#pokemon horizons episode 6
oceanamethyst · 1 year
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Thank you to everyone who helped me to acheive this milestone I appreciate each and every one of ya'll!
And to show just how much I appreciate ya'll...
Ode to Team Rocket Post
@wisefestivalloverpatrol for liking my first OG post, the team rocket one! 1
@geckosquid 2
@misslionfigther 3
@crystallinejellyfish 4
@instantcollectornerd 5
@100rem 6
@megamoxie 7
@daisyday1 8
@dostarve 9
@liviavanrouge 10
@aquariuspearl14 11
I made him (amethio) hunter post
@nico-thats-gay 12
@wisefestivalloverpatrol 13
@mamoushiou28 14
@arjengelly 15
@100rem 16
@liviavanrouge 17
@kanenas 18
@epictailsfan 19
@geosa28 20
@azuremoonns 21
@arceusb493 22
@ch3rrysunbl0ss0mx3 23
@instantcollectornerd 24
@hunneonh 25
@chaotickittencycle 26
My awesome list of pokemon puns
@spencerkellyv 27
Ollie Chen and Amethio comparison that I never uploded Andrea's identity cricis to (and probably won't anytime soon)
@wisefestivalloverpatrol 28
My shoutout to my followers
@ch3rrysunbl0ss0mx3 29
@liviavanrouge 30
My list of people with black and white hair
@wisefestivalloverpatrol 31
@dreamy-wolfy 32
@100rem 33
@megamoxie 33
@iced-axolotl 34
@amethiosspouse 35
@geosa28 36
@nico-thats-gay 37
@sunset-petals 38
@minty-the-demon 39
@liviavanrouge 40
My observation watching episode 36 of Pokemon Horizons
@wisefestivalloverpatrol 41
@ballonleaparadise 42
@narratorsandall 43
I can't see that one person who liked my tumblr live post but know that you are anknowledged 44?
The weird poll my friend made
@wisefestivalloverpatrol 45
@baged-donuts-queen 46
I can't see who liked my "Hey Staff" post but know that you are aknowledged 47?
um theres like 3 missing people maybe thats cause i didnt count reblogs but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Also I didnt put any rebloggs here or asks but those one are still pretty fun to read so give those a shot. And if you would not like your name here than just message me about it.
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luzwastaken · 2 months
my pokemon sv self insert and intro post ig :33
i never posted this here so guess i will nowww
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idk why i made this i just got bored one day LMAO
guess i'll write more about myself here:
⭐️i have a pinterest !!! i usually post there first !!! (@ thecoolerluz) (might change @ idk yet it's a TOH joke LMAO)
⭐️i go by Luz and i hope to make it my legal name one day :-)
⭐️i use she/her pronouns cus idk i just know im comfy with those, i am also very much a huge lesbian LMAO
⭐️i am in fact a minor
⭐️my favorite pokemon is Lucario cus them XY episodes with Korrina's in it changed my brain chemistry forever, though i love every pokemon. my fave gens are 5, 6, and 9 but i've played almost every gen except gen one. my fave seasons of the anime are XY and Horizons (I LOVE HORIZONS DUDE)
⭐️i consider myself a self shipper and my romantic f/o is Nemona, and my platonic f/o's are Arven and Penny (people sharing my f/o's interacting is fine !)
⭐️i age regress sometimes though i've been doing it more often as of this post and Nemona is my caregiver :3
⭐️my little age is 1-5 :)
⭐️i try to keep my blog as sfw as possible
⭐️i used to be heavily into the reality shifting community but i left it and now im just a respawner (take a wild guess as to what my DR is 💀)
⭐️i REALLY wanna learn how to skateboard LMAO
⭐️i have AuDHD and hypochondria/health anxiety and social anxiety so that's fun (and sorry if you wanna be like actual friends i get actually really uncomfortable with making friends, so it'll probably take me a while to warm up to you if i even try 💀)
⭐️my interests/fixations are: Pokemon, Splatoon, OMORI, Bluey, Subnautica (but only the first game), any music artist i like, skateboarding
dni... idk basic stuff like homoph0bia and transph0bia, rac!sm, pr0ship if you don't like age regression or see it as a k!nk or mix it with NSFW, if you don't like self shipping, if you hate Nemona beyond that idc as long as your nice and treat people with basic human respect !!!
be cringe be free~✨
(i edit this often lmao)
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ecargmura · 9 months
The Sun in Pokemon Horizons
I noticed that Liko and Roy watched a sunset in Episode 6 while Spinel and his Umbreon watched a sunrise in Episode 16.
I wonder if this means something...
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rising-volteccers · 11 months
Hi! I absolutely love the fics you’ve written so far for Pokémon Horizons. They’re all amazing! I saw you like to write hurt/comfort and I’m also a sucker for it 😁 I was wondering if you could write 6. “pulling from the rubble” and 8. “pressure on the wound” from the hurt/comfort prompts you reblogged with Friede, Cap and any other member of your choice! Thank youuuu.
So this took me quite some time to write out given that I had an idea on how to go about it. I once mentioned before that I was writing up a possible 'what if' to episode 6 of Horizons and this was the result of that! It's rather self indulgent so I hope it'll still be an enjoyable read!
Series: Pokemon Horizons
Characters: Friede, Liko (main) | Roy, Mollie, Murdock, Cap, Orla (minor)
Warnings: Brief description of character experiencing a panic attack, injury mention (head wounds)
Paralyzed with fear, Liko stared as the black Rayquaza unleashed hellfire. Distantly, she knew that she–they needed to get out of here. Liko didn’t need the Rotomdex to tell her of the move Rayquaza used. 
Draco Meteor like in one of dad’s story books. Purple energy formed in Rayquaza’s mouth before its fired into the sky, raining down meteor chunks that destroyed everything in its wake. Liko had no doubt that Legendary Pokemon held power beyond her imagination but witnessing the amount of destructive power one had?
Even as her brain urged her to move get away dangerdangerdanger, her feet remained rooted to this beach that seemed likely to be the spot where she’d di–
“Charizard protect them!” 
