#poneglyphs one piece
chromatic-lamina · 1 year
true history: true mystery, chapter 1085 spoilers
What a chapter. And cos he's my boy, told you we didn't have to worry too much about one
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Water Law!
I'm so excited (I feel like I should go out and order the whole set of steak knives).
Anyhoo! I remember when I enjoyed reading the scans on my Friday, and they now come out very early my Thursday morning (like, super early. It's just shy of 3am). BUT this was a treat. And the reason I mostly read them is to prevent being spoiled, but also because they include really interesting translator's notes, etc. such as the ones below about Imu:
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Which is difficult to see, but basically it says that Imu refers to themself as Mu and then says that Mu can refer to the void century but also to dreams. Super interesting. And so, Lili was not, unfortunately Imu (but that's okay, cos' I love this story line too), BUT she was a...
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As shown above, where King Cobra realises...
...that he won't survive his encounter with Imu (who was apparently one of the original 20), and Cobra reveals that Lili was Queen Nefertari D. Lili. GOOD STUFF. Sabo overhears. Imu has some problems with this, because, as stated by Cora
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and reiterated by (without knowledge to the best of our understanding) Imu
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the "D" is the moniker of the Celestials ancient enemy.
And, although sketchy, look at the perspective from that panel above! Imu is miles above them all. Another aside, while looking up Cora and Doflamingo stuff, there's also the 'heavenly' perspective on this frame with Cora and Law, but I also know Oda is fond of this type of editing/story telling:
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Back to 1085: Cobra's recollection that Imu was the name of one of the original 20 does tie into the probable theory that Imu had the eternal youth operation centuries prior.
Anyhoo, this is well out of order (my posting of frames) as always! Sorry. It's not only the D's that Imu and their clan need to be scared of, but also
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the scholars. Be still my LawBin shipping (platonic or romantic) heart! But, I digress. So Lili is the one responsible for the preservation and also dispersal of
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the poneglyphs. Whole page there. So much information! Cobra has not revealed that Lili was a "D" at this point, or that he himself is, so he was playing with fire coming in to see the Elders, but I guess the whole lineage had known about that for a long time then (that they had the initial for some reason) and had survived. It also seems that maybe King Cobra did know more about the poneglyph in Alabasta than previously assumed. Perhaps?
Anyway, Imu above says that Lili's dispersal of the poneglyphs around the world was perhaps a deliberate action (apparently it had been passed off as a mistake, a blunder) as part of a larger plan. And with the reveal of her being a possessor of the Will of D. it seems it probably was, even if she was a catalyst, as so many D's seem to be, without having full awareness or knowledge of what ultimate role they're playing.
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Full page again, cos it's so good. So Imu questions Cobra as to why they never divulged Lili's full name, only referring to her by her royal title, which is actually pretty standard practice. BUT, Imu obviously has very strong convictions that Lili is one of those rabble rousers who get this his entity-self really hot under the collar too!
And the Gorosei basically saying: You can't expose that we're some kind of oligarchy/dictatorship/absolute malignant monarchy when it's supposed to be some kind form of supposed League of Nations acting for all countries and supposed world peace. Interesting mix of Imperialism and colonialism these guys have going on. Anyway! The revery is still going on, and is now absolutely proven to be a farce:
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Although King Neptune, and who's the other dude? Can't remember. Not Dalton, is it? (please let me know) King Riku Doldo are looking very skeptical at the Uncle Sam dude. (Thank you @robinchan-hananomi !)
Walpol becomes relevant in a way that it seems that Caribou will be too, and Vivi has been kidnapped by the CIA CP0 (or are they CP9)?
Walpol overhears and sees not only Imu's decimation of Cobra with figures that look a lot like Kanjurou's Kazenbo flame spirit from Wano (did the Gorosei shape-shift too, or was it all Imu sending out some kind of malevolent spirit?), but I think he also overhears Cobra's revelation to Sabo that has a nice SFX bubble over it to just tease we readers enough with hints of information about how the Poneglyphs must be protected, and will seemingly will help usher in the dawn! Ooh, so excited.
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BTW. What or who is the figure behind Cobra in the bottom right panel? Sabo?
Walpol outs himself as having seen everything, so shocking is it to him:
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and so the spectres are on his tail (and I think it's quite funny that first Imu doesn't know or sense Sabo, and other defenses are breached by Walpol, of all people!). SO, he's one of my least favourite villains, along with Caribou and Spandam, but I'm guessing there's something with their devil fruits that make them crucial to the plot, as well as being kind of incidental characters witnessing key points of One Piece lore.
I doubt he has any great love for Vivi, but he also probably knows where his best chance for survival lies, so, it seems he's been creeping around the castle and I'm going to align CPO with Get Smart now, cos they've got that kinda vibe. Not goofy enough to be Scooby Doo (although Jabra does a good job), but still funny and sexy enough to be the characters of Get Smart who weren't Max. (look it up if you don't know).
