Hound of the Baskervilles, which was set before "The Final Problem".
ACD had become Sir Arthur Conan Doyle by this point, honoured in the 1902 Coronation Honours, arguably for a pro-Boer War short work he wrote. That's what he believed in any event.
This is the first story in The Return of Sherlock Holmes and the second that we've covered - we did "The Second Stain" previously because Baring-Gould's chronology puts it quite early.
Park Lane, as I might have mentioned previously, is a highly desirable street and is the equivalent of Park Place on the London Monopoly board.
"Honourable" is the courtesy title used for the younger sons of earls; it's also used by most members of the House of Commons. Insert joke about politicians here.
Carstairs is a village in South Lanarkshire Scotland. It is best known in British railway circles as a major junction and the place where the London to Edinburgh & Glasgow sleeper is split up, a section for each destination.
Expanding bullets were also known as dum-dum bullets after the Indian city of Dum Dum where some of them were made. The hollow point is a more modern version. The nastier injuries that they cause led to their banning from use in warfare in the 1899 Hague Convention, but they remain legal for law enforcement use, it being argued there is less risk of harm to bystanders as the bullet will not pass through.
Baritsu is possibly a typo for Bartitsu, a martial art invented by Edward William Barton-Wright, an engineer who had spent three years living in Japan. Combining elements of boxing, cane fighting, jujitsu and Frence kickboxing, it faded into obscurity during the 20th century before making something of a small comeback in the 21st.
Mecca, then under Ottoman rule, is closed to non-Muslims and the Ahmadiyya movement (seen as heretics). Holmes likely followed some other Westerners by getting in disguised as a Muslim.
The "Khalifa" was Abdallahi ibn Muhammad, a figure who tried to set up an Islamic caliphate in Sudan and the surrounding area at this time (1893). He faced an Anglo-Egyptian invasion in 1896-1899, lost and then engaged in a final stand at the Battle of Umm Diwaykarat in October 1899. To make use of a famous phrase, the other side had Maxim guns and he did not; the battle was massively one-sided, resulting in his death.
The "Jew's harp" is a mouth harp. It's probably from Siberia.
"Journeys end in lovers' meetings" is from Twelfth Night.
A shikari is a big game hunter.
Charasiab was an 1879 battle between the British and Indian Army on one side, with Afghans on the other. The British used Gatling guns for the first time in anger and won, capturing Kabul shortly after.
Despatches refers to the fact that Moran's conduct in the battle was sufficiently brave or high quality to warrant a mention in the official report sent to London and usually published in The London Gazette, the official government journal of record. This still exists and is used to formally announce honours etc. like Arthur Conan Doyle's knighthood. Simply put, it is an official commendation - not a gallantry medal, but one may well follow.
The Scotland Yard Museum, historically known as the Black Museum and now the Crime Museum, is a collection of criminal artefacts used for teaching purposes. Located in the basement of the current New Scotland Yard (the third to use that name) it is not open to the public - only police officers are generally allowed in and need an appointment. The Metropolitan Police has a public museum in Sidcup, but this is also appointment only.
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