Just as Rayquaza fired off another Draco Meteor, Liko–and Roy, given his surprised yelp–found herself pushed towards the sand. She snapped out of her stupor long enough to scoop Sprigatito into her arms before a warm body hovered over her. Charizard’s wings snapped out to form some semblance of a shield in protecting them from the chunks of rock and debris kicked up from Rayquaza’s rampage.
Liko squeezed her eyes shut, hugging Sprigatito tighter against her body. The ground shook from each miniature explosion, things were loud and she was terrified.
The Explorers chasing after her pendant led to Roy’s home getting attacked and now there was an out of control Legendary Pokemon raining hellfire. Liko did say earlier that they could handle anything with Pokemon by their side but what could she say to this? None of them were capable of fending themselves against Rayquaza! 
When there was a lull in the attacks, Liko’s eyes snapped open when she heard Roy struggling to get out of Charizard’s cover. 
“Please just let me–!” 
She heard Charizard’s warning growl but the boy’s persistence eventually won out. He wriggled his way out with Fuecoco by his side. Liko twisted her body to see him scramble to his feet and held out his Ancient Pokeball towards Rayquaza–the one where it emerged from in the first place.
“Rayquaza, return back in here!” Roy called out.
From what Liko could see, Rayquaza’s gaze swiveled to Roy. The ensuing roar drew out a terrified yell from her; it was so loud that she felt the vibrations deep into her bones. Had she remained standing without Charizard shielding her, the force would have brought her to her knees.
That happened to Roy as the boy stumbled back and fell once more. Spotting the fear in her friend’s expression ignited something within Liko. Terrified as she was, she couldn’t just remain cowering when Roy had bravely stepped up to try and contain Rayquaza. Seeing him in possible danger finally kicked her into action. 
With surprising strength, Liko managed to free herself from Charizard’s grasp. She scrambled towards Roy’s side, one hand on his shoulder as she turned to face Rayquaza. 
Heart hammering in her throat, Liko stared down the magnificently terrifying creature–who met her eyes for a moment. Blinking from shock, she then saw Rayquaza simply… flew off. After it unleashed destruction unto this beach, it just left.
Liko’s gaze remained on the Rayquaza until it disappeared out of sight. The storm clouds that were gathered around the island dispersed, and as blue skies and sunlight peeked through, it seemed that the danger had passed. 
Her attention shifted back to Roy when he fell flat on his back, limbs splayed as he released a loud, shuddering breath. 
“It left…” Another breath. “That was… that was scary but–!” A smile rapidly grew on his face. “There was a black Rayquaza in this Ancient Pokeball! I can’t believe it!”
I can’t either, Liko thought but she too felt herself calming down. Today had been one emotional rollercoaster. Never a day of peace for her, though she supposed that was on par for someone who seemed to be the protagonist of a story. Just like her dad’s story books as the climax had passed and danger averted, they could now relax–
Charizard’s loud roar made her jump in surprise. Liko turned around to see the dual-type chucking back small rocks from a pile likely formed when one of the meteors hit the cliff where–
–Mr. Friede was standing nearby.
Liko put two and two together almost instantaneously. She gasped loudly, scrambling to her feet. 
“Liko? What–?”
“We need to help!” She didn’t think her voice could reach such volumes. Leaving behind Sprigatito for now, Liko dashed to where Charizard was. “I-It’s Mr Friede he’s–! Go call for help Roy!” 
Hearing Roy mimicked her gasp, she knew he too understood what happened. Trusting the boy to do so, Liko focused her attention on the pile of rubble. Her heartrate once again ramped up as she helped Charizard in picking up and throwing away rocks that she could lift. Unused to such manual labour, her hands quickly gained scrapes while Liko herself rapidly became winded. Still, she refused to stop, not when Mr. Friede got like this because–because of her.
Liko’s eyes filmed over with unshed tears. She bit her bottom lip, trying to will away the urge to simply fall to her knees and cry. If only she didn’t freeze up! He had Charizard protect her and Roy, leaving him vulnerable to the aftermath of Rayquaza’s Draco Meteor. Mr. Friede kept placing himself in harms way just to protect her! Given that he always came out on top, seeing that it wasn’t the case this time shook Liko to her core. 
Charizard’s soft growl grabbed her attention before she could spiral. Her eyes spotted a hand peeking through the rubble so both girl and Pokemon redoubled their efforts in moving away rocks.
“Liko! We’re here to help!” She briefly spared a glance over her shoulder at the call. Despite the urgency of the situation at hand, Liko relaxed minutely upon seeing Roy dashing towards her with Mollie, Murdock, Orla, Cap and various Pokemon in tow. 
“Over here! We found him! He’s underneath all–all of–” Liko found herself unable to complete that sentence. She instead swallowed heavily, making room for Murdock and Orla to pick up the bigger rocks while Cap aided Charizard with the smaller ones. Liko’s attempt of assisting them got interrupted whe Mollie gently yet firmly gripped her shoulder.
“They can handle things,” the nurse spoke, guiding Liko a bit until she sat back down on the sand. She didn’t even realize that her legs were shaking. In fact, it felt like her entire body trembled from… everything that happened.
“Hey, breathe with me Liko.” Mollie’s gentle words filtered through the sudden buzzing in her ears. She knew she sat on the beach but it felt like she was underwater from how her head swam, black dots creeping around the edges of her vision. Heaviness settled in her chest, though that might be from the lack of breathing she did. 
She did feel the hand that guided hers towards Mollie’s chest. The nurse instructed her to follow her breathing so Liko attempted to do so, struggling through the first sets of the exaggerated breathing pattern until hers settled into something similar. Her vision cleared up, the swimming sensation passed that all it left behind was a deep sort of exhaustion. Liko could have gave into the urge to slip into darkness if not for Murdock’s sudden shout of, “We got him out!”
“Roy, look after Liko for a bit alright?” Mollie instructed to the boy, who’d been on his knees by her side as Liko came down from her panic attack. 
Liko spotted his nod before Roy swapped places with Mollie. Even through the slight trembles left in her limbs, she felt the way her friend shook as well. She managed to settle her hand atop his wrist and gave it a light, hopefully comforting squeeze. 
