#please and thank youuuuuu
theresthesnitch · 2 years
swifties, darlings. I love you, you're perfect, please don't change and I'm so glad you're having fun tonight.
Can you please tag your posts with something I can block so I don't have to see endless T. Swift posts?
Really. #taylor #swiftie #taylor swift #tswift #midnights... sooooomething anything. All of them would be fine at this point. Just. Please.
Not a Swiftie
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ratboy-tummy · 10 months
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itsaneve · 1 month
THE RESCUE OF GILLIAN GABLE!! Massart senior film. It's the best thing I've made so far. Please watch it. thank u
(scopophobia warning)
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carrotcakecrumble · 8 months
Picture this: it’s the end of series 3. they’ve got their lighthouse. converted it into an inn. it’s all done up and ready to open. the crew have all come to congratulate them etcetc. little cutting-the-ribbon-party. everyone’s happy like they deserve‼️‼️. then as Ed and Stede are leaving to go start their new future, Roach comes up to them to say goodbye.
And finally someone accepts his fuckin sandwich.
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Hi! First off, I have never watched Games of Thrones in my life. Then, all of a sudden, YouTube recommended the Jorah/Daenerys pairing in my recommendations (I kid you not) and in a matter of hours, I became obsessed. I started seeking out fanvideos, gleaning plot info bit by bit, and it just made me ship them harder (again, I hardly have any GoT knowledge whatsoever - just a basic understanding of the show's premise and so forth). Being a fanfic writer myself, I turned to A03 for consolation and found your fic, Jamais T'oublier. In a word, your writing for this pairing is beautiful. It's a wonderful example of how you well understand these characters, and I truly felt your love for them. I guess I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you for sharing your writing. I've been in a dark place with my own writing (for another show/pairing and my original work), and your fic was a light shining into that darkness. I'm so grateful I found your work!
Oh wow, thank you so much for this message <3 <3 <3 Jamais T'oublier was my therapy after S7/S8 and oh boy, it felt good to write it ;) It was one of those rare writing experiences where the story just flowed from my fingers, ya know? Like all the pieces were there already (thank you, GRRM) and I just had to move them into the proper position. I had such a good time writing it and I'm glad that joy/love comes through :) Again, thank you so much for this message! You made my day, friend. Hope your own muses start playing nice with you soon. Sending you all the good writing/dreaming/creating vibes <3
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no-context-nonsense · 10 hours
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Why are we crying this week? So many reasons, these are just the fun ones 😭
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milo-is-rambling · 1 month
I want to be a person who loves the sea so bad but alas I hate mystery things hitting my feet in the water
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sockgate · 10 months
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sidthedarklord · 5 months
get to know me <3
Thank you @cultofsappho for the tag <333
Last song: Call It Dreaming by Iron & Wine, and also been listening to Chaleya like literally non-stop!
Last film: I watched Dunki in the theatre last week (yes yes i watched it again don't @ me) and honestly just needed a little Shahrukh Khan in my life.
Currently reading: I have such bad fanfiction brainrot that you cannot convince me to read anything else.
Currently watching: Young Sheldon because why the hell not.
Currently consuming: Semolina pancakes, i will die on the hill that this is top-tier food.
Currently craving: Chicken Hyderabadi Biryani and this weird little kebab pizza by sister's place in Italy. I am having dreams about that pizza y'all.
Open tags for anyone who wants to participate!! <3
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mykilljoyhq · 8 months
Hey bestie, I was browsing the 'net and I came across some Antibat Leader fan art.
(When I was 11 I used to spend all day on deviantart looking at Sonic the hedgehog art. This brought back flashbacks that should've stayed away 😅)
ah hell yea that’s so rad
(Ima put it right here👇)
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phoxphenex · 1 year
I love reading your posts! They’re so cute and make me laugh. Jisung’s are always so funny. I show my bf the ones that remind me of him haha true love
i hope you and your boyfriend have an amazing day omg 🫶💕💞😚🫶💗💕😚🫶🫶😚🫶
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jawbonesinc · 2 years
If God Were Real
If God were real, she’d pity your soul. It carries the marks and scars you’ve accumulated through your life. No matter how well you tried to heal, they always leave a stain that only she can see. Some have a blemish free soul; no immoral scars left behind. They go to what they call Heaven without a single regret. The others, are sent to the place down below. The place with blue fire and smoke. The place where the devil himself holds the keys. 