Anyhoo! Vivi got kidnapped, and I'm guessing it was at the urging of the gorosei who did it at the urging of Imu, or maybe if Cobra didn't spill the beans, they would've used her as a bargaining chip. Anyway, Kalifa here:
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stating that Vivi will end up being a pet (?!?). Did Charloss want her? And I'm wondering if Jabra's wording is a mistranslation, although maybe not. As far as I'm aware, the expression is "play your cards closer to your chest", but maybe it's changed over time. Or there's a pun I'm not getting.
Vivi's reaction in the following frame is awesome (gonna put the whole page in again, cos it's got so much info):
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First, awesome that Shirahoshi got away, and we saw that way back when with Garp accompanying the family back to Fishmen Island. Cool info dump from Jabra above. (Very chatty secret agents. Maybe that's why they don't get to wear masks). But I especially like Vivi's incredulity at Kalifa's comment, and her commitment to doing something about it. She's got a devil fruit, doesn't she? Yes! BUT
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Trashing young prince to the rescue! (okay, he's a king, once disposed, newly reinstated somewhere) (but he is young. This guy's in his 20s, I think). Vivi hitches a ride with the dumpster on wheels. And from there, Big News Morgans picks them up! (not yet witnessed). Here from chapter 1074:
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She's really gone up in my estimation. I never noticed how much she speaks her mind and sticks up for others before (I'm slow, don't worry). And it's not just cos she's a D. Haha. That's not an automatic "like" card, but I might be a little predisposed.
Speaking of which, this part with the ASL brothers was hilarious:
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"Do want a "D" in your name, Sabo?"
"You can be Sad. Bo!"
"Why'd you put it there!?!"
Ah, lol, bless.
Also, Imu has the same kind of imperiousness as Doflamingo. Doflamingo's rougher in speech, and I'm guessing with the "thou" and so on shown in the scanlation on the first page that Imu is formal, but as entitled and condescending as fuck, just like our pink feathered friend.
One thing (or many) so interesting about Doffy, though, is:
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from chapter 727, is that he's a man very sore about losing his Celestial dragon status, who wants to destroy them and the world government, and who is not afraid of the CD's. Also, it seems that he's well aware of Imu (Mary Geoise's greatest treasure?). I wonder how he was going to challenge Imu if Law had granted him eternal life. If that was his aim. So, a digression, but I think our pink bird will again be relevant soon! Fingers crossed, and I really don't want them to redeem him. Please.
Lastly, the cover was very cute:
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Franky directing newly hatched turtles to the ocean, and it's true, so many head in the wrong direction, and such a small proportion actually survive, so he's a hero. Is he sitting on a turtle-hatchling eating crab?
Dunno if any of this was coherent, and I'm sure I missed a bunch, but over and out for now (ah, back to bed!).
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mugiwaraboyyy1 · 3 months
☆ * . *☆
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Happy Birthday Nico Robin!!
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thetalkingmango · 5 months
it is absolutely crazy how luffy recruited an archaeologist before ever even knowing or realizing the immense importance of having her on the crew. he didn't know shit about poneglyphs he just knew he saved a girl from dying and now that girl is his friend and he has to keep her around at all costs because she is his friend.
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the-obnoxious-sibling · 6 months
for all the dramatics in my meta, i do think shanks could’ve very easily kept buggy satisfied & committing minimal war crimes as a member of his crew. just:
say you can’t go to laugh tale until you’ve met certain reasonable criteria, like “have a strong crew,” “acquire a ship that can handle new world weather,” or “stand toe-to-toe with whitebeard and live”
make a mildly homoerotic promise to meet those criteria… together
do the work to meet those criteria (through recruitment, training, etc.)
while you're level grinding, provide buggy with enrichment by way of Treasure Maps and supervised Treasure Hunts
supervised, ostensibly so the others can acquire any Underwater Treasure he may find, or to help buggy carry All The Treasure back to the ship, but actually to keep him from wandering into naval bases and getting arrested
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aucupariaart · 7 months
26 Remove
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At first I wanted to draw Lucci here. „Removing“ people. But I also wanted to draw a Poneglyph. Do here is Olvia removing the plants in front of one.
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tooruuwuu · 3 months
i wonder if law and shanks would've resorted to fighting if law was the one heading to elbaf instead of eustass
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oh-warizoro · 2 years
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polishkurapika · 5 months
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moonpaw · 10 months
ohh ohhhh... luffy's dream is having a massive party
it's both so very luffy but also childish and easy for someone to laugh at
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empressofmankind · 15 days
I know Robin is supposed to be fluent in the fantasy Linear B of the poneglyphs, but in the context of my increasingly complicated headcanon, where Croc (and Shivs) find her early on as a 14-year-old, it is much more interesting (and funny) to me if the reality of that ability is more akin to an eigth grader's grasp of English after their first few lessons. Most of it is from historical poneglyphs (they were archaeologists, after all) and mostly useless in the context of super secret weapons of mass destruction. We're not telling them that, though!
Which then caused the related notion that Robin, a tween-going-on-teen in the majority of my ship's main story real-estate, understandably considers herself crucial to everything going on and basically the Chosen One in her own life. "You need me and my special gift but I hate it here and I wish I was normal" she teen rages against her faux adoptive parents made out of literal water and sand, respectively. You can see why that fell flat, I am sure.