In the meantime, she and Roy could only watch while Mollie inspected Mr. Friede’s still form. Murdock and Orla mostly blocked him from their view but Liko still paled upon spotting the red blotching Mr. Friede’s white hair. 
“Murdock, press this against the wound.” Mollie turned to face the pair. “Roy, is there a clinic on the island?”
“Y-Yeah! There’s one by the center of the village.”
The nurse then shifted her gaze to Orla. “Get on Metagross and see if you could find the local doctor for help.”
“On it!” Liko saw the way Orla hopped onto her Metagross before hovering further up and into the village. 
Even in the event of such an emergency, Liko couldn’t help but tiredly marvel on how the crew moved like a well oiled machine. They showcased that when Sprigatito got nabbed the first time around. Despite only travelling with them for a short while, she found herself wanting to be a part of… this…?
Oh, her vision suddenly blurred around the edges. It appeared that the excitement and stress from her earlier attack had finally emptied her tank. Liko slumped against Roy, who startled from the abrupt weight he got saddled with. 
“Liko? Hey Liko! Miss, what do I do?” was the last thing Liko recalled hearing before she succumbed to her exhaustion. 
Liko’s return to the waking world went about at a slow pace. The first thing she sensed was the soft fabric beneath her fingertips. Some parts of it felt a little weird, like it got covered by a thin layer of something. Not to mention, they itched in a way that she couldn’t quite ignore. Her slight movements did not go by unnoticed, as evident from the soft pressure on her arm.
Oh, that voice! Liko fought to open her heavy eyelids. Once she did, a couple of hard blinks cleared her vision enough to spot that familiar shade of green. 
“Mm… Sprigatito?” 
Getting a sudden faceful of fur was one heck of a wake-up call. Liko gently picked up her starter and settled it on her blanketed chest. Only then did she spotted the bandages covering her palm and fingers. 
Right, in the heat of the moment, she didn’t notice the scrapes she got when–
Earlier events slammed into her mind at that moment. The confrontation with the Explorers, that black Rayquaza firing off Draco Meteor and–and then Mr. Friede getting caught underneath all that rubble! What happened to him? Was he alright?
Liko quickly pushed herself into sitting up–sending Sprigatito tumbling off in ther process–only to cradle her head from the sudden lightheadness that hit her. 
“Hey now Liko! Settle down there,” a voice piped up from her right. 
Eyes widening, she turned to see that it was none other than Mr. Friede. He sat on a bed next to hers, gazing at her with barely concealed worry in his eyes. He was devoid of his usual jacket and goggles. White bandages that was a shade different from his hair covered his forehead with another one plastered on his cheek. 
“Mr. Friede! A-Are you alright?” she gasped, hands bunching up a part of her blanket as she took him in. Aside from looking a little pale, he was up and alert. 
His face scrunched for a moment before he winced as it tugged on whatever injury he sported underneath those bandages. Liko recalled seeing red… 
“Just call me Friede. None of that Mr. business,” he replied. “And I’m as good as I can be considering what happened. Mollie brought me up to speed on what happened.” Here, he sported a faint smile. “Thanks Liko for helping Charizard before the others arrived.”
Assured that he seemed to be fine, his gratitude felt out of place to Liko given that he got into that state because of her in the first place…
“Hey Liko, look at me,” Friede’s voice pulled her away from ruminating on her guilt ridden thoughts. She did as instructed to find herself on the other end of a frown. Liko tried not to avert her gaze even as she mentally prepared for some kind of blame. 
“I’m going to take a stab in the dark and say that you’re guilty about what happened, yeah?” 
Liko’s silence answered his question easily enough. She heard him sigh.
“Okay look, what happened at the beach there wasn’t your fault. Not yours, Roy’s, mine or even that black Rayquaza. It was entirely my decision to have Charizard protect you kids and I don’t regret that. I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time when the cliff collapsed from one of those meteors.” Friede paused in his explanation to let his words sink in. 
“No buts, ifs or any conjunction that’s gonna lead you to believe that it’s anything but a freak accident.” Friede punctuated this by raising a finger at her. “The nature of your pendant protecting you is still shrouded in mystery. I wasn’t going to risk that it’ll keep protecting you in that instance. Do you understand, Liko?”
Liko’s gaze settled on Sprigatito, who looked up at her with a questioning nya? Logically she understood the point that Friede made. Looking back, that wasn’t a situation anyone could have prepared for. Aside from that, had the black Rayquaza not made an appearance, she wasn’t blind to see that Amethio would have won. Likely whisked her and the pendant away, maybe getting Roy caught in the crossfire.
Yet that small, insecure part of her still found it hard to swallow. That voice whispering of self doubt and made her feel that the blame laid solely on her shoulders. Liko thought she was making good progress on overcoming it. Where did the confidence of before disappeared off to? She almost believed the words she used to assure Roy in that forest. Now she felt like that first day when the Explorers came to steal her pendant…
“I can hear your thoughts all the way from here,” Friede piped up. Liko reluctantly looked back at him, only to see him carefully rubbing the back of his neck with a sigh.
“Look Liko, what happened today… what’s happening to you in general… it’s scary, isn’t it?” Friede began carefully. 
Stunned at that accurate guess, she could only nod.
“I get it. Maybe not necessarily how you’d feel given that you’re just, and I don’t mean this in a patronizing way, a kid. Not too long ago you were at school and now you’re on an airship with us where we’re hired to keep you safe and take you home. I admit that I left you in the dark way longer than you should have, which doesn’t help in all of this. Sorry about that.”
While still confused with where Friede was going with this, she couldn’t help but think, no ‘anyways’ this time, huh? 
Friede continued, unaware of Liko’s thoughts. “So it’s perfectly understandable if you’re scared with everything’s that happened. If adults found the idea of being chased by dubious people unnerving, then I don’t expect you to pretend that it’s not because it is and it’s alright to be scared because you’ve got us.”