The devil is a unforgiving man they say. He rules with an iron fist in his kingdom. There are no tears or excuses down below. Everything is as it should be, as it was created to be. They say that God herself plans your destination before you are even born. She careful picks and chooses each battle you encounter throughout your short life. She never makes a single mistake. At least that is what the elders say. Everything is as it is destined to be. 
However, you were lost in the shuffle. A soul with no predetermined life. A soul lost and on their own. A soul with no destiny. You have encountered more hardships in your life than what the human soul can take. You have been beaten, bruised, and buried. Death is a complicated process but yours was more complex than the rest. While most view death as a vengeful, feared process, you viewed it as a blessing and a savior. You smiled on your way down below. Your skin being that of paper, your bones being that of dust. 
If God were real, she’d bless you with a destiny after all this time. And if the devil could cry, he’d weep as he held your tear stained face. 
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petrichormeraki · 2 years
Hello, lovelies!
Can I offer you a fucked up DL!Rancher au?
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sweetstwawbewwymilk · 2 years
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My cringe nae nae baby <3
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girlbob-boypants · 2 years
Top five uhhh of your final fantasy faves .Or top five fruits owo .
Well my top 5 ff faves ARE frui-- 💥🔫
This one is going under a readmore cause i love shb so much and there's so many spoilers
Top 5 ff faves
1. Ysayle my wife Ysayle. Have you met my wife Ysayle she deserved so much more than she got and I really don't know where to begin. I am so mad we'll never get to explore her relationship with the primal she created or see her work with Aymeric to create better relationships with Ishgard. also her sotmd mod fucking SLAPS
2. Alisaie my daughter light of my life. I love her, she's the best part of stormblood and her character is just so good. Her arc and her navigating being the fighter and having strong emotions but feeling like she'll never live up to her brother cause she's not the same kind of skilled he is. Augh. Also her and her brother...trans. in all ways at once.
3. Arenvald. Underrated and underutilized. SE made a character whos entire thing was "I wish I was like you, the main character, but I'm an average person" and then also created a potential story about being biracial and squandered all of it. I'd give him my organs if he asked but he's too polite for that.
4. Ryne. My other daughter who deserves the world. Canonically dating a goth queen and I really wish she'd gotten to talk more about her feelings but unfortunately a lot of that time was taken up by Thancred (who while I enjoy did not deserve to have all of Ryne's story be about his feelings instead of hers regardless of his manpain). But the moment with her where she talks with the wol in the faerie territory on the cliff and then the AMAZING eldritch horror moment with Titania right after...ugh. forever fave
5. Feo Ul. God. Okay. When I first met them I wasn't convinced that they'd be good for the story but the writers really managed to balance their fascination with mortals and their being a fae who can only live in the moment. The strange mix of being otherworldly and yet still caring about the wol fucks me up. I cried when they offered me their crown
Honorable mention: Lyna because I love underdeveloped characters more than I should but you have no idea how much I loved the moment when she tried to stand and collapsed and talked about her survivors guilt and the burden of leadership. Also I want her to confess she's old as fuck cause her race lives standard elf lifespans
Top 5 fruit
1. Blueberries. She is the moment. By themselves, in desserts, in smoothies. I love blueberries
2. Mango. Duh.
3. Strawberries. I'm a big berry fan actually
4. Raspberries.
5. Dragon fruit. Rarely get to have it but i love the flavor in things. Especially with mango.
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ficsforeren · 2 years
Helloo! I've only commented once in one of your beautifully written fics but I want to let you know that you're doing an amazing work! You're really funny and so awesome hehe I'm shy to message you directly so.. XDD
Overall, you're one of the best! I hope you're doing well and fine (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ♥
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