This ties directly into the notion that the infamous paperwork Sir Crocodile appears to always be doing isn't actually accounting of any sort. He's just been pouring over the same twenty-something rubbings of poneglyphs trying to pull a Ventris on this fantasy Linear B. After all, we've been deciphering dead languages and ancient scripts without the providential presence of magical teenager who happen to be able to read them fluently for some time now. The texts are few, but there's plenty poneglyphs and fragments out there, so we might accumulate more (and they do, several plot points in several WIPs), and they already know the context of what the critical text is supposed to be about which is a massive help. Because, the irritating part of deciphering a language, is that you need to already know what it is probably saying, to be able to figure out how it is saying it.
But I digress.
Anyway, Croco spending hours and hours pouring over those documents because that's what it takes (and is still taking, raising one for those still tackling Linear A). But as the whole looking-for-battleship-of-mass-destruction is supposed to be a secret, the minute someone enters his study he pulls his agenda and creditcard statements over it. And thus the eternal paperwork impression was made.
Shivs knows about all of this and goes along with it, apparently. He's so focussed on finding this magical-mythical ship and, she's a pirate, she's down with finding this franchise's Flying Dutchman (or Black Pearl?) What am I saying, she's a pirate helmsman, she'd LOVE to sail it, lmao. Mass Destruction whomst? Lets sail this baby into the sunset!
I digress. She Indiana-Joneses around Alabasta every so often, I am sure. I can see that in exactly the way I cannot see Croc crawling through any sort of dusty old tomb looking for new shards of frustratingly indecipherable ideograms for him to start smoking more heavily over.
What I am saying is that I've never been partial to Crocodile being a Big Stupid and that I am getting increasingly invested in him actually being a closet academic. I have a weird spin-off of the Mummy franchise in my head in which Shivs is Rick and Crocodile Evie.
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No, I wasn't really going anywhere with this, I just needed it off my chest. @tiredemomama is busy.
You're welcome.
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Small One Piece theory
D stands for Dream/Dreamer
(Devil fruits were created because people wish/ed for their power; Im uses 'mu' as 'I' which can mean 'void' and 'dream'; rêverie basically means daydream; and it fits the general idea of One Piece about Dreams and Freedom)
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budkalon · 7 months
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[PONEGLYPH FANLANG] Chapter 272's Stelle transcription and translation
Hello, back with the Poneglyph Fanlang!
After previously translating Roger's words on the Shandora Grand Bell, as seen here: [WIP] One Piece's Ancient Language (Poneglyph) Fanlang, I'm now attempting to translate another Poneglyph with a full translation. In the canon manga, only two Poneglyphs have full translations. This one is from Chapter 272, "Play," and was discovered by Robin.
If you're familiar with the Japanese language, you might notice that the sentence structure is identical to Japanese syntax (SOV). The basic language used is Old Egyptian, employing a triconsonantal root system similar to Arabic.
Here are some words you might recognize if you know Japanese:
okkaret = kokoro (heart)
enṓganopet = ogane (big bell)
You may notice that the same sound can be represented by completely different glyphs. This is because the Poneglyph uses a system somewhat akin to the Maya script and Rongorongo script, allowing different glyphs for the same sound for aesthetic reasons. Another reason for these complex sound-to-glyph correspondences is to make Poneglyphs difficult to read and decipher by the government.
But let me be honest, the main reason is that the Poneglyph is a gibberish-type of conlang. It seems like Oda didn't create a fully functional conlang for Poneglyph and may have scribbled-down the script. Or perhaps Oda used a cipher conlang? Who knows.
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1000sunnygo · 2 years
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hauntingblue · 3 months
Luffy eating watermelon 🍉
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shellstown · 8 months
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Skypiea - Chapter 301
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chromatic-lamina · 1 year
happy new year hs! 💐 what are your top 5 favorite one piece scenes/moments from 2022?
Top 5 favourite 2022 one piece scenes/moments
Hello, and Happy New Year! I hope you have a great one 🥰
I'm not really sure if they're 2022 or not (I think so), but:
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Law and Bepo, Chapter 1051, (June, 2022)
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Captain Trio, Chapter 1056, (August, 2022)
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Law and Robin, chapter 1055 (August, 2022)
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Law and Kid snark from chapter 1039 (February, 2022!). (I loved all of their fight against Big Mom)
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All of the Heart and Law scenes in chapter 1064! (October, 2022)
Special anime mentions:
Rooftop panels, particular with Law and Zoro, Law and Kid
Robin and Law talking about the poneglyph (was that this year?) and Cora remembrances
Law landing on Sanji's shoulder (plus Zoro wrapped up like a tampon).
Ace and Yamato, of course, if that was this year.
The above aren't in any particular order, and there were many more great scenes too, but they're the ones that have stuck in my mind at the moment!
Thank you for the ask. How about you? Have you done one of these? Link me to it, please, if you do.
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