Liko rolled that bit in her head. She had Friede and the rest of the Rising Volt Tacklers to rely on. Given that she was still a fresh member, perhaps the idea of being a part of something hadn’t fully settled in. Maybe a part of her still felt like she needed to prove herself before she would be considered a member of this crew.
Slowly, she brought Sprigatito to her chest, lightly cuddling the surprisingly tolerant feline. Liko released a slow, careful breath.
“I… I was scared. Terrified,” she admitted quietly. “The Explorers kept chasing after me and the pendant, and it endangered the Pokemon on this island. I… I thought that everything bad kept happening because of me and the people around me got caught up in it all…”
“The Rising Volt Tacklers aren’t so weak that they’ll throw in the towel when things get rough,” Friede spoke up, his tone rather gentle. “You’re a part of us, Liko. We don’t abandon ship for one of our own. And I will say this again, you’re not to blame with what’s happened. We made it out in one piece. That’s all that matters.”
She remained silent for a long while, soaking it all in. At last, her shoulders lost the slight tension within them. Liko knew she still needed more time to fully believe it but for now, she’d focus on the fact that everyone was alright. 
“Alright,” she murmured, more to assure Friede than herself. 
“Good. Glad we had this talk.” While his words appeared sarcastic, his tone indicated nothing but quiet warmth. 
Liko heaved out a soft sigh. She embraced the next bout of silence until she became aware of another nagging question.
“Where… are we?” she asked. Liko knew they weren’t in the ship’s infirmary at least.
“The clinic in the village. Mollie made the decision to have me treated here in case it was more serious than she thought. And it’s not, don’t you worry!” Friede hastily added before Liko could start worrying again. “Head wounds tend to bleed a lot so it looks scarier than it appears. Aside from some scrapes and bruises, I’m good.”
“That’s good to know,” Liko sincerely replied. “And I’m here too…?”
“A mix of an adrenaline crash and coming down from a panic attack.” Friede sounded a little apologetic here. “Not hard to guess why.”
“It’s fine,” she automatically replied, then bit her lip at his questioning look. “Alright, it’s–it wasn’t fine before but we made it out in one piece so that’s all that matters…?”
Friede huffed in amusement. “Already using my words against me, eh? Orla’s gonna love that.” A pause. “If you’re wondering about the crew, everyone aside from Mollie and Roy are back on the ship. She didn’t want them to crowd us as we’re supposed to be getting rest. I’m guessing we’d be able to return to the ship the next time she checks up on us.”
Now that he mentioned it, Liko noticed how dark it was aside from the lone light illuminating the treatment room they were in. The Explorers confronted them around afternoon so a good few hours had passed since then. 
Regardless of how much time she spent it asleep, Liko still felt pretty exhausted. Like a valve releasing pressure, the only thing left behind was the exhaustion still clinging her. She barely covered a loud yawn.
“How about you get yourself some more sleep? Mollie would wake you up if you’re still asleep by the time she comes for a check-up,” Friede gently suggested.
“Mm…” she mumbled in response. “What about you…?”
“Eh, I’ll join you in a bit.” Even without looking at him, Liko could hear the smile in his voice. “Rest Liko. You earned it.”
If she had energy to spare, Liko might question the idea of her having ‘earned it’ but she simply nodded once before carefully laying back down. Sprigatito quickly made a spot to settle down, curling up into a ball in preparation to sleep with her.
It didn’t take long before Liko fell asleep, unaware of Friede observing her until her breaths evened out. Only then did he relaxed, assured with the knowledge that she was getting some much needed rest. 
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kafus · 4 months
6, 12 and 14 for the ask game if you want!! :)
6. say three nice things about yourself (three physical and three non-physical)
silly ask game that's 6 things not 3 things ASDFFAD i'm currently experiencing pretty heavy disconnect from my body so i'll just do the non-physical ones. uhhh i think my art is pretty cool, i think i have infectious energy/passion, and i tend to be a good mediator in conflict between people
12. how are you?
honestly not amazing, that's part of the reason i'm back on tumblr rn, i'm having a really bad flare up of acid reflux and for some reason i've decided to have really intense medical fear that i'm ill even though my reflux causes sour throats all the time. i am distracting myself. otherwise i'm good tho
14. favorite feel-good show?
well rn it's pokemon horizons lmao... there's so many episodes i've watched multiple times cause it's just fun. that being said i don't watch a ton of shows and most of the ones i watch are heavy in nature so i don't have a lot to pick from
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lazloorpington · 1 year
finished watching pokemon horizons episode 6 (spoilers below!)
ok so i think this is where the season really starts now, we have liko and roy together with the rising volt tacklers and they're heading to paldea, and i think it's gonna get really interesting and good from here.
i am also in awe about how.... harsh the explorers are. like look at it this way: jessie and james fail at catching pikachu for 25 years, and they never get fired from team rocket. amethio fucks up once and is immediately removed from the mission of getting liko's pendant. that's HARSH.
speaking of which, i think it's cool we finally know amethio's intentions behind it, but it seems kinda weird. we still don't really know what gibeon wants from it, so... my guess is that they're just very... greedy? not to mention, they treat the boss like their god. not in a funny guzma way, like in an actually serious "wow this is kinda messed up" way. amethio almost gets into an argument but is immediately reminded he's in the presence of master gibeon. whatever gibeon says goes, whatever gibeon wants, he gets... that's how i'm seeing it. i think this is pretty crazy, and i'm kinda liking it.
i still think this is gonna be the best pokemon season in all honesty. that's definitely not me saying the previous seasons were bad because of ash (duh, i love ash), but i just feel like this season is gonna feel way more structured and coherent than pokemon journeys, and i think they're gonna do a lot more than they previously did. we still get to explore different regions but it's not like in one episode they're in hoenn, then the next they're in johto. it's actually going to be coherent, and i love that. i don't think there was a better way to make this narrative than have everyone live on an airship.
i'm excited for what we're gonna get in future horizons episodes! this is gonna be really fun!
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silvertsundere · 8 months
Silver Talks AniManga (24/09/23)
I was gonna say no anime next week since pokemon is on break but then remember that we're still getting zom 9 (before it goes on break until god knows when) and the frieren 1h:30m premier on friday
blue - finale/completed green - new series/new to me
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Pokemon Horizons Ep23
nice episode before the cour break, it's good to see riko get some time in the spotlight and help move the plot forward. seems like next time there should be a lot of plot too since they're finally meeting the grandma but show is gonna be on break for the next 2 weeks so we'll see eventually I guess
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Zom 100 Ep8
good episode, it was p funny and we finally got the introduction of bea. the fanservice was good too, and the seeds of the akira and shizuka romance were good too
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Ayakashi Triangle Ch144 (Finale)
aaaaaaaaaaah it's actually over 😭 it's gonna be sad not having yabuki on sundays for a while again but hopefully he'll come back soon enough but anyway ayakashi was a very fun series, ofc it's not an actual 10, but there's nothing else I could personally rate it as, it's just a good ecchi manga with a little bit of battle manga thrown here and there as yabuki is an expert in making. honestly I liked it even more than I would've if matsuri had stayed a boy cause I'm a slut for yuri, as is known, but it would've still been a 10. not really much more to say really, the art was top notch as you'd expect from yabuki, the story wasn't deep or complicated since it's an ecchi series, mostly just a way to bring up Situations to put our characters in, but it moved at a decent pace, and all the cast was likeable and fun to see, even the villains later turned allies. if I had any complaint it'd be that the final arc felt a bit rushed? I thought after the hotel stuff they'd get together and storm the exorcist hq and have 1v1 fights with all the main characters vs the baddies but that never happened but oh well I'll be impatiently waiting for yabuki's next work 🙏
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Two on Ice Ch1
hey that was actually better than I expected since I didn't really have any interest in the theme. tho the art was pretty rough at some points, the characters are pretty decently written at least. we'll see how the next chaps for this and mamayuyu go tho cause I can easily see either of them getting axed in the near future, kagurabachi should be fine for at least a couple serialization rounds with how explosive it's debut was
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Dandadan Ch121
I didn't expect the new baddie to show up so fast, let alone even meet our protagonists so that's surprising. I'm gonna assume that he's gonna take over the school with whatever power he's using here and our mcs are gonna be the only ones that notice it and they're gonna have to stop him at school without standing out too much. we'll see how right I am
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Ice-Head Gill Ch13
gill got a powerup that goes along with the series name. I haven't talked about this series in ages cause.. there's no much to say, other than it getting axed on the next serialization round for sure, it's just not that interesting. the art's p decent but the previous chap it was really hard to follow, along with what the hell was going on with all the charas moving around
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MamaYuyu Ch3
if chap 1 felt like a one shot or prologue this felt like the end of the actual first chapter. corleo is off to train and actually become capable of fighting all the creatures coming from other worlds, like I predicted 😏. I'm assuming there's gonna be a timeskip after this OR a training arc of sorts that's gonna introduce some other cast members and allies for the mc before we do get some timeskip. he might be the hero but I don't think he's just gonna be proficient in fighting instantly but we'll see I guess
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Kagurabachi Ch2
nice ch2, went over what happened with the dad that they skipped on ch1 and set up the overarching plot with the mc having to retrieve his dad's 6 special swords and defeat the 3 baddies that killed him. nothing brand new or innovative but a serviceable starting point, it's the strongest out of these 3 new series easily that's for sure
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arkadiaasks · 11 months
How come we have yet to see the main cast of Pokemon Horizons catch a single Pokemon? It’s been 12 episodes yet Liko and Roy have yet to expand their arsenal beyond what they were given at the start of their journeys. Meanwhile, Ash had a full team of 6 by episode 12 of the original series, a team of 3 by episode 12 of AG, DP & XY, a team of 5 by episode 12 of BW(while getting an egg in said episode), and a team of 2 by episode 12 of SM & JN. Even compared to the slower starts of Ash’s journeys, Liko and Roy are kind of slow going.
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There's more focus on their core partners and the myth arc, I think is the thing. Roy and Liko are more adventurers and explorers, not Pokemon Trainers/Masters. And there isn't the same incentive to catch monsters like there was during Ash's era.
They'll probably catch 'mons during an episode where Nidothing discusses catching 'mons.
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i should really start ranting about my more "normal" special interests. Psychology, disorders, and the like are a big part of my special interests which is why I'm so intent on talking about it. Plus I have a lot of thoughts and finally found people that agree! They're so rare on other sites :( it's been hard to find others that really get it and aren't just repeating harmful misinformation.
Anyway, here's some "normal" special interests or basically fandoms and media I enjoy consuming! Long post ahead!
Okay normal special interests:
Obey Me
Stardew Valley
Animal Crossing (especially New Horizons)
The MySims games (or normal Sims series as well :p)
Pokemon!!! My team of six is Serperior (Seraph), Inteleon (Coral), Drednaw (Daisy), Reshiram (Reshy), Mimikyu (Miko), and Espeon (Eva) and occasionally Banette (Snuppy) if I put em on the team instead :3
Monster Hunter, specifically the stories series but I am interested in mainline as well
Stranger Things. I've only seen 5 episodes of season 4, got setback cause of a move, so no season 4 spoilers please :)
Cuphead, the game and the show though I haven't played the game yet. Also no spoilers for the DLC, I wish to experience it myself when I get the game.
My Hero Academia
Danganronpa though I've only seen the first two games so no spoilers please! I'm watching playthroughs with my friend and it's fun to be surprised :) haven't watched the animes yet either.
Tons of anime, it's easier if you just ask about the specifics.
Books/Reading. I prefer young adult and fantasy novels. I do read graphic novels as well. Recommendations are always welcome!
Legend of Zelda
Mario games, been playing sunshine since I got 3D All Stars and have access to it again! (I have no system that plays GameCube games :') I have so many childhood faves I miss since our wiis finally died)
Lucifer, the Netflix series. I haven't gotten into The Sandman yet and I'm not sure if I will.
Witchcraft, especially games and books surrounding it.
Fire Emblem, specifically Three Houses/Hopes. Also no spoilers for Three Hopes as I just got the game for my b-day and haven't played it yet :3
My Little Pony! I'm a G4 fan, but I love G5 so far! Wish Netflix would bring back later seasons so I could finish the series. I think I was on season 6 or 7 so no late season spoilers please!
Angels of Death! Been playing it, no spoilers again
Splatoon! I haven't played a game yet, but Splatoon 3 has me HYPED
Sky: Children of the Light
Deltarune (and I guess Undertale.) I'm still on chapter 1 so no spoilers. Also I am not a fan of Undertale mostly just cause it doesn't interest me, but I never mind hearing about the lore and stuff.
SallyFace. I'll be honest, I haven't played or seen much about it and it might not be for me. But I will gladly listen to rants about it! My best friend rants to me all the time about it since it's theirs. Maybe I'll get into it one day, who knows.
Among Us and Fall Guys. Put these two together cause I like playing them. I'm PunkRockie on Among Us and typically go for purple.
Octopath Traveller, omg I love this game!
Steins Gate, I've been playing the game since it was difficult for me to watch the anime cause of my ADHD.
Super Smash Bros, been playing since Melee!
Story of Seasons, specifically the Friends of Mineral Town game (the remake since it's Story of Seasons)
Final Fantasy. I'm just getting into it with Final Fantasy XII remake for the switch.
Aspire: Ina's Tale
That's all I can think of right now! If I think of more, I'll edit and add em in :p but these are a lot of my interests and so if you like em too, I will interact with your posts. I can't promise any socializing, I am terrified of people :)
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jadenoryuu · 1 year
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Ho postato 2.629 volte nel 2022
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#the dragon's queque - 981 post
#danny phantom - 811 post
#i cackled - 569 post
#awwwwwwww yisssss - 303 post
#pokemon - 167 post
#fic writing - 138 post
#ooooooooooh nice - 132 post
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#the gospel truth - 113 post
#dp dc crossover - 105 post
Tag più lungo: 137 caratteri
#danielle meanwhile has never actually experienced the holidays before so shes having a blast making her excitement everyone elses problem
I miei post migliori nel 2022:
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Today with Grafaiai. (◉ w ◉)
(I still need to check the tag, but since Devil works fast but fanartists work faster, I'm confident that there already are. (≧∇≦) )
67 note - Postate 2 settembre 2022
Asking for a friend:
If Danny was bitten by a radioactive spider (and so didn't get any ghost powers), what would his hero name be?
Because I can't vision him using "Spiderman". 🤔🤔
86 note - Postate 18 gennaio 2022
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Danny Phantom, Batman - All Media Types, DCU Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Danny Fenton & Bruce Wayne Characters: Danny Fenton, Bruce Wayne, Hal Jordan (Green Lantern), Clark Kent, Guardians of the Universe (DCU), Arthur Curry (DCU), Alfred Pennyworth Additional Tags: Mention of Freakshow, Batfamily (DCU), Batcave (DCU), Biological Parent Bruce Wayne, Fertility Clinic, Family Fluff, father-son bonding, ghost prince Danny, Green Lantern Rings (DCU), Episode: s02e19-20 Reality Trip, (mentioned) - Freeform, Attempt at Humor, Hurt/Comfort Series: Part 6 of The Dragon's Danuary Xover 2022 Summary:
When Danny popped up unannounced at the Wayne Manor, Bruce knew that trouble was brewing at the horizon. What he couldn't have imagined was that his second youngest child would bring along something that would put the boy on the radar of an immortal alien race. Bruce Wayne was still learning "how to dad" a little more each day, but if they called him, he would always answer.
@amorpho I was almost late! Pokémon Legends: Arceus came out and along with my job, they made me lose the sense of time... (╥﹏╥)
(This is also why Danuary Seventh Day will be also delayed, I'm still a bit behind with that...)
Anyway, this one-shot heavily leaned on the prompt of this post (shout out to @five-rivers for reblogging it, making me remember the original idea and also salvage this crossover with their addition), but I definitely had fun with this story!
Maybe one day, after I read the Batfam webcomic, I could continue this, what do you think?
Wish me good luck for tomorrow, my Muse needs some prodding!
97 note - Postate 28 gennaio 2022
So here I am, bored out of my mind at work, and my brain travels across the ether of zoning out...
And a Crossover idea stuck!
So, do you Phans remember that animated movie that came out in 2009 called "Astroboy"?
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[I mean this one.]
It was my first contact with the Astro Boy series and while I never explored the latter further, the movie amazed me and made me care (read: fear, empathize and ache) for the protagonist in ways that any other movie couldn't along with the first "How to Train your Dragon". (That's an accomplishment since after reading/watching many things I unfortunately became somewhat desensitized to plots in general. (╥﹏╥))
That being said, let's get back to the topic:
You all know how the movie premise is that Astro is the robotic replica of Toby, the professor's dead son?
What if we spin a bit of Phandom in it? <(꒪꒳꒪)>
There could be three ways to do this:
The first two have more or less the same trope = (post-movie) Natural Portal Shenanigans make either Danny or Astro cross dimension and Astro has Toby's ghost following him along for fun and only Danny can see him because he's an halfa.
The third take is the Fusion AU =
Danny as Toby dies in the same canonical accident, but the two cores instead of blue and red are green and pink/magenta ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).
Phantom as Astro. In this Danny and Phantom are two different persons, but instead of "normal" superpowers/weapons, he's half-robot/half-ectoplasm entity (it's different than being a ghost, I still stan that ghosts are the post-mortem manifestation of the deceased's soul and you can pry this from my specter's cold hands) (Meaning: Phantom is not Danny's ghost in this).
Jack and Maddie as Dr. Tenma. They form an amazing team and something so trivial as an absentee single parent in Astro Boy canon won't stop me.
Frostbite as Dr. Elefun. I contemplated briefly Clockwork for this part, but the "supportive wise mentor" fit better with our favorite Yeti than with our cryptid stopwatch, not counting that he has already medical and technological knowledge in DP.
Jazz as Orrin (the robot housekeeper)? This one doesn't fit as well as the rest of the cast, so maybe there's no Jazz or she's in another city as studying-abroad-big-sister.
Sam as Cora. Rebellious girl with wealthy parents, who fights for her rights? Sign her in. (Not counting the teased romance between her and Astro/Phantom, that's only a plus.)
Tucker as "himself" (AKA not any particular role, just one of the orphans of the Surface). Techno-Geek that repairs robots for the Robot Fights and bonds spectacularly with Phantom.
Dani as ZOG. I know it's strange, but hear me out: ZOG was revived by Astro's core and it still keeps part of that energy, making it virtually both Astro's sibling and child! Ring a bell? Plus ZOG is a little shit when it's able to, so it's only a natural decision, really! (≧∇≦)
Cujo as Trashcan. Yep, the trashcan dog deserves the puppy counterpart.
Now that should be everyone! ...Or should it? Oh! Right! The Villains:
Freakshow as Hamegg. Who would be a better showman/ringleader than the insane circus owner who controls robots ghosts?
Vlad Masters as President Stone. Of course it was going to be him. Old friend of the protagonist's father? Check. Power hungry? Check. Wants the protagonist for one of his machinations? Triple check.
Plasmius as Peacekeeper. Pink/Magenta core explained! Who would have thought about that? (≧∇≦)
Skulker as General Heckler. Vlad's second in command and enforcer of his commands, it feels only natural.
There are so many other characters to assign, though at the moment I can't come up with what to do with the robot trio of the Robot Revolutionary Front or Valerie Gray, but this discourse made me want to re-watch the movie, so I'll probably add something tomorrow.
What do you Phans think? Is this worth considering for Danuary? (≧∇≦)
109 note - Postate 13 gennaio 2022
Il mio post numero 1 del 2022
You know what?
Here it's half-past midnight of April 3rd.
I'll cross-stitch your Danno.
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473 note - Postate 3 aprile 2022
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monkeybell · 30 days
Episode 5: These people beefing with a literal kid? He’s like what, 12 the most? Chill geez 💀. Fuecoco is still as cute as ever! This little goof really is keeping me watching. His adorable voice and waddles 🥹. I love him so much. I want a bunch of Fuecoco merch now. The singing is still throwing me off a bit. However Liko’s English voice is growing on me. Sounds like another character’s voice I know but I can’t quite remember which one. A lot of people I noticed became Liko x Roy shippers after this episode due to some moments but honestly I’m not into any shippings yet. I just realized Amethio sounds like a mix between Shigaraki and Dabi from MHA. Still a voice I’ll need to warm up to though. I know I’ve said this like every two seconds but I really love the Pokémon on here and how much we get to see their personalities and such. Oh yeah, I forgot they had Liko win off screen. The direction they take with her sometimes is confusing and oftentimes slow? I know it’s only episode 5 but still. I also don’t really like them having her be like an item to be won due to her pendant. She’s kinda like a Y/N character that are always needing rescuing and everyone likes them 😭. I’m sorry but I swear I read fanfictions just like these. No hate though so please don’t kill me for this
Episode 6: Bad boy ceruledge is back! Damn Amethio is saying what everyone is, that Sprigatito always uses Leafage. Sorry bro but the leafage spam is gonna continue for the next 20 episodes or so. Rayquaza is here. I just realized it has the same kind of shine that tera Pokemon do. Does it have a connection to that? I will say that I do like the action Horizons has. It does good at balancing humor and action imo. Oh geez I thought Fuecoco was having a seizure that scared me 😭. And Roy caught Fuecoco! Fuecoco is so happy. Why am I so attached to a fictional Apple like crocodile creature? 😭. Oh yeah, I forgot he found the flag on the beach. Totally forgot. That was 2 episodes ago but it felt like an eternity
Overall, I’m still enjoying the series. Loving the Pokémon and how much they are focusing on them, even the background ones but still meh on most trainers. Liko is ok. Definitely not as god like as a weird obsessive fan(s) on Twitter makes her out to be lmao 💀. Not loving the damsel stuff but I have seen spoilers so I do believe her character gets better. Don’t have that much of an opinion on Roy just yet but he has Fuecoco so I’ll put up with him /hj
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nauticalmyles · 4 months
January 4, 2024
Pokemon Sleep
Got Spheal's 3* sleep so now have 4/4 sleep styles.
Got another Shiny Ekans. Such a weird disappointment getting a shiny you already have. Like sure it's a shiny but couldn't it be a different one? At least it has better subskills than my other one.
Pokemon GO
New hatch: Riolu
New avatar item: FENDI collab hoodie. Found out that same hoodie would be $1250 irl. A shirt with the same design is $850. A handbag in the same line is $4000. Who buys these things?
Binding of Isaac: Repentance
No luck with more Keeper - Mother runs today. Most ended even before the Mom fights.
Keeper + Ipecac + Monstro's Lung isn't a great combo but somehow was my farthest run, dying to Mother.
Spoilers for Breaker of Horizons and Octopath Traveler II below
Breaker of Horizons: A LitRPG Adventure
Nic risks his life trying to kill a group of people that were already wounded. After almost dying, he gains a companion AI called Sophia. After playing around with Sophia's abilities for a bit he starts climbing a huge tree. Partway up he makes a map and meets a friendly spider. Even further up he is attacked by and kills a mantis-person. Even further up he finds a group of Mantis-people led by a Mantis-princess. They talk about her bowl that has a tiny world and creates treasure after putting treasure in. Then he jumps off the tree, vowing to come back when he's stronger.
Pathos and Logos are really cool names for what I assume to be god-like figures. Wonder if Ethos and Kairos make an appearance too.
Don't really get why some people seem to retain their previous form and some don't.
I know I'm still early in the book but I feel like I haven't connected with Nic yet.
Octopath Traveler II
Throné - Episode 2: Father's Route
Throné finds Father and does a job with him intending to betray him as soon as an opportunity arises. Turns out Father knew and sorta betrays Throné, sorta not. Tells her to meet him in another place. Oh yeah, and the job was to kill some sex traffickers.
It's always so weird when a cutscene says "Oh you came alone" and then out of the cutscene there's like 6 people (party + recruits).
Permanently having Ochette and her being kinda dumb is great for these banter sections.
In a game with great VAs, the VA for the captured girl was especially good.
Was way over-leveled for the boss fight (level 30) but doing max damage with Ochette's latent power feels good.
I think Throné's story might be the least interesting to me so far.
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shazzeaslightnovels · 6 months
October 2023
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(Series: Fate/Strange Fake | Artist: Shizuki Morii)
The fall season is packed with interesting shows and I've ended up watching more series than I usually would. I'm behind on a few of them but I'm trying to let myself be okay with that. I haven't watched any new JJK episodes since the last update. I'll catch up to it eventually but I'm waiting until I hear that Nobara and Maki have had some quality screen time. I also have nothing new to say about Pokemon Horizons. It's still a delight that I look forward to watching every week. As for everything else...
After-school Hanako-kun (2 eps) - a gag spin-off of Toilet-bound Hanako-kun. I enjoyed the original Hanako a lot so I was looking forward to seeing the return of the characters but I haven't enjoyed this one much so far. I don't think I've laughed once so far which is not a good thing a series of shorts focused on comedy. At least the episodes are only 10 minutes long but I'm disappointed that this isn't better.
Dead Mont Death Play Part II (2 eps) - I enjoyed the first half of DMDP but I can't say the return of it has impressed me much yet. It's fine but I'm not really intrigued by any of the new plot points or characters and I'm struggling to remember what I enjoyed about the first half.
Frieren (7 eps) - really good and worth every bit of the hype. I love this exploration of the elf character and how an elf would view time and relationships differently to how humans view them. The fantasy world is so beautiful, the story is engaging, and I love the characters. Probably my favourite show of the season so far.
I'm in Love with the Villainess (4 eps) - I've read the first 4 volumes of the manga for this and the light novel has been of my wishlist for a long time so I was excited about it getting an anime adaptation and it's good so far. I mostly have the same thoughts on the anime as I do on the manga: the character drama is really engaging but the world building is meh. But the anime does bring something new the table with some amazing voice acting. Yuu Serizawa and Karin Nanami are perfectly cast for Rae and Claire, respectively, and make all their interactions even more fun to witness. Some gags that I didn't find funny at all in the manga made me laugh in the anime due to the impeccable comedic timing. The animation is a bit disappointing at times but it's such a fun ride that I can't be too mad.
Spy x Family 2nd season (3 eps) - Spy x Family is back and it's still really good. Like with the first season, I don't love all of the plotlines but the ones that are good are really good. This show is comforting and I'm glad it's back.
The Ancient Magus' Bride Season 2 Part II (4 eps) - while I thought the first part of this season set up a lot of good intrigue, it's in this second part that I'm starting to get really engaged in the character drama and story. I'm so invested in what's going to happen with Philomela and I'm excited every week for the new episodes. It also helps that the OP this time is incredible. In a season with a lot of strong openings, it may be my favourite.
List of Reviews:
Fate/Strange Fake 6
Danmachi Eiyuutan: Argonaut 2
Hamefura 13
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ecargmura · 1 year
Pokemon Horizons Episode 6 Review: Shiny Black Rayquaza
Raise your hand if you remember the GS Ball plot back in the previous anime! Raise your other hand if you remember that the writers were going to do something with it but then it got scrapped because the content inside the ball was starring in the 4th movie! Guess what? The ancient Pokeball stuff is actually legit in this episode! IT OPENS!
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This episode is a continuation of where Episode 5 left off. Liko’s pendant protects her from Amethio’s Corviknight, but the glowing persists to the point that Roy’s Pokeball reacts and it gets unlocked. A Pokemon pops out. What is it? A SHINY RAYQUAZA! IT’S BIG! IT’S BLACK! IT’S SHINY! And it flies away. Welp, there’s now Roy’s goal.
What this episode did right was actually having Liko and Roy struggle with Amethio’s Ceruledge just to make up for the fact that Liko got an offscreen win against a GOLDUCK. She’s inexperienced and her Sprigatito only knows one move, so even if there’s a type-advantage, the differences in strength would have been the best outcome. She’s still a newbie as a Trainer, same goes for Roy. I do like how Sprigatito and Fuecoco’s abilities are activated. I think this is the fastest a starter Pokemon activated their ability since their debut? Correct me if I’m wrong.
The moment Roy and Fuecoco become partners was so sweet. From the way Liko encourages Roy to become a Trainer by reciting her grandmother’s words to him to Fuecoco getting a Pokeball from Charizard moved me so much. They’re doing such a good job immersing viewers into the Trainer and Pokemon bonds. I’m already immersed and convinced that this is a good, believable bond. I can’t wait to see what Roy will bring to the story and what his bond with Fuecoco and Liko will become as his goal is to go on adventures and catch the shiny Rayquaza.
The last portion of this episode focuses on the Explorers. Their leader’s name is Gibeon and he’s voiced by Sho Hayami! I recognize that voice since I played Tales of Arise in Japanese dub; he voiced Vholran! It seems that Amethio’s a bit of a problem child as he does things without permission and his constant failures caused him to be taken out of the pendant hunting mission, which frustrates him. That’s not going to stop him from defying his boss’s orders. There’s a faint silhouette of a new Explorers member. From what I’ve gathered, his name is Spinel and he’s voiced by Makoto Furukawa! So far, unlike Team Rocket, the Explorers seem more ominous and foreboding. Their goal isn’t to seek a Pokemon, but an item. The way they’re presented is done well. I’m curious to see why they’re doing this and how it’ll affect the story in the future. I also like that there are more members off the bat and not focus on the same three people for an entire season. I remember it took a long while for them to introduce other Team Rocket members in the previous anime.
I’m excited to see what the Rising Volt Tacklers after they departed from Roy’s home island. What will they do on their way to Paldea? What will they do in Paldea? I can’t wait to find out! 
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rising-volteccers · 10 months
Where do you watch pokemon horizons?
Well, I've been watching episodes on Bilibili cause usually by Saturday evening there's a subbed episode up. I prefer to wait instead of watching the unsubbed one that's usually around within 3-6 hours haha